01 | 2015
Vol. 10
ISSN 1862-5258
January / February
Highlights Automotive | 10 NPE-Preview | 23 1 countries
... is read in 9
Be creative using Bioplastics Pixelhobby® have dedicated themselves to the importance of nature and its conservation. As a result of their responsibility they decided to use bio-based materials whenever possible. This is why I‘m Green Polyethylene™ has been chosen for the production of their Pixel-XL® product line. With Pixel-XL® you can create your own customized mosaic image. The 5x5 mm pixels will be pinned on a Àexible base plate also I‘m Green Polyethylene™) by using your own imagination. Pixelhobby® - a perfect match of creativity and sustainability! www.pixelhobby.com
For more information visit www.fkur.com • www.fkur-biobased.com
dear readers I hope you had a good start to the New Year. This will be, once again, a year of many events. First of all there are the two big trade shows: at the end of March you can see us at NPE in Orlando, Florida, and Chinaplas will be held in Guangzhou in May. In this issue we again present a comprehensive show preview for NPE including a pull-out floor plan in the centre of the magazine. Our next issue will offer the same for Chinaplas.
ISSN 1862-5258
In close cooperation with European Bioplastics, who revised their Glossary, we also polished up our glossary. On pages 38-41 you’ll find the latest version, now grown to four pages. I did not include a differentiation of the terms bioplastics vs biopolymers which are quite often used synonymously. Albeit, after almost 10 years in the bioplastics business, I’d indeed like to differentiate (maybe clarify).
01 | 2015
Vol. 10
Besides the big trade fairs, a number of interesting conferences offer excellent opportunities to network with people from your area of business and to learn about the latest developments. Among these events is our new bio!PAC Conference on Biobased Packaging in May – a first preliminary programme can be found on page 8. Our new bio!CAR Conference on Biobased Materials for Automotive Applications will be held in the autumn in Stuttgart, Germany, most probably within the framework of Composites Europe. And Automotives is also one of the editorial highlights of this issue, followed by other interesting topics such as the approach of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), with its Technical Committee TC 411, to define some rules for the use of the term bio-based products.
January / February
In my opinion biopolymers are polymers as they occur in nature. This includes the polymers amylose and amylopectin, the two main components of starch. It also includes chitin, the polymer that can be found in the exoskeleton of insects, or chitosan in some mushrooms. Also PHAs are biopolymers as they occur in nature. On the other hand - and this is what this magazine is about - bioplastics are materials that by means of, for example, compounding, become processable on modern plastics processing machinery such as injection moulders or blown film lines. In a certain way these bioplastics are indeed manmade materials, as they have been modified by man to exhibit certain properties.
Highlights Automotive | 10 NPE-Preview | 23 ... is read in 91 countries
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The distinction between natural and engineering biopolymers seems reasonable, but doesn’t make things easier (at least I don’t think so). If you think different, please let me know. We hope you enjoy reading bioplastics MAGAZINE
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Sincerely yours
Michael Thielen
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
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part of this print run is mailed to the readers in envelopes sponsored by BIOTEC Biologische Naturverpackungen GmbH & Co. KG
Editorial contributions are always welcome. Please contact the editorial office via mt@bioplasticsmagazine.com.
36 Progress in standardization of the
bioplastics MAGAZINE tries to use British spelling. However, in articles based on information from the USA, American spelling may also be used.
The fact that product names may not be identified in our editorial as trade marks is not an indication that such names are not registered trade marks. FDM is a trademark of Stratasys Inc.
more than by 400 % by 2018
bioplastics MAGAZINE is read in 91 countries.
33 Bioplastics production capacities to grow
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ISSN 1862-5258 bM is published 6 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (149 Euro for 6 issues).
bioplastics MAGAZINE
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Caroline Motyka phone: +49(0)2161-6884467 fax: +49(0)2161 6884468 cm@bioplasticsmagazine.com
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Polymedia Publisher GmbH Dammer Str. 112 41066 Mönchengladbach, Germany phone: +49 (0)2161 6884469 fax: +49 (0)2161 6884468 info@bioplasticsmagazine.com www.bioplasticsmagazine.com
Head Office
Ulrich Gewehr (Dr. Gupta Verlag) Max Godenrath (Dr. Gupta Verlag) Mark Speckenbach (DWFB)
Dr. Michael Thielen (MT) Samuel Brangenberg (SB) contributing editor: Karen Laird (KL)
Publisher / Editorial
Imprint Content Automotive 10 New bioplastic for interior car parts
12 How bioplastics helped save the auto industry
16 Biobased composite sandwiches for automotive applications
20 Biobased thermoplastic composites for automotive interiors
31 Transport trays made of BioFoam
7 9th European Bioplastics Conference (review)
8 bio!PAC Biobased Packaging (programme)
23 NPE 2015 – Preview
24 NPE 2015 – Show Guide with floorplan
01|2015 January February
“Bio-based Products” terminology
38 Glossary 4.0 (updated)
Fortsetzung des Inhalts
Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03
News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 – 07
Application News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Suppliers Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 – 45
Event Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Companies in this issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
daily upated news at www.bioplasticsmagazine.com
Lactic acid from biodiesel by-product At ETH Zurich, Switzerland, a leading international university for technology, research groups at the Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering have developed a new method to produce lactic acid, the monomer of PLA. The process is more productive, cost-effective and climatefriendly than sugar fermentation, which is the technology currently used. The new method’s greatest advantage is that it makes use of a waste feedstock: glycerol. In this procedure, glycerol is first converted enzymatically to an intermediate called dihydroxyacetone, which is further processed to produce lactic acid by means of a heterogeneous catalyst. Glycerol is a by-product in the manufacturing of firstgeneration biofuels and as such is not high-grade but contains residues of ash and methanol. “Nobody knows what to do with this amount of waste glycerol”, says Merten Morales, a PhD student in the Safety and Environmental Technology group of professor Hungerbühler. “Normally, it should go through waste water treatment, but to save money and because it is not very toxic, some companies dispose of it in rivers or feed it to livestock. But there are concerns about how this affects the animals.” The researchers of the Advanced Catalysis Engineering group of professor Pérez-Ramírez designed a catalyst with high reactivity and a long life span. The close collaboration between the two research groups allowed the catalyst to be improved step by step while at the same time performing the life cycle assessment of the procedure as a whole. “Without the assessment and comparison with the conventional method, we might have been happy with an initial catalyst design used for our study, which turned out to be less eco-friendly than fermentation”, explains PhD student Pierre Dapsens. By improving several aspects of the catalyst design, the researchers were finally able to surpass sugar fermentation both from an environmental and an economic point of view. All in all, compared to the fermentation route, the new technology reduces overall CO2 emissions by 20 %. Moreover, the lower overall cost of the new process resulted in a 17-fold profit growth, according to the researchers. “Our calculations are even rather conservative”, says Morales. “We assumed a glycerol feedstock of relatively good quality. But it also works with low-quality glycerol, which is even cheaper.” Thus, manufacturers could increase their profit even further. “Although today’s major bioplastic companies are based in the US, the process is relatively simple and could be implemented in other countries that produce biofuel and the by-product glycerol”, concludes Dapsens. KL
New York City administration bans styrofoam The Administration of New York City announced in early January that as of July 1, 2015, single service Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) foam articles or polystyrene loose fill packaging are prohibited. After consultation with stakeholders, the Department of Sanitation (DSNY), has determined that Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Foam cannot be recycled and that there currently is no market for post-consumer EPS. Companies such as foam manufacturer Dart Container Corp. (headquartered in Mason, Michigan, USA) contradicted this statement confirming that they indeed do recycle EPS. As a result of the ban, manufacturers and stores may not sell not possess, sell, or offer for use single-use foam items such as cups, plates, trays, or clamshell containers in the City. The sale of polystyrene loose fill packaging, such as packing peanuts is also banned. EPS is already banned in a number of cities across the United States, for example San Francisco, Oakland, Portland, Albany, Washington, DC, Seattle, and Minneapolis. In accordance with the City’s new policy, DOE (Dept. of Education) will begin replacing foam trays with compostable plates on May 1st. All school meals will be served on these compostable plates starting in September. All summer meals will also be served on compostable plates. “DOE is excited to be part of the City’s new environmentally conscious polystyrene policy,” said Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña. “We are replacing polystyrene trays with compostable plates for the 2015 – 16 school year to meet this ban.” “For too long polystyrene foam has been mischaracterized as a safe, and economically sound choice for packaging when it is in fact a great threat to the city‘s ecosystem and our commitment to environmental sustainability,” said Council Member Donovan Richards, Chair to the Committee on Environmental Protection. “I applaud the mayoral administration‘s decision to finally ban the use of plastic foam, and look forward to the widespread use of renewable and recyclable materials for packaging.” “Getting rid of Styrofoam is just terrific news for recyclers, for composters, for taxpayers, and for all living beings that depend on having a healthy ocean—that is to say, all of us,” said Brendan Sexton, Chair, Manhattan Solid Waste Advisory Board. “Well done, Commissioner Garcia and Mayor de Blasio!” MT http://on.nyc.gov/1xVQJwJ
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
daily upated news at www.bioplasticsmagazine.com
Carbon fibres made from lignin
Market study and trend reports
The Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research (IAP) (Postdam, Germany) and the Faserinstitut Bremen (FIBRE, from Bremen,Germany) are aiming at further developing the process for the production of carbon fibres from lignin for use in mass markets. The Airbus Germany GmbH supports the project as an industrial partner.
In March 2013, Germany’s nova-Institute published the most comprehensive market study of bio-based polymers ever made. The market study was carried out in collaboration with renowned international experts in the field of bio-based polymers from Europe, America and Asia. The study received high acclaim and set a new standard for market studies in this field. Now, two years later, a complete update is to be published in February 2015. The study investigates every kind of bio-based polymer and several major building blocks produced by more than 200 companies at over 350 locations around the world. In 2014, for the first time, nova-Institute’s market study was used as the main data source of the recently published market data of the association European Bioplastics.
Due to the combination of its properties – high strength and modulus plus low density - the material is very interesting for lightweight construction. Currently, fossil-based carbon fibers, however, are still too expensive for mass applications; lignin could be a cost-effective alternative. The now beginning project is supported by the Federal German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BmEL) via the Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR). Carbon fibers are lighter, stronger, but also more expensive than glass fibers. They reinforce the bodies of aircraft, race cars or boats and support blades of wind turbines. Currently, researchers are trying to bring carbon fibers from the niche of premium products into mass markets, such as in the automotive sector. For this, the fibers must above all be one - cheaper to manufacture.
The full report presents the findings of nova-Institute’s year-long update of the previous market study, which is made up of three parts: Market data, ten trend reports and company profiles (appox. 500 pages). The market data section presents data about the total production volumes and capacities as well as the main application fields of selected bioplastics worldwide. The trend reports section contains a total of 10 independent articles contributed by leading experts in the fields of bio-based polymers and building blocks.
The project has the aim to produce lignin based carbon fibers of the quality required for lightweight construction. At the end of the development work a C-fiber shall be available that offers a tensile strength of 1.5 GPa and a tensile modulus of about 150 GPa, which is suitable for aerospace applications.MT www.fnr.de
• Bio-based monomers – Rainer Busch
Photo: Fraunhofer IAP
Currently carbon fibers are mainly made from fossilbased polyacrylonitrile (PAN) or from pitch. Lignin from wood with a carbon content of about 55 to 65 % would be a possible alternative. This material, abundantly available as a waste stream fom the papermaking industry (globally around 50 million tonnes per year) is usually incinerated and would bring the potential for the desired price reduction: It is estimated that lignin based carbon fibers in the long run would cost only around € 4.50 per kg, compared with at least € 9.50 for the product obtained from PAN fiber.
• Policies impacting bio-based plastics market development – Dirk Carrez • Plastic Bags – their consumption and regulation in the European market and beyond – Constance Ißbrücker • Standards, norms and labels for bio-based products – Lara Dammer • Bio-based polymers, a revolutionary change – Jan Ravenstijn
• Asian markets for bio-based chemical building blocks and polymers – Wolfgang Baltus • Brand views and adoption of bio-based polymers – Harald Käb • Environmental evaluation of bio-based polymers and plastics – Roland Essel • Microplastics in the environment: sources, consequences, solutions – Roland Essel • GreenPremium prices along the value chain of bio-based products – Michael Carus, Asta Eder, Janpeter Beckmann The final company profiles section includes company profiles with specific data including locations, bio-based polymers and building blocks production capacities. MT www.bio-based.eu/markets
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
Recycling program for post consumer carpet DuPont Industrial Biosciences (Wilmington, Delaware, USA) and EcoStrateSFS, Inc. (Arlington Texas, USA) signed a cooperative agreement establishing the first post-consumer recycling program for commercial and residential carpet made with DuPont™ Sorona® renewably sourced fiber. The two companies will work together to develop and commercialize products using recovered post-consumer carpet made with DuPont’s Sorona (polytrimethylene terephthalate,PTT) fiber. EcoStrate®, currently a manufacturer of signage, promotional items and mud flaps, also is exploring other applications including ballistics testing, flooring, shipping crates, pallets and building materials. “As a biobased material, the sustainability advantages of DuPont Sorona in carpets have been recognized globally,” said John Lyons, global business development manager for Sorona. “While post-industrial recycling has been practiced for years, we also have focused on identifying post-consumer recycling solutions for carpet made with Sorona. We believe that EcoStrate has an innovative program and our collaboration will be a benefit to both the carpet and recycling industries. With end of carpet life options in place, consumers and specifiers of carpet made with Sorona will feel even better about their choice of carpets.“ “EcoStrateSFS is extremely honored to be accepted as part of the visionary leadership that DuPont continues to provide around the world, particularly in creating solutions that deal with responsible end of life of products or materials,” said Ron Sherga, chief executive officer of EcoStrate. “The EcoStrate process, and the markets we target, will all benefit from the use of recovered Sorona and its unique properties. EcoStrate is fast becoming a leader in transforming unique end of life materials into value-added products. Our association with DuPont adds tremendous value to our message, vision and future growth.”MT www.sorona.dupont.com | www.ecoetratesfs.com
9th European Bioplastics Conference 2014 The 9th European Bioplastics Conference took place on 2/3 December 2014 in Brussels, connecting more than 320 participants from administration, policy, industry and media. In his keynote speech, Dr. Helmut Maurer, European Commission – DG Environment, stressed the need for intelligent products that make efficient use of resources and show an acute awareness for waste generation. The benefits bioplastics offer in especially these two aspects were acknowledged by Axel Singhofen, the Greens/European Free Alliance. “We appreciate that EU stakeholders increasingly recognise the potential and performance of our materials“, commented François de Bie, Chairman of European Bioplastics. “We are aware that the vast field of plastics that are biobased, biodegradable or both offer hundreds or thousands of benefit combinations that are hard to oversee for stakeholders. A step by step approach to understand the advantages of bioplastic materials is to look at different applications and what additional value the respective bioplastic offers in the case at hand.“ The overall positive development trend of the bioplastics industry was mirrored in several speeches during the two day conference. Brand owners Tetra Pak and Ecover presented their initiatives to move to 100 % biobased and recyclable packaging. The annual market data update of European Bioplastics and its scientific partners, IfBB - Institute for Bioplastics and Biocomposites, and nova-Institute, foresees a fourfold growth of production capacities by 2018. (details see p. 33) During the 9th European Bioplastics Conference more than 320 participants coming from roughly 210 companies from 29 countries caught up on the latest discussions, developments and progress in the bioplastics industry. The adjoining exhibition with 30 companies showcased a tremendous diversity of the latest products and materials. Save the date: The 10th European Bioplastics Conference will be in Berlin again. The Bioplastics World will meet in the Maritim proArte on November 05 and 06, 2015. MT
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
bioplastics MAGAZINE presents: The first bio!PAC conference on Biobased Packaging in Amsterdam/The Netherlands, organised by bioplastics MAGAZINE is the must-attend conference for everyone interested in packaging made from renewable resources. The conference offers high class presentations from top individuals from raw material and packaging providers as well as from brand owners already using biobased packaging. The unique event also offers excellent networking opportunities along with a table top exhibition. Please find below the preliminary programme. Find more details and register at the conference website.
