Preview Fall 2012

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FALL 2012 Architecture Landscape Architecture Design

IN K S C BA INESew S n BU titles 12! 36 n 20 i


Building with Earth page 5

housing+ page 6

Living for the Elderly page 7

Wiel Arets page 8

Construction | Materials

Architects | Buildings


8 Wiel Arets 9 Buildings and their Territories 9 Karol Schayer, Architect (1900 – 1971) 10 Architecture in Northern Landscapes 11 Brunet Saunier Architecture

2 3 3 4 4 5

igital Workflows in Architecture: D Design – Assembly – Industry Prefabricated Systems SCALE: Heat I Cool Building to Suit the Climate Building with Bamboo Wood and Wood Joints Building with Earth

Types | Functions 6 housing+ 7 Living for the Elderly

Architectural Design 12 13 13 14

Cut and Compose Drawn To Design Convergent Flux Ecological Urban Architecture


Architecture in Northern Landscapes page 10

Brunet Saunier Operative Landscapes Architecture page 17 page 11

In Touch page 18




20 Wonder Wood 20 Materiology 21 Project Scope: Exhibition Design 21 Designing Exhibitions 22 Erfolgreich als Designer – Designzukunft denken und gestalten 22 Be Successful as a Designer 23 Mapping Design Research 23 Die Semantische Wende. Eine neue Grundlage für Design 24 Synesthetic Design 24 Italian Interiors

alimpsests: Biographies of 50 City P Districts 15 LONDON

Landscape Architecture 16 City by Landscape 16 Designed Ecologies The Landscape Architecture of Kongjian Yu 17 Operative Landscapes 18 In Touch 19 River.Space.Design. 19 Palladio, die Villa und die Landschaft

Backlist 25

Backlist Birkhäuser


An overview of state-of-the-art digital technology applications in architecture

Scott Marble (Ed.)

Digital Workflows in Architecture: Design – Assembly – Industry pages ills. format binding price


approx. 280 approx. 300 in color, 200 drawings 22.0 × 28.0 cm
 Hardcover approx. EUR 69.90 / GBP 63.00 CHF 95.00 / USD 99.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0799 - 5 English

Available September 2012 / Previously announced


The logics of digital processes in architecture have begun to structure the way that architects design, the way that builders build, and the way that industry is reorganizing. The process of architectural design has become a complex workflow. At the core of the shift toward more expansive forms of digital production within the design and construction industry is the integration of communication through digital networks. The goal is to develop a continuous, easily accessible and parametrically adaptable body of information that coordinates the process from design through a building’s lifecycle. Organized around the key fields of Designing Design, Designing Assembly and Designing Industry, this book is a reference work on digital technologies as key factors in architectural design, fabrication and workflow organization. It presents essays and case studies from some of the leading voices on the topic and will be released in conjunction with a conference at The Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) at Columbia University. Scott Marble, a founding partner of Marble Fairbanks, is Director of Integrated Design at

the Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP).

First-hand accounts of leading international players Systematic overviews on key topics and built examples of successful applications Of relevance for all partners of architectural project teams

Bottom view of ceiling model

Introduction to designing and building with prefabricated systems

Ulrich Knaack, Sharon Chung-Klatte, Reinhard Hasselbach

Prefabricated Systems Principles of Construction PAGES approx. 136 
 ILLS. approx. 125 in b/w, 125 drawings
 FORMAT 21.0 × 27.0 cm
 BINDING Softcover
 PRICE approx. EUR 29.90 / GBP 27.00


CHF 35.00 / USD 39.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8747 - 1 English 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8746 - 4 German

Available September 2012 / Previously announced English


For a number of years, modular construction – the use of prefabricated elements in architecture – has once again become a subject of lively discussion and debate. Long written off as monotonous, today’s building components are actually highly differentiated and capable of supporting and enhancing the architect’s creativity. Numerous structures work with prefabricated components; for single-family homes the figure is ninety-eight percent, and modular systems are available that meet high aesthetic standards. This book provides an overview of the various systems and their possible uses, particularly in the areas of housing, office, and industrial buildings. It explains the processes and components of modular construction and the behavior of the various materials when this construction approach is used. The authors offer strategies for planning and designing with prefabricated systems so that the architect can use them productively. Numerous drawings explain the principles of modular construction, while built examples forge a link between those principles and the practical building process.

For advanced architecture students and practising architects An authoritative survey With numerous drawings prepared especially for the book


Sustainable and integral building conditioning

Manfred Hegger, Joost Hartwig, Michael Keller

SCALE: Heat I Cool Energy Concepts, Principles, Installations PAGES approx. 160 
 ILLS. approx. 150 in color, 200 Drawings FORMAT 22.0 × 28.0 cm
 BINDING Softcover
 PRICE approx. EUR 44.90 / GBP 40.00


CHF 55.00 / USD 64.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0513 - 7 English
 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0511 - 3 German

Available / Previously announced English

The second volume of the SCALE series, Heat | Cool, illustrates strategies for balanced and appropriate energy-efficient design and looks at energy-efficiency factors as part of the scheme and detailed design of a building. Using built projects as examples, the authors discuss the contribution – based on the respective climatic, topographic, and urban design context – that buildings can make through the choice of materials and design, the extent to which additional services installations are required for heating and cooling, and what combined measures are suitable for sustainable and holistic design. The authors cover currently available technical services for heating, ventilation, and cooling as well as ways in which the choice of materials and construction layout can support energy-efficiency in the building and optimize the lifecycle and flow of energy. Heat | Cool provides the basis for efficient and optimized conditioning of a building’s interior climate and how this forms part of the architectural design. The authors and editors teach at the TU Darmstadt and the Hochschule Darmstadt.

A comprehensive and integrated treatment of building conditioning The planning and implementation of active and passive construction measures, illustrated and presented with easy - to follow explanations in the context of individual building tasks Individual construction measures vividly illustrated with explanatory drawings and detail drawings A book for every architect who wishes to steer the planning of building services to reflect the spirit of his or her design


Climate-conscious design throughout the world

Gerhard Hausladen, Petra Liedl

Building to Suit the Climate A Handbook PAGES ILLS.



approx. 176 approx. 100 in color, 30 in in b/w, 
 100 drawings 22.0 × 28.0 cm Hardcover approx. EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00 CHF 60.00 / USD 69.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0728 - 5 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0727 - 8 German

Available / Previously announced English


In future, buildings that make sense from a bioclimatic perspective will be the norm, not the exception; planners will simply be expected to design them. With its wealth of facts, this book serves as a concrete aid to planning and design. With the planning process as its roadmap, it accompanies the planner from the basic evaluation stage through conception and implementation planning all the way to building operation. The building-related characteristics of the various climatic zones form the basis for the made-to-measure development of integrated building solutions. Well-conceived graphics illustrate planning contexts and facilitate efficient planning decisions and realistic predimensioning. Materials, systems, and technologies are described, and their areas of application are pointed out. Reference parameters, costs, and the presentation of interrelationships equip the planner to make a strategic and well-informed selection.

A practical manual for the daily work of 
the professional planner Concrete planning strategies for every 
climatic zone, including construction and follow-up costs Includes a detailed glossary


Bamboo: a versatile and sustainable building material

Gernot Minke

Building with Bamboo Design and Technology of a Sustainable Architecture PAGES 160
 ILLS. approx. 485 in color, 120 in b/w,

80 drawings

FORMAT 22.0 × 28.0 cm
 BINDING Softcover
 PRICE approx. EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00


CHF 69.00 / USD 69.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0748 - 3 English

Available July 2012 / Previously announced English

Traditionally a building material of hot climate zones in Asia and Latin America, bamboo is now being increasingly discovered by architects of the northern hemisphere as well. It is lightweight, highly elastic and ductile, and in addition possesses qualities especially in demand in an era of limited resources: renewability and abundant availability. Architects and engineers have significantly widened the applications of bamboo in recent years and today even widespan bridges can be built from it. Impressed with its technical and aesthetic possibilities, European, Japanese, and North American architects have adopted bamboo for a variety of construction tasks, ranging from exclusive private residences to experimental pavilions, and from airy canopies to schools or museums. The book provides a detailed manual for bamboo constructions and presents a broad selection of built examples, among them the spectacular bamboo pavilions of the 2010 Shanghai World Exposition, a multi-storey car park in Leipzig, the Nomadic Museum in Mexico City, and Richard Rogers’s Terminal 4 at Madrid Airport.

A practical manual for anyone interested in bamboo constructions International case studies demonstrate the innovative potential of bamboo Written by a leading expert of ecological and sustainable building

“ … for anyone interested in how buildings work this book is a joy to read” The bestselling book on two millennia of wood architecture in West and East – now in an enlarged edition. In the most typical method of building with wood, elements are connected by using wood joints which do not require the assistance of adhesives or metal connectors. By looking at several hundred examples from Japan, China and 18 European countries, this book describes in great detail the history of timber Klaus Zwerger architecture in terms of its technical, aesWith a Foreword by Valerio Olgiati thetic and ecological dimensions. This thor2nd, expanded edition ough study is a mine of information to speWood and Wood Joints cialists and opens up to the craftsman of Building Traditions of Europe, today what has become an almost forgotten world and provides a fascinating account for Japan and China the general reader. “Here is a man who has trekked though the PAGES approx. 320 
 ILLS. approx. 500 in duotone, 190 drawings
 wild Carpathian forests, the Norwegian outback, the Russian steppes and obscure reFORMAT 23.0 × 30.0 cm
 BINDING Hardcover
 gions of Japan in pursuit of the wood joint. He price approx. EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00 
 tells the story with a sense of unfolding dis CHF 60.00 / USD 69.95 covery; for anyone interested in how buildISBN 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0685 - 1 English ings work this book is a joy to read.” (the ar 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0684 - 4 German chitects’ journal)

The beauty of timber structures and their detailing is captured in superb duotone photographs Exciting three-dimensional drawings reveal the secret life concealed within the joints New edition enlarged by a chapter on wood buildings in China

Available / Previously announced


German Toshodai-ji kyozo in Nara, Japan


Gernot Minke

Building with Earth Design and Technology of a Sustainable Architecture pages approx. 240 ILLS. approx. 100 in color, 236 b/w, format binding price


280 drawings 
 22.0 × 28.0 cm Softcover with flaps EUR 44.90 / GBP 40.00 CHF 60.00 / USD 64.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0822 - 0 English

Available November 2012

Now in its third edition: Our successful manual on rammed earth Earth, in common use for architectural construction for thousands of years and around the world, has in the past thirty years attracted renewed attention as a healthy, environment-friendly and economical building material. As a result, an increasing number of buildings constructed of rammed earth, soil blocks, mud bricks or adobes are being erected not just in the hot dry and temperate zones but also in the colder climates of Europe, North America, China and Japan. This handbook, which was translated into many languages, can now safely be called a standard work of reference for earth architecture. It offers a practical, systematic over-

view of the many uses of loam, or clayey soil, and the wide variety of techniques for processing it. Furthermore, the book explains particular building methods relating to prefabricated panels, direct forming with loam, weather protection or earthquake resistance. Numerous drawings and photos of construction sites show the concrete execution of earth architecture. Many exemplary international projects illustrate the wide spectrum of design possibilities with earth.

