Mountsorrel Post (32) Sep 2010

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to Mountsorrel, four times a year


ISSUE No. 32

Pic: Danae Chinnery and Simon Tebbutt with Errol the Great Grey Owl. Inset: Jamie Donnellon is pictured with a barn owl

Village fair HUNDREDS OF visitors enjoyed the many stalls laid on by the village’s charities at the Charity Fair in June, held on the Green. Mountsorrel Heritage Group staged an exhibition (pictured below) in the Scout HQ and Mountsorrel’s Youth Cafe on The Green held an open day.

Mountsorrel Post SEPTEMBER 2010 (32), page 1

Pic: Clare Freeman at the Cub’s home

made cake stall.

Mountsorrel Post SEPTEMBER 2010 (32), page 2

MOUNTSORREL’S YOUTH café on The Green has successfully obtained new funding and should open later this year. The café, located in the old Maltby Insurance offices opposite the library, aims to give young people a safe place to relax and socialise outside school hours. The project has secured £15,000 funding for refitting the building from Lafarge Aggregates and a further £10,000 from the County Council’s Area Forum. Young people also put together a bid for equipment for the café and successfully secured £3000 from the Youth Bank. A garden party and a concert of songs from the shows at St Peters church in August raised over £100 for the project. John Hoyles, an interior design consultant from Mountsorrel, has offered help with designing the interior. The position of full time youth worker has been advertised and candidates interviewed. Project spokeswoman Leslie Strange said: “We aim to have the youth worker in place as soon as possible and they will commence

working with the young people straight away. We have not started the refit yet but hope to very soon. The official opening will wait until that is completed but the building will be used in the meantime.” In June the café held an open day to raise awareness of the project and to raise funds. More than 100 people visited to look around the building and ask questions and enjoy tea and cake. The organisers would welcome interest from volunteers who are prepared to work for a couple of hours in the café during a session. Leslie said: “Training will be offered and CRB checks provided. We would also be grateful for any other help, this is a Mountsorrel venture which should benefit everyone.” More details at Pic: visitors look around the Youth Café during the open day including (right) the Chairman of Leicestershire County Council and his consort Catherine Osborne with Leslie Strange (left) and Loughborough MP Nicky Morgan

Mountsorrel Post SEPTEMBER 2010 (32), page 3


Café’s funding boost

Development Business refused award PLANS FOR 330 new homes on Halstead Road have been rejected by Charnwood Borough Council. Developers Jelson Ltd wanted to develop the 15.8 hectare site, which is opposite Walton Way and close to Mountsorrel quarry. Charnwood rejected their planning application on the grounds that: • the application site is in an area of particularly attractive countryside, outside of an established settlement. Development would result in unacceptable harm to the character and appearance of the surrounding landscape. • it has not been satisfactorily demonstrated that the site is suitable in terms of its sustainable location and accessibility to services. • the proposed development fails to demonstrate a sufficiently high quality of design • the proposed access arrangements for vehicles and pedestrians are insufficient • it has not been demonstrated that the existing highway network can satisfactorily accommodate the traffic generated by the proposed development • future residents are likely to suffer poor environmental amenity due to excessive noise, disturbance and dust from Mountsorrel quarry. Mountsorrel Parish Council and hundreds of local residents objected to the planning application.

A MOUNTSORREL business has received a Queen’s Award for Enterprise. Allan Winsor, Managing Director of precision measurement instrument maker Newtons4th, received his award from the Queen at Buckingham Palace. He was among representatives from 143 businesses from across the country receiving an award, designed to recognise outstanding achievement. Newtons4th won the Queen’s Award for Innovation. Allan Winsor said: “The Queen’s Award for Innovation is a wonderful recognition of the technical and commercial achievement of our company. “We compete successfully against the best in the world and it is refreshing to receive official acknowledgement of the contribution that companies like ours make to the nation.” Winners can display the Queen’s Award emblem on all their branding and company literature. Joanna Hill, head of the Queen’s Awards Office, said: “These awards are not given lightly. All the winners have shown they are amongst the very best in their own industry, and the whole country.”

Mountsorrel Post SEPTEMBER 2010 (32), page 4

Anti social behaviour figures MOUNTSORREL HAS seen an increase in the level of antisocial behaviour (ASB) say the Police. Charnwood Local Policing Unit has released figures for the total street incidents of ASB. For the year 2009/10, the figure was 3437 across the Charnwood Policing area, up by 159 over the 12 month period, a rise of five per cent from 2008/09. Five of the 10 sub areas had seen figures drop, including a ten per cent reduction in Birstall and a 35 per cent reduction in Rothley. Mountsorrel has had an increase of 13 per cent, and Bradgate six per cent.

