Mountsorrel Post (72) September 2020

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No. 72

Arielle busy earning badges DURING LOCKDOWN Arielle, a Rainbow with 1st Mountsorrel Rainbows, has completed all 12 of the Rainbow Badges before her 6th birthday. Arielle’s mum has been regularly compiling photos and video clips of Arielle completing all the challenges set out in the badge book which included looking after a pet, learning about libraries around the world, taking a nature walk, growing a plant, learning about her family tree, storytelling, meditating and having a tv and computer devicefree day, drawing, creating an obstacle course, recycling, helping at home, reading and creating a theme park from duplo. Rainbow Leader Rachel Sykes said: “Arielle has done really well with completing all her badges and I can see she has learnt a lot through them.” Rainbows have been running during the summer term on Zoom which has earned Arielle the Feel Good Skills Builder, several UMAs and the Leap Over badge. Pic: Arielle shows the badges she has completed during lockdown The December issue of the

MOUNTSORREL POST will be published on Nov 27. The copy deadline is Nov 13 .

Alfred’s cap returned AN EXHIBIT stolen from a railway museum has been returned by the thief after an appeal was posted on Facebook for the culprit to do the right thing. The Mountsorrel and Rothley Community Heritage Centre reopened on July 16, including the revamped Railway Museum which features a mannequin of Alfred the guard wearing a 100-year-old guard's cap. On August 11, a visitor stole the cap. A spokesperson for the centre said on its Facebook page: “If you’ve visited since we reopened you’ll most likely have seen our mini railway guard museum inside our restored brake van. Historic items for the exhibit have been collected over the past 18 months. None of them has a Continued on page 2


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Continued from page 1

Pic: Alfred the Guard

large monetary value but as with many historic items, they are very difficult to find. One of these was the Midland Railway guard’s cap you will have seen Alfred the guard wearing. This was at least 100 years old and sadly was stolen by a visitor yesterday afternoon. Without this, the atmosphere of the entire brake van recreation has been lost and we have reluctantly had to close the brake van exhibit. Incidents like this are rare, but they do make our volunteers wonder

why they have put so much time and effort into creating the Heritage Centre for visitors to enjoy? We have a zero-tolerance policy on theft, fortunately, the entire site both inside and outside is protected by a 27 camera HD CCTV system. We’ll be looking through the recordings today to identify the culprit. We are going to wait 48 hours to see if guilt gets the better of the perpetrator and they return the cap. If the cap is returned we will take no further action. If it hasn’t been returned by then we will report the incident to the police and pass on our CCTV footage so they can pursue a prosecution.” A few days later the cap was returned. The spokesperson said: “Thanks to everyone for all your comments of support. We hoped that after reading our post the cap would be returned and it has been. It will now be fixed permanently to the mannequin’s head!”

Leisure centre open much income. The Cabinet report recommends to members that the council pays a subsidy of £367,000 to keep the pools and gyms It is operated by Fusion Lifestyle, a at all three centres open until April 2021. registered charity, on behalf of the coun- The situation will have to be reviewed cil. Fusion operates all three of the coun- again before then. cil’s leisure centres. Other options, including not reopenThe Council has had a contract with ing the pools or not reopening all the Fusion for nine years and the leisure leisure centres, have also been considcentres over the last few years have ered. generated a management fee paid to the Cllr Leigh Harper-Davies, lead memCouncil in excess of £200,000 a year. ber for leisure centres, said: “This is a The pandemic has caused a signifivery difficult situation as we have moved cant drop in income as centres have from a position where the leisure cenbeen closed for four months and custom- tres used to generate income for the er numbers are expected to be lower council which would fund other services, when they reopen because of market to one where we have lost that income conditions. Social distancing also means and need to pay a significant amount of fewer customers will be allowed in the money to keep the services operating. building at one time under Covid-19 “It is no-one’s fault except that of the secure guidance. pandemic. The council says it will need to finan“We have looked at a range of options cially support Fusion to run the centres but the one being recommended to as they are no longer able to generate as

THE SOAR Valley Leisure Centre in Mountsorrel reopened on August 8.



SEP 2020

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Waste sites Nine of the sites will be open five days a week – the same number of days as before the coronavirus pandemic disrupted the service. Mountsorrel and Whetstone have increased to opening seven days (from five days a week before the pandemic) and the remaining sites will be open for 2-3 days each week during the ongoing pandemic. The county council has been monitoring site usage, and the new opening times reflect demand across the sites. Mountsorrel and Whetstone are the county’s busiest, and since reopening have had over 20,000 visitors to each site. Both sites have had an average of 250300 visitors each day. Visitors to sites need to book a slot in order to visit so that social distancing can be observed, and restrictions on some waste types are still in place at some sites. Sites will continue to be open between 9am and 5pm. The council is also reminding any residents that if they can’t make their time slot, or it is no longer needed, they should log in to their council account and cancel the appointment so that it can be used by someone else. For more information about individual sites opening times, to book an appointment and for further details on recycling and waste in Leicestershire, visit or call 0116 305 0001.

