Brikhäuser Preview Spring 2019

Page 1

Architecture / Art Spring 2019

Ecologies, Aesthetics, and Histories of Art page 42

page 50

Materials in Progress page 15

Publishing partner:

Looking Glass  page 34

Beyond Borders page 34

page 46

Herzog & de Meuron page 4

page 2

Dynamis of the Image page 43

Koloman Moser page 26

Elements in Landscape page 25

Return to the context

Science in Color page 43

China’s New Architecture

China’s New Architecture page 20

Christian Schittich

page 32

Pinakothek der Moderne Munich page 49

Paris – Bruxelles – Berlin page 49

Piranesi and his Museum page 48


6 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 12

Herzog & de Meuron The Complete Works Vol. 1–3 Special Edition Albert Kahn’s Industrial Architecture Walter Gropius On the Good Ship Lollipop Karl Schwanzer – Traces Schwanzer – Architect. Visionary. Maestro querkraft – livin’ architecture Eight Projects Teaching Architecture The Layer Beneath


Modern Construction Envelopes Modern Construction Case Studies Biomimetics for Architecture Materials in Progress




22 23 23

16 17

dada – digital architectural design assertion Computational Models in Architecture iheartblob – Augmented Architectural Objects


The Story of Communal Living

The Art of Vaulting Nine Chains to the Moon City-Making through Corporeal Practice


Thinking While Doing Basics Fire Protection


Challenging the City Scale The City as Architecture China’s New Architecture The City after Chinese New Towns The Good Metropolis Urban Landscapes in High-Density Cities


Elements in Landscape

Design 26 Koloman Moser 27 Arachne 28 Design Investigations: After Abundance 28 Integrative Design

Backlist 29

Selected titles


! All projects from 1978 to 1996 ! Available as single volumes and ­ as an attractive set

Nr. 5 Blaues Haus Oberwil bei Basel Projekt 1979 Ausführung 1979/80

No. 5 Blue House Oberwil near Basel Project 1979 Realization 1979/80

Für die Einfamilienhauszone in einer Siedlung hatte die Gemeinde Oberwil bei Basel sehr detaillierte Bauvorschriften erlassen. Das Ergebnis war eine kleinteilige und im Ausdruck beliebige Bebauung. Dieser Beziehungslosigkeit der Häuser setzten Herzog & de Meuron mit ihrem Entwurf für das «blaue Haus» eine verdichtete Form entgegen, die sich ganz auf die eigene Topografie der Hanglage und der Straßenkehre bezog und beinahe Objektcharakter gewann. Dazu benutzten die Architekten die Bauvorschriften als Kontrastfolie. Das Haus wurde als schmaler Längsriegel konzipiert, der quer zum Hang und so weit wie möglich an den Rand der Parzelle gerückt ist. Die Abtreppung und Zerstückelung des Volumens, die die Bauvorschriften bei einem Gefälle von mehr als zwei Metern eigentlich erfordert hätten, wurde durch eine Abtragung des Hangs und eine Aufschüttung des unmittelbaren Bauplatzes umgangen. Dadurch behielt nicht nur der hintere Nachbar freie Sicht aufs Tal, die gesamte Parzelle wurde zugleich räumlich energisch gestaltet: Für Zufahrt, Haus und einen Sitzplatz entstand ein von einem Mauerwinkel umfaßter Raum, wie er später beim Haus in Therwil zu einem zentralen Gestaltungselement wurde. Und der Großteil des Grundstücks blieb als Garten erhalten. Das Oberwiler Haus selbst weist das vorgeschriebene Giebeldach aus anthrazitfarbenem Welleternit auf, aber die rektanguläre Norm ist auf mehrfache Weise gebrochen: Zwei kreisrunde Fensterelemente gehören zwar zum Vokabular der Symmetrie, sie wurden auf der straßenseitigen Giebelseite aber leicht aus der Firstachse gerückt. Die nördliche Hauswand ist nach vorne zu um 90 Zentimeter nach innen gekrümmt, so daß das Dach auf dieser Seite viel weiter übersteht und die vordere Hauskante verzahnt ist wie ein Reißverschluß oder eine aufgerissene Wunde. Das Haus ist eine Art Lebewesen: Die Rundfenster an den Stirnseiten wurden durch Tatis Film «Mon oncle» angeregt, in dem sich ein Mann und eine Frau in zwei Rundfenstern wie die Pupillen in zwei Augen bewegen und so den Eindruck erwecken, das Haus würde schielen. Ähnliche organische Anklänge finden sich auch in den Entwürfen für ein Hallenbad und für ein Zoorestaurant.

The community of Oberwil near Basel had issued highly detailed building regulations for the subdivision of singlefamily homes. The result was an expansion that arbitrarily developed section by section. This lack of reference between the houses was countered by Herzog & de Meuron with the condensed form of their design for the Blue House, which referred completely to the topography of the slope and the turn of the street and almost achieved the character of an object. The architects used the building regulations as a contrasting foil. The house was designed as a narrow longitudinal band situated crosswise to the slope and as close to the edge of the property as possible. The stepping and dissection of the volume – as required by the zoning regulations in the case of slopes exceeding two meters – were avoided by leveling off the slope and filling up the immediate building site. Not only did the neighbor in the back retain an open view of the valley, but the entire parcel was at the same time energetically designed with respect to the space itself. For the driveway, the house, and a sitting area, a space was created within the right angle of the retaining wall. Later on, this kind of wall-embraced space became a central design element for the house in Therwil. And the majority of the property was kept intact for a garden. The Oberwil house itself has the required gable roof made of anthracitecolored corrugated Eternit panels. However, the rectangular form is broken up in several ways: two round windows are perhaps part of the vocabulary of the symmetry, but they have been placed off-center with relation to the ridge axis on the gable end facing the street. The north wall of the house is curved to the inside by 90 centimeters, which allows the roof to overhang much further on this side and gives the corner of the house the appearance of a zipper or a laceration. The house is a kind of life-form: the round windows on the gable end were inspired by Tati’s movie My Uncle, where a man and a woman move behind two round windows like the pupils of two eyes and create a crosseyed appearance. Similar allusions can be found in the designs for an indoor pool and a zoo restaurant.

Zugleich ist das Oberwiler Haus aber auch struktural aufgefaßt, ähnlich wie die Hauszerschneidungen Gordon Matta Clarks oder wie der SUVA-Bau in Basel, für dessen Umgestaltung Herzog & de Meuron eine Ecke abgeschnitten haben: Die U-förmige Mauerschale bildet gegenüber der Umgebung eine monolithische Form, die zur Südseite des Gartens hin aufgeschnitten wurde. Weisen die drei kompakten Wände nur kleine, tiefsitzende Fensteröffnungen auf, die dem Bau Festungscharakter geben, so fehlt die südliche Wand ganz. Die stockwerkhohe Fensterfront im Erdgeschoß ist außen fassadenbündig angeschlagen, die Verkleidungen der Türund Fensterelemente zur Loggia im Obergeschoß sind aus Sperrholz wie viele Einbauten im Innern des Hauses. Die Grenze zwischen außen und innen gerät in Bewegung. Die Glasfront ist eher Membran als abschließende Wand. Darin ist sie der blauen Farbe verwandt, mit der das Kalksandstein-Mauerwerk außen wie mit einer Haut überzogen ist. Ihr transparenter, lasurartiger Schimmer erzeugt einen eigenen Farbraum, der auf die Witterungsverhältnisse reagiert und selbst bei blauem Himmel eine Yves Kleinsche Leichtigkeit und Immaterialität suggeriert, die das Haus wie ein künstliches Objekt von den erdenschweren Braun-, Beige- und Rottönen der Umgebung abheben, als könnte es himmelwärts entschweben. Die Farbhaut löst denn auch das Haus visuell aus der eigenen Verankerung im Boden: Der Betonsockel blieb ungestrichen, die Eingangstüre ist so hoch gelegt, daß sie nur über eine Treppe erreichbar ist. Die körperhafte Auffassung des Hauses als ganzes Volumen erlaubte Großzügigkeit bei seiner inneren Erschließung. Die einzelnen Geschoße sind als Einheiten angelegt, die lediglich durch Einbauten und Türen aus gelb oder blau gestrichenem Sperrholz unterteilt beziehungsweise im Erdgeschoß durch eine Abtreppung rhythmisiert sind. Das blaue Haus ist der erste selbständig entwickelte und ausgeführte Neubau von Herzog & de Meuron, sein Innenausbau wurde vom Cheminée bis zur Dusche völlig kontrolliert. Im Rückblick lassen sich an diesem kleinen Haus Anknüpfungspunkte erkennen für die malerische Verwendung der Bruchsteinfassaden des Hauses von Tavole, des Theaterentwurfes für Visp und, in allerjüngster Zeit, in der Dominus Winery im kalifornischen Napa-Valley.

At the same time, the Oberwil house is understood structurally in a way similar to that of the house “dissections” of Gordon Matta Clark, or the SUVAbuilding in Basel, which Herzog & de Meuron designed with a corner cut off. With reference to the environment, the U-shaped masonry shell creates a monolithic form cut open towards the south side of the garden. Whereas the three compact walls only show small and deep window openings that lend a fortified character to the building, the wall on the south side is virtually nonexistent. The floor-to-ceiling windows on the first floor are flush with the facade on the outside; the casings of the door and window elements towards the loggia on the upper floor are made of plywood, as are many installations inside the house. The border between inside and outside is furtive; it moves. The glass front is more like a membrane than a terminating wall. In this, it is related to the color blue, which covers the concrete brick masonry work on the outside with a thin layer. Its transparent, glaze-like shine creates a color-field that reacts to weather conditions and suggests a lightness and immateriality à la Yves Klein even on days when the sky itself is a deep blue. They differentiate the house, an artificial object, from the earthy, heavy brown, beige and red shades in the vicinity, giving the impression that it could float off towards the sky. The tinted skin also detaches the house visually from its anchoring in the ground: the concrete base remains unpainted; the entrance door is at such a height that it can be accessed only via a staircase. The physical understanding of the house as a volume allowed for a generous development on the inside. The separate levels are designed as a unified whole, structured only through installations and through the yellow or blue plywood doors, or, on the first floor, receive a rhythmical treatment through different floor heights. The Blue House is the first independently developed and realized new building by Herzog & de Meuron. Its interior design was controlled throughout, from the chimney to the shower. In retrospect, we can recognize in this small house starting points for the painterly use of the broken stone facades of the Tavole house, the theatre design for Visp and, most recently, the Dominus Winery in California’s Napa Valley.


Vol 2, SC

Vol 1, SC

! Special issues of the first three volumes of the Complete Works

Vol 3, SC


Vol. 1–3 (Set)


On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the worldwide leading architectural practice Herzog & de Meuron, we are publishing the first three ­volumes of the Complete Works as ­an accessible paperback edition. The ­reprints, in original format, comprehensively present all buildings and ­designs from its beginnings in 1978 up to the year 1996. The development

­ f the practice over the first two o ­decades can be tracked in fascinating documents of the time: from the ­completion of local projects like the Blue House and Ricola Storage Building ­to world-famous icons such as ­the Tate Modern and the Dominus Winery.

Gerhard Mack editor for art, architecture, and design for Neue Zürcher Zeitung and NZZ am Sonntag


Pages Ills. Format Print SC

754 1381 b / w, 684 color 33.0 × 24.0 cm 978-3-0356-1718-4 En / Ger € 99,95 $ 114.99 £ 91.00

Herzog & de Meuron 1978–1988 Vol. 1 Pages Ills. Print SC

246 331 b / w, 230 color 978-3-0356-1715-3 En / Ger € 39,95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50

Herzog & de Meuron 1989–1991 Vol. 2 Pages Ills. Print SC

204 331 b / w, 230 color, 291 drawings 978-3-0356-1716-0 En / Ger € 39,95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50

Herzog & de Meuron 1992–1996 Vol. 3 Pages Ills. Print SC

304 215 b / w, 224 color, 213 drawings 978-3-0356-1717-7 En / Ger € 39,95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50

Already available


Gerhard Mack Herzog & de Meuron The Complete Works Vol. 1–3 (set) Special Edition

Thorsten Bürklin, Jürgen Reichardt (Ed.) Albert Kahn’s Industrial Architecture Form Follows Performance Pages Ills. Format Print HC

Thorsten Bürklin / Jürgen Reichardt (eds.)


240 50 b / w, 125 color 33.0 × 22.0 cm 978-3-0356-1809-9 En

€ 69.00 $ 79.99 £ 62.50

June 2019


Industrial Architecture

! Unrivalled monograph about the most important industrial architect of the 20th century FORM FOLLOWS PERFORMANCE

! On his 150th birthday in 2019 ! Numerous historical and current photographs, layout plans, site plans, virtual 3D models, and photographs of analog models




Albert Kahn is probably the most ­important industrial architect of the 20th century. With his factory for ­the Ford T models, designed for mass ­production, he found himself at the beginning of modern industrial architecture. His industrial buildings inspired the architects of European Modernism. They were the examples by which the structural rationality

­ f Kahn’s industrial developments o ­became the guiding principle for the New Building movement up until ­today. The unrivalled monograph with its ­numerous photographs, plan layouts, site plans, and virtual 3D models ­comprehensively documents the buildings of Albert Kahn, which he ­was able to construct in a very short

time due to his system-based working method – in the USA but also in the ­Soviet Union, Brazil, Sweden, France, China, Japan, and Australia. Prof. Thorsten Bürklin History and Theory of Architecture Prof. Jürgen Reichardt Construction Department Münster School o ­ f Architecture

Carsten Krohn Walter Gropius Buildings and Projects Pages Ills. Format Print HC E-Book

208 50 b / w, 250 color, 60 drawings 33.0 × 24.0 cm 978-3-0356-1728-3 En € 59.95 $ 68.99 £ 54.50 978-3-0356-1743-6 En € 59.95 $ 68.99 £ 54.50

JUNE 2019



! On the occasion of the Bauhaus anniversary: the architectural work of the founder

! With around 60 standardized new plans drawn by the author

As founder of the Bauhaus school, Walter Gropius (1883–1969) is one of the icons of 20th century architecture. While his early buildings in Pomerania were still strongly marked by his teacher Peter Behrens, after an ­expressionistic phase focused on handicraft, he ultimately arrived at geometric abstraction. During the ­entire period he collaborated with

­ ther architects, founding the o ­collective known as “The Architects Colla­borative” in the US. The comprehensive monograph­ ­documents all 74 of the known buildings by Gropius that were realized, ­including many early works which ­ he never publicized; but it also ­critically examines his unbuilt projects. The book is illustrated with new

­ hotographs by the author, historical p ­illustrations, and with new plans drawn by the author. Carsten Krohn studied architecture, art history ­and urbanism, and is the author of ­numerous publications.


