Environome call fct call 2013

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Selecção de candidatos a submissão de candidaturas ao Concurso para Atribuição de Bolsas Individuais de Doutoramento da FCT 2013 Aceitamos candidaturas a submeter ao Concurso para Atribuição de Bolsas Individuais de Doutoramento da FCT de 2013 no tema: EnvironOme – Integrating Omics in ecotoxicology: tools for environmental risk assessment http://www.environome.ipleiria.pt

A candidatura deve incluir: - Curriculum vitae do candidato; - Carta de motivação e referências. As candidaturas, assim como qualquer questão relativa à candidatura, deverão ser enviadas até dia 30 de Agosto, para Marco Lemos (marco.lemos@ipleiria.pt). Os trabalhos serão desenvolvidos no GIRM – IPLeiria, na Vrije Universiteit (Amesterdão, Holanda), na Ghent University (Bélgica) e na Universidade de Coimbra. Os candidatos deverão ter licenciatura e mestrado em Biologia, Bioquímica ou áreas relacionadas (classificação final de 15/20 ou superior). Os alunos deverão estar preparados para estadias e trabalho no estrangeiro. Sumário (EN) EnvironOme – Integrating Omics in ecotoxicology: tools for environmental risk assessment (PTDC/AGR-PRO/3496/2012) is a project financed by national funding through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) and the Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) through COMPETE – Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade (POFC). http://www.environome.ipleiria.pt/ The PhD proposal will be integrated within the framework of this funded project. The main objective of EnvironOme is to determine the mechanisms of pesticide toxicity in edaphic invertebrates, under realistic exposure scenarios, by combining responses at different levels of biological organization. Several transcriptomics and proteomics techniques will be applied, in combination with individual and population level responses (acute and chronic tests), to decipher the early molecular events involved in toxicant responses that will result in the adverse effects observed at higher levels of organization. The test species of this project is F. candida which is a common and widespread arthropod, occurring in soils throughout the world, and has been used as a "standard" test organism in chemical effect assessment for more than 40 years. With this project it is expected a better understanding of toxicants’ pathways of toxicity and the development and validation of a set of effective molecular tools (proteomics and transcriptomics) to assess the effects of pesticides in edaphic invertebrates, transposing them to field exposure bioassay scenarios (a major asset for Environmental Risk Assessment). The collaboration of GIRM and IMAR (Portugal) with L-ProBE from Ghent University (Belgium) and VU Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and the private company ECT Oekotoxikologie GmbH (Germany) allows us to strength the foundations of ecotoxicoproteomics and ecotoxicogenomics, a mechanistic and holistic approach, not yet fully explored, but with expected significant impacts in several research fields in environmental sciences and regulatory agencies.

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