BiotechNZ Newsletter #1

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newsletter 1 newsletter newsletter 1 newslett eNewsletter March 2009

BIOTECH NZ advanced technology naturally welcome

Welcome to the first issue of Biotech NZ Newsletter. Every month, we will bring you news from the booming health industry. READ MORE ......

heart health

Our first seminar in 2009 where we make cardiology accessible. You will receive. READ MORE ......


Whilst we know that the gut harbours trillions of organisms essential for our health, we still know little about what is growing down there, how those organisms impact our health and how best to address imbalances. READ MORE ......

case reports

Two reports of natural health care practitioners who have been taking Progurt for some time. READ MORE ......


An informative and very popular website for mums and mums to be this site is a wealth of information. READ MORE ......

research news

Maitake Inhibits Angiogenesis. Tumour progression is dependent on a growing blood supply and successful tumours secrete angiogenic factors that induce new capillary growth. One of these angiogenic factors is VEGF – vascular endothelial growth factor. READ MORE ......

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P 09 307 0776 F 09 307 0763

welcome welcome welcome welcome BIOTECH NZ March 2009 welcome

Dear fellow physician

advaced technology naturally advanced technolo gy naturally advanced techn ology naturally advanced tec hnology naturally advanced technology naturally advanc ed technology naturally adv anced technology naturally a vanced technology naturally

Welcome to Biotech NZ’s inaugural practitioner monthly eNewsletter. This email-only publication is specifically designed for you, the busy practitioner to easily and quickly find useful clinical information. If you’ve got something you’d like to share – don’t be shy. If there’s something you’d like to read about – let us know. We hope you enjoy your March eNewsletter and look forward to seeing you all at our cardiovascular seminar next month.

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Contents Seminar One 2009 page 4 New Insights and Solutions into Cardiovascular Health New Concepts of Gut Dysbiosis

page 6

Case Reports

page 7


page 8

Research News

page 9

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heart health heal heart heart health heart he Seminar 1 2009- Cardiovascular Health

cardiovascular health

Most of your patients are at risk

effective treatment plans

Frequently, your patients will be unaware that they have early indications or are at risk of cardiovascular disease. Early identification of an underlying cardiac or vascular problem can make huge differences to a patient’s life span and health span.

The sophisticated practitioner provides cardiovascular support through dietary, lifestyle recommendations and supplements, always in conjunction with a clear understanding of the most likely factors responsible for the presenting abnormality. A key part of this presentation is the examination of the clinically recognised influences that disrupt normal vascular function.

We are in a unique position to be able to spend time with people to search for their hidden risks before they become damaging and irreversible. Knowing what to look for is the first part, developing an effective patient plan that addresses the real issues that are creating the problem is the other.


Improve your diagnosis


The field of cardiology has progressed recently and we now have a clearer understanding of the mechanisms and also solutions to the number one cause of death in Western society. In this important presentation you will receive a step by step process of patient assessment and interpretation.

Address the core of the problem Conditions to be discussed • Atherosclerosis • Hypertension • Stroke • Congestive Heart Failure

d e t i v n I re ’ u o Y to 1 r a n i m e S

r o F s t h g si lar n I w e N rdiovascu Ca ealth H

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lth ealth Topics to be covered • • • • •

New insights into cardiac and vascular function and pathology Understand the most clinically relevant causes of vascular disease Understand the most clinically relevant signs of vascular disease Clear strategies to improve cardiovascular function Marketing and your business

SEMINAR 1 2009 Cardiovascular Health

New Product Ranges

Your Presenter

Biotech NZ have procured access to some of the leading formulations available in the world today. We provide the highest quality practitioner-only products from local and international companies, which we feel have proven and distinct clinical benefits. This presentation will keep you up to date with the very latest developments in world nutritional technology.

Brendan Penwarden is one of the best-known and respected practitioners and presenters in New Zealand and Australia. He has been the producer and creative element for the most successful presentations seen in New Zealand over the last 16 years. He is very proud to prepare and present this important seminar with Biotech NZ.

Use the best tools Special Module: Marketing Cardiology Brendan has a reputation as one of the most dynamic speakers in our field and his natural talent at business strategies and marketing always make his presentations an unmissable event. He will discuss how to market the points and issues raised in the presentation and to most effectively utilise this seminar in a business sense.

TIME Registration Seminar part one Break Seminar part two Dinner

2.30 – 3.00 3.00 – 4.30 4.30 – 5.00 5.00 – 6.30 6.30

DATES Thursday 16th April Nelson Trailways Hotel, 66 Trafalgar Street Friday 17th April Christchurch Crowne Plaza, cnr Kilmore & Durham Street Saturday 18th April Wellington James Cook Hotel, 147 The Terrace Sunday 19th April Auckland Novotel Ellerslie, 72 Greenlane East Road Friday 24th April Tauranga Armitage Hotel, 9 Willow Street Bookings: Biotech NZ 09 307 0776 or email BiotechNZ at

P 09 307 0776 F 09 307 0763

probioticsprobiotics probioticsprobiotics New Concepts in Gut Dysbiosis


One hundred trillion microorganisms is a lot of cells! It’s actually 10 times more cells than the number comprising the entire human body, so it stands to reason that these microorganisms have some very important roles to play.

