Birstall Post April 2010 (321)

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the Birstall post Y O U R


APRIL 2010


No. 321

Dog ban vote A PROPOSAL to ban dogs from all Birstall’s playing fields was narrowly defeated at the March meeting of Birstall Parish Council. Cllr Jim Garner made the proposal which was defeated by nine votes to seven with two abstentions. The Council is concerned at the hazard

dog waste presents to visitors to the park, council groundstaff and sports teams. During the debate, comment was made that the Council should operate the park for the benefit of people not dogs, by providing a safe play area and not a lavatory for dogs. Cllr Mary Houghton said: “I have every sympathy with dog owners, but it seems that we sometimes put the welfare of dogs before that of children.” Cllr Garner said: “As a Council we have received letters and complaints about this issue. It’s a danger to health and unpleasant for the groundstaff. On health issues alone, all dogs should be banned from the park. Even if it only reduces the problem, it is still worth doing.” A letter from a Birstall resident who has almost lost the sight in one eye because of toxocariasis was read out to councillors. The writer states: “All the picking up in the world will not prevent contamination of the grass. That wet poo cannot all be picked up. Please

Competition winners: (l-r) Megan Louise-Southwick, Ellie-May Akiens, Siân Gurney, Liam Brown, Jenny Faulks James McMillan, Ellie MacManard, Nicola Bates and (not pictured) Charlotte Layshley Inset: some of the winning designs

Continued on page 2

Eggstra special CHILDREN AT Riverside School unleashed their creativity decorating hard boiled eggs for an Easter fundraising event.


the birstall post APR 2010

Dog ban continued from page 1 consider seriously banning dogs from the park and remember prevention is better than no cure.” Councillors objecting to the ban commented that it would not stop irresponsible owners from not picking up and the majority of responsible owners would suffer. Cllr Patrick Cleere said: “I fully understand the dangers and if I thought a dog ban would work, I would support it. But it will only stop the law abiding majority from using the park, and the problem will continue.” Cllr Gerald Hardington said that the Council should target the irresponsible dog owners, who need to be told they are breaking the law, and that a dog ban would alienate responsible dog owners. Efforts should be made to improve signage, by making it clear and consistent, and to secure a prosecution and fine which can be publicised. The Parish Council already has bye-laws in force which require all dogs to be on leads and requires owners to remove faeces. Failure to comply with these laws could result in the issue of a fixed penalty notice and a fine of £80. If the matter reaches the magistrates court, the fine could be £500 and reported in the press. Fouling of the highway is also a fixed penalty offence and the maximum court fine is £1,000 Parish Clerk Steve Blackburn said: “The council will be taking a proactive stance and speaking to dog owners over the next few weeks. Responsible members of the public who see offences being committed are invited to pass information to the Council so that effective enforcement action can be considered.” Eggs continued from page 1 Prizes of chocolate Easter eggs were awarded to the nine winners judged to have produced the best designs. The competition was organised by the Riverside Fundraisers (PTA) to inspire the children’s creative talents and to raise funds for school equipment. £9000 has been raised to provide new playground equipment by organising fetes, discos, quiz nights and treasure hunts. Secretary Mrs Lynn Van Ristell said: “A huge thanks to everyone who has helped, contributed and attended events over the last couple of years to reach our £9000 target. A selection of new playground equipment is now in use and further items are on their way to the delight of all the children.”

New fire station

Parish Council notes

A NEW fire station and fire service HQ will be built at Hallam Fields. Charnwood Borough Council have approved the plans, which feature a two storey fire station with three bays for fire engines, a three storey headquarters building, a 107 space car park and 25 metre high wind turbine. The plans also include a training house where firefighters can be trained in an environment that simulates a domestic setting. The Fire and Rescue Service say that approximately 100 employees will be using the new buildings. They say that the existing HQ at Glenfield is too small and that the new building will offer considerable cost savings

Pic: an artist’s impression of the new buildings

by bringing operations currently conducted from several sites into one building. The new building will have air source heat pumps, high levels of insulation, a ‘grey’ water system and solar panels. The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Combined Fire Authority receives 27,000 calls a year of which 15,000 are actual emergency incidents. There are 20 fire and rescue stations and the authority employs 880 people.


Park and Ride site Fire Station & HQ

Hallam Fields

Hallam Fields update AN UPDATE on the progress of the Hallam Fields development was provided at Birstall Parish Council’s planning committee meeting in March. The Head of Development Control at Charnwood Mr Steve Lewis-Roberts gave a presentation to councillors. He reported that: • Permission has been granted for 900 homes • The development is split into three phases. Phase 1 is 450 dwellings • Jelsons is the major developer but two other developers are also building on the site: Westleigh Homes have built 90 affordable dwellings and Taylor Wimpey have recently received permission for 59 dwellings. The total number of dwellings will not exceed 900 • 170 dwellings are occupied at present • The pace of development has slowed because



of the recession but this has picked up over the last six months • Work on the business park has started : 3 units have been built. There is permission for 49 in total • Plans for the fire station and fire HQ have been approved • Work on the construction of the park and ride site will start “fairly soon” • The pedestrian walkway across the A6 will be built when 750 dwellings are occupied • Jelsons have not requested re-negotiation of their section 106 contributions as a result of the economic downturn • There are no plans to provide allotments at Hallam Fields but there is potential because of the large area of open space that will be a feature of the finished development



Body in lake POLICE RECOVERED the body of an elderly woman from a lake in Watermead Country Park. Officers were called to the park at about 8.30pm on Sunday February 28 after a call from a member of the public. The Police have said they are not treating the death of the woman, believed to be in her eighties, as suspicious.

A FULL meeting of Birstall Parish Council was held on March 8. PC Richard Carruthers reported that three Acceptable Behaviour Contracts are active in Birstall. A fifth person has been arrested in connection with the graffiti damage on December 18. Inspector Duncan Southall reported there had been a big reduction in burglary other than dwelling this year compared to last. He said he would support any proposal to position a CCTV camera at the junction of Sibson Road and Stonehill Avenue, and would welcome a street drinking ban. Most antisocial behaviour is carried out by young people who are drunk, he said. Inspector Southall reported that an alleged assault at the polling station in Birstall on February 18 had been investigated, but that the parties making the complaints no longer wished to pursue the matter, and that the Returning Office was satisfied that there had been no offences relating to electoral law on the day. Cllr Patrick Cleere said that he had seen six police officers in pairs in Birstall, and not six pairs of Police Officers, as reported in the March Birstall Post. Comment was made about the congestion on Ambergate Drive during school pick-up times. It was reported that the school and police are sending a letter to parents about the issue. A resident and allotment holder asked the Council to explain what the benefits were to him that the Parish Council run the allotments. Clerk Steve Blackburn said that the Council manages the allotments in an impartial way, work is done by professionals, and that the council subsidises the allotments as rent does not cover costs. The resident said that the management of the allotments was a one way process and that no-one ever asks tenants what they want. He was advised that he could attend Council meetings or visit the


Parish Office at any time to raise issues. Another resident raised concerns about the condition of the ditches along Meadow Lane. Cllr Tony Fowler said that the land was not owned by the Parish Council, the landowner was responsible for maintaining the ditches, and the landowner was unknown. Attempts to establish the identity of the landowner had failed. It was reported that BUFC will be removing a skip located at their Meadow Lane ground and will be tackling their litter problem. Owing to the difficulties caused by a full size bus using Stonehill Avenue, it was agreed to write to bus operator First Leicester to suggest they use smaller vehicles on the route. Councillors debated a proposal to ban all dogs from the village playing fields. It was defeated by nine votes to seven with two abstentions. It was agreed to obtain a quote for providing steps in the grassy bank opposite Birstall DIY for users of the car park, and for creating a path through the flower beds from the Sibson Road car park to the bowls club. Both routes are being used informally and the ground is becoming muddy. It was reported that a planter near the car park entrance is obscuring vision for motorists exiting the car park and it was agreed to invite the County Council to suggest a solution. It was agreed that the County Council be asked to replace the daffodils and white roses planted outside Greengate Medical Centre that were lost during the 2009 junction improvements. The Council have formed a steering group to oversee the installation of a skate park and multi use games area on the School Lane playing field.

Sentence upheld A BIRSTALL man jailed for a violent torture attack has failed to have his sentence overturned on appeal. Paul Sean Timothy Bradley (21) of Johnson Road was convicted in 2009 after admitting inflicting grievous bodily harm and false imprisonment. He was one of a gang of seven who tied up and tortured a man they believed was involved in a robbery at one of the gang member’s home. The victim was tied up and held for five hours. Bradley branded him with a hairdryer and sprayed aerosols around his head, which he then lit. Burning cigarettes were stubbed out on the victim’s body. Bradley was given an indefinite prison sentence in 2009 and was ordered to serve at least three years and four months behind bars before he would be considered for release, and then only if he could prove he was no longer a danger to the public. His lawyers urged Lord Justice Thomas, sitting with Mr Justice Roderick Evans and Mr Justice Coulson at London’s Criminal Appeal Court, to overturn the open-ended sentence and replace it with a determinate number of years. Lord Justice Pic Paul Bradley Thomas said: “In a civil society, if someone sets about torturing or committing the extreme brutality in this case, why should he be considered for release, if ever released?” Noting that Bradley took a ‘lead role’ in the incident, the judge said: “It was an incident of extreme and severe violence and the sentencing judge took the view that this was inevitably linked to some kind of drug gang deal.” Bradley had three previous convictions for common assault, two for threatening behaviour and one for affray. That record, combined with Bradley’s “propensity for violence” justified the indefinite sentence, the judge ruled.