! Well-grounded documentation of his buildings by an acknowledged expert ­on his work


! Frank O. Gehry’s Fondation Louis Vuitton as seen by the three famous art historians: Ackerman, Lavin, ­and Bredekamp ! Extensive illustration of its references to art and architectural history


! With a foreword by Frank O. Gehry

Kolja Thurner (Ed.), James S. Ackerman, Horst Bredekamp, Irving Lavin On the Good Ship Lollipop Frank O. Gehry's Fondation Louis Vuitton Pages Ills. Format Print HC E-Book

96 90 color 33.0 × 24.0 cm 978-3-0356-1758-0 En 978-3-0356-1763-4 En

€ 38.95 $ 44.99 £ 35.50 € 38.95 $ 44.99 £ 35.50

February 2019

The Fondation Louis Vuitton by ­Frank O. Gehry rises from the Bois de ­Boulogne as a new landmark in the Parisian skyline. Gehry’s dynamic architecture is both glittering and ­multifaceted: is it a sailing vessel, an iceberg, or a sea monster? It fascinates with its wealth of references and, at the same time, escapes any clear-cut definition. Three outstand­ ing representatives of different ­generations ­of art history, James S.­ Ackerman, ­Irving Lavin, and Horst ­Bredekamp have together paid a visit

to the ­Fondation Louis Vuitton. ­They explore ­­the building in three richly illustrated essays that try ­to fathom the floating ­architecture of the ­“magician” ­Gehry in the context ­of both ­art and architectural history. Prof. James S. Ackerman (1919–2016) Prof. Horst Bredekamp Humboldt University Berlin Prof. Irving Lavin Princeton University



En / Ger

! Unrivalled monograph about the acuity of Karl Schwanzer’s oeuvre ! His most striking buildings and furniture designs in high-quality color photographs ! On the occasion of the architect’s 100th birthday in 2018

Stefan Oláh, Ulrike Matzer (Eds.) Karl Schwanzer – Spuren / Traces Eine Bestandsaufnahme / A Pictorial Inventory

Pages 160 Ills. 70 color Format 28.0 × 23.3 cm Print HC 978-3-0356-1839-6 En / Ger E-Book 978-3-0356-1883-9 En / Ger January 2019

€ 49.95 $ 57.99 £ 45.50 € 49.95 $ 57.99 £ 45.50

The extensive oeuvre of the architect Karl Schwanzer (1918–1975) is characterized by a near inexhaustible ­inventiveness as well as a love of the crafts and carefully selected materials. What remains of his work? What ­has disappeared? How does the fabric of buildings change over time? Stefan Oláh has taken up the trail in search of the architect’s work. As architectural photographer he captures current details of buildings – many years after their construction: close-ups serve to illustrate the architect’s design approach. The preci-

sion of ­the large color photographs corresponds to Schwanzer’s clever designs. The book is intended as a visual ­commentary on his creative designs, which include buildings and furniture. Stefan Oláh photographer, 1995–2017 Senior ­Artist at the University of Applied Arts Vienna Ulrike Matzer art historian, Vienna

Max Gruber, Mirko Pogoreutz, Martin Schwanzer, Benjamin Swiczinsky Schwanzer – Architect. Visionary. Maestro Three Decades of Architectural and ­Contemporary History Pages Ills. Format Print HC E-Book

104 600 color 28.0 × 21.0 cm 978-3-0356-1853-2 En 978-3-0356-1864-8 En

€ 29.95 $ 34.99 £ 27.00 € 29.95 $ 34.99 £ 27.00

December 2018



! A radical life as a classic ­ graphic novel ! Karl Schwanzer: entrepreneur, architect and teacher Projects: BMW-building,­­ Philips-Haus, 20er Haus, Austrian embassy in Brasilia and many more

It is impossible to imagine Austrian ­architecture and contemporary history without Karl Schwanzer, who would have marked his hundredth birthday in 2018. His buildings, like the BMW administration building in Munich, caused quite a furor domestically and abroad; his institute at the Technical University of Vienna influenced offices like Coop Himmelb(l)au, Haus-­Rucker-­

Co, ­Missing Link and ZÜND-UP. Posthumously, Schwanzer rose to cult status among his staff, students and clients, conferred especially for his passionate way of working, sparing no effort or expense, and for his relentless search for the optimum solution. In­ ­every sense, his life and work were ­unconventional. The idea to relate them in the form of a graphic novel is

also quite unconventional, but ­certainly ­a logical consequence! Max Gruber, Mirko Pogoreutz, ­Martin Schwanzer, Benjamin Swiczinsky Vienna



Franziska Leeb, Gabriele Lenz (Eds.) querkraft – livin’ architecture / Architektur leben Pages 248 Ills. 100 b / w, 200 color Format 28.0 × 22.0 cm Print HC 978-3-0356-1844-0 En / Ger € 49.95 $ 57.99 £ 45.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-1879-2 En / Ger € 49.95 $ 57.99 £ 45.50


January 2019

! Candid insights into the joys and woes of working as an architect, told as an office history full of anecdotes ! Lateral thinking for unconventional solutions ! Comprehensive documentation of important buildings


En / Ger


The 20th anniversary of the Vienna ­architecture office querkraft is being marked by the publication of a first monograph about its work to date. ­It features unconventional and poetic buildings and designs, underlain by critical questioning tasks and a pragmatism that does not contradict ­ bold solutions. In addition to documenting querkraft’s

most important works, the book is full of anecdotes about its office history. The architects are unusually open, not only revealing the secrets behind ­ two decades of friendly collaboration in their collective practice, but also granting insight into the professional reality of working as an architect. querkraft’s current works include the first car-free Ikea furniture store in

Vienna, a residential complex in Paris, and the Museum für Konkrete Kunst in Ingolstadt. Franziska Leeb art historian and architecture ­journalist, Vienna Gabriele Lenz designer, New Design University ­ St. Pölten

! Eight current buildings and projects by the well-known Swedish architect En

! A range of different types of buildings, from the design process to the completed building ! Numerous hand sketches and especially produced photographs

Pages Ills. Format Print HC

160 40 b / w, 100 color 30.0 × 24.0 cm 978-3-0356-1755-9 En

€ 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50

Already available

How can architecture exist as an art form in an increasingly techno­ cratic world? How can architects ­convert their designs into cost-­ efficient and economic buildings? In eight uncompromising projects, Gert Wingårdh presents his personal answers. The range of projects ­starts with simple tasks, such as a water tower and a bus stop. These are contrasted by the artistically designed Aula Medica of the Karolinska Institutet and the Naturum museum and ­visitor center in Gällivare in the north of Sweden, the renovation of the

­ ational Museum and the extension N ­to the Liljevalchs Konsthall. An afterword by Mårten Castenfors, Director of Liljevalchs Konsthall, rounds off the personal comments by the architect on his projects, which are illustrated in great detail with hand sketches, photographs and drawings.


Gert Wingårdh (Ed.) Eight Projects From Lijevalchs to Nationalmuseum

Gert Wingårdh architect, Göteborg Mårten Castenfors Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm


! Architecture needs specific methods of research and teaching En

! Methods for the design of built forms and for practical and theoretical research

Inès Lamunière, Laurent Stalder Teaching Architecture A Dialogue Pages Ills. Format Print SC E-Book

100 130 color 28.0 × 24.0 cm 978-3-0356-1807-5 En 978-3-0356-1877-8 En


€ 29.95 $ 34.99 £ 27.00 € 29.95 $ 34.99 £ 27.00

What are the pressing questions in ­architecture – in teaching, research and practice? Based on their many years of experience, professors Inès Lamunière and Laurent Stalder come together in five meetings to search ­for answers. They describe an approach to architecture that is based ­on intellect as well as intuition and is both strict and pragmatic. And they sketch out creative processes that are indispensable in the development ­of projects with all their constraints in ­order to master the future challenges faced by the art of building.

Prof. Inès Lamunière Laboratoire Architecture et Mobilité Urbaine (LAMU), EPF Lausanne, ­received the Swiss Meret Oppenheim Grand Award for the Arts in 2011 and was appointed Chevalier of the French Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in 2017 Prof. Laurent Stalder Institute for the History and Theory ­of Architecture (gta), ETH Zurich


! Researching urban design development via new esthetical and formal processes

Schlaich Bergermann Partner (Eds.) The Layer Beneath Stories from Engineers Pages Ills. Format Print SC E-Book

352 150 b / w, 250 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm 978-3-0356-1491-6 En 978-3-0356-1502-9 En


June 2019




! Over 80 international projects highlighting the firm’s development ! Best-practice examples for civil engineering and architects ! Augmented reality visualization app included

The firm schlaich bergermann partner has been designing and building ambitious civil engineering projects around the world for more than thirty years. Its portfolio ranges from long-span support structures and bridges to high-rises, special-use buildings and leading-edge solar power stations. The wellspring of the firm’s innovative work lies in its unique planning culture.

The Layer Beneath showcases this ­culture through sketches, drawings, photographs and texts from a wide selection of projects realized by ­schlaich bergermann partner. This impressive, richly illustrated volume brings into relief the firm’s philosophy and the methods of its interdisciplinary engineers as they work together on equal footing with architects.

schlaich bergermann partner independent consulting engineers, Stuttgart, Berlin, New York, São Paulo, Shanghai, Paris

€ 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50 € 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50

En, HC

! NEW: about 25 augmented reality presentations in the form of videos ! Detailed sections and 3D illustrations of contemporary wall and roof structures

En, SC

! All illustrations of details presented ­in project-neutral drawings

3rd edition

Pages 512 Ills. 1500 color Format 29.7 × 21.0 cm Print HC 978-3-0356-1770-2 En Print SC 978-3-0356-1769-6 En E-Book 978-3-0356-1781-8 En

€ 86,95 $ 99,99 £ 79,00 € 51.95 $ 59.99 £ 47.00 € 86,95 $ 99,99 £ 79,00

January 2019

Modern Construction Envelopes deals with the facade and roof as an integral part of the building, allowing a holistic approach to the design of the building envelope and providing greater design freedom. The book is aimed at readers who want to extend their knowledge ­of wall and roof construction beyond the information given in the Modern Construction Handbook, using stateof-the-art construction principles ­of modern facade and roof systems. The third edition of this classic ­has been fully brought up to date; it

­ ontains new examples in all chapters c and presents the projects in revised, new 3D drawings and in 25 AR applications that can be accessed free of charge via smartphone and tablet.


Andrew Watts Modern Construction Envelopes

Andrew Watts expert for facades, founder of ­Newtecnic in London, teaching activity in ­Cambridge and at the University ­of ­Westminster


En, HC

! Details of complex building envelopes and their connection with the loadbearing structure behind them

En, SC

! 3D diagrams, comparative tables, ­detail drawings

Andrew Watts Modern Construction Case Studies Emerging Innovation in Building Techniques 2nd edition

Pages 224 Ills. 600 color Format 29.7 × 21.0 cm Print HC 978-3-0356-1771-9 En Print SC 978-3-0356-1772-6 En E-Book 978-3-0356-1779-5 En JANUARY 2019

€ 59,95 $ 68,99 £ 54,50 € 38.95 $ 44.99 £ 35.50 € 59,95 $ 68,99 £ 54,50

In the context of tight budgets, complex geometries, high energy efficiency, and tight completion schedules, the requirements for technical details and their execution in modern buildings are very exacting. MCCS ­presents successfully implemented contemporary avant-garde projects or buildings under construction – all designed by internationally renowned architects’ practices, including Zaha Hadid ­Architects, Jean Nouvel, and Kohn Pederson Fox. The book compares the ­facade technology used in complex projects and

illustrates how the facades interact with the loadbearing structure and services installations. It offers insights into the design process, presenting case studies of unusual buildings. ­The material is systematically presented so that the different technical solutions can be compared. Andrew Watts founder of ­Newtecnic in London, teaching activity in Cambridge and at the ­University of Westminster


! 18 projects, of which four new ones in the USA

Jan Knippers, Ulrich Schmid, Thomas Speck (Eds.) Biomimetics for Architecture Learning from Nature Pages Ills. Format Print HC E-Book

192 16 b / w, 208 color 24.5 × 15.0 cm 978-3-0356-1786-3 En 978-3-0356-1791-7 En

€ 29.95 $ 34.99 £ 27.00 € 29.95 $ 34.99 £ 27.00


May 2019

! Bionics – a fascinating border area between pure research and practical application ! Very readable and richly illustrated introduction to bionic architcture ! With many practical examples




Nature has always been a source of inspiration for the design of the human environment. The analysis of ­biological constructions can not only lead to astonishing technical solutions but can also inspire the design of ­architecture. Bionics is a fascinating border area between pure research and practical application: biologists, chemists,

­ hysicists, mineralogists, and paleonp tologists meet up with material ­scientists, engineers, and architects and transfer their knowledge to architecture and construction. Using numerous practical examples, this richly illustrated introduction traces the process from the understanding of how something functions, to abstraction – for example in com-

puter models – and the construction of initial prototypes, through to fully functional manufacture and production. Prof. Jan Knippers University of Stuttgart Ulrich Schmid Naturkunde-Museum Stuttgart Prof. Thomas Speck University of Freiburg

Sascha Peters, Diana Drewes Materials in Progress Innovations for Designers and Architects Pages Ills. Format Print HC E-Book

288 50 b / w, 350 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm 978-3-0356-1358-2 En 978-3-0356-1370-4 En

€ 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50 € 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50

April 2019



! The most important trends for a host of new material developments in the fields of architecture and design

! By the author of the successful books Material Revolution 1 and Material Revolution 2

New materials and technologies play ­a significant role in architecture and design. Environmentally compatible materials and production methods are demanded just as much as smoothly functioning recycling management. In addition, trends like digitalization, 3D printing and intelligent systems and materials have a decisive influence on material innovations.

