Climate Change: Urban Deltas & Islands
Let it Flood: Ciliwung Delta Volume 1 - Collective Research Volume 2 - Design Investigations
By Bindi Raditya Purnama MAUSP Studio Thesis 2019 Promoted by Professor Kelly Shannon
Climate Change: Urban Deltas & Islands
Let it Flood: Ciliwung Delta Master (of Science) of Urbanism and Spatial Planning (MAUSP), 2018-2019 Volume 1 - Collective Research Volume 2 - Design Investigations
By Bindi Raditya Purnama
Master Theses Studio 2019 Promoted by Professor Kelly Shannon
Let it Flood: Ciliwung Delta Volume 1 - Collective Research - Climate Change: Urban Deltas & Islands Volume 2 - Design Investigations Master Theses Studio 2019 Written by: Bindi Raditya Purnama Promoted by: Professor Kelly Shannon All the drawings are by the author unless otherwise credited. Master (of Science) of Urbanism and Strategic Planning Department of Architecture Faculty of Engineering Science Š Copyright by K.U.Leuven Without written permission of the promotors and the authors it is forbidden to reproduce or adapt in any form or by any means any part of this publication. Requests for obtaining the right to reproduce or utilize parts of this publication should be addressed to: K.U.Leuven, Faculty of Engineering Science Kasteelpark Arenber g 1, B-3001 Heverlee (Belgium). Telephone +32-16-32 88 94 Email: A written permission of the promotor is also required to use the methods, products, schematics and programs described in this work for industrial or commercial use, and for submitting this publication in scientific contests.
Acknowledgement I would like to express my deep gratitude to Professor Kelly Shannon for the remarkable knowledge of landscape urbanism that opened a new view to me. I would also like to thank Professor Bruno De Meulder for the wisdom in the whole 2 years of studying in KU Leuven. I would also to extend my thanks to my friends for the company and joy throughout the semester. Finally, I wish to thank my family for their support. I dedicated this work mainly to those who commute to Jakarta every day for their whole life.
Abstract Jakarta, a city with formal and informal tissues, has experienced massive land subsidence. Together will sea-level rise, half of the city will be under the sea by 2100. Besides that, the city is already experiencing increased flooding and temperature rise, as an effect from both consequences of climate change and increased urbanization that led to unsustainable mobility. The urbanization has pushed away agriculture lands and increased water pumping that exacerbated land subsidence. This thesis analyzes the city’s challenges through the lens of the Ciliwung Delta. The historical reading covers different urban regimes related to the Ciliwung River, while the landscape reading analyzes the basic geography to understand flooding and its impact on settlements. Following the analysis is the development of a vision and urban design for 2100. Jakarta is proposed to become an archipelago city, promoting the country’s archipelago system. Water mobility could be the main manner of transportation, as a way of accepting future flooding and downplaying the modern culture of car and driving. The design is developed by fastforwarding to the future and working back to the present time. It allows a system of choreographed flooding to be created through soft mobility and rethinking high rises and plot system. Water could be a base of a renewed mangrove culture that kampungs can benefit from as they turn into floating settlements—possible because of their inherent adaptability. This work questions Jakarta’s future concerning its modernity in terms of the challenges posed by climate change.
Table of Contents Acknowledgement 3
4 Historical Reading 32
7 Design
Abstract 5
4.1 Sunda Kelapa: A Global Port
7.1 Principles
Table of Contents
4.2 Transformation of the Rivers
1 - archipelago
Guideline of the scale
4.3 Landscape of Batavia
2 - accepting water
3 - The New Coast
4 - Water City
5 - mangrove culture
4.4 Independence and Modern
1. Preface
2. Research Questions 10
3. Highlighted Issues 14 3.1 Formal Informal
3.2 Land Subsidence & Sea-Level Rise 18 3.4 Temperature Rise
3.3 Flooding
3.5 Economy and Mobility
3.6 Food Miles
3.7 Groundwater Extraction
Planning 38
6 - reconsideration of the valley
5 Understanding Rivers 44 5.1 The 13 Rivers
5.2 Ciliwung River Profile
5.3 Ciliwung River Geography
5.4 The Valley System
system 86 7 - Elevated Street
7.2 Design Sampling
Floating Kampung
High Rise, High Street
Post-Colonial: Back to the Water
7.3 Earlier Strategies
6 Peeling the Diverse Urban Fabrics 62 6.1 Colonial fabric
6.2 Kampung
6.3 High-rise Buildings
6.4 Public Space: Pedestrians, Shopping Malls, and Informal Street Vendors 66 6.5 different fabrics versus land subsidence 68
Soft Mobility Corridor
Change Industries to Mangroves
Elevated Street in High Rises
Epilogue 103 Reference 104 Credit of Figures
Figure 0 World
By, 2009
Guideline of the scale
figure 1.1 Aerial
Imagery. From World Imagery, by Esri, 2019.
60 x 60 km
The scale of the maps in this work varies but narrowed down into several rectangles. The size of the rectangles is written beneath it are the actual scale in the real world, based on GIS projection WGS 1984 UTM Zone 48S. On the top left of every book spread, there is an icon (see left) to help to identify of which rectangle are used in the spread.
Except for the 5 km rectangle, all rectangles above are on the same scale. Rectangle 60 x 60 km is about the Jakarta, sea, and surrounding, while rectangle 36 x 36 km is very narrow to Jakarta’s boundary. The 40 x 100 km is about the whole trajectory of Ciliwung River, while the 12 x 20 km is about the Ciliwung Delta. The 5 km rectangle is the design site with Ciliwung River on the right side.
1. Preface
“The Indonesian capital of Jakarta is home to 10 million people, but it is also one of the fastest-sinking cities in the world. If this goes unchecked, parts of the megacity could be entirely submerged by 2050, say researchers. Is it too late? It sits on swampy land, the Java Sea lapping against it, and 13 rivers running through it. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that flooding is frequent in Jakarta and, according to experts, it is getting worse.
60 x 60 km
But it’s not just about freak floods, this massive city is literally disappearing into the ground.” – BBC News, August 2018 (Mei Lin & Hidayat, 2018).
Jakarta represents the model of a successful city in developing countries in terms of its economic miracle. New high-rise buildings are erected monthly together with hectares of gated-community housing areas in the outskirts of the city, well beyond its large political boundary. In between, kampungs cling on to every possible location, including edges of the city’s 13 rivers. 60% of them take water from the aquifer (Furlong & Kooy, 2017). Flooding is common in Jakarta, not only today but also from its early kingdom era, far before Dutch colonization. The monsoon season brings extra water to the rivers and simply floods the delta every year. The ancient inhabitants knew that if they wanted to settle in a flood-prone area, they should build their houses on stilts. This commonsense intelligence has been lost in contemporary times. -
“Comrades from Jakarta, let us build Jakarta into the greatest city possible. Great not just because of its skyscrapers, great not just because it has boulevards and beautiful streets; great not just because it has beautiful monuments, great in every respect, even in the little houses of the workers of Jakarta there must be a sense of greatness... Jakarta is becoming the beacon of the whole of mankind. Yes, the beacon of the New Emerging Forces.” – Sukarno speech circa 1960 cited in Abeyasekere (1989) (as cited in Silver, 2011)
2. Research Questions How to overcome the clash between formal and informal planning in order to adapt land to the consequences of subsidence and sea level rise?
