BIOTECH is a Premium Distributor for IDEX Health & Science
Laser Products
+1 760 438 2131 Tubing
Optical Filters
Shutter Products
+1 585 244 7220
For For your your information, information, our our U.S. U.S. Federal Federal Taxpayer Taxpayer Identification Identification number number is is 01-0736657; 01-0736657; European European Taxpayer Taxpayer Identification Identification number number is is DE DE 146581180. 146581180.
ORDER PROCESSING/ SHIPPING Orders Orders placed placed on on our our website website process process and and ship ship as as specified specified during during the the checkout checkout process. process. Orders Orders that that are are placed placed via via fax/email fax/email will will be be subject subject to to aa $100 $100 minimum minimum order order quantity quantity and and typically typically process process within within one one business business day day and and ship ship within within two two business business days. days. Customers Customers who who have have established established contract contract pricing pricing terms terms must must place place catalog catalog orders orders directly directly with with their their Customer Customer Service Service representative. representative. All All shipments shipments are are FCA FCA unless unless otherwise otherwise noted. noted. For For orders orders not not placed placed via via our our website, website, shipping shipping charges charges will will be be prepaid prepaid and and added added to to the the invoice. invoice. Or, Or, ifif requested, requested, we we will will charge charge your your carrier carrier account account number. number.
TERMS Credit Credit cards cards are are accepted accepted for for orders orders placed placed within within the the United United States. States. Purchase Purchase orders orders may may also also be be used used by by qualified qualified customers. customers. No No international international credit credit card card payment payment is is possible. possible. No No international international shipments shipments are are possible. possible. For For terms terms and and conditions conditions of of sale sale please please visit visit www.idex-hs.com/ www.idex-hs.com/ legal-notices. legal-notices. Terms Terms and and prices prices are are subject subject to to change change without without notice. notice.
IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 22
RETURN OF MATERIALS Returns Returns must must be be authorized authorized in in advance. advance. Please Please contact contact us us within within 30 30 days days of of purchase purchase for for your your Returns Returns Material Material Authorization Authorization (RMA) (RMA) Number. Number. A A restocking restocking fee fee may may apply. apply. To To request request aa Return Return Materials Materials Authorization Authorization for for IDEX IDEX Health Health & & Science Science products products visit visit www.idex-hs.com/return. www.idex-hs.com/return. Product Product purchased purchased through through aa Distributor Distributor must must be be returned returned directly directly to to that that Distributor. Distributor. Please Please contact contact them them for for Return Return Material Material Authorization Authorization procedures. procedures.
DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORK IDEX IDEX Health Health & & Science Science has has established established relationships relationships with with aa global global network network of of Distributors Distributors that that offer offer outstanding outstanding product product support support and and assistance. assistance. In In order order to to meet meet our our customer’s customer’s needs, needs, and and the the demands demands of of being being aa global global supplier, supplier, we we have have come come to to rely rely on on our our authorized authorized Distributors Distributors to to provide provide value-added value-added service service and and support support of of our our products. products. While While we we are are happy happy to to take take your your order order directly, directly, we we encourage encourage you you to to contact contact your your local local IDEX IDEX Health Health & & Science Science Distributor. Distributor.
HOW TO FIND A LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR FLUIDICS PRODUCTS For For aa complete complete distributor distributor listing listing please please visit visit www.idex-hs.com/ www.idex-hs.com/ distributors distributors or or email: email: US: US: IHSOrders@idexcorp.com IHSOrders@idexcorp.com Europe: Europe: CustomerService.hsEurope@ CustomerService.hsEurope@ idexcorp.com idexcorp.com Asia: Asia: CustomerService.hsAsia@ CustomerService.hsAsia@ idexcorp.com idexcorp.com Our Our customer customer service service team team will will help help you you contact contact aa distributor distributor in in your your area. area.
HOW TO FIND A LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR SEMROCK PRODUCTS For For aa complete complete distributor distributor listing listing please please visit visit www.semrock.com/ www.semrock.com/ international-distributors.aspx international-distributors.aspx
The The products products in in this this catalog catalog are are intended intended for for use use with with analytical, analytical, biotechnology biotechnology and and diagnostic diagnostic equipment equipment and and accessories. accessories. THE THE MANUFACTURERS MANUFACTURERS OF OF THE THE PRODUCTS PRODUCTS IN IN THIS THIS CATALOG CATALOG SHALL SHALL HAVE HAVE NO NO LIABILITY LIABILITY WHATSOEVER WHATSOEVER DUE DUE TO TO ANY ANY MISUSE MISUSE OF OF THEIR THEIR PRODUCTS. PRODUCTS. Of Of course, course, the the safe safe use use of of our our products products depends depends on on our our customers, customers, since since itit isis you you who who select select and and control control the the protective protective gear gear and and safety safety procedures procedures used, used, as as well well as as the the pressures, pressures, temperatures, temperatures, solvents, solvents, samples, samples, ventilation, ventilation, and and other other variables. variables. Product Product and and material material performance performance ratings ratings are are provided provided as as guides guides only. only. Individual Individual field field tests tests should should be be performed performed by by customers customers to to determine determine safe safe operating operating parameters parameters given given your your particular particular procedures procedures and and use. use. IDEX IDEX Health Health & & Science Science facilities facilities are are certified certified ISO ISO 9001. 9001.
www.idex-hs.com www.idex-hs.com
12/14/2016 12/2/2016 12/2/2016 2:03:53 3:49:52 3:49:52 PM PM
Fluidics Products idex-hs.com
Laser Products +1 760 438 2131
Optical Filters
Shutter Products
+1 585 244 7220
For your information, our U.S. Federal Taxpayer Identification number is 01-0736657; European Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.
ORDER PROCESSING/ SHIPPING Orders placed on our website process and ship as specified during the checkout process. Orders that are placed via fax/email will be subject to a $100 minimum order quantity and typically process within one business day and ship within two business days. Customers who have established contract pricing terms must place catalog orders directly with their Customer Service representative.
RETURN OF MATERIALS Returns must be authorized in advance. Please contact us within 30 days of purchase for your Returns Material Authorization (RMA) Number. A restocking fee may apply. To request a Return Materials Authorization for IDEX Health & Science products visit www.idex-hs.com/return. Product purchased through a Distributor must be returned directly to that Distributor. Please contact them for Return Material Authorization procedures.
GLOBAL PREMIUM DISTRIBUTOR IDEX Health & Science has established All shipments are FCA unless relationships with a global network Biotech AB in Sweden/Europe (Headquarter), otherwise noted. For orders not of Distributors that offer outstanding placed via our website, shipping Biotech USA LLC and Bionik Inc support Japanand are Global product assistance. charges will be prepaid and added to In order to meet our customer’s Premium Distributors of IDEX Health & Science. the invoice. Or, if requested, we will needs, and the demands of being charge your carrier account number. a global supplier, we have come to rely on our authorized Distributors to provide value-added service and support of our products. While we are Credit cardsDELIVERY are accepted for orders FAST happy to take your order directly, we placed within the United States. Withorders several weekly from manuencourage you IDEX to contact your local Purchase may also be usedshipments by IDEX Health & Science Distributor. qualified customers. No international facturing sites in US, together with our extensive credit card payment is possible. we support the European & NoSwedish international warehouse, shipments are possible. For terms and conditions Global market with short delivery times as well as of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ fast answers on technical questions and a high level legal-notices. Terms and prices are subject to change without notice.
of flexibility.
IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 2
HOW TO FIND A LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR FLUIDICS PRODUCTS For a complete distributor listing please visit www.idex-hs.com/ distributors or email: US: IHSOrders@idexcorp.com Europe: CustomerService.hsEurope@ idexcorp.com Asia: CustomerService.hsAsia@ idexcorp.com Our customer service team will help you contact a distributor in your area.
LOCAL HOW TODISTRIBUTORS FIND A LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR In almost every European country we work in close SEMROCK PRODUCTS For a complete distributor co-operation with listing local distributors that supports please visit www.semrock.com/ you with excellent daily service, long experience and international-distributors.aspx highest level of technical assistance. The products in this catalog are intended for use with analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE PRODUCTS IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of our products depends on our customers, since it is you who select and control the protective gear and safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and other variables. Product and material performance ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field tests should be performed by customers to determine safe operating parameters given your particular procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities are certified ISO 9001.
FULL IDEX ASSORTMENT With the full IDEX assortment of components for fluidic systems along with our long experience and know-how in the field we can assure you to always do our very best in supplying you with excellent solutions and products. Customized OEM solutions, especially in the field of degassing, is something we offer to instrument manufacturers globally. www.idex-hs.com
12/2/2016 3:49:52 PM
Fluidics Products idex-hs.com
Laser Products
+1 760 438 2131
Optical Filters
Shutter Products
+1 585 244 7220 As Global Premium Distributor for IDEX we have special know-how about their assortment and can provide you with the right mix of products for a successful lab. We have cutting edge knowledge to tailor the
For For your your information, information, our our U.S. U.S. Federal Federal Taxpayer Taxpayer Identification Identification number number is is 01-0736657; 01-0736657; European European Taxpayer Taxpayer Identification Identification number number is is DE DE 146581180. 146581180.
may may apply. apply. To To request request aa Return Return US: US: In this field, we offer of well-known Materials Materials Authorization Authorization for for IDEX IDEX a number IHSOrders@idexcorp.com IHSOrders@idexcorp.com Health Health & & Science Science products products visit visit Europe: Europe: brands, such as Systec, Upchurch, Rheodyne www.idex-hs.com/return. www.idex-hs.com/return. CustomerService.hsEurope@ CustomerService.hsEurope@ Product Product purchased through through aa andpurchased Isolation Technologies - all to give you the idexcorp.com idexcorp.com Distributor Distributor must must be be returned returned Asia: Asia: best solutions. directly directly to to that that Distributor. Distributor. Please Please CustomerService.hsAsia@ CustomerService.hsAsia@ contact contact them them for for Return Return Material Material idexcorp.com idexcorp.com Authorization Authorization procedures. procedures. Our Our customer customer service service team team will will help help you you contact contact aa distributor distributor in in your your area. area. DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL
Orders Orders placed placed on on our our website website process process and and ship ship as as specified specified during during the the checkout checkout process. process. Orders Orders that that are are placed placed via via fax/email fax/email will will be be subject subject to to aa $100 $100 minimum minimum order order quantity quantity and and typically typically process process within within one one business business day day and and ship ship within within two two business business days. days. Customers Customers who who have have established established contract contract pricing pricing terms terms must must place place catalog catalog orders orders directly directly with with their their Customer Customer Service Service representative. representative. All All shipments shipments are are FCA FCA unless unless otherwise otherwise noted. noted. For For orders orders not not placed placed via via our our website, website, shipping shipping charges charges will will be be prepaid prepaid and and added added to to the the invoice. invoice. Or, Or, ifif requested, requested, we we will will charge charge your your carrier carrier account account number. number.
DISTRIBUTOR Returns Returns must must be be authorized authorized in in system for laboratories’ specific needsFOR for fluidic FLUIDICS PRODUCTS advance. advance. Please Please contact contact us us within within For For aa complete complete distributor listing listing handling. You will find a wide range ofdistributor products 30 30 days days of of purchase purchase for for your your please please visit visit www.idex-hs.com/ www.idex-hs.com/ Returns Returns Material Material Authorization Authorization distributors distributors ortype email: email: of fluid. to Number. suit every possible flow rate andor (RMA) (RMA) Number. A A restocking restocking fee fee
IDEX IDEX Health Health & & Science Science has has established established relationships relationships with with aa global global network network of of Distributors Distributors that that offer offer outstanding outstanding product product support support and and assistance. assistance. In In order order to to meet meet our our customer’s customer’s needs, needs, and and the the demands demands of of being being aa global global supplier, supplier, we we have have come come to to rely rely on on our our authorized authorized Distributors Distributors to to provide provide value-added value-added service service and and support support of of our our products. products. While While we we are are happy happy to to take take your your order order directly, directly, we we encourage encourage you you to to contact contact your your local local IDEX IDEX Health Health & & Science Science Distributor. Distributor.
For For aa complete complete distributor distributor listing listingSYSTEMS INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS FOR FLUIDIC
TERMS Credit Credit cards cards are are accepted accepted for for orders orders placed placed within within the the United United States. States. Purchase Purchase orders orders may may also also be be used used by by qualified qualified customers. customers. No No international international credit credit card card payment payment is is possible. possible. No No international international shipments shipments are are possible. possible. For For terms terms and and conditions conditions of of sale sale please please visit visit www.idex-hs.com/ www.idex-hs.com/ legal-notices. legal-notices. Terms Terms and and prices prices are are subject subject to to change change without without notice. notice.
IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 22
please please visit visit www.semrock.com/ www.semrock.com/ international-distributors.aspx international-distributors.aspx
The The products products in in this this catalog catalog are are intended intended for for use use with with analytical, analytical, biotechnology biotechnology and and diagnostic diagnostic equipment equipment and and accessories. accessories. THE THE MANUFACTURERS MANUFACTURERS OF OF THE THE PRODUCTS PRODUCTS IN IN THIS THIS CATALOG CATALOG SHALL SHALL HAVE HAVE NO NO LIABILITY LIABILITY WHATSOEVER WHATSOEVER DUE DUE TO TO ANY ANY MISUSE MISUSE OF OF THEIR THEIR PRODUCTS. PRODUCTS. Of Of course, course, the the safe safe use use of of our our products products depends depends on on our our customers, customers, since since itit isis you you who who select select and and control control the the protective protective gear gear and and safety safety procedures procedures used, used, as as well well as as the the pressures, pressures, temperatures, temperatures, solvents, solvents, samples, samples, ventilation, ventilation, and and other other variables. variables. Product Product and and material material performance performance ratings ratings are are provided provided as as guides guides only. only. Individual Individual field field tests tests should should be be performed performed by by customers customers to to determine determine safe safe operating operating parameters parameters given given your your particular particular procedures procedures and and use. use. IDEX IDEX Health Health & & Science Science facilities facilities are are certified certified ISO ISO 9001. 9001.
www.idex-hs.com www.idex-hs.com
12/2/2016 12/2/2016 3:49:52 3:49:52 PM PM
Fluidics Products idex-hs.com
Laser Products +1 760 438 2131
Optical Filters
Shutter Products
+1 585 244 7220 VALVES
For your information, our U.S. Federal Taxpayer Identification number is 01-0736657; European Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.
