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Village preschool’s 40th birthday
ACORN UNDER Fives preschool at Highcliffe School celebrated its 40th anniversary with a celebration in July.

There were a number of stalls, a raffle and opportunities to play in the garden outside.
Jackie Bateman from Acorn said: “It was a wonderful afternoon sharing fond memories with family and friends.”
Acorn began as a home playgroup in a house on Elmfield Avenue 40 years ago. It was run by a group of mums providing play experiences for their children before they went to school. As the group expanded, there was a need for bigger premises.
The Headteacher at Highciffe Primary School, Kath Lewis, offered Acorn the use of a vacant classroom in the Elmfield building. However, as the intake of pupils in the school grew in size, Acorn moved to the main building on Greengate Lane and became part of the Community Centre. At this time, a Parent/Carer Toddler group was introduced to offer ‘Stay and Play’ sessions before the children moved into preschool.
The recent rebuild of the school meant Acorn had to look for alternative premises on a temporary basis at The Cedars Academy, before returning to Highcliffe in a mobile several years ago.
Jackie said: “After raising a large amount of funds, the mobile was refurbished for children in the early years, and a wonderful garden for the children to play in was created.
“From the early days, Acorn has always encouraged parents and carers to be involved with their children’s learning and development, and this ethos remains the same today. As one parent said as her child left to go to school, ‘Thank you for all you do at Acorns…making it one big happy family with a big smile waiting for us at the door. We’re so grateful.’”
If you are interested in a place at the Toddler group or Preschool, the contact details are – mobile number

07842006199 and email acornunderfives@gmail.com
Free childcare
WORKING PARENTS and carers are encouraged to apply now for free 30 hours childcare funding for the autumn term.
Eligible parents of three and fouryear-olds across Leicestershire are reminded they need to confirm their details every term to ensure they still receive their entitlement.
Councillor Deborah Taylor, Leicestershire County Council cabinet member for children and families, said:
“We want to encourage as many parents and carers across Leicestershire to claim childcare they are entitled to.
“The increased cost of living has caused additional hardship for some, and we urge families to use all available resources to their advantage.”
All three-year-olds are entitled to 15 hours free funding, but some working parents can claim 30 hours. Find out more and see the eligibility criteria here: www.gov.uk/30-hours-freechildcare
Further advice and details about help paying for your childcare can be found at www.childcarechoices.gov.uk or www.leicestershire.gov.uk/fundedchildcare-places