Man charged A 20-YEAR-OLD man has been charged with wounding following an incident in Rothley in April.

Pic: Police approaching a Mountsorrel flat to execute a warrant

Mountsorrel drug arrests ARRESTS HAVE been made in Mountsorrel as part of a planned police operation targeting the sale and distribution of drugs. As part of Operation Hammerman police have been cracking down on County Lines activity and safeguarding vulnerable people being targeted by organised crime groups to help facilitate the supply of class A drugs. Between Saturday 13 and Friday 19 June, police executed three warrants in Loughborough and Mountsorrel and arrested seven people - five men, aged 20, 21, 25, 26 and 42 and two teenage girls, aged 15 and 16. Six were arrested for being concerned in the supply of class A drugs. The 20-year-old man was arrested for possession with intent to supply class B drugs. Six of the suspects have since been released under investigation pending


further enquires. The 21-year-old man was remanded to appear at court for offences unrelated to the operation. The arrests come after officers spent a significant amount of time gathering information and evidence on people suspected of moving drugs in and out of Leicestershire – known as County Lines. With the support of a number of partners, including Charnwood Borough Council, officers also carried out safeguarding checks on vulnerable adults in the community believed to be at risk of ‘cuckooing’. ‘Cuckooing’ is when a drug dealer or gang use violence or the threat of violence to take over the home of a vulnerable person, they then use the property as a base for drug-related activity. Officers carrying out the operation are keen for people not only in Charnwood but across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to continue to report any County Lines activity they suspect is happening in their area.

Sergeant Chris Boylin, from the Loughborough neighbourhood priority team, was leading the operation. He said: “The community is a big part of where we get our information from so we urge people to continue to tell us when they are seeing things that are out of the ordinary. “The selling and distribution of drugs on our streets ruins lives and we will continue to take action against those who are responsible and prey on vulnerable members of our community.” Anyone with information is asked to call police on 101, or report information on the police website . For more information on County Lines, and how to spot the signs of it happening in your area, visit The December issue of the

MOUNTSORREL POST will be published on Nov 27. The copy deadline is Nov 13 .


Curtis Price, of Bridgeland Road, Loughborough, has been charged with wounding/inflicting grievous bodily harm without intent. The charge relates to a report of a man being stabbed in an alleyway off Woodfield Drive on April 25. Price has been bailed to appear at Leicester Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, September 23. Continued from page 2 Cabinet is to commit to that financial support and reopen all three leisure centres. It is now up to Cabinet to decide.” Customers of Soar Valley and South Charnwood leisure centres will be contacted directly by Fusion about the steps being taken to ensure people’s safety. Measures include managing capacity by asking customers to pre-book classes and gym sessions, spacing equipment at least two metres apart with social distancing markers and increasing the amount of cleaning. For more information about the reopening of Soar Valley Leisure Centre and South Charnwood Leisure Centre visit the Fusion websites.


ALL 14 OF Leicestershire County Council’s recycling and household waste sites are now open.

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Quilt project shows fabric of community A PROJECT to create a community quilt has revealed an attachment to place and a real sense of community, says the organiser, Jill O’Neill. Jill’s Mountsorrel Community Quilt Project has seen local people make 56 twelve inch fabric squares depicting local life, landscapes and nature. Jill said: “What has come through is peoples love of the village and a great sense of community. Connections have been made and people have been sharing things about the village – places to walk, things to see and bits of local history.” Jill has just received all of the 56 squares. She now has to decide how to arrange them and then assemble the quilt. She said: “Getting squares delivered to my home is like Christmas and birthdays rolled into one, it’s been quite joyful seeing all the different styles and hearing about how much people have enjoyed taking part in the project. I never expected it to take off in the way it has.” Gill hopes to have the quilt finished in time for Remembrance Sunday and the plan is to display the quilt in a community building. She is preparing a commemorative program that will be printed and made available for sale with all proceeds going to Mountsorrel Youth Services. The program, which has been supported by a donation from Mount-

sorrel Parish Council, will feature photos of every panel and the thoughts of each of the participants about their designs and the project.

Apply to Andrew Atkinson 07973 309 987 or 0116 2675446 4


The almshouses has a vacancy of a one bedroom flat, well situated with an open outlook over the golf course, and is maintained to a high standard by the Trustees. The property is of a sheltered nature and is suitable for a lady of 60 years plus. It is situated in Park Road, Birstall.

SEP 2020



The inspiration for my embroidery (pictured right) came from long walks around Mountsorrel during lockdown. When wondering along many footpaths in late spring to summer I noticed how many flowers were blooming and the beautiful show nature was putting on for everyone. I've known these paths for many years but I've never seen them looking so beautiful, so I had to embody that in an embroidery piece. This style of embroidery was self taught last summer, and have loved it ever since as it helps me calm down and provides focus. It's so lovely to have taken part in this project and I look forward to seeing the entire quilt in the local community for many years to come. Megan Bowles (participant)

MOUNTSORREL UNITED CHARITIES Relief in Need Fund during Coronavirus

Do you live in Mountsorrel? Can’t afford food, or bills, or you have other vital need?