RETURN OF MATERIALS Returns must be authorized in advance. Please contact us within 30 days of purchase for your Returns Material Authorization (RMA) Number. A restocking fee may apply. To request a Return Materials Authorization for IDEX Health & Science products visit www.idex-hs.com/return.
Our customer service team will help you contact a distributor in your area.
HIGH PRESSURE IDEX Health & ScienceTUBING has established
FLUOROPOLYMER TUBINGFor a complete distributor listing
All shipments are FCA unless otherwise noted. For orders not placed via our website, shipping charges will be prepaid and added to the invoice. Or, if requested, we will charge your carrier account number.
relationships with a global network of Distributors that offer outstanding product support and assistance. In order to meet our customer’s needs, and the demands of being a global supplier, we have come to rely on our authorized Distributors to provide value-added service and support of our products. While we are happy to take your order directly, we encourage you to contact your local IDEX Health & Science Distributor.
please visit www.semrock.com/ international-distributors.aspx
The products in this catalog are intended for use with analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE PRODUCTS IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of our products depends on our customers, since it is you who select and control the protective gear and safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and other variables. Product and material performance ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field tests should be performed by customers to determine safe operating parameters given your particular procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities are certified ISO 9001.
Credit cards are accepted for orders placed within the United States. Purchase orders may also be used by qualified customers. No international credit card payment is possible. No international shipments are possible. For terms and conditions of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ legal-notices. Terms and prices are subject to change without notice.
IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 13 2
contract pricing terms must place catalog orders directly with their Customer Service representative.
Our high quality, versatile tubing is and styles For a complete distributor listing to meet your system requirements. Ourplease highvisitpressure tubing includes www.idex-hs.com/ distributors or email: biocompatible PEEK selections and well as seamless, pre-cut stainless steel. ORDER PROCESSING/ US: SHIPPING Our flouropolymer tubing is constructedIHSOrders@idexcorp.com with genuine Teflon™ FEP and PFA Orders placed on our website process Europe: of our tubing options are color and ship as specified during the resin, and our unique High Purity PFA. Many CustomerService.hsEurope@ checkout process. Orders that are purchased through a coded fortoeasyProduct detection and some areidexcorp.com translucent making it easy to view placed via fax/email will be subject Distributor must be returned a $100 minimum order quantity and Asia: directly to that Distributor. Please the fluid pathway. Our tubing is manufactured to precise tight tolerances to typically process within one business CustomerService.hsAsia@ contact them for Return Material day and ship withinensure two business days. idexcorp.com dependable product Authorization procedures.consistency. Customers who have established
www.idex-hs.com www.idex-hs.com
12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:30 PMPM
2 14
idex-hs.com TUBING:
Capillary PEEK
Fused Silica
Stainless Steel
Biocompatible, chemically inert to most commonly used solvents, PEEK tubing is flexible, offers a very smooth internal surface, and can be easily cut to desired lengths.
All the benefits of larger sized PEEK tubing, while serving as an excellent alternative to more traditional fused silica and stainless steel capillary tubing. Capillary PEEK tubing is available in a wide range of micro and nanoscale inner diameters.
Because of the tight tolerances of fused silica’s inner diameters, this tubing is used for micro-scale analyses such as micro and nano-HPLC and capillary electrophoresis.
Seamless, pre-cut 316 stainless steel tubing meets the exacting requirements of today’s analyses. Thorough preparation guarantees that the tubing is truly ready-to-use, with flat-burr-free ends and a clean finish.
PEEKsil is mechanically strong and has ideal characteristics for sealing with metal or polymer fittings.
• Wide selection of outside and inside diameters and lengths
• Excellent chemical compatibility
Laser Products Description
+1 760 438 2131
• Great alternative for stainless steel tubing in high pressure applications
• Available in common capillary tubing sizes with tight tolerances on OD and ID
• Many sizes available in color scheme to help identify ID
Optical Filters
Shutter Products
• Tubing sleeves available for capillary tubing connections
OD (outside diameter)
• High quality, polyimide-clad fused silica • Offered in convenient, two meter lengths
• Very tight manufacturing tolerances
• Pre-cut to ensure burr-free, flat connections • Many sizes feature a color-coded band for easy ID identification
+1 585 244 7220
• Comprised of high quality fused silica sheathed by PEEK tubing
• Good replacement for stainless steel, PEEK, or standard fused silica
HIGH PRESSURE TUBING SPECIFICATIONS 1/32" (785 µm), 1/16" (1.55 mm),
For your information, our U.S.1/8" (3.2 mm) Federal Taxpayer Identification number is 01-0736657; European Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.
• Most commonly used OD and ID sizes available
0.0145" (360 µm), 1/32" (785 µm),
0.0145" (360 µm)
RETURN OF MATERIALS 0.020” (0.5 mm)
0.0145" (360 µm), 1/32" (785 µm), 1/16" (1.55 mm)
1/32" (785 µm), 1/16" (1.55 mm),
Returns must be authorized in advance. Please contact us within For a complete distributor listing 30 days of purchase for your please visit www.idex-hs.com/ Returns Material Authorization distributors or email: (RMA) Number. A restocking fee ORDER PROCESSING/ may apply. To request a Return US: (20 µm)–0.006" 0.001" (25 µm)– 0.001" (25 µm)– 0.0008" 0.004" (100 µm)– ID SHIPPING IDEX 0.080" (2.0 mm) Materials Authorization 0.020" (0.50for mm) (150 µm) 0.080" (2.0 mm) (inside diameter) IHSOrders@idexcorp.com Orders placed on our website process Health & Science products visit Europe: -51 to 100 °C -51 to 100 °C -51 to 100 °C -51 to 289 ºC Temp during the and Operating ship as specified www.idex-hs.com/return. CustomerService.hsEurope@ checkout process. Orders that are through 500–10,000 psi Product purchased 2,000–5,000 psi a idexcorp.com N/A* N/A* Pressure Rating will be subject to placed via fax/email (34–690 bar) (138–345 bar) Distributor must be returned a $100 minimum order quantity and Asia: directly to that Distributor. Please ±0.001" (25 µm) ±0.001" (25 µm) typically process within one business CustomerService.hsAsia@ for 1/16" OD tubing; for 1/16" OD tubing; contact them ±0.0005" for Return Material (12.5 µm) ±0.0004" (10 µm) Typical Tolerances day and ship within two business days. ±0.003" (75 µm) ±0.003" (75 µm) idexcorp.com Authorization procedures. for 1/8" OD tubing for 1/8" OD tubing Customers who have established Our customer service team will help contract pricing terms must place Refractive Index Opaque Opaque 1.78 you contact a distributor in Opaque your area. DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL (Clarity) catalog orders directly with their DISTRIBUTION NETWORK Customer Service representative. 0–14 0–10 1–14 pH Range HOW TO FIND A LOCAL IDEX Health &0–14 Science has established All shipments are FCA unless DISTRIBUTOR FOR relationships with a global network Gamma irradiation; Gamma irradiation; Gamma irradiation; SEMROCK PRODUCTS otherwise noted.Techniques For orders not Ethylene oxide; thermal Sterilization of Distributorsethylene that offer outstanding ethylene oxide; thermal ethylene oxide; thermal oxide; thermal placed via our website, shipping For a complete distributor listing product support and assistance. charges will be prepaid and added to Y Y our customer’s Y please visit www.semrock.com/ Y Autoclavable? In order to meet the invoice. Or, if requested, we will international-distributors.aspx needs, and the demands of being charge your carrier account *The manufacturer of this number. tubing or materialadoes notsupplier, publish this global wespecification. have come to rely on our authorized Distributors The products in this catalog are intended for use with TERMS to provide value-added service and analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment support of our products. While we are Credit cards are accepted for orders and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE PRODUCTS IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO happy to take your order directly, we placed within the United States. LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE encourage you to contact your local Purchase orders may also be used by 1 mm 2 mm OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of IDEX Health & Science Distributor. qualified customers. No international OD since it is OD our products depends on our customers, credit card payment is possible. you who select and control the protective gear and safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, No international shipments are temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and possible. For terms and conditions other variables. Product and material performance Please use this table as a reference tool to help quickly locate within of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field thisTerms chapter appropriate OD size tubing for your application.tests should be performed byPage(s) Page(s) customers to determine legal-notices. and the prices are safe operating parameters given 26 your particular 26 subject to change without notice.
0.001" (25 µm)– 0.012" (300 µm) -51 to 100 °C 10,000 psi (690 bar)
±0.0004" (10 µm)
Opaque 0–10 Ethylene oxide; thermal Y
procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities are certified ISO 9001.
IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb 14 IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 2
3 mm OD
Page(s) 26
12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:30 PMPM
idex-hs.com PFA
High Purity PFA
360 µm High Purity PFA
Offers excellent chemical compatibility, plus due to its inner surface smoothness, PFA tubing tends to be more translucent than PTFE tubing.
This polymer tubing is manufactured from a premium grade of PFA — one of the most contaminant-free polymers on the market.
This tubing offers excellent chemical compatibility, transparency, very low contaminant levels and is available in the most commonly-used outside diameter for capillary tubing applications.
FEP tubing is a great alternative to traditional PTFE tubing, desirable for use because it is chemically inert to most solvents, easy to cut, and translucent for easy monitoring of solutions passing through.
ETFE is chemically inert and more suitable for higher pressure applications (when using aqueous mobile phases) than PTFE, FEP, and PFA. Additionally, because ETFE is more rigid than PTFE, FEP, and PFA, this tubing better resists inner diameter collapse.
Laser Products
+1 760 438 2131
• Offers chemical stability, mechanical strength, and purity for applications such as medical, diagnostic, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and semiconductor
• Offers higher purity and enhanced translucence when compared with other fluoropolymer tubes • Great for more critical, low pressure applications
Optical Filters
Shutter Products
• Excellent replacement for PTFE where gas permeability and surface texture are issues
• Replacement for capillary tubing in low pressure applications where excellent chemical compatibility is required • Tubing sleeves available for capillary tubing connections
• Great for general, low pressure applications • Many sizes available in multiple colors for easy identification
• Excellent solvent resistance • More durable and less gas permeable than PTFE, FEP, and PFA
• Tight manufacturing tolerances to ensure product consistency
• Operating temperatures up to 80 °C
• Clarity of tubing makes PFA an excellent choice for monitoring fluid movement
+1 585 244 7220
1/16" (1.55 mm), 1/8" (3.2 mm)
For your information, our U.S. Federal Taxpayer Identification number is 01-0736657; European Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.
1/16" (1.55 mm), 1/8" (3.2 mm),
0.0145" (360 µm)
RETURN3/16" OF (4.8 MATERIALS mm), 1/4" (6.35 mm)
1/16" (1.6 mm), 1/8" (3.2 mm), 1/4" (6.35 mm)
1/16" (1.55 mm), 0.080" (2.0 mm),
HOW TO FIND A LOCAL 0.118"(3.0 mm), DISTRIBUTOR FOR1/8" (3.2 mm), 0.157"(4.0 mm), FLUIDICS PRODUCTS 3/16" (4.8 mm),
IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 15 2
250–4,000 psi (17–276 bar) ±0.001" (25 µm) for 1/16" OD tubing; ±0.003" (75 µm) for 1/8" OD tubing 1.4 0–14 Ethylene oxide Y
procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities are certified ISO 9001.
5/16" OD
Page(s) 26
-51 to 80 °C
26, 27
0.010" (0.25 mm)– 0.188" (4.80 mm)
Returns must be authorized in advance. Please contact us within 1/4"listing (6.35 mm), For a complete distributor 30 days of purchase for your 5/16" (7.94 mm) please visit www.idex-hs.com/ Returns Material Authorization distributors or email: (RMA) Number. A restocking fee ORDER PROCESSING/ may apply. To request a Return 0.020" (0.50 mm)– 0.020" (0.50 mm)– 0.002"US: (50 µm)– 0.003" (0.075 mm) – ID SHIPPING Materials Authorization for IDEX 0.062" (1.55 mm) 0.188" (4.80 mm) 0.006"IHSOrders@idexcorp.com (150 µm) 0.250" (6.35 mm) (inside diameter) Orders placed on our website process Health & Science products visit Europe: -51the to 80 °C -51 to 80 °C -51 to 80 °C -51 to 50 °C Operating and ship as Temp specified during www.idex-hs.com/return. CustomerService.hsEurope@ checkout process. Orders that are Product purchased a 500–2,000 psi 250–2,000 through psi 1,750–3,500 psi 2,500–4,000 psi idexcorp.com Pressure placed viaRating fax/email will be(34–138 subject to bar) bar) (121–241 bar) (172 - 276 bar) Distributor(17–138 must be returned a $100 minimum order quantity and Asia: directly to that Distributor. Please ±0.001" (25 µm) ±0.001" (25 µm) typically process within one business CustomerService.hsAsia@ for 1/16" OD tubing; ±0.001" (25 µm)Material for 1/16" OD tubing;contact them for Return ±0.0005" (12.5 µm) Typical day and Tolerances ship within two business ±0.003" (75 µm) or 1/16" OD tubing ±0.003"days. (75 µm) idexcorp.com Authorization procedures. for 1/8" OD tubing for 1/8" OD tubing Customers who have established Our customer service team will help contract pricing Refractive Indexterms must place 1.34 in your area. DIRECT 1.34 FROM OUR GLOBAL 1.34 you contact a distributor1.338 (Clarity)orders directly with their catalog DISTRIBUTION NETWORK Customer Service representative. 0–14 0–14 0–14 pH Range IDEX Health & Science has established 0–14 HOW TO FIND A LOCAL All shipments are FCA unless DISTRIBUTOR FOR relationships with a global network Gamma irradiation; Gamma irradiation; Sterilization SEMROCK PRODUCTS otherwise noted. For orders not oxide; thermal Ethylene oxide; thermal Ethylene of Distributors that offer ethylene oxide;outstanding thermal ethylene oxide; thermal Techniques placed via our website, shipping For a complete distributor listing product support and assistance. charges will be prepaid and Y added to Y Y Autoclavable? please visit www.semrock.com/ In order toYmeet our customer’s the invoice. Or, if requested, we will international-distributors.aspx needs, and the demands of being charge your carrier account number. a global supplier, we have come to rely on our authorized Distributors The products in this catalog are intended for use with TERMS to provide value-added service and analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment support of our products. While we are Credit cards are accepted for orders and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE PRODUCTS IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO happy to take your order directly, we placed within the United States. DUE TO ANY MISUSE encourage1/16" you to contact your local 1/8" LIABILITY WHATSOEVER Purchase by 360orders µm may also be used 1/32" 3/16" 1/4" OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of IDEX Health & Science Distributor. qualifiedOD customers. No international OD OD OD our products dependsOD OD on our customers, since it is credit card payment is possible. you who select and control the protective gear and safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, No international shipments are temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and possible. For terms and conditions other variables. Product and material performance of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field Page(s) Terms and pricesPage(s) Page(s) Page(s) tests should be performed Page(s) by customers to determine Page(s) legal-notices. are safe operating parameters 18, 24 18, 20, 23 18, 23, 21, 18, 21, 26, 27 26 given your particular 26 subject to change without notice.
www.idex-hs.com www.idex-hs.com
12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:30 PMPM
2 16
Fluidics Products
PEEK Tubing
1/16” or 1/8” outside diameter available Biocompatible, inert, and easily cut
Laser Products
Great for high pressure applications
PEEK tubing has a very smooth internal surface, which causes less turbulence than similarly sized metal tubing, contributing to improved resolution of sample bands. Of all our polymer tubing materials, PEEK is the least permeable to gas (see material properties on our website: www.idex-hs.com).