bio PAC biobased packaging
conference 12/13 may 2015 novotel, amsterdam
Programme - bio!PAC: Conference on Biobased Packaging, Tuesday, May 12, 2015 08:30 - 08:45 08:45 - 09:15 09:15 - 09:40 09:40 - 10:05 10:05 - 10:30 10:30 - 10:55 10:55 - 11:20 11:20 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:10
Registration, Welcome-Coffee Michael Thielen, Polymedia Publisher Harald Kaeb, narocon Francois de Bie, Corbion (and EUBP) Katja Schneider, FNR Q&A Coffeebreak Erik Lindroth, Tetra Pak Laura de Nooijer, Lovechoc
12:10 - 12:35 12:35 - 12:50 12:50 - 14:00 14:00 - 14:25 14:25 - 14:50 14:50 - 15:15 15.15 - 15:40 15:40 - 16:05 16:05 - 16:35 16:35 - 17:00 17:00 - 17:25
Tom Domen, Ecover Q&A Lunch Erwin Vink, NatureWorks Emanuela Bardi, Tahgleef Industries Peter Matthijsen, Synbra Lawrence Theunissen, Reverdia Q&A Coffeebreak Martin Bussmann, BASF Patrick Gerritsen, Bio4pack
Welcome remarks - Basics of “bioabased“ (definitions etc.) Keynote Speech The revolution in biobased and biodegradable plastics Renewable resources for biobased packaging - an overview
The world’s first fully renewable beverage carton A holistic concept of product and packaging Biobased packaging Manifesto
Changing landscape in Europe offering new opportunities for bioplastics PLA flexible packaging applications BioFoam - PLA particle foam Packaging performance opportunities from bio-based PBS
Examples for biobased packaging based on material combinations Biobased packaging based on laminates
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 09:00 - 09:25
Andy Sweetman, Innovia Films
09:25 - 09:50 09:50 - 10:15 10:15 - 10:40 10:40 - 10:55 10:55 - 11:20 11:20 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:10 12:10 - 12:35 12:35 - 12:50 12:50 - 14:00 14:00 - 14:25 14:25 - 14:50 14:50 - 15:15 15.15 - 15:40 15:40 - 15:55 16:00 - 16:30
John McEvoy, Celanese International Patrick Zimmermann, FKuR Christoph Heß, Biotec Q&A Coffeebreak Arjan Klapwijk, bio4life Tobias Bloemker, Tesa Karlheinz Hausmann, DuPont Q&A Lunch Markus Schmidt, Fraunhofer IVV Gert-Jan Gruter, Avantium Hein van den Reek, Billerudkorsnas Mark Geerts, Paperfoam Q&A Panel discussion: t.b.d.
(subject to changes, visit www.bio-pac.info for updates)
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
Biomaterial partnerships for flexible packaging: Delivering the functional performance to match market needs Cellulose Diacetate Window Films of Opportunity Packaging – „necessary evil“ or new opportunities for branding. Sustainable and heat-resistant material for food packaging
Biobased labels and adhesives From application to CO2 in 180 days – biodegradable PSA tapes Biopolymersolutions and applications in packaging
Food packaging based on renewable resources: A research perspective PEF, a novel 100% biobased packaging material Formable paper packaging and a great future Biobased & biodegradable alternatives for (bio)plastic packaging Land use availability for renewably sources materials
bio PAC biobased packaging
conference 12/13 may 2015 novotel, amsterdam BIRD E A R LY€ (+VAT)
799.00 bruary 27 until Fe .00 € (+VAT)
» Packaging is necessary.
then 89
» Packaging protects the precious goods during transport and storage. » Packaging conveys important messages to the consumer. » Good packaging helps to increase the shelf life. BUT: Packaging does not necessarily need to be made from petroleum based plastics. biobased packaging » is packaging made from mother nature‘s gifts. » is packaging made from renewable resources.
» is packaging made from biobased plastics, from plant residues such as palm leaves or bagasse. » offers incredible opportunities.
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsor
Media Partner
Bronze Sponsors in cooperation with
www. biobasedpackaging.nl
New bioplastic for exterior car parts
azda Motor Corporation (Hiroshima, Japan) has developed a bio-based engineering plastic suitable for exterior automobile parts. The new bioplastic will help Mazda decrease its environmental impact. Made from plantderived materials, it reduces petroleum use and subsequently CO2 emissions.
Mazda develops Biotechmaterial components for the all-new Mazda MX-5
The new resin, which has been developed in close cooperation with Mitsubishi Chemical Corp. (Tokyo, Japan) is based on DURABIO™ by Mitsubishi Chemical, a biopolycarbonate resin derived mainly from plant-based isosorbide. Currently, isosorbide is made from low grade corn which is not suitable for human consumption. However, Mazda is also strongly investigating methods to make the plastic with non-edible plants. The new bioplastic is composed of approximately 45 % plant-derived material and 55 % fossil oil-derived material.
Since the new bioplastic material can be coloured and does not require painting, it also reduces emissions of volatile organic compounds. Colouring the material gives the parts a deep hue and smooth, mirror-like finish of a higher quality than can be achieved with a traditional painted plastic (see fig. 1). In addition, when comparing the total cost to produce a part, the new bioplastic material offers cost advantages over a version made of conventional plastics including the painting process. So the newly developed bioplastic helps Mazda to improve productivity. Mazda has been proactively developing biomass technologies for a number of years. Under the Mazda Biotechmaterial name, the company has come up with the automotive industry’s first high strength, heat-resistant and plant-based bioplastic for interior parts (cf. bioplastics MAGAZINE 02/2008 and 04/2008) as well as the world’s first biofabric for seat upholstery made entirely from plant-derived fibre (bM 02/2008). To be suitable for exterior parts and the harsh environmental factors to which they are exposed, bioplastics need to be exceptionally weather, scratch and impact resistant. Mazda has now succeeded in making a material suitable for both interior and exterior parts. It was achieved by optimising the composition of a highly mouldable and durable new bioplastic base material with additives and colouring agents (patent pending), and enhancing moulding specifications (see table). This will enable the company to produce parts that are as durable as conventional painted ABS plastic parts, yet feature a higher-quality finish and the associated design advantages. The new material will be first used for interior parts on the all-new Mazda MX-5, to be launched in 2015, before finding its way onto exterior components of other production models. Mazda displayed prototype Mazda Biotechmaterial parts (e. g. a pillar garnish, see fig. 2) made from the bioplastic at EcoProducts 2014, an environmental technology exhibition in Tokyo last December. MT
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
Fig. 2: Pillar garnish
Conventional technology
Conventional paint hue
Light Tiny variations on paint surface <Paint>
Quality finish Finish durability
Conventional base material (Petroleum-based)
Mechanical properties of base material
Newly developed technology Light Smooth mirror-like surface
Deep hue
Optimization of: • Material composition •Mold specifications
Quality finish
Finish durability
Newly developed base material (Plant-based)
Mechanical properties of base material
Fig. 1: comparison of conventional and new technology
Required properties
In this cooperation Mitsubishi Chemical led the optimization of materials properties while Mazda was responsible for the optimization of the processing technique for the application to both interior design parts and exterior design parts.
Optimization of materials
Surface design characteristics
Surface design durability
Base material mechanical properties
Base ingredient
Colouring agents
Optimization of die
**: very effective *: effective -: null effect
How bioplastics helped save the auto industry By: Richard Bell Global Automotive Development Manager Renewably Sourced Product Marketing
Replacing petroleum-based plastics with renewably sourced alternatives
DuPont Performance Polymers Troy, Michigan, USA
“I’ll have to pay more for biobased plastics to get the same performance as a petroleum-based product.” Does that statement echo your perception when specifying plastics for automotive applications? Today’s reality is different. This article aims to change that perception, and demonstrates that biobased plastics made from renewable sources can match or exceed the performance of incumbent petroleum-based plastics at equivalent, or possibly lower, cost – while providing a more environmentally responsible product.
Force majeure In 2012, the drive to sample and qualify renewably sourced resins was given extra impetus by an act of force majeure. On March 31 that year the industry suffered a critical shortage of cyclododecatriene (CDT) – a petroleum based feedstock used to produce PA12 resin – that threatened to disrupt global car production. The shortage exacerbated the already tight supply of PA12 polyamide and highlighted the industry’s dependence on petroleum based CDT to make PA12 and PA612. Immediately, automakers had to find substitute materials.
Fig. 1: DuPont renewably sourced materials are used in many automotive applications.
Hytrel RS thermoplastic elastomer for injection and extrusion
Zytel RS polyamides for injection and extrusion
Sorona EP PTT polyester for molded parts
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
Sorona for interior textiles
Sorona for carpets and mats
Automotive Bioplastics – saving the industry
Biodiesel aging at 125 °C with PA1010 vs PA11, PA12
Biobased nylons use a different feedstock supply chain that does not involve CDT. The auto industry transitioned quickly to sustainable PA610, PA1010, PA1012 and PA11 from DuPont and other suppliers in order to continue building cars. Biobased nylons along with other alternatives saved the global automotive industry in 2012 by ensuring that component supply was not interrupted – and what looked like a supply disaster became a launch pad for bioplastics. DuPont was well positioned to take the lead, having been the first resin supplier to commercialize renewably sourced (RS) nylon resins based on DuPont™ Zytel® PA610 and PA1010 grades and DuPont™ Sorona® polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT), in automotive applications.
Retention elongation at break [%]
PA12 plasticized PA11 plasticized PA12 fuel grade Zytel RS PA1010
0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 0
Biodiesel B30 aging at 125 °C [h]
Fig. 2: Zytel RS PA1010 shows better retention of elongation at break than PA11 and PA12 after 1,000 hours aging at 125 °C in biodiesel B30.
In 2009 and 2011, the company earned two Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) Automotive Division Awards for “Most Innovative New Use of Plastics for the Environment” – first for Zytel RS PA610 used in a radiator end tank exposed to a high temperature, chemically aggressive environment, and then again for Zytel RS PA1010 for providing superior thermal heat aging performance and chemical resistance to biodiesel in diesel fuel lines than petroleum-based PA12. Compounded formulations of PA610 and PA 1010 from DuPont are now broadly specified for applications ranging from mono and multi-layer gasoline and diesel fuel lines, corrugated vapor hoses, air and servo brake hose and tubing, oil cooler hose, clutch tubes, coolant and degassing pipes, and injection molded fuel connectors.
Not just a green alternative “Sustainability is at the core of what we do at DuPont, and our move into biopolymers is not just about offering a green alternative,” said Richard Bell, Global Automotive Development Manager – Renewably Sourced Product Marketing, DuPont Performance Polymers. “The use of biobased polymers has allowed us to develop cost-effective new products that offer equal or better performance than incumbent oil-based products, with no compromise.” Air oven aging - notched charpy
The broad range of commercially available DuPont RS polymers includes: Hytrel® RS thermoplastic elastomer for injection and extrusion; Sorona® EP PTT polyester for injection molding and fibers; and Zytel® RS PA 610, PA1010 and HTN highperformance polyamides (HPPA) for injection and extrusion molding.
140 120 Notched charpy [kJ/m2]
The polymers contain between 20 % and 100 % renewably sourced content from non-edible plant sources that do not compete with the food chain, such as castor plants, and have the added advantage of enabling a reduction in environmental footprint and CO2 emissions.
100 90 °C Zytel RS PA610 100 °C Zytel RS PA610 110 °C Zytel RS PA610 90 °C PA12 plasticized 100 °C PA12 plasticized 110 °C PA12 plasticized
80 60 40 20 0 0
1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000
Aging time [h]
Fig. 3: Superior thermal heat aging characteristics of Zytel RS PA610 versus PA12 demonstrates its suitability for hot underhood applications.
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
Automotive Enhanced performance Zytel RS renewably sourced nylon resins can provide enhanced performance and potential cost savings in replacement of PA11, PA12, PA612, and metal tubing for fluids. Sorona and Hytrel RS may provide cost savings versus PBT, PET polyesters, and thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs). Tests to determine the aging performance of a resin based on Zytel RS PA1010 after 1,000 hours aging in biodiesel B30 at 125 °C, clearly show better retention of elongation at break than petroleum based PA11 and PA12 in the same conditions (see Fig. 2).
Fig. 4: Biodiesel fuel lines made of DuPont Zytel RS PA1010 nylon provide superior thermal heat aging performance and chemical resistance to biodiesel than petroleum based PA12
Zytel RS grades have been widely adopted for hot underhood applications because they maintain excellent long-term mechanical strength at high temperatures, and do not become brittle. Data from notched charpy air oven aging tests to determine impact strength retention at different temperatures showed that a resin based on Zytel RS PA610 maintained toughness after 2,000 hours at 110 °C, while PA12 lost impact strength and became brittle (see Fig. 3).
Commercial applications DuPont has multiple commercial grades of renewably sourced engineering polymers that can be considered as replacements for petroleum-based plastics, depending on the automotive part required. Among the most in demand are extrusion applications in automotive fluid management. For example, Zytel RS PA1010 has been widely specified in diesel fuel lines in replacement of PA11 and PA12 because of its excellent retention of mechanical properties in hot biodiesel fuel. It also meets fuel-aging requirements for flex fuels in convoluted fuel lines. Mono and multi-layer vapor lines of Zytel RS PA610 can provide a cost-efficient alternative to PA12 and better adhesion to EVOH (ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer) barrier layers. In another commercial example, an extruded fuel line tubing of Zytel RS PA610 uses new technology to improve flexibility, toughness and stress crack resistance while providing a cost-effective alternative to PA12. The tubing meets all North American specifications for monolayer vapor lines and multi-layer low permeable constructions, including resistance to zinc chloride and calcium chloride, burst pressure and -40 °C impact resistance, and multi-layer adhesion. It also provides a lower CO2 footprint than PA12. Fig. 5: Extruded fuel line tubing of Zytel RS PA610 offers improved flexibility, toughness and stress crack resistance, and a costeffective alternative to PA12.
Zytel RS PA1010 has been selected for air brake tubes, in replacement of PA12, because of its higher temperature and burst performance. The biopolymer can also offer superior chemical and ozone resistance in servo and vacuum brake tubes.
Global resources DuPont has committed global resources to work closely with customers to help identify sustainable material solutions and provide technical support in PA11, PA12, PA612, PBT, PET, TPE, and metals substitution. Help understanding which DuPont renewably sourced materials can work in an application, and more technical information can be found on the website. www.plastics.dupont.com
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
Biobased materials for automotive applications
conference September 2015 Stuttgart, Germany
» The amount of plastics in modern cars is constantly increasing. » Plastics and composites help achieving light-weighting targets. » Plastics offer enormous design opportunities. » Plastics are important for the touch-and-feel and the safety of cars. BUT: consumers, suppliers in the automotive industry and OEMs are more and more looking for biobased alternatives to petroleum based materials. That‘s why bioplastics MAGAZINE is organizing this new conference on biobased materials for the automotive industry.
Biobased compositesandwiches for automotive applications By: Jovana Džalto, Luisa A. Medina, Peter Mitschang Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH Kaiserslautern, Germany
n many industries it is discussed whether fossil raw materials can be replaced by renewable raw materials without any loss of mechanical properties or economic benefits. In Europe, Natural fibre reinforced composites (NFC) have been applied for decades in the automotive industry due to their environmental and economic benefits. Usually, technical natural fibres are processed to non-wovens like needle mats, subsequently mixed with a polymer (both thermoplastics and thermosets) and afterwards processed to semi-structural components such as door panels, roof stiffenings, and back-rests. The specific mechanical properties of NFC are almost as high as the properties of glass fibre reinforced composites (GFC), but do not reach their level entirely [1].
work by natural fibre 2x2 twill textiles (Biotex Flax and Biotex Jute) made of flax and jute. The thermoset bio-resin (BioRez 080101), which is based on polyfurfuryl alcohol, is applied as polymer matrix. So far, PFA resin was mainly known in foundry engineering as a binder for sand due to its non-flammability and was considered as eco-friendly and harmless alternative to formaldehyde resins [2]. PFA resin is gained from pentosecontaining biomass, in particular from bagasse, the waste of the sugar cane industry. The natural fibre textiles are impregnated by dipping into a resin solution. Excess resin is removed by running the textiles through foulard rollers with a defined gap, which can be varied to control the amount of resin pick-up.