The book’s eight chapters span a bridge from science and industrial ­research to applications in architecture and design. In a compact format, it ­offers a well-grounded overview of the latest material innovations, including edible packaging, liquid light and i­ntelligent natural materials. At the same time, the societal dimension of such developments

is taken into consideration. Dr. Sascha Peters author of profesional publications, and materials expert, founder of HAUTE INNOVATION materials agency Diana Drewes business partner with HAUTE ­INNOVATION materials agency


! An up-to-date appraisal with well-grounded, useful information

! New approaches in architectural education in the digital era En

! Interdisciplinary, integrative architectural design implementation by means of digital technologies


! Edition Angewandte – Book Series of the University of Applied Arts Vienna

Andrei Gheorghe dada – digital architectural design assertion Edition Angewandte Pages 248 Ills. numerous Format 26.5 × 18.5 cm Print SC 978-3-0356-1873-0 En

€ 38.95 $ 44.99 £ 35.50

June 2019

The ongoing introduction of digital design tools in the architectural ­professional practice does not only ­influence the architectural design product, but equally affects the ­underlying design process. A digital design process taking full advantage of the potential of digital design ­tools is ­increasingly different from a paper & pencil based design development ­process. This publication shows how the digital architectural design tools alter the ­education process of future architects. The study assumes that the use of

­ igital design and fabrication tools d will require the architecture curriculum to adapt. It concludes by proposing to develop a new Digital Architectural Design Education model which differs significantly from the traditional paper & pencil pedagogical model. Andrei Gheorghe architect with international teaching activity, Professor at the University of Applied Arts Vienna



! Scientific investigation of digital architecture ! New approaches to modeling


! Also for readers in the field of visualization research

Ludger Hovestadt (Ed.), Nikola Marinčić Computational Models in Architecture Applied Virtuality Book Series. Volume 12 Pages 296 Ills. 6 b / w Format 23.5 × 15.5 cm Print HC 978-3-0356-1848-8 En € 49.95 $ 57.99 £ 45.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-1862-4 En € 49.95 $ 57.99 £ 45.50 February 2019

This scientific work focuses on computer-aided computational models ­in architecture. The author initially investigates established computational models and then expands these with newer approaches to modeling. In ­his research the author integrates approaches to analytical philosophy, probability theory, formal logic, ­quantum physics, abstract algebra, computer-aided design, computer graphics, glossematics, machine learning, architecture, and others. For researchers in the fields of information technology and architecture.

Nikola Marinčić post-doctoral researcher, Chair CAAD Ludger Hovestadt, ETH Zurich

IoA Institute of Architecture (Ed.), ­ Shaun McCallum, Aleksandra Belitskaja, Ben James iheartblob – Augmented Architectural Objects A New Visual Language Edition Angewandte Pages 252 Ills. numerous Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm Print SC 978-3-0356-1872-3 En

€ 29.95 $ 34.99 £ 27.00

February 2019


! A new visual language of architecture ! Objects of architecture on ­life brought to life by means of augmented reality ! Edition Angewandte – Book Series of the University of Applied Arts Vienna



theoretical texts, the book facilitates new discussions about the contem­ porary theoretical and cultural framework – and thus also about the ­­“crisis of philosophy” faced not only by ­architecture. While the theoretical framework here invokes the principles of object-oriented ontology, in a ­subsequent step it attempts to unravel the theoretical principles of

­ ostmodernity and poststructural p ­formalism. IoA Institute of Architecture University of Applied Arts Vienna Studio iheartblob – Shaun McCallum, Aleksandra Belitskaja, Ben James Vienna ARCHITECTURE  DESIGN / PLANNING

iheartblob avails itself of a new visual vocabulary of architecture. Here designs are visualized not in the form of ground plans and sections. Instead, renderings, mixed-reality objects (which are depicted physically and in augmented reality) and animations ­are the media which reflect the legacy of the mathematician Lagrange. Visually, but also on the basis of short

Dietmar Eberle, Susanne Schmid (Eds.), Susanne Schmid The Story of Communal Living Models of Urban Coexistence Pages Ills. Format Print SC E-Book

256 120 color 28.0 × 19.0 cm 978-3-0356-1850-1 En 978-3-0356-1868-6 En

€ 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50 € 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50


June 2019

! Illustration of European housing concepts since 1850 ! Over 30 case examples ! How and why people live together




The book tells the story of communal living from about 1850 until today. Three motives of sharing – the economic, political and social intention –  divide the residential objects, which are investigated in a historical analysis and allocated to nine development phases. The author investigates and compares different forms of housing and the

way they developed from their origins until today; she illustrates how everyday shared living and the degrees of privacy in housing are practiced in ­Europe. Owing to its comprehensive documentation, the analysis of typo­logies, ­layout plans, and user and ­ex­pert interviews, the book can also be ­considered to be a lexicon or hand-

book on communal living. A detailed overview that is unique in this form. Susanne Schmid architect, Bern Dietmar Eberle Professor em. of Architectural Design, ETH Zurich, Lochau


! Inspiration to politicians, planners ­ and residents who want to make their city more liveable ! Bottom-up projects from eleven European cities ! Multidisciplinary approach by universities, design centres, NGOs

Pages Ills. Format Print SC E-Book

176 115 color 27.0 × 21.0 cm 978-3-0356-1796-2 En 978-3-0356-1801-3 En Open Access

€ 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50

Already available

Since 2014, the Human Cities network has been working on Challenging the City Scale: a pan-European project led by Cité du design Saint-Étienne and supported by the Creative Europe programme to question the urban scale and investigate co-creation in cities. The Human Cities partners have carried out urban experimentations in 11 European cities empowering citizens to rethink the spaces in which they live, work and spend their leisure time. Through conversations with people ­involved, the book examines how bottom-up processes and their design,

tools and instruments generate new ideas to reinvent the city. It offers inspiration and insights to everyone, from practitioners and politicians to designers and active citizens, eager to try out new ways to produce more ­human cities together.


Cité du Design, Clear Village (Eds.) Challenging The City Scale Journeys in People-Centred Design

Cité du Design Saint Etienne, France Clear Village London, UK


! Relevant propositions for global urbanistic discourse

Alban Janson, Sophie Wolfrum The City as Architecture Pages Ills. Format Print HC E-Book

144 34 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm 978-3-0356-1798-6 En 978-3-0356-1805-1 En

APRIL 2019

€ 34.95 $ 40.99 £ 32.00 € 34.95 $ 40.99 £ 32.00

Urban design is architecture. Architecture creates complex spatial situations that are the subject of urban design. Design uses a repertoire of specific ­architectural means in a creative way in order that cities can be experienced as spatially designed. The current book describes the repertoire with which architecture and ­design regain an entry to urbanistics. It pleads for an “architectonic turn” in urbanistics – a demand to finally comprehend the city architecturally: the ­issue is not just about buildings in the city, but about architecture of the city

as a whole, as is clearly expressed in the title of The City as Architecture. Sophie Wolfrum urbanist, Professor at the TU Munich Alban Janson architect, architecture theorist, and artist, Munich


Cover not yet available


! Short, succinct texts by well-known authors

Christian Schittich China’s New Architecture Return to the context

Christian Schittich

Pages Ills. Format Print HC E-Book

128 60 b / w, 120 color 23.5 × 16.5 cm 978-3-0356-1757-3 En 978-3-0356-1817-4 En

€ 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50 € 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50


June 2019

China’s New Architecture Return to the context

! An introduction to China’s current architectural scene ! Conversation with Pritzker Prize winner Wang Shu ! 20 fascinating projects by about 15 leading architects




In recent years, a refreshingly unconventional architectural scene – outside the mainstream – has established itself in China. Its representatives, many of whom were trained in the West, are known for their sensitive handling of space, light, and material, and by their engagement with context and their own tradition.

Since Wang Shu, one of the most important representatives of the pro­ fession, won the Pritzker Prize, international professionals have become more aware of China’s new architecture. Twenty fascinating examples of different building typologies – many with social relevance – as well as an ­introductory essay illustrate current

building activities and provide an ­insight into the cultural, political, and technical influences. Christian Schittich architect, journalist, former Editor-in-Chief of DETAIL


! Drawing on research from three highly reputed universities: Politecnico di Torino, Tsinghua University, Beijing, and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne ! “New Towns” are an unprecedented phenomenon ! Attractive and inspiring photo essay

Pages 240 Ills. 65 b / w Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm Print HC 978-3-0356-1765-8 En E-Book 978-3-0356-1766-5 En

€ 49.95 $ 57.99 £ 45.50 € 49.95 $ 57.99 £ 45.50

MARCH 2019

By 2020, some 400 Chinese New Towns will have been built, representing an unprecedented urban growth. While some of these massive developments are still empty today, others have been rather successful. The ­substantial effort on the part of the Chinese government is to absorb up to 250 million people, chiefly migrants from the rural parts of the country. Unlike in Europe and North America, where new towns grew in accordance to the local industries, these new Chinese cities are mostly built to the point of near completion before

­introducing people. The interdisciplinary publication, written by architects, planners and ­geographers, explores the new urbanistic phenomenon of the “Chinese New Town”. Especially commissioned ­photographs and maps illustrate many examples of these new settlements.


Michele Bonino, Francesca Governa, Maria Paola Repellino, Angelo Sampieri (Eds.) The City after Chinese New Towns Spaces and Imaginaries from Contemporary Urban China

Michele Bonino, architect Francesca Governa, geographer Maria Paolo Repellino, architect Angelo Sampieri, urban planner Politecnico di Torino


! Survey of seminal 20th century urban theorists En

! A richly illustrated and passionate plea for the city as a creative human habitat

Alexander Eisenschmidt The Good Metropolis From Urban Formlessness to Metropolitan Architecture Pages Ills. Format Print HC E-Book

240 83 b / w, 29 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm 978-3-0356-1632-3 En 978-3-0356-1635-4 En

March 2019

€ 59.95 $ 68.99 £ 54.50 € 59.95 $ 68.99 £ 54.50

Architecture has always been engaged in a dialogue with its context, i.e. the city – a relationship often dominated by tension. The architectural avant-garde in particular is commonly understood in its opposition to the existing metropolitan terrain: it positioned the form of the individual building against an – assumed – urban formlessness. The publication explores this dichotomy and analyzes the works of important urbanists, ranging from August Endell, Karl Scheffler, Ludwig Hilberseimer and Reyner Banham to Rem Koolhaas

and Bernard Tschumi. Thus, The Good Metropolis develops a theoretical and historical framework for understanding the complex relationship between architecture and the city. Alexander Eisenschmidt Assistant Professor of Architecture at University of Illinois at Chicago


! Locations are Berlin, Chicago, Las Vegas, London, Los Angeles, New York and Paris

! The benefits of green spaces in dense cities En

! Original schemes for challenged neighborhoods


! Interdisciplinary and international approach involving landscape architects and planners, architects, ecologists and geographers from renowned universities

Bianca Maria Rinaldi, Puay Yok Tan (Eds.) Urban Landscapes in High-Density Cities Parks, Streetscapes, Ecosystems Pages Ills. Format Print HC E-Book

240 60 b / w, 60 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm 978-3-0356-1713-9 En 978-3-0356-1720-7 En

€ 59.95 $ 68.99 £ 54.50 € 59.95 $ 68.99 £ 54.50

May 2019

The positive effects of urban green spaces are well-known, ranging from the promotion of health, support of biodiversity to climate regulation. However, the practical implementation of urban landscapes is less discussed. How can we make these spaces ­functional, economically feasible and ­inclusive, especially as cities become more diverse? The publication explores strategies to reconcile the ­various demands, such as food production, resilience and nature conservation. Indeed, urban landscapes ­have to be restorative, ecological and aestheti-

cally pleasing at the same time. This ­is a particular challenge in high-density cities like Singapore, Seoul or New York where space is a scarce commodity. The continuing growth of the worldwide urban population imbues the topic with a special urgency. Bianca Maria Rinaldi Associate Profesor of Landscape Architecture, Politecnico di Torino Puay Yok Tan Associate Profesor of Landscape Architecture, National University of Singapore



! New research on Medieval technology transfer using the example of the Mediterranean art of vaulting


! Architectural history that combines measuring technology with source analysis ! Analysis of technical devices and their implementation in buildings

Paula Fuentes Gonzalez, Anke Wunderwald (Ed.) The Art of Vaulting Design and Construction in the Mediterranean Gothic Kulturelle und technische Werte historischer Bauten. Volume 2 Pages 240 Ills. 190 b / w, 32 color Format 28.0 × 20.0 cm Print HC 978-3-0356-1824-2 En € 51.95 $ 59.99 £ 47.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-1835-8 En € 51.95 $ 59.99 £ 47.00 April 2019

Some of the highest and widest vault constructions produced in the Middle Ages are located in the Mediterranean area. Outstanding buildings with remarkable vaults and buttressing, such as the Cathedral of Majorca, are evidence of a lively technology ­transfer and contemporary developments. International experts trace the complex processes of Medieval design and construction. They research structural patterns in the processes involved, analyze building methods, and relate their findings to historic

documents. The approach of combining field research with the study of ­literary sources provides a fresh look at the impressive monuments and sheds new light on technological advances and construction technology of the time. Paula Fuentes Gonzalez and ­ Anke Wunderwald BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

! The first work by Buckminster Fuller in the Bauwelt Fundamente series En

! With a foreword by Norman Foster and a postface by Joachim Krausse and Claude Lichtenstein

Bauwelt Fundamente. Volume 165 Pages 384 Ills. 30 b / w Format 19.0 × 14.0 cm Print SC 978-3-0356-1775-7 En E-Book 978-3-0356-1776-4 En

€ 29.95 $ 34.99 £ 27.00 € 29.95 $ 34.99 £ 27.00

March 2019

New edition of Buckminster Fuller’s first work published in 1938, which was promoted by Albert Einstein. In 43 chapters the constructor, visionary, inventor, designer, creator of language, and spectacular performer rolls out the art of independent thought. Fuller lays out an enormous horizon and Nine Chains to the Moon is equivalent to a navigation across the ­world we live in: “What Is a House?”, “Death and Life”, “Longing Crosses the Sea”,“Dollarability”,“We Call it Earth”,“Stomach Rhythms”, “Ephemeralization” – from the microscopic to the

automobile, to the house, to urbanity, to the image of the cosmos in constant movement. The title, said Fuller, is meant to stimulate open thinking: the 1938 world population, one person on the shoulders of another, will reach from the earth to the moon nine times!


