ISSN 1862-5258
03 | 2009 Highlights: Material Combinations |12 Rigid Packaging | 16
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Vol. 4
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Basics: Show Preview | 21
Basics of PHA | 36
Plastics For Your Future
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dear readers Great events often generate great anticipation, and NPE, the International Plastics Showcase in Chicago in mid June, is no exception. Despite the current economic situation more than 1, 00 exhibitors will present their portfolios to an expected ,000 plastics experts from more than 120 countries. There will also be about 1,000 conference presentations to round off this event. Of course bioplastics will definitely be a feature of the show. Exhibitors will present products or services related to plastics from renewable resources or biodegradable plastics at more than 40 booths. bioplastics MAGAZINE has prepared a comprehensive show preview, including a show floor map, which can be found in the centre of this issue. Another editorial focus in this issue is ‘Material Combinations‘. For a number of applications the use of a single bioplastic material may not offer sufficient properties in terms of performance. However, significantly improved properties can be achieved by a combination with other bioplastics, natural fibres or – if needed – conventional plastics. We also have a focus on ‘Rigid Packaging‘, which not only covers cups and clamshells but also, for instance, foamed packaging. As you read this magazine, and also the last few issues of bioplastics you may have the impression that it is always ‘the usual suspects‘ contributing editorial articles. We are of course very grateful for these informative contributions, but we also earnestly invite all producers of raw materials, semi-finished products, final products or services to contribute to the editorial content of bioplastics MAGAZINE. This is a communications medium for the whole bioplastics industry, their customers and other interested parties and we are keen to represent the views of all of our readers. Contributions can be as simple as a letter to the editor, be it about the oxo-discussion, end-oflife scenarios, the bioplastics vs food debate, or whatever.
I hope you enjoy reading this issue of bioplastics MAGAZINE and look forward to your comments, opinions or contributions.
Courtesy Uhde Inventa-F Yours,
Michael Thielen
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
2nd PLA Bottle Conference 1
NPE Preview 21
Flexible Bio-foams 1
Thermal Cooler Box 18
Lifecycle Advantages of PLA over rPET
More than Cups ...
Editorial contributions are always welcome. Please contact the editorial office via
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bioplastics MAGAZINE tries to use British spelling. However, in articles based on information from the USA, American spelling may also be used.
The fact that product names may not be identified in our editorial as trade marks is not an indication that such names are not registered trade marks.
Blends of PHBV With other Polymers
Not to be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher.
bioplastics MAGAZINE is read in 85 countries.
Extrusion Coating or Laminating
bioplastics MAGAZINE is printed on chlorine-free FSC certified paper.
Material Combinations
bioplastics magazine is published 6 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (149 Euro for 6 issues).
bioplastics MAGAZINE ISSN 18 2- 2 8
Tรถlkes Druck + Medien GmbH Hรถffgeshofweg 12 47807 Krefeld, Germany Total Print run: 5,500 copies
From Punk to Evergreen
Elke Schulte, Katrin Stein phone: +49(0)2359-2996-0 fax: +49(0)2359-2996-10
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Courtesy Uhde Inventa-Fischer
Cover Photo:
Mark Speckenbach, Jรถrg Neufert
Samuel Brangenberg
Dr. Michael Thielen
Publisher / Editorial
Impressum Content
03|2009 From Science & Research
Novel Bioplastic Blends and Nanocomposites 32
Carrot Steering Wheel and Chocolate Biodiesel 34
Event Preview
Rigid Packaging
Coca-Cola Introduces Bottle Made From Renewable, PlantBased, Recyclable Plastic A few days before publication of this issue of bioplastics MAGAZINE the Coca-Cola Company unveiled a new plastic bottle made partially (up to 30%) from plants. The ‘PlantBottle™’ is fully recyclable, has a lower reliance on a non-renewable resource, and reduces carbon emissions, compared with petroleum-based PET plastic bottles. “The ‘PlantBottle‘ is a significant development in sustainable packaging innovation,“ said Muhtar Kent, Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company. “It builds on our legacy of environmental ingenuity and sets the course for us to realize our vision to eventually introduce bottles made with materials that are 100 percent recyclable and renewable.“ The new bottle is currently made through an innovative process that turns sugar cane and molasses, a byproduct of sugar production, into a key component for PET plastic. Coca-Cola is also exploring the use of other plant materials for future generations of the ‘PlantBottle’. Manufacturing the new plastic bottle is more environmentally efficient as well. A life-cycle analysis conducted by Imperial College London indicates the ‘PlantBottle’ with 30 percent plant-base material reduces carbon emissions by up to 2 percent, compared with petroleum-based PET. Another advantage to the ‘PlantBottle’ is that, unlike other plant-based plastics, it can be processed through existing manufacturing and recycling facilities without contaminating traditional PET. So, the material in the ‘PlantBottle’ can be used, recycled and reused again and again. Coca-Cola North America will pilot the ‘PlantBottle’ with Dasani and sparkling brands in select markets later this year and with vitaminwater in 2010. bioplastics MAGAZINE is planning a more comprehensive report for the next issue which - among other topics - will feature a special editorial focus on bottles.
Order now!
New Book!
Hans-Josef Endres, Andrea Siebert-Raths Technische Biopolymere
Rahmenbedingungen, Marktsituation, Herstellung, Aufbau und Eigenschaften 628 Seiten, Hardcover
Engineering Biopolymers
General conditions, market situation, production, structure and properties number of pages t.b.d., hardcover, coming soon.
This new book is available now. It is written in German , an English version is in preparation and coming soon. An e-book is included in the package. (Mehr deutschsprachige Info unter The new book offers a broad basis of information from a plastics processing point of view. This includes comprehensive descriptions of the biopolymer market, the different materials and suppliers as well as production-, processing-, usage- and disposal properties for all commercially available biopolymers. The unique book represents an important and comprehensive source of information and a knowledge base for researchers, developers, technicians, engineers, marketing, management and other decision-makers. It is a must-have in all areas of applications for raw material suppliers, manufacturers of plastics and additives, converters and film producers, for machine manufacturers, packaging suppliers, the automotive industry, the fiber/nonwoven/textile industry as well as universities.
Content: Definition of biopolymers Materials classes Production routes and polymerization processes of biopolymers Structure Comprehensive technical properties Comparison of property profiles of biopolymers with those of conventional plastics Disposal options Data about sustainability and eco-balance
Important legal framwork Testing standards Market players Trade names Suppliers Prices Current availabilities and future prospects Current application examples Future market development
Order your english copy now and benefit from a prepub discount of EUR 50.00. Bestellen Sie das deutschsprachige Buch jetzt zum Subscriptionspreis von EUR 249,00 (bis 31. Juli 2009, der spätere Listenpreis beträgt EUR 299,00). order at, by phone bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4 +49 2161 664864 or by e-mail
NatureWorks invests $1 million in applications lab NatureWorks invested $1 million and 18 months of staff time to transform its former pilot plant in Savage, Minnesota, into an Ingeo™ bioresin applications lab capable of commercial grade compounding, sheet extrusion, thermoforming, injection molding, and fiber spinning. “Some of the tasks of the new NatureWorks’ application lab include developing and testing compounds on commercial machines, moving Ingeo™ natural plastic into new product areas, educating converters about Ingeo™ processing characteristics, and working side by side with brand owners and retailers to test their product concepts,” said Marc Verbruggen, president and CEO. “The lab is designed to enable NatureWorks, converters, and brand owners to bring quality products made from renewable resources to market quickly and effectively.”
Naturellyseda Receives 2009 Packaging Oscar The new range of NaturellySeda products has been awarded a Packaging Oscar 2009 thanks to the increasingly eco-sustainable and eco-compatible packaging emerging from the manufacturing partnership between Novamont and Seda (Arzano, Italy). The award was presented recently by the Istituto Italiano Imballaggio in the Environment special sections category for its contribution to prevention of environmental problems, based on factors such as energy savings, use of recycled materials, improved logistics, re-use, enhanced recycling processes and simplified packaging. NaturellySeda is a new range of recyclable, biodegradable and compostable containers, by Seda. The line includes glasses for cold drinks and single- and double-walled cups for hot drinks, as well as containers and lids for ice cream and yoghurt, made in paper and a type of Novamont’s Mater-Bi® containing raw materials from vegetable oils. The NaturellySeda line is not only made with sustainable raw materials, it uses efficient manufacturing cycles to reduce environmental impact. In accordance with standards EN 13428, EN 13430, EN 13431 and CR 13 9 -1/2, NaturellySeda products can be recycled and also composted after use.
Biowerkstoff-Kongress 2009 26. – 27. Oktober 2009, ICS Internationales Congresscenter Stuttgart Partner
Biowerkstoffe sind Werkstoffe, die vollständig oder in relevantem Maße auf Agrarrohstoffen oder Holz basieren. Dazu zählen u.a. Biokunststoffe, Naturfaser-Verbundwerkstoffe sowie Holz-PolymerWerkstoffe (Wood Plastic Composites). In Europa werden aktuell jährlich bereits 400.000 t dieser neuen Werkstoffe eingesetzt, Tendenz steigend. Seien Sie also dabei, wenn führende Experten der Branche zusammen kommen und über die folgenden Punkte diskutieren: ■ Branchen und Anwendungen ■ Marktsituation und Trends ■ Verarbeitungsverfahren und Materialeigenschaften ■ Forschung und Entwicklung Praxisorientiert für Entwickler, Produzenten, Handel und Anwender
Ansprechpartner Dominik Vogt, Tel.: +49 (0) 22 33 – 48 14 49, Veranstalter Medienpartner
nova-Institut GmbH | Chemiepark Knapsack | Industriestraße | 50354 Hürth | |
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
European Bioplastics Board with Managing Director and Secretary General (from left: Harald Kaeb, Philipp Depiereux, Erika Mink, Jens Hamprecht, Francesco Degli-Innocenti, Andy Sweetman, Jöran Reske, Hasso von Pogrell, inserted: Hans van der Pol)
European Bioplastics Has a New Board Association with new Board, Managing Director and Secretary General
nd of April, the industry association European Bioplastics elected a new Board during the General Assembly. The new Board is chaired by Andy Sweetman (Innovia Films). Francesco Degli-Innocenti (Novamont) and Joeran Reske (Interseroh) are Vice-Chairmen. The former Chairman, Harald Kaeb, was nominated Secretary General. On 1 March 2009, Hasso von Pogrell was appointed as the new Managing Director. The newly elected executive committee succeeds the former Board led by Harald Kaeb. After 1 years of Board membership and ten years as Chairman, Harald Kaeb will hold the position of Secretary General within the association, working as spokesman and political advisor (read the interview with Harald Kaeb on page 8). Kaeb‘s successor Andy Sweetman declared:”The key visions of European Bioplastics will remain and will be pursued with renewed vigour: To promote awareness of the benefits that can be derived from best use of bioplastics in the marketplace. To ensure that environmental claims on biodegradability and compostability; renewability and sustainability can be transparently and independently substantiated.” bioplastics MAGAZINE will do a comphenesive
interview with Andy Sweetman in the next issue. In the course of its strategic expansion, European Bioplastics had already nominated a new Managing Director on 1 March 2009. Hasso von Pogrell, formerly Managing Director for the association of the German sawmill industry, is responsible for the internal affairs of European Bioplastics. Additionally, the number of Board members has been increased to seven. Further Board members are: Philipp Depiereux (Alesco), Jens Hamprecht (BASF), Erika Mink (Tetra Pak) and Hans van der Pol (Purac), who was designated treasurer. Two permanent working groups, ‘Bioplastics and the Environment’ and ‘Waste and Recovery’ have been established. The measures taken are in response to the fast-paced growth of the association and its need to strengthen its representation in Europe. European Bioplastics is the European bioplastics industry association. Supporting members of the association are leading companies from the agricultural raw materials, chemicals and plastics industries, foodstuff producers and waste management companies.
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
From Punk to Evergreen An unusual review of bioplastics development
few weeks ago, when the new board of European Bioplastics was elected, Dr. Harald Kaeb, the previous chairman, stepped back to concentrate on his new tasks as the industry association‘s new Secretary General. bioplastics MAGAZINE spoke to Harald Kaeb after his fifteen years of board membership and ten years as chairman, and asked him to reflect on this period in a different way …
bM: When 10 years of chairing European Bioplastics comes to an end, how does it feel? HK: Oh, it feels good! Because the baby has grown up, the association is reaching a new level of achievement. New structures were needed to cope with the growth of the previous years, new faces will help to maintain the impetus. We hired a managing director for the day-to-day business and installed committees dealing with environmental and end-of-life issues. Many new faces will bring new ideas and dynamics to the board. And I have a new role, which I like very much. bM: I like the analogy of the baby ...