Band Charity shave night for car park A LOCAL football club wants to resurface its car park and has organised a gig to help raise funds for the project. Birstall United Juniors FC, who are based on Meadow Lane, are putting on the gig at the Newfoundpool WMC, Beatrice Road, Leicester on Saturday April 24. The gig will feature the covers band Weirdfish – the drummer is club manager Phil Hughes. He said: “As everyone who comes to the club knows, our car park is in desperate need of resurfacing. Unfortunately, this is not going to be cheap and so the committee came up with the idea of doing a gig to raise the money. We are holding the gig at the Newfoundpool Club since they are the landlords of part of our training facilities and they are letting us have their concert room for free. This will be a great evening out for everybody involved, especially if you like live music.” Weirdfish plays rock covers from groups like Kings of Leon, Foo Fighters, Oasis, Green Day, the Fratellis, Razorlight, Neil Young, The Clash, AC-DC and many other favourites from the past four decades. There is a bar until midnight and other fundraising activities on the night including raffles and auctions. The club will be arranging buses to take people to the gig and back for a small charge so that they don’t have to worry about driving or taxis. Phil said: “This gig is open to anyone, not just members of the football club, so please come along and support us.” Tickets are priced at £7.50 per person but are restricted to adults only. They are available from Finally, the club would be very grateful if people or local businesses could donate some prizes for the raffle/auction, so if you would like to donate something no matter how small, please contact Phil on

A PINT and a shave please: not an unusual order at The Plough last month when players from a local rugby club had their beards shaved after growing them to raise money for an injured team mate. 25 players from Birstall Rugby Club were sponsored to grow their beards from January 1, to raise funds for Richard Engelgardt who dislocated his spine when a scrum collapsed. Hairdressing students from Brooksby College did the shaving. The club expects the event to have raised more than £2000.

Pic: Brooksby College Hairdressing student Natalie French shaves Chris Barbrook

Burglars arrested Ale festival OFFICERS FROM Charnwood local policing unit are appealing for public help after two men were seen acting suspiciously in Birstall. Police received a report at about 2am on Monday March 22 that two men were seen acting suspiciously in the Cliffwood Avenue area. Following a search of the area two men were arrested and property believed to have been stolen from the Copeland Road area was recovered. A black Pentax digital camera and some prescription medication was recovered from the men. The owner of the medication has been identified but officers have not traced the owner of the camera. Detective Constable Alf Doyle is investigating the incident. He said: “It is

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believed that the suspects may have committed further incidents in the area and we would urge anyone who believes the camera may belong to them to contact us as soon as possible. The camera contains a number of pictures including a wedding and a holiday.” Two men, aged 18 and 21, have been arrested on suspicion of theft and remain in police custody. Anyone with any information is asked to contact DC 170 Doyle on 222 2222, follow the instructions to leave a message for a police officer and when prompted key in the officer’s identification number 0170. Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers, which is free and anonymous on 0800 555 111

FANCY YOURSELF as a real ale connoisseur? Unsure what ‘real ale’ is but tempted to give it a go? Then look out for The Rotary Club of the Wreake Valley’s 6th Annual Charity Real Ale Festival being held at Syston Community Centre in April. There will be around 30 real ales to sample together with a range of refreshments for the peckish, and of course soft drinks for drivers. On the Saturday evening at 8pm there will be a quiz that is free to enter for all attending the festival so get your teams of between two and six members arranged now. All proceeds to Rotary designated charitable causes. Entrance is £5 to include a commemorative glass and your first half pint. There will be concessions for card carrying CAMRA members. The event will be held on Thursday April 15 and Friday April 16, from 510.30pm and on Saturday April 17 from 12noon 10.30pm. Further information from and quiz entries to


the birstall post APR 2010

College’s new principal

Society asks MP for help

LONGSLADE COLLEGE has appointed a new principal. Ms Liz Hall, currently Co-Principal at the college with Mike Griffiths, will take up the post full time from the beginning of the autumn term. Ms Hall came to Longslade in 2006 when she was appointed Vice Principal. A teacher for more than 20 years, Ms Hall said: “I am absolutely delighted to be appointed as the new Principal for Longslade. The college is at an exciting phase of its development having had a successful Ofsted in October 2009, when we were awarded a ‘good’ rating. Inspectors commented on the ‘Longslade Experience’ and the positive impact this has for everyone working in the college. I am passionate about this ‘people led’ approach. Longslade has a genuine vision to ‘be the best it can be’ and I am excited by this opportunity to lead Longslade into the future.” She added: “I am really looking forward to working with governors, colleagues, students, parents and our family of schools to take the college on the way to be ‘outstanding’ in the future. We have a firm foundation in partnership working with our feeder schools – Stonehill High School, the Martin High School and local primaries. This places the college in a strong position for the challenges ahead. I

BIRSTALL ALLOTMENT Society urged local MP Stephen Dorrell to help with its efforts to obtain self management of the allotments when society members met him in March. Birstall’s allotments are currently managed by the Parish Council. It says it has not been persuaded of the merits of self management. The Society says that self management would save the Council the time it spends on administration, reduce the costs to the Council of maintaining Birstall’s three sites and improve the facilities. In 2007/08 the cost to the Parish Council of providing the allotments was £11,405 and the amount collected in rent £1253. Birstall Allotment society say they could save most or all of the money the Council currently spends on maintenance by applying for grant funding themselves. Birstall Parish Council says it has considered the proposal from the Allotment Society for self management. Parish Clerk Steve Blackburn said: “The Council’s minutes show discussion took place at the Estates and Recreation committee and at a meeting of the full council and these meetings felt that the proposals were not in the interests of the Council or the residents as Council Tax payers.” A spokesman for the Allotment society said: “The Society sent their initial proposals for self management to the Parish Council in July 2009 and asked to meet some of the council to discuss in detail how self management would work but the Council refused to discuss it. Since that time Birstall Parish Council have refused to enter into negotiations with the Allotment Society.” He added: “Birstall Allotment Society wrote to Stephen Dorrell MP asking him to act as an intermediary in establishing talks with the Parish Council.” In his correspondence with the Parish Council, the allotment society say that the MP

New bowls season

Pic: new principal Liz Hall am particularly keen to develop our work in and with our community and would like to hear from any Birstall Post readers who could assist me in such work.” Mike Griffiths, who has led the college since 2004 and as Co Principal with Ms Hall for the last seven months, is leaving in August. He said: “The college has made tremendous steps forward over the years, but we are still keen to achieve much more for our students in the future. We have an ambitious vision and the Governors and I are confident that Liz, with both her knowledge of the College already and her dedication, enthusiasm and ideas for the future is just the right person to take over the helm.” Longslade Community College is a secondary school with a sixth form for ages 14-19. The College was awarded Specialist Technology College status in 2001. There are around 1200 on the school roll.

THE NEW outdoor bowls season starts later this month and Birstall Bowling Club are looking for new members to join the club. The club plays ladies, men’s and mixed friendly games against other clubs in Leicestershire, as well as league matches and national, county, parks and internal club competitions. For further details, ladies can contact Diane on 2675457 or Jan on 2122578 while men can call Grahame on 2673000 or Andy on 2677969. More information about the club can be seen on the website:

Pic: MP Stephen Dorrell (centre) with the Chairman of Birstall Allotment Society John Kitchen & Secretary Mary Farrell

was given misleading information by the Council. “[the Parish Council said] that they had asked for the opinions of the allotment holders over the matter of self management and the results were 50/50 for and against” said the spokesman. A subsequent Freedom of Information request showed that of 55 responses, 38 voted yes, 12 voted no and five did not know. Parish Clerk Steve Blackburn said: “The 50/50 was mathematically incorrect when viewed solely in the context of the questionnaire but is essentialy accurate, given the number of verbal opinions which we received. In many cases these are verbal due to an alleged fear of reprisals.” He added: “In essence their [the Allotment Society’s] initial proposal was to take the rental money, and the administration of rents and the waiting list, which is fairly minimal,

but still leave the council with all the costs of upkeep. Grants are unlikely to be regularly available for general running costs, leaving a shortfall which could more than quadruple the rents if the burden fell on the tenants. The Society may well have 100 members but the implication that almost all allotment holders are members is unlikely to bear close scrutiny. “Furthermore, it is not true that we have refused to enter negotiations. While the Council is currently of the view that self management is not in the interests of the Council Tax payers of Birstall, any further realistic and costed proposal for self management would be taken seriously. No such revised proposal has been received. Until it is, a meeting is not appropriate.” The Allotment Society say that Mr Dorrell has written to the Chief Executive of Charnwood Borough Council asking him to arrange a meeting in which the Chief Executive will act as an honest broker between Birstall Parish Council and Birstall Allotment Society over the issue of self management. The Birstall Post contacted Mr Dorrell to ask him what actions he was taking following his meeting with the Allotment Society and inviting him to comment on the proposal for self management, but no reply was received before going to press.

TV bride’s Free handyman exit service

A REALITY TV contestant from Birstall missed out on winning an all expenses paid wedding after she was knocked out in episode three. Claire Elkins (26) was taking part in the Wedding TV Show, Brides on a Bus, as reported in our last issue. Claire was able to keep the wedding dress she wore on the show and wore it to marry fiancé Darren after filming ended. Pic: Claire Elkins

A FREE handyman service for ex-service personnel and their widows or partners is offered by the Royal British Legion. ‘Poppy Calls’ currently employs 12 fitters around the country with seven more in the process of joining. Assistance is available to those in receipt of a means tested benefit such as pension credit or housing benefit. For details call 01480 478031 or write to Poppy Calls Home Support, the Royal British legion, Suite 2, Nelson House, Allington Road, Little Barford PE19 6YH