Long-standing and established work of reference New attractive international projects Practical, step by step presentation with structural details

Residence in Palo Alto, California

Residence in Palo Alto, California


Rivergreen Developments Headquarters, Durham

6 | BIRKHÄUSER | Types | Functions

Ulrike Wietzorrek ( Ed. )

housing+ Threshold, Access and Transparency in Residential Buildings PAGES ILLS. FORMAT BINDING PRICE


approx. 424 approx. 350 in colour, 350 b/w, 200 drawings 23,0 x 30,0 cm Hardcover approx. EUR 79.90 / GBP 63.00
 CHF 115.00 / USD 99.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0614 - 1 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0562 - 5 German

Available October 2012 / Previously announced

Negotiating the boundary between public and private in residential High-quality residential structures are much more than merely a series of different floor plans. First and foremost, the urban apartment house mediates between the private refuge and the public space of the city. In the process, boundaries between inside and outside are negotiated on a wide variety of scales. housing+ focuses on investigating spatial and architectural as well as social and communicative interfaces in residential construction. More than sixty international projects are documented, with easily comparable planning Negotiating the boundary between public and private in residential buildings material drawn specially for the volume and



detailed information on every project. The book covers the entire broad spectrum of urban apartment block construction from towers, block structures, row houses, and gaps between buildings to housing complexes in outlying urban areas. Diagrams of access, building, and city - planning structures enlarge upon the typological drawings. The documentation of individual example projects is supplemented by more general essays on various topics.

In - depth planning assistance with reference parameters and documentation of floor plans: some four - hundred plans, newly drawn to uniform standards for easy comparison Concepts and solutions for changing needs: analysis of sustainable international apartment blocks with emphasis on town - planning integration and internal organization The ideal companion to typology+

Types | Functions | BIRKHÄUSER | 7

Eckhard Feddersen, Insa Lüdtke

Living for the Elderly A Design Manual pages 248 ills. approx. 200 in color, 300 in b/w, format binding price


500 drawings 24.00 × 33.00 cm Softcover EUR 49,90 / GBP 45.00 CHF 69.00 / USD 69.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0107 - 8 English

Available July 2012

Now in softcover – the reference work on senior housing Quality living in old age is one of the important topics of our time. Architects and builders contribute by developing innovative living concepts, intelligent solutions for barrierfree spaces and progressive care environments for people with physical or cognitive impairments. The Design Manual Living for the Elderly examines the principles and processes of planning and designing in expert contributions covering topics ranging from sustainability

and cost management via floor plan design to the design of interiors and of outdoor spaces. A case study section details about 40 international projects that illustrate a variety of typological approaches and exemplary design solutions: multi-generational living, assisted living and serviced apartments, concepts for people with dementia, homes for the elderly and nursing homes, integrated care facilities and neighborhood concepts.

Comprehensive experts contributions are matched by a typology of benchmark projects All case studies with ample analytical drawings Covers issues in architecture, construction, landscape architecture, interior design and urbanism

Housing in Attemsgasse, Vienna



Robert McCarter

Wiel Arets Autobiographical References Pages: Ills. Format: Binding: Price:


566 10 color, 166 b/w 15.3 × 20.5 cm Softcover 49.90 EUR / GBP 45.00 CHF 69.00 / USD 69.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0811 - 4 English


Thinking Wiel Arets Wiel Arets: Autobiographical References opens up a unique and richly layered view of the architectural work and thinking of this internationally renowned Dutch architect. Underlying Arets’ practice, research and teaching is his concept of “a wonderful world”, an optimistic outlook on how the world will evolve in the next 75 years. In addition to portfolios of 60 exemplary projects and designs by his studio, this book presents 5 lectures, and 5 debates between Arets and other thinkers and practitioners, as well as an extensive series of 10 interviews with Arets.

More than simply presenting his work alongside essays and project descriptions, Wiel Arets: Autobiographical References reveals the interaction between Arets’ biography and his architectural thinking, teaching and design in the evolution of his distinguished career. As well as being a congenial interview partner, Robert McCarter, Professor of Architecture at Washington University (St. Louis), provides an insightful concluding essay on Arets’ dialogical practice. The multi-layered content finds perfect form and expression in the exceptional book design and layout by Irma Boom Office.

Unique autobiographical approach to the practice and thinking of this leading international architect Stimulating and varied composition of projects, lectures, debates and interviews Exceptional layout by renowned designer Irma Boom

Utrecht University Library, The Netherlands



A British master architect

Tony Fretton

Buildings and their Territories Pages ills. Format binding Price


approx. 256 
 approx. 170 in color, 50 in b/w, 50 drawings 30.0 × 30.0 cm Hardcover 
 approx. EUR 65.00 / GBP 58.00 
 CHF 85.00 / USD 89.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0808 - 4 English

Available December 2012 / Previously announced

A comprehensive overview on the work of renowned London architect Tony Fretton (born 1945). After graduating from the reputable Architectural Association in 1982 Fretton opened his own architect’s office. He attracted attention early on with the Lisson Gallery and the “Red House” (London). His spatial creations and their incorporation into the urban context are of subtle mastery. With his designs for the Camden Arts Centre, the Fuglsang Kunstmuseum in Denmark, London townhouse for the artist Anish Kapoor and the British embassy in Warsaw, Fretton has emerged as one of the most prominent contemporary architects. This monograph provides a long-awaited reference work to his oeuvre. Since 1999 Tony Fretton has been a visiting professor at the following universities: Technical University Delft, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne, Berlage Institute Amsterdam, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zurich.

With numerous unpublished images and text documents. “… a most refined humanist sensibility,” Giles Reid (Architecture Today)

English Red House, London

A protagonist of the modern movement in emigration

George Arbid

Karol Schayer, Architect (1900 – 1971) A Pole in Beirut PAGES ILLS. FORMAT BINDING PRICE


approx. 320 
 approx. 300 in color, 150 in b/w, 150 drawings
 24.0 × 30.0 cm
 approx. EUR 54.90 / GBP 50.00 
 CHF 75.00 / USD 74.95 978-3-0346-0772-8 English

Available November 2012 / Previously announced English

Although Karol Schayer was one of the most important figures of the Modern Movement he is little known outside Lebanon. This Complete Works edition by George Arbid provides the possibility to study a lifework of considerable importance. Using a wealth of previously unpublished original documents and illustrations this monograph reconstructs Schayer’s early career in Poland (1927–39), his years as an émigré in Turkey and Palestine (1939–46), and then his very successful and important creative period in architecture and furniture design in Lebanon (1946–70) with his successive partners Fritz Gotthelf, Bahij Makdisi and Wassek Adib. Thus the lifework of this modernist architect becomes understandable for the first time, and is shown to be clearly on a par with analogous achievements of the period around the world. This comprehensive and richly illustrated monograph is the result of many years of tireless research by George Arbid, Associate Professor at the American University of Beirut.

A fascinating panorama of modernist 
architecture in prewar Poland and 
postwar Lebanon A reference work on the history of architecture in the twentieth century With an abundant wealth of previously unpublished illustrations and documents


Todd Saunders Jonathan Bell, Ellie Stathaki

Architecture in Northern Landscapes Pages Ills. Format Binding Price


approx. 224 220 color, 60 b/w 28.0 × 22.0 cm Hardcover EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00 CHF 69.00 / USD 69.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0818 - 3 English

Available October 2012

First monograph of the up-and-coming architect Todd Saunders


Todd Saunders (*1969) is one of the most important young contemporary Canadian architects working internationally. His architecture, simple yet powerful, incorporates elements of his country’s architectural identity – including the use of wood and carefully picked Modernist influences – bringing it at the same time into the 21st century with excellent execution, carefully chosen materials and a hands-on approach. Saunders (he lives and works in Bergen, Norway) has successfully executed work in both Canada, Norway, and Finland, creating architecture with a strong sense of northern identity, an individual approach that is informed by the strongness of natural landscape. The most impor-

tant projects: Aurland Lookout, Long Studio, Fogo Island, Tower Studio, Fogo Island, Squish Studio, Fogo Island and Villa G. The first reference monograph on a remarkable young architect working in Scandinavia and Canada. The monograph provides interesting unpublished documents, curated by Jonathan Bell (Architecture Editor, Wallpaper* magazine) and Ellie Stathaki (Deputy Architecture Editor, Wallpaper* magazine) as well as three interviews by Olaf Gipser, Zita Cobb, and Brian MacKay-Lyons. The artwork of the book is by the international renowned graphic designer Henrik Nygren.

