Biocom Lifelines - Fall 2015

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LifeLines For the Southern California Life Science Community


Policy Wins For Biocom


Member Services: Responding to Your Needs


STEM is the New Trend

The Forces Shaping Our Future VOLUME 24, ISSUE 3 F a l l 2 0 1 5



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By Joe Panetta, President and CEO, Biocom

Cover Story: Five Undeniable Forces Shaping Our Life Science Future

9 Public Policy : Policy Wins For Biocom 10 Guest : An Intern’s Lens into the FDA 12 Events: Biocom Launches New Speaker Series 13 Membership: Member Services: Responding to Your Needs

14 Guest: Evaluating our Health Insurance Trust 17 Biocom Institute: Never Stop Learning 18 Science Festival: STEM is the New Trend 20 Members in Action: Biocom Events 25 Purchasing Group: Member Driven Evolution 26 Premium Member Spotlights:

BioMed Realty, Bridge Bank, Dowling & Yahnke, VWR, Biocom

30 Biocom Board and Committees 31 Biocom Membership

WELCOME TO LIFELINES Welcome to the fall 2015 edition of LifeLines and our continuing 20th anniversary celebration of Biocom, California’s longest established life science association. With more than 700 members supporting the life science community, I am proud to report that we are providing unsurpassed programs: robust advocacy at every level of government; tremendous member services, including the Biocom Purchasing Group; and outstanding partnering opportunities. In addition, through our relationships with associations in Europe, Australia and Asia, we are raising capital for Southern California. As we have welcomed throngs of members to our new state-of-the art-facilities on Torrey Pines Mesa, we appreciate the “Ecosystem of Innovation” that exemplifies this region. I wish to personally thank all of our members – companies, research institutes, the service sector and academia – who have so warmly welcomed us to the Torrey Pines Mesa. We have spent much of this anniversary year reflecting on the past: celebrating the successes, large and small, that have helped grow the Southern California life science industry into the powerhouse it is today. But in this LifeLines we are taking a decidedly forward-looking approach, asking the question: What are the forces shaping our future? We know from experience that it’s impossible to predict specifics. For example, if

E D I TO R : Jennifer Landress CO P Y E D I TO R : Josh Baxt DESIGN & LAYOUT: Arlene Arreola

you had asked me that question in 1995, I could never have forecast the immense role genomics would play throughout the life science industry. The first human genome sequence was still years from completion. It’s also unlikely I could have foreseen the level of innovation this region would produce in two short decades. Some of San Diego’s most groundbreaking therapeutics


such as Rituxan, Viracept and Byetta had not yet been commercialized. Influential San Diego companies, such as Illumina, Nuvasive and Dexcom, had not even been founded yet. Still, while it is difficult to guess what the next 20 years will bring, we can (and do) think hard about which factors will make us stronger and better-equipped to be the global life science leader. Biocom is addressing these forces on many fronts: from having a competitive talent pool to accessing capital. Through these measures, our prowess will continue to expand in genetic sequencing, big data, manufacturing,

Biocom, a member driven organization, is here to assist life science companies like yours to fulfill your most ambitious goals. We can help your company with saving money, advocacy, increased visibility, networking opportunities, capital development and workforce development.

telemedicine and other areas. This industry is changing our world dramatically. We’ve never been more excited to see what the future will bring. Our advocacy initiatives continue to influence policy decisions on the local, state and federal levels. Biocom’s board believes these efforts are best served through regional association representation in partnership with our sister associations at the regional and federal levels. In this issue, you will learn how we have been working hard to create more opportunity for life science investment through the State of California, and continuing our efforts to partner with legislative leaders, such as Congressman

Continued Pg 8

WWW.BIOCOM.ORG Biocom LifeLines Fall 2015



By Kelly Quigley, Canale Communications

Five Undeniable Forces Shaping Our Life Science Future

From new venture funding strategies to the next generation of CEOs, here are some of the biggest factors shaping the regional life science industry in years ahead. As Biocom closes out its 20th year with a bang, many of us are left pondering: What will Southern California’s life science industry look like in another two decades? What regional life science company will be capturing national headlines with its breakthrough technology? What will be the next blockbuster drug or life-changing medical device to emerge from our ranks? Interesting thoughts, to be sure. But given that innovation is inherently unpredictable, is it even possible to foresee the twists and turns that will shape the industry in the years leading to 2035? If the past is any indication, the answer is probably no. Since its modest beginnings in the late 1970s, the Southern California life science industry has grown in unexpected and remarkable ways—to the point where it’s now generating a hefty $76 billion in economic activity each year. Even in 1995, when Biocom was founded, it’s highly unlikely that anyone could have predicted the explosive growth in genomics, mobile health and synthetic biology, which have become critical


Biocom LifeLines Fall 2015

parts of the life science sector today. But that’s not to say the industry’s success is surprising. Going back to its earliest years, Biocom anticipated the key elements that would be needed to create an environment ripe for innovation. For example, a life science cluster of this size simply can’t thrive without healthy government support, a rich academic infrastructure and a diverse ecosystem of service providers. Biocom has devoted much of its energy to ensuring that these and other essential pieces are firmly in place. As Biocom enters its third decade of growth, we take a look at the factors shaping the sector’s evolution in the years ahead. Although these innovations might not yet be apparent, the forces that will lead to their creation are already here. ONE Money, money, money Let’s face it. Innovation is expensive. Capital—and lots of it— is needed to fund research, development and commercialization

COVER STORY for groundbreaking life science products. If companies can’t get money, they can’t change the world. “As an industry, we’ve come to better understand molecular biology and genomics, which produces even better healthcare innovations,” says Carol Gallagher, Pharm.D., partner at venture capital firm New Enterprise Associates. “But even as we gain more knowledge, I don’t think the capital intensity is ever going to decrease. That’s the challenge. To continue to create innovation, we need capital from a variety of sources—a full ecosystem of public investors, grant money and venture capital.” So what’s the secret to keeping this ecosystem going? Is there a magic business model that will grab investors’ attention in the years ahead? Gallagher thinks not: “It always goes back to better therapies. Sometimes companies get overly focused on how cool the science is and forget about what they’re doing for the patient.” Equally as important, life science companies must communicate how their products fit into the existing healthcare system. If you have to change how the system works, it’s going to be a harder sell. Looking ahead, Gallagher wonders whether the relatively recent “cross-over” investing craze will stick around for the long term. Cross-over investing refers to would-be stock-market investors funding a private company in advance of an expected initial public offering. The model has provided added capital for promising companies, giving them fuel to mature and expand. In the future, will this model help create the next Amgen, Celgene or Genentech right in our own backyard? “Investors are, and will continue to be, willing to pay for innovation that changes lives,” Gallagher says. “It’s important to keep the engine of innovation strong; that’s what organizations like Biocom are designed to do.”


TWO Even bigger data Say goodbye to gigabytes and terabytes, and roll out the welcome mat for our new friend, the petabyte. At a million gigabytes of data, the petabyte is what the industry will increasingly need to store the reams of biological data produced on today’s high-powered genomic sequencing machines. For the folks at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego, the petabyte is nothing new. They’ve been dealing with that magnitude of data for some time,

handling information-intensive computing for the national research community, explains Wayne Pfeiffer, the center’s co-founder and bioinformatics lead. Among the center’s many ambitious projects is the Cancer Cell Map Initiative, which seeks to determine how all cancer cell components interact. The initiative will provide infrastructure for the alliance between UC San Diego Health Sciences and San Diego-based Human Longevity, which plans to generate thousands of tumor genomes from UC San Diego cancer patients. While the demand for such data-based healthcare applications seems limitless today, things were much different when the center started in 1985. “Our work was mainly in the physical sciences— chemistry, physics, astronomy,” Pfeiffer says. “Biologists were not dealing with data at this level. And certainly not healthcare professionals.” Today, genomic data is shaping nearly every facet of life sciences, from the development of new diagnostics to personalized medicines. “The larger and larger the databases become, the more useful they are,” Pfeiffer says. With more data, it’s easier to spot patterns and make connections between biomarkers and disease. San Diego companies, including Illumina and Edico Genome, are spearheading efforts to standardize the way genomic data is recorded and shared to maximize clinical utility. However, from a data perspective, storing every person’s complete genomic profile isn’t realistic, Pfeiffer notes. Once fullgenome sequencing goes mainstream, it’s likely that only variants will be stored—a tradeoff commonly made in other data-intensive fields. In the next 20 years, Pfeiffer predicts the genomic revolution will have conquered many high-priority diseases and become more focused on preventative health. “Precision medicine isn’t going to be just for sick people,” he says. “It’s going to be helping healthy people live even longer, healthier lives.” By then, perhaps the industry will already have moved on to the zettabyte.


