Mountsorrel Post (44) Sep 2013

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No. 44

Objects thrown from car POLICE HAVE received four reports from the Quorn, Rothley and Mountsorrel areas about a vehicle whose occupants have thrown objects at pedestrians and cyclists. Charnwood local policing unit are appealing for public help in identifying the occupants of the car involved. The most recent incident took place at about 10pm on Wednesday August 14 in Leicester Road, Mountsorrel when the victim was riding home from work. A small dark vehicle drove past Continued on page 2

200 new homes A DEVELOPER has submitted revised plans to build 200 new homes in Mountsorrel. Jelson have twice been refused planning permission to build on land off Halstead Road : their first applciation was for 350 dwellings and their second was for 315. Their newplans for the 15.78 hectare site are for 200 dwellings, built on 6.7 hctares – the remaining half of the site will be landscaped areas. These will include: • a new sports pitch and play area • drainage ponds • a woodland planted on the northern boundary of the site to act as a screen from quarry activities. Vehicle access to the site will be from the existing roundabout on Halstead Road/Walton Way with a second access 180 metres to the west. There will be a pedestrian link from the site to Bond Lane. The proposed dwellings will be a mixture of 1 bed to 4 bed homes and “a proportion” will be affordable housing. Jelson's previous applications were refused by Charnwood on the grounds that the development would harm the character of the landscape, is not sustainable in terms of transport, is too close to Mountsorrel quarry, would have a harmful impact on wildlife and be detrimental to highway safety. Dozens of residents have written to Charnwood objecting to the plans. Concerns expressed are: • increase in traffic is unsustainable on existing roads • schools, doctors and other local facilities couldn’t cope • loss of agricultural land, green Continued on page 2


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SEP 2013

200 homes continued from page 1 space and wildlife habitat • too close to the quarry Lafarge are objecting to the plans, concerned that the development may “sterilise mineral resources and constrain nationally important mineral production and distribution facilities”. Leicestershire County Council Highways are recommending the application be refused. They say the site is not in a location readily accessible by public transport, and that the application would be considered favourably if Jelson provided a bespoke bus service or contributed to the diversion of an existing route. In their initial response to the plans, Mountsorrel Parish Council say that if development occurs, “top priority is given to ensuring Mountsorrel’s community facilities are significantly enhanced.” It considers essential priorities are: • a new community centre on the site of the Memorial Hall • investment in new building at Mountsorrel school • improved health care facilities Jelson’s plans can be viewed on the planning section of Charnwood Borough Council’s website. The planning reference is P/13/1008/2

Couple’s diamond wedding BARBARA AND NEV North from Loughborough Road, Mountsorrel celebrated being married for 60 years on July 25 and were delighted to receive a diamond wedding anniversary card from the Queen. The couple met in 1950 when Barbara moved to Leicester from Plymouth after the war. They celebrated their special day with their three children, eight grandchildren and 15 great grand children as well as dozens of other family and friends. Having lived in Mountsorrel for the past 26 years they have now decided to spend the rest of their retirement on the Isle of Wight.

Pic: Barbara & Nev North

Project awarded funds THE MOUNTSORREL Railway Project has received some funding from the County Council’s Area Forum.

Award winning firm BIRSTALL Double glazing contractors, Conservatory & Window Concepts Ltd, has been handed a prestigious award for the sustained quality of its customer service by leading consumer interest organisation, the Consumer Protection Association.

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The CPA, which helps the public to identify safe reliable contractors to carry out home improvements, awarded its 5 year Membership Achievement Award to CWC. Membership of the CPA means that customers have their deposits and guarantee underwritten by the organisation. Mandy Manning from CWC said: “We put the interests of the customer first and we won’t compromise on our attention to detail or the quality of the materials we use. “Everything is carefully project managed by us personally and we do everything we can to ensure the work we do enhances your home.”

The Area Forum had £15,000 to donate to community projects and at a meeting in June, those attending were able to vote for those projects on a shortlist they felt should receive support. The MRP was awarded £3316 to go towards the cost of the proposed Bond Lane halt. The Project was also a winner at Charnwood Borough Council’s ‘Don’t Muck Around’ environmental awards, in the ‘Inspiring Others’ category. A project spokesman said: “The most encouraging thing about both of these successes is that in both cases they result not from the opinion of an expert panel but from the votes of the general public and our dedicated supporters.” Car continued from page 1 and the occupants threw eggs at him which have hit on the back of his head. At 9.25pm on Tuesday August 6 a woman was riding her bike along Leicester Road, Quorn when a dark vehicle drove past her and threw an object out of the window which hit her on the shoulder, causing bruising. Two other similar incidents have been also been reported to the police one of which involved a pedestrian. Due to the similarities between the incidents the police are linking the offences and are urging anyone who has information which may assist with the investigations to come forward. PC Louise Thomas is investigating the incidents. She said: “Luckily no one has been seriously injured during the incidents, this behaviour is extremely irresponsible and dangerous and the offenders need to be caught. “If you witnessed the incidents, have any information about them or have any suspicions about who may be responsible we would urge you to contact us.” Anyone with any information is asked to contact Leicestershire Police on 101 or Crimestoppers, on 0800 555 111.