In order to expand the application area of biocomposites to structural components, it is necessary to improve their performance. Therefore, the main objective of this research is the investigation and optimisation of the processing of biocomposites made of bi-directional flax textiles with biobased polyfurfuryl alcohol resin (PFA), which is gained from the waste of the sugar industry and is therefore not in competition with the food industry.
In a further step, the pre-impregnated textiles (pre-pregs) can be processed to 100 % biobased composites. This is performed by using a hot press technique, which is also the most common technique for processing thermoset NFC in the automotive industry [3]. PFA resin cures at relatively low temperatures (for natural fibres a suitable temperature of about 155 °C at a pressure of 10 bar). The cure is accomplished by a polycondensation reaction in which water steam is produced. This can lead to undesirable delamination or porosity in the composite. In order to avoid this, the pressing tool is lifted repeatedly to release the water steam. The labscale pressing time is 370 seconds and can be optimised for industrial applications by using an open tool which reduces the ventilation cycles.
Production of high performance bio-composites The mechanical performance of composites is mainly determined by the orientation of the reinforcing fibre in the component. On this account, the standard natural fibre nonwovens with random fibre orientation are replaced in this
Fig. 1: Bio-sandwich made of natural fibre reinforced PFA resin and cork core
Natural fibre reinforced PFA resin
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
Cork core
Automotive 10,000
For applications in which the materials are subjected to high bending loads, the bending stiffness can be increased by the production of a bio-sandwich composite (Fig. 1).
The sandwich construction method aims to manufacture a product which combines the properties of its components with the goal to optimise the product for the intended use. Basically, a sandwich consists of two outer layers and a low density core material. In this work, flax fibre reinforced PFA resin is used as a thin skin layer which absorbs tensile and compression forces and further prevents buckling of the composite. A cork composite (NL 20) provides the core with low density. It consists of cork granules, the waste product of cork stopper manufacturing. The cork has a density of 0.25 g/cm3 and as a core in the compound it absorbs thrust forces and preserves the skin layers from deformation.
Flexural modulus [MPa]
Production of high performance bio-sandwiches
Flax / PFA 47 % NF
Jute / PFA 36 % NF
Flexural stress [MPa]
120 100 80 60 40 20 0
The biocomposites as well as the bio sandwich parts have been investigated for their mechanical and physical properties in order to perform a subsequent evaluation for their suitability as structural components.
In addition, these high mechanical properties can be increased by combining the developed material with cork composites. In this context three different cork thicknesses
Standard NF/PP Standard NF/TS approx. approx. 50 % NF 65 % NF
Fig. 2: Flexural modulus of NF/PFA composites compared to standard NFC materials used in the automotive industry
Mechanical Properties of Biocomposites
Standard NF/PP Standard NF/TS approx. approx. 50 % NF 65 % NF
Flax / PFA 47 % NF
Jute / PFA 36 % NF
Fig. 3: Flexural stress of NF/PFA composites compared to standard NFC materials used in the automotive industry
Effective bending stiffness [kN/mm²]
In both cases the developed flax composite has slightly higher mechanical properties than the jute composite, because of the higher fibre weight fraction and the naturally higher mechanical properties of flax fibres compared to jute fibres [4].
The processing of bio-sandwiches with cork composite as the core material is analogous to the production of biocomposites in the hot press technique. In this work, two layers of pre-preg at each side of the cork composite are forming the cover layers. Different initial thicknesses of cork composite (5 mm, 6 mm, and 10 mm) were used as the core. Due to the low density of cork core, the material consists mostly of air, which expands at high temperatures. In addition, the applied pressure of 10 bar increases the boiling point of the water produced from the PFA curing. Even if this water is still liquid at a temperature of 155 °C, it will expand as water steam at the end of the process when the pressure is released. This could lead to a delamination between the core and the skin layers. On that account the cork sandwiches are cooled under pressure within the production process. This extends the process time to 2100 seconds in lab-scale.
The bending properties of the natural fibre/PFA resin panels have been determined according to DIN EN ISO 178 and have been compared to standard NFC materials known from the automotive industry. Fig. 2 shows the flexural modulus of a standard natural fibre reinforced polypropylene (NF/PP) with 50 wt.% fibre content and a standard natural fibre reinforced thermoset (NF/TS) with 65 wt.% fibre content in comparison with the materials described above. Although the fibre contents of flax/PFA and jute/PFA are 47 wt.%, respectively 36 wt.%, and thus lower than in conventional NFC materials, an increased modulus between 60 % and 200 % can be observed. The flexural stress (Fig. 3) is about 35 % to 160 % higher than the flexural stress of conventional materials.
5 mm cork
6 mm cork
10 mm cork
Reference (no cork)
Fig. 4: Effective bending stiffness of flax/PFA bio-sandwiches compared
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
have been investigated (5 mm, 6 mm, and 10 mm) with two layers flax/PFA skin on each side at the core. The bending properties have been determined using a 4-point bending test according to DIN 53393, which provides pure bending loads in the sandwich component between the two points of load and a constant bending moment. The thereby determined effective bending stiffness is shown in Fig. 4. It can be observed that the cork core has a major impact on the stiffness of the sandwich material, which increases with increasing core thickness. By using 5 and 6 mm cork core the stiffness can be increased by more than 100 %. The stiffness for 10 mm core sandwich is approx. 800 % higher than the stiffness of the reference material. The results lead to the conclusion that a certain thickness is necessary to gain an advantage by using cork as core material.
Fig. 5: Bio-sandwich sample after a flame exposure period of 300 s
Burning Behaviour
In order to further investigate the usability of bio-sandwiches in different applications, burning tests were carried out to determine the flammability. According to DIN 75200 or the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 302 (FMVSS 302), the sandwich and reference samples were tested in a special combustion chamber. The test gas was an ethane/methane gaseous mixture with a calorific value of 38 MJ/m3.
The results of this study support the idea that biocomposites such as natural fibre reinforced (bio-) polymers and bio-sandwiches are suitable for the use in high-performance applications. By optimising the press process and using aligned fibres instead of conventional natural fibre non-woven materials, the mechanical performance could be increased many times over the performance of standard natural fibre materials. Moreover, the biobased, non-hazardous PFA resin is a byproduct of the sugar industry. It has a very low ecological impact, and very good mechanical and flame performance. In addition, the production of a bio-sandwich material by using cork composite as core material provides a variety of applications not only in the automotive industry but also in new application fields like the building sector or furniture industry.
The tests showed that no specimen combusted. Even after a flame exposure period of 300 seconds no flame propagation could be determined. A slight glowing was detected for a few magnetic_148,5x105.ai 175.00 lpi 45.00° 15.00° 14.03.2009 75.00° 0.00° 14.03.2009 10:13:31 10:13:31 Prozess CyanProzess MagentaProzess GelbProzess Schwarz
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bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
Acknowledgment: The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (PF7) under grant agreement n° 285689 (BioBuild – High Performance, Economical and Sustainable Biocomposite Building Materials).
Literature [1] Müssig, J.; Carus, M.: Bio-Polymerwerkstoffe sowie holz- und naturfaserver-stärkte Kunststoffe. In: Marktanalyse Nachwachsende Rohstoffe Teil II, Fach-agentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V., Gülzow, 2007. [2] Zeitsch, K.J.: The chemistry and technology of furfural and its many by-products. Elsevier, 2000. [3] Carus, M.: Naturfaserverstärkte Kunststoffe im Automobilbau: Märkte, Leichtbau und Nachhaltigkeit. In: 1. AVK-Fachtagung „Naturfaserverstärkte Kunststoffe“, Germany, Kaiserslautern, 4.11.2014. [4] Dittenber, D.B.; Ganga Rao, H.V.S.: Critical Review of Recent Publications on Use of Natural Composites in Infrastructure. In: Composites Part A, Vol. 43, no. 8 (2011), pp. 1419-1429 www.ivw.uni-kl.de
sional Profes Fast • • te a d Up-to-
seconds before the sample extinguished. Fig. 5 exemplarily shows a specimen after a flame exposure of 300 seconds.
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Biobased thermoplastic composites for automotive interiors Biopolymer staple fibres/filaments (Bio) & industrial natural fibres (INF)
Intimate fibre blending
Blended sliver
Yarn manufacturing
Sliver blending
Composite yarn
Warp knitting
Composite fabric
Fig. 1: Processing routes for composite fabrics from Bio- and INF staple fibres [4]
ncreasing oil-shortages and rising oil prices, the environmental impact and the emission of greenhouse gases and the resulting climate change all lead to an enhanced preoccupation with the future of our oil based economy. Measures are taken to search for alternatives both in the field of energy resources and raw materials. Also in the world of the composites the search of renewable alternatives for both matrix polymers and fibre reinforcement is taking place.
The vast majority of the European composite market (> 90 %) is still based on the traditional oil-based polymers and resins and glass-fibre or synthetic oil based fibre reinforcements. A smaller amount of Bio-composites has already entered the market. However, these biocomposites contain in general a small percentage (20 up to 50 weight %) of renewable materials. [1]
Project Nature Wins The aim of CORNET Project Nature Wins was to tackle this exact challenge and develop composites from 100 % renewable raw materials. The project is a collaboration between three institutes; ITA (Germany), Centexbel (Belgium) and SLC-Lab (Belgium). The approach was to develop 100 % biobased composites with industrial natural fibres (INF) (flax, hemp) as reinforcements and biopolymer staple fibres (PLA) as matrix materials. The focus is on the establishment of a production route based on blending both matrix and reinforcement in the form of fibres and using compression moulding as composite formation process. [1] Fig. 2: Hybrid yarns and unidirectional composites
Hybrid yarns from flax and PLA fibres
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
Natural fibre composites have shortcomings such as poor fibre-matrix adhesion and difficulty in impregnation owing to the difference in surface tension with polymer matrices. Furthermore, for achieving optimum mechanical properties, the orientation of the fibres in the composites is extremely important. [2, 3]
Unidirectional bio-composites
In order to address these challenges, specific process routes for natural fibres were defined in the project Nature Wins. The component fibres are intimately blended and processed into various textiles structures (staple yarns, nonwovens, wovens) with varying structural geometries (isotropic, unidirectional (UD), bi-directional (Bi-D) using various technologies.
By: Sangeetha Ramaswamy, Bayram Aslan, Thomas Gries Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen Aachen, Germany Mathieu Urbanus Centexbel Zwijnaarde, Belgium Linde De Vriese Sirris Leuven-Gent Composites Application Lab Heverlee, Belgium
The structures are then developed into composites by compression molding. This involved melting the PLA fibres under high temperature and pressure. The molten PLA flows through the natural fibres and consolidates the fibres forming the matrix of the composite. With an intimate blending of the natural fibres with the PLA, the flow distance of the molten PLA reduces during compression. This leads to better impregnation and in turn improved mechanical properties of the composites.
Biopolymer staple fibres/filaments (Bio) & Industrial natural fibres (INF)
Intimate fibre blending
Pure Bio- and INF fibre
Air-laid and roller card processing
UD Bio nonwoven
UD INFnonwoven
Textile Processing routes for Bio-composites The textile processing chain for woven and knitted fabrics for composite applications is illustrated in Fig. 1. Yarns are produced from natural fibre, PLA fibres and their blends using DREF (friction spinning, named after DR Ernst Fehrer) and rotor spinning techniques at ITA (Fig. 2). The yarns are then woven (Bi-D) or knitted (UD and Bi-D) to produce fabrics which have different orientations.
UD and MD Bio-INF nonwoven
UD and MD Bio-INF multilayed nonwoven
Fig. 3: Processing routes for non-wovens from Bio- and INF- staple fibres [4]
For the development of staple yarns, flax fibres and PLA staple fibres (from Centexbel) were used to develop intimately blended yarns. The staple length used was 38 mm. A fibre volume fraction of 40 volume % of flax was used (corresponding to 50 weight %). The textile structures were consolidated into composites by SLCLab (Fig. 2). The process chain for developing blended nonwovens from natural fibres and PLA staple fibres is described in Fig. 3. For the nonwoven processing staple length of 60 mm was selected. The orientation of the fibres is controlled by using various laying technologies. For a random or isotropic orientation, air-lay technology is used. For a unidirectional orientation, carding technology is used. The structure of the composite can also be varied by intimately blending the fibres before forming the nonwovens or laying the individual natural fibre and PLA webs on each other. To consolidate the nonwoven webs, needle punching technology is used. Multiple layers of webs were needle punched together to obtain the required areal weight and thickness. The needle punched nonwovens were developed into composites at SLC-Lab using compression molding technology
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
(Fig. 4). A fibre volume fraction of 40 volume % of flax was used (corresponding to 50 weight %).
Bio-composite Demonstrator: Race Car Seat SLC-Lab collaborated with the Groep T University College of Leuven (Belgium) to develop a seat for a formula student racing car out of flax-PLA composite. The material properties of the fabric and composite were used to design the seat and the mould. Fig. 5 shows the mould as it was built and the form of the seat.
Hybrid nonwovens from flax and PLA fibres Isotropic composites
Fig. 4: Hybrid nonwovens and isotropic bio-composites
Fig 5: a) Mold designed for development of race car seat; b) Flax-PLA Nonwovens used to develop the composite; c) Molding process for development of composites; d) Form of the race car seat.
Conclusions The project Nature Wins has shown that it is possible to produce 100 % biobased thermoplastic composites with minimal void content from intimately mixed textile preforms. The mechanical properties obtained of the nonwoven composites were comparable to those of glass fibre-PP or natural fibre-PP composites that are currently used in the automotive industry. Furthermore, a demonstrator was obtained in the project in the form a race car seat. Future work will include working closely with the automotive industry and its suppliers to benchmark the develop composite against the requirements of the automotive industry. Furthermore, additional of functionalities in the PLA fibres such as antiodour, fire retardence etc. is being looked in future collaborative projects.
Acknowledgements Centexbel, ITA Aachen, FKT and SLC-Lab would like to thank the CORNET program, IWT and AIF for making this research possible. Literature
[1] Aslan, B.; Ramaswamy, S.; Raina, M.; Gries, T. Biocomposites: processing of thermoplastic biopolymers and industrial natural fibres from staple fibre blends up to fabric for composite applications ICONTEX 2011 International Congress of Innovative Textiles, 20-22 October 2011, Istanbul, Turkey: Oral Presentations. - Çorlu/Tekirdağ: Namik Kemal University, 2011, S. 6-12 [2] Urbanus, M.; Aslan, B.; De Vriese, L.; Ramaswamy, S.; Ruys, L. “Nature wins”: development of 100 % biobased thermoplastic composite materials Unitex (2013), H. 1, S. 6-10 [3] Ramaswamy, S.; Aslan, B.; Raina, M.; Gries, T., Biocomposites: processing of blends of thermoplastic biopolymer fiber and industrial natural fibers In: Innovative textile for high future demands: book of proceedings / 12th World Textile Conference AUTEX 2012, 13th to 15th June 2012, Zadar. - Zagreb: Faculty of Textile Technology, University of Zagreb, 2012, Vol. II: S. 1555-1560.
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
[4] Ramaswamy, S.; Aslan, B.; Raina, M. A.; Gries, T. BioComposites sind in Textile Network 10 (2012), H. 5-6, S. 20-21
Show preview
fter the successful move from Chicago to Orlando, NPE2015 will again be held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, USA from March 23-27, 2015. Under the slogan “We invite you to make great things happen”, the Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI) invites to NPE2015: The International Plastics Showcase – brings together all sectors of the supply chain to include end markets and brand owners. Besides machinery, auxiliaries and conventional plastics NPE will again be a showcase and technology exchange for polymers derived from renewable resources such as corn, castor beans, soybeans, potatoes, tapioca, and many more. Again bioplastics will be one of the most interesting topics in this year’s NPE. bioplastics MAGAZINE will not only be an exhibitor (please come and see us at booth S20192, South Hall Level 1) but also offers on the following pages a comprehensive show preview (including a floor plan as a take-out centerfold) and a show review in issues 02 and 03/2015. On our website you will find more bioplastics related info as we approach the show …
RheTech RheTech, Inc. (Whitmore Lakes, Michigan, USA) will be showcasing its RheVision® line of bio-reinforced polyolefins that takes true bio waste products and, with its proprietary production line, provides a compound that is the leading edge of environmentally-friendly technology. RheVision currently uses coconut shell, flax, hemp, paper powder, rice hull, and wood waste as reinforcement.