Dr. Harald Kaeb born 28.10.19 3 received PhD in chemistry at the University of Wuerzburg, Germany in 1991 worked years for biobased products project funding agency C.A.R.M.E.N. in Bavaria started his own biobased chemicals consultancy ’narocon’ in 199 Chairman of European Bioplastics from 1999 to 2009
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
HK: Yes, you can really compare the development of European Bioplastics with human development. A baby can hardly do anything, but is considered sweet by everyone - everybody loves it. Same with the birth of bioplastics, very charming innovation based on renewable and compostable polymers. Its baby phase showed just a few products with limited performance. In the beginning the association was also very limited due to lack of resources and experience. This has changed; our workflow and impact is increasing. And today we have really good products on the market. So the kid is not adult yet, but has become a fast-maturing adolescent. Bioplastics still ‘smell like teen spirit’. You can compare it with the boy scouts. Young boy scouts can act very well and sensibly if properly organised. But they are young, not always well focused, and sometimes a bit rude. They have to fight for their place where the big boys play. Today the charm of bioplastics is their youth: a highly attractive innovation, perfectly fitting into the green business evolution. You can see the potential.
bM: Let‘s come back to your new role. What is it? HK: In my function as Secretary General I will advise European Bioplastics in fields of strategic interest. Market introduction policies and the legal framework are of key importance to trigger and enhance further growth. This also includes the development of certain fundamentals such as standards or labels that will define product qualities and contribute to the public image of bioplastics. My task as communicator will be to support these efforts internally, and in building stakeholder relations and alliances. bM: Sounds like a lobbying role on behalf of Plastics Europe… HK: (laughs) Yes, but it will be more punk or rock’n’roll than just mainstream! It will take a while before bioplastics become conventional ‘pop’ music or mainstream, and perhaps even a little boring - like mega-successful polyethylene. Many musicians in the early days of their careers play in small clubs, not widely recognised by the public. But if they are good they will develop a higher profile. Today bioplastics can hardly be ignored but until they become evergreens they will have to run through all the phases of maturing. You cannot totally steer or control such development; there will be ups and downs, successes and failures. bM: When will they enter the CD charts? HK: You can have a big Number One hit in the early stages of development without belonging to the mainstream. But by the time they reach the status of big plastic commodities I might be retired. It is a long way from a few hundred thousand tonnes to many millions. After 1 years in that business I only know one thing for sure: It will happen, you cannot stop evolution. Babies cannot run, teens can’t drive buses, but adults fly to the moon - and will soon fly to Mars.
complex plastic products, like multi layer packaging, mobile phones or ski boots, have recently become biobased and/or biodegradable. bM: More companies, more speed? HK: Yes. With their adoption and efforts the process will accelerate and the graph of the result will be a steep curve. Second and third movers – producers – will lead to more competition and higher product quality. This is happening now, new capacities will go on stream in the months and years. There is another image that I have used again and again to motivate myself over the past 1 years. It’s the pioneers that first settled in North America. These settlers came to the East Coast and had a spirit of ‘heading for new horizons’. These people made their way through the wilderness. And later others followed. One example is seen in starch compounds: Novamont started very early and almost alone, today companies such as Plantic, Cereplast, Sphere-Biotec or Biograde are looking for their chance, just to name a few. Compostable starch plastics have the biggest market share today. And look at PLA. It was triggered by NatureWorks building an industrial scale plant in 2003. Now they are expanding it, and two European consortiums are building plants here in Europe. bM: And Harald Kaeb was the frontier scout who led the way through the wilderness? HK: (Laughs) But seriously - investment decisions are easier when success stories become tangible. Innovation is always about chickens and eggs: Why spend money on product and market development and take very high ... giving a TV-interview at an exhibition
bM: Where do Bioplastics stand today? HK: Still on the threshold of a wider market entry. However the changes which are ongoing today are essential for reaching the next level of performance. More capacities, more players, more products, more critics. The bioplastics’ industry has a highly complex value chain. All players - from the farm via processers to marketers – must get involved and aligned, in collaborations driven by commercial interest. As long as everything looks ‘highly exotic’ there will only be a few pioneers around. Today we see many new players with many new products, the application range has increased substantially and more
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
risks, if you can wait until the concept has been proven a success? That is why front runners like Novamont or NatureWorks and many others are real pioneers. They started the business based on belief and trust – they have a vision. Now the next wave has started, and even these new companies are not averse to taking a risk. In a few years we will reach the first million tonnes of Bioplastics capacity in this world. It took 20 years from the start. The second million will need far less than ten years, and then it will grow quickly. bM: What will drive this process? HK: Logical, factual constraints. We cannot build our future on today‘s products and way of life. We would need lots more planets to supply us at our current level of resource consumption. Thus we need to increase our ‘resource efficiency’, consume less, recycle more products and use more renewable carbon. Industry can choose: lead this process or be forced into it. Based on proper fitness for purpose, the added values of today’s green products, such as lower environmental impact, renewable sourcing or biodegradability, will pay back, and less green ones will pay the cost because they do not fulfil these future requirements. It will be mixture of commercial pull and political push. bM: But this is not yet the case! HK: But it is likely to come. Carbon management is the essential future principle. All policies, be it climate, industrial or product policy, will be based on it. It is not about how long our fossil resources will last. It‘s the price you have to pay for fossil carbon - and that will go higher and higher. If we cannot generate a high fossil carbon price and a very efficient closed loop economy, our highly developed society will lose its quality of life and everyone will face severe risks. Either we adapt to this scenario, or we fail as a society. Bioplastics, just like the development of efficient recycling schemes, CO2 emission trading, carbon footprint indicators, or renewable energies, are simply consequences of that development. bM: I‘d like to round this off with some more general but personal questions. Why do you like bioplastics so much?
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
HK: From the very beginning I thought it to be a great idea. Look at the cycle of nature. Structures are created and degraded in such an elegant way. You can see that with photosynthesis nature can create even stable, long lasting structures such as trees. All products created by nature are being biodegraded and are somehow recycled without creating any kind of waste problem. I found it fascinating to make plastics which are biodegradable, compostable, and thus copy nature‘s very efficient way of disposal. Additionally we can create biobased durable polymers products like biobased PE, where the atmospheric carbon can be stored for many years in products or by recycling streams. Bioplastics are great industrial solutions to severe problems generated by our non-sustainable way of living. We have the knowledge and capability to create non-resource-depleting cradle-to-cradle systems. The solution is carbon management, closed carbon loops and the sun as an energy source. Just as nature done it for million years. Isn‘t it fascinating? I wanted to work for an industry whith such aims and which is able to create change. bM: What are your favourite bioplastics products? HK: Please don‘t mis-interpret the following as an advertisement or unbalanced political statement. One of my favourite products is my PLA-fibre bed linen. It is a great product in which I can sleep very well - and good sleep gives you power. Another product I like is the shopping bag. After its initial use to carry the shopping it can be used as a bio-waste bag. And it also offers a big surface for communication, be it advertising or sharing your messages with others. That‘s what I call added value. The shopping bag is an absolute key product for the next five or ten years because of its added value and communication possibilities. And I am looking for a biobased mobile phone – I need one! It is quite important that bioplastics products beside their eco-advantages – do perform. The quality must be as good or even a little better than those made of conventional plastics. bM: What are you going to do next besides your new task at European Bioplastics HK: Well, my job at European Bioplastics is that of an external consultant, not an employee. I could also act as a consultant for other companies or governmental bodies in fields of strategic interest. One of my goals is to establish a consultancy network of real experts to ensure that customers get the best advice available. bM: thank you very much. The interview was conducted by Michael Thielen
Next Generation: Green
SAVE THE DATE ! 10 / 11 November, 2009 The Ritz-Carlton, Berlin Conference Contact: Phone: +49 30 284 82 358
Material Combinations
Material Combinations or Laminating
he demand for compostable bioplastics has grown steadily for ten years at an annual rate of between 20 and 30%. The market share, however, is still very modest, accounting for less than 0.1% of the total plastics market. An interesting level of growth is being seen within the packaging sector. This applies specifically to multilayer structures where different materials are combined. Each material contributes its specific advantages to the whole structure.
Article contributed by S. Facco, E. Fanesi, R. Marangon, Novamont SpA., Novara, Italy
Novamont’s main mission is to offer original solutions both from a technical and an environmental point of view, starting from renewable raw materials. Mater-Bi is a generation of established, yet continuously evolving, compostable polymers containing compostable polyesters, starch and other renewable resources, and which is able to significantly reduce the environmental impact in terms of energy consumption and green-house effect in specific applications. These polymers will perform the same as, or even better than, traditional plastics when in use and will completely biodegrade within a composting cycle. New sectors are growing in different industrial applications, driven by technical performances, such as in the case of extrusion coating/lamination. The first laminated structures were developed in Europe at the beginning of the 1990s, when films with a specific ‘soft touch’ were glue laminated onto cardboard in order to produce rigid office folders. These were the first attempts at combining two different compostable structures. Already at that time the main issue was to present new material combinations that were able to offer an alternative recycling option (composting). Of course the paper repulping process was always taken into consideration and thoroughly evaluated. Beside lamination onto rigid cardboard substrates, because of their very high Water Vapour Transmission Rate (WVTR) these films started to arouse interest amongst producers of hygiene products, such as diapers, overalls etc. Specific requirements were a soft, noiseless and highly breathable material. Water vapour transmission rates in the range of 1,000 g/m²/30µ/24h were considered quite interesting, specifically for diapers, where industry was struggling to find alternatives to the high percentage of superabsorbers used in the absorbent padding of the diaper. Highly breathable backing sheets were considered to be a solution in order to reduce the quantity of the superabsorbers mentioned above. However the materials were not performing as requested, especially considering the gauge of the film. Products used in the 1990s were based on gauges in the range of 20-24µm. Today there are applications in which a 10µm Mater
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
Material Combinations
by Extrusion Coating New compostable film structures, offering completely new performance profiles in the food and non-food areas
Bi is laminated onto cellulose and viscose non-woven substrates. The main applications may be found in bed linen, mattress covers and overalls as used in clean rooms (in this case it is not only the breathability which offers an added value, it is also its intrinsic antistatic property). Today various process technologies are available to combine layers of different substrates in order to obtain very specific and tailored properties. There are quite different film families available which offer very individual properties and, when combined, suddenly open up a completely new application profile. One of these processes is extrusion coating, which consists of extruding a thin web through a vertical flat die onto various substrates, such as paper, cellulose films, PLA, aluminium, nonwovens etc. Extrusion lamination is very similar to extrusion coating and requires the same equipment: in this case the molten polymer is used as an adhesive, in order to bind (‘glue’) two substrates together. Various tests are being carried out and are very close to becoming industrially viable. There are specific structures, where high barrier properties and specific processing performances (on FFS lines) have been achieved. Oxygen and water barrier properties achieved by combining various compostable film structures (such as Mater Bi with coated or surface treated cellulose film) have demonstrated not only that they offer similar food integrity to that offered by standard materials, but processing on FFS lines is significantly faster.
such ‘sharp’ edged products as Müsli flakes. The reverseprinted external cellulose film, which has excellent optical properties, is combined with a high tenacity Mater Bi film in order to obtain packaging material which fully covers the mechanical, organoleptic and processing needs of such products. Still one of the unique combinations on the market, it is able to offer compostability under industrial conditions. Other laminated structures are under evaluation, targeting high barrier properties and still maintaining their compostability. There are several developments ongoing, which soon will be introduced onto the market. Mater Bi has demonstrated that it is perfectly compatible with other substrates, enhancing dramatically most of the properties and maintaining key properties such as repulpability. The latest developed technologies in extrusion coating and lamination have up to now demonstrated that this technology will broaden many application areas, particularly food packaging, in which the physical, chemical, mechanical and organoleptic protection are of the utmost importance.
Depending on the application, these converting techniques provide a very efficient and versatile way to build specific, tailor-made, multi-layer structures. One of the first industrial, multilayer compostable and certified products was introduced in the UK by a major Organic Müsli producer. A market leader in packaging, based in Dublin, was able to combine a Mater Bi polymer with a cellulose film, obtaining a structure which offers a suitable barrier property, excellent organoleptic properties and very high mechanical properties in terms of toughness and tear resistance - properties which are needed to pack
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
Material Combinations
Blends of A PHBV Article contributed by Dr. Jim Lunt, V.P. Sales and Marketing, Tianan Biologic, Wayzata, Minnesota, USA
Table 1 Property
PHB [1]
PHBV (5% valerate)
Youngs Modulus
1 0
Tensile Strength
1 -40
Impact Strength
3 - 0
Melting Point
1 2
-10 to-1
Table 2 Sample 100% PLA 90/10 80/20 0/30 0/40 0/ 0
Load (MPa) 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
HDT 2.0 3.4 4. 4. 3.0 .3
Tensile test bars made of PHBV/PLA (Photo: Peter Holland B.V.)
Comparative properties of these two materials are illustrated in Table 1. At % valerate content, the elongation to break and un-notched izod impact are both increased over straight PHB, indicating an increase in ductility. However PHBV is still a rigid polymer. To further improve flexibility, the valerate content can be increased, but this comes at the cost of reducing the melting point and slowing down the rate of crystallization to a point at which these desirable attributes are lost. An alternative approach to improving the ductility of PHBV is the use of blends with other more flexible polymers. In addition, blends of PHBV with other biopolymers such as PLA are of interest due to the ability of PHBV to provide the higher crystallinity and hence improved heat distortion over PLA alone. Some examples of these initial blends and prototype applications are given below: In February 2008, Design Ideas launched a set of bathroom accessories under the brand name ECOGEN® (see bM 02/2008, 03/2008 and p. 38). This is a compounded product supplied by PolyOne and is based on PHBV and Ecoflex by BASF. Recently, due to the limited supply of Ecoflex, companies have begun to investigate blends of PHBV with polybutylene succinate (PBS), for use in injection molding. Another potential blend is PHBV with PLA. The rate of crystallization of PLA is typically too slow to produce injection molded products with a high softening point. Higher heat performance PLA can be produced in fibers and biaxially orientated films using the stereo complex approach and also the use of a talc nucleated or organic wax nucleated product is being supplied for higher heat thermoformed applications. PHBV/PLA provides an additional route to high heat injection molded parts. As shown in the tensile bars on the photograph, and the heat distortion temperature (HDT) in Table 2 - the incorporation of as little as 30% PHBV in PLA provides a significant increase in the ability of the parts to resist deformation at higher temperatures.
1 2 3 4 5 6 Samples Held up to 12 minutes at 100°C 1: 100% PLA 2: 90% PLA / 10% PHBV 3: 80% PLA / 20% PHBV
4: 0% PLA / 30% PHBV : 0% PLA / 40% PHBV : 0% PLA / 0% PHBV
1-3: 2 Minutes, deformed 4- : 12 Minutes, not Deformed
s dicussed in other articles, PHBV is one of the simplest members of the polyhydroxy alkanoate (PHA) family. Typically, the valerate co monomer is present at around % by weight of the polymer although products containing up to 11% and 20% of the valerate have been produced in developmental quantities. The rationale for incorporation of this amount of the valerate moiety is to increase flexibility and improve processability over simple poly 3 hydroxy butyrate (PHB), while still keeping the desirable attributes of high rate of crystallization and high melting point.
