IADMFR Newsletter Spring 2015

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• president’s Report • secretary general’s report


newsletter Vol.44 No.1

Spring 2015

SCANORA速 3Dx Contents

Today you can.



3 Report from the President

The solution for ENT and Head and Neck imaging


Report from the Secretary General


Report from the Journal Editor

22 Report from Asia

SCANORA速 3Dx is a Cone Beam CT imaging device aimed for contemporary practices that offer multi-specialty treatment services. It helps ENT (ORL) and dento-maxillofacial surgeons to make accurate diagnostics, precise treatment planning for implant, ENT and oral surgery, and efficiently follow up on the treatment.


Report from South Korea


Report from China


Report from Chinese Taipei

36 Report from the Middle East 38 Report from North America


SCANORA_3Dx_ad_DMFR_May_2015_158x220mm.indd 1

Welcome to visit SOREDEX at the XX ICDMFR, Santiago, Chile

4/16/2015 4:27:29 PM


Report from Latin America


Report from the Past-President


Comments from Stuart White

56 Forthcoming Meetings



Dear Colleagues,

Dear Colleagues,

Greetings from Kaohsiung, Chinese Taipei.

Greetings from Santiago, Chile, site of the next IADMFR congress.

The spring of 2015 has come so quickly. I hope you are all doing well in life and work. This is our third issue of the IADMFR newsletter. I express my thanks to those who responded and sent reports to share with us. For everyone attending the coming IADMFR meeting in Santiago, Chile, on 25–28 August 2015, please make sure to send in your abstracts for poster or oral presentation. The deadline for abstracts is 1 May 2015. Please refer to the website: www. iadmfr2015.org.

This is my last chance to communicate with you by this means before giving the role to my successor, Professor Li-Min Lin.

In this newsletter, I want to mention two special reports. The first one is from Professor Stuart White, the famous oral radiology textbook writer from the United States. The title of his report is Above and Beyond the Call of Duty (p. 52). The second report is from Dr JW Chen, who is the chairman of Oral Maxillofacial Radiology School of Dentistry of Xian 4th Military University, China. The title of his report is the Biggest Chinese CBCT CE Program (p. 28).


In recent months we have seen our workload increase by preparing and promoting the 20th ICDMFR. This work has been possible because of the constant support of a group of colleagues and friends who are part of the organizing committee. I take these lines to thank the special dedication the following colleagues have given to organizing the congress: Prof. Elisa Parraguez

Junior Vice President IADMFR

The next newsletter will be our last one before handing the responsibility over to the next president elect. It will be published in the Autumn of 2015, after the 20th IADMFR in Santiago, Chile.

Prof. Guillermo Moreno Executive Chairman 20th ICDMFR

Dr Li-Min Lin

I also take this opportunity to thank the many colleagues and members of the Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Chilean Association and colleagues from around the world who have given us their support in the many additional tasks.

President Elect and Newsletter Editor of IADMFR


It is gratifying to be part of this chain and thus allow the IADMFR World Congress to move all over the world, giving the opportunity to all communities to learn more about our specialty as well as an opportunity for colleagues from around the world to receive the contribution the congress can deliver to every continent.

Report from the President

Dr Yuk-Kwan Chen, Associate Professor and Head of Oral Pathology and Radiology Department, School of Dentistry, Kaohsiung Medical University. I am delighted to complete the editorial work of the third issue of the newsletter. We are thankful for your contribution to the current issue of the newsletter. Dr Yuk-Kwan Chen Newsletter Associate Editor of IADMFR

Prof. Ricardo Urzua

Chairman of the Scientific Committee

Prof. Alex Alliendes

20th ICDMFR Treasurer

In recent months we have had a presence promoting the 20th ICDMFR at many conferences, including: European Academy of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (EADMFR), in Cluj-Napoca, Romania; Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Radiology (ACOMFR) in Bali, Indonesia; Brazilian Association of Odontologic Radiology (ABRO) in Vitoria, Brazil; Asian Academy of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Radiology Asian Academy of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Radiology (AAOMFR) in Mendoza, Argentina; and ALARID in Medellin, Colombia, as well as at many activities in Chile. In all these activities I have seen colleagues’ enthusiasm to attend and participate in the 20th ICDMFR. In this edition of the newsletter you will find a summary of what we have prepared for you on your visit to Santiago de Chile. See you there! Prof. Andres Briner IADMFR President


The XX ICDMFR On 16 August 1968 in the city of Santiago, Chile, the IADMFR was founded during the first world congress of our specialty. Today, after 47 years, the IADMFR Congress returns to its homeland, Santiago, Chile, for the XX ICDMFR. In this almost half a century we have seen our specialty growing in an unsuspected manner, hand in hand with scientific and technological progress where IADMFR has fulfilled a role of great importance, creating and disseminating knowledge, which has enabled the outstanding development of our specialty. This year during 25–29 August, in this beautiful corner of the world, we will take “one step forward” in that direction. The XX ICDMFR will allow an exchange of experiences and knowledge between colleagues from countries with different realities in different aspects, such as professionally, academically, socially, culturally, etc. This stimulating diversity is ideal for the success of this congress particularly in the social and scientific aspects, and that is precisely why we considered it very important to provide simultaneous translation from English to Spanish and Portuguese and vice versa. The organizing committee cordially invites you to participate in the XX ICDMFR and enjoy your stay in Santiago, Chile. You could also take the opportunity to learn more about the country and Latin America.


On 25 August 2015 there will be a pre-congress tour and conference that will include a trip to a vineyard, where we will learn in detail how fine Chilean wines are made, in addition to learning about our folk traditions and art, and of course enjoying our cuisine and a pleasant atmosphere during lunch. On this day we will participate in a special conference, “Roots of limited volume high resolution CBCT” given by Prof. Yoshinori Arai. Vacancies for this event are limited so please register in advance. The conference will take place in a modern convention centre recently built under a park, surrounded by attractions for participants and accompanying guests, as well as being located within walking distance to many hotels. During the morning sessions there will be plenary sessions with multiple conferences from important keynote speakers invited from all over the world, and during the evenings there will be oral presentations simultaneously in three rooms. There will also be the poster exposition and a commercial exhibition at this time. On Friday 28 August 2015 during the morning there will be a diagnostic competition, where various images corresponding to known diseases will be shown. The audience will make their diagnosis on individual keyboards and those who achieve the highest percentages of correct answers will receive a reward. Within the social programme, “Chilean dinner and dancing” stands out, where in a typical restaurant we will enjoy the local cuisine, folk music, dances and Chilean traditions in a relaxed atmosphere that invites us all to actively participate. The gala

dinner will be held in the rooms of Hotel Grand Hyatt Santiago, which has a wellearned reputation for its international cuisine and pleasant environment. The commercial exhibition has attracted the most important industries in our specialty giving further enhancement to our congress, allowing us to learn about latest products and equipment, and giving us excellent business opportunities. We emphasize the tourism activities for participants and accompanying guests, there are a variety of tours and activities before, during and after the conference on offer. For more details we invite you to contact secretariat@iadmfr2015.cl. For those who want to enjoy snow, the organizing committee have organized a discount with Valle Nevado, a beautiful and modern ski centre that is only 1 hour drive from Santiago. It is not to be missed! We welcome you to join us in Santiago to enjoy this congress that we have organized with pride and affection for all of you. The organizing committee of XX ICDMFR www.iadmfr2015.cl




Participants of Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (ACOMFR) 2014. Participants of ACOMFR 2014. Banner announcing the XX ICDMFR in Santiago, Chile. Chile, Central area. Chile, Santiago and surrounding areas. Chile, South area. Chile, North area.