Torngasok Cultural Centre, Nain, Labrador, Canada

Sogn og Fjordane, Rysedalsvika, Norway

Curated by Jonathan Bell and Ellie Stathaki (Wallpaper magazine), London Attractive book design by Henrik Nygren


Pascale Blin

Brunet Saunier Architecture Monospace and Simplexity Pages: Ills. Format Binding: Price:


approx. 288 Approx. 200 color, 100 b/w 22.0 × 28.0 cm Hardcover EUR 59.90 / GBP 54.00 CHF 80.00 / USD 84.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0816 - 9 English  /  French

Available October 2012

An innovative concept in hospital design Founded in 1981 in Paris, Brunet Saunier Architecture is a French leader in the design of hospitals and large-scale public buildings. This publication is much more than a monograph. It is also a professional reference work, as hospital buildings make up a large portion of the showcased projects. Over the last ten years the architectural office has been developing a successful concept known as “Monospace”. The book discusses and analyzes this concept in detail, presenting trueto-scale floor plans, cross-sections, architectural views, and other information. The

English / French

Monospace concept – which is based on a process of creative reduction down to essentials, i.e. “simplexity” – is adaptive rather than normative or prescriptive, and based on probabilities rather than determinism. It respects energy, even when it sometimes uses it. It takes the individual’s experience into account, and starts from the position of the subject. It also permits changing perspectives. This design concept should attract attention far beyond the borders of France.

A reference monograph regarding the modern hospital design. A title in typology that provides interesting unpublished documents on the innovative concept of “Monospace” With a discussion between Alain Berthoz (Neurophysiologist, Professor at Collège de France) and Brunet Saunier Architects, and an essay by Sebastian Redecke 20 seminal projects in France, Belgium, Denmark and Switzerland of which two thirds built


Thomas Kruppa, Achim Bursch

Cut and Compose Object Toolbox for Visulizations in Architecture and Design Pages Ills. Format Binding Price


approx. 240 580 color, 800 b/w 22.0 × 28.0 cm Hardcover EUR 69.90 / GBP 63.00 CHF 85.00 / USD 89.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0817 - 6 German  /  English

Available October 2012

Extensive toolbox for architects and designers Architecture is now reliant on advanced visualizations. Indeed, visualization is the key to making planned projects and ideas palpable, and to winning the support of clients and other interested parties. Ambitious presentations can generate a clear advantage over the competition. In the real world, however, the manpower and time needed to develop high-quality visualizations are often unavailable. There is also a lack of professional literature on the subject. “Cut and Compose” is a feature-rich tool that allows architects, interior decorators, landscape planners, and designers to optimize their visual presentations. The program's extensive database is

German / English

organized into six clear categories: people, vegetation, accessories, vehicles, the sky, and materials/structures. The objects are stored as color photos, black surfaces, and contours. Object codes allow one to retrieve vector .psd files from the DVD. Users can also add their own images. The publication includes a DVD containing all of the images featured in the book.

Print and digital: DVD included Interactive: the database could easily be enlarged by the user Clearly structured database in six categories All necessary elements needed for an attractive presentation


A guide for those who learn and those who teach

Eric J. Jenkins

Drawn To Design Analyzing Architecture Through Freehand Drawing pages approx. 304 ills. approx. 50 in b/w, 600 drawings format 21.0 × 29.7 cm binding Softcover price approx. EUR 39.90 / GBP 36.00


CHF 55.00 / USD 54.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0798 - 8 English

Available November 2012 / Previously announced


The book is a guide for students and teachers to understand the need for, the role of and the methods and techniques of freehand analytical sketching in architecture. The presentation focuses on drawing as an approach to and a phase of architectural design. The conceptual goal of this approach is to use drawing not as illustration or depiction, but exploration. The first part of the book discusses underlying concepts of freehand sketching in design education and practice as a complement to digital technologies. The main component is a series of chapters that constitute a typology of fundamental issues in architecture and urban design; for instance, issues of “façade” are illustrated with sketch diagrams that show how façades can be explored and sketched through a series of specific questions and step-by-step procedures. This book is especially timely in an age in which the false conflict between “traditional vs. digital” gives way to multiple design tools, including sketching. It fosters understanding of the essential human ability to investigate the designed and natural world through freehand drawing.

The author, Eric J. Jenkins has received several teaching awards and design awards. He is Associate Professor at the Catholic University of America’s School of Architecture and Planning where he teaches design, theory and analytical sketching. He earned a Masters in Design Studies from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design, and has previously published To Scale: One Hundred Urban Plans. Freehand sketching as an analytical design tool Covers the key tasks in building design Easy-to-use systematic chapter structure

Freehand drawing of Barcelona housing

Korean Architecture today: an inspiring synthesis of cultural identity and Western design approach

Jinhee Park, John Hong

Convergent Flux Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism in Korea Pages ills. Format binding Price


approx. 176 
 approx. 250 in color, 130 drawings 22.0 × 28.0 cm Hardcover approx. EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00 CHF 69.00 / USD 69.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0806 - 0 English

Available September 2012 / Previously announced English

Convergent Flux illustrates the contemporary architectural and urban planning developments in South Korea in the context of the country’s considerable urban density. In recent years South Korea, which long stood in the shadow of the superpowers Japan and China, has surged in economic terms. That said, industrialization and the population explosion connected with it have created enormous challenges for the country at the interface between globalization and cultural identity. Some 10.5 million inhabitants live in the center of the capital Seoul, while the metropolitan area includes around 25 million residents making it the second largest conurbation in the world after Tokyo. The result is high urban density, which spells an enormous demand for the more efficient use of space and encourages verticalization in architecture. This publication outlines the current developments in South Korean architecture, urban development and landscape architecture by examining 32 projects in detail. An in-depth view of contemporary South Korean architecture is given by five essays that address topics such as the fusion of tradition and the modern, the re-defining of so-called “social spaces” and the country’s special topographical situation.

The authors are both architects, trained at the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

Featuring contributions by the internationally renowned authors Mohsen Mostafavi and Hashim Sarkis Density is a must: Seoul is the second largest conurbation in the world In cooperation with the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University


Architectural design responses to the challenge of sustainable cities The goal of advancing eco cities often remains confined to political or technological issues. This book establishes a focus on architectural and infrastructural design approaches to sustainable urban planning.

Thomas Schröpfer

Ecological Urban Architecture Qualitative Approaches to Sustainability pages ills. format binding price


approx. 216 
 approx. 200 in color, 50 drawings
 23.0 × 30.0 cm
 approx. EUR 59.90 / GBP 54.00 
 CHF 80.00 / USD 84.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0800 - 8 English

Available September 2012 / Previously announced English

Starting out from a critical assessment of five prototypical eco cities of recent decades (Vauban / Germany, solarCity / Austria, Valdespartera and Sarriguren / Spain, Bo01 / Sweden), the book identifies fields in which architectural and urban designers can use their creative skills and methods to achieve sustainable results on an urban scale. Sustainability is undergoing a shift of focus from quantitative measures toward design-oriented, interactive interventions. The range of qualitative solutions in ecological design is discussed here in four topical sections on “Materialize”, “Mobilize”, “Simulate” and “Transform”. For example, “Materialize” explores the potential of eco-design beyond the traditional palette of materials to show how spatial boundaries can be re-imagined as gradients of conditioned versus unconditioned space, working with climatic conditions rather than material boundaries to help generate new forms of urban architecture.

Thomas Schröpfer is Associate Professor at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. Contributions by experts in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, engineering and design theory, among them Achim Menges of Stuttgart University Institute for Computational Design, Federico Parolotto of Mobility in Chain, Eduardo Rico of Groundlab London, Sheila Kennedy of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Matthias Sauerbruch of Sauerbruch Hutton, provide in-depth information on the complexity of eco-design in urban environments and emphasize the need for new sensibilities in disciplinary and trans-disciplinary thinking processes.

Hands-on design approaches to the future of cities Presents readers with some of the world’s best expertise on the field Follows the volume Material Design by the same author

What benefits do city districts offer their users?

Paul Knox

Palimpsests: Biographies of 50 City Districts International Case Studies of Urban Change Pages 288 
 ills. approx. 270 in color, 50 drawings
 Format 22.0 × 28.0 cm
 binding Softcover Price approx. EUR 39.90 / GBP 36.00


CHF 55.00 / USD 54.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0809 - 1 English

Available July 2012 / Previously announced

Knox’ in-situ studies present 50 especially significant city districts from the whole of Europe and North America in words and pictures. His field research focuses on typologically outstanding city districts that have developed a high degree of individuality. Cities are the symbiosis of diverse districts: the smaller units serve to provide an important identity function: business centers and amusement districts such as the City and the West End in London, technology and science quarters (Adlershof in Berlin), designer districts such as the Zona Tortona in Milan and the Fashion District in New York. Two other factors that play a major role are the conversion of industrial wastelands and new districts colored by a supranational capitalism or a sustainable or dubious planning – such as the Vauban residential quarter in Freiburg in South Germany or the Lower Ninth District in New Orleans. Paul Knox also always analyzes how and why these districts have turned out the way they are: outlining their visible and also their hidden and often blurred “biography”. A fascinating journey through space and time!

Paul Knox is University Distinguished Professor and Executive Director of Long Range Planning at the College of Architecture and Urban Studies at Virginia Tech, in the United States. He is also co-author of the successful Birkhäuser publication Small Town Sustainability (2009).

A special kind of urban travel guide Inspiring typologies for architects and urban planners Featuring examples from Paris, Edinburgh, San Francisco, Washington, amongst others

English Vauban-Quartier, Freiburg, Germany

Urbanism | BIRKHÄUSER | 15

Bauwelt Fundamente Band 149 Steen Eiler Rasmussen Ulrike Franke, Torsten Lockl (Eds.)