THREE Consumer empowerment Patients are increasingly knowledgeable about all things health care—and their voices are rightfully carrying more weight than ever. It’s a trend that’s expected to continue, leading to greater transparency and more convenience across the healthcare spectrum. Continued Pg 5

Biocom LifeLines Fall 2015




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COVER STORY This force is perhaps strongest in the fast-growing mobile health sector, where patients are proactively tracking their body’s metrics through health apps and accessing caregiver support from anywhere that has a wireless connection. Smartphones “are the most rapidly adopted technology in the history of man,” writes Eric Topol, M.D., director of the Scripps Translational Science Institute in San Diego, in his newest book The Patient Will See You Now. “If we liken the new model to the business world, the patient becomes chief operating officer—a notable promotion from nobody to senior management,” Topol observes. Meanwhile, government healthcare reforms have shifted towards outcomes-based reimbursement models, demanding an additional level of reporting on the patient experience. “When you start thinking about healthcare in a consumer-centric way, terms like empathy, delight, convenience and affordability take on a greater significance,” says Nina Kjellson, general partner at venture capital firm Canaan Partners, which is active in Southern California healthcare IT. “Even life science companies need to be thinking about this because increasingly, innovative products will be judged not only on safety and efficacy but also on consumer engagement.”


FOUR Sustainability By 2035, the world population will have grown to more than 8 billion and life expectancy will be even longer than it is today. More people will require our planet’s limited resources for a longer amount of time. More water, more energy, more food, more goods. Sustainability begins with an understanding that everything we need for our wellbeing depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. It’s the driving principle behind Southern California’s booming biorenewables sector, which features an array of companies focused on biofuels, specialty enzymes, renewable chemicals and algae research. “When you think about the challenges we currently face in the world, be it food production or our use of energy, sustainability is a topic that comes up again and again,” says Oliver Fetzer, CEO of San Diego-based Synthetic Genomics. Co-founded by J. Craig Venter, Synthetic Genomics is dedicated

to genomics-driven solutions to address such global challenges. Among its many projects is a research agreement with ExxonMobil to develop highly efficient algae strains that convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into biofuel. “The fact remains that we, as a planet, are burning more fossil fuels every year and emitting more carbon dioxide,” Fetzer says. “The link to global warming is no longer debatable.” Just as unmet medical needs drive biopharmaceutical innovation, global sustainability challenges will continue to create a thriving market for synthetic biology and biorenewables, Fetzer notes.


FIVE Generation Z Forbes calls them rebels with a cause. Entrepreneur says they’re realists with an entrepreneurial edge. But it’s all speculation at this point, as the youngest members of Generation Z are still in elementary school. One thing is certain: In 20 years, Generation Z will have made its presence known in Southern California life science. They will be the next crop of scientists, marketers, CEOs and venture capitalists. And the most successful companies will be doing all the right things to attract and retain the best of this new generation— rethinking company culture and providing an environment in which they’ll want to stay and prosper. Along with compensation and leadership opportunities, companies will need to create a physical space that speaks to new generations, notes Tracy Murphy, regional vice president of BioMed Realty Trust in San Diego. The workspace must evolve to meet a growing desire to blend hard work with inspiring diversion. “Access to restaurants and shopping in a more campuslike environment will become the standard design, rather than the innovative exception,” Murphy says. “Companies like Google have put a spotlight on the workspace and how it can be open and enjoyable, where employees can work and collaborate while also enjoying leisurely activities.” Adding to the sustainability trend, the new generation of life science leaders will seek out buildings with minimal carbon


Continued Pg 6

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COVER STORY footprints, she adds. They’ll demand green roofs, recycled water for cooling and irrigation and fuel-cell technology for affordable power. “We’re excited to see what the next 20 years will bring because we know that the best has yet to come,” Murphy says. That’s Not All… There’s a range of other forces that will play a leading role in the growth and evolution of the Southern California life science industry: Water. Yes, it’s possible to get even smarter about water usage, and we will. Stem cells. Regenerative medicine is growing fast, with dozens of promising therapies at various stages of development. Cures are more than a pipe dream. Teamwork. Expect a greater level of collaboration among the life science powerhouses in San Diego, Orange County and Los Angeles as the SoCal region competes with other U.S. and international life science clusters.

Make Your Mark

Policy. From taxes to NIH funding, Biocom is constantly tracking legislation at the local, state and national levels, advocating for policies that accelerate life science innovation. Kelly Quigley is content director for Canale Communications and a former biotech journalist. At CanaleComm, she specializes in thought leadership strategy and content development for life science companies.



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By Joe Panetta, President and CEO, Biocom

The Lodge at Torrey Pines

Scott Peters, to protect intellectual property and successfully oppose



Biocom’s 6th Annual Global Life Science Partnering Conference is an exclusive global partnering and networking forum that brings together senior executives, bankers, venture capitalists, and business development professionals from leading pharmaceutical and biotech companies. The conference will include panel discussions on relevant topics with senior industry leaders, start-up company presentations, one-on-one meetings, and numerous networking opportunities.

negative Congressional legislation. Biocom’s membership recruitment is at an all-time high, but we are also focused on member retention. The power of retention ensures that our members have a long-term investment in Biocom, that we build a network of members working together as a region and that we invest in delivering better value for all members. This year, I will personally hold more than 50 meetings with member CEOs specific to retention, and my team will hold countless more with company representatives. We are especially pleased that our partners at Alexandria Real Estate have provided amazing meeting and presentation facilities. We can now hold a number of our events, including quarterly breakfast meetings, at our facility. As a result, we are launching a variety of new events, including a CFO speaker series and Fireside Chat program with regional CEOs. Our first chat was a remarkably candid and engaging discussion with Illumina CEO Jay Flatley in our on-site Illumina Auditorium. I look forward to more next quarter. We continue to pursue strong workforce education and training programs. In this issue, we review where are they now, which highlights individuals whose life science careers have benefitted from these programs. In addition, our San Diego Festival of Science and Engineering staff discuss how STEM is the new trend in education and how the Festival is leading this movement. Finally, you will read how the Biocom Purchasing Group, which we began not long after Biocom was founded, is making a push to ensure that all of our contracts, with more than 40 vendors, are competitive on a global scale. The Purchasing Group continues to be the gold standard for the life science industry, and we are making every effort to increase its value for our members. Please enjoy this issue of LifeLines, come by and visit our beautiful new facility and engage with us as we continue to accelerate life science success in our region.


By Jimmy Jackson, Senior Vice President of Public Policy, Biocom

Policy Wins For Biocom Policy wise, the past few months have been some of the most eventful in Biocom’s 20-year history. As California’s oldest and most established life science association, we are proud to represent the broad interests of our membership. With the state legislature adjourned, it has been a successful year for Biocom’s state policy efforts. Only one bill Biocom opposed, which governs consumer products, was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown; however, several bills we supported were approved, including a bill (SB 671) creating a structure by which biosimilars can be substituted for their reference product. One of the most important bills to come out of this year’s session was AB 437, which would have allowed small businesses (annual revenues below $5 million) to receive state grants for a percentage of their unused R&D credits. Biocom organized a letter from its member companies to Governor Brown urging him to sign this legislation – 46 companies signed on to this correspondence. Unfortunately, this legislation, as well as all other proposals containing a tax credit, was vetoed by the Governor on October 10. Meanwhile, Congress continues to move toward its own mid-term adjournment. Patent reform bills (HR 9 and S 1137), which could adversely affect the life science industry, had been advancing in Congress despite industry efforts to amend them. However, lobbying by Biocom’s Washington DC office, in cooperation with BIO, PhRMA, various regional life science associations and venture capital, patient advocacy and other groups, led to the bills being withdrawn for the time being. Biocom member companies also weighed in on this issue with Congressional offices, using a letter from Biocom urging House members to oppose HR 9. In July, we responded to a letter co-authored by Congresswoman Susan Davis, which was about to be circulated. The letter asked her colleagues to advocate for a lower standard of data exclusivity in the negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement than the 12 years that is law in the US. Biocom and CLSA teamed up immediately to generate a joint letter asking members of Congress not to sign on to the Blumenauer-Davis-Himes letter. Partly as a result of Biocom and CLSA’s rapid response, this letter secured only eight additional co-authors (out of a possible 432). Unfortunately, the announcement was made that TPP would only guarantee eight years of data exclusivity for biologics and Biocom has communicated our disappointment to the California delegation on this decision. In addition, Biocom’s Washington office remains active on repealing the medical device tax and giving input for the Senate version of the House’s 21st Century Cures Initiative.

On the local level, Biocom has been actively involved with the County of San Diego’s working group on sharps disposal. The group continues to review background information, including existing infrastructure and sharps regulations in other jurisdictions. Biocom continues to ask the County to update its website with a comprehensive list of current take-back sites, including designated take-back sites in the county program and private locations that only take sharps from customers. We will continue to engage with this group. Finally, the Public Policy Department held two major events. The first was a facilities workshop at the SDG&E Energy Innovation Center to discuss facilities management challenges, especially for people whom facility management is a small part of larger responsibilities. We also held our Biocom PAC Annual Elected Officials Reception at the beautiful Celgene campus. The reception attracted one of the more diverse collections of elected officials we have had at this event: Congressmen Darrell Issa and Scott Peters; State Senator Marty Block, Assemblymen Rocky Chavez and Brian Jones; County Supervisors Dianne Jacob and Dave Roberts; and, from the City of San Diego, Mayor Kevin Faulconer and Councilmembers Chris Cate, Todd Gloria, and Mark Kersey. Assemblywomen Lorena Gonzalez and Shirley Weber were scheduled to attend, but a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing in Sacramento ran into the evening, preventing them from making their flights. Speaker Toni Atkins was called away because of her work on the Special Legislative Session on Transportation and Infrastructure. We thank signature sponsor Genentech and host sponsor Celgene for making this event possible.