Dear Colleagues,

Report from the Secretary General

Please find below the minutes of the General Assembly of the IADMFR held at the 19th International Congress of the International Association of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology in Bergen, Norway on 26 June 2013. Kind regards, Prof. ME Parker Secretary General of the IADMFR

• Absentees and alternates The Secretary General, Prof. ME Parker tendered the apologies of Profs Reinhilde Jacobs, William C Scarfe, Christos Angelopoulos and Sahai Sharad. • Minutes of the General Assembly Meeting in Hiroshima, Japan, 28 May 2011 The Secretary General indicated that the minutes of the General Assembly held at the 18th Congress of the IADMFR in Hiroshima, Japan on 28 May 2011 had been previously distributed (published in the IADMFR Newsletter and available on the Internet). Proposed (Gerard Sanderink) and seconded (Malcolm Coombs) as being read. There was no discussion. VOTE: The motion “To accept the Minutes of the General Assembly, 28 May 2011 held in Hiroshima, Japan” was accepted unanimously. • Report of the Secretary General

The 19th International Congress of the International Association of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 8

Minutes of the General Assembly Meeting Wednesday 26 June 2013 Grieghallen Conference Centre, Bergen, Norway • Welcome and opening of the Meeting The meeting was called to order at 4:15 pm. The President, Prof. Larheim welcomed all members to participate in the Congress and the General Assembly Meeting. Prof. Larheim requested the Secretary General, Prof. ME Parker, to chair the general assembly meeting. The Secretary General, Prof. ME Parker opened the meeting. First, he asked for a moment of silence for two members who passed away recently Prof. Neil Serman, a former IADMFR Board member and North American Regional Director and Dr Luc Habbets, former treasurer of the IADMFR. Prof. ME Parker introduced the members of the Executive Committee seated at the podium. Prof. ME Parker expressed gratitude to all members who have attended the 19th IADMFR and the General Assembly Meeting.

Prof. ME Parker presented his Report to the meeting and indicated that it had been previously distributed (available on the Internet). Proposed (Douglas Lovelock) and seconded (Paul van der Stelt) as being read. Discussion Prof. ME Parker highlighted a few points from the report. Over the past 2 years he was able to travel to a number of countries promoting IADMFR. Prof. ME Parker attended the 4th Congress of the Iranian Association of Oral Maxillofacial Radiology in Isfahan, Iran and the 13th European Congress of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology in Leipzig Germany in 2012. Over 10 Board members were present at the conference in Leipzig. A special interim board meeting was held there. Prof. ME Parker showed figures of the Association’s membership. There has been growth of the membership in almost all the regions, especially in Latin America. Thanks to Dr Andres Briner and his team for the efforts. Currently, there were more than 600 members in the Association and the USA and Japan have the largest membership. The members in Europe and the other regions were stable. However, many old members do not renew their membership. The Regional Directors are requested to assist in the renewing process for the old members. The IADMFR website is very old and is in need of a serious redesign. Dr Sanderink has done an excellent job over the last 20 years in taking care of the website as Webmaster. The IADMFR is indeed indebted to him. In order to continue developing the website, Prof. ME Parker volunteered to serve as the new IADMFR Webmaster. He presented a proposal to hire DotNet Nuke, a well-known open source company in South Africa to develop a new modern secure website for IADMFR.


Dr Suk Ng was pleased to learn the news of redesigning the website. She reported a difficulty when she was renewing her membership online with a credit card from UK last year. VOTE: The motion “That the Report of the Secretary General be accepted” was accepted with one abstention. • Report of the Treasurer/Finance Committee The Treasurer, Prof. Nortje, presented his Report (2011–2013) and Budget (2011– 2013) accompanied by explanatory tables to the Assembly. Discussion Prof. Nortje indicated there was a big profit of the Amsterdam meeting. He reported that financially the Association was in good shape and was asking for input for spending of the profit. Dr Laetitia Brocklebank inquired why the travel expenses were higher than the previous 2 years. Prof. Nortje explained that there have been increased activities to promote IADMFR. The Secretary General was able to travel to more regional meetings in Europe, and the Middle East to promote the Association.


Dr Lennart Flygare was asking if we could use the profit to reduce the membership dues, especially for junior members. Dr Lovelock was not in favour of reducing membership dues since the Association’s dues are relative low when compared with other associations. He suggested giving more awards, such as research and travel grants, to junior members. Dr Sanderink also voiced not reducing the junior membership dues. It would not be fair for the members in other categories. Prof. ME Parker said that he would charge the financial committee and trust fund committee to look into this matter. Proposed (Silvina Friedlander-Barenboim), seconded (Malcolm Coombs) as being read. VOTE: The motion “That Treasurer/Finance Committee Report be accepted” was accepted unanimously. • Past President’s Report The Past President, Prof. Tanimoto, indicated that his report was distributed in the handout of the meeting and available on page 24. Despite the disaster of earthquake and tsunami before the 18th Congress, many people attended the meeting. He appreciated the participation of the colleagues and members from across the world.

Prof. ME Parker complimented Prof. Tanimoto and his local organizing team members’ hard work. The meeting was successful and memorable. Proposed (Gerard Sanderink), seconded (Silvina Friedlander-Barenboim) as being accepted as read. VOTE: The motion “That Past President’s Report be accepted” was accepted unanimously. • President’s Report The President, Prof. Larheim, first thanked Dr Bjorn Mork-Knutsen and his local team for the organization and support. He understood that the cost was high. He was pleased that almost 450 participants from 45 countries attended this congress. He also thanked the Association for the grant, which allowed some members from lower income nations to participate in the Congress. Proposed (Dirk Schulze), seconded (Silvina Friedlander-Barenboim) as being read. VOTE: The motion “That the President’s Report be accepted” was accepted unanimously. • Report of the President Elect The President elect, Prof. Briner, introduced his key organizing team, including Vice President elect Prof. Eliza Paraquez, and another three members. He proposed to have one of the programmes translated into Spanish, so the congress can attract non-English speaker colleagues from the region to participate in the 20th Congress. He would ask for the support from the Association’s trust fund. The congress will be held in August, 2015. Proposed (Claudio Costa), seconded (Silvina Friedlander-Baren) as being read. VOTE: The motion “To accept the President Elect’s Report” was accepted unanimously. • Report of the Newsletter Editor Prof. Briner reported that three issues of newsletter, including two electronic and one paper, were published. He acknowledged Board members who have sent them the reports. Proposed (Dirk), seconded (Sharon Brooks) as being accepted as read. VOTE: The motion “That the Newsletter Editor’s Report be accepted” was accepted with one abstention. • Editor’s Report The Editor, Prof. Schulze, indicated that this was his first report as the Journal editor. He listed multiple changes that had been made since he took over the editorship. The backlog had been successfully cut by having a continuous


publication policy. An accepted article has been assigned with a unique identification number and no page numbers are no longer needed. Two associate editors, one from China and another Korea, were added. Impact factor of the Journal was 1.14 reflecting the period of 2011–2012. However, he believed that the 5-year period impact factor could reflect the journal’s status or impact more accurately than does the 1-year period. He indicated that the editor’s report on page 33–34 was circulated earlier. Proposed (Malcolm Coombs), seconded (Laetitia Brocklebank) as being accepted as read. VOTE: The motion “That the Editor’s Report be accepted” was accepted with one abstention. • Publisher’s Report