SEP 2013


REGULAR YOGA CLASSES restart in the following two locations:

MOUNTSORREL: Memorial Hall on Tues 10th Sept 2013 from 7-9pm WOODHOUSE EAVES: St. Paul's School & Community Centre, Meadow Road on Wed 11th Sept 2013 from 7-9pm. These classes are aimed at enabling you to incorporating Yoga into your everyday life and are facilitated by a teacher holding qualifications in both Yoga and the teaching of adults. Both of these classes are suitable for all levels of ability, this includes people who have not practised yoga before, and you can join these classes at any time in the programme.

Come and join in, learn a new skill and enjoy the process. For more information either email or phone me on 0116 2302 402 or 0780 2728871 My name is Moira

Lottery funding for archive A LOCAL group of dedicated enthusiasts have received a grant to help them create an archive of village life. The Mountsorrel Heritage Group has received £22,300 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for its project: ‘The Mountsorrel Archive’ The project aims to create a digital archive and online website which will contain artefacts, images, articles, oral recordings and records relating to the heritage of Mountsorrel. It is expected that the project will take 18 months to complete, starting this summer. It has also received sponsorship from Mountsorrel Parish Council and Lafarge. The project will be carried out by volunteers who will be trained in recording oral histories, archiving materials, the use of photographic, computer and recording equipment and the management and maintenance of the website. It will bring together material from industrial sources, private collections and public records.

A professional designer will be employed to create the website which will allow the public of today and future generations to access the information in the archive. Commenting on the award Geoff Wainwright, chairman of the Mountsorrel Heritage Group, said: “We are thrilled to have received this support.

During the project, volunteers will be able to learn new skills and enjoy new experiences, and I am confident the project will result in an accessible resource for local people to learn about their heritage.” Mountsorrel was a significant settlement as far back as the 12th century when a castle was built on the granite outcrop now knows as Castle Hill and for 600 years the village had a weekly market and annual fair. It has always thrived due to its industries – from glove making and hosiery to aeronautical engineering and granite quarrying. The Mountsorrel Heritage Group aims to promote an appreciation of the history, heritage, flora and fauna within the local area and to research, record, keep and preserve all items which relate to the village – whether they be documents, photographs or artefacts. Regular exhibitions are held to display the work of the group. It also maintains a wildlife meadow in the village. The group meets monthly – for more details contact Keith Foster 0116 2106041 or email Pics: (top) members of the Heritage Group (l-r) Janet Foster, Peter Hodson, Linda Tyman, Keith Foster, Noel Wakeling, Pat Neal, Robin Davie & Chris Berry. (Inset) Chris Berry (left) & Peter Hodson with some of the equipment bought with the funding


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PILBEAM ACADEMY of DANCE Tel: 07584 166838 Classes in Ballet, Tap, Modern & National for children from age 3. Held at Rothley Village Hall, on Monday & Tuesday evening, & at Rothley Baptist Church, Woodgate, from 4.30pm on Wednesday. Some spaces available in the beginners class at 4.30pm. All classes can lead to stagework, medals and examinations.

New Classes start Sept 2nd • Pupils 3yrs + welcome Also New Bums & Tums class on Tuesdays at 7.45pm in Rothley Village Hall Starting September 3. Ring for details & to book spaces Ladies Tap classes for experienced or beginners held on Mondays at 7pm. JOIN US FOR FUN, EXERCISE OR EXAMINATIONS Principal: Antonia Pilbeam F.D.D.A.




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SEP 2013



School’s summer fete HUNDREDS OF visitors enjoyed the hot sunny weather at Mountsorrel Primary School’s summer fete on July 6.



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Our picture shows children dancing around the Maypole; Jodie Skelton and her daughter Demie (6) enjoying a burger; Evelyn Fisher (4) has her face painted.

Parish Council notes A FULL meeting of Mountsorrel Parish Council was held on May 13. It was reported that a new Police Community Support Officer had joined the Mountsorrel beat team: PCSO Steven Quinn. It was reported that an agreement between Tesco and the Mountsorrel War Memorial Trust had almost been completed. Tesco have been seeking an arrangement that would allow access from their planned Tesco Express store to the Memorial Hall car park. The Parish Council’s Youth Development Group has received two grants totalling £900. It was agreed to ask the Boundary Commission when the next review of village boundaries would take place as the Parish Council is not happy with the present boundaries. A full meeting of Mountsorrel Parish Council was held on June 10. Cllr Asher expressed this concern over the increase in crime over the last 12 months. It was agreed that the Council meet with developers David Wilson Homes regarding the adoption of land on the Kingfisher Estate. It was agreed that the Council obtain further information about the provision of a defibrillator. At a meeting of the Council’s Cemetery, Conservation and Environment Committee on June 17, it was agreed that no dogs be allowed in the cemetery and that notices be placed at the entrances and on notice boards in the cemetery. It was agreed that a site meeting be held to consider locations within the cemetery were additional seating

could be provided. It was agreed to contact the contractor responsible for the grass mowing about the standard of their work. It was reported that some families were putting LED lights on graves. The village’s Christmas lights will be switched on on Friday December 6. At a meeting of the Council’s Planning and Highways Committee on July 1 it was agreed that the council reluctantly accept the planning application from Jelson to build 200 homes off Halstead Road. The Council will be making comments about the allocation of Section 106 developer contributions to the village, and the proportion of affordable homes within the development.