How to bring back natural river forms and introduce alternative mobility and urban typologies in order to reduce the impacts of stormwater flooding and temperature rise? How to spatially embed an alternative economy into the reconfigured tissue in order to address food and water security?
figure 1.2
Aerial Imagery of Jakarta From World Imagery, by Esri, 2019.
Jakarta before storm Photo by author, 12.02.2019
3. Highlighted Issues
3.1 Formal Formal and informal urban tissues are tightly Informal interwoven in many Indonesian cities and
interdependent in terms of social and economic factors. Formal tissues are usually mapped spatially and regulated, while informal tissues (such as kampungs) are not necessarily illegal, and spatially regulated on their terms.
36 x 36 km
Even though the interplays between formal and informal appear spatially alluring, their relationship is one of the contestations, with social disparity and insecurity. There exit subtle separations that confuse people, especially in public spaces. There is a resulting paranoia
concerning unregulated public space, which has led to the tendency of avoidance of such spaces and retreats to “safer� places for public activity, such as shopping malls. Despite socio-economic differences, both formal and informal settlements suffer the risk of land subsidence, sea and rainwater flooding, temperature rise, food, and water security. Even though settlements are partially regulated, extracting groundwater and water-polluting remain unregulated.
figure 3.1.1
design site: building figures different building sizes in groups in the span of 5 km By author. Data from OpenStreetMap contributors. (2019)
Legend road water Jakarta’s boundary Topography from +0m to +80m
figure 3.1.2
contrast of high-rise buildings and kampung in Jakarta Left: High Rise buildings in Sudirman street and the surrounding Right: Kampung with stilted houses in Bukit Duri photo by author, 02.2019
10 km
figure 3.1.3
Map of Jakarta By author. Data from OpenStreetMap contributors. (2019)
figure 3.1.4
Building contrast high-rise towers rising from the carpet of low rises. Photo by author, 02.2019
3.2 Land Subsidence Jakarta is greatly exposed to the risk of sea Sea-Level Rise inundation not only because of global sea-level
rise but also due to land subsidence. In particular, the north of Jakarta is predicted to be extremely vulnerable. Andreas, Usriyah, Abidin, and Sarsito (2017) made a simulation of Jakarta’s territory in the relation of its topography and expected land subsidence, sea-level rise and the tides by using LIDAR data (see Figure 2.2).
60 x 60 km
The year 2100 sea inundation map on the right top of the page is illustrated by the author. In the purpose of using it as a base map for the design research in the last part of the thesis, the land subsidence number chosen is 6 m, based on land subsidence projection of typical rates of 3-10 cm/year from 1974-2010 (Abidin, Andreas, Gumilar, & Brinkman, 2015). The sea level rise number is 1 m based on Jackson’s scenario of 2OC global warming with the prediction of 32-117 cm in 2100. With this scenario, the inundated area is overlaid with population data per district (Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi DKI Jakarta, 2017) and the result is approximately 4 million people will be impacted, disregarding the population growth.
36 x 36 km
figure 3.2.1
The Indonesian government planned to create a Dutch-style giant sea wall in the north to control water levels inland. The project is to be funded by private developers in return of permission for land reclamation and development. The project has been on-and-off due to its controversial nature, but on 28 July 2019, the president Joko Widodo said to the AP News that he “wants to see the speedy construction of a giant sea wall” (Laub, 2019). “The future is looking very expensive indeed for Jakarta,” as Simon (2019) wrote for the WIRED magazine in the article with a title “Jakarta’s Giant Seawall is Useless if The City Keeps Sinking”. The wall will be spanning about 30 km and made of concrete, with a Garuda-shaped reclamation land full of towers, as designed by a consortium of Dutch companies; Witteveen + Bos, Grontmij, Ecorys, Deltares, and KuiperCompagnons (kuipercompagnons, 2015) (see figure 3.2.3 and 3.2.5). The project will stop the natural sea and river exchange, and the natural process of sedimentation. Moreover, the sedimentation can have “a serious impact on the deep seaport and new economic zone of Jakarta Giant Sea Wall within 43 years.” (Sumantyo et al., 2016)
Land subsidence throughout the years
A record from 1977 until 2017 with prediction in 2025 and 2050
Redrawn by author, based on Andreas, redrawn by Supriyadi et al (2018)., retrieved: 03.08.2019
Figure 3.2.2
Predicted rob inundation area in 2100 Estimated around 4 million people (from 2017 population) will be impacted Illustrated by author.
Topography from BPBD. (2016) DEM LIDAR DKI Jakarta
figure 3.2.3
Giant Sea Wall Project Plan
To block the sea from entering the coast Redrawn by author, based from Great Garuda Jakarta, by KuiperCompagnons (2015), GreatGarudajakarta01.jpg, retrieved: 03.08.2019
figure 3.2.4
Average Land Subsidence rate and Sea Level Rise Projection In the part of northern Jakarta with the elevation of +2m from current sea level Illustrated by author. Land subsidence rate: Abidin (2013). Sea level rise: Jackson et al (2018) as cited in Hoegh-Gulberg et al (2018)
Figure 3.2.5
Giant Sea Wall Project Aerial Illustration
by KuiperCompagnons, (2015), pro/i_1113/GreatGarudajakarta05.jpg, retrieved: 03.08.2019
Illustration of flooding in 2100
figure 3.2.6
with the scenario of the land subsidence with the average of 6m and Sea Level Rise of 1m Left: Photo by Novem Lawalata, 2017 Right: Illustrated by author
3.3 Flooding The flood in the area of today’s Jakarta has been
40 x 100 km
recorded since the time of the Tarumanagara kingdom. Zaenuddin (2013) mentions in his book of Banjir Jakarta that floods already took place during the fifth century. Almost every regime that occupied Sunda Kelapa or Jakarta’s old port experienced floods, including both Dutch and Indonesian rulers (Abidin Kusno, 2018). One of the worst floodings in Jakarta’s history is happened in 2007, inundating 70 percent of the city, killing fifty-five people, and displacing over 350,000 people from their homes (Abidin
Kusno, 2018). It reached +5 m in Bukit Duri, an area passed by Ciliwung River, that made the houses there completely inundated, forced evacuation of kampung (Rekittke, 2013). Bukit Duri is located a hundred meters before the flood canal made in the Colonial Era for Ciliwung River to protect the old city, but the flood breached in 2013, affected business district area surrounding Bundaran HI due to failure of the embankment on the north side of the canal (Bricker, Tsubaki, Muhari, & Kure, 2014).
36 x 36 km
3.4 Temperature Rise It has been recorded from four weather stations
that the temperature has been rising from 1986 to 2014. The image above shows the difference between two periods of 1986 to 2014 with the monthly maximum value of the daily maximum temperature in Celsius (Khoir, Mamlu’Atur, Safril, & Fadholi, 2018). It can be assumed that
there has been a general rise of temperature at least 1oC in the Jakarta area, but more severe in the southwest part of Jakarta, which is a city of Tangerang Selatan. The city has been growing exponentially, as shown in the aerial image above.
flood event figure 3.3.1 (left) Flood in Bukit Duri Area in 2007, houses
almost fully drowned up to the roof.
From Jakarta floods death toll rises, by BBC NEWS, 2007, figure 3.3.1 (right) Flood in Bundaran HI Area in 2013, water breached from flood canal due to structural failure. (Bricker, Tsubaki, Muhari, & Kure, 2014)
From Jakarta Globe [facebook], 2013, https://www.facebook. com/thejakartaglobe/
figure 3.3.2
annual precipitation
Recorded in 2007
Redrawn by author based on Liu et al., 2015
figure 3.3.3
temperature rise
figure 3.3.4
Recorded from 1986 until 2014 from 4 different locations. One circle equals to 0.5oC
aerial Imagery of urban expansion left: 1986, right: 2014
From Google Earth, 2019
Redrawn by author based on Khoir, et al, 2018.
figure 3.3.5
flood map Redrawn by author. From BPBD DKI Jakarta, 2014
2007 2013
figure 3.4.1
flood event 2007 Water filled up roads in gated communities By Murna A, 2007. https://www.
figure 3.4.2
flood event 2013 in North Jakarta: motorbike rescue Picking up a drowned motorbike to a raft. Commonly in flooding season, a motorbike cannot operate due to clogged exhaust pipe by water. By Seika, 2013.
3.5 Economy and Mobility As Jakarta grew into a capital city, the pressure
40 x 100 km
of urbanization became very strong, together with the rising population of the working-class. Suburban sprawl was a result of the unbalance between capital pressure and land value, resulting a commuting culture, where people often travel (by car, motorbike, taxi, motor-taxi, bus, and train) up to 5 hours daily for work. Traffic jams are imminent at peak hours. Working-class people often break-up their long commutes with stops for shopping or eating. It
is in this context that inhabitants the formal and informal areas meet since the informal economy offers everyone unique yet very cheap and local products and cuisine. Since the informal economy is unregulated, vendors gather in leftover spaces such as sidewalks and mosque plazas. The mobility stop-overs at informal vendors is an important interweaving between formal and informal systems.
36 x 36 km
3.6 Food Miles In 1999, Jakarta produced only 2% rice for its
demand (Hermy, 2005 as cited in PĂśtz, 2012). Moreover, due to the pressure of suburban sprawl, many agriculture lands have been sold to developers for housing. This results in an indirect impact on the increasing price of food in the city. The agricultural land use shift has been
3.7 Groundwater Extraction Groundwater extraction is very common in
Jakarta and is largely responsible for land subsidence. More than 60% of Jakarta’s inhabitants rely on groundwater. High-rise buildings extract clean water from deep aquifers, while most residents are only able to extract from the shallow aquifer that now suffers from
figure 3.5.1
commuter train
figure 3.5.2
like a metro, but spanning about 50 km away from this station, carrying 1 million working-class people daily.
with 36 km long, on construction, to feed the Greater Jakarta Plan on the east side and capacitate the transportation along the north coast (Azhari, 2019)
Photo by author, 02.2019
the longest elevated highway in the world
By Garry Lulung, 2019, read/2019/06/28/18085021/tol-layang-jakarta-cikampekdiperkirakan-selesai-september
as well reported in the upstream areas of the Ciliwung River (Dwi Indriastuti, 2016). Mishra et al. (2030) used the land-use map provided by LIPI to project future inundation. It shows that in agriculture lands will be shifted further away from Jakarta in 2030.
saltwater intrusion (Furlong & Kooy, 2017). Even though the water is not fresh, residents continue to use it for everything but drinking water. Drinking water is provided by private companies that use conventional water bottles and tanks to store water taken from fresh sources far from the city (transported by trucks).
figure 3.5.3
Infrastructure - rivers
mismatch and perpendicularity of road and train network (white) with rivers (blue) in the Greater Jakarta area (dash red)
figure 3.5.4
agriculture shift
Illustrated by author
projection of agriculture expansion (green) in loss (brown) in 2030 Redrawn by author based on Mishra et al., 2018
figure 3.5.5
deep groundwater extraction inside per 1 km2 cell, recorded until 1990 Redrawn by author based on Kagabu et al., 2013 as cited in Furlong & Kooy, 2017
typical daily traffic jam
in the whole business district in Jakarta after working hour. Photo by author, 12.02.2019
sleeping while standing in the commuter train
the train trip can take up to 2 hours to the farthest distance, and it is very common for commuters to sleep while standing Photo by author, 12.02.2019
having dinner before the commute to avoid crowded train or traffic jam, some of the workers having dinner in the street from an informal street vendor Photo by author, 12.02.2019
crossing the traffic Photo by author, 02.2019
4 Historical Reading
60 x 60 km
Ciliwung River in 1610. VOC then built the 4.1 Sunda In the 9th century, a port city named Sunda Kalapa started to be known. Sailors and traders Batavia citadel as its international trade capital Kelapa A Global Port from China, India, Middle East, regularly visited (Widodo, 2004). the Sunda Kalapa as part of their trading routes. Sunda Kelapa was fought over between the Hindu Kingdom Sunda and the alliance of the Islamic kingdoms Demak, that also involved Portuguese in the Moluccas. Since then, various maps have recorded the area as Jacatra, but not for long, as the VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie) arrived on the east side of the
The Batavia planning is uncanny with the Simon Stevin’s “Ideal Plan for a City”, which determines much by its rectangular water canal system that divided the city blocks. The plan was applied in most of VOC ports regardless of the climate and context, which leads to catastrophic malaria due to mosquito breeds in the stagnant water. (Meulder, 2013)
Sunda Kelapa port (Jakarta in modern day)
figure 4.1.1
Batavia Plan 1780 A water-based city the mouth of Ciliwung River, adopted from Simon Stevin’s “Ideal Plan for a City” from:
figure 4.1.2
colonial shipping routes British (yellow), Spanish (red), and Dutch (green) trade destinations arrayed, taken from logbook between 1750 to 1850 From updated: colonial shipping routes, by James, 2013, https://spatial. ly/2013/06/updated-colonial-shipping-routes
figure 4.1.3
figurative map of java island rivers drawn in vertical order along the north coast with its own settlements in each delta. They thought that Java was split into two islands. From historic map of Java, Indonesia, 2009, gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=4539
4.2 Transformation Before 1619, rivers in the area of modern Jakarta of the Rivers had individual streams that led to the north
coast that has been settled by different kingdoms in a different era. Sunda Kelapa settled in Ciliwung River under Pakuan Pajajaran with the capital alongside the river until 1526., while about a thousand-year before, different kingdom named Tarumanegara settled in a different river, Cakung River, to the east. (see figure 4.2.6)
40 x 100 km
However, in the colonial era, those rivers started to share their waters because of canals and water channels, such as flood canal planned in the map