MHG (Meredian, DaniMer) Biopolymer manufacturer, MHG, formerly known as DaniMer Scientific and Meredian Inc., will be exhibiting their 100 % biodegradable plastic at their exhibit location S35027. During NPE, the company will showcase their mclPHA (medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoates) and their process of converting non-GMO canola into plastic pellets that make many different plastic products. The PHA that MHG produces is completely biodegradable within 12 – 18 weeks and is Vinçotte certified in all six different mediums. The company will also be showcasing the PLA that is produced at their facility. They are currently using the most advanced proprietary reactive extrusion process on the market. Other products that can be created with the PLA include injection molding, thermoforming, extrusion lamination, film resins, additives, hot melt adhesives and wax replacement polymers. While there are many products that can be made solely from MHG’s PHA, the company can customize their formulations and combine both the PHA and PLA to cater to their customer’s needs.
RheVision can replace traditional minerals and fiberglass that take energy to mine/produce and have a finite supply, with renewable bio waste. All of RheTech’s bio fibers are true waste products that are either traditionally burned or buried. These products come from a variety of sources, but none are grown for the specific purpose of being added to our plastic. By using RheVision, customers can reduce their carbon footprint and dependence on high energy consumers, like fiberglass and talc. The RheVision line has drawn a great deal of attention as companies look for low-environmental-impact solutions to component product development. RheVision also offers grades that contain true postconsumer content. The company can incorporate up to 15 % of a certifiable post-consumer polyolefin resin. This allows RheTech to provide a product that could contain over 50 % waste product.
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
Show Guide Entrance
(Source: www.npe.org)
On this floor plan you find the majority of companies offering bioplastics related products or services, such as resins, compounds, additives, semi-finished products and much more (as listed in the official NPE catalogue). Companies mentioned in our Show-preview are colored in blue. For your convenience, you can take the centerfold out of the magazine and use it as your personal ‘Show-Guide’.
South Hall Level 1 - Exhibit Floor
South Hall Level 2 - Meeting Rooms
21 Century Polymers
Jarden Plastic Salutions
Al Ahram Plastic Company
PolyOne Gorparation
Albis Plastics Corporation
SPI Bioplastics Division
Algix, LLC
AMCO Polymers
West Hall Level 2 - Exhibit Floor & Meeting Rooms
Arkema Inc
Biobent Polymers
Aspen Research Corporation
cycleWood Solutions
Room W203A
Room W225A
bioplastics MAGAZINE
Room W207A
Room W203A
Butler-MacDonald, Inc.
Multiquimica SA
Cathay Industrial Biotech
Erema Plastic Recycling Systems
Center for Bioplastics and Biocomposites
Chase Plastic Services, Inc.
Citadel Plastics
Evonik Corporation
Getac Technology Corp. (Bio-sourced Materials BU)
Great Eastern Resins Industrial Co., Ltd.
Green Dot
Heritage Plastics Inc.
Imerys Talc & Mica
Jamplast, Inc.
Kureha America LLC
Laurel BioComposite, LLC
Mathelin Bay Associates LLC
Metabolix, Inc.
MHG (Meredian / DaniMer)
NatureWorks LLC
Nexeo Solutions
Ningxia Qinglin Shenghua Technology Co., Ltd.
Nylon Corporation of America (NYCOA) Pennsylvania Dept. of Community & Economic Development Phoenix Plastics L.P.
S10027 S12004
31 32
Plastics Color Corporation
Polyalloy Inc.
PolyOne Corporation
PolyReps, Inc.
Resirene, S.A. de. C.V.
Reverte Minerals USA
Rhe Tech Inc
RTP Company
Saco Polymers
Shandong Fuwin New Material Co., Ltd.
SK Chemicals
Stratasys - Advanced Materials Center
Teknor Apex Company
The Eco-Groupe
The Lubrizol Corporation
United Soybean Board
Zhongshan Meitu Plastic lnd Co., Ud.
Room S211 Room S230B/C SL78
Room W203A
Show preview United Soybean Board (USB) Thinking Sustainable? Think Soy. From construction to automotive manufacturing, soy polyols and unsaturated polyester resins containing soybean oil prove a renewable, reliable resource. As corporate sustainability efforts continue to rise, manufacturers are increasingly searching for alternative polyurethane and polyester feedstocks. To fill the need, the United Soybean Board (USB) St. Louis, Missouri, USA supports research, testing and development of products containing soy-based polyols and unsaturated polyester resins contained soybean oil. Soybean components perform as well as, or better than, petrochemical feedstocks. However soy-based derivatives have a carbon benefit over petroleum, according to a Life Cycle Impact Analysis conducted by Omni Tech International for USB. For more information, download the Soy Lifecycle Profile Report at their website, and visit the booth at NPE to explore new applications
Leistritz The use of bioplastics continues to increase for a wide variety of applications. TSE (twin screw extruder) advancements are being developed to improve the processability of heat and shear sensitive bioplastics and will be a focus in the Leistritz NPE 2015 exhibit. The ZSE-27 MAXX direct to sheet system facilitates rapid in-line compounding and production of prototype bioplastic sheet samples. Benefits of direct sheet extrusion include the product having one-less heat/shear history, and economic savings inherent with bypassing the pelletization step. ZSE-27 MAXX co-rotating, intermeshing, TSE system 40/1 L/D with modular barrels and segmented screws 1.66/1 OD/ID ratio for screw 40 kW water-cooled motor LSB-26 side stuffer for filler/fiber introduction Dry vacuum system Allen-Bradley Compact Logix L3 PLC with PanelView Plus 15” touch screen HMI Also included: Gear pump front-end attachment with 20 cc/rev capacity and 5 HP AC motor 14” Sheet/film die, manufactured of P20 steel with chrome plating, with choker bar and push/pull flex lip design 3-Roll sheet/film system www.leistritz–extrusion.com
West Hall, W6571
Metabolix Metabolix, Inc. is an innovation-driven specialty materials company focused on delivering high-performance biopolymer solutions to customers in the plastics industry. At NPE 2015, Metabolix will be showcasing its Mirel® biopolymer resins, a family of biobased performance additives based on PHA (polyhydroxyalkanoates). Mirel resins are derived from renewable resources and are broadly biodegradable in soil and marine environments. The biodegradation profile of Mirel resins make them uniquely suited for applications where biodegradation is required. Metabolix biopolymer resins can also be used as performance additives for a range of conventional or biobased polymers to improve impact strength, heat resistance, barrier properties, processability and plasticization. At NPE, Metabolix will present data and samples to support awareness for the company’s innovations in: PVC processing aids, PLA modification, barrier coatings for paper as well as micropowders/beads. Potential applications for Mirel biopolymers include applications such as construction and packaging materials, as well as industrial, consumer and personal care products.
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
SK Chemicals SK Chemicals is the global leader in Green / Sustainable Copolyester production. The company philosophy and culture are deeply rooted in environmental responsibility and SK Chemical’s global manufacturing practices reflect their commitment to this cause. SK Chemicals is the only global producer of PETG, PCTG and Bio-PETG to have achieved Cradle to Cradle Gold certification for the product line and manufacturing facilities. Their recent introductions of PLA and Chlorine free PPS are further indicators of the company’s commitment to a Green future. For additional information readers should contact the US corporate office located in Irvine, California.
www.sk.com www.sk-ecozen.com
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In March 2015, more than 60,000 professionals from every aspect of the plastics industry and its vertical and end-user markets will assemble in Orlando, Florida for the largest, most inďŹ&#x201A;uential plastics event of the year.
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NPE2015: THE INTERNATIONAL PLASTICS SHOWCASE March 23-27, 2015 Orange County Convention Center Orlando, Florida USA
Face-To-Face, NPE2012
Show preview
NatureWorks NatureWorks, a world leading biopolymers supplier and innovator with its Ingeo™ portfolio of naturally advanced materials made from renewable, abundant feedstocks, will display the latest in Ingeo resin grades, and applications ranging from extruded, thermoformed, injection molded films, durable, and semi-durable products. 3D printing demonstrations in the NatureWorks’ booth will feature the latest Ingeo filament for 3D printing. Ingeo grades for 3D PLA filament deliver quality and performance in terms of heat and impact characteristics. High heat Ingeo compounds, which are an ideal styrenic replacement, will also be on display. Products manufactured from several of the recently introduced high performance grades of Ingeo are being showcased, including compostable food serviceware, films, and cards. Rigid packaging, a growing market for Ingeo, will also be featured. Industry segment experts will be on hand to discuss the range of applications for which Ingeo is ideal.
Evonik Industries Evonik Industries has received a food contact substance notification (FCN) for its family of PA1010 polyamides. The VESTAMID® Terra DS16 natural may be used as a basic polymer in the production of articles intended for food contact. Details to the approved applications can be found in the FCN#001439. Whereby, essentially, it may be come in contact with all types of food at chilled to elevated room temperatures for single use as well all types of food in repeated use application up to 100 °C. VESTAMID Terra is derived partly or entirely from the castor bean plant. Unlike other bio-sourced products, biopolyamide VESTAMID Terra is a high performance polymer, so there are no restrictions on its service life and it retains impressive physical and chemical resistance properties similar to petroleum-based high performance polymers.
DSM During NPE 2015 DSM will be hosting visitors in the Customer Service Center in the West Hall, Room 225A where they will be demonstrating how its materials have been used in some of the latest application innovations to be introduced to the market. Included in these innovative solutions are bio-based performance materials such as EcoPaXX® and Arnitel® Eco. EcoPaXX™ polyamide (PA410) is a bio-based, high performance resin that is carbon neutral from cradle to gate. About 70 % of this innovative polymer’s building blocks are derived from castor oil, a renewable resource. EcoPaXX delivers exceptional performance including excellent properties, chemical resistance, and a high melting point offering key advantages over both traditional and green polyamides for applications in the automotive, electrical & electronics, and sports & leisure markets. Arnitel Eco is a high performance, low emissions thermoplastic copolyester (TPC-ET) made from 20 to 50 % renewable resources. It is successfully used in high temperature oven pan liners used in food preparation, cooking, and holding to prevent food from bakingon and burning-on to the pot or pan surface. The material offers an up to 50 % lower carbon footprint than classic co-polyester products.
www.dsm.com www.arnitel.com www.ecopaxx.com
West Hall, Room 225A
Center for Bioplastics and Biocomposites The Center for Bioplastics and Biocomposites (CB2) will fabricate biorenewable plant containers at NPE 2015. Containers will be injection molded using Bio-Res™ PLA. The containers are a sustainable replacement for petroleum-based containers and degrade harmlessly when planted in a garden. NPE attendees can watch the containers being made with a Wittmann Battenfeld injection molder and receive a complimentary plant container. CB2 is a NSF Industry & University Cooperative Research Center that brings together industry partners and university researchers who have a common interest in biobased plastics and composites (cf. more comprehensive article on page 34). It is led by Iowa State University and Washington State University. Organizations interested in the market introduction of economically viable biobased products are encouraged to join CB2 and its 23 industry partners. CB2 with Laurel Biocomposite will be in the Sustainability Pavilion.
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
Show preview PolyOne Manufacturers and plastics processors visiting NPE who want to integrate bioplastics into their applications may want to visit PolyOne Corporation (Avon Lake, Ohio) in Meeting Room S230 BC. Collaborate with PolyOne to add value to your bio-based solutions. Adding value for customers is, for example, reFlex™ 300 bioplasticizer. Derived from rapidly renewable feedstocks and certified to contain 99 % bio-based content, this non-phthalate alternative provides a one-for-one replacement for generalpurpose plasticizers used in flexible vinyl formulations. PolyOne also continues to realize significant demand growth for their color and additive solutions for bioplastic applications. Examples include OnColor™ BIO color concentrates and OnCap™ BIO for use with biodegradable or bioderived polymers. For technical applications, the reSound™ biopolymer formulations offer the benefits of sustainability coupled with the performance of specialty engineered materials.
Meeting Room S230 BC and S35014
The Lubrizol Corporation Lubrizol is introducing Bio TPU™, a revolutionary line of bio-based TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) that’s made with renewable-sourced material, the biobased carbon content ranging from approximately 30 % – 80 % (determined according to ASTM-D6866). Bio TPU by Lubrizol provides the same performance and benefits as traditional petroleumbased TPU and can range in hardness from 82 Shore A to 55 Shore D. Paired with a commitment to the responsible use of natural resources and innovations in technologies derived from renewable sources, Lubrizol serves the most technically demanding market segments. Designers from the sports, footwear, electronics and automotive industries, among others, are embracing bio-based polymers and Lubrizol’s forward thinking. The product line includes Pearlthane™ ECO, a bio-based line of TPU for injection molding and extrusion. Pearlthane ECO polymers are made with renewable material content from 28 % to 46 % of total volume. These resins can be processed through injection molding and extrusion and offer a low density as compared to their petroleum-based counterparts. The other product line is Pearlbond™ ECO, Lubrizol’s biobased TPU with high renewable material content (75 %) and high thermoplasticity. Pearlbond can be added to reactive hotmelt (HMPUR) formulations to improve crystallization speed and is also used for hot-melt adhesives in heat-sealable fabrics and in toe puffs and counters.
BRASKEM Braskem, the largest resin producer in the Americas with 36 industrial plants in Brazil, the US and Germany, produces over 16 million tons of thermoplastic resins and other petrochemical products annually. Braskem is the world leader in the production of biopolymer, with the green polyethylene – I’m green™, a thermoplastic resin produced from ethylene made from sugarcane ethanol, a 100 % renewable raw material which helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The resin, whose properties are identical to those of conventional polyethylene, is extremely versatile in terms of applications and is also recyclable. Reinforcing its commitment to sustainable development, Braskem conducted a unique study, in partnership with its suppliers, to assess the environmental impact of the green polyethylene – I’m green. The results of the LCA study indicates that Braskem’s biopolymer made from ethanol, captures 2.15 kg of CO2 equivalent for every kg of green plastic produced. Moreover, 80 % of the energy consumed in the process comes from a renewable source. This analysis allows Braskem and its customers to understand the potential environmental impacts throughout all stages of the product’s life cycle. Applying I’m green polyethylene as an alternative raw material is an opportunity to enhance product and brand value by delivering an innovative and sustainable packaging solution to the market.
Cathay Cathay Industrial Biotech is introducing a new line of renewable polyamides based upon a newly commercialized and unique monomer, 1,5 pentanediamine (PDA). These will include polyamides such as PA 56, PA 510, PA 512. PA 514 and others. When PDA is polymerized with our commercially available renewable diacids, the renewable content range is 34 – 100 %. Engineering polymer performance and price are comparable with HMDA polyamides, and is suitable for automotive, electronics, industrial and consumer applications. Cathay Industrial Biotech has been a pioneering industrial biotechnology company with commercial-scale production since 2003. It is the world leader in the production of long chain dibasic acids, both petro-based and renewable, used for the production of nylons, polyesters, corrosion inhibitors, coatings, fragrances and adhesives.
www.cathaybiotech.com www.braskem.com
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
Show preview Biobent Polymers
cycleWood Solutions from Dallas, Texas, has recently introduced their innovative new resin called Xylomer. Why Xylomer? Various Applications: Xylomer can be applied in a variety of commercial plastics, including flexible films and injection molded applications. It can be blended with compostable polymers to be 100% biodegradable. Or, it can be blended with other plastics, which create more environmentally friendly plastic substitutes. Sustainability: Xylomer is composed of modified lignin, a part of the tree that has thus far been discarded by the paper manufacturing industry. Utilizing an abundant byproduct rather than cutting down trees makes Xylomer very sustainable. Environmental Impacts: Compostable materials using Xylomer fully break down in 90 days once in a composting facility. Other blends decrease our dependence on oil-based plastics. Government Regulation: cycleWood Solutions’ technology can be adopted to make products compliant with ongoing government efforts to improve the environmental impacts of plastics. Xylomer technology allows consumers to keep using the products they are accustomed to without any of the harmful environmental impacts!