Maximum continuous use
+1 temperature: 760 438 2131 100 ºC
In addition, much of our 1/16” OD tubing is color-coded so different IDs are easily identified. Our proprietary extrusion process ensures color permanence in our tubing.
Optical Filters
Shutter Products
Our 5’ length tubing is rough cut to approximately 5’1”. A trim cut should be made before use, especially for smaller ID tubing. PEEK tubing can be cut easily with a razor blade. However for an improved cut, try our Tubing Cutters on page 28.
+1 585 244 7220 Capillary PEEK Tubing 360 µm or 1/32” outside diameter available IDs as small as 25 µm (0.001”)
For your information, our U.S. Federal Taxpayer Identification number is 01-0736657; European Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.
Our PEEK (polyetheretherketone) polymer tubing is biocompatible, chemically inert to most solvents, and can be used to replace stainless steel tubing in most liquid analytical systems. Unlike stainless steel tubing, PEEK tubing is flexible and can be easily cut to desired lengths.
ORDER PROCESSING/ SHIPPING Orders placed on our website process and ship as specified during the checkout process. Orders that are placed via fax/email will be subject to a $100 minimum order quantity and typically process within one business day and ship within two business days. Customers who have established contract pricing terms must place catalog orders directly with their Customer Service representative. All shipments are FCA unless otherwise noted. For orders not placed via our website, shipping charges will be prepaid and added to the invoice. Or, if requested, we will charge your carrier account number.
TERMS Credit cards are accepted for orders placed within the United States. Purchase orders may also be used by qualified customers. No international credit card payment is possible. No international shipments are possible. For terms and conditions of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ legal-notices. Terms and prices are subject to change without notice.
IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb 16 IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 2
Capillary PEEK tubing offers all the benefits of larger sized PEEK tubing, while serving as HOW TO FIND A LOCAL an excellent alternative to more traditional DISTRIBUTOR FORfused silica and stainless steel capillary tubing Returns must be authorized in (see Application Note, right). The capillary tubing can be coupled to many of the products FLUIDICS PRODUCTS advance. Please contact us within For(starting a completeon distributor listing in theforConnectors chapter page 62) and to some of the valves in the Valves 30 days of purchase your please visit www.idex-hs.com/ Returns Material Authorization chapter (starting on page 114). RETURN OF MATERIALS
distributors or email:
(RMA) Number. A restocking fee may apply. To request a Return Materials Authorization for IDEX Health & Science products visit www.idex-hs.com/return.
US: IHSOrders@idexcorp.com
Fused Silica Tubing
CustomerService.hsEurope@ Five inner diameters with most common capillary outside diameter, 360 µm
Product purchased through a idexcorp.com Cut in convenient lengths, up to 2 m Distributor must be returned Asia: directly to that Distributor. Please CustomerService.hsAsia@ contact them for Return Material These products are manufactured from synthetic fused silica with a polyimide coating. idexcorp.com Authorization procedures. Our customer service team will help you contact a distributor in your area. DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL
IDEX Health & Science has established relationships with a global network of Distributors that offer outstanding product support and assistance. In order to meet our customer’s needs, and the demands of being a global supplier, we have come to rely on our authorized Distributors to provide value-added service and support of our products. While we are happy to take your order directly, we encourage you to contact your local IDEX Health & Science Distributor.
HOW TO FIND A LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR SEMROCK PRODUCTS For a complete distributor listing please visit www.semrock.com/ international-distributors.aspx
The products in this catalog are intended for use with analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE PRODUCTS IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of our products depends on our customers, since it is you who select and control the protective gear and safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and other variables. Product and material performance ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field tests should be performed by customers to determine safe operating parameters given your particular procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities are certified ISO 9001.
12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:30 PMPM
Fluidics Products idex-hs.com
Optical Filters
Laser Products
Because the thru-hole of our 25 µm ID PEEK tubing is very small, it is possible for some +1fittings 760to438 cause2131 the ID to become occluded. Please use caution, especially with wrench-tightened fittings. For more information, please contact IDEX Health & Science or your local Distributor directly.
What Size PEEK Tubing Should I Use? It is usually safe to use 1/16” OD x 0.010” ID tubing throughout an analytical HPLC system. With a 0.010” ID, the pressure drop across most tubing lengths is negligible, and the ID is small enough to minimize band broadening. High pressure semi-prep LC systems will most likely use 1/8” OD tubing. Use our 1/32” OD tubing for the high pressure flow path of some microbore HPLC systems.
Shutter Products PEEK tubing is also available by the inch. Contact your local Distributor Choose 360 µm OD tubing for most capillary systems.
IDEX244 Health7220 & Science directly for pricing information. +1 or585
APPLICATION NOTE For your information, our U.S. Federal Taxpayer Identification number is 01-0736657; European Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.
All shipments are FCA unless otherwise noted. For orders not placed via our website, shipping charges will be prepaid and added to the invoice. Or, if requested, we will charge your carrier account number.
IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 17 2
HOW TO FIND A LOCAL IDEX Health & Science has established DISTRIBUTOR FOR relationships with a global network SEMROCK PRODUCTS of Distributors that offer outstanding OD Tubing IDFor a complete distributor listing OD Tolerance product supportTubing and assistance. please visit www.semrock.com/ In order to meetPEEK our customer’s TUBING SPECIFICATIONS needs, and the demands of being 25 μm international-distributors.aspx±0.001” (25 µm) 1/16” a global supplier, we have come to All 1/8” ±0.003” (75 µm) rely on our authorized Distributors CAPILLARY PEEK TUBING SPECIFICATIONS The products in this catalog are intended for use with to provide value-added ±0.0005” (12.5 µm) 360 µm service and All analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment support of our products. While we are ±0.0005” 1/32” All and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE (12.5 µm) PRODUCTS IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO happy to take your orderSILICA directly,TUBING, we FUSED 360 µm OD LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE encourage you to your local 20 µm (0.0008”) ±0.0004” (10 µm) 360contact µm OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of IDEX Health & Science 360 µm Distributor. 50 µm (0.002”) and 75depends µm (0.003”) our products on our customers,±0.0004” since it is (10 µm)
360 µm
you whoand select and control the protective gear and (10 µm) ±0.0004” 100 µm (0.004”) 150 µm (0.006”)
ID Tolerance ±0.0005” (12.5 µm) ±0.003” (75 µm) ±0.0005” (12.5 µm) ±0.0005” (12.5 µm) ±0.00008” (2 µm) ±0.00012” (3 µm) ±0.00016” (4 µm)
safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and other variables. Product and material performance ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field tests should be performed by customers to determine safe operating parameters given your particular procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities are certified ISO 9001.
Credit cards are accepted for orders placed within the United States. Purchase orders may also be used by qualified customers. No international credit card payment is possible. No international shipments are possible. For terms and conditions of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ legal-notices. Terms and prices are subject to change without notice.
Orders placed on our website process and ship as specified during the checkout process. Orders that are placed via fax/email will be subject to a $100 minimum order quantity and typically process within one business day and ship within two business days. Customers who have established contract pricing terms must place catalog orders directly with their Customer Service representative.
distributors or email: (RMA) Number. A restocking fee may apply. To request a Return PEEK polymer To straighten US: tubing, first choose a piece of stainless steel tubing with an inner Materials Authorization for IDEX diameter slightly largerIHSOrders@idexcorp.com than the OD of your tubing and with an appropriate length for the Health & Science PEEK products visit you wish to straighten. For instance, for 1/16” OD PEEK tubing with a length tubing Europe: www.idex-hs.com/return. of 10”, choose our U-825 tubing (stainless steel, 1/8” OD x 0.080” ID x 25 cm long, page CustomerService.hsEurope@ 19.through Slip your into the stainless steel tubing. Place this “sleeved” tubing into Product purchased a PEEK tubing idexcorp.com Distributor must be anreturned oven and bake at 425 ºF (218 ºC) for 30 minutes or 350 ºF (177 ºC) for 60 minutes. Allow Asia: directly to that Distributor. Please the sleeved tubing to return to room temperature naturally (i.e., do not quench it with water). CustomerService.hsAsia@ contact them for Return Once Material cooled, remove the PEEK tubing from the stainless steel sleeve and inspect it for idexcorp.com Authorization procedures. straightness. If needed, repeat the process until the desired straightness is achieved. Our customer service team will help you contact a distributor in your area. DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL
An independent study conducted by a major pharmaceutical company indicated LC-MS RETURN OF MATERIALS HOW TO FIND LOCAL in some cases by switching the postchromatographic performance could beAimproved DISTRIBUTOR column transfer line from fused silica toFOR PEEK polymer tubing. The switch dramatically Returns must be authorized in FLUIDICS PRODUCTS reduced peak tailing and eliminated the degradation of peak symmetry as injection volume advance. Please contact us within a complete distributor listing us or order the “Improved LC-MS Results 30 days of purchase forreduced. your was For moreFor information, please contact pleaseRequest” visit www.idex-hs.com/ Returns Material Authorization Study” from the “Literature section of our website at www.idex-hs.com.
www.idex-hs.com www.idex-hs.com
12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:30 PMPM
2 18
PEEK Tubing (Cont.) FLUIDICS
PEEK Tubing
Fluidics Products PEEK TUBING, 1/16” OD Part No.
Max. Pressure
0.0025” (65 µm) ID x 5’ (1.5 m)
Natural Natural
7,000 psi (483 bar) 7,000 psi (483 bar)
ea. ea.
0.0025” (65 µm) ID x 100’ (30 m)
7,000 psi (483 bar)
0.0025” (65 µm) ID x 1,000’ (304 m) 0.004” (0.10 mm) ID x 5’ (1.5 m)
Natural Black
7,000 psi (483 bar) 7,000 psi (483 bar)
ea. ea.
0.004” (0.10 mm) ID x 50’ (15 m)
7,000 psi (483 bar)
0.004” (0.10 mm) ID x 100’ (30 m) 0.004” (0.10 mm) ID x 1,000’ (304 m)
Black Black
7,000 psi (483 bar) 7,000 psi (483 bar)
ea. ea.
0.005” (0.125 mm) ID x 5’ (1.5 m)
7,000 psi (483 bar)
0.005” (0.125 mm) ID x 50’ (15 m) 0.005” (0.125 mm) ID x 100’ (30 m)
Red Red
7,000 psi (483 bar) 7,000 psi (483 bar)
ea. ea.
0.005” (0.125 mm) ID x 1,000’ (304 m)
7,000 psi (483 bar)
1536L 1536XL
0.007” (0.175 mm) ID x 50’ (15 m)
Yellow Yellow
7,000 psi (483 bar) 7,000 psi (483 bar)
ea. ea.
0.007” (0.175 mm) ID x 100’ (30 m)
7,000 psi (483 bar)
1536M 1531
0.007” (0.175 mm) ID x 1,000’ (304 m) 0.010” (0.25 mm) ID x 5’ (1.5 m)
Yellow Natural
7,000 psi (483 bar) 7,000 psi (483 bar)
ea. ea.
0.010” (0.25 mm) ID x 50’ (15 m)
7,000 psi (483 bar)
1531XL 1531M
0.010” (0.25 mm) ID x 100’ (30 m)
7,000 psi (483 bar)
Natural Blue
7,000 psi (483 bar) 7,000 psi (483 bar)
ea. ea.
7,000 psi (483 bar)
Blue Blue Orange
7,000 psi (483 bar) 7,000 psi (483 bar) 6,000 psi (414 bar)
ea. ea. ea.
Orange Orange Orange
6,000 psi (414 bar) 6,000 psi (414 bar) 6,000 psi (414 bar)
ea. ea. ea.
Green Green Green
4,000 psi (276 bar) 4,000 psi (276 bar) 4,000 psi (276 bar)
ea. ea. ea.
Green 4,000 psi (276 bar) HOW TO FIND A LOCAL Natural 3,000 psi (207 bar) DISTRIBUTOR FOR Natural FLUIDICS PRODUCTS 3,000 psi (207 bar) Natural 3,000 psi (207 bar) For a complete distributor listing Natural 3,000 psi (207 bar)
ea. ea. ea. ea. ea.
4,000 psi (276 bar)
3,000 psi (207 bar)
Natural 5,000 psi (345 bar) Europe: Natural CustomerService.hsEurope@2,000 psi (138 bar) Redidexcorp.com 2,000 psi (138 bar) Yellow 2,000 psi (138 bar)
ea. ea. ea. ea.
