CONTENTS Here is a list of key information you will find inside this Access Pack.
What You Need To Know Our Space Cast List Visual Story Thank You
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Little Red Riding Hood is a play written by Katherine Chandler and directed by Caroline Wilkes. It follows the story of Red growing up and Nana looking after her. The show is 50 Minutes long with no interval. The show is recommended for people aged 3-6. This is what the stage looks like.
OUR SPACE Our new front door is located on Centenary Square, shown here:
Our Box Office (left) and Foyer (right) are shown here:
A Chill Out Space is available during the Relaxed Performance in meeting room one on the first floor (next to the entrance to Door D). It has sensory toys and ear defenders. A Quiet Room is available during all performances on the second floor. Please ask a member of staff if you would like to use these spaces.
Nisha Anil plays Nana
Siobhan Cha Cha plays Red
Ben Simon plays Robin and Wolf
PLEASE NOTE: If you are attending any of the relaxed performances the show has been tailored to a 'relaxed' atmosphere. This means that:
The houselights will remain on at a low level. Auditorium doors will remain open to allow free flow in or out of the auditorium. Some reduced sound levels
The relaxed performance for Little Red Riding Hood is on Thu 28 Dec at 11am.
The show begins with Red, Nana and Robin welcoming the audience to the show. Robin tells the audience that he is going to tell them a story about Red and Nana and a Big Bad Wolf. Robin will ask the audience to join in wishing Red a ‘happy birthday’ every time he plays ‘Happy Birthday To You’ on his violin.
Robin tells the story of how Red learns something new each time she has a birthday. When Red turns one she learns to walk. She comes and hides in the audience. Nana gives Red a big red bow so that Red can be seen easily from far away.
When Red turns two she digs a very deep hole in the woods. Nana is very scared for Red so she gives her an even bigger bow!
When Red turns three she tells Nana everything she wants but Nana doesn’t let her have it (in case something bad happens). Nana gives Red a big woolly hat so that Nana can see Red everywhere.
When Red turns four she asks Nana lots of questions. Robin tells the audience Red’s dreams about going into the woods and exploring the world.
When Red turns five Nana gets ill. Red tells Nana that she will get special ingredients to help Nana get better. Nana is nervous at first, but then she draws Red a map to show her how to get into the woods to find the ingredients. Nana sings Red a song to help her remember the way through the woods. Nana gives Red a red riding hood so that she can be seen easily.
Red goes through the woods and sees lots of wonderful things! Red asks the audience for help with directions a couple of times. Red leads a butterfly puppet through the audience for them to touch gently. Nana takes a dragonfly puppet through the audience. There are beautiful flowers and a lovely oak tree with acorns in the woods.
Red can’t remember the way back through the woods. Red bumps into Wolf who sings a song. The lighting changes here and the stage becomes a bit darker. The Wolf is a funny character, and don’t worry, he’s not really a Wolf! Wolf asks Red questions about Nana and Red doesn’t trust Wolf. Red asks Wolf his name and he tells her. She then screams and runs away,
Red runs home and is confused because Nana looks very different. That is because Wolf has put Nana’s bonnet on and is sitting in her bed. Red asks Wolf questions. Wolf eats Red! (Don’t forget, he’s not real and everyone is ok in the end!)
Red travels through Wolf’s mouth and into his tummy. Red is a bit scared but then Nana finds her! Red and Nana talk about what it is like being in Wolf’s tummy. They aren’t scared anymore because they have each other. Red has an idea. They just have to climb back up through the Wolf’s mouth!
Red and Nana jump out of Wolf’s mouth and try to be quiet so that he stays asleep. Red and Nana ask the audience to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with them so that Wolf doesn’t wake up. You can sing along too! Here are the lyrics: Twinkle twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high. Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are.
Red and Nana use ribbons to tie up Wolf’s mouth and hands so that he can’t eat anyone anymore! Red and Nana are very happy together and they aren’t scared to go outside anymore. They talk about all the adventures they go on. They sing another song and then the audience claps and Red, Robin and Nana leave the stage.
We hope you enjoy the show and have a great time at the performance! Please email any feedback to us at: