8 ways to control and eradicate odour
Odour is a property of a substance that gives it a characteristic scent or smell. Odour is basically good and bad; Bad odour is unpleasant, unwanted and a smell that doesn’t make people feel comfortable. Here are a few ways to eradicate different odour smells: • To eliminate kitchen odours, boil a mixture of 1 cup of water and 1 tablespoon of white vinegar. • Stinky shoes can be refreshed with tea leaves. • Get rid of the smell of burnt food with lemon water. • Musty odours in drawers, trunks or suitcases can be removed with white bread and white vinegar. • Unpleasant odours can be removed with baking soda. Place it where necessary in an open can or bowl. • Cigarette smoke can be removed from upholstered furniture and carpeting with baking soda. Sprinkle it on, let it set for several hours, and then vacuum. • Keep odours out of the breadbox by wiping it out with vinegar. • Urine and milk spills can be removed from a mattress with borax. Sprinkle the borax, let dry, and then vacuum. These methods are advised for only situations that are not serious and can be dealt with at home. For serious cases visit us at http://www.bio-cleanse.com.au/; or call us on 042 741 1789 for professional services on odour control and management.