Birstall Post (463) February 2022

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the Birstall post Y O U R




No. 463

Birstall comic performs at festival

THERE WAS an increase in vehicle crime in Birstall this January. There have been both thefts of number plates and vehicle contents. PCSO Ellie Holland, Birstall & Wanlip Beat Police Community Support Officer, said: “Please can you make sure that your vehicle is locked, close your windows and sun roof to prevent 'fishing', secure your number plates with tamper resistant screws, fit locking, anti-tamper wheel nuts to secure alloy wheels, and secure anything that’s on the outside of your vehicle such as roof racks / holiday top boxes etc.”

AN UP and coming comedian from Birstall, who used to get so nervous she forgot to breathe on stage, will be performing at the Leicester Comedy Festival later this month. Tej Dhutia (33), who lives on Highgate Avenue with her husband and two young children, is part of a show about relationships with two other comedians. “I’ve noticed after 50 plus gigs I don’t hyperventilate anymore!” said Tej. “My first 20-25 gigs I used to get so nervous, I would forget to breathe and then be out of breath on stage. It was beyond frightening, but the adrenaline and joy after coming off stage is immense, and it still gives me a buzz.” Tej is juggling her life as a mum, a comedian and her job as a pharmacist. She said: “I work part-time at the Leicester Royal Infirmary as a pharmacist. I enjoy doing a job that helps people, and it is satisfying. But there’s no opportunity in my job to express myself creatively. Stand up comedy has filled that void!” Tej had no intentions of getting into comedy, but saw an advert on social media in 2019, while she was on maternity leave. She said: “It gave you the chance to do five minutes of stand up comedy in front of an audience, be sponsored and raise money for charity and eight sessions of mentoring by a professional comedian, all free of charge.

Village vehicle crime

The March issue of

THE BIRSTALL POST will be published on Feb 25. The copy deadline is Feb 14..



GARDEN MAINTENANCE Pic: comedian Tej Dhutia - she will be performing at the Leicester Comedy Festival

I’m a ‘yes girl’, I like throwing myself out of my comfort zone! I love new opportunities. At the least, I saw this as an opportunity to improve my confidence in public speaking, and if it went badly then at least I raised money for charity. So I went to the sessions and did five minutes of stand up and thought, that’s something I can tick off my imaginary bucket list. And then someone approached me after the show and asked if I wanted to do it again. I said yes - of course! And from there my comedy career began.” Tej describes her material as “ a bit naughty”. She said: “As a British Indian, I grew up witnessing behaviours at school and on TV that we were not allowed to talk about in my household. So I find it liberating going on stage and talking openly about

situations that people may find personal or taboo. My material also contains jokes about being married and having young children.”


35 YEARS EXPERIENCE Continued on page 3

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“It feels fantastic,” says newly married John (85) A MAN, who tragically lost his wife after his Allington Drive house was badly damaged following a gas explosion in 2017, has married again. “It feels absolutely fantastic to find love again at this later time of my life,” said John Jasper (85). John married Diana in November last year – Diana had been a friend of John

and his wife Janet for more than 30 years, and following Janet’s death, had been supportive of John, including helping him recover from a stroke in 2018. He said: “We are just so good for each other – we just get on.” John and Diana requested that instead of wedding gifts, donations be made to charities. John said: “Can we, through the Birstall Post, thank our many family and friends for their generous donations and congratulations on the occasion

Pics: (above) John & Diana Jasper on their wedding day: (left) the couple in Birstall’s AIR Ambulance charity shop

of our recent marriage. “In light of our lives being affected by the gas explosion in December 2017, we requested that donations to our chosen charities be given instead of gifts. “Our chosen charities were Leicestershire Air Ambulance, who transported my late wife Janet to hospital, and Cancer Research in memory of Roger Partridge, who was badly injured in the same accident and sadly passed away in February 2021 as a result of lung cancer. Your generosity was greatly appreciated.” The total sums donated to the local Air Ambulance shop was £400 and £170 to Cancer Research. Continued from page 1


With more than 50 gigs under her belt, Tej says performing has improved her confidence. “Doing stand up comedy has made me more confident. Before when I’d crack a joke around people that don’t know me it would be awkward, and I’d worry about what they think, or if they were offended. Now that people know I do stand up comedy, it’s still awkward, but it’s almost like I have a license to be silly and I worry less about how I’m perceived. “It’s daunting

going on stage and trying to make people laugh. But I just think, if I don’t do it then I’ll regret it. I’ll regret not living, not pushing myself. I’ll be exactly where I am and not have gained anything. I don’t want to stand still, I want to move forwards and keep achieving.” She added: “I’ve met so many lovely and interesting comics on the local circuits. I’ve made some close friends and to think if I hadn’t said yes to a random opportunity, I wouldn’t have connected with these people, it blows my mind!” Tej says she wants to keep pursuing comedy until she can do it full time.

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but her husband is harder to please. “It’s so much fun! My kids are four and two years old and it’s hard to juggle “My kids have a great sense of humour and think I’m hilarious, but I’ve bribed all areas, so my comedy career is moving at a slower pace than I’d like. I have them to believe I am! My husband howto limit myself to one to two gigs a week. ever is harder to please and he keeps my feet firmly planted on the ground,” As my kids grow older, hopefully, I’ll be she said. able to do more stand up. I also like to write sketch comedy, dress up as charac- “Single, Married, Divorced” with Alexandra Krekan, Tej Dhutia and Thomas Hancock will ters and do accents. I've put up a few be performed on Feb 12, LCB Depot, Leicessketches on my YouTube channel and ter, 3.30pm and on Feb 19 at Kayal-Upstairs, at 8.30pm. Ages 18 and over. Get tickets at hope to do more.” Tej says her kids are a great audience



Plants stolen from Sibson Road displays SOMEONE IS repeatedly stealing plants from the three planters on Sibson Road. The planters were erected in 2021 by local businesses to make the area more attractive.

Shona Rattray from Shop Local Birstall said: “The first instance was before Christmas, and there have been at least another two instances where the person has been back to steal more plants. We think there was actually a trowel left in one this morning, and they may have been back to retrieve it as this has now gone.” She added: “We did have plans for further planter projects, but having someone come along and think it is

Birstall’s Ernie Tyler

Pics: the planters on Sibson Road have had plants removed by thieves

plants and plant them, alongside our busy home and work life. We have tried to do something nice for the village for people to enjoy, and there’s always one that will spoil it for others.”

