7 minute read
News from the churches
SO - THIS is the month of our annual Summer Fair, which will be on Monday, August 28, at St. James Church, Church Hill, and will, of course, attract wonderful weather!
And also lots of wonderful people to enjoy the stalls and games on the lawn and the refreshments in the church. Jollifications will start at noon. Raffle tickets are now available from the church, and there are many prizes on offer, a splendid food hamper being one of them.
Having enjoyed a 'Picture Quiz' afternoon in July, which exercised the 'little grey cells', St James Monday Group are looking forward to Bob and Del Neill's afternoon of 'Bits and Bobs' in Augustbeing part of their lovely collection of historic artefacts which were once essential gadgets in the home and which now have us scratching our heads as to what they were once used for: fascinating.
We then have a day out to Newarke, and in September, members will be entertained to music by the St James Hand Bell ringers.
New members and visitors are always welcome at the meetings held in St. James Church on the second Monday of each month at 2.30pm (which is a nice time, after lunch!).
From Birstall Parish Church
AN ALL Age Worship service at the beginning of July was led by Miriam Stevenson, and focussed on the theme of “Welcome”.
At the beginning of the service, the Sunday Club distributed “Welcome Cards” to everyone, and later on they performed a simple comedy drama showing how not to welcome a newcomer into a church. Fortunately, the drama had a positive ending! The music group added to what was a very meaningful and inclusive service.
Coffee Shop
Continuing on the ‘Welcome’ theme, even though the Warm Space has finished for the season, a warm welcome is still very much present in our Coffee Shop. It is from Monday to Saturday, 10am to 12noon, serving hot and cold drinks, plus delicious homemade cakes and scones.
In addition to Sunday worship, we also hold a short service of Communion at 9.30am each Wednesday morning. This informal time together is especially valuable for a regular small group of people, especially if it is difficult to attend on a Sunday. Anyone is welcome.
Lunch Club
The Lunch Club continues to welcome senior residents of the Birstall community. The helpers take great care to assist those with limited mobility, and there is even a mini-bus collection service for those without transport. Every Wednesday, the members meet in the hall from 12noon onwards to socialise before enjoying a two-course lunch and a hot drink. The cost is £8.50.
New members are always welcome. For further information contact: 07928 864586
Holiday Club
The Churches Together Holiday Club is taking place at the Methodist Church from 10am – 12noon on Tuesday August 8, Thursday August 10, Tuesday August 15 and Thursday August 19. The sessions will include themed crafts and refreshments, followed by a relevant bible story. The sessions are suitable for ages 5 to 11, accompanied by an adult, and we welcome preschool as well. No booking is required, just turn up, and the best thing it is completely free!
From Birstall Methodist Church
Christians, love one another
Much of our news today consists of violence in one form or another: war, anger and protests, for example. Opposite to that is God who sets a high standard for people who become Christians. In the Bible we read that Jesus commanded His disciples: ‘A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.’ The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Galatian church wrote: ‘And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.’ How can we do that? The simple answer is we can’t but God can. He gives Christians a miraculous new nature that allows them to follow this command.
Two of our three hymns this month look at this high standard that we have to aim for. Charles Wesley’s ‘Jesus, Lord, we look to Thee’ asks that: ‘Let us in Thy name agree … Make us of one heart and mind, courteous, pitiful [i.e. full of pity, compassionate] and kind; lowly, meek, in thought and word, altogether like our Lord. Let us for each other care, each the other’s burden bear … Free from anger and from pride, Let us thus in God abide.’ Wesley published this hymn in 1749 and his near contemporary, John Fawcett, wrote in similar vein in 1782 with ‘Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love; the fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.’ Fawcett continued: ‘Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, our comforts and our cares. We share our mutual woes, our mutual burdens bear.’