SEP 2020

Will a grant help? The trustees have emergency grant processes in place, which at this time of crisis can offer timely assistance to those without access to credit or support from family and friends.

You can apply for a grant from the Relief in Need Fund by emailing : phoning or texting: 0793 112 9360 Registered Charity Number 1027652 5

A FULL meeting of Mountsorrel Parish Council was held on June 8. A representative from the Mountsorrel Community Team reported that the planned Revival event for 2020 had been called off due to Covid-19. He thanked the Parish Council and local businesses for their support. It was reported that the completion of the Bond Lane project had been delayed due to Covid-19: the stonemason had been unable to attend on-site. It was reported that Councillor P Maguire had resigned and there have been 13 requests for an election. Should an election be contested it will take place in May 2021 in light of the Coronavirus Act 2020 which has suspended all elections until May 2021. Councillor Maguire will be sent a letter of thanks for her service as a councillor. It was reported that PC Glenn Spiby had moved from the Mountsorrel beat to Loughborough and PC Laura Hobbs has joined the beat team. The council considered the recommendations of the budget working party held on May 18. The pandemic has reduced the income of all local authorities. It was agreed not to make any unnecessary expenditure other than on that required by legislation, contract arrangements or health and safety requirements and to monitor the financial position monthly. The clerk will ascertain the fixed costs of the operation/management of the Memorial Centre since the closure on March

18, and progress a risk assessment for the centre. The council agreed to spend £613 on an IT support contract with Edge Systems. It was agreed to spend £2095 on the supply and installation of a defibrillator in the decommissioned telephone box on Cromwell Road. The council agreed to accept the recommendations of its Peer Review report which has been undertaken for the council by the Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Parish Councils. The council's first priority is the development of a detailed and costed strategic business plan covering all the council's priorities.

The council has agreed to a new schedule of meetings and a new committee structure: council, finance and general purposes, planning and policy, projects and amenities, Memorial Centre. It was agreed to spend £725 on an independent review of the Memorial Centre lease. It was agreed to defer publication of the Peer Review report until confirmation had been obtained that there were no factual anomalies. The next meeting of the full council will be on September 21. The full council will now meet only on alternate months. The December issue of the

MOUNTSORREL POST will be published on Nov 27. The copy deadline is Nov 13 .

Man charged A 20-YEAR-OLD man has been charged with wounding following an incident in Rothley in April. Curtis Price, of Bridgeland Road, Loughborough, has been charged with wounding/inflicting grievous bodily harm without intent. The charge relates to a report of a man being stabbed in an alleyway off Woodfield Drive on April 25. Price has been bailed to appear at Leicester Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, September 23.

Small group tuition for your child CONFUSED BY so many tuition options? Choose a tuition programme that can help get your child’s education back on track now and excel once they return to school in September. Why choose First Class Learning? Our programmes are designed in the UK and aligned to the National Curriculum. We create a personalised plan for each child based on their unique abilities. We used printed worksheets and handbooks, not more screen time. All work is planned and scheduled, making it easy for the

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Parish Council notes

Café welcomes you Adult learning CLASSES IN yoga, cookery, pottery, British sign language, confidence building and many more are now available from Leicestershire County Council’s adult learning service, Go Learn. Hundreds of parttime day, evening and weekend courses are now open for enrolment as GoLearn continues it’s committed to helping learners to achieve their goals, despite the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions. A mixture of classroom-based and online courses are available with all learners receiving expert help and support, with tutors on hand to provide all the guidance and expertise needed. For the first time this year, GoLearn is offering the new Essential Digital Skills Qualification, 6

which is aimed at complete IT novices to help them in the digital world. There are also free courses available for people who are seeking work and looking to gain basic skills, including planning first steps towards employment, increasing confidence, help with job search, CV writing and interview skills, as well as English and maths GCSE. Benefit recipients or on a low income can get up to a 70% discount on course fees or may be entitled to attend for free. The Leicestershire Adult Learning Service can also be contacted on 0800 988 0308 (lines open Monday – Friday 8am-7pm) to find out more about the courses, fees or the option to pay in instalments. /golearn

SEP 2020

Operations Manager Phumuzile Ndlovu said: “Come down and visit us, and try our new delicious menu including pancakes, full English, sandwiches, paninis and many more.

We offer a socially distanced space according to the government guidelines, easy parking, outdoor seating area, and kids are welcome to play on the grass whilst you enjoy your coffee. We also have a large collection of books from autobiography’s to fiction for you to enjoy, as well as books for kids to read.”


THE MET Café at the Sidings, near the Birstall GCR station, has now reopened.

Woodcock Lift bridge moved to Centre FARM SHOP

Home Grown Potatoes: White Marfona Red Mozart

A HISTORIC bridge, designed and built by railway pioneer and engineer Robert Stephenson, has been donated to the Mountsorrel and Rothley Community Heritage Centre.

