BMM September 2017

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Keith’s pet project Celebrating 25 years of Northumbria Pets, Keith Nichols and the team keep on smiling

Final month of our lowest rate vehicle promotion We’ve driven our vehicles rate down so members can get the best of both worlds and spread the cost of owning their next vehicle.

PCP may appear a much cheaper way of financing your next vehicle but you never truly own it until the final balloon figure is paid off. bira bank’s vehicle loans afford you our best possible rate whilst spreading the full cost of the vehicle, meaning you own it at the end of the term.

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bira bank, 225 Bristol Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B5 7UB. bira bank limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority (Financial Services register No. 204478).


Are they listening in Westminster? Dialogue between government & bira must be two-way, says CEO Alan Hawkins WELCOME BACK TO your bira magazine after its summer break. The main holiday season is coming to an end with, I suspect, different trading patterns for you members across the country, depending on how many holiday customers you deal with. September heralds what for many is the real new year. Schoolchildren have moved up a class and retailing routines have returned to normal. Trade shows are back in the agenda and, if it’s not too late, Christmas planning is well in hand. bira has had a busy summer on the media front with our opinions on knife crime and acid attacks very much in demand. As we discuss in the news pages, how much regulation should some of our members’ sales be subjected to? Genuine consumer needs for a product should not be prevented just because of illegal misuse by a criminal minority. Staff training to understand the issues

around certain sales needs to be upgraded and conscientiously applied. bira will work with the whole supply chain to find the best solutions. We will be upgrading our guidelines to reflect latest best practice and official advice, so members will be free from the risk of prosecution. It’s important that government and other entities do not request our advice and cooperation only when it suits them. That is why we were so pleased to secure, at last, our own direct meeting with the business liaison team in Number 10, although not (yet!) with the PM. Every trade association has its own specific wish list of members’ macro-level needs. At bira group level, however, our goals are unique among industry bodies. We want all independent retailers to thrive. In the traditional high street, yes, but not exclusively there. We want them protected from unfair competition and not disproportionately taxed on rates. We are bira hardware survey

asking for little more than a level playing field. We are not asking to hold back progress or dilute consumer rights, but we want independent retailers to prosper so their unique skills and product offerings can service customers really well. Data protection and the new GDPR regulations, the red tape of making tax digital, or dealing with pensions regulation all fall hardest on small retailers who lack specialist departments that such compliance issues can be handed over to. These are among the points we will have made at No 10 on 23 August. Let’s hope it’s just the start of some attentive listening and positive action from Westminster. Lastly, the new bira offices are to be opened officially on 21 September and you are all invited. From 3.30pm until 7pm, your president, board of management, and all the Birmingham-based staff will be here to welcome you and catch up on your news. Do come if you can.

Hardware looks brighter for 2018 From the range of factors below, select those that are having a positive effect on your business


news for 2 Trade bira members

How to control knife & acid sales. A victory on digital tax returns. Rates war continues.


Promotional activity

Customer engagement

tools were all reported as doing well. The biggest detrimental effect on hardware retailing is online sales, according to 77% of members who completed the survey. And the solution? If you can’t beat them, join them! A respondent commented: “There is a change in consumer behaviour and lifestyles. People are now more keen to purchase hardware items via online retailers. It is impossible for current independent hardware retailers to make a living in this sector unless they change direction and receive additional support.”

What one word would you use to describe the hardware retail industry?


Product diversification

Social media

What are the expectations for your business in 2018?

Enhanced windows/display

AFTER A GENERALLY stable, if challenging, year so far, almost half of bira’s hardware members expect to grow in 2018 - thanks to increased customer engagement, excellent employees, social media activity and, hopefully, a spot of sunshine. Members of bira’s hardware division were contacted in July for our first Hardware Sector survey, which aimed to gauge the mood among the independent trade, to understand what they love about the industry, and what factors were troubling them. While our retailing respondents commented about 2017 being a challenging year, the good weather in the early summer and the impact of customer engagement were both having a positive effect on business. Most (48.98%) were performing at the level of 2016 and were performing as expected (48%). Only 24% were performing worse than they had anticipated. As expected from independents, 80.43% said customer engagement and finding solutions for customers were the main reasons why they loved working in retailing. Other reasons included the diversity of the products they sell and that no day was ever the same. One business owner said: “I love being able to help the customers in my area and mostly being appreciated for the service I provide.” A wide range of products was performing well for hardware retailers, highlighting the diversity within the sector. Seasonal favourites like garden furniture, compost and bedding plants, plus pet products, paint and paint brushes, lightbulbs, cement and hand power

Local competiton

Cover photograph: Paul Driver

In bira’s first survey of its hardware members, we discover plenty of reasons to be cheerful among the everyday pressures of independent retailing

10% 38% 32%

Significant growth

Marginal growth

Slight decline

Major decline

18% 2%

Remain about the same

Another said: “It is essential a retailer is both a bricks and a clicks retailer.” Other factors having a detrimental effect included the UK economy (from 64.58% of respondents), closely followed by Brexit (60.42%). Nearly all the retailers attending a recent BHF committee meeting reported price hikes of around 5%-10% as a result of their European suppliers upping the cost. The result was pinched margins and, in many cases, increased costs to consumers. Another issue is changing attitudes to shopping and to DIY. “Footfall in the high street is declining annually. We can see it from the number of transactions. The youth of today have to get a man in as they have no knowledge or intention of sorting DIY themselves,” said one bira member. Another added: “The biggest problems are bank closures and competition from B&M, Poundland and other discount retailers. The threat from the sheds has receded and been replaced by the threat from the discounters.” *Retailers with the BHF as their primary division were invited to take part in the survey. The individual answers were confidential. Thanks to all who completed our hardware survey. Stay tuned as we cover other sectors.


hardware 12 bira survey results

Despite the many challenges, hardware shops are confident on business for 2018


This is your bira magazine, so share your news, views and ideas with like-minded retailers by contacting us at All contributions will be gratefully received by us SEPTEMBER 2017

fitting 14Asuccess

In Ledbury, Richie Grice has built his interiors business up on quality carpets

Nichols’ 18Keith pet project

Northumbria Pets in Alnwick has notched up 25 years of fighting off big competitors

33Counterpoint: Des Count With a stroke of genius, our man decides to charge browsers for entry

time to get a free 25It’s into great gifts 24Win pop-up space bira has teamed up with property expert Revo to give away free retail space

Looking to diversify your product offer? Gifts can work in all sorts of independents

Last 36The Word

In Will Shakespeare’s home town, Alex Wall keeps her gifts offer fresh and innovative


Trade news bira bank launches regular savings account THE ONLY TRADE association bank in the UK, bira bank has introduced a new regular savings account, available to members, their families and their employees. With a 2% variable rate, the account provides a higher rate of interest than any other bira bank account. You need to make only a £25 deposit per individual or company to open an account. Then you need to make a regular deposit by standing order of between £25 (minimum) and £500 (maximum) each month (correct ?). bira bank will pay the interest twice a year. John Collins, managing director of bira bank, said: “Having researched the regular savings account market place, we are bringing members an account which pays a higher rate of interest than any of our existing accounts, in return for regular deposits. It’s an open-ended account, unlike many on the market, which means you can save for large purchases without being bound by a 12-month contract. With two withdrawals each year, it should suit most savers’ needs. “Whether you are saving for a specific project or you are a serial saver looking for a suitable home for your savings pot, please get in touch.”


More information is available at

It’s time for the tough to get going… ALMOST HALF OF bira members remained reasonably confident or very confident about the year ahead up until the end of June, according to the findings of the latest Quarterly Sales Monitor. Trading was up for seven of the eleven categories surveyed, but there is no mistaking that trade is getting tougher, footfall is decreasing and costs are rising across the independent sector. Gift, hardware & DIY and cookshop all continued to lose sales, with gift stores seeing the biggest decline, -5.5% down from the same period in 2016. The overall average growth / decline dropped to -1.1% compared to -0.4% in the second quarter of 2016. Some 49.16% of participating retailers said they were reasonably or very confident about the year ahead but the 50.84% who were anxious complained mainly of matters out of their control, such as the effect of Brexit, the fall in the value of sterling, and increased wholesale prices.


The percentage feeling “very confident” on the year ahead


Almost half of respondents are “reasonably confident”

-6.12% +5.48% An unusually bad performance for the south east / London

Wales has the best average performance of the quarter

Quarterly Sales Monitor Quarter to 30 June 2017

Books, toys, music, computers/telecoms appear to have had the best of April, May and June, with sales +5% year-on-year. Clothing & footwear (+0.31% increase), furniture, floorcoverings & beds (+1.86%) and garden/machinery/tool hire (+0.67%) are the only three categories that have seen a steady increase over the past four quarters. Of the independent retailers surveyed, 46.41% said they would be expecting significant margin pressure moving forward – this is up 7.21% from Quarter 1 2017.


The QSMs are emailed to all bira members who complete the quarterly survey. To join the survey, or to see the QSM results, please contact Sarah Arnesen on

Battle for fairer rates goes on TEN RETAILING TRADE associations, including bira, have written to the chancellor and shadow urging them to honour the promise to switch business rates calculations from the Retail Prices Index (RPI) to the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) from 2020. The RPI measure of inflation is no longer an official measure of inflation and overestimates inflation relative to CPI. In its 2016 Budget, the previous government committed to the move from RPI to CPI, but in the Queen’s Speech on 21 June there was no mention of the relevant Local Government Finance Bill 2016-17.


