Writing improvement through Digital Storytelling Wendy Honey Núñez Rodríguez Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa, UQROO Cozumel Introduction
Digital storytelling in the foreign language classroom
Writing in a second language is a frustrating and complicated process which involves a number of mental processes such as planning brainstorming which are related to large amounts of language knowledge, including grammatical rules and vocabulary . The present study aims at analyzing the effect that a new strategy named Digital Storytelling (DST) has on the improvement of writing abilities in English as foreign language.
What is Digital storytelling (DST)? Digital storytelling is a strategy that combines shortlength ( around 2-10 minutes) personal narratives with a variety of digital multimedia, such as images, audio, and video.
• According to Ya-Ting C. Yang and Wan-Chi I. Wu (2011) several studies have shown that DST goes beyond the capabilities of traditional storytelling by generating student interest, concentration, and motivation, facilitating student collaboration and organization of ideas, helping students to comprehend complex learning content, and presenting knowledge in an adaptive and meaningful manner. The results of their study suggest that DST leads to the improvement of their written proficiency •For Robin students who participate in the creation of digital stories may develop enhanced communications skills by learning to organize their ideas, ask questions, express opinions, and construct narratives. It also can help students as they learn to create stories for an audience, and present their ideas and knowledge in an individual and meaningful way. Finally he points out that DST promotes interest, attention and motivation for "digital generation" students. •A study carried out by Gregori Signes (2008b) revealed that learners were comfortable with DTS and developed inner reflection skills about their own learning. • Reinders (2011) claims that the use of DST, promotes retention, improves students’ motivation, and create opportunities for fun and rewarding speaking and writing practice. •Reyes et al.’s (2012) study shows that the use of DST within a didactic sequence helped students to improve the use of complex linguistic structures.
Didactic sequence and procedure
Participants Twenty intermediate students of English as a foreign language enrolled at the University of Quintana Roo.
Theories that support the use of Digital storytelling in the language classroom •Socio-cultural theory : more closely related to the principles of the zone of proximal development and mediation.
Material We will videotape four-session workshops adapted from Reyes et al.(2012) where students will be familiarized with the storytelling process and the use of a tool named “Storbird”.
•Multiple intelligences: This because is a valuable product in one cultural context or in a specific community that involves four of the nine different intelligences.
References Gregori Signes, C. (2008b).Practical uses of digital storytelling Retrieved from : http://www.uv.es/gregoric/DIGITALSTORYTELLING/DS_files/DST_15 _ene_08_final.pdf Reinders , H(2011,April). Digital storytelling in the foreign language classroom. ELTWorldOnline.com. London, UK. Retrieved from : http://blog.nus.edu.sg/eltwo/2011/04/12/digital-storytelling-in-theforeign-language-classroom/ Reyes Torres, A., Pich Ponce, E., & Garcia Pastor (2012, December). Digital storytelling as a pedagogical tool within a didactic sequence in foreign language teaching. Digital education review,22,1-18. (ERIC Document No. EJ996780) Robin, B. (2013) Educational uses of digital storytelling. University of Huston. Retrieved from : http://digitalstorytelling.coe.uh.edu/page.cfm?id=27&cid=27&sublinkid =30 Ya-Ting C. Yang and Wan-Chi I. Wu (2012). Digital storytelling for enhancing student academic achievement, critical thinking, and learning motivation: A year-long experimental study. Computers and Education, 59(2), 339-352.
To analyze storyboards and scripts, a checklist will be used.
Checklist 1 taken from Reyes et al., (2012).
Acknowledgements Special thanks to Dr. Gabriella Casillas Navarro for her patience and invaluable help in this project.
We predict that the use of DST will result in a clear improvement in writing quality.
Contact: wehonuro_777@msn.com