5,000 psi (345 bar) Red 5,000 psi (345 bar) helppsi (345 bar) RedOur customer service team will 5,000 area. Redyou contact a distributor in your 5,000 psi (345 bar) Yellow 5,000 psi (345 bar) HOW TO FIND A LOCAL Yellow 5,000 psi (345 bar) DISTRIBUTOR FOR Yellow 5,000 psi (345 bar) SEMROCK PRODUCTS 5,000 psi (345 bar) Yellow BlueFor a complete distributor listing 5,000 psi (345 bar) Blueplease visit www.semrock.com/ 5,000 psi (345 bar) Blueinternational-distributors.aspx5,000 psi (345 bar) Blue 5,000 psi (345 bar) Natural 4,000 psi (276 bar) The products in this catalog are intended for use with Natural 4,000 psi (276 bar) analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment Natural psi (276 bar) and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS4,000 OF THE Natural 4,000NO psi (276 bar) PRODUCTS IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE Orange 3,000 psi (207 bar) OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of Orange 3,000 psi (207 bar) our products depends on our customers, since it is Orange psi (207 bar) you who select and control the protective3,000 gear and safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, Orange 3,000 psi (207 bar)
ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea.
1560L 1560XL 1560M 1561 1561L
1561XL 1561M 1535
Laser Products
1535XL 1535M
+11536 760 438 2131 0.007” (0.175 mm) ID x 5’ (1.5 m)
1531B 1531BL 1531BXL
idex-hs.com 0.0025” (65 µm) ID x 50’ (15 m)
1531BM 1532 1532L 1532XL 1532M 1533
Optical Filters
Shutter Products
+1 585 244 7220
0.010” (0.25 mm) ID x ID x 1,000’ (304 m) 0.010” (0.25 mm) ID x 5’ (1.5 m) 0.010” (0.25 mm) ID x 50’ (15 m) 0.010” (0.25 mm) ID x 100’ (30 m) 0.010” (0.25 mm) ID x 1,000’ (304 m) 0.020” (0.50 mm) ID x 5’ (1.5 m) 0.020” (0.50 mm) ID x 50’ (15 m) 0.020” (0.50 mm) ID x 100’ (30 m) 0.020” (0.50 mm) ID x 1,000’ (304 m)
0.030” (0.75 mm) ID x 5’ (1.5 m) 0.030” (0.75 mm) ID x 50’ (15 m) 1533L 0.030” (0.75 mm) ID x 100’ (30 m) 1533XL 0.030” (304 m) 1533M For your information, our U.S.(0.75 mm) ID x 1,000’ RETURN OF MATERIALS 0.040” (1.00 mm) ID x 5’ (1.5 m) 1538 Taxpayer Identification Federal Returns must be authorized in (1.00 mm) ID x 50’ (15 m) 1538L is 01-0736657; 0.040” number European advance. Please contact us within (1.00 mm) ID x 100’ (30 m) 1538XL Identification 0.040” Taxpayer number 30 days of purchase for your 0.040” (1.00 mm) ID x 1,000’ (304 m) 1538M
is DE 146581180. PEEK TUBING, 1/8” OD
Returns Material Authorization (RMA) Number. A restocking fee 0.062” (1.55 mm) ID x 5’ (1.5 m) 1534 ORDER PROCESSING/ may apply. To request a Return 0.080” (2.00 mm) ID x 5’ (1.5 m) 1544 SHIPPING Materials Authorization for IDEX CAPILLARY PEEK TUBING, 360 µm OD Orders placed on our website process Health & Science products visit 25 µm (0.001”) ID x 5’ (1.5 m) 1574 and ship as specified during the www.idex-hs.com/return. 50 µm (0.002”) ID x 5’ (1.5 m) 1570 checkout process. Orders that are Product 100 µm (0.004”) ID x 5’ (1.5 m) purchased through a 1571 placed via fax/email will be subject to Distributor must be returned µm (0.006”) ID x 5’ (1.5 m) a1572 $100 minimum order 150 quantity and CAPILLARY PEEK TUBING, 1/32” OD directly to that Distributor. Please typically process within one business contact (0.125 mm) ID x 5’ (1.5 m) them for Return Material 1576 day and ship within two0.005” business days. Authorization procedures. 0.005” (0.125 mm) ID x 50’ (15 m) 1576L Customers who have established 0.005”place (0.125 mm) ID x 100’ (30 m) 1576XL pricing terms must contract DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL 0.005” (0.125 mm) ID x 1,000’ (304 m) 1576M orders directly with catalog their DISTRIBUTION NETWORK 0.007” (0.175 mm) ID x 5’ (1.5 m) 1577 Customer Service representative. IDEX & Science has established 0.007” (0.175 mm) ID x 50’ (15Health m) 1577L All shipments are FCA unless relationships with a global network 0.007” (0.175 mm) ID x 100’ (30 m) 1577XL otherwise of Distributors 0.007”not (0.175 mm) ID x 1,000’ (304 m) that offer outstanding 1577M noted. For orders placed shipping (0.25 mm) ID x 5’product (1.5 m) support and assistance. 1581 via our website,0.010” charges and added to ID x 50’ (0.25 mm) m) to meet our customer’s 1581L will be prepaid0.010” In(15 order the invoice. Or, if requested, will 0.010”we (0.25 mm) ID x 100’ (30 m) 1581XL needs, and the demands of being charge number. 0.010” (0.25 mm) ID x 1,000’ (304 supplier, m) 1581Myour carrier account a global we have come to 0.015” (0.40 mm) ID x 5’rely (1.5on m) our authorized Distributors 1568 TERMS 0.015” (0.40 mm) ID x 50’ m) 1568L to(15 provide value-added service and 0.015” mm) ID x 100’ (30 m)of our products. While we are 1568XL support Credit cards are accepted for (0.40 orders 0.015” (0.40 mm) ID x 1,000’ (304 1568Mwithin the United happy tom) take your order directly, we placed States. 0.020” (0.50 mm) (1.5 m) 1569 you to contact your local Purchase orders may also be used by ID x 5’encourage (0.50 mm) ID x 50’ (15 m) 1569L customers. No0.020” IDEX Health & Science Distributor. qualified international 0.020” (0.50 mm) ID x 100’ (30 m) 1569XL credit card payment is possible. 0.020” (0.50 mm) ID x 1,000’ (304 m) 1569M No international shipments are FUSED SILICA TUBING, 360 µm OD possible. For terms and conditions 20 µm (0.0008”) ID x 6.4’ (2 m) FS-120 of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ 50prices µm (0.002”) FS-150 legal-notices. Terms and are ID x 6.4’ (2 m) 75 µm (0.003”) ID x 6.4’ (2 m) FS-175 to change without subject notice. FS-110 FS-115
100 µm (0.004”) ID x 6.4’ (2 m) 150 µm (0.006”) ID x 6.4’ (2 m)
IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb 18 IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 2
please visit www.idex-hs.com/ distributors or email:
US: Natural
Asia: CustomerService.hsAsia@ Red idexcorp.com
temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and other variables. Product and material performance
Natural 10,000 psi (690 bar) ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field tests should be performed by customers 10,000 to determine Natural psi (690 bar) safe operating parameters given your particular Natural 10,000 psi (690 bar) procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities Natural 10,000 psi (690 bar) are certified ISO 9001. Natural 10,000 psi (690 bar)
ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. www.idex-hs.com
12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:30 PMPM
Stainless Steel Tubing
Fluidics Products
Available ODs include 1/32”, 1/16”, and 1/8”
Laser Products Color-coded banding for easy
of the inner diameter +1 identification 760 438 2131
IDEX Health & Science seamless, precut stainless steel tubing is designed to meet the exacting requirements of today’s analyses. We machine cut and polish each end, deburr the inside and outside edges, and passivate the tubing (please see the passivation information on this page). Finally, we flush reagent-grade isopropanol through each piece.
Precut 316 stainless steel
Our thorough preparation and cleaning procedure guarantees tubing that is truly ready-to-use, with flat, burr-free ends and a clean finish. This care is important in achieving zero-dead-volume connections and good chromatographic results. We offer a variety of precut lengths as well as longer lengths (5’ and 25’) of some sizes. Cutting the tubing disturbs and roughens the tubing’s end surface, so we recommend using our precut tubing whenever possible. If you need to cut tubing to custom lengths, we suggest you then passivate the tubing.
Optical Filters
Shutter Products
+1 585NOTE 244 7220 VALVES
PEEK polymer tubing can be used to replace stainless steel tubing in most liquid analytical systems. Unlike stainless steel tubing, PEEK tubing is biocompatible, flexible, and can easily be cut to desired lengths. See page 16. All Stainless Steel
Our 1/32” OD tubing is designed for enhanced flexibility in high pressure applications.
tubing longer than 1 m is coiled. Standard 1/16” and 1/8” OD Forstainless your information, our U.S. is suited for RETURN OF MATERIALS HOW TO FIND A LOCAL steel tubing The Beauty Tubing FOR Federal Identification mostTaxpayer analytical applications. Returns must be authorized in of PrecutDISTRIBUTOR FLUIDICS PRODUCTS number is 01-0736657; European advance. Please contact us within Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.
All shipments are FCA unless otherwise noted. For orders not placed via our website, shipping charges will be prepaid and added to the invoice. Or, if requested, we will charge your carrier account number.
IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 19 2
rely on our authorized Distributors Tubing OD to provide value-added service and 1/32” support of our products. While we are 1/16” happy to take your order directly, we encourage you to contact your local 1/8” IDEX Health & Science Distributor.
The products in this catalog are intended for use with Precut Passivation analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment All and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE PRODUCTSAll IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE None OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of our products depends on our customers, since it is you who select and control the protective gear and safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and other variables. Product and material performance ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field tests should be performed by customers to determine safe operating parameters given your particular procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities are certified ISO 9001.
Postcut Passivation All All, ex. 25’ lengths All, ex. 3 & 5 m lengths
Credit cards are accepted for orders placed within the United States. Purchase orders may also be used by qualified customers. No international credit card payment is possible. No international shipments are possible. For terms and conditions of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ legal-notices. Terms and prices are subject to change without notice.
surfaces. IDEX Health & Science takes extra steps to ensure the chemical resistance of our stainless steel tubing manually before and after the tubing HOWbyTO FIND Apassivating LOCAL IDEX Health & Science has established is cut intonetwork specified lengths (except in FOR a few cases where size is prohibitive). In the DISTRIBUTOR relationships with a global SEMROCK PRODUCTS precut the internal wall is acid passivated and flushed. After the tubing is of Distributors that offer stage, outstanding For a complete distributorsubmerged listing product support anddeburred assistance. and polished, cut, it is completely in an acid passivation bath please visit www.semrock.com/ In order to meet our customer’s and again flushed clean.international-distributors.aspx The table below summarizes the manual passivation steps needs, and the demands of being performed fortoeach size of our stainless steel tubing: a global supplier, we have come DISTRIBUTION NETWORK
Orders placed on our website process and ship as specified during the checkout process. Orders that are placed via fax/email will be subject to a $100 minimum order quantity and typically process within one business day and ship within two business days. Customers who have established contract pricing terms must place catalog orders directly with their Customer Service representative.
For a complete distributor listing 30 days of purchase for your please visit www.idex-hs.com/ Returns Material Authorization distributors or email: (RMA) Number. A restocking fee may apply. To request a Return US: Materials Authorization for IDEX IHSOrders@idexcorp.com Health & Science products visit File cut tubing Precut tubing Tubing cut Europe: www.idex-hs.com/return. by a commercially CustomerService.hsEurope@ available Product purchased through a tubing cutter idexcorp.com Distributor must be returned Asia: directly to that Distributor. Please CustomerService.hsAsia@ contact them for Return Material Stainless Steel Tubingidexcorp.com Passivation Authorization procedures. Our customer service team will help Stainless steel is naturally self-passivating, forming an oxidized layer on newly created you contact a distributor in your area. DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL
www.idex-hs.com www.idex-hs.com
12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:30 PMPM
2 20
Stainless Steel Tubing (Cont.) SPECIFICATIONS & DETAILS
Fluidics Products
Maximum Recommended Operating Temperature: 750 °F (399 °C).
Rockwell Hardness (B): Maximum of 95.
Meets ASTM A269 and A213.
Laser Products +1 760 438 2131 RELATED PRODUCTS
Optical Filters
PEEK polymer tubing is available in all of these sizes, starting on page 16.
OD Tolerance
Tubing ID
ID Tolerance
+0.002”/-0.000” (+50 µm/-0 µm)
All, except 0.004” (0.10 mm)
+0.000”/-0.002” (+0 µm/-50 µm)
+0.002”/-0.000” (+50 µm/-0 µm)
0.004” (0.10 mm)
+0.002”/-0.000” (+50 µm/-0 µm)
+0.002”/-0.000” (+50 µm/-0 µm)
±0.001” (25 µm)
±0.003” (75 µm)
±0.003” (75 µm)
Shutter Stainless steel is unique as a material. The Maximum Pressure value listed for each part Products Understanding the Maximum Pressure Value of Stainless Steel Tubing
number is the safe, continuous working pressure limit that IDEX Health & Science has
+1assigned 585 244 7220 for the tubing. It reflects a safety margin before the tubing begins to “yield” —
which is well below the tubing’s “burst” pressure. For more information, contact IDEX Health & Science or your authorized Distributor.
For your information, our U.S. Federal Taxpayer Identification number is 01-0736657; European Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.
Tubing OD
Returns must be authorized in advance. Please contact us within 30 days of purchase for your Returns Material Authorization (RMA) Number. A restocking fee may apply. To request a Return Materials Authorization for IDEX Health & Science products visit www.idex-hs.com/return.