Quiz night for Alarna

Special NHW news football & crime report memory Restorative Justice within Leicestershire Leicestershire Police were one of four constabularies chosen in March 2008 to pioneer a new approach to dealing with low-level crimes. Restorative justice (RJ) is a community based scheme working on the principle that ‘the punishment fits the crime’ rather than offenders being put through the court process. Restorative justice was proposed as a result of talking to victims of low level crime. The feedback received was that they wanted to see justice done for the actions they had been subjected to but they didn’t feel that they benefited from the offender being put through the formal court process. The main guidelines that need to be satisfied when using RJ as an alternative to the formal court process are that the crime has to be a ‘minor’ or low-level crime such as graffiti, vandalism or petty shop lifting. It has to have been the first offence for the offender and they only get one chance to benefit from RJ. The offender has to acknowledge their actions and show true remorse for their behaviour. The victim has to agree to be part of the process and to say what they want to see happen to make amends. The restorative justice practitioner (usually a Police officer or PCSO) negotiates with both the victim and the offender to reach agreement on whether RJ will be used and if so how this will be conducted. The agreed actions tend to be menial, unpaid work for either the victim or the local community. Typical examples are: removing graffiti, gardening, litter picking etc. However, the victim can also request they communicate to the offender the impact their crime has had on them. This can be achieved either in a face to face interview or indirectly via the RJ practitioner. Whatever the means of restoration agreed the offender is supervised throughout by the RJ practitioner. There are a number of key advantages to adopting the RJ approach. The victim feels they have seen and benefited from the justice done. The offender is given a chance to make up for their actions without getting a criminal record although details of the RJ are kept on record for 5 years. The Police benefit from saving time as RJ is far less time consuming than processing the paperwork required when an offender appears in court. The first year of operating the scheme was assessed in March 2009. Nationally, the re-offending rate of people who had been through the RJ process was 40%. This compared favourably with a re-offending rate of 71% for people who had been through the usual court process. In Leicestershire 2666 offences had been resolved using RJ. 45% of these were juveniles. Overall the re-offending rate was 10% rising to 18% in juveniles. Victim satisfaction rates increased from 60% to 90% and from July 2008 the Police have saved over 18,500 hours. Although using restorative justice is still in the early days of operation the first results have been very positive and it appears to be a solution to dealing with low level crime in which everyone involved benefits. The RJ programme continues to be used successfully within Leicestershire, including Birstall, and its use is increasing and extending into new areas of operation. Ghislaine Woods. NHW committee member. Crime Report : Birstall Feb 8 – Mar 8, 2010 Assaults 4, burglary 2, burglary other 1, damage 7, damage to motor vehicle 1, drugs 1, fraud 3, public order 2, theft 5, theft of cycle 1, theft from motor vehicle 4, theft stores 3. One theft stores and one drug offence were detected. The ASB van continues to support Birstall on Friday and Saturday nights containing at least two beat officers Update for graffiti incident on December 18 : a further youth was arrested and interviewed and admitted one offence. A further arrest is planned imminently. From PC Richard Carruthers # 2139

JUNIOR FOOTBALL players from Birstall have had an experience to treasure thanks to Leicester City Football Club. 14 boys from Birstall United Juniors Under 7s squad were among 60 kids from the club who had three days of football coaching from Leicester City Legends Matty Elliot and Ian Marshall during half term. The first day of coaching also included a trip to the Leicester v Scunthorpe game where they saw City score 5 goals – something that they’d never done before at the Walkers Stadium. For the other two days Matty Elliott came

Pic: Matty Elliott passing on some tips

to Birstall and coached the kids back at their home training ground on Meadow Lane. Phil Hughes, Manager of the under 7s said: “The Saturday was an amazing experience for the kids, and they had the time of their life. “The day started off with a coaching session from Matty Elliott and was followed by

Gym promises results AN AWARD winning personal trainer has set up his own gym. Joe Hanney, Personal Trainer of the Year 2008, said: “Having been involved in the fitness business for several years, I became increasingly frustrated at the poor standards in our industry. Quite simply I became sick and tired of clubs where sales numbers were more important than member results, personal training standards were ridiculously poor and good training programmes and qualified instruction were almost impossible to find. I set out to create the solution. And I have.” Results Weight Loss Fitness and Lifestyle Coaching opens this month at Barkby Road, Thurmaston Joe added: “I believe we have the best fitness training facility in Leicester if not the Midlands with the most attentive and knowledgeable staff, the most cutting edge training methods and a clean and comfortable training environment. You won’t find a more qualified or more highly trained set of personal coaches anywhere. I also believe we offer many things none of the other fitness businesses in the area offer, we provide results. We get better results in less time than any other fitness programme”. For more details go to

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A FUNDRAISING night has raised over £1000 to help pay for treatment for a blind baby.

Pic: Birstall Utd Jnrs on the pitch with Filbert Fox, Alan Birchenall and Matt Willcock. Photo courtesy of Neil Plumb, LCFC

the trip to the Leicester game. For many of them it was their first trip to the Walkers Stadium and it’s one they will not forget in a hurry. To start with they were sat right behind the goal that City put four in during the first half. Not only that, but they were sat in the front row, right behind Filbert Fox, and every time City scored, Filbert gave them all a massive hug and ran up and down the line giving them all high fives. “Just when they thought their day couldn’t get any better they were given a massive surprise at half time when they were asked to do the half time relay race around the pitch. There were two teams of 7 and they raced twice around the pitch with kids in each corner and on the half-way lines. At each point they had to pass a baton on to the next boy. It was a very close race and it really got the crowd going and they were cheered all the way round. Even though the crowd had dwindled a bit for half time, there were still about 15,000 people cheering the kids around the pitch. It was an amazing experience. To cap it all off they had their photo taken on the pitch with Filbert Fox, Alan Birchenall and Matt Willcock from Leicester City in the Community and were told that this photo would be in the programme for the next home game which was against Forest.” Phil added: “I was so proud of them. They looked so smart in their club tracksuits and they were credit to the club and to the village. They felt famous when they were leaving the stadium in the bus, as people were waving at them and saying well done for the half time race. “I would like to say a big thank you to Chris Hodges, the organiser, Matty Elliot and Ian Marshall and the other coaches for making this an experience that these kids will remember for the rest of their lives.”

St Margaret’s Bowls Club in Birstall hosted the quiz night for Alarna, a 12 month old girl who lives in Syston (pictured right). Her family are trying to raise money for treatment in China which is not available in the UK. Ian, Elaine, Victoria and Christine arranged the event. They said: “We would like to thank family, friends and local businesses from Syston and Birstall for their generosity and support, and to St Margaret’s Bowls Club waivering the room hire fee.” More information about Alarna can be found at


the birstall post APR 2010


The Birstall Post welcomes your views and opinions on any subject. Letters, which must include your name and address, (though not necessarily for publication) can be posted to: The Birstall Post, Longslade College, Wanlip Lane, Birstall, Leicester LE4 4GH, or handed in at Birstall library or email:

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Thanks I wish to thank everyone who turned out to vote for Iain Bentley, our Conservative candidate, on Thursday February 18, the day when winter returned with a vengeance, giving us a blizzard during the afternoon. The turnout was low, but as I’ve said the weather didn’t help. Iain received 674 votes, the Labour candidate 452 votes and the BNP 288 votes. Our victory made all the hard work we had done well worthwhile, and I would also like to thank everyone who helped us, there was a lot of hard work undertaken by various people and we are very grateful. Your services I’m sure will be needed again for the General Election whenever that is called. Thanks again. Mary Allen, Chairman of Birstall Conservative Party

Tesco vouchers As usual, Longslade are collecting Tesco Vouchers for Schools and would once again appreciate your support with this collection which runs from March 1 until May 9, 2010. To date we have been able to order five computers, not to mention two printers, a digital camera, sensor equipment for scientific experiments, software, a portable interactive whiteboard, hard drive and replacement whiteboard pens. The col-

lege also have 2,777 vouchers banked from last year to start this year’s collection and you can either drop your vouchers in at reception or post them into college, whichever is most convenient for you. Sheila Beatty ICT Technician, Longslade

Mismanaged Those who follow Mr Goodyer's [Labour’s PPC for the Charnwood constituency] correspondence in The Leicester Mercury will realise that he always predicates his move to the keyboard by donning his aptly red, sorry, rose tinted spectacles before spouting forth the party line. The truth about the NHS and its sibling, the NCS is that they are both hopelessly mismanaged and under staffed at the sharp end, and when you come to dealing with geriatrics in particular the system is even worse. As a carer, I face these problems on a daily basis. The vast majority of the NHS (with some notable exceptions) adopt the attitude that anyone over the age of about 65 - 70 has 'had a good innings' and anything much more than palliative care is a waste of time and money. There may as well be no NHS for the elderly. There aren't enough Social Service carers to go round, and all they have time to do is to get people up or put them to bed at a time to fit in with their schedule. Not their fault, but that's how it is. I was told last week by a doctor in the General that he felt quite alright about letting a blind, partially deaf, sometimes confused 90 year old man with no sense of balance, no sense of smell and fits of choking go home and live on his own if that was what he wanted. I suggested that it might be quicker and more humane for him to take a flight to a Swiss clinic, for the outcome would be identical. Sadly, in the present economic disaster that this government has landed us in, there will be no more money for the Health Service, and Geriatric medicine will get less. It's just not 'sexy'. No one made a headline by getting an 89 year old to be a 90 year old did they. Keep your rosy glasses on Mr Goodyer. You will need them. Care for the elderly is going nowhere. There are two choices. Care homes or carers such as I who love our families and for little reward save the country millions if not billions every year. If you want a cause worth fighting for Mr Goodyer, lets see you fighting to improve our condition. What's that? Not in the manifesto? Lost your rose tinted specs? Now there's a surprise! Nicholas G.Black

Allotments When this country first went into recession, the government issued a directive to all local authorities, well published in the media, that they should refrain from increasing charges, rent, fees, costs etc for amenities made use of by local residents, clubs or societies. Birstall Parish Council have chosen to ignore this and have given notice, they have to give 12 months’ notice, that allotment rents will increase by approx 10% per year for 2009/10/11. Despite the ‘recession’ it has been suggested it is to cover inflation of 0.02%, can they not understand mathematics. These rent increases have been published and are binding. They have now decided to penalise a very few allotment holders who have two plots to the tune of ‘triple rent’ for their second plot, totally oblivious to the fact that when the Council couldn’t let plots at any price they persuaded some people to take a

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I would like to thank the residents of Paget Avenue who contributed to the collection for Harry Clements who sadly passed away on the 17th February. Harry delivered the Birstall Post for many years. A bird box and a bat box will be put up in his memory at the Prestwold Natural Burial Ground. A special thanks to Joan and Trev and to my family for all their help and comfort at this sad time. Val Clements

cil works with park users to provide a facility which satisfies a variety of interests and demands. The new natural play areas around King Lear's Lake have been developed with local schools and a well known artist, with a view to encouraging more children to experience the kind of play often unavailable to them elsewhere and to enjoy a natural and robust environment safely in a way which is fun and enjoyable. The play areas are located around just one of Watermead's lakes and in one of the county's larger parks which has expansive areas, some of which are managed mainly for nature conservation, where it is possible to escape and find solitude. I do not anticipate an increase in vandalism and graffiti solely due to this initiative. Consultation takes place in a range of ways on various management activities in and around the park and our single proposal for lighting in the park, between Birstall and Thurmaston, will be subject to an application for planning permission with the usual publicity and possibility for comment. I hope that residents will continue to enjoy Watermead Country Park and the many experiences it offers. Lesley Pendleton Leicestershire County Council Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport

Joe Corrigan


Joe passed away at home on February 7 after having a stroke on January 11. Joe was well known at Birstall Social Club, Birstall Golf Club and for delivering the Birstall Post around Kedleston Avenue and Curzon Avenue for many years. I have been overwhelmed with people’s warmth and kindness. It has really kept me going through a difficult time. It was lovely to know so many people thought so well of him and will miss him. I’m sure Joe would be sorry he couldn’t be at his farewell get together he would have loved chatting to everyone. I would also like to thank everyone for their donations to the Red Cross as a memorial to Joe. £265 was collected and I am sure it will go to help someone in need in some way. Many thanks. Margaret Corrigan

Mrs Ann Hulme and family would like to thank everyone for their kind words, sympathy cards and donations to the British Heart Foundation following the sudden death of Joe on March 7. Many thanks also to the Midlands Co-op Funeral Services, who were so supportive at this difficult time. From Mrs Ann Hulme

second plot, which in the most part they have had to spend time and no small amount of money clearing away rubble, and huge quantities of tough weeds and vegetation which the council didn’t want to know about. This council seem to be completely ignorant of the strength of feeling of the vast majority of allotment holders who are all Birstall residents and are the people who decide who will sit on the Parish Council, and, in turn, who they employ to do their dirty work for them. A rethink is required now. David Cherry Member of Birstall Allotment Society

Harry Clements

Country park? I walk my dogs around Watermead Park every day. As you are aware it is a tranquil place of natural beauty, enjoyed by many people. Lately there have been changes to the King Lear’s Lake area. This consists of the addition of several ‘climbing frames’ made to look like pieces of dinosaur with rubber matting underneath. Whilst I realise that children use the area I cannot see the need for play equipment in such a naturally beautiful place. I regularly take my grandchildren to the park and get pleasure out of helping them enjoy and be interested in the things that are around them. The play equipment and the lighting that is planned for the future, will doubtless prove attractive to those who would prefer to spoil their environment with graffiti and litter. There are plenty of recreational parks available with excellent equipment for active play. I don’t feel the park is improved in any way by the addition of these things. The clue is surely in the name ‘country park’! Also, as I was walking through the park heading back towards Whiles Lane, I heard a lot of shouting. I wasn’t the only one surprised by this, several other dog walkers had stopped to see where it was coming from. After I while it became apparent that it was someone leading a fitness session in the style of an American drill sergeant! I have since found out that this is going to be a regular occurrence, with sessions taking place several times a week. This is completely incongruous with the lovely peaceful environment of the country park not to mention upsetting to the birds and wildlife in the area. I am very disappointed that a place that is much loved by the people of Birstall and Thurmaston is being spoiled in this way. Were the users of the country park consulted about the changes? Am I alone in feeling aggrieved? Having spoken to many other people who regularly use the park I feel the answer to both questions is a resounding NO. Olwen Guildford The Birstall Post invited the County Council to respond to this letter: Watermead Country Park is a peaceful place and a haven for birds and wildlife and is also a place for people and for appropriate forms of recreation. In managing the park, Leicestershire County Coun-

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Lights It may interest your readers to know that the Parish Council in their infinite wisdom, have just adorned the toilet block and sexton’s storage unit in Greengate Lane cemetery with outside lights. I have no problem with that, apart from the fact that they are turned on permanently. When my partner telephone the council to advise that they hade been switched on continuously for several days she was informed that was intentional and was for the “health and safety” of the sexton! So much for the fact that mere mortals are constantly exhorted to switch off unnecessary lighting in order to save the planet. Does the sexton really need these lights on during the hours of daylight? If so, how did he manage to do his job previously? Does the sexton need these lights switched on after the cemetery has closed for the day? Is this facility really needed for grave-diggers who are, literally ‘moonlighting’ at 3am? Are the lights really required to protect the health and safety of the druggies and ASBO candidates who occasionally congregate there? (If they ask nicely, the council might also provide them with sofas and comfy chairs) If the answers to these questions are ‘No’ then the Parish Council may be aware that timers to switch lights on and off are available from most reputable DIY outlets. Malcolm Law The Birstall Post invited the Parish Council to respond to this letter: We have had to install emergency lighting as it is now required under Health and Safety law. Our electrician tells us that the cost is £0.035p per day. Lighting is considered more likely to deter antisocial behaviour. If residents are aware of drug taking or other antisocial behaviour it is their duty to contact the police. Steve Blackburn, Birstall Parish Council Clerk

Bus lane In the last week I have had two near-misses whilst driving my car out of the drive where it is parked. I must explain that it is parked near Bentley Road, that the bus lane is just outside, and that the repositioned pedestrian crossing is close by. Both misses were caused by other vehicles in the bus lane – not buses, I hasten to add; the time taken for that lane’s lights to change has long since deterred buses from using it. In one instance a car had pulled out of a neighbouring drive and driven up the lane to the lights, where it was trying to get into the main line of traffic. In the second the van driver thought that he was able to use the bus lane as he was turning left into Bentley Road. The grand officials of the council have decreed

THE BIRSTALL POST, APR 2010 that traffic – other than buses – is not permitted to use any part of that lane in order to turn, other than into and out of private drives. Yet the only indication is the SOLID white line all the way to the traffic island by Bentley Road, I have put it to them that sign on the traffic light posts stating that this is for buses only may be a good idea. They are thinking about it. In the meantime, please don’t block my drive. Dr D A C McNeil

Dog ban Toxocariasis is an infection caused by the ingestion of larvae of the dog round worms Toxocara canis. This is of course from the faeces deposits from dogs on parks and playing fields. This can cause human disease that involve the liver, heart, lungs, muscle, eye and brain. I am a sufferer of T/canis that has affected my eyesight. I believe when I was aged 13 playing rugby and sports at the Wyggeston Boys School in Leicester. Dog walkers from the Clarendon Park used to regularly walk their dogs in this area. I have from that time almost lost the sight of my right eye. We were not so informed in those days about this infection. When I go for my yearly checkups for my eyesight I have on several occasions been asked if I would allow my eyes to be looked at by trainee opticians at the opticians in Leicester. Unfortunately the damage is done and there is NO cure for this complaint. My grandson was a pupil at Sedbergh School Cumbria where they have many playing fields. The first team field in the front of the school is to county standard and there are large notices adjacent to this open area that inform “Dogs are banned from using this area because of the risk of T/canis”. All their playing fields have this notice. Children often get into rough and tumble in sport, dumped on the ground get up wipe the hand over their face and continue. All the picking up in the world will not prevent contamination of the grass. That ‘wet poo’ cannot all be picked up. Hand washing is a must even if you have a dog yourself the risk is there. Once the ground is infected it can remain infected for years. The Parish Council in Birstall should consider the fouling of the playing areas of the School Lane playing field. Have soil tests been taken over the area? Would they be able to defend a legal action successfully against them if one were taken? Please consider seriously banning dogs from the park and remember prevention is better than No Cure. Name and address supplied

Litter Since moving onto the new Jelson’s ‘Hallam Fields Estate’in 2008, I have spent many hours filling dustbin bags with empty alcohol bottles, cans, sweet wrappers and bags filled with dog mess that I have picked up on the Estate. I have had many discussions with Charnwood Borough Council about the installation of rubbish bins and dog bins, and have been promised on many occasions that the matter is in hand, how long does it take? I was out walking at the weekend on the Estate and came across a lady picking up rubbish that was all around, it looks like the residents will have to do it ourselves, does that mean we can get a rebate in our Council Tax! Name and address supplied

Steve Preston Joy and family would like to thank everyone who attended Steve’s funeral service, also for all the cards and donations received. Donation have been given to LOROS, Leonard Cheshire Family Support and Marie Curie Cancer Care in appreciation for all their help and care with Steve. Also a big thank you to the District Nurses who enabled Steve to remain at home with his family. Thank you all very much. Joy Preston

Partnership work I am really pleased that the work carried out through the partnership we established in Birstall last year to tackle Anti Social Behaviour has been so successful – both in terms of reducing Anti Social Behaviour and building a strong bond between the partners. Over the past year the key partners – Birstall Parish Council; Neighbourhood Watch; Local Police; Charnwood Borough Council; Leicestershire County Council’s Impact Team and Youth

Service – have faced many challenges but continue to improve the quality of life for local Birstall residents. The partnership has confronted those causing Anti Social Behaviour through employing a range of interventions including: Verbal Warnings, Written Warnings, Acceptable Behaviour Contracts and legal interventions such as Anti-Social Behaviour Orders and Injunctions. All of these interventions have been used to good effect over the last 12 months in Birstall. In the last 6 months alone 6 verbal warnings have been issued, 3 Acceptable Behaviour Contracts have been raised and an application for a Post Conviction Anti-Social Behaviour Order is currently being made. In addition, in the last 6 months 2 Acceptable Behaviour Programmes have been launched to good effect in 2 Birstall Schools: Stonehill and Longslade. These have been developed to address anti-social behaviour perpetrated by pupils during the school day both on and off campus. According to the latest Police records Birstall has the best performance results where incidents are down by 34% in the current reporting period. The Partnership has supported a range of other initiatives, designed to address the issue of graffiti and criminal damage in Birstall including the employment of a professional graffiti artist who worked with 30 young people for a week to create vibrant murals to cover up obscenities and tags, scrawled on buildings in the village. The Parish Council has continued to fund Friday night youth provision in the Pavilion, which is supported by the local police. Local Police have increased their presence in Birstall significantly with the equivalent of 39 visits a day by patrol cars and a major increase in foot patrols in the village. Sergeant Stone has applied for a Street Drinking Ban and there is extensive use of both Dispersal Powers and of Alcohol Confiscation. A key concern has been engagement with young people and this has been the focus of much of our work, we have been particularly fortunate to have as a key members of the partnership the IMPACT Team and the local Youth Service. IMPACT workers have been working in Birstall since October 2009 and have engaged with 317 young people to tackle their anti-social behaviour. The IMPACT team will be delivering indoor workshops to make young people more aware of the local concerns around anti social behaviour and how their behaviours impact on the wider community. The workshops are to be held on Tuesday evenings from 7.15pm 8.15pm, at the Pavilion, from March 30, 2010. The Youth Service continues to run eight youth projects in Birstall, ranging from work with young parents, special needs and sexual health work to open access projects addressing a range of subjects including: health, relationships, self esteem, alcohol and substance misuse and many more. So far over 50 young people have successfully completed accredited awards through their work with the Youth Service. The Speak Out Youth Voice Project has been running since September and is nearing completion. Youth Workers have worked with 30 - 40 young people each week to explore issues facing Young People in Birstall. They have consulted with over 300 other young people to ensure the views of as many as possible are heard. The final part of the project will be to present a DVD produced by young people highlighting the issues as young people see them to a range of partners and the wider community, this will take place in April. In summary I am pleased to say that ASB has been reduced and we will continue to work together to make Birstall a better place to live. The challenge for all of us is to maintain the good work and increase support from the community. If any residents are aware of further problems with ASB or graffiti/criminal damage please contact either the Police on 0116 222 2222 or Charnwood Borough Council ASB Team on 01509 634920. Cllr David Snartt Chair Charnwood Community Safety Partnership