LONDON The Unique City Die Geschichte einer Weltstadt Pages Ills. Format Binding Price


approx. 448 approx. 300 b/w 14.0 × 19.0 cm Softcover EUR 29.90 / GBP 27.00 CHF 35.00 / USD 40.00 978 - 3 - 0346 -  0820 - 6 German

Available September 2012

The standard work by Steen Eiler Rasmussen for the first time in German Originally published in 1934, London: The Unique City by Steen Eiler Rasmussen tells the fascinating story of one of the world's most influential metropoles. Rasmussen conducted extensive research on the London's history as well as on the manners and mores of its inhabitants. The book is further enriched by the author's many years of personal observation and analysis regarding London's urban and architectural development. London: The Unique City is thus a classic work that remains an instructive guide to the city's history and urban forms. A key idea contained in the book is that a city's future can be decisively influenced by self-reliant and culturally aware citizens who take action


on behalf of the city, without depending on the public sector. This idea, which is just as relevant today as it was some eighty years ago, is being revitalized in international urban discourse, as demonstrated by the influential Urban Age conference, which has showcased opportunities for local action on the basis of numerous examples. Steen Eiler Rasmussen (1898–1990) was one of the last great architects to address the broader social context of his work. He presented his observations and analysis in a great number of publications, the the most famous of which is undoubtedly London: The Unique City.

Important work to the current discussion of the urban development throughout the inhabitants


Landscape architecture, urban planning and environmental design

Thies Schröder (Ed.)

City by Landscape The Landscape Architecture of Rainer Schmidt PAGES ills. format binding priCE


6 × 160 approx. 400 in color, 100 drawings 25.3 × 35.6 cm Hardcover, box containing 6 volumes approx. EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00 CHF 60.00 / USD 64.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0797 - 1 English  /  German

Available December 2012 / Previously announced

English / German

City by Landscape documents the work of a landscape architect active in the interface between urban planning, open space planning and architecture. For many years Rainer Schmidt Landschafts­ architekten + Stadtplaner have been among the leading offices in the fields of landscape and urban planning; the projects are also increasingly being realized internationally, above all in North Africa, the Middle East and China. The company’s overriding objective is to find answers to the urban-planning problems of today, and to do so in the awareness that 21st century landscape architecture should be a ‘built’ reflection on how people deal with one another and with nature. The office puts these answers into practice as designs and strikes a successful balance between design, functions and feelings. The intelligent use of natural resources is of prime importance for the work of the office so as to maximize the ecological, economic and social impact of the projects. In various essays the book addresses the central topics in Schmidt’s work and documents some 40 selected projects including

the highlight Business Towers in Munich, the Park City Schwabing, the Congress Center Doha and the Great Mosque of Algiers. Innovative and surprising works covered by extensive documentation With contributions by internationally renowned authors Helmut Jahn, Marc Treib and Kongjian Yu and others Urban planning projects such as the Green Oasis Wadi al Dawasir in Saudi Arabia and the Cultural Wave City in Hangzhou, China

Extension of the Killesberg park, Stuttgart

Kongjian Yu: China’s foremost landscape designer

William Saunders (Ed.)

Designed Ecologies The Landscape Architecture of Kongjian Yu PAGES ILLS.



approx. 256 
 approx. 240 in color, 30 in b/w, 
 30 drawings approx. 22.0 × 28.0 cm 
 approx. EUR 39.90 / GBP 36.00 
 CHF 55.00 / USD 54.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0738 - 4 English

Kongjian Yu and his office Turenscape are beyond doubt the foremost landscape architecture firm in China today. The vast scale of China and its apparently boundless growth have enabled Yu to test many ideas that are still largely theories in the Western world. His work, increasingly valued and appreciated in Europe and North America, has attained an extremely high and elegant level in both conception and execution. Kongjian Yu is known for his ecological stance, often against the resistance of local authorities. His guiding design principles are the appreciation of the ordinary and a deep embracing of nature, even in its potentially destructive aspects, such as floods. Among his most acclaimed projects are Houtan Park for Shanghai Expo, the Red Ribbon Park in Qinhuangdao, and Shipyard Park in Zhongshan. This book explores Yu’s work in eleven essays by noted authors and extensively documents 22 selected projects.

Internationally acclaimed authors from landscape design and urbanism: John Beardsley, Peter Rowe, Kelly Shannon, Peter Walker, et al. Carefully documented case studies show exciting and fresh work Monograph on the leading Chinese practice for landscape architecture

Available September 2012 / Previously announced English

Story box in Yongning River Park, Taizhou, China


Alissa North

Operative Landscapes Building Communities Through Public Space pages ills. format binding price

approx. 208 approx. 250 in color, 150 drawings 22.0 × 28.0 cm Hardcover EUR 59,90 / GBP 54.00 CHF 80.00 / USD 84.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0821 - 3 English


Available November 2011

Jack Shainman

Crozier 527



Temporary High Line Maintenance Facility (No public access)






W 20TH ST 530




167 165

150 146

153 521 519





456 West 19th St 140



134 130


From a landscape designer and expert in vibrant ecologies and communities

Alexander & Bonin La Lunchonette



W1 8 T H S T


Star on 18 Diner Café










The Kitchen





W1 9 T H S T 522


Future Street Level Plaza The Park

1 Oak



Analytical drawings prepared specially for this book accompany all case studies


520 West Chelsea

A no-nonsense approach to a hot topic in landscape design

David Zwirner


Cookshop Appellation

459 West 18th St






W1 7 T H S T 500



The Caledonia



Fulton Houses



Western Beef



Manhattan Mini Storage

High Line Ballroom





W1 6 T H S T Ronnybrook Dairy


The Cleaver Co. Green Table

Friedman’s Delicatessen

Lobster Place

Manhattan Fruit Exchange

Chelsea Thai

The John Dory


Bowery Kitchen

Imports from Marrakesh






Ninth St Espresso

Buon Italia

T Salon

85 81




Sarabeth’s Kitchen

Chelsea Market Baskets

Chelsea Market



Amy’s Bread Co.


Del Posto



W1 5 T H S T

W 15T H ST 438


Massimo Bizzocchi

Stella McCartney


La Perla

Alexander McQueen


Jean Shop

Phillips de Pury





Milk Studios & Gallery

Car Wash


14th St Park







W 14TH S T 432 877



Diane von Furstenberg

450 448




Artsee Eyewear Scoop NYC Hogs & Heifers

Ed Hardy











Ri ve



Scoop Men





Scoop Street








Hu ds


W 13T H ST 450



The Standard






Brass Monkey





426 424




rk r Pa

There are infinite ways to build a community, yet the defining feature of any community is characteristically the landscape. Whether it is a park, a river corridor, community gardens, a plaza or a streetscape, the public spaces where people interact provide a shared sense of ownership, and the qualities of these spaces influence how the communities evolve. In a systematic overview, following the workflow sequence of open space projects, the book explores the various types and levels of intervention: from masterplanning to guerilla gardening and from land reclamation to building in existing fabric. Case studies mostly from North America, Europe and Asia accompany the introductory essays. The emphasis is on strategies of interaction between landscape projects, building development and urban planning, resulting in neighborhoods and city quarters that offer a higher quality of life. Beyond trendy theories on landscape urbanism or landscape infrastructure, this book offers an unideological view on the pragmatic potentials of landscape design for enhancing the built environment.

General Theological Seminary

Future Sections


Anton Kern Gallery

Urban open spaces provide resources for the shaping of successful urban communities.






LIT T LE W 12T H ST 40




83 1

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82 7

Gansevoort Meat Market

Ir is

82 5

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82 1

GANSEVOORT STAIR y ne h Li Fa ci lit H ig re an ce Fu tu nt en M ai A rt ey ic an tn er W hi f A m re o Fu tu eu m M us

ti on


The High Line, New York






Guerilla Gardens Perronet House, London


10 4



Lo s o s D ad 81 7

81 9

ta y C it Sa ni Yo rk en t of N ew ar tm D ep


ST 84



in il d


st in Ke Le o le ry G al



The High Line, Map We



as t


In Touch Landscape Architecture Europe Pages Format Binding Price


approx. 264 21.6 × 28.0 cm Hardcover EUR 44,90 / GBP 40.00 CHF 60.00 / USD 64.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0815 - 2 English

Available July 2012

Outstanding projects in European landscape architecture European landscape architecture builds on a common horizon of understanding and yet produces quality works of very different expression and style. In Touch explores outstanding projects created within the European mindset, diving below the surface in an attempt to uncover the common values that bind European design work. The book presents 11 in-depth project ‘features’, which include thematically related essays, and 28 concise project ‘icons’. The features focus both on big and small scale urban and rural situations. On the one hand, the newly installed and subtly designed railway line of the Glattalbahn in the Zurich metropolitan region, on the other the small scale urban spaces the privately developed and publicly used City Dune exterior spaces of the SEB Bank in Copenhagen. On the one hand French

Sermange’s redesigned heart of the village, focusing on a meadow, on the other hand the far reaching site installations referring to local legends in Norway’s Lake Seljord region. The essays include debates about landscape policies as well as about how to design with history, about the role of art and nature as well as about pioneer landscape architects across the European countries. In Touch is the third volume in the triennial Landscape Architecture Europe series, following On Site (2009) and Fieldwork (2006). Produced for the Landscape Architecture Europe Foundation (LAE), situated in the Netherlands, it aims to set standards, in design and design critique, by presenting an overview of carefully selected and edited projects and topics of contemporary European landscape architecture.

The series is endorsed by the European Federation for Landscape Architecture (EFLA) within the International Federation for Landscape Architecture (IFLA). It is produced under the auspices of Meto Vroom (chairman), Fritz Auweck, Maria Goula, Alastair McCapra and Kathryn Moore, members of the board of the Landscape Architecture Europe Foundation (LAE). The jury of In Touch has been composed by Michael van Gessel (chairman), Antonio Angelillo, Lilli Licˇka, Tone Lindheim, João Ferreira Nunes. The book has been edited by Lisa Diedrich (editor-in-chief), Mark Hendriks, Thierry Kandjee, Claudia Moll, and produced by Harry Harsema.