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
These examples of blends of PHBV with other materials are just the beginning. As the uses of biobased polymers increase in single use and more demanding durable applications, blends in which the benefits of PHBV provide a synergistic combination of properties will continue to be a route to meeting the property spectrum required and which is often deficient in many biobased materials when used alone. [1]
2nd PLA Bottle Conference
within the Supporting Programme of
14-16 September 2009 Munich, Germany | Holiday Inn City Centre
Organized by
Preliminary Progamme: - 13:00 10:00-13:00 12:00-13:00 13:00-13:1 13:1 -13:40 13:40-14:0 14:0 -14:30 14:30-14: 14: -1 :10 1 :10-1 :30 1 :30-1 : 1 : -1 :20 1 :20-1 :4 1 :4 -1 :10 1 :10-1 :3
Travel to Munich Registration Lunch Michael Thielen, Polymedia Publisher Michael Carus, nova Institut Udo Mühlbauer, Uhde Inventa-Fischer N.N., Natureworks LLC Bernd Merzenich, Pyramid Bioplastics Q&A Coffeebreak Stefan Bock, Netstal Frank Haesendonckx, KHS Corpoplast Thomas Schierding, Log Plastic Products Lars von Carlsburg, KHS Plasmax Mathias Hahn, Fraunhofer IAP
1 :3 -1 : 0 19:30
Q&A Dinner
Tuesday Sept 15, 2009 09:00-09:2 09:2 -09: 0 09: 0-10:1 10:1 -10:40 10:40-10: 10. -11:20 11:20-11:4 11:4 -12:10 12:10-12:3 12:3 -12: 0 12: 0-14:00 14:00-14:3 14:3 -14: 0 14: 0-1 :1 1 :1 -1 :00 1 :00-1 :20 1 :20-1 :4
Pascal Leroy, Sleever International NN Marcel Dartee, PolyOne Thomas Weigl, Sukano Q&A Coffeebreak Ernst Wiedmer, Wiedmer Manfred Burkart, AQUAFONTIS GmbH NN Q&A Lunch William Horner, Naturally Iowa Grant Hall, Good Water N.N. Q&A Coffeebreak Jöran Reske, Interseroh
1 :4 -1 :10 1 :10-1 :3
Edward Kosior, Nextek An Voss, Fost plus
1 :3 -1 : 0 1 : 0-18:1
Q&A Selected experts from the gropup of speakers
Welcome Keynote Speech From the renewable feedstock to PLA PLA, a versatile material for bottle- and other applications PLA, World market and availability Production of PLA Preforms Stretch Blow Moulding of PLA Experiences in Producing PLA Preforms and Bottles Enhance Barrier Properties of PLA bottles Copolymerisation of PLA with view to enhanced barrier and thermal properties
PLA Shrink Labels Bioplastics-Shrink-Films for shrink packaging -packs Additives / Colorants for PLA Materbatches for PLA bottle production
Register now !
Monday Sept 14, 2009
New developments in ‘BioCaps’ for PLA bottles PLA bottles for special events Expectations and prospects from a brandowners point of view Experiences from the market introduction of PLA bottles Experiences from the market introduction of PLA bottles Experiences from the market introduction of PLA bottles Biobased carbon content - Determination, Certification and Communication Limitations of automatic sorting of PLA/PET Collection and recycling systems in Europe, with the focus on the impact of PLA on the PET recycling streams Panel discussion: End of life options
Wednesday Sept. 16
Visit to drinktec, the World‘s biggest show on beverage technology
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
Rigid Packaging
Flexible Bio-foams Article contributed by Anneliese Kesselring, Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Oberhausen Christian Bonten, FKuR Kunststoff GmbH, Willich
oamed plastics have the advantage of a low density with comparably good material properties. There are different kinds of foaming procedures, (a) foaming of multi-component systems where the polymer (e. g. PUR) is generated only by chemical reaction and (b) physical foaming of thermoplastics in the melt (e. g. PE, PP, PS). Regardless of the different raw materials along with the different processing procedures involved, foamed materials are characterised by common features. Because of the entrapped gas mixture foamed plastics have a low density and a low thermal conductivity (high heat insulation). However, they still feature good mechanical properties per unit of weight and offer a substantial saving of material. The design variety is nearly as wide as that of injection moulded parts, but often with less tooling costs. The basic requirement for foaming of plastics is a free flow melt condition of the plastic before initiating the foaming process in order to enable the forming of bubbles. When the desired dimension of the bubbles has been reached this condition has to be fixed. For the foaming of thermoplastics this means that the thermoplastic itself has to possess a low melt viscosity at foaming start, which has to be increased rapidly by cooling for fixing the bubbles. For the formation of bubbles it is possible to make use of different blowing mechanisms. Either by using a chemical blowing agent which is introduced as an expanding by-product, by way of a decomposition product of a chemical reaction within the melt, or by physical blowing agents, e. g. through expansive vaporization of a low-boiling fluid or by means of mechanical mixing of air. The formation of bubbles in the melt implies that during the formation of expanding gases there are areas where a minimum quantity of molecules of these expanding gases is formed. By means of so-called ‘nuclei’ it is possible to create additional boundary layers where such minimum quantities of molecules can accumulate.
Foaming biopolymers In order to foam biopolymers different requirements have to be met: on the one hand melt viscosities have to be distributed homogeneously and adjusted to be sufficiently low for the formation of bubbles; on the other hand, the viscosity has to be rapidly increased in order to fix the bubbles. Moreover, the chosen
Figure 2: Small textured finishes
Figure 1: Thermoformed foamed film with hinge 1
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
Rigid Packaging
Figure 3: EPS foam structure (x100, reflected light); Photo: Fraunhofer UMSICHT
blowing agent must not influence the bio character of this class of material. Not only chemical blowing agents, but also low-boiling fluids have to be chosen accordingly, since residues may remain in the polymer. To achieve a homogeneous distribution of the bubbles, besides a homogenous distribution of the blowing agent in the polymer, a homogeneous material performance is necessary. With varying molecular weights this is nearly impossible! Bio-FlexÂŽ A 4100 CL is a bioplastic based on PLA that has been developed by FKuR together with Fraunhofer UMSICHT. It is composed of nearly 90 % renewable resources and is certified as biodegradable. Whereas with pure PLA only brittle foamed structures can be produced, Bio-Flex A 4100 CL allows the production of flexible foamed structures - even with moulded-in hinges (Fig. 1). The easy flow in its soft condition creates a small, even textured finish to avoid food sticking on the surface (Fig. 2). It is important to observe - by means of suitable temperature control - that the blowing agent does not discharge too early from the screw through the feed section. The wide process temperature range of Bio-Flex A 4100 CL allows the temperature to be controlled exactly according to the requirements of the foam. Bio-Flex with a very uniform distribution of the molecular mass enables a uniform foaming. With BioFlex A 4100 CL it is easy to produce foamed structures in series which are comparable in many properties and applications to, for instance, EPS (figures 3 and 4).
Figure 4: Foam structure Bio-FlexÂŽ A 4100 CL (x100, reflected light); Photo: Fraunhofer UMSICHT
respective grade – are composed of up to 100 % natural resources. Bio-Flex does not contain any starch or starch derivatives. These Bioplastics mostly replace conventional LDPE and HDPE as well as polystyrene (PS) and polypropylene (PP).
Plastics, made by nature, for rigid packaging FKuR´s trade name Bio-FlexŽ stands for copolyester blends based on PLA, which – depending on the
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
Rigid Packaging
Thermal Cooler Box
andoz, Inc. (Princeton, New Jersey, USA) and KTM Industries, Inc. (Lansing, Michigan, USA) recently announced the launch of the Green Cell Cooler Box - the first 100% biobased and completely compostable/recyclable thermal cooler to protect pharmaceutical products during shipment. The Green Cell Cooler Box is a standard corrugate box outer lined with panels of cornstarch-based Green Cell Foam, manufactured by KTM. Green Cell Foam meets ASTM D 400 and ISO 1 08 specifications for biodegradability under composting conditions. Led by Mark Kuhl, Packaging Development Manager for Sandoz, the project was in response to a new way of thinking at Sandoz where sustainability has become a top priority. This was a perfect opportunity to shift the paradigm and find a packaging solution that utilizes bio-renewable resources and offers an environmentally responsible end-of-life option. The typical pharmaceutical insulated shipper is constructed with polystyrene and is used for 24- 2 hours before it is discarded. Non-renewable polystyrene is recyclable but the facilities to enable this are limited and cost prohibitive, thus relegating it to landfills. Sandoz’ mission was to find an effective sustainable alternative to polystyrene based on biofeedstocks that would assimilate back into nature after its use. The mission was accomplished with Green Cell Foam which is compostable and can be recycled in the paper recycling stream along
with the outer box, thereby affording the end user with flexibility in the end-of-life disposal process. Mr. Kuhl set out to design, test and validate a cost effective ‘green’ cooler that met the rigorous cold-chain shipping requirements for protecting sensitive pharmaceutical products. During his tests he discovered Green Cell Foam not only insulates as well as polystyrene but it also absorbs excess condensation that would potentially damage the contents of the package. Green Cell’s ability to wick out ambient moisture presents a cleaner package for the customer by eliminating any pooling of water due to condensation. Green Cell Foam also provides significantly improved protection against shock and vibration damage when compared to traditional shipping coolers. Polystyrene coolers are somewhat brittle and have the propensity to crack under stress – even from a single impact. A break in the foam can compromise the integrity of the cooler by providing a channel for outside air to flow inside. Green Cell Foam can absorb multiple hits without cracking or breaking, providing a more stable thermal barrier while also providing improved impact protection to the contents. This adds value to the overall package while reducing damage claims. Sustainability was a key driver to this project. Sandoz wanted to see the environmental effects of switching from polystyrene to Green Cell Foam. KTM turned to Dr. Ramani Narayan of Michigan State University for the answer. Dr. Narayan provided life cycle assessment data which demonstrated a significant improvement in all but one of the LCA indices (eutrophication is slightly higher with Green Cell). The key metrics from the LCA comparison are an 80% reduction in greenhouse gases and a 0% decrease in energy requirements. In June 2009, refreshed graphics will grace the outside of the coolers which will help educate customers recognize and understand the benefits of the Green Cell Cooler. Mr. Kuhl is now designing additional sizes of Green Cell Coolers for use within Sandoz’ North American operations. It’s a real win-win situation for Sandoz and their customers: improved performance, improved convenience and a big improvement for the environment.
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
Rigid Packaging
Study Confirms Lifecycle Advantages of PLA over rPET
The Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IFEU), Heidelberg, Germany, conducted the head-tohead lifecycle comparison on more than 40 different combinations of clamshell packaging made from Ingeo PLA, PET, and rPET. Both PLA and rPET clamshells outperformed PET packaging in terms of lower overall greenhouse gas emissions and lower overall energy consumed. PLA clamshells clearly offered further advantages over the petroleum-based rPET in numerous comparisons. “Brand owners and converters will lower the carbon and energy footprint of clamshell packaging by moving away from PET and rPET to Ingeo polymer,” said Marc Verbruggen, president and CEO of NatureWorks, the manufacturer of Ingeo. “This is true with today’s virgin Ingeo and, in the longer term, recycled Ingeo will decrease that footprint even more. Furthermore, the high performance of Ingeo biopolymer in clamshell applications means that less material may be required to manufacture them — on average 2 percent less.”
“The study found that Ingeo compares favorably with rPET even when a producer chooses not to lightweight a clamshell,” said Steve Davies, NatureWorks director of Communications and Public Affairs. “The study also showed that the next generation Ingeo production process, now online in 2009, offers further improvements in ecoprofile and clearly outperforms 100 percent rPET in headto-head comparisons.” Clear plastic clamshells, like the ones analyzed in the study, are often used for fresh produce and foodservice packaging — for example, lettuce, tomatoes, sandwiches, or deli salads. Currently this packaging is not recycled in either the U.S. or Europe. In the U.S. clamshell packaging typically goes to landfills after use, while in Europe this packaging may be incinerated for waste-heat recovery. The lifecycle study took both end-of-life scenarios into account. The complete IFEU lifecycle analysis is available at
Climate Change
Representative results of the lifecycle analysis
Energy consumed over the lifecycle for 100 percent rPET clamshells was 0.88 GJ. This compared to 0. 2 GJ for the lighter, yet functionally equivalent, Ingeo 200 packaging — an overall 18 percent reduction in energy consumed.
kg CO2 eq. / 1000 clamshells
The study showed that clamshell packaging consisting of 100 percent rPET emitted 2. kilograms of CO2 equivalents per 1,000 clamshells over its complete life cycle. PLA clamshells emitted even less, with 1. kilograms CO2 equivalents per 1,000 clamshells. The PLA clamshell was lighter, yet functionally equivalent in terms of top-load strength.
Non Renewable Energy 1.4
0.88 0.72
100% rPET
Ingeo Eco-Profile in 2005
100% rPET
Ingeo Eco-Profile in 2005
GJ / 1000 clamshells
first-of-its-kind lifecycle analysis finds that clamshell packaging made from NatureWorks‘ Ingeo™ (PLA), emits fewer greenhouse gases and uses less energy when compared to clamshells manufactured with petroleum-based rPET (recycled polyethylene terephthalate).
Incineration with Heat Recovery Scenario
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
Rigid Packaging
onsumers are a very demanding group when it comes to quality and cost awareness – perhaps even more so in these times of crisis. This applies both to the home market in general and also to fast service restaurants, canteens and the whole catering industry. But this does not necessarily mean ‘cheap at any price’! Customers rightfully expect good value for their money. Meals have to be served fresh, and look appetizing. To be fresh and appealing is, therefore, also expected from the packaging. Price per portion has to remain affordable, while still serving high-quality food. Thus dishes and packaging must be easy to handle! Eco-efficiency is seen as a precondition for any packaging. At the same time sustainable and ecological management is being demanded. Combining all of these requirements in one packaging concept comes close to achieving the impossible. Huhtamaki’s answer to this dilemma is its BioWare™ range of environmentally compatible packaging. This range consists of cold drinks tumblers and clamshells, suitable for cold drinks, salads and desserts, as well as bio-coated paper hotcups and sturdy plates and bowls made from Chinet™ material. Crystal-clear tumblers and clamshells are made from Ingeo™ PLA. This plastic resin is made from renewable plant material, thus saving fossil resources. Products made from Ingeo PLA fully biodegrade within a few weeks, when deposited in industrial composting units. Huhtamaki produces beer and Polarity tumblers made from this material in its plant in Alf, Germany, and clamshells are made in Istanbul, Turkey. European users with a minimum of eco-awareness will easily see the advantageous ‘carbon footprint’ of these locations as opposed to transport routes for packaging imported from overseas regions. Thermoformed packaging items are relatively thin-walled compared to, for instance, injection-moulded items. Ingeo PLA is the choice basic material, as its density and stability allow for perfect functionality even at low weight. It is a matter of common knowledge that prices for conventional raw materials are currently rather low. In the long run, however, there will be no alternative to further development of regenerative fuel and plastics. Paul Blankert, Huhtamaki Sales Director Central Europe, comments: “Ingeo PLA clearly is the raw material of the future for Huhtamaki. Increasingly excessive fluctuations in fossil fuel based plastics result in an increasingly unpredictable business for participants in the market. And fossil deposits are finite. Even if it is possible to tap a few more oil fields, time and effort for their exploitation are mounting up. Nevertheless, there is and there will be considerable demand for practical and hygienic service packaging. We are well prepared for this demand, thanks to our Bioware - Range.“
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
More than Cups ...