Richard Buckminster Fuller Nine Chains to the Moon An Adventure Story of Thought

Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895–1983)


! Thorough research on “city-making”


! Exemplary investigation into the urban evolution of Mexico City, one of the world’s largest metropolitan areas

Bauwelt Fundamente. Volume 166 Pages 208 Ills. 50 b / w Format 19.0 × 14.0 cm Print SC 978-3-0356-1822-8 En E-Book 978-3-0356-1831-0 En June 2019

€ 29.95 $ 34.99 £ 27.00 € 29.95 $ 34.99 £ 27.00

City dwellers are direct agents in the making of cities; yet how do they ­actually constitute and sustain the urban and its forms? How do they ­practice the urban and through this practice shape the city-in-the-making that emerges along with them on the backs of their working bodies? City-Making re-thinks the urban from this perspective of corporeal making and with regard to the cityness that it bears. It delves into the thick of ­life in the periphery of Mexico City, un­covering the everyday actions and ­efforts that practitioners of space

accomplish when building houses, ­creating jobs and putting themselves to work as infrastructure. How are consequential conjunctions, how is access to, and presence in the city actively grown? And what does such thinking the city as a verb, as citying, imply for urban planning? Prof. Christian von Wissel School of Architecture, Hochschule Bremen


Christian von Wissel City-Making through Corporeal Practice Re-thinking the Urban with Evidence from Mexico City

! Design and construction as part of academic education En

! A substantial contribution to innovation


! Results of large-scale research by North American schools

Stephen Verderber, Ted Canavagh, Arlene Oak (Eds.) Thinking While Doing Explorations in Educational Design / Build Pages Ills. Format Print HC E-Book

384 90 b / w, 75 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm 978-3-0356-1338-4 En 978-3-0356-1347-6 En

€ 77.95 $ 89.99 £ 71.00 € 77.95 $ 89.99 £ 71.00

MaY 2019

The field of design / build is rapidly growing in popularity in architectural education. The active engagement of architecture students in the design and construction of real projects is now an important dimension at more than 150 universities worldwide. Yet this emerging field continues to suffer from an insubstantial scholarly foundation, and a lack of common criteria of evaluation. In response, an interdisciplinary five-year initiative brought together numerous universities in North America with the shared aim of developing a consistent, innovative,

scholarly / professional practice model, based on the contributions of the ­humanities, engineering, and community development. Thinking While Doing will set a new standard for this key aspect of education and professional practice. Editors and contributors from Canadian and US architecture schools




! Fire safety as an integral part ­ of building planning ! Practical emphasis for architects ! Fundamental principles applicable across diverse national and regional codes

Diana Helmerking Basics Fire Safety Pages 80 Ills. 80 b / w, 80 monochrome drawings Format 22.0 × 15.5 cm Print SC 978-3-0356-1859-4 En € 14.95 $ 17.99 £ 13.50 June 2019

Fire safety is an important part of building design. It consists of measures to prevent fires from starting, ­facilitate the rescue of individuals in a burning building and help firefighters contain a blaze. Both statutory provisions and building codes lay down strict fire safety regulations for commercial and residential construction. The main task for architects when it comes to fire safety is to apply the principles and methods of fire prevention at the outset of the design process.

The book explains the general concepts and fundamental issues of fire safety planning beyond the ­particulars of local building regulations. Diana Helmerking architect; Department of Construction Economics and Construction ­Management, University of Siegen, Germany

Astrid Zimmermann Elements in Landscape Areas, Distances, Dimensions Pages Ills. Format Print SC

176 250 b / w 25.0 × 19.0 cm 978-3-0356-1857-0 En

€ 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50

June 2019


! Compact excerpts from reference work Planning Landscape: all important information and dimensions (key measurements included) ! Over 250 dimensioned drawings ! Indispensable reference work for students and practitioners, whether at the planning stage or on site



Designing the outdoor environment ­ is a complex process. Landscape ­architects must take into account various factors such as space, distance and movement. The dimensions of the human body provide a crucial benchmark for these considerations, ensuring that designs are comfortable and easy to experience.

This volume is a practical reference work for students as well as professionals. It provides specific information on a variety of landscape types. It also includes all the key dimensions for vertical planning, vegetation and public spaces – everything one needs to design functional and use-specific landscapes.

Astrid Zimmermann landscape architect in Berlin and ­lecturer at various universities in ­Germany


MAK – Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst / Gegenwartskunst, Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Elisabeth Schmuttermeier, Christian Witt-Dörring (Eds.) Koloman Moser Universalkünstler zwischen Gustav Klimt und Josef Hoffmann / Universal Artist between Gustav Klimt and Josef Hoffmann Pages Ills. Format Print HC

250 320 color 30.0 × 23.0 cm 978-3-0356-1849-5 En / Ger € 44.95 $ 51.99 £ 41.00


January 2019

! All aspects of Kolo Moser’s work in one up-to-date monograph ! Major exhibition at the MAK from December 19, 2018 to April 22, 2019 ! Contributions from international experts


En / Ger


Kolo Moser was one of the most important universal artists in fin­­desiècle Vienna and is one of the ­leading representatives of Art ­Nouveau. His oeuvre includes painting, graphics, and crafts, as well as designs for fashion, lighting, and furniture, stage decoration, stained glass w ­ indows, book illustrations, and even banknotes.

Blazing a trail for the art of his age, he was a founding member of the Vienna Secession and, together with the architect Josef Hoffmann and the industrialist Fritz Wärndorfer, he established the Wiener Werkstätte in 1903. The objective of this collective of fine artists was to realize the Gesamtkunstwerk or total work of art at the highest caliber of arts and crafts.

Some 400 objects, presented ­systematically and explained with essays, open up a new perspective on his impressive oeuvre. Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Elisabeth Schmuttermeier, Christian Witt-Dörring MAK Museum, Vienna

Monica Titton (Ed.) Arachne An Almanac on Clothing and Culture Edition Angewandte Pages 204 Ills. numerous Format 35.0 × 25.0 cm Print SC 978-3-0356-1861-7 En

€ 29.95 $ 34.99 £ 27.00

June 2019



! Young, unconventional viewpoints from Vienna ! Brings together fashion journalism, intellectual sensitivity and strikingly visual language ! Showcases the work of the fashion design class at the University of Applied Arts Vienna


Arachne is an almanac of clothing, fashion, lifestyle, popular culture, ­music and art in Vienna. It explores happenings in the city – including the work of the fashion design class at the University of Applied Arts – and beyond, offering a unique mix of ­fashion editorials, illustrations, essays, art, short stories, reviews and interviews.

The publication owes its name to the ancient Greek myth of Arachne, a weaver so talented that she challenged Athena, the goddess of wisdom and crafts, to a weaving contest. Athena punished Arachne for her ­hubris by turning her into a spider.

Monica Titton sociologist, fashion theorist and cultural critic; Lecturer for Fashion History, University of Applied Arts Vienna

En / Ger

! A new approach to explaining design ! Tools for speculations about complex challenges


! Edition Angewandte – Book Series of the University of Aplied Arts Viena

Thomas Geisler, Anab Jain (Eds.) Design Investigations: After Abundance A Speculation on Climate Change in the Alps Edition Angewandte Pages 128 Ills. numerous Format 28.0 × 21.0 cm Print SC 978-3-0356-1860-0 En / Ger € 24.95 $ 28.99 £ 22.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-1888-4 En / Ger € 24.95 $ 28.99 £ 22.50 March 2019

The speculative narrative After ­Abundance imagines an Alpine society ­altered by climate change, in which human ingenuity and solidarity are the keys to survival. The work shows how local communities confront these new challenges with traditions and technologies using craft skills and resourcefulness so that they can continue to develop in their altered surroundings. This encounter with experiments, legal devices, protests and performances invites readers to empathize with the lives of people in a possible future.

The Austrian contribution to the 2nd London Design Biennale also gives ­insight into the work of Studio Design Investigations under the direction of Anab Jain, University of Applied Arts Vienna. Thomas Geisler Managing Director Werkraum Bregenzerwald Anab Jain Head of Industrial Design 2, University of Applied Arts, Vienna


! Inspiring essays and research projects



! The contribution of design to societal integration

Ralf Michel (Ed.) Integrative Design Essays and Projects Board of International Research in Design Pages 160 Ills. 3 b / w, 30 color Format 22.4 × 16.8 cm Print HC 978-3-03821-644-5 En € 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50 E-Book 978-3-03821-531-8 En € 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50 February 2019

Design reflects social developments in those issues which are also embraced by design researchers. A key concept for how designers position themselves in the future, according to the editor’s thesis, may well be integrative design. This term denotes design’s potential for the integrative development of a society, a potential imperatively linked with economic and political positions. The book Integrative Design collects basic essays on aspects of integrative design, including design after ownership, inclusion, design as an interface with society, the integration of design

and technology, and the political agenda of design. The associated website documents current and ­recently completed research projects that expand on these aspects. Ralf Michel senior researcher, HGK Academy of Arts and Design, Basel

Alvar Aalto – The Complete Work Elissa Aalto, Karl Fleig (Eds.) 5th edition 1990. 764 pages 22.7 × 27.9 cm 1295 b / w ills. Print HC 978-3-7643-5517-3 En / Ger / Fr € 249.95 / $ 350.00 / £ 227.00

Josef Frank – Against Design Herrmann Czech, Sebastian Hackenschmidt, Christian Thun-Hohenstein (Eds.), Jan Norrman 2015. 368 pages 30.5 × 23.0 cm 590 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-0999-8 En / Ger € 49.95 / $ 59.95 / £ 45.50

E-Book 978-3-03821-655-1 En / Ger / Fr € 249.95 / $ 350.00 / £ 227.00

Herzog & de Meuron Elbphilharmonie Hamburg Herzog & de Meuron (Eds.), Gerhard Mack

Print HC 978-3-0356-1603-3 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

Friedrich Kiesler – Life Visions Architecture – Art – Design Dieter Bogner, Maria Lind, Christian Thun-Hohenstein, Bärbel Vischer (Eds.) 2016. 224 pages 30.5 × 23.0 cm 225 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-1108-3 En / Ger € 39.95 / $ 49.95 / £ 36.50

2017. 512 pages 28.0 × 21.0 cm 350 color ills., 80 drawings Print HC 978-3-0356-1162-5 En € 49.95 / $ 59.95 / £ 45.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-1006-2 En € 49.95 / $ 59.95 / £ 45.50

Herzog & de Meuron 1978–1988 Gerhard Mack

Herzog & de Meuron 2005–2007 Gerhard Mack

1997. 246 pages 33.0 × 24.0 cm 331 b / w ills., 230 color ills.

2008. 304 pages 33.0 × 24.0 cm 325 b / w ills., 1000 color ills.

each Volume € 124.95 / $ 175.00 / £ 113.50

each Volume € 124.95 / $ 175.00 / £ 113.50

Print HC Volume 1 978-3-7643-5616-3 En / Ger Volume 2 978-3-7643-7365-8 En / Ger Volume 3 978-3-7643-7112-8 En / Ger

Print HC Volume 4 978-3-7643-8640-5 En Volume 6 978-3-0356-1004-8 En

Polychromie architecturale Le Corbusier’s Color Keyboards from 1931 and 1959 Arthur Rüegg (Ed.)

Le Corbusier – Complete Works in 8 volumes Max Bill, Willy Boesiger, Oscar Stonorov (Eds.)

3rd edition 2015. 268 pages 28.5 × 23.5 cm 39 b / w ills., 96 color ills.

11th edition 1995. 1708 pages 24.5 × 30.0 cm 2687 b / w ills.

Print HC 978-3-0356-0661-4 En / Ger / Fr € 349.00 / $ 489.00 / £ 317.50

Print HC 978-3-7643-5515-9 En / Ger / Fr € 695.00 / $ 975.00 / £ 632.00


2018. 208 pages 29.0 × 21.0 cm 27 b / w ills., 435 color ills.

GRAFT – Home. Story. New Residential and Hospitality Architecture GRAFT


Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Third and updated edition Jean-Louis Cohen

Mies van der Rohe Space – Material – Detail Edgar Stach

Schinkel A Meander through his Life and Work Kurt W. Forster

3rd edition 2018. 192 pages 25.0 × 22.0 cm 84 b / w ills., 119 color ills.

2017. 144 pages 28.0 × 22.0 cm 70 color ills., 300 monochrome drawings

2018. 400 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 150 b/w ills., 100 color ills.

Print HC 978-3-0356-1664-4 En € 44.95 / $ 51.99 / £ 41.00

Print HC 978-3-0356-1156-4 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

Print HC 978-3-0356-0778-9 En € 49.95 / $ 59.95 / £ 45.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-1681-1 En € 44.95 / $ 51.99 / £ 41.00

2018. 304 pages 30.5 × 22.0 cm 230 color ills. Print SC 978-3-0356-1685-9 En / Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

Why Do Architects Wear Black? Cordula Rau (Ed.) 2nd edition 2017. 260 pages 14.8 × 10.5 cm 127 b / w ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-1410-7 En € 19.95 / $ 22.99 / £ 18.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-1415-2 En € 19.95 / $ 22.99 / £ 18.00

Thinking Architecture Third, expanded edition Peter Zumthor 3rd edition 2010. 112 pages 23.5 × 14.5 cm 20 color ills.

Atmospheres Architectural Environments. Surrounding Objects Peter Zumthor 2006. 76 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 14 b / w ills., 19 color ills.

Print HC 978-3-0346-0585-4 En 978-3-0346-0582-3 Fr € 34.95 / $ 49.00 / £ 32.00

Print HC 978-3-7643-7495-2 En 978-3-7643-8841-6 Fr € 34.95 / $ 49.00 / £ 32.00

Constructing Architecture Materials, Processes, Structures. A Handbook Andrea Deplazes (Ed.)

Details for Passive Houses: New Buildings A Catalogue of Ecologically Rated Constructions Österreichisches Institut für Baubiologie und -ökologie (Ed.)