For a complete distributor listing please visit www.idex-hs.com/ distributors or email:
Orders placed on our website process and ship as specified during the checkout process. Orders that are Product purchased through a placed via fax/email will be subject to Distributor must be returned a $100 minimum order quantity and directly to that Distributor. Please typically process within one business contact them for Return Material day and ship within two business days. Authorization procedures. Customers who have established contract pricing terms must place DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL catalog orders directly with their Part No. ID Length DISTRIBUTION NETWORK Customer Service representative. STAINLESS STEEL, 1/32” OD IDEX Health & Science has established All shipments are FCA unless 0.004” (0.10relationships mm) 2” (5network cm) U-1114 with a global otherwise mm) (10 cm) U-1115 noted. For orders not 0.004” (0.10of Distributors that offer4”outstanding placed mm) 8” (20 cm) U-1116via our website, shipping 0.004” (0.10product support and assistance. charges to (0.10In 0.004” mm) 12” (30 cm) U-1117 will be prepaid and added order to meet our customer’s the invoice. Or, if requested, we will 0.006” (0.15needs, mm) and the demands 2” (5 U-1120 ofcm) being charge 0.006” (0.15amm) 8” (20 cm) to U-1122your carrier account number. global supplier, we have come
Stainless Steel Tubing
0.008” (0.20rely mm)on our authorized Distributors 2” (5 cm) U-1125 TERMS 0.008” (0.20to mm) (10 cm)and U-1126 provide value-added4”service 0.008” (0.20support mm) 12” (30 cm) U-1128cards are accepted for orders of our products. While we are Credit mm) to take your order 2” directly, (5 cm) we U-1130within the United States. 0.010” (0.25happy placed mm) 4” (10 cm)local U-1131 orders may also be used0.010” you to contact your Purchase by (0.25encourage 0.010” (0.25IDEX mm) Health & Science8” (20 cm) U-1132 customers. No international Distributor. qualified 12” (30 cm) U-1133 credit card payment is possible. 0.010” (0.25 mm) 2” (5 cm) U-1140 No international shipments are 0.015” (0.40 mm) 4” (10 cm) U-1141 For terms and conditions0.015” (0.40 mm) possible. 0.015” (0.40 mm) 8” (20 cm) U-1142 of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ 12” (30 cm) U-1143 legal-notices. Terms and prices are0.015” (0.40 mm) 2” (5 cm) U-1145to change without notice. 0.018” (0.45 mm) subject U-1146 U-1148
0.018” (0.45 mm) 0.018” (0.45 mm)
IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb 20 IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 2
4” (10 cm) 12” (30 cm)
US: IHSOrders@idexcorp.com Europe: CustomerService.hsEurope@ idexcorp.com Asia: CustomerService.hsAsia@ idexcorp.com Our customer service team will help you contact a distributor in your area. Color
HOW TO FIND A LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR Red SEMROCK RedPRODUCTS For a complete Red distributor listing please visitRed www.semrock.com/ international-distributors.aspx Yellow Yellow Clear The products inClear this catalog are intended for use with analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment Clear and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE PRODUCTS INBlue THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE Blue OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of Blue our products depends on our customers, since it is you who selectBlue and control the protective gear and safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, Green temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and Green other variables. Product and material performance Green ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field tests should beGreen performed by customers to determine safe operating Black parameters given your particular procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities Black are certified ISO 9001.
Maximum Pressure
19,300 psi (1,331 bar) 19,300 psi (1,331 bar) 19,300 psi (1,331 bar) 19,300 psi (1,331 bar) 19,300 psi (1,331 bar) 19,300 psi (1,331 bar) 17,800 psi (1,227 bar) 17,800 psi (1,227 bar) 17,800 psi (1,227 bar) 16,200 psi (1,117 bar)
ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea.
16,200 psi (1,117 bar) 16,200 psi (1,117 bar) 16,200 psi (1,117 bar) 12,300 psi (848 bar) 12,300 psi (848 bar) 12,300 psi (848 bar) 12,300 psi (848 bar) 10,000 psi (689 bar) 10,000 psi (689 bar) 10,000 psi (689 bar)
ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea.
12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:30 PMPM
Fluidics Products idex-hs.com
Laser STAINLESS STEEL, 1/16” OD Products Part No.
Maximum Pressure
0.005” (0.125 mm) 0.005” (0.125 mm)
2” (5 cm) 4” (10 cm)
Red Red
21,600 psi (1,489 bar) 21,600 psi (1,489 bar)
ea. ea.
0.005” (0.125 mm)
8” (20 cm)
21,600 psi (1,489 bar)
U-155 U-156
0.005” (0.125 mm) 0.005” (0.125 mm)
12” (30 cm) 1.6’ (0.5 m)
Red Red
21,600 psi (1,489 bar) 21,600 psi (1,489 bar)
ea. ea.
0.005” (0.125 mm)
3.2’ (1 m)
21,600 psi (1,489 bar)
U-158 U-160
0.005” (0.125 mm) 0.005” (0.125 mm)
5’ (1.5 m) 25’ (7.6 m)
Red Red
21,600 psi (1,489 bar) 21,600 psi (1,489 bar)
ea. ea.
2” (5 cm)
20,900 psi (1,441 bar)
4” (10 cm) 8” (20 cm)
Black Black
20,900 psi (1,441 bar) 20,900 psi (1,441 bar)
ea. ea.
12” (30 cm) 1.6’ (0.5 m) 3.2’ (1 m)
Black Black Black
20,900 psi (1,441 bar) 20,900 psi (1,441 bar) 20,900 psi (1,441 bar)
0.007” (0.175 mm) 0.007” (0.175 mm) 0.010” (0.25 mm)
5’ (1.5 m) 25’ (7.6 m) 2” (5 cm)
Black Black Blue
20,900 psi (1,441 bar) 20,900 psi (1,441 bar) 19,700 psi (1,358 bar)
0.010” (0.25 mm) 0.010” (0.25 mm) 0.010” (0.25 mm)
4” (10 cm) 8” (20 cm) 12” (30 cm)
Blue Blue Blue
19,700 psi (1,358 bar) 19,700 psi (1,358 bar) 19,700 psi (1,358 bar)
ea. ea.
19,700 psi (1,358 bar) 19,700 psi (1,358 bar) 19,700 psi (1,358 bar)
ea. ea.
Yellow US: Yellow IHSOrders@idexcorp.com Yellow Europe: Yellow
15,800 psi (1,089 bar) 15,800 psi (1,089 bar) 15,800 psi (1,089 bar) 15,800 psi (1,089 bar)
Yellow CustomerService.hsEurope@ Yellow idexcorp.com
15,800 psi (1,089 bar) 15,800 psi (1,089 bar) 12,000 psi (827 bar)
+1U-153 760 438 2131
U-126 U-127 U-128 U-129 U-130
Shutter Products
+1 585 244 7220
0.007” (0.175 mm) 0.007” (0.175 mm) 0.007” (0.175 mm)
U-111 U-112 U-113 U-114
0.007” (0.175 mm) 0.007” (0.175 mm) 0.007” (0.175 mm)
0.010” (0.25 mm) 1.6’ (0.5 m) U-132 For your information, our U.S. RETURN OF MATERIALS 3.2’ (1 m) U-133 Taxpayer Identification 0.010” (0.25 mm) Federal Returns must be authorized in 5’ (1.5 m) U-106 is 01-0736657; European 0.010” (0.25 mm) number advance. Please contact us within mm) 25’ (7.6 m) U-162 Taxpayer Identification number 0.010” (0.25 30 days of purchase for your 0.020” (0.5 mm) 2” (5 cm) isU-101 DE 146581180. Returns Material Authorization 0.020” (0.5 mm)
4” (10 cm)
(RMA) Number. A restocking fee
0.020” (0.5 mm) 8” (20 cm) may apply. To request a Return 0.020” (0.5 mm) 12” (30 cm) Materials Authorization for IDEX 0.020” (0.5 mm) 1.6’ (0.5 m) U-134 Orders placed on our website process Health & Science products visit 0.020” (0.5 mm) 3.2’ (1 m) U-135
0.080” (2.0 mm)
9.8’ (3 m)
0.080” (2.0 mm)
16’ (5 m)
IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 21 2
Our customer service team will help White you contact a distributor in your area. White White
HOW TOWhite FIND A LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR N/A SEMROCK N/APRODUCTS For a complete N/A distributor listing please visitN/A www.semrock.com/ international-distributors.aspx N/A N/A N/A The products inN/A this catalog are intended for use with analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment N/A and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE PRODUCTS INN/A THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE N/A OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of N/A our products depends on our customers, since it is you who selectN/A and control the protective gear and safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, N/A temperatures, solvents, N/A samples, ventilation, and
other variables. Product and material performance ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field tests should beN/A performed by customers to determine safe operating N/A parameters given your particular procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities N/A are certified ISO 9001.
12,000 psi (827 bar) 12,000 psi (827 bar) 12,000 psi (827 bar) 12,000 psi (827 bar) 12,000 psi (827 bar) 12,000 psi (827 bar) 12,000 psi (827 bar) 8,100 psi (558 bar) 8,100 psi (558 bar) 8,100 psi (558 bar) 8,100 psi (558 bar) 8,100 psi (558 bar) 8,100 psi (558 bar) 8,100 psi (558 bar) 8,100 psi (558 bar) 5,800 psi (400 bar) 5,800 psi (400 bar) 5,800 psi (400 bar) 5,800 psi (400 bar) 5,800 psi (400 bar) 5,800 psi (400 bar) 5,800 psi (400 bar)
ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea.
7,600 psi (524 bar) 7,600 psi (524 bar) 7,600 psi (524 bar)
ea. ea. ea.
7,600 psi (524 bar)
U-803 U-805
Asia: White CustomerService.hsAsia@ White idexcorp.com
and ship as specified during the www.idex-hs.com/return. 0.020” (0.5 mm) 5’ (1.5 m) U-105 checkout process. Orders that are Product purchased through 0.020” (0.5 mm) 25’ (7.6am) U-163 placed via fax/email will be subject to must be returned 0.030” (0.75 Distributor mm) 2” (5 cm) U-115 a $100 minimum order quantity and to that Distributor. 0.030” (0.75 directly mm) 4” (10Please cm) U-116 typically process within one business them for Return 0.030” (0.75 contact mm) 8” Material (20 cm) U-117 day and ship within two business days. procedures. 0.030” (0.75 Authorization mm) 12” (30 cm) U-118 Customers who have established 0.030” (0.75 mm) 1.6’ (0.5 m) U-136 contract pricing terms must place 0.030” (0.75 DIRECT mm) 3.2’ (1 m) U-137 FROM OUR GLOBAL catalog orders directly with their NETWORK 0.030” (0.75 DISTRIBUTION mm) 5’ (1.5 m) U-107 Customer Service representative. 0.030” (0.75 IDEX mm) Health & Science25’ m) U-164 has(7.6 established All shipments are FCA unless 0.040” (1.0 mm) 2” (5network cm) U-138 relationships with a global otherwise noted. For orders not 0.040” (1.0 mm) 4”outstanding (10 cm) U-139 of Distributors that offer placed 8” (20 cm) U-140 via our website, shipping 0.040” (1.0 mm) product support and assistance. charges to (1.0 mm) 0.040” 12” (30 cm) U-141 will be prepaid and added In order to meet our customer’s the invoice. Or, if requested, we will 0.040” (1.0 mm) 1.6’of (0.5 m) U-142 needs, and the demands being charge 0.040” (1.0 mm) 3.2’ (1 m) to U-143 your carrier account number. a global supplier, we have come 0.040” (1.0 mm) 5’ (1.5 m) U-144 rely on our authorized Distributors TERMS 0.040” (1.0 mm) (7.6 m)and U-165 to provide value-added25’service 0.046” (1.15 support mm) 2” While (5 cm) we are U-145 cards are accepted for orders of our products. Credit mm) to take your order 4” (10 cm) we U-146 within the United States. 0.046” (1.15 happy directly, placed mm) 8” (20 cm)local U-147 you to contact your Purchase orders may also be used0.046” by (1.15 encourage 0.046” (1.15 IDEX mm) Health & Science12” (30 cm) U-148 customers. No international Distributor. qualified 1.6’ (0.5 m) U-149card payment is possible. 0.046” (1.15 mm) credit 3.2’ (1 m) U-150 No international shipments are 0.046” (1.15 mm) 5’ (1.5 m) U-151 possible. For terms and conditions0.046” (1.15 mm) STAINLESS 1/8” OD of sale please STEEL, visit www.idex-hs.com/ 0.080” (2.0 mm) 10” (25 cm) U-825 legal-notices. Terms and prices are 3.2’ (1 m) U-800 to change without notice. 0.080” (2.0 mm) subject
19,700 psi (1,358 bar) 15,800 psi (1,089 bar) 15,800 psi (1,089 bar)
ea. ea. ea. ea.
Blue For a complete distributor listing please visitYellow www.idex-hs.com/ Yellow distributors or email:
ea. ea.
U-131 U-108 U-161
Optical Filters
Stainless Steel Tubing (Cont.)
www.idex-hs.com www.idex-hs.com
12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:30 PMPM
2 22
Fluidics Products
PEEKsil Tubing ™
1/32” and 1/16” outside diameters with a wide variety of inside diameters
Laser Products Precut to numerous standard lengths +1 760 438 2131
Please Note: Do not cut this tubing. It should be used at its precut lengths because of permanent damage caused by conventional cutters.
Optical Filters
Shutter Products
+1 585 244 7220
PEEK Outer Sheath
For your information, our U.S. Federal Taxpayer Identification number is 01-0736657; European Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.
PEEKsil’s sheathing is mechanically strong and has ideal characteristics for sealing with many styles of fittings. The fused silica core provides a consistent and rigid fluid pathway with very tight tolerances and industry-accepted chemical properties. Together, this makes PEEKsil tubing ideal for numerous applications. In fact, PEEKsil can be used as a direct replacement for conventional stainless steel or PEEK tubing in many analytical systems. Like traditional fused silica tubing, PEEKsil has excellent chemical compatibility and extremely low adsorption characteristics, especially when compared with stainless steel.
PEEK covered fused silica
ORDER PROCESSING/ SHIPPING Orders placed on our website process and ship as specified during the checkout process. Orders that are placed via fax/email will be subject to a $100 minimum order quantity and typically process within one business day and ship within two business days. Customers who have established contract pricing terms must place catalog orders directly with their Customer Service representative. All shipments are FCA unless otherwise noted. For orders not placed via our website, shipping charges will be prepaid and added to the invoice. Or, if requested, we will charge your carrier account number.