The third volume after Fieldwork and On Site Presentation of different projects as well as essays on current topics in landscape architecture



Comprehensive handbook of river planning

Martin Prominski, Antje Stokman, Susanne Zeller, Daniel Stimberg, 
Hinnerk Voermanek

River.Space.Design. Planning Strategies, 
Methods and Projects for 



approx. 304 
 approx. 500 in color, 160 drawings
 22.0 × 28.0 cm
 approx. EUR 79.90 / GBP 72.00 
 CHF 99.00 / USD 110.00 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0687 - 5 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0686 - 8 German

Available August 2012 / Previously announced German

Urban riverbanks are attractive locations and highly prized recreational environments. The designs of urban river landscapes must fulfill a broad range of requirements: flood control, open space design, and ecology are as a rule the three dominant themes, and they must often be reconciled within a very restricted space. The river must be understood as a process: governed by changing water levels, shifting seasons, erosion, and sedimentation, the river environment is not a static entity but constantly changing – the design must be flexible and take this into account. This book is the product of a multi-year study that subjected more than fifty Western European projects to a comparative analysis. The result is a systematic catalog of effective strategies and innovative design elements. First, designers and planners are given an overview of the broad and varied spectrum of design possibilities. The book’s process-oriented approach is especially helpful where the focus is on long-term, sustainable measures. The publication consists of two linked volumes that enable the reader to consult the systematic catalog and the case study section side by side. The easy-to-navigate structure and an extensive glossary provide fur-

ther guidance, while the work’s highly distinctive design makes it visually appealing as well and invites the reader to leaf through and explore it. An interdisciplinary approach for landscape architects, engineers, and other specialized planners Analyzes fifty European projects First-ever systematic catalog of design methods Distinctive design with two spine-connected volumes

Wipkingerpark on Limmat River, Zurich

Palladio’s villas in their natural settings

Gerrit Smienk, Johannes Niemeijer

Palladio, die Villa und die Landschaft PAGES ILLS. FORMAT BINDING PRICE


 approx. 150 in color
 24.0 × 29.7 cm
 approx. EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00 
 CHF 60.00 / USD 64.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0712 - 4 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0753 - 7 German

Available September 2012 / Previously announced



Andrea Palladio is universally regarded as one of the most important architects of the Renaissance. He was the first “professional architect” and was strongly influenced by Greek and Roman architecture, particularly by Vitruvius. His treatise Quattro libri dell’architettura also earned him worldwide recognition. Palladio’s villas are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This book will document and analyze ten of Palladio’s eighteen surviving villas specifically in terms of their relationship with their natural surroundings; their influence on those surroundings is investigated as well. The selected villas constitute a representative cross section of Palladio’s wide-ranging output. The landscape formations of Veneto, where these villas are located, may be divided into three types: plains surrounded by mountains, arid plains , and marshland. Gerrit Smienk is a landscape architect with many years teaching experience at the TU Delft and at the Berlage Institute, Rotterdam, and is a recognized expert on the Italian Renaissance.

By two landscape architects who are also recognized experts on the Italian Renaissance Authoritative analyses of Palladio’s drawings

20 | BIRKHÄUSER | Design

The wonderful world of wood

Barbara Glasner, Stephan Ott

Wonder Wood A Favorite Material for Designers, Architects, and Artists PAGES ILLS. FORMAT BINDING PRICE


approx. 272 
 approx. 400 in color
 22.0 × 28.0 cm
 approx. EUR 59.90 / GBP 54.00 
 CHF 75.00 / USD 84.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0674 - 5 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0673 - 8 German

Available October 2012 / Previously announced English


A compilation of over 100 current projects and “making-ofs”, from the fields of design, architecture and art, that work with wood as a material in varied and extraordinary ways. Wonder Wood also provides insights into new manufacturing processes, as well as tips on constructing with wood. Wood has the power to fascinate and inspire. From time immemorial, this versatile and renewable raw material has been used by designers from every discipline. Today, new finishing technologies are broadening the range of its uses and making surprising solutions possible. Wonder Wood presents this timeless material as it is being used today, and documents a selection of some one hundred current international projects by celebrated designers, architects, and artists whose creative and innovative approach to the material makes their work compelling. For selected projects, interviews with the designers provide an in-depth look at the creative process and its results. A second section spotlights selected woods, wood-based materials, wood composites, and finishing technologies and presents project examples that use them. An alphabetical index provides back-

ground information on the designers represented in the book.

Inspiration and technical information in a single volume International overview of all aspects of contemporary wood construction One hundred innovative wood construction projects by Konstantin Grcic, Stefan Diez, Martino Gamper, Tord Boontje, Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec, Hella Jongerius, SANAA, Maarten Baas, Fernando & Humberto Campana, Pierre Charpin, Matali Crasset, Peter Marigold, Jürgen Mayer H., Jasper Morrison, Stephan Balkenhol, Rolf Sachs, Studio Job, Patricia Urquiola, Ai Weiwei, Richard Woods, Sebastian Wrong, and others

Extended and updated French edition

Frame Publishers / Birkhäuser By matériO Daniel Kula, Elodie Ternaux (Eds.)

Materiology Matériaux et Technologies: l’essentiel a l’usage des createurs Pages Format Binding Price



approx. 376 20.0 × 29.5 cm Softcover EUR 49,90 / GBP 45.00 CHF 69.00 / USD 69.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0819 - 0 French

Available October 2012

A book intended for all creative professionals who rely on materials and technologies – architects, designers, stylists, artists and the like, from students to experienced practitioners – Materiology is written in a style that conveys a wealth of information in a language that’s easy to understand. This book covers everything there is to know about materials and technologies in one single volume. Materiology’s comprehensive exploration of materials is divided into four sections: 1. Categories of materials: various types of wood, plastic, glass, metal, lighting, etc. 2. Catalogue of materials: catalogue cards that identify various materials, from the most basic substance to the latest cutting edge innovation. 3. Processes: major methods of processing materials (e.g. injection moulding, extrusion) explained with instructive diagrams. 4. Thinking out of the box: issue of relevance to any study of materials and technologies, such as ecology and virtual issues. The updated edition holds 18 new material catalogue cards among which are superconductive metamaterials, semi-conductor ma-

terials, rare earth metals, lithium and photovoltaic materials. New information about sustainability is added to the book in the form of the process ‘recycling’, and an indepth article on how to deal with sustainability in projects, touching upon the subject of biomimicry and environmental, economical, strategic and health-related stakes. As a soft cover book, the extended version of Materiology can reach an even wider audience than its hardcover predecessor Extended edition with 32 pages of new material!

Design | BIRKHÄUSER | 21

Planning and producing thematic exhibitions

Aurelia Bertron, Ulrich Schwarz, Claudia Frey

Project Scope: 
 Exhibition Design A Typology for Architects, 
 Designers and Museum 
 Professionals PAGES ILLS.


English /  German


 approx. 300 in color, 50 in b/w, 80 Drawings
 16.5 × 24.0 cm
 EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00 
 CHF 60.00 / USD 70.00 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0775 - 9 English  /  German

The book is a fundamental reference work for exhibition designers, architects, and museum professionals who want to adequately conceive, design, plan, and produce clearly focused thematic exhibitions. Each thematic field represents different challenges for an exhibition design. This typology by Bertron Schwarz Frey elaborates the special features of the various thematic fields – nature, archeology, history, art, and science. Sketches, floor plans, visualizations, and photographs illustrate the approach, whose essential structure remains the same while finding a different solution for each theme. For students of architecture, interior design, exhibition design, scenography, and visual communication it is also useful as an introduction to the subject. The book presents current exhibitions including the Museum für Naturkunde and the Jewish Museum in Berlin, the Pommersches Landesmuseum in Greifswald, and the Württembergisches Landesmuseum in Stuttgart. Ulrich Schwarz has been professor of design at the Berlin University of the Arts since 2000.

Available / Previously announced

Significant examples document in detail the process of working on thematic exhibitions After the success of Designing Exhibitions, the new publication by Bertron, Schwarz, Frey

Exhibitions “60 Jahre – 60 Werke”, 2009, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin

Now in its second, updated edition

Aurelia Bertron, Ulrich Schwarz, Claudia Frey
 2nd, updated edition

Designing Exhibitions A Compendium for Architects, Designers and Museum Professionals PAGES ILLS.


English /  German


approx. 232 
 approx. 180 in color, 50 in b/w, 
 30 drawings
 14.8 × 15.8 cm
 EUR 29.90 / GBP 27.00 
 CHF 35.00 / USD 39.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0717 - 9 English  /  German

Available / Previously announced

The essential analytical guide for Exhibition Designers, lavishly illustrated. A successful exhibition is a well-balanced mix of communication, knowledge transfer, interaction, adventure, and contemplation. This widely popular handbook, which has already gone through multiple printings, offers a concise presentation of the principal phases of an exhibition’s genesis with striking examples from the design practice of the authors. Topics covered are conception and design, presentation and staging, representation and education, text and graphics, typography and layout, as well as light and lighting. The central design steps are illustrated with sketches, diagrams, plans, elevations, simulations, technical drawings, working models, and photographs. Bertron Schwarz Frey (Berlin and Ulm) is one of Germany’s leading exhibition design firms.

