R ll‘n’ Toss P RO B L EM Paper towel is being used a lot in public washroom to wipe the water on hands. Some paper dispenser is designed to provide certain length of paper towel at a time, however, many people use much more than that because people don’t use whole surface of paper. They only use about only 60% surface area of paper. If they use whole surface, people only need much less paper than they normally use.
Hinge Hole
Paper Towel
If a pile of papers get stuck on the hole, the hinge is folded due to mass of wet, crumpled paper, opening bigger enterance.
Toss the crumpled paper into ring
Part that actually being used.
P RO P OSAL How could lead people to use whole surface of paper towel naturally? By placing ring shape like basketball hoop, it makes people to toss the paper towel and for that, people need to crumple. While crumpling, paper tissue naturally wipe the water on your hands using whole surface. Even though people miss it, slope shape will make paper goes into entrance of bin. Roll’n’Toss is more effective in pulic washroom for specified individual users such as office, school and university. (Because users will learn how to use it by repetitive use)
(like basketball!) Even you miss, the slope will lead the paper into the hole naturally.
Wash the hands
Pull the paper towel
Crumple the paper (Wipe off the water)
Toss it!