Wolfgang Jonas Sarah Zerwas Kristof von Anshelm (Eds.)
Board of International Research in Design, BIRD
Advisory Board: Gui Bonsiepe Nigel Cross Alain Findeli Kun-Pyo Lee John Maeda Shutaro Mukai Pieter Jan Stappers Susann Vihma
The label “transformation design” was presented in the UK in 2006. It aimed at new means to make behaviour change and social change happen and to generate new forms of innovation. The human-centred approach was to be extended towards a society-centred one. The transformation concept goes back to anthropologist and sociologist Karl Paul Polanyi, who described the emergence of the almost unquestioned and meanwhile universal Western market logic in his 1944 book “The Great Transformation”. He called the transformation of societies with markets into market societies the “dis-embedding of the markets”. Leading think tanks refer to Polanyi and demand for a new social contract and the “re-em bedding” of the markets into society. Which are design’s potentials, instruments and contributions in this new “Great Transformation”? Questions, answers, theories, methods, ideas and projects are put forward. Their variety suggests that transformation design will probably not become a new category, but will remain a fuzzy discourse. We call it a placement, an ambitious value-based attitude towards designing. The book wants to encourage the international debate in favour of a more responsible design.
ISBN 978-3-0356-0636-2
Transformation Design
Can design contribute to the solution of big problems such as climate change, resource scarcity, poverty, etc.?
Transformation Design
Wolfgang Jonas Sarah Zerwas Kristof von Anshelm (Eds.)
Members: Michael Erlhoff Wolfgang Jonas Gesche Joost Claudia Mareis Ralf Michel
Board of International Research in Design, BIRD
Perspectives on a New Design Attitude