BIRSTALL CENTENARIAN Ernie Tyler has died. Ernie, who celebrated his 100th birthday on July 30 last year, died on December 31 after a heart attack. Ernie came to live in Birstall in 1946, working as an engineer, and aged 62 got a job as a meals-onwheels driver. A well-known figure in Birstall, he was often seen out and about on his mobility scooter, visiting Watermead Country Park. His wife Betty predeceased him in 2013. The couple had no children. Ernie’s funeral will be held on February 11 at 1pm at Birstall Methodist Church, followed by a funeral reception at Birstall Royal British Legion.


Elected A BY-ELECTION for the Birstall Goscote Parish Ward was announced for Thursday February 3, 2022, due to the resignation of a parish councillor. The deadline for candidates to submit their nomination papers for the Birstall Goscote Parish by-election passed at 4pm on Friday January 7, 2022. There was only one nomination paper received and therefore that candidate, Robert Vincent, was elected uncontested.

acceptable to steal from us is totally putting us off. We are hesitant to replant at the moment until we catch who’s doing this.” Hayley Warne from MDW Fireplaces said: “Totally fed up with this moron, Birstall businesses have taken time out to go and choose the

The March issue of

THE BIRSTALL POST will be published on Feb 25. The copy deadline is Feb 14..

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Parish Council notes

A FULL meeting of Birstall Parish It was agreed to apply a 0% increase Council was held on January 10. to the precept, keeping it at £458,343. County Councillor Dan Grimley report- The Parish Council’s charge on council ed that bids for projects for his allocatax bills for Band D households in Birtion of £25,000 for the Highway stall will remain the same as last year, at Improvement Fund exceeded the budget. £99.92. He reported that the County Council The community grant aid budget has would agree to pay for a vehicle-activatbeen increased by £2000 to £5000. It ed-speed sign, but not the maintenance was reported that the cost of upgrading costs, which Parish Councils may be the lamps on the Sibson Road car park prepared to consider taking on. to LEDs is expected to rise. Chair Ann Marshall reminded councilThe showers in the changing rooms lors that they are not allowed to speak on the School Lane playing fields are more than twice on any item on the faulty, and the council has received a agenda and that the vice-chairman, Cllr quote of £5914 to replace them. Tony Abbey, would be monitoring how It was suggested that the council often councillors spoke. should get three quotes for the work, as It was reported that Sergeant Bird per council policy. Comment was made was moving posts and would no longer that the situation was urgent, as the be part of the Birstall beat team. A reshowers are out of use. When put to the placement will be appointed. vote, it was agreed by six votes to five to The council considered its budget and not get three quotes and to accept the precept for the year 2022/23. original quote. Comment was made that the council The council agreed to an arrangement had to be aware of the financial preswith Leicestershire County Council resures facing residents this year. garding some trees on Meadow Lane Cllr Dave Thomas said the amount of near the boundary with Watermead £223,814 in the general reserve was Country Park. Some of these trees are high at six months net revenue expendiowned by the Parish Council and some ture, and the council was being over by the county, and many are in need of cautious. attention. The County Council will do the Chair Ann Marshall said advice from work and invoice the Parish Council for the internal auditor and the independent a proportion of the total cost. external auditor was that it should be It was reported that the council had higher, at 12 months. received thank you letters and cards Cllr Ed Marshall said he wanted to from recipients in Birstall of the councongratulate the clerk and her team for cil’s Christmas hampers. being prudent and keeping the council The council has received complaints in a good financial position. from the public about E-scooters being ridden on the school Lane playing fields.

Pic: a map of the Broadnook Garden suburb




Broadnook: July start WORK ON site at the 1950 home Broadnook Garden suburb north of Birstall is expected to start in It was agreed to ban E-scooters from July 2022, say the developers. all Parish Council playing fields and to add this message to the entrance signs. The council has agreed to delay the public consultation it had planned regarding creating an access from the Harrogate Drive playing field to Hallam Fields country park, due to the clerk’s heavy workload.

This time last year, developers were hoping to start in the fourth quarter of 2021. Planning permission was granted in November 2020 for the development, which will include a 630 place primary school, a local centre with shops, super-




Council’s complaint BIRSTALL PARISH Council has lodged a complaint with the Local Government Ombudsman. It has complained about the Member Conduct hearing at Charnwood Borough Council that took place on June 4, 2021, convened to consider an investigation into the conduct of Birstall Parish Cllr Julian Howe. Charnwood Borough Council investigates complaints about the conduct of parish councillors in the Continued from page 6 market, restaurant and takeaways, an assisted living retirement village, a 70bed care home, a community centre with healthcare facilities, a sports pavilion, sports pitches, allotments and parkland. Detailed planning permission has been granted for phase 1; this includes 193 dwellings, the sports facilities, parkland, internal access roads and the creation of the primary access from the A6. The primary school must be ready to accommodate 300 pupils before the occupation of no more than 300 dwellings. The developers are the Palmer-Tomkinson Trust, the Cooper family, Barwood homes and Davidson’s homes. Barwood and Davidson’s have now taken on the role as leaders of the development, which will be based on the Garden Suburb model. A liaison group, to be known as the Broadnook Foundation, will be established in the next few months. There will be an invitation to the Parish Councils of Rothley, Birstall and Thurcaston & Cropston, as well as Wanlip Parish Meeting, to nominate representatives. The planning application reference is P/16/1660/2

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borough, and determines what sanctions are appropriate if it decides a councillor has breached the code. The hearing found that Cllr Howe had breached the Members’ Code of Conduct and made a number of recommendations, including that the Parish Council consider commissioning a Governance Review – an audit of its policies and procedures by an outside body. On June 21, 2021 the council considered the recommendation – the minutes state: “The [parish] council also felt that the Member Conduct Panel had overstepped their remit in this matter. The scope of the hearing was to determine whether a parish councillor’s behaviour had breached the code of conduct [and the] panel does not have the power to instruct, intervene or interfere with any Parish Council business and this recommendation was inappropriate and irrelevant.” The Parish Council made a formal complaint to Charnwood Borough Council about the Member Conduct Panel hearing. The Parish Council has considered the details and progress of this complaint in confidential business, when the press and public are excluded. Decisions taken are then published in the publically available minutes. Unsatisfied with the outcome of their complaint to Charnwood, the Parish Council have now submitted it to the Local Government Ombudsman. The Birstall Post asked Charnwood to clarify the nature of the Parish Council’s complaint. A spokesman said: “A Member Conduct Panel conducted a hearing on June 4, 2021 into a complaint relating to Cllr Julian Howe of Birstall Parish Council. “Following the hearing, Birstall Parish Council submitted a complaint to Charnwood Borough Council about various issues including the venue used for the hearing, the conduct of Councillor Howe during the hearing, the length of time that the independent investigation took, that no witnesses from Birstall Parish Council were called during the hearing, the independence of the Borough Councillors sitting on the Panel, and their dissatisfaction with the recommendation made by the panel that Birstall Parish Council should commission an independent review of their governance arrangements. “The complaint was initially considered and responded to but, when Birstall Parish Council sought to continue to escalate the complaint, upon further consideration the Borough Council determined that the issues raised did not actually fall within the scope of our complaints policy because they related either to the application of the approved procedure for dealing with complaints about councillor conduct, or to the conduct of councillors during the hearing. “Birstall Parish Council were therefore advised that their complaint would not be considered further under the Borough Council’s complaints policy.” The Birstall Post invited Birstall Parish Council to comment, but we had not received a response before the deadline.