4th edition 2018. 592 pages 29.7 × 24.0 cm 1740 b / w ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-1670-5 En 978-3-0356-1671-2 Fr € 89.95 / $ 103.99 / £ 82.00 Print SC 978-3-0356-1669-9 En € 54.95 / $ 63.99 / £ 50.00

4th edition 2018. 352 pages 34.0 × 24.0 cm 80 color ills., 100 drawings Print HC 978-3-0356-1686-6 En / Ger € 99.95 / $ 114.99 / £ 91.00


POST OTTO WAGNER From the Postal Savings Bank to Post-Modernism Sebastian Hackenschmidt, Christian Thun-Hohenstein (Eds.), Sebastian Hackenschmidt, Iris Meder, Ákos Moravánszky

Modern Construction Handbook Andrew Watts 5th edition 2018. 504 pages 29.7 × 21.0 cm 1500 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-1690-3 En € 86.95 / $ 99.99 / £ 79.00 Print SC 978-3-0356-1691-0 En € 51.95 / $ 59.99 / £ 47.00


E-Book 978-3-0356-1708-5 En € 86.95 / $ 99.99 / £ 79.00

Architecture | Design | Data Practice Competency in the Era of Computation Phillip Bernstein 2018. 200 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 60 b / w ills., 60 color ills. Print SC 978-3-0356-1188-5 En € 33.95 / $ 39.99 / £ 31.00 E-Book 978-3-0356-1044-4 En € 33.95 / $ 39.99 / £ 31.00

Smart Building Design Conception, Planning, Realization, and Operation Maad Bali, Dietmar A. Half, Dieter Polle, Jürgen Spitz 2018. 140 pages 27.0 × 19.0 cm 75 b / w ills., 75 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-1629-3 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-1633-0 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

Rethinking Wood Future Dimensions of Timber Assembly Markus Hudert, Sven Pfeiffer (Eds.)

Tall Wood Buildings Design, Construction and Performance Michael Green, Jim Taggart

Planning Architecture Dimensions and Typologies Bert Bielefeld (Ed.), Markus Stark, Barbara Weyand

2018. 256 pages 27.0 × 18.5 cm 60 color ills.

2017. 176 pages 28.0 × 22.0 cm 95 b / w ills., 170 color ills., 95 monochrome drawings

2016. 568 pages 30.0 × 24.0 cm 1200 b / w ills.

Print HC 978-3-0356-1689-7 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-1706-1 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

SCALE Volumes 1-5 (Set) Alexander Reichel, Kerstin Schultz (Eds.) 2017. 864 pages 28.0 × 22.0 cm 1275 b / w ills., 947 color ills. Print SC 978-3-0356-1482-4 En €179.95 / $ 206.99 / £163.50

Print HC 978-3-0356-0475-7 En € 59.95 / $ 69.95 / £ 54.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-0476-4 En € 59.95 / $ 69.95 / £ 54.50

Print HC 978-3-0356-0323-1 En € 119.95 / $ 149.95 / £ 109.00 Print SC 978-3-0356-0324-8 En € 69.95 / $ 84.95 / £ 63.50

Adaptive Reuse Extending the Lives of Buildings Liliane Wong

Basics Building Technology Bert Bielefeld (Ed.)

2016. 264 pages 300 color ills.

2017. 296 pages 22.0 × 15.5 cm 350 b / w ills.

Print SC 978-3-03821-537-0 En € 39.95 / $ 44.95 / £ 36.50

Print SC 978-3-0356-0928-8 En € 39.95 / $ 49.95 / £ 36.50

E-Book 978-3-03821-313-0 En € 39.95 / $ 44.95 / £ 36.50


Staging Urban Landscapes The Activation and Curation of Flexible Public Spaces B. Cannon Ivers

Dense + Green Innovative Building Types for Sustainable Urban Architecture Thomas Schröpfer

Housing+ On Thresholds, Transitions, and Transparencies Ulrike Wietzorrek (Ed.)

2018. 304 pages 20 b / w ills., 1000 color ills.

2015. 304 pages 30.0 × 23.0 cm 300 color ills., 100 monochrome drawings, 50 drawings

2013. 456 pages 31.5 × 23.2 cm 350 b / w ills., 350 color ills.

Print HC 978-3-0356-1189-2 En € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 63.50


E-Book 978-3-0356-1046-8 En € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 63.50

How Much House? Thoreau, Le Corbusier and the Sustainable Cabin Urs Peter Flückiger 2016. 112 pages 19.0 × 14.0 cm 60 b / w ills., 30 color ills., 20 monochrome drawings Print HC 978-3-0356-1028-4 En 978-3-0356-1026-0 Ger 978-3-0356-1029-1 Fr € 29.95 / $ 34.95 / £ 27.00

Libraries: A Design Manual Nolan Lushington, Wolfgang Rudorf, Liliane Wong 2016. 264 pages 33.0 × 24.0 cm 250 b / w ills., 750 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0346-0827-5 En € 89.95 / $ 126.00 / £ 82.00 Print SC 978-3-0346-0826-8 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50 E-Book 978-3-03821-630-8 En € 89.95 / $ 126.00 / £ 82.00

Print HC 978-3-03821-579-0 En € 69.95 / $ 84.95 / £ 63.50

Print HC 978-3-0346-0614-1 En € 69.95 / $ 98.00 / £ 63.50

E-Book 978-3-03821-014-6 En € 69.95 / $ 84.95 / £ 63.50

Floor Plan Manual Housing Oliver Heckmann, Friederike Schneider (Eds.), Eric Zapel 5th edition 2017. 368 pages 33.0 × 24.0 cm 1580 b / w ills.

The Drama of Space Spatial Sequences and Compositions in Architecture Holger Kleine 2017. 296 pages 30.0 × 24.0 cm 150 b / w ills., 150 color ills.

Print HC 978-3-0356-1143-4 En € 79.95 / $ 91.99 / £ 72.50

Print HC 978-3-0356-0431-3 En € 69.95 / $ 79.95 / £ 63.50

Print SC 978-3-0356-1144-1 En € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 54.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-0435-1 En € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 63.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-1149-6 En € 79.95 / $ 91.99 / £ 72.50

EVENTS: Situating the Temporary EventArchitectuur, Herman Verkerk 2017. 704 pages 500 b / w ills., 500 color ills. Print SC 978-3-0356-1020-8 En € 44.95 / $ 49.95 / £ 41.00

225 Colors A Selection for Painters and Conservators, Architects and Designers Katrin Trautwein 2017. 204 pages 27.5 × 19.5 cm 225 hand-applied original color samples Print HC 978-3-0356-1202-8 En / Ger € 69.95 / $ 79.95 / £ 63.50

Ride a Bike! Reclaim the City Annette Becker, Lessano Negussie, Peter Cachola Schmal, Stefanie Lampe (Eds.) 2018. 280 pages 26.0 × 21.0 cm 220 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-1548-7 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

The Urban Microclimate as Artifact Towards an Architectural Theory of Thermal Diversity Sascha Roesler, Madlen Kobi

Sublime Visions Architecture in the Alps Susanne Stacher 2018. 224 pages 27.0 × 23.0 cm Numerous ills.

2018. 200 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 70 color ills.

Print SC 978-3-0356-1499-2 En 978-3-0356-1529-6 Fr € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

Print HC 978-3-0356-1546-3 En € 51.95 / $ 59.99 / £ 47.00

E-Book 978-3-0356-1506-7 En 978-3-0356-1504-3 Fr € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

Swiss Sensibility The Culture of Architecture in Switzerland Anna Roos

East West Central Re-building Europe 1950–1990 Set Vol. 1–3

2017. 244 pages 33.0 × 21.0 cm 98 b / w ills., 147 color ills.

Ákos Moravánszky (Ed.)

The City Between Freedom and Security Contested Public Spaces in the 21st Century Vibeke Jensen, Anders Rubing, Deane Simpson (Eds.)

Print HC 978-3-0356-1128-1 En 978-3-0356-1131-1 Fr € 59.95 / $ 69.95 / £ 54.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-0922-6 En 978-3-0356-0938-7 Fr € 59.95 / $ 69.95 / £ 54.50

2016. 1032 pages 24.5 × 16.5 cm 480 color ills., 3 tables

2017. 336 pages 20.0 × 25.0 cm 130 color ills.

Print SC 978-3-0356-1014-7 En € 99.95 / $ 119.95 / £ 74.99

Print HC 978-3-0356-0970-7 En € 39.95 / $ 49.95 / £ 36.50

Also available as single volumes: € 39.95 / $ 49.95 / £ 36.50

Squares Urban Spaces in Europe Sophie Wolfrum (Ed.)

Designing Cities Basics, Principles, Projects Leonhard Schenk

2014. 312 pages 25.0 × 30.0 cm 380 b / w ills.

2013. 356 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 90 b / w ills., 720 color ills.

Print HC 978-3-03821-649-0 En € 79.95 / $ 112.00 / £ 72.50

Print HC 978-3-0346-1325-5 En € 49.95 / $ 70.00 / £ 45.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-0761-1 En € 39.95 / $ 49.95 / £ 36.50


E-Book 978-3-0356-1515-9 En € 51.95 / $ 59.99 / £ 47.00

The Architecture under King Ludwig II – Palaces and Factories Andres Lepik, Katrin Bäumler (Ed.) 2018. 320 pages 28.5 × 24.5 cm 240 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-1536-4 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

E-Book 978-3-03821-523-3 En € 79.95 / $ 112.00 / £ 72.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-1653-8 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50


Inspirations A Time Travel through Garden History Nadine Olonetzky 2017. 216 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 100 color ills. Print HC 978-3-0356-1384-1 En € 34.95 / $ 39.99 / £ 32.00

River.Space.Design Planning Strategies, Methods and Projects for Urban Rivers. Second and Enlarged Edition Martin Prominski, Daniel Stimberg, Antje Stokman, Hinnerk Voermanek, Susanne Zeller, Katarina Bajc

Planning Landscape Dimensions, Elements, Typologies Astrid Zimmermann 2015. 304 pages 30.0 × 24.0 cm 900 b / w ills., 600 monochrome drawings Print HC 978-3-0346-0760-5 En € 89.95 / $ 126.00 / £ 82.00

2nd edition 2017. 328 pages 28.0 × 22.0 cm 598 color ills., 175 drawings

Print SC 978-3-0346-0761-2 En € 49.95 / $ 70.00 / £ 45.50

Print HC 978-3-0356-1186-1 En € 79.95 / $ 89.95 / £ 72.50 E-Book 978-3-0356-1042-0 En € 79.95 / $ 89.95 / £ 72.50

Sculpture Parks in Europe A Guide to Art and Nature Raul Rispa, Valeria Varas (Eds.), Jimena Blázquez Abascal

Leberecht Migge The original landscape designs Hansjörg Gadient, Simon Orga, Sophie von Schwerin

3rd edition 2015. 536 pages 29.7 × 23.0 cm 850 b / w ills., 300 color ills.

2nd edition 2017. 256 pages 24.0 × 16.0 cm 59 b / w ills., 276 color ills.

2018. 288 pages 29.0 × 29.0 cm 370 color ills.

Print HC 978-3-0356-0465-8 En € 89.95 / $ 126.00 / £ 82.00

Print SC 978-3-0356-1116-8 En € 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 27.00

Print HC 978-3-0356-1359-9 En / Ger € 89.95 / $ 126.00 / £ 82.00

Print SC 978-3-0356-0467-2 En € 54.95 / $ 77.00 / £ 50.00

Design History, Theory and Practice of Product Design Bernhard E. Bürdek

Material Revolution 2 New Sustainable and Multi-Purpose Materials for Design and Architecture Sascha Peters

2nd edition 2015. 296 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 100 color ills.

2014. 224 pages 28.5 × 22.8 cm 450 color ills., 55 monochrome drawings

Print HC 978-3-0356-0403-0 En € 44.95 / $ 63.00 / £ 41.00

Print HC 978-3-03821-476-2 En € 59.95 / $ 84.00 / £ 54.50

E-Book 978-3-0356-0394-1 En € 44.95 / $ 63.00 / £ 41.00

E-Book 978-3-03821-002-3 En € 59.95 / $ 84.00 / £ 54.50

Picture Credits Catalog cover image © Lisa Rastl, from querkraft – livin’ architecture / Architektur leben; p. 12: above: © Marcus Bredt; below: © schlaich bergermann partner; p. 26: left and middle photos © MAK / Georg Mayer; right image © MAK /Mona Heiss


Constructing Landscape Materials, Techniques, Structural Components Astrid Zimmermann (Ed.)

Arts 34 Looking Glass 34 Beyond Borders 35 Reset the Apparatus! 35 originalcopy 36 Dialogical Interventions 36 Making Prints and Thinking About it 37 Claudia Larcher – Rooms  37 Social Enactivism 38 Ornament as Argument 38 Objekte des Krieges

39 40 41 41

About Sieves and Sieving Beyond “Art Collections” Nähe auf Distanz Historische Gärten und Klimawandel 42 Ecologies, Aesthetics, and Histories of Art 42 Naturalismen 43 Science in Color. Visualizing Achromatic Knowledge 43 Dynamis of the Image


Selected titles

! Playfully connected: art and science, photography and molecular biology



! Edition Angewandte – Book Series of the University of Applied Arts Vienna

Gerald Bast, Josef Penninger, Maria Ziegelböck, Caroline Heider, Ines Méhu-Blantar, Evelyn Devuyst (Eds.) Looking Glass Photographic Essays on the Mechanisms of Life Edition Angewandte Pages 168 Ills. numerous Format Print SC 978-3-11-063048-0 En

€ 25.95 $ 29.99 £ 23.50


Art and science – both disciplines ­query concepts and theories, explore new contexts, and render abstract ­information tangible. Both are strongly motivated by creativity and the ability to visualize. Looking Glass ­combines the two genres in a playful ­manner: photography and molecular biology. The book conveys highly complex content in an emotional-esthetic way, and thereby shines a new light on ­pure molecular research: groundbreaking discoveries made at the IMBA and published in prestigious

media ­(Nature, Cell, Science and ­others) are transformed into unique photo gall­er­ies – visualized with applied ­photogra­phy – which imbue the fundamental mechanisms of ­life with stories. Gerald Bast, Maria Ziegelböck, Caroline Heider University of Applied Arts Vienna Josef Penninger, Ines Méhu-Blantar, Evelyn Devuyst IMBA Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Vienna


! Insight into conservation in the international sphere En

! Engagement for world heritage with specialized and interpersonal skills


! Edition Angewandte – Book Series of the University of Applied Arts Vienna

Gabriela Krist (Ed.) Beyond Borders Conservation Goes International Edition Angewandte Pages 196 Ills. numerous Format 27.0 × 22.0 cm Print HC 978-3-11-060289-0 En June 2019

€ 38.95 $ 44.99 £ 35.50

A commitment to preserve the cultural heritage of this world, be it in Nepal, India, China, Myanmar, Thailand or Mongolia, is the mission of the Institute of Conservation. In 2004 Gabriela Krist, her colleagues and students, launched the institute‘s international activities in Nako, 4000m high in the Himalayas, starting a journey that ­continues to this day. Beyond Borders is the first portrayal to account for not only the professional, but also the personal, human ­aspects of this mission. The richly ­illustrated book accompanies the

members of the team as they take a broader view, expanding their horizons. For the institute’s international conservation work requires not only specialized expertise, but also creativity and flexibility. Prof. Gabriela Krist Head of Intitute of Conservation, ­University of Applied Arts Vienna


! New perspectives based on current artists’ practices in the fields of photography and film ! Systematic illustrations of technical / artistic processes ! Edition Angewandte – Book Series of the University of Applied Arts Vienna

Edition Angewandte Pages 208 Ills. numerous Format 26.0 × 19.0 cm Print HC 978-3-11-063068-8 En

€ 33.95 $ 39.99 £ 31.00

June 2019

The book illustrates that supposedly outmoded, analog practices in ­contemporary photographic and ­cinematic art not only have maximum ­actuality, but also critical potential. Using the example of artists’ practices that are motivated by the idea of the photographic and / or the cinematic but do not necessarily lead to ­photographs or films, the book shows how, in multiple ways, the display tool – the apparatus – can be explored, taken apart, reflected, modified, and newly arranged. The contributions that have also emerged from cooperative

efforts between artists and scientists focus on the required technical /  ­­material processes and demonstrate that knowledge of medial ­difference is also socio-politically ­relevant.