Will AGE UK have negotiated a deal with local solicitors to provide a cut price will. The over 50s can have a will drawn up for £42 at one of 24 participating local solicitors. Call AGE UK Leicestershire & Rutland on 0116 299 22 33.

Green flag WATERMEAD COUNTRY Park is one of three county beauty spots to be awarded a Green Flag award. Keep Britain Tidy have also awarded Green Flags to the parks at Bosworth and Beacon Hill. Leicester City Council have achieved eleven Green Flag Awards for their parks and green spaces, up from its previous record of nine.


SEP 2013


Club’s fun day MOUNTSORREL WORKING Men’s Club hosted its annual fun day for LOROS on August 3. A variety of stalls, children’s entertainment and a vintage fire engine were among the attractions. The event raised £1250 for LOROS. Pics (clockwise): Mountsorrel WMC President Brian Ayres; visitors browse the stalls; the children’s fancy dress competition: Hilary and David Munns ran the BBQ

THE SORREL Youth Café has received funding to develop and deliver specialist youth work at the Café. With funding through the Positive Activities for Young People programme, the Sorrel Youth Café is set to open its doors on Friday evenings for the first time in over two years – but these Fridays won’t be like any other night, says Youth Officer Graham Lloyd. “Catch up Fridays will not be like any of the Café’s evening sessions we have run in the past. We are looking to invite young people who are interested in working with us to develop an exciting programme of music, film and media projects and sessions focusing on food and fitness. The new sessions will provide space for those who have a real interest in these topics to help create something new for the village.” He added: “To move things forward we would like to hear from young people who want to develop their interest and help run the sessions. The Café is also looking to recruit new workers who have experience across the project areas. We would like to see such things as open mic sessions, film production and the young people of the village making use of the Café to showcase their talent.” In addition to this new project, the Café is also working with a number of new partners to provide other specialist sessions. Building on the success of its Brunch ‘N’ Babies open café on a Monday morning, two new sessions are planned. Graham said: “We are pleased to be working with a local Social Enterprise, Smarti Paints who are now using the Café twice a week to deliver craft activities aimed at people with disabilities. We will also be opening the Café another morning per week aimed at the village’s older residents. They have told us that they would like somewhere to meet for a cup of tea and a chat.” These sessions will be used to offer training to young people in such things as Health and Social Care, catering and hospitality. The Café is keen to hear from people who would like to support these new initiatives as volunteers. If you are interested in finding out more about the Café, Catch Up Friday, applying for the worker posts or the other specialist work please contact Graham a call on 0116 2375289 or email


Busy youth café extends its work



SEP 2013

Noticeboard all details printed free Annual Exhibition Soar Valley Artists Sat & Sun Oct 12 & 13, 10am – 5pm Rothley Centre, Mountsorrel Lane Painting in a wide variety of styles, many for sale Refreshments, home-made cakes Adm free

Curve Leicester Theatre

Volunteer opportunities Front-of-house, outreach, communications & events

Soar Valley Trampoline Club Monday & Wednesday evenings at


Soar Valley College, Gleneagles Ave, Leicester Sessions are for children aged 6 and upwards Visit our website for further details at Or contact Annette at or on 01664 840079 The Bark Foundation

Concert Friday September 20 at 7.30pm ‘After Eight’ a vocal harmony quartet and ‘Fabio A’Cappella’ a vocal quartet in the style of barbershop Tickets £5 inc refreshments at Birstall Methodist Church Wanlip Lane, Birstall LE4 4JS Tel: 0116 2677576 to book or email

Car Share Register your travel preferences and journey information The website will list potential car share matches and you can choose whether to contact them You don’t need to own or drive a car to car share Service provided by Leicestershire County Council

Loughborough Probus Club

The Mountsorrel Post welcomes your views and opinions on any subject. Letters, which must include your name and address, (though not necessarily for publication) can be posted to: The Mountsorrel Post, Longslade College, Wanlip Lane, Birstall, Leicester LE4 4GH, or handed in at Mountsorrel library or email:

The Life of Riley Would you like the life of Riley? Would you like to take your ease? And languish in the garden, Warmed by a gentle breeze

A different kind of club – why not join? The Loughborough Probus club, which now accepts both male and female retired professional business members, has an almost unique class of membership. Its membership contains a great number of exuniversity educationalists as well as engineers and technical individuals from a broad spectrum of commerce, industry, retail and medical back-

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From Peggy Clarke

Cheery Tots Brand New! Music and Movement Class for preschool children Obstacle course and balance activities, dance along to favourite Cbeebies theme tunes, create an orchestra with musical instruments, join in with interactive group songs and dance, by a gymnast, a cheerleader, a singer, a superstar and much much more Free refreshments for tots, tea & coffee available for parents as extra Call: 07921 768 449 First session FREE Every Thurs morning from September 5, 9.45-10.45am At Birstall Social Club concert hall, Wanlip Lane Sessions in Thurmaston coming soon, please enquire Limited places available, book a place on 07921 768 449 or turn up on the day, first come, first served Leicester Curve Theatre