NPE Preview
Taking place June 22-2 , 2009 at Chicago‘s McCormick Place, NPE2009 will be a showcase and technology exchange for polymers derived from corn, castor beans, soybeans, potatoes, tapioca, and other natural resources. Thus bioplastics take center stage in this year‘s NPE2009, The International Plastics Showcase organized by SPI (The Socienty of the Plastics Industry). “The dawn of the era of sustainability has brought with it a worldwide industry consensus on the need to proactively address issues such as resource depletion,“ said SPI president and CEO William R. Carteaux. “Bioplastics have emerged as one of the most promising means for companies to carry out this strategy while operating profitably. Besides enabling businesses to comply with mandates for renewable resources, these exciting new polymer families will help ensure the long-term viability of our industry by providing an alternative to traditional raw materials.“
Kingfa Sci & Tech Co.,Ltd present Ecopond biodegradable plastics, made from aliphatic polyester, aliphatic-aromatic copolyester, biobased polyester, starch or modified starch etc. The materials can be 100% biodegradable and compostable and have been certified to meet EN13432 (AIB Vincotte, incl. ‘OK-Compost’) and ASTM D 400 (BPI). Ecopond can be used for many kinds of bags, such as garbage bag, t-shirt bag, shipping, agricultural film etc. “There is not any polyethylene in Ecopond bags and no chemical additive to enhance decomposition“ as Kin Wong, (M.Sc. M.Eng) Sr. Manager Global Sales & Marketing points out. Ecopond bags biodegrade naturally under composting conditions.
Kureha America is introducing a unique, biodegradable polymer, Kuredux™ Polyglycolic Acid (PGA). This high-strength polyester resin provides excellent carbon dioxide, oxygen and aroma barrier properties. Kuredux PGA also offers controllable hydrolysis, resulting in its certification as a biodegradable/compostable plastic in the US, Europe and Japan. Very importantly, Kuredux PGA is compatible with widely practiced industrial PET bottle recycling processes, satisfying the Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers (APR) Critical Guidance Protocols and ensuring the quality of the recycled PET stream. One promising application offers the potential to replace 20% of the PET used in carbonated soft drink bottles with only 1-2% of Kuredux™ PGA, without sacrificing shelf life requirements. This unique combination of source reduction, recyclability and inherent barrier characteristics makes Kuredux™ PGA ideally suited for high-performance packaging and industrial applications.
ETP & W1190 1
Nanobiomatters is producing, developing and patenting additives based on nanotechnology designed to maximize plastics and bioplastics properties through unique, green and cost effective nanotechnology. These unique aspects allow the NanoBioTer® additives to be adapted to almost any plastics matrix while offering compliance with EU ad FDA legislations for food packaging. The main effect of the NanoBioTer additives is to increase barrier properties in packaging materials and extend shelf life of packaged food.
W9 028
Leistritz will operate their Nano-1 twin screw extruder publicly for the first time processing 20 and 100 gram micro-batches. The Nano1 utilizes segmented screws/barrels, and a state-of-the-art control/ data acquisition package with a torque sensor load cell integrated into the drive train. The Nano-1 replicates the unit operations of larger scale equipment with a free volume of only 0.9 cc/diameter - the lowest volume available for a twin screw extruder that is scalable to production class machinery. A series of to 10 minute tutorials will be viewable on demand in a mini-theatre area on the following topics: HSEI (High Speed Energy Input) twin screw theory overview, HSEI twin screw terms and formulas, HSEI twin screw developments (torque/volume/cooling), direct extrusion, and extrusion of bioplastics.
N 04
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
Preview BASF
will of course present its well established Ecoflex®. The completely biodegradable and compostable plastic is ideal for trash bags or disposable packaging as it decomposes in controlled compost within a few weeks without leaving any residues. Ecoflex is certified according to ASTM 400, the European Standard EN 13432, the Canadian BNQ compostability standard and the Japanese standard GreenPla. Certification is very important for biodegradable materials, as it ensures materials will swiftly and safely biodegrade in the proper disposal environment. Being made of fossil resources the compostable Ecoflex is an enabler for renewable products, such as starches, natural fibers and PLA, by providing toughness and processability along with complete biodegradability under controlled composting conditions.
- In addition to its highperformance renewably sourced engineering polymers Hytrel® RS DuPont Engineering Polymers is now also announcing the full commercialization of DuPont™ Sorona® EP thermoplastic resins and DuPont™ Zytel® RS long chain nylons, making DuPont the company with the broadest range of renewably sourced engineering resins. bioplastics MAGAZINE already reported about Salomons’s new ‘Ghost’ freerider alpine skiboot using Hytrel RS for the collar. Another applications shown in bioplastics MAGAZINE was DENSO Corporation’s new automotive radiator end tank, marking the first use of DuPont renewably sourced plastic (Zytel 10 nylon) in mechanical components. DuPont’s new renewably sourced longchain nylons include Zytel PA 1010, which is 100 percent renewably sourced, and Zytel PA 10, which is more than 0 percent by weight renewably sourced. Seven different grades now are commercial. Sorona EP resins are available in glassreinforced and unreinforced grades and on average contain 3 percent renewable content by weight. Sorona EP is an engineering polyester resin and performs and processes similarly to PBT in molded automotive parts, electrical components and industrial or consumer goods. W113011
W121 20
PSM - Teinnovations Inc./PSM North America presents the full line of PSM bio-resin. Grades are available for injection molding, extrusion/ thermoforming, blown film, and foaming processes. Resins are certified by BPI and are ASTM and EN compliant for compostability. Being starch based, PSM resin is ideally suited for a wide range of products including high temperature applications - even microwavable food containers. PSM can be run as a stand alone resin to maximize the sustainable/ biodegradable effect of finished goods or it can be blended with other additives or many other plastics if a 100% pure PSM part is not required. In fact, even a small percentage of PSM can be added to an existing plastic product to increase its green value with little or no impact to price or performance. New this year is PSM HL-301 blown film grade resin, able to produce high-strength flexible films and bags without blending or additives. Also on display will be a variety of PSM finished product to demonstrate the resin’s abilities, including cutlery, dinnerware, golf tees, industrial and construction items, packaging solutions, bags, and more.
The SPI Bioplastics Council, a special interest group recently launched by SPI: the Plastics Industry Trade Association, is leading several exciting activities at NPE. The SPI Bioplastics Council provides a forum for resin and additive suppliers, as well as processors and equipment suppliers, to promote the development of bioplastics as an integral part of the plastics industry. The Council is sponsoring the ‘Business of Bioplastics’ educational session on Tuesday, June 23. The session will include presentations about new bioplastics technologies, recent government activities impacting the bioplastics industry as well as a panel discussion entitled ‘Bioplastics: An Opportunity for Everyone.’ Find more details about the presentations at The Council also will be exhibiting in the Emerging Technologies Pavilion in ‘Technology Central’ located in the new McCormick West Hall. The Bioplastics Council’s focus at the show will center on its mission on education and promoting this industry’s growth.
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
ETP / W12b
Preview Evonik Industries
- With the development of VESTAMID® Terra, Evonik is presenting a new member of its Vestamid family: a group of new polyamides, the monomers for which are based entirely or partly on renewable raw materials.
The Biopolymers and Biocomposites Research Team (BBRT) at Iowa State University promotes research and development of new formulations and processes for biorenewable polymers and composites. BBRT focuses on renewable oils polymerization, protein-based plastics processing, protein-based adhesives, and cellulosic-based composites. The team has a broad range of knowledge including polymer chemistry, characterization, and processing. At NPE2009, BBRT will display samples including flowerpots made from plant protein; biobased coatings and adhesives; and composites made from natural oils, fibers, and agricultural co-products. The team will also demonstrate their Bioplastics Footprint Analysis Software. It allows users to compare petrochemical and biobased plastics and calculate the overall processing costs, energy requirements, and greenhouse gas emissions. The software compares the costs and eco-profile of plastic parts from different materials using the specific parameters for each part.
Vestamid Terra DS is based on polyamide 1010 and is the polycondensation product of 1,10-decamethylene diamine (D) and 1,10- decanedioic acid (sebacic acid-S). Because both monomers are extracted from castor oil, Vestamid Terra DS is a material that is based 100 percent on natural resources. Technically speaking,VestamidTerra DS occupies a position between the high-performance long-chain polyamides such as PA 12 and PA 1212 and the standard polyamides PA and PA , which have a shorter chain length. Vestamid Terra HS partly made of renewable resources. It is based on polyamide 10. The material properties can be found between the highperformance polyamide 12 and the standard polyamides PA and PA . Like Vestamid Terra DS, Vestamid Terra HS is semicrystalline and thus has high mechanical resistance and chemical stability.
S 0 2
Plastic Technologies, Inc. (PTI) announces its ability to produce small quantity extrusion prototypes for multilayer cast film and sheet products (including bioplastics) within two weeks. The company can also prototype a limited number of thermoforms. “We believe we are one of the first companies to offer film and sheet prototyping capability from small resin quantities—10 to 40 pounds. Moreover, we can deliver the prototypes faster than previously possible,” says Jason Haslow, project engineer, PTI. The prototyping capability includes up to three materials and five layers. Materials include, but are not limited to, polyethylene terephthalate, polypropylene and barrier polymers (such as ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer and nylon). Emerging biomaterials such as polylactic acid can also be prototyped.
S2 081
Jamplast Inc. is one of the largest distributors of raw plastic materials and biopolymers in North America. The Jamplast team will be exhibiting and presenting at NPE to help attendees have a better understanding about biopolymers and how to work through the decision-making process when considering the right products for their molding needs. At NPE the Jamplast team offers technical counsel and support that will help visitors identify material-based solutions. Jamplast also particpates in a Panel Forum: ‘Biopolymers and Sustainability Revealed‘: There remains a cloud of uncertainty around the ‘sustainability’ buzzword when it comes to success, performance, profitability and where to get started. The panel of speakers will address the challenges, opportunities and uncertainties about biopolymers. (Find more details about the presentations at Jamplast is an authorized distributor of NatureWorks biopolymers, Cereplast biopolymers and JER Envirotech™ biocomposites.
W13 04
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
Preview PolyOne Corporation is exhibiting a complete family of bio-related compounds and additives at NPE 2009 from the PolyOne Sustainable Solutions portfolio, including Bio-colorants and additives: OnColor BIO™ and OnCap™ BIO, as well as OnColor™ WPC for wood plastic composites. BPAfree materials presented are Edgetek™ Tritan™ filled and unfilled compounds and blends. GLS OnFlex™ BIO are bio-based TPEs. Furthermore there will be custom bio-compounds based on PHBV (see also p. 14). A new family of biobased compounds to be introduced at the show as well. In the Emerging Technologies Pavilion, located in the West Hall, PolyOne will be sponsoring an exhibit featuring their full portfolio of PolyOne Sustainable Solutions in the Biopolymers section. PolyOne‘s full range of solutions can be viewed at their booth in the West hall.
West Hall
ETP / W10a and W113021
Emerging Technologies Pavilion
West Hall Ballroom
2 36 5 7 32 38
12 17
Skyway To South Hall
1 4
22 6 13
27 8
34 19 15
3 39
29 20
18 29 23 37
The numbers in the yellow circles
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
refer to the table on the next page
Preview Company
See preview Number on on page map
Amco Plastic Materials Inc.
W12 020
ETP / W1 a
API-Kolon Engineered Plastics
ETP / W121 20
bioplastics MAGAZINE
ETP / W19a/19b
Biopolymers and Biocomposites Research Team
ETP / W11a
Chemtrusion, Inc.
W9 032
ETP / W a
Eastman Chemical Company
South Hall
EMS-GRIVORY America, Inc.
W13 040
EOS ( Electro Optical Systems )
W10 021
Evonik Degussa Corp.
S 0 2
Ex-Tech Plastics, Inc.
Felix Composites Inc.
General Color, LLC
Hallink RSB Inc.
Heritage Plastics
W10 022
ICO Polymers
Jamplast, Inc.
W13 04
Kal-Trading Inc
Kingfa Sci. & Tech. Co., Ltd.
Kureha Corporation (America) Inc.
W1190 1
N 04
North Hall
LTL Color Compounders, Inc.
Telles (Metabolix, Inc.)
W9 028
Plastic Technologies, Inc.
S2 081
South Hall
PolyOne Corporation (& GLS Corporation)
Polyvel, Inc.
PSM (Teinnovations)
Recycling Solutions, Inc.
W10 04
Southern Star Engineering Group
N 80 3
SPI Bioplastics Council
ETP / W12b
Teknor Apex Bioplastics Division
ETP / W18b and W1320
TP Composites Inc.
W12 031
TradePro Inc.
U.S. Depart. Of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service
United Soybean Board
W1300 3
US Army Natick Soldier Research Development and Engineering Center
Zhejiang Hangzhou Xinfu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
3 22
South Hall
1 2
1 18
South Hall 22
North Hall
The first letter of the booth number indicates the hall (W: West, S: South, N: North). ETP stands for the Emerging Technologies Pavillion in the West hall. bioplastics MAGAZINE cannot give any guarantee that this list is correct or complete.