The Stephenson lift bridge was built in 1830 for the Leicestershire and Fresh Fruit & Veg Swannington railway by Robert Stephenson who at that time was still a young engineer, having just designed and built Local Honey & the legendary locomotive, Rocket. Preserves incl The bridge carried the railway over Marmalade & the Grand Union Canal and could rise Chutney to allow barges to pass underneath. In 1960, when the railway was closed, the Horse & Pony Feeds, Goat bridge was moved and rebuilt at the Feeds, Poultry Feeds, Rabbit Leicester Museum of technology and in 1992 it was moved again, to the new Food, Hay Straw & Shavings Pic: the bridge, designed by railway pioneer Robert Stephenson Snibston Discovery Park at Coalville. start to assess all the items and formu“The Stephenson Lift Bridge is such an Manure, Woodchip Mulch, Topsoil Snibston closed in 2016 and since late costings and a detailed plan for important part of Leicester’s industrial we can deliver bulk loads of these items, then the bridge has been kept in storrestoration and reconstruction. Funding call or visit for further details heritage. It was sad to see the loss of age. for the project and planning permission Snibston and an uncertain future for Leicester City Council has now will then be sought with the aim of the bridge. Here at the Heritage Centre, agreed to donate the bridge to the DIY Liveries having the bridge completed by 2022. our volunteers saw the potential that Heritage Centre. the site could offer as a Managing director Steve Cramp said: FIREWOOD: bulk loads delivered new home for the bridge. Good Quality At both Abbey Pumping Dry Logs, Hard Station and Snibston, the & Soft Wood, bridge was on display as Coal &Smokeless • Sales, Repairs & Upgrades an isolated structure. Fuel, Kindling • Wired & Wireless Networking Here at the Heritage And lots more! • Branded & Custom Built PCs Centre, the bridge will • Laptops, printers, peripherals & accessories LOUGHBOROUGH RD, ROTHLEY be rail connected allow• Server Installation & Support Tel (0116) 230 2215 • On-site Maintenance & Remote Support ing for demonstrations James 07802 915559 • Original & Compatible Cartridges/Toners of coal wagons passing • Buy Dell products through our store Fred 0797 7014606 over it again. “Restoring the bridge OPENING TIMES is going to be a massive Mon-Sat 9am to 5pm Covering Leicestershire undertaking for our Closed Sundays 0116 2672583 group of community Please note these times may change during public holidays. Ring us for details. Mob: 0796 7 191975 volunteers, particularly as none of the timbers 3 The Meadway, Birstall LE4 4NG survive, but it is no greater challenge than Trouble with your figures? any of the other projects Let me help Want we’ve taken on and get your someone to completed at the Heritbooks in walk you age Centre!” shape… through a self Leicestershire Indus& keep them trim assessment? trial History Society will Linda Kimberley-Brooks (ACMA) be working alongside the Heritage Centre team, Final accounts • Self assessment providing a wealth of Taxation • Bookkeeping • VAT essential and detailed Payroll • Management accounts information about the Email: bridge that the society 0116 2303222 Companies & individuals call now on has researched and 0116 23 66 345 amassed over the years. A friendly service tailored to your needs LIHS Chairman Chris Hossack said: “It’s wonderful and exciting to be working with the Heritage Centre team to bring the bridge back to life. Our members have spent a great deal of time researching and lobbying to save the bridge. We can’t wait to see it rebuilt and restored at its Replace with new home.” Call Colin Wright for a The bridge componew clear sealed units nents will move to the free quote LOCAL BUSINESS Heritage Centre site this Faulty locks & handles replaced 07765635505 • 01162209573 summer where work will




SEP 2020

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Youth services during lockdown MOUNTSORREL YOUTH Services (MYS) have been working hard to connect with young people across the village and engage them in positive activities. Anthony Marvin, Youth & Community Officer, said: “It has been extremely difficult to carry out youth work in a traditional way due to Covid-19 restrictions and the lockdown and we have had to find other ways of engaging with Pic: Alpine House young people. We have moved to a digital approach, providing service over telephone, email and video calls. We have held a number of online groups including quiz nights, homework support, book club and baking/ cooking group. These in the use of technology (telephone have proven to be triage, video and telephone consultations, popular amongst etc.) that we have seen recently will young people and we continue and be developed further. In hoping to continue these the future, all patients will continue to groups going forward post be assessed through a telephone triage Covid-19.” service with the aim that only those that With the easing of lockdown need to be physically seen and examined restrictions, MYS was in a position to will attend the surgery whilst those that start a detached outreach service that can be safely assessed, diagnosed and allowed it to engage with young people treated through other means will be. The out on the street. Anthony said: “We NHS also want the system to work for have to do this while maintaining social patients who do not have access to tech- distancing and following the guidance set nology and are assessing how the service out by the government. We offer guidcan be developed for these patients, ance, support and information to young ensuring safety for all concerned. people when we are For many patients, this will save jourout. We are out neys to the practice and for those waiton average ing for a hospital appointment, it may three times a mean a trip into Leicester is no longer week at differrequired. Some GP consultations will ent times deneed to remain face to face and blood pending on the tests, immunisations and clinical proceweather and dures like minor surgery can only be such like. done in the surgery building. GPs and “We Primary Care Networks are working now had to develop these new ways of working planned further to make them more suited to some staff and patients alike. summer Pic: youth worker Anthony Marvin Practices and Practice Participation activity Groups (PPGs) will be working together groups including a brunch club and an to ensure that patients know and under8-12 year afternoon group, however, we stand how to use the new systems as and were not able to make this a reality due when they come about. If you would like to the restrictions and we didn’t want to to contact the PPG please email at put our young people or staff at any risk. We will keep these plans and when we The author is a member of the Alpine are in a position to carry them out safely House PPG in Mountsorrel and works we will implement them.” with GPs in the south of the county. MYS is in the process of organising a community litter pick called the “Clean-