of 1905 and the water channels opened from the Ciliwung River upstream, that is to date named Baru Barat River and Baru Timur River. (see figure 4.2.7) According to Gunawan, Kali Baru Timur was finished in 1753 for the irrigation system. In 1776, kali Baru Barat was proposed for also irrigation, but there was not enough water to feed it from the Ciliwung River, so the river was also connected to Cisadane River (Gunawan, 2010). There is an extension of land in the north coast from
12 x 20 km
1619-1691 map to 1691-1811 (see figure 4.2.3). This is happened due to a mountain eruption, which brings more sediments and extended the coast. (Gunawan, 2010)
translation: railroad roadway canal river water channel sewer, creek rice farm gementee border
figure 4.2.1 before 1619
figure 4.2.2 1619-1691
figure 4.2.3 1691-1811
Sunda Kelapa Port in the mouth of Ciliwung River
Canalized Ciliwung river, connected other rivers
Extended port entrance with a water castle
water transformation in Ciliwung River
from before 1619 until circa 1918, with relevant developments such as new port and railways
figure 4.2.6
left: before 1619 showing the local kingdoms historical sites in different years related to the rivers
figure 4.2.7
right: 1619- ca. 1918 altered waterline from CIliwung river in different years, including Baru Barat River and Baru Timur River
figure 4.2.4 1811-1905
figure 4.2.5 1905- ca. 1918
New port in the northeast
Flood canal in the south with railway plan
water transformation in Ciliwung Delta from before 1619 until circa 1918, with relevant developments such as new port and railways
figure 4.2.1 - 4.2.7 from:
4.3 Landscape of Batavia The area in Ciliwung Delta developed greatly
during the colonial era. The Great Post Road was constructed in this period to create a connection for the entirety of Java Island. It passed through Batavia and Buitenzorg, a city that was built close to the early- founded city of Pakuan of the Sunda Kingdom. It was a major land-based connection, parallel to the Ciliwung River. In this map, Jakarta’s present-day boundary covers much more than the era of Batavia. The Ciliwung River was still relevant to the planning of the area since it was the only river that passed through.
36 x 36 km
From the northern coast of Jakarta until where the valleys stop, there were many wetlands (swamps and marshes), which since the 1960s have largely disappeared due to massive urbanization. The area’s alluvial soil is relatively prone to subsidence due to its young age, making it very unsafe for buildings. Flooding was prevalent in the area due to the earth’s form and topography.
Legend translated figure 4.3
1866 Batavia map overlaid with to Jakarta’s boundary and coastline to date From
local road
coconut farm
residence line
river’s mouth
dry farm
zone line
jati woods
wet farm
district line
rice mill
coffee farm
fish farm
private line
tea post
tea farm
coffee house
cinnamon farm
residence house
coffee packaging
sugar farm
assistance residence house
sugar factory
kina farm
water channel
district house
salt packaging
nutmeg farm
private house
country house
great post road
rice packaging
local post road
health post
brick factory
main road
coffee mill
When the “New Order� started to rule in 1967, 4.4 Independence and Indonesia gained its independence in 1945, made Batavia as its capital and changed its name The new economic strategy began to become a Modern Planning
0.5 x 5 km
to Jakarta. Indonesia covered almost all five big islands, making it one of the largest archipelago countries in the world. As the capital city of a very big archipelago country, Jakarta grew unprecedently. In 1962, Jakarta hosted the Asian Games, followed by modern projects as an agenda of removing its colonial identity (Silver, 2008).
spatial plan. One of the projects was the greater Jakarta plan called Jabodetabek, which is a term of merging Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. The first highway in Indonesia was constructed to connect Bogor and Jakarta. Business districts were erected in Jakarta, mostly built on top of the agricultural lands (see figure 4.4.3)
figure 4.4.1
Evolution of Jakarta’s Boundary vs Rivers Batavia, 17th century
Batavia + Weltevreden 19th century
Jakarta, 20th century
figure 4.4.2
Sukarno with Thamrin-Sudirman Plan Model as one of the 1962 modernist projects in Jakarta From Bung Karno dan Seni, by Damais, 1979, in Kusno, Budiman, & Kurnia, 2008
Greater Jakarta
figure 4.4.4
1866 From “Plattegrond der stad Batavia”, 1866. maps.library.
figure 4.4.5
1923 From “Plattegrond der stad Batavia”, 1923. maps.library.
figure 4.4.6
2019 by author. Data from OpenStreetMap contributors. (2019)
figure 4.4.3
Loss of agriculture lands and kampungs over the years due to the colonial and modernist projects. On the left are the interpretation of kampungs (orange) and paddy fields (blue grid).
Bundaran HI planned for the 1962 ASEAN games with an official name of “Monumen Selamat Datang� (Welcome Monument) Photo by author, 12.02.2019
skyscrapers Photo by author, 02.2019
5 Understanding Rivers
36 x 36 km
5.1 There are 13 rivers passes through Jakarta. The 13 Rivers Out of 13, three kali or rivers were constructed
during the colonial era, which means that the classification is regardless of its natural or manmade condition. Kali means river, although some locals believe that kali is smaller than bengawan, another word for river in Javanese language. In comparison, there is a river called bengawan Solo in East Java, which is used for water transportation, not like rivers in Jakarta.
60 x 60 km
Additionally, the number of 13 is rather too blatant for a deep understanding of the river condition in Jakarta. As evident in the map, the thirteen rivers become a web of drainage and canals in the lower area. Over thousands of years, rivers from the mountains gather rainwater and erode the soil along their trajectories and formed the northern land. In the beginning, Restu said, there is no land in the north of Jakarta. Sediments were carried by rivers over a long period and formed the delta, with a rate of 6 to 9 m per year. The delta has been formed over 5,000 years (Gunawan, 2010).
1 2
13 3
8 5
7 9
figure 5.1.1 the
13 rivers
figure 5.1.2 The original
that cut through Jakarta’s boundary (purple)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Kali Mookervaart (built in 1689 to get more water from Cisadane River) Kali Angke Kali Pesanggrahan Kali Grogol Kali Krukut Kali Baru Barat (or Westerslokkan in Dutch, translated: new west river)
7. 8.
9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
alignment of major rivers
The red line shows the missing trajectory in the current condition
figure 5.1.3 The
manmade rivers
including canals and irrigation from the colonial era (yellow)
Kali Ciliwung Kali Baru Timur (or Oosterslokkan in Dutch, which means new east river) Kali Cipinang Kali Sunter Kali Buaran Kali Jati Kramat Kali Cakung
figure 5.1.3
Water Map in Jakarta, overlaid with Jakarta’s boundary (purple)
Banjir Kanaal/Flood Canal built in 1919 to divert Ciliwung’s water away from urban area Photo by author, 12.02.2019
5.2 Ciliwung River The edge of Ciliwung River in that area is very Profile steep, large, and has several terraces. The closer it
40 x 100 km
figure 5.2.1
Profile of Ciliwung River in Bogor about 50 km away from the coast, has a very steep valley compared to the northern part of the river
gets to the sea; the drastic profile becomes more subtle. The lower level has traditionally been settled by kampungs, while the higher ground is occupied by richer settlements. Concrete and stone wall were necessary for some areas to fortify some of the settlements along the river, especially along the upper streams with very steep topography. Those led to an increase in stormwater run-off.