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
is going to promote their existing range of Cereplast Compostables® as well as the new Compostable 001 especially designed for extruded foam sheet(thermoforming application like meat tray, egg carton, plates..), and Compostable 3000 for blown film (liner, bags). Cereplast Hybrid Resins® family has expanded with 2 injection molding grades Hybrid 101 (high impact) and Hybrid 103 (higher melt index). Cereplast materials are based on PLA sourced from NatureWorks
The U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research Development and Engineering Center (NSRDEC) has been conducting extensive research in the area of biodegradable and bio-based polymers for several years. The center can a unique capability to analyze the biodegradability and toxicity of various types of materials in such medium as compost, soil, and marine water. The NSRDEC specializes in biodegradation testing in the marine environment as most of their support is from the U.S. Navy’s Waste Reduction Afloat Protects the Sea Program (WRAPS). The NSRDEC was awarded certification from the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) in October of 200 to perform American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard test method ASTM D 91 (Standard Test Method for Determining Aerobic Biodegradation of Plastic Materials in the Marine Environment by a Defined Microbial Consortium) and ASTM D 081 (Standard Specification for Non-Floating Biodegradable Plastics in the Marine Environment).
Among other items, the company will show a triple edge paint and trim guide (photo). Cereplast recently signed a supply contract with Warner Manufacturing Co.. Warner will use Cereplast resins for putty knives, scrapers and other painting accessories.
ETP / W11a
Last December, IDES – The Plastics Web® was shortlisted as a finalist in the 2008 Bioplastics Awards for their Prospector plastics search engine. The newly released Green Plastics Search in Prospector provides fast access to datasheets on more than 200 renewable, biodegradable and high-recycled content resins. Technical processing and property information in Prospector highlights green plastic materials from suppliers including BASF, Dow Plastics, DuPont Engineering Polymers, Eastman Chemical Group, Ecoplast, NatureWorks LLC, SABIC Innovative Plastics, and many more.
Telles, the joint venture between Metabolix and ADM that produces Mirel, will be located at booth 119020 in the West Hall, across from the Emerging Technology pavilion. Telles will be showcasing the new commercial grade of high performance bioplastic, Mirel P1003 (polyhyrdoxyalkanoate PHA), the second generation of injection molding resin, suitable for a wider range of applications. Telles will also be represented in the Emerging Technology pavilion as part of the Society of Plastics Industry Bioplastics Council kiosk. During NPE representatives of Telles will give a number of presentations: At SPE ANTEC Tom Pitzi will talk about ‘Processing Biobased / Biodegradable PHB with conventional Thermoplastic Process Equipment‘, Raj Krishnaswamy will present ‘Single Screw Extrusion of Biobased and Biodegradable PHB Copolymers’ and in a second talk ‘Processing and Structure-Property Relationships of Mirel PHB Copolymer Blow Film‘. Bob Findlen introduces ‘Mirel – A Renewable Material Option for the Growing Bioplastics Marketplace‘ at the SPI‘s Business of Plastics event. Find more details about the presentations at www.bioplasticsmagazine. com/200902/NPE1
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
ETP & W119020
Preview Teknor Apex‘s Bioplastics Division will introduce its first Terraloy products, including materials for film and molding applications. Among these will be polyethylene/thermoplastic starch (TPS) blends, and blends of TPS with biodegradable polyester. Other blends the company is currently working on are TPS with other bioplastics, such as PLA. Teknor Apex will offer ready-to-process compounds and masterbatches. Being a custom compounder, Teknor Apex has the expertise to tailor compounds to specific customer applications.
Zhejiang Hangzhou Xinfu Pharmaceutical Co Ltd was established in Nov. More than 1 00 employees work at Xinfu with its sub companies and one overseas branch office. Xinfu is a global leading manufacturer of Vitamin B depending on its own patent, and is the only manufacturer of D-panthenol in China. Besides, Xinfu attends to develop new biochemistry products, such as PBS, Red Yeast Rice and activated carbon. Now Xinfu constantly makes effort to develop PBS a worldwide green plastic material. Poly (1, 4-butylenes succinate), shortened as PBS, is a kind of fully biodegradable macromolecular resin that accords with the certificates of EN 13432 and ASTM D 400. PBS has good thermal stability, fine mechanical and processing performance and can be used in many different fields. It can be molding processed in standard plastic apparatus and modified with other fully biodegradable materials to meet all kinds of requirements. W11203
Of course bioplastics MAGAZINE must not be missing at a show like NPE. Being the first and only trade magazine worldwide, bioplastics MAGAZINE is presenting its 1 th issue now. The magazine is 100 % dedicated to bioplastics in its definition A) plastics based on renewable resources and B) biodegradable and compostable plastics according to ASTM 400, EN13432 or similar standards. Readers from more than 80 countries around the globe receive bioplastics MAGAZINE six times a year. If you are not a subscriber yet, now is the best chance. See the bioplastics MAGAZINE team at NPE and benefit from a special show subscription offer. ETP / W19a/b
Just recently Teknor Apex signed a licensing agreement with Cerestech Inc. on a unique method for blending relatively low-cost thermoplastic starch (TPS) with synthetic polymers or other bioplastics while retaining high levels of key performance properties. The Cerestech technology is based on a process that blends TPS with other polymers in a single step avoiding to degrade the properties of the blended components.
ETP / W18b and W1320
Heritage Plastics will present its newly developed BioTuf9 for compostable bag production. BioTuf9 is a pelletized mineralcontaining compound based on a blend of compostable resins, including an aliphatic/aromatic co-polyester. It is specifically designed to be easily extruded and converted on standard low density PE or groovedfeed HMW-HDPE processing equipment. BioTuf9 films have physical properties similar to linear-low density polyethylene. Films up to 3.0 mils thick will completely degrade in commercial and municipal composting environments in accordance with the requirements of ASTM specification D 400. Producers of bags and liners used for diversion of food and organic waste from landfills to commercial composting facilities will appreciate that this product is approved by Biodegradable Products Institute. www.
W10 022
Merquinsa will showcase its Frost & Sullivan 2008 award winning bio-thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). PEARLTHANE® ECO range made from Renewable Sources. “Merquinsa will bring customers at NPE 2009 more reasons to choose Pearlthane ECO, its plant-derived and recyclable TPU and will demonstrate its ongoing commitment to environmental protection and leadership in ‘green’ TPU technologies,” according to a company spokesman. A recent preliminary life cycle analysis (LCA) indicates that manufacturing Pearlthane ECO TPU range results in 40% less CO2 emissions. In addition to its innovative plant-based TPU products, Merquinsa will display its full range of TPU specialties used in a wide range of applications including sports & leisure, consumer goods, melt coating, and film & sheet applications. Merquinsa representatives will be available to discuss the latest developments in the company’s capabilities and services for the North American market.
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
Herbs And Spices Packed in High Barrier Film Austrian producer, Sonnentor, decided to wrap its range of herbs and spices in Innovia Films’ high barrier compostable cellulose-based material, NatureFlex™ NK. This film offers not only biodegradability and compostability, but also a moisture barrier approaching that of co-extruded OPP. This means it has the best moisture barrier of any biopolymer film currently available, which has been achieved through Innovia Films’ unique coating technology.
World famous environmentalist David Bellamy explained the benefits of biodiversity and habitat creation to fascinated children at two schools in Bedfordshire, UK. Together with the kids he planted trees donated by Marchant Manufacturing Ltd., manufacturers of compostable bags. Tree Appeal are managing the environmental initiative, set up by Marchant Manufacturing, which is working to make the compostable bags used by Central Bedfordshire Council’s Waste Team, even greener. By donating trees to be planted, Marchant Manufacturing and Stanelco BioPlastics are offsetting their environmental footprint, helping their customer contribute to the balance of the natural world, and educating local children about their environment. Children at both Russell Lower School in Ampthill and Southlands Lower School in Biggleswade produced imaginative drawings about the event showing their understanding of recycling food waste and the importance of trees.
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
Outlining why Sonnentor chose NatureFlex to package its herbs and spices, Gutmann comments, “Sonnentor’s formula for success is innovative product concepts and high-quality, carefully selected organic ingredients. This organic way requires innovative solutions for our packaging. NatureFlex plays an important part in our sustainability and successful future.” “With its excellent barrier properties, NatureFlex NK fills a major gap in the compostable materials market. Now dry, moisture-sensitive foods can also be wrapped using a compostable solution. We anticipate this will open up a host of new opportunities both for NatureFlex on its own, or as part of a laminate solution with other biofilms,” exclaims Andy Sweetman, Innovia Films’ Global Marketing Manager, Sustainable Technologies. NatureFlex NK is a transparent, general purpose packaging grade suitable for various applications eg dried foods (biscuits, cereals, crisps, snack bars etc). The product is also ideal for lamination to other biofilms. NatureFlex NK is available in 20, 23, 30, 4 micron thicknesses and can be used for a variety of pack formats – VFFS, flow wrap, twistwrap and overwrap.
Kids in UK planted trees for a better understanding
Sonnentor was founded over 20 years ago in the ‘Waldviertel’ region by Johannes Gutmann. He wanted to sell locally grown and dried organic herbs and spices with the emphasis on traditional harvesting and refining methods, innovation and Fair Trade principles. The company has gone from strength to strength and employs 100 people in Austria, with % of its product exported.
Application News
Biodegradable Margarine Pack in Brazil Brazilian IraPlast Ltd., based in Iracemápolis, São Paulo, Brazil, has been the exclusive Cereplast representative for biodegradable resin in Brazil since 200 . Cereplast‘s biodegradable resins are based on PLA supplied by Nature Works. One example of a packaging application made from the Cereplast grade TH-01-A is a margarine pack for a product called Cyclus - Nutrycell. The customer, Bunge Foods, is the first company in Brazil to introduce biodegradable packaging. The thermoformed containers are produced by PolyVac, a company belonging to a consortium of packaging manufactures working for Bunge Brazil. In this initial project the distribution will be local in the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná, but later the whole Brazilian territory will be covered. Bunge Foods created the Cyclus margarine line based on the concept that the human body is formed of hundreds of millions of cells that should be taken care in an appropriate way by the consumption of nutrients and other bioelements. An environmentally-friendly pack that comes from renewable resources and is compostable after use, reflects the concept of the margarine line, namely to adopt a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. After their initial experience Bunge Foods intends to carry these packing concepts over to others product lines.
Södra launches Parupu – a chair for kids Södra from Växjö, Sweden has developed a chair made from pulp in collaboration with design and architect firm Claesson Koivisto Rune. The chair is designed for children. It is durable and waterproof, despite having the look and feel of ordinary paper. It is recyclable, environmentally-friendly, stackable, colourful, and made for fun and games. The team’s objective from the start was to make something that felt like paper but with the durability normally associated with materials such as steel, wood or hard plastic. The architect and design firm had long wanted to make a chair from paper. Together with Södra and research company STFI Packforsk, Claesson Koivisto Rune experimented and tested the suitability of the material for use in a tough and practical chair for children. The chair has been named Parupu after the Japanese word for pulp. The material is a speciality pulp from Södra Cell combined with PLA which makes it an eco-friendly, recyclable material that can replace conventional plastic. The chair can be wiped clean, and is designed to last a childhood, withstanding a lot of play. The chair’s base material, which can be moulded and could potentially replace plastic in a number of applications, has been named DuraPulp. DuraPulp has the look and feel of paper. But a couple of millimetres in thickness is enough to support the weight of a person. It can be left outdoors for several years without degrading.
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
Biobased elastomer in running shoes
Looking for a Bio-Solution? Let PolyOne be your guide...
Japanese company Mizuno, a leader in running footwear and apparel technology, has announced the use of a Pebax® Rnew thermoplastic elastomer range for the Wave® Technology plates in four models of high performance running shoes set to debut in 2009. The material supplied by Arkema is made from renewable resources, castor oil, and contributes to global warming reduction. The Pebax Rnew will be utilized in both men’s and women’s models of the Mizuno Wave Rider® 12, Wave Inspire® , Wave Creation® 10, and Wave Nirvana® . Until June 21st our readers can win a pair of Mizuno Wave Rider 12 at the 1st website mentioned below, a website dedicated to sports applications.
Georgia-Pacific Awards Major Contract to Cereplast Cereplast, Inc., Hawthorne, California, USA recently announced that it will supply Compostables® resin to Georgia-Pacific Professional Food Services Solutions for the manufacture of its recently introduced line of Dixie EcoSmart beverage solutions. : Georgia-Pacific LLC., Atlanta, Georgia is one of the world‘s leading manufacturers and distributors of tissue, pulp, paper, packaging, building products and related chemicals. Dixie EcoSmart products include among other products Cereplast Compostables resin-lined paper hot cups made from at least 9 percent renewable resources which are designed to allow operators to enhance their environmental stewardship position. All Dixie EcoSmart products can be processed successfully in commercial composting operations. The Cereplast Compostables resin-lined paper hot cups are 100 percent compostable because the fiber portion and the coating are fully compostable. Cereplast Compostable resin contains Ingeo® PLA supplied by NatureWorks.
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bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
From Science & Research
Novel Bioplastic Blends and Nanocomposites Article contributed by John R. Dorgan, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401 USA Birgit Braun and Laura O. Hollingsworth , PolyNew Inc., Golden, CO 80401 USA
he prospect of a hot, flat, and crowded [1] planet earth requires greater technological efforts in meeting the challenges of creating industrial sustainability. The triple technological convergence of industrial ecology, biotechnology, and nanotechnology offers promise of being able to deliver such sustainability. Industrial ecology uses the quantitative tools of Life Cycle Assessment to consider impacts like the generation of green house gases (GHGs) when renewables are substituted for fossil resources. Biotechnology is providing efficient biochemical conversions and nanotechnology is having big impacts both in catalysis and in materials sciences. Here it is argued that the convergence of these technologies is defining a new field of inquiry which can be referred to as ecobionanotechnology. Within this context a new class of green materials, ecobionanocomposites, is being developed. The now rapidly developing field of degradable bioplastics and plastic materials based on renewable resources, provides tremendous opportunities to sustain and enhance the domestic plastics industries, the fourth largest manufacturing sector. Growth in the use of these new, greener plastic is proceeding rapidly, however, there are a number of cases in which bioplastics lack the properties needed to compete with petroleum based materials.