Virtual consultations the new normal


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TELEPHONE AND video consultations with GPs have become the norm during the Covid-19 pandemic and are expected to continue and be developed further when things return to normal. Christopher Lyons, a member of the Alpine House patient participation group in Mountsorrel, writes: Nobody can have failed to notice the changes that have swept through our country these last few weeks and months as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic that has been affecting countries and communities across the world. The NHS, both locally and in the big hospitals, has had to rapidly adapt and change to be ready for the expected surge in cases. This has meant that GP surgeries and hospitals have had to change the way they work and how they assess and treat their patients. You will be aware that many hospital appointments have been either cancelled or undertaken over the phone. Similarly, local GPs and their staff are having to adapt very quickly to new ways of working. Surgeries now have 'telephone triage' in place where the most appropriate form of patient contact is decided by the practice staff after talking to the patient. This is resulting in a call from the GP or one of the clinical staff who can assess, diagnose and prescribe treatment either over the phone or via a video call. Only where absolutely necessary are patients invited into the surgery. This has protected patients and staff alike from the new virus and helped slow the spread of Covid-19 within the community. GPs and practice staff tell me that there is no desire to return to how things were but want to be sure that any new system meets the needs of all patients. Sir Simon Stevens, the Chief Executive of the NHS in England, wrote to all GP practices, NHS Trusts and Primary Care Networks at the end of April and stated that a return to how things were before the lockdown is not how the NHS sees its services being delivered in the future. This could affect all services after the Covid-19 restrictions are finally lifted. So, how will this affect patients of local GP surgeries? The rapid changes

er Village Project.” Anthony said: “This will bring together children, young people and families in the village in a way that will build respect and love for Mountsorrel and along with other agencies such as the Canal & River Trust, we are hoping that we can educate those involved on the importance of recycling, embracing what they have around them such as the natural beauty of the River Soar, the green spaces and wildlife and also teach some water safety.” The group hope to have things finalised and sessions starting by mid-September. Anthony added: “By October, we hope to have some of our indoor groups up and running, including the homework downtime group and the LGBTQ+ Group with LGBT Melton & Charnwood. “We are in talks with Homefield College who are the new tenants of the former youth cafe about using their space once their refurbishment works have been completed. We will update the public as and when we have the confirmation. “We have other groups planned going forward but we can’t confirm anything yet until we have clear guidance from the government and the National Youth Agency on clubs and social groups reopening fully. “We continue to provide one-to-one support to young people across the village along with our community services such as prescription collecting, shopping pick up and welfare checks. This is something we also hope to continue post-Covid with funding permitted. “We have had amazing support from the Parish Council and the community of Mountsorrel and we would not be able to carry out our work without this continued support. The parish council have a fantastic commitment to the young people of Mountsorrel and I would like to thank them on behalf of all those young people.”

Grants for young ARE YOU under 25 years of age, living in Mountsorrel and need help with funding your education? The Mountsorrel Educational Fund may be able to help you. It is a charity that can award grants, at the absolute discretion of its trustees, from the funds it has available to assist young people in pursuing their education. A spokesperson said: “Last year we awarded grants of £121,800 to the local school, students and those in Higher Education and Training. The trustees will be meeting at the end of October to consider applications from young people who are planning to continue their education at College and University.” To apply you need to be: • Under the age of 25 • A pupil or former pupil of Christ Church and Saint Peters Church of England School or • have been (or whose parents have been) resident in the Electoral Parish of Mountsorrel for at least 12 calendar months. Application forms can be downloaded from the website: http://mountsorrelunitedcharities.or The absolute deadline for submission of completed application forms is 5pm on Friday, October 9, 2020.

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Heritage Trust busy in lockdown THE MOUNTSORREL Museum and Heritage Trust, located on the first floor of Mountsorrel library, have not been able to open the museum while the library has been closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. A spokesman said: “Once we have the go-ahead we will be starting a deep clean of the room and total sanitisation along with the required health and safety notices to ensure social distancing.” He added: “The group's members have not been idle during the restrictions, work has been going on at home to catalogue the hundreds of photographs the group have obtained. All of the burial records for the village are being transcribed along with the marriage records. Further work has been carried out on the stories of the military personnel from the village along with identifying residents on the various VE and VJ day party photographs that we didn't get the opportunity to display due to the restrictions. One important activity has been the answering of questions about Mountsorrel, its residents and

Pic: Mountsorrel Peace Garden

general enquiries received from all over the world, some from as far as New Zealand.” Outdoor activities, with social distancing rules being observed, have taken place. There have been two sessions of tidying the Peace Garden, with another

planned in early September, and an archaeological test dig, the fifth one the group has undertaken. The group are hoping that they can start operating the museum once the library opens and will hopefully commence the monthly talks in the new year.