Figure 5.3.1 shows the profile of the massive elevation that consists of a minimum of 20 meters from the riverbed to the higher grounds. Due to the steep topographic conditions, kampungs are inaccessible by the motorized road network. Instead, inhabitants walk or using motorbikes to easily navigate the difficult topography.
figure 5.2.2
Ciliwung River and Other Rivers Existing condition (blue) for Ciliwung River
Water channel which taken from Ciliwung River (black)
Rivers connected (red) because of the projects
Future Projects for flood mitigation connecting more rivers (red)
Grogol River Bandjir Kanaal (Flood Canal) 1919
Baru Barat River 1776
Krukut River
Baru Timur River 1739
Cisadane River
5.3 Ciliwung River The source of the Ciliwung River is from the Geography Gede and Pangrango volcanic mountains,
that sloping down towards Jakarta’s coastline. Because of that, the Ciliwung Basin has a very fertile alluvial soil, excellent for agriculture. Generally, Java Island has a strip of mountains in the southern region, and every valley has been created by the water streams which eventually become rivers, as drawn in the historical map of Java (see figure 4.1.3 in chapter 4.1)
40 x 100 km
Although the land is fertile, the water from Ciliwung River is apparent to be hard to master for the agriculture lands. The upstream section
figure 5.3.1
Topography in 3D elevation is exaggerated by 3 times
figure 5.3.2 (left)
World Imagery By Esri, 2019.
figure 5.3.3 (right)
Topography in figure 5.3.1, 5.3.4, and 5.3.5 are from U.S. Geological Survey (2019)
Ciliwung River (blue) Source from OpenStreetMap contributors. (2019)
of the Ciliwung River starts from only about 100 km away from the coast, but with a drastic elevation of almost 3,000 meters. The slope gives a boost to the water, increasing the damage risk of flooding events. The river begins with hundreds of small branches in the mountains which begin to merge just before Bogor City. However, Ciliwung is not the only source of water for agriculture in the Ciliwung Basin; many other small rivers are calmer and easier to master. Nevertheless, the agriculture started to expand massively when extra water opened to the east and west of the Ciliwung River in the colonial era as explained in chapter 4.2.
figure 5.3.4
figure 5.3.5
figure 5.3.6
Topography lines
Topography Profiles
Soil Map: Alluvium Formation
deep rivers are shown naturally with a valley figure
undulating surface are shown in the profile; bigger amplitude when it close to the mountain and disappear in the delta. Topography is exaggerated by 10 times.
Because of the volcanic mountains, rivers made the alluvium formation, making it a rich nutrient for agriculture Redrawn by author based from (Cipta et al., 2018)
Beach Ridge Alluvium
50m Alluvium Fan
100m 150m Mountain Formation
Lava Deposits
Fortified edge
Stepping kampung
With pipes comes out from the wall, increasing water run-off
In the previous site of Pakuan Pajajaran Kingdom
all photos in this diagram are by author, 02.2019
footbridge connecting two kampungs. not passable for cars but often to be used by motorbike
Stilted houses in Bukit Duri river as the back of the house
The flood canal with water pipe crossing above it and a station on the right side
Fortified edge kampungs at this point, the height difference of the valley is not apparent anymore
5.4 The Valley System From understanding the river profile system in
the Ciliwung River, it is evident that Jakarta has an undulating topography due to its rivers. This means, from the thirteen of rivers that passes through Jakarta, there are many valleys created by the river from a thousand years ago. The valley system is very visible upstream, but very hard to identify downstream, as is the point where the delta begins. The urban tissue has mostly covered this hidden topography. The understanding of the valley system requires more topographic data, however, the data provided by Jakarta’s government (BPBD, 2016) is enough to conceptually generate it. The edge of the valley in the drawing is defined by the steep slope of the nearest river.
60 x 60 km
The valley system is very prominent in urban resiliency planning. However, when the system is overlaid with the 1970s masterplan and the current mobility system, it is clear that topography has not been carefully considered. As well, during the colonial era, a flood canal was made by cutting through two valleys. However, the system failed in 2013 when there was a breach into the Sudirman business district. Yet, the government is planning to complete a similar project to divert Ciliwung River to the east, cutting many valleys. The project will have the same risk of breaching as in the 2013 flood.
flood canal 1919 proposed flood canal 2018
flood channel
Kali Baru Barat
figure 5.4.1
Water Channel crossing the valley system
Kali Baru Timur
figure 5.4.2
the valley system
valley (blue) and high ground (white)
Ciliwung River Upstream Photo by author, 02.2019
kampung in Ciliwung River photo by author, 02.2019
6 Peeling the Diverse Urban Fabrics
12 x 20 km
building size 30 sqm 150 sqm 1000 sqm
figure 6.1
Urban tissue according to building size Building data from openstreet map contributors, 2019
The history of Jakarta and the differences between the indigenous, colonial, and modern eras have left clear physical footprints in the urban tissue. They are categorized in this paper by three categories: colonial fabric, kampungs,
and the high-rise. They are expressed in the drawing on the next page with the same scale drawing in 400m by 400 m to show how different they are in a walking scale and its relation to the waterbody.
6.1 Colonial fabric The colonial plot system has a very distinctive
0.5 x 5 km
proportion of building footprint that is mostly less than 50 percent than the plot size, especially in rich housing areas. The rest of the plot is usually occupied by a private garden or carports with high fences surrounding the house. There are gaps between the plot line from the road to the building, usually one car distance, so there is no building aligned to the street. It makes the street condition is very quiet and the neighborhoods lush with green. It is a perfect
6.2 Kampung The kampung is a very dense tissue where
buildings are attached to one another, sometimes even crossing the street on the second level. Some of them are formalized and have been adapted to regulations. The street widths vary greatly but are never more than two car lanes.
6.3 High-rise The high-rise is a typology that appeared after Buildings independence. Most often, the new high-rises
figure 6.3.1
“Suburb in the sky: how Jakartans built an entire village on top of mall� (Lamb, 2019) photo by Bahar, Shahrir, 2019, shahirbahar1
tissues come from master plans, including the Asian Game in 1962 (as mentioned in chapter 4.4), Sudirman Central Business District, and Mega Kuningan Master Plan. Master plans have been primarily developed for agricultural areas and rarely for either colonial areas or kampungs. Agricultural areas are often associated with flood plains so that most of the master plans are prone to flood, as was proved by the 2013 flood event, as previously explained.
suburban community. A number of them are located in the middle of the city, and they appear as large green holes in a grey fabric, as planned in the earlier 20th century in making of Weltevreden. The system is very similar to modern gated communities in Jakarta and surrounding areas provided by private sectors or government. A striking difference, however, is that contemporary plot sizes and are shrinking due to economic pressure.