In letters signed by bira CEO Alan Hawkins and heads of nine other trade bodies, including British Retail Consortium and Association of Convenience Stores, Philip Hammond and John McDonnell were told: “The burden of commercial property taxation is too high. A system under which rates are the highest in the G7 and have risen from a third of Rateable Value in 1990 to half today is not financially sustainable. Business rates will not cease to be an issue until we have a fair system of business taxation, which is internationally competitive and encourages investment.” SEPTEMBER 2017

Trade news

Indies unfairly targeted in dangerous products panic GOVERNMENT REACTION TO the rise in knife crime and so-called acid attacks is seeing independent retailers unfairly singled out by proposed restrictions on sales. Powerful laser pens, which have been aimed at airline pilots, have been added to knives and corrosive liquids as dangerous products in recent weeks. bira has pledged its support to the Home Office for the introduction of sensible, workable ideas to prevent knives and dangerous liquids, but continues to argue that large and online retailers are far more likely to be the point of purchase by illegal users. Vin Vara, bira president, sits on a Home Office committee that helps formulate new legislation. He says: “We have stressed that, of course, we support a ‘safety first’ approach, but independent hardware stores, for example, are being unfairly mentioned by government and in media reports as the sources for corrosive liquids and knives. Small shops know the type of customers they attract and violent youngsters are unlikely to head for their local independent that sells expensive, high-quality products. They are more likely to go to a self-service out-of-town shed, a pound shop or buy via the internet.” Bob Jarrett, bira membership director, added: “Home Secretary Amber Rudd recently stated that she will be tightening laws on the sale of knives, ensuring that online knife purchases have to be picked up in person within the store, so that ages and identities to be checked. In theory, this is good for independents. While the law is clear on knife sales instore and we have worked with the Home Office to provide guidance to our members, online sale guidance has not been so good.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd has much to consider

“Having customers coming into store is always welcome. Card payments online already record who is buying a knife, so this is an extra level of security for public and retailer. “If the Government changes the legislation on the sale of knives, we imagine they will have to do the same for acid-based products. We think age and quantity restrictions would help, as well as paying only with a credit card to prevent under-age individuals getting hold of these. “It is worth noting that knives and cleaning products with acid content can be found in any kitchen, so there’s not going to be an instant result.” On laser pointers, Jeff Moody, bira’s commercial director, said: “It is our understanding that the high-powered laser pointers that are being used to temporarily blind pilots are already restricted from sale in the UK. More clarity is needed on this one.”

Victory on tax digital plan PRESSURE FROM BIRA has helped persuade the government to change its plans on Making Tax Digital for Business (MTDfB). The controversial idea to place the burden of online tax returns on even the smallest business was vociferously opposed by bira and other small business interest groups. In the Finance Bill that will be introduced to Parliament as soon as possible after the summer recess the following changes will be made to the plan: lO nly businesses with a turnover above the VAT threshold (currently £85,000) will need to keep digital records and only for VAT purposes. lT hey will not need to do so until April 2019. lB usinesses will not be asked to keep digital records, or to update HMRC quarterly, for other taxes until at least April 2020. This means that the pace at which businesses with a turnover below the VAT threshold will be slowed, allowing these smaller businesses to adapt over a longer period of time. Alan Hawkins, bira CEO, commented: “We had identified Making Tax Digital for Business as being a big problem down the road. It appears the government is listening and is certainly slowing change. It is very wise to do so!”

All change in the cash register THE BANK OF England’s new £10 polymer note, featuring Jane Austen, will enter circulation on Thursday, 14 September. It will replace the paper version, which will be withdrawn sometime in spring 2018. A three-month notice period will be given. A new £20 note, featuring J M W Turner, is due to be issued in 2020. The paper £5 note was withdrawn on 5 May. The three Scottish banknote issuers - Bank of Scotland, Clydesdale Bank and The Royal Bank of Scotland - have launched their polymer £5 notes. All will release a smaller £10 and £20 polymer note following similar timelines to the Bank of England. Following the introduction of the new 12-sided £1 coin on 28 March, the legal tender status of the SEPTEMBER 2017

existing round £1 will be withdrawn on 15 October. The Royal Mint is encouraging businesses to: lu pgrade any remaining equipment to accept the 12-sided £1 coin; if their equipment continues to accept round pounds, they risk being targeted with counterfeit coins; lb ank round and 12-sided coins in separate bags; lb ank their round pound coins first; l e ncourage their customers to spend their round pounds before 15 October.


More information is available on


Trade news Is your site smart enough for a smartphone? SMARTPHONES WILL ACCOUNT for 51.5% of the spend via mobile and tablets next year, outperforming their larger rivals for the first time, according to research and consulting firm GlobalData. Retailers need to ensure that their sites, even if not transactional, are smartphone-responsive. Sales of tablet devices are declining, so spend through smartphones is set to grow 112% in the next five years. Key sectors aiding growth are clothing and footwear, which has the highest proportion of sales on smartphone, and food and grocery, expected to be the fastest-growing sector in terms of sales via smartphone to 2022. GlobalData’s report, Mobile & Tablet Retailing in the UK 2017, notes that shopper behaviour has shifted over the past five years, with smartphones now relied on as the go-to information source for everything from shopping to banking to checking train times. The change in habits has been supported by significant technology developments such as improved connectivity and larger screen sizes. By 2022 spend via smartphone is forecast to account for 23.8% of all online expenditure, up from 15.1% in 2017. Charlotte Pearce, retail analyst at GlobalData, explained: “Food & grocery and clothing & footwear retailers in particular are driving spending via smartphone. The clothing & footwear sector will account for 42% of all smartphone spend by 2022. This is largely boosted by online pureplays such as Asos and, which target younger shoppers who are more willing to purchase on a mobile. They already experience high penetration from smartphones at around 70% of all traffic.” l Only 50% of businesses are using SMS as part of a marketing strategy, even though Britain has nearly 80m active mobile phones in circulation. Textlocal, a leading SMS marketing platform, says 37.2m consumers have opted to use SMS and mobile communications as their preferred choice for receiving notifications from businesses. This is predicted to rise to 48.7m in 2020, making SMS the fastest-growing marketing channel.


No business like show business MEMBERS OF BIRA will be in the spotlight at Autumn Fair (NEC, 3-6 September) to give advice to other independents and to share their experiences of bira. We will be joined on the Fashion and Accessories Catwalk by Kevin Bellwood from the Roo-

barb gifts shop in Bridgnorth and Dom and Ali Beaven, the founders of online wedding list retailer Prezola on Sunday, 3 September. On Monday, 4 September, Julie Holden, national membership manager, will be taking to the Master the High Street

l bira has had a busy time at trade fairs already this season. Here bira member and childrenswear designer Rachel Riley, chats with Sarah Arnesen, bira’s head of marketing, PR and events, at Pure London.

Stage to give advice on making new customers into regular ones, a must-attend seminar for independent retailers. All members and membersto-be are welcome to drop by our stand, R47 in Hall 3. See also our Get into Gifts feature on page 17.

PATS Telford will be biggest ever MORE THAN 200 exhibiting companies will make this month’s PATS Telford the largest show ever in the pet trade event’s nine-year history. Billing itself as “the only event in the UK where buyers from specialist pet stores and garden centres can view all the latest product launches under one roof”, PATS will be held on Sunday and Monday, September 24-25 at Telford International Centre, Shropshire. One of the most popular features is the New Product Showcase, which allows visitors to see and touch the latest introductions from exhibitors. In 2016, more than 300 new items were entered into the showcase. Potential bestsellers are highlighted in PATS’ New Product Awards, which are judged by a panel of pet retailers. A full list of exhibitors is on together with information on how to reach the venue and regularly updated show news. SEPTEMBER 2017

Trade news

Retailing skills will be needed to maximise sales WITH CONSUMERS CUTTING back on dishomewares was up 5.8%, while lifestyle was +4.5%. cretionary spending in many areas, independents The BRC also had furniture sales doing well, but will need to sharpen their retailing skills in the toys were in negative territory. second half of 2017. Official figures for retail sales Online or “non-store” sales continued to grow in in July show that a widespread slowdown is conJuly, increasing by 23.3%. This was best July pertinuing, with little to indicate that the formance for the past three years. situation will improve in the run-up to Analysing the retail sales trends, Christmas, which is 16 weeks away. Richard Lim, chief executive of Rise in “non-store” , ie Fashion is having a particularly tough online, sales, the best independent research consultancy July for three years time, with sales in July the worst since Retail Economics, pointed out 2009, according to the BDO High Street the importance of the consumers’ Sales Tracker, which monitors the perforintention to spend – or not. “The Homewares sales had mance of about 85 mid-tier retailers that a good month in July, worst July performance for as did lifestyle items run around 10,000 stores nationwide. eight years shows all is not The BRC-KPMG monthly survey told well on the high street. the same story and noted: “A number of Personal finances remain More than 1 in 5 retailers reported disappointing results consumers plan to cut under intense pressure. from promotions on remaining summer back on spending “The fact that real stock in the first weeks of July, experiencearnings are shrinking ing difficulty getting the promotion right and hitmeans that consumers are cutting ting the right price points.” back and apparel retailers are feelThis suggests that even the constant round of ing the brunt. The second half of 2017 high-street discounting is losing its appeal, which is going to be extremely challenging. should be good news to most bira members. “Some 21% of consumers indicatBoth the BDO and the BRC surveys confirmed ed that they are actively planning to that, despite the challenges, homewares and cut back on discretionary spending, lifestyle retailers had a good month. BDO said according to our own recent research.”

+23.3% +5.8%


Vin Vara heads towards 15 shops THE PLANS FOR bira president Vin Vara to have 15 Tool Shop branches by next Easter are gathering pace. The London-based retailer has acquired two new units – in Camden and Islington, north London – and is well advanced in negotiations for a third. The three new branches will take the Tool Shop Group’s number to 12 in and around central London. The Islington unit, at 1090sq ft, is on Upper Street. After a complete refit, the now-empty unit will complement an existing Tool Shop branch less than a mile away on the same main shopping street. It is expected to be open in September. On Camden High Street, Vin is taking over a 1,000sq ft unit currently occupied by a discount book retailer. It too will be completely refitted. He has been looking for a suitable location in the bustling thoroughfare for a few years. The shop has plenty of useful warehousing space upstairs.