Figure 1: TEM of cellulose nanowhiskers derived from acid hydrolysis of cotton linters.
Drawing on scientific knowledge about the new emerging field of polymer nanocomposites, these property limitations can be overcome. In this article, the development of novel polymer nanocomposites based on renewable cellulosic nanowhiskers combined with polylactide is described. The fossil energy requirement for the PLA production process as implemented by NatureWorks is substantially less than for other commercially produced polymers as shown by life cycle assessment [2]. Significant increases in the heat distortion temperature of polylactides (PLA) have been achieved using these nanowhisker fillers. Prototypical thermoformed trays have been fabricated from first generation nanocomposites and shown to be suited for use as microwaveable frozen food packaging. Second generation nanocomposites have been shown to maintain transparency while having higher use temperatures. The use of cellulosic nanowhiskers means that the resulting nanocomposites maintain the desirable feature of biodegradability.
Experimental Materials. Commercial-grade PLA (2002D, melt-flow index 4-8 g/10 min, < 4% D-lactide) was supplied by NatureWorks LLC. L-lactide was also obtained from Natureworks. PLA resin was recrystallized at 110°C for 24 hours prior to compounding. Cellulosic nanowhiskers (CNW) were prepared via acid hydrolysis of cotton linter using hydrochloric acid as described in reference [3]. 200 nm
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
An impact modifier â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Biomax Strongâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC; was obtained from DuPont.
From Science & Research
Figure 1 is a transmission electron micrograph of the cellulose nanowhiskers (CNW) derived from cotton. Evidence of aggregation is clearly present which is usually present but which becomes more severe upon isolation and drying [3]. Figure 2 presents the data on tensile properties for the melt mixed nanocomposites. A typical tradeoff between modulus and strain at break is observed. PLA already suffers from relatively low impact properties so the decrease in impact which is associated with the decreased strain at break would preclude the use of these materials for most practical applications. Figure 3 presents the improvement in the impact strength associated with the addition of wt% DuPont Biomax. The simultaneous addition of both reinforcing CNWs and the Biomax impact modifier produces a material with both improved modulus and toughness compared to the base PLA. Finally, in Figure 4 it is shown that the nanocomposites have improved HDTs. While the addition of Biomax Strong decreases the extent of the HDT it is still possible to reach for example, an HDT above 90°C while simultaneously improving the impact properties.
Conclusions Substantial challenges exist regarding developing a truly sustainable plastics industry. The judicious selection of combined technological platforms can assist humankind in meeting this important goal. In this study, elements of industrial ecology, biotechnology, and nanotechnology are combined to create a new largely renewable and largely degradable polymer nanocomposite with improved thermophysical properties. These Ecobionanocomposites are one example of a larger trend towards the triple technological convergence of these areas of inquiry.
0% cellulose Modulus
10% cellulose
25% cellulose
Strain @ break [%]
Strain @ break
Figure 2: Ultimate mechanical properties of melt mixed nanocomposites. 600
Izod Impact [J/m]
500 400 300 200 100 0
PLA (5% Biomax + CNW)
PLA (5% Biomax)
Figure 3: Impact properties of nanocomposites with impact modifying agent addition. 130
Heat Distortion Temperature [°C]
Modulus [ksi]
Tensile Testing Data vs. Cellulose Loading
Methods. For the melt mixing procedure PLA resin was dried for 24 hours at 80°C under 23 inHg (3,0 Pa) vacuum. The melt mixed samples were prepared in a Haake RheoMix 3000. PLA was fully melted at 180°C and 0. wt% tris(nonylphenylphosphite) (TNPP) was added as a stabilizer. The required amount of CNWs and impact modifier were added and mixed at 0 rpm for 2 minutes. Composite samples were vacuum/compression molded into rectangular bars, crystallized at 110°C for three hours, and physically aged for 24 hours. Mechanical properties were determined through dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) using an ARES-LS rheometer with torsional rectangular fixtures. The testing was carried out at 0.0 % strain, 1 Hz, with a temperature ramp from 30°C to 1 0°C at °C/min. The DMTA data was used to calculate the heat distortion temperature (HDT) via the methodology of Takemori [4].
120 110 100 90 80 70
10 20 Cellulose Loading Level [wt%]
0% Dupont Biomax Strong 120 2% Dupont Biomax Strong 120 5% Dupont Biomax Strong 120
Figure 4. Heat distortion temperatures of degradable ecobionanocomposites.
Acknowledgements This article was previously published at SPE‘s GPEC 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA, Feb. 2 -2 , 2009. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation through an SBIR grant to PolyNew Incorporated. References [1] Friedman, Thomas, Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution - And How it Can Renew America (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York, NY) 2008. [2] Vink, E. T. H.; Rabago, K. R. ; Glassner, D. A.; Gruber, P. R. Poly. Deg. Stab. 2003, 80, 403. [3] Braun, B.; Dorgan, J.R.; Chandler, J.P. Biomacromolecules, 2008 9(4), 12 . [4] Takemori, M.; Polym. Eng. and Sci. 19 9 19(1 ) 1104.
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
From Science & Research
Carrot Steering Wheel and Chocolate Biodiesel
esearchers at the University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, recently unveiled the ‘WorldFirst Formula 3 racing car’ which is powered by chocolate, steered by carrots, has bodywork made from potatoes, and can still do 200 km/h (12 mph) around corners. Following the recent turmoil in Formula 1 arising from the high costs of running competitive motor racing teams, and doubts in sponsors’ minds over the commercial value of their involvement, the viability of motor racing is being critically questioned. With this in mind the University of Warwick team based in the University’s Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) and the Warwick Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre (WIMRC) decided to build a competitive racing car using environmentally sustainable components in order to show the industry just how much is possible using current environmentally sustainable technologies. The ‘ecoF3 car’ project is being managed by James Meredith, an engineer with over years experience in the automotive industry and who recently completed his doctorate on the subject of biomaterials. Seat shell made of Lineo woven flax prepreg
It is the first Formula 3 racing car designed and made from sustainable and renewable materials, putting the world first by effectively managing the planet’s resources. The car meets all the Formula 3 racing standards except for its biodiesel engine which is configured to run on fuel derived from waste chocolate and vegetable oil. Formula 3 cars currently cannot use biodiesel.
The Chocolate Biodiesel Engine The decision was made in favour of a 2-litre BMW diesel engine, calibrated by Scott Racing Ltd., because of its inherent advantages over gasoline in terms of efficiency. “It is also significantly quieter. Noise is an ongoing issue for race ecoF3 car
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
tracks,“ says James. The biodiesel used comes from sustainable sources (i.e. not fossil fuel or food crops). It is being produced from recycled cooking oil and recovered ethanol. The UK’s largest supplier of biodiesel processing equipment, Green Fuels, is excited to contribute to the project and prove that an incredibly sustainable biodiesel with a carbon intensity 9 % lower than mineral diesel can be used in high performance engines. Green Fuels have also supplied a Fuelpod®2 Biodiesel Processor to allow the WorldFirst team to produce their own fuel for use in the WorldFirst car and its transport vehicles. James Meredith: “By producing our own fuel we are able to use the university’s waste cooking oil, further minimising the carbon footprint of the whole project“. And, he adds, they have also produced a biodiesel made from cocoa butter which will be run in the ecoF3 car.
The Carrot Steering Wheel Manufactured from a carrot fibre composite called Curran® (from the Gaelic word for carrot), the steering wheel is also a first of its kind. The Scottish company CelluComp Ltd produces this material, which is a combination of cellulose, found naturally in the cell walls of plants, and high-tech resins. Cellulose, however, in its easily extractable form (such as the fibres used to make paper etc.), is of limited use for composite materials manufacture. It is the special properties of extremely small sub-components of cellulose, called nanofibres, which are particularly desirable. CelluComp has perfected its process by using, for instance, carrots and to a lesser extent, swede. When the extracted cellulose is combined with a special formulation of resins which act to bind the particles and waterproof the mixture once dry, the resulting biocomposite materials have tremendous strength, toughness and lightness. A key advantage of the Curran material is that it is produced in the form of a paste, which means that it can easily be moulded into whatever shape is required. The paste can also be coloured with the desired pigments. Increasing the orientation of the nanofibres in a single direction significantly increases the stiffness and strength in that direction. The fibres can be used at very high volume fractions of up to 90%.
The Flax and Soybean Seat Even in the bodywork and seat of the ecoF3 car environmentally friendly materials are being used. Besides materials from renewable resources these also include recycled plastics. The backbone for the Formula 3 car is a chassis made by Lola, one of the oldest and most successful constructors of racing cars in the world. Lola manufactured, for example, parts of the seat. The shell is made of Lineo woven flax fibre prepregs impregnated with epoxy resins. The flax yarns and fabrics are bought
Dr Kerry Kirwan, Dr Steve Maggs, James Meredith (from left) from sustainable sources. The SoyFoam™ of the seat is a product of Lear‘s EnviroTec™ environmental product line. The seats are made from the same SoyFoam product as what used on the Ford Mustang (see bM 01/2009). This is a TDI catalyzed formula wherein percent replacement of polyol results in a % by pad weight replacement of petroleum-derived polyol with soybean oil-derived polyol. The Isocyanate material is the same as petroleum-derived foam. Lear is aggressively working to increase this percentage replacement level in seating. Another body part is the bib, which is also made from Lineo woven flax/ epoxy composite.
The Potato Mirrors New Zealand, represented by the Biopolymer Network, contributes to the wing mirrors and rear wing end plates. The wing mirror will be made out of Potatopak, a water resistant starch packaging material from potatoes. The wing end plates will be a ply-starch hybrid core covered with a linen-cellulose acetate composite.
Recycled Materials Besides materials from renewable resources such as the above-mentioned carrots, potatoes or soy beans, the WorldFirst project also uses unconventional recycled materials. The sidepods for example are made from a glass fibre/epoxy resin including 20% recycled PET bottles, made by Cray Valley. Recycled Carbon Ltd, based in the Midlands of the UK, is a company specialising in the recycling of carbon fibre composites. The engine cover and the damper hatch are made from these carbon fibres. The fibres are recovered from cured and un-cured carbon fibre composites. The company presently takes material from the aerospace industry, but also from F1 and high-end automobiles. It has been shown that the recyclate has physical properties of at least 90% of the original fibre.
The Green Motor Racing Car “It’s been very exciting working on the project and important for our team to develop a working example of a truly ‘Green’ motor racing car,“ says James Meredith. “The WorldFirst project expels the myth that performance needs to be compromised when developing sustainable motor vehicles for the future” - MT
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
The Development Poly Hydroxy
Fig.1 Microbial Cells containing PHA
Article contributed by Dr. Jim Lunt, V.P. Sales and Marketing, Tianan Biologic, Wayzata, Minnesota, USA
s discussed in preceding issues of bioplastics MAGAZINE -Poly Hydroxy Alkanoates or PHA’s represent an emerging class of biopolymers which are presently produced through the fermentation of natural sugars, vegetable oils or fatty acids. These materials are unique in the field of renewable resource based biopolymers in that they represent the only class of polymers which are converted directly by microorganisms from feedstock to the polymeric form - no additional polymerization steps being required. The product in the form of microscopic granulates is extracted from the microbial cells (Fig. 1) and used either as the powder (Fig. 2) directly or converted to pellets for ease of shipping and handling. Also during the melt conversion to the pellets, additives such as an antioxidant and nucleating agent to accelerate crystallization, can be incorporated Although attracting recent pilot/commercial scale attention by companies such as Tianan Biologic, Telles, Meredian and others, interest in PHA’s has spanned many decades. Today there are actually over 300 known microorganisms capable of producing PHA’s [1] and over 1 0 monomer combinations that can produce PHA’s with widely different properties. In terms of commercial interest- poly 3 hydroxy butyrate-co-valerate (PHBV)-Tianan Biologic, poly 3 hydroxy -co-4 hydroxy butyrate, (PHB)-Telles, and poly 3 hydroxy butyrate-co-hydroxy hexanoate (PHBH) – Meredian, are probably the most well known polymers.
The History of PHA
Fig.2 PHA powder
The ability of micro-organisms to produce and store a PHA within their cells was first observed by Beijerinck in 1888. He observed inclusions within the bacterial cells but could not identify their structure. In 192 Lemoigne, using Bacillus megaterium, identified the polymer to be poly 3 hydroxy butyrate (PHB). It would appear little more was done in this area for another 30 years until in 19 8 McCrae and Wilkinson observed that bacteria stored PHB in their cells. When the carbon to nitrogen ratio in the fermentation medium was high and when the external carbon source was depleted [2], they consumed the PHB as a food and energy source. From this point, the fact that a biopolymer could be produced within a microbial cell, and become a source of intracellular reserve material, created significant interest among microbiologists and biochemists. The interest was still, however, essentially academic. The primary focus was directed on understanding the polymers significance on the functioning of the microorganisms and how external factors affected the rate of production and re-utilization by the microorganisms. Around 19 3, as oil prices climbed, this academic interest took on a more practical focus. In 19 , ICI in the UK began to investigate if PHB could be commercially produced using glucose as the feedstock. They developed a practically viable process but the economics were so completely unattractive that this initiative was terminated and the technology was divested.
PHA Technology The manufacture of PHA’S involves providing a microorganism a carbon feed source such as dextrose or glucose along with suitable nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus or oxygen which encourage growth and multiplication of
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
and Commercialization of Alkanoates (PHA) the microorganisms. Once the number of microorganisms reaches the required point, the nutrients are reduced to create an imbalance, which puts the microorganisms under stress. The microorganism then begins to convert the extracellular carbon source through a series of enzymatic pathways, to a reserve energy source in the form of polymeric inclusions within their cell. Under ideal conditions, typically, from 80% to 90% of the cell can comprise the polymeric form of the hydroxy esters conventionally referred to as the poly hydroxy alkanoates. The manufacturing process can be either a fed –batch or multi stage continuous process. When the mass of the polymer within the cell reaches the maximum level, the process is terminated. The polymeric material can be extracted from the cells by the use of solvents such as chloroform, methylene chloride, propylene chloride or dichloro methane. It is also possible to remove the polymer using only aqueous conditions [3]. Today it appears that only Tianan Biologic has successfully optimized the aqueous extraction route.