The people there use the street not only as a mobility network but also a public space. The vibrant urban activities and micro-economic activities in the street diverts cars away.
The towers are moderately regulated by Jakarta’s architectural building code. One code requires that buildings are moved back from the street, sometimes as much as 15 meters; there is no building attached to the edge of the street, similar to the colonial plot system. As an urban area, detached roads from the buildings, especially with fences, create awkward spaces that encourage car use and make shopping malls the preferred commercial typology.
figure 6.3.2
3 different tissues
within 400m by 400 m Aerial Imagery by Esri, 2019
Design Site
kampung in flood canal
High rise buildings in Bundaran HI
Colonial fabric
6.4 Public Space: Pedestrians, Shopping Malls, and Informal Street Vendors
0.5 x 5 km
Shopping mall popularity has dramatically increased because of their private security systems. For a certain class, they create a closed and safe environment between the individual house, private car, and the car parking inside the shopping malls (Kusno, Budiman, & Kurnia, 2008). There are 173 shopping malls within Jakarta’s boundary. Jakartans visit malls 2.7 times per month on average. (BOI Research, 2016) Grand Indonesia is one of the most prominent shopping malls in Jakarta, with a couple of others that adjoin it, such as Plaza Indonesia and Thamrin City. Grand Indonesia has a sky bridge connecting two buildings with a road beneath it. The bridge was not flooded in 2013, while the ground was inundated up to one meter.
figure 6.4.1
figure 6.4.2
Grand Indonesia Mall
newly reclaimed street for pedestrian crossing
By Mike, 2016.
Photo by author, 02.2019
Meanwhile, the streets in this area were rebuilt to improve their pedestrian quality for the Asian Games 2018. In general, pedestrian and public space awareness have greatly increased, especially with the improvement of mass transit led by Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP) and government-owned transportation company, Transjakarta (the Bus Rapid Transit company). At the same time, there is a battle between mass public transport and private transport services such as “ojek online�, a motor-taxi service with competitive pricing to public transport. Both are very demanding with regards to safety and security on roads. Unfortunately, security concerns have led to the pushing away of informal street vendors.
Street vendors are usually a temporary shop using a wheeled cart. When it settled to a spot, usually a pedestrian way, it can expand into a temporary architecture with just using tents and folding tables and chairs. It is an illegal activity to be a street vendor, however, the demands are high, especially in the peak hour of traffic jam. They define spaces in a pedestrian way, sometimes even taking one or two-car lanes, creates a unique environment in the middle of massive car smokes and the heat.
figure 6.4.3
figure 6.4.4
figure 6.4.5
renovated pedestrian way
informal street vendors right outside Grand Indonesia Mall
informal street vendors by the station
Photo by author, 02.2019
Photo by author, 02.2019
along the sudirman street (south of the site) Photo by author, 02.2019
6.5 different fabrics versus In the purpose of this study, the typologies are land subsidence roughly simulated to the land subsidence and
flooding mentioned before, although it requires more structural and architectural analysis. First, the high-rise towers are probably the strongest among the other buildings, because they are normally have fulfilled the standards of earthquake resistance and have a foundation far to the bedrocks. However, due to land subsidence, the basement will be exposed and prone to be filled with water due to increased flooding. With this, a mechanical strategy is required to always pump the water out every time flood happens, that can cost a lot of power. Second, kampungs is a very organic urban fabric. It has been proven that kampung always survived in any condition. Land subsidence and flood would not be able to make them migrate.
However, the disaster would still remove the public facility and the economic activity that kampungs need. Third, the colonial fabric which filled by landed houses will probably collapse due to structural failure to land subsidence, that has been reported in some areas in the north to date (Abidin, Andreas, Gumilar, & Brinkman, 2015). However, almost of all the houses in the colonial fabric is already remade with higher stories and stronger structure. Some of them might have the structure down to the bedrock. On the other hand, new houses made in the 1970s onward in the north of Jakarta, are very prone to land subsidence due to cheap construction, also because it is more apparent in the northern part. Lastly, the public space and road on the ground are simply be flooded more often over the years, causing more difficulties for activities and road-based transportation.
figure 3.2.4
Average Land Subsidence rate and Sea Level Rise Projection as explained in chapter 3.2
figure 6.5.1 Diagram of prediction to the building due to land subsidence
High-Rise Towers
Landed Houses
collapsed because of land subsidence 2019
Kampungs creative way of kampungs to float their structure Seawater enters the basement 2019
Strong Pile structure
high-rise towers
basement exposed
kampung houses
creatively floated
landed houses
pile structure to bedrock +4m
land subsiden
ce is not even,
average -5m
High Tide +2.2 m Sea Level Rise +1m
figure 6.5.2
Car Free Day Similar like Bogota, every Sunday morning, Thamrin-Sudirman Street is allowed only for pedestrian, street vendors, and bus. Photo by Kartapranata, 2010. https:// File:Jakarta_Car_Free_Day.jpg
figure 6
Kepulauan Seribu Photo by Brianna Laugher, 2012.
7 Design
7.1 Principles In the design part, the issues are addressed in 7
principles in order of the scale from big to small respectively. The principles are using the year 2100 prediction as a main problem statement.
the new coast of 2100
reconnecting Jakarta through water transportation
reshaping the urban fabrics with the sea
reconsideration of the valley system restructuring the city using the rivers and valleys
accepting water letting the sea entered the city to become islands
water city adapting settlements with water
elevated streets reshaping the urban fabrics with the sea
mangrove culture planting mangroves for biodiversity and food production
1 - archipelago Jakarta has always been an important port city
60 x 60 km
in global trading. Its strategic location in terms of water was a powerful in geopolitics and an economic advantage, exemplified in history through exploitation by VOC and Dutch East Indies. Over time, water has given way to land-based transportation, with greater emphasis on connections of Java while disconnecting other important cities such as Bangka, Jambi, and Banjarmasin. The net result has been the loss of its competitive edge to other important port cities such as Singapore and Surabaya. Shipping continues to the north coast but ends there as cargo is shifted onto trucks that pass over elevated highways.
figure 7.1.1
kepulauan seribu from above By Rochelimit - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, php?curid=18284781
Reconceptualization of the Jakarta archipelago means connecting it back the rest of the country with water-based transportation, which was an important part of the national agenda of Joko Widodo’s presidency (Pitoko, 2018). He has also proposed to move the capital and to make sure its port and business activity is integrated from the onset. The present thinking on location is in Borneo Island (Aditya, 2019). It means shifting from a capital city into an equally port city along the north coast of Java such as Jepara, Banten, and Semarang, redistributing the pressure of hard low-cost logistic into more valuable shipping, as the economy level of the city grows. Thinking in terms of an archipelago brings the opportunity to reconnect the Kepulauan Seribu district, which can be translated as a thousand islands. The district has been disconnected because of the city’s modern mobility. As the water reclaims land, water transportation could be increased so that thousands of islands communities become part of the city. This map shows how Jakarta and the north coast of Java are relatively a lot more urbanized than other islands that share the same sea. This is arguably amplified by Jakarta as a capital and the road-based transport along the north coast. The new capital is proposed on Borneo Island. To date, the specific location will be announced the day after the
kepulauan seribu district
submission of this thesis.