Jimmy Jackson is the Senior Vice President of Public Policy for Biocom. He oversees government affairs and public policy for the organization.

Biocom LifeLines Fall 2015



By Veronica Bradley, Student, UCSD Bioengineering

An Intern’s Lens into the FDA In Spring of 2015, Veronica Bradley, a UCSD Bioengineering student, met Biocom CEO Joe Panetta at a Bioengineering Career Day on campus and expressed an interest in FDA regulatory policy as a career. Joe, a former EPA regulator himself, invited her to attend a Biocom breakfast meeting where Dr. Jeff Shuren, Director of the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiologic Health (CDRH), was to speak via skype. Veronica was allowed to ask the first question, so she told Shuren of her interest. He related that he had started at FDA as an intern and suggested she apply for their internship program. Veronica was accepted into the ten week internship program, and our budding bioengineer recently shared some of her thoughts on the experience. The whole experience at the FDA was incredible. The working environment there truly seemed great. I thoroughly enjoyed all of my coworkers. They were all very smart and very enjoyable to interact with. And it was so wonderful getting a whole ten weeks to experience Washington D.C. I also ventured up to Boston one weekend and New York City two weekends, so I really got a fulfilling experience. In my internship I was assigned to the ophthalmic section of CDRH. I loved getting to learn so much about medical devices, both from reading documentation of the review process and from discussions with the people in my division. I particularly enjoyed reading about the mechanical testing performed, due to my engineering major. I was able to see how so much of what I’ve learned is applied in the testing of devices. It gave me a new perspective on how essential these concepts are in getting a device to market. I had a specific project I was responsible for (as well as other side projects), and it was so interesting to me. It was a challenge, but I was able to complete it and feel that I accomplished something over the ten weeks. Under the supervision of an experienced reviewer, I worked with a fellow intern in gathering historical information regarding the pre-clinical testing requirements that have historically been requested for the clearance of Lacrimal System Repair devices. After reading through extensive documentation of reviews for all the lacrimal repair devices, including stents and balloons, that have been brought to market over the past thirty years, I was able to create a recommendation for the crucial testing and standards to be written into the new regulation and special controls for this device type. Writing a new regulation and guidance is a complicated process that takes time, but the research I did and the spreadsheet of information I compiled will serve as an essential starting point in the process. It felt good to


Biocom LifeLines Fall 2015

be able to make a contribution and to have so much support from the division I worked in. The employees in the Division of Ophthalmic and ENT Devices (DOED) taught me so much in my time there. From lessons about the review process to details about the science behind specific devices, it was all fascinating and eye-opening. I very much appreciate the opportunity I got this summer. I discovered my own interest in regulatory work, and also realized my preference toward the engineering testing in particular. Needless to say, the internship was invaluable, and I would strongly encourage those in my discipline to apply for the program as it gives you unique insight from the perspective of those reviewing applications. It is not something I would have learned in a classroom, and I am sure no matter what path my career takes after graduation, the experience will make me more valuable as an employee and team member.

Veronica Bradley is studying Bioengineering at UCSD.



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By Ashleigh Berry, Manager of Events

Biocom Launches New Speaker Series Ever wonder how Biocom events are organized and executed? Do you have ideas for new topics or dynamic speakers? Would it be interesting to help plan the 60-plus events and conferences Biocom offers each year? Well, you can. Biocom is always exploring innovative ways to build our member event roster. We are consistently evaluating our events to ensure these programs are meeting our members’ needs. The feedback we receive from attendees is extremely helpful; however, it’s the support from our event planning committees that really guide us. Our committees help us determine how to structure programs, develop content and identify which events are essential for our members. Earlier this year, in partnership with our CFO committee, Biocom launched a new speaker series geared towards CEOs and high-level executives. This new series will be held twice a year and will highlight a CEO from a billion-dollar life science company, providing a unique opportunity to hear how these companies became successful and maintained their value in the ever-changing capital markets. With a market cap over $30 billion, it seemed appropriate to kick off the first series with one of our region’s luminaries: Jay Flatley, CEO at Illumina. Flatley sat alongside Joe Panetta, Biocom’s president and CEO, to discuss the genomic revolution and how it will advance health and wellbeing. Flatley was appointed president and CEO of Illumina in 1999 and has increased revenue from $1.3 million in 2000 to more than $1.8 billion in 2014. He oversaw the company’s expansion into whole genome sequencing, with the Solexa acquisition in 2006, and more recently into clinical markets, such as oncology and reproductive health. In July 2015, more than 200 attendees heard Flatley discuss his thoughts on Illumina’s past, present and future. He shared his views on competition with start-up companies, genome sequencing and much more. Not surprisingly, attendees were eager to hear Flatley discuss Roche’s hostile takeover attempt. After a collapse in stock price dropped Illumina to $24 per share in December 2011, Roche decided to acquire the company. Roche knew Illumina had unbeatable sequencing technology and, with the stock price so low, would be an easy takeover target. They were mistaken. “One really important factor was that we do a rigorous strategic


Biocom LifeLines Fall 2015

planning every year, and it finishes in January,” said Flatley. “So at the time they became hostile, we had a perfectly fresh three-year strategic plan that allowed us to create a very strong case to our shareholders.” Flatley explained that neither their board nor their shareholders ever waivered. Illumina is now trading around $200 a share. Flatley went on to discuss genome sequencing. He explained that the more genomes we sequence, the more accurate the data will become, ultimately providing a greater ability to drive preventive care. Flatley was one of the first to have his genome sequenced, discovering he has malignant hypothermia, which can cause sudden death under anesthesia. He can now prevent this from happening. Flatley’s story is just one example of how genome sequencing can change lives. Illumina has successfully lowered the cost for full genome sequencing to roughly $1,000, and the current cost for individual sequencing is around $2,900. Flatley hopes that, in the future, this will be paid by insurance. Flatley ended his dynamic discussion by stating, “I’m sort of a start-up guy, at least I used to be, and now I am managing this big company. I’m sort of learning as I go.” A highlights video of the event is now available on Biocom’s YouTube channel. To watch this video, and view a list of Biocom’s upcoming events, please visit If you are interested in participating in one of Biocom’s event planning committees for 2016, opportunitites are available with DeviceFest, the California Life Science HR Conference, Outsourced Pharma West Conference and BIO 2016.

Ashleigh Berry is the Manager of Events for Biocom and is in charge of organizing and marketing Biocom Events.


By Michelle Wright, Manager of Membership

Member Services: Responding to Your Needs Biocom is always listening, and we pride ourselves on keeping the lines of communication open. This means meeting with our members, listening carefully to their needs and understanding each company’s challenges and goals. These ongoing conversations help us allocate our resources to ensure we provide the best possible services. One way we’ve responded to these conversations is to increase our efforts to support employees and help them get involved with their life science community. Each year, Biocom offers more than 75 events to help staff grow their personal and professional networks. In the same vein, we also have 15 committees, such as CRO, legislative and medical devices to join, we host professional development courses, offer speaking opportunities on a wide variety of panels, offer volunteering opportunities at the San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering Expo Day and produce the Biocommunique eNewsletter to keep members abreast of the latest life science news. In addition, our Employee Perks program helps members save money at local businesses. Naturally, we also offer many opportunities for companies to sponsor events, as well as connecting member companies to keep contracts and collaborations in the family. More than 93 percent of companies who use the Biocom Purchasing Group recoup their membership investment each year – many save 15 to 25 times their annual dues. Given these perks, it’s no surprise that Biocom has such high retention. Most recent, one of the top requests members have is to forge closer relationships with clinical sites. To help support this request, we host a variety of events that focus on specific therapeutic areas. Many more of these events are coming in 2016. We also help companies get valuable face-time with key dealmakers during Venture Days, Partner Days and Biocom’s Global Life Science Partnering Conference.

telemedicine to genomic testing. These technologies allow patients to communicate directly with their physicians, transmit health care information instantly in a home setting, and empower them to be active participants in their everyday care management. Studies also show that they help reduce costs and improve patient outcomes across a wide spectrum of disease conditions. Our mission is to support digital health innovation in our region thus making Southern California the epicenter of wireless health. Big Data Biocom’s Big Data/Informatics initiative recognizes that companies everywhere are trying to manage a big data tsunami. From molecular diagnostics to patient data, our members are faced with the unique challenge of separating nuggets of important, actionable data from gigabytes of statistical noise. This initiative helps identify the new trends and best practices in data generation, knowledge management and information technology. If you would like to discuss ways to get more plugged into your membership or review your benefits, please contact me at 858.455.0300 x116 or

Michelle is the Manager of Membership for Biocom and oversees the Medical Device Committee for the organization

NEW INITIATIVES There are a number of major life science issues, but two of the biggest are digital health and big data. To stay on the leading edge of these and other trends, Biocom continues to develop new initiatives to educate stakeholders and show off some of our member’s most important advances. Digital Health Health care is at the cusp of a sector-wide transformation due in large part to the development of digital health technologies, from mobile applications to remote patient monitoring to