Open Day Sat Sep 7, 10am-6pm Free back stage tours every half an


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grounds. This makes the monthly luncheon meeting nothing if not interesting as the conversations as well as the after lunch speakers cover a wide range of subjects. Visitors can come on trial to one of our luncheon meetings held at the Carillon Rooms in Loughborough. The club meets at 12.15pm for a 12.45pm lunch on the second Thursday of each month. The annual subscription is £10 and monthly lunches are currently charged at £14 per head. Don’t delay, just call and give us a try! Contact: Barrie Percival 01509 239 842

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hour Theatre technical demo of light and sound 12.30-1pm Free comedy hour at 4.15pm Kids’ Comic & Poet Ian Billings 11.30am 2 Funky Dance Explosion 3pm Free workshops in Bollywood dancing, singing and over 55s dance All events are free of charge but booking is recommended by calling 0116 242 3595 or visiting the Curve ticket office

Charity Bridge Drive organised by Loughborough Lions Club The Rothley Centre, Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley Wednesday October 16 at 1.30pm Afternoon tea provided £6 per person To book a table please contact Jackie 0116 2303317 or email:

Changes to local health care – what works? The press has been full of stories about problems in the NHS – everything from delays at Accident and Emergency departments (A&E) to the problem of waiting times for appointments to see your GP. On Tuesday Sep 14 at 6.15pm, Dr Clay from the Woodhouse Eaves GP practice will explain how his system allows patients to have a doctor’s appointment on the same day; how this keeps A&E admissions down; and how easy it is to make this system work. Dr clay advises GPs across the country and will also respond to your questions about NHS changes in general. If you would like to attend, please let the surgery know on 890747. It will be followed by the Cottage Surgery Patient Group AGM.

Big Buggy Push Thursday Sep 12, 10am in aid of Alex’s Wish Beacon Hall Country Park A fantastic morning’s entertainment Tiny Talk, Jo Jingles, goody bag for mums A four week fitness and nutritional plan It costs £20 to sign up at Or call Emma 07903 349475

Macmillan Morning Tea Charity Event at Rothley Court Hotel, Westfield Lane, Rothley, Leic LE7 7LG 0116 2374141 Friday Sep 27 at 10am Tea or Coffee and Cake for £4.95 per person Look forward to seeing you!


Coffee Morning The Rothley Centre in aid of Cancer Research UK Sat Nov 9, 10am-12noon Cake stall, plants, bric-a-brac, books, toys, Phoenix cards, gifts, tombola & raffle Also this year we will have As New Clothes Entrance £1 to include unlimited coffee/tea & biscuits Everyone welcome – please support Cancer Research UK

Birstall Birdwatching Club Presents ‘The Long Journey North’ by Danny Green This is the title of Danny’s book which took him eight years to complete A visual exploration of the Arctic and Subarctic regions of Northern Europe with stunning images showing some of the most beautiful and iconic species that can be found in this varied and pristine landscape Tuesday October 8 at 7.30pm What’s Up! By Carl Baggott Carl has been taking part in a survey of Scotland’s upland birds and he will be telling us about his work and species of this wonderful area. He loves wild places, especially Scotland, and visually recording their beauty and wildlife Tuesday November 12 at 7.30pm Both meetings at The Rothley Centre, Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley Visitors welcome £2 Free on-site parking and easy access Further info from Ken Goodrich 0116 2674813

From Classics to Jazz Concert by Rachel Lawson, clarinet / saxophone and Stephen Waterhouse, piano Saturday, Sep 28 starting at 7.30pm at Syston Methodist Church in aid of LOROS and church funds Tickets £6 inc light refreshments Tel: 0116 2609804

Film Presentations From Thurcaston & Cropston Parish Council

‘Lincoln’ Friday September 13 (150mins) Daniel Day-Lewis won a BAFTA for ‘Best Actor’ in this magnificent film which follows our summer break. In 1865 President Lincoln struggled to bring to an end the American Civil War. At the same time he was endeavouring to achieve the constitutional amendment which would ban slavery in the United States for ever. How did he achieve these nearly impossible tasks?

Les Miserables Friday October 11 (158 mins) This epic musical drama film has great power. Anne Hathaway deserved her Oscar as Best Supporting Actress. Hugh Jackman won an Oscar nomination for his fearless portrayal of the convict Jean Valjean who only just survives starvation. We have to

laugh at Helena Bonham Carter and Baron Cohen as Innkeeper and wife. Even if you have already seen this film, you’ll still be entranced. ‘Hyde Park on Hudson’ will be shown on Friday November 8. Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Council will be showing these films at Thurcaston Memorial Hall. Starting at 7.30pm, tickets cost £4.50 and concessions are £4. The price includes refreshments and a lucky prize draw. Advance tickets can be purchased via the parish office, 0116 2367626 or at the door. Book your tickets early to avoid disappointment.