Speed reduction popular with public SCHEMES TO help reduce the blight of speeding across Leicestershire are being carried out by the county council. They include installing more vehicle activated signs which, when triggered by vehicles travelling at excessive speed, display a ‘slow down’ message or show the required speed. Some county spots will also see village ‘gateway’ signs which are designed so that road users are encouraged to slow down before entry. These speed reduction initiatives were among the most popular schemes put forward by county councillors after a £1.4 million fund was set up to provide small-scale highways and environmental improvements. Each of the 55 councillors received £25,000 from a Members Highway Fund as part of an additional £5 million investment in the county’s highways. Providing additional street furniture,

such as bollards and benches, has also been high up on the councillors’ priority list. Other requests received include improved parking schemes, bus shelters, structural testing of lighting columns for parishes, work on public rights of ways and tree planting. Councillor Ozzy O’Shea, cabinet lead member for highways and transport, said: “We’ve been delighted with the take-up as it offered an opportunity to establish what really mattered to people in their local community. “I’m not surprised that speeding features so high on the priority list – it’s something which blights communities and we’re committed to doing all we can to influence and ultimately change road users’ behaviour.” The report also outlines that, as part of raft of measures to improve the new scheme, councillors, in future, will be offered a number of options from which to choose their spend for the 2022-23 financial year.

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Country Park swan finds new partner

THE MALE Swan on John Merrick’s lake in Watermead Country Park has found himself a new female partner. Julie from Watermead Swans reports: This is fantastic news, but didn't happen until the story got worse. We sadly lost the cygnets to suspected Bird Flu. This was diagnosed by Defra and the RSPCA but has not been confirmed. The male had done such a great job of rearing the cygnets alone. When he found himself alone again he went on his travels to find a new partner. He got into a huge swan fight which ended up with us having to save him from being drowned. I walked back along the canal with him but halfway back he decided to stop and happily preen himself. I should have known he was up to mischief. The following morning I was just so elated and couldn't believe it when there he was with a new partner. I'm busy working alongside the RSPCA at the minute monitoring Bird Flu A lot of the swan centres are not taking in birds because of it. That means we are likely to be keeping more in the wild than normal. Please try and

avoid touching birds and their droppings I've had a chat with Defra. Where possible please would you report dead swans to me so we can co-ordinate the work we are doing. I will be going out to look at them and reporting them. Someone else may move the bodies because of having to wear protective clothing and disinfect. I find that people telling me things when I'm out on patrol seems to work well. Wish the swans well and send lots of swan love everywhere.

Pics: the pair of swans at Watermead Country Park Government advice regarding finding dead birds is: If you find dead wild waterfowl (swans, geese or ducks) or other dead

wild birds, such as gulls or birds of prey, you should report them to the Defra helpline (03459 33 55 77). Do not touch or pick up any dead or visibly sick birds that you find. Avian influenza (bird flu) is a notifiable animal disease. If you suspect any type of avian influenza in poultry or captive birds you must report it immediately by calling the Defra Rural Services Helpline on 03000 200 301.


est. 2002

General Property Maintenance Which includes:

Fencing • Guttering Woodwork All other work considered For quotes and details please ring:

Mob: 0776 6755515 0116 212 9344



Noticeboard all details printed free Birstall Flower Club February 23, 2022, 7:15pm Birstall Village Hall Demonstrator: Sharon Badger Title: "The Midas Touch" Visitors welcome - £5.00 Queries to Sylvia 0116 2674206 or Carol 0116 2671437

me, Barbara, on 07905760556 if you want to chat.

Parkrun How is your New Years wish to get fitter going, or your wish just to try something new? Come and try a Parkrun @ Watermead Country Park.

Cedar Care Circle It seems a long time ago that I took the decision to postpone our meetings until end of February beginning of March. Covid has again wreaked havoc. I have decided to hold our 1st meeting of 2022 on Monday February 28th. 2pm at Brunchies Café, Hallam Fields Road. I sincerely hope that you can join us. If you, or, someone you know cares for someone suffering from Dementia please join us. We understand the loneliness and isolation that caring brings. Contact



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Do you fancy challenging yourself or just having some fun on a Saturday morning? Watermead Country Park Parkrun is a free 5km community event. Whether you run, walk or jog, all and any abilities are welcome. Parkrun starts at 9am every Saturday, Parkrun is manned entirely by volunteers, so if you don't fancy doing the 5km's you can always come and help us with running the show, behind the scenes. Volunteering at Parkrun is a great way to meet new people and become part of an amazing community. So, why not take the plunge and come and join us this Saturday at 9am? rmeadcountrypark/ - if you want anymore information or need anymore convincing, then take a look at the Watermead Country Park Parkrun website Film Presentations Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Council

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OPENING TIMES Mon-Sat 9am to 5pm Sunday: closed Please note these times may change during public holidays. Ring us for details.