Biocom LifeLines Fall 2015



Evaluating our Health Insurance Trust The Beyond Benefits Trust, a health benefits program exclusively increases heading into 2016. The industry average is in the for Biocom members, gives California life science companies high teens. This gap will continue to increase, pulling the trust’s access to best-in-class group health insurance. The trust was premiums further away from industry norms and making it the created after a two-year competitive bidding process, which was clear choice for companies with more than four employees. organized by the Biocom Purchasing Because of the trust’s performance, Group and BayBio in 2012. Anthem has also agreed to quote a Come January 1, 2016 employers Beyond Benefits won out over of a 5 to 7 percent discount on larger with 51-100 employees will be categorized as number of group health insurance groups that may have credibility on “SMALL GROUP EMPLOYERS” candidates, including PEO’s, selftheir own or may be considering selfinsured models, other MEWA trusts insuring. I’m sure you can imagine The What does and several stand-alone discount what 5 to 7 percent off a large group this mean? insurance programs. health premium could mean to a so good stuff... The Beyond Benefits Trust, like company’s bottom line. We have Medical rates will now be based on each The covered family members’ age and zip code of the employer. all of our contracts, was selected worked extensively with Anthem to ... Depending on your company’s size, medical by a committee of experts, from our provide this benefit and appreciate rates could increase 30-40%. Enroll in a Department of Labor-qualified small business trust, like... member base and board of directors, their investment in our industry and Impact on Employers who bring decades of industry our member base. Lose Gain Underwriting discounts knowledge and expertise. We are We cannot underscore enough how Rising medical for industry and premiums demographics very fortunate to have a strong important it is that these discounted Keep your large group qualification, regardless More administrative Online benefit of size and avoid... burden administration connection to these experts, and rates are substantiated by actual Age & zip code we do not hesitate to lean on them. claims data from within our trust. based medical rates Additionally, our eight full-time Without this claims performance, As of August 2015, there are 160 Members in the Beyond Benefits Trust. Rising medical premiums in the employees use member feedback to any discounted rates or renewals are industry of 18% vs. Anthem’s In an effort to attract larger companies who 8-10% prepare competitive bids that test artificial and therefore subject to typically place out of the Trust with their own experience rating, Anthem has conceded to the market, generate more favorable correction in a subsequent year. More administrative burden an aggressive 5-7% rate reduction... terms, provide member remediation Additionally, beginning January WHICH IS A VERY BIG DE AL . services, ensure supplier compliance 1, 2016, employers with 51 to Beyond Benefits—a health benefits program exclusive to Biocom members—gives California Life Science companies of all sizes access to a and create value for our members. 100 benefits-eligible employees group health insurance plan designed to provide best-in-class benefits. Since launching in 2012, Beyond Benefits has saved Life Science companies over Our board of directors and HR who are not in the Beyond Benefits $5M in annual medical premium. Learn how you can become a member company and start saving: advisory groups have recently Trust will be reclassified as ‘small reviewed the Beyond Benefits group employers’. This will have a Trust, evaluated the alternatives in the marketplace and are tremendous impact and could potentially increase their rates by quite confident these benefits, provided by Anthem, are the best 30 to 40 percent, depending on size. available in California. The additional free services and valueThis change is tied to rules that apply to small groups, which are added resources under this trust, coupled with unmatched pricing, charged age-based rates. In other words, cost is assessed based make it the preeminent health insurance choice for any industry on the age of each employee and spouse in the group. This shift company. impacts many employers, especially life science companies that In just over two years, the trust has welcomed 160 companies, typically employ between 51 and 100, and adds another obstacle with a 99 percent retention rate, saving them $5 million in annual to offering affordable health care. medical premiums. More importantly, the trust now covers enough Our board, member advisory committees and hundreds of actively people and is large enough to withstand claim fluctuations. This participating member companies could not be more bullish on the credibility allows the trust to offer substantiated renewal rates well value of the Beyond Benefits Trust. We are confident you will see below market standards. that value continue to improve in the coming years. The Beyond Benefits Trust will again see single-digit price




Biocom LifeLines Fall 2015

Let’s talk. See how new advances in 1,536-well qPCR are enabling more biologically relevant high-throughput screening data using fully automated workflows and multiple applications with the LightCycler® 1536 System.

For access to presentations, data and a white paper, visit or text HTS to 313131 For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. LIGHTCYCLER is a trademark of Roche. The LightCycler® 1536 Multiwell Plate is manufactured under license from IT-IS International Ltd. © 2015 Roche 581-60993-0515

Roche Diagnostics Corporation 9115 Hague Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46256

COMPLEX PROBLEMS REQUIRE SOPHISTICATED SOLUTIONS. For over 160 years, VWR has been growing strong because of our unique approach to collaborating and encouraging innovation with our customers. Over time they have been challenged with finding the answers that help improve lives. Our mission is to enable this by eliminating the process complexities and identifying product and service solutions that help labs and production facilities work better, faster, and smarter. Through our global reach and knowledgeable associates, we proudly excel in delivering solutions that improve productivity, accelerate discovery, and encourage innovation.

PRODUCT CHOICE. SIMPLIFIED. VWR enables science by providing our customers the broadest range of choice in quality products, delivered by a team of people focused on your success. • Over 2 million products - offering unparalleled choice with best in class brands. • VWR collection of brands - from everyday products to specialized solutions. • Custom chemical blends - from our VWR Custom Manufacturing Services.

Together, VWR and Biocom combine our core strengths to offer total solutions that advance scientific innovation in the life sciences, providing you with substantial cost savings and service solutions to accelerate science from discovery to production. Extend your purchasing power by taking advantage of the power of the VWR-Biocom partnership, and realize a total solution platform, so you can focus on what's truly important: Science.


By Liisa Bozinovic, Executive Director, Biocom Institute

Never Stop Learning Talent…people… workforce…staff…employees: these are our industry’s most important asset. But in the fast-moving biomedical ecosystem, continuing education is key to retaining that value. At Biocom, we have provided educational and professional development opportunities since the beginning. As we celebrate our 20-year anniversary, we thought it would be fun to take a look at where graduates from some of our programs are now. Lab to Leader graduate, Niko Gubernator started as a scientist without a business background. He had questions about how to lead people. His company, eMolecules, went from three employees in 2008 to forty today. Now the company’s CEO, Gubernator attributes his success as a leader to the team at the Leadership Edge. Niko reflected, “it is unfortunate how little training scientists get.” Fortunately, this program helped him quickly learn to better relate to his employees by being more transparent. Erick Espinoza, an immigrant from Mexico who was a sophomore in high school, arrived in the United States seven months before entering the Life Sciences Summer Immersion Program (LSSI) in 2012. In Mexico, he had taken high school biology and chemistry courses, but for the first seven months in the United States, he focused on improving his English. LSSI gave Erick the opportunity to work on a project at The Scripps Research Institute, which led to a 3D image of the multi-protein complex SWR1. Understanding the active sites and functions of that protein has further implications for the medical field. The program helped Erick step out of his comfort zone. “I learned things I never thought I would before, and I not only mastered them but, gave a presentation to other scientists, parents and teachers,” said Erick. Today, he is a junior at UC Riverside, studying pre-med and doing research in astrophysics. More than one of his college essays incorporated his LSSI experience. Many veterans have said that transitioning to civilian life is more difficult than anything they ever did in the military. Amanda Gerber completed her bachelors in science after her military service. She even did some work in a lab while going to school. When she graduated, her goal was to work in a research lab and, living in San Diego, a lab in a biotech company was appealing to her. Gerber did not have enough experience for an entry-level research job until she entered the Biocom Institute’s Veteran Career Mentoring Program earlier this year. She was paired with Rich Pascoe, CEO of Apricus Biosciences and also a veteran, and accepted a program-funded internship with Silicon Biosciences. The funded internship gave Silicon an opportunity to try out Amanda as an employee without any financial risks. Amanda is

now a full-time research associate for Silicon and has had an opportunity to lead her own project, expanding her scientific knowledge. Our program gave her “the tools to learn how to network and gain meaningful employment.” The EDGE program has provided internships for one hundred participants and training opportunities in biofuels and industrial biotechnology for hundreds more. Tim Phillips got a job with Verdezyne less than ten days after finishing the program and has been promoted from process development technician I to process development technician II. Julie Kim credits the EDGE Program with jump-starting her professional development. Julie completed an internship at Sapphire Energy in 2011. “The internship itself was the most valuable aspect of the course, as it provided hands-on skills in the fast-paced biotech industry setting. My internship provided me with the experience I needed to land a job as a full-time associate scientist at a pharmaceutical company, where I continue to work after 4 years.” Julie currently works at J&J. At the Institute, we are passionate about providing access to quality programs to support both the current and future workforce. From CEOs to scientists to budding engineers, one thing we all have in common is that we should never stop learning.

Liisa Bozinovic is the Executive Director of the Biocom Institute and also heads Biocom’s HR Initiative.