Parish Social group for church news the unattached Tasks for everyone Although the parish is still without a rector and with no immediate news of a replacement, there is no cessation in the church’s usual services and activities. A recent survey of the tasks undertaken by members of our churches discovered that there are more than 45 different roles and responsibilities which people undertake within the church, ranging from Baptism visitors to Welcomers, although some people wear more than one hat! Forward Planning April 21 is the date of the annual Parochial Church Council meeting in the Church this year, when the election of council members and churchwardens takes place and anyone can have their say about church matters. April 25 is Pastoral Care Sunday, when the morning services are followed by a ‘Come and share’ hot lunch in the Village Hall – all are welcome, if they bring their contribution to the feast! Between these two events, on April 24 in St. James church we look forward to a concert by Leicester Male Voice Choir, who are raising money for Birstall Age Concern Day Care centre. Looking ahead to the summer, two coach excursions are planned. The first, on Saturday June 12 is to Lincoln, with the opportunity to take a tour of the cathedral (cost £4.75) and to hear Choral Evensong, before returning in the late afternoon. Price of the coach journey is £12. For more details or to book, please contact Gill on 2675086. Then on Tuesday, June 22 there will be a trip, organised by the Monday Group, to Shrewsbury leaving at 9.30am and returning at 4.30pm. The cost of this will be £14 and you are asked to ring Gwen on 2205158 for more information. Let’s hope our ‘summer’ weather will have arrived by June! From Beryl McHugh

BRANCH OUT this Springtime and cultivate new friendships. Supper with Friends is a Leicestershire based social group for unattached, young-atheart men and women over 50. It is a friendly group, and its emphasis is on friendship, value for money, and informality. It is not a dating or matchmaking club. The group has enjoyed a variety of events, and members are enjoying making new friends in convivial surroundings. Members who have recently renewed their membership have said: “I always look forward to events which are carefully thought out and well organised. When there I’m glad to meet old/new members and have a chat/laugh with them.” “A good variety of events offered to a lovely group of friendly members.” “Thank you for all you do and for improv-

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ing our social lives.” “Thanks for all the suppers and trips you’ve organised, it’s been great.” A group spokesman said: “Events planned for the near future include a theatre visit to the Little Theatre in Leicester, an Open Evening at The Navigation Inn at Barrow, a real treat at Rearsby’s new Village Hall with the talented and entertaining Opera Dudes, and an evening walk in Bradgate Park followed by supper at the Bradgate in Newtown Linford. Enjoy the coming of summer in good company, have some fun and meet new friends. If you would like to know more about Supper with Friends and enjoy delectable suppers and companionable events please contact us.” Call Anne on 10509 416823 or email Kate at


the birstall post APR 2010

Noticeboard all details printed free The Latimer Players Drama Society 60th anniversary year 1950-2010 present

‘Two Plays and a Platter’ We Need a Man by Derek Raby Interval Supper (supply your own drinks)) A Bird in the Bush by Ron Nicol Thursday April 22, Friday April 23 & Saturday April 24 The Memorial Hall, Anstey Lane, Thurcaston Curtain 7.30pm Tickets £8.50 121 Leicester Road, Thurcaston Tel: 0116 2362692 •••

Barn Dance Saturday April 17 7.30-10.30pm Birstall Village Hall

Tickets £5.50 Please bring your own food and drink Proceeds to LOROS Tickets from Joan Bowler 2677516 or Gillian Bowler 2604226 •••

Table Top Sale at the Rothley Centre, Mountsorrel Lane LE7 7PR Saturday April 10 from 10am to 1pm Admission 50p (includes tea/coffee) To book a table call 0116 266 1342 ••• Highcliffe Amateur Theatrical Society presents

Fish Out of Water a comedy by Derek Benfield Thurs/Fri/Sat, May 13/14/15 at 7.30pm Highcliffe Primary School, Greengate Lane, Birstall Tickets £5. £4 concessions, disc for group booking Tel: 0116 2128757 or 07757854719 or email A play that will give you everything from a quiet chuckle to a raucous belly laugh Don’t delay book today! •••

Leicester City Male Voice Choir St James Church, Church Hill, Birstall April 24 at 7pm Tickets £6 inc light refreshments Tel: 0116 2677023 Proceeds to St James Day Centre, School Lane, Birstall •••

Help the Heroes Fund A Quiz Night in St Theresa’s Social Area, Front Street Friday May 7 at 7.45pm £2 per person, pay on the door This is to help raise money for our injured servicemen to receive treatment at special hospitals being built by public donations The winners will take away the KEEL Cup which they keep for a year, then hopefully return to defend it next time Bring along a team max 6 players per table and pit your wits against the brains of Birstall A raffle and tea & coffee available at the interval or you can supply your own cold refreshments All welcome •••

Secret Gardens of Cossington Sunday and Monday, May 2 & 3 11am to 5pm Village gardens open, art exhibition, displays, raffle, cake & plant stalls, hot and cold refreshments, local craft stalls and activities for children plus: Radio Leicester’s gardening expert Ady Dayman will be at Derrys Nursery to answer your gardening questions Passport to Open Gardens Adults £3, Children free, car parking free For more info contact 01509 812271 or 07754 892842 Event organised by Friends of all Saints Church Cossington on behalf of PCC Raising funds for church extension and new village amenity •••

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Gynsill Tennis Club, Gorse Hill, Anstey Saturday April 10, from 10am Open to all ages from 7 upwards For complete beginners to more experienced players, you are assured of a friendly welcome,.uk ••• Longslade College

Fitness Classes Pilates : Wed 6.30-7.30pm Circuits Class : Wed 7.45-8.45pm £3.75 per session payable termly in advance also

Children’s Gymnastics Classes Wed : classes at 5.30pm, 6.30pm & 7.30pm Thur : 5.30pm and 6.30pm £3.50 per session payable termly in advance

For details on all of the above : Jane Hill 2670807 •••

Age Concern Leics & Rutland St James Day Centre

Birstall Bathing Service Are you having difficulty getting in and out of the bath? We are here to help Let our professional staff assist you in a friendly and safe environment using the latest hi-tech equipment For more information please give us a call on 0116 2677023 and speak to Tracey (bath nurse), Mandy or Jo Monday to Thursday 9am-3pm St James Day Care Centre, Birstall Road (next to Village Hall) •••

Football Players Wanted Birstall United Juniors FC are looking for players for next season’s under 11s boys team and under 14s girls team. The boys team (next year’s school year 6) are moving up from 7-aside mini soccer to 11-a-side football. They require an experienced goal-keeper and outfield players. If you are interested, please contact the coach, Val Small, on 07919355909. The girls team (next year’s school year 8 & 9) also require a goalkeeper and outfield players If you are interested, please contact the manager Karen O’Grady 07771665124 •••

Calling All Messy Toddlers Bring a grown up to our parent & toddler sessions Our sessions are fun and interesting and very messy Lots of painting and sticking, so don’t wear your best clothes Biscuit and cake decorating – nature time-musical instruments Stories & singing & lots of toys Grown ups enjoy a cuppa and adult conversation while the little ones munch on a well earned snack It’s a great place to spend an hour and a half of your day. Interested? Call Karen for available days and times at Acorn Toddlers 2672795 (reg charity) 12 months to 3 years Only £2 per session (pre-paid every half term) Venue: Highcliffe Primary School Community Room •••

Belgrave Cemetery Guided Walk ‘The Symbols and Meanings of Memorials’ Saturday April 25 at 2pm Donation of £2 includes an information leaflet Accompanied children free Saturday June 12, 10am-3pm The Friends will be holding an ‘Open Day’ at Belgrave Cemetery Supported by the Community Service Volunteer organisation and sponsored by Morrisons Committee members will be available with cemetery record information Complementary refreshments available ••• Breathe Easy – Glenfield British Lung Foundation Support Network

Bric-a-brac sale Glenfield Hospital Wednesday June 9 •••

Birstall Royal British Legion Members Notice April 3: Neil Warner (M/V) April 10: Elya (F/V) April 17 Phill Voss (M/V) April 24 Tony John (COM/V)

Home Carers Required

Are you a caring person? Like varied work & job satisfaction? Join our team of carers in the Mountsorrel, Cropston, Quorn, Sileby, Syston, Birstall & Wymeswold areas. Flexible shifts, 10-40 hrs per week, & mornings, evenings and weekends available. No experience required as all training will be provided. Up to £7.25hr, plus travel expenses. Telephone essential. Ring Debbie between 8.30am & 4.30pm for more information on

0116 2696247 (quoting reference BP)

Dancing every Sat night with live entertainment Free meat raffle. Bingo and not forgetting ‘Open the Box’ Bingo every Tuesday night starting at 9.30pm Quiz nights Sunday April 11 & 25 starting at 9pm Acoustic night Sunday April 18 at 8pm Rock & Roll nights Wednesday March 3 & 17 Food available e very Sat 12-2pm Kitchen closed Saturday April 17 •••