The real cost of the NLW revealed


Some 33 members of bira’s 3 Counties branch combined a recent meeting with a fact-finding tour of Greggs Pit Cider & Perry Orchard in Much Marcle, Herefordshire. The owner James Marsden explained how he produces award-winning perry in a traditional method. Then came the tasting of the fermented pear drinks, which branch chairman Declan Butler, of the Butler & Sweatman homewares shop in nearby Ledbury, admitted was the highlight of the gathering. SEPTEMBER 2017

A REDUCTION IN the number of retail employees and a reduction on the hours worked is a direct result of the National Living Wage, bira has told the Low Pay Commission. In its response to a consultation document on the National Minimum Wage, including NLW, bira, which represents independent businesses of all sizes, revealed the worrying findings from its 2016 wages survey. bira stated: “We understand that the NLW supports the government’s vision of a higher wage, lower welfare, lower tax society, but there is a price to pay for the increased costs. “In the bira wages survey 2016, some 25% of respondents had reduced the number of their employees due to the NMW. In addition, 47% of companies said they had been unable to give staff a pay rise because of its introduction. “A number of respondents said they

had reduced hours due to NMW. This figure was highest for businesses where the turnover was less than £200k (50%), with 45% of businesses with a revenue between £1m and £3m reducing hours, and 20% of businesses with turnover between £200k - £1m cutting hours. “Finally, business profitability has also been significantly squeezed in recent years because of NMW. This has happened in 60% of businesses with a turnover of less than £200k, 55% of businesses with sales between £200k and £1m, almost 75% of businesses between £1m and £3m, and 30% of businesses over £3m.” Regarding workers aged 21-24, bira highlighted the concern that firms may be reluctant to create jobs by recruiting inexperienced staff. They are put off by the increased wage bill, which comes on top of the inherent cost of training and development.




SEEK KNOWLEDGE. CULTIVATE CHANGE. Morning events for independent retail knowledge seekers There’s always more to learn for independent retailers, it’s about seeking information, acting fast and cultivating change. That’s why we’ve put together these regional half-day events that will inspire you in four important areas of change for retail. They’re free to attend but places are limited so book now to avoid disappointment.

Register to attend

London 13.09.2017

Birmingham 19.09.2017

Join the movement. is an industrywide initiative to support and empower local shopkeepers nationwide. We are both growing communities of independent retailers and industry supporters collaborating to ensure a thriving and diverse High Street for generations to come. Join for free at

Glasgow 26.09.2017


Dear Editor… Thanks are due Checking my Google reviews because a customer said they could not find us under Hardware Store, I found I have 21 reviews (all 5-star). This made me think that sometimes I only tend to complain when things go wrong rather than congratulating when things go right. So, as we’ve been in business for 47 years, we would like to thank these suppliers who have done things “right: for us: l Toolbank (aka Curtis Holt of Dartford), which has always supplied a first-class service (including next-day delivery for orders placed up to 7pm); l Stax (Bristol) for a superb range supplied through bira direct. l T I Midwood (TIMCO) of Cheshire, which is an excellent supplier of fixings and fasteners, including next-day delivery on orders placed by 5pm. Also, I’d like to offer a big Share your thoughts with the bira community. Email your letters to or write to Postbag, bira magazine, 225 Bristol Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B5 7UB for consideration. Please include a daytime telephone number in case we need to call you.

thanks to all the team at bira for their hard work and dedication on our behalf, and for the new and improved bira magazine. I am sure it has been a monumental task to bring together Banbury and Birmingham to a single head office in Birmingham, and I am certain this will have great benefits for our members now and in the future. Mick Belton, Belton & Slade, Wandsworth, London

Editor’s note: Many thanks, Mick. All bira members are very welcome to visit the Open Day for the new HQ on 21 September. See p34 for more details.

Print lives! I want to congratulate you on the bira magazine. It is lively, modern and interesting and I really enjoy looking through it. Please, please, do not go only digital. Most of us are far too busy to sit at a computer reading magazines on-line, but a quick page-turn with a cup of coffee during a break from customers is a lovely treat. Keep up the good work! Jan Rogers, Llanfyllin Home and Garden, Powys

PS If ever you want to feature a small hardware shop in midWales surviving against the odds, please contact us.

Simon Hutchinson is now head of sales at Centurion Europe, the Doncaster-based supplier of DIY, garden, housewares and safety products. His previous roles include commercial manager at MGB Plastics and senior sales manager at Lyreco for 17 years. Centurion’s brand range includes Mellerud, PestClear, Urfic, Andersons, Warmseal and Powerlines, as well as its own Centurion-branded pre-packed hardware, ironmongery, Trade Packs and Value Pac ranges. Here Centurion’s sales & marketing director Peter Stone welcomes Simon.


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La vie en rose I thought bira members would enjoy this decoration I spotted within a pavement in the south of France. And the name of the street? Rue de Roses, of course. Surinder Josan, All Seasons DIY, Smethwick, West Midlands SEPTEMBER 2017

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bira bids farewell to three stalwarts Vivienne Abbott

BHF AND BIRA veteran Vivienne Abbott has died after a short battle with pancreatic cancer. She was 63. In 1979 with her husband Tony, she established the Abbotts DIY business in Ottery St Mary, Devon, later adding another branch at Seaton. The pair were very active in BHF matters in the south-west and with their local chamber of commerce. After Tony died in 2012, Viv, who had been chair of the local BHF and bira branches several times, became the driving force of the business. She had been due to take over as bira president for 2017-18, but had to step down when she was informed, on December 23 last year, of her illness. She died peacefully in her sleep on 4 August. Her funeral was held two weeks later. The business is now run by her sons Chris and Jeff, who have been full-timers for 20 years and 12 years respectively. Chris said: “The news from the doctors last December was such a shock, but we decided we had to open on Christmas Eve. It was probably the hardest thing any of us have ever had to do. We then made sure every day we had with Mum was special.”

Vivienne Abbott: “An outstanding lady”


Viv is also survived by her daughter Marie and Chris’ children, William and Emilia. Alan Hawkins, bira CEO, said: “The loss of Viv Abbott so soon after her illness was diagnosed is such a tragedy. It robs bira of an outstanding lady who was planning such an exciting year as president. She would have brought her own quiet but determined personality to the role. Watching her plan her conference, sharing her passion for the average member, always wanting things affordable with the smaller business in mind, showed her sense of inclusiveness. “Following the death of her beloved husband Tony, she decided to throw herself into external activities. She was superb fun on the Irish study tour in 2015 and while handing over the reins of her business, she was always keen to get back home to make sure ‘her boys’ were running it to her high standards. She need have no fears on that account.”

Edward Noyce

A WELL-KNOWN CHARACTER among the BHF and bira fraternity, Edward Noyce died on 18 July after a long illness. He was 77. With his brother Tim, who died in 2013, Edward ran E & B R Noyces in Newbridge Quarry, Kingsbridge, Devon, which is described as “the one-stop shop for home and garden”. Rachel Noyce, Tim’s daughter, has been running the business for several years. The brothers, with Tim’s wife Anne and Edward’s long-term partner Jean, were familiar faces at BHF events and conferences for many years. Gary Gordon, of Kitchen Kapers in Camberley, Surrey, recalled: “Edward and Tim gave the Retailer Address for my conference in Reims, France, in May 2004 when I was president of the BHF. With them both, you got two for the price of one, twice as entertaining and funny. “Edward provided great company, which was enjoyed by many fellow retailers. He will be much missed.” Liz Lawson, of Lawsons of Plymouth, added: “Edward was a true gentleman, interested in everyone he met and always with time to listen. As far back as the late 1980s, he was instrumental in developing SIRCS, a computerised stock control system for independents that we used along with

Noyces. They were pioneers in moving away from the manual system.” The funeral service in Stokenham, south Devon, on 3 August, was attended by around 350 people, including family, friends, trade colleagues and many linked through school, sailing and the Rotary Club.

Barry Austen

TRIBUTES HAVE BEEN paid to Barry Austen, a former president of the Menswear Association of Britain (MAB), who died just as we went to press with our July/August issue. One of the founding members of what is now the Independent Menswear Company (IMC) buying group, Barry started his career as a sales rep for the Guards menswear label before moving in to retailing in 1960. He bought Reeds of Bulwell, in a suburb of Nottingham, and renamed it Barry Austen. Other branches followed in Ashfield, Arnold, Hucknall, Beeston and central Nottingham. He added womenswear but was always associated mainly with the menswear trade. He was one of five independents that founded the ABC menswear buying group (now the IMC) in 1981. He was president of MAB, a precursor of bira, in 1986. Malcolm Bird, who ran menswear shops in Yorkshire as a contemporary of Barry, recalls: “I knew Barry through the MAB and (its successor) the bssa, where he worked tirelessly to improve and advance the associations. I knew him better, however, for the work he did in setting up the ABC buying group, now rebranded IMC. His continual refrain was x3, and how important margin was!” Robert Smart, owner of Robert Smart Menswear in York, added: “Barry was hale and hearty with a real presence, a keen retail mind and an exceptional eye for detail. He was not afraid to put his head on the block and if he didn’t rate somebody, he was never shy in expressing his feelings with some choice words. So sorry you are no longer with us, Barry. You will be missed, but never forgotten.” Austen is survived by four children and 11 grandchildren. His funeral was held at Southwell Minster, Notts, on 14 June. As Barry was a keen sailor, his family requested donations to the RNLI instead of flowers.


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FROM THE NHS to small and micro businesses, cyber crime is increasing and it is affecting enterprises of all sizes. Some 60% of small businesses have suffered a data breach in the last year. Here Towergate, provider of bira insurance, outlines some steps to protect yourself against the hackers. Keep software updated Download software and app updates as soon as they appear. They contain vital security upgrades that keep your devices and business information safe. Many instances of hacking have relied on businesses not staying updated with software patches. Install internet security software like antivirus on all your devices to help prevent infection. Be vigilant with emails Delete suspicious emails as they may contain fraudulent requests for information or links to viruses. Unsolicited emails often contain attachments or hyperlinks (particularly shortened links); many phishing attacks attempt to trick you into opening a file loaded with malware or to visit a site which runs malicious scripts on your computer. Manage administrator privileges carefully Avoid using an account with administrative privileges for normal day-to-day activities and web browsing. Accounts with lower privileges warn you if a program tries to install software or modify computer settings, thus allowing you to decide whether the proposed action is safe. Don’t store card data on servers Consider using somebody like

PayPal to handle payment processing and avoid the need to access customers’ credit card details. Let your servers work for other parts of the business and let somebody else deal with the financial transactions. Train your staff Make your staff aware of cyber security threats and how to deal with them. The government offers free online training courses tailored for you and your staff that takes 60 minutes

Only 37% of businesses have cyber security insurance; it must be asked for specifically or so to complete. Most security issues are based on ignorance, not malicious intent. Assume staff don’t know all the answers and give them an environment to learn. Check your insurance Only 37% of businesses have cyber security insurance in place, with many people believing it is already included in their business insurance. Cyber insurance is often an add-on to a broader insurance policy and unless you ask for it specifically it may not be included, so check your documentation or speak with your insurance provider. l bira insurance is a trading name of Towergate Underwriting Group Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. SEPTEMBER 2017

bira hardware survey

Hardware looks brighter for 2018 In bira’s first survey of its hardware members, we discover plenty of reasons to be cheerful among the everyday pressures of independent retailing From the range of factors below, select those that are having a positive effect on your business

Product diversification

tools were all reported as doing well. The biggest detrimental effect on hardware retailing is online sales, according to 77% of members who completed the survey. And the solution? If you can’t beat them, join them! A respondent commented: “There is a change in consumer behaviour and lifestyles. People are now more keen to purchase hardware items via online retailers. It is impossible for current independent hardware retailers to make a living in this sector unless they change direction and receive additional support.”