Edgar Lissel, Gabriele Jutz, Nina Jukić (Eds.) Reset the Apparatus! The Persistence of the Photographic and the Cinematic in Contemporary Art

Edgar Lissel, Gabriele Jutz, Nina Jukić Fine Arts and Media Art, Media Theory, University of Applied Arts Vienna


! Between copy and original – new artistic, investigative positions En

! Art between copy and original ! Edition Angewandte – Book Series of the University of Applied Arts Vienna


Michael Kargl, Franz Thalmair (Ed.) originalcopy Post-Digital Strategies of Appropriation Edition Angewandte Pages 376 Ills. numerous Format 25.6 × 21.0 cm Print SC 978-3-11-063215-6 En March 2019

€ 38.95 $ 44.99 £ 35.50

In the context of digital technologies, copying data material is as ubiquitous as it is invisible. “originalcopy” is an ­artistic and scientific research project that illuminates the possibilities of this phenomenon, and opens them up for discussion with its own means – those of the copy. The project concentrates on the tension between the transience of digital technologies and the way in which these technologies express themselves in an artistic language of design and materials. In so doing, “originalcopy” focuses less on the results of copying

than on the processes that lead to these results. Michael Kargl artist, researcher and art mediator Franz Thalmair curator, author and editor

! Current theory on dialogical art


! Introductory contributions by renowned art theorists, interviews on current key projects of socially committed art in the international field, and artist insertions on dialogical art projects


! Edition Angewandte – Book Series of the University of Applied Arts Vienna

Martin Krenn (Ed.) Dialogical Interventions Art in the Social Realm Edition Angewandte Pages 136 Ills. numerous Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm Print SC 978-3-11-063240-8 En

€ 20.95 $ 24.99 £ 19.00

March 2019

How can art change society? What aesthetic quality does dialog bring to art? What is the role of autonomy in dialogical art? Dialogical Interventions investigates how dialogical art moves between the poles of social engagement, aesthetic autonomy and social change. Essays by international authors and interviews with socially and politically engaged artists and collectives focus on the relevance of dia­logical and interventionist practices

and their role in mediating new ­forms of knowledge and experience through art, thus opening up new prospects for this exciting arena of activity. ­Between the individual texts, artist ­insertions document social artistic practices on a visual level. Martin Krenn artist, curator; he teaches at the University of Applied Arts Vienna


! Making graphic prints and using them to think En

! Exciting and readable text that triggers important considerations extending far beyond art


! Edition Angewandte – Book Series of the University of Applied Arts Vienna

Jan Svenungsson Making Prints and Thinking About It Edition Angewandte Pages 196 Ills. numerous Format 24.0 × 16.0 cm Print HC 978-3-11-063216-3 En April 2019

€ 29.95 $ 34.99 £ 27.00

The book presents the entire graphic works of the artist Jan Svenungsson, who has been responsible Graphics and Printmaking at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna since 2011, ­accompanied by a text that seamlessly combines practical information, stories and speculations in an entertaining way. His overarching objective is to critically discuss the meaning of graphic prints in contemporary art, and more specifically: to illuminate the role of single-handedly “making” them – at a time when the conditions for exercising creativity are undergo-

ing rapid change: What are the implications of the tools the artist selects? What does authenticity mean in ­today’s art? How does the role of the artist change when he makes himself dependent on artificial intelligence? Jan Svenungsson visual artist, Head of Graphics and Printmaking Department at the University of Applied Arts Vienna

En / Ger / Fr

! Extensive experiments in contemporary video art ! Acts of appropriation in contemporary art and experimental generation of digital collages of space ! Edition Angewandte – Book Series of the University of Applied Arts Vienna

Edition Angewandte Pages 320 Ills. numerous Format 26.0 × 19.0 cm Print SC 978-3-11-063214-9 En / Ger / Fr E-Book 978-3-11-063278-1 En / Ger / Fr

€ 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50 € 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50

The book as an imaginary space – space as an infinite book whose pages are to be stripped off: The project Claudia Larcher – Rooms, by the ­Viennese artist born in Bregenz in 1979, unfurls the multilayered spacetime realities generated in her works. Larcher’s photographs, collages, video animations, (textile) objects and ­installations make spatial boundaries elastic; space continua find themselves stretched into infinity or compressed into an origin, shifted into each other or resampled. In a single act of ­appropriation, images of architecture,

landscapes, nature, and even skin are used like found footage material in ­order to reconceptualize the surfaces and structures of what is real. The book visualizes the works of the artist in numerous image sequences.


Verena Konrad (Ed.) Claudia Larcher – Rooms  #rooms #räume #locaux #architecture ­#architektur #collage #animation #arts #kunst #lart #digitalarts #digitalekunst #lartnumerique #video

Verena Konrad Director of vai Vorarlberger Architektur Institut Claudia Larcher visual artist, Vienna

April 2019


! Philosophy of mind


! Neopragmatism, enactivism, social enactivism ! Philosophical contribution to the series Image Word Action


Mark-Oliver Casper Social Enactivism On Situating High-Level Cognitive States and Processes Image Word Action. Volume 6 Pages 208 Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm Print SC 978-3-11-057567-5 En E-Book 978-3-11-057713-6 En December 2018

€ 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50 € 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50

Social enactivism is a philosophical theory which, through the analysis of discursive practice, aims at explaining how “high-level” cognitive conditions and processes emerge. The fundamental tenets of this theory are based on enactivist and (neo)pragmatist ­prin­ciples. Therefore, the emphasis is not on the purely linguistic understanding of discourse but on its structural ­interaction with technology, that is created by man himself, in the ­context of which the discursive performance takes place. This perspective addresses not only a blind spot in the

inter­national debate about “situated ­cognition” but also a current problem in the philosophy of mind. Mark-Oliver Casper Humboldt University, Berlin, Cluster of Excellence “Image Knowledge Gestaltung”


! Textile ornament and materiality in Medieval book illustration ! Byzantine and Islamic silk fabrics as conveyors of theological argument and instruments of Medieval devotion


! Significant contribution to research in medieval textiles

Anna Bücheler Ornament as Argument Textile Pages and Textile Metaphors in Early Medieval Manuscripts Zurich Studies in the History of Art. Volume 22 Pages 436 Ills. 225 color Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm Print HC 978-3-11-053070-4 En € 79.95 $ 91.99 £ 72.50 E-Book 978-3-11-053112-1 En € 79.95 $ 91.99 £ 72.50 February 2019

This study, for the first time, system­ atically analyzes the function and meaning of so-called textile pages in book illustration of the tenth and ­eleventh centuries. The ornamented pages of gospels and liturgical books evoke Byzantine and Islamic silk fabrics that serve as conveyors of various theological arguments. The textile ­iconography of the book pages visualizes textile metaphors that relate to core subjects of Christian theology such as incarnation and script as a medium of revelation. In addition, references to Medieval exegesis, liturgy,

and devotion are characteristic of this contemplative instrument of religious culture. In this context, the materiality of the book – through textile ornament as a part of the book body – plays an important role. Anna Bücheler University of Zurich


En / Ger

! Militaria as artworks ! Interdisciplinary research on real and fictitious military objects


! Case studies from art history and literary science

Romana Kaske, Julia Saviello (Eds.) Objekte des Krieges Präsenz & Repräsentation Object Studies in Art History. Volume 2 Pages 176 Ills. 38 color Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm Print HC 978-3-11-060809-0 En / Ger € 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50 E-Book 978-3-11-060841-0 En / Ger € 39.95 $ 45.99 £ 36.50 May 2019

Military objects are popular items in literature and the fine arts, and have often been elaborately designed. ­However, the discussion of the artistic aspects of militaria is not only based on the relationship between the real, present artefact and the objects ­represented in the respective medium. The material properties, handling, and cultural inscriptions of the historic artefacts are often the basis of ­complex artistic redesigns and transformations, which in turn release the potential for the design of military artefacts. Based on an interdisciplinary

approach, the book is devoted to the dichotomous condition of objects of war and their representation in art and literature. Romana Kaske Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich Julia Saviello Goethe University Frankfurt

Barbara Baert About Sieves and Sieving Motif, Symbol, Technique, Paradigm Pages Ills. Format Print SC E-Book

120 52 color 23.0 × 15.5 cm 978-3-11-060614-0 En 978-3-11-060821-2 En

€ 25.95 $ 29.99 £ 23.50 € 25.95 $ 29.99 £ 23.50

December 2018



! Highlights the cultural history of the sieve and sieving ! Interdisciplinary approach combining art history, philosophy, anthropology, psychoanalysis and gender studies ! Including an ethnographic Bilderatlas and an artwork by ­Edita Dermontaité


The sieve exhibits a wide-ranging ­symbolism that extends across art ­history, philosophy, anthropology, ­psychoanalysis, and gender studies. ­Barbara Baert looks at the sieve from an interdisciplinary perspective and from four different innovative method­ olo­gical angles: as motif and symbol, as technique and as paradigm.

The sieve as motif goes back to ­Roman stories of the Vestal Virgins. In later times, their impermeable sieve, which – according to legend – they used to fetch water from the River ­Tiber, was iconographically transferred to Elisabeth I as a sign of her integrity. Furthermore, the longue durée life of sieves as symbolic-technical utilitarian

object is investigated: in examples from the Jewish folklore, the Berber culture, and ancient Egypt. Barbara Baert Catholic University Leuven, Francqui awardee 2016

Gianfranco Adornato, Gabriella Cirucci, Walter Cupperi (Eds.) Beyond “Art Collections” Owning and Accumulating Objects from the Greek Antiquity to the Early Modern Period Pages Ills. Format Print HC E-Book

560 120 b / w, 40 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm 978-3-11-053791-8 En / Ger / It 978-3-11-053981-3 En / Ger / It


April 2019

En / Ger / It


! New research on the prehistory of collections ! Motives for collecting from Ancient Greece to the 18th century


! Contributions from international experts

Concepts such as “art collection” and “art cabinet” and “cabinet of curiosities” are strongly embedded in the scholarly discourse of the 19th and 20th centuries. They are based on the assumption that a form-based understanding of art has higher cultural ­value, that collections portray the “taste” and “passion“ of their owners, and that art has no practical use.

These terms were used in order to describe how objects were accumulated under very different cultural conditions long before the 18th century. This volume makes analogies with contemporary collections, institutions, and forms of knowledge in order to be able to explain the accumulation and presentation of objects since Greek antiquity.

Gianfranco Adornato and Gabriella Cirucci Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa Walter Cupperi University of Stuttgart

€ 69.95 $ 80.99 £ 63.50 € 69.95 $ 80.99 £ 63.50

En / Ger

! Potential and mechanisms of impact of political images in the digital age ! Interdisciplinary contributions to highly topical discussions from the field of art studies and artistic practice

Hamburger Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte. Volume XII Pages 192 Ills. 41 b / w Format 24.0 × 15.0 cm Print SC 978-3-11-062241-6 En / Ger € 49.95 $ 57.99 £ 45.50 E-Book 978-3-11-062558-5 En / Ger € 49.95 $ 57.99 £ 45.50

The Nähe auf Distanz project examines the semantic change of photographs and videos in the age of the internet. The contributions are dedicated to ­examples of selfie protests, images of the Arab Spring, of the Israeli-Pales­ tinian conflict, of the Gezi Park protests, of the Syrian war, and the image ­politics of the “Islamic State.” The project critically analyzes their potential, even across great distances, to exert and emotional and communicative impact, and to trigger political actions. The concept of image reflected here is based on digital

transmission; it is marked by the permanent modifications of images through data transfers and postproduction.