The Secretary General called upon Ms. Sophia Anderton of the British Institute of Radiology (BIR) to present her report. She highlighted recent developments of the Publisher in her PowerPoint presentation. The journal can be accessed all over the world. The statistics shows that the journal is healthy. The current acceptance rate is about 14%. The impact factor is 1.14 in 2012. The time from acceptance to publication is only 4 weeks now. She also presented some marketing strategies, including sending e-mails, sign up for DMFR alerts, and joining RSNA to promote BIR and DMFR. Proposed (Karin Nasstrom), seconded (Malcolm Coombs) as being accepted as read. VOTE: The motion “That the Publisher’s Report be accepted” was accepted unanimously. • Webmaster Report The report of the webmaster, Dr Sanderink was distributed earlier and presented. Proposed (Lennart Flygare), seconded (Silvina Friedlander-Barenboim) as being accepted as read. Dr Sanderink reported the urgent need of a new website for the Association. He indicated that he is going to retire as the Association’s webmaster. Prof. ME Parker acknowledged Dr Sanderink for his excellent job over the last 20 years in taking care of the website. In order to keep the continuity in developing the website, Prof. ME Parker volunteered to serve as the new IADMFR Webmaster. VOTE: The motion “That the Webmaster’s Report be accepted” was accepted with one abstention. • Trust Fund Report Dr Sanderink reported that the trust fund provided a contribution of $30,000 for the ICDMFR 2013 in Bergen to facilitate the travel grants. The Trust Fund will

also allocate $10,000 for the Research Awards at the ICDMFR. Proposed (Laetitia Brocklebank), seconded (Silvina Friedlander-Barenboim) as being accepted as read. VOTE: The motion “That the IADMFR Trust Fund Committee’s Report be accepted” was accepted with one abstention. • IADMFR Research Award The Secretary General called upon the chair of this committee, Prof. Schulze, to address the Assembly. Prof. Shulze reported that 10 manuscripts were received for the research awards. Four committee members reviewed all of them by using 0–10 scale system. Six finalists were selected. Five of them presented at the Congress and one withdrew. The recipients of the research awards were as follow: ºº First place: Fernando Mota de Almeida, entitled “The Effect of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) on therapeutic decision making in endodontics”. ºº Second place: Nilufer Ersan, entitled “Nonspontaneous bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the jaw”. Prof. Shulze also announced the IADMFR–BIR Best Poster Award: No. P-043 Yuka Hotokezaka, entitled “In vitro measurement of apoptotic and non-apoptotic cells using diffusion-weighted MR” from Nagasaki, Japan. The Secretary General, Prof. ME Parker congratulated all finalists and the award recipients. • Report of the Nominating Committee Prof. ME Parker called upon the chair of the nominating committee, Prof. Tanimoto, to present his report. Prof. Tanimoto presented his report to the General Assembly. No action was made for the 21st ICDMFR location since it was determined during the last congress. Prof. Tanimoto reported that over past 10 years the Association did not nominate honorary members. So the Nomination Committee has worked on this project. Six members, Douglas Lovelock, Gerard Sanderink, Curly Nortje, Allan Farman, Sharon Brooks and Stuart White were nominated for the honorable members. The nominations were open for discussion and no objections were received from the floor. Each nominee was voted for separately. All nominations were successfully accepted. Proposed (Claudio Costa), seconded (Paul van der Stelt) as being accepted as read. VOTE: The motion “That the Nominations and Report of the Nomination Committee be accepted” was accepted with five abstentions.


• New Officers of IADMFR Prof. ME Parker presented the slate of proposals for IADMFR Officers and Committee Members for 2013–2015. The proposal was open for discussion and no objections were received from the floor. Proposed (Claudio Costa), seconded (Silvina Friedlander-Barenboim) as being accepted as read. VOTE: The motion “To accept the New IADMFR Officers and Committee Members” was accepted unanimously. • Other items as submitted The Secretary General, Prof. ME Parker presented a document that proposed additions to the constitution regarding bidding for International Congress of the IADMFR as per the discussion at the last General Assembly in Hiroshima. The following will be added to Appendix II Article 2 after no 1. Proposed (Malcolm Coombs), seconded (Silvina Friedlander-Baren) as being accepted as read. VOTE: The motion “That the proposed additions to constitution re bidding for International Congress of the IADMFR be accepted” was accepted unanimously.


The Secretary General, Prof. ME Parker presented a document that proposed to unify all Latin American countries into one region including Central and South America. Proposed (Silvina Friedlander-Baren), seconded (Malcolm Coombs) as being accepted as read. VOTE: The motion “That the proposal to unify all Latin American countries into one region including Central and South America be accepted” was accepted unanimously. The Secretary General, Prof. ME Parker presented a document that proposed to change the constitution with regards to fellowship committee, Article II category IV. Proposed (Laetitia Brocklebank), seconded (Silvina Friedlander-Baren) as being accepted as read. VOTE: The motion “That the proposal to change constitution with regards to fellowship committee—Article II category IV be accepted” was accepted unanimously. The Secretary General, Prof. ME Parker presented a request for Regional Change from Turkey. The request was discussed in the Board Directors Meeting. The decision was made in the Board to reconsider the request in 2 years when Turkey joins European Union (EU). Prof. Friedlander-Barenboim indicted that Turkey plays a very important role for the region, which can bridge the east and west, as well as the counties with different political systems. Dr Brocklebank questioned why Turkey was in the Middle East in the first place? Turkey is a member of EADMFR. A colleague from Turkey voiced an opposition to the Board decision. She

believed that IADMFR is a scientific organization and should not use EU model. She echoed the statement that they are members of EADMFR and the European colleagues have accepted them. Another colleague from Turkey stated that they trade in the Middle East and participate in scientific activities in Europe. He proposed a vote. However, Dr Lovelock asked when the constitution change was announced? Dr Sanderink answered that no constitution change was announced before. Dr Brocklebank suggested that the constitution committee send out the change to all members, not only the members who attend the current meeting. Dr Lovelock agreed that the announcement of the constitution change should be published in the newsletter before the Vote. The Secretary General, Prof. ME Parker agreed with Dr Lovelock that this issue should go through the constitution committee and be revisited in 2 years. Dr Suk suggested that Dr Rose’s case presentation event should be included in the future meeting and all posters should be in an electronic format. The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm Respectfully submitted, Jie Yang, DDS, MMedSc, MS, DMD Secretary to the Board Prof. and Director of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry 3223 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19140, USA


Call for nominations for the Board of Directors and Secretary General-Elect (2015–2017)

Proposals for Changes to the Constitution

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the IADMFR I wish to call for nominations for:

Fellowship Committee Article II category IV—submitted by Prof. Keiji Tanimoto

1. The Board of Directors for the period 2015–2017.

Current Constitution:

The new Board will be on duty from the General Assembly at the IADMFR Congress in Santiago (Chile) in 2015 until the General Assembly at the Congress in Kaohsiung (Chinese Taipei) in 2017.