The proven guide for professionals and students Concise and inspiring With a new section on “Conservatorial Aspects and Display Case Quality”

22 | BIRKHÄUSER | Design

Provocative and refreshing

Joachim Kobuss, Michael B. Hardt

Erfolgreich als Designer – Designzukunft denken und gestalten PAGES 352 
 ILLS. 3 in b/w
 FORMAT 17.0 × 24.0 cm
 BINDING Softcover
 PRICE EUR 34.90 / GBP 32.00


CHF 44.00 / USD 45.00 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0596 - 0 German

Design will be one of the most important career areas of the 21st century. This book discusses the future of design, and how one can creatively surmount the challenges ahead. Using a systematic approach, the authors spotlight how social change is leading to radical transformations – and how the career of the designer is being impacted. A particular emphasis is placed on international developments, which are marked by ever-increasing globalization as well as pressures for greater sustainability. This “guide to the future” is intended for designers in all areas, particularly communication, graphic, and computational designers, but also product, furniture, interior, fashion, and textile designers. Joachim Kobuss is a coach, trend scout, and advisor to universities as well as public research and educational institutions. Prof. Michael Hardt is a design consultant to international brands and teaches at the University of Bergen in Norway as well as the University of Lapland in Finland.

A clearly structured practical handbook in the successful series layout by Erik Spiekermann

Available / Previously announced


How can I secure my rights as a designer?

Joachim Kobuss, Alexander Bretz, Arian Hassani

Be Successful as a Designer Protect and Manage Your Design Rights Internationally PAGES approx. 368
 ILLS. 3 b/w
 FORMAT 17 × 24 cm
 BINDING Softcover
 PRICE approx. EUR 29.90 / GBP 27.00


CHF 40.00 / USD 40.00 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0101 -6 English

Available October 2012 English

An easy-to-understand guide for designers on the legal topics that deeply affect their everyday professional activities. The authors explain the legal framework from a completely new point of view. The legal aspects of design do not appear in incomprehensible legalese but are rather shown as a strategic instrument which can be fun to handle. Focus groups are all kinds of designers of the product, furniture, interior, fashion, textile, communications, graphics, and computational design areas. All topics are discussed from an international and general viewpoint – due to the increasing globalization in the design business.

Explains how designers can have their creative capital legally registered A clearly-structured, easily usable manual for designers of all fields Covers all relevant thematic areas from an international angle

Design | BIRKHÄUSER | 23

Landmark texts documented and explained

Simon Grand, Wolfgang Jonas (Eds.)



 approx. 40 in b/w, 20 drawings
 16.5 × 22.5 cm
 EUR 69.90 / GBP 63.00 
 CHF 95.00 / USD 100.00 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0716 - 2 English

An authoritative and scientifically based collection of 18 international texts since 1960 that mirrors and analyses the principal developmental phases of design research and scientific research. The importance of the focus on pivotal texts for the design research cannot be overstated. However, while certain charismatic names come up in the discussion, the community has thus far lacked a handbook that is straightforward and accessible. Grand and Jonas have now filled this gap. Compiled on the basis of a deep and extensive knowledge of the field, their essays situate and elucidate these exciting texts and aid readers in understanding them.

The “intellectual world map” of research on and through design – a reading adventure! Required reading for anyone wishing to tackle design questions in a thoughtful and serious way Another volume in the celebrated series BIRD (Board of International Research in Design)

Available / Previously announced


Products and their meaning

Klaus Krippendorff

Die Semantische Wende. Eine neue Grundlage für Design Schriften zur Gestaltung PAGES 424
 ILLS. approx. 80 in b/w
 FORMAT 16.5 × 24.0 cm
 BINDING Softcover
 PRICE approx. EUR 44.90 / GBP 40.00


CHF 55.00 / USD 60.00 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0102 - 3 German

Available October 2012 / Previously announced German

Following decades of research, the author presents the ultimate sum of his findings: Meaning is more important than function. In his graduate thesis on the symbolic character of objects, Klaus Krippendorff laid an initial foundation for what is now recognized as the central insight of design theory: Design imbues things with meaning, making them intelligible. The context-dependent perception of the object and the user's experiences and interpretations are of overarching importance. Krippendorff presents a methodological framework for describing these phenomena in a scientific way. Klaus Krippendorff is a professor at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania.

A guide to the semantic foundations of design A valuable reference work for university teachers as well as graduate students in design

24 | BIRKHÄUSER | Design

Advanced design for all five senses

Michael Haverkamp

Synesthetic Design Handbook for a Multi-Sensory Approach PAGES ILLS.



approx. 448 
 approx. 400 in color, 30 in b/w, 50 drawings und diagrams
 17.0 × 24.0 cm
 Hardcover with CD
 approx. EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00 
 CHF 69.00 / USD 69.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0715 - 5 English

Synesthetic design strives to develop products that systematically incorporate all five senses. In future, the current wealth of medical technical insights in psychology, physiology, motor functions and neurology, and the development of innovative materials with astonishing new properties will open up almost unlimited opportunities for the designer’s creativity. Haverkamp brings together for the first time precisely those aspects of this fundamental scientific knowledge that are specifically relevant for designers. The result is a clear and well-organized handbook that offers designers of all schools a a solid foundation for their own designs. Michael Haverkamp has been working on the concept of multi-sensory design for many years; he is an internationally recognized expert on sound design and synesthesia research in general.

Everything designers need to know to design multi-sensory products With 91 sound files on the accompanying CD Synesthetic design is the most innovative current form of design

Available August 2012 / Previously announced English

Inspiring, provocative: Italian interior design in the twenty-first century

Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi (ed.)



approx. 224 approx. 165 in color, 200 drawings 23.0 × 30.0 cm
 approx. EUR 59.90 / GBP 54.00 
 CHF 80.00 / USD 84.95 978-3-0346-0752-0 English

Available July 2012 / Previously announced


Italian interior design has been distinguished for decades by its innovative power and courage, not only on an aesthetic level but also in its use of new materials and combinations thereof. Italian designers have shown a greater willingness to absorb influences from art and design, blurring the lines between those disciplines, sometimes provocatively, sometimes subtly – one of the reasons why their trend-setting creations are in demand worldwide for interiors of restaurants and stores, private residences and hotels, offices and museums. The book presents a selection of the latest designs from 2000 to 2010, realized in Italy and other countries, including the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Israel, and Dubai. The architects and designers include established masters as Renzo Piano, Michele De Lucci, and Giorgio Armani but also representatives of the younger generation. Among the volume’s foremost features is the comprehensive project documentation with many technical drawings and detail photographs.

Overview of the latest trends in Italian interior design Broad spectrum of international examples ranging from the private penthouse to the museum lobby More than 200 scale drawings especially created for this publication

Backlist | Birkhäuser | 25 Top


128 Colors A Sample Book for Architects, Conservators and Designers

Alvar Aalto – The Complete Work Karl Fleig (Ed.)

Katrin Trautwein 2010. 296 pp. 19.5 × 27.5 cm. Hardcover EUR 69.90 / GBP 63.00 CHF 119.00 / USD 99.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0317 - 1 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0315 - 7 German

1990. 764 pp. 28.5 × 23.0 cm. HC in 3 volumes. EUR 220.00 / GBP 170.00 CHF 275.00 / USD 250.00 978 - 3 - 7643 - 5517 - 3 English / German / French

The Articulate Surface Ornament and Technology in Contemporary Architecture

Atmospheres Built Surroundings – The Things Around Me

Building with Water Concepts, Typology, Design

Ben Pell

Peter Zumthor

2010. 200 pp. 26.5 × 24.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 69.90 / GBP 63.00 CHF 115.00 / USD 99.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0221 - 1 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0220 - 4 German

2012. 76 pp. 17.0 × 24.0 cm. Cloth bound EUR 29.90 / GBP 27.00 CHF 35.00 / USD 40.00 978 - 3 - 7643 - 7495 - 2 English 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8841 - 6 French 978 - 3 - 7643 - 7494 - 5 German

Zoë Ryan 2010. 160 pp. 23.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 59.90 / GBP 54.00 CHF 80.00 / USD 84.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0156 - 6 English


The Chinese Garden Garden Types for Contemporary Landscape Architecture

Chroma Design, Architecture and Art in Color

Bianca Maria Rinaldi

Barbara Glasner, Petra Schmidt (Eds)

2011. 176 pp. 23.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00 CHF 60.00 / USD 69.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0222 - 8 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0223 - 5 German

2009. 320 pp. 24.5 × 30.5 cm. Hardcover EUR 39.90 / GBP 36.00 CHF 49.00 / USD 54.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0092 - 7 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0091 - 0 German

Commedia dell’Arte – Couture Edition

Constructing Architecture Materials, Processes, Structures

Florian Böhm ( Ed. )

Andrea Deplazes (Ed.) 2nd, revised and expanded edition 2012. 555 pp. 23.5 × 29.7 cm. Softcover EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00 CHF 60.00 / USD 69.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8631 - 3 English 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8651 - 1 French 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8629 - 0 German

2010. 320 pp. 23.5 × 33.05 cm. Hardcover EUR 119.00 / GBP 108.00 CHF 160.00 / USD 170.00 978  -  3  -  0346  -  0544  -  1 English


Constructing Landscape Materials, Techniques, Structural Components Astrid Zimmermann (Ed.) 2nd, revised and expanded edition 2011. 533 pp. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Softcover EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00 CHF 60.00 / USD 69.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0720 - 9 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0719 - 3 German

Constructing Shadows Tents, Pergolas, Cables, Plants Peter Petschek, Siegfried Gass (Eds) 2011. 256 pp. 24.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 59.90 / GBP 54.00 CHF 75.00 / USD 84.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0714 - 8 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0713 - 1 German

Construction Manual for Polymers + Membranes Materials and Semi-finished Products, Form-Finding Design Jan Knippers 2011. 296 pp. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Softcover EUR 89.90 / GBP 82.00 CHF 120.00 / USD 125.00 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0726 - 1

Detail Practice: Concrete Design, Construction, Examples

Digital Processes Planning, Designing, Production

Martin Peck (Ed.)