The Tuesday Ladies Group St Theresa’s Church Hall, Front St The Tuesday Ladies would like to invite all to the following events April 6 - A Mini Auction May 4 – the puppy we met last year being trained as a Guide Dog is returning so that we can see its progress over the last 12 months June 1 – a talk by a representative from The Samaritans Purse Shoe Box Appeal July 6 – the Rev Rachel Parkinson, Minister for the Birstall Methodist Church will be here to give us a talk All above events commence at 8pm Everyone is welcome to come and join us •••

Day of Talents Saturday June 19 , 9am – 5pm St James the Great, Church Hill It is hoped that the day will be filled with music, readings, handbell ringing etc & that many different arts & crafts will be on display. Refreshments available throughout the day Participants can either be sponsored of make a personal donation and proceeds will be for children’s charities. Please contact Cynthia Coltman 2673558, Jane Scott 2673761 or Laura Gregory 2125942 to offer your talents or for further details ••• St Margaret’s Co-operative Ladies Bowling Club MCS Sports Ground – Birstall Road

Spring Fayre Cakes, tombola, bric-a-brac, CDs, DVDs, videos, books, refreshments Sunday April 25, 10.30am – 2.30pm Admission 50p (to include tea/coffee) •••

Loughborough Farmers Market 2nd Wednesday of the month Devonshire Square, Loughborough Between 9am and 2.30pm Next market April 14 Featuring a wide variety of local produce including a variety of meats both cured and rare breed, sausage, bacon; fruit pies and savoury pastries; a wide range of vegetables inc organic; plants & flowers; herbs, handmade natural soaps & body care products; honey & beeswax products; chutneys, pickles, jams and preserves; wholemeal flour & muesli; eggs & cheeses; bread, cakes. And fruit juices along with seasonal products, brought to you by knowledgeable and friendly traders. For possible stall reservations or further information, please call our Markets & Fairs Team at Charnwood Borough Council on 01509 634624 or email: Or log on to


Cheeky Cherubs Playgroup For newborn to pre-school children Methodist Church Hall, Wanlip Lane 10am-12noon on Mondays £2 for 1 adult and 1 child 50p for any extra child or adult Activities, arts, crafts, messy play, snack time, twice monthly Health Visitor, great for socialising Qualified staff •••

Raise The Roof For LOROS and Rainbows An evening of popular musical classics with Singing for Fun – and plenty of opportunity for audience participation Friday May 28 at 7.45pm St James the Great, Birstall Free admission – retiring collection •••

Belgrave Bowling Club Thurcaston Road (off Abbey Lane), Leicester

Come and Try – Open Day Sunday May 9 from 2pm We would like to welcome people of all ages to come and give bowls a try Bowles, help and coaching provided All you need are flat shoes or trainers Club membership is free for the first year for all first time members and existing bowlers who may want a change and joining us first time We are one of the few clubs in the county with two greens, thus allowing competitive or casual bowling for all members throughout the week If you are interested, please come along – we would love to see you! Refreshments provided For more information contact: Steve Ramsden 0116 2870787, Janice Felmingham 0116 2674234

THE BIRSTALL POST, APR 2010 ••• Birstall Methodist Church

Annual Garden Trail Saturday and Sunday, June 12 & 13, 2-5pm This year the Garden Trail will be in the Elmfield Avenue/Oakfield Avenue/Fielding Road area Teas, ice creams, garden stall, tombola and raffle will be part of the trail Passports will be on sale during May & June at the usual retail outlets Details will be published later Proceeds for Alzheimer’s Society and Church Funds Please note this in your diary to support this local initiative ••• The Bark Foundation ( no.1129762)

Tai Chi & QI Gong Course Saturdays from April 17 for 8 weeks (excluding May 1 & 29) 1.30-2.30pm at Birstall Methodist Church Fellowship Room. Course fee: £24, Tutor: Su Hon Proceeds to The Bark Foundation in support of the Cameroon Orphanage For bookings tel: 2677576 Email: •••

HOME START Support and friendship for families Family Support Volunteers Wanted If you have parenting experience and can spare 3-4 hours each week to visit families in need of befriending then we need you! The next free preparation course runs every Tues and Fri from June 8 for 3 weeks, 9.30am to 2.30pm in Loughborough Expenses are paid A pre-course interview is required Phone: 01509 239786 E: •••

Spring Show Showdown at Arrowhead Creek A musical adventure set in the USA Performed by The Quorn Phoenix Entertainers Quorn Village Hall, Saturday May 15, 7.30pm £6, children £3 Call 01509 412150 •••

Car Boot Sale Bishop Ellis Primary School Saturday April 24, 2-4pm. £5 per car Barkby Thorpe Lane, Thurmaston •••

Birstall & District Art Society Demonstration by Charles Evans: ‘Around the Seashore’ watercolour Tuesday May 11, 6.45pm, Main Hall, Longslade College Many of you may have seen Charles on television, if so you will remember his painting skills

as well as his wonderful entertainment value. This evening will have something for everyone. Bring your friends. There is an interval with a bar serving wine, tea/coffee. Children over eight accompanied by a parent are welcome. The charge for visitors is £3 per person and 50p for children. We look forward to seeing you there. Any queries contact Mary Houghton 2677833 •••

Heraldry: Knights’ Tournament For children of all ages at Birstall library March 29-April 23 Borrow books to move your knight along a track Design your own Coat of Arms Details from the library 3058756 •••

Can you help make a difference? With so many of our Service men and women deployed in areas of conflict around the world, the Royal British Legion is needed now more than ever. We are looking for volunteer Caseworkers and Poppy People across Leicestershire Could you spare us your time and take on the challenge to help ex-Service men and women in need? Call 0116 2616582 •••

Art Club Is your child aged between 8-12 years? Interested in drawing or want to develop their skills? We have a fantastic opportunity for them to learn from Sue Faulks professional artist and illustrator 5 week course at Birstall library Saturday afternoons 2-3pm (beginners) and 3.15-4.15pm (advanced) It costs £20 for all 5 weeks including materials Starting on Saturday April 24 Other dates are: May 1, May 8, May 15, May 22 For more details ask a member of staff or phone Birstall library on 0116 3058756 •••

Gorse Hill City Farm Anstey Lane, Leicester Tuesday April 6: Come and visit some of our smaller residents for just 50p Learn about rabbits and guinea pigs in the two hour event 1-3pm While you’re there check out our spring arrivals including rare breed lambs & baby goats Thursday April 8: Face painting (price varies), bouncy castle and other rides, 1-4pm •••

Birstall Medical Centre 4 Whiles Lane 0844 815 1434 or 0116 2670876 Now open on Saturdays 8-11.30am Open Mon –Fri 8am-6.30pm Appointments can be made via our website Car parking is now available at the new back entrance to the Medical Centre in the Somerfield car park

Affordable homes NEWLY BUILT affordable homes at Hallam Fields are being offered on a shared ownership basis to help those who can’t afford to buy a home outright. Waterloo Homes’ development consist of two and three bedroom homes starting from £30,000 for a 25 per cent share, with a monthly rent of £235.44. Shared ownership is a scheme where the purchaser buys a share of the property. The remaining percentage is retained by Waterloo Homes who then charge a monthly rent which includes buildings insurance. Further shares in the property, up to 100 per cent, can be bought at any time. All plots have fitted kitchens, car parking, gas solar heating and private rear gardens. The first handovers are anticipated in June 2010. For details call 0845 450 3995 or visit

The May issue of

THE BIRSTALL POST will be published on May 1. The copy deadline is Apr 16.


New allotment plots SIXTEEN NEW allotment plots have been created in Birstall. The Parish Council say the new plots, on the Greengate Lane site, have been made available on previously unused land which had been reserved for an extension to the cemetery. Parish Clerk Steve Blackburn said: “The Council feels that there will be no need to extend the cemetery for at least 10 years and has made the land available now in order to ease the waiting list.” Allotments have become increasingly popular in recent years and provide an inexpensive means not only of obtaining fresh food, but fresh air and exercise. Steve Blackburn said: “The traditional allotment size is 300 square yards but the new plots are offered at half this size and at present cost £11 per year, or £5.50 at concessionary rates. The cost compares favourably with allotments in other parts of the country where rents can reach £200.” The Council manages over 100 plots at its three sites, Greengate Lane, Meadow Lane and Worcester Avenue. Rent is paid annually and tenants are free to garden as they wish subject to a few limitations. The council maintains the fencing, pathways and provides a water supply. The council says the new plots may not fully clear the current waiting list but anyone interested is welcome to contact the Parish Council on 0116 2676191 for further information.

Scouts at swimming gala BIRSTALL BEAVERS, Cubs and Scouts raced against the rest of North East Leicestershire Scouts at Cossington swimming baths Swimming Gala on Saturday February 27. whole of the North East District. Scoutleader Gerald Sessions said: “It may Gerald said: “Thanks to Kelvin Manship have been cold outside, but the racing was and Paul Sanders for managing the team on hot inside with scouts from all sections comthe night, Kelvin remarked that the boys were peting in freestyle, back stroke and breast brilliant and they had a fantastic night.” stroke.” Pic (l-r): George Clarke, Jack Sims, Harvey Harvey Saunders, Jack Sims and George Saunders, David Stephens Clarke won through their heats with Harvey coming first in the final of the under tens back stroke, Jack coming first in the under nines freestyle and George finishing second in the final of the under nines backstroke. For the relay race they were joined by David Stephens to make up the four man team. Gerald said: “This turned out to be the most exciting race of the night. After a steady start they found themselves in fourth place after the first two legs. In the third leg David swam his heart out to pull them back to third and with the rest of the Birstall scouts along with their parents screaming at the tops of their voices, Harvey gave everything he had and managed to pick up another place but ran out of pool and our team had to settle for second.” After the points were added for the night the team came a creditable third out of the


the birstall post APR 2010

BAGS night A BAND night at Birstall Social Club has raised £2600 for breast cancer charities.