“Nomadland” (Feb 11, 108 mins) We will be pleased in February, to show a film which won BAFTA’s and three Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actress. In the drama Nomadland, Fern’s husband dies and she loses her job. After losing her house, she remains positive in her rusty van along snowy-laden roads. Chloe Zhang is the first Asian to become Best Director, as she encourages, in Fern, the enduring power of the human spirit. “1917” (Mar 11, 110mins)

This World War I epic has won a remarkable seven BAFTA’s and three Oscars. Two British soldiers are given a seemingly impossible mission to cross enemy territory and deliver a message which will save 1,600 lives. We will be keeping the hall well ventilated and there will be room for us to space out. We would like to remain cautious at this point and make sure that everyone feels comfortable. You are asked to wear face masks whilst you are in the hall. Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Council will be showing these films at Thurcaston Memorial Hall, starting at 7.30pm. Film tickets will cost the usual £5, which includes a lucky prize draw during the interval and there will be refreshments. We ask you to pay for tickets in advance from Richard 0116 2363 066 or Diana 0116 2362619




Enjoy the magical pantomime


Ruth's Lambourne February Dinner Specials To order call 0116 2919765

February Menu A pantomime for all the family, full of fun, songs and laughter. We will take you on a magical journey meeting lots of characters on the way. This pantomime is in the half term break so it's an ideal opportunity for all the family to go out and enjoy it together. Don't forget to book your tickets now This action-packed adventure for the whole family is being presented by Birstall Theatre Company at the Palmer Tomkinson Centre on February 17-19, 2022 at 7.30pm, with a matinee performance on Saturday February 19 starting at 2.30pm. Tickets are available from Nando’s hairdressers on Sibson Road Birstall and also by calling the booking office on Tel: 0778 867 6253. Tickets will also be available on the door at the Palmer Tomkinson Centre, Cedars Academy, Wanlip Lane, Birstall

Birstall Royal British Legion Club All old & new members will be very welcome Bingo every Tues starting at 9pm Quizzes every Wed starting at 8.30pm & Sundays at 9pm Pool tables at only 50p Saturday Entertainment 12th February - Louise Scott 26th February - Paula Burrows Karens kitchen open for meals Saturday 12th and 26th food served 12 till 2pm. Room hire available for Wakes

Tuesday 1st- crumb topped chicken pie, mash and peas Wednesday 2nd- mid week roast beef dinner Thursday 3rd- cheese onion and potato pie with pork loin Friday 4th- scampi, chips and peas Saturday 5th- spaghetti bolognese Sunday 6th- Sunday dinner menu delivered on Saturday Monday 7th- toad in the hole Tuesday 8th- cottage pie Wednesday 9th- mid week roast turkey Thursday 10th- jacket pocket with tuna and boiled egg salad Friday 11th- fish chips and mushy peas Saturday 12th- cheese and onion omelette with chips & peas Sunday 13th- Sunday dinner menu delivered on Saturday Monday 14th- X closed X Tuesday 15th- X closed X Wednesday 16th- X closed X Thursday 17th- fish pie with roast potatoes and peas Friday 18th - scampi chips and peas Saturday 19th- sweet and sour chicken Sunday 20th- Sunday dinner menu delivered on Saturday Monday 21st- chicken and vegetable hot pot Tuesday 22nd- bangers and mash with onion gravy Wednesday 23rd- mid week roast gammon Thursday 24th - jacket potato with prawns Friday 25th- fish, chips and mushy peas Saturday 26th- all day breakfast Sunday 27th- Sunday dinner menu delivered on Saturday Monday 28th- toad in the hole Tuesday March 1st- chicken in white wine, new potatoes and peas Wednesday March 2nd- mid week roast beef


JANUARY 2022 Visit our website at: and join our Group on Facebook

The Covid‐19 lockdown in March 2020 forced us to suspend some of our activities at very short notice. These included the distribution of the Newsletter, the monthly Advice Shop, the regular Committee meetings and the Annual General Meeting each April. All of these would have broken the lockdown regulations and, more importantly, put our Volunteers at risk of infection. At the time, we thought that these were temporary measures and that we would return to normal in a relatively short time. Now, almost two years later, most of the issues remain and we have to seriously reconsider the situation. The structure and systems that were set up as the result of a lot of hard work by

individuals over a number of years, required constant management that has not been possible in recent months. We have now reached a point where it will need a major effort to re‐establish them as they were. We are, therefore, looking at how the we could more easily operate in the future and want to consult as widely as possible to see what our Coordinators, Members and Neighbours would want from their Neighbourhood Watch. We are putting together some ideas to circulate in the next few weeks. Meanwhile, we would welcome any thoughts or ideas that you might have, the more original the better. Please write to us at:

Cold Caller

Fake Reviews Continue

An elderly Member answered the door to a woman who claimed to be acting on behalf of a local charity, despite there being a No Cold Callers sign on the door. The woman persuaded our Member to donate to the charity and took details of her bank card. When telling a relative about the incident, she was uncertain whether she had made a one‐off donation or signed up to make regular, automatic payments. There was also the concern that the whole thing might have been a criminal scam. Our advice is as always. NEVER give cold callers any personal or bank details. Any genuine organisation will supply the necessary information for you to make any donations in your own time, after you have considered the matter. If you have given out your details and then have doubts or second thoughts, contact your bank immediately for their advice.

In our December edition we warned about unscrupulous online sellers who pay for fake five star reviews of their otherwise unremarkable, inferior or even dangerous products. This is against the rules of all the major online companies but is, nevertheless, still happening. Which? has been investigating and reports that Twitter and Facebook accounts are being used on an industrial scale to fake five star reviews posted on the Amazon website. This greatly reduces any value they may have to us as consumers. You can read the reports in detail at: how‐facebook‐fuels‐amazons‐fake‐reviews thousands‐of‐amazon‐sellers‐using‐twitter‐to‐gain‐ fake‐or‐incentivised‐reviews Do not be misled by a long list of five‐star reviews.

Keep Cash Safe Some of us are old enough to remember when bank accounts were not that common. Most people were paid in cash and did their shopping with it but things have changed a lot since then. Direct debits, credit and debit cards are now very common but many older people still prefer the traditional method and keep significant sums of cash in their homes. Unfortunately, this makes them vulnerable to distraction burglars and rogue traders who demand payment in cash for shoddy or non‐existent work. If you are in the habit of keeping a lot of cash at home, do not keep it all together but split it into smaller amounts and store them in different places. A thief will probably leave quickly once they have found the first amount and not go on searching for more. Please keep a check on your vulnerable relatives or neighbours who are often alone in the house. Many people are proud and like to keep their affairs private. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to discuss the general issue with them. If possible, make a plan so that they do not pay out large sums of cash without first referring it to somebody else who can protect their interests.

If you receive a text message similar to this DO NOT click on the link. It is a scam.

A Member who did so became suspicious as soon a they were asked for money to cover postage costs. The NHS will NEVER ask for any payment for its services.