West Hall, RoomW203A
Erema Plastic Recycling Systems EREMA will be presenting its proven, high-performance INTAREMA® system. This Erema technology offers customers optimum processing also of PLA material, which is very sensitive to moisture and the shearing forces that arise during treatment. To begin with the material is carefully cut in the cutter/compactor, homogenised, prewarmed and then dried. The drying in this process is so efficient that in many cases there is no need for any additional extruder degassing. This reduces the dwell time in the extruder and the material which is processed in this way is thus melted, filtered and pelletised with minimum shearing stress. With Counter Current technology
cycleWood Solutions
Biobent Polymers (Columbus, Ohio) has commercialized a new line of award winning bio-composite polymers which offers comparable performance to pure petroleum based plastics at highly competitive prices. Biobent Polymers’ products are a revolutionary innovation that replaces up to 40 % of the petroleum content in plastics with abundant lower-cost agricultural co-products and does so without degrading material performance. The result is a bioplastic that is lightweight, USDA BioPreferred, and performance neutral. Most importantly, it is 3 % – 15 % less expensive than traditional plastics. On display at the NPE showcase Biobent will have several samples of their resins and products created from them.
Without Counter Current technology www.cyclewood.com
West Hall, RoomW203A
Jamplast Jamplast is the leading Biopolymers Distributor in North America. The company has been a pioneer in biopolymers for the past 15 years helping customers identify and supply the right type of biopolymers to meet their needs. Jamplast is a one stop shop for almost every type of biopolymer available in the market today. Customers can make one phone call and the experienced and knowledgeable team can walk them through the products available today. A visit to the booth can help you identify the right product for your needs.
Temperature inside cutter/compactor
The implementation of the new Counter Current technology in 2013 was another boost in efficiency for the EREMA systems. The benefits include maximum process stability thanks to improved material input, consistently higher capacity over a considerably broader temperature range, greater flexibility and operational reliability with a variety of materials and higher throughput rates with the same plant size for more productivity. The INTAREMA systems are suitable for an extremely wide variety of biopolymer types including bio-PE, bio-PET, PLA (fibres, films), PHA, starch-based products, etc.
West Hall, W5673
A digital show planner (npe.org) showing all exhibitors presenting bioplastics related products or services can be accessed at http://bit.ly/1BtI0md 30
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
Transport trays for tubes made of BioFoam
labastine (an AkzoNobel subsidiary from Ammerzoden, The Netherlands) is the ďŹ rst company in the Netherlands to start using Synprodo bvâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s BioFoamÂŽ material for its transport trays. This means that the company is taking a key step towards sustainable packaging. The trays are used to transport the well-known Alabastine tubes and then to display them on the shelves of do-ityourself markets.
In terms of structure, BioFoam has the same appearance and the same properties as the traditional EPS material, i. e. compression resistant, light-weight, impervious to humidity, easy to process, easy to shape and recyclable. Almost all existing EPS parts can also be made with BioFoam using existing moulds and production lines.
www.alabastine.nl www.synprodo.nl
The major difference is that EPS is produced using polymers made of exhaustible fossil raw materials. BioFoam is produced using PLA made from renewable resources and thus makes an important contribution to reducing CO2 emissions. Furthermore, BioFoam at the end of its lifecycle can be industrially composted (certiďŹ ed in accordance with EN13432). A recent practical trial by a major composting facility in the Netherlands demonstrated that the material completely disappears within 4 weeks. As such the material can be processed in the technical as well as biological cycle, as a result of which BioFoam was the ďŹ rst biobased plastic foam to be awarded the C2C Silver certiďŹ cate. Dave Gijsberts, Account Manager at Synprodo explains: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We started to develop a PLA (PolyLactide) particle foam as far back as 2006. In the meantime we have our own PLA polymerisation factory in Etten-Leur in the Netherlands. The technology used to produce BioFoam has been patented throughout the world. We are delighted that major players, such as AkzoNobel, appreciate the beneďŹ ts of our material and hope that this will set an example that other companies will follow. The reduction of CO2 emission is a priority everywhere. With BioFoam we offer customers the possibility of effectively making a contribution in this area. It is for good reason that we won the Dutch MKB Innovation Award in 2010, and very recently the 9th Global Bioplastics Award (organized by bioplastics MAGAZINE, with ice cream producer Zandonella being the winner with their BioFoam ice-cream box)â&#x20AC;?. Piet de Jong, Packaging Development Manager at Alabastine: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are going to process more than half a million trays on an annual basis. At the present time the trays are still more expensive than the same EPS tray, but because AkzoNobel values sustainability, we are prepared to pay a little more for thisâ&#x20AC;?. MT
Bio4Pack, leading the way to a world of sustainable packaging
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
Application News
Bioasphalt with lignin Bioasphalt for roads in the Dutch province of Zeeland is being developed by Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research, the Asfalt Kennis Centrum (Asphalt Knowledge Centre, AKC) and the company H4A from Sluiskil, The Netherlands. Zeeland Seaports is a project partner with interest in potential applications for the asphalt.
Lignin from plants in asphalt Fossil bitumen – the main glue in asphalt roads – is replaced by the biobased adhesive lignin in this innovative bioasphalt. Lignin is a natural adhesive material which gives structure to all kinds of plants and trees and is, for example, an important component
of straw. The first specimens of asphalt concrete based on lignin were recently created and the involved partners are busy testing and optimising its properties.
Benefits for the environment and noise levels Lignin can replace fossil bitumen (currently made from petroleum in a process which releases a great deal of CO2), substantially reducing the environmental footprint of asphalt. It is also expected to improve functional properties of the asphalt, such as rolling resistance, and to make roads quieter. Various governments and companies have already shown a lot of interest in this promising development.
Biobased applications in infrastructure This product is the result of the Biobased Infra project, established by NV Economische Impuls Zeeland together with Grontmij and Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research. The project comprises various forms of
cooperation on applying biobased (green) materials in infrastructure. In addition to the use of lignin in asphalt, Zeeland Seaports, Cargill and Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research also wish to chart possible sources of lignin-rich biomass streams in Zeeland and beyond. The two-year project also involves the realisation of a road or parking space with lignin asphalt by the partners involved in the second year (2015). This will test the functional properties of the bioasphalt in practice. The Biobased Infra project also includes work on concrete that is reinforced with biofibres and the development of products from prunings, verge grass and the like. The province of Zeeland and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs are providing full support to this initiative in Zeeland to apply more biobased materials in the infrastructure. www.wageningenur.nl http://bit.ly/1sVw7Cs
New compostable capsule for hot beverages ICA Spa – leader since 1963 in the design, development and production of packaging machines from flexible materials and of complete lines for hot beverage single serve capsules, with API Spa, a long-standing company with a wealth of experience in the soft thermoplastic compounds field and leader of the biopolymer industry, and SACMI – an international group that leads the world in machines for packaging including beverage closures and containers, together have designed and developed compostable single serve capsules for hot beverages. Introduced a few months ago the 100% biodegradable, compostable capsule proved to be a big hit, arousing considerable levels of interest and curiosity. The capsule was designed by ICA and manufactured using a compound from the APINAT BIO range. Thanks to their chemical structure and versatility, these compounds can easily be processed using widely available technologies, and have an extensive application range, being used in industries as varied as footwear, agriculture and, of course, packaging. Thanks to the unique rheology and behaviour of the molten material, Apinat Bio has been able to take full advantage of the capmaking compression technology for which Sacmi is so renowned. The flexibility of this technology has resulted in optimisation of the Apinat compound and attainment of outstanding production output (up to 600 capsules/minute in a CCM 24 cavity machine), as well as functional, biodegradable and compostable performance of the capsule. Stemming from a joint project by ICA Spa, API Spa and Sacmi, this latest development confirms and reinforces these Italian leading firms’ commitment to the high-innovation development needed to resolve the planet’s burgeoning environmental issues and finally offering consumers a truly completely biodegradable and compostable capsule for hot beverages.MT www.icaspa.it | www.apinatbio.com | www.sacmi.it
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
Market News
Bioplastics production capacities to grow by more than 400 % by 2018 The results of European Bioplastics’ annual market data update, presented in early December 2014 at the 9th European Bioplastics Conference in Brussels, confirm the positive growth trend of the global bioplastics production capacities. “The market is predicted to grow by more than 400 % in the mid-term,” stated François de Bie, Chairman of European Bioplastics. The data compiled in cooperation with its respected scientific partners – the IfBB - Institute for Bioplastics and Biocomposites (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover, Germany) and the nova-Institute (Hürth, Germany) – shows that bioplastics production capacity is set to increase from around 1.6 million tonnes in 2013 to approximately 6.7 million tonnes by 2018. Biobased, non-biodegradable plastics, such as biobased PE and biobased PET, are gaining the most. PLA is a major growth driver in the field of biobased and biodegradable plastics. Furthermore, renewable and compostable plastics produced locally are likely to benefit from the new EU directive on the reduction of shopping bags. Flexible and rigid packaging remains by far the leading application field for bioplastics. “Besides this, a decisive growth can be observed in textiles and automotive applications. From functional sports garments with enhanced breathability to fuel lines – bioplastics are constantly spreading into new markets,” explained de Bie. With a view to regional capacity development, Asia will expand its role as major production hub. Most of the currently planned projects are being implemented in Thailand, India and China. About 75 % of bioplastics will be produced in Asia by 2018. In comparison: Europe at the forefront of research and development will be left with only roughly 8 % of the production capacities. Additionally, other regions of the world, such as the USA and Asia, invest into measures ‘closer to market introduction’, which results in a faster market development than in Europe. “We urge the EU legislators to consider and make efficient use of the immense environmental, economic growth and job creation potential of our industry. In this context, the Circular Economy Package should remain in the Commission’s 2015 Work Programme and the Waste Target Review should proceed as planned,” concluded de Bie. MT www.european-bioplastics.org | www.downloads.ifbb-hannover.de | www.bio-based.eu/markets
1,126 6,000
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4,000 3,613
2,000 1,492 571
1,000 921
0 2012 Biodegradable |
Biobased/non-biodegradable |
Total capacity |
Global production capacities of bioplastics (Source: European Bioplastics, Institute for Bioplastics & Biocomposites, nova-Institute (2014)
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
New NSF Center for Bioplastics and Biocomposites launched Access to world-class facilities and researchers and accelerated development of new environmentally sustainable products and processes are two of the many reasons bioplastics industry leaders, like 3M Co. and Archer Daniels Midland Co. are investing in the development and evolution of the new (US) National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry and University Cooperative Research Center for Bioplastics and Biocomposites (CB2). A partnership among universities, industry and government, CB2 was launched last November and is led by Iowa State University and co-located at Washington State University. It is funded through industry and NSF support. David Grewell, professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering and chairperson of the Biopolymers and Biocomposites Research Team at Iowa State, is the director of CB2. Grewell says Iowa State and Washington State University have the expertise and experience to successfully operate and grow a bioplastics and biocomposites center. State-ofthe-art research facilities at Iowa State and Washington State are designed and equipped to develop, test and scale-up new biobased materials and processes.
Kevin Lewandowski, lead research specialist at 3M Co. and chair of the CB2 industry advisory board, agrees. “We’ve been involved from the beginning discussions of creating the center. And Iowa State is a school at which we recruit heavily,” said Lewandowski. He says 3M’s membership in the center will positively impact 3M sustainability goals. “We’re interested in replacing very common polymer products that are currently derived from oil, such as plastic films and packaging materials. We’re also interested in more high tech materials such as composites, where we need high performance and are also looking to improve sustainability attributes. 3M’s product portfolio is pretty widespread, so there are a lot of areas where we could leverage more sustainable solutions,” Lewandowski said. Benefits to industry members of CB2 are many, says Michael Kessler. He is a professor, the Berry Family Director of the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering and the CB2 site director at Washington State.
“Iowa State is an established leader in the area of biobased products and Washington State has a strong history of research and inventions in natural fiber polymer composites. Both universities have good relationships within the industry,” Grewell said.
“Through their votes, industry members select the research on which the center will work. They get access to the facilities of the universities doing the research. They have access to scientists and students whom they may want to recruit into their companies and who are trained in the field of bioplastics and biocomposites. Networking with other member companies and access to all the technical data and intellectual property that’s developed are also benefits,” Kessler said.
Iowa State students Mitchel Michel, left, industrial technology, and Ty’Jamin Roark, chemical engineering, extrude soy flour and polylactic acid, a biodegradable plastic from cornstarch, into pellets for use in injection molding. Photo: Iowa State University
Vikram Yadama, right, associate professor and Extension specialist at Washington State, discusses wood strand panels with center industry members. Photo: Iowa State University
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
Report Grewell and Kessler are principal investigators on one of the center’s current projects aimed at filling a knowledge gap. In the past, the team has characterized the welding of various rigid polylactic acid (PLA) films for such applications as packaging. However, there is no information on the ultrasonic welding of rigid PLA or polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) components. Ultrasonic welding is one of the most common methods to join plastics because it is fast, efficient and easily automated. Their research will produce knowledge of bioplastics’ (PLA and PHA) weldability and sensitivity to welding parameters, including temperature sensitive activation energy. Another of the center’s projects is focused on the development of biorenewable thermoplastic elastomers. This project will bring to market renewable thermoplastic elastomers that are cost competitive with their petrochemicalbased alternatives. Example applications include, but are not limited to, adhesives, films, packaging materials, sealants, additives and/or rubbers. In addition to new product and process development, center researchers are developing a life cycle assessment tool for screening trade-offs among processing costs, environmental impacts and end-of-life options for products. Kurt Rosentrater, assistant professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering at Iowa State and a CB2 researcher says biobased materials come from renewable resources, but that is not the only measure of product sustainability.
when it reaches end of life? Can you recycle it? Does it degrade? Do you put it in a landfill and it sits there for hundreds of years like a lot of the other materials, or will it actually break down in the soil, decompose and become fertilizer? Or, if it does break down, what kind of emissions are there going to be, based on what else is mixed with the biological materials?” said Rosentrater. He says one of their first steps will be to determine where, in a product’s life cycle, to begin and end the environmental assessment. CB2 member companies have access to performance data for biobased materials developed through the center. Once the life cycle assessment tool is developed, they will have access to it as well, allowing them to compare costs, energy demands, environmental impacts and end-of-life options for the biomaterials developed via the center. Lewandowski says he hopes more companies will become members of CB2. “You get a better return on your investment as more companies join. It allows more research to be funded which can benefit multiple companies,” said Lewandowski. More information about the center’s research and how to become an industry member can be found at the Research Center’s website www.cb2.iastate.edu.
By: Lynn Laws Communications Specialist College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Iowa State University Ames, Iowa, USA
“Just because we can utilize biological materials doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a greener product. What happens
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Progress in standardization of the “Bio-based Products” – Terminology European CEN develop new categories Claiming a product to be bio-based is always a critical topic. Everybody would agree that, if a product is not entirely made from renewable resources, the percentage of the bio-based content should be mentioned on the product. But what if the exact percentage is not known or varies due to processing particularities? What about bio-based claims that are based on calculatory mass balance approaches?
The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) has initiated the TC 411 (Technical Committee “Bio-based products”) to provide more clarity. At the last CEN/TC 411 meeting in Ludwigshafen, Germany (November 2014) a new terminology for different kinds of bio-based products was introduced. Three categories are distinguished: Category 1 comprises products with a claimed bio-based content, which1 comprises products with a claimed bio-based content, which is verifiable through a method as described in CEN/TR 16721 bio-based content (such methods include, among others, the 14C radio carbon test (ASTM 6866)). These products can be called bio-based products. (Comment: Most of the actual bio-based plastics are in this group.) Category 2 comprises products with a measurable biobased content, but a claimed bio-based content that “deviates systematically” from the actual bio-based content. For example if the claimed bio-based content can only be given as e.g. 25 – 30 % - the actual bio-based content in a certain example of the product being e.g. 29 % - these products can also be called bio-based products. CEN/TC 411 demands that the boundaries for claiming biobased products. are that it shall be accompanied by a statement of the minimum guaranteed bio-based content. This means that these types of products still have a guaranteed minimum amount of bio-based content. As an example: The CocaCola PlantBottle™ does not have a fixed bio-based content. As a category 2 product the labelling should include the minimum guaranteed bio-based content of the bottle. In Category 3, products shall be sorted, that are claimed to have a certain bio-based content, but the actual bio-based content of the product “deviates systematically” from the claimed bio-based content and, opposite to Category 2, the bio-based content can potentially be zero. Examples are the so-called “renewable polyethylenes (PE) and polypropylenes (PP)“ from SABIC and other new plastics from BASF or DuPont. These products claim to be (partly) renewable (biobased) and claim a certain input of biomass in a huge and complex chemical plant, then mathematically allocating this
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
biomass input to the produced plastic. These shall not be called bio-based products”. CEN/TC 411 has debated whether category 3 products are or should be covered by CEN/TC 411 at all. The decision was made to create an ad-hoc group (AHG) to write a discussion document to CEN on whether to include category 3 products in the CEN/TC 411 scope. Implications for sustainability, certification and declaration should be taken into account. Based on the proposal the decision will be made, whether CEN/TC 411 will develop standards and labelling for those products.
