bioplastics MAGAZINE 04/2013

Page 1

03 | 2013



Vol. 8

ISSN 1862-5258


Highlights Basics Food or non food ... | 42

Bottle Applications | 30 Building & Construction | 12 1 countries

... is read in 9



*UHHQ 3RO\HWK\OHQH RIIHUV XQLTXH RSSRUWXQLWLHV *UHHQ 3( SURYLGHV \RX ZLWK WKH SHUIHFW VROXWLRQ WKXV KHOSLQJ \RX WR PHHW \RXU VXVWDLQDELOLW\ JRDOV IRU \RXU ELREDVHG SDFNDJLQJ DSSOLFDWLRQ RM 614 Kärcher eco!ogic cleaning agents with new %UDVNHPÂ?V &RGH RI &RQGXFW XQGHUOLQHV WKH ‡ +LJK FRQWHQW RI UHQHZDEOH UHVVRXUFHV plant-based bottle made from sugar cane. FRPSDQ\Â?V FRPPLWPHQW WR RSHUDWLQJ LQ DFFRUGDQFH ‡ 2XWVWDQGLQJ &2 FDSWXULQJ ZLWK VXVWDLQDEOH GHYHORSPHQW SULQFLSOHV For over 30 years, Kärcher has highlighted the importance of‡ 3URSHUWLHV DV IRVVLO EDVHG 3( developing environmentally friendly cleaning agents. For the first time the eco!ogic cleaning agents, made with surfactants that are based on 100% renewable raw materials, are delivered in bottles that are ‡ ,GHQWLFDO SURFHVVDELOLW\ 'URS ,Q 6ROXWLRQV 6XJDUFDQH VRXUFHG LQ 6RXWK %UD]LO GRHV QRW GLVWXUE now made of >96% plant-based plastic – another advantage in favour of the environment.





dear readers After the biggest issue ever in June it now seems like the calm before the storm. It’s not only summertime but it is the period before an autumn crammed with activities. At K’2013, the world’s premier trade fair for plastics and rubber in Düsseldorf, Germany, in mid October, bioplastics MAGAZINE will welcome visitors in hall 07a, booth B10. At a joint stand with European Bioplastics, the European industry association, we will together provide up-to-date information on market development and new products. The joint stand aims to be a contact platform for all K-visitors interested in bioplastic solutions. Our next issue will provide in-depth information about the trade fair and the companies exhibiting bioplastics products or services. You may also want to visit our website for regularly updated information. Within the framework of K’2013 we will also welcome delegates to our Bioplastics Business Breakfast. With 25 percent more presentations each day compared to 2010 it will be a unique opportunity to network and to gather first-hand information. The programme covering the three days (October 17, 18 and 19) can be found on page 41 (regularly updated online of course). Further events this coming fall and winter are certainly the 8th European Bioplastics Conference on the 10th and 11th of December in Berlin where bioplastics MAGAZINE will again present the Global Bioplastics Award. The deadline for proposals is August 31st, so we encourage all to send in suggestions for their own or other bioplastics products or services. Please see page 10 for details. The highlights in this issue include Bioplastics in Building & Construction and Bottle applications. A day before we closed our layout, I found an interesting post on this topic on the website of the German radio station Deutsche Welle. I found this interesting enough to share at least the link with you. Please visit

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In the Basics section we had announced an update on Land use for bioplastics. However, since we just had an update in the last issue, we decided to replace it by an article on the discussion Food or non-food — Which agricultural feedstocks are best for industrial uses? As usual this issue is once again rounded off by lots of industry and applications news… We hope you enjoy the summer and — of course — reading bioplastics MAGAZINE

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Sincerely yours Michael Thielen

bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol.8


Content Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 10 Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 41, 49 Application News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 - 37 Material News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Suppliers Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 - 48 Event Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Companies in this issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

04|2013 July/August

Materials 22 New biobased EPDM grades 24 Bio-PA for handheld devices 25 Biobased acrylic acid 26 PLA without metallic catalysts

From Science & Research 28 Bio-Composites

Bottle Applications 30 Bioplastic bottles from plant starch 31 Coke‘s bio-PET is expanding 32 Bottles made from Bio-Polyethylene 34 New partner joins PEF bottle development

Building / Construction


12 Biobased Plastics for Exterior Facades

38 The New Way to Drink Coffee

16 Global Trends in Wood-Plastic Composites (WPC)

39 100% renewable bio-resins for canoes

18 Biodegradable Green Foam: The Building


Material of the Future

20 New ecological elegance: architectural

Coverphoto: Philipp Thielen


A part of this print run is mailed to the readers in envelopes sponsored by BIOTEC GmbH & Co. KG


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bioplastics MAGAZINE tries to use British spelling. However, in articles based on information from the USA, American spelling may also be used.

The fact that product names may not be identified in our editorial as trade marks is not an indication that such names are not registered trade marks.

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bioplastics MAGAZINE is read in 91 countries.

ISSN 1862-5258 bM is published 6 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (149 Euro for 6 issues).

bioplastics magazine

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42 Food or non-food — Which agricultural feedstocks are best for industrial uses?

panels of PLA

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New ThyssenKrupp Uhde plant Europe’s first multi-purpose fermentation plant for the continuous production of bio-based chemicals was inaugurated in Leuna, Saxony-Anhalt/Germany on July 10. Built at a cost of around 20 million euros, the facility will enable ThyssenKrupp Uhde to further expand its research and development activities in the area of biochemicals based on renewable raw materials. Among other things, these biochemicals are used as starting materials for biodegradable plastics such as polylactic acid (PLA) and polybutylene succinate (PBS). Bioplastics are ideal for processing into packaging materials, films and textiles. It is expected that some 4.5 million tons of polyethylene (PET) a year will be replaced by bioplastics in the coming years, helping reduce environmental impact and conserve resources. ThyssenKrupp CEO Dr. Heinrich Hiesinger sees significant market potential: “Modern biotechnology is one of the key technologies of the 21st century. Biotechnological processes, products and services play a role in almost all areas of our

daily lives – for example in the development of new medicines, plant varieties, detergents and cosmetics. Industrial biotechnology is part of our growth strategy. ThyssenKrupp has extensive expertise in this area – from basic research to the operation of industrial-scale pilot plants.” An interdisciplinary team of engineers and scientists from ThyssenKrupp Uhde worked for five years to develop a licensable process for the production of lactic acid. The company’s technical center for research into biochemicals was relocated from Leipzig to Leuna in August 2012. The multi-purpose fermentation plant inaugurated in July will enable ThyssenKrupp Uhde to test its laboratory-developed fermentation and processing technologies on an industrial scale: More than 1,000 tonnes of biochemicals such as lactic acid and succinic acid can now be produced at this facility annually. MT

Novamont launched 4th generation of Mater-Bi Novamont (Novara, Italy) recently unveiled the first product made from 4th generation Mater-Bi®, their family of biodegradable and compostable bioplastics, which a press release describes to “go beyond the product itself and become an opportunity to develop circular bioeconomies. It also aims to stimulate reindustrialisation through the development of integrated Biorefineries”.

system of alliances, with investments of around €300 million, and it is developing two plants which will be the first of their kind anywhere in the world:

The industrialisation of two new highly innovative technologies will make it possible to produce two monomers from renewable sources. The first, from the vegetable oil production chain, is obtained using a completely new technology which transforms oils into azelaic acid and other acids through a chemical process. The other, 1.4 BDO (Butanediol), comes from the fermatation of sugars using technology licensed from Genomatica for which Novamont, through its subsidiary MaterBiotech, is building the world’s first dedicated plant.

at Bottrighe, Italy, through its subsidiary MaterBiotech, for the production of 1.4 Butanediol

The new generation of materials combines two already consolidated technologies of complexed starches and polyesters from oils and the new technologies and can be used for a wide range of applications, including flexible and rigid films, coatings, printing, extrusion and thermoforming. It contains an even higher proportion of renewable raw materials and an even lower level of greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil raw materials. Novamont presented the roadmap for future generations of Mater-Bi products at the European Bioplastics Conference 2009 in Berlin. It has pursued these objectives by creating a

at Porto Torres, Italy, within the scope of Matrìca, the equal joint venture between Novamont and Eni Versalis, for the production of azelaic acid from vegetable oil in addition to a wide range of chemicals;

“As well as confirming our leading position in low environmental impact technologies and products, (this) announcement marks an important milestone in our longterm strategy for developing the Novamont model of the integrated third-generation biorefinery, based on connected proprietary technologies applied to declining industrial sites. In Europe these sites can become catalysts for the regeneration of areas which are currently facing serious difficulties, as part of a regional development model with local roots and a global vision, encouraging entrepreneurship and teaching about the efficient use of resources through a genuine school on the ground. I am convinced that integrated Biorefineries that focus on a number of value added products represent a virtuous way of interpreting the concept of Bioeconomy and a real opportunity for our country and for Europe,” said Catia Bastioli, CEO of Novamont. MT

bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8



Persistence that bore fruit

The perseverance of a young Turkish girl from Istanbul, who spent two years on a project to develop a bioplastic from banana peel, was recently rewarded when she was named this year’s winner of the 2013 $50,000 Science in Action award. With her Going Bananas project, Elif Bilgin, 16, aimed to develop a method for recycling a waste material in ample supply - banana peels - into feedstock for a bioplastic that could replace conventional petroleum-based plastic. She reasoned that because the peels contained starch, it should be possible to produce plastic from them instead of simply throwing them away. This proved easier said than done. In the course of her project, Elif conducted 12 pilot experiments, the first 10 of which failed when the plastic started showing signs of degradation after 3 days. Her persistence finally paid off, however, when her final two experiments produced a plastic that she describes as showing “no signs of decay after 2 months, and counting”. Having successfully produced a new banana plastic offering an inexpensive and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional plastic, Elif now hopes that it will be adopted by the industry for wider use, envisioning such applications as insulation for electric cables and cosmetic prostheses. As the winner of the Science in Action award, Elif also receives a full year’s mentorship to further her research. The award, which is part of the Google Science Fair online competition, is sponsored by Scientific American, and recognizes a project that makes a practical difference by addressing an environmental, health or resources challenge. Elif will also attend the finalist awards event at Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California, USA, in September 2013, as she is also a finalist in the overall Google Science Fair for the 15-16-year-old category. KL

Info: More info about the project at And a videoclip at

Biopac announces leading role in eclipse Biopac (Pershore, Worcestershire, UK) announced a leading role in ECLIPSE, an international consortium which has secured funding of €5 million to develop innovative packaging using natural materials in order to reduce dependency on fossil fuels. Eclipse aims to develop fully sustainable packaging utilising non-edible waste (derived from banana plants, almond shells and crustacean shell waste), and micro-algae to produce environmentally friendly biopolymers to rival conventional oil based plastics. Among other targets this project aims at decreasing the production costs of PLA. The bioplastic aims to demonstrate similar characteristics to the films used in packaging solutions. The new material will have good mechanical characteristics – light, moisture, gas and odour barrier properties similar to Polyethylene or PET that is used in beverage, food and other liquid containers. Some of the expected benefits of Eclipse include: More environmentally friendly packaging through the use of biomass wastes which will reduce the carbon footprint and the energy consumption required to produce packaging materials. Biodegradability/Compostability meeting the EN 13432 compostability standard. This is a valuable alternative to the waste disposal of certain packaging items such as agricultural bags used in growing bananas. Reduced CO2 emissions of the overall process. Mark Brigden, Technical Director at Biopac, said: “The Eclipse consortium has the potential to overcome the handicaps that prevent (biobased) materials such as PLA from achieving a much bigger share of the packaging market. Flexible pouches and agricultural bags are target markets and will utilise the breakthrough improvements in the performance and characteristics of the new material. This advanced research keeps Europe at the forefront of packaging innovation.” The Eclipse project relies upon the participation of several multinational companies (Biopac, Futerro, Banacol, Antartic and Galactic) and European and Latin American firstrate research centres, including univer-sities from Spain, Belgium, Swe-den, Germany, Colombia and Chile.


bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8

News / People

Swiss consensus on bioplastics Switzerland has a long tradition of domestic politics based on consensus. And when it comes to biodegradable plastics and their disposal this is no different. European Bioplastics spoke to Daniel Trachsel, Managing Director of the Association of Swiss Composting and Methanisation Plants. EuBP: Switzerland is the first country that has reached an all-stakeholder consensus regarding the treatment of biodegradable materials (including biodegradable plastics) in waste streams. Could you shortly outline the gist of the compromise?

to business. Therefore, no broad communication is planned. We are trying to convince the national legislation to adopt the core issues of the consensus into a planned national ordinance. Until now, the consensus bases only on a private agreement amongst the stakeholders.

Daniel Trachsel, Managing Director, Association of Swiss Composting and Methanisation Plants

DT: The agreement includes restricted acceptance of bioplastics in biowaste treatment plants to further on guarantee a good quality of compost and digestate. Only bags designed for the collection of biowaste (primarily or secondary use) are allowed without restrictions. Other bioplastics like dishes, flower pots or sheeting may only be composted or fermented if they originate from a defined source like events or companies that agreed in advance with the biowaste treatment plant. All bioplastics meant to be composted or fermented have to be marked with a grid printed on at least 70 % of the surface. The communication on the material has to point clearly to the optimal disposal chain. EuBP: How did you arrive at this compromise – which stakeholders were included and what were the important milestones of the process? DT: Starting in 2001, cities faced with bioplastic bags undistinguishable from normal plastics and containing lots of contraries were alarmed and started building up a working group. Today, the whole supply chain and the disposal chain are involved. This includes producers of raw material, dealers, wholesalers, plastic recyclers, municipial disposers, biowaste treatment plants and national authorities. We do regret that the two new German players on the Swiss market, Aldi and Lidl, have not yet joined the consensus. The first consensus was found in 2004, followed by an interim version 2008. The 2013 consensus is the result of four years of negociations. EuBP: What are the next steps regarding the implementation of the compromise in Switzerland? DT: The consensus is meant to be addressed business Biowaste bags with printed grid (Source: BASF)

EuBP: Would it make sense to “export” your approach to other European countries? Are there discussions going into this direction?

DT: We would strongly appreciate our consensus to be exported to the EU. Mainly the fact that products coming from the EU aren’t marked according to the consensus troubles severely the acceptance of the consensus in Switzerland.

More information about the Swiss consensus is available online in German and French, English and Italian. The interview was previously published in the European Bioplastics Bulletin.