What one word would you use to describe the hardware retail industry?



Enhanced windows/display

Promotional activity

Customer engagement

Local competiton

What are the expectations for your business in 2018?

Social media

AFTER A GENERALLY stable, if challenging, year so far, almost half of bira’s hardware members expect to grow in 2018 - thanks to increased customer engagement, excellent employees, social media activity and, hopefully, a spot of sunshine. Members of bira’s hardware division were contacted in July for our first Hardware Sector survey, which aimed to gauge the mood among the independent trade, to understand what they love about the industry, and what factors were troubling them. While our retailing respondents commented about 2017 being a challenging year, the good weather in the early summer and the impact of customer engagement were both having a positive effect on business. Most (48.98%) were performing at the level of 2016 and were performing as expected (48%). Only 24% were performing worse than they had anticipated. As expected from independents, 80.43% said customer engagement and finding solutions for customers were the main reasons why they loved working in retailing. Other reasons included the diversity of the products they sell and that no day was ever the same. One business owner said: “I love being able to help the customers in my area and mostly being appreciated for the service I provide.” A wide range of products was performing well for hardware retailers, highlighting the diversity within the sector. Seasonal favourites like garden furniture, compost and bedding plants, plus pet products, paint and paint brushes, lightbulbs, cement and hand power

10% 38% 32%

Significant growth

Marginal growth

Slight decline

Major decline

18% 2%

Remain about the same

Another said: “It is essential a retailer is both a bricks and a clicks retailer.” Other factors having a detrimental effect included the UK economy (from 64.58% of respondents), closely followed by Brexit (60.42%). Nearly all the retailers attending a recent BHF committee meeting reported price hikes of around 5%-10% as a result of their European suppliers upping the cost. The result was pinched margins and, in many cases, increased costs to consumers. Another issue is changing attitudes to shopping and to DIY. “Footfall in the high street is declining annually. We can see it from the number of transactions. The youth of today have to get a man in as they have no knowledge or intention of sorting DIY themselves,” said one bira member. Another added: “The biggest problems are bank closures and competition from B&M, Poundland and other discount retailers. The threat from the sheds has receded and been replaced by the threat from the discounters.” *Retailers with the BHF as their primary division were invited to take part in the survey. The individual answers were confidential. Thanks to all who completed our hardware survey. Stay tuned as we cover other sectors.



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Business profile

A fitting success The imposing sight of Ledbury Carpets & Interiors has been a landmark in Ledbury, Herefordshire, for 25 years. Word-of-mouth and the prominence of building itself are the best marketing tools for owner Richie Grice.


IF YOU WANT to know what’s happening in the Herefordshire property market, Richie Grice is a very informed source. As a retailer of quality carpets, floorcoverings, curtains, blinds and soft furnishings, he knows when people are moving into new homes, or staying put and upgrading their existing houses. “If the house market isn’t moving, people will come to us when they have decided to spend on improvements where they are,” he says. “Since the financial collapse of 2007, of course, we have had to deal with the recession and 2012 was the worst year locally. The past three years were good, but 2017, so far, has been a little bit inconsistent with Brexit and the election putting uncertainty into some people’s minds. Even well-off people can be affected by negative vibes.” Like many experienced bira members, Richie has ridden out such ups and downs before, having set up in business in 1980. He initially rented space within Walters Furniture Store on Ledbury High Street before soon after getting his own unit on Bye Street. He moved to his out-of-town site on Dymock Road in 1992; since then two extensions and a separate storage building have doubled its size to 3000sq ft. “I came into the carpet trade by accident in the early 1970s, helping a carpet fitter in my spare time. I got a taste for it and then worked on the road for a couple of companies, followed by two more years on the tools to get the finance in place to open the shop,” he explains. “My ambition was always to have my own business. I started small, moved to larger premises as soon as possible, then bought a building and land on the town’s bypass and literally built up the showroom from there.” Within two years of starting as a carpet retailer, Richie was persuaded to try selling blinds by an enthusiastic manufacturer’s sales rep. After that went well, curtain and soft furnishings were added, enabling the business SEPTEMBER 2017

Business profile

‘New boy’ Neil Davies has 12 years’ service with the firm

Ledbury Carpets & Interiors 10 The Old Wharf, Ledbury, Herefordshire HR82JQ Established: 1980. In current premises since 1992 Size: 3000sq ft Hours: Mon – Sat 9-5 Annual sales: £400,000 Brands include: Axminster, Brintons, Ulster Carpets, Karndean, Marmoleum, Bluebird Blinds, Iliv, Bill Beaumont Staff: Richie & Jane Grice (owners), plus two full-timers bira member since: 2000

to create a reputation locally as an all-round that are popular, but we have to remind custominteriors specialist. ers that within a short time they will flatten, track On recommendation, the company has fitand lose their appearance.” ted carpets and curtains in various parts of the With more than four decades in the trade, UK, most recently in London and Cornwall, but Richie is well connected with suppliers, but most of its business is domestic at least 50% of his carpets are work in a 15-mile radius of the sourced through Greendale store. Contractors carry out the Carpets & Floorings, the biggest final fitting. independent buying group for After all his years in business, the sector. Handily, Greendale is word-of-mouth is the best marbased only 15 minutes’ drive away keting medium for the firm, but near Hereford. Richie does take advertisements “So we have more than £2m in local monthly magazines and worth of carpets in stock on our admits that he should do more Richie Grice with his wife Jane doorstep and there is always a (left) and colleague Dawn Andrews friendly welcome and a good cup than he does on social media. As the company’s neat website of coffee available,” says Richie. reveals, leading brand names at the better-end There is still plenty of direct contact with supof the trade are Richie’s specialty, whether it’s for pliers, but Richie notes that one of the big changcarpets, luxury vinyl flooring, hardwood floors, es he’s seen since he set up shop is the decline in blinds, curtains or plantation shutters: “Our cusinfluence of on-the-road reps. tomer base tends to be people who appreciate our “Thirty years ago, we were able to talk to the better-quality products. The bulk of our carpets reps about any issues we had, but many have cost £35psm to £45psm for a two-ply twist wool very little sway now. They are not able to sort quality, so we are not at the budget end. problems out and too often manufacturers try “I am a great believer in good-quality wool and wriggle out of any issues. Some of them carpets. We do have to reflect fashions and we have forgotten the importance of customer do sell the synthetic plush pile and saxony styles relationships.” SEPTEMBER 2017

His other major headache is finding staff who are suitable for the specialised work of advising customers on getting the right floor coverings and window coverings. His wife Jane has been with Richie from the start and is the backroom woman in charge of paying accounts and dealing with VAT, PAYE, year-end accounts and so on. Dawn Andrews, the office manageress at the shop, has been with the company since 1982 (including two stints of maternity leave). Jane and Dawn work in unison to ensure the smooth administration of the business. Neil Davies is something of a “new boy”, having clocked up a mere 12 years’ service as the curtains and blinds specialist. Such stalwarts, however, are very difficult to find. “We are a small company, so as well as having specific skills, everyone has got to be adaptable. We are one staff member down at present, which puts a strain on the rest of us. As I am 68 years old now, I’d quite like to ease back a bit, say from seven days a week to six and a half! But seriously, I am looking for a good general manager with flooring experience, so if anyone suitable is reading this, please get in touch.” Any candidates need to be able to fulfil Ledbury Carpets & Interiors’ unchanging motto: Quality, Value & Service.



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Product diversification Gifts can be excellent income generators at key times of the year. In our series on product diversification, we examine how bira members can get into gifts.

It’s time to get into gifts Go buying at Autumn Fair bira is exhibiting at Autumn Fair, the perfect exhibition for anyone looking to get into gifts. bira direct has created an easy-to-download guide to the bira direct suppliers exhibiting at the event, which members have discounted rates with, available at autumn-fair-offers. Alternatively, visit the bira team in Hall 3 R47 at the NEC, on 3-6 September.


WHETHER YOU ARE in a tourist destination or want to maximise opportunities for Christmas or Mother’s Day, adding a range of giftware to your business can create additional sales. Steve Akers, director of buying at bira says: “The gift and lifestyle market in the UK is estimated to be worth £40bn at retail and we want independents to have a bigger slice. “Humorous tabletop items such as coasters, candles, or china mugs can be great impulse purchases to have at till points, which may also encourage sales of your primary offering. A strongly-themed display in your window of giftware at key points in the year, such as Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day or Christmas, may get customers in store when otherwise they might have walked past. Then, as they explore the store, they will realise the variety of products that you as an independent offer. So perhaps the next time they need screws, nails, paint or any other items you might sell, they should automatically think about coming back.” Before investing to any great degree, why not test out a small range of items at a key point in the year and see how they work for your business? Check your bira direct Supplier Directory in the Membership Directory on, where many of the suppliers in the giftware category offer a competitive carriage-paid threshold to help you test the potential. bira member Chris Wright from ironmonger Bly th & Wright in Sheringham, Norfolk says: “Location and clientele are key when selling giftware. Our shop is in a seaside town, so it made sense for us to sell touristy gifts that people wandering about can buy and take home with them. We do things like fridge magnets, as well as our own- designed mugs, tea towels and beach games during the summer. We are a very diverse store anyway, but these help us to

maximise our profits. “It is important to tailor your offering to key times of the year. These for us are the summer, when we have an influx of tourists, and Christmas. We found that the Toolbank Christmas Promotion works really well for us. It allows us to invest in products in the shop that we would never usually sell. Last year, for example, we had remote control cars and record players. This is an excellent toe in the gifts water without investing heavily.” It is important to find the ranges in giftware that complement your offering, as well as finding items that are unique to you or your area. Richard Cowling, a bira DIY member from Touchwood of Wetherby, told us, “Being diverse with our product selection, believing in what we do, and loving what we sell are the things that have kept us going as a business. “We wanted to offer something a bit different within our DIY business and because we love Spanish culture, we thought let’s go in that direction. We sell Spanish cookware, European hand creams, painted pottery, Portuguese vases, as well as some food items. We avoid selling brands and instead look for the unusual that our customers won’t have seen elsewhere. We look for the products that we absolutely love. “Now a quarter of our shop is dedicated to our European gifts and it is slowly expanding. We spend hours displaying the products, moving them round to make sure they look right, which we see as being very important.” The opportunities are endless with gifts, so it is always advisable to look for inspiration at shows and speak to suppliers to see what might work for you and complement your business.


