Much Ado About Nothing is a romantic comedy written by William Shakespeare.
This is a Ramps on the Moon production adapted and directed by Robert Hastie.
Every performance features the use of integrated creative sign language, audio description and captioning.
This production explores themes including violence, emotional abuse, alcohol abuse, death, sexism and misogyny. These themes are not performed on the stage, but are featured in the script.
Please visit our website to learn more about the cast and creative team.
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Much Ado About Nothing is one of Shakespeare’s most-loved comedies.
There are mistaken identities, a faked death, and all the characters deceive each other for their own ends.
Sometimes the language and social conventions of Elizabethan England are confusing to us from a modern perspective.
We unpack the plot of this classic play without spoiling the ending.
The story begins at Leonato’s house in Messina in Sicily.
After winning a war, the Prince of Aragon Don Pedro and his followers Benedick, Borachio and Claudio, visit Leonato who is the Duke of Messina, father of Hero and uncle of Lady Beatrice.
Claudio quickly falls in love with Hero, Leonato's daughter, and his marriage proposal is accepted.
Benedick and Beatrice have both said they will never marry anyone, but are known to banter and bicker every time they meet.
The Prince Don Pedro and the others plan to make Benedick and Beatrice fall in love, by making sure they both overhear people talking about their secret love for each other.
Donna Joanna, the Prince's illegitimate sister and a hated villain, plots against the upcoming marriage of Hero and Claudio with his follower Borachio.
Claudio is made to believe that Hero is unfaithful on the night before her wedding day – it’s actually her maid Margaret they see with Borachio.
During their wedding, Claudio condemns Hero in front of everyone for betraying him. She faints and on the advice of the Friar, who believes she is innocent, Leonato tells everyone that she has died from shock.
Beatrice asks Benedick to kill Claudio for dishonouring her cousin to prove his love for her. The bumbling constable Dogberry and his watchmen get involved. All the deception will eventually come to light and love will win the day.
Don Pedro - the Prince of Aragon
Donna Joanna - illegitimate child and Don Pedro's sister Conrade - one of Donna Joanna’s followers
Borachio - one of Donna Joanna’s followers, a crafty drunkard
Claudio - a Count in Don Pedro’s army
Benedick - a bachelor serving in Don Pedro’s army
Balthasar - an attendant of Don Pedro’s and a musician
Leonato - the governor of Messina, is father to Hero and uncle to Beatrice
Antonia - the sister of Leonato
Beatrice - Leonato’s orphaned niece who is against getting married
Hero - Leonato’s daughter and less outspoken than Beatrice
Friar Francis - gets involved in the drama as he is performing the wedding ceremony
Dogberry - constable of the Watch for Messina
Verges - Dogberry’s partner as commander of the Watch
Margaret - Hero’s maid, witty and charming Ursula - is another maid to Hero Oatcake - one of the local watchmen Seacole - a Sexton at the church
We hope you enjoy the show and have a great time at this performance.
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