Common PHA Structures The basic structure of the Commercial PHA’s is shown below:
The R alky group at the C-3, can vary from one carbon (C1) to over 14 carbons (C14) in length. PHA’s are subdivided into three broad classes according to the chain length of the comprising monomers. PHA‘s containing up to C monomers are classified as short chain length PHA’s (scl-PHA). PHA’s with C –C14 and over C14 monomers are classified as medium chain length (mcl-PHA) and long chain length (lcl-PHA) PHA’s, respectively [4]. Today the short chain and medium chain length are the most common. The scl-PHA’s have properties close to conventional plastics while the mcl-PHA’s are regarded as elastomers and rubbers. PHB is the most common type of scl-PHA and has been studied most extensively. However, this polymer is extremely brittle and difficult to process without degradation. The common copolymers of PHA are formed containing 3-hydroxybutyrate (HB) with 3-hydroxyvalerate
(HV), 3-hydroxyhexanoate (HH) or 4-hydroxybutyrate (4HB) monomers. These short to medium chain length PHA’s are typically more tough and ductile (PHBV) to elastomers or sticky materials which can be modified to product rubbers (PHBH). In addition they are easier to process due to their lower crystallinity and melting or softening point.
Processing and Properties of Common PHA’s PHA’s are aliphatic polyesters. In common with petroleum based polyesters, these natural polymers are sensitive to hydrolytic breakdown. Before melt processing the products must be dried. Manufacturers, such as Tianan Biologic, typically recommend drying to approximately 2 0ppm moisture content before processing. Drying can be accomplished using desiccant or vacuum dryers. If the polymer is not dried to the recommended maximum moisture content and kept dry before melt processing, then hydrolytic degradation will occur leading to significant loss in molecular weight and reduced mechanical properties in the final product. Processors and compounders who run PET or Nylon and , are quite familiar with this issue and will have the correct drying equipment. Companies who only process polyolefins or polystyrene may not have dryers and so often this can cause problems for these companies in transitioning to the use of a PHA without incurring some capital investment. Short or medium chain length PHA’s with low commoner levels such as PHB ( 3 hydroxy-4hydroxy butyrate) or PHBV can be crystallized which allows drying at 80-100°C. Longer chain length more amorphous PHA’s must be dried at lower temperatures and this can also be an issue even for the polyester and polyamide processors if the drying temperature is too low. This problem may be even more problematic for the more elastomeric longer chain length PHA’s although their sensitivity to hydrolytic degradation during processing may not be as severe. Another concern with pure PHB is that the processing temperature and melting point are extremely close, which can readily cause thermal degradation of the polymer, producing crotonic acid. Many studies dedicated to thermal and thermo mechanical degradation of neat 3- PHB have revealed that the degradation occurs rapidly near the melting point according to mainly a random chain scission process (cis elimination of the ester group). The major by – products of this degradation are crotonic acid and its oligomers [ ].
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
Basic PHB Degradation Mechanism The melting point of 3-PHB is 1 °C. By producing copolymers such as PHBV the melting point is reduced to around 1 °C when % by weight of the valerate units are incorporated randomly in the polymer chain. This reduction in the melting point enables a wider melt processing window and also reduces the overall brittleness compared to PHB. Increasing the valerate content or using longer chain co monomers can further reduce the melting point but may also reduce the rate of crystallization which can lead to processing inefficiencies due to longer cycle times. Although the pure PHB is still produced, most common PHA’s are copolymers designed to have a wider processing window and a spectrum of properties from rigid to ductile materials. Other than these drying requirements and the relatively narrow processing temperatures PHA’s are otherwise readily processed on conventional melt processing equipment.
Fig.3 Bathroom Accessories, Photo: PolyOne
Due to the difficulties in processing the 3 –PHB the industry either produces copolymers, as discussed above or PHB is compounded with other materials to reduce degradation and improve processability.
In conclusion, PHA’s are a diverse class of polymers produced by many natural or modified microorganisms. Although the technology has been known for long time in academia the spectrum of products now becoming commercially available are showing promise in a variety of traditional and new commercial applications By varying the co monomer ratio and type, rigid to elastomeric products can be produced This family of unique microbial polyesters would appear to have a bright future in the emerging renewable resource based polymer industry. References: [1] Ronny Purwandi – Fermentation Production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates. PHA_presentation_show_rev.pps [2] Biotechnological approaches for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates in microorganisms and plants — A review. Pornpa Suriyamongkol Et. Al. [3] EP 1 0 2 0 A1 Xuejun Chen- Tianan Biologic [4] Madison LL, Huisman GW. Metabolic engineering of poly (3-hydroxyalkanoates): from DNA to plastic. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 1999; 3:21– 3. [ ] Hablot E et al., Thermal and thermo-mechanical degradation of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)-based multiphase systems, Polym. Degrad Stab (200 ), doi:10.101 /j.polymdegradstab.200 .11.0 18 PDST 31 _proof _ 11 December 200 _ 4/9.
Fig. 4 PHA pellets
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
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*offer valid until October 31, 2009 bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 3
Letter to the Editor
Event Review
In issue 02/2009 bioplastics MAGAZINE published a short review of the GPEC conference in Orlando Florida, USA (see bM 02/2009, p.8). Michael Stephen, Commercial Director and Deputy Chairman of Symphony Environmental Technologies Plc, sent a letter to the editor commenting on this short article. Mr. Stephen stated that Dr. Greene was wrong to call the material ‘oxofragmentable’plastic. The mentioned formulation breaks the molecular chains within the polymer and then the material biodegrades. Furthermore Mr. Stephen took exception to the statement that he ‘was not able to present any scientifically backed data to prove his claims.’ He said that there is ample scientific data, and that he had referred to several of the scientific reports in his presentation. bioplastics MAGAZINE offered Mr. Stephen to publish a comprehensive scientifically based article in the next issue of bioplastics MAGAZINE where he can explain his case about compliance with ASTM D 9 4 (a standard that he refers to in his letter). He was asked to provide test data conducted using resins with Symphony based additives. These test data shall be available for download from the bioplastics MAGAZINE website - MT .
photo courtesy tal of Environmen Division of SPE
Plastics GPEC Global 09 Conference 20 Environment
inability and World of Susta in The Wonderful ary 25 to 27 line ’Plastics: met from Febru Under the head and speakers The conference t 300 delegates Florida, USA. Recyling’ abou rt in Orlando, Reso sessions was gs lel ado Sprin of three paral Disney’s Coron exhibition. One top table a d by was accompanie ble Materials. by an and Biodegrada were attended on Bio-based ntations, which talk about the interesting prese ’s (Univenture) Among the most was Ross Young Linden (Battelle) to 90 delegates and fuel. Corey astics average of 70 Todd biopl for ding. moul Algae primarily ce for injection Production of sed PLA performan t, (50%) bioba ods to improve on transparen introduced meth t a new type Kristin Taylor a spoke abou an Biologic) and Rogers of Arkem from Jim Lunt (Tian ples clear. exam n d Rilsa application polyamide, name opments and devel t lates nted their (Telles) prese t PHA’s. Symphony abou the field of the el Stephen of entable ntation by Micha discussed prese ) called oxo-fragm The massively State Univ. Chico location Greene (California an appropriate e: “Disney is to – what Professor Green able Joe again was not commented by Mr. Stephens plastics – was ns”. However, of presentatio his claims. for such kind d data to prove ates tifically backe with the deleg present any scien Toyota shared Eric Connell of tations of on the first day, cations & Expec Appli e motiv During lunch about ‘Auto reductions and and thoughts greenhouse gas his experience but viewpoint of al materials, rials’. From the carbon neutr as tive Biobased Mate are attrac for industrial ity, bioplastics ntly still exist resource secur tions that curre ed out the limita Eric also point s. ined otive application Huntsville expla usage for autom of Alabama in the University gs about CO2 , Professor at d day his findin Dr. John Kristy e on on the secon carbon dioxid plenary sessi statement ‘all in an elaborated his ‘all-clear’ ly agreed ing. However, te’ was not exact warm l clima the globa t and - do not affec reduced or not emissions – if , as well as delegates. talks the of sting all by intere to some of the most s. INE will cover coming issue bioplastics MAGAZ posters in the good student some of the really
INE bioplastics MAGAZ
[02/09] Vol. 4 7th International Symposium Materials made from renewable resources
9th and 10th September 2009 Main topics · Fibre composites · Biopolymer materials · Bio-based adhesives · Wood fibre materials Accompanying exhibition European Cooperation Forum
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
Sustaina in Pack
Intertech-pira acco conference, ‘ exhibition, on 3Packaging’ on a Florid Orlando, from 30-40 about delegates came d session to atten ts industry exper ic on ‘How plast the sustainab s Europe’ Profe for example add
of automatic mixed PLA / Other present develompents NatureWorks Telles), Starc (Tom Black, P PSM) and b Polyethylene
Leslie Harty Enterprises discussed covered the PE and PE claimed to
biodegrada the 100% materials such as E
EN 14855 could not
Event Calender June 16-19, 2009 BioEnvironmental Polymer Society 16th Annual Meeting McCormick Place Convention Center, Chicago, IL, USA
September 28 - October 01, 2009 4th Biopolymers Symposium 2009 Embassy Suites, Lakefront - Chicago Downtown Chicago, Illinois USA
June 22-26, 2009 NPE2009: The International Plastics Showcase McCormick Place Chicago, Illinois USA
October 06-07, 2009 3. BioKunststoffe Technische Anwendungen biobasierter Werkstoffe Duisburg, Germany
September 8-10, 2009 Biopackaging 2009 Copthorne Tara Hotel Kensington, London, UK
October 26-27, 2009 Biowerkstoff Kongress 2009 within framework of AVK and COMPOSITES EUROPE Neue Messe Stuttgart, Germany
September 9-10, 2009 7th Int. Symposium ‘Materials made of Renewable Resources‘ Messe Erfurt Erfurt / Germany
September 14-16, 2009 2nd PLA Bottle Conference hosted by bioplastics MAGAZINE within the framework of drinktec Munich / Germany
November 10-11, 2009 4th European Bioplastics Conference Ritz Carlton Hotel Berlin, Germany
December 2-3, 2009 Dritter Deutscher WPC-Kongress Maritim Hotel Cologne, Germany
June 22-23, 2010 8th Global WPC and Natural Fibre Composites Congress an Exhibition Fellbach (near Stuttgart), Germany
You can meet us! Please contact us in advance by e-mail.
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
Glossary In bioplastics MAGAZINE again and again the same expressions appear that some of our readers might (not yet) be familiar with. This glossary shall help with these terms and shall help avoid repeated explanations such as ‘PLA (Polylactide)‘ in various articles.
Bioplastics (as defined by European Bioplastics e.V.) is a term used to define two different kinds of plastics:
Blend | Mixture of plastics, polymer alloy of at least two microscopically dispersed and molecularly distributed base polymers.
a. Plastics based on renewable resources (the focus is the origin of the raw material used)
Carbon neutral | Carbon neutral describes a process that has a negligible impact on total atmospheric CO2 levels. For example, carbon neutrality means that any CO2 released when a plant decomposes or is burnt is offset by an equal amount of CO2 absorbed by the plant through photosynthesis when it is growing.
b. à Biodegradable and compostable plastics according to EN13432 or similar standards (the focus is the compostability of the final product; biodegradable and compostable plastics can be based on renewable (biobased) and/or non-renewable (fossil) resources). Bioplastics may be - based on renewable resources and biodegradable; - based on renewable resources but not be biodegradable; and - based on fossil resources and biodegradable. Amylopectin | Polymeric branched starch molecule with very high molecular weight (biopolymer, monomer is à Glucose). Amyloseacetat | Linear polymeric glucosechains are called à amylose. If this compound is treated with ethan acid one product is amylacetat. The hydroxyl group is connected with the organic acid fragment. Amylose | Polymeric non-branched starch molecule with high molecular weight (biopolymer, monomer is à Glucose). Biodegradable Plastics | Biodegradable Plastics are plastics that are completely assimilated by the à microorganisms present a defined environment as food for their energy. The carbon of the plastic must completely be converted into CO2 during the microbial process. For an official definition, please refer to the standards e.g. ISO or in Europe: EN 1499 Plastics- Evaluation of compostability - Test scheme and specifications. [bM 02/200 p. 34f, bM 01/200 p38].
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
Cellophane | Clear film on the basis of à cellulose. Cellulose | Polymeric molecule with very high molecular weight (biopolymer, monomer is à Glucose), industrial production from wood or cotton, to manufacture paper, plastics and fibres.
Cradle-to-Cradle | (sometimes abbreviated as C2C): Is an expression which communicates the concept of a closed-cycle economy, in which waste is used as raw material (‘waste equals food’). Cradle-to-Cradle is not a term that is typically used in àLCA studies. Cradle-to-Grave | Describes the system boundaries of a full àLife Cycle Assessment from manufacture (‘cradle’) to use phase and disposal phase (‘grave’). Fermentation | Biochemical reactions controlled by à microorganisms or enyzmes (e.g. the transformation of sugar into lactic acid). Gelatine | Translucent brittle solid substance, colorless or slightly yellow, nearly tasteless and odorless, extracted from the collagen inside animals‘ connective tissue.
Compost | A soil conditioning material of decomposing organic matter which provides nutrients and enhances soil structure. (bM 0 /2008, 02/2009)
Glucose | Monosaccharide (or simple sugar). G. is the most important carbohydrate (sugar) in biology. G. is formed by photosynthesis or hydrolyse of many carbohydrates e. g. starch.
Compostable Plastics | Plastics that are biodegradable under ‘composting’ conditions: specified humidity, temperature, à microorganisms and timefame. Several national and international standards exist for clearer definitions, for example EN 1499 Plastics - Evaluation of compostability - Test scheme and specifications [bM 02/200 p. 34f, bM 01/200 p38].