Professional Development

Biocom LifeLines Fall 2015



By Sara Pagano, Managing Director, SD Festival of Science & Engineering

STEM is the New Trend You have heard the expression that pink is the new black, well in the world of research and education, STEM is the new trend. STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) is accelerating faster than we can keep up: STEM in sports, afterschool STEM, STEM pathways, cooking lessons integrating STEM concepts. The U.S. Department of Education is stressing STEM’s importance to maintain our global leadership. “In a world that’s becoming increasingly complex, where success is driven not only by what you know, but by what you can do with what you know, it’s more important than ever for our youth to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to solve tough problems, gather and evaluate evidence and make sense of information,” says the DOE’s STEM web page. “These are the types of skills that students learn by studying science, technology, engineering and math—subjects collectively known as STEM.” Why is STEM so big? Because of what it means for our future workforce. How do we keep it going for future generations? We start young and look at how technology is becoming the foundation for STEM learning. “It appears that STEM-focused learning will continue to be a top priority in education because of the growing need for a STEMready workforce,” says Tory See, community relations director at ViaSat. “Beyond the usual STEM careers, we will see technology integrated into many developing jobs, even those that ordinarily wouldn’t be considered a STEM career. With the rapid pace of jobs that are developing to support our changing world, we need to be ready to teach students in a way that will allow them to adapt to these changes. Because of this, it is imperative that industry be supportive of STEM initiatives and education. This support helps teachers to better understand where industry is currently at and headed, and enables them to prepare students who STEM career ready and builds the pipeline of the next generation of workforce.” The need for students with STEM-related core concentrations is rapidly growing. These jobs are making an economic impact in San Diego and around the world. A report from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce found that 65 percent of people with bachelor’s degrees in STEM fields earn


Biocom LifeLines Fall 2015

more than those with master’s degrees in non-STEM occupations. In fact, 47 percent of bachelor’s degrees in STEM occupations earn more than PhDs in non-STEM occupations. “Qualcomm believes that increasing the number of STEM graduates, as well as the level of diversity in the talent pipeline, is the challenge that the entire industry needs to focus on solving,” says Charles Bergan, vice president of engineering, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. “Encouraging students from elementary to high school to pursue their interests in science and engineering is one of the best ways to ensure that our technology companies can continue to innovate in an increasingly competitive world market.” We all know that San Diego offers a strong foundation for new company creation and development. The city continues to be a catalyst for emerging young innovators, showcasing that we can have it all in San Diego: go to school, conduct research, find internships and get an amazing job here to complete the circle of homegrown workforce that continues to make an economic impact. Living in an age of science and technology, STEM affects our daily lives and will continue to be the driving force behind future growth. It is crucial that children are inspired, motivated and educated in STEM. Do you want to inspire the next generation of innovator? Save the date for the 2016 San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering. EXPO Day kicks off on Saturday, March 5, followed by a stellar week of programming throughout San Diego (March 6-13, 2016). For more information or to learn more about sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities, visit Sara Pagano is the Managing Director of the San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering **Graphic: U.S. Department of Education


WE’VE BEEN BUSY: Biocom continues to provide a wide variety of opportunities for members to come together and for the Southern California region to highlight its many attributes. Featured here are a collage of photos from the September breakfast meeting, the Fire Side chat with Jay Flatley, Illumina, the Facilities 102 workshop, the BIO International Convention, BIO Japan, the AdvaMed 2015 MedTech Conference, and the Biocom Water Workshop.

Photo by J.T. MacMillan Photography


Biocom LifeLines Fall 2015

Photo by J.T. MacMillan Photography

MEMBERS IN ACTION PAC LEGISLATIVE STAFF RECEPTION & BIOCOM PAC LEGISLATORS RECEPTION : The Biocom PAC (Political Action Committee) is a non-partisan California state committee established to fundraise and make political contributions to elect candidates and promote issues that will improve the environment for business and innovation for the life science industry in Southern California. Biocom PAC contributors (individuals and corporations) enjoy a variety of benefits including admission to many Southern California political events. The Biocom PAC conducts two annual signature events, the Biocom PAC Elected Officials Reception and its Legislative Staff Appreciation Reception, which is the only event of its kind in the area.

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MEMBERS IN ACTION BIOCOM OPEN HOUSE: This year marks the 20th anniversary for Biocom, so we decided to throw a housewarming party in our new home. Attendees gathered to our new space on Thursday, October 1st for our Annual Open House and Purchasing Group Supplier Showcase, as we did an homage to #throwbackthursday and threw it way back to celebrate 20 years of success in the life science community. Attendees networked and mingled amidst 400+ of their life science colleagues, while perusing the vetted Platinum Suppliers of the Biocom Purchasing Group to learn about the valuable savings and benefits exclusively available to Biocom members.


Biocom LifeLines Fall 2015

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Percent of total GeneTests genes covered

Reveal Greater Coverage Depth in WES 60.0

Roche MedExome

Supplier A's Clinical Research Exome

50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 <90% 90-97% 97-100% 100% Percent of each GeneTests gene’s coding bases covered at ≥20X

Figure 1. With SeqCap EZ MedExome, 53% of medically relevant genes are covered at 100% (≥20X coverage) vs. 6% by Supplier A’s Clinical Research Exome. Percentage of bases covered at ≥20X for each consolidated target was determined using GATK (DepthOfCoverage), summarized by gene. Supplier A kit’s data was generated by a third-party sequencing service provider, following Supplier A’s protocol. All reads were subsampled to 60 million for assessment, then subjected to the same bioinformatics pipeline for analysis. Roche data on file.

For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. NIMBLEGEN and SEQCAP are trademarks of Roche. © 2015 Roche 581-61699-0915

Achieve greater coverage depth from less sequencing through the enhanced coverage of the new SeqCap EZ MedExome Target Enrichment Kit for whole exome sequencing (WES). Rely on a design developed to enrich the entire exome, but particularly optimized for analyzing genes of medical relevance (Figure 1) in research studies. • Focus on genomic regions that really matter For disease-associated genes, 98% of bases are covered at ≥20X depth. • Call variants with confidence Detect SNPs with 98% sensitivity and >99% specificity for SNP allele classification. • Gain greater efficiency at minimal cost Reduce sequencing cost through uniform coverage and fully supported multiplexing protocols.

Reveal more about the exome Learn more about how the SeqCap EZ MedExome Target Enrichment Kit can improve your whole exome sequencing by visiting or calling 800-262-4911.

Roche Diagnostics Corporation 9115 Hague Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46256


By Rick Fultz, Managing Director, Biocom Purchasing Group

Member Driven Evolution As Biocom celebrates our 20th year as Southern California’s premier, member-driven life science industry association, we at the Biocom Purchasing Group can’t help but reflect on how far we’ve come since our very modest beginnings. What began as a small group of life science companies coming together to negotiate terms for basic lab supplies has grown into a vehicle with global reach that now generates $120 million in member savings each year. With offerings that include lab supplies, office supplies, specialty gases, shipping, travel and health insurance, companies can find many ways to take advantage of the program. Most are saving 15 to 25 times their annual membership dues. By leveraging hundreds of millions of dollars in collective spending and providing Biocom Purchasing Group suppliers with opportunities to enhance their organizations, we can negotiate price points that consistently beat national group purchasing organizations (GPOs) like Premier, Novation, Med Assets, Core Trust and others. In addition to discounts and services, industry companies can leverage our systems and staff to assist them (free of charge) with contract compliance, due diligence, quality assurance and market assessment. Our compliance team tracks all Purchasing Group contracts and closely monitors our formal Member Feedback Program. They meet regularly with members and operate as a neutral, third-party advisor, translating feedback into solutions and building trust every step of the way. Additionally, member companies can find assistance with conflict mediation, procurement and supply chain best practices, as well as gain access to industry educational seminars and enhanced member collaboration. Our members are engaged at every level: from the committees that select and oversee our contracts to the board that steers the direction of the organization. It is this comprehensive participation that has made the Biocom Purchasing Group a trusted advisor and industry leader in life science operational success. This evolution of the Biocom Purchasing Group also comes with great responsibility. We are representing one of the most powerful and influential life science industries in the nation, and we owe it to our members to negotiate outstanding contracts with leading service providers. Biocom members are no longer satisfied with mediocre price concessions, nor will they stand for anything short of best-in- class customer service and dedicated, Biocom memberonly resources. As a result of this clout, our high-caliber request for proposal

(RFP) process has dramatically strengthened over the last few years. Our member-driven RFPs are our backbone and serve as an ongoing clearinghouse for life science industry trends. In recent years, we have leveraged this world-class combination of human capital, knowledge and combined spending to secure a first-of-its-kind life science healthcare trust, an international travel program, nationally-competitive office product and furniture contracts and a one-of-a-kind garment and cleanroom contract. In 2016, we will deliver an industry-changing lab supply contract, industrial gas contract, global shipping agreement and several other new contract areas. Increasing the depth of our due diligence has been key to our evolution as the most valued group purchasing organization in the world. We strive to better serve our membership and create the robust portfolio of savings that will lead to success for our member companies. To be a part of this exciting evolution in 2016, please contact any one of our Biocom Purchasing Group staff for more information.

Rick Fultz oversees membership and sponsorship efforts, business development opportunities, and the Biocom Purchasing Group.