250 km
figure 7.1
The Thousand Islands The opportunity to reconnect kepulauan seribu district with the new archipelago of Jakarta
Urbanization, Sea, and Mountains Illustrated by author Topography from BATNAS, Urbanization data from Earth at Night: Flat Maps, 2016, in:
Borneo Island proposed new capital in this island
Bali Island
2 - accepting Reconceptualization of an archipelago is to let water the water return to the land. It is an opportunity
60 x 60 km
to have a handshake with water—to move from thinking of it as an enemy, whether as a flood or sea-level rise, but more as an ally. It means to open canals or original rivers by way of a strategic understanding of the delta’s topography. A combination of soft- and hard-engineering strategies would be the cheapest and most efficient manner to let water regain its logics; strategically erosion of the coast the widening the rivers can be ‘naturally’ assisted by effects of climate change, namely increased precipitation and sea-level rise. This means the Giant Sea Wall project that will stop the natural exchange and water flow has to be scrapped. In the proposed vision, the expensive project would not be needed anymore since water is needed to come to the land.
The future delta can be strategically transformed into islands. Kampungs, as an organic urban fabric, have historically shown adaptation, whether to modernity or climate. With increased water conditions, they can float in the delta. The combination of rising waters and the city’s planning priorities offer an opportunity to reclaim the north coast as islands. The reconfigured reclamation project (reduced in scale and extent in this proposal) is an opportunity to create a new series of islands along the coast with modern settlements. The proposal reconfigures the reclamation as proposed by many urban design experts into coastal islands. This is a vision plan of Jakarta in 2100, where the land subsidence already far beneath and when sea enters without the Giant Sea Wall project. The design shows how new islands will surface and use the sea as main transportation. In this plan, even though the Giant Sea Wall project is not proposed, the islands proposed by the private developers that were going to support the project is still there to balance the population.
10 km
figure 7.3
Existing Condition From World Imagery, by Esri, 2019.
Archipelago of Jakarta’s Bay
3 - The New Coast In the future coast of 2100, with the prediction
of land subsidence and sea-level rise, it will reach the purple line with the height of 6m. On the north side of the line, urban fabrics can be the place to shift from road transportation to water-based transportation. Then, the entered sea can be the opportunity to plant mangroves for biodiversity and production systems, while the ruins from the collapsed houses expected in chapter 6.5 can be removed and to be used for the reclamation islands.
12 x 20 km
2100 coast line
mangrove forests
with the current elevation of 6m
see principle 5
see principle 4
4 km
Ciliwung Delta year 2100
4 - Water City In the future, when the sea enters because of
sea-level rise and massive land subsidence, the line of the coast will be further deep in the city. Along this line, kampungs with their organic forms and high-rise buildings with their stable structures will both be able to adapt. However, for the colonial and gated communities, another strategy must be developed. In this tissue, it is proposed to have a canal-based urban fabric such as Venice and Amsterdam: roads are transformed into canals and jetties in sequences of fringe mangrove forests. With water and mangroves, urban heat island can be reduced and the temperature in Jakarta can be lower.
figure 7.1.4
Two of the Reclamation Islands design by SOM and Marta Schwartz Partner with small addition of mangrove restoration project SOM (2013).
Reclamation islands proposed for the giant sea wall project on the north of this map can be continued. The defense system for tsunami and high tide can be rely to these islands to protect the smaller islands and mangroves closer to the future coast. It is also an opportunity to use the reclamation island to build mangrove edges. For gated communities on the present coast, they have made it good enough for adapting the sea level rise; it just needs a few additional strategies. Lastly, kampungs will be floating by itself due to its organic architecture.
reclamation island
existing gated communities with road changed into canals
kampungs floated by themselves
existing gated communities becomes place to shift between road to water transport
towers connected with soft mobility bridges (see principle 7)
4 km
5 - mangrove As sea and river meet, meaning there is ample culture brackish water, the delta has great potential to
12 x 20 km
be developed as mangroves. Mangroves have a lot of benefit in terms of biodiversity, as well as a production system. As agriculture shifts away from the city and creates “food desert� problems, mangroves can help provide food to the city. Mangroves can be themselves be cultivated and be developed with sustainable aquaculture systems. Such new economies would be essential for the future of the kampungs. The biodiversity also helps to reduce endemic diseases and balance the number of mosquitos. As mangroves grow with more and more water, the temperature will be lower in the city, reducing the spike of urban heat islands. However, the planning of mangroves can be tricky due to the unstable condition of the delta due to land subsidence and pollution. In the
Mangrove Village in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Surviving by taking benefit from mangrove estuary Photo by author, 02.2018
beginning, constant mangrove management is needed. In the delta, according to future projections, the sea will be too high for mangroves to grow, however, earlier mangrove planting can gather sediments over time so that in the future the older mangroves can survive. The earlier mangrove planting can be implemented where there are presently big undervalued lots such as warehouses and industries. These sites are more bargainable than settlements. In other parts of Java mangrove can provide food products such as flour for cakes and bread, herbal tea, and crackers. The Mangrove of Future Project has been established many of mangrove projects in Indonesia to support coastal communities such as in Indramayu and Probolinggo. (Indonesian Nature Film Society, 2015)
obligatory of mangrove edges for reclamation island projects
earlier mangrove projects from industrial plots, generate enough sediments to float
water is too deep for mangroves to grow
mangrove fringe forest closer to the land with shallow water
mangrove riverine in the river edge, with slightly different type of mangroves
4 km
6 - reconsideration of The undulating topography in the southern the valley system part of Jakarta is the key to flood resiliency,
36 x 36 km
as well as re-consideration of the mobility system. The settlements in the lower valley have to be reconsidered for their adaptation to unpredictable floods. Kampungs usually have stilted structures to let the water flow beneath. However, due to hard engineering, especially in modern tissues or flood channels, the stilted house is still flooding, such in the 2007 flood event.
Removing hard engineering at river edges is necessary to initiate the natural river dynamics. This will cause floods to generally be more severe, but this will not be a problem if the urban tissue is reconfigured to be more adaptable. The modern tissue can be restructured to become a higher density on higher grounds while simultaneously creating more water, urban parks, waterfronts and rivers as fronts (as opposed to polluted backs). Water will move from being as a sewage system towards a playful or productive place. This map shows the figure of the high ground in-between valleys, creating islands of high ground. Redline is a potential soft mobility connection, making a spine of each island. This strategy is to breakdown Jakarta from one entity that brought centralization effect.
soft mobility corridor
lines of road
figure of valleys
5 km
Valley Islands
Design Site 0.5 x 50 km
7 - Elevated The valley system is a challenge for soft mobility, The elevated streets connect every tissue as public ground. It becomes the ground which Street especially bikes, street vendor wheelcart or
becak (rickshaw) when it is traveling in the east-west direction. Understanding the valley system is essential to take advantage of higher ground, with bridges making connections. This is relatively affordable when compared to many highways, underpass, and overpass in the city itself.
the Jakartans need, connecting the diversity and creates interaction between people while overpassing the current ground that is busy with either cars or seasonal flooding.