USDA BioPreferred Labelling Programme continues The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently announced that BioPreferred® Program will again be able to offer biobased product certification and labeling. They also reopened the web portal for companies to apply for the voluntary USDA Certified Biobased Product label. Thus far about 900 individual products have received the USDA Certified Biobased Product label. “A number of renewable intermediate chemicals are in the queue for approval or will be applying shortly for the label, including some biobased plasticizers”, according to BioPreferred program manager Ron Buckhalt. Due to the Farm Bill’s partial unfunded status, USDA’s voluntary certification and labeling program for renewable chemicals and biobased products came to a halt earlier this year. The USDA BioPreferred program has two major initiatives: (1) Product Labeling: USDA certifies and awards labels to qualifying products to increase consumer recognition of biobased products. (2) Federal Procurement Preference: USDA designates categories of biobased products that are afforded preference by Federal agencies when making purchasing decisions.

bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8



Carmen Michels Co-Managing Director of FKuR In June, the bioplastics specialist, FKuR Kunststoff GmbH (Willich, Germany), celebrated its 10th anniversary. Dr. Edmund Dolfen, Managing Director, used the occasion to expand the responsibility of the family business. As of 1st July 2013, Carmen Michels will be co-managing the company together with Edmund Dolfen. She already had a senior position in the company since 2010 and the focus of her tasks will remain the management of the technology & production department. “With the appointment of Mrs. Michels as Co-Managing Director, FKuR puts more emphasis on first-class product development along with human and motivational leadership qualities that increasingly become the key factors to success” explained Dr. Dolfen in regard to the expansion of the management. Dolfen will delegate the daily operations to the well-structured management team and focus his time on more strategic decisions and alliances. “I look forward to this challenging task, and will utilize all my experience and passion, now also as Co-Managing Director for the company, in order to further expand our position as a leading bioplastics specialist” said Michels. MT

Metabolix appoints Johan van Walsem Chief Operating Officer Metabolix, Inc (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA) announced that Johan van Walsem has been promoted to the position of Chief Operating Officer (COO). In this newly created role, Mr. van Walsem will be responsible for the management of the Company’s biopolymers, biobased chemicals and crops businesses, as well as the key functional areas that enable these businesses to perform. He will continue to report to Metabolix President and Chief Executive Officer, Richard P. Eno. “We are excited to appoint Johan to the position of COO of Metabolix, where he has taken on increasing levels of responsibility throughout his tenure,” said Mr. Eno. “He has led critical functions across each of our three business platforms: biopolymers, biobased chemicals and crops, and as a result, will be able to very effectively integrate our functional expertise for maximum commercial impact. “During the past 16 months, we have redefined our biopolymer commercial strategy around high-value markets, set up global supply chains for biopolymers, built the initial customer base and advanced our manufacturing technology to lower overall costs,” Mr. Eno said. “The creation of the chief operating officer role allows for clear focus on the execution of these businesses. I look forward to working together with Johan to drive further growth in the coming years.” MT

Gunter Pauli appointed chairman of Novamont The Board of Directors of Novamont SpA (Novara, Italy) has appointed Gunter Pauli Chairman of the Company by unanimous decision. An entrepreneur, economist and author, Gunter Pauli is known universally as the theorist behind the Blue Economy, a sustainable economy developed on the logics of nature, a perfectly integrated system without waste or dissipation of resources, in which everyone plays a part, and where the waste of some become the raw materials of others, the community and local region are the heartbeat of everything and creativity and innovation the founding principles of development.


bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8

“Pauli’s is an enlightened vision harmonising perfectly with the philosophy which has always inspired Novamont. We are certain that his wisdom and far-sightedness will be a great boost to the Company in its future developments and consolidate our leadership in the Bioeconomy sector. We expect an important contribution from Gunter in enhancing our wealth of knowledge in support of Novamont’s growth”, says Catia Bastioli, Novamont’s CEO MT


European Bioplastics elected new Board

New, cost-effective process for PHA

On 16 May 2013, the General Assembly of the industry association European Bioplastics elected a new Board to represent the association and its members for the coming two years. François de Bie (Corbion Purac) was elected as Chairman. Mariagiovanna Vetere (NatureWorks) and Stefano Facco (Novamont) are Vice-Chairpersons.

Researchers at the PSTS Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico della Sicilia, Catania, Italy, have developed a novel process for the production of biodegradable polymers. The PHA (polyhydroxyalkaonate) is being synthesized by the bacterium Pseudomonas corrugata.

At the beginning of his term as Chairman of European Bioplastics François de Bie says: “Bioplastics will help make this world a more sustainable place for now and for our future generations. In our society many consumers, brand owners and converters are not yet aware of the benefits of bioplastics. In the coming years, European Bioplastics will focus on changing this. Today we are at the brink of the bioplastics revolution and a lot of work still needs to be done.“ “We will continue covering the complete value chain from renewable raw materials to end-of-life options with our activities,” Hasso von Pogrell said to bioplastics MAGAZINE. “We will do this, among other measures, by strengthening our visibility in Brussels. Furthermore, in order to enforce a bioplastics-friendly legal environment, we will, for example get involved as much as possible in the European Commission’s activities to develop specific Environmental Footprint Rules (so called Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCRS). Further members of the Board are: Jürgen Keck (BASF), Peter Brunk (Biotec), Rainer Schweda (Braskem), and Johnny Pallot (Roquette). With an annual growth rate of more than 20%, the biopolastics industry is developing dynamically in a number of application fields. Already today, bioplastic materials and products can be found in the packaging sector, in the toys and textile industry, in automotive or consumer electronic applications and in agriculture and horticulture. MT

European Bioplastics Board 2013 (from left: Johnny Pallot, Mariagiovanna Vetere, Jürgen Keck, François de Bie, Stefano Facco, Peter Brunk, Rainer Schweda)

Significant cost advantage The main advantages are on the cost side. “While the production of conventional plastic costs about one US$ per kilogram and bioplastics derived from plant starch about five US$ per kilogram, the PHA can be produced for just 0.4 to 0.6 Dollars,“ explained project team member Marina Carruba. Another advantage is that because of its chemical and structural characteristics PHA can be combined with other materials such as paper or natural fibres. Sicilian entrepreneur Salvatore Torrisi, well-known internationally for his brand Oranfres, now wants to put into practice the patented process.

Huge potential for development “I‘m willing to invest in the production of PHA products,“ says businessman Torrisi, who is also acting on the Board of the Technology Park. The PSTS, largely controlled by the state government of Sicily, has a great potential for development, especially as the activities carried out there were associated for several years with industrial objectives. According to the industry expert, Torrisi, all this is also supported by a wide network of universities, research centers and companies. The research project, which is being carried out in Catania, capital of the Italian province Sicily, has been funded with 3.6 million Euros from Pon Ricerca, a special fund of the Italian Ministry of Education (Source: pte20130225002 - MT

bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8



Bioplastics Oskar 8th Global Bioplastics Award calls for proposals

Meet Corbion On June 18th, CSM, Purac and Caravan Ingredients have launched the new company name and brand. The new name and strategy mark the latest stage of the ongoing transformation of the company into a leading provider of biobased products, with activities in biobased food ingredients and biochemicals. Based on the strong foundations of Purac and Caravan Ingredients, Corbion has a wealth of expertise in the world of biobased food ingredients and biochemicals, combined with a rich history of service and innovations spanning more than a century. After steam powered technology (1st industrial revolution), the information technology revolution (2nd industrial revolution), and the energy revolution (3rd industrial revolution, in its early stages), Corbion believes that biotechnology will become the 4th industrial revolution. Biotechnology is the use of living systems and organisms to develop useful products. For thousands of years, humankind has used biotechnology in agriculture, food production, and medicine to solve problems and improve the quality of life. Corbion’s technology is based on renewable resources. Their lactic acid technology is key in this, but Corbion also identifies business opportunities in adjacent organic acid platforms, such as biobased succinic acid and Bio-FDCA. For bioplastics, Corbion’s markets include automotive, consumer electronics, apparel and packaging. MT

Initiated for the first time in 2006 by European Plastics News, the only Global Bioplastics Award will be granted in 2013 for the 8th time. The Bioplastics Oskar recognises innovation, success and achievements by manufacturers, processors, brand owners or users of bioplastic materials. bioplastics MAGAZINE is proud to present this award now for the third time and the international judging panel of five experts from the academic world, the press and industry associations from America, Europa and Asia sincerely encourage companies and individuals to propose candidates for the 8th Global Bioplastics Award 2013. Proposals for own developments and achievements are of course welcome. Deadline for submission of proposals is August 31st, 2013. To be eligible for consideration in the awards scheme the proposed company, product, or service must have been developed or have been on the market during 2012 or 2013. In the next issue of bioplastics MAGAZINE will publish a shortlist and from these finalists the winner will be announced during the 8th European Bioplastics Conference on December 10th 2013 in Berlin, Germany. Winners of the last few years include Danone, Econcore, Takata and IfBB (Institue for Bioplastics & Biocomposites). More details about how to submit proposals can be found at our website.

Solvay invests in bio-based PA Solvay, an international chemical group, headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, recently announced to invest in a PA6.10 production unit on Saint-Fons Belle-Etoile Platform (Lyon, France) Solvay Polyamide & Intermediates (P&I), a major global producer of polyamide 6.6 intermediates and polymers, decided to invest in the production unit of PA6.10, a partly bio based polymer, to better serve its customers seeking for more ecofriendly solutions. This investment is the final phase of an efficient and rigorous piloting and sampling process which confirmed their commitment to integrate a PA6.10 production line using state-of-the-art technologies. This strategic unit will contribute to broadening the company’s product offer and


bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8

strengthening its commitment to environmental care. “This investment is part of our continuous efforts to build on our product capabilities and develop a greener chemistry” explains Christophe Bertrand, Solvay Polyamide & Intermediates Industrial Director. Indeed, a standardized measurement on pure PA 6.10 resin has confirmed that 62.5% of its carbon is from a renewable source. In addition to reducing its carbon footprint, this material helps to reduce the use of non-renewable resources compared with other polyamides that are entirely petrochemical-based. More than a new asset, this decision is a step forward in the Solvay deep rooted culture of responsible chemistry, as stated in a press release by Solvay. MT


A place for biobased performance materials to grow by

But where is the market?


ome three years ago, a dedicated research programme on biobased performance materials was established in the Netherlands with the aim of developing new biopolymers and improving the properties of the existing materials in the market. Industrial partners from the entire value chain have come together in this programme to carry out R&D projects - 8 in total - varying from the development of novel renewable polyamides to chitosan-based antimicrobial coatings. At the annual Biobased Performance Materials Symposium that recently took place in Wageningen, the Netherlands, the results of various projects to date were presented by a number of speakers. The Biobased Performance Materials (BPM) programme was created as a place for biobased performance materials to grow. Around the world, interest in biobased materials was - and still is - increasing at a rapid pace. Research and development is therefore vital, in order to keep abreast of the trends and developments in this area. The BPM programme offers researchers what Christian Bolck, director of the BPM programme, called a unique opportunity to investigate technological routes, not only for improving the properties of these materials but also to produce cost-competitive biobased performance plastics.

Kick-starting the market, a government task? These positive efforts notwithstanding, a number of speakers at the symposium also pointed to the difficulties in actually achieving solid results as far as the actual implementation of biobased materials is concerned. Quoting former US president Bill Clinton, symposium chairman Jan Noordegraaf, CEO at Synbra Technologies argued that “it’s the economy, stupid”. “The products are there, but the market is not picking up,” he said. In his view, government action is needed to create a level playing field for biobased plastics, and he advocated the creation of a packaging tax levy, similar to the system that is currently in place in the Netherlands for cars, as a means to promote the manufacture and use of bioplastics. “Alternatively”, he said, “We can let the Chinese do it, and lose EU jobs.”

A brave new world While the economy is an important factor, psychology is also involved. Stefaan de Wildeman, of the recently opened Aachen Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials noted that a fundamental mind switch is needed in order to make

Karen Laird the transition away from fossil feedstocks. Today, the industry largely thinks in terms of petroleum-based materials and how to replace these with bio-derived substitutes: the socalled drop-ins. Wildeman: “Nature has so much more to offer. Why should we stick to the current building blocks while switching resources from fossil to renewable? We should ask ourselves: are the blocks that contribute to sustainability the same blocks that were derived during the non-sustainable era?” His conclusion: “A new chain needs to be created.”

While Europe talks, we build For the biopolymers industry to succeed in Europe, however, a number of conditions remain to be met, including the establishment of a viable feedstock policy, commitment from the major brand owners to high-volume applications, support - a stamp of approval - from the NGOs, and government support in creating a market and its willingness to share the (financial) risks. Right now, the European government is talking the talk, but not yet walking the walk, said Marc Verbruggen, CEO of NatureWorks LLC. He went on to describe the tax benefits that are in place in Asia, the loan guarantees and the market support for biopolymers that exist in the US, and even quoted a Chinese entrepreneur who noted pointedly that “while Europe talks, we build.” “There is still time for Europe to play a dominant industrial, instead of just an R&D, role,” said Verbruggen. “A solid feedstock policy is essential - right now, the EU still has a biofuel mindset - and a financial support framework must be created – whether on the supply and/or on the demand side.” He continues to be optimistic: “We can be cost competitive. And consumers want green products.” It’s up to us to make sure they get them. If it’s up to Marc Verbruggen, they will. In his view, “We are a green commodity plastic player, competing in the commodity space. We need to be both cost and performance competitive.” To that end, NatureWorks recently announced it was investigating the possibility of intrinsically lowering the feedstock costs of its PLA by using methane, “thus eliminating the use of plants as intermediates,” said Verbruggen, and effectively silencing the land use debate. If the technology works, it will significantly impact the cost structure of PLA. Potentially, it’s the next game changer in biopolymers, and a technology the industry would do well to watch.

bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8


Building & Construction

Biobased plastics for exterior facades

W Fig. 1-3: PLA/Lignin/Cellulose composite before and after 18 months of natural weathering, Lignin/Cellulose composite (3mm plate) after 18 months of natural weathering (Photo: C. Köhler)

hile plastics are already indispensable materials for the production of pipes, seals, vapour barriers or insulation in the construction industry, this type of material is also increasingly used for interior and exterior cladding. This may be due, on one hand, to novel digitised design and production methods which allow for flowing shapes with free geometries and that can often only be realized with plastic materials. On the other hand, additional advantages of this material (such as its resistance to corrosion, its versatility for creative applications, and its low thermal conductivity or light weight that compares favorably to other materials such as glass) lead one to a decision for this type of building material. Using bio-based thermoplastic materials in the abovementioned applications could therefore become a resourceefficient alternative in the future. These materials can be freely shaped and recycled and can combine such properties with the ecological advantages of materials made from renewable resources such as wood. To be able to supply all types of buildings, building components made from bioplastic materials need to be of low flammability (DIN EN 13501-1 B or C). Materials of regular flammability can be used in buildings with a maximum height of 7 meters and with no more than two units, which have to be smaller than 400 m². Exterior facades should be able to withstand threshold temperatures of -20°C and +80°C [1].