If you’ve diversified already, tell us via


Keith’s pet p

The big interview In their special-edition uniforms for the 25th anniversary, Keith Nichols, Brenda Angus, Chrissie Gray and Sandra Shepherd line up to serve the pets of Alnwick

Photography: Paul Driver


The bunting is out at Northumbria Pets in Alnwick to celebrate 25 years of trading for Keith Nichols and his team (who made the decorations themselves in true independent style). THE PERCY FAMILY, the hereditary Dukes of Northumberland, have occupied the imposing edifice of Alnwick Castle since 1309. After Windsor, it is the second-largest lived-in castle in the country, known to millions around the world since the Harry Potter films used it as the location for Hogwarts. Equidistant between Newcastle-upon-Tyne and the Scottish border, the fortress saw active service even before the Percys’ time as marauding Scots regularly headed south. By 1174 there had been not one but two major Battles of Alnwick, both victories for the home side. The natural beauty of Northumberland and such a wealth of history brings thousands of tourists to Alnwick – the pronunciation rhymes with manic – but for Keith Nichols these days the battles are with large competitors, unsympathetic planners and consumers too obsessed by the internet to realise what a great deal they will get at an independent pet shop like his. “Northumberland County Council and our town council are not as supportive as they need to be. Business rates are one major factor,” says Keith. “Town centres used to be the hub of the town, now the out-of-town parks are the hub. There are plans for yet another retail park, which will affect all Alnwick’s independents. “We need more parking in the town centre. Through the chamber of trade we campaigned for free parking and we succeeded. It works on a disc system, like the disabled disc-clock, purchased for a one-off fee of £1. This covers the majority of council-run car parks throughout the county. Each car park displays its particular parking time, ranging from two hours to all day in some cases, which has helped.” When he acquired a pets business in 1992, there was a second pets retailer in the town and an independent pets and country goods supplier just out of town. The latter is still trading, but the former closed a long time ago, leaving Northumbria Pets the sole destination for pet owners in the town centre (the shop is on a short parade of units that is an offshoot of the main shopping street, the romantically-named Bondgate Within). He is quick to point out, however, that competition long ago stopped being limited to other independent operators. He mentions Wilko, Aldi, Lidl, Homebase, Argos, Sainsbury’s and the northernbased West Cumberland Farmers as large general merchandise retailers that sell pet products to some degree in Alnwick. There is also, inevitably, Pets at Home, which has around 370 stores across the country. It was not a great day when it opened on an Alnwick retail park in 2016, but Keith says that in a strange way it did him a favour. “The arrival of Pets at Home as a direct competitor showed us that we’d become a bit complacent,” he recalls. “It forced us to re-evaluate our business and up our game, to specialise more and not try to compete on price. A friend once said to me, ‘Don’t ever get into a price war because there is always going to be a loser and it could be you’. “So, while we do stock inexpensive items, we now try consistently to have better-quality products that are not found elsewhere locally. Big firms can buy in bulk – even though their prices often are not as good they claim – but they can’t buy specifically for a local branch. 


The big interview

We know the local market better than anybody. “Our response to the increased competition has been to specialise in exclusive products that we sell with service and professional advice.” Typical of Northumbria Pets’ offer are the newly-launched Cooper grain-free dog food, Dog Robes, a high-quality drying robe - made in Scotland - that is available in sizes from toy dog to extra large dog (prices start at £18.95), and the very popular collars, leads and harnesses from Wolters, which are very high quality at very competitive prices. The county town of Northumberland, Alnwick has a population of a little over 8,000, but the local rural catchment area stretches well beyond the town. Keith describes the area as “reasonably prosperous”, with affluent villages nearby home to people who commute to work in Newcastle. Then, of course, there are the tourists who boost footfall from Easter to September. What they find in Northumbria Pets is a wellpacked treasure trove comprising the inevitable pet food, plus a vast range of accessories, including more than 200 dog beds ranging from a blanket at £12.99 to a more complicated sleeping place for a pampered pooch at over £100. “Right from the start, I liked to have a big range of products,” Keith admits. “If we can find space for it, we give it a try. On food and treats, we have been going down the natural route for a while now.” The big sellers, as with most pet shops, are dog food, cat food and wild bird feed – “they are the everyday, got-to-have lines,” according to Keith – but there are dozens of options in collars, leads, coats, toys, dishes, bird feeders, greetings cards, identity discs and unexpected innovations like cooling mats for dogs. “That’s typical of the new lines we are happy to try,” says Keith. “It does get warm even up here and owners are conscious of not letting their dogs over-heat in the summer. From Scruffs, they retail from £12.99 and are very popular.” One thing that’s disappeared over the years is live pets. There are some exotic fish in tanks at the rear of the busy ground floor, but small animals were last sold six years ago. “We did reptiles in a small way, but that was short-lived, although we still do products for them. It is the same with caged birds; requests for them became very few and far between. The last animals we kept were hamsters and mice, but the demand diminished, so we used the space more efficiently with faster-moving lines.” Pet shops thrive on their reputation for expert advice, and Keith and his team can boast 75 years’ experience in the trade. Brenda Angus has worked with Keith from the start, Chrissie Gray has been there 14 years and Sandra Shepherd 11 years. “They all had a background of working


with pets and animals. We now work on a rota of four days a week. Since Easter, for the first time, we started opening on a Sunday. We have had our quiet days, but it seems to have worked, but we will only be doing it until the end of the tourist season in September. We are one of the few independents in the town to trade seven days a week.” Informed and impartial advice on the huge selection of products in the store has made its reputation. The high service levels also include free deliveries to local destinations and charging only for fuel to customers further out from the town. Customers can also “try before they buy” when it comes to collars, leads and harnesses: “We are very happy for them to walk their dogs around the town for five minutes or half an hour to see if a harness or lead suits them.” If the customers cannot get to the shop, they are welcome to telephone in an order, but currently the website is not transactional. Even though all stock control is done manually, Keith believes he could sell selected products online. “We are looking at offering our more unusual things online, things that the locals won’t find elsewhere and the tourists hopefully won’t be able to get near home. I don’t want to be selling standard bags of dog food online, but we are always trying new things that are upmarket.” This year has seen the store, which comprises a busy ground floor with one room upstairs for the pet beds and coats, bedecked with bunting to celebrate 25 years of Northumbria Pets. Although his family had kept pets, there was no track record of retailing; before buying an existing pet shop in Alnwick, Keith was in business with his brother producing fibreglass mouldings. “I wanted a change and to do something for myself. The shop, on a little corner site, had been opened only a couple of years and was understocked and run down. I took it over with only £1,200 of stock in it. But it also had Brenda working there, so I ‘inherited’ her and she has stayed with me for the past 25 years, so I can’t be that bad a boss!” After 12 years in the original unit, Keith graduated to the current site, which is about four times bigger, although he complains “but we still don’t have enough room for everything”. In his early days, he opened another branch in Cramlington, about 30 miles away, but this was a short-lived adventure: “I ended up driving 500600 miles a week going back and forth, trying to manage both. I am much better off with one.” With a quarter of a century completed, what is Keith’s wish for the next 25 years? “As I am 55, I doubt I’ll be running it, but I hope the shop is still here, continuing to do what we do and providing the service we do. I hope that the online generation appreciates what an independent retailer offers.”

The arrival of Pets at Home in Alnwick showed us we’d become complacent and forced us to re-evaluate and raise our game

Every inch of the shop is used to display the pet food and accessories. Keith says he is always ready to try something innovative and a bit different to keep customers - and their animals - interested


The big interview

Northumbria Pets 41 Bondgate Within, Alnwick, NE66 1SX Founded: 1992 Current location: Since 2004 Size of store: 750sq ft (ground) 300sq ft (first) Staff: owner Keith Nichols and 3 full-timers


Opening Hours: Mon-Sat 9-5, Sun 11-4 (Easter-Sept only) Main brands: Burns, Canagan, Chuckit, Cooper, Eukanuba, Kong, Lucky Pet, Lily’s Kitchen, Royal Canin, Walter Harrison’s, Wolters bira member since: 2006


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Counterpoint / Des Count

Browsers welcome (only 50p a time) Our Man in the Gift Shop has had enough of the shuffling hordes of browsers enjoying his facilities for free. He’s starting to charge an entry fee.

If this catches on, I can see the big boys like Debenhams and John Lewis following my lead. This idea is a winner

Have your say Would you like to share your views and experiences with the bira community? We welcome contributors like Des Count. You can write under your own name or under a pseudonym. If you are interested, please email


RETAILING IN A busy market and tourist town, as we do, is very different to operating a shop in a city high street. We have more browsers, people who are happy to while away the day instead of paying to visit the local attractions. I don’t know whether bira has conducted research on the proportion of browsers to spenders in independent retail stores, but we get a lot. In fact, a huge number. These browsers have no intention of ever buying anything. In the winter they come in to get warm and in the hot summer days they come in to benefit from our hugely-expensiveto-run air conditioning system. But, to be fair to them, if you were visiting the town on a coach, why would you want to be stuck with a large number of carrier bags on the return journey, with the danger that your items won’t make it home in one piece? I read article after article in industry magazines and attend seminars with “in-the-know speakers, experts and retail gurus” who continually say that we retailers need to offer a “shopping experience” to stand out. So, we try our best with our limited budget as a small independent retailer to add that special “shopping experience”. The only thing is, nobody has told the browsers. Last week yet another coach load of these wanderers bustled in to our beautiful store. They touched, prodded and poked items, and occasionally tried on our clothing range. Some of them dabbed their fingers into our beautiful organic and expensive skincare range in a desperate attempt to make their dry and wrinkled skin soft again after years of neglect. Then they proceeded to leave with rarely a Thank You or Goodbye. Only an occasional one commented: “Haven’t you got a lovely shop?”. Pleasant as it is to hear such comments, I’m afraid they don’t pay our bills. We were clearly not “lovely” enough for anyone to spend and help us keep the wolf from the door. Then I stumbled on a news report about bookshop owner Steve Bloom charging browsers to look around his emporium in the village of Hawes in the Yorkshire Dales. It suddenly dawned on me the man is a genius; we could do the same and turn these browsers in to a profitable commodity.