Humus | In agriculture, ‘humus’ is often used simply to mean mature à compost, or natural compost extracted from a forest or other spontaneous source for use to amend soil.
Composting | A solid waste management technique that uses natural process to convert organic materials to CO2, water and humus through the action of à microorganisms [bM 03/200 ]. Copolymer | Plastic composed of different monomers. Cradle-to-Gate | Describes the system boundaries of an environmental àLife Cycle Assessment (LCA) which covers all activities from the ‘cradle’ (i.e., the extraction of raw materials, agricultural activities and forestry) up to the factory gate
Hydrophilic | Property: ‘water-friendly’, soluble in water or other polar solvents (e.g. used in conjunction with a plastic which is not waterresistant and weatherproof or that absorbs water such as Polyamide (PA). Hydrophobic | Property: ‘water-resistant’, not soluble in water (e.g. a plastic which is waterresistant and weatherproof, or that does not absorb any water such as Polethylene (PE) or Polypropylene (PP). LCA | Life Cycle Assessment (sometimes also referred to as life cycle analysis, ecobalance, and àcradle-to-grave analysis) is the investigation and valuation of the environmental impacts of a given product or service caused (bM 01/2009).
Readers who know better explanations or who would like to suggest other explanations to be added to the list, please contact the editor. [*: bM ... refers to more comprehensive article previously published in bioplastics MAGAZINE)
Microorganism | Living organisms of microscopic size, such as bacteria, funghi or yeast. PCL | Polycaprolactone, a synthetic (fossil based), biodegradable bioplastic, e.g. used as a blend component. PHA | Polyhydroxyalkanoates are linear polyesters produced in nature by bacterial fermentation of sugar or lipids. The most common type of PHA is à PHB. PHB | Polyhydroxyl buteric acid (better poly3-hydroxybutyrate), is a polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), a polymer belonging to the polyesters class. PHB is produced by micro-organisms apparently in response to conditions of physiological stress. The polymer is primarily a product of carbon assimilation (from glucose or starch) and is employed by micro-organisms as a form of energy storage molecule to be metabolized when other common energy sources are not available. PHB has properties similar to those of PP, however it is stiffer and more brittle. PLA | Polylactide or Polylactic Acid (PLA) is a biodegradable, thermoplastic, aliphatic polyester from lactic acid. Lactic acid is made from dextrose by fermentation. Bacterial fermentation is used to produce lactic acid from corn starch, cane sugar or other sources. However, lactic acid cannot be directly polymerized to a useful product, because each polymerization reaction generates one molecule of water, the presence of which degrades the forming polymer chain to the point that only very low molecular weights are observed. Instead, lactic acid is oligomerized and then catalytically dimerized to make the cyclic lactide monomer. Although dimerization also generates water, it can be separated prior to polymerization. PLA of high molecular weight is produced from the lactide monomer by ring-opening polymerization using a catalyst. This mechanism does not generate additional water, and hence, a wide range of molecular weights are accessible (bM 01/2009).
Saccharins or carbohydrates | Saccharins or carbohydrates are name for the sugar-family. Saccharins are monomer or polymer sugar units. For example, there are known mono-, di- and polysaccharose. à glucose is a monosaccarin. They are important for the diet and produced biology in plants. Sorbitol | Sugar alcohol, obtained by reduction of glucose changing the aldehyde group to an additional hydroxyl group. S. is used as a plasticiser for bioplastics based on starch. Starch | Natural polymer (carbohydrate) consisting of à amylose and à amylopectin, gained from maize, potatoes, wheat, tapioca etc. When glucose is connected to polymerchains in definite way the result (product) is called starch. Each molecule is based on 300 -12000-glucose units. Depending on the connection, there are two types à amylose and à amylopectin known. Starch (-derivate) | Starch (-derivates) are based on the chemical structure of à starch. The chemical structure can be changed by introducing new functional groups without changing the à starch polymer. The product has different chemical qualities. Mostly the hydrophilic character is not the same. Starch-ester | One characteristic of every starch-chain is a free hydroxyl group. When every hydroxyl group is connect with ethan acid one product is starch-ester with different chemical properties. Starch propionate and starch butyrate | Starch propionate and starch butyrate can be synthesised by treating the à starch with propane or butanic acid. The product structure is still based on à starch. Every based à glucose fragment is connected with a propionate or butyrate ester group. The product is more hydrophobic than à starch.
Sustainable | An attempt to provide the best outcomes for the human and natural environments both now and into the indefinite future. One of the most often cited definitions of sustainability is the one created by the Brundtland Commission, led by the former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland. The Brundtland Commission defined sustainable development as development that ‘meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’ Sustainability relates to the continuity of economic, social, institutional and environmental aspects of human society, as well as the non-human environment). Sustainability | (as defined by European Bioplastics e.V.) has three dimensions: economic, social and environmental. This has been known as “the triple bottom line of sustainability”. This means that sustainable development involves the simultaneous pursuit of economic prosperity, environmental protection and social equity. In other words, businesses have to expand their responsibility to include these environmental and social dimensions. Sustainability is about making products useful to markets and, at the same time, having societal benefits and lower environmental impact than the alternatives currently available. It also implies a commitment to continuous improvement that should result in a further reduction of the environmental footprint of today’s products, processes and raw materials used. Thermoplastics | Plastics which soften or melt when heated and solidify when cooled (solid at room temperature). Yard Waste | Grass clippings, leaves, trimmings, garden residue.
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
Suppliers Guide 1.Raw Materials
BASF SE Global Business Management Biodegradable Polymers Carl-Bosch-Str. 38 0 Ludwigshafen, Germany Tel. +49- 21 0 43 8 8 Fax +49- 21 0 21 94 1.1 bio based monomers
Du Pont de Nemours International S.A. 2, Chemin du Pavillon, PO Box 0 CH 1218 Le Grand Saconnex, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. + 41 22 1 428 Fax + 41 22 1 00 1.2 compounds
Transmare Compounding B.V. Ringweg , 04 JL Roermond, The Netherlands Tel. +31 4 34 900 Fax +31 4 34 910 1.3 PLA
Division of A&O FilmPAC Ltd Osier Way, Warrington Road GB-Olney/Bucks. MK4 FP Tel.: +44 844 33 088 Fax: +44 1234 13 221 1.4 starch-based bioplastics
Natur-Tec® - Northern Technologies 4201 Woodland Road Circle Pines, MN 014 USA Tel. +1 3.22 . 00 Fax +1 3.22 . 4
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
PolyOne Avenue Melville Wilson, 2 Zoning de la Fagne 330 Assesse Belgium Tel. + 32 83 0 211
Sukano Products Ltd. Chaltenbodenstrasse 23 CH-8834 Schindellegi BIOTEC Biologische +41 44 8 Naturverpackungen GmbH & Co. KG Tel. Fax +41 44 8 8 Werner-Heisenberg-Straße 32 4 44 Emmerich Germany 2. Additives / Tel. +49 2822 92 10 Secondary raw materials Fax +49 2822 1840
PSM Bioplastic NA Chicago, USA +1- 30-393-0012 1.5 PHA
1.6 masterbatches Sidaplax UK : +44 (1) 04 99 Sidaplax Belgium: +32 9 210 80 10 Plastic Suppliers: +1 8 3 8 41 8 3.1.1 cellulose based films
INNOVIA FILMS LTD Wigton Cumbria CA 9BG England Contact: Andy Sweetman Tel. +44 1 9 3 41 49 Fax +44 1 9 3 414 2 4. Bioplastics products
BIOTEC Biologische Naturverpackungen GmbH & Co. KG Werner-Heisenberg-Straße 32 4 44 Emmerich Germany Tel. +49 2822 92 10 Fax +49 2822 1840 Plantic Technologies Limited 1 Burns Road Altona VIC 3018 Australia Tel. + 1 3 93 3 900 Fax + 1 3 93 3 901 FKuR Kunststoff GmbH Siemensring 9 D - 4 8 Willich Tel. +49 21 4 92 1-0 Tel.: +49 21 4 92 1- 1
Tianan Biologic No. 8 Dagang th Rd, Beilun, Ningbo, China, 31 800 Tel. +8 - 48 8 2 0 2 Fax +8 - 48 8 98 0
Telles, Metabolix – ADM joint venture 0 Suffolk Street, Suite 100 Lowell, MA 018 4 USA Tel. +1-9 8 13 18 00 Fax +1-9 8 13 18 8
Du Pont de Nemours International S.A. 2, Chemin du Pavillon, PO Box 0 CH 1218 Le Grand Saconnex, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. + 41(0) 22 1 428 Fax + 41(0) 22 1 00 3. Semi finished products
alesco GmbH & Co. KG Schönthaler Str. - 9 D- 23 9 Langerwehe Sales Germany: +49 2423 402 110 Sales Belgium: +32 9 22 0 1 Sales Netherlands: +31 20 03 10 |
Arkhe Will Co., Ltd. 19-1- Imaichi-cho, Fukui 918-81 2 Fukui, Japan Tel. +81- 38 4 11 Fax +81- 38 4 1
3.1 films
Huhtamaki Forchheim Herr Manfred Huberth Zweibrückenstraße 1 -2 91301 Forchheim Tel. +49-9191 8130 Fax +49-9191 81244 Mobil +49-1 1 2439 4
Maag GmbH Leckingser Straße 12 8 40 Iserlohn Germany Tel. + 49 23 1 9 9-30 Fax + 49 23 1 9 9-9
Forapack S.r.l Via Sodero, 43 030 Poggiofi orito (Ch), Italy Tel. +39-08 1 93 03 2 Fax +39-08 1 93 03 2
Minima Technology Co., Ltd. Esmy Huang, Marketing Manager No.33. Yichang E. Rd., Taipin City, Taichung County 411, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel. +88 (4)22 888 Fax +883(4)22 989 Mobil +88 (0)982-829988 esmy32 @ms Skype esmy32
10.2 Universities natura Verpackungs GmbH Industriestr. - 48432 Rheine Tel. +49 9 303- Fax +49 9 303-42
Molds, Change Parts and Turnkey Solutions for the PET/Bioplastic Container Industry 284 Pinebush Road Cambridge Ontario Canada N1T 1Z Tel. +1 19 24 9 20 Fax +1 19 24 9 21
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MANN+HUMMEL ProTec GmbH Stubenwald-Allee 9 4 2 Bensheim, Deutschland Tel. +49 2 1 0 1 0 Fax +49 2 1 0 1 10 7. Plant engineering
Uhde Inventa-Fischer GmbH Holzhauser Str. 1 - 1 9 13 09 Berlin Germany Tel. +49 (0)30 43 Fax +49 (0)30 43 99
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8. Ancillary equipment President Packaging Ind., Corp. PLA Paper Hot Cup manufacture In Taiwan, Tel.: +88 - - 0-40 ext. 31 Fax: +88 - - 0-40
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• Daily News from the Industrial Sector and the Plastics Markets
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FAS Converting Machinery AB O Zinkgatan 1/ Box 1 03 2 100 Ystad, Sweden Tel.: +4 411 92 0
BPI - The Biodegradable Products Institute 331 West th Street Suite 41 New York, NY 10019, USA Tel. +1-888-2 4- 4
• Buyer’s Guide for Plastics & Additives, Machinery & Equipment, Subcontractors and Services.
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Companies in this issue Company A&O Filmpac Alesco Arkema Arkhe Will BASF Biograde Biopolymer Network Biotec BMW BPI Bunge Foods CelluComp Cereplast Coca-Cola Colorado School of Mines Cray Valley DuPont European Bioplastics Evonik Industries FAS Converting FH Hannover FKuR Forapack Fraunhofer UMSICHT Georgia Pacific Green Fuels Hallink Heritage Huhtamaki IDES IFEU Innovia Interseroh Iowa State University IraPlast Jamplast JER Kingfa KTM Industries Kureha Lear EnviroTec Leistritz Lineo Lola
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31 ,22 8 3
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Company Maag Mann + Hummel Marchant Manufacturing Meredian Merquinsa Michigan State University Minima Technologies Mizuno Nanobiomatters Natura Verpackung NatureWorks nova Institut Novamont Plastic Technologies Plasticker Polymediaconsult PolyOne President Packaging PSM Teinnovations Purac Recycled Carbon Sandoz Seda Sidaplax Sรถdra Sonnentor Sphere-Biotec SPI STFI Packforsk Sukano Symphony Teamburg Teknor Apex Telles Tetra Pak Tianan Biologic Transmare Uhde Inventa-Fischer US Army Natick Warwick University WeiMon Wiedmer Zejiang Hangzhou Xinfu
Editorial Focus:
Jul/Aug 03.08.2009
Bottles / Labels / Caps Non-Food-Sourced Bioplastics
Land Use for Bioplastics
Editorial Focus (1)
Editorial Focus (2)
0 .10.2009
Fibers / Textiles / Nonwovens
Paper Coating
Basics of Starch Based Biopolymers
Films / Flexibles / Bags
Consumer Electronics
Anaerobic Digestion
bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/09] Vol. 4
28 3 2 18
Advert 44 4
4 44
31 21 4 ,8,19,20,23,32 , ,8,12 23
14,24 22 3 18 , ,8,12
4 ,48 4 4 31,44 4 44
44 30 28 8 21,22 30 44 40 4 2 2 ,3 14,3
44,4 ,44 44 4
2 34 29,4 4 2
For the next issue of bioplastics MAGAZINE (among others) the following subjects are scheduled:
Next issue:
Fair Specials
2008 and Terra Madre to us G l de ne lo Sa 80,000 e del Gusto 1 Visitors of Salon 26,000 Terra Madre Meals served at kg 7,000 ced* Compost produ kg 13,600 CO2 saved ection – Novamont proj * data estimate
The future, with a different flavour: sustainable Mater-Bi® means biodegradable and compostable plastics made from renewable raw materials. Slow Food, defending good things, from food to land.
For the “Salone del Gusto” and “Terra Madre”, Slow Food has chosen Mater-Bi® for bags, shoppers, cutlery, cups and plates; showing that good food must also get along with the environment. Sustainable development is a necessity for everyone. For Novamont and Slow Food, it is already a reality.