Autumn Art Exhibition 2013 October 25-27, 11am to 5pm Newtown Linford Sunday School (next to main entrance to Bradgate Park) Around 100 original paintings will be on display – most of them for sale at very reasonable prices Admission free Raffle for an original painting with the proceeds going to Rainbows Hospice, Loughborough Website: www.charnwooddrawingpaintingclu Birstall Methodist Church Wanlip Lane, Birstall Saturday November 30 From 10am to 1pm

Table Top Sale Tables @ £10 each Contact Margaret 0116 2671181 (this is part of the Methodist Church Christmas Festival Nov 29/30) Belgrave Hall

Heritage Open Day Sat & Sun Sep 14 & 15 Take a one hour tour of the hall with a costumed guide and find out about the families that lived there Tours start at 11.30am, 1pm and 2.30pm Booking essential, free event Tel: 2666590 Belgrave Hall

Good Food Fair Sat & Sun Sep 21 & 22 11am-4pm Eat, drink and take home tasty treats with the opportunity to meet local food producers Adults £1.50, under 16s free Birstall & District Art Society

Annual Exhibition at the Village Hall Nov 2-4 Birstall Road, Birstall, Leicester LE4 4DH Open 9.30am-5pm, Sat & Sun; 9.30am-3pm Mon Free admission, wheelchair access, refreshments Free parking to the rear of the Village Hall

CLASH 2012 Drop-in Sessions for people with Arthritis and other Musculoskeletal

conditions, to gather information and to have a general chat about these conditions. Sessions held every Monday, 10am to 12noon, Room 7, Peepul Centre, Orchardson Ave, Leicester LE4 6DP sessions are free. Are you retired and have computer skills that you can use in the community to support local people to ‘get online’? CLASH ( would like to hear from you Please contact Chris on 07751072612 to discuss this further General Fitness Sessions Tuesdays 1-2pm and Chair Based Exercise Sessions Wednesdays 1-2pm for people with arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions at the Peepul Centre, Orchardson Ave, Leicester. Sessions are free and begin on Tuesday Sep 10 and Wed Sep 11 ‘It’s not just aches and pains’ Three new six week self management courses are taking place at three different venues and are free to individuals with arthritis and other Musculoskeletal conditions. The courses start in the last week of September and will run through to the end of October. the courses will be delivered by CLASH members and concentrate on setting personal goals, pain management, exercise, the role of technology as a tool to support self management, working with professionals in the community (shared decision making) and medication use. The courses will run as follows: Mondays: 9.45-1pm, Coalville, Marlene Reid Centre Tuesdays: 9.45-1pm, Market Harborough Methodist Church Wednesdays 9.45-1pm, Loughborough, John Storer House For further info or to book a place please contact Doug or Lynda on 07954614466

SEP 2013

Birstall Methodist Church, Wanlip Lane, Birstall Friday Nov 29, from 10am to 7pm Saturday Nov 30, from 10am to 1pm

Christmas Festival (theme – stable story) Church decorated with themed Christmas trees, models, displays etc Admission £1 (accompanied children free) Home made cakes, pies, pastries, Christmas gifts & decorations, jams, chutneys & pickles, crafts & novelties, raffle & tombola, pick-a-bag, lucky dip Hot dogs & burgers, pancakes & punch Refreshments served throughout (Light lunches Friday & Saturday) Proceeds for Asthma UK & Birstall Methodist Church

Charity Christmas Craft Fair Saturday November 2 from 10am to 3.30pm at The Rothley Centre, Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley LE7 7PR Admission £1 Lots of lovely craft stalls, in jewellery, ceramics, textiles, toys, gifts


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Continued from page 7 and lots more individually made and designed items Cakes, refreshments and raffle Why not spread the cost of Christmas and start your shopping early? All proceeds to the Leicestershire MS Therapy Centre Contact Susan on 0116 2388035 for more information St Peter’s Church, Mountsorrel

Harvest Celebration Open Day In conjunction with ‘Ride & Stride’ event September 14 from 10am to 4pm Bric-a-brac, BBQ, stalls, children’s activities, bell ringing etc 50% of proceeds to support the work of ‘Save the Children’ charity All welcome, an opportunity to see the recently revamped kitchen area and disabled access ramp! Christ Church, Top of the Green, Mountsorrel

Macmillan Coffee Day Friday September 27 from 10am to 2pm In memory of Rachel Harman-Thomas Stalls, refreshments/lunches All welcome Saturday Nov 2 from 10am to 2pm Church Open – Craft Fayre Refreshments/lunches Craft stalls All welcome

Remembrance Sunday

Charities’ fete MOUNTSORREL SCHOOL choir, led by headteacher David Williams, performed at June’s United Charities fete on The Green. Our pictures show: the school choir; the Mountsorrel Youth café; Vanessa Gregory from Budgens; Mountsorrel Women’s Institute stall


AN EVENING at Stonehurst Farm in Mountsorrel was the highlight of the summer term for 1st Birstall Brownies. Licensed Boarding Cattery in garden setting Indoor sleeping area with covered outdoor run Inspections Welcome

Nov 10 Parade from The Green at 2.40pm Service at St Peter’s 3pm Armistice Day, Nov 11, 11am A scene of Remembrance at the Peace Garden, corner of Market Place & Sileby Lane Advertise in the

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The evening started with a promise ceremony in the picnic barn, followed by a tour of the farm on a tractor and trailer. The girls then held a shorn fleece, collected eggs and visited all the animals. While holding rabbits and guinea pigs in the small animal barn they watched young swallows making their first flights from the nest onto the beams.

