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Parish Council notes

A FULL meeting of Birstall Parish Council was held on March 13.

Representatives from HWC Entertainment proposed staging a market and business fair on the Sibson Road car park, outside the Robert Dickinson building. The aim of the event would be to promote local businesses, groups and charity organisations and encourage local people to support local businesses. The plan would be to hold the business fair on a regular basis.


Several councillors commented that this was an excellent idea and that local businesses needed support. The council needed to consider that the event would take up car parking spaces. It was agreed in principle to support the project, subject to the clerk’s research into licenses, market fees and insurance, and the successful outcome of a similar event to be held in Quorn.

The council agreed to sign up to a Civility & Respect pledge, from NALC.

It was reported that numbers attending the youth café in the School Lane playing field pavilion were increasing. This is a facility paid for by Birstall Parish Council.

It was reported that the cemetery extension project had been submitted for the pre-application process.

Councillors considered damage to the Village Hall after it had been hired for an event. The ceiling in the lobby will need repainting. It was agreed to retain the £250 damage deposit.

Cllr Kirsty Haywood presented a report from the working party set up to progress the NALC quality awards. To achieve a gold award, the council would, amongst other things, need to engage more with diverse community groups. Councillors were asked to come up with ideas and suggestions, and forward them to the clerk.

It was reported that representatives from the parish council had been invited to a presentation by the Broadnook Trust, to provide an update on the development of the 1950-home Broadnook Garden Suburb north of Birstall

It was reported that the parish council had submitted its response to the Leicester Local Plan consultation.

It was reported that permissive-footpath-only signs had been erected on the fencing of the Worcester Avenue jitty, to meet the criteria of the deed of covenant. Comment was made that the signs are being torn down.

Councillors considered a proposal to change the format of the Parish Council website, at a cost of £750. Comment was made that it was very hard to find information on the Parish Council website, even for those that were familiar with it. It was agreed to proceed with the update, subject to councillors approving it before it goes live.

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