Fig. 5: Tension rod made from PLA and modified PLA before and after natural and artificial weathering (see table) (Photo: C. Köhler)

Furthermore, the building’s stability has to be warranted for a time frame that is economically feasible; in the case of exterior cladding, this means a time span of 30 years. Composite materials from lignin and cellulose fibres, which are the main components of wood, are less suited for exterior application. Both the results of three years of natural weathering in accordance with DIN EN ISO 877 (Fig. 1-3), as well as the results of artificial weathering in accordance with EN ISO 4892, show inadequate resistance to weathering. UV radiation degrades lignin. This results in a water-soluble decomposition product which is washed away by rain. What remains is whitish cellulose that exhibits a grayish layer when it is colonized by micro-organisms [2]. The material


bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8

Building & Construction

by Carmen Köhler Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) University of Stuttgart, Germany

Fig. 6: Booth at the Hannover Expo 2013 (Photo: M.R. Hammer/ ITKE)

is no longer stable (Fig. 3). The absorption of water also minimizes the stability of the composite.

N° in figure 5

Furthermore, a 96 hour immersion in water in accordance with EN ISO 62 shows that composites containing lignin and cellulose are not suitable for long term exterior applications. The water absorption rate is 37%. The test object (4mm) breaks. A composite of PLA and wood fibres (in approximately equal parts) shows a water absorption rate of 25 % under the same conditions, which results in the material tearing. PLA, however, absorbs only 1% moisture. The 18 months process of natural weathering of PLA, PLA-blends, and PHB does not result in yellowing. The surface becomes slightly more matte in appearance. Tensile strength at yield and elongation at yield do not indicate any loss of mechanical properties after 18 months of natural weathering (see table). In separate trials, PLA and a nucleating agent were compounded with an ecologically harmless flameretardant containing phosphate. Fire class UL 94-V0 was achieved by adding 10 % by weight (to the 4mm test object). Fire tests with building elements have yet to be conducted. Heat-related shape retention (ISO 75-2 B) of the polyactide, that has been modified for exterior use, is at a mean value of 79.2°C. Two % by weight of nucleating agent was added. PET-G, which is also used in exterior facades, exhibits HDT-B of approx. 70-72°C.




test requirements


Tensile Elongation strength at yield at yield [%] [N/mm²] 60


PLA after 240h immersion in water




PLA after 18month natural weathering




DIN EN ISO 4892-3, process A, cycle 3



PLA after 1024h artificial weathering DIN EN ISO 4892-3, - behind window glass process B, cycle 5








PLA after 855h artificial weathering

PLA + 10wt% phosphate containing flame retardant + 2 wt% nucleating agent ( NA) PLA + 10wt% Ph FR + 2wt % NA after 240h immersion in water


PLA + 10wt% Ph FR + 2wt % NA after 18month natural weathering





PLA + 10wt% Ph FR + 2wt % NA after 1024h artificial weathering

DIN EN ISO 4892-3, process A, cycle 3



PLA + 10wt% Ph FR + 2wt % NA after 340h artificial weathering behind window glass

DIN EN ISO 4892-3, process B, cycle 5



test requirement tensile test: ISO 527 initial load

2 N/mm²

speed initial load

10 mm/min

testing speed

5 mm/min

Fig. 4 Tensile strength at yield and elongation at yield before and after weathering and immersion in water of PLA and modified PLA (Source: C. Köhler )

Fig. 7: Moulded components made from bio-based materials by Tecnaro (Photo: Bauer Thermoforming)

After 1024 hours of artificial ageing (EN ISO 4982-3), which corresponds to a simulation of twelve months, elongation at yield is reduced from 46.5 N/mm² to 15 N/mm². Tensile strength at yield declines from 3 to 0.7 %. It is interesting, however, that the loss of properties after artificial weathering compares to that of pure polylactide (PLA). The ecologically harmless, phosphate based flame-retardant does not seem to influence weathering. Environmental simulations often take place under more extreme conditions in order to accelerate ageing.

bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8


Building & Construction

Fig. 8: Moss facade made from bio-plastic materials Exhibited at Hannover Expo 2012 (Photo: M.R. Hammer/ ITKE)

It can be said that the composite of polylactide and an ecologically harmless phospate-based flame-retardant results in a material that seems suitable for exterior application in buildings. The percentage of renewable resources is about 89%. Further long-term testing has yet to be conducted. Testing with other flame retardants, such as red phosphor or aromatic sulfonate salts did not lead to convincing results in regard to fire behavior and its the resulting surface and colour, or in regard to the percentage of renewable resources contained in the compound.

innovative production engineering method allows for high profitability for both minor and major series.

The rods turn a slightly lighter color after artificial weathering of polylactide and modified polylactide (Nr. 2 and 5, see table for explanation). The test specimen after natural weathering (Nr. 4) remains optically unchanged compared to PLA (Nr. 1) and modified PLA (Nr. 3) before natural weathering.

The tasks that fall to ITKE’s within this project include its general administration, the testing of the materials, and application development. Project partner spek DESIGN (Stuttgart, Germany) is in charge of marketing and interior application. Towards the end of the project, the cladding of a building with free-form surfaces will be demonstrated using a mock-up.

Bioplastic panels for exterior applications, that are produced from mostly biobased resources and can be shaped freely, are currently being developed in a research project. This development is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE Umwelttechnik) until the end of October of this year. There are no comparable products available on the market so far. This novel development aims to offer a product that addresses two trends: (1) the increasing demand for resource-friendly and sustainable building materials, and (2) the continuing development of buildings with double curved geometries and plane facade elements with 3D effects (reliefs). The modified bio-plastics granules, which are being developed by the partner firm in the project, TECNARO GmbH (Ilsfeld-Auenstein, Germany), can be extruded into plates which can be further treated as needed. They can be drilled, printed, laser cut, shaped, CNC-milled or thermoformed to achieve different surface qualities and structures. The vacuum thermoforming process makes the cladding of freeform surfaces possible. Since the product has to undergo the CNC milling process to be finished, a variety of forms and geometries can be created. The same moulded parts can be cropped differently using different milling paths. Project partner Bauer Thermoforming (Talheim, Germany) is an expert at thermoforming thick-wall bioplastic panels. This


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The partner company Tecnaro is developing a material that is maximally sustainable and durable, keeping petroleumbased components and additives to a minimum. Project partners at ISWA (University of Stuttgart, Germany) are carrying out the life cycle assessment review. Moreover, they will determine the resistance to microbial degradation and show waste management concepts for the end of the material’s useful life.

A preform wall with moss was exhibited at the Hannover Expo 2013 as a model application of bioplastic semifinished products. The three dimensional facade element provides recesses for moss. It is created by vacuum forming of the panel. During the reshaping process, a particular surface structure can be realized at previously defined positions. This results in a primed surface to which mosses can adhere. Fine dusts, primarily ammonium salts, are absorbed by the mosses, fertilize them, and are directly converted to plant mass. Organic substances from soot and particles from automobile tyre wear feed bacteria that live on the mosses. In total, approximately 75% of the fine dust is eliminated. The moss covered wall would thus be ideal for cities with a high occurrence of smog.

References: [1] German standard, DIN 18516-1, June 2010: exterior wall cladding, rear-ventilated - part 1: Requirements and testing guidelines, 5.2.2. Temperature effects, swelling and shrinkage [2] jsp?md=1987057100982 [3]




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bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8


Building & Construction

Global Trends in Wood-Plastic Composites (WPC) by Fig. 3: Extruded WPC-profiles, Source: Extruwood, Austria

Global overview Generally, there are four main factors that make the use of natural fibres and wood in plastics attractive: (1) they enhance specific properties e.g. stiffness and thermal behaviour (2) they reduce the price of the material (3) they heavily improve the bio-based share and (4) they are better recyclable when compared to glass fibres. When compared with glass fibre, wood fibre offers a weight reduction for the composite, which can be an important factor in transport costs. After more than 30 years of market development, in 2010 global wood-plastic composite production reached 1.5 million extruded tonnes, which would mean, with an average wood share of 50%, 750,000 tonnes of wood - which is still only a fragment of the total timber market. WPC is predominantly extruded worldwide to hollow or solid decking boards and is predominately replacing tropical wood. The oldest market can be found in North America where a few big companies make the running.

Global production of WPC, and the forecast Today’s major production growth rates of WPC can be found in the Chinese WPC-extrusion (25% p.a.) and also Chinese domestic demand for WPC is growing. China’s WPC industry is the second largest in the world after the United States. According to the forecast (Fig. 1) China will reach 33% of the global WPC production in 2015, following the USA, which produces almost half of the total global market share. After China, South East Asia, Russia, South America and India are rapidly emerging WPC markets. Decking continues to be the most common field of application for WPCs, also in Europe, where sales of solid profiles are rising compared to hollow ones, but injection moulded decking tiles are also produced. In Europe the WPC decking market has reached the mature stage, which means lower growth rates for the companies involved. This development is driving producers to look for new areas of application. Initially this was in the field of garden fencing and siding.


bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8

Asta Eder Asta Eder Composites Consulting, Vienna, Austria Michael Carus nova-Institut, Hürth, Germany

There have been several research attempts to produce WPC window and door frames, or parts thereof, however the bending pressures on the frames and doors are such that WPC is not successful when applying the current production technology, this will change soon as there are companies, that stand on the edge to the commercialisation. There are still a lot of areas where WPC could expand its share in the nonstructural area, such as staircase pillars, balcony pillars, floor tiles, wall trim and customized technical profiles (Fig. 3).

Materials and Prices Worldwide it is predominately PE and PVC that are used in WPC production, but PP is also of importance, especially in Europe (mainly in injection moulding). Most WPC compounders are located in Germany. The prices of WPC and natural fibre granulates vary enormously and the figures provided by the manufactures range between 1.0 €/kg and up to 4 €/kg. Beologic, the largest manufacturer of WPC granulates in Europe, offers prices from 1.10 to 1.60 €/kg. Soft wood is globally the first choice as a fibre source for WPC, although also rice husks play a role, especially in China. Wood prices differ from 0.2 – 0.4€/kg, depending on the quality and the region. If wood is mixed with more expensive biopolymers the reduction of the composite price can be remarkable and the wood always enhances the biobased share. In addition a special cellulose based compound has recently been offered by paper companies such as UPM-Kymmene and Mondipacking. These are based on pulp and have relatively low fibre shares of 20-50%. In the extrusion process fibre shares of up to 80% have been reached, in injection moulding typical fibre shares of 30-40% can be used.

WPC fields of application The trend in wood-plastic composites seems to point in a direction where not only wood, but various natural fibres and also different kinds of polymers are used. Apart from technical mouldings wood-plastic composites have also recently been

Building & Construction Fig 1: market development Fig. 2: WPC Garden fencing, Source: Megawood, Germany

2010 2015

North China America

Fig. 4: Construction planks made from WPC, Source: Megawood

used to produce for example horse riding obstacles, stairs (Fig. 4) shoe soles and walking sticks, consumer goods and household electronics, using different production methods, mainly injection moulding. Also new production methods are being developed, for example the extrusion of wide boards with or without foaming. WPCs are neither a product of the woodworking industry nor of the plastics industry. This has the consequence that companies from both sides have a particular focus with regard to applications. Nevertheless, companies with a background in plastics seem to have more advantages due to their know-how of the production processes involved. Today the WPC material is still far from being fully understood as an alternative for both manufacturers and consumers. Big companies like IKEA, with their WPC products, will play a key role in bringing WPC material to the public eye. The first WPC Ellan and Ölga chairs were removed from the IKEA catalogue, but after two years a new model of a WPC chair has been introduced by IKEA (cf. fig. 5). The use of bio-plastics has played a minor role in niche applications, as was shown by the company Tecnaro from Germany, who for 15 years have used lignin or PLA as matrix polymers for WPC and natural fibres. One of the first ones to use a type of bio-polymer in WPC extrusion was the company Fasalex, who used starch as a part of the polymer matrix in door frames in Austria. Today the German company Ravensburger uses 100% bio-based compounds with the brand name Fasal, which is based on biopolymers and wood for injection moulded toy figures.

Fig. 5: PS 2012 injection-moulded WPC chair, Source: IKEA 2013




South South East Asia America


growth % p.a

global share in 2015





















South East Asia





South America

















North America





Outdoor applications for WPC: Non-load-bearing/non-structural applications in the building sector, especially decking, siding, railings, window frame construction, porches and docks Wood in the garden: garden furniture, fences and other applications in the garden Noise barriers in street construction and sheet pilings for landscaping Indoor applications for WPC Automotive engineering (interior trim), “under the hood” covering and parts exposed to less than 110°C Trucks and containers (e.g. loading platforms) Doors (frames and profiles), furniture parts (cupboard legs, kitchen cupboard frames etc.), chairs (e.g. PS 2012 by Ikea), window sills Boards as a replacement for MDF and particle board in areas of high humidity Consumer goods and niche products: Musical instruments (E-guitar, clarinet, flute) Small parts (e.g. pencils, toys, games, kids’ cups, high class packaging, lipstick) Pallets, edge protection for packaging Core pipes (e.g. for bolts of cloth) Household electronics (irons, vacuum cleaners) Frames

Markets for bio-based composites in Europe in 2012 The first study for bio-based composites in Europe will be released at the end of September 2013 and will be presented at the biggest European WPC conference in Cologne: www. on 10th of December. nova-Institut (Germany) and Asta Eder Composites Consulting (Austria) are working together on a comprehensive study which unites the wood/plastic composite and Natural Fibre Reinforced Plastics (NFRP) expertise of both associations. The study aims to calculate the amount of WPC and NFRP that was produced by the European industry in 2012. To achieve a reliable data base for the industry, the study will be based on a survey of the WPC and NFRP industry. Interested parties can still join the survey:

bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8


Building & Construction

Biodegradable green foam: the building material of the future by Srikanth Pilla1,2 Shaoqin Gong1 Lih-Sheng Turng1 Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA 2 Department of Automotive Engineering & International Center for Automotive Research, Clemson University, USA



3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

Strength / Moduli (MPa)



PLA-10% Flax

PLA-20% Flax

20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0















Weight Reduction

PLA-10% SF

PLA-30% SF

Tensile Strength

Weight Reduction (%)

Strength / Moduli (MPa)


Weight Reduction (%)

Figure 1: Temporary housing made from wood plastic composites [Source:].


Youngs Modulus

Figure 3: Mechanical properties and weight reduction of (A) PLA–FF and (B) PLA–SF biocomposite foams. Pure PLA

PLA–10% Flax

PLA–20% Flax

Figure 4: Morphological observations of PLA–flax biocomposite foams.


bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8

atural calamities, such as the tsunami in Southeast Asia, the earthquake in Haiti, and Hurricane Katrina in the US, wreak havoc on communities and leave families homeless. To aid in such emotional disasters, the governments of the respective countries provide those affected with temporary shelter, food, and clothing. Among these forms of assistance, temporary housing is a major investment. It provides a long-term housing arrangement, often for 2 years or more, for the displaced families until permanent housing can be secured (Fig. 1). Thus, temporary houses must not only meet current needs, but must also provide durability, strength, and stiffness for the duration of their use. Most temporary housing is made from engineered plastic composites wherein the plastics—such as polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, and polypropylene—are derived from petroleum, which is not biodegradable. This poses a huge environmental burden when these units are no longer needed, and must be disassembled and disposed of. In addition, the non-renewable and limited nature of petroleum resources results in variable costs for the various products derived from it, including polymers. Hence, it is critical that new materials be developed, especially from renewable resources, which not only provide in-service functionality but also out-of-service biodegradability thereby supporting environmental sustainability. An interesting route to create new material variations (e.g. for us in the contruction of such temporary housing applications) and additionally lower the material cost is through the development of foamed composites. On this front, the authors have made substantial innovations, especially through the development of biopolymer–natural fiber biocomposite foams using an environmentally benign supercritical fluid (SCF)assisted microcellular processing method [1-4]. Commonly referred as gas-assisted injection molding/extrusion, the SCF processing method employs nitrogen or carbon dioxide in a supercritical state to foam the polymer melt. SCF effectively reduces the viscosity of the polymer melt thereby enabling the polymer to be processed at lower temperatures and pressures.