Call to restore crossing patrol A PETITION has been started calling for a crossing patrol person for Mountsorrel school. Liz Blackshaw’s children attended the school until recently and she has organised the petition. She said: “At the start of this autumn term parents of children at Christ Church and St Peter’s Primary School in Mountsorrel have concerns other than new classes, new teachers and the new Covid prevention protocols on their minds – just crossing the road safely. “The school’s highly popular crossing patrol or Lollipop person retired over a year ago and ever since the school have been struggling to find a replacement. Adverts were placed, notices put up around the village, both the headteacher and the parish council appealed for someone to fill the post but to no avail. Some applications were received but candidates later withdrew for unknown reasons. And then just before the summer holiday, there was someone willing and able to take on the position. Hopes were high that the new Lollipop person had been found, only to be dashed by Leicestershire County Council who announced that there was now a freeze on recruitment.” She added: “It’s a tricky place to cross at the best of times, it’s too close to the bend at the top of The Green which you can’t see around, there can be buses coming from either direction and with many cars parked so close to the crossing, some even parking on the yellow lines, it can be hard to see what’s coming, especially if you are too short to see over the cars. Having a crossing patrol person there gave me the confidence to allow my children some independence and let them walk to school

by themselves.” “I was very disappointed when Mrs Clay, the headteacher told me that Coun-

ty Hall wouldn’t lift their recruitment freeze because they believe the road simply isn’t that dangerous. My opinion and that of every parent I speak to is that we need a crossing patrol person and we need them now, which is why I have set up a petition.” The petition “Mountsorrel Primary School Needs a Crossing Patrol Person – NOW” can be found at


MOUNTSORREL AND Rothley Community Heritage Centre reopened on July 16.

MOUNTSORREL’S Dog Warden’s Report, June 2020

A new locomotive has arrived at the Museum, LMS Class 3F (Jinty) 0– 6– 0T

Funding bid unsuccessful THE GREAT Central Railway's bid for Heritage Lottery emergency funding has been turned down. On August 26, the Great Central Railway received the news that their bid for £250,000 of emergency funding from the Heritage Lottery’s Emergency Fund was unsuccessful. The fund is intended to support organisations and “stabilise operations and manage unforeseen risks and costs” and “to cover essential costs for up to four months.” Other heritage railways such as Severn Valley, Keighley and Worth Valley, Nene Valley and the Crich Tramway Museum have been helped by the fund which has been set up to assist heritage ventures to navigate the Covid-19 crisis. Commenting on the news, the Railway’s Managing Director, Michael Gough said: “This is another bitter blow from the HLF – they don’t seem to like us very much, having turned us down for the museum grant three years ago and now this. I am stunned, to be frank - the bid was accompanied by a very thorough cash flow analysis. I was sure that they would see how we are running out of funds and would have helped us this time. For me, it really brings into perspective and is a stark comparison to the generosity of the folk who come here, enjoy the heritage we are protecting and write in enclosing a £10 donation to help us.”

number 47406. This is the loco that HRH Prince Charles rode to the Heritage Centre in 2017.

Doctors fears over patient backlog THE MAJORITY of doctors think ambitions to get the NHS back to near-normal service by autumn are unlikely to be realised, according to a major survey by the British Medical Association, highlighting the sheer scale of the challenge of tackling an ever-growing backlog of care after the first peak of Covid-19. NHS England recently set targets to resume normal levels of activity over the next few months, but when asked by the BMA whether they thought these would be met, 70% of more than 3,000 doctors who responded said this was either highly (40%) or fairly (30%) unlikely. A third of doctors saying they thought it would take more than a year to clear waiting lists for elective procedures. 26% of doctors said that in

Planning applications P/20/1564/2: 42 Linkfield Road Mountsorrel LE12 7DL two detached houses (revised scheme) and detached garage P/20/1541/2: 63 Rothley Road Mountsorrel LE12 7JS Single Storey Side and Rear Extension and New Rear Decking P/20/1518/2: 9 Boundary Road Mountsorrel LE12 7EP Erection of a single-storey rear kitchen extension. Building work will require replacement of garden room and stores with a single storey structure. All brickwork and roofing to be as close to current as possible.