“The fellowship committee shall consist of five honorary or fellow members of the Association, nominated by the Board of Directors and approved by the General assembly”.

There will be in total 12 Regional Directors:

Proposed Change:

• One Regional Director from each of the following: Africa, Middle East, Central America and Australasia.

“The fellowship committee shall consist of three members including at least one honorary or fellow member of the Association”.

• Two Regional Directors from each of the following: Asia, Europe, North America and South America.

Motivation for Change

The Regional Directors will be elected for a period of 2 years and can be re-elected to a maximum term of 8 years.

2. Secretary General-Elect for the period 2015–2017. 16 The Secretary General-Elect will be on duty from the General Assembly at the IADMFR Congress in Santiago (Chile) in 2015 until the General Assembly at the Congress in Kaohsiung (Chinese Taipei) in 2017. At the General Assembly in Kaohsiung the Secretary General-Elect will take over as Secretary General for a period of 6 years (2017–2023). For the Regional Directors the nominees will need to be proposed and seconded by two active members of IADMFR in their region, and for the Secretary General-Elect the nominee will need to be proposed and seconded by two active members of the IADMFR. Nominations, together with a brief CV of the nominee, should be sent by email no later than 30 June 2015 to: Prof. Mohamed E PARKER Secretary General IADMFR Department of Diagnostics and Radiology Faculty of Dentistry University of the Western Cape Private Bag X1, Tygerberg 7505 SOUTH AFRICA Email meparker@uwc.ac.za

The number of honorary members and fellows are small and many are of such an age that they are not active any more and therefore the change in the constitution of the committee is proposed.

Unification of all Latin American Counties into one Region—submitted by Latin American Association of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology Change to bylaws: Article 10 number VIII.

Regional Directors: Combining Region 6, Central America, and Region 7, South America, to form new region called Latin America with three regional Directors. Currently South America has two directors and Central America one.

Request for Region Change by Turkey—submitted by Turkish Society of Oral Diagnosis and Maxillofacial Radiology Motivation: There are many reasons to include Turkey into the Europe region in the IADMFR directory. Europe is our common home that unites us around common norms, principles and values. As a part and a member of the European family, Turkey not only has an influence on the political, economic and socio-cultural developments in the Continent but is also influenced by them. An overall evaluation of the history of Europe can become possible only by analysing the role of Turkey in the Continent.


Turkey has not achieved accession to the European Union yet; however, relations between Turkey and the EU were initiated in the framework of the association regime based on t h e Ankara Agreement, which was signed with the European Economic Community on 12 September 1963 and took effect on 1 December 1964. The level of integration between the Parties reached an advanced point with the Customs Union and the next goal for Turkey is to acquire full membership to the EU, as indicated in the Ankara Agreement. Moreover, Turkey, having entered into close contact with the EU in the field of foreign policy, also contributes to the civilian and military operations conducted in the framework of the EU. Turkey contributes to the EU activities not only on basis of its candidate status for the EU membership, but also as an essential element of its multilateral foreign policy and in the framework of its general policy of supporting initiatives that bring an added value to international and regional peace and stability. From the scientific point of view, there is the fact that Turkey is included in the ERASMUS student exchange programme in the EU. Officially it is now called Lifelong Learning Programme, but is still referred to as ERASMUS by many people. A considerable number of students from the EU countries are admitted to Universities in Turkey each year to experience the benefits As an example, since the inclusion of Turkey into the programme, 3555 students have come from Germany to Turkish universities for the ERASMUS programme. Moreover, many scientific institutions and 18 associations of Turkey are the natural members of European associations and have mutual relations and also have organized and are still organizing numerous European congresses in Turkey. Besides, Turkey is a member of the EADMFR and organized the 12th EADMFR congress in Istanbul, Turkey. For these reasons we stated hereinabove, we kindly request our country to be included into Region 4, Europe. You will be able to vote online via the IADMFR website for the above proposals. You will receive an e-mail together with instructions on how to go about casting your vote as soon as voting is opened online.

Site Nominations for the 22nd ICDMFR in 2019 As Chairman of the Nominating Committee of the IADMFR, I wish to inform those members who are interested in hosting the 22nd International Congress of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology to start preparing their bids. The bid should demonstrate significant local support (letters from local government, your institution, the profession locally, the convention bureau, etc) and a suitable infrastructure and meeting plan. Information should be supplied concerning the proposed venue, accommodation for delegates and transportation/access.

The bid will be scored based on the following criteria: Proposed congress: Dates, reasons, location Pre-congress course Main Congress and congress venue Chairperson Local organizing committee

25 points (maximum)

Continent: Traditionally, it has been a wish to rotate the congress among the various continents

25 points

Supporters: Government National Organizations Employers

20 points

Logistics: Congress venue facilities Hotel accommodation Registration fees Special and inclusive Budget Social events

20 points

Others: Accompanying persons Restrictions Access

10 points


100 points


Six copies of the bid should be forwarded to me for my attention. The Nominating Committee will review these applications and will report to the Board of Directors on the suitable venue. The final decision will be taken by the General Assembly of the Association in Santiago, Chile, 26–29 August 2015.

Anyone contemplating submission of a bid is more than welcome to contact me or the Secretary General for further information. The deadline for bids is 30 June 2015. Kind regards, Tore A Larheim, Prof. dr odont (PhD) Chairman of IADMFR Nominating Committee Head, Department of Maxillofacial Radiology Head, Policlinic with Postgraduate (Specialist) Program in Maxillofacial Radiology Institute of Clinical Dentistry University of Oslo P.O.Box 1109, Blindern 0317 Oslo, Norway Phone: +47 22 85 20 16 Mobile: +47 99 49 49 67 Immediate Past President, IADMFR Chair, 19th ICDMFR, Bergen, Norway 2013 Prof. II, UiT The Arctic University of Norway


Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends,

Report from

The biggest challenge for me and the publisher lately was the Secretary Report from getting the CBCT Special Issue ready for publication. As you General know, it has been finally published, as scheduled, in January the Journal this year. It covers a variety of different aspects in CBCT Editor imaging in our specialty. Among them, there are excellent systematic reviews and, actually, we were very happy with the overall quality of the contributions. Please let me express my sincere gratitude to all invited authors and their co-authors! We all know it was a time-consuming procedure for you to prepare such high-quality review papers. I hope, they will be highly appreciated by the readership and will receive a large number of citations. Apart from that, our Journal is still doing quite well. The 2013 impact factor (1.271) was a little higher than the year before (1.148). It was decided by the IADMFR Board that we will publish an additional issue in 2015 to compensate for the delay for accepted papers due to publication of the special issue in January. The “additional issue” will be published in April 2015. What else was important in the last year? Well, I am very happy to announce that from February 2015 all “ancient” issues of DMFR are eventually available online as full text (PDF). Thus, now the entire content of our journal is available in digital form. I consider this an important step, as some old seminal papers can now be retrieved and studied anywhere in the world where there is access to the internet. Given the many changes of publishers DMFR has undergone during its existence, this digitization also helps to prevent loss of content. Last but not least. I have to announce that unfortunately Mel Mupparapu decided to step down from his position as Associate Editor of the journal. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for his long-term services for DMFR. This is surely well appreciated by all our members! Until now, we have not been able to find an appropriate individual to replace Mel. To maintain the balanced continental distribution, it has been decided by the Editorial Board that the person should preferably come from the North Americas (Canada, USA). Thus, everyone with an interest in this voluntary position and with the appropriate qualifications is very welcome to apply! In this case, please just send me a notifying email together with a CV. That’s the latest news from the Journal Editor, I wish everyone a perfectly happy and healthy year 2015! With best regards, Ralf Schulze Editor, DMFR