Building & Construction

Supercritical N2 or CO2

Cavity cross section

Higher back pressure (80-200 bar)

Rapid pressure drop in nozzle triggers cell nucleation

Special reciprocating screw Single-phase polymer-gas solution

Figure 2: Schematic of the microcellular injection molding process.

This is a very desirable feature for bioplastics, some of which are moisture- and heat-sensitive. This article summarizes a few studies related to PLAbased natural fiber biocomposite foams [1-4]. Presented here are the mechanical and morphological properties of the engineered biocomposite foams, which form the basis for assessing the durability of fabricated structures, as well as the percentage of weight reduction achieved.

Polylactic Acid–Natural Fiber Engineered Biocomposite Foams PLA was compounded with natural fibers such as flax fiber (FF) and shopping bag fiber (SF) using a twin-screw extruder at various fiber ratios. Shopping bag fibers are cellulosic fibers from recycled paper shopping bags. Since natural fibers are hydrophilic and PLA is hydrophobic, in both of the studies, γ-methacryloxy propyltrimethoxy silane was used as a coupling agent to ensure strong interfacial adhesion between the dissimilar surfaces. The compounded formulations were then fabricated into dog-bone shaped test specimen using an Arburg Allrounder 320S injection molding machine with a 25 mm diameter screw equipped with microcellular injection molding (MuCell®) technology (Trexel, Inc., Woburn, MA). A schematic of the microcellular injection molding process is shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 shows the mechanical properties and weight reduction of (a) PLA–FF and (b) PLA–SF biocomposite foams. As can be observed in Fig. 3, the moduli of the PLA–FF and PLA–SF biocomposite foams was significantly enhanced without compromising the tensile strength. This was due to favorable interfacial adhesions between the natural fibers and the PLA achieved through silylation as well as the favorable cell morphology (i.e., small cell size and high cell density) of the foamed biocomposites. Figure 4 shows the morphology of PLA–FF biocomposite foams. As shown in the figure, the cell size decreased as the cell density increased with an increasing flax fiber loading level. This can be attributed to several factors: (1) the natural fibers may have served as nucleating agents for the cell/pore

formation, and/or (2) the addition of natural fibers could have increased the melt viscosity and induced strain hardening which could have hindered cell growth and coalescence [4]. Overall, the employment of the microcellular foam processing technology resulted in a weight reduction of 10 to 18%.

Conclusions With stringent regulations set forth by environmental protection agencies across the world, as well as the rapid advancement of research and development into the field of biobased polymers, composites, and foams, it is foreseeable that these novel materials will enter into structural and nonstructural parts (both exterior and interior) for the building industry far earlier than anticipated. These materials are 100% biobased, largely biodegradable (even compostable, when chopped into small chips), and exhibit a low carbon footprint, thus providing much needed sustainability to the building industry. The foamed biocomposites, which result in a further weight reduction of 10 to 18% (or more with advances in foaming technology), will be the materials of the future since they provide a significant step forward for realizing truly affordable (low-cost) structural materials with reduced densities for the building industry, especially for the temporary housing market. It must however be kept in mind, that for a disposal via biodegradation/composting a composting infrastructure must be in place. References: 1. Pilla, S., Kramschuster, A., Lee, J., Auer, G.K., Gong, S., and Turng, L-S., “Microcellular and Solid Polylactide-Flax Fiber Composites,” Compos. Interfaces, 16(7-9), pp. 869-890 (2009). 2. Pilla, S., Gong, S., O‘Neill, E., Rowell, R.M., and Krzysik, A.M., “Polylactide-Pine Wood Flour Composites,” Polym. Eng. Sci., 48(3), pp. 578-587 (2008). 3. Kramschuster, A., Pilla, S., Gong, S., Chandra, A., and Turng, L-S., “Injection Molded Solid and Microcellular Polylactide Compounded with Recycled Paper Shopping Bag Fibers,” Int. Polym. Proc., XXII (5), pp. 436-445 (2007). 4. Lee, L.J., Zeng, C.C., Cao, X., Han, X.M., Shen, J., and Xu, G.J., Compos. Sci. Technol., 65, pp. 2344-2363 (2005).

bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8


Building & Construction

New ecological elegance


while ago, Carolus Bremer, Plast & Composite Consult, Bad Teinach-Zavelstein, Germany had the idea of light and bright architectural panels created in the most elegant designs, with a high demand for ecology and sustainability. His Bioresin Panels combine this apparent contradiction with previously unknown properties. Both the transparent and the translucent outer layers are combined with a special bioplastics honeycomb core based on PLA. With these innovative panels architects, shop and trade fair constructors can enjoy the exclusive design aesthetics of glass-like panels with perfectly balanced sustainability and sound ecological credentials. However, the panels are not yet commercially available, as Carolus Bremer is still looking for partners to manufacture such elegant architectural products. In the following notes he shares with us his basic concepts and his laboratory scale experiences.

Composites Composites are a sandwich structure consisting of two PLA surfaces and a PLA honeycomb core. A range of different designs can be produced by varying the geometry and colour of the core material. Choosing surfaces with different colours, translucency and surface quality opens up an even greater range of options. The composites product group is a modular system which can be relatively easily adjusted to suit varying customer requirements. The product is manufactured from extruded PLA sheets and core structures laminated together. Lamination demands considerable manufacturing and chemical process expertise, skills developed and perfected over many years by the team around Carolus Bremer.

Composite panels are quintessential of plastics engineering. Combining avant-garde design options with great aesthetic appeal, they are the material of choice above all for designers and architects with a firm understanding of engineering. The product is perfect for lifestyle-based store concepts, whilst its lightweight quality also suits it for fittings in yachts, airplanes, etc.

Matrix Matrix is a three-dimensional web with gaps in its surfaces allowing a unique interaction with sound, light and the surrounding environment. A newly developed process combines the loose, flexible strands of the weave to turn a highly flexible matrix into stiff, firm boards. The unique combination of lightness, bending strength, sound absorbency, translucency, inexpensive production and customized colours open up a wide range of applications for this product. Potential applications


bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8

include acoustic and luminous ceilings, partitions, door panels, innovative furniture design, etc. Matrix is moulded in a resin infusion process developed by Bremer. Matrix consists of an interwoven PLA structure, fixative resin and if necessary organic pigments.

Meander Meander is a lightweight structure extruded using a special tool which simultaneously moulds the core and the surfaces. A combination of lightness, bending strength, great translucency, smooth sealed surfaces, sound and heat insulation and easy processing makes this product suitable for use in partitions, exhibition stands, interior design, ceilings and drywalls. Meander is produced using PLA and an organic finish, and if required pigment.

Ecowell Ecowell is a laminated structure in which groups of three flat, level layers are laminated together with two corrugated layers to form a multilayered laminate. Structural or other similarities to corrugated cardboard products are intentional – what will be new to the customer is the experience of transparent corrugated cardboard which opens up entirely new and attractive design options. Ecowell is an ideal product for quality packaging and presentation, for example for lifestyle products such as cell phones, laptops, cosmetics and wine. Ecowell is made from fully laminated PLA film and is coloured using the finish.

Stretch Stretch is a three-dimensional structure. Two-dimensional PLA film is mechanically stretched to give the product its special geometric form. A range of different forms and degrees of stretching are possible - Stretch therefore comes in a variety of thicknesses. Customized colouring is also a simple option for this product. It is possible to triple the material efficiency of the unprocessed sheets and improved bending strength, not to mention a fresh new look. The product has certain similarities to expanded metal which is a common and widely used material. Typical Stretch applications include bar and counter surfacing, door panels, baffles(floating ceiling panels) with both visual and acoustic functions, and suspended ceilings. Stretch is produced from PLA and a surface finish. A number of other product ideas are already in the pipeline and will be completed once the products above have been successfully launched. Potential partners can contact Carolus Bremer via the Plast & Composite Consult website. MT

bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8



New biobased EPDM grades


ynthetic rubber specialist LANXESS (headquartred in Leverkusen, Germany) will be adding not one but five new grades to its portfolio of green ethylenepropylene-diene elastomers (Keltan Eco) before the end of 2013. This will lead to a further significant increase in the range of applications for this synthetic rubber using ethylene from a state-controlled, biobased source. The five new grades are drop-in variants of conventional EPDM rubber grades from Lanxess that are already in widespread use. If all goes according to schedule, they will be commercially available in the second half of 2013. “Since the market launch of the first Keltan Eco grade in 2011, we have received a huge amount of positive feedback from the rubber sector,” says Oliver Osborne, Head of Global Marketing at Lanxess‘ Keltan Elastomers business unit. “Numerous market players – and not only our own customers – are delighted that there is finally a synthetic rubber with a key component from a renewable source. We are seeing clear signs of considerable interest in greener rubber solutions and this has led us to significantly expand our range of Keltan Eco grades,” he adds. The first Keltan Eco variant, which is now marketed under the name Keltan Eco 5470, is made from biobased ethylene at Lanxess’ Triunfo site in Brazil. It is a generalpurpose, medium-viscosity grade with a diene content of around five percent that is suitable for a whole host of applications. “From July, we will be launching no fewer than five additional grades,” reveals Osborne. The new additions include amorphous grades with a high molecular weight and high diene contents for rapid vulcanization, a high-Mooney variant with a medium diene content and two low-Mooney variants with especially


bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8

good flow properties. Keltan 6950 Eco and Keltan 9950 Eco (around 9% diene), for example, are suitable for the manufacture of solid and foamed automotive glazing seals – still one of the most important applications for EPDM. Applications for Keltan 8550 Eco (around 5% diene) include the production of window seals in the construction sector, while Keltan Eco 3050 and 0500R, with their particularly low viscosity and no termonomers containing double bonds, are special grades for oil additives. “All five products will create many more opportunities for customers who are interested in using biobased EPDM grades, such as producing foamed profiles from a biobased rubber. We have focused on Keltan variants that are already used to very successful effect in their conventional form, which makes it particularly easy for users of these products to switch to the new grades,” says Osborne. “Naturally, the ethylene that we use to produce the new Keltan Eco variants 6950, 9950, 8550, 3050 and 0500R is still made from sugarcane in Brazil,” confirms the Keltan specialist. All five new Keltan Eco grades contain around 50% ethylene from this sustainable source. MT

Materials News

Biobased PBT


ANXESS (Leverkusen, Germany) and Genomatica (San Diego, California, USA) announced that Lanxess has run a production campaign of biobased Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) in Lanxess’ world-scale production plant using 20 tonnes of biobased 1,4 butanediol (bio-BDO) made with Genomatica’s commercially-proven, patented, direct fermentation process from sugar. This BDO fully complied with the demanding Lanxess specifications for petro-based BDO allowing a direct feed of 100% biobased BDO into the continuous production process.

for petro-based BDO for the production of our PBT,” said Hartwig Meier, Head of Global Product and Application Development of the High Performance Materials Business Unit of Lanxess. “This is a strong signal to the market and a tremendous step forward in our future plans to offer our high-tech plastic Pocan in a biobased version, too. Due to its unchanged properties Pocan compounds based on biobased PBT can directly be used in established application fields such as automotive or electro & electronics area. This fits very well with our strategy of Green Mobility.”

The properties and the quality of the resulting biobased PBT are fully equivalent to conventional petro-based PBT with regard to all tested parameters. The world-scale PBT plant, with a capacity of 80,000 tonnes per year, is located in Hamm-Uentrop, Germany, and operated as a joint venture in which Lanxess has a share of 50%.

“Lanxess’ achievement proves how quickly biobased monomers can be integrated into world-scale polymer production plants when you deliver the exact same performance for an existing, high-volume chemical,” said Christophe Schilling, Ph.D., CEO of Genomatica. “This is additional proof that we got the details right.” MT

“We were excited to validate the biobased BDO made with Genomatica’s process as a one-to-one replacement

New range of biosourced polyamides


rkema, Colombes, France, expands its offering with Rilsan® T range, some new biosourced polyamide 10.10 processed from castor oil. Manufactured at its Serquigny facility in France, it benefits from unrivaled raw material integration, boosted by the recent acquisition of Casda and Hipro as well as a new joint venture with Jayant Agro. Arkema’s PA10.10 is the only polyamide to rank between PA6.10, PA6.12 on the one hand, and PA10.12, PA12, PA11 on the other, all of which are already part of Arkema’s product range. Over and above the well-known properties of long chain polyamides (chemical resistance, low moisture absorption, mechanical properties), Rilsan T affords an excellent degree of rigidity (in particular when reinforced with glassfiber), thermal stability, permeability to petrol and gas, and processability, while consisting of up to 100% renewable carbon.

pipes, cables, and injection molded parts for sports or electronics applications. “This innovation has been developed to meet the most pressing needs of our customers, who are looking for a credible alternative to high performance polyamides, but with specific thermomechanical properties. Thanks to our full integration, from raw material to polymers, we provide a solution that suits our customers’ medium to long term capacity and competitiveness needs”, explains Lionel Guerdoux, Managing Director of the Specialty Polyamides business unit. MT

Rilsan T also benefits from what sets Arkema’s polyamides apart in terms of technical possibilities (e.g. exclusive multilayer solutions for transport markets) and services (it qualifies for the exclusive Rcycle™ offer of service which covers the collection, sorting and recycling of waste, and the development of a range of recycled polymers). The various PA10.10 grades already available cover most applications in the field of transport (monolayer or multilayer brake lines for trucks and fuel lines for cars), industrial

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Bio-PA for handheld devices


ew advanced polymers have enabled handheld device designers greater freedom so they can continue to refresh the look, feel and upgrade performance, while delivering a better environmental footprint, according to Handheld Segment Leader Mark Hazel of DuPont Performance Polymers.

save energy, cost and time thanks to its excellent flow and dimensional stability. A halogen-free, flame-retardant grade is also available for compliance with recycling programs for discarded electronic products. Specific grades are also available that can withstand high-temperature circuit assembly methods, including those using lead-free solder.

Hazel identifies the polymer material as DuPont™ Zytel® RS HTN high performance polyamide – a partly renewably sourced specialty polyamide compound made with biobased sebacic acid. Stiffness, strength, low warpage and low moisture pickup combine to help ensure thinner walls for sleek, light designs that improve performance.