New Concepts of Gut Dysbiosis

Dysbiosis is Reduced Biodiversity

Whilst we know that the gut harbours trillions of organisms essential for our health, we still know little about what is growing down there, how those organisms impact our health and how best to address imbalances. However some new findings are revealing important insights that affect how we address dysbiosis and which will change our patient approach. One reason we know so little about our flora is that the majority of the bacteria and yeasts cannot be grown in culture so we have no idea what they are. Previous estimates suggest about 300 different species in the human gut, which has been upgraded to 500, then to 1000 and recent research using DNA sequencebased technologies predict it may go as high as 40,000.

While we wait for the results of the project there is an important consideration for clinicians to understand the nature of gut dysbiosis. The major defect in many conditions associated with abnormal gut biota is a reduction in biodiversity. In Crohn’s disease for example, diversity has been found to be reduced to 50% while in ulcerative colitis it has been found to be reduced to an extraordinary 30%.

First Microbial Gene Project Utilising the DNA technology the National Institute of Health in the US has initiated a large project called the Human Microbiome Project with the goal of identifying and characterising the entire human gut flora gene pool in both healthy and ill people. There is expected to be 10-100 times more genes in our gut than are present in us. The human colon also has the highest bacterial density of any known ecosystem on earth.

Rather than an overgrowth, an extinction, or major species reduction of the commensal flora is the most predictable finding in conditions associated with dysbiosis. Subsequent to a biodiversity issue, an opportunistic overgrowth may or may not occur.In fact, it would be rare to see an overgrowth without compromised biodiversity. Subsequent to even gutfriendly antibiotics, some bacterial species take years to recover. This means that the weed, seed, feed protocol is wrong and potentially damaging to a fragile gastrointestinal ecosystem which needs to be supported before antimicrobials are applied. Probiotic support would deter proliferation of opportunistic organisms. Relapsing ulcerative colitis patients exhibit sharp falls in their commensal flora and antimicrobial therapy would be disadvantageous.

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s Complex Probiotic Required


Considering the massive number of species within the gut, a broad-spectrum probiotic is required. Recent advances in probiotic technology have turned around the notion of yoghurts not being effective clinically. Robert Beson from MicroBioFlora has spent the last 10 years perfecting a broad-spectrum probiotic derived exclusively from human flora. Robert has not only been the first to make a yoghurt using human commensal flora, but has also achieved the highest microbe count of any probiotic available. Progurt is make-at-home probiotic yoghurt with independent tests showing levels of commensal flora of 1 trillion organisms per 100 ml.

If you browse you willl read some remarkable reports written by people who suffer various conditions describing their experiences with Progurt. The following are two reports by natural health care practitioners who have been taking Progurt for some time.

The Ideal Probiotic Progurt satisfies many clinical issues for practitioners. As Progurt is live yoghurt it guarantees the patient has the highest potency and probiotic viability. The fresh yoghurt will retain its strength for at least 7 days while refrigerated. With 10 trillion organisms per litre and a huge range of species you have the very best chance of recovering the biodiversity that appears to be present in the majority of dysbiotic patients. Robert also has an astounding collection of case studies of chronically and severely ill people who report dramatic improvements and often a complete turnaround in their condition. This demonstrates that we were indeed correct in maintaining that the gut is the foundation of health, but only now do we have real potency to repair the microbial imbalance.

“Having used Progurt for several months now I can confidently give it the credit for my increased feeling of improved overall health with specific references to no longer having the feeling of slight regurgitation after fatty meals (tooooo much fine cheese and I am not going to stop eating it now I have the solution) and very regular and easy bowel motions. I also took Progurt on a recent overseas trip trekking in Nepal where I relied on it exclusively to preserve my intestinal tract and prevent any microbial infections. I had no adverse incidents at all.”

For wholesale pricing call 09 307 0776 or email BiotechNZ

Tim A, 63 years Pharmacist (retired)

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P 09 307 0776 F 09 307 0763

weblinks weblinks weblinks weblinks achieving better health

research news


Maitake Inhibits Angiogenesis Tumour progression is dependent on a growing blood supply and successful tumours secrete angiogenic factors that induce new capillary growth. One of these angiogenic factors is VEGF – vascular endothelial growth factor.