Moritz Hauschild, Rüdiger Karzel

2006. 110 pp. 21.0 × 29.7 cm. Softcover EUR 39.90 / GBP 32.00 CHF 55.00 / USD 59.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 7631 - 4 English

2011. 112 pp. 21.0 × 29.7 cm. Softcover EUR 39.90 / GBP 36.00 CHF 55.00 / USD 54.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0724 - 7 English

Construction Materials Manual Manfred Hegger, Volker ­Auch - Schwelk, Matthias Fuchs, Thorsten Rosenkranz 2006. 280 pp. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Dust jacket EUR 110.00 / GBP 99.00 CHF 150.00 / USD 145.00 978 - 3 - 7643 - 7570 - 6 English 978 - 3 - 7643 - 7272 - 9 German

Detail Practice: Energy - Efficiency Upgrades Clemens Richartz, Christina Schulz, Friedemann Zeitler 2007. 112 pp. 21.0 × 29.7 cm. Softcover EUR 39.90 / GBP 32.00 CHF 55.00 / USD 49.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8121 - 9 English

Detail Practice: Barrier - Free Design Principles, Planning, Examples

Detail Practice: Building with Steel Details, Principles, Examples

Oliver Heiss, Christine Degenhardt, Johann Ebe (Eds)

Alexander Reichel et al.

2010. 112 pp. 21.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover EUR 39.90 / GBP 36.00 CHF 55.00 / USD 54.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0577 - 9 English

Detail Practice: Glass in Building Principles, Applications, Examples Bernhard Weller, Stefan Unnewehr, Silke Tasche, Kristina Härth 2009. 112 pp. 21.0 × 29.7 cm. Softcover EUR 39.90 / GBP 32.00 CHF 55.00 / USD 49.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0132 - 0 English

2007. 112 pp. 21.0 × 29.7 cm. Softcover EUR 39.90 / GBP 32.00 CHF 55.00 / USD 49.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8386 - 2 English

Detail Practice: Photovoltaics Technology, Design, Construction Bernhard Weller, Claudia Hemmerle, Sven Jakubetz, Stefan Unnewehr 2010. 112 pp. 21.0 × 29.7 cm. Softcover EUR 39.90 / GBP 32.00 CHF 55.00 / USD 59.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0369 - 0 English

26 | Birkhäuser | Backlist Top

Detail Practice: Translucent Materials Glass, Plastics, Metals Edward B. Burger, Frank Kaltenbach 2004. 110 pp. 21.0 × 29.7 cm. Softcover EUR 39.90 / GBP 32.00 CHF 55.00 / USD 48.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 7033 - 6 English

Digital Culture in Architecture An Introduction for the Design Professions Antoine Picon 2010. 224 pp. 16.5 × 24.0 cm. Softcover EUR 39.90 / GBP 36.00 CHF 55.00 / USD 54.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0259 - 4 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0261 - 7 French

Emergent Architectural Territories in East Asian Cities

Energy Manual Sustainable Architecture

Peter G. Rowe

Manfred Hegger, Matthias Fuchs, Thomas Stark, Martin Zeumer 2007. 272 pp. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover: EUR 120.00 / GBP 100.00 CHF 150.00 / USD 169.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8764 - 8 English 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8385 - 5 German Softcover: EUR 89.90 / GBP 82.00 CHF 120.00 / USD 125.00 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8830 - 0 English

2011. 216 pp. 22.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 44.90 / GBP 40.00 CHF 60.00 / USD 59.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8815 - 7 English

extra Encyclopaedia of Experimental Print Finishing Franziska Morlok, Till Beckmann 2009. 176 pp. 21.2 × 27.5 cm. Hardcover EUR 79.90 / GBP 72.00 CHF 99.00 / USD 119.00 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0083 - 5 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0082 - 8 German


Adrian Frutiger  -  Typefaces The Complete Works

Friederike Schneider, Oliver Heckmann 4th, revised and expanded edition 2011. 336 pp. 24.0 × 33.0 cm. Softcover EUR 59.90 / GBP 54.00 CHF 80.00 / USD 89.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0708 - 7 English

Swiss Foundation Type and Typography, Heidrun Osterer, Philipp Stamm (Eds) 2008. 480 pp. 24.5 × 31.0 cm. Cl. EUR 99.90 / GBP 90.00 CHF 125.00 / USD 149.00 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8581 - 1 English 978 - 3  - 7643 - 8582 - 8 French 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8576 - 7 German

In Detail: Building Skins

Gerhard Mack

Housing+ Threshold, Access and Transparency in Residential Buildings

2008. 416 pp. 24.0 × 33.0 cm. Cloth bound EUR 119.00 / GBP 108.00 CHF 150.00 / USD 169.00 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8640 - 5 English 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8639 - 9 German

Ulrike Wietzorrek 2012. 424 pp. 23.0 × 31.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 79.90 / GBP 63.00 CHF 115.00 / USD 99.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0614 - 1 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0562 - 5 German

Façade Construction Manual

Building Envelopes for the 21st Century Dirk U. Hindrichs, Winfried Heusler (Eds) 2010. 568 pp. 25.0 × 33.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 69.90 / GBP 63.00 CHF 85.00 / USD 94.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 9959 - 7 German / English

Thomas Herzog, Roland Krippner, Werner Lang

Glass Construction Manual

Herzog & de Meuron – The Complete Works, Volumes 1­–3

Herzog & de Meuron 1997– 2001 The Complete Works, Volume 4

Gerhard Mack 24.0 × 33.0 cm. Cloth bound EUR 110.00 / GBP 88.00 each CHF 135.00 / USD 129.00 each 978 - 3 - 7643 - 5616 - 3. 1977–1988 978 - 3 - 7643 - 7365 - 8. 1989–1991 978 - 3 - 7643 - 7112 - 8. 1992–1996 English / German

Christian Schittich et al. 2007. 328 pp. 23.0 × 29.7 cm Hardcover with dust jacket EUR 120.00 / GBP 99.00 CHF 160.00 / USD 149.00 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8122 - 6 English Softcover EUR 89.90 / GBP 63.00 CHF 120.00 / USD 89.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8290 - 2 English

Floor Plan Manual Housing


Flat Roof Construction Manual Roofing Systems, Supporting Structure, Refurbishment Klaus Sedlbauer

2004. 319 pp. 23.2 × 29.6 cm. Hardcover EUR 120.00 / GBP 99.00 CHF 150.00 / USD 145.00 978 - 3 - 7643 - 7109 - 8 English 978 - 3 - 7643 - 7031 - 2 German


2010. 200 pp. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover EUR 99.90 / GBP 90.00 CHF 125.00 / USD 135.00 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0658 - 5 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0580 - 9 German

Christian Schittich (Ed.) 2006. 196 pp. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover with dust jacket EUR 69.90 / GBP 58.00 CHF 85.00 / USD 84.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 7640 - 6 English 978 - 3 - 7643 - 7633 - 8 German

In Detail: Exhibitions and Displays Christian Schittich (Ed.)

In Detail: Housing for People of All Ages

2009. 176 pp. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover with dust jacket EUR 69.90 / GBP 63.00 CHF 85.00 / USD 84.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 9955 - 9 English 978 - 3 - 7643 - 9954 - 2 German

2007. 176 pp. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover with dust jacket EUR 69.90 / GBP 58.00 CHF 85.00 / USD 84.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8119 - 6 English 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8118 - 9 German

Christian Schittich (Ed.)

In Detail: Interior Surfaces and Materials Aesthetics, Technology, Implementation Christian Schittich (Ed.) 2008. 176 pp. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover with dust jacket EUR 69.90 / GBP 58.00 CHF 85.00 / USD 84.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8810 - 2 English

In Detail: Small Structures

In Detail: Work Environments

Christian Schittich (Ed.)

Christian Schittich (Ed.)

2010. 176 pp. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover with dust jacket EUR 69.90 / GBP 58.00 CHF 85.00 / USD 84.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 0346 - 9 English

2011. 176 pp. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover EUR 69.90 / GBP 82.00 CHF 85.00 / USD 99.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0724 - 7 English

Backlist | Birkhäuser | 27 Top

Interior Gardens Designing and Constructing Green Spaces in Private and Public Buildings Haike Falkenberg 2011. 223 pp. 22.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 69.90 / GBP 63.00 CHF 85.00 / USD 99.95 978  -  3  -  0346  -  0620  -  2 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0623 - 3 German

Interiors Construction Manual Gerhard Hausladen, Karsten Tichelmann 2010. 280 pp. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Softcover EUR 89.90 / GBP 82.00 CHF 120.00 / USD 99.00 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0284 - 6 English

Le Corbusier and the Architectural Promenade

Le Corbusier – Complete Works Complete Works in 8 volumes

Flora Samuel

Willy Boesiger, Oscar Stonorov, Max Bill 1995. 1708 pp. EUR 580.00 / GBP 520.00 CHF 725.00 / USD 755.00 978 - 3 - 7643 - 5515 - 9 English / German /  French. Each volume: 29.5 × 23.0 cm. Hardcover with dust jacket EUR 79.90 / GBP 72.00 / CHF 99.00

2010. 232 pp. 21.0 × 27.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 59.90 / GBP 54.00 CHF 80.00 / USD 84.95 978  -  3  -  0346  -  0607  -  3 English

Le Corbusier – Polychromie architecturale Color Keyboards from 1931 and 1959 Arthur Rüegg (Ed.) 2006. 3 Vol. in slipcase 28.5 × 23.5 cm. Hardcover EUR 299.00 / GBP 250.00 CHF 375.00 / USD 400.00 978 - 3 - 7643 - 7475 - 4 German / English / French


Le Corbusier: Le Modulor and Modulor 2 Le Corbusier Two volumes in slipcase. 2000. 240 and 344 pp. 24.0 × 28.0 cm. Softcover EUR 44.90 / GBP 34.00 CHF 60.00 / USD 50.00 978 - 3 - 7643 - 6188 - 4 English 978 - 3 - 7643 - 6187 - 7 French