Aesthetically, both grades (Zytel HTN and Zytel RS HTN) deliver very good surface quality and appearance and are easily coloured.

Handheld electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, ultrabooks, game controllers and hand held meters evolved over the past years, with larger screens and more powerful electronics. Thus many OEMs steadily reverted to a design where the screen and rear cover act as significant parts of the structure, freeing up much more internal space for the enhanced electronics. Many manufacturers also realised that they could tackle significant sustainability targets by deploying renewably sourced materials, such as Zytel RS HTN, for both structural and aesthetic elements of the phone‘s casing. The high performance polyamide can be used to make thinner, lighter and more durable handheld device housings while making them longer-lasting and easier to produce. From a processing perspective, Zytel HTN grades can also


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300% Tensile Strength (MPa)

In handheld electronics applications one of the major characteristics required in a material is its Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) compatibility. If the material picks up moisture, it changes its RFI characteristics and detunes itself. This means that the battery has to supply more power to the antenna and the battery life suffers as a result. Engineers at DuPont have developed enhanced materials, which are less prone to moisture absorption.

All the materials developed by DuPont for the hand held market are highly stiff and protect the parts from excessive deflection if dropped. Hazel explains: „Screens and circuit boards cannot twist or deform too much so stiffness is vital. We use 55% glass filler to achieve the best stiffness and toughness (only possible in Nylons such as Zytel HTN), but we also have to consider RFI compatibility, colourability and surface finish – it is a fine balancing act.“ DuPont has also developed a repetitive-impact test, which, rather than testing impact test bars to discover the energy to shear, actually tests and measures the number of times a sample can be hit until it breaks This test is much more representative of the use a handheld device will see and demonstrates that Zytel HTN and Zytel RS HTN offer class-leading performance. MT


250% 200% Stiffer

150% 100%

PC-GF 40%

Zytel HTN 55G55LWSF Zytel HTN FR55G50NHLW


50% 0%





Tensile Modulus (MPa)




Biobased acrylic acid


3-HP is a renewable-based building block and one possible chemical precursor to acrylic acid. The companies also have successfully established several technologies to dehydrate 3-HP to acrylic acid at lab scale. This step in the process is critical since it is the foundation for production of acrylic acid. In August 2012, BASF, Cargill and Novozymes announced their joint agreement to develop a process for the conversion of renewable raw materials into a 100% biobased acrylic acid. “3-HP is a potential key raw material for the production of bio-based acrylic acid which is a precursor of superabsorbent polymers,” said Teressa Szelest, Senior Vice President Global Hygiene Business at BASF. “We still have a fair amount of work to do before the process is commercially ready, but this is a significant milestone and we are confident we can continue to the next level of scale-up for the entire process in 2014.” Acrylic acid is a high-volume chemical that feeds into a broad range of products. BASF is the world’s largest producer of acrylic acid and has substantial capabilities in its production and downstream processing. BASF plans initially to use the bio-based acrylic acid to manufacture superabsorbent polymers that can soak up large amounts of liquid and are used mainly in baby diapers and other hygiene products. Presently, acrylic acid is produced by the oxidation of propylene derived from the refining of crude oil. The companies’ joint project team combines world-class expertise in biotechnology, renewable feedstock, industrial scale fermentation, and in developing new chemical processes.

(Photo: iStock, Get4Net)

ASF (Ludwigshafen, Germany), Cargill (Minneapolis, MN, USA) and Novozymes (Copenhagen, Denmark) recently announced the achievement of an important milestone in their joint development of technologies to produce acrylic acid from renewable raw materials by successfully demonstrating the production of 3-hydroxypropionic acid (3-HP) in pilot scale.

“Our three companies have assembled highly talented and experienced joint working teams for this project,” said Jack Staloch, Vice President of Biotechnology R&D at Cargill. “They’ve moved with speed and intensity, and have demonstrated great progress toward accomplishing our goals.” “We have reached an important milestone by producing 3-HP in pilot scale,” said Rasmus von Gottberg, Vice President of Corporate Development and Business Creation at Novozymes. “We have shown that it is possible to make this key chemical building block from renewable raw materials in robust industrial conditions. Now the development work will continue towards commercialization.” Superabsorbent polymers derived from bio-based acrylic acid will be a groundbreaking new offer to the market. Diapers made of such superabsorbent polymers could meet the demand of a significant and growing group of consumers in mature markets in particular. They also may allow diaper producers to meet consumer demands, differentiate their products and contribute to their sustainability goals.

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PLA without metallic catalysts


he European project InnoREX enables the production of monolayer bioplastic packaging without metallic catalysts thanks to the broad competence spectrum of the project’s consortium.

The demand for biobased polymers is growing rapidly. However, due to inefficient production processes consisting of many successive batch processes, which also require the application of potentially harmful metal catalysts, biopolymers such as polylactic acid (PLA) have not yet been fully commercially exploited. In order to overcome these problems, twelve partners, including enterprises, universities, research centres and an association, launched the Innorex project in December last year. The project, which runs until May 2016, is financed by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Program and coordinated by the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT) in Germany. The project aims at the continuous, highly precise, metal-free polymerization of PLA using alternative energies for reactive extrusion.

Metal-free polymerization: Benefits for health and the environment

Take-out device of injection molding process of cups (Photo: Talleres Pohuer)

The ambitious Innorex project seeks to develop a new technology for PLA production that will, among other benefits, improve the homogeneity of production and exclude the use of metallic catalysts. Up to now, metal-containing catalysts (typically: tin (II) 2-ethylhexanoate) have been used to improve the polymerization rate of lactones, but pose a potential hazard to health and the environment. Innorex will develop a novel reactor concept using alternative energies and replacing metal-containing catalysts by organic ones, thus rendering the process and product safer for consumers and the environment.

Novel reactor concept: Continuous processing and quality assurance To ensure short market entry times, commercially well-established corotating twin-screw extruders will be used as reaction vessels. However, the use of an extruder as a reaction vessel to produce bioplastics made from polylactic acid is only one of the innovations in Innorex. An online viscometer and spectral analytics using NIR technology will be applied to the production line. “The online monitoring enables us to ensure the high quality of the material, and also provides us with insight into the reaction processes occurring within the twin-screw extruder, which up to now has always been a black box element in processing,” says Björn Bergmann, scientist at the Fraunhofer ICT and overall technical coordinator of Innorex. “Additionally, we are deepening understanding of the influencing


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Materials Twin-screw extruder (Photo: Daniel Just, Fraunhofer ICT)

parameters for the polymerization in the extruder, ensuring an efficient process development.”

Alternative energies in extrusion for dynamic control Beside the reactive extruder technology, alternative energies will be utilized to enhance the reaction kinetics, namely laser, microwave and ultrasound technology. The low-intensity but highly-targeted input of alternative energies in the reaction volume will increase catalyst activity and ensure a high molecular weight polymerization within the limited residence time of a co-rotating twin-screw extruder. This adjustable input of alternative energies, in contrast to the static energy input by shear of an extruder, will enable a precise, dynamic control of the polymerization and the resulting material properties. Björn Bergmann: “We expect completely new concepts for variable material production and compounding, combining twin screw extruder technology with alternative energy input that has a low intensity but rapid response time, for process stability control and material modification.”

International consortium meeting European demands The Innorex consortium consists of twelve partners from seven different European countries, ranging from fundamental research universities, applied research institutions, to equipment manufacturers and end users across the entire polymer value chain. Basic research is performed by the University of Mons in close collaboration with Materia Nova and the Fraunhofer ICT. The development of the purification device and the online viscometer is one of the main tasks of Gneuß GmbH. In close collaboration with the University of Cranfield, Sciences Computers Consultants incorporates simulation and characterization into the Ludovic Software. Together with the Fraunhofer ICT, Hielscher Ultrasonics GmbH and the microwave developer Muegge GmbH apply the alternative energies to the extruder. Additivation formulation development is carried out by AIMPLAS, application and evaluation of the research work in industrial scale is carried out at Talleres Pohuer and BH Industries. Assocomaplast is

the Italian national association for the plastics industry and supports the project’s dissemination. “As Innorex reflects the needs and interests of all the partners, the work flow and cooperation within the consortium is excellent, with biweekly telephone conferences and 3-monthly meetings guaranteeing close communication,” says Daniela Meijer, overall administrative coordinator of Innorex, Fraunhofer ICT. “We are looking forward to our next meeting in Brussels in September, where new results will be presented.” During the 42 project months two multinationals in the sector - the French biorefining and starch production company Roquette and the Finnish flexible packaging and films production company Huhtamaki - are involved as members of the Industrial Exploitation Board, thus ensuring market application.

InnoREX at K 2013 For more information on the project, and to meet the consortium members personally, you can visit Fraunhofer-ICT (hall 07/B05), AIMPLAS (hall 08aC32-3I) and Assocomaplast (hall 16/A56) at K’2013, Düsseldorf, Germany, 16 - 23 October 2013. Fraunhofer will also present this topic at the Bioplastics Business Breakfast (cf page 37, 41)

Acknowledgement The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community‘s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-NMP.2012.3.0-1) under Grant Agreement number 309802.

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From Science & Research



C Fig 1: Biofibers (A) Soy hull; (B) Switchgrass and (C) Miscanthus

Bio-Composites Influence of biofibers and their hybrids on the mechanical properties of a PHBV/PLA Blend

Flexural strength

Flexural modulus

Flexural strength (MPa)





28 1.5

14 0





Fig. 2: Flexural strength and modulus of PHBV/PLA and its composites A: PHBV/PLA B: PHBV/PLA +30% soy hull C: PHBV/PLA +30% switchgrass D: PHBV/PLA +30% miscanthus E: PHBV/PLA +30% hybrid


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Flexural modulus (GPa)




oy hull, switchgrass and miscanthus (Fig.1) are cheap and widely available biofibers. Soy hull is obtained from soy beans during the extraction of oil and used as animal feed or discarded as waste. Both miscanthus and switchgrass are perennial biofibers mainly treated as energy crops. These products contain cellulose based fibers which have the potential to be used as reinforcement in composites. Utilization of these under-valued local biofibers with biobased polymers may strengthen the economy of farmers and reduce the emission of hazardous materials to the environment compared e.g. to biofiber/carbon fiber/glass fiber reinforced petroleum based composites [1]. The aim of the work described here was the use of fibers, which are cheaper than traditional agricultural fibers like flax, hemp and jute fibers etc, with bioplastics to make cost efficient sustainable composites. Also there is always a great concern about the supply chain for industrial production of green composites, for example when biofibers are temporarily not available in necessary qualities and quantities [2]. Since these fibers have different chemical compositions, it is hypothesized that the performance of hybrids (made by combining all these fibers in equal proportion) in composites is an average of all used biofibers and it helps to maintain the continuity of the supply chain.

Recently the authors studied the mechanical performance of green composites fabricated from above mentioned biofibers and their hybrids with a blend of the biopolymers polyhydroxybutyrate-co-valerate (PHBV: 60 % by weight) and polylactide (PLA: 40 % by weight) [3]. It was observed that the fibers have comparatively lower density (1.4 g/cm3) over the traditional fibers like glass fibers (2.5 g/cm3) and carbon fibers (1.7 g/cm3), etc., which gives the composites an advantage particularly in automotive industry in terms of lightweight design and thus subsequently in increasing fuel efficiency.

From Science & Research by Malaya R.Nanda1,2, Manjusri Misra2, Amar K. Mohanty2 1

Institute for Chemicals and Fuels from Alternative Resources (ICFAR), Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Western University, London, Otario, Canada


Different fibers were successfully incorporated to the PHBV/PLA matrix. Although the addition of fibers reduces the tensile strength a significant improvement in elastic modulus was observed. The mechanical performance of the fibers and their hybrid is given in Fig. 2. It was observed that the properties of the hybrid is an average of other fibers. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of the composites are given in Fig. 3 where fiber fractures, debonding of fibers and fiber pullout were observed. The gap between fiber and matrix indicated the poor adhesion between the two which may have caused the poor strength of the composites [4]. The hybrid composite showed acceptable heat deflection temperature (HDT B @ 0.45 MPa: 103 ± 1˚C). The hydrophilic nature of the biofibers is mainly responsible for the high moisture absorption of the composites [5]. One of the major advantage of using PHBV/PLA blend as matrix is that the blend has a balanced stiffness, toughness and an acceptable heat deflection temperature which is collectively not found in either of the biopolymer [6]. The future plan includes further improvement in the properties of PHBV/PLA based composites by surface modification of the fibers or by using compatibilization chemistry and its comparison with respective polypropylene (PP)- composites. The engineered composites are renewable, biodegradable and have better cost versus mechanical performance over the traditional petroleum based composites. These composites demonstrated the potential to substitute petrobased composites in some of the applications particularly in automotive industries. Acknowledgements: The authors appreciate the financial support provided by the Hannam Soy bean Utilization fund2008 (HSUF) for this project.

Bioproducts Discovery and Development Centre (BDDC), Department of Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada





Fig. 3: Scanning electron microscope images of (a) PHBV/ PLA+30% soy hull (b) PHBV/PLA+30% switchgrass (c) PHBV/ PLA+30% miscanthus (d) PHBV/PLA+30% hybrid composites

References: [1] S.V. Joshi, L. T. Drazl, A.K. Mohanty, S. Arora, Are natural fiber composites environmentally superior to glass fiber composites . Composites, Part A. 2005, 35, 371-376. [2] C. Nyambo, A.K.Mohanty, M. Misra, Polylactidebased renewable green composites from agricultural residues and their hybrids. Biomacromolecules, 2010, 11, 1654-1660. [3] M.R. Nanda,M. Misra, and A.K. Mohanty, Performance evaluation of biofibers and their hybrids as reinforcements in bioplastic composites. Macromol. Mater. Eng. doi: 10.1002/mame.201200112 [4] P.V. Joseph, G. Mathew, K. Joseph, G. Groeninckx, S. Thomas, Dynamic mechanical properties of short sisal fibre reinforced polypropylene composites Composites(A). 2003,34, 275-290 [5] S. M. Zabihzadeh, Water uptake and flexural properties of natural filler/HDPE composites. Bio Resources. 2010, 5, 316-323 [6] M.R.Nanda, M. Misra,A.K. Mohanty, Mechanical performance of soy-hull-reinforced bioplastic green composites: A comparison with polypropylene composites. Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2012, 297, 184194.