Biocom LifeLines Fall 2015


PREMIUM MEMBER SPOTLIGHTS PREMIUM MEMBERS AbbVie Airgas Aldevron Alexandria Real Estate Equities Althea Arena Pharmaceuticals Bayer Healthcare Biogen Biomed Realty Trust Biospace Bridge Bank* California Manufacturing Technology Consulting Canale Communications Celgene City National Bank COI Pharmaceuticals Conatus Pharmaceuticals

Cooley LLP Deloitte DLA Piper Dowling & Yahnke* Eli Lilly Ernst & Young Evaluate Pharma Ferring Research Institute Fisher Scientific GE Healthcare Life Sciences Genoptix Hologic J-Labs Jones Day KPBS KPMG Latham & Watkins Mallinckrodt Plc

Mentus Merck Research Laboratories of San Diego Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo NuVasive Office Depot Pfizer Prometheus Laboratories PwC Thermo Fisher Scientific Unisource Solutions VWR International Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati

* New Members from May 2015 to October 2015 Name: Tracy Murphy Job title: Regional Vice President, San Diego Favorite movie: Old School Favorite books: Winning by Jack Welch Favorite quote: “Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” – Vince Lombardi Favorite TV show: CBS Sunday Morning Favorite restaurant or meal: Qero, Encinitas Favorite city: US: Chicago EU: Amsterdam Favorite actor/actress: Matt Damon/Christina Applegate Favorite thing to do on the weekends: any sport with my boys What CD can we find in your car: Kygo Favorite hobby: Painting


Biocom LifeLines Fall 2015

Favorite website: OfficeSnapShots Favorite spot in Southern California: Pony Room @ Rancho Valencia First job: Pre-College – Art Gallery, Post-College -Marketing Director BRE Commercial (recently acquired by Cushman Wakefield) Favorite part of your job: Strategy of Repositioning Assets If you could have another career, what would it be: Interior Designer Why did you start working in your industry: Through real estate specific to the life science industry, I felt like I could support the brightest minds pursuing change in the most important causes.

Abzena expands into Southern California The Abzena group has undergone a significant transformation in the past few years following the acquisition of Antitope in 2013 and PacificGMP in 2015. Bringing together these companies allows Abzena to support customer’s projects seamlessly from lead selection through to GMP manufacturing for clinical trials.

San Diego, USA

Now enabling better biopharmaceuticals from more locations. GMP manufacturing that specializes in single-use technology for the production of biopharmaceuticals for Phase I and Phase II clinical trials Process development focuses on improving yield at each stage of development by optimizing each step in the process

Coventry, UK R&D site for developing and synthesising conjugation and PEGylation reagents PolyPEG™ a low viscosity polymer to make it easier to manufacture and inject long-acting therapeutic proteins

Cambridge, UK iTope and TCED™ to identify T cell epitopes using a proprietary database and algorithm

Biosimilar cell line development in CHO, NS0 and SP2/0 including enhanced PQA

EpiScreen™ for ex vivo assessment of the immunogenicity of biopharmaceuticals

ThioBridge™ for the generation of more homogeneous antibody drug conjugates

Composite Human Antibody™ technology to humanise and deimmunise antibodies

TheraPEG™, CyPEG™ and HiPEG™ for linking polymers to therapeutic proteins to extend their duration of action

Composite Protein™ technology for deimmunisation of therapeutic proteins Composite CHO™ to produce high expressing cell lines for manufacture

Start your project today. Visit

PREMIUM MEMBER SPOTLIGHTS Your Name: Rob Lake Job title: SVP, Head of Life Sciences Favorite movie: TRemember the Titans Favorite book: Tuxedo Park by Jennet Conant Favorite quote: “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” – Nelson Mandela Favorite TV show: Seinfeld Favorite restaurant or meal: Gramercy Tavern in NYC Favorite city: Chicago, IL (during the summer) and San Diego, CA (all other times) Favorite actor/actress: Robert De Niro / Gwyneth Paltrow Favorite thing to do on the weekends: Spend time with family (my wife, 4-year old boy, and 6-month old girl) & friends What CD can we find in your car: Hullabaloo (I lost control of the music selection a couple of years ago.) Favorite hobby: Home improvement Favorite website:

Favorite spot in Southern California: Del Mar Beach First job: Weekend shift at White Castle Favorite part of your job: Coming up with creative solutions to help people solve complicated problems. If you could have another career, what would it be: Medical Doctor Why did you start working in your industry: It was intriguing to be able to apply my skills in commercial finance to the life sciences sector. For me personally, doing what I do is not only a job and a career, it’s philanthropic. It feels good to be able to help life sciences companies with their financial needs in a concerted effort to save and improve peoples’ lives.


discoveries start


ASCB 2015 is your direct line to the most innovative and exciting research being done in basic cell biology today. Our researchers—the top minds in life sciences—are moving the needle in biophysics, neuroscience, cancer biology, immunology, synthetic biology, and bioinformatics. Use this extraordinary opportunity to connect with those on the cutting edge of applied discovery. The best patents come from the best basic research. The best basic research will be presented at ASCB 2015. We want to see you at our meeting, so we’re being flexible! New this year, ASCB is offering one-day registration, to better accommodate your schedule. It’s more convenient and inexpensive than ever to participate in our meeting!


@ascbiology #ascb15


PREMIUM MEMBER SPOTLIGHTS Name: Brett Pernicano Job title: Portfolio Manager Favorite movie: The Boondock Saints Favorite books: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Favorite quote: “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and only five minutes to ruin it” – Warren Buffett Favorite TV show: Not big on shows but love ESPN “30 for 30” Favorite restaurant or meal: I have to stick with my family roots on this one. Pernicanos Pizza. Favorite city: Born and raised in America’s Finest City San Diego Favorite actor/actress: Jack Nicholson Favorite thing to do on the weekends: Assuming I have the time, I love to play beach volleyball What CD can we find in your car: Who owns CD’s (compact discs) anymore? Favorite hobby: Golf would definitely be at the top of the list Favorite website: The Wall Street Journal ( Favorite spot in Southern California: Any beach from San Diego north to Santa Barbara First job: I had the distinguished pleasure of working as a driving range assistant at The Meadows Del Mar Golf Course (aka The Grand Del Mar) Favorite part of your job: The ah-ha moment in a client meeting where the portrait I paint for my clients is actually seen. If you could have another career, what would it be: A surgeon. Since I was a kid I have always wanted to get into the medical field. Why did you start working in your industry: Once I purchased my first mutual fund at the age of 16 I knew I was hooked. When I found a profession I could help people while working with investments it was a perfect match. Name: Charles McWilliams Job title: Vice President, Strategic Alliances Favorite movie: It’s hard to pick one. When I very young I would have said “Star Wars” Favorite books: TI don’t think that I have one, but I enjoyed almost all of Michael Chrichton’s books Favorite quote: Persistence from Calvin Coolidge “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan Press On! has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” Favorite TV show: I really don’t watch TV, but I recently watched, and really loved Band of Brothers Favorite restaurant or meal: Wahoo’s Fish Tacos Favorite city: Rome Favorite actor/actress: John Wayne Favorite thing to do on the weekends: A day at the beach with family and friends What CD can we find in your car: I don’t have CD’s but have a wide music taste that ranges from current top hits to hip hop. Anything but country. Favorite hobby: Do people listed to CDs any more? I listen to Pandora, and it’s based on my mood Favorite website: Netflix Favorite spot in Southern California: Abalone cove First job: Courtesy Clerk in Grocery Store Favorite part of your job: Working with great people If you could have another career, what would it be: I had always wanted to be an Astronaut. It seems far fetched, but if I could could do one thing that would still be it. Why did you start working in your industry: I set out intending to work in a tech company, but I found something much better in the LifeSciences!

BIOCOM SPOTLIGHT Name: Melanie Nally Job title: Associate Director of Local Government & Regulatory Affairs Favorite movie: Amelie Favorite books: The Fountainhead Favorite quote: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” - Steve Jobs, 2005 Stanford Commencement Address Favorite TV show: Sons of Anarchy Favorite restaurant or meal: Urban Solace Favorite city: Paris Favorite actor/actress: Edward Norton/Keira Knightley

Favorite thing to do on the weekends: Explore new restaurants and breweries What CD can we find in your car: Ray LaMontagne Favorite hobby: Traveling Favorite website: Favorite spot in Southern California: North Park First job: Taco Bell Favorite part of your job: Working hands-on with elected officials and regulators to create policies that positively impact our members. If you could have another career, what would it be: Fashion buyer Why did you start working in your industry: I was introduced to Biocom by Jimmy Jackson in 2005 and have wanted to work for him ever since (seriously!). I was working for an elected official at the time, and was drawn to the industry because of everything it does to alleviate disease and advance medical care.