Report from the Secretary General Report from Asia

Two nationwide scientific meetings are organized by the JSOMR every year. The 56th Annual Congress of JSOMR will be held at the Sendai City War Reconstruction Memorial Hall, Sendai, Japan, on 5–7 June 2015, under the president Professor Takashi Sasano of Tohoku University. The theme of this congress is “Development of the medicine and medical equipment from the JSOMR as a basic strategy for revitalization of Japan”. 20th Congress of Clinical Imaging for Oral and Maxillofacial Lesions will be held in Hakata, Japan, on 23–25 October 2015 under the president Professor Kazunori Yoshiura, Kyushu University.

11th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Radiology (ACOMFR) will be held in Chiang Mai, Thailand during 10–12 November 2016, under Karune Verochana, Associate Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University. www.aaomfr.org/AAOMFR/President.html We welcome you to the meetings and Scientific Sessions of the three congresses. We hosted the 19th Congress of Clinical Imaging for Oral and Maxillofacial Lesions 22 and Educational Workshop in Okayama on 31 October–2 November 2014. The Dental Teleradiology Seminar was opened in the pre-congress. There were three special lectures, 32 scientific oral presentations, the Film Reading Seminar and the Educational Workshop. The three special lectures were “Establishment of the plural molecular imaging methods and probe drug discovery” by Dr Shingi Motomura, the RIKEN, “Imaging characteristics of odontogenic infection in CBCT” by Dr Yong-Suk Choi, Kyung Hee University, and “Application of new technology in the oral imaging diagnosis” by Dr Noriaki Akagi, Okayama University. The Educational Workshop had three themes, “Basics of the dosimetry—dose and measurement related with dentists” by Dr Kenji Sato, The Nippon Dental University, and Dr Keiichi Nishikawa, Tokyo Dental College, “Basics of MRI imaging reading in the maxillofacial region” by Dr Takashi Kaneda, Nihon University, and “Dysphagia Rehabilitation test in the dental radiology” by Dr Keiji Tanimoto, Hiroshima University. The 10th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology was held in Bali, Indonesia, on 20–22 November 2014 under the president Prof. Suhardjo Sitam, the schedule was as follows:

Programmes: • Special and Educational Lectures • Scientific Oral and Poster Presentations

• Hands-On • Congress of Asian Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (AAOMFR) and Indonesian Association of Dento Maxillofacial Radiology (IKARGI) • Dental Exhibition

Main lecture: • Prof. Jie Yang (Temple University, Philadelphia) • Prof. Hanna Bachtiar (FKG, Universitas Indonesia) • Prof. Reinhilde Jacobs (Leuven, Belgium) • Prof. Eiichiro Ariji (Nagoya, Japan) • Prof. Soon-Chul Choi (Seoul, South Korea) • Prof. Tomohiro Okano (Showa, Japan).

Time and venue: 1. Date: Thursday–Saturday, 20–22 November 2014 2. Venue: Grand Inna Bali Beach, Sanur Hang Tuah Street, Sanur-Bali 80032, Indonesia. We had the first formal meeting for Asian Academy of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Radiology (AAOMFR) (please visit www.aaomfr.org/AAOMFR/welcome.html) on the 10th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Radiology (ACOMFR) in Bali the after establishment of the AAOMFR. We talked about the IADMFR directors from Asia in the next term and 12th ACOMFR. I attended the 19th Brazilian Meeting of Oral Maxillo Facial Radiology (JABRO), which was held in the city of Vitoria, Espirito Santo State, Brazil, from 23–25 October 2014 and the 12th National Congress of The Indonesian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons that was held in Makassar city, Indonesia, on 26–29 November 2014. Jun-ichi Asaumi, DDS, DMSci IADMFR regional Director, Asia




Our staff in the 19th Congress of Clinical Imaging for Oral and Maxillofacial Lesions and Educational Workshop. From the left: Dr Takashi Kaneda, President of the Japanese Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Jun-ichi Asaumi, Dr Kanji Kishi, Dr Yong-Suk Choi, Dr Keiji Tanimoto. ACOMFR welcome party. At the 12th National Congress of The Indonesian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. AAOMFR Directors. At the 19th Brazilian Meeting of Oral Maxillo Facial Radiology (JABRO).

On 18 October 2014, the Fall scientific meeting was held at Chonnam National University in Gwangju. Two special lectures and seven oral presentations were given. Prof. Sam-Sun Lee, Seoul National University, gave a special lecture entitled “Diagnostic radiation dose control in oral and maxillofacial Report from radiology” and Dr Jae-Seo Lee, Chonnam National University, South Korea gave a lecture entitled “Diagnostic reference levels for Korean child panoramic and lateral cephalometric radiography”. On the same day, the Fall meeting of the Korean Council for the Faculty of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (Chair: Eun-Kyung Kim, Dankook University) was held and the schedule for the publication of the fifth revised edition of the Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology textbook was discussed.


The 10th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (ACOMFR) was held in Bali, Indonesia on 20–22 November 2014. 39 persons from Korea attended this ACOMFR meeting and 1 special lecture, 3 oral presentations and 17 poster presentations were given by the members of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (KAOMFR). It was decided to recommend Prof. SoonChul Choi, Seoul National University, Korea, and Prof. Yoshinori Arai, Japan, as next Asian directors of IADMFR in the AAOMFR Board of Directors Meeting. In addition, “Imaging Science in Dentistry” (Editor-in-chief: Min-Suk Heo, the official journal of KAOMFR) was approved to be one of the official periodic academic journals of AAOMFR.


Prof. Eui-Hwan Hwang President, Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (KAOMFR) Prof. Eun-Kyung Kim Immediate past President, KAOMFR

Members of the KAOMFR with President Suhardjo Sitam at Banquet of the 10th ACOMFR Prof. Min-Suk Heo at the Fall meeting of the Korean Council for the Faculty of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology.

The biggest Chinese CBCT CE programme, Xian, China, 10th November 2014 In the city of Xian, in the northwest of China, the biggest Chinese local continued education (CE) programme was held by the Oral Radiology Department, Stomotology School of Fourth Military Medical University on 10–12 November 2014. More than 210 individuals attended, including dentists, technicians and dental managers from 12 provinces in China. Six key speakers, respectively from prosthodontics, implantation, endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics and radiology, gave wonderful speeches and shared their impressive experience of the application CBCT in the dental clinic. Many attendees discussed various hot topics from diagnosis to digital surgery guide production with experts. The CE programme belonged to CBCT CE series, which are held two times per year by the Fourth Military Medical University Stomatological School. Until now, about 4000 CBCT units made in China and abroad have been installed in China. Therefore, more and more dentists and technicians need to learn what CBCT is and how to use CBCT.

Report from China


Dr Chen Jin-Wu

The chair and the key speaker of the Chinese CBCT CE programme, Xian. The conference room of the meeting. The key speaker and the attendees of the meeting. The registration counter of the meeting.


Report from Chinese Taipei

In November 2014, we attended the 10th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (ACOMFR) in Bali, Indonesia, with six members of our Chinese Taipei Asian Associaton of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (AAOMFR) (Figures 1, 4). We presented two oral presentation papers and two posters. We had a very nice time during the convention period. Dr Situm (President of 10th ACOMFR) and his team treated us with a very successful academic programme and fruitful sightseeing social activities (Figures 2, 3, 5, 7).We visited many temples and art museums (Figures 6, 8, 9), ate delicious Indonesian food and enjoyed entertainment programmes.

In early October 2014, I went to Fuzhou, China, to attend the China Oral and Maxillo-Facial Radiology (OMFR) 12th annual meeting (Figure 10). Approximately 350 members attended the meeting. This is the first time I participated in the OMFR national meeting in China. Famous Chinese oral radiologists and pathologists, and general radiologists were invited and given advanced lectures. Junior staff also presented papers and posters. In late October 2014, we had our annual meeting (combined with the Taiwan Chinese Dental Association) and invited Dr Takashi Kaneda (Figure 11), the President of Japan 30 Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (JOMFR) to be our keynote speaker. His topic was MRI and CT of oral and maxillo-facial lesions—what the oral radiologist needs to know? Three other speakers were invited from Chinese Taipei. They were Dr I-Sheng Huang (The Application of CBCT in Dentistry), Dr Yuan-Chi Chen (MRI/CT Findings on TMJ tissues, statistically and dynamically) and Dr Li-Min Lin (How to write the CBCT Report and its Importance) (Figure 14). During the annual meeting, we gathered our councils of Chinese Taipei OMFR to discuss and prepare for the IADMFR at Kaohsiung, Chinese Taipei, 25–28 April 2017 (Figure 13). Kind regards, Dr Li-Min Lin President Elect and Newsletter Editor of IADMFR Members from Chinese Taipei attended the 10th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Radiology (ACOMFR) in Bali, Indonesia. Friends from China West University and Chinese Taipei. Drs Yang (right), Ma (middle) and Lin (left). Members from Chinese Taipei attended the 10th ACOMFR at Bali, Indonesia.




Friends from Turkey. Profs Lian and Lee, and Dr Lin. Friends from China, Chinese Taipei, Korea, USA and Japan. Leaders from Thailand, Chile, Indonesia, Chinese Taipei and USA. The World peace Gong. I attended the Fuzhou, China 12th Oral and Maxillo-Facial Radiology (OMFR). Prof. Kaneda (left). Prof. Lin enjoyed sunbathing at Bali beach. Speakers of Taiwan Association of Oral & Maxillo-Facial Radiology (TAOMFR). Our council members with Drs Kaneda (anterior, the second right) and Chen (anterior, left).



Report from the Middle East


Many dental and maxillofacial radiology events and conferences were carried out this season with more to come. The Saudi Dental Society International Dental Conference with the theme of “Innovative Dental Solutions in Dentistry” was held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on 13–15 January 2015. Two of the many lectures that were given were dedicated to imaging, the first presented by Dr Ra’ed Al-Sadhan, entitled “Preoperative imaging and assessment of dental implant site”, the second by Dr Robert Kalla entitled “Clinical and technical aspects of CBCT in all the different fields of dentistry”, in addition, Dr Fahad Al-Qahtani gave a continuous dental education course on how to make diagnostic intraoral radiographs.

At local resident level, Dr Asma Al-Ekrish presented two lectures on various aspects of imaging. The first lecture entitled “Diagnostic imaging and techniques in implant dentistry” was presented to two groups of residents of the “Saudi Board in Prosthodontics” (11 May 2014 and 21 December 2014) the second lecture titled “Overview of dental digital radiography” was presented to staff members from various dental disciplines and the dental assistants at the Riyadh Dental Center and Dental Department of the Ministry of Health (3 December 2014). In Iran, the 7th Iranian Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Congress was held from the 4–6 February 2015. Further information about the content is provided in the link: www.iaomfr.com/en/. In Dubai UAE International Dental Conference and Arab Dental Exhibition (ADEEC) (17–18 February 2015), a presentation titled “Digital dental clinical education: four years’ experience in a Riyadh College” was given by Dr Abdullah R Al Shammery, the Dean of Riyadh Dental College. Another presentation titled “Digital technology and advances in maxillofacial rehabilitation” was given by Dr Lawrence Brecht from Switzerland. Last but not least I would like to remind colleagues to attend the Oral Diagnosis and Maxillofacial Radiology Society’s 6th National Scientific Symposium and 1st International Congress, which will be held by Sifa University, Izmir, Turkey, from the 17–19 April 2015, under the presidency of Prof. Dr Tamer L Erem. For further information about the congress please visit www.odmfr2015.org, English lectures and English translation will be provided. Dr Ebtihal Zain Alabdeen IADMFR Middle East Director

37 Dr Ra’ed Al-Sadhan at the 26th Saudi Dental Society International Dental Conference, January 2015. Dr Ra’ed Al-Sadhan at the 26th Saudi Dental Society International Dental Conference, January 2015. Dr Abdullah Alshammery at the Dubai ADEEC 17–18 February 2015.

Greetings from North America

Report from North America

The American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (AAOMR) has elected new officers. The new executive council consists of Dr Christos Angelopoulos (President), Dr Jie Yang (President Elect), Dr Robert Cederberg (Immediate past President), Prof Gail Williamson (Executive Director), and Dr Hui Liang (Treasurer), Dr Dan Colosi (Councilor for Academy Affairs), Dr Vijay Parashar (Councilor for Communications), Dr Tom Deahl (Councilor for Educational Affairs) and Dr Ted Parks (Councilor for Public Policy and Scientific Affairs). Dr William Scarfe will continue to serve as Editor of the Oral Radiology Section of Oral Surgery Oral Pathology Oral Medicine, and Oral Radiology, the official publication of the AAOMR.

The 65th AAOMR annual session was successfully held in Orlando, Florida, on 24–27 September 2014. Dr Dan Colosi and Dr Thomas Deahl, co-chairs of the Annual Session Committees, did a wonderful job in preparing for the congress. A variety of topics were presented in the congress, including maxillofacial imaging on the sphenoid bone, PET/CT and SPECT/CT, and ultrasound imaging in maxillofacial diagnosis. An interactive image interpretation 38 session was run by the guest presenter, Dr Rose Ngu. In addition, basic CBCT courses and imaging considerations in dental implant treatment planning were offered to the radiology and local dental community. The speakers included Drs Heidi Kohltfarber, Jeff Price, Sharon Brooks, Christos Angelopoulos, Allan Farman, Alan Lurie, Dale Miles, Maria Mora, Dania Tamimi, Shikha Rathi, Douglas Chenin, Lisa Koenig, Mitra Sadrameli, Dwayne Karateew and Vijay Parashar. Mr Thomas Hatcher, the CEO and president of BeamReader, Inc., and Dr Tamer El-Helw also discussed teleradiology in the meeting. The 66th AAOMR Annual Session will meet at Hyatt Regency Indianapolis, Indiana, USA from 29 September to 3 October 2015. The preliminary programme and registration information will be posted on the AAOMR website (www.aaomr.org) soon. USA Today voted Indianapolis the number one convention city in the country. Here you will have the opportunity to enjoy many museums, shops and restaurants along the European-inspired boardwalk of Georgia Stree, or walk and visit the pubs along Central Canal. The City of Indianapolis has made an enormous investment in tourism in recent years. They have dedicated 250 acres to green space alone in the downtown area, which connects the hotels to the convention centers. We hope many of you will attend and enjoy the 66th AAOMR Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana. On behalf of members of the IADMFR in North America, Dr Jie Yang has officially submitted an application to host the 22nd IADMFR Congress in 2019, in Philadelphia,