Their guide than took the girls to the activity barn where they could swing on ropes and crawl through the straw-bale tunnels. When the girls were asked “What was the best part?” most of them said: “all of it!” Pic: Amber, Grace and Katie emerging from one of the straw bale tunnels at Stonehurst Farm

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Poppy appeal launch THIS YEAR the Poppy Appeal in Mountsorrel will be launched on October 26 with a coffee and cake morning at the Sorrel Youth Café on The Green. Poppy Appeal organiser John Doyle said: “The village has always been tremendously supportive of the work of the Legion and last year we raised over £3780 that has gone towards our continuing and ever developing welfare work.” If you can help this year’s appeal as a door to door street collector, contact John on 0116 2375623 or email

The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal supports service people and their families from all the campaigns from World War I to today. Last year £34million was raised nationally which helps the Legion to fun its care homes and break centres, provide a money advice service, award £24million to 42 organisations and £18million to 22,000 beneficiaries. www.britishlegion.


WEA courses

SEP 2013

Pics: a dancer from the Jessica Michelle School of Dance; Myles McLean (7) has his face painted by Angie Bell

OPPORTUNITIES WITH the Birstall & Rothley WEA this autumn. Drawing With Mixed Media An opportunity to explore a range of creative techniques whilst developing the basic principles of drawing. This course will be excellent for returning learners wishing to hone their drawing skills but will also be appropriate for beginners looking to be inspired. Mediums covered will include graphite, charcoal, pastels, water soluble crayons, inks and mixed media. Learning is supported by demonstrations, one to one discussion and examples of artists’ work. Tutor: Jo Sheppard. Fee £70, discounted: £63 (not available to the retired) or Free Venue: The Rothley Centre, 12 Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley LE7 7PR Date: Monday 1–3pm, 10 meetings from September 16, 2013 The Habsburgs In an age when family history has become popular, we look at one of the most influential families in European history. It began as minor nobility in the early Holy Roman Empire, became holders in the title of Emperor, and is still recognisable. At one time it controlled vast territories in Europe, America and the Far East and even in its last stages it was removed from power only as a result of external rather than internal forces. Tutor: Aubrey Newman Fee £52.50, discounted: £47.25 (not available to the retired) or Free Venue: The Rothley Centre, 12 Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley LE7 7PR Date: Tuesday 10–11.30am, 10 meetings from September 17, 2013 Art & Perception Who or what inspired artists such as George Bellows, Stanley Spencer, Pierre Bonnard and John Piper, to develop their unique, often provocative, approaches to painting? This course explains some of the very different ways artists have expressed their view of the world in their art. No previous experience necessary-just a lively open-minded interest in art! Tutor Janis Baker Fee £56, discounted: £50.40 (not available to the retired) or Free Venue: The Rothley Centre, 12 Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley LE7 7PR Date: Wednesday 7.15–9.15pm, 8 meetings from October 2, 2013 Contact: Marion Vincent, Telephone: 0116 2375156 or send your enrolments to John Laurance WEA Treasurer, 33 Loughborough Road, Hoton Leicester LE12 5SF Please make cheques payable to WEA Birstall & Rothley Branch Visit our website! The Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) is a charity registered in England and Wales (number 1112775) and in Scotland (number SC039239) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 2806910). The registered address is 3rd Floor, 70 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4HB

Summer fun day A FUN day was held at the Halstead Road playing field in July. Organised by the Parish Council's Youth Development Group, the day aimed to provide activities for young people in the village. A programme of events at the Soar Valley Leisure Centre was also provided.

Student grants YOUNG PEOPLE seeking financial assistance to help continue their education can apply to a village charity. In 2012, grants amounting to £89,291 were awarded to local school pupils, students and those in higher education and training. The Mountsorrel Educational Fund is administered by a Body of Trustees who, at their absolute discretion, can award grants from the funds available to the Charity to assist young people in pursuing their education. At their next meeting in October, the Trustees will be considering applications from persons who are planning to extend their education at College and University. Applications can be made from persons under the age of 25, who are pupils or former pupils of Christ Church and Saint Peters Church of England School, or who have been or whose parents have been resident in the Electoral Parish of Mountsorrel for at least 12 calendar months. The forms of application are as follows: Application Form 1 – University/Higher Education Application Form 2 – A Level/College Equivalent/Apprenticeships Application Form 3 – Educational Visits (Primary to A Level) Application form 4 – Music Tuition (Primary onwards) Application form 5 – Other Applications

All of the above forms can be obtained by sending a stamped addressed envelope detailing which Application Form is required, to the Clerk to the Trustees, Mr P R Blakemore, KDB Accountants and Consultants Ltd, 21 Hollytree Close, Hoton, Loughborough LE12 5SE The deadline for submission of completed application forms is October 11, 2013.

Osteoporosis fracture risk scans Osteoporotic fractures are common in post-menopausal women and victims may suffer from pain, deformity and loss of independence. Hip fractures can prove fatal. Osteoporosis can be prevented if weak bones are detected early enough but scans for assessing risk of future fracture are not always readily available. However, you can now have a non-invasive scan for £22.

Friday 20th September Birstall Village Hall For information and appointments please call: 0845 224 6784 Healthcare Screening




SEP 2013

come to one of our sessions and clearly values their place within sport. The session is part of the council’s commitment to give people of all ages the chance to take part in physical activity and to harness the enthusiasm and legacy of the London 2012 Games”.

Gold medallist in Mountsorrel A GOLD medal winning Paralympic athlete has praised the work of a Council-run summer sporting programme.

