Infected Employee Actions Flowchart-March 25

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Possible Employee Infection Actions Standard Operating Guidance

Employee contacts Healthcare Provider

Employee Self Isolates

Healthcare Provider Conducts Assessment

Is Employee possible COVID19

Remove the employee from the workplace, advise to follow medical direction

Perform Risk assessment in accordance with CDC guidelines.


Interim US Guidance for Risk Assessment and Public Health Management of Persons with Potential Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Exposures: Geographic Risk and Contacts of Laboratory-confirmed Cases

Employee is identified with Symptoms of COVID-19

Is Employee Sick Exposures apply to 14 days prior to assessment

Immediately close the facility or facilities or isolate equipment the employee had exposed for the past 5 days.


Manager/Supervisor Actions (Training to Follow)


Deep clean the impacted locations and equipment

Return to normal service


Healthcare Provider Tests or refers to County Health for Test

Healthcare Provider Contacts Local Public Health?

Employee Tests Positive


Employee Self Isolates


Employee Recovers

Inform fellow employees of their possible exposure maintaining confidentiality

Communicate with employee base while maintain confidentiality

Identify any other employees the infected employee had exposed in the workplace.

No Identifiable Risk interaction within close quarters, walking by, briefly in same room

Low Risk Being in same indoor environment for prolonged period without close contact (office cubicle)

Employee able to continue current work routine

Evaluate with EH&S, HR

Healthcare Provider provides return to work (Only if Provider Agrees)

Medium Risk Close contact working for long period of time, in same space close space (same vehicle, cab) consistently using recommended CDC precautions

High Risk same as medium risk without consistently using recommended CDC precautions


HR Informed of Results

Evaluation Satisfied

More Needed

Participants in this team needs to be determined

Final Process to be coordinated with Utility, Healthcare Provider and Local Health Department

Evaluate with Larger Assessment Team, internal and external partners

Employee able to continue current work routine Evaluation Satisfied Increase Social Distancing at work, in work environment

Increase assessment of employee

Continue working in the workspace, with additional assessment, until they show signs and symptoms

Employee Self Isolates



Healthcare Provider



CNTY Health





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