TERMS Credit cards are accepted for orders placed within the United States. Purchase orders may also be used by qualified customers. No international credit card payment is possible. No international shipments are possible. For terms and conditions of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ legal-notices. Terms and prices are subject to change without notice.
IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb 22 IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 2
RETURN OF MATERIALS Returns must be authorized in advance. Please contact us within 30 days of purchase for your Returns Material Authorization (RMA) Number. A restocking fee may apply. To request a Return Materials Authorization for IDEX Health & Science products Tubing OD visit www.idex-hs.com/return.
HOW TO FIND A LOCALFused Silica Lining DISTRIBUTOR FOR Polyimide FLUIDICS PRODUCTS For a complete distributor listing please visit www.idex-hs.com/ distributors or email:
Product purchased through a 1/16” Distributor must be returned directly to that Distributor. Please contact them for Return Material Authorization procedures.
OD Tolerance
Tubing ID
±0.0012” (30 µm)
0.15–0.30 mm
Europe: 25 µm CustomerService.hsEurope@ ±0.0008” (20 µm) 50–100 µm idexcorp.com
ID Tolerance ±0.00004” (1 µm) ±0.00012” (3 µm) ±0.0002” (5 µm)
Asia: CustomerService.hsAsia@ idexcorp.com
SPECIFICATIONS &service DETAILS Our customer team will help
you contact a distributor in your area. DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORK Because PEEKsil tubing has fused silica tubing at its core, the pressure rating for HOW TOinner FINDdiameter A LOCALof the tubing. The following chart IDEX Health & this Science has established tubing is determined by the DISTRIBUTOR FOR relationships with a global network highlights the MaximumSEMROCK Pressure values for this tubing, as determined by SGE PRODUCTS of Distributors that offer outstanding
International of this tubing: For amanufacturer complete distributor listing product support and assistance.Pty., Ltd., the please visit www.semrock.com/ In order to meet our customer’s Tubing ID of being international-distributors.aspxMaximum Pressure needs, and the demands 25 µm 25,000 psi (1,723 bar) a global supplier, we have come to 50 µm 20,000 psi (1,379 bar) rely on our authorized Distributors The products in this catalog are intended 15,000 for use with 75–100 µm psi (1,034 bar) to provide value-added service and analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment 150–175 µm 8,500 psi (586 bar) support of our products. While we are and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE 200–300 µm 6,000 psi (414 bar) PRODUCTS IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO happy to take your order directly, we LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE The pressure ratings provided are indicative of the performance capabilities of the tubing. The actual pressure limits encourage you to contact your local THEIR PRODUCTS. course,ofthe safe use of achievable will depend upon theOFfittings used, the Of quality the receiving port, and other factors. IDEX Health & Science Contact Distributor. IDEX Health & Science our or your authorized Distributor forsince more products depends on our customers, it isinformation. you who select and control the protective gear and safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and other variables. Product and material performance ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field tests should be performed by customers to determine safe operating parameters given your particular procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities are certified ISO 9001.
12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:30 PMPM
Fluidics Products idex-hs.com PEEKsil™ Tubing ID
0.001” (25 µm) 0.001” (25 µm)
2” (5 cm) 4” (10 cm)
Orange Orange
2-pk 2-pk
0.001” (25 µm)
6” (15 cm)
0.001” (25 µm) 0.001” (25 µm)
8” (20 cm) 1.6’ (50 cm)
Orange Orange
2-pk 2-pk
0.002” (50 µm)
2” (5 cm)
0.002” (50 µm) 0.002” (50 µm)
4” (10 cm) 6” (15 cm)
Natural Natural
2-pk 2-pk
0.002” (50 µm)
8” (20 cm)
0.002” (50 µm)
1.6’ (50 cm)
3755 37510
0.003” (75 µm)
2” (5 cm)
4” (10 cm) 6” (15 cm)
Black Black
2-pk 2-pk
8” (20 cm) 1.6’ (50 cm) 2” (5 cm)
Black Black Red
2-pk 2-pk 2-pk
4” (10 cm) 6” (15 cm) 8” (20 cm)
Red Red Red
2-pk 2-pk 2-pk
4” (10 cm)
32520 32550 3505
+1 760 438 2131 35010
37515 37520 37550 31005 310010
Optical Filters
Shutter Products
+1 585 244 7220
0.003” (75 µm) 0.003” (75 µm)
0.004” (100 µm) 0.004” (100 µm) 0.004” (100 µm) 0.004” (100 µm)
1.6’ (50 cm)
31505 315010 315015
0.006” (150 µm) 0.006” (150 µm) 0.006” (150 µm)
2” (5 cm) 4” (10 cm) 6” (15 cm)
Purple Purple Purple
2-pk 2-pk 2-pk
315020 For your information, our U.S. 315050 Taxpayer Identification Federal PEEKSIL TUBING, 1/16” OD number is 01-0736657; European
0.006” (150 µm) RETURN 0.006” (150 µm)
8” (20 cm) HOW TO FIND A LOCAL 1.6’DISTRIBUTOR (50 cm) FOR
Purple Purple
2-pk 2-pk
2” For (5 cm) a complete distributor listing 4” please (10 cm)visit www.idex-hs.com/ 6” distributors (15 cm) or email:
Orange Orange Orange
5-pk 5-pk 5-pk
Orange Orange Natural
5-pk 2-pk 5-pk
4” Europe: (10 cm) Natural 6” CustomerService.hsEurope@ (15 cm) Natural 8” idexcorp.com (20 cm) Natural 1.6’ (50 cm) Natural Asia: 2” (5 cm) Black CustomerService.hsAsia@ 4” (10 cm) Black idexcorp.com 6” (15 cm) Black customer service team will help Black 8” Our (20 cm) a distributor in your area.Black 1.6’you (50contact cm) 2” (5 cm) Red 4” HOW (10 cm) TO FIND A LOCAL Red FOR 6” DISTRIBUTOR (15 cm) Red PRODUCTS 8” SEMROCK (20 cm) Red complete distributor listing 1.6’For (50acm) Red 2” please (5 cm) visit www.semrock.com/ Purple 4” international-distributors.aspx (10 cm) Purple 6” (15 cm) Purple 8” (20 cm) Purple The products in this catalog are intended for use with 1.6’ (50 cm) Purple analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment 6” and (15accessories. cm) THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE Yellow 8” PRODUCTS (20 cm) IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO Yellow 1.6’LIABILITY (50 cm)WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE Yellow OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of 2” (5 cm) Blue our products depends on our customers, since it is 6” you (15who cm)select and control the protective gear andBlue procedures used, as well as the pressures, Blue 8” safety (20 cm) 1.6’temperatures, (50 cm) solvents, samples, ventilation, and Blue other variables. Product and material performance 2” ratings (5 cm)are provided as guides only. Individual fieldGray 4” tests (10should cm) be performed by customers to determine Gray parameters given your particular Gray 6” safe (15 operating cm) procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities 8” (20 cm) Gray are certified ISO 9001. 1.6’ (50 cm) Gray
5-pk 5-pk 5-pk 2-pk 5-pk 5-pk 5-pk 5-pk 2-pk 5-pk 5-pk 5-pk 5-pk 2-pk 5-pk 5-pk 5-pk 5-pk 2-pk 5-pk 5-pk 2-pk 5-pk 5-pk 5-pk 2-pk 5-pk 5-pk 5-pk 5-pk 2-pk
Returns must be authorized in advance. Please contact us within
0.001” (25 µm) 30 days of purchase for your 0.001” (25 µm) Returns Material Authorization 0.001” (25 µm)
0.001” (25 µm) may apply. To request a Return 0.001” (25 µm) Materials Authorization for IDEX 0.002” (50 µm)
(RMA) Number. A restocking fee
IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 23 2
0.012” (300 µm) 0.012” (300 µm)
630020 630050
6505 Orders placed on our website process Health & Science products visit 0.002” (50 µm) 65010 and ship as specified during the www.idex-hs.com/return. 0.002” (50 µm) 65015 checkout process. Orders that are 0.002”Product (50 µm) purchased through a 65020 placed via fax/email will be subject to Distributor must be returned a65050 $100 minimum order quantity and 0.002” (50 µm) directly to that Distributor. Please 6755 typically process within one business 0.003” (75 µm) 0.003”contact (75 µm) them for Return Material 67510 day and ship within two business days. procedures. 0.003”Authorization (75 µm) 67515 Customers who have established 0.003” (75 µm) 67520 contract pricing terms must place 0.003”DIRECT (75 µm) FROM OUR GLOBAL 67550 catalog orders directly with their NETWORK 0.004”DISTRIBUTION (100 µm) 61005 Customer Service representative. 0.004”IDEX (100 µm) 610010 Health & Science has established All shipments are FCA unless 0.004”relationships (100 µm) 610015 with a global network otherwise 0.004”of (100 µm) 610020 noted. For orders not Distributors that offer outstanding placed 0.004”product (100 µm)support and assistance. 610050via our website, shipping charges µm)to meet our customer’s 61505 will be prepaid and added to 0.006”In(150 order the invoice. Or, if requested, we will 0.006”needs, (150 µm) 615010 and the demands of being charge µm)supplier, we have come to 615015your carrier account number. 0.006”a(150 global 0.006”rely (150on µm) 615020 our authorized Distributors TERMS 0.006”to (150 µm) value-added service and 615050 provide (175 µm)of our products. While we are 617515cards are accepted for orders 0.007”support Credit 0.007”happy (175 µm) 617520within the United States. to take your order directly, we placed (175 µm) you to contact your local 617550 orders may also be used by 0.007”encourage Purchase (200 µm) 62005 customers. No international 0.008”IDEX Health & Science Distributor. qualified 0.008” (200 µm) 620015 credit card payment is possible. 0.008” (200 µm) 620020 No international shipments are 0.008” (200 µm) 620050 For terms and conditions possible. 63005 of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ 0.012” (300 µm) 0.012” (300 µm) 630010 legal-notices. Terms and prices are 0.012” (300 µm) 630015to change without notice. subject
8” (20 cm) US: 1.6’ (50 cm) IHSOrders@idexcorp.com 2” (5 cm)
6255 Taxpayer Identification number is62510 DE 146581180.
310015 310020 310050
0.003” (75 µm) 0.003” (75 µm) 0.004” (100 µm)
Laser Products
32510 32515
www.idex-hs.com www.idex-hs.com
12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:30 PMPM
2 24
Fluidics Products
PFA Tubing
PFA Tubing
Laser Products
1/16” and 1/8” ODs available Excellent solvent resistance and low gas permeability
+1 760 438 2131
Constructed with genuine Teflon™ PFA resin
PFA (perfluoroalkoxyalkane) tubing offers excellent solvent resistance (virtually identical to FEP and PTFE) while adding several advantages. These include smoother surface texture, higher continuous service temperature and superior polymer purity. The recommended maximum operating temperature for our PFA tubing is 80 ºC.
Optical Filters
Shutter Products High Purity PFA Tubing
+1 360 585µm,244 1/16”,7220 1/8”, 3/16”, and 1/4” outside diameters available PFA HP and PFA HP Plus Grades available Virtually contaminant free
Constructed with genuine Teflon™ High Purity PFA resin For your information, our U.S. Federal Taxpayer Identification number is 01-0736657; European Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.
High Purity (HP) Plus tubing carries all of the benefits of PFA HP tubing, with may apply. To PFA request a Return US: Materials Authorization for IDEX benefits of the additional increased ability to withstand repeated flexing; improved IHSOrders@idexcorp.com Health & Science products visit resistance to stress cracking when exposed to aggressive fluorosurfactants; and Europe: www.idex-hs.com/return. smoother, clearer walls.CustomerService.hsEurope@ In PFA HP Plus, we offer tubing with the following outer Product purchased through a idexcorp.com diameters: 360 µm, 1/16”, and 1/8”. Distributor must be returned Asia: directly to that(Please Distributor. Please Note: Due to theCustomerService.hsAsia@ physical nature of the 360 µm OD tubing, we recommend using contact them for Return Material our A-350 Polymer Tubing Cutter from page 28 when cutting this tubing to length. idexcorp.com Authorization procedures. Additionally, extra care Our should be taken to ensure fittings are not overtightened and customer service team will help to ensure the tubing is not stretched once secured in place, to ensure the dimensional you contact a distributor in your area. DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL
Orders placed on our website process and ship as specified during the checkout process. Orders that are placed via fax/email will be subject to a $100 minimum order quantity and typically process within one business day and ship within two business days. Customers who have established contract pricing terms must place catalog orders directly with their Customer Service representative. All shipments are FCA unless otherwise noted. For orders not placed via our website, shipping charges will be prepaid and added to the invoice. Or, if requested, we will charge your carrier account number.
TERMS Credit cards are accepted for orders placed within the United States. Purchase orders may also be used by qualified customers. No international credit card payment is possible. No international shipments are possible. For terms and conditions of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ legal-notices. Terms and prices are subject to change without notice.
IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb 24 IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 2
PFA High Purity (HP) tubing offers all of the benefits of standard PFA tubing, with the
DISTRIBUTOR FOR Returns must be authorized in FLUIDICS PRODUCTS additional benefit of being manufactured from a premium grade of PFA that is one advance. Please contact us within For a complete distributor listing In PFA HP, we offer tubing with the of the polymers available. 30 days of purchase formost your contaminant-free please visit www.idex-hs.com/ Returns Material Authorization following outer diameters: 1/16”, 1/8”, 3/16”, and 1/4”. distributors or email: (RMA) Number. A restocking fee
DISTRIBUTION NETWORK stability of the tubing.)