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Bottle Applications

Bioplastic bottles from plant starch


SMŽ bioplastics by Wuhan Huali Environmental Technology, from Wuhan China is a new material made from plant starch which can be used for film blowing, blowmoulding, injection-moulding, thermoforming and foam blowing. Products made from PSM bioplastic show an excellent performance compared with those of traditional plastic products. Because of its environmental and economic value, more and more big companies choose PSM bioplastics for their products. Since 2007, the Ming Fai group (a Hong Kong based international hotel amenities supplier) has started to use PSM bioplastic as the raw material for shower gel bottles. With continuous trials and skilled know-how PSM bioplastic was confirmed as a replacement for the traditional plastic, and to be processed in the conventional machinery under stable production conditions. The bottle has a splendid appearance and a fine performance which could totally satisfy the customer’s requirements. Recently, Huali developed a new PSM bioplastic application. A multi-layer extrusion blow-moulded bottle further expands the range of PSM applications and upgrades the product quality. The main difference of the PSM multi-layer bottle compared with a single-layer product is that the inner and outer layers are still made from traditional plastics such as PE/PP, but the middle layer consists of PSM bioplastic material. Such bottles have the same appearance as the existing products and because the existing product has also


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passed the relevant tests the multilayer bottles will also be compatible with the contents. After a series of experiments and examinations, the PSM multi-layer extrusion blow-moulded bottles have exhibited a performance which fully satisfies the demand of different customers, and even surpasses the existing product in some essential areas. Since Huali uses natural renewable resources to produce the PSM bioplastic resin, the products show significant environmental advantages when compared with traditional plastic products. For example, 100 tonnes of PSM materials can reduce by 30-50 tonnes the use of traditional plastic and prevent 90-150 tonnes of CO2 from being discharged into the atmosphere. At present Huali have carried out several cooperative developments with well-known international enterprises focusing on a range of daycare and healthcare products. The bottles, which comply with Vincotte’s one-star (20-40%) OK Biobased certification, pass various performance aspects as well as gaining customer recognition. Using PSM bioplastic in blow-moulding effectively saves the amount of petroleum based plastic used, making a good contribution to the environment. The external appearance and the operational function of the traditional plastic product are the same, the production costs are significantly lower than those of the traditional plastic product, and PSM has a broad range of potential applications. MT

Bottle Applications

Coke‘s bio-PET is expanding


oca-Cola’s PlantBottle™ (a partly bio-based PET bottle), launched in 2009, is now available in 25 countries. With about 15 billion units it made up about 8% of Coke’s PET bottles in 2012. Just recently the PlantBottle was launched in China. And the development is going on. In a telephone interview with Plastics News (Crain Communications Inc.) Scott Vitters, general manager of the PlantBottle Sustainable Packaging Platform said that The Coca-Cola Company plans to make all of its PET bottles (partly) biobased by 2020, using first-generation PlantBottle material. These first-generation PlantBottles are made from 30% by wt from bio-based monoethylene glycol (MEG) based on bioethanol from e.g. sugar cane. The remaining 70% are purified terephthalic acid, or PTA, currently still derived from petroleum. Since the final PET is chemically identical to traditional PET, PlantBottles have always been fully recyclable. In the next steps Coca-Cola strives to make their secondgeneration PlantBottles entirely with plant-based material, as Vitters pointed out. Several technology partners cooperate with Coca-Cola to achieve that goal. Coke has for example invested millions with three R&D firms — Virent, Wisconsin, USA and Gevo, Colorado, USA to develop bio-based PTA. Another agreement with Avantium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands aims at PEF (Polyethylene Furanoate) a 100% biobased alternative to PET. In addition to the cooperations with raw material suppliers, Coca-Cola also seeks collaboration with other companies that need PET in order to expand the supply chain to support a broader industry change, Vitters said. “We had to rethink what winning meant to us in the sustainability space,” he said to Plastics News. Usually companies try to keep innovations to themselves, but Vitters explained: “What we’ve realized is that if we just kept it to ourselves, how would we be able to do what we believe in terms of transforming an industry?”

“For us, true change is only realized when innovation can be touched and used by the consumer,” he said. All this development is not free of charge of course. Vitters however sees it not as an on-cost, but as an investment cost. So far the development of the PlantBottle required investing in bioplastics including the costs involved to build a reliable supply chain, as Vitters explained. One important aspect on the way to make bioplastics a cost-competitive material is building scale, Vitters said, “there may be extra costs upfront, but it will pay off in the long run”. Coca-Cola’s investments in plants to make bio-based MEG include a 500,000 tonnes-per-year plant in Brazil, that is scheduled to start production this year. The plant is part of a partnership with JBF Industries Ltd. of Mumbai, India. Even if today everybody is looking at a 100% biobased PET, Vitters emphasized that it is still very important to further develop the first part of the journey. Focusing on the first part, — building out the MEG supply chain — to make bottles with bio-based MEG, is essential in order to realize the second part. But just developing a biobased plastic solution is not all. Coca-Cola is paying much attention to do all this responsibly, said Vitters. Together with their partners, Coca-Cola is in intense conversations with third parties such as environmental groups or academic institutions. “We want to make sure the PlantBottle is delivering improved environmental and social performance”, as Vitters pointed out. “Just because it comes from a plant doesn’t mean it’s inherently better for the planet,” he said. MT This article is based on a article by By Jessica Holbrook, previously published in Plastics News

So in a first step Coke got H.J. Heinz on board. The company is now also using PlantBottle PET material for its ketchup bottles. The meaning of this work isn’t just “making positive change for our bottles, but creative positive change in your car, in the carpet you walk on, in the clothes you wear…, the polyester universe is huge,” he said. In this regard, Coca-Cola created The Plant PET Technology Collaborative together with other major brand owners, such as H.J. Heinz, Ford Motor, Nike and Procter & Gamble. The goal of this collaboration is to find a viable, bio-based alternative to PTA in order to enable and secure the supply of plant-based PET material and fibres for their different application needs. While the technology may exist to make bio-based PTA, the goal isn’t to develop a solution in a lab, it’s to make a commercially viable bottle that people can buy in the marketplace, Vitters said.

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Bottle Applications

(Photo: Planet Pure)

Bottles made from Bio-Polyethylene Bio-Polyethylene (or bio-PE) was introduced under the brand name Green PE and first produced on a commercial scale in September 2010 by the Brazilian company Braskem. Bio-PE is derived from sugar-cane-based bioethanol and has a very positive environmental balance because, taking into account the complete supply chain, it removes up to 2.5 tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere for each tonne produced. Used for many different applications such as films for bags etc and injection moulded parts, bio-PE is now also increasingly being used for extrusion-blow-moulded bottle applications. One of the first applications was a hair-care bottle for the Procter & Gambles Panthene series (see bM 5/2010).

Pharmaceutical bottles

(Photo: Takeda)

The Japanese Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (headquartered in Osaka) have now announced that they will start using bio-polyethylene bottles as the primary packaging container for their hypertension treatment product, Azilva® (500 tablets, bulk packaging). A primary packaging component is one that is in direct contact with the pharmaceutical products. Takeda’s bio-PE bottles have been tested for critical functionalities such as moisture permeability and shock resistance, as well as their potential impact on the quality of tablets. The results confirmed that they are functionally comparable to conventional polyethylene bottles, and have no impact upon the quality of tablets. “Takeda is the first company to use bio-PE bottles as the primary packaging for pharmaceutical products in Japan,” said James Morley, Ph.D., General Manager of the Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls Center at Takeda. “We believe it is an


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Bottle Applications

important responsibility always to consider the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and we will continue to promote our environmental efforts.” “I am very pleased to supply pharmaceutical products in bio-PE bottles in the Japanese market, as these bottles ensure the equivalent quality of the products as compared to the bottles made from conventional materials, and at the same time using the environmentally-friendly materials,” said Tetsuo Miwa, Ph.D., Senior Vice President of the Pharmaceutical Production Division at Takeda. “The feasibility study covering the use of bio-PE bottles for other existing Takeda products is on-going, with the aim to further contributing to environmental conservation.”

Bottles for general purpose cleaner In Germany Green PE is for example now being used by Kärcher, the world‘s leading provider of cleaning systems, cleaning products and services. The first Kärcher product using bio-PE is a 1-litre bottle for Kärcher’s general purpose cleaner eco!ogic, introduced to the market in January 2013. This is a cleaner for pressure washers for private or home use which is made exclusively from surfactants produced from renewable resources. “For us it was important to supply our eco!ogic cleaner in a particularly environmentallyfriendly bottle”, as Verena Schweizer, press officer at Kärcher, told bioplastics MAGAZINE. Kärcher was looking for a holistic concept for the eco!ogic series of pressure washers. The company chose biobased polyethylene, because this material is resistant to chemicals (cleaners), offers the same properties as traditional PE and can be processed on existing equipment. The cleaner is sold globally.

Custom blow moulders Some custom blow-moulders that bioplastics MAGAZINE spoke to in Germany confirmed that the interest from the market is really huge, however, a lot of potential customers for such bottles still hesitate because of cost issues or a lack of information on a potential competition with food resources (please see pages 43 to read more about this topic). Generally all custom blow-moulders confirmed that bio-PE is easily processable on existing extrusion-blow-moulding equipment, even for larger containers such as 5 litre canisters.

Detergent bottles One of these custom blow-moulding companies from Germany is Siepe GmbH of Kerpen. The company supplies bio-PE bottles to the Austrian enviropreneur Silvio Perpmer,

(Photo: Kärcher)

who founded his company PLANET PURE in 1999 with the aim of creating healthy and sustainable cleaning products and detergents. Planet Pure, headquartered in Hörbranz, Austria, has a deep understanding of natural resources, and also understands that everything is connected to everything else. The company lives the natural cycle and uses purely organically grown raw materials. The majority come from smaller farms, cooperatives and fair-organic farming. Thus it was only a logical consequence for Silvio to look for a green packaging made from renewable resources, as he explained to bioplastics MAGAZINE. He decided in favour of Green PE because for him it is important “to have a bottle material that you can squeeze a certain number of times without it looking crinkled”. Silvio Perpmer started with a smaller bottle for dishwashing detergent but he will certainly convert his other bottles to bio-PE. Even if Green PE is still more expensive than traditional material, Planet Pure will not increase the sales prices of their products, says Silvio. Since 2011 Braskem’s Green PE has been distributed exclusively by FKuR Kunststoff GmbH in Europe. In addition the companies recently announced the expansion of their distribution agreement for Green PE to cover USA and Canada. Furthermore FKuR broadens the range of applications for Green PE by offering tailor made compounds under the brand name Terralene®. MT

bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8


Bottle Applications

New partner joins PEF bottle development


vantium (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and ALPLA Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH (headquartered in Hard, Austria), agreed to cooperate on the development of PEF bottles. After Coca-Cola and Danone, Alpla is the third company to collaborate with Avantium on their bio-polyester polyethylene furanoate (PEF). “Avantium is very excited to have Alpla enter the Joint Development Platform for PEF bottles,” says Tom van Aken, CEO Avantium. “With Alpla’s extensive and proven know-how in PET conversion, bottle design and bottle manufacturing, Alpla will be a major contributor to accelerate the commercial roll out and industrialization of PEF. Together we have taken up the challenge to develop the supply chain for PEF as sustainable biobased packaging material to the beer and alcoholic beverage markets. ” Purpose of the collaboration with brand owners is to create a market pull for PEF, as Nathan Kemeling, Director YXY Business Development explained to bioplastics MAGAZINE. “This market pull will de-risk the value chain for other partners like feedstock suppliers, chemical companies, resin producers and recyclers, which are essential to put a new polyester on the market”, he said. Günther Lehner, Alpla CEO comments: “In the 1980’s Alpla was the first to introduce the two step PET bottle. Today we are able to take innovation a step further and introduce our customers in the food, home care and personal care area to the PEF, next generation of biobased polyester.”

YXY technology Avantium’s proprietary YXY technology platform is a cost competitive catalytic technology to convert plant based materials into chemical building blocks for bioplastics, like PEF. PEF is a novel

generation of 100% biobased polyester and the target is to be 100% recyclable and compatible with existing recycling technologies. Together with its partners and the recycling community Avantium is looking to find optimal end-of-life solutions for PEF. Thus PEF has the potential to replace conventional fossil resources based durable materials like PET. According to Avantium, PEF has significant performance benefits over PET. The barrier to oxygen is ten times higher, to CO2 four times higher and to moisture two times higher. Further PEF exhibits a 60% higher modulus and a 12°C higher Tg. These performance benefits enable exciting new packaging opportunities like extension of product shelf life, further bottle light weighting and simplification of the production process by reducing the need for oxygen scavengers and coating layers. An independent life-cycle-analysis study by the Copernicus Institute at the University of Utrecht has demonstrated the carbon footprint of PEF is 50~70% lower than today’s PET.

PEF bottles Alpla will develop PEF bottles for Personal Care/ Home Care applications, such as cosmetics and detergents and for Food applications such as sauces, dressings, baby foods and edible oils. Alpla and Avantium will furthermore work on the development of bottles for beer and other alcoholic beverages. Besides PEF for bottles, Avantium is also lining up partnerships to develop applications for PEF fibers and PEF films. Today Avantium is supplying its development partners with PEF manufactured from material produced at its Geleen pilot plant. Avantium is currently planning a 50,000 ton commercial plant, which is projected to be operational in 2016 to enable the full commercial launch of the first PEF bottles to consumers. MT


bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8

Application News

Elastic protective caps Thanks to the collaboration between API (Mussolente, Italy), supplier of elastomers and biodegradable compounds, and DLM (Opera, Italy), manufacturer of hydraulics and hydropneumatics, the first protective cap for quick connect couplings in 100% biodegradable soft material has been created. The for quick connect couplings offer protection from soil, rain and possible damage to the delicate hydraulic connections of the hydraulic systems present in tractors and soil moving machinery. The materials traditionally used for this application are PVC and SEBS (Styrene-Ethene-Butene-Styrene block copolymer) based compounds. The main characteristics required for this application are good resistance to UV and also temperature and weather resistance for lengthy and undefined periods of time. While in use, protective caps for quick connect couplings often fall to the ground. This gave rise to DLM’s desire to create a line of products with a low environmental impact through the design of 100% biodegradable protective caps for quick connect couplings that, in a case of an accidental loss, can be completely absorbed into the ground without, in any way, harming the environment.