WORLD WIDE WEB As the exclusive distributor of Progurt in New Zealand Biotech NZ is proud to launch the Progurt website Click on the site address above and you will find instructions on how to make Progurt and fascinating case reports of people taking it with a wide range of health concerns. This is a very patient-friendly site that will help them get the maximum from this remarkable probiotic. An informative and very popular website for mums and mums to be, this site is a wealth of information. Follow your pregnancy using the pregnancy calendar or search for specific questions in the comprehensive database. The forum is a very well frequented discussion community covering all aspects of mums, dads and babies. This site is a reliable recommendation for your pregnant patients as well.

Vascular endothelial growth factor is the primary and most potent inducer of angiogenesis and is a key agent involved in tumour development. Not only does it improve blood supply to allow tumour growth, it actively promotes tumour survival and metastasis. It increases endothelial cell survival and activation leading to the secretion of enzymes which degrade the extracellular matrix thereby promoting metastasis. Tumours with high VEGF expression are also known to be more resistant to chemotherapy and are more likely to metastasise. Mechanisms include the increased expression of the antiapoptotic factor Bcl-2 and the induction of another anti-apoptotic factor survivin, which protects tumour cells against cytotoxic chemotherapy. VEGF also increases chemotactic migration and reactive oxygen species formation. Newer chemotherapy drugs are known as VEGF inhibitors. In an in vivo angiogenesis model, water extract of Maitake was found to block VEGF signalling pathways and prevent VEGF induced angiogenesis in human umbilical vein endothelial cells in a concentrationdependent manner. Not only did it inhibit angiogenesis, Maitake also dose dependently blocked ROS production and chemotactic migration induced by VEGF. Maitake has a surprisingly broad and potent effect on tumour inhibition. Lee JS, Park BC, Ko YJ, Choi MK, Choi HG, Yong CS, Lee JS, Kim JA. Grifola frondosa (maitake mushroom) water extract inhibits vascular endothelial growth factor-induced angiogenesis through inhibition of reactive oxygen species and extracellular signal-regulated kinase phosphorylation. J Med Food. 2008 Dec;11(4):643-51

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Markers of Psychosocial Stress

Asberg M, Nygren A, Leopardi R, Rylander G, Peterson U, Wilczek L, KällmÊn H, Ekstedt M, Akerstedt T, Lekander M, Ekman R. . Novel

Work related illness is becoming a serious problem A recent study in Sweden found that public expenditure on sick-leave has doubled in 3 years and that 70-80% of people affected are women. 80% of people on long-term sick leave meet the DSM-IV criteria for major depression. An interesting finding was that once depression was resolved many still exhibited mental and physical exhaustion and remained incapacitated for a very long time with a strong likelihood of depression recurrence. In contrast to typical major depression, stress related depression shows a reduced effect of cortisol. On exposure to cortisol feedback the hypothalamus typically reduces CRH release. Those stress affected continued to have high CRH on dexamethasone challenge indicating an uncontrolled stress response.

For a long time physiologists have assumed that thyroid hormones cross cell membranes by passive diffusion. It has recently become evident however that both uptake and efflux of these hormones is mediated by transporter proteins. Several have been identified including monocarboxylate transporters (MCT) 8 and 10 with others expected soon. It has also now been demonstrated that patients with mutations of MCT8 (which plays an important role in thyroid hormone transport in the brain) have severe psychomotor retardation and elevated T3 levels.

This led researchers to search for other physiological defects. Interestingly, they found that among 17 parameters tested monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP1), endothelial growth factor (EGF) and VEGF were 2-3 times more than the control values in the chronic-stress related group. These markers indicate an increased risk to chronic diseases with MCP-1 being a mediator of inflammatory-like disorders and oxidative stress. It also contributes to insulin resistance and atherosclerosis. EGF is able to upregulate angiotensin II which has further cardiovascular effects. VEGF may induce vascular inflammation and has oncogenic influences noted.

This discovery may have several clinical implications. Firstly, because the transporters have tissue specificity we may be able to see tissue specific thyroid hormone deficiencies due to transporter defects. These hormone problems may not be evident systemically. Also, blood tests for thyroid hormone have always been less than helpful. We can now recognise that this may be due to variability in transporter function. When transporter efficiency is low we expect to see higher T3 and T4 levels which a blood test would identify as normal. This highlights the importance of basal temperature as an indication of functional thyroid action.

Work can be very stressful for many people and is resulting in serious physiological abnormalities. Patients presenting with persistent generalised fatigue often also report mood symptoms when questioned and these may all have work-stress as a primary cause.

Low thyroid function is a very common clinical problem limiting the normal function of many body systems. Basal temperature testing is a reliable indicator of potential low thyroid function.

biochemical markers of psychosocial stress in women. PLoS ONE. 2009;4(1):e3590. Epub 2009 Jan 29

Newly Discovered Thyroid Hormone Transporters

Heuer H, Visser TJ. Pathophysiological importance of thyroid hormone transporters. Endocrinology 2009;150(3):1078-1083

P 09 307 0776 F 09 307 0763

welcome welcome thank you welcome BIOTECH NZ March 2009

P 09 307 0776 F 09 307 0763

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