HOW TO FIND A LOCAL IDEX Health & Science has established DISTRIBUTOR FOR relationships with a global network SEMROCK PRODUCTS of Distributors that offer outstanding For a complete distributor listing product support and assistance. please visit www.semrock.com/ In order to meet our customer’s international-distributors.aspx needs, and the demands of being Tubing OD come to OD Tolerances Tubing ID a global supplier, we have PFA TUBING SPECIFICATIONS rely on our authorized Distributors ±0.001”The (25products µm) in this catalog are intended for use with All 1/16” service and to provide value-added analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment (75accessories. µm) 1/8” support of our products. While we are ±0.003”and THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE All IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO happy to take your order directly, we TUBINGPRODUCTS HIGH PURITY PFA SPECIFICATIONS encourage you 1/16” to contact your local ±0.001”LIABILITY (25 µm)WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE All OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of IDEX Health & Science ±0.003”our (75 µm) All 1/8” Distributor. products depends on our customers, since it is
3/16” 1/4”
±0.003”you (75who µm) select and control the protective gear and All used, as well as the pressures, ±0.004”safety (100procedures µm) All temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and
360 µM OD PFA HP TUBING SPECIFICATIONS other variables. Product and material performance 360 µm
±0.0005” (12.5 ratings areµm) provided as guides only. Individual field All
ID Tolerance ±0.001” (25 µm) ±0.003” (75 µm) ±0.001” (25 µm) ±0.003” (75 µm) ±0.003” (75 µm) ±0.004” (100 µm) ±0.0005” (12.5 µm)
tests should be performed by customers to determine safe operating parameters given your particular procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities are certified ISO 9001.
12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:30 PMPM
Fluidics Products idex-hs.com
Laser Products +1 760 438 2131
Optical Filters
Shutter Products
+1 585 244 7220 VALVES
For your information, our U.S. PFA Tubing Federal Taxpayer Identification
IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 25 2
5' (1.5 m) 50' (15 m)
Europe: Natural CustomerService.hsEurope@ Natural idexcorp.com Natural
Asia: Natural CustomerService.hsAsia@ idexcorp.com Natural
1,000 psi (69 bar) 1,000 psi (69 bar) 500 psi (34 bar) 500 psi (34 bar) 500 psi (34 bar) 500 psi (34 bar)
OurNatural customer service team will help500 psi (34 bar) you contact a distributor in your area. Natural
2,000 psi (138 bar) 2,000 psi (138 bar) 2,000 psi (138 bar) 1,000 psi (69 bar) For Natural a complete distributor listing 1,000 psi (69 bar) Natural please visit www.semrock.com/ 1,000 psi (69 bar) Natural HOW TO FIND A LOCAL Natural DISTRIBUTOR FOR SEMROCK PRODUCTS Natural
Qty. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea.
international-distributors.aspx Natural Natural
500 psi (34 bar) 500 psi (34 bar)
The products in this catalog are intended for use with analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment Natural 3,000 psi (207 bar) and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE Natural 3,000 psi (207 bar) PRODUCTS IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE3,000 psi (207 bar) Natural OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of Natural 2,000 psi (138 bar) our products depends on our customers, since it is Natural 2,000 psi (138 bar) you who select and control the protective gear and safetyNatural procedures used, as well as the pressures,2,000 psi (138 bar) temperatures, Naturalsolvents, samples, ventilation, and1,000 psi (69 bar) other variables. Product and material performance Natural 1,000 psi (69 bar) ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field Natural 1,000 psi (69 bar) tests should be performed by customers to determine safe operating parameters given your particular procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities Natural 500 psi (34 bar) are certified ISO 9001.
500 psi (34 bar)
ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea.
0.062" (1.55 mm) 0.062" (1.55 mm)
Max. Pressure
For a complete distributor listing please visit www.idex-hs.com/ Natural 2,000 psi (138 bar) distributors or email: Natural 2,000 psi (138 bar) 2,000 psi (138 bar) US:Natural Natural 1,000 psi (69 bar) IHSOrders@idexcorp.com
1921-5 1921L
Returns must be authorized in number advance. Please contact Part No. is 01-0736657; European ID Length us within Taxpayer Identification number 30 days of purchase for your PFA TUBING, 1/16” OD is DE 146581180. Returns Material Authorization 0.020"(0.50 mm) 5' (1.5 m) 1500 (RMA) Number. A50' restocking 0.020"(0.50 mm) (15 m) fee 1512L ORDER may apply. To request Return 1,000'a(304 m) 1512M PROCESSING/ 0.020"(0.50 mm) SHIPPING Materials Authorization for IDEX 0.030" (0.75 mm) 5' (1.5 m) 1502 Orders Health & Science 50' products 0.030" (0.75 mm) (15 m) visit 1514L placed on our website process and ship as specified during the0.030" (0.75 mm) www.idex-hs.com/return. 1,000' (304 m) 1514M checkout process. Orders that are 0.040" (1.0 mm) 5' through (1.5 m) a 1503 Product purchased placed to (1.0 mm) 0.040" 50'returned (15 m) 1507L via fax/email will be subject Distributor must be a1507M $100 minimum order quantity0.040" and (1.0 mm) 1,000' (304Please m) directly to that Distributor. typically process within one business PFA TUBING, 1/8” OD contact them for Return Material day and ship within two business days. 0.062" (1.55 mm) 5' (1.5 m) 1509-5 Authorization procedures. Customers who have established 0.062" (1.55 mm) 50' (15 m) 1509L contract pricing terms must place PFA HP TUBING, 1/16” OD DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL catalog orders directly with their 0.020"(0.50 mm) 5' (1.5 m) 1622-5 DISTRIBUTION NETWORK Customer Service representative. 0.020"(0.50 mm) 50' (15has m) established 1622L IDEX Health & Science All shipments are FCA unless 0.020"(0.50 mm) (304 m) 1622M relationships with a1,000' global network otherwise (1.5 m) 1632-5 noted. For orders not0.030" (0.75 mm) of Distributors that5'offer outstanding placed 0.030" (0.75 mm) 50' (15 m) 1632L via our website, shipping product support and assistance. charges to (0.75 mm) 0.030" 1,000' (304 m) 1632M will be prepaid and added In order to meet our customer’s the Or, if requested, PFAinvoice. HP TUBING, 1/8” ODwe will needs, and the demands of being charge 0.062" (1.55 mm) 5' (1.5 m) come to 1641-5 your carrier account number. a global supplier, we have 0.062" (1.55 mm) 50' (15 m) 1641L rely on our authorized Distributors TERMS PFA HP PLUS TUBING, 1/16” OD to provide value-added service and 0.010 (0.25 mm) 5' (1.5 m) 1902-5cards are accepted for orders support of our products. While we are Credit (15 m) 1902L within the United States.0.010 (0.25 mm) happy to take your50' order directly, we placed 0.010 (304 m) local 1902M orders may also be used contact your Purchase by(0.25 mm)encourage you to 1,000' 0.020"(0.50 mm) 5' (1.5Distributor. m) 1907-5 customers. No international IDEX Health & Science qualified 50' (15 m) 1907Lcard payment is possible.0.020"(0.50 mm) credit 1,000' (304 m) 1907M No international shipments are 0.020"(0.50 mm) 0.030" (0.75 mm) 5' (1.5 m) 1912-5 For terms and conditions possible. 0.030" (0.75 mm) 50' (15 m) 1912L of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ 1,000’ (304 m) 1912M legal-notices. Terms and prices 0.030" are (0.75 mm) PFA HPtoPLUS TUBING, 1/8” OD subject change without notice.
www.idex-hs.com www.idex-hs.com
12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:30 PMPM
2 26
Fluidics Products
FEP Tubing
With virtually identical chemical resistance to PFA at a lower price, FEP tubing is great for general, low pressure applications. Compared to PTFE, FEP (fluorinated ethylene propylene) tubing is held to tighter tolerances and has lower gas permeability (see material properties on our website: www.idex-hs.com).
Great for moderate-to-low pressure applicationse
Laser Products
1/16”, 1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”, or 5/16” outside diameter available
Much of our FEP Tubing — even the color-tinted options — is translucent, making it possible to watch fluid flow. Using different colored tubing can help identify transfer lines in multisolvent systems. Color coding also allows easy identification of the tubing thru-hole size. Black FEP tubing is available for light-sensitive applications (such as enzymatic and chemi-luminescent reactions) and entering/exiting flow cells.
mm, 2 mm, or 3 mm +1 1outside 760 438 2131 diameter available Maximum continuous use temperature: 50 ºC Constructed with genuine Teflon™ FEP resin
Optical Filters
semrock.com VALVES
1/8” OD 3/16” OD 5/16” OD 1 mm OD 2 mm OD 3 mm OD
For your information, our U.S. Federal Taxpayer Identification number is 01-0736657; European Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.
Tubing Size +11/16” 585 244 7220 OD
Returns must be authorized in advance. Please contact us within 30 days of purchase for your Returns Material Authorization (RMA) Number. A restocking fee ORDER PROCESSING/ may apply. To request a Return Part No. ID Length SHIPPING Materials Authorization for IDEX FEP TUBING, 1/16” OD Orders placed on our website process Health & Science products visit 0.010” (0.25 mm) 5’ (1.5 m) 1527-5 and ship as specified during the www.idex-hs.com/return. 0.010” (0.25 mm) 50’ (15 m) 1527L checkout process. Orders that are 0.010” (0.25 mm) Product purchased 100’ through (30 m) a 1527XL placed via fax/email will be subject to 0.010” (0.25 mm) Distributor must1,000' (304 m) 1527M be returned a $100 minimum order quantity and 0.020” (0.50 mm) directly to that Distributor. 5’ (1.5 m) 1548-5 Please typically process within one business 0.020” (0.50 mm) contact them for 50’Return (15 m) Material 1548L day and ship within two business days. 0.020” (0.50 mm) Authorization procedures. 100’ (30 m) 1548XL Customers who have established 0.020” (0.50 mm) 1,000' (304 m) 1548M contract pricing terms must place 0.030” (0.75 mm) DIRECT FROM 5’ (1.5 m) GLOBAL 1520-5 OUR catalog orders directly with their 0.030” (0.75 mm) DISTRIBUTION 50’ (15 m) 1520L NETWORK Customer Service representative. 0.030” (0.75 mm) IDEX Health & Science 100’ (30 has m) established 1520XL 0.030” (0.75 mm) relationships with 1,000' (304 m) 1520M All shipments are FCA unless a global network otherwise noted.1/8” For orders FEP TUBING, OD not of Distributors that offer outstanding placed 0.062” (1.55 mm) product support5’and (1.5 assistance. m) 1521-5via our website, shipping charges added to mm) In order to meet50’ (1.55 (15customer’s m) 1521L will be prepaid and0.062” our the invoice. Or, if requested, we will 0.062” (1.55 mm) needs, and the demands 100’ (30 m)of being 1521XL charge your carrier account FEP TUBING, 3/16” OD number. a global supplier, we have come to 0.125” (3.2 mm) 50’ (15 m) 1524L rely on our authorized Distributors 0.125” (3.2 mm) 100’ (30 m) 1524XL TERMS to provide value-added service and FEP TUBING, OD for orders support of our products. While we are Credit cards are 1/4” accepted 0.188” (4.8 mm) 50’ (15 m) directly, we 1650L within the United States. happy to take your order placed 0.188” (30 m) your local 1650XL orders may also be to contact Purchase used(4.8 bymm) encourage you 100’ FEP TUBING, 1.0 MM OD IDEX Health & Science Distributor. qualified customers. No international 0.020” (0.50 mm) 50’ (15 m) 1671Lcard payment is possible. credit 100’ (30 m) 1671XL No international shipments0.020” are (0.50 mm) FEP TUBING, 2.0and MMconditions OD possible. For terms 0.40” (1.0 mm) 50’ (15 m) 1673L of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ 0.40”are (1.0 mm) 100’ (30 m) 1673XL legal-notices. Terms and prices FEP TUBING, 3.0 MM OD subject to change without notice. 1677L 1677XL
0.080” (2.0 mm) 0.080” (2.0 mm)
IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb 26 IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 2
50’ (15 m) 100’ (30 m)
OD Tolerances ±0.001” (25 µm) ±0.003” (75 µm) ±0.004” (0.10 mm)
ID Tolerances ±0.001” (25 µm) ±0.003” (75 µm) ±0.004” (0.10 mm)
±0.004” (0.10 mm) ±0.001” (25 µm) ±0.003” (75 µm)
±0.004” (0.10 mm) ±0.001” (25 µm) ±0.003” (75 µm)
±0.003” (75 µm)
±0.003” (75 µm)
HOW TO FIND A LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR FLUIDICS PRODUCTS For a complete distributor listing please visit www.idex-hs.com/ distributors or email: US: Color
Max. Pressure
Natural Europe: Natural CustomerService.hsEurope@ Natural idexcorp.com Natural Asia: Natural CustomerService.hsAsia@ Natural idexcorp.com Natural Natural Our customer service team will help Natural you contact a distributor in your area. Natural Natural HOW TO FIND A LOCAL Natural DISTRIBUTOR FOR
3,000 psi (207 bar) 3,000 psi (207 bar) 3,000 psi (207 bar) 3,000 psi (207 bar) 2,000 psi (138 bar) 2,000 psi (138 bar) 2,000 psi (138 bar) 2,000 psi (138 bar) 1,000 psi (69 bar) 1,000 psi (69 bar) 1,000 psi (69 bar) 1,000 psi (69 bar)
ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea.
Natural For a complete distributor listing Natural please visit www.semrock.com/ Natural international-distributors.aspx
500 psi (34 bar) 500 psi (34 bar) 500 psi (34 bar)
ea. ea. ea.
Natural The products in this catalog are intended for use with Natural
500 psi (34 bar) 500 psi (34 bar)
ea. ea.
250 psi (17 bar) 250 psi (17 bar)
ea. ea.
500 psi (34 bar) 500 psi (34 bar)
ea. ea.
500 psi (34 bar) 500 psi (34 bar)
ea. ea.
500 psi (34 bar) 500 psi (34 bar)
ea. ea.
analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE
OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of our products depends on our customers, since it is
Natural you who select and control the protective gear and safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, Natural temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and other variables. Product and material performance
Natural ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field Natural tests should be performed by customers to determine safe operating parameters given your particular procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities
Natural are certified ISO 9001. Natural
12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:30 PMPM
Fluidics Products
Excellent chemical resistance
Laser Products
Holds pressure up to 4,000 psi (276 bar)
ETFE (ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene) tubing is an excellent fluoropolymer product that offers several benefits over tubing manufactured from PTFE, FEP, or PFA. These benefits include enhanced pressure holding capabilities, increased mechanical stability and lower gas permeability.