Pic: Scott Langton from J Michael presents a cheque

The event was organised by the ladies of Birstall BAGS. Emma Shaw said: “We would like to thank everyone for making our annual band night another great success. Without the help and support of family and friends we would not be able to achieve the results we do. The Atlantics were fantastic and it was a great night. “We would also like to thank J Michael the butchers for their sponsorship throughout the year and for presenting us with a cheque on the night for £250.” The next fundraising event is a duck race at the White Horse on Monday May 3 from 12noon. To run a stall, volunteer to help out, or to donate items for the tombola, call Rachael 07989 822173 or Emma 0783 7028451.

Birstall Stamford MAGNET TAVERN overcame the might of Birstall Stamford and a large local support to clinch a place in this year’s Sunday Cup Final at Anfield with a 2-1 victory. Birstall only had to travel a few miles across Leicester for this semi-final on neutral ground at Hinckley but got no advantage as underdogs Tavern, from Boston, won the game with two quick goals from Miles Hunter early in the second half. This was the third time in five years that Birstall Stamford have reached the semi finals of the FA Sunday Cup.

Join Police patrol A BIRSTALL Councillor accompanied police officers on an evening patrol to see how the police deal with anti-social behaviour (ASB). Since November 2009, the Charnwood Local Policing Unit have been inviting parish councillors and NHW volunteers on their patrols to witness first hand how they respond to problems of ASB. In February, Birstall councillor Jim Garner was one of four observers to join a police patrol. He said: “I was very impressed with what I saw. After a talk from Inspector Duncan Southall about how they police, we got in the van. We were heading for Birstall because a report had come in of 40 to 50 young people on the car park but just as we left, we were told they had dispersed so we set off to another incident at Thurmaston playing fields. “There were three policemen with us and when we got there they didn’t rush out and run over to the kids, they ambled over, to avoid a chase. A lot of the kids had been drinking and this was confiscated and their names and addresses taken. They were warned what would happen if they were caught again. I was impressed with how the police handled it. “A thirteen year old girl told us that they had got the alcohol from an older friend who buys it for them.” Cllr Garner added: “I think the police are handling the problem of ASB in Birstall reasonably well, all things considered. In the early evening things have been quiet, it’s after 9pm they can get lively. Some nights there are groups of 40 to 50 kids roaming about.”

Climbing Club’s Spanish trip challenge A NINE day hike to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro by a Birstall student will raise money for Childreach International.

Tiffany Ager (20) of Bramley Road (pictured above) will be climbing the highest mountain in Africa this June, with fellow students from the University of Birmingham where she is studying for a Law degree. Tiffany said: “I think it will be an amazing experience for a great cause. I am looking forward to the challenge but worried about the physical strain and the chance of me suffering altitude sickness, which is scary. “Also being a typical girl I am worried about going for nine days making do with just the basics, not to mention that I absolutely hate camping!” She added: “I would like to say a special thank you to Birstall Fisheries who I have been employed by for over four years. They are generously sponsoring me and also have a collection pot on their counter in the shop. Thanks to all the customers who are putting in their spare change when they are going in to get their fish and chips.” As part of the trip, Tiffany will visit a community in Tanzania to see how the money she raises is being used. Donations can be made at /Tiffsclimbkiliforkids

Election AN ELECTION was held on February 18 to fill a vacancy on Charnwood Borough Council, Birstall Watermead ward. The result of the election was as follows: Iain Bentley (CON) 674; Maurice Oatley (BNP) 288; Hayley Winrow (LAB) 452. Iain Bentley (CON) was duly elected. The electorate was 5264 and the turnout was 26.94 per cent

FOR THE fourth year running Birstall Badminton Club sent a team of players to Guardamar, in Spain, to play for the Mike Lord Trophy. Unfortunately, due to the late unavailability of three players our team was depleted and we had to have three of the home team players to make a full side. Yet despite this influx we were unable to bring home the trophy! The mixed games were well contested and the overall points score of 696-517 gives a better picture of the closeness of the games which resulted in 29 to 7 in the home team’s favour.

The men’s and ladies’ games were also well contested with close scores but Birstall were under strength and the men’s result was 7-2 and the ladies’ 8-1. A meal followed the match and a presentation was made to Jill and Alan who organise the badminton at Guardamar Leisure Centre. The Guardamar badminton club runs five mornings a week with five courts providing badminton for all levels from beginners through to former UK county players, so they do have a good choice of players for the match. Apart from the badminton other events were organised for us during our stay including two country walks, a ten pin bowling evening, carvery and disco, and boules in the local park. We are always made most welcome and good friendships have been established, and we look forward to next year’s match, when hopefully we can regain the trophy. From Jennie Michael Pic: the Birstall Badminton Club Team

Golf club’s charity BIRSTALL GOLF Club’s skippers have chosen ‘Help for Heroes’ as the club’s charity for the year, in memory of their fathers, both of whom served in the armed forces. Nazar Kullar and Pam Hall drove in alongside returning junior captain Patrick Marston to the sound of a dhol drum, played by Divesh Pancholi, a family friend of the Kullars. Nazar’s father Udham Singh Kullar served in the REME as part of the British Indian Army, while Pam’s father Bill Gresswell was in the RAF. “Both our fathers served in the forces, and we both lost them comparatively recently. We both feel personally close to this charity and could not think of a more appropriate one to support” said Nazar. Among the events that will be held will be the club’s traditional ‘100 Holes Challenge’ in which a team of players complete 100 holes in a day, which this year will be held on Tuesday June 22. On the playing side the club is aiming for promotion for both the men’s and ladies’ teams: “Our first team wants to get back into the top division of the Men’s Scratch League, and we would like to see more of our players gaining honours both individually and in the county’s teams” said Nazar. Attracting more ladies to the club is one of Pam’s priorities. She said: “We are entering

Pic: Drumming up support: Nazar Kullar, Pam Hall and Patrick Marston (behind) get ready to ‘drive in’ before a big crowd at Birstall Golf Club

the Ladies’ Scratch League for the first time this year and will be keen to progress up through the divisions. Birstall is a fabulous, friendly club and we are keen to recruit more lady members.” The club’s other captains are: 1st team – Martin Weaver; 2nd – Trevor Walford; County/other competitions – Stuart Marriott; Juniors – Patrick Marston; Under 35s – Ryan Woodward; Seniors – John Murphy; Rabbits – Eric Muir and Mixed – Richard Smith.

Holiday fun & games LATE FLIGHTS, double bookings, holiday romances, cricket and a sexy Italian waitress all go to provide an evening of exotic fun and laughter at HATS spring presentation. This May HATS will be performing ‘Fish Out of Water’, a comedy by Derek Benfield, one of Britain’s best and most prolific comedy playwrights. The peaceful, romantic atmosphere of a sun drenched hotel on the Italian Riviera is shattered by the arrival of Agatha Hepworth, an outspoken widow and her timid sister,

Fiona. Agatha rounds up the hotel guests for games and other pursuits, which invades the privacy of the other clientele. Performances are at Highcliffe School, Greengate Lane, Birstall on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 13, 14 & 15 at 7.30pm. Tickets are £5 (concessions £4) and can be obtained by phoning the Box Office on 0116 2128757 or 07757 854 719 or by email at The raffle profits from this production are going to the fund set up to send little Alarna, who lives in Syston and was born blind, to China for specialist treatment. HATS will be putting on a pantomime at the end of November. A spokesman said: “We would love to welcome new members who would like to perform or help backstage. We are looking for young people, in particular, and, as always, men of any age! Readings and auditions will start after the spring play towards the end of May. If you are interested, please contact us on the above phone numbers, or by email, for more information.” Pic: (l-r) Mike Burger, Anne Wells and Rod Atkins from HATS


New reviewed club



Pensioners Could Be Badly Affected by Wrong Tax Codes

Thousands of pensioners (& others) may have to pay more tax because they have been issued with the wrong tax code by HM Revenue & Customs. A computer blunder by HMRC means that hundreds of thousands of people could pay more than £100 a month too much tax in the financial year beginning April 6, 2010. HMRC has warned that people who started to claim their state pension during the 2009/2010 tax year may have been given the wrong tax code for this April but it does not know how many people have been affected or the extent of the overcharging. The problem has been caused by the introduction of a new computer system, which, for the first time combines information on people’s National Insurance contributions and the Pay As You Earn scheme. Tax codes are being sent to about 25 million taxpayers – double the usual number – and often filed without being checked. Some taxpayers are receiving multiple tax code notifications, every one wrong. In some cases where people have changed jobs, it seems they are being taxed as if the new one is a second job, which means they are not entitled to any allowances before tax is deducted. It is thought also that married couples and civil partners aged 76 and over could lose their married couples’ allowance which was worth up to £6,965 during the current tax year because of the glitch. Although the problems appear to be much greater this year, accountants and tax advisors know there are errors with codes every year. One of the main reasons is that the information on which the coding is based is often out of date. When codes are being calculated a large number of tax returns for the year to April 5, 2009 will not have been filed until the latter part of January 2010. so some codes may well have been based on information that is up to three years out of date. It is up to the person - or representative – to draw the Inland Revenue’s attention to any error. Although adjustments for being eligible for items such as a company car and other benefits from an employer are supposed to happen automatically, that is not always the case. People need to check that they are not being taxed on a benefit no longer being received. Some of the most likely people to have problems with their tax codes are pensioners because they often have more complex situations with occupational and state pension income as well as possible investment income and/or parttime earnings. Therefore with all the problems involving tax codes this year, this very unsatisfactory scenario should give people added incentive to check their tax code. Tax Code Letters and What They Mean L : You are entitled to the basic personal allowance of £6,475 for tax year 20092010. It may indicate also you are on an emergency tax code where it says also: “Month 1” -for instance when you start a new job and do not have a P45 P : For anyone aged 65-74 who is eligible for the full personal allowance which is £9,490 for 2009-2010 Y : For anyone aged 75 and over who is eligible for the full personal allowance, which is £9,640 for 2009-2010 T : Used when HMRC believes there are “other items” that need to be considered as part of the calculation K : This means that your total allowances are less than any additional investment income and/or benefits NT : No tax is to be taken from your income or pension. The following codes are normally used where you have two or more sources of income and all of your allowances have