Biocom LifeLines Fall 2015


BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: CHAIR: Theodore Schroeder* VICE CHAIR: Carin Canale-Theakston, Canale Communications* CHAIR ELECT: Daniel Burgess* VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL: Lisa Haile, Ph.D., DLA Piper* VICE PRESIDENT – FINANCE: Daniel Kleeburg, Ernst & Young* VICE PRESIDENT – INDUSTRY: Christophe Schilling, Ph.D., Genomatica, Inc.* VICE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY: Brent D. Jacobs, Cushman & Wakefield* CHAIR EMERITUS: Magda Marquet, Ph.D., Althea (A member of the Ajinomoto Group)* PRESIDENT & CEO: Joe Panetta, Biocom* Vincent Anido, Ph.D., Aerie Pharmaceuticals Steven Bartz, Ph.D., Merck & Company Scott Biel, Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky & Popeo Michael Boyd, AbbVie Michael Brown, Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth Terrance J. Bruggeman Carol Cox, NuVasive John M. Dunn Stephen Ferruolo, J.D., Ph.D., USD School of Law* Oliver Fetzer, Ph.D., Synthetic Genomics M. Wainwright Fishburn, Jr., Cooley LLP* Don Fitzgerald, Genentech Jack Florio Gregory Fond, Sanofi Global R&D Gregory Frost Carol Gallagher Jeffrey W. Guise, Ph.D., Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati Richard Heyman, Ph.D. Elliot Hirshman, Ph.D., San Diego State University Matthew Hudes, Deloitte LLP Guy J. Iannuzzi, Mentus Gerald Joyce, M.D., Ph.D., Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation David Kabakoff, Ph.D., Sofinnova Ventures Katherine Kantardjieff, Ph.D., California State University San Marcos Paul Laikind, Ph.D., ViaCyte Jacob Levin, Ph.D., UC Irvine James Levine, Sapphire Energy* Jack Lief* John Lister, Dexcom

Damien McDevitt, Ph.D., GlaxoSmithKline Steven Mento, Ph.D., Conatus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.* William Molloie, PwC Tracy Murphy, Biomed Realty Trust Paul Negulescu, Ph.D., Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.* Perry Nisen, M.D., Ph.D., Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute Brian O’Callaghan Kenneth Polin, Jones Day Trindl Reeves, Barney & Barney LLC* Gregory Reyes, M.D., Ph.D., Celgene Dan Ryan, Alexandria Real Estate Equities Camille Saltman, Malama Composites, Inc. James Schaeffer, Ph.D., Calibr* Timothy Scott, Pharmatek* Bhasker Shetty, Ph.D., Pfizer La Jolla Larry Stambaugh, Kalos Therapeutics* Mark Stevenson, Thermo Fisher Scientific* Tsuneo Takahashi, NF Corporation Scott N. Wolfe, Latham & Watkins LIFE DIRECTOR: Kennon W. Baldwin, Ferguson Pape Baldwin Architects* David Hale, Hale BioPharma Ventures* Tina Nova, Ph.D., Molecular Stethoscope Biocom Board Members-Ex-Officio: Sandra Brown, Ph.D., UCSD Mark Cafferty, San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation Constance Carroll, Ph.D., San Diego Community College District Scott Lippman, MD, Moores Cancer Center, UCSD Greg McKee, CONNECT Peter Preuss, The Preuss Foundation Jerry Sanders, San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce David Webb, Ph.D., Scripps Research Institute *Executive Committee Member

COMMITTEE LEADERSHIP BIG DATA Larry Smarr, Cal(IT)2 Biocom Institute Board Committee* Steven J. Mento, Ph.D., Conatus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Capital Development Committee* Carin Canale-Theakston, Canale Communications David Kabakoff, Ph.D., Sofinnova Ventures CRO Committee Timothy Scott, Pharmatek Environmental, Health and Safety Committee Cliff Hanna Dan Shiel, Pfizer La Jolla Facilities Committee Andy Darragh, Ferguson Pape Baldwin Architects Brent D. Jacobs, Cushman & Wakefield


Biocom LifeLines Fall 2015

FDA Committee Magda Marquet, Ph.D., Althea (A member of the Ajinomoto Group) Michele Yelmene Intellectual Property and Patent Law Committee Daniel Hart, Knobbe Martens Olson & Bear LLP Michael Mueller, Conatus Pharmaceuticals International Committee Kenneth Polin, Jones Day Legislative Committee Richard Ledford April Grant, Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Medical Device Committee Mike Oliver, Spectra Science Joleen Schultz, Rady School of Management, UCSD

Digital Health Committee Apurv Kamath, Dexcom Public Policy Oversight Committee* Larry Stambaugh, Kalos Therapeutics Paul Laikind, ViaCyte Purchasing Board Committee* Jack Lief Veterans Committee Josh Vosovic *Board Level Committees


Bridge Bank* California Manufacturing Technology Consulting Canale Communications Celgene City National Bank COI Pharmaceuticals Conatus Pharmaceuticals Cooley LLP Deloitte DLA Piper

Dowling & Yahnke* Eli Lilly Ernst & Young Evaluate Pharma Ferring Research Institute Fisher Scientific GE Healthcare Life Sciences Genoptix Hologic J-Labs Jones Day

KPBS KPMG Latham & Watkins Mallinckrodt Plc Mentus Merck Research Laboratories of San Diego Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo NuVasive Office Depot

Pfizer Prometheus Laboratories PwC Thermo Fisher Scientific Unisource Solutions VWR International Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati

3-V Biosciences* Abcore Abgent Abide Therapeutics Abilita Bio Abwiz Bio ACADIA Pharmaceuticals ActivX Biosciences Advanced BioMatrix Advanced Targeting Systems Aerie Pharmaceuticals Agena Bioscience Aimmune Therapeutics* Ajinomoto Pharmaceuticals AM Chemicals Ambryx Biotechnology Amgen Amicrobe Amplyx Pharmaceuticals AnaptysBio Animal Cell Therapies* Ansun Biopharma Apricus Biosciences Aptose Biosciences* Aratome* Arcturus Therapeutics Arcus Bioscience* Ardea Biosciences Armetheon* Arrayomics Arytha Biosciences Asahi Kasei Pharma* Astellas Pharma aTyr Pharma Auspex Pharmaceuticals Avantgen Avelas Avidity NanoMedicines Aviva Biosciences Bachem Americas BASF Beloteca* BioLegend Biomatrica Biomyx BioNano Genomics Bionomics Bio Options BioSpyder Technologies BioWa Boehringer-Ingelheim Curtana Pharmaceuticals

CalciMedica CannaVest Corporation Cell Applications Celladon Cellana Center for Aquaculture Technologies Channel Medsystems* Chubu Technology Licensing Office Cibus Cidara Therapeutics Coda Therapeutics Conju-Probe Contract Biotics Cosmederm Bioscience Crinetics Pharmaceuticals Cypher Genomics CytomX Therapeutics* Dart Neuroscience Definiens Dermata Therapeutics* Diomics Corporation DNA Link USA DNAtrix DSM Food Specialties E&B Technologies Edico Genome eFFECTOR Therapeutics Elcelyx Therapeutics Electronic BioSciences eMolecules Epeius Biotechnologies Epitracker* Equitech Bio Eton Bioscience Fabrus Fate Therapeutics Forge Therapeutics Genelux Corporation Genentech Genlantis Genoa Pharmaceuticals Genomatica Genovo Corporation GenSignia Life Sciences GigaGen GlaxoSmithKline Global Medical & Research Technologies GWR Instruments Halozyme Therapeutics Helix* Heron Therapeutics*

Histogen Human Longevity Huya Bioscience International IDEXX BioResearch Illumina Imprimis Pharmaceuticals Inception Sciences Indi Molecular Inhibrx InnoPep Innovative Cell Technologies Innovus Pharmaceuticals Inovio Pharmaceuticals Integrated DNA Technologies Intercept Pharmaceuticals International Stem Cell Intrexon Corporation Intrinsic LifeSciences Invetech InvivoGen IRBCo. ISIS Pharmaceuticals J-Oil Mills JSR Micro Kalos Therapeutics Kalyra Pharmaceuticals Koltan Pharmaceuticals Kura Oncology Kyowa Hakko Kirin California La Jolla Biologics La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company Ligand Pharmaceuticals Laguna Pharmaceuticals* Leading Biosciences* Lion Biotechnologies* Lpath Lumena Pharmaceuticals MabVax Therapeutics Malama Composites Mast Therapeutics MDRejuvena MEI Pharma Meiji Seika Pharma Metacrine* Mirati Therapeutics Molecular Stethoscope* Monsanto MultiVir Nagano Science USA* Nautilus Environmental Neothetics NeuroGenetic Pharmaceuticals

NF Techno Commerce Nitto Denko Technical Novartis Pharmaceuticals Novo Nordisk Nucelis OBI Pharma USA Ocera Therapeutics Ohr Pharmaceuticals Optimum Therapeutics Orexigen Therapeutics OrPro Therapeutics Otonomy Oxford Bio Therapeutics* Pacira Pharmaceuticals Panmira Pharmaceuticals Patara Pharma Pathway Genomics PersImmune Pfenex PharmAkea Polaris Group Polynoma PolyPeptide Group Poseida Therapeutics Predictive Biology PrimeGen Biotech Primordial Genetics Prognosys Biosciences ProSci QED Bioscience Quanticel Pharmaceuticals Receptos Regulus Therapeutics REKA Health Rempex Pharmaceuticals Renova Therapeutics Ribomed Biotechnologies Ridgeline Engineering RIFT Biotherapeutics* Roche Applied Science Rohto Pharmaceutical RQX Pharmaceuticals RuiYi Sapphire Energy Samumed Samsara Sciences Sanofi Scilex Pharmaceuticals* Scripps Laboratories Senior Scientific Senju USA Senomyx