The challenge for API was to create the formulation of a 100% biodegradable material that could offer the same technical performance of the materials traditionally used for this application while also being suitable for transformation using the machines and moulds designed for PVC and SEBS compounds. By carrying out some modifications to the rheology of the base material and by acting on the relative composition of the constituents, API has developed a special grade of APINAT Bio perfectly suitable to be worked using the equipment available and with the required technical performance for this application. This latest application development of APINAT Bio further confirms and reinforces API’s commitment to supporting more innovative companies who are sensitive to the growing environmental problems related to creating objects with a low environmental impact. MT

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bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/13] Vol. 8


Application News

Cellulose fibre netting

Last December marked the first ever appearance of biodegradable cellulose fibre netting sleeves on the shelves of retailer REWE in Austria. The netting was developed by Verpackungszentrum Graz. Lenzing AG (Lenzing, Austria) produce the cellulose fibres which are also marketed for clothing under the brand name Lenzing Modal colour. Consumers gave the organic packaging the thumbs up for organic vegetables. Sales even increased by a third. As part of their intensive future-oriented Back to Basics strategy, HOFER (Aldi Austria) have been using the packaging too since the end of June this year. Beech wood is used to produce the raw material, which is sourced during the thinning of forests: One third coming from Austria, the rest from central Europe. Lenzing, world market leader for environmentally-friendly cellulose products, manufactures the Modal fibres in Upper Austria, before they are sent for processing to the Austrian company Borckenstein (Neudau, Styria). The farming organisation, Marchfeldgemüse, packs the fresh organic vegetables in the breathable natural netting, which not only benefits the consumer by keeping the produce fresher for longer, but is also compostable after use. An Austrian world first, which, on 18th June 2013, won the Austrian paper industry award, Printissimo / Embalissimo / fibre plus, in the fibre plus category - for innovations using cellulose. Verpackungszentrum Graz has been developing biogenous alternative packaging for approximately 20 years. This innovation by Verpackungszentrum Graz won a number of Austrian packaging awards last year and this year. “However we already know that the real winner here is the environment, especially as netting has been 100% plastic almost everywhere until now. MT


bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8

A panda for your pocket On the occasion of its 50th anniversary the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) have made an agreement with the toy manufacturer Playmobil (Geobra Brandstätter GmbH & Co. KG, of Zirndorf, Germany) to develop and produce a panda keyring made from a PLA compound (BioFlex® by FKuR, Willich Germany). The small black and white bear, a symbol of the global protection of endangered species by the WWF, is about 65% made from renewable resources. “The WWF have given things a new impetus with the keyring – and right in the toy sector. We can get away from petroleum based plastics”, said Dirk Barth, head of the Panda Fördergesellschaft (a marketing service of WWF Germany). The potential of bioplastics has, in the view of the WWF, not reached anywhere near its maximum. Lots of shapes and colours are already available today. “Bioplastics will in future be part of an environmental and social contract, and represent an important alternative material”, says Barth. Hence the WWF is championing the concept of bioplastics, across the whole commercial spectrum, adhering to strict ecological and social criteria. Playmobil has taken up the challenge, and of course is also testing the general use of bioplastics. “Manufacture of the key ring has shown that it is not so simple to produce the usual Playmobil quality”, said Robert Benker, Technical head of the Playmobil production sites. For example the temperature process window is narrower compared to the traditional thermoplastics Playmobil usually use for their toy products. The PLA (NatureWorks Ingeo™) in the compound used in the production of the WWF panda was all obtained from non-genetically modified corn and the agricultural method is certified in line with ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification). Long term the aim must be, according to the WWF, to avoid the use of fossil resources, to improve the eco-balance, and to make plastics from agricultural waste, ensuring sustainable production methods that are at least as good, or better, than the materials currently being used. The WWF panda key ring has been produced in a limited edition of 40,000 and will be distributed only at WWF events celebrating the 50th anniversary of WWF Germany, and as a welcome gift for newly enrolled supporters.

Application News

Sustainable solar-powered charger At Chinaplas 2013, PolyOne Corporation, a global provider of specialized polymer materials, services and solutions, announced a successful global collaboration with Xindao (Rijswijk, The Netherlands) and its design studio XD Design (Shanghai, China) to increase the content of renewable resources within the new XD Design Sunshine Solar Charger. Working together at the early stages of the design phase, PolyOne, Xindao and XD Design developed all of the molded plastic casing components for this charger from reSound™ PLA-based biopolymer, which Xindao estimates will reduce the CO2 footprint for this product by as much as 35% compared to alternatives. Marcel Dartee, director of global marketing for sustainability and biosolutions at PolyOne, said, “Designers and manufacturers such as Xindao are investigating how they can successfully add more bio-content to their products. In most cases, this requires a balance of functionality and formulation expertise. PolyOne understands these challenges and has responded with specialty reSound formulations that achieve this balance. For the Sunshine project, our development teams in China, Europe and the U.S. worked jointly with the company’s design and manufacturing resources to create this success.” The Sunshine solar charger, with its array of five solar cells, is the newest item created by the XD Design team in a range

of solar chargers for cellphones and tablets that take their design inspiration from nature. They are intended to make solar technology more practical and available for end users. While the team around head designer Ryan McSorley had used ABS on earlier chargers in the XD Design line, they collaborated with PolyOne to develop a durable, bio-based reSound formulation. To successfully make the housing and stems on the Sunshine, reSound material had to match the performance and surface finish of ABS as closely as possible. Chris Lefteri, noted industrial designer and a materials consultant for Xindao, explained, “Finding a sustainable material with equal performance to traditional polymers is a common challenge for many of our clients as they strive to reduce their carbon footprint. Using reSound, a durable, ecoconscious material that offers the same functional and aesthetic behavior as conventional engineering polymers, enabled XD Design to reach both performance and sustainability goals.” MT

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bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/13] Vol. 8



T The new way to drink coffee First production application of the compostable plastic ecovio in coffee capsules plus packaging

he compostable plastic ecovioÂŽ from BASF has found its first production application in a system solution for packaging. It is furthermore the first application for the injection molding grade ecovio IS1335. The material is being used in combination with an ecovio-based multi-layer system with specific barrier properties. Working together with the Swiss Coffee Company (Widnau, Switzerland), BASF has succeeded in developing a system that consists of a coffee capsule and an aroma-tight outer packaging. It fulfills the demanding requirements for protecting the product and brewing coffee in high-pressure coffee machines, yet may still be composted. The system solution is predominantly based on renewable resources.

Expanded ecovio product line BASF launched the plastic ecovio six years ago. It is biodegradable and compostable as defined by EN 13432, based to a large extent on renewable resources and in the meantime has been able to prove itself in a variety of film applications. To date, the primary fields of application have been bags for collecting biodegradable waste and mulch film, which helps to cultivate fruit and vegetables in fields. With the new product grade ecovio IS1335, which is especially suitable for injection molding, and with new ecoviobased solutions for multi-layer film with a barrier properties, BASF has expanded the product line further. These product variants helped the new Switzerland-based Swiss Coffee Company develop a high-volume product that can contribute to sustainability in many ways while simultaneously addressing the latest trend in coffee drinking.

Swiss Coffee Company and the product beanarella Since the end of 2012, the Swiss Coffee Company is offering coffee in compostable plastic capsules in an aromatype barrier packaging together with coffee machines in Switzerland under the brand name beanarella. The idea for the product came to the company‘s founders in 2011, and after a record project completion time of only some 13 months, high-grade coffee packaged in injection molded biodegradable plastic capsules was on the market. The goal of the company is to market high-quality coffee that simultaneously satisfies demanding criteria from the social and environmental standpoint when it comes to production. The packaging was expected to satisfy similar criteria.

Traditional roasting, fair trade and compostable packaging The requirements that Mr. Schaude, founder of the Swiss Coffee Company, established for the packaging are just as demanding as for the organic coffee. Accordingly, in contrast to most coffee capsules on the market, the ones offered by the Swiss Coffee Company are not manufactured from aluminum.


bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8


Disposing intelligently of everything that remains after drinking the coffee was an especially important aspect in terms of packaging. In the case of food packaging with a high percentage of organic content, compostable plastics such as ecovio from BASF represent a possible solution. In this way, sustainability concepts could be applied not only to producing the coffee, but also to the packaging and disposal.

Optimized for composting – the packaging as an aid to disposal Not only the ecovio IS1335 plastic is certified for biodegradable, compostable packaging to Standard EN 13432, but also the coffee capsules themselves. Moreover, the barrier packaging as well consists of biodegradable components. The structure consists of three functional layers: the outer paper-based carrier layer is followed by a thin barrier film as a middle layer and an inner sealing layer based on ecovio. All three single layers are certified according to EN 13432. The layers are bonded together by means of the compostable laminating adhesive Epotal® Eco from BASF. The packaging is designed to satisfy the demanding barrier requirements for coffee packaging with regard to moisture, oxygen and aroma.

fertilizer, compost contains valuable nutrients such as phosphorus, for example, which is important for plant growth and thus agricultural food production. Phosphorus cannot be produced synthetically; it must be obtained from deposits. In addition, moist kitchen waste has such a low calorific value during incineration that it does not represent a useful material there. For communities and citizens, however, it is associated with costs for disposal. Composting of organic waste is thus an approach to disposal that generates not only compost as a valuable substance, but also represents a costeffective disposal method for communities.

The next steps As the next step, the company plans to introduce its product and concept in Germany, Austria and the USA. Each launch on the market will focus on a sound disposal concept for creating value from the promise of biodegradability. BASF will assist in this regard. Disposal of food packaging made from certified compostable plastic in organic waste containers is not yet permitted throughout Germany.

In-house investigations conducted at BASF confirmed degradation of the used coffee capsules in an actual composting environment. During the pilot phase, the Swiss Coffee Company itself will handle composting under industrial conditions in Switzerland: Leomat, one of the main distributors in Switzerland, will supply the coffee capsules to be disposed of together with the outer barrier packaging for the composting process.

Compost as a resource Packaging such as coffee capsules that contain small portions of completely organic waste and where the organic waste cannot be collected separately from the packaging material lends itself ideally to composting as the correct means of disposal instead of incineration or recycling. Moreover, coffee is a favorite among composters, since it represents a good material for loosening the structure of the compost. The concept also contributes to increasing the amount of compost and thus to the waste disposal objectives of the EU: various scientific studies estimate that in Europe today only 30% of all organic waste is disposed of separately. Many countries still landfill a high percentage together with other waste. Disposal in landfills generates methane, which has an approximately twentyfold higher greenhouse potential than CO2. If organic waste were collected separately and composted throughout all of Europe, greenhouse gas emissions from waste disposal could be lowered by 30%. Furthermore, as a natural

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for Ecology and Innovation GmbH Chemiepark Knapsack Industriestraße 300 50354 Huerth, Germany bioplastics MAGAZINE [03/13] Vol. 8


Applications Dragonkraft Afloat! A renewable based Flaxland canoe, made using the Dragonkraft resin/hardener system as the adhesive and a Dragonkraft UV coating on the flax fabric for a waterproof flexible finish (Photo: Flaxland)

100% Renewable bio-resins


ragonkraft Europe (Eccles, Manchester, UK), an ecoconscious start up with the backing of Akcros Chemicals (headquartered in Eccles as well), has launched a new bio-resin system for the composites, coatings and adhesives market. Dragonkraft recognise the challenges faced by today’s manufacturing industry and their product philosophy is built around letting manufacturers accrue sound economic, environmental and social gains. Dragonkraft’s new epoxy resin system boasts 100% renewable carbon content whilst its hardener/booster package contains 20% renewable matter. In addition, Dragonkraft promote a 97% renewable UV cure system which sets within 15-30 minutes in natural daylight. These products help manufacturers to address tightening environmental regulations but also reduce the consumption of finite petrochemical resources. The Dragonkraft package is BPA (Bisphenol A) free and has many health and safety benefits including safer handling for workers and low odours. The Dragonkraft formulation can be used for many applications and the curing speed can be adjusted to suit user requirements. The system is a strong contender to traditional resins as it produces a high strength flexible cured resin with a non-brittle finish. It has excellent wet out and selfleveling properties, with low shrinkage and high temperature resistance. Its adhesion qualities onto many surfaces including wood, plastics, metals and fibreglass mark it down as a great alternative to epoxy 2-pack adhesives. When compared to traditional resins it shows equivalent resistance to a number of common chemicals. Jim Pickett, Commercial Director at Dragonkraft commented “From the beginning, our goal has been to employ bio-derived technologies that can replace existing oil-based resins and surpass performance in areas such as health, safety and environment. Dragonkraft has seen a growing interest for bio-resins and now they are competitive in not only price but performance too”. Over the past year, Flaxland – manufacturers of flax based canoes have been using Dragonkraft bio-resin in the construction of their eco-friendly canoes. Simon Cooper at Flaxland commented “We had a vision to manufacture a canoe from 100% natural materials. With our background of farming linseed and other crops, we chose to cover the timber frame of


bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8

the canoe with woven flax fabric, but the question then was – how are we going to waterproof the craft?” Simon continues “Most bonding resins available on the market are manufactured from oil-based products, but we came across the Dragonkraft bio-resin system - a natural-based UV curable resin and we have successfully used it as an adhesive in the construction of our canoes. Dragonkraft has also developed a UV coating for the flax, which gives a waterproof, flexible finish. We are delighted with the results. We now have a fully renewably sourced end product that is lightweight and shatterresistant on impact with a long-lasting durable finish”. MT


Bioplastics Business Breakfast At the World’s biggest trade show on plastics and rubber: K’2013 in Düsseldorf, Germany bioplastics will certainly play an important role again. On three days during the show from Oct 17 - 19, bioplastics MAGAZINE will host a Bioplastics Business Breakfast: From 8 am to 12:30 am the delegates get the

chance to listen to and discuss high-class presentations and benefit from a unique networking opportunity. The trade fair opens at 10 am. Register soon to reserve your seat. Admission starts at EUR 249.00. The conference fee includes a free ticket for K’2013 as well as free public transportation in the greater Düsseldorf area. Preliminary Programme Thursday, October 17, 2013 8:00-8:10 Welcome remarks Michael Thielen, bioplastics MAGAZINE 8:10-8:25 Bioplastics – combining performance and sustainability in the packaging segment Hasso von Pogrell, European Bioplastics 8:25-8:45 Biobased materials for packing food products Nanou Peelman, Ghent University 8:45-9:05 Facts and data on Bioplastics Hans-Josef Endres, IfBB 9:05-9:25 The New Development of Mater-Bi for packaging application Alberto Castellanza, Novamont 9:25-9:35 Q&A 9:35-9:55 Bioplastic Films Innovations by Renewable Resourcing Larissa Zirkel, Huhtamaki 9:55-10:15 Development of an active multilayer packaging based on PLA Nuria López , AIMPLAS 10:15-10:35 Biodegradable Polymers in Foodserviceware in closed systems Lars Liebscher, BASF 10:35-10:45 Q&A 10:45-11:05 Coffee & Networking 11:05-11:25 Reinvent and renew with biodegradable PBS Jo Kockelkoren, Reverdia 11:25-11:45 Engineered Sustainability – Packaging made from Biobased and Biodegradable Plastics Patrick ZimmermannFKuR 11:45-12:05 Sustainable packaging with sugar cane based polyolefins Marco Jansen, Braskem 12:05-12:25 Influence of BIOPLAST-Material on the mechanical properties of recycled PE-Film Christoph Heß, Biotec 12:25-12:30 Q&A

Saturday, October 19, 2013 8:00-8:10 Welcome remarks (incl.: Basics of Bioplastics) 8:10-8:25 Extending bioplastics' benefits in durable applications 8:25-8:45 High Performance Bio-based Engineering Polymers for Durable Applications 8:45-9:05 Biobased Polyurethanes 9:05-9:25 Bioplastics in durable applications 9:25-9:35 Q&A 9:35-9:55 Durabio 9:55-10:15 Dura-Pulp 10:15-10:35 Eco-friendly starch-based resins for durable applications 10:35-10:45 Q&A 10:45-11:05 Coffee & Networking 11:05-11:25 Biobased Polyamides 11:25-11:45 Injection molding of PLA 11:45-12:05 Special Injection Molding Techniques opens up further Applications for Bioplastics 12:05-12:25 t.b.d. 12:25-12:30 Q&A

Michael Thielen, bioplastics MAGAZINE t.b.c., European Bioplastics Andreas Grundmann, Uhde Inventa-Fischer Francois de Bie, Corbion Purac Emmanuel Rapendy, Sulzer Chemtech Steve Davies, Natureworks Marcel Dartee, PolyOne Paolo Serafin, Taghleef Industries

Makoto Kobayashi, Toray Carlos Caro, Grafe Björn Bergmann, Fraunhofer ICT Ramani Narayan, Michigan State Univ.