Elevated soft mobility corridor crossing the valley
Scale for sections 0
Scale for plan 0
Flood Canal + Krukut River
soft mobility corridor on higher ground
Elevated soft mobility corridor crossing the valley
building figure
aerial imagery
topography land subsidence -5 m in average in 2100
water line +1 m in 2100
building figure (top) aerial imagery (middle) topography + sea in 2100 (bottom)
Lower than water Using soft dikes to prevent guard the land
Waterfront Transition from land to water
Soft mobility corridor on higher ground
Ciliwung River
7.2 Design Sampling Based on the seven principles, a design test has
been made on a site where the new coast will form, with three different urban fabrics. The site is the very location where the flood of 2013 happened.
Floating “When relocation is not feasible, elevation is Kampung the preferred and at times the only strategy
of flood-resistant design. Lifting a building, such as a residence, above the ground presents both technical and aesthetic design challenges (Watson & Adams, 2010).� The kampungs will float by themselves in the canal with mangroves and aquaculture. Elevated streets will connect the kampungs to the higher ground; the streets will continue inside of shopping malls and high-rise buildings.
To support the kampung is not by changing their indigenous structure, but to give value that they can provide to the city. Kampung is very adaptive and knowledgable to nature. By putting mangrove to balance the ecosystem means that kampung can redevelop the mangrove harvesting and cultivate aquaculture. In this case, a community hall is necessary to speed up the process. The strategic position of kampung being in the middle of the city can also enhance the value of the food production, by sell product directly to the consumer, as mentioned in Imbert (2015).
figure 7.2.1
figure 7.2.2
Kampung Phluk, Cambodia
Floating School, Nigeria
a floating village with extreme tall structure
floating school, flexible use and accessed by boats
By Hoffman, 2015. buzzhoffman/19255901735
By Baan, 2013.
Aquaculture Let kampungs float by themselves
Floating Community Hall
Mangroves riverine
Scale for plans 0 20
+ 7.2 m Sea Level + High Tide in 2100
Sea Level (+1m) + Land Subsidence (-5m average) in 2100
Coconut Tree
Red Mangrove
White Mangrove
Getek Railed boat
Scale for sections 0
High Rise, The proposed elevated streets can also enter High Street shopping malls and high-rise buildings that are
usually built on lower grounds. The new streets can be pedestrian-only. This can be implemented so that there is an alternative mobility network which will be particularly useful during times of seasonal flooding. Over time, the need
for the car will diminish, and it will be easier to gradually shift the car-based road into a water-based system. Then, the parking lots inside the building can be shifted to other uses such as aquaponics which could provide more food to the city.
figure 7.2.4
Teras Cihampelas, Bandung, Indonesia similar concept with high line, with additional street vendors. Design by Sigit Wisnu Aji By Saya inBaliTimur, 2018. thisisinbalitimur/45324371982
figure 7.2.3
High Line, New York Elevated pedestrian street. Design by Diller Scofidio + Renfro. By Baan, (2013).
Scale for sections 0
Scale for plans 0 20
water catchment fresh water can goes back to the aquifer using unused basement parking
aquaponics using unused parking lot
rawa-rawa/marsh naturally grows back over years
tower connector opening possibilities of more function and urban life
layered soft mobility network bikeway beneath pedestrian bridge
street vendors activating the elevated street and generate economy
Post-Colonial: Because of the land subsidence, the tissue in this Back to the Water area is sinking by an average of 5m, which can
be lower than the sea in the future. Soft dike can be proposed to protect the houses and will be transformed into a Venice-like tissue offering a location to shift modes from road-based to
water-based transport. In this sampling, elevated streets can be implemented in the near future to offer alternative mobility in the case of flooding. To avoid the mosquito breeding caused by the water city design explained in chapter 4.1, the water edge is natural to increase biodiversity, so mosquito-eater such as reptiles and frogs can breed.
Scale for plans 0 20
figure 7.2.7
figure 7.2.6
Or rickshaw, in the year of 1968
Nypa Palm
Door Tropenmuseum, part of the National Museum of World Cultures, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.
Palm which can grow in salt water
By Qaalvin - Treball propi, https://commons.wikimedia. org/w/index.php?curid=19416883
figure 7.2.5
Soft Dike, Amsterdam “nature� dike with reinforced using tie and anchors. (De Ingenieur, 2018)
nypa palm palm in salt water, similar like mangrove houses lower than the water protected by the soft dike A
existing land elevation before land subsidence (-5m in average in 2100)
street vendors activating the new pedestrian corridor
terminalia mantaly madagascar almond tree
Scale for sections 0
the edge of the valley a place to shift between soft mobility system to water based transportation
Jakarta Archipelago, 2100
7.3 Earlier Strategies From thinking leap forward, some strategies can start being applied in the near future.
Soft Mobility As explained in principle 6, creating soft Corridor mobility corridor can be applied very soon.
The definition of the valley can easily justify the high-ground island and can be done sporadically. This strategy can slowly nurture the disconnection of massive mobility system and rebranding locality.
Change The earlier mangrove forests could hold the Industries to sediments over years and be in the current Mangroves elevation even though the land is sinking. The
early mangroves forests can start being cultivated by kampung people and create the mangrove culture.
Elevated Street Elevated Street can be very useful in terms of in High Rises seasonal flooding and avoiding traffic in the near future. In the future, whether the land is sinking or not, elevated street could become the priority mobility system and leave the ground to be something else, as park for example.
Imagining Bundaran HI with elevated streets In 4 different scenarios
overpassing the traffic
letting the forest grows
overpassing the flood
letting the water in
Epilogue Jakarta as one of the fastest sinking cities in the world is the victim of different eras of planning, including post-independence modernism and colonial. The lack of understanding the logics of the landscape and the most important element, water, has resulted in a capital that is slated for abandonment. Climate change, sea-level rise and subsidence can now be taken as opportunities to completely re-envision the territory. Projecting the future helps in understanding what need to be done for the city to survive. Through a critical reading of landscape and urbanism, it is evident that there is an opportunity to design the future city in terms of climate change to make it adaptive and resilient. The glimpse of the future towards climate change can lead one to question modern form making of the city. Lastly, dealing with climate change doesn’t mean to face dystopia. Jakarta could be a better place if designed properly. The design shows how Jakarta can be transformed into a more livable city, while changing the form of the city and rethinking ways of modern life.
“So we are left with a stark choice: allow climate disruption to change everything about our world, or change pretty much everything about our economy to avoid that fate.� (Klein, 2014)
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Most of the maps throughout this book were created using ArcGIS® software by Esri. ArcGIS® and ArcMap™ are the intellectual property of Esri and are used herein under license. Copyright © Esri. All rights reserved. Aerial Imagery figure 1.1, figure 1.2, figure 5.3.2, figure 6.3.2, figure 7.3
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