Global approach With the target to achieve international harmonisation in standards for the terminology for bio-based products first exploratory talks by CEN and the EC with USDA and ASTM were held already in 2013 and 2014. The communication concerning this matter shall be continued in 2015.
Sustainability Another topic that the CEN/TC 411 dealt with in working group 4 is “Sustainability criteria, life cycle analysis and related issues”. Over the last year this working group has discussed the suitable sustainability criteria for biomass, used for the production of bio-based products. Along with other proposals, one proposal from Germany (INRO) and The Netherlands (GreenDeal) asked for strict criteria, stronger than the existing for biofuels. A pre-vote showed that the CEN Members will probably not follow this proposal. About 75 % of the members voted for following the line of “ISO/PC 248 – Sustainability criteria for bioenergy” where thresholds shall be agreed upon by (sales) contracts. This would mean creating a level playing field between biofuels and bio-based products – concerning the same sustainability criteria. In 2015 the final voting will take place.
By: Michael Carus Member of CEN/TC 411 Managing Director European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) and nova-Institute Hürth, Germany
Glossary 4.0
last update issue 01/2015
In bioplastics MAGAZINE again and again the same expressions appear that some of our readers might not (yet) be familiar with. This glossary shall help with these terms and shall help avoid repeated explanations such as PLA (Polylactide) in various articles. Since this Glossary will not be printed in each issue you can download a pdf version from our website (bit.ly/OunBB0) bioplastics MAGAZINE is grateful to European Bioplastics for the permission to use parts of their Glossary. This new version 4.0 was revised using EuBP’s latest version (Jan 2015). All new or revised parts are printed in green [*: bM ... refers to more comprehensive article previously published in bioplastics MAGAZINE)
Bioplastics (as defined by European Bioplastics e.V.) is a term used to define two different kinds of plastics: a. Plastics based on → renewable resources (the focus is the origin of the raw material used). These can be biodegradable or not. b. → Biodegradable and → compostable plastics according to EN13432 or similar standards (the focus is the compostability of the final product; biodegradable and compostable plastics can be based on renewable (biobased) and/or non-renewable (fossil) resources). Bioplastics may be - based on renewable resources and biodegradable; - based on renewable resources but not be biodegradable; and - based on fossil resources and biodegradable. st
1 Generation feedstock | Carbohydrate rich plants such as corn or sugar cane that can also be used as food or animal feed are called food crops or 1st generation feedstock. Bred my mankind over centuries for highest energy efficiency, currently, 1st generation feedstock is the most efficient feedstock for the production of bioplastics as it requires the least amount of land to grow and produce the highest yields. [bM 04/09] 2nd Generation feedstock | refers to feedstock not suitable for food or feed. It can be either non-food crops (e.g. cellulose) or waste materials from 1st generation feedstock (e.g. waste vegetable oil). [bM 06/11] 3rd Generation feedstock | This term currently relates to biomass from algae, which – having a higher growth yield than 1st and 2nd generation feedstock – were given their own category. Aerobic digestion | Aerobic means in the presence of oxygen. In →composting, which is an aerobic process, →microorganisms access the present oxygen from the surrounding atmosphere. They metabolize the organic material to energy, CO2, water and cell biomass, whereby part of the energy of the organic material is released as heat. [bM 03/07, bM 02/09]
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Anaerobic digestion | In anaerobic digestion, organic matter is degraded by a microbial population in the absence of oxygen and producing methane and carbon dioxide (= biogas) and a solid residue that can be composted in a subsequent step without practically releasing any heat. The biogas can be treated in a Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP), producing electricity and heat, or can be upgraded to bio-methane [14] [bM 06/09] Amorphous | non-crystalline, glassy with unordered lattice Amylopectin | Polymeric branched starch molecule with very high molecular weight (biopolymer, monomer is →Glucose) [bM 05/09] Amylose | Polymeric non-branched starch molecule with high molecular weight (biopolymer, monomer is →Glucose) [bM 05/09] Biobased | The term biobased describes the part of a material or product that is stemming from →biomass. When making a biobasedclaim, the unit (→biobased carbon content, →biobased mass content), a percentage and the measuring method should be clearly stated [1] Biobased carbon | carbon contained in or stemming from →biomass. A material or product made of fossil and →renewable resources contains fossil and →biobased carbon. The biobased carbon content is measured via the 14C method (radio carbon dating method) that adheres to the technical specifications as described in [1,4,5,6]. Biobased labels | The fact that (and to what percentage) a product or a material is →biobased can be indicated by respective labels. Ideally, meaningful labels should be based on harmonised standards and a corresponding certification process by independent third party institutions. For the property biobased such labels are in place by certifiers →DIN CERTCO and →Vinçotte who both base their certifications on the technical specification as described in [4,5] A certification and corresponding label depicting the biobased mass content was developed by the French Association Chimie du Végétal [ACDV].
Biobased mass content | describes the amount of biobased mass contained in a material or product. This method is complementary to the 14C method, and furthermore, takes other chemical elements besides the biobased carbon into account, such as oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen. A measuring method has been developed and tested by the Association Chimie du Végétal (ACDV) [1] Biobased plastic | A plastic in which constitutional units are totally or partly from → biomass [3]. If this claim is used, a percentage should always be given to which extent the product/material is → biobased [1] [bM 01/07, bM 03/10]
Biodegradable Plastics | Biodegradable Plastics are plastics that are completely assimilated by the → microorganisms present a defined environment as food for their energy. The carbon of the plastic must completely be converted into CO2 during the microbial process. The process of biodegradation depends on the environmental conditions, which influence it (e.g. location, temperature, humidity) and on the material or application itself. Consequently, the process and its outcome can vary considerably. Biodegradability is linked to the structure of the polymer chain; it does not depend on the origin of the raw materials. There is currently no single, overarching standard to back up claims about biodegradability. One standard for example is ISO or in Europe: EN 14995 Plastics- Evaluation of compostability - Test scheme and specifications [bM 02/06, bM 01/07]
Biogas | → Anaerobic digestion Biomass | Material of biological origin excluding material embedded in geological formations and material transformed to fossilised material. This includes organic material, e.g. trees, crops, grasses, tree litter, algae and waste of biological origin, e.g. manure [1, 2] Biorefinery | the co-production of a spectrum of bio-based products (food, feed, materials, chemicals including monomers or building blocks for bioplastics) and energy (fuels, power, heat) from biomass.[bM 02/13] Blend | Mixture of plastics, polymer alloy of at least two microscopically dispersed and molecularly distributed base polymers Bisphenol-A (BPA) | Monomer used to produce different polymers. BPA is said to cause health problems, due to the fact that is behaves like a hormone. Therefore it is banned for use in children’s products in many countries. BPI | Biodegradable Products Institute, a notfor-profit association. Through their innovative compostable label program, BPI educates manufacturers, legislators and consumers about the importance of scientifically based standards for compostable materials which biodegrade in large composting facilities. Carbon footprint | (CFPs resp. PCFs – Product Carbon Footprint): Sum of →greenhouse gas emissions and removals in a product system, expressed as CO2 equivalent, and based on a →life cycle assessment. The CO2 equivalent of a specific amount of a greenhouse gas is calculated as the mass of a given greenhouse gas multiplied by its →global warmingpotential [1,2,15]
Basics Carbon neutral, CO2 neutral | describes a product or process that has a negligible impact on total atmospheric CO2 levels. For example, carbon neutrality means that any CO2 released when a plant decomposes or is burnt is offset by an equal amount of CO2 absorbed by the plant through photosynthesis when it is growing. Carbon neutrality can also be achieved through buying sufficient carbon credits to make up the difference. The latter option is not allowed when communicating → LCAs or carbon footprints regarding a material or product [1, 2]. Carbon-neutral claims are tricky as products will not in most cases reach carbon neutrality if their complete life cycle is taken into consideration (including the end-of life). If an assessment of a material, however, is conducted (cradle to gate), carbon neutrality might be a valid claim in a B2B context. In this case, the unit assessed in the complete life cycle has to be clarified [1] Cascade use | of →renewable resources means to first use the →biomass to produce biobased industrial products and afterwards – due to their favourable energy balance – use them for energy generation (e.g. from a biobased plastic product to →biogas production). The feedstock is used efficiently and value generation increases decisively. Catalyst | substance that enables and accelerates a chemical reaction Cellophane | Clear film on the basis of →cellulose [bM 01/10] Cellulose | Cellulose is the principal component of cell walls in all higher forms of plant life, at varying percentages. It is therefore the most common organic compound and also the most common polysaccharide (multisugar) [11]. Cellulose is a polymeric molecule with very high molecular weight (monomer is →Glucose), industrial production from wood or cotton, to manufacture paper, plastics and fibres [bM 01/10] Cellulose ester | Cellulose esters occur by the esterification of cellulose with organic acids. The most important cellulose esters from a technical point of view are cellulose acetate (CA with acetic acid), cellulose propionate (CP with propionic acid) and cellulose butyrate (CB with butanoic acid). Mixed polymerisates, such as cellulose acetate propionate (CAP) can also be formed. One of the most well-known applications of cellulose aceto butyrate (CAB) is the moulded handle on the Swiss army knife [11]
Compost | A soil conditioning material of decomposing organic matter which provides nutrients and enhances soil structure. [bM 06/08, 02/09]
Compostable Plastics | Plastics that are → biodegradable under →composting conditions: specified humidity, temperature, → microorganisms and timeframe. In order to make accurate and specific claims about compostability, the location (home, → industrial) and timeframe need to be specified [1]. Several national and international standards exist for clearer definitions, for example EN 14995 Plastics - Evaluation of compostability Test scheme and specifications. [bM 02/06, bM 01/07] Composting | is the controlled →aerobic, or oxygen-requiring, decomposition of organic materials by →microorganisms, under controlled conditions. It reduces the volume and mass of the raw materials while transforming them into CO2, water and a valuable soil conditioner – compost. When talking about composting of bioplastics, foremost →industrial composting in a managed composting facility is meant (criteria defined in EN 13432). The main difference between industrial and home composting is, that in industrial composting facilities temperatures are much higher and kept stable, whereas in the composting pile temperatures are usually lower, and less constant as depending on factors such as weather conditions. Home composting is a way slower-paced process than industrial composting. Also a comparatively smaller volume of waste is involved. [bM 03/07] Compound | plastic mixture from different raw materials (polymer and additives) [bM 04/10) Copolymer | Plastic composed of different monomers. Cradle-to-Gate | Describes the system boundaries of an environmental →Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) which covers all activities from the cradle (i.e., the extraction of raw materials, agricultural activities and forestry) up to the factory gate Cradle-to-Cradle | (sometimes abbreviated as C2C): Is an expression which communicates the concept of a closed-cycle economy, in which waste is used as raw material (‘waste equals food’). Cradle-to-Cradle is not a term that is typically used in →LCA studies. Cradle-to-Grave | Describes the system boundaries of a full →Life Cycle Assessment from manufacture (cradle) to use phase and disposal phase (grave).
e.g. sugar cane) or partly biobased PET; the monoethylene glykol made from bio-ethanol (from e.g. sugar cane). Developments to make terephthalic acid from renewable resources are under way. Other examples are polyamides (partly biobased e.g. PA 4.10 or PA 6.10 or fully biobased like PA 5.10 or PA10.10) EN 13432 | European standard for the assessment of the → compostability of plastic packaging products Energy recovery | recovery and exploitation of the energy potential in (plastic) waste for the production of electricity or heat in waste incineration pants (waste-to-energy) Environmental claim | A statement, symbol or graphic that indicates one or more environmental aspect(s) of a product, a component, packaging or a service. [16] Enzymes | proteins that catalyze chemical reactions Enzyme-mediated plastics | are no →bioplastics. Instead, a conventional non-biodegradable plastic (e.g. fossil-based PE) is enriched with small amounts of an organic additive. Microorganisms are supposed to consume these additives and the degradation process should then expand to the non-biodegradable PE and thus make the material degrade. After some time the plastic is supposed to visually disappear and to be completely converted to carbon dioxide and water. This is a theoretical concept which has not been backed up by any verifiable proof so far. Producers promote enzyme-mediated plastics as a solution to littering. As no proof for the degradation process has been provided, environmental beneficial effects are highly questionable. Ethylene | colour- and odourless gas, made e.g. from, Naphtha (petroleum) by cracking or from bio-ethanol by dehydration, monomer of the polymer polyethylene (PE) European Bioplastics e.V. | The industry association representing the interests of Europe’s thriving bioplastics’ industry. Founded in Germany in 1993 as IBAW, European Bioplastics today represents the interests of about 50 member companies throughout the European Union and worldwide. With members from the agricultural feedstock, chemical and plastics industries, as well as industrial users and recycling companies, European Bioplastics serves as both a contact platform and catalyst for advancing the aims of the growing bioplastics industry. Extrusion | process used to create plastic profiles (or sheet) of a fixed cross-section consisting of mixing, melting, homogenising and shaping of the plastic.
Cellulose acetate CA | → Cellulose ester
Crystalline | Plastic with regularly arranged molecules in a lattice structure
CEN | Comité Européen de Normalisation (European organisation for standardization)
Density | Quotient from mass and volume of a material, also referred to as specific weight
Certification | is a process in which materials/products undergo a string of (laboratory) tests in order to verify that the fulfil certain requirements. Sound certification systems should be based on (ideally harmonised) European standards or technical specifications (e.g. by →CEN, USDA, ASTM, etc.) and be performed by independent third party laboratories. Successful certification guarantees a high product safety - also on this basis interconnected labels can be awarded that help the consumer to make an informed decision.
DIN | Deutsches Institut für Normung (German organisation for standardization)
FDCA | 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid, an intermediate chemical produced from 5-HMF. The dicarboxylic acid can be used to make → PEF = polyethylene furanoate, a polyester that could be a 100% biobased alternative to PET.
DIN-CERTCO | independant certifying organisation for the assessment on the conformity of bioplastics
Fermentation | Biochemical reactions controlled by → microorganisms or → enyzmes (e.g. the transformation of sugar into lactic acid).
Dispersing | fine distribution of non-miscible liquids into a homogeneous, stable mixture
FSC | Forest Stewardship Council. FSC is an independent, non-governmental, not-forprofit organization established to promote the responsible and sustainable management of the world’s forests.
Drop-In bioplastics | chemically indentical to conventional petroleum based plastics, but made from renewable resources. Examples are bio-PE made from bio-ethanol (from
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Basics Gelatine | Translucent brittle solid substance, colorless or slightly yellow, nearly tasteless and odorless, extracted from the collagen inside animals‘ connective tissue. Genetically modified organism (GMO) | Organisms, such as plants and animals, whose genetic material (DNA) has been altered are called genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Food and feed which contain or consist of such GMOs, or are produced from GMOs, are called genetically modified (GM) food or feed [1]. If GM crops are used in bioplastics production, the multiple-stage processing and the high heat used to create the polymer removes all traces of genetic material. This means that the final bioplastics product contains no genetic traces. The resulting bioplastics is therefore well suited to use in food packaging as it contains no genetically modified material and cannot interact with the contents. Global Warming | Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation [8]. Global warming is said to be accelerated by → green house gases. Glucose | Monosaccharide (or simple sugar). G. is the most important carbohydrate (sugar) in biology. G. is formed by photosynthesis or hydrolyse of many carbohydrates e. g. starch. Greenhouse gas GHG | Gaseous constituent of the atmosphere, both natural and anthropogenic, that absorbs and emits radiation at specific wavelengths within the spectrum of infrared radiation emitted by the earth’s surface, the atmosphere, and clouds [1, 9] Greenwashing | The act of misleading consumers regarding the environmental practices of a company, or the environmental benefits of a product or service [1, 10] Granulate, granules | small plastic particles (3-4 millimetres), a form in which plastic is sold and fed into machines, easy to handle and dose. HMF (5-HMF) | 5-hydroxymethylfurfural is an organic compound derived from sugar dehydration. It is a platform chemical, a building block for 20 performance polymers and over 175 different chemical substances. The molecule consists of a furan ring which contains both aldehyde and alcohol functional groups. 5-HMF has applications in many different industries such as bioplastics, packaging, pharmaceuticals, adhesives and chemicals. One of the most promising routes is 2,5 furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA), produced as an intermediate when 5-HMF is oxidised. FDCA is used to produce PEF, which can substitute terephthalic acid in polyester, especially polyethylene terephthalate (PET). [bM 03/14] Home composting |
→composting [bM 06/08]
Humus | In agriculture, humus is often used simply to mean mature →compost, or natural compost extracted from a forest or other spontaneous source for use to amend soil. Hydrophilic | Property: water-friendly, soluble in water or other polar solvents (e.g. used in conjunction with a plastic which is not water resistant and weather proof or that absorbs water such as Polyamide (PA).