Michael Thielen, bioplastics MAGAZINE Constance Ißbrücker, European Bioplastics Thomas Werner, DuPont Ramani Narayan, Michigan State Univ. Frank Diodato, Natureworks Frank Steinbrecher, Mitsubishi Chemical Thomas Wodke, Fraunhofer UMSICHT Jean-Luc Monnet, Roquette

Benjamin Brehmer, Evonik Andrea Siebert-Raths, IfBB Christoph Lohr, FKuR t.b.d.

Subject to changes

Friday, October 18, 2013 8:00-8:10 Welcome remarks (incl.: Basics of Bioplastics) 8:10-8:25 PLA – the multitalented mass commodity plastic to be 8:25-8:45 Basics of PLA 8:45-9:05 t.b.d. 9:05-9:25 Advances in High Performance PLA Production 9:25-9:35 Q&A 9:35-9:55 PLA, an innovative Bioplastic 9:55-10:15 Formulation proficiency helps biopolymers meet the demands of durable applications 10:15-10:35 Biaxially oriented PLA films 10:35-10:45 Q&A 10:45-11:05 Coffee & Networking 11:05-11:25 ECODEAR PLA/ABS blend 11:25-11:45 Dyeing staple fibres 11:45-12:05 PLA production without metallic catalysts 12:05-12:25 Recycling of PLA 12:25-12:30 Q&A

bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8



Food or non-food Which agricultural feedstocks are best for industrial uses? by Michael Carus, Managing Director and Lara Dammer, Policy and Strategy nova-Institute, Huerth, Germany

Use of harvested agricultural biomass worldwide (2008) 4% 4% 32 %

60 %

Total biomass ca. 10 billion tonnes


Animal feed

Material use

Energy use

Notes: Shares of food an feed based on FAOSTAT; gap of animal feed demand from grazing not included (see Krausmann et al. 2008) Fig. 1: Worldwide allocation of harvested biomass by production target (main product) in 2008. Respective amounts include raw materials and their by-products, even if their uses fall into different categories.


bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8


he new paper by nova-Institute, Germany, is a contribution to the recent controversial debate about whether food crops should be used for other applications than food and feed. It is based on scientific evidence and aims to provide a more realistic and appropriate view of the use of food-crops in biobased industries, including the production of biobased plastic materials, taking a step back from the often very emotional discussion. The authors, Michael Carus and Lara Dammer, take the position that all kinds of biomass should be accepted for industrial uses; the choice should be dependent on how sustainably and efficiently these biomass resources can be produced. Of course, with a growing world population, the first priority of biomass allocation is food security. At the end of 2011, there were about 7 billion people on our planet. The global population is expected to reach more than 9 billion people by 2050. This alone will lead to a 30% increase in biomass demand. Increasing meat consumption and higher living standards will generate additional demand for biomass. According to EU Commission estimations, a 70% increase in food demand is expected, which includes a projected twofold increase in world meat consumption. Food and feed clearly are the supply priorities for biomass use, followed by bio-based products, biofuels and bioenergy. Fig. 1 shows the use of the 10 billion tonnes of biomass harvested worldwide in 2008. Animal feed predominates with a share of 60%, which will increase even further. Public debate mostly focuses on the obvious direct competition for food crops between different uses: food, feed, industrial materials and energy. However, the authors argue that the crucial issue is land availability, since the cultivation of non-food crops on arable land would reduce the potential supply of food just as much or even more. Therefore, they suggest a differentiated approach to finding the most suitable biomass for industrial uses. In a first step, the issue has to be addressed of whether the use of biomass for purposes other than food can be justified at all. This means taking the availability of arable land into account. Several studies show that some areas will remain free even after worldwide food demand has been satisfied. These studies also show potential for further growth in yields and arable land areas worldwide – even in the EU, there are between 2.5 and 8 million hectares arable land that are not currently in use. Despite these potentials, arable land and biomass are limited resources and should be used efficiently and sustainably. As the numbers above show, the industrial material use of biomass makes up for only a very small share of biomass competition. Other factors have a much greater


potential direct competition with food and animal feed, the idea of using lignocellulosic feedstock as a raw material for fermentable sugars and also for gasification was introduced in the last ten years. Lignocellulose means wood, shortrotation coppice such as poplar, willow or Miscanthus, or else lignocellulosic agricultural by-products like straw. These are the so-called second-generation feedstocks. Very recently, more and more research is being carried out into using algae as a feedstock; this is known as a third-generation feedstock.

impact on food availability. Due to a growing demand from all sectors, the crucial question is how to increase the biomass production in a sustainable way. 1. Increasing yields: Tremendous potential in developing countries is hampered by a lack of investment in wellknown technologies and infrastructure, unfavourable agricultural policies such as no access to credits, insufficient transmission of price incentives, and poorly enforced land rights.

Whether the use of second-generation feedstocks will have less impact on food security is questionable and is being discussed in detail in the complete paper.

2. Expansion of arable land: Some 100 million hectares could be added to the current 1.4 billion hectares without touching rainforest or protected areas. Most estimates calculate up to 500 million hectares. These areas will require a lot of infrastructure investment before they can be utilized [1, 2].

Several aspects give reasons to doubt this oftenpostulated axiom. Recent studies have shown that many food crops are more land-efficient than non-food crops. This means that less land is required for the production of a certain amount of fermentable sugar for example – which is especially crucial for biotechnology processes, such as the production of monomers or building blocks for bioplastics – than would be needed to produce the same amount of sugar with the supposedly “unproblematic”, second generation lignocellulosic non-food crops. 

Both aspects mean that political reforms and huge investment in agro-technologies and infrastructure are necessary. There is also huge potential for saving biomass and arable land: Reduced meat consumption would free up a huge amount of arable land for other uses. Deriving protein from cattle requires 40 to 50 times the biomass input than protein directly obtained from wheat or soy;

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Reducing food losses will also free up huge areas of arable land. Roughly one-third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally, amounting to about 1.3 billion tonnes per year [3];

c i t e n tics g s a a l P M for

Increasing the efficiency of biomass processing for all applications by the use of modern industrial biotechnology; Using all agricultural by-products that are not inserted in any value chain today. Lignocellulosic residues in particular can be used in second generation biofuels and biochemicals; Finally, the use of solar energy, which also takes up land, for fuelling electric cars is about 100 times more land-efficient than using the land for biofuels for conventional cars. In addition, solar energy can be produced on non-arable land, too. Increased use of this means of transportation would release huge areas of arable land that are currently used for biofuels [4] After the overall availability of land has been verified, the second step is to find out how best to use these areas. The use of the so-called first generation of biomass, such as sugar, starch, plant oil and natural rubber, to obtain different chemicals and materials, is virtually as old as mankind (e.g. birch bark pitch use dates back to the late Paleolithic era). It has been conducted on an industrial scale for over 100 years. For example, starch is used on a large scale in the paper industry. Today, a wide range of chemicals, plastics, detergents, lubricants and fuels are produced from these resources. Because of their

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bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8



Valorization of components of industrially used food crops Food/feed 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

Industrial use Crop

Carbohydrates %


Oils %


Sugar beet 65–70% Industrial

Sugar beet

Sugar cane




Sugar cane








Industrial 5%


Fibres (lignoce llulosic)









10% Feed, Food 30% Food




20% Industrial

Proteins and Fibres 80%

Rapeseed/ Canola

40% Industrial

Proteins and Fibres 60%


Feed, Food Feed Feed, Food

(soy milk and tofu from extracted proteins)


Rapeseed/ canola

Fig. 2: Valorization of components of food crops used in industry. This considers only the special case of when all carbohydrates (sugar beet, sugar cane, wheat and corn) or oils (soy and canola) are used for industrial material use only, their by-products being subsequently used for food and feed.1

Table 1: Valorization of components of food crops used in industry. This considers only the special case of when all carbohydrates (sugar beet, sugar cane, wheat and corn) or oils (soy and canola) are used for industrial material use only, their by-products being subsequently used for food and feed.1 Sources: Kamm et al. 2006; IEA Bioenergy, Task 42 Biorefinery 2012: Country Reports.

This is not very surprising, considering that starch, sugar and plant oils are used by the crops as energy storage for solar energy, and easy to utilize again. In contrast, lignocellulose gives the crop a functional structure – it is not built to store energy, but to last and protect the plants from microorganisms. Only specific enzymes (plus energy) are able to saccharify the lignocellulosic structure and transform it into fermentable sugars. Although terrific improvements have been achieved in this field over the last two decades, the technology is still in its infancy. The price of the enzymes as well as their efficiency are, alongside capital requirements, still the biggest obstacle to this strategy. As a result, lignocellulosic biomass is not an efficient option for fermentation processes.

Also, the utilization of food crops in bio-based industries is very efficient, since the process chains have been optimized over a very long time and the by-products are used in food and feed. Biorefineries for food crops have existed for many years that convert all parts of a harvested crop into food, feed, materials and energy/ fuel, maximizing the total value. If this maximum output value were not attained, the prices of the food and feed parts would go up.

This means that the often raised question: “When will your company switch from food crops to second generation lignocellulosic feedstock?” is too shortsighted and simplistic. The authors argue that the real question is: “What is the most resource efficient and sustainable use of land and biomass in your region?” It is not the issue of whether the crop can be used for food or feed; it is a question of resource and land efficiency and sustainability. The competition is for land. Land used for cultivating lignocellulosic feedstock is not available for food or feed production (see Chapter 6 in the complete paper). So the dogma of “no food crops for industry” can lead to a misallocation or underutilization of agricultural resources, i.e. land and biomass.

For example, using sugar, starch or oil for bio-based chemicals, plastics or fuel leaves plant-based proteins, which are an important feedstock for the food and animal feed industry. At present, the world is mainly short of protein and not of carbohydrates such as sugar and starch. This means that there is no real competition with food uses, since the valuable part of the food crops still flows into food and feed uses. (More information is available in the complete paper.) Table 1 and Fig. 2 above give an overview of the valorization of processed fractions of crops, if the main use is material use, dry matter only. The percentage is related to grain or fruit only; additional (lignocellulosic) fibres from straw, leaves, etc. are not taken into account. Another very important aspect that is rarely mentioned is that food crops for industry can also serve as an emergency reserve of food and feed supply, whereas second-generation lignocellulose cannot be used in the same way. This means that food security can be assured through the extended use of food crops. In a food crisis, sugar cane (Brazil) and corn

1 Table 1 and Figure 2 do not give an overview of actual current use of food crops, but only the special case when carbohydrates or oil are used exclusively for industrial material use. The reality is somewhat different: (1) Most of Brazil’s mills can produce both ethanol and sugar, but the amount of each product varies according to market conditions. The regular mix is 55 % ethanol and 45 % sugar. (2) With one raw material, the European starch industry serves different application sectors – confectionary and drinks, processed foods, feed, paper and corrugating, pharmaceuticals, chemicals/ polymers and biofuels – in an integrated, continuous and balanced manner.


bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8


External origin attributes of the environment

Internal origin attributes of the biomass

Helpful to achieving the objective

Helpful to achieving the objective

Established logistic and processes (varieties, cultivation, harvest, storage, quality control) Sugar cane and beet: Highest yields of fermentable sugar per ha (high land effi ciency) Positive GHG balance and low non-renewable resource depletion, high resource efficiency Protein rich by-product press cake or DDGS (Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles) for feed Lower production lignocellulose




Direct competition to food and feed market Price level directly linked to food and feed prices; high prices during food crisis High volatility of the raw material prices Decreasing production on animal feed markets




Sensitive to drought and dry winter freeze



Easy to use for biotech processes Fast implementation and growth of the Biobased Economy; required technology is state of the art Food security only possible with a globally growing volume of food crops: Emergency reserves & market stabilization; (partial substitution with non-food crops would lead to artifi cial shortage)

WEAKNESSES Under high pressure from public, NGOs and politicians: Claimed impact on food prices and food shortages Simple strong and populistic messages like “No Food Crops for Industry” During food crisis: High prices and no secure supply for the industry

Economic security for the farmer due to more choices of selling his stock

Insecure political framework; very complex EU legislation concerning specifi c food crops (e.g. sugar)



Fig. 3: SWOT Analysis of food crop use for industry (nova 2013)

(US), for example, can be immediately redirected to the food and feed market. This is especially possible with crop varieties certified for food and feed. First-generation crops also have the potential to give the farmer more flexibility in terms of his crop’s end use. If the market is already saturated with food exports of a crop, this allows the crop to be diverted towards industrial use. The reverse is also true when there is a food shortage. Therefore, growing more food crops for industry creates a quintuple win situation: The farmer wins, since he has more options for selling his stock and therefore more economic security; The environment wins due to greater resource efficiency of food crops and the smaller area of land used;

availability, resource- and land efficiency, valorization of byproducts and emergency food reserves are taken into account. This also means that research into first generation processes should be continued and receive fresh support e.g. from European research agendas and that the quota system for producing sugar in the European Union should be revised in order to enable increased production of these feedstocks for industrial uses. And the authors ask for a level playing field between industrial material uses of biomass and biofuels/bioenergy in order to reduce market distortions in the allocation of biomass for uses other than food and feed.


Market stability wins due to increased global availability of food crops, which will reduce the risk of shortages and speculation peaks.

[1] Dauber, J. et al. 2012: Bioenergy from “surplus” land: environmental and socio-economic implications; BioRisk 7: 5 – 50 (2012) [2] Zeddies, J. et al. 2012: Globale Analyse und Abschätzung des Biomasse-Flächennutzungspotentials. Hohenheim 2012 [3] FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2011: Global food losses and food waste. Rome 2011 [4] Carus, M. 2012: From the field to the wheel: Photovoltaic is 40 times more efficient than the best biofuel; bioplastics MAGAZINE (1/12), Vol. 7, 2012

For all these reasons, the authors request that political measures should not differentiate simply between food and non-food crops, but that criteria such as land

nova paper #2 on bio-based economy: Food or non-food: Which agricultural feedstocks are best for industrial uses? (2013-07)

Food security wins due to flexible allocation of food crops in times of crisis; Feed security also wins due to the high value of the protein-rich by-products of food crops;

nova papers on bio-based economy are proposals to stimulate the discussion on current topics of the bio-based economy by inviting relevant stakeholders to participate in decisionmaking processes and debates. Download this paper and further documents at:

bioplastics MAGAZINE [04/13] Vol. 8


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