Pic: (l-r) Phoebe Hughes (15), Amy Walker (15) & Olivia Romano (16) with Richard Whitehead

Richard Whitehead MBE commended Charnwood Borough Council for organising free sports taster sessions for local children while attending an event in Mountsorrel on July 30. Speaking at the Halstead Road playing field, he said: “Hopefully more and more events like this are being organised by Councils as it’s a really important part of sport. I am just an athlete who enjoys sport and so am passing on my knowledge to these children to take part or volunteer.” Richard’s visit was organised by the national charity Join In, as part of Join in Summer. The session was held at Halstead Park Road playing fields, Mountsorrel and saw 23 children enjoy

athletics and basketball as part of the Council’s free summer holiday activities. Chris Traill, the Charnwood Borough Council’s strategic Director for Neighbourhoods and Community Wellbeing, said: “We are very proud that a world class athlete like Richard has

Leanne’s thrilling leap for Rainbows hospice COURAGEOUS LEANNE Coleman from Mountsorrel completed a charity skydive to raise money for Rainbows. Leanne (24), from Castle Road, said: “It was surreal, I didn’t start to take it all in until the chute opened. But before Advertise in the

MOUNTSORREL POST 47 x 59mm £23 • 47 x 120mm £41 98 x 59mm £41 • 98 x 120mm £69

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that, when my legs were dangling off the edge of the plane, I was worried thinking – the only way out is through this door.” Leanne took off from Langar Airfield with Skydive Langar and her jump raised £627. Leanne, who works for Nicholas Humphrey’s Estate Agents in Loughborough, says her next fundraising challenge is the Loughborough half marathon. Pic: Leanne Coleman with co-jumper Dan Williams. Photo courtesy Tony Danbury

The December issue of the

MOUNTSORREL POST will be published on Nov 23. The copy deadline is Nov 8 .

Elderly woman conned AN ELDERLY woman who lived at a Mountsorrel care home was swindled out of £10,000 by one of the workers. Terrie Galvin (33) of Snibston Court, Ashby Road, Coalville pleaded guilty to fraud at Leicester Crown Court. She was given an eight month jail sentence, suspended for 12 months, and ordered to do 100 hours of unpaid work. Galvin was employed as a care assistant at the Rose Cottage care home, where staff are not permitted to deal with residents’ finances. Galvin had obtained the 89 year old victim’s bank card details and there were nine unauthorised transactions on the card between October 2011 and March 2012, resulting in a loss of £9784. The court was told the defendant had taken out the money to pay off payday loans and had then continued using the card. Galvin, who did not have any previous convictions, pleaded guilty to the charge.

Funding for projects LOCAL GOOD causes have received a portion of £15,000 from Leicestershire County Council’s Area Forum. The Bradgate, Rothley, Mountsorrel and Birstall Area Forum met in June and those attending voted for their favourite projects from a shortlist. The funding was allocated as follows: • Minibus Disabled Adventure Club £700 • The Bungalow, Longslade Learning Hub £3884 • Renovation of Rothley Scout HQ £4320 • Birstall Methodist Lunch Club £1280 • Reach for the Sky – Gunns Community Gym £1500 • Station platform at Mountsorrel Railway Project £3316 The next Area Forum meeting is on Sep 23, 6.30pm at the Palmer Tomkinson Centre, Longslade College. All welcome


250 homes: decision expected in December

THE SPEAKER at the June meeting of Mountsorrel WI was Wendy Coley who represented Medical Detection Dogs.

Documents relating to the appeal can be found in the Planning Explorer section of Charnwood’s website. The planning reference is P/12/2005/2

The December issue of the

MOUNTSORREL POST will be published on Nov 23. The copy deadline is Nov 8 .

She was accompanied by her very well behaved, and gorgeous, pet labrador. Medical Detection Dogs is a charity that works in partnership with researchers, NHS Trusts and Universities. Their aim is to train specialist dogs to detect the odour of human disease. Dogs are renowned for their sense of smell. The Medical Alert Dogs are trained to assist individuals who manage complex medical conditions on a day to day basis. Their dogs are taught to identify the odour changes that are associated with certain medical events. For example for someone living with diabetes, hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) or the avoidance of it can be a daily problem. Symptoms can vary from confusion to seizures or comas and be life threatening. Once trained, the Medical Alert Dogs recognise blood sugar levels outside the normal range and warn their owners or get help, before the symptoms are felt. They will bring their owner any necessary medical supplies such as glucose and blood testing kits. They can also be trained to push alarm buttons. How clever is that! Wendy was extremely entertaining and raised awareness of this charity and also explained how people could help in various ways from donating money to puppy walking All visitors to our meetings at the Parish Rooms are very welcome so why not come along and try it! We certainly are not just Jam and Jerusalem. Please just turn up or for further details contact Alison Aldwinckle on 07517232029 From Mountsorrel WI

American exchange A MOUNTSORREL teenager is hosting an American guest as part of Youth Exchange scheme organised by the Rotary Club of the Soar Valley. Zoey Gray (17) from Carson City, Nevada is staying with Maia HarrisonBond. At a Rotary meeting Zoey showed a short film of her home, her family and interests. She will be visiting London, Cambridge, York and Stratford upon Avon during her stay. Later in the year Zoey will be hosting Maia in her Nevada home. Pic: (l-r) Zoey Gray from Nevada USA, Rotary President Peter Jones, Maia Harrison-Bond from Mountsorrel


WI news

PLANS TO build 250 homes and a relief road off Mountsorrel Lane in Rothley will be decided this December. A planning inspector will consider an appeal by the developers William Davis Limited on December 10. The inquiry is expected to last four days. In June, Charnwood Borough Council recommended that the plans be refused on the grounds that it reduces the area of separation between Rothley and Mountsorrel. Rothley Parish Council are pressing for the maximum amount of developer contributions for the village, and it will seek to have green spaces within the site protected from future development. William Davis’s plans include the creation of a new area of public open space next to Rothley cemetery and provision of 30 per cent affordable housing. The new link road is expected to reduce congestion on Linkfield Road in Mountsorrel.