Police News Our Beat Team produces a monthly Newsletter with news of crime and other local policing matters. You can read it in full each month on our website:

The Watch would like to thank Birstall Parish Council for its continued support © Birstall and Wanlip Neighbourhood Watch – – 0756 2422 756


The Future of the Watch

NHW news

& crime report


Keep Your Vehicle Safe Cars and other vehicles remain attractive targets for thieves and nobody wants to find that theirs has been broken into or stolen. There are steps you can take to reduce the risk of this happening to you. A high number of thefts are from cars that have simply been left unlocked. Opportunist thieves look around for easy pickings, trying doors as they walk past. Get into the habit of physically checking that the doors are locked and windows fully closed, rather than just relying on pressing the remote control as you walk away. Keep your car keys in a metal container rather than lying on the hall table overnight. Modern electronic locking systems are quite sophisticated, but thieves have devised ways of operating them remotely by connecting to your key-fob from outside the house. A metal tin or a specially designed key wallet will block the radio signals that do this. It can take only seconds to break a car window. It does not help much to hide items under coats or blankets on

the back seat, since thieves are used to this. They will often break in just to check whether there is anything under them. Then, even if you have not lost anything, your car is damaged. If you have to leave items in your car, make sure they are completely out of sight, preferably locked in the boot. Leave nothing on view, even if it is of little value. Thieves are less likely to run the risk of being caught if the car appears to be empty. Satnavs and dashcams are always very tempting things to steal, so always take them with you when you leave the car. Remember also to remove the bracket and cables and put them out of sight. Do not forget to wipe off the tell-tale circle left on the windscreen by the rubber sucker. Make sure your car is properly locked and that the alarm is set. If possible, keep it in your locked garage overnight. If you cannot do that or are away from home, park whenever you can in a well-lit area or secure car park. Let potential thieves know that you are one step ahead of them by displaying a notice telling them that all items of value have been removed. You can download the notice free from our website: Please Keep Safe and Well From Ed Chambers, Committee Chairman

Birstall & Wanlip NHW Meet the Team The beat team would like to wish the residents of Birstall and Wanlip a Happy New Year.

Pics: PC Lauren De Wet (left) & PCSO Ellie Holland

There will be further changes to our beat team in January 2022, with Sergeant Paul Bird sadly leaving the team. PCSO 6637 Holland and I will continue to work hard to tackle the issues raised by the community. We have planned a number of community engagement opportunities, as well as speed checks and other local projects. Current Priorities Anti-social behaviour: focusing on Meadow Lane Park, and School Lane Park. Drugs: Focusing on hot spot areas and gathering local intelligence. Road safety: Speed checks During November, a total of 40 crimes were recorded on the Birstall and Wanlip Beat. For further crime information, please visit: During December 2021, Birstall and Wanlip have had a total of 38 crimes as follows; 2 x burglary dwelling, 6 x Theft offences, 1 x theft from a motor vehicle, 4 x Public Order, 11 x criminal damage, 2 violence offences, 2 weapons offences

and 10 miscellaneous 11 offences. Crime Prevention Advice Currently, in the UK, you can legally buy an e-scooter, but you cannot ride it on a public road, cycle lane or pavement. They can only be used on private land with the landowner's permission. Birstall Parish council do not permit the use of e-scooters on their land, which includes all park areas. E-scooters are classed as a Personal Light Electric Vehicle (PLEVs), and as such are treated as a motor vehicle. They are subject to the same legal requirements as other vehicles, which includes an MOT, licencing, tax and insurance. At this time, these requirements cannot be met. If someone is found to be using their e-scooter in a public place, their e-scooter may be seized under Section 165 of the Road Traffic Act 1988. A message from Sgt Bird & The Beat Team. I have been the dedicated neighbourhood Sergeant for Birstall & Wanlip for the past year. As of January 8, I will be leaving the beat to take on a new challenge. My replacement is in the process of being selected. Thanks for your support of the Police. I hope you can continue the strong relationship with the beat team that has been created. PS 1326 Bird. Continued on page 12

No increase in precept Group’s busy month A 0% INCREASE in the parish precept has been agreed by Birstall Parish Council. Last year the Parish Council’s charge on band D households in Birstall was £99.92 a year. This will remain at £99.92 in 2022/23. Parish Councils forecast how much money they are going to need in the next financial year. This figure is then divided by the tax base – the average number of Band D equivalent properties in the area. When calculating the precept, Parish Councils have to consider: • Their anticipated spending levels for the ongoing services for which they are responsible, such as play areas, the cemetery, allotments and the cost of the parish office and ground staff • The levels of anticipated income e.g. from rents, hire charges, burial fees and grants • The costs of any additional spending plans or projects • Maintaining a prudent amount of money in reserves Once the precept has been agreed, it is added to residents’ council tax bills and collected by Charnwood Borough Council, who then pay it to the Parish Council. The Parish Council discussed the Precept/Budgets at two full Council meetings. The first meeting was held on December 13, 2021, where Councillors received and considered draft budget requirements and the various options available to them. The figures presented at that meeting were based on 2021/2022 Council Tax Base (CTB) figures because the Clerk was waiting for confirmation of the numbers from Charnwood Borough Council. After a full discussion, the Parish Council decided to defer a final decision until the January 2022 meeting to enable the Clerk to furnish the spreadsheet with the confirmed CTB figures and re look at some suggested changes and amendments to the budget headings from Councillors. The Parish Council met again on January 10, 2022, where they were able to receive updated figures along with the confirmed CTB figures from Charnwood Borough Council for band D houses of 4587.1, which had increased from the previous year by 22 band D households. The Parish Council increased the precept last year by 5%. Parish Council Clerk Sue Coulson said: “The Parish Council took this decision because they are aware and mindful of the pressure Continued from page 11 We would like to take this opportunity to ask that if you are not already signed up to Neighbourhood Link, then please get in touch. Neighbourhood Link is a free service through which we can share with you information about crime in your area, and offer crime prevention advice. We can also update you on any events we are holding. The feedback we receive through Neighbourhood Link allows us to set Local Policing Priorities in line with what matters to you. You can sign up now at

placed on higher authorities to constantly save money which often results in cutbacks and the loss of valuable local services. “The Government have still not taken the decision to put the same restrictions onto Parish and Town Councils as they do the higher authorities by capping their precept demands. “The Parish Council realise that if a situation arose where they were asked by residents to cover the costs of a lost and/or devolved service from a higher authority, the Parish Council would need to have a healthy reserve in place to be able to facilitate the requests. “After careful consideration and deliberation at the January council meeting, the Parish Council resolved to apply a 0% increase to the precept for the 2022/2023 financial year and authorised the clerk to submit a precept demand to Charnwood Borough Council for £458,343.”

BIRSTALL’S HELPING our Community, Birstall group has been taking a well deserved rest after a busy Christmas. Co-founder Rosie Rollings reports: The Christmas meals were all delivered and appreciated, it was great to receive so many thank yous. We must thank Ruth (pictured below) and her team along with Mark and Jo that helped with the deliveries. The scrubs team have continued to make beautiful quilts for Rainbows and the NICU. We have also responded to a request for “covid hearts” for the local Ruth Senescall church. We are still looking to fundraise to support our community of Birstall and Wanlip.