Isabelle Busch, Uwe Fleckner, Judith Maria Waldmann (Eds.) Nähe auf Distanz Eigendynamik und mobilisierende Kraft politischer Bilder im Internet

Isabelle Busch, Uwe Fleckner, Judith Maria Waldmann Warburg-Haus, Hamburg

March 2019


En / Ger

! Historical gardens: indispensable cultural heritage of our civilization ! Multiperspective analysis by science and historical garden preservation ! Options for action in order to face climate change and other environmental influences


Karen David, Reinhard F. Hüttl, Bernd Uwe Schneider (Eds.) Historische Gärten und Klimawandel Pages Ills. Format Print HC E-Book

440 100 b / w, 50 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm 978-3-11-060748-2 En / Ger € 49.95 $ 57.99 £ 45.50 978-3-11-060777-2 En / Ger Open Access

June 2019

Historical gardens listed as cultural monuments are valuable evidence of our civilization. How can they be ­preserved under changing climatic conditions? On the basis of four ­historical gardens, this project analyzes the natural, cultural and social framework in which the “images” of the ­garden are inscribed. Yet, what courses of action are possible if plants or trees are no longer adapted to the local conditions? Representatives from the natural and social sciences, the ­humanities, and historical garden conservation present

their first joint ­solution strategies for the preservation of historical ­gardens as complete works of art ­facing climate change. Reinhard F. Hüttl, Bernd Uwe Schneider German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam Karen David Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin

! New approaches in visual studies with ­a focus on ecology En

! Considerations of aesthetic practices and ecological structures from historical and transcultural perspectives


! Global case studies analyzed by international experts

Hannah Baader, Sugata Ray, Gerhard Wolf (Eds.) Ecologies, Aesthetics, and Histories of Art Pages Ills. Format Print SC E-Book

240 40 b / w, 100 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm 978-3-11-060364-4 En 978-3-11-060515-0 En

€ 29.95 $ 34.99 £ 27.00 € 29.95 $ 34.99 £ 27.00

APRIL 2019

What are the conceptual correspon­ dences and gaps between theories of nature, ecology, environment, and ­aesthetics? This volume addresses the ecological and aesthetic dimensions of human interaction with geographical, geological, botanical, zoological, astronomical, and climatic formations. Other than literary ecocriticism which led to heated debates, this book deals with the ecological turn in visual ­studies, a territory of research still in its infancy. Art history is thus engaging in the crucial exchange between ecological and aesthetic studies.

The contributions adopt a historical as well as a transcultural perspective reaching from the earliest known human interaction with the natural environment to the present day. Hannah Baader, Gerhard Wolf Kunsthistorisches Institut, Florence Sugata Ray University of California, Berkeley


! Analysis of varieties of illusionism


En / Ger

! Interdisciplinary essays by international scientists

Robert Felfe, Maurice Saß (Ed.) Naturalismen Kunst, Wissenschaft und Ästhetik Pages Ills. Format Print SC E-Book

272 75 b / w, 74 color 24.0 × 17.0 cm 978-3-11-059139-2 En / Ger 978-3-11-059243-6 En / Ger

APRIL 2019

€ 49.95 $ 57.99 £ 45.50 € 49.95 $ 57.99 £ 45.50

As is well known, the term naturalism has carried a multitude of meanings. It generally designates the qualities of an artwork that are considered characteristic of a specific time period or movement, or even defines a stylistic epoch. However, even if considered systematically, meanings of naturalism diverge quite profoundly depending on the context of usage. What is true of all the various tendencies, methods and works is that they strive toward the imitation of nature or a heightened level of reality. This raises the question as to how techniques of pictorial

description and varieties of illusionism produce knowledge. To what extent do instances of objectivity and claims to truth derive from the apparent withdrawal of artistic intervention? Robert Felfe, Maurice Sass Research group Naturbilder / Images of Nature, University of Hamburg

! Color as a carrier of meaning in scientific visualizations En

! Interdisciplinary contributions from historians of science, art experts, and natural scientists

Pages Ills. Format Print SC E-Book

200 70 color 23.0 × 15.5 cm 978-3-11-060468-9 En 978-3-11-060521-1 En

€ 33.95 $ 39.99 £ 31.00 € 33.95 $ 39.99 £ 31.00

March 2019

Color makes its way into natural science images as early as the research process. It serves for self-reflection and for communication within the scientific community. However, color does not follow a standard in the natural sciences: its meaning is contingent, even though culturally conditioned. Digital publishing enhances the use of color in scientific publications; at the same time, globalization promotes the idea of universal color ­symbolism. This book investigates the function of color in historical and ­current visualizations for scientific

purposes, its epistemic role as a tool, and its long neglect due to symbolic and gender-specific connotations. The publication thus closes a research gap in the natural sciences and the humanities.


Bettina Bock von Wülfingen (Ed.) Science in Color. Visualizing Achromatic Knowledge Epistemology of Color in the Sciences

Bettina Bock von Wülfingen Humboldt University, Berlin


! Images in the context of globalization


! Important contributions by Hans Belting, Georges Didi-Huberman, W.J.T. Mitchell and others


Emmanuel Alloa, Chiara Cappelletto (Eds.) Dynamis of the Image Moving Images in a Global World Contact Zones. Volume 5 Pages 384 Ills. 100 b / w, 32 color Format 24.0 × 17.0 cm Print HC 978-3-11-052874-9 En E-Book 978-3-11-053054-4 En April 2019

€ 59.95 $ 68.99 £ 54.50 € 59.95 $ 68.99 £ 54.50

Images are not neutral conveyors of messages shipped around the globe to achieve globalized spectatorship. They are powerful forces that elicit very diverse responses and can resist new visual hegemonies of our global world. Bringing together case studies from the field of media, art, politics, religion, anthropology and science, this volume breaks new ground by reflecting on the very power of images beyond their medial exploitation. The contributions by Hans Belting, Susan Buck-Morss, Georges Didi-­ Huberman, W.J.T. Mitchell, and

Ticio Escobar among others testify that g ­ lobalization does not necessarily equal homogenization, and that images can open up alternative ways of picturing what is to come. Chiara Cappelletto University Milano Emmanuel Alloa University St. Gallen

Museum and Archive on the Move Changing Cultural Institutions in the Digital Era Oliver Grau (Ed.), Wendy Coones, Viola Rühse 2017. 316 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 39 b / w ills., 35 color ills. Print HC 978-3-11-052051-4 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50 E-Book 978-3-11-052963-0 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

Portable Moving Images A Media History of Storage Formats Ricardo Cedeño Montaña


2017. 294 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 72 b / w ills. Print SC 978-3-11-055288-1 En € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 63.50 E-Book 978-3-11-055392-5 En € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 63.50

Signs and Symbols Dress at the Intersection between Image and Realia Philipp Zitzlsperger, Sabine de Günther (Eds.) 2018. 359 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 34 b / w ills., 77 color ills. Print HC 978-3-11-051590-9 En € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 63.50 E-Book 978-3-11-051697-5 En € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 63.50

Image – Action – Space Situating the Screen in Visual Practice Luisa Feiersinger, Kathrin Friedrich, Moritz Queisner (Eds.) 2018. 214 pages 19.2 × 25.6 cm 104 color ills. Print SC 978-3-11-046366-8 En € 19.95/$ 22.99/£ 18.00 E-Book 978-3-11-046497-9 En Open Access

Object Fantasies Experience & Creation Philippe Cordez, Romana Kaske, Julia Saviello, Susanne Thürigen (Eds.) 2018. 242 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 62 b / w ills. Print HC 978-3-11-047613-2 En / Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50 E-Book 978-3-11-059880-3 En / Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

Traces Generating What Was There Bettina Bock von Wülfingen (Ed.) 2017. 122 pages 23.0 × 15.5 cm 30 b / w ills., 50 color ills. Print SC 978-3-11-053478-8 En € 39.95 / $ 56.00 / £ 36.50 E-Book 978-3-11-053506-8 En € 39.95 / $ 56.00 / £ 36.50

Handbook of Art and Global Migration Burcu Dogramaci, Birgit Mersmann (Eds.) 2019. 528 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 250 b / w ills. Print HC 978-3-11-047600-2 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50 E-Book 978-3-11-047667-5 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

Reading Room Re-Lektüren des Innenraums Birgitt Borkopp-Restle, Norberto Gramaccini, Christine Göttler, Peter W. Marx, Bernd Nicolai, Peter J. Schneemann (Eds.) 2018. 288 pages 23.0 × 17.0 cm 40 b / w ills., 100 color ills. Print SC 978-3-11-059125-5 Ger € 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 27.00 E-Book 978-3-11-059246-7 Ger € 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 27.00

Migrating Histories of Art Self-Translations of a Discipline Maria Teresa Costa, Hans Christian Hönes (Eds.) 2018. 288 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 40 b / w ills. Print HC 978-3-11-048587-5 En € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 63.50 E-Book 978-3-11-049125-8 En € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 63.50


Aby Warburg – Bilder aus dem Gebiet der Pueblo-Indianer in Nord-Amerika Vorträge und Fotografien Uwe Fleckner (Ed.) 2018. 461 pages 30.0 × 24.0 cm 200 b / w ills.


Print HC 978-3-11-059921-3 Ger € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 63.50

Symbolic Articulation Image, Word, and Body between Action and Schema Sabine Marienberg (Ed.) 2017. 206 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 12 b / w ills., 40 color ills. Print SC 978-3-11-055812-8 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50 E-Book 978-3-11-056075-6 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

The Final Spectacle Military Painting under the Second Empire, 1855-1867 Julia Thoma 2018. 296 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 81 b / w ills., 40 color ills. Print HC 978-3-11-048668-1 En € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 54.50 E-Book 978-3-11-049748-9 En € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 54.50

Galileo’s Thinking Hand Form and Research Around 1600 Horst Bredekamp 2019. 400 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 100 b / w ills., 235 color ills. Print HC 978-3-11-052006-4 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50 E-Book 978-3-11-053921-9 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

Image Acts A Systematic Approach to Visual Agency Horst Bredekamp 2017. 361 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 199 color ills. Print SC 978-3-11-053630-0 En € 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 27.00 E-Book 978-3-11-054857-0 En € 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 27.00

Acquiring Cultures Histories of World Art on Western Markets Charlotte Guichard, Christine Howald, Bénédicte Savoy (Eds.)

Padua and Venice Transcultural Exchange in the Early Modern Age Brigit Blass-Simmen, Stefan Weppelmann (Eds)

2018. 316 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 64 b / w ills.

2017. 177 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 75 b / w ills., 16 color ills.

Print HC 978-3-11-054398-8 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

Print HC 978-3-11-046483-2 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

E-Book 978-3-11-054508-1 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

E-Book 978-3-11-046540-2 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

Tomb – Memory – Space Concepts of Representation in Premodern Christian and Islamic Art Francine Giese, Anna Pawlak, Markus Thome (Eds.)

Nature and the Arts in Early Modern Naples Frank Fehrenbach, Joris van Gastel (Eds.)

2018. 344 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 120 b / w ills., 25 color ills. Print HC 978-3-11-051589-3 En / Ger € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 63.50 E-Book 978-3-11-051734-7 En / Ger € 69.95 / $ 80.99 / £ 63.50

2019. 296 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 83 b / w ills., 25 color ills. Print HC 978-3-11-059922-0 En € 68.95 / $ 79.99 / £ 62.50

Transmediale Kunst | Transmedia Art lightness and matter Brigitte Kowanz, Peter Kozek (Eds.) 2018. 500 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm Numerous ills. Print SC 978-3-11-060081-0 En / Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

Bernhard Kleber Passion Daniela Hammer-Tugendhat, Bernhard Kleber, Franz Schuh

Faceless Re-inventing Privacy Through Subversive Media Strategies Bogomir Doringer, Brigitte Felderer (Eds.)

2018. 864 pages 23.0 × 16.5 cm 1042 color ills.

2018. 304 pages 24.0 × 16.8 cm Numerous ills.

Print HC 978-3-11-060288-3 En / Ger € 59.95 / $ 68.99 / £ 54.50

Print SC 978-3-11-052513-7 En € 24.95 / $ 29.95 / £ 22.50 E-Book 978-3-11-052770-4 En € 24.95 / $ 29.95 / £ 22.50

FAUNA Sprachkunst und die neue Ordnung imaginärer Tiere. Language Arts and the New Order of Imaginary Animals Thomas Ballhausen, Elena Peytchinska

Print SC 978-3-11-057569-9 En / Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50 E-Book 978-3-11-057715-0 En / Ger € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

THIS BABY DOLL WILL BE A JUNKIE Report of an Art and Research Project on Addiction and Spaces of Violence Ulrike Möntmann, Peter Weibel

2018. 248 pages 31.0 × 22.0 cm Numerous ills.

2017. 386 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm Numerous ills.

Print SC 978-3-11-057571-2 En € 38.95 / $ 44.99 / £ 35.50

Print SC 978-3-11-054625-5 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

E-Book 978-3-11-057705-1 En € 38.95 / $ 44.99 / £ 35.50

Thinking Like A Machine An Artists Journey Into Robotics Niki Passath (Ed.)

Dom Museum Wien Art, Religion, Society Johanna Schwanberg (Ed.)

2017. 276 pages 25.0 × 18.5 cm Numerous ills.

2017. 580 pages 27.0 × 21.5 cm Numerous ills.

Print SC 978-3-11-054255-4 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

Print HC 978-3-11-048250-8 En € 38.50 / $ 44.99 / £ 35.00

E-Book 978-3-11-054792-4 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50


2018. 320 pages 19.5 × 12.5 cm Numerous ills.

STATION ROSE 30.0 The Walls of the new Systems will be Liquid Station Rose (Ed.)

The Diaries I am a Collector of Worlds. The Diaries of the Artist Soshana Karoline Riebler, Amos Schueller (Eds.) 2017. 260 pages 24.0 × 16.0 cm Numerous ills. Print HC 978-3-11-053400-9 En / Ger € 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 27.00

E-Book 978-3-11-054379-7 En € 49.95 / $ 57.99 / £ 45.50

E-Book 978-3-11-053939-4 En / Ger € 29.95 / $ 34.99 / £ 27.00


Choreo-graphic Figures Deviations from the Line Emma Cocker, Nikolaus Gansterer, Mariella Greil (Eds.)

Drawing A Hypothesis Figures of Thought Nikolaus Gansterer

GO GO GO OLD GOLD REITER GO Roland Reiter (Ed.) 2017. 224 pages 26.0 × 20.0 cm Numerous ills.

2017. 390 pages Numerous ills.

2nd edition 2017. 351 pages 21.5 × 14.3 cm Numerous ills.

Print SC 978-3-11-054660-6 En € 44.95 / $ 51.99 / £ 41.00

Print SC 978-3-11-054661-3 En € 44.95 / $ 51.99 / £ 41.00

Hanakam & Schuller Trickster Angela Stief (Ed.)

Zelko Wiener Between 0 and 1. Art in the digital Revolution. Berthold Ecker, Fina Esslinger, Ursula Hentschläger (Eds.)

Digital Synesthesia A Model for the Aesthetics of Digital Art Katharina Gsöllpointner, Ruth Schnell, Romana Karla Schuler (Eds.)

2016. 424 pages 30.0 × 24.0 cm 550 color ills.

2016. 200 pages 27.0 × 21.0 cm 23 b / w ills., 131 color ills.

