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Parish Council notes
A MEETING of Birstall Parish
Council’s estates and recreation committee was held on June 26.
It was agreed to meet with engineers from Severn Trent on Meadow Lane to discuss the works required to isolate and separate the water supply from the main source on Lambourne Road and provide a water supply for the allotment site only.
The council’s estates team have undertaken an inspection of the Parish Council’s play areas and play equipment. It was agreed to spend £2855 on necessary repairs to equipment and surfaces.
It was agreed to spend £600 per annum on a comprehensive service contract for the new CCTV system installed internally and externally at Hallam Fields Hall.
As part of a cost-cutting exercise, the Canal and River Trust have informed the Parish Council it is planning to remove the litter bins and dog waste bins on its land. The trust currently spends £500K a year emptying bins. Before removing the bins on the towpath, the trust has invited the parish council to consider emptying the bins. The parish council agreed to accept responsibility for the service of emptying the litter bins and the dog waste bin.
The committee considered suggested improvements to the Meadow Lane playing fields.
It was agreed to install a steel bench, subject to permission being granted by the landowner.
It was agreed to make a repair to the half pipe on the BMX track. The commit- tee considered a proposal to lengthen the BMX track and make it higher and more challenging for older riders. It was reported that the area is very popular, the BMX track has its own Facebook page created by users of the track and the clerk had received no requests or complaints from users. It was agreed that no changes be made to the BMX track at the present time. our club for over 30 years and continues to be an active member of the road running league and the cross-country race scene.
It was agreed to improve access to this site for people with BMX bikes by creating a gap in the fence so that cyclists would not have to navigate to the kissing gate.
The committee agreed to invite a stonemason to quote for works to repair the War Memorial. It was agreed to contact a retired local builder who had offered his services free of charge to sympathetically repair the base plinth.
It was reported that a branch from an ash tree had fallen on the driveway leading to the Greengate Lane allotment side. A contractor had visited the site to inspect the tree and report back with advice on what health and safety measures were required. It was agreed to spend £1300 to pollard the ash tree, chip on site and leave large timber stacked on site.
At a meeting held on June 26, the Parish Council’s planning committee agreed to object to an application to demolish the public convenience on Stonehill Avenue and build a single-story mixed-use building on the site.
A meeting of the full council was not held in July. The next full council meeting will be held at 7 pm on Monday, August 14 in Birstall Village Hall.
“In recognition of this amazing contribution, Deryk is the first recipient of a brand new achievement award that bears his name to recognise his incredible personal accomplishment, exceptional service and dedication to the club.”
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BIRSTALL BOWLING Club will once again be represented at the Bowls England National Finals, held in Leamington Spa later this month.
Pa Walker has qualified in the women’s singles, having won five matches on her way to the county final. She beat Jackie Jones (Shepshed) and Elaine Barrett (Hinckley) in the county singles quarter and semi-finals respectively, to earn her place.
Kat Bowman was just one game away from qualifying in the women’s two-wood singles. She was beaten by New Lount’s Carol Dixon in the county semi-final. Jan Everitt narrowly lost to Shepshed’s Kate Kyle in the quarterfinals of the same competition.
Meanwhile, Kat has been named in England’s team for the British Isles Under 25 International Series, which is being played in Llandrindod Wells, Wales, in September.
For more information about the club, please contact Steve on 07870 327568 or Diane on 0116 2676245 or visit our website www.birstallbowlingclub.co.uk. You can also search for our Facebook page.
Visit our website at: www.villagewatch.co.uk
Not Everything is Finishing
The main operation of Birstall and Wanlip Neighbourhood Watch has now closed down because of the lack of volunteers to administer it. However, some of its functions will continue independently for the time being, managed individually by existing volunteers.
Facebook Group
This has been in existance for a number of years, ably managed by Karen, and now has over two thousand members. You can keep in touch by joining the group. Please go to: www.villagewatch.co.uk and click on the link.
Our Website and Email address
These will continue to operate for the time being until the current hosting subscription runs out sometime next year. The website is being modified to reflect the current situation.
Website: www.villagewatch.co.uk
The Watch Phone – 0756 2422 756
Email: watch@villagewatch.co.uk
This still has some unused pre‐paid credit on its account and will remain operational for the time being.
Neighbourhood Link/Neighbourhood Alert
The modified scheme will continue to be registered on these sites for the time being.
Protect your Street with Neighbourhood Watch
The overall Neighbourhood Watch group for Birstall and Wanlip has closed down because of a lack of volunteer support to run it. However, this now provides the opportunity for individual groups of neighbours to set up their own smaller schemes that are much easier to manage and that they can adapt to their local needs.
Information about the Leicestershire‐wide Neighbourhood Watch organisation can be found at: www.nhwleicestershire.co.uk
These web links have guidance and information about Neighbourhood Watch and why it is important to be a member: www.ourwatch.org.uk www.nwnshop.myshopify.com www.ourwatch.org.uk/crime‐prevention www.youtube.com/watch?v=gy5ZMb_qaLw www.villagewatch.co.uk/police and in our Facebook Group
– 0756 2422 756