No drug housing policy KNOWN DRUG offenders and drug users are not deliberately being housed in Mountsorrel says Charnwood Borough Council. Mountsorrel Parish Council wrote to Charnwood in September 2009, setting out its concerns about rising crimes and burglaries in the village and suggesting this may be linked to an apparent policy of rehousing drug offenders in Mountsorrel. Charnwood’s Interim Chief Executive, Geoff Parker, ordered the Director of Housing and Health to undertake an investigation. All the allocations that were made to Castle Hill Court over the last 12 months were looked at, and the information on the application forms analysed. Following the investigation, Mr Parker stated: “I can confirm that there is no evidence to substantiate the view of the Parish Council that Charnwood Borough Council is targeting allocations to Castle Hill Court to known drug offenders.” The Borough Council says that tenants may have friends or associates involved with substance misuse without them necessarily being drug offenders themselves, and that they also have to rely on the declarations made by the applicants themselves. The Borough Council says that: “There is no targeting of known drug offenders to any specific areas as our policies and procedures are based on priority need and not drawn up in such a way as to enable that to happen.” Mountsorrel Borough Councillor Leigh Harper-Davies supports the findings of the investigation. She said: “On becoming a Borough Councillor two years ago I did initially feel that we seemed to be overrun with residents in the village with challenging behaviours. However, as support cabinet member to my colleague John Bush, lead member for Housing and Health, and working with Eileen Mallon, Director of Housing, I have a far deeper understanding of some two years ago. “It did feel that we did indeed have more than our fair share of residents who did indeed have challenging issues and this may have seemed the case at Castle Hill Court. I am campaigning for a local lettings policy at the complex, which would minimise the amount of people with such issues.”

She added: “I feel very strongly that residents who work hard for an upstanding local community to be let down by one or two which make life very difficult for others. This is not related to Castle Hill, but in and around the village itself. I believe that this situation has become a little easier, however as with any village unfortunately these people have to be housed somewhere. I don’t believe for one minute that we have any more than any other village. It is just that we have a considerable amount of properties that are suitable for young single people that may or may not have these challenging behaviours!” According to Leicestershire Police, crime is decreasing in the Mountsorrel Ward. Figures for the months May, June and July 2010 compared to the same three months last year show that burglary has decreased by 67% and total crime has fallen by 45%. Source: /charnwood

The December issue of the

MOUNTSORREL POST will be published on Nov 27. The copy deadline is Nov 12 .

Driver’s appeal A DRIVER who was jailed for causing the death of a motorcyclist from Mountsorrel has failed in an appeal against his prison sentence. Carl Sims (25) was sentenced in March to16 months in jail at Leicester Crown Court after admitting causing the death of Clifford Sheffield by careless driving. Sims, of Kestrel Lane, Cheadle, Staffordshire, failed to spot the oncoming Harley Davidson on which Mr Sheffield (55) was riding in March 2009. The accident was within seven years of Sims’ previous conviction for careless driving, after an incident when he lost control of his car on a bend and crashed, resulting in the death of his passenger. In the latest offence, Sims was in his Vauxhall Corsa at the junction of Wakerley Road and Ethel Road, in North Evington, Leicester. In an attempt to leave the main road he turned right, but did not see the oncoming motorcycle, giving Mr Sheffield little chance of avoiding a collision. Mr Sheffield was knocked from his bike and suffered numerous injuries. He died in hospital. Sims challenged the length of his prison sentence at the Court of Appeal in London, but his case was rejected.




Book Yo

S EXE FaR Yys W dneE Trie d a l Ses ss ur


Faces Arts Theatre School sessions are held at

Highcliffe Primary School Greengate Lane, Birstall LE4 3DL

37 - 39 Station Road Cropston, Leicester 0116 2362363 Mountsorrel Post SEPTEMBER 2010 (32), page 5


RAF visit A RAF Chinook helicopter will be touching down as part of a special event to salute service veterans at the GCR’s Quorn and Woodhouse station later this month. Guests of honour will be the aircraft’s RAF crew who have recently seen service in Afghanistan. They will be with the helicopter for the whole weekend, on September 18