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Hydrophobic | Property: water-resistant, not soluble in water (e.g. a plastic which is water resistant and weather proof, or that does not absorb any water such as Polyethylene (PE) or Polypropylene (PP). Industrial composting | is an established process with commonly agreed upon requirements (e.g. temperature, timeframe) for transforming biodegradable waste into stable, sanitised products to be used in agriculture. The criteria for industrial compostability of packaging have been defined in the EN 13432. Materials and products complying with this standard can be certified and subsequently labelled accordingly [1,7] [bM 06/08, 02/09] ISO | International Organization for Standardization JBPA | Japan Bioplastics Association Land use | The surface required to grow sufficient feedstock (land use) for today’s bioplastic production is less than 0.01 percent of the global agricultural area of 5 billion hectares. It is not yet foreseeable to what extent an increased use of food residues, non-food crops or cellulosic biomass (see also →1st/2nd/3rd generation feedstock) in bioplastics production might lead to an even further reduced land use in the future [bM 04/09, 01/14] LCA | is the compilation and evaluation of the input, output and the potential environmental impact of a product system throughout its life cycle [17]. It is sometimes also referred to as life cycle analysis, ecobalance or cradle-tograve analysis. [bM 01/09] Littering | is the (illegal) act of leaving waste such as cigarette butts, paper, tins, bottles, cups, plates, cutlery or bags lying in an open or public place. Marine litter | Following the European Commission’s definition, “marine litter consists of items that have been deliberately discarded, unintentionally lost, or transported by winds and rivers, into the sea and on beaches. It mainly consists of plastics, wood, metals, glass, rubber, clothing and paper”. Marine debris originates from a variety of sources. Shipping and fishing activities are the predominant sea-based, ineffectively managed landfills as well as public littering the main land-based sources. Marine litter can pose a threat to living organisms, especially due to ingestion or entanglement. Currently, there is no international standard available, which appropriately describes the biodegradation of plastics in the marine environment. However, a number of standardisation projects are in progress at ISO and ASTM level. Furthermore, the European project OPEN BIO addresses the marine biodegradation of biobased products. Mass balance | describes the relationship between input and output of a specific substance within a system in which the output from the system cannot exceed the input into the system. First attempts were made by plastic raw material producers to claim their products renewable (plastics) based on a certain input of biomass in a huge and complex chemical plant, then mathematically allocating this biomass input to the produced plastic. These approaches are at least controversially disputed [bM 04/14, 05/14, 01/15]
Microorganism | Living organisms of microscopic size, such as bacteria, funghi or yeast. Molecule | group of at least two atoms held together by covalent chemical bonds. Monomer | molecules that are linked by polymerization to form chains of molecules and then plastics Mulch film | Foil to cover bottom of farmland Organic recycling | means the treatment of separately collected organic waste by anaerobic digestion and/or composting. Oxo-degradable / Oxo-fragmentable | materials and products that do not biodegrade! The underlying technology of oxo-degradability or oxo-fragmentation is based on special additives, which, if incorporated into standard resins, are purported to accelerate the fragmentation of products made thereof. Oxodegradable or oxo-fragmentable materials do not meet accepted industry standards on compostability such as EN 13432. [bM 01/09, 05/09] PBAT | Polybutylene adipate terephthalate, is an aliphatic-aromatic copolyester that has the properties of conventional polyethylene but is fully biodegradable under industrial composting. PBAT is made from fossil petroleum with first attempts being made to produce it partly from renewable resources [bM 06/09] PBS | Polybutylene succinate, a 100% biodegradable polymer, made from (e.g. bio-BDO) and succinic acid, which can also be produced biobased [bM 03/12]. PC | Polycarbonate, thermoplastic polyester, petroleum based and not degradable, used for e.g. baby bottles or CDs. Criticized for its BPA (→ Bisphenol-A) content. PCL | Polycaprolactone, a synthetic (fossil based), biodegradable bioplastic, e.g. used as a blend component. PE | Polyethylene, thermoplastic polymerised from ethylene. Can be made from renewable resources (sugar cane via bio-ethanol) [bM 05/10] PEF | polyethylene furanoate, a polyester made from monoethylene glycol (MEG) and →FDCA (2,5-furandicarboxylic acid , an intermediate chemical produced from 5-HMF). It can be a 100% biobased alternative for PET. PEF also has improved product characteristics, such as better structural strength and improved barrier behaviour, which will allow for the use of PEF bottles in additional applications. [bM 03/11, 04/12] PET | Polyethylenterephthalate, transparent polyester used for bottles and film. The polyester is made from monoethylene glycol (MEG), that can be renewably sourced from bio-ethanol (sugar cane) and (until now fossil) terephthalic acid [bM 04/14] PGA | Polyglycolic acid or Polyglycolide is a biodegradable, thermoplastic polymer and the simplest linear, aliphatic polyester. Besides ist use in the biomedical field, PGA has been introduced as a barrier resin [bM 03/09] PHA | Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) or the polyhydroxy fatty acids, are a family of biodegradable polyesters. As in many mammals, including humans, that hold energy reserves in the form of body fat there are also bacteria that hold intracellular reserves in for of of polyhydroxy alkanoates. Here the microorganisms store a particularly high level of
Basics energy reserves (up to 80% of their own body weight) for when their sources of nutrition become scarce. By farming this type of bacteria, and feeding them on sugar or starch (mostly from maize), or at times on plant oils or other nutrients rich in carbonates, it is possible to obtain PHA‘s on an industrial scale [11]. The most common types of PHA are PHB (Polyhydroxybutyrate, PHBV and PHBH. Depending on the bacteria and their food, PHAs with different mechanical properties, from rubbery soft trough stiff and hard as ABS, can be produced. Some PHSs are even biodegradable in soil or in a marine environment PLA | Polylactide or Polylactic Acid (PLA), a biodegradable, thermoplastic, linear aliphatic polyester based on lactic acid, a natural acid, is mainly produced by fermentation of sugar or starch with the help of micro-organisms. Lactic acid comes in two isomer forms, i.e. as laevorotatory D(-)lactic acid and as dextrorotary L(+)lactic acid. Modified PLA types can be produced by the use of the right additives or by certain combinations of L- and D- lactides (stereocomplexing), which then have the required rigidity for use at higher temperatures [13] [bM 01/09, 01/12] Plastics | Materials with large molecular chains of natural or fossil raw materials, produced by chemical or biochemical reactions. PPC | Polypropylene Carbonate, a bioplastic made by copolymerizing CO2 with propylene oxide (PO) [bM 04/12] PTT | Polytrimethylterephthalate (PTT), partially biobased polyester, is similarly to PET produced using terephthalic acid or dimethyl terephthalate and a diol. In this case it is a biobased 1,3 propanediol, also known as bioPDO [bM 01/13] Renewable Resources | agricultural raw materials, which are not used as food or feed, but as raw material for industrial products or to generate energy. The use of renewable resources by industry saves fossil resources and reduces the amount of → greenhouse gas emissions. Biobased plastics are predominantly made of annual crops such as corn, cereals and sugar beets or perennial cultures such as cassava and sugar cane. Resource efficiency | Use of limited natural resources in a sustainable way while minimising impacts on the environment. A resource efficient economy creates more output or value with lesser input. Seedling Logo | The compostability label or logo Seedling is connected to the standard EN 13432/EN 14995 and a certification process managed by the independent institutions →DIN CERTCO and → Vinçotte. Bioplastics products carrying the Seedling fulfil the criteria laid down in the EN 13432 regarding industrial compostability. [bM 01/06, 02/10] Saccharins or carbohydrates | Saccharins or carbohydrates are name for the sugar-family. Saccharins are monomer or polymer sugar units. For example, there are known mono-, di- and polysaccharose. → glucose is a monosaccarin. They are important for the diet and produced biology in plants. Semi-finished products | plastic in form of sheet, film, rods or the like to be further processed into finshed products
Sorbitol | Sugar alcohol, obtained by reduction of glucose changing the aldehyde group to an additional hydroxyl group. S. is used as a plasticiser for bioplastics based on starch.
implies a commitment to continuous improvement that should result in a further reduction of the environmental footprint of today’s products, processes and raw materials used.
Starch | Natural polymer (carbohydrate) consisting of → amylose and → amylopectin, gained from maize, potatoes, wheat, tapioca etc. When glucose is connected to polymerchains in definite way the result (product) is called starch. Each molecule is based on 300 -12000-glucose units. Depending on the connection, there are two types → amylose and → amylopectin known. [bM 05/09]
Thermoplastics | Plastics which soften or melt when heated and solidify when cooled (solid at room temperature).
Starch derivatives | Starch derivatives are based on the chemical structure of → starch. The chemical structure can be changed by introducing new functional groups without changing the → starch polymer. The product has different chemical qualities. Mostly the hydrophilic character is not the same. Starch-ester | One characteristic of every starch-chain is a free hydroxyl group. When every hydroxyl group is connected with an acid one product is starch-ester with different chemical properties. Starch propionate and starch butyrate | Starch propionate and starch butyrate can be synthesised by treating the → starch with propane or butanic acid. The product structure is still based on → starch. Every based → glucose fragment is connected with a propionate or butyrate ester group. The product is more hydrophobic than → starch. Sustainable | An attempt to provide the best outcomes for the human and natural environments both now and into the indefinite future. One famous definition of sustainability is the one created by the Brundtland Commission, led by the former Norwegian Prime Minister G. H. Brundtland. The Brundtland Commission defined sustainable development as development that ‘meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’ Sustainability relates to the continuity of economic, social, institutional and environmental aspects of human society, as well as the nonhuman environment). Sustainable sourcing | of renewable feedstock for biobased plastics is a prerequisite for more sustainable products. Impacts such as the deforestation of protected habitats or social and environmental damage arising from poor agricultural practices must be avoided. Corresponding certification schemes, such as ISCC PLUS, WLC or BonSucro, are an appropriate tool to ensure the sustainable sourcing of biomass for all applications around the globe. Sustainability | as defined by European Bioplastics, has three dimensions: economic, social and environmental. This has been known as “the triple bottom line of sustainability”. This means that sustainable development involves the simultaneous pursuit of economic prosperity, environmental protection and social equity. In other words, businesses have to expand their responsibility to include these environmental and social dimensions. Sustainability is about making products useful to markets and, at the same time, having societal benefits and lower environmental impact than the alternatives currently available. It also
Thermoplastic Starch | (TPS) → starch that was modified (cooked, complexed) to make it a plastic resin Thermoset | Plastics (resins) which do not soften or melt when heated. Examples are epoxy resins or unsaturated polyester resins. Vinçotte | independant certifying organisation for the assessment on the conformity of bioplastics WPC | Wood Plastic Composite. Composite materials made of wood fiber/flour and plastics (mostly polypropylene). Yard Waste | Grass clippings, leaves, trimmings, garden residue. References: [1] Environmental Communication Guide, European Bioplastics, Berlin, Germany, 2012 [2] ISO 14067. Carbon footprint of products Requirements and guidelines for quantification and communication [3] CEN TR 15932, Plastics - Recommendation for terminology and characterisation of biopolymers and bioplastics, 2010 [4] CEN/TS 16137, Plastics - Determination of bio-based carbon content, 2011 [5] ASTM D6866, Standard Test Methods for Determining the Biobased Content of Solid, Liquid, and Gaseous Samples Using Radiocarbon Analysis [6] SPI: Understanding Biobased Carbon Content, 2012 [7] EN 13432, Requirements for packaging recoverable through composting and biodegradation. Test scheme and evaluation criteria for the final acceptance of packaging, 2000 [8] Wikipedia [9] ISO 14064 Greenhouse gases -- Part 1: Specification with guidance..., 2006 [10] Terrachoice, 2010, www.terrachoice.com [11] Thielen, M.: Bioplastics: Basics. Applications. Markets, Polymedia Publisher, 2012 [12] Lörcks, J.: Biokunststoffe, Broschüre der FNR, 2005 [13] de Vos, S.: Improving heat-resistance of PLA using poly(D-lactide), bioplastics MAGAZINE, Vol. 3, Issue 02/2008 [14] de Wilde, B.: Anaerobic Digestion, bioplastics MAGAZINE, Vol 4., Issue 06/2009 [15] ISO 14067 onb Corbon Footprint of Products [16] ISO 14021 on Self-declared Environmental claims [17] ISO 14044 on Life Cycle Assessment
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
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31.03.2015 - 02.04.2015 - Orlando FL, USA ISSN 1862
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4th Biobased World Asia 21.04.2015 - 23.04.2015 - Bangkok, Thailand http://bit.ly/1urX69P
BioMAT2015 21.04.2015 - 22.04.2015 - Weimar, Germany www.dgm.de/dgm/biomat
Biochemicals & Bioplastics 2015 06.05.2015 - 07.05.2015 - Denver, Colorado, USA Vol. 9
bio!PAC: Conference on biobased packaging Highligh
organized by bioplastics MAGAZINE 12.05.2015 - 13.05.2015 - Amsterdam,NL
3D Printi ng | 16 Films, Fle xibles, Ba gs | 10 Consume r & Office Electron ics
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Chinaplas 2015 20.05.2015 - 23.05.2015 - Guangzhou, China ahweb.adsale.com.hk/t.aspx?unt=1982-CPS15_bioplastics
BiobasedWorld at Achema 2015 15.06.2015 - 19.06.2015 - Frankfurt, Germany
Biopolymers and Bioplastics 10.08.2015 - 12.08.2015 - San Francisco (CA), USA http://biopolymers-bioplastics.conferenceseries.net/
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bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
bio!CAR: Biobased materials in Automotive Appl. organized by bioplastics MAGAZINE September 2015 - Stuttgart, Germany www.bio-car.info
10th European Bioplastics Conference organized by bioplastics MAGAZINE 05.11.2015 - 06.11.2015 - Berlin, Germany www.european-bioplastics.org
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Suppliers Guide 1. Raw Materials
AGRANA Starch Thermoplastics Conrathstrasse 7 A-3950 Gmuend, Austria Tel: +43 676 8926 19374 lukas.raschbauer@agrana.com www.agrana.com
Showa Denko Europe GmbH Konrad-Zuse-Platz 4 81829 Munich, Germany Tel.: +49 89 93996226 www.showa-denko.com support@sde.de
Simply contact: Tel.: +49 2161 6884467 suppguide@bioplasticsmagazine.com Stay permanently listed in the Suppliers Guide with your company logo and contact information. For only 6,– EUR per mm, per issue you can be present among top suppliers in the field of bioplastics.
