Unattended death cleanups Too often people are found deceased in their homes, who have been there for a few days, or even weeks or months. This type of unattended death scene cleanup and recovery work should only be left to an experienced company like Bio-Cleanse. Our dedicated team of highly trained death scene cleaning professionals can safely and discreetly remedy any death scenes involving decomposition, bio-hazardous or infectious wastes and dispose of it properly. Bio-Cleanse has safely and effectively decontaminated hundreds, if not more scenes involving natural death decomposition cleaning and odour removal. If the process of recovering a scene from a natural death is not successful, odours will remain and bug issues from flies and maggots can remain constant. Bio-Cleanse is your local death scene cleaning service based in Australia and has branches all over. Special knowledge is necessary to handle bio-hazardous material in an appropriate manner and to know what exactly to look for at a crime or bio-hazard scene. The cleaning company also needs permits to transport and dispose of bio-hazardous waste. We at BioCleanse Pty Ltd., have all necessary permits, training, expertise and most important, the willingness to handle gross filthy things that would send most of us running out the door to throw up in the bushes. Contact us on 042 741 1789 or visit http://www.bio-cleanse.com.au/ for services regarding unattended death cleanups.