Written, photographed, illustrated and designed by Le Corbusier

Light and Emotions Exploring Lighting Cultures. Conversations with Lighting Designers

1993. 84 pp. 12.0 × 16.5 cm. Softcover EUR 29.90 / GBP 25.00 CHF 35.00 / USD 36.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 5512 - 8 English / German / French

Vincent Laganier, Jasmine van der Pol 2011. 368 pp. 16.5 × 24.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 24.90 / GBP 23.00 CHF 33.00 / USD 34.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0690 - 5 English

Le Corbusier: Une petite maison

Limited Edition Prototypes, One - O ffs and Design Art Furniture

Living for the Elderly A Design Manual Eckhard Feddersen, Insa Lüdtke

Sophie Lovell 2009. 255 pp. 20.0 × 26.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00 CHF 60.00 / USD 69.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8895 - 9 English 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8894 - 2 German

2009. 248 pp. 24.0 × 33.0 cm. Hardcover: EUR 89.90 / GBP 82.00 CHF 120.00 / USD 119.00 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8871 - 3 English Softcover: EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00 CHF 60.00 / USD 64.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0106 - 1 German


Living Systems Innovative Materials and Technologies for Landscape Architecture

Made in Norway Norwegian Architecture Today

Liat Margolis, Alexander Robinson 2007. 191 pp. 26.5 × 24.0 cm. Hardcover: EUR 69.90 / GBP 63.00 CHF 85.00 / USD 89.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 7700 - 7 English 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8674 - 0 French 978 - 3 - 7643 - 7699 - 4 German

2010. 144 pp. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Softcover EUR 34.90 / GBP 32.00 CHF 45.00 / USD 49.95 978  -  3  -  0346  -  0559  -  5 English

Ingerid Helsing Almaas ( Ed. )

The Making of Design From the First Model to the Final Product

Material Design Informing Architecture by Materiality

Gerrit Terstiege (Ed.)

Thomas Schröpfer

Material Revolution— Sustainable and MultiPurpose Materials for Design and Architecture

2009. 176 pp. 17.0 × 24.0 cm. Softcover EUR 27.00 / GBP 29.90 CHF 40.00 / USD 44.95 978  -  3  -  0346  -  0089  -  7 English

2010. 192 pp. 23.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00 CHF 60.00 / USD 69.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0035 - 4 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0034 - 7 German

Sascha Peters 2011. 208 pp. 22.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 59.90 / GBP 54.00 CHF 75.00 / USD 84.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0663 - 9 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0575 - 5 German

Materiology The Industry’s Guide to Materials and Technologies Daniel Kula, Élodie Ternaux 2009. 342 pp. 21.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover EUR 79.90 / GBP 72.00 CHF 99.00 / USD 99.00 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8424 - 1 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0819 - 0 French 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8423 - 4 German

Mies van der Rohe Jean - Louis Cohen 2nd edition 2011. 192 pp. 22.0 × 25.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 39.90 / GBP 36.00 CHF 49.00 / USD 49.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0734 - 6 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0735 - 3 German

MOVE. Architecture in Motion – Dynamic Components and Elements

Old & New Design Manual for Revitalizing Existing Buildings

Michael Schumacher, Oliver Schaeffer, Michael - Marcus Voigt 2010. 240 pp. 24.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover EUR 69.90 / GBP 54.90 CHF 85.00 / USD 99.00 978 - 3 - 7643 - 9986 - 3 English 978 - 3 - 7643 - 9985 - 6 German

Frank Peter Jäger ( Ed. ) 2010. 192 pp. 23.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 69.90 / GBP 63.00 CHF 85.00 / USD 99.95 978  -  3  -  0346  -  0525  -  0 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0523 - 6 German

Palladio, the Villa and the Landscape Gerrit Smienk, Johannes Niemeijer 2011. 160 pp. 24.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00 CHF 69.00 / USD 69.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0712 - 4 English

28 | Birkhäuser | Backlist

Patterns in Design, Art and Architecture

Patterns 2. Design, Art and Architecture

Plastics In Architecture and Construction

Petra Schmidt, Annette Tietenberg, Ralf Wollheim (Eds)

Barbara Glasner, Petra Schmidt, Ursula Schöndeling (Eds)

2007. 332 pp. 24.0 × 30.0 cm. Softcover EUR 39.90 / GBP 36.00 CHF 55.00 / USD 59.85 978 - 3 - 7643 - 7750 - 2 English

2008. 335 pp. 24.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 59.90 / GBP 54.00 CHF 80.00 / USD 84.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8644 - 3 English 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8643 - 6 German

Stephan Engelsmann, Valerie Spalding, Stefan Peters 2010. 176 pp. 22.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00 CHF 60.00 / USD 69.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0322 - 5 English 978-3-0346-0670-7 French 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0321 - 8 German

Project Vitra Sites, Products, Authors, Museum, Collections, Signs; Chronology, Glossary

Jean Prouvé Complete Works Set

Cornel Windlin, Rolf Fehlbaum (Eds) 2007. 396 pp. 17.0 × 24.0 cm. Hardcover with dust jacket EUR 39.90 / GBP 36.00 CHF 49.00 / USD 49.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8593 - 4 English 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8592 - 7 German

2007. 1360 pp. 24.0 × 30.0 cm. 4 volume set EUR 372.90 / GBP 315.00 CHF 399.00 / USD 490.00 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8420 - 3 English / French

Peter Sulzer


The Rauch House A Model of Advanced Clay Architecture Martin Rauch Roger Boltshauser Otto Kapfinger, Axel Simon (Eds) 2010. 176 pp. 17.5 × 22.9 cm. Hardcover EUR 59.90 / GBP 54.00 CHF 75.00 / USD 79.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0109 - 2 English/ German

Refurbishment Manual Maintenance, Conversions, Extensions Georg Giebeler et al. 2009. 272 pp. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Softcover EUR 89.90 / GBP 82.00 CHF 120.00 / USD 99.00 978 - 3 - 7643 - 9947 - 4 English

SCALE: Open I Close Windows, Doors, Gates, Loggias, Filters Jan - Henrik Hafke, Anette Hochberg, Joachim Raab 2009. 176 pp. 22.0 × 28.0 cm. Softcover EUR 44.90 / GBP 40.00 CHF 55.00 / USD 64.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 9961 - 0 English 978 - 3 - 7643 - 9960 - 3 German

Schools and Kindergartens A Design Manual Mark Dudek 2008. 255 pp. 24.0 × 33.0 cm. Softcover EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00 CHF 60.00 / USD 69.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8126 - 4 English Softcover 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0749 - 0 German

Small Houses Contemporary Japanese Dwellings Claudia Hildner 2011. 160 pp. 16.5 × 24.0 cm. Softcover. EUR 39.90 / GBP 36.00 CHF 49.00 / USD 54.95 ISBN 978  -  3  -  0346 - 0744 - 5 English ISBN 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0743 - 8 German


Systems in Timber Engineering Loadbearing Structures and Component Layers

Three D – Graphic Spaces

Timber Construction Manual

Gerrit Terstiege (Ed.)

Josef Kolb

2009. 208 pp. 24.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 39.90 / GBP 36.00 CHF 49.00 / USD 59.95 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8771 - 6 English 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8770 - 9 German

Julius Natterer, Michael Volz, Thomas Herzog, Wolfgang Winter, Roland Schweitzer

2008. 319 pp. 23.0 × 29.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 69.90 / GBP 45.00 CHF 85.00 / USD 99.00 978 - 3 - 7643 - 8689 - 4 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0553 - 3 German

Thinking Architecture Peter Zumthor 3rd, expanded edition

TypoLyrics The Sound of Fonts

2012. 112 pp. 14.5 × 23.5 cm. Cloth bound EUR 29.90 / GBP 27.00 CHF 35.00 / USD 44.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0585 - 4 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0582 - 3 French 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0555 - 7 German

2010. 208 pp. 22.0 × 28.0 cm. Softcover EUR 34.90 / GBP 32.00 CHF 45.00 / USD 49.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0366 - 9 English

Unfolded Paper in Design, Art, Architecture and Industry

Urban Green European Landscape Design for the 21st century

Wicked! On the Edge of Good Design

Petra Schmidt, Nicola Stattmann

Annette Becker, Peter Cachola Schmal (Eds) 2010. 248 pp. 23.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 59.90 / GBP 54.00 CHF 75.00 / USD 84.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0313 - 3 German / English

2004. 375 pp. 23.0 × 29.7 cm. Hardcover EUR 120.00 / GBP 100.00 CHF 160.00 / USD 140.00 978 - 3 - 7643 - 7025 - 1 English


Slanted (Ed.)


typology + Innovative Housing Construction

Understanding Steel Design An Architectural Design Manual

Markus Kuntscher, Roman Höllbacher, Eva Herrmann, Ulrike Wietzorrek, Peter Ebner 2010. 432 pp. 23.5 × 31.5 cm. Hardcover EUR 79.90 / GBP 63.00 CHF 99.00 / USD 109.00 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0087 - 3 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0086 - 6 German

Terri Meyer Boake 2011. 240 pp. 23.0 × 30.0 cm. Hardcover. Eur 69.90 / GBP 63.00 CHF 85.00 / USD 99.95 ISBN 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0269 - 3 English ISBN 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0271 - 6 German

2009. 254 pp. 22.0 × 28.0 cm. Hardcover EUR 49.90 / GBP 45.00 CHF 60.00 / USD 74.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0032 - 3 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0031 - 6 German

Karen Bofinger (Ed.) 2011. 152 pp. 16.5 × 24.0 cm. Softcover EUR 29.90 / GBP 27.00 CHF 35.00 / USD 39.95 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0722 - 3 English 978 - 3 - 0346 - 0721 - 6 German

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