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CEO’s column

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The judge’s eye

The judge’s eye

a variety of subjects, from training to social media, SEO and keywording.

You will also see from Joel’s round up on social media that we are getting very close to completing the upgrade on the BIPP website. We will be recording training videos on how to complete your profile and upload to the gallery.


Ian Southerin has been working hard with the regions and it’s great to see most are now putting on Zoom meetings with all members invited. We are making some changes to the geography of the regions as well as the infrastructure, with the intention of breathing life back into them when we can once again meet up in person.

New members

As you can imagine through this very difficult period we have lost a number of members. For many reasons we need to have a membership drive as we come out of the pandemic. We have looked at seeing how we can attract new members and at the same time reward members who have been able to continue with us. A good solution seems to be, if you – our members – recruit both past and new members. We will be running a promotion that will see both you and recommended members rewarded. My plan is to give both parties one month’s free membership.

New board member

I would like to welcome Dr Mark Hall on to the board who has been co-opted to help look at our offering to education. Since I have taken on this role, it is one area I have not been able to give any time to and it has sadly been neglected for a number of years. Mark is conducting a review and will work with me to see how we can put together a better programme with our links to education.

As always please feel free to contact me regarding any subject: martin@bipp.com


Iwas saddened to hear of the recent death of Roger ‘Mac’ McDonald ABIPP. Roger was a key part of the highly influential photography course at Blackpool and the Fylde College, training many of today’s great photographers and educators.

An extremely popular lecturer, he became a good friend to many – this was clearly demonstrated by his phenomenally large retirement party which (along with a phenomenally large barrel of Theakston’s XB) attracted ex-students, many by then prominent photographers, from all over the country.

Roger moved to Ledbury where he continued with his great passions: photography, vintage cars and family – he’s pictured here with his Alvis and his Linhof. Many people in photography today will have very fond memories of Roger. He was always happy to talk, a very good listener and full of good, practical advice. Looking ahead to this year as I’m sure Roger would have urged me on to do, it’s difficult not to feel optimistic… longer and warmer days, such positive news on the vaccine roll out and a roadmap to moving out of lockdown. This can’t give us certainty but at least there’s an outline we can start to plan from. According to Andy Haldane, the Bank of England’s chief economist, we all need to gear up for some business bounce back. He suggests that consumer confidence will surge thanks to the vaccine programme – I know I’m being highly selective here but he’s certainly not the only economist to forecast a sharp increase in growth as restrictions ease.

It’s a no brainer that confident consumers make purchases and as restrictions ease we move to the tricky (but much happier than lockdown) situation of competing for people’s available spend. If there’s going to be any business bounce back this year we can make sure we’re poised to take advantage.

As for me, well it’s been really interesting joining the directors in their work on issues affecting members, a broad range of views and plenty of experience gives us a very strong board in my opinion, and just as

importantly they have no issues with all coming together to form a consensus. Outside of formal meetings communication is pretty much on a daily basis – I’ve been totally awed by the time and thought they devote to Institute matters… they’re all quite modest so hopefully won’t read this little accolade.

I’ve also been getting up to speed by attending some of the great range of events on offer to members, and if you’re working on your business profile I can’t recommend them highly enough. It’s one of the things I love about this industry, the willingness of people to share really valuable information. To name just a few: Natalie Martin’s talk on selling was a masterclass on presenting both yourself and your work in an absolutely positive way; Jamie Morgan had so many practical business ideas he should be heading up the UK business forum; and Scott Johnson along with our CEO Martin Baynes were inspirational on qualifications – they are absolutely the way to go to set yourself apart and show industry qualified skills.

One thing this shift to Zoom has brought us is an opportunity for people from all regions and even countries to interact together. I could go on but Michael Weeks summed it up perfectly in a recent post:

‘It’s strange how Covid-19, something that keeps us apart, has shown how we can actually come together. So far this week I have been amused by Christine’s tales, educated by Jamie Morgan and then time for a quick coffee break with Steve Gregson. I have met people from all across the country and every region, met photographers covering everything from jewellery to dance, from architecture to cycling and to top it all I know the history of the hot cross bun thanks to Monir Ali. Don’t feel isolated, we are all welcome at all meetings – make the effort and meet someone new at the next meeting. Thanks to all those making the efforts to provide this for us.’

I couldn’t agree more or end on a more positive note.

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The light fantastic The light fantastic

A long-time advocate for authenticity and honesty in photography, Paul Reiffer lives the mantra through his adoption of ultra high-resolution medium-format capture that seems to take us beyond normal human experience

Spot check > Phase One IQ3 | Schneider Kreuznach 35mm | 25 sec | f/16 | iso 35 We’ve all spent a great deal of time working towards the point where our captured images express the scene as it felt when beheld by our own eyes. Stripped of that sense of amazement, photography wouldn’t be the Grail that continues to be chased by so many – and the yearning has certainly tempted some down the dark path that leaves

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