been applied to your main job or pension. BR : used when all your income is taxed at the basic rate – which is currently 20%. Mainly used for a second job or a pension DO: This means all your income is taxed at the higher rate – which is currently 40%. Mainly used for a second job or pension Research on Age Discrimination in Motor and Travel Insurance Age Concern and Help the Aged have published the findings of mystery shopping research that aimed to assess the extent of age limits among ‘household name’ insurance providers. For motor insurance half of attempts to get a quotation over the telephone for people aged 80 and over were unsuccessful. For travel insurance, onethird of quotation attempts for people over 80 were unsuccessful. ‘Oral Feeding Difficulties and Dilemmas: A Guide to Practical Care Particularly Towards the End of Life’ The Royal College of Physicians in conjunction with the British Society of Gastroenterology have produced this guide in response to continuing unease about the lack of consensus, including among doctors, about when artificial nutrition and hydration is appropriate. The ultimate aim of the report is to improve care by providing healthcare professionals, patients, their families and carers with practical advice that has a sound legal and ethical basis, and to prevent distressing and complicated disagreements. x?e=295 Sir Michael Parkinson publishes his report “My Year as National Dignity Ambassador” Sir Michael Parkinson calls for out-ofdate stereotypes of older people to be banished and for dignity to be at the heart of care in a personal account of his year as the nation’s Dignity Ambassador published today. In his report, Sir Michael praises the people who inspired him; highlights small steps that cost nothing but make a real difference to people’s lives; and opens up about his own experience of the care of his mother, who had dementia. e/ Advice to Deputies who have Transferred from Receivership The office of the Public Guardian has advised former receivers who became deputies on the implementation of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 to check whether their Deputy Order contains a time limit after which it will expire and can no longer be used. Details of the application process and the forms required can be found on NHS Continuing Health Care In answer to a parliamentary question on January 11, 2010 the Government issued the following figures on the numbers receiving NHS continuing health care • 2007-8 – 24,952 • 2008-9 – 37,920 • 2009-10 – 44,924 Court of Protection – New Telephone Number A new Court of Protection Enquiry Service began on Monday March 8, 2010 tel: 0300 456 4600 Saga Generation Manifesto Saga has published a manifesto, containing ‘six demands for a fairer society for the over 50s’ and some useful poll data. The six demands are: • Fairer finances • Abolish ageism • Age balance in Parliament • Support for carers • Intelligent retirement • Better, safer streets The manifesto is available online, read more: From Jex Woods

POLICE HAVE called for a review of the licence for Booze and News on Front Street. Officers are concerned that alcohol is being sold to underage purchasers. They say that reports of antisocial behaviour in the village rose by nearly 90 per cent in January, with 34 reported cases compared to 18 in January 2009. The Police became concerned about underage drinking linked to the shop in December when James Edmond Moore became the licence holder. In a report to Charnwood Borough Council licensing officials, Sgt Sean Moore said: “Local officers have identified the premises as the source of alcohol in the possession of youths under the age of 18. During this time there have been numerous incidents of crime and disorder involving young people who have consumed alcohol. The peak time for this is from 6pm on Fridays and Saturdays. “On February 12, officers saw three youths who they know to be 17 emerging from the shop with bags containing what appeared to be tins of lager when Mr Moore was the only member of staff in the shop.” The Police are recommending that the shop be prevented from selling alcohol on Friday and Saturday nights. Mr Moore denies selling alcohol to underage customers. The licensing committee considered the case on March 24 (after our deadline).

Choir concert A LOCAL music teacher is organising a choir concert with a difference to support LOROS. Carolyn Necklen from Highcliffe School hopes to have 25 choirs performing for 25 minutes each at Longslade College this summer, to tie in with the 25th anniversary of LOROS. The concert is planned for Saturday June 26, from 2.30pm until 9pm, with tickets at £2.50. Any reader who knows of a choir that would like to perform can contact Carolyn on 01509 814 327. Local businesses that would be able to donate raffle prizes are also being sought, as are volunteers who could help on the day, taking tickets, serving refreshments and manning the car park.


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A NEW pistol shooting club has started in Birstall.



BUILDERS EXTENSIONS ALTERATIONS & PROPERTY REPAIRS The Redhill Revolver Co-operative Field Pistol Club meet on the first Saturday of the month from 9am to 1pm at the Co-operative Sports and Social club on Birstall Road. Club spokesman Steve Prime said: “This is a great opportunity for young and old male or female, to become involved in a fast growing sport. Readers can turn up with their own air pistols or we can let them borrow one to see how they get on.” Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The club, which is affiliated to the National Smallbore Rifle Association, will cater for air pistol shooting under Hunter Field Target (HFT) conditions. Courses are set from 8-25 yards and shooters aim at knocking down targets, following airgun laws and codes of practice. For more details call Steve Prime on 2676252 (work) or 2676114 (home).

( 2675658 Proprietor RMS Gibbon



PETROLS • DIESELS MOTORCYCLES CROPSTON GARAGE 37 - 39 Station Road Cropston, Leicester 0116 2362363


the birstall post APR 2010

Award winning station BIRSTALL’S GREAT Central Railway station was judged the best on the line in 2009. The Leicester North station is the most southerly on the line, which runs from Loughborough. The GCR’s official verdict was that: “Leicester North had done the most to improve in the last year. There were clearly more staff on duty than

Planning 15 The Meadway – demolish existing conservatory and erect single storey garden room 87 Harrowgate Drive – erection of single storey extension to side/rear of dwelling 473 Loughborough Road – erection of one detached dwelling 66 Sibson Road – erection of roof extension and single storey extension to rear and side of dwelling 13 Lawn Ave – erection of single storey extension to rear of dwelling 91 Park Road – replacement of roof to dwelling 34 Walker Road – erection of a first floor extension to side, single storey extension to rear of dwelling 13 Oakfield Avenue – erection of first floor extension to side of dwelling Somerfield Supermarket, 19 Wanlip Lane – relocation of sliding door on front elevation and removal of lobby to rear and installation of sliding door to shop front

Small Ads

Book day dressing up BIRSTALL METHODIST Preschool celebrated World Book Day on Thursday March 4. Children dressed up in the costumes of some of their favourite characters. Every year thousands of events are organised in schools, bookshops, libraries and other venues to celebrate World Book Day. Pic: children at Birstall Methodist Preschool celebrating World Book Day

Keep on smiling CHILDREN AT Birstall Rainbow Nursery on Wanlip Lane have been joining in with ‘Healthy Me’ week. The children learned about healthy food, keeping clean and talked about what makes us feel happy : smiling, laughing and being with people who care. Pic (left): Smiling Sophie Pic: Charlotte making some fruit crispy cakes

Small ads are 25p for the first 16 words. 17-32 words: 50p. Enclosing payment, post your ad to us or hand it in (inside an envelope) at Birstall library. Trade/business rates for small ads are 25p a word. You are liable for the trade/business rate if you are offering a service for which you are asking for payment, or if you are advertising new goods for sale. All text will be printed bold. Box outline £1 extra. Max 50 words. Phone numbers count as one word.

AIRPORT CARS Birstall. Airports, Seaports, Long Distance, Courier. Tel: 0777 1984806 TELEPHONE EXTENSION Sockets fitted by ex-BT engineer. Cable, BT and digital TV. Over 25 yrs experience. John 2675132 AMLI DESIGN Architectural Consultancy. Plans drawn and submitted. Extensions, conversions, new build. David Ives B.Sc.(Hons) FBEng MCIOB 0116 2674395/07974807111

before, all smartly turned out. Effort has gone into finding, training and retaining new volunteers. The atmosphere is immediately warm and welcoming : the toilets are clean, everything was tidy and the information was up to date.”

Tea and cakes A BIRSTALL couple raised £829 for Cancer Research in just five and a half hours. Jan and David Gaskell opened their home to friends and family and served breakfasts from 10.30am until 2pm, then afternoon teas until 4pm. It was the fifth successive year they have held this event. Jan said: “This amount was made possible not only by the generosity of the participants but also because all the ingredients for both the breakfast and tea had been given by either the committee members of the Charnwood Branch of Cancer Research or very kind friends. The items donated included six dozen free range eggs donated by Mary and Pete Adams from Curzon Avenue. “The Area Volunteer Manager for Cancer Research UK Debbie Fitzgerald baked a wonderful calorific chocolate cake. Too bad, if like me you had given up eating chocolate for Lent. However, there were plenty of other temptations including lemon, apricots or blueberry cakes and scones with jam and cream. Many thanks to all who supported this event.” Pic: Debbie Fitzgerald with her chocolate cake

FOR SALE Real solid wood coffee/side table perfect condition £40. Can deliver. Tel: 2674563 FOR SALE Rockery stones large size mixed shapes £50. Large amount. Buyer to collect. Tel: 2674563 ACCOUNTANCY SERVICES provided by qualified accountant. Low rates for sole traders/small businesses. Tel: 2673951 QUALIFIED CHIROPODIST Complete nail and foot treatment with relaxing massage. For home visit call Ann 0116 2671244 FOUND ON Sibson Road, near houses, Garden Centre end, Sony Walkman Ear Phones (black) in the snow 1st week of January. Sorry for delay in reporting it – contact Rose on 07811 66 22 35 if it is yours EARN £400-£600 per month part-time delivering and collecting catalogues 18+ Call 0116 2986894

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Methodist church news Messy Church A new venture here in Birstall, for families who find that Sunday Morning Church does not work for them. At present it is being run fortnightly, late on Saturday afternoons It is very informal and highly participative. Activities will include, crafts, cooking and games, followed by a short simple act of worship and ending up with some food. Leaky Church The snow and frost in the winter found the weak spot on the flat roof at the back of the church and water was leaking into the gents toilet. A new roof is to be installed, with a different covering, which it is hoped will last about 40 years. Web Church The Web Site has been redesigned by Charles Hilton. It has been described as one of the best web sites for a Methodist Church in the whole country. Do have a look. There is much to see Painted Church During the summer, it is planned to repaint the worship area of the church, and it is hoped that volunteer painters will do almost all of the work.


Longslade College, Wanlip Lane, Birstall, Leicester LE4 4GH Editor: Mr Jerry Jackson Editorial/Advertising (Tel & Fax)

0116 2674213

Correspondence, news etc can be handed in at: Birstall Library or to our office in the Youth Centre, Longslade College, Birstall

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