PA. Over the past 46 years of the IADMFR history there were only two International Congresses that were convened in the United States and North America. The last IADMFR congress convened on North American soil was more than 20 years ago. The third IADMFR congress in North America soil would certainly encourage more members from the region to participate in future IADMFR congresses. Our hope is that it will promote exchange, collaborations and cooperation between members of North America and the rest of the World, especially between young graduates across the continents. Respectfully submitted, Dr Jie Yang IADMFR North American Director President-Elect, American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Professor and Director of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry 3223 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19140 USA


19th JABRO From 23–25 October at the city of Vitoria Convention Center, Brazil the 19th Meeting of the Brazilian Association of Oral Report from Radiology (JABRO) took place. Traditionally the JABRO is Latin America a forum to discuss our specialty. The event had more than 1200 inscriptions, including 732 effective members from Brazil, Okayama (Japan), Santiago (Chile), Lima (Peru), Leuven (Belgium) and Aarhus (Denmark) attended the meeting. Others specialists in Oral Medicine, Orthodontics, Oral Surgery and Implantology were working together to build a new approach between themselves and Oral Radiology. The President of Brazilian Association of Oral Radiology (ABRO), Maria Lucia Freire, explained the purpose of the Brazilian Association to promote solutions and to show new perspectives in Oral Radiology. The President of 19th JABRO, Marcia Gabriela de Barros, called attention to the Scientific Committee to search for Brazilian and foreign speakers to explore themes such as administration, ethical aspects and new technologies in high standards. The poster session had 146 presentations and six at the “New Talents” session. It was a scientifically and commercially successful event. Dr Junichi Assaumi (Regional Director to Asia) and Dr Andres Briner (President of IADMFR) attended the 40 meeting in Vitoria.


20th JABRO The President of the Brazilian Association of Oral Radiology, Maria Lucia Freire, would like to invite you to attend the 20th JABRO in Sao Paulo on 27–31 October at the Sao Paulo Dental Association Convention Center. The President of the 20th JABRO, Marlene Fenyo-Pereira, and the Organizing Committee expect to provide an innovative and exciting meeting to all. Prof. Claudio Costa Regional Directior to Latin America

Organizing Committee and colleagues at the General Assembly. Dr Sergio Lins de Azevedo Vaz and Dr Claudio Costa (IADMFR Regional Director to Latin America) in the Scientific Session. Dr Maria Lucia Freire and Dr Orivaldo Tavano talking about the Brazilian Association of Odontologic Radiology ABRO newsletter perspectives.

The 19th International Congress of DentoMaxillo-Facial Radiology 22–27 June 2013, Bergen, Norway

Report from the PastPresident

It is approaching nearly 2 years since the 19th ICDMFR was organized in Norway. For the second time in the 45-year history of IADMFR the congress took place in a Scandinavian country. With the theme “Bridging the gap”, we as the Organizing Committee put together an exciting interdisciplinary programme. Bridging dentistry and medicine, and maxillofacial radiology with other disciplines, we had key-note speakers on psychiatry/ hypochondria, neuroradiology, head and neck radiology, temporomandibular joint (TMJ)/temporomandibular disorder (TMD), dental implantology and CBCT. Two symposia were held, one on TMD and the other on CBCT, with state-of-the-art lectures focusing on clinical issues. Summing up numbers: • Participants: 428 • Nations: 45


• Invited speakers: 12 • Pre-congress symposium day: 139 participants

Exhibition area with more than 20 sponsors. Exhibition area showing computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing technologies. Dr Maria Lucia Freire (ABRO) and Dr Marcia Gabriela Barros during the Opening Ceremony (centre). Dr Marcia Gabriela Barros discoursing at the Opening Ceremony.

The day before the pre-congress symposium, the Organizing Committee organized the (full-day) IADMFR Board meeting and a dinner in the evening. The day after the congress, the Department of Maxillofacial Radiology organized a post-congress TMD symposium with some of the same key-note speakers as during the 19th ICDMFR.

Pre-congress trip and symposium This day was a unique experience from early morning until evening. The tour included the famous “Norway in a Nutshell” trip, starting with a railroad journey to the high mountain station of Myrdal, with a change of trains to the famous “Flåmsbana”, the Flåm Railway. This was a spectacular train journey down to Flåm station nestled in the innermost corner of the Aurlandsfjord, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Each year, this exciting stretch of railway attracts people from all corners of the world, making the Flåm Railway one of Norway’s major tourist attractions (Figures 1 and 2). In Flåm, we had lunch and a symposium, “Maxillofacial radiology—the past, the present, and the future”, which was actually the starting point of the scientific programme in the international congress (Figure 3). An international panel chaired by Dr L Flygare, Sweden, discussed the role of the maxillofacial radiologist with


delegates from Germany (Dr R Schulze), Japan (Dr T Sano), Chile (Dr A Brimer), USA (Dr S Brooks), Norway (Dr BB Mork-Knutsen) (Figure 4) and the audience. After the symposium the trip continued by ship on the Sognefjord to Gudvangen with breathtaking scenery (Figure 5), leaving the Organizing Committee and a few participants behind! That was not part of the plan, but we soon caught up with a ship that was ordered on the spot. Everyone continued by bus further on to Voss, and then by train back to Bergen in the evening. The weather was fantastic and the entire day was a great experience.

Main congress Opening ceremony The opening was given a specific Norwegian touch with “hardingfele” and folk dance, with the spectacular “hit the hat” (“hallingkast”) performance (Figure 6) and watched by a crowded audience (Figure 7). We were honored by the presence of the Mayor of Bergen City (Ms Trude Drevland) (Figure 8), who welcomed all participants to the City of Bergen (Figure 9), followed by the Secretary General of the Norwegian Dental Association (Dr Richard R Næss), the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Oslo (Dr Pål Barkvoll), who officially opened the congress, and welcoming words from the President of IADMFR and Chair of the Congress (Dr Tore A Larheim). Finally, 44 the names and flags of all 45 participating nations were announced by Co-chair Dr Linda Z Arvidsson and Co-chair and Vice President IADMFR Dr Bjørn Bamse MorkKnutsen (Figure 10).