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Polymedia Publisher GmbH Dammer Str. 112 41066 Mönchengladbach Germany Tel. +49 2161 664864 Fax +49 2161 631045 info@bioplasticsmagazine.com www.bioplasticsmagazine.com
Sample Charge:
Tel: +86 351-8689356 Fax: +86 351-8689718 www.ecoworld.jinhuigroup.com sales@jinhuigroup.com
6 issues x 234,00 EUR = 1,404.00 €
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Corbion Purac Arkelsedijk 46, P.O. Box 21 4200 AA Gorinchem The Netherlands Tel.: +31 (0)183 695 695 Fax: +31 (0)183 695 604 www.corbion.com/bioplastics bioplastics@corbion.com
WinGram Industry CO., LTD Great River(Qin Xin) Plastic Manufacturer CO., LTD Mobile (China): +86-13113833156 Mobile (Hong Kong): +852-63078857 Fax: +852-3184 8934 Email: Benson@wingram.hk 1.3 PLA
Shenzhen Esun Ind. Co;Ltd www.brightcn.net www.esun.en.alibaba.com bright@brightcn.net Tel: +86-755-2603 1978 1.4 starch-based bioplastics
Sample Charge for one year:
Jincheng, Lin‘an, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 311300, P.R. China China contact: Grace Jin mobile: 0086 135 7578 9843 Grace@xinfupharm.com Europe contact(Belgium): Susan Zhang mobile: 0032 478 991619 zxh0612@hotmail.com www.xinfupharm.com PolyOne Avenue Melville Wilson, 2 Zoning de la Fagne 1.1 bio based monomers 5330 Assesse Belgium Tel.: + 32 83 660 211 www.polyone.com
1.2 compounds DuPont de Nemours International S.A. 2 chemin du Pavillon 1218 - Le Grand Saconnex Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 171 51 11 Fax: +41 22 580 22 45 API S.p.A. plastics@dupont.com Via Dante Alighieri, 27 www.renewable.dupont.com 36065 Mussolente (VI), Italy www.plastics.dupont.com Telephone +39 0424 579711 www.apiplastic.com www.apinatbio.com
39mm x 6,00 € = 234,00 € per entry/per issue
The entry in our Suppliers Guide is bookable for one year (6 issues) and extends automatically if it’s not canceled three month before expiry.
GRAFE-Group Waldecker Straße 21, 99444 Blankenhain, Germany Tel. +49 36459 45 0 www.grafe.com
Kingfa Sci. & Tech. Co., Ltd. No.33 Kefeng Rd, Sc. City, Guangzhou Hi-Tech Ind. Development Zone, Guangdong, P.R. China. 510663 Tel: +86 (0)20 6622 1696 info@ecopond.com.cn www.ecopond.com.cn FLEX-162 Biodeg. Blown Film Resin! Bio-873 4-Star Inj. Bio-Based Resin!
Evonik Industries AG Paul Baumann Straße 1 45772 Marl, Germany Tel +49 2365 49-4717 evonik-hp@evonik.com www.vestamid-terra.com www.evonik.com FKuR Kunststoff GmbH Siemensring 79 D - 47 877 Willich Tel. +49 2154 9251-0 Tel.: +49 2154 9251-51 sales@fkur.com www.fkur.com
Limagrain Céréales Ingrédients ZAC „Les Portes de Riom“ - BP 173 63204 Riom Cedex - France Tel. +33 (0)4 73 67 17 00 Fax +33 (0)4 73 67 17 10 www.biolice.com
BIOTEC Biologische Naturverpackungen Werner-Heisenberg-Strasse 32 46446 Emmerich/Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 2822 – 92510 info@biotec.de www.biotec.de
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
Suppliers Guide 4. Bioplastics products
ROQUETTE 62 136 LESTREM, FRANCE 00 33 (0) 3 21 63 36 00 www.gaialene.com www.roquette.com
Grabio Greentech Corporation Tel: +886-3-598-6496 No. 91, Guangfu N. Rd., Hsinchu Industrial Park,Hukou Township, Hsinchu County 30351, Taiwan sales@grabio.com.tw www.grabio.com.tw
Wuhan Huali Environmental Technology Co.,Ltd. No.8, North Huashiyuan Road, Donghu New Tech Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei, China Tel: +86-27-87926666 Fax: + 86-27-87925999 rjh@psm.com.cn, www.psm.com.cn 1.5 PHA
PolyOne Avenue Melville Wilson, 2 Zoning de la Fagne 5330 Assesse Belgium Tel.: + 32 83 660 211 www.polyone.com
Minima Technology Co., Ltd. Esmy Huang, Marketing Manager No.33. Yichang E. Rd., Taipin City, Taichung County 2. Additives/Secondary raw materials 411, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel. +886(4)2277 6888 Fax +883(4)2277 6989 Mobil +886(0)982-829988 esmy@minima-tech.com Skype esmy325 www.minima-tech.com GRAFE-Group Waldecker Straße 21, 99444 Blankenhain, Germany Tel. +49 36459 45 0 www.grafe.com
Rhein Chemie Rheinau GmbH Duesseldorfer Strasse 23-27 68219 Mannheim, Germany Phone: +49 (0)621-8907-233 Fax: +49 (0)621-8907-8233 bioadimide.eu@rheinchemie.com www.bioadimide.com 3. Semi finished products 3.1 films
TianAn Biopolymer No. 68 Dagang 6th Rd, Beilun, Ningbo, China, 315800 Tel. +86-57 48 68 62 50 2 Fax +86-57 48 68 77 98 0 enquiry@tianan-enmat.com www.tianan-enmat.com
Huhtamaki Films Sonja Haug Zweibrückenstraße 15-25 91301 Forchheim Tel. +49-9191 81203 Fax +49-9191 811203 www.huhtamaki-films.com
Metabolix, Inc. Bio-based and biodegradable resins and performance additives 21 Erie Street Cambridge, MA 02139, USA US +1-617-583-1700 DE +49 (0) 221 / 88 88 94 00 www.metabolix.com info@metabolix.com
www.earthfirstpla.com www.sidaplax.com www.plasticsuppliers.com Sidaplax UK : +44 (1) 604 76 66 99 Sidaplax Belgium: +32 9 210 80 10 Plastic Suppliers: +1 866 378 4178
President Packaging Ind., Corp. PLA Paper Hot Cup manufacture In Taiwan, www.ppi.com.tw Tel.: +886-6-570-4066 ext.5531 Fax: +886-6-570-4077 sales@ppi.com.tw
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
MODA: Biodegradability Analyzer SAIDA FDS INC. 143-10 Isshiki, Yaizu, Shizuoka,Japan Tel:+81-54-624-6260 Info2@moda.vg www.saidagroup.jp
Uhde Inventa-Fischer GmbH Holzhauser Strasse 157–159 D-13509 Berlin Tel. +49 30 43 567 5 Fax +49 30 43 567 699 sales.de@uhde-inventa-fischer.com Uhde Inventa-Fischer AG Via Innovativa 31 CH-7013 Domat/Ems Tel. +41 81 632 63 11 Fax +41 81 632 74 03 sales.ch@uhde-inventa-fischer.com www.uhde-inventa-fischer.com 9. Services
6. Equipment 6.1 Machinery & Molds
Taghleef Industries SpA, Italy Via E. Fermi, 46 33058 San Giorgio di Nogaro (UD) Contact Emanuela Bardi Tel. +39 0431 627264 Mobile +39 342 6565309 emanuela.bardi@ti-films.com www.ti-films.com
6.2 Laboratory Equipment
Natur-Tec® - Northern Technologies 7. Plant engineering 4201 Woodland Road Circle Pines, MN 55014 USA Tel. +1 763.404.8700 Fax +1 763.225.6645 info@natur-tec.com EREMA Engineering Recycling www.natur-tec.com Maschinen und Anlagen GmbH Unterfeldstrasse 3 4052 Ansfelden, AUSTRIA Phone: +43 (0) 732 / 3190-0 Fax: +43 (0) 732 / 3190-23 erema@erema.at www.erema.at NOVAMONT S.p.A. Via Fauser , 8 28100 Novara - ITALIA Fax +39.0321.699.601 Tel. +39.0321.699.611 www.novamont.com
1.6 masterbatches
GRAFE-Group Waldecker Straße 21, 99444 Blankenhain, Germany Tel. +49 36459 45 0 www.grafe.com
ProTec Polymer Processing GmbH Stubenwald-Allee 9 64625 Bensheim, Deutschland Tel. +49 6251 77061 0 Fax +49 6251 77061 500 info@sp-protec.com www.sp-protec.com
Molds, Change Parts and Turnkey Solutions for the PET/Bioplastic Container Industry 284 Pinebush Road Cambridge Ontario Canada N1T 1Z6 Tel. +1 519 624 9720 Fax +1 519 624 9721 info@hallink.com www.hallink.com
Osterfelder Str. 3 46047 Oberhausen Tel.: +49 (0)208 8598 1227 Fax: +49 (0)208 8598 1424 thomas.wodke@umsicht.fhg.de www.umsicht.fraunhofer.de
Institut für Kunststofftechnik Universität Stuttgart Böblinger Straße 70 70199 Stuttgart Tel +49 711/685-62814 Linda.Goebel@ikt.uni-stuttgart.de www.ikt.uni-stuttgart.de
Suppliers Guide 10.2 Universities narocon Dr. Harald Kaeb Tel.: +49 30-28096930 kaeb@narocon.de www.narocon.de
UL International TTC GmbH Rheinuferstrasse 7-9, Geb. R33 47829 Krefeld-Uerdingen, Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 2151 5370-370 Fax: +49 (0) 2151 5370-371 ttc@ul.com www.ulttc.com 10. Institutions
nova-Institut GmbH Chemiepark Knapsack Industriestrasse 300 50354 Huerth, Germany Tel.: +49(0)2233-48-14 40 E-Mail: contact@nova-institut.de www.biobased.eu
10.1 Associations
BPI - The Biodegradable Products Institute 331 West 57th Street, Suite 415 New York, NY 10019, USA Tel. +1-888-274-5646 info@bpiworld.org
Bioplastics Consulting Tel. +49 2161 664864 info@polymediaconsult.com
IfBB – Institute for Bioplastics and Biocomposites University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hanover Faculty II – Mechanical and Bioprocess Engineering Heisterbergallee 12 30453 Hannover, Germany Tel.: +49 5 11 / 92 96 - 22 69 Fax: +49 5 11 / 92 96 - 99 - 22 69 lisa.mundzeck@fh-hannover.de http://www.ifbb-hannover.de/
10.3 Other Institutions
Biobased Packaging Innovations Caroli Buitenhuis IJburglaan 836 1087 EM Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel.: +31 6-24216733 http://www.biobasedpackaging.nl
Michigan State University Department of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science Professor Ramani Narayan East Lansing MI 48824, USA Tel. +1 517 719 7163 narayan@msu.edu
European Bioplastics e.V. Marienstr. 19/20 10117 Berlin, Germany Tel. +49 30 284 82 350 Fax +49 30 284 84 359 info@european-bioplastics.org www.european-bioplastics.org
International Conference on Bio-based Materials
8. B
f-Ko stof
13–15 April 2015, Maternushaus, Cologne, Germany HIGHLIGHTS FROM EUROPE AND ASIA: Bio-based Plastics and Composites – Biorefineries and Industrial Biotechnology 1st Day (13 April 2015): Policy and Industry • Policy & markets • Commercial biorefineries • Innovation Award (6 presentations)
2nd Day (14 April 2015): Industry • Biopolymers & building blocks • Bio-based 3D printing • Bioplastics and environment
3rd Day (15 April 2015): Start-Ups and Funding • Start-ups from German federal ministries & CLIB2021
for Ecology and Innovation
Venue & Accomodation
Book now
Maternushaus Cologne, Germany Kardinal-Frings-Str. 1–3, 50668 Cologne +49 (0)221 163 10 | info@maternushaus.de
10% reduction – enter code bpm10 during your booking
Dominik Vogt Exhibition, Partners, Media partners, Sponsors +49 (0)2233 4814-49 dominik.vogt@nova-institut.de
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45 45
Companies in this issue Company
21 Century Polymers
Fraunhofer UMSICHT
Getac Technology Corp.
Advert 44
Plastic Suppliers
Advert 44
Plastics Color Corporation
25 25
Adsale (Chinaplas)
Grabio Greentech
Agrana Starch Thermoplastics
PolyOne Corporation
Al Ahram Plastic Company
Great Eastern Resins Industrial
President Packaging
Albis Plastics Corporation
Green Dot
ProTec Polymer Processing
H.J. Heinz
AMCO Polymers
Archer Daniels Midland
Heritage Plastics Inc.
Arkema Inc
Huhtamaki Films
Asfalt Kennis Centrum
Rhein Chemie
Aspen Research Corporation
Imerys Talc & Mica
Innovia Films
Institut f. Textiltechnik ITA
Institut for bioplastics & biocomp. (IfBB)
Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe IVW Institute for Biopolymers and Biocomposites
Biobent Polymers
Cathay Industrial Biotech
Celanese International
Center for Bioplastics and Biocomp.
Chase Plastic Services
Citadel Plastics
cycleWood Solutions
EREMA 25,30 5
European Bioplastics
Evonik Corporation
Fachagentur Nachw. Rohstoffe FNR
2,8 6
Fraunhofer IAP
Fraunhofer IVV
Editorial Planner Issue
edit/ad/ Deadline
15 Apr 15
Reverte Minerals USA
Rhe Tech
23,25 44 44
RTP Company
36 32
Saco Polymers
Iowa State University
Jamplast, Inc.
Jarden Plastic Salutions
Kureha America
Laurel BioComposite
Mathelin Bay Associates
Mazda Motor Corporation
MHG (Meredian, DaniMer)
44 10
National Science Foundation NSF
Nexeo Solutions
Ningxia Qinglin Shenghua Technology
Pennsylvania Dept. of Community & Economic Development
Phoenix Plastics
Shenzhen Esun Industrial
SK Chemicals
20 27 25
Stratasys - Advanced Materials Center
Taghleef Industries
Teknor Apex Company
Tetra Pak
The Eco-Groupe
The Lubrizol Corporation
25,29 44
Uhde Inventa-Fischer
UL International TTC
United Soybean Board
Univ. Kaiserlautern
Univ.Stuttgart (IKT)
44 19
Wuhan Huali
Zhejiang Hangzhou Xinfu Pharmaceutical Zhongshan Meitu Plastic
43 25
2015 Editorial Focus (1)
Editorial Focus (2)
Fair Specials
02 Mar 15
Thermoforming / Rigid Packaging
Polyurethanes / Elastomers / Rubber
Bioplastics in Packaging (Update)
NPE-Review Chinaplas Preview
01 Jun 15
27 Apr 15
Injection moulding
Biocomposites incl. Thermoset
Chinaplas Review
03 Aug 15
03 Jul 15
Blow Moulding
Bioplastics in Building & Construction
Foaming of Bioplastics
05 Oct 15
04 Sep 15
Fiber / Textile / Nonwoven
Barrier Materials
Land use (update)
07 Dec 15
06 Nov 15
Films / Flexibles / Bags
Consumer & Office Electronics
bioplastics MAGAZINE [01/15] Vol. 10
TianAn Biopolymer
Wageningen (WUR) 45
Showa Denko
Nylon Corporation of America (NYCOA)
SPI Bioplastics Division
Mitsubishi Chemical
Shandong Fuwin New Material
Novamont 2,43
ETH Zürich
Faserinstitut Bremen (FIBRE)
Minima Technology
Erema Plastic Recycling Systems
Michigan State University
43 35
Economische Impuls Zeeland
Limagrain Céréales Ingrédients
Dr. Heinz Gupta Verlag
Plastics from CO2
VESTAMID® Terra High Performance Naturally
Technical biobased polyamides which achieve performance by natural means VESTAMID® Terra DS VESTAMID® Terra HS VESTAMID® Terra DD
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• Outstanding mechanical and physical properties • Same performance as conventional engineering polyamides • Significant lower CO2 emission compared to petroleum-based polymers • A wide variety of compound solutions are available www.vestamid-terra.com
A real sign of sustainable development.
There is such a thing as genuinely sustainable development. Since 1989, Novamont researchers have been working on an ambitious project that combines the chemical industry, agriculture and the environment: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Living Chemistry for Quality of Lifeâ&#x20AC;?. Its objective has been to create products with a low environmental impact. The result of Novamontâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s innovative research is the new bioplastic Mater-BiÂŽ. Mater-BiÂŽ is a family of materials, completely biodegradable and compostable which contain renewable raw materials such as starch and vegetable oil derivates. Mater-BiÂŽ performs like traditional plastics but it saves energy, contributes to reducing the greenhouse effect and at the end of its life cycle, it closes the loop by changing into fertile humus. Everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dream has become a reality.
Living Chemistry for Quality of Life. www.novamont.com