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P/20/1428/2: 110 Boundary Road Mountsorrel Leicestershire LE12 7ER The erection of a single storey rear extension extending beyond the rear wall of the original house by 5.85m, with a maximum height of 3.97m, and height to the eaves of 2.4m P/20/1464/2: Land off Leicester Road Mountsorrel Leicestershire Construction of new switchgear building P/20/1409/2: 18 Cross Lane Mountsorrel Leicestershire LE12 7BY Proposed single storey extension to rear of dwelling. P/20/1207/2: 4 Castle Hill Mountsorrel Leicestershire LE12 7AB Certificate of Lawful development (proposed) for single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory and installation of 8 solar panels on newly created flat roof. P/20/1195/2: 7 Partridge Close Mountsorrel LE12 7GD Erection of two storey extension to front of dwelling (Part retrospective). P/20/1211/2: 1 Kestrel Lane Mountsorrel Leicestershire LE12 7GG Single storey rear extension and erection of detached garage. P/20/0914/2: The Grapes 15 Leicester Road Mountsorrel Leicestershire LE12 7AJ Non material amendment to application P/10/2347/2 for alterations to the garage

the first two weeks of August non-Covid demand had increased to pre-pandemic levels, with 17% saying that demand is now even higher than it was before. The survey results come after NHS figures on Thursday, August 13 showed record waits in a number of areas, including the wait between being referred by a GP to first treatment, and the number of people waiting longer than a year for treatment rising to the highest in over a decade. Dr Chaand Nagpaul, BMA council chair, said: “The most recent waiting time data speaks for itself, with patients waiting unacceptably long times for treatment. But the Government and NHS England also need to be honest with both healthcare staff and patients about the backlog we’re facing. They must produce a clear strategy of how we can manage this increased demand, working with clinicians to prioritise those patients most in need of care, while at the same time being able to continue treating people who are still suffering with Covid-19. And crucially, doctors do not want patients avoiding the health service and risk getting much sicker as a result.” The December issue of the

MOUNTSORREL POST will be published on Nov 27. The copy deadline is Nov 13 .

including replacement of vehicular door, moving pedestrian door to rear elevation and larger windows on rear elevation P/20/0936/2: 263 Loughborough Road Mountsorrel LE12 7AS Non material amendment to application P/19/0394/2 to replace the brickwork on the south west elevation with composite cladding.

Before the lockdown, I was experiencing a problem in four particular areas of pavement in the village on a regular basis but could never catch the culprits. I then started using coloured spray paint to mark where I’d removed the faeces using a different colour depending on the day more for my own reference to try and pin it down to a particular day. Why this discouraged them I’ll never know but within a fortnight these areas were completely clear. During the lockdown period, I continued the patrols and maybe because of the amount of people out walking there has been a definite decline in dog mess on the pavements. People are out walking at all hours trying to avoid other walkers and it’s certainly deterred the early morning and late evening culprits. Long may it continue! The playing fields have also been much better although there will always be the exception. I was driving along Halstead Road one morning en route to a task at the allotments when I clearly saw a lady allow her dog to foul the pavement and walk off. I stopped and spoke to her initially offering her a bag to pick it up. She became very abusive let the dog off the lead and said it wasn’t her dog! I explained what I’d seen and that she could be fined and her reply was “So what? I’m not giving you my name, you don’t know where I live so f* off.” She may think this is the end of it but I’m in that area at least three times a week and there is no doubt our paths WILL cross again and I WILL find out who she is... I do enjoy a challenge...

Village library IN A first step towards resuming a normal service, library members now have the opportunity to request a selection of books and audiobooks from Mountsorrel Library. Up to 10 items will be hand-picked by library staff based on customers' preferences, including their favourite author. The loan period for 'click and collect' items will be four weeks. To place an order you can email directly at providing your book requests, your name, library card number and a telephone contact number. Telephone Mountsorrel Library on 0116 3055892 during click and collect hours OR pick up an order form from the library during click and collect hours. Mountsorrel Library Click and Collect hours are:Mon 2pm-4pm Tues 10am-12noon Wed CLOSED Thurs 2pm-4pm Fri 2pm-4pm Sat 10am-12noon Sun CLOSED

SEP 2020

All facilities at the centre are open to the public – café, museum, and trails – as well as the new attractions, such as the Nunckley nursery where you can buy plants cultivated in the centre's greenhouse, and a new trail around the base of the quarry. During lockdown, volunteers maintained the nature trails and tended plants in the greenhouse. A new concrete floor has been laid in the workshop.

Dog warden’s report



Heritage Centre reopens

Bradgate Girls keeping busy in lockdown Sixth form GIRLGUIDING ACTIVITIES in Mountsorrel and Rothley have been going on all term despite the lockdown

SYSTON’S BRADGATE Sixth Form, which serves post 16 students from the local areas of Syston, Thurmaston and surrounding villages, has recently had a change of leadership. Tim Marston is the new Headteacher. He said: “In a year where there is so much contention and angst around the results process, it is hugely important to celebrate the achievements of all of our students. Over 83% of our students have been automatically selected for their chosen destination and will go on to flourish and thrive. We have students that have received a complete set of top marks and a great many who have achieved in line with expectation.” He added: “It also has to be said that because of the statistical process in place this year, we also have young people who have been assigned lower grades than they were expecting. This is a huge challenge and we will work with students on to ensure that they move on successfully to their next stage.” Katie Johnson, Head of Bradgate Sixth Form, said: “The class of 2020 have faced an unprecedented challenge, through no fault of their own and we need to recognise their resilience, positivity and the hugely positive impact they have made while with us at Bradgate Sixth Form.”