We could charge them an entry fee to cross the threshold. If these browsers want to continue to tread a donkey trail on our top-of-therange Norwegian wooden floor and treat it like some cheap day out at a local attraction, they should pay for the privilege. Like Steve Bloom, we could charge them a 50p entrance fee, which would be refundable when they purchase something. The 200 or so people who pass through our store every day during the summer then become very lucrative. It would suddenly be enjoyable to have browsers in our store and it could even persuade me to begin to like them. I may get a few that refuse to pay, but I think curiosity may get the better of them. If this works, it could be the end of all our retail troubles. It also would be a great way to work out our conversion rate from entry to successful sales. I floated this idea with a few of our regular customers and they thought it sensible and said they would have no objections to paying an entrance fee, providing they got it back if they bought something. One of them did suggest that maybe a better idea was to charge browsers on the way out, rather than before they enter the shop. As a former police officer, he did warn me that if someone refused to pay and I kept them in the shop against their will until they coughed up, I could be charged with kidnapping. As this offence can carry a life sentence at HM’s pleasure, I rejected that idea. I will stick with the entry fee. I am planning to use an old shed and erect it at the front of the shop for admissions. If the locals complain about the old battered structure and the council come and visit, I will tell them it’s a new line we are stocking. My retired father-in-law will oversee entry fees. He is free most days, so I thought I would bung him a few quid to man the Admissions Centre (aka the shed). It will give him something to do in the day and keep him out of trouble. If I give him a grand title, something like Head of Concierge Services, I am sure he will jump at it. He may even get a uniform and a hat. If this catches on, I can see the big boys like Debenhams and John Lewis following my lead. This idea is a definite winner. We start Monday.


bira direct’s biggest opportunity for bira members in 2017

September Live from


buying retail

ffers, promotions and O additional discounts from product suppliers. Make your business more profitable this buying season.


08 17 or to find out more call Steve Akers on 0121 446 3736 or Mike Whiles on 0121 446 3732

Product news September SECURE YOUR DATE WITH KASP AT MLA EXPO 2017 Retailers looking for market-leading security products should head to stand H2 37 at MLA Expo 2017 (6-8 Oct The International Centre, Telford) to see the most popular ranges from Kasp. The leading security brand from Carl Kammerling International has become a significant force within the sector. Visitors will see how its best-in-market retail padlock displays, with the company’s unique, colour-coded packaging system, enable ease of selection, benefiting their customers, their profits and their business. Kasp will give 10% discount on orders placed at MLA Expo and visitors will be entered into a prize draw to win a fully stocked 30in stand (RRP £1,350 ex VAT).

WIN ALL-WEATHER PADLOCK SALES WITH BURG-WÄCHTER To deal with the unpredictability of the British weather, Burg-Wächter has launched a new long shackle variant of its popular No.99 rustproof and weatherproof combination padlock. With a solid brass body with a rustproof stainless steel shackle, the No 99’s locking mechanism is double-bolted for enhanced security, while the padlock has a four-digit roll combination that can be re-programmed using the supplied key. The combination dials are on the base of the lock to keep the weather out. Burg-Wächter will be at MLA Expo 2017 (6-8 October, Telford). 01274 395333 /

EXCELLENT HI-VIS VALUE MEASURING FROM FISCO With a tough ABS case that has a high-impact rubber overmould, these new Hi-Vis Tapes from Fisco Tools combine hardwearing reliability with ease of use. There are three models, available in 5m and 8m lengths with 19mm and 25mm blade widths. With EC Class II measuring accuracy, a handy belt clip, a self-zeroing end-hook and a ‘positive action’ brake, these A1-Plus Hi-Vis Tapes from Fisco will handle most general measuring tasks.

01758 704704

01484 854788




Pest-Stop offers a comprehensive range of market-leading products and its new bed bug blitz kit is the ultimate tool for dealing with bed bugs in the home. Each kit contains 1 x 300ml spray, 1 x 100g powder and a fumer for effective control in any domestic setting. The kit acts as a two-in-one solution as it provides rapid action and treats the source of the problem. Also, this year is the 120th anniversary of the famous Little Nipper, the original and best conventional mouse and rat trap, which has remained largely unchanged since its creation in 1897. The unique raised treadle platform and effective design means it remains one of the most recognised and popular choices for rodent control.

All you need to know about the world’s leading range of working clothes can be found in the latest 148-page full-colour catalogue from Snickers Workwear, which can be downloaded free of charge from its website. The Snickers range includes work trousers, work jackets, tool vests, shirts, underwear, accessories and tool carriers, plus an extensive range of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) workwear. Its innovative Layered Clothing System ensures clothes to suit the weather – rain or shine, wind or snow – can be chosen on site. Snickers’ Workwear System is complemented by Snickers’ profiling and embroidery services and the UK’s most extensive range of sizes.

Making light work of one of the biggest household chores, Beldray’s ultra-lightweight AirGo Cordless will clean the whole home with one charge. The high-tech, cord-free design allows the AirGo to be carried with minimal effort and the multidirectional swivel head delivers a thorough clean, allowing awkward corners to be reached for a spotless finish. The AirGo has a 1L dust container, a powerful floor head, and up to 25 minutes of operating time.

0800 652 5521 / customercare@


0161 627 9673 /

01484 854788 SEPTEMBER 2017

Would bira members like your products? To discuss appearing on these pages, contact mutimedia sales executive Simone Adams on 0121 446 6688 or email her on

EXPAND YOUR RANGE WITH CONSTRUCTA-PRO The expanding foam range from Everbuild – A Sika Company has grown again with the addition of Constructa-Pro, a versatile high-strength adhesive foam. Developed to be fastcuring, Constructa-Pro is ideal for small jobs that require a quick fix, as well as large applications such as fixing plasterboard and insulations board, fixing skirting boards, or as a mortar substitute for building rough garden walls. Once cured, it is rot-proof and moisture- and temperatureresistant from -40˚C to +80˚C. Gun-applied and available in 750ml tins, Constructa-Pro can be used on stone, brick, concrete blocks, wood, plasterboard, metal and much more, making it a truly multi-purpose adhesive foam. 0113 240 2424

SAFECAN IS ALL ABOUT SECRET SECURITY SafeCans from Sterling are the perfect way to hide valuables in plain sight. An exact imitation of everyday items, from aerosols and candles to replicas of top branded goods, SafeCans have a secret storage area for keys, cards, cash, passwords etc. The new taller, 500ml-sized No More Gaps and De-Icer SafeCans are ideal for longer and larger items and can be used in a wider range of places such as the garage, shed or even the car. The Heinz Baked Beans, Tomato Soup and Spaghetti SafeCans allow customers to hide valuables in a food cupboard. SafeCans are a great gift for students to store keys, credit cards or cash in their digs. Counter top and display stand merchandisers are available to promote sales. For more about the Sterling range of innovative security solutions, see Burg-Wächter UK at MLA Expo 2017 (6-8 Oct The International Centre, Telford). 01274 395333 SEPTEMBER 2017

PROTECT YOUR MOST IMPORTANT TOOLS WITH HAND ARMOUR Hand Armour, a new multi-use barrier cream from Everbuild – A Sika Company, will protect the most important tools the hands. Providing protection against any wet or dry contaminants, it has been designed to help stop the skin from absorbing harmful substances, as well as protecting against abrasion. The non-greasy, unscented formula is easily absorbed into the skin, and with only a small amount needed to provide unbeatable protection. Available in 100ml tubes, Hand Armour is packed into printed display boxes which will attract attention when on the counter, bringing builders back for this product time and time again. 0113 240 2424

EFFORTLESS HEALTHY COOKING WITH SALTER’S AEROCOOK PRO Healthy cooking can be effortlessly enjoyed every meal time with this versatile Salter AeroCook Pro. Its unique hot air flow technology cooks food using little or no oil. Using easily adjustable settings, air-fry crispy sweet potato fries, roast a whole chicken, bake delicious cupcakes and much more – there’s no need to preheat. It uses triple cooking power: halogen directly heats the surface of the food, convection provides even heat distribution,and infrared seals in the juices for flavour. 0161 627 9673


Made from strong and durable aluminium and including a striking felt-padded cover, this lightweight Russell Hobbs ironing board features adjustable height settings to suit any user. Measuring 122cm L x 38cm W x 90cm H when fully open, the board folds away for easy storage Incorporating a jumbo iron rest with a garment hanging area and soft-touch silicone pads for safe and simple use, the ironing board has non-slip plastic feet. 0161 627 9673

RECYCLE EASILY WITH BELDRAY’S TWO-WAY BIN Keeping on top of household recycling is easy with Beldray’s time-saving dual-compartment recycling bin. It features two generously-sized colour-coded compartments so that waste items like cardboard, cans and plastics can be separated in the home for recycling. A simple foot pedal mechanism for each compartment means no direct contact is needed the surface of the bin. Designed to be durable, this sleek lightweight bin has a 0.35mm stainless steel body, a smart, rigid polypropylene lid, a 30L capacity and neat dimensions of 40cm L x 34cm W x 46cm. 0161 627 9673 / /




















Win a FREE retail space for your business bira has teamed up with retail property specialist Revo to launch the Free Space+ competition for independent businesses

Put the date in your diary! Competition opens 20 September Register your interest here: The closing date is 31 October. Prizes will be awarded in early 2018. For placement of winners, it is up to the discretion of the judging panel & landlords which centres will host the winners. we will work closely, however, to give winners as close to their choice of retail place as possible. Full T&Cs apply.