If you know someone who is not well, please let us know and we will arrange a hot meal paid for by our funds. Also if we can send a pick me up afternoon tea, please get in touch. As life gets back to the new normal we will wait to see if we can help. We would also like to here from any community groups that we may be able to support. Thank you to the community for there continued support. Facebook: Helping our Community LE4

Rotary fundraising THE CHRISTMAS period is an important time for fundraising by Wreake Valley Rotary Club members and volunteer helpers, including the Good Gym group. Club President Graham Packwood said: “The weather in December was kind on the twelve evenings of collecting with our charity Santa Sleigh except for rain in Birstall on the last night. “We also held collections at both Dunelm and Asda in Thurmaston and organised our inaugural Christmas fancy dress themed charity run, the “Watermead Winter Warmer.” He added: “We are very grateful to the public, our volunteers and both su-

permarkets for their support during this important time. Decisions on the allocation of funds to charitable causes, including Rainbows Hospice, will be made by the end of February and will be widely publicised. We take great care to ensure all monies raised are distributed as wisely and fairly as possible. Many thanks to all concerned.” Pic Graham Packwood at the Watermead Winter Warmer

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Gym celebrates 20-year anniversary CARL GUNNS’ boxing gym on Birstall Road opened in February 2002 and to mark its 20th anniversary, Carl is hosting a celebration in Birstall Village Hall. “Looking back, I feel very proud of the gym,” said Carl. “It has had an impact on the community, and helped create good bonds between people, but what’s most important for me is the impact it’s had on individuals. “I know many young people it’s helped – for some, it’s been the one thing in their life they looked forward to.” The celebration is a free event at Birstall Village Hall on Sunday Feb 20, 11.30am – 3pm. Carl (75) said: “I want everyone who has had any connection with the gym to come along, former members, sponsors, supporters – everybody. “I’ve had so much support from Birstall, the council and parents – I have the most wonderful support from all the parents of the kids that come to the gym. I’d also like to thank the Garner family – Jim Garner bought the building to secure its future as a gym.”

Licensed by the British Boxing Board of Control as a trainer, a second and a

Rugby club news BIRSTALL RUGBY Club has its sights on promotion as it enters the second half of the season.


period. Paul “Woodpig” Smith was one of the kindest and most supportive people to ever grace our presence and he will be missed forever by all those Club spokesman Joshua Black rewhose lives he touched throughout his ports: We wish all the local community a many years at the club. Both the home very happy new year - it has already match against Mellish and the second been one hell of a start to 2022 for The team game against Quorn the following Greendogs. week were both matches dedicated to Top of the league Mellish came to Woodpig, giving every player in the club The Coop Sports Ground looking to an opportunity to make him proud, and expand their distance between themwe’re sure he would have been. For selves and the rest of the league. But those who listen to the podevery Greendog has their day, cast “The Rugby Pod”, and that proved to be the it was delightful to case as we came from hear former Engeight points behind land and Leicesto snatch the victoter Tigers ry within the final player Andy ten minutes. Goode give a “It was a good shout out in game from Mellish, dedication to they’re a physical Woodpig in one bunch of lads,” of their most said Head Coach recent episodes. Lewis Glover in the A massive post-match interview. thank you to every“We knew what to exone who sent in pect after we played at Pic: Paul Smith messages of support their place, first half wasn’t and best wishes to the club pretty but we dug deep and our fitness during what was a difficult time. We was never an issue. It’s given us a good would not be in the fortunate position footing for the start of the year, and I’m we are in today without Paul, so we will massively proud of the group.” continue to push forward as a club, and The following week against Nottingwith both sides having plenty left to play ham Casuals would unfortunately not for, we will not give anything other than prove to be as fruitful as The Greendogs 100%. Keep checking in on our fixtures came up just short, losing 22-15. Howevfor the next set of home games that you er, because we only lost by seven points, can come to and support the teams. we still managed to come away with a bonus point, and with a game in hand, The March issue of promotion is still very much on the THE BIRSTALL POST cards. will be published on Feb 25. Sadly we lost one of our closest and The copy deadline is Feb 14.. dearest members over the Christmas

promoter, Carl has spent 62 years involved with the sport.

“But it’s this gym that has been the highlight of my life in boxing,” he said.

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AN EXCAVATION at Castle Hill Country Park featured in the new series of BBC Two’s primetime TV series Digging for Britain in January. Presented by Professor Alice Roberts, the programme showed the investigation of the remains of a manor linked with the medieval Order of Knights of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, commonly known as the Knights Hospitaller. The large rectangular earthwork at Castle Hill has long been the subject of speculation. In the 19th century, antiquaries suggested that it was of prehistoric or Roman origin and it was described as a ‘supposed encampment’ on early maps. Today it is believed to be a medieval estate centre, most likely held by the Knights Hospitaller between 1240 and 1482. The project, involving volunteers from the local community and nearly 70 students from the School of Archaeology and Ancient History as part of their fieldwork module, concentrated on the Manor House site and its outer enclosure and uncovered evidence of a large, tim-

ber-framed hall with leaded windows and a tiled roof as well as many artefacts from the 13th and 14th Centuries. Stone footings suggested that it was 8m wide and over 11m in length. The building was probably timber-framed, built with low stone plinths supporting the timber structure. It had a slate roof topped with decorative glazed ridge tiles. Occupation of the building appeared to date to between the 13th and the 15th century. The site appears to have been abandoned in the early 15th century, possibly decades before the Knights Hospitaller exchanged it in 1482. Pics: (above) the 14th-century guildhall at Leicester gives us an idea of how the interior of the Castle Hill building may have looked; Alice Roberts at the dig site (top) the dig at Castle Hill CR: PHOTO University of Leicester Archaeological Services (ULAS).

Road closed A SECTION of Long Meadow Way will be closed this month, and a diversion route put in place. Severn Trent is closing the road to install three new water pipes for the Jelson’s development next to Hallam Fields Primary school by connecting onto the existing water main located outside the site. There will be no through-road vehicle access. A signposted diversion route will be put in place. Severn Trent says any residents whose water supply may be affected by the works will be notified in advance. The work is scheduled to start n Feb 14 and end on Feb 18.

WI news BIRSTALL AND Wanlip WI met on December 10 at Birstall British Legion.