SEP 2013



Tel: 0116 2601851

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is still required if you are selling or renting out your house. Call David Jackson on 0781 5519490 to arrange your EPC

Advertise in the

MOUNTSORREL POST 47 x 59mm £23 • 47 x 120mm £41 98 x 59mm £41 • 98 x 120mm £69

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CALL 2674213 for an advertising rate card, or view online at The prices above exclude VAT



SEP 2013

Trust’s award

Pic: children with their butterfly feeders

Small Ads Small ads are 25p for the first 16 words. 17-32 words: 50p. Enclosing payment, post your ad to us or hand it in (inside an envelope) at Mountsorrel library. Trade/business rates for small ads are 25p a word. You are liable for the trade/business rate if you are offering a service for which you are asking for payment, or if you are advertising new goods for sale. All text will be printed bold. Box outline £1 extra. Max 50 words. Phone numbers count as one word.

A CHARITABLE trust set up after the death of a Mountsorrel teacher has awarded its first choral scholarship.

AMLI DESIGN Architectural Consultancy. Plans drawn and submitted. Extensions, conversions, new build. David Ives B.Sc.(Hons) FBEng MCIOB 0116 2674395/07974807111 BUILDING PLANS drawn & submitted for Local Authority approval. Fee quotations. Quorn Plan Services 01509 413 332

Wildlife workshop

Pic: Pippa Judge The Jayne Morley Memorial Fund was set up last year to help young musicians, following the death of Jayne Morley, aged 55. Seventeen year old Pippa Judge from Barrow-on-soar is the first recipient of an award from the fund, which takes the form of a scholarship to the Leicester Church Music Consort, a local choir. Pippa will have the opportunity to sing in cathedrals throughout England and the financial assistance will help with her musical tuition. Pippa holds the Royal School of Music Bishop’s Award and was a founder member of the St James the Greater Girls’ choir, where she is deputy head chorister. She is a student at Loughborough High School. Jayne Morley was a talented musician and teacher who had been a member of the Leicester Church Music Consort for a period of 30 years prior to her death. Her husband Paul remains the director of the group.

Planning applications P/13/1699/2: 6 Rochester Close – two storey extension to side of dwelling P/13/1462/2: 149 Loughborough Road – erection of single storey extension to side and rear and change of use from dwelling (Class C3) to Children’s Day Nursery (Class D1) P/13/1421/2: Land adj 98 Cross Lane – LCC CM Application. Installation of new kiosk to support existing sewage pumping station P/13/1107/2: 6 Kestrel Lane – erection of single storey extension to side of dwelling P/13/1008/2: Land off Halstead Road – site for residential development of up to 200 houses with associated roads, landscaping, sports pitch and landscaped bund

CHILDREN MADE butterfly feeders at the Mountsorrel Railway Project’s latest Wildlife Warriors event.

Some had travelled from as far as Nottinghamshire to take part in the event, organised by Caroline Bowler.

Enjoy a complimentary therapy treatment in a calm relaxing atmosphere. Meet & chat to other patients & carers over a cup of tea. Therapies available include aromatherapy massage, reflexology, Indian head massage & reiki

Day Nursery Now open in Mountsorrel Watling Street, Mountsorrel, LE12 7BD Providing high quality day care for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years. Opening times 7.30am – 6pm, Mon – Fri, all year round (except bank holidays)

Contact us THE MOUNTSORREL Post is delighted to receive contributions from residents. You can send us: Details of a community event such as a rummage sale, fete or coffee morning for free publication on our ‘Noticeboard’ page. Items of news - we’re interested in everything: club and society news, prizewinners, charity events, church news, complaints, praise, new projects, new facilities, trips, sport, crime, anything that concerns or interests you. A letter for our letters page - we welcome letters on any issue, local or national. All letters must include the sender’s name and address (though not necessarily for publication). Photos - we particularly welcome old photographs giving an insight into local history. Small ads - you can sell items with a classified ad for only 25p! How you can contact us: Phone or Fax (0116) 267 4213 Hand in your items at Mountsorrel Library, Rothley Library or Birstall Library Write to us at The Mountsorrel Post, Longslade College, Wanlip Lane, Birstall, Leicester LE4 4GH Email: The Mountsorrel Post is an independent newspaper


Longslade College, Wanlip Lane, Birstall, Leicester LE4 4GH Editor: Mr Jerry Jackson

For more information please contact us by telephone: 0116 3191016 E-mail: or visit our website

Editorial/Advertising (Tel & Fax)

0116 2674213 Correspondence, news etc can be handed in at: Mountsorrel Library, Rothley Post Office or to our office in the Youth Centre, Longslade College, Birstall

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