Print HC 978-3-11-048595-0 En / Ger € 43.70 / $ 61.00 / £ 39.50

Print SC 978-3-11-045934-0 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

Print HC 978-3-11-048007-8 En € 39.95 / $ 49.95 / £ 36.50 E-Book 978-3-11-048098-6 En € 39.95 / $ 49.95 / £ 36.50

Margot Pilz – Milestones From Performative Photography to Digital Field Studies Silvie Aigner, Berthold Ecker (Eds.) 2015. 224 pages 24.0 × 21.5 cm Numerous ills. Print HC 978-3-11-045841-1 En / Ger € 34.00 / $ 48.00 / £ 31.00

E-Book 978-3-11-045993-7 En € 39.95 / $ 45.99 / £ 36.50

Private Utopia Cultural Setting of the Interior in the 19th and 20th Century August Sarnitz, Inge Scholz-Strasser (Eds.) 2015. 160 pages 24.0 × 17.0 cm 65 b / w ills. Print HC 978-3-11-045463-5 En € 49.95 / $ 70.00 / £ 45.50 E-Book 978-3-11-045549-6 En € 49.95 / $ 70.00 / £ 45.50

Picture Credits Catalog cover picture and p. 32: Gerard van Spaendonck, “Grapes with Insects on a Marble Top”, The Frick Collection, New York, from: Naturalismen, p. 42; p. 40, from left to right: Antiquarium ©Daderot, Saliera ©Vassil.


2016. 236 pages 23.0 × 16.5 cm Numerous ills.

Print HC 978-3-11-050136-0 En / Ger € 44.95 / $ 59.95 / £ 41.00


Piranesi und sein Museum / Piranesi and his Museum


Selected titles

Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte (Ed.), Caroline van Eck Piranesi und sein Museum /  Piranesi and his Museum Stilbildung, Agency, und die Wiederbelebung der Antike im Zeitalter des Klassizismus /  Style Formation, Agency and the Revival of Antiquity in the Age of Neo-Classicism


Pages Ills. Format Print SC

148 15 color 21.0 × 12.5 cm 978-3-422-90000-4 En / Ger € 16.90 $ 19.99 £ 15.50

March 2019

! Antique fashion and classic style around 1800 between Rome an Paris ! A new perspective on Piranesi’s fantastic antiquity

The development or change of styles is usually considered a process directed by people: the artist, the patron, and sometimes the intended audience or public. This book offers a different perspective on style ­formation, taking the presence and agency of artefacts as a starting point. ­Inspired by recent innovative concepts in archaeology and psychology, it

f­ ocuses on the decades around 1800, and reconstructs how the new object scapes that came into being in Rome and Paris, as a result of the massive migration of objects caused by the political upheavals of the period 1789–1815, shaped the formation of Neo-Classicism. The author offers ­explanations of style formation that go beyond traditional artistic or

­ esthetic considerations. The laboraa tory for this investigation is Piranesi’s Museo, the artefacts that were created there, and their biographies.

Aion Chronos, marble statue, h. 155 cm, 2nd-3d century CE (Vatican: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Museo Profano)

Ch. Percier and P.-L. Fontaine, Palais et Maisons de Rome, frontispice of Book VIII (Paris 1798)

Prof. Dr. Caroline van Eck Professor of Art History, University of Cambridge, UK


En / Ger


Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Vasi, Candelabri, Cippi, Rhyton in the shape of a boar’s head (Rome 1771)

Peter Herrmann Painter’s Greetings from Berlin Uwe Gellner, Annegret Laabs (Ed.), Uwe Kolbe

2017. 232 pages 27.0 × 21.0 cm 262 color ills.

2016. 156 pages 28.0 × 23.0 cm 1 b /w ills, 109 color ills.

Print HC 978-3-422-07377-7 En € 24.90 / $ 28.99 / £ 22.50

Print HC 978-3-422-07414-9 En / Ger € 32.00 / $ 36.99 / £ 29.00

Kunsthalle Bremen English Edition Anne Buschhoff (Ed.)

The Historic Grünes Gewölbe at Dresden The Baroque Treasury Jutta Kappel, Dirk Syndram, Ulrike Weinhold

2nd edition 2016. 216 pages 22.0 × 12.0 cm 200 color ills. Print SC 978-3-422-02287-4 En € 12.80 / $ 14.99 / £ 11.50

The Düsseldorf Art Academy Making History since 1945 Kunstakademie Düsseldorf (Ed.) 2015. 480 pages 30.0 × 24.0 cm 200 b / w ills., 200 color ills. Print HC 978-3-422-07311-1 En € 44.90 / $ 51.99 / £ 41.00

Pinakothek der Moderne Munich Bernhard Maaz (Ed.) 2017. 344 pages 21.0 × 15.0 cm 13 b / w ills., 275 color ills. Print SC 978-3-422-07406-4 En € 16.90 / $ 19.99 / £ 15.50

The Villa Hügel An Entrepreneur’s Residence in the Course of Time Alfried Krupp v. Bohlen u. Halbach-Stiftung (Ed.), Kerstin Hall, Renate Köhne-Lindenlaub

2014. 180 pages 28.0 × 24.5 cm 17 b / w ills., 129 color plates

2004. 168 pages 22.0 × 12.2 cm 170 color plates

Print HC 978-3-422-07286-2 En € 24.90 / $ 28.99 / £ 22.50

Print SC 978-3-422-06449-2 En € 9.80 / $ 11.99 / £ 9.00

Prussian Residences Royal Palaces and Gardens in Berlin and Brandenburg Hartmut Dorgerloh, Michael Scherf

Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Guide to his buildings Haus d. Brandenburgisch-Preussischen Geschichte, Schinkel-Zentrum der Technischen Universität Berlin, et al.

2013. 160 pages 30.5 × 24.7 cm 9 b / w ills., 224 color ills.


Jeanne Mammen Paris – Bruxelles – Berlin Förderverein der Jeanne-MammenStiftung e. V., Berlin (Ed.)

2007. 400 pages 22.0 × 14.0 cm 3 b / w ills., 323 color ills.

Print SC 978-3-422-06760-8 En € 24.90 / $ 28.99 / £ 22.50

Print SC 978-3-422-06671-7 En € 34.90 / $ 40.99 / £ 31.50


Colorful City – Neues Bauen 2016. 216 pages 28.5 x 24.2 cm 72 b/w ills., 200 color ills. Print HC 978-3-422-07393-7 En € 39.90/$ 45.99/£ 36.50

Endtime Warriors Ideology and Terror of the SS Wulff E Brebeck, Frank Huismann, Kirsten John-Stucke, Jörg Piron (Ed.)

Wewelsburg Castle A Historical and Architectural Overview Wulff E Brebeck

2015. 464 pages 30.0 × 23.0 cm 700 color ills.

2nd edition 2018. 96 pages 20.0 × 12.0 cm 12 b/w ills., 31 color ills.

Print SC 978-3-422-02396-3 En € 24.90 / $ 28.99 / £ 22.50

The NSDAP Center in Munich Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in München (Ed.), Klaus Bäumler, Ulrike Grammbitter, Iris Lauterbach 2015. 96 pages 20.0 × 12.0 cm 43 b/w ills., 21 color ills.

On Several Telepathic Dispositifs Vittore Carpaccio‘s Cycle of Paintings in the Scuola degli Schiavoni in Venice Victor I. Stoichita 2016. 80 pages 21.0 × 12.5 cm 13 color ills. Print SC 978-3-422-07394-4 En / Ger € 14.90 / $ 17.99 / £ 13.50

Housing Estates in the Berlin Modern Style UNESCO World Heritage Site Jörg Haspel, Annemarie Jaeggi (Ed.), Markus Jager

Zugspitze Hans Engels 2015. 96 pages 28.0 × 24.0 cm 54 b/w ills., 3 maps Print HC 978-3-422-07335-7 En / Ger € 29.90 / $ 34.99 / £ 27.00

2nd edition 2012. 102 pages 20.0 × 12.0 cm 59 color ills.


Print SC 978-3-422-02400-7 En € 8.00 / $ 9.99 / £ 7.50

Print SC 978-3-422-02203-4 En € 7.00 / $ 8.99 / £ 6.50

Print SC 978-3-422-02100-6 En € 7.00 / $ 8.99 / £ 6.50

Der Palast von Sans-Souci in Milot, Haiti The Palace of Sans-Souci in Milot, Haiti – The Untold Story of the Potsdam of the Rainforest Ulrich Pfisterer (Ed.), Gauvin Alexander Bailey 2018. 200 pages 21.0 × 12.5 cm 31 color ills. Print SC 978-3-422-07466-8 En / Ger € 14.90 / $ 17.99 / £ 13.50

Photo Credits Catalog cover picture © Heiko Adrian, Berlin; p. 48, left to right: photo: Getty Research Centre; ­Vatican: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Museo Profano; photo: wikipedia commons; photo INHA, Paris.


Architecture 51 52 52 53 53

My Bauhaus – Mein Bauhaus Visionaries and Unsung Heroes Übernachten in China – Sleepover in China Sustainable Urban Planning In Material gedacht – Thinking through Material

Sandra Hofmeister (Ed.) My Bauhaus  100 Architects on the 100th Anniversary of a Myth DETAIL Special Pages 240 Ills. 200 Format 16.0 × 23.5 cm Print SC 978-3-95553-451-6 En / Ger E-Book 978-3-95553-452-3 En / Ger

€ 29.90 $ 42.00 £ 24.00 € 29.90 $ 42.00 £ 24.00

December 2018


! International architects give their thoughts on Bauhaus ! An birthday album for the legendary institution ! Personal statements by international architects

En / Ger


Architects from all over the world are fimiliar with the Bauhaus. A century after the avant-garde school was founded, it’s principles, philosophies and memories are still very much alive. Bauhaus is a legend, and its ­legacy continues to shape our world in many different ways. To mark its centenary, DETAIL has produced an album in wich 100 architects from all over the

world wish the school a happy birthday. Their short texts, photos and sketches reveal what Bauhaus means to them. The result is a colourful a colourful book of anecdotes, experiences and personal stories that will raise a smile or make you think. Rather than defining what Bauhaus is, the short statements show the extent to which Bauhaus is still relevant today.

Dr. Sandra Hofmeister editor-in-chief of DETAIL


! A look at the social, cultural and technological relevance of engineering En

! Development of the profession through larger-than-life personalities in their field and in the context of their times


! Social trends, innovations and challenges facing engineers, documented using current projects

Werner Lang, Cornelia Hellstern (Eds.), Bill Addis, Dirk Bühler, Jan Knippers Visionaries and Unsung Heroes Engineers – Design – Tomorrow DETAIL Special Pages 216 Ills. numerous Format 22.5 × 26.8 cm Print HC 978-3-95553-460-8 En E-Book 978-3-95553-461-5 En

€ 39.90 $ 56.00 £ 32.00 € 39.90 $ 56.00 £ 32.00

March 2019

The exciting and versatile range of ­activities performed by construction engineers is rarely fully appreciated by the public. Yet as well as being a key industry for the economy, construction is also important for society: Modern life without buildings and infrastructure would be simply inconceivable. With that in mind, this publication presents the engineering profession (and by extension the entire industry) as it really is: Fascinating, creative, diverse and innovative. Engineers and their innovations are presented in the context of their

s­ ocial, economic and political ­influences. The book combines an ­historical ­perspective with a focus on ­contemporary projects.



En / Ger

! Unusual architecture for visitors to China

Christian Schittich (Ed.) Sleepover in China Guest Houses and Hotels DETAIL Special Pages 144 Ills. 140 Format 23.5 × 18.7 cm Print HC 978-3-95553-458-5 En / Ger € 39.90 $ 56.00 £ 32.00 E-Book 978-3-95553-459-2 En / Ger € 39.90 $ 56.00 £ 32.00 June 2019

! On the diversity of local construction culture in China, its materials and concepts

Many of the hotels and guesthouses featured in this book are in rural areas. They were built to improve people’s lives there through careful tourism or to create high-quality attractions ­capable of curbing the massive rural exodus. Some of the other buildings aim to upgrade neglected city ­neighbourhoods or to preserve historical building stock by giving it a new, meaningful lease of life.

Christian Schittich freelance author and China specialist; former editor-in-chief of DETAIL

! Holistic concepts for urban areas


! International project examples for successful neighbourhood developments ! Strategies and tools for successful implementation in practice

DETAIL Special Pages 280 Format 29.7 × 23.0 cm Print HC 978-3-95553-462-2 En E-Book 978-3-95553-463-9 En

€ 69.90 $ 98.00 £ 56.00 € 69.90 $ 98.00 £ 56.00

May 2019

Life in the city is popular and creating liveable urban space is undoubtedly a priority for planners. Yet what makes a city worth living in? How do we ­define sustainable neighbourhoods that will function properly and ­continue to attract people in the future? What does “Smart City” or “resilience” really mean? The completely revised, new edition of this publication provides the answers. It addresses the fundamental challenges of urban planning today and offers planners essential knowledge, implementation strategies and

ways toward holistic concept development. Examples of international ­neighbourhood developments clearly show how aspects of sustainable urban planning can be implemented in practice.


Stephan Anders, Helmut Bott, Gregor Grassl Sustainable Urban Planning Vibrant Neighbourhoods – Smart Cities – Resilience


En / Ger

! Materiality of architecture in the design process

DETAIL Special Pages 160 Ills. 190 Format 20.0 × 24.0 cm Print SC 978-3-95553-464-6 En / Ger € 34.90 $ 49.00 £ 28.00 E-Book 978-3-95553-465-3 En / Ger € 34.90 $ 49.00 £ 28.00 November 2018

Theme of the book is the materiality of architecture in the design process. When does the idea for the materiality of an architecture arise? What role does the context and its character play? Does the typology have an effect on the material formulation of buildings? What relevance does the function have for the choice of a material? Is the aging ability of materials taken into account in the design? ­ And can light be understood as material? These and other questions characterize the process of designing buildings for craftmans. The models

and drawings of the designs alternate with the contributions by the architects Andreas Bründler, Piero Bruno and Thomas Kröger and are as readable in connection with them as they are independent of what is written. Professor Uta Graff Chair of Architectural Design and ­Conception at the Technical University of Munich


Uta Graff (Ed.) Thinking through Material Material in the Process of Architectural Design and Conception


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Walter Gropius

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My Bauhaus / Mein Bauhaus 100 Architects on the 100th Anniversary of a Myth / 100 Architekten zum 100sten Geburtstag eines Mythos

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