Fun wreath workshop IN THE run-up to Christmas, a group of 20 ladies gathered at St Margaret’s Bowls Club to learn how to make Christmas wreaths. Expert tuition was given by Mary Linnett, a member of the bowls club and an experienced flower arranger. Club Chair Carolyn Foster said: “We all made absolutely stunning Christmas wreaths which we are incredibly proud of. While having our mince pies and coffee, Mary gave us tips on how to vary our wreaths for the table and other uses. It was a great social afternoon after all the Covid

and got us nicely into the Christmas spirit. We are all very much hoping to do the same again next year.” Pics: Ladies at St Margaret’s Bowls Club; the completed Christmas wreaths

We commenced the evening with our speaker Josephine Burgess who talked to us about the history of Save The Children. We learnt about how it began in 1919, and the work carried out since then, both at home and abroad, including their present-day work in Afghanistan. We thanked Janet for organising our excellent Christmas dinner and are looking forward to a Federation coach trip to Torquay in February. The Federation ACM will take place at Leicester Grammar School on March 19, where there will be stalls, competition entries will be displayed, and prizes presented. There will be three speakers throughout the day. Other Federation activities include a petanque evening, a treasure hunt around Oakham and a darts competition. Our WI is also planning an afternoon tea to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and a summer outing to Oxford. We meet again on February 7 at Birstall British Legion at 7pm, when we will be holding a quiz and social evening. From Birstall & Wanlip WI


Board members can have a say on how housing services are run by the Council to help make them better. The Housing Management Advisory Board (HMAB) discusses important issues that affect its council tenants and leaseholders including performance of the council’s landlord service, budgets, policies and investment in properties. Anyone interested in becoming a member can apply online via the council’s website at ent. The deadline for applications is Sunday February 13, 2022. Interviews and the appointment process will begin from February 23, 2022, with a decision and appointment made before the board meets on March 23, 2022.

World Day of Prayer: finding hope ON FRIDAY March 4, 2pm at St Theresa's RC Church, Front Street, Birstall, there will be the World Day of Prayer service. Judith Souter reports: We warmly invite you to join us. World Day of Prayer is an international inter-church organisa-

tion that enables us to hear the thoughts of women from all parts of the world, their hopes, concerns and prayers. The preparation for the day is vast. An international committee is based in New York, and there are national committees in each participating country. Regional confer-

News from the churches IT IS but a few short weeks, but already Christmas feels like a long, long time ago, and this new year is marching on - let's hope it will be better than the last two! There are lights at the end of the tunnel - one being that Old Nick's Coffee Shop in Wanlip Community Hall is becoming re-established on the third Tuesday of every month from 10am to 12noon, and is very welcome and welcoming to all. Spring is on the horizon, and Canon Anne is seeking articles for the Spring 2022 edition of 'Keep in Touch'. Stories and poems relating to church activities will be very welcome, but also items that would be of general interest, so if you are a budding author or have an interesting and/or unusual story or hobby that you would like to share, please contact Canon Anne Horton ( or call 0116 26779421). She will be pleased to hear from you. 'God, Me and Art' is a thriving group that is meeting again regularly in the Church office to explore different themes through all and any art forms in which the participants are interested. As well as in the church services, all church groups and meetings are observing the regulations and wearing face masks, to help keep everyone safe and well. Masks are available in church in case you forget, or lose yours! If you would like any further information about services in either St. James Church, Birstall, or Our Lady and St. Nicholas, Wanlip, or about any other church activity, please look at the Church website: From Birstall Parish Churches


Covenant Service In January we held our annual Covenant service. This is the renewal of our commitment to each other, to our community and to God. The church was nearly full, well as full as we could make it with the chairs suitably spaced apart.

ences meet to consider the service and then local groups, including yours in Birstall, make their plans. This year is a special one for World Day of Prayer in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as they have prepared the service which will be celebrated in over 170 coun-

at school. Family opposition prevented him from marrying the woman he loved and his father’s chosen career for him, the law, did not suit him. He was a shy, We are continuing with our midweek Communion service on Wednesday morn- sensitive and introspective man, happiest ings at 9:30. However, most of the activi- in the countryside and enjoying writing poetry. After a particularly bad period ties that use our premises have paused of mental ill health, he spent some time reopening for a few weeks. in a private asylum which, contrary to Covid cases most such institutions then, was run on We have rightly become very concompassionate lines by Dr Cotton, who cerned at the high number of Covid was a Christian. It was here, in 1764, cases in our community. We are aiming while reading a Bible, that Cowper beto avoid doing anything that would add lieved the Gospel and later wrote that he to case numbers and the extreme pressure on our NHS. Most groups that meet was “overwhelmed with love and wonder.” Cowper’s troubles did not all disaptogether where people are in close contact with different households have wise- pear but he was now a new man, knowing the sustaining of the Lord Jesus ly decided to take time to pause, to find Christ. After Cowper left Dr Cotton’s, the a safer way of re-opening. For the most Lord provided him with good friends for part this just means tweaking our conthe rest of his life, especially Rev Morley trols to reduce the risk of spreading Unwin and his wife Mary and Rev John infection. The Coffee Shop is intending Newton and his wife Mary. The museum to reopen gradually, 1-2 days per week in his former home in Olney, Buckingto see how it goes. Other groups will hamshire, is well-worth a visit. (See: follow suit. From Birstall Methodist Church ) ‘God moves in a mysterious way, His Sunday Services wonders to perform’ is one of Cowper’s You are most welcome to join us for our services, which all begin at 10.45am best-loved hymns, which was written after one of his periods of severe depresand are held in the Day Centre next to the Village Hall (on the corner of School sion, when life had little meaning, and it was only the intervention of God’s proviLane and Birstall Road). dence which lifted him out of his deEvington Chapel Lectures spondency and enabled him to carry on. The subject for the series is ‘Names The hymn has two contrasting themes: of Jehovah … I AM’ and the next is on perplexity in the face of life’s troubled Saturday 19th February at 7pm, when Jonathan Davey (Evington) will speak on happenings and the overriding sovereign Will of God in His merciful ordering of ‘The LORD who sanctifies – Jehovah our lives. One verse reads: ‘Ye fearful Kadesh’. The meetings are free and saints, fresh courage take; the clouds ye further details can be found on their so much dread are big with mercy, and chapel website. shall break in blessings on your head.’ William Cowper (1731-1800) Another of his hymns is: ‘O for a closer Since Covid, mental health issues are walk with God’, which ends: ‘So shall my currently, and rightly, getting more attenwalk be close with God, calm and setion in our society. Our hymn-writer rene my frame; So purer light shall this month, William Cowper, suffered mark the road that leads me to the from deep bouts of melancholy and Lamb.’ If you would like to know more periods of severe depression, attempting about the Lord Jesus Christ, then please suicide on numerous occasions but he contact us. eventually found comfort from knowing ( the Lord Jesus Christ. He had a most or 0116 2214883) unhappy childhood: his mother dying From Birstall Independent Baptist when he was just six, and he was bullied Church