What is Free Space+? It is a competition created by Revo, which represents the whole retail property community, with key support from bira. The idea is for small and independent businesses to win free space for up to three months in a retail location of their choice (see box, left). The prize is enhanced with a substantial package of support, including mini-membership of bira (for non-members), mentoring and a kiosk with design help from award-winning The Yard Creative. What are the criteria? We are looking for businesses that are small, hungry and, ultimately, have potential for longevity. We have over 50 locations all over the country to suit every type of entrepreneur – from the big destinations, to local retail places that are the heart and soul of their communities. When you pick your region and preferred retail place, do think about why this retail place will be good for your business.

What is the deal? We are keeping the limitations for entry to the competition at a minimum. The key ingredients we are looking for include entrepreneurial spirit, passion and businesses looking to grow. If you happen to be a physical start-up, onlineonly, a family-owned changing business, or anything in between with a promising future, we want to hear from you. When you enter, you’ll need to submit a very short video and answer a few questions online. Shortlisted entries will then come before a panel of industry experts and pitch for your space and prize.

NEW service make your bira direct invoicing quicker and more efficient with bira direct invoice manager • • • • •

View, download and print 24 months of your supplier invoices Broken down by overall account balance and filter by supplier No additional software needed Updated as we process your invoices so no need to wait for the post. Meaning you can get on with getting the stock priced and on to the shop floor! Part of your bira members area - no additional logins or passwords required

Sign up to use this service here page also includes a video tutorial of Invoice Manager in action.

bira direct - pigeonhole - BMM - September 2017.indd 1


11/08/2017 12:14:56


PEACOCK SALT - The UK’s leading Salt Specialist For all your De-icing & Water Softening Solutions With De-icing, we offer a choice of packed bag size, 25kg, 15kg, 10kg and 5kg.

‘Excl usiv bira m e offer to embe Pleas rs’ e memb quote you ership r when n conta umber cting us.

Bulk loose salt in 1000kg bags also available. Bulk loose deliveries. White & Brown De-icing salts. Salt spreaders and grit bins. With Water Softening, we sell UK’s Number 1 Premium branded HYDROSOFT granular salt and tablet forms available, both supplied in the max pack 25kg bag or the smaller 10kg bag with a carry handle. The ever popular Harvey Block salt which is 2 x 4kg blocks to a pack. Nationwide delivery to suit your business needs, half pallets upwards to full loads. We offer special discounted prices for all Bira Members.

Peacock Salt - Serious About Salt J C P E A C O C K & C O LT D - N O R T H H A R B O U R - A Y R - K A 8 8 A E T 01292 292000


F 01292 292001


W w w


New member service

Making light work of waste In yet another service for members, bira has teamed up with 1st Waste Management to offer a one-stop solution for all issues relating to what’s no longer needed in the business


A TOTAL WASTE management package is now available to bira members, courtesy of 1st Waste Management, the latest business service partner to sign up with the association. Using its extensive network of service providers, the Bournemouth-based company can deal with all types of retailers’ waste needs from day-to-day collections of general waste and recyclables to handling skips, clinical and hazardous waste. 1st Waste Management intends to work with bira members to find the most costeffective option for each one’s waste disposal requirements. An immediate saving can be made by using 1st Waste Management because it does not charge for duty of care compliance documents or bin rentals. In addition to its lower collection costs obtained by using carefully selected carriers across all waste streams in all areas, 1st Waste Management prides itself on its customer service credentials in retaining existing clientele and attracting, by personal recommendation, new business. Its in-house customer service team is available six days a week to implement new service requests and resolve any issues relating to waste matters. The compliance team also monitors all the service providers to ensure that everything is collected in a legal and compliant manner. A full-service management consultancy that expects its clients to demand competitive pricing, quality service, reliability and trust, 1st Waste Management has, since its inception in 1999, supplied award-winning services to the retail, trade and charity sectors throughout the UK. It has established itself as one of the leading waste consultants across the UK. Its team members have more than 100 years’ combined

experience in the waste management industry, which ensures they will always be able to rapidly understand a customer’s needs. Differing waste streams are collected on a national basis and 1st Waste Management successfully has reduced the waste expenditure of the many high street names it has as clients. It evaluates the current services and costs before making recommendations regarding service reduction or implementation of increased recycling and reduction in waste-to-landfill. These actions culminate in cost savings for clients, as well as making them compliant with the DEFRA waste hierarchy. In another example of the company’s work, its site audit team can resolve any issues arising from overweight bins. Most carriers now have specialised on-board weighing apparatus that identifies sites that constantly have bins above the regulated permitted weights. Travelling the country, 1st Waste has weighing equipment to show to the client what is causing the bins to be heavy and how services can be altered to resolve the issues. Most bira members already will be in contract with a supplier. Don’t worry! Just login to the members’ area of the bira website, go to the 1st Waste page in the services section and register your renewal date. Then 1st Waste can contact you prior to that date.

To take advantage of the special bira rates for your waste requirements, contact Simon Heaps, the bira account manager at 1st Waste Management, for a no-obligation quote via, 01202 393001 or 07710 354640.




At this year’s Autumn Trade Shows we have worked with many suppliers and service providers to make sure we have plenty to show you. There will be irresistible deals, promotions and new products from over 100 brands including , , , , , , . In addition, vital support and marketing service providers to help you develop your business will include:


NMBS WILL BE SHOWING THEIR LATEST SERVICES AND CUSTOMER SUPPORT. Our 1,000 members with over 3,100 branches combine to generate £1.5 billion buying power. Members enjoy many benefits such as extra rebates based on NMBS continuously negotiating better terms by pooling the turnover and invoicing of its members to gain purchasing power, guaranteeing the payments of its members and by offering a very cost effective sales and marketing route to the Independent Merchant.




We provide a huge range of Toolbars, Lightboxes, Floor Standing Displays, Gondola and Counter Solutions as well as a range over 100 tool holders so you can get the most from your space and spend. We also offer a complete design service so whether it be a display for a single product or a new showroom we can create a solution specifically designed for each individual customer. Visit us on our stand to find out more about our services and special show prices.






VENUE Kent Event Centre ME14 3JF Hertfordshire Sports Village AL10 9EU

Three Counties Showground WR13 6NW Leeds United Centenary Pavillion LS11 0ES


We have been working with Toolbank for over 15 years to develop the Real Deals for You campaign and many other promotions.

Come and chat with us to see how we can help you grow your

We will be showcasing our simple yet effective 'pick & mix' marketing packages - covering everything from branding, signage and point-of-sale, through to social media management, local advertising, website development and more.

business even further.

DARK HORSE MEDIA IS AN INDEPENDENT FULL SERVICE ADVERTISING AGENCY. We cater for all your production requirements in-house, which includes: • TV Commercials • Corporate & Web Videos • Digital Media • Latest 360° Video & Virtual Reality • Bespoke Youtube Clips For as little as £300!

Our extensive distribution services include: over 20,000 products from over 300 leading brand names in bathroom, camping, cleaning, cookware, DIY, electrical, gardening, gifts, glassware, hardware, housewares, ironmongery, outdoor leisure, paint, plumbing and tableware. We also provide over 200,000 direct shipment lines, B2B

ordering systems and extensive proven consumer promotions. Come and meet our friendly team for an informal chat.


The big reveal

21 September 2017 Dear friends, I am delighted to invite you to the opening of bira’s newly refurbished offices in Birmingham. You’ll have the opportunity to look around our new offices, meet bira’s President, the Board of Management, Directors and staff. When:

‘Open house’ from 3.30pm – 7.30pm with the official opening taking place at 5pm


bira, 225 Bristol Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B5 7UB


 Local historian, Professor Carl Chinn will give a lively explanation as to why bira was wise to choose Birmingham as the location for our offices.  Other entertainment, good food and beverages will also be on hand to make a thoroughly enjoyable evening.

I do hope you can join us and I look forward to seeing you. Best wishes,

Alan Hawkins

Let us know you’re coming To RSVP or if you have any questions please contact the events team on: 0121 446 6688

bira notices The membership magazine of the British Independent Retailers Association Published 10 times a year by bira publishing Editor Eric Musgrave 07702 628848 Design Alan Bingle 07949 024737 PA, senior communications & PR officer Kate Godber 0121 446 3730 Multimedia sales executive Simone Adams 01295 713329 All advertising and editorial enquiries Printed by Buxton Press

bira, 225 Bristol Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B5 7UB Tel 0121 446 6688 Fax 0121 446 5215 bira national president 2016-18 Vin Vara, Tool Shop, London CEO Alan Hawkins Finance director John Collins Commercial director Jeff Moody Membership & marketing director Bob Jarrett bira membership magazine incorporates bira alert, Hardware Today, Cookshop, Housewares & Tabletop and Pet Product Focus. If you would like to reproduce anything from bira member magazine, please contact the editorial team for permission. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material we publish, bira publishing cannot accept legal liability for any errors or omissions, nor can they accept responsibility for claims made by advertisers or contributors. Unless specifically stated, goods or services mentioned are not formally endorsed by bira. Views of the contributors are not necessarily those of bira. All rights reserved. © 2017

Transform your digital influence with the OSS Online retail sales are booming. Recent press reports noted that the industry grew 18% last year and 27% over the past two years. Technology and customer expectations are moving so fast, however, it’s hard for retailers to keep up. To equip you and your team with the tools to be effective agents of digital change, bira’s Oxford Summer School has devised Digital Influence – Transforming Retail, a thoughtprovoking two-day training programme. THE COURSE WILL INCLUDE: l Keynote speeches from leaders at Specsavers and The Works, who will discuss real-life challenges and how they overcame them. l Interactive learning sessions on key issues and strategies including: l C ontent is king – how great content and SEO are key to selling online l T he customer journey – unlocking the complexities of customers’ transaction paths l B est practices for trading online – identifying the levers to enhance trade and improve KPIs l Digital transformation – implementing a fit-for-purpose organisational structure

I nfluencing the digital agenda – bringing on board less digitally-savvy stakeholders l Group exercises in which delegates develop solutions rapidly. l

WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? Digital Influence - Transforming Retail is open to delegates from all retail functions who are aspiring to become agents of digital change. WHERE IS IT? The programme will be held at Fujitsu UK, 22 Baker Street, London W1U 3BW on Wednesday and Thursday, 27-28 September 2017. WHAT DOES IT COST? The delegate fee is £1495 + VAT. This includes all course materials and meals. Don’t forget, there’s 25% discount for bira members. Overnight accommodation can be arranged at an additional cost. BOOK NOW To register your place, or if you have any questions, please contact OSS Director Neil Moss on or on 0121 446 6688.