Scientific programme The scientific programme in the 4-day conference had four lectures by key-note speakers, bridging the gap to psychiatry (Dr I Wilhelmsen, Norway), neuroradiology (Dr P-L Westesson, USA) (Figure 11), head and neck radiology (Dr H Eggesbø, Norway) and oral/maxillofacial surgery (Dr S Løes, Norway). The TMJ /TMD symposium had four key-note speakers focusing on the adolescent TMJ (Dr A Isberg, Sweden), TMJ osteoarthritis (Dr D Nitzan, Israel), TMJ open surgery (Dr A Holmlund, Sweden), and diagnosis and treatment of TMDs—common errors (Dr DM Laskin, USA) (Figure 12). The CBCT symposium had three key-note speakers focusing on non-dental head and neck applications (Dr JW Casselman, Belgium), image-guided dental implant surgery (Dr C Dahlin, Sweden) and dental diagnosis—what is the evidence base? (Dr K Horner, UK). In addition, Planmeca, as the platinum sponsor, organized a satellite symposium: Virtual patient—the base on modern treatment (Mr T Müller, Finland). Through the congress there were 189 oral presentations in 16 sessions and 156 poster presentations in 7 sessions, all were chaired by congress delegates (Figure 13).

There were five finalists for the traditional IADMFR Research Award competition in a separate session. Two new posts occurred in the programme: The IADMFR–BIR Best Poster Prize and a junior vs senior film-reading session that took place in a crowded audience.

Social programme The social programme was of course an important part of the conference. In the evening on the opening day a welcome reception with lots of food and drinks was given by Bergen City with the 750-year-old Håkonshallen as the venue (Figure 14). The second day we had a guided city tour that ended at the top of Mount Fløyen (Figure 15) in fantastic weather and with a young opera singer performing Grieg songs without accompaniment. After the General Assembly, the Banquet of the last evening took place in the gourmet restaurant Bölgen & Moi (Figure 16), close to the famous Fish Market at Bryggen, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. During the dinner, gifts were given to the Organizing Committee (Figures 17 and 18) and our own band, led by our Vice President, was responsible for the after-dinner entertainment (Figure 19). The farewell lunch at the end of the congress was very popular, also with live music. At the closing ceremony, gifts were given, as a surprise (!), to the Co-chairs Linda Z Arvidsson and Björn Bamse Mork-Knutsen (and other helping hands) from the IADMFR President and Chair of the Organizing Committee (Figure 20) to express his thankfulness for their hard work both before and during the entire and intense congress week. 45

Concluding remarks It is hard work arranging a congress, but it pays off when you see colleagues from all over the world gather to discuss and exchange ideas, socialize and make new friends. We would like to thank everyone involved in the organization of this congress, and the delegates for participating and contributing to the scientific programme. Thank you all for making this congress a great experience and for the kind words and positive feedback we have received afterwards! Tore A Larheim, Linda Z Arvidsson, Bjørn Bamse Mork-Knutsen The Organizing Committee of the 19th ICDMFR

19th ICDMFR Bergen 2013 statistics Participants per country Brazil




Taiwan/Chinese Tapei


























46 In addition, the following 30 countries had 7 or less participants: Australia, Canada, China, Croatia, Egypt, France, Greece, Hong Kong China Pr, India, Iran (Islamic Republic), Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Martinique, Nepal, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand.

Flåm Railway: spectacular view to a waterfall. “Huldra i fossen”. Pre-congress symposium: opening. Pre-congress symposium: International Panel. Boat on the Sognefjord. Opening ceremony: “Hallingkast” performance.




Key-note speaker (Dr Laskin). Chaired poster session. Welcome reception in 750-year-old Hükonshallen. View at Mount Fløyen. Banquet in gourmet restaurant. Gifts to Organizing Committee members. Gift to IADMFR President from President of Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Chile. Banquet: live band led by Vice President. Organizing Committee at closing ceremony.



Opening ceremony: crowded audience. Mayor of Bergen City and IADMFR President. Opening ceremony: Mayor of Bergen City welcoming all participants. Co-chair and Vice President announcing the 45 participating nations by their flags. Key-note speaker (Dr Westesson).

Above and beyond the call of duty Looking back on the 19th IADMFR Congress in Bergen, now almost 2 years ago, brings back a flood of warm memories of people, places, food, sights and even some of the scientific Comments sessions. The west coast of Norway is exquisite and some of us were fortunate to have the opportunity to experience this from Stuart beauty on a 7-day cruise around the north cape of Norway White between Bergen and Kirkenes, just 20 km from Murmansk. This is a trip everybody should plan to make. The Congress itself started out with another trip, this time from Bergen to Flåm via bus and then the Flåmsbana, a spectacular train journey down the side of Sognefjord. Once in Flåm we boarded a ship to see the sights the fjord. Since this was the first visit to this area for most of us our President, Tore A Larheim, took the initiative to climb up onto the base of a power pole, the better to signal the way for his troops. While most of us found his initiative admirable and his directions helpful, the local authorities were not so amused. Fortunately no jail time was involved. This writer was most relieved because of the old custom in Norway of punishing criminals by placing them in a barrel that was spiked with nails and rolling them down a mountain! Bergen is a particularly attractive city to explore by foot, especially the fish market and colorful Bryggen warf. Many excellent restaurants were found in this part of town. The meeting was held in the elegant Grieghallen Center and provided the 52 opportunity for much socializing with tasty lunches. Our organized city walk through the city centre ended in a ride up the Fløibanen Funicular to the top of Mount Fløyen for a breezy overview of the city. And who can forget the conference banquet with a band featuring our very own Vice-President Bjørn Bamse Mork-Knutsen on the guitar (or was it a ukulele?). We also remember Co-Chair Linda Z Arvidsson who was always there to answer our questions and point us in the right direction. The excellent work of all three members of the Organizing Committee was superb and well above and beyond the call of duty. They made the Congress most enjoyable, one all who attended will long remember. Tusen takk! Stuart White


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DMFR is an international journal publishing the very best research in dental, oral and maxillofacial radiology Our fearless President Tore A Larheim gets up on block to direct members to their destination in Flåm.

Average submission to first decision: 2 weeks!

and reminds him of traditional punishment for criminals in Norway (see Figure 3).

Constructive peer-review

Criminals in medieval Norway were rolled down mountainside in a spiked barrel.

2013 Impact Factor = 1.271

Vice-President Bamse Mork-Knutsen at the conference banquet celebrating the release of our

5-year Impact Factor = 1.380

Eminent, international Editorial Board

Local official suggests to our President that being up on this block is perhaps not a good idea

President and the avoidance of traditional punishment.

Average acceptance to online: 4 weeks

Open access option

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Indexed on PubMed, ISI, Scopus and Embase

Fine dining in Bergen being enjoyed, from the left, Paul van der Stelt, Laetitia Brocklebank, and Stuart and Liza White. Bamse Mork-Knutsen and Linda Z Arvidsson ride Flåmsbana happy that the planning is over and the conference is finally underway.

Submit your next article to DMFR For more information go to www.birpublications.org/dmfr


Forthcoming Meetings 26–28 August 2015

20th International Congress of the IADMFR Location: Santiago, Chile www.iadmfr.org www.iadmfr2015.com

10–12 November 2016 11th Asian Academy of Oral

and Maxillo-Facial Radiology (ACOMFR) Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand www.acomfr2016.org

If you would like to contribute any news, book reviews or articles to the IADMFR newsletter then please e-mail sophia.anderton@bir.org.uk with an outline of your proposal.

30 September–3 October 2015


The 66th Annual Session of the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (AAOMR)


Location: Indianapolis, IN www.aaomr.org

Advertising Advertising opportunities are available in the IADMFR newsletter and the DMFR journal and website. Please contact advertising@bir.org.uk for more information.

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