tries. Services will begin in Samoa, and the same service in native languages travels around the world – New Zealand and Australia, across Asia, Africa and Europe, and finally the United States and South America before finishing in American Samoa more than 36 hours later. The theme for this year's service is a bible text from Jeremiah “I know the plans I have for you” to reflect on some of the issues facing us today: poverty, domestic abuse and disability, finding hope in difficult situations and encouragement in the help we can give to each other. Across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, services will take place in large urban centres such as Central Hall Westminster and many Christian churches in cities, towns and remote villages. Modern technology will also be used to reach those unable to access a service. Details of how to access a Zoom service can be found on the World Day of Prayer website at We are working under the current government and church guidelines, but should we have to cancel or postpone due to restrictions, then please look out for our notices around the village or see the World Day of Prayer website at www. where further information will be found.


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Birstall BAG’s cancer corner Important information about new treatments for coronavirus The NHS is using new treatments for coronavirus, they are not available to all but if you have coronavirus confirmed by a PCR test and have cancer now or have had it in the recent past you may be considered suitable for these treatments. Birstall BAGs would like to provide some information and if you have further questions please discuss with you GP or hospital clinical team. More information is also available on the NHS website Types of Treatment Available The NHS is offering two types of treatment to people with coronavirus (COVID-19) who are at highest risk of becoming seriously ill. These treatments can help some people manage their COVID-19 symptoms and reduce the risk

of becoming seriously ill. The 2 treatments currently available are:Sotrovimab which is a biological medicine. It is also known as a neutralising monoclonal antibody (nMAb). Molnupiravir which is an antiviral medicine. These treatments need to be given quickly after you start to feel unwell. They can help to stop you from getting

Planning P/22/0091/2: 2 Hallam Avenue Birstall LE4 3DN Single storey side extension, windows for loft conversion P/22/0090/2: 56 Woodgate Drive Birstall LE4 3JX - Single storey front and side extension - Erection of detached garage Extend dropped curb in front of dwelling P/22/0076/2: 3 Hannah Parade Stonehill Avenue Birstall Leicestershire LE4 4JE The retention of an automated teller machine and installation of associated signage P/22/0071/2: 16 Hollytree Avenue Birstall Leicestershire LE4 4LF The erection of a single storey rear extension extending beyond the rear wall of the original house by 6m, with a maximum height of 3.9m, and height to the eaves of 2.9m. P/22/0025/2: 44 Curzon Avenue Birstall Leicestershire LE4 4AB Proposed two storey extensions to front, side and rear, accommodation in attic, raising the roof height to form two-storey dwelling P/22/0013/2: 57 Sycamore Road Birstall Leicestershire LE4 4LX Proposed two storey extension to side and rear of dwelling. P/21/2669/2: 12 Oakfield Avenue Birstall Leicestershire LE4 3DQ Certificate of lawful (proposed) development for a loft conversion which includes a hip to gable extension, rear flat roofed dormer and two roof lights in front roof slope P/22/0032/2: 16 Hollytree Avenue Birstall Leicestershire LE4 4LF Certificate of lawful (proposed) development for loft conversion which includes a hip to gable extension, rear flat roof dormer and two roof lights in front roof slope. P/22/0075/2: 10 Church Road Wanlip

seriously ill from coronavirus. Who can have a COVID-19 treatment Treatments for COVID-19 are for people aged 12 and over who: are at highest risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19 have symptoms of COVID-19 that started within the last 5 days have tested positive for COVID-19 by PCR within the last 5 days People at highest risk You may be at highest risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19 if you have: Down's syndrome sickle cell disease HIV or AIDS chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 4 or 5 certain types of cancer had certain types of chemotherapy in the last 12 months had radiotherapy in the last 6 months had an organ transplant a severe liver condition (such as cirrhosis) a rare condition affecting the brain or nerves (multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease, Huntington’s disease or myasthenia gravis) certain autoimmune or inflammatory conditions (such as rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease) a condition or treatment that makes you more likely to get infections How do you know if you are eligible for these treatments You may have received a letter from the NHS, your GP or you hospital clinical team with specific instructions as you

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have been identified as potentially being able to benefit from COVID treatments. If you have not received a letter is does not mean you are not eligible, please discuss with you GP or hospital clinical team. How to access the treatments You should: 1. Have a PCR test kit ready at home 2. Take a PCR test if you get coronavirus symptoms If the PCR test confirms that you have coronavirus: call your GP practice, you hospital clinical team or 111 so they can refer you for potential treatment. Coronavirus treatments can help you if you are ill but vaccination is still the best protection for you and your loved ones. You can find more information at Have a PCR test kit ready at home You are strongly encouraged to keep a PCR test kit at home so you can get tested for coronavirus quickly after any symptoms. This will help you get treated more quickly. Please call 119, selecting the option for Test & Trace, to request a PCR test to keep at home, noting you may be eligible for COVID treatments. You can use 119 to request a replacement PCR test at any time. You can also request a PCR test kit to keep at home by going online at When answering the question, ‘Why are you asking for a test?’, select ‘I’ve been told to get a test by my local council, health protection team or healthcare professional’, and then select ‘A GP or other healthcare professional has asked me to get a test’. Take a PCR test if you get coronavirus symptoms Use your PCR test kit as soon as possible if you develop any of these coronavirus symptoms, even if they are mild: a high temperature a new, continuous cough (coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours) a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste If you get coronavirus symptoms and don’t have a PCR test kit at home, you can still get a PCR test by phoning 119 or visiting Follow the PCR test instructions to register and send it back to Test & Trace. When registering a PCR test, it is very

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important that you enter your NHS number and postcode correctly. This lets you get your test result and helps the NHS to contact you about treatment if you have coronavirus. If the PCR test confirms that you have coronavirus Following a positive PCR test, most patients will be contacted by a local NHS coronavirus medicines team to assess whether they might benefit from treatments. However, some patients including you might not be contacted. If you test positive after a PCR test you must contact your GP practice , Hospital Clinical Team or call 111 who can make a referral. These treatments will only be available from the NHS and will not cost you anything. The NHS will never ask you for your bank account details or to pay for treatment.

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