Welcome the most recent new members of the bira community Advanced Turf Machinery, Woburn Sands, Beds; Bargain Booze, Northallerton, Yorks; Best of Britannia Retail, Dorchester, Dorset; Beverley Edmondson Millinery, Farnham, Surrey; Bombay to Mumbai, Manchester; Brassworks, London; Brixton Hardware, Brixton, London; Bromborough Paint & Building Supplies, Bromborough, Wirral; Daves DIY, London; Doodlebug, Wetherby, Yorks; East Coast Dairies, Saltburn, Yorks; Emilia Ryan Jewellery, Nottingham; F G Williams, Launceston, Cornwall; Faithful Friends, Wroxhall, Isle of Wight; Field and Forest Machinery, Edinburgh; GRSK UK, Birmingham; Kate Sheridan, London; London Expo 2017, London; Long Sutton Barns, Long Sutton, Lincs; M&C Kenzitt, Birstall, Yorks; Marshall & Parsons, Leigh on Sea, Essex; Meet Bernard, Greenwich, London; MMR Engineering, Kippen, Stirlingshire; Moonflower, Stroud, Glos; Mow – It, Barnstaple, Devon; N Shillito Agricultural Engineering, Leeds; North Ormesby Institute, Middlesbrough; Olivia & Smith, Chester; Pembertons Farm Shop, Lytham, Lancs; Pinewood Studio, Scarborough, York; Rachel’s Toy Shop, Wigan, Lancs; Riverside Art & Glass/Gallery in the Lanes, Wroxham, Norfolk; Sandra Dee, Cheltenham, Glos; Simon’s Newsagents, Abingdon, Oxon; Sonia Taouhid, London; Spar, Penarth, South Glamorgan; Sutcliffe Pressed Components, Wirral, Merseyside; Tapflow Bathrooms, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire; The Cat’s Whiskers Boutique, Kidderminster, Worcs; The Grown Up Chocolate Company, Harlow, Essex; The Stamford, Bowdon, Cheshire; Thornaby Sports and Leisure Club, Thornaby, Yorks; Wedmore DIY, Wedmore, Somerset; Your Style Leisure, Congleton, Cheshire; Zapatos Designer Shoes, Knutsford, Cheshire. SEPTEMBER 2017


The last word


Alex Wall

Are you tempted to make your website transactional? We have sold over the internet previously, but it takes quite a lot to run. We have had to adjust to family circumstances in recent years. The business was set up in 1995 as a family concern after we learned my father David Francis had terminal cancer. He died in 1999 and we lost my mum Margaret in 2010. and then in 2012 my sister Lizzie, so now the business is run by me and Lizzie’s husband, Graham Hopper. With just two of us, it’s not so easy to do what we did when there were four or five of us. Graham is the accounts man and he likes to write computer programs when he gets the time, so we might return to selling online. We are just weighing up the benefits against the negatives.



Q THE BIRTHPLACE OF William Shakespeare is a magnet for visitors, with millions attracted annually by the history and ambience of the medieval market town. Alex Wall hopes they will find something interesting, unusual and attractive in her giftshop, but she also is very happy with her local customers.


Your shop certainly looks appropriate for Stratford-upon-Avon… Yes, it is a Grade II-listed Tudor building. It’s about 375sq ft, split into two rooms. We are not allowed to move walls or make many changes, but it works for us.


You specialise in gifts, but it’s been an interesting route to this… It all started as a family business back in 1995. We traded as Garden Images then and were aimed at the many retired people around here who like gardening. We started out as a mail order business, then added the shop after four years. Until recently, we still took part in the main garden shows, like Chelsea Flower Show and Hampton Court. Once more and more garden centres started getting into gifts, we switched the emphasis to general gifts. We changed the trading name to For Something Different about 12 years ago. As an independent retailer, you have to keep reinventing yourself.


How do you ensure you are a shop “for something different”? These days, we must be careful about anything that is sold online. We have dropped good lines because they have made themselves available via the internet. We don’t want to stock anything that someone might find in mainstream


high-street retailers. I do almost all the buying and my aim is always to find something that is lovely quality and represents good value.


What are your price points? We do very well with silk/cotton and viscose scarves from Italy at £12.95. A popular line is our cross-the-body leather bag for women, also from Italy, at £28.95. I’ve become a specialist with fresh-water pearl jewellery at anything from £6.95 to £895. Our silver jewellery is very good value from £4.95 up to £180.


How do you source the products? I used to go to all the trade shows, but after 22 years, I’ve built up my contacts and my reputation, so I hear about things and suppliers bring me new ideas. But you still can’t beat finding a little gem for yourself. One of our consistent best-sellers is an ergonomic kneeler for gardeners from a German company I discovered at GLEE some time ago. It sells for £14.95.


What’s the split, locals v visitors? We are obviously a tourist town and that is a bonus because it’s not all doom and gloom in Stratford. We have also got a lot of discerning customers locally who have money to spend. We aim ourselves primarily at retired and semi-retired customer. Stratford is not a town for youngsters – we don’t even have a nightclub!


How do you market the shop? Our main platform these days is Facebook. We put something up there most days, but we avoid overtly selling posts. We just try to put up something interesting, informative or chatty. We also use Twitter about once a week.

Is there another generation to come? My son Elliot is only nine, but he has been seen here a few times! Graham’s children, Sebastian (17) and Isabelle (15) have helped at busy periods like Christmas, so we’ll see. We are lucky to have Dayna Edwards as our long-serving manager. She assists me with the buying.


How has 2017 been going? It’s been fine. We had a good Easter and sales have been going well since then. But looking back 2011 was our year. We did so well that we took the staff on a helicopter flight because we said: “The Sky’s the Limit”.


What is your next idea to keep reinventing yourself? Well after doing this interview, I am going to repaint our changing rooms, till area and statement wall. I have selected a Golden Lime shade. Our customers won’t be able to miss that.

Personally speaking bira member since: 1998 Hobbies: Going to live gigs Favourite music: Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band Favourite film: Airplane! Favourite food: Curry Favourite drink: Aperol Spritz Best hols: Sailing the British Virgin Islands Car: VW Golf Gadget: Smartphone & Skype in the shop Something surprising about you: I have a degree in Environmental Science 15 Meer Street, Stratford-uponAvon CV37 6QB


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Over 200 exhibitors, including: 3P Enterprise 4 Healthy Pets 8 in 1 Agros Trading AJM Pet Products Alfie & Molly’s Dog Bakery Ampet Products Anco Distributors animonda petcare Antos Aqueos Arden Grange Bamfords Top Flight Barker & Barker Barking Bakery Bartholomews Beco Pets Benyfit Natural Bern Pet Foods Best in Show Bogar BSB Products Burgess Pet Care Burns Pet Nutrition Cambrian Pet Foods Carra Pet Foods Ceva ChickenGuard Chilaboo Christies Global CJ’s Cat Litter Clydach Pet Foods Collarways Connolly’s Red Mills Cotswold Raw Countryside Products CROCI SPA Danish Design Pet Products Dog Treat Company

Dogs & Horses Dogs Trust Dogue UK Dogzilian Dorwest Herbs Earthbound Eden Pet Foods Eukanuba Farm Food H E Natural Dog Food Fish4Dogs flexi Foaber Fold Hill Foods For All DogKind Forthglade Foods FROZZY’s Furminator GA Pet Food GET OFF - Blumen International Gor Pets Green & Wilds Group55 HandiPet Products Hangzhou Lumin Home Designs HayPigs! Hemmo & Co/Hem and Boo Hertford Shelving Hidey-Hidey Higher Nature Hill’s Pet Nutrition Hilton Herbs HJ Lea Oakes House of Paws Hownd Hug Rug Hunter

Huxley Hound Hydor UK IAMS In Vogue Pets Inspired Pet Nutrition Intelligent Retail James & Steel James Wellbeloved Johnson’s Veterinary Products JR Pet Products Julius-K9 UK K9 Dogwash Kennelpak KONG Company Kruuse UK Lennox Leucillin Lily’s Kitchen Lintbells Lovejoys Pet Food Loving Pets Marriages Mars Petcare Max and Lucy MDC Pet Products Meatlove Memory Bloom Merial Midwestern Pet Foods Inc MILLAMORE My Family Nantong Tianyuan Leisure Products Co Natural Instinct Naturediet Natures Menu Nestle Purina Nutri Dog Bakery Nutriment


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Oggi’s Oven P J Pet Products Pacdog Pawbo Inc Pawfume Shop PBW News PDSA Pedigree Wholesale Pero (Foods) Pet Adventures Worldwide Pet Gazette Pet Industry Federation Pet Munchies Pet One Pet Rebellion Pet Remedy PETBLOON Petitamis Petlife International Pets Choice PetSafe (Radio Systems) Pettex PFM Packaging Machinery PowAir PPM PPM Winstock PPRA - bira Premier Epos Purely Fish Qingdao Ideal Jingmao Pet Treats Ralph & Co Ready 2 Play (USA) ROYAL CANIN ® RPC Bebo UK Rukka Pets Saica Flex Savarra Scruffs

Shenzhen Jiemeike Security Technology Shires Equestrian Products Signature Your Brand by Pero Simply2 Pet Products Sky Pet Products Sneyd’s Wonderfeeds Sniffers Pet Care Snif-Snax Snuggiepaws Soggy Dog Bath Soopa Pets South Feeds Stamp Dog SwedenCare Symply Pet Foods TarHong Tasty Bone Tetra The Innocent Hound Town & Country Petfoods Tribal Pet Foods Trilanco Trixie TropiClean Pet Products Tweedmill Textiles Tyker Store Unipet International Universal Flexible Packaging Versele-Laga Vets’ Kitchen Vince the Vet VIP Engravers Vital Wild Wash Woof and Brew Zylkene

To see the full list of exhibitors, please visit our website

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