Constructed with genuine Tefzel™ resin
ETFE Tubing
1/16” or 1/8” outside diameter available
+1 760 438 2131
Maximum continuous operating temperature: 80 ºC
ETFE tubing is an ideal choice for the fluid pathway between the vacuum degasser and the system’s pump. Its low gas permeability will help ensure the mobile phase solvents do not regas while in transit.
Optical Filters
Shutter Products
Tubing OD 1/16” OD 1/16” OD
Tubing ID 0.010” (0.25 mm), 0.020” (0.50 mm), 0.030” (0.75 mm) 0.040” (1.0 mm)
OD/ID Tolerances ±0.001” (25 µm) ±0.002” (50 µm)
1/8” OD
±0.003” (75 µm)
For your information, our U.S. Federal Taxpayer Identification number is 01-0736657; European Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.
For a complete distributor listing please visit www.idex-hs.com/ distributors or email: US: IHSOrders@idexcorp.com Europe: CustomerService.hsEurope@ idexcorp.com
Product purchased through a Distributor must be returned directly to that Distributor. Please contact them for Return Material Authorization procedures. Length
Asia: CustomerService.hsAsia@ idexcorp.com Color
100' (30 m)
IDEX Health & Science has established 1,000' (304 m) 1529M All shipments are FCA unless 0.010 (0.25 mm) relationships with a global network 0.020"(0.50 mm) of Distributors that offer outstanding 5' (1.5 m) 1516 otherwise noted. For orders not 0.020"(0.50 mm) product support and assistance. 50' (15 m) 1516L via our website, shipping placed 0.020"(0.50 100' (30 m) 1516XL will be prepaid and added charges to mm) In order to meet our customer’s 0.020"(0.50 mm) needs, and the demands of being 1,000' (304 m) 1516M the invoice. Or, if requested, we will 0.030" (0.75 mm)a global supplier, we have come 5' (1.5 1528 your carrier account number. charge tom) 1528L
0.030" (0.75 mm)rely on our authorized Distributors 50' (15 m) 0.030" (0.75 mm)to provide value-added service 100'and (30 m) 1,000' 1528Mcards are accepted for 0.030" we (304 are m) Credit orders(0.75 mm)support of our products. While 0.040" (1.0 mm) happy to take your order directly, 5' (1.5we m) 1517 within the United States. placed 0.040"by (1.0 mm) encourage you to contact your 50'local (15 m) 1517L orders may also be used Purchase 0.040" (1.0 mm) IDEX Health & Science Distributor. 100' (30 m) 1517XL customers. No international qualified 0.040" (1.0 mm) 1,000' (304 m) 1517M credit card payment is possible. 1528XL TERMS
0.093" (2.4 mm)
5' (1.5 m) 50' (15 m) 100' (30 m) 5' (1.5 m) 50' (15 m)
0.093" (2.4 mm)
100' (30 m)
IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 27 2
4,000 psi (276 bar) 4,000 psi (276 bar) 4,000 psi (276 bar) 4,000 psi (276 bar)
ea. ea. ea. ea.
3,000 psi (207 bar) 3,000 psi (207 bar) 3,000 psi (207 bar) 3,000 psi (207 bar) Natural 2,000 psi (138 bar) Natural 2,000 psi (138 bar) The products in this catalog are intended for use with 2,000 psi (138 bar) Natural analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment Natural 2,000 psi (138 bar) and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE Natural SHALL HAVE NO 500 psi (34 bar) PRODUCTS IN THIS CATALOG Natural 500 psi (34 bar) LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of Natural 500 psi (34 bar) our products depends on our customers, since it is Natural 500 psi (34 bar)
ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea.
For a complete Natural distributor listing Natural please visit www.semrock.com/ Natural international-distributors.aspx
you who select and control the protective gear and safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and Natural other variables. Product and material performance Natural ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field Natural tests should be performed by customers to determine safe operating parameters given your particular Natural procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities Natural are certified ISO 9001.
1,000 psi (69 bar) 1,000 psi (69 bar) 1,000 psi (69 bar) 500 psi (34 bar) 500 psi (34 bar) 500 psi (34 bar)
ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea.
ETFE TUBING,shipments 1/8” OD are No international 0.062" (1.55 mm) 1530 possible. For terms and conditions 0.062" (1.55 mm) 1530L of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ 0.062" 1530XL legal-notices. Terms and prices are (1.55 mm) 0.093" (2.4 mm) 1648 to change without notice. subject
Max. Pressure
Our customer service team will help Natural in your area. you contact a distributor
Orders placed on our website process and ship as specified during the checkout process. Orders that are placed via fax/email will be subject to a $100 minimum order quantity and typically process within one business day Partand No. ship within two business ID days. Customers who have established ETFE TUBING, 1/16” OD contract pricing terms must place 0.010 (0.25 mm) 1529 catalog 0.010 (0.25 mm) 1529L orders directly with their Customer 0.010 (0.25 mm) 1529XL Service representative.
Returns must be authorized in advance. Please contact us within 30 days of purchase for your Returns Material Authorization (RMA) Number. A restocking fee may apply. To request a Return Materials Authorization for IDEX Health & Science products visit www.idex-hs.com/return.
Other tubing materials and dimensions may be available. Please contact IDEX Health & Science or your local representative directly.
www.idex-hs.com www.idex-hs.com
12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:30 PMPM
2 28
Fluidics Products idex-hs.com
Fused Silica Tubing Cutters We offer a precision cutter for fused silica tubing — SGT’s Shortix™ Cutter (FS-315). This cutter ensures clean, trouble-free cutting of fused silica tubing, providing better cuts than any other product on the market. It also includes a built-in magnifying glass to examine the cut tubing ends. Order the FS-315-02 Maintenance Kit, as needed, to replace a worn or damaged cutting wheel.
Laser Products +1 760 438 2131 FS-315
for fused silica tubing
Optical Filters
When using traditional fused silica tubing cutters, only a small part of the tubing wall is scratched, then the tubing is snapped or pulled in two, often resulting in a jagged, uneven cut. With a Shortix Cutter, a clean cut is made every time, regardless of skill or experience, as the cut is made by rotating a diamond blade around the entire circumference of the tubing.
Shutter Products
Please Note: The FS-315 Fused Silica Tubing Cutters are designed to cut only tubing with ODs of 350 µm–780 µm and IDs of 100 µm–350 µm.
+1 585 244 7220 Polymer Tubing Cutters
For 1/16”, 1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”, and 5/16” OD tubing
A flat, 90˚, burr-free cut is difficult to obtain with most commercial polymer tubing cutters. Our experts have designed several tubing cutters specifically to cut polymer for 3/16” - 5/16” For your information, our U.S. RETURN OFtubing. MATERIALS HOW TO FIND A LOCAL This line of tubing cutters includes a standard cutter for 1/16” and 1/8” OD OD tubing A-327 DISTRIBUTOR FOR Federal Taxpayer Identification Returns must be authorized in for 1/16” and tubing (A-327), and another for large bore tubing (A-329). Each has guide holes to FLUIDICS PRODUCTS number is 01-0736657; European 1/8” OD tubing advance. Please contact us within ensure precise cutting. These cuttersdistributor are durable, Taxpayer Identification number For a complete listing reliable, and easy to operate. 30 days of purchase for your is DE 146581180. please www.idex-hs.com/ Five replacement blades are visit included with each tool. Returns Material Authorization
distributors or email: (RMA) Number. A restocking fee may apply. To request a Return US: Materials Authorization for IDEX IHSOrders@idexcorp.com Orders placed on our website process Health & Science products visit Europe: and ship as specified during the www.idex-hs.com/return. Our A-350 Cutter is designed to cut capillary-sized polymer tubing. The cutter makes CustomerService.hsEurope@ checkout process. Orders that are Product purchased through a clean, perpendicular cuts without collapsing thin capillary walls. A set of ten tubing idexcorp.com placed via fax/email will be subject to Distributor must be returned sleeves, required for cutting, a $100 minimum order quantity and Asia: are included with each cutter, along with five replacement directly to that Distributor. Please blades. The included tubing sleeves are for cutting 360 µm OD polymer capillary tubing. typically process within one business CustomerService.hsAsia@ contact them for Return Material day and ship within two business days. idexcorp.com Alternative sleeves are available for cutting 1/32” OD tubing. All tubing sleeves are Authorization procedures. Customers who have established A-350 2” long and constructedOur with genuine Teflon customer service team ™ willFEP helpresin. forplace capillary polymer tubing contract pricing terms must you contact a distributor in your area. DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL catalog orders directly with their DISTRIBUTION NETWORK Customer Service representative. HOW TO FIND A LOCAL IDEX Health & Science has established All shipments are FCA unless DISTRIBUTOR FOR relationships with a global network SEMROCK PRODUCTS otherwise noted. For orders not of Distributors that offer outstanding placed via our website, shipping For a complete distributor listing product support and assistance. charges will be prepaid and added to please visit www.semrock.com/ In order to meet our customer’s the invoice. Or, if requested, we will international-distributors.aspx needs, and the demands of being charge your carrier account number. a global supplier, we have come to The A-350 Capillary Polymer Tubing rely on our authorized Distributors Cutter can be used to cut tubing OD The products in this catalog are intended for use with TERMS provide value-added service and sizes other than 360 µm and 1/32”. to Simply analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment support of our products. While we are Credit cards are accepted for orders and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE use the proper NanoTight™ Tubing PRODUCTS IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO happy to take your we placed within the United States. Partorder No. directly, Description Qty. Sleeve found on page 52. Please note, LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE encourage you to contact your local Purchase orders may also be used by FUSED SILICA TUBING CUTTERS OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of however, that these sleeves are shorter IDEX Health & Science qualified customers. No international Shortix Fused Silica Tubing Cutter ea. FS-315 Distributor. our products depends on our customers, since it is than those listed on this page, and credit card payment is possible. you who select and control the protective gear and CAPILLARY POLYMER TUBING CUTTER therefore will last through fewer cuts. safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, No international shipments are Capillary Polymer Tubing Cutter* for 360 µm–1/32” OD tubing ea. A-350 temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and Includes (1) F-262x 10-pack of sleeves and (1) M-438-03 wrench possible. For terms and conditions other variables. Product and material performance Ourplease tubing are material specific: for A-350, 0.0155” ID, Green, for cutting 360 µm OD tubing 10-pk F-262x Replacement Sleevesratings of sale visitcutters www.idex-hs.com/ are provided as guides only. Individual field the A-327,Terms A-329, A-350 Standard Polymer Tubing Cutter* for 1/16”by and 1/8” OD tubing ea. A-327 tests should be performed customers to determine legal-notices. andand prices are should only safe operating parameters given5/16” your particular be used to cut polymer tubing, where Large Bore Polymer Tubing Cutter* for 3/16”– OD tubing ea. A-329 subject to change without notice.
Capillary Polymer Tubing Cutters
as the FS-315 should only be used to cut fused silica tubing.
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procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities
Replacement Blades for A-350, A-327, and A-329 A-328 are certified ISO 9001. * Includes (1) A-328 5-pack of replacement blades. TOOLS
12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:30 PMPM
Fluidics Products idex-hs.com
Laser Products +1 760 438 2131
Optical Filters
Shutter Products
+1 585 244 7220 VALVES
For your information, our U.S. Federal Taxpayer Identification number is 01-0736657; European Taxpayer Identification number is DE 146581180.
All shipments are FCA unless otherwise noted. For orders not placed via our website, shipping charges will be prepaid and added to the invoice. Or, if requested, we will charge your carrier account number.
IDX2398-1_Catalog.indb IDX2398-1_Catalog-BioTech.indb 29 2
DIRECT FROM OUR GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORK IDEX Health & Science has established relationships with a global network of Distributors that offer outstanding product support and assistance. In order to meet our customer’s needs, and the demands of being a global supplier, we have come to rely on our authorized Distributors to provide value-added service and support of our products. While we are happy to take your order directly, we encourage you to contact your local IDEX Health & Science Distributor.
For a complete distributor listing please visit www.idex-hs.com/ distributors or email: US: IHSOrders@idexcorp.com Europe: CustomerService.hsEurope@ idexcorp.com Asia: CustomerService.hsAsia@ idexcorp.com Our customer service team will help you contact a distributor in your area.
HOW TO FIND A LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR SEMROCK PRODUCTS For a complete distributor listing please visit www.semrock.com/ international-distributors.aspx
The products in this catalog are intended for use with analytical, biotechnology and diagnostic equipment and accessories. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE PRODUCTS IN THIS CATALOG SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER DUE TO ANY MISUSE OF THEIR PRODUCTS. Of course, the safe use of our products depends on our customers, since it is you who select and control the protective gear and safety procedures used, as well as the pressures, temperatures, solvents, samples, ventilation, and other variables. Product and material performance ratings are provided as guides only. Individual field tests should be performed by customers to determine safe operating parameters given your particular procedures and use. IDEX Health & Science facilities are certified ISO 9001.
Credit cards are accepted for orders placed within the United States. Purchase orders may also be used by qualified customers. No international credit card payment is possible. No international shipments are possible. For terms and conditions of sale please visit www.idex-hs.com/ legal-notices. Terms and prices are subject to change without notice.
Product purchased through a Distributor must be returned directly to that Distributor. Please contact them for Return Material Authorization procedures.
Orders placed on our website process and ship as specified during the checkout process. Orders that are placed via fax/email will be subject to a $100 minimum order quantity and typically process within one business day and ship within two business days. Customers who have established contract pricing terms must place catalog orders directly with their Customer Service representative.
Returns must be authorized in advance. Please contact us within 30 days of purchase for your Returns Material Authorization (RMA) Number. A restocking fee may apply. To request a Return Materials Authorization for IDEX Health & Science products visit www.idex-hs.com/return.
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12/2/2016 10/28/16 3:49:52 1:30 PMPM