In April, girls aged 5 - 14 and their leaders took part in Girlguiding Leicestershire’s LEAPover challenge by cooking, having their own campfires and then sleeping somewhere that wasn’t their own bed - this could have been a den or a tent. Girlguiding also held a Festival in a Day for guiding members and their families in the UK ending with a campfire. Mountsorrel and Quorn Rainbows and Rothley Brownies have been holding their Girlguiding meetings online during the lockdown. The Rainbows, aged 5 – 7, have been completing their Feel Good Skills Builder challenges as well as six girls, a Young Leader and Leader in Training saying their Promise virtually. Other activities include keeping fit, making rocket launchers and making duck food which girls couldn’t wait to take to the reservoir and river. Leaders from Rothley Brownies have held a quiz with their girls aged 7 – 10, been singing, played a memory game and did some drawing on top of their heads and held a competition to make a human or animal head out of a plastic milk container. Girls and leaders can’t wait to get back to face to face meetings but until then more Zoom meetings are planned. Pic: a collage of some of the items girls have made

Club’s youth coach ROTHLEY PARK Golf Club has a new Junior Section coordinator, the club’s assistant professional, Harry Schiltz.

August tea party


SEP 2020

MEMBERS OF the Inner Wheel Club of The Soar Valley joined together in August for a socially distanced tea party. We had heard that Quorn Grange, our regular meeting place, was able to organise these meetings and so, masks on faces, we entered our much loved and missed venue. On entering the hotel we were greeted by a receptionist who proceeded to take our temperatures and we were then taken to one of the very large reception rooms where we were placed at socially distanced tables by waiters wearing

masks and plastic gloves. We had hoped to eat in the lovely garden area, but the weather was not kind. After taking our seats we were served with a delicious cream tea and in between mouthfuls of scones we managed to catch up with news that we hadn’t managed during our Zoom calls; it is so much easier to talk face to face, albeit with masks! We decided at the end of our meeting that we had all felt very safe and had enjoyed the experience so much that we would try to meet again soon. Pic: members socially distanced at their tables. From the IW Club of The Soar Valley

Having started golf at the age of eight he has a personal understanding of the skills and socials benefits golf can offer youngsters. Harry (pictured below) is taking full advantage of Golf Access, a programme approved by Golf England for young golfers. He said: “Alongside lessons that I give on a one-to-one basis, juniors of any age and ability can now gain experience before going on to play a full round of golf on their own. We organise two nine-hole events and two one hour coaching sessions per month to really bring them on and keep their interest and ensure they have fun with each other and enjoy their golf. The overall goal is to achieve a handicap and start to enjoy a

lifetime of social and competitive golf. We have found that this national programme really does keep their interest rather than just hitting balls on a practice ground.” He added: “The clear benefits for juniors are meeting new groups of likeminded people and creating friendships that can often last a lifetime. Golf is also great for encouraging young people to be more confident and outgoing. Members often comment on how polite and courteous the youngsters are around the clubhouse. It gives many young people a distinct advantage in their future careers showing team and social skills.” The Junior Section comprises a mixture of siblings, members’ children and school friends. Juniors tend to be mainly boys, though girls are more than welcome. Some of the club’s current junior girls have gone on to represent the club at County standard. 11

10,000 parcels delivered

LOROS calendar photo winners LOROS Hospice has unveiled the winning images in its photography competition to create the LOROS 2021 calendar. An urban canal towpath and a very inquisitive cow join more traditional images of a snowy park at dusk and a beautiful baby deer. The pictures will form the LOROS 2021 calendar which will be sold in the charity’s shops to raise essential funds. The twelve winning images were submitted by local amateur photographers who wanted to use their talents to support LOROS. Many of them had personal connections to LOROS and memories which inspired them. The calendars will be available to purchase from October. Advertise in the

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SEP 2020


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THE MAYOR of Charnwood has visited the Charnwood Community Action hub to mark the delivery of the 10,000th food parcel. The Charnwood Community Action campaign is a partnership with the borough council, John Storer Charnwood, The Bridge East Midlands and other voluntary organisations to help support and guide the local community during the coronavirus pandemic. Since launching in March, Charnwood Community Action has delivered a total of 10,000 food parcels and is currently delivering to around 600 households each week. The team have also been providing a befriending service to residents and signposting people to a range of services. The Mayor of Charnwood, Cllr David Snartt said: “I was delighted to be invited to the community hub in Loughborough to see the incredible work of the Charnwood Community Action team first-hand and to also mark the delivery of the 10,000th food parcel. “These past few months have been difficult for our communities and I know everyone involved with Charnwood Community Action has worked incredibly hard to help those who need a bit of additional support during this time. They should be proud of what they’ve achieved. “It’s been wonderful to see volunteers, local community groups and businesses pulling together to offer support to their neighbourhoods and the hub. “I would like to say thank you to everyone who has played their part in helping our communities.” Charnwood Community Action is also being supported by community groups, volunteers, town and parish councils and a number of local businesses. For more information about Charnwood Community Action or to let the Council know about someone who does not have any support networks please visit

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