SentĂŠ Seragon Pharmaceuticals SGB Silicon Biosystems Sirenas Marine Discovery Solstice Biologics SomaLogic Sophiris Bio Sorrento Therapeutics SOVA Pharmaceuticals Sparsha Pharma USA Stemedica Cell Technologies StemImmune StemoniX* StemProtein* Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Synthetic Genomics Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A. Tanabe Research Laboratories Tarere Therapeutics* TEGA Therapeutics Tenova Pharmaceuticals Thesan Pharmaceuticals Tocagen Tonbo Biosciences TP Therapeutics Tracon Pharmaceuticals Tragara Pharmaceuticals Triphase Accelerator Triton Health & Nutrition UCB US Specialty Labs Vantari Genetics Vaxiion Therapeutics Verdezyne Vertex Pharmaceuticals Vet-Stem ViaCyte Vical Viking Therapeutics Visionary Pharmaceuticals Vital Therapies Wellspring Biosciences Wildcat Discovery Technologies World Fusion US Xencor Yokogawa Electric*

AbbVie Airgas Aldevron Alexandria Real Estate Equities Althea Arena Pharmaceuticals Bayer Healthcare Biogen Biomed Realty Trust Biospace

* New Members from May 2015 to October 2015

Biocom LifeLines Fall 2015



Bavarian Nordic* Behavioral Pharma Bend Research BioAtla BioBlocks* Bioserv Corporation BTS Research CalChem Synthesis Cassia Cato Research Champions Oncology* Charles River Laboratories ChemDiv ChemPartner* Cleave Biosciences* Clintec International* Combi-Blocks Concortis Biosystems Crown Bioscience San Diego Cytelligen Davos Chemical

DD Studio Drug Delivery Experts eStudySite Evotec* Exon BioSystems Explora BioLabs Formex Genea Biocells* Global Blood Therapeutics* GRAM Laboratories Hamari Chemical San Diego Research Center HD Biosciences Huntingdon Life Sciences IMS Health Integrium Clinical Research inVentiv Health Clinical IriSys iXCells Biotechnologies USA JadeBio KaloBios Pharmaceuticals*

Mediconomics MicroConstants Molecular Response MPI Research MS Clinical Services* My Chem LLC Neuroservice Neuro-Sys Outerspace Design Group Pacific Rim Pathology* PacificGMP PharPoint Research PharmaDirections Pharmatek Laboratories PrimaPharm Profil Institute for Clinical Research PSI CRO Puracyp Quadrants Scientific Reveal Biosciences Rho

Robarts Clinical Trials Roowin SAFC Pharma Sherpa Clinical Packaging Spaulding Clinical Research Starfish Medical SynteractHCR Therapeutics, Inc. Tioga Research Toxikon Triligent International Ultimate Labs VIRAPUR Wax-It Histology Services WuXi AppTec Zensun USA Zyagen


Cell Idx CeloNova BioSciences Celula Cliniqa Corporation ClinMet CombiMatrix Compellon Critical Diagnostics CTK Biotech CVAC Systems Cytori Therapeutics DermTech International DexCom Diagnostic Consulting Network Dorsa Vi USA Ellipse Technologies Emerge Diagnostics Endologix Enigma Diagnostics Entra Health Epic Sciences Epitope Diagnostics Fallbrook Engineering

FemCap Fortimedix USA Freedom Meditech GenomeDx Biosciences GenWay Biotech GIMDx Glaukos Corporation Glysens Hitachi Chemical Research Center Hygeia Medical Ichor Medical Systems Ignyta ImpediMed ImThera Medical Inari Medical Inceptus Medical INOVA Diagnostics Interpreta Interventional Spine InVision Biomedical Group Invivoscribe Technologies Ionian Technologies Ivantis

KFx Medical Lumira* MARDX Diagnostics Medipacs Micell Technologies Millennium Health Nano Imaging Services Nanomedical Diagnostics NuFACE Omniome OncoSec Medical Organovo Parallel 6 Pediatric Bioscience Prometheus Laboratories Qualigen Quidel Quinn Medical ReCor Medical* ReShape Medical REVA Medical ReVision Optics Roka Bioscience

SeaSpine Orthopedics* Sequenom Sequent Medical Sienna Labs Signal Genetics* Sirigen Solekai Systems* Sonendo SpectraScience Spinal Elements Suneva Medical Tandem Diabetes Targeson TherOx Tristan Technologies Trovagene Uptake Medical Vention Medical* Yulex


Human BioMolecular Research Institute Institute of Engineering in Medicine ISM San Diego J. Craig Venter Institute Kaiser Permanente La Jolla Bioengineering Institute La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute MiraCosta College Biotech Program Mt. San Jacinto College PhRMA Point Loma Nazarene University PRISM* Rady School of Management, UCSD

Salk Institute For Biological Studies San Diego Biomedical Research Institute San Diego Blood Bank San Diego Clinical and Translational Research Institute, UCSD San Diego Community College District San Diego County Water Authority* San Diego Employers Association San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce San Diego Regional Economic Development Corp. San Diego Supercomputer Center (UCSD) San Diego Workforce Partnership Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute Scottish Development International

Scripps Health Scripps Research Institute The BioIndustry Association The Lowy Medical Research Institute (LMRI) Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies UC San Diego Extension UCI’s Office of Research UCSD, Department of Bioengineering UCSD School of Medicine UCSD, Technology Transfer Office UK Trade & Investment University of San Diego


3DT Holdings Abbiotec ABL Absorption Systems Accelagen Accugent Laboratories Acurian Advantar Laboratories Advin Biotech* Agility Clinical Alkahest* Alliance Protein Laboratories A&M Biomedical American Peptide Company AnaBios Animantis Annova Chem ARIANNE Atheln

Acon Laboratories Aethlon Medical Alphatec Spine AltheaDx Amydis Diagnostics Applied Proteomics Astute Medical Axonics Modulation Technologies Banyan Biomarkers BeneChill Biocept BioDx Biological Dynamics Biomerica Biospacific* bioTheranostics Bio Trace Medical* Breathe Technologies Bruin Biometrics Burl Concepts*

American Cancer Society, Border Sierra Region Battelle Calibr California Baptist University, College of Engineering California Medical Innovations Institute California State University, Fullerton* California State University, San Marcos Case Western Reserve, School of Engineering CIRM City Of Murietta CONNECT Consulate Of Canada CSU, CSUPERB Program


Biocom LifeLines Fall 2015

Antoinette Azevedo Bernard King Carol Gallagher Decky Goodrich* Donna Janson Elliot Parks Gary Friedman John Kavanagh Julie Ames Mike Van Horn* Peter Preuss Richard Ledford Stan Kim Tom Murphy*

KEY PROVIDER Barney & Barney Cushman & Wakefield Foley & Lardner* Qualcomm San Diego Gas & Electric


2Connect Accelrys AER Travel AIS Data Centers Alexander’s Mobility Services Alliant Insurance AMN Healthcare Assay Depot Bank of America Beckloff Associates Bente Hansen & Associates Bionest Partners BioSurplus Biotech Primer Biotech Vending Biotechnical Services* BioTix Blue Sky Broadcast

Brizzey Caliber Associates California Commercial Security Cambridge Research Biochemicals CBRE Central Pharma Contract Packaging Chubb Group of Insurance Companies Clinigen Healthcare Coastal Payroll Services Controlled Contamination Services Corning CORT* Cox Business CryoPort* CSM* Cymer Domain Associates DPR Construction* Elsevier EquipNet Euretos Ferguson Pape Baldwin Architects Fisher & Phillips Forward Ventures Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy French Biobeach Frequentz Grande Colonial

Green Charge Networks Gunderson Dettmer Hartl Team- Private Banking & Investment Group- Merrill Lynch Haworth HCP Life Science Estates H.G. Fenton Company Hyatt Regency La Jolla at Aventine Innovative Lease Services J.T. MacMillan Photography Jackson & Blanc HVAC Contractors Jones Lang LaSalle Kilroy Realty Knobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear Leadership Edge Legacy Partners Commercial Leverage Concierge* Life Science IT Lonza AG Managed Laboratory Services Managed Solution Mayer Hoffman McCann McKenna Long & Aldridge Medline Industries Michael Ehrenfeld Company* Morrison & Foerster Newhoff Healthcare Communications Objective Capital Partners*

Occupational Services Orion International Patent Office Oxford Finance Pharmour PR Newswire Prevost Construction Procopio, Cory, Hargreaves & Savitch Project Management Advisors Prudential Cleanroom Services* Retirement DNA Sartorius Savills Studley SecureDocs* Scient Federal Credit Union Sharp Business Systems Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton Shred San Diego Signature Analytics Silicon Valley Bank Sofinnova Ventures Sonceboz Corporation Speid & Associates Springer Science & Business Media* Square 1 Bank Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth Surplus Solutions Technical Safety Services The HealthEd Group

Thomas, McNerney & Partners Time Warner Cable TriNet* Troutman Sanders* TUV SUD America* Unanet Unifirst United Parcel Service (UPS) Vault Bioventures VDP Direct Veolia WCCT Global

* New Members from May 2015 to October 2015

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