The third hymn, by Edward Osler (1798-1863), focuses on those who teach in churches, under the Head - our Lord Jesus Christ. They have an awesome responsibility and will answer to the Lord for how they have conducted themselves. The writer to the Hebrews says: ‘they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account.’ Osler’s hymn is: ‘Lord of the church, we humbly pray for those who guide us in Thy way, and speak Thy Holy Word; with love divine their hearts inspire … Help them to preach the truth of God … So may they live to Thee alone; Then hear the welcome word “Well done!” and … enter into their Master’s joy.’ Osler was a Cornishman, who trained as a doctor and served in Swansea before moving to London. He wrote a number of hymns and Psalm versions before he returned to Truro, where he died.
You are warmly invited to join us for our Sunday services – see the Diary section for details, or contact us: http://www.birstallbaptistchurch.org.uk or 0116 2214883.
From Birstall Independent Baptist Church
Parish Priest
We are delighted to welcome our new priest, Fr Jenson Paul, who will serve the parishes of St Theresa’s and Sacred Heart, Rothley. Fr Jenson will be officially inducted as parish priest in due course, and, in the meantime, he is working hard to get to know his parishioners and familiarising himself with the running of parish affairs.
Our grateful thanks go to the priests who came to say weekend Masses and to all those at both churches who worked so very hard to maintain parish functions in the absence of a permanent priest. We hope Fr Jenson finds a warm welcome from both parishioners and the wider Birstall and Rothley communities.
First Holy Communion
Fourteen of our youngsters made their First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 20, with their families and friends supporting them. The children had attended a course of preparation, led by Catechists Steve and Brenda. During Mass, they were involved with the readings, bidding prayers and Offertory procession. Afterwards, there was a chance to have pictures taken and enjoy a lovely buffet, laid on by Jackie and Louise. A great celebration which will remain in their memories forever.
Young people who would like to go forward for confirmation, and who will be at least 13 years of age as of September 1, 2023, are invited to request this by writing or in person, to the parish priest or catechists, and asking to attend the next preparation course.
Social and fund-raising events
Fashion show
Some of our audience took to the catwalk for the evening, joining models for this summer fashion show in June. There will be another chance to preview seasonal fashions in October. Please come and support this fundraising event.
Summer concert on July 9
As ever, this year’s concert in front of a packed church was a great success. A live orchestra supported three choirs (Adults, English Martyrs’ School and Bishop Ellis School) who sang a varied selection of individual pieces as well as coming together for medleys from Hairspray and Joseph. There were songs from Matt and folk group Turlough, with instrumental pieces from the orchestra and a quartet. Thanks to Chris Lowe for doing an amazing job over the last year, and organizing the whole event! Audience donations went to parish funds and a donation to the DLR Air Ambulance charity fund, which was received with grateful thanks.
Acoustic evening
Another fundraising musical event on July 5 was enjoyed greatly by the audience. It was arranged by Bernard Jasper and featured a number of singers and guitarists as well as a ladies choir.
Quiz night in July
Another of our regular and enjoyable fundraising evenings - with the essential raffle, of course!
Autumn dates for your diary:
Parish Fete - Saturday, September 9 at Sacred Heart, Rothley
Quiz night – September 22. Pay on the door £3
Fashion Show – Weds October 11. Entry by ticket £5
Bits and Bobs night - Friday, October 27. Name that item! Entry by ticket is £5. Murder Mystery Night with fish and chip supper – Friday, November 17, ticket only £12
Christmas Bazaar – Saturday, December 9, 10am to 2pm
Please see the parish newsletter or website for further details of these events and regarding donations for the fete From St Theresa’s, Birstall
Continued from page 14 tain Ellis Griffin
Tim said: “Lastly and by no means least, it was unanimously decided that club legend Steve Hill would become a Life Member, an accolade which he would never request, but he most certainly deserves for all his years of incredible service. Congratulations to Steve!”
Pic: Steve Hill
Birstall RFC is keen as ever to welcome new members and players to join them, whether you are starting your rugby journey, progressing, returning to the game or simply want to become a social member and support your local team.
The club is based at the Co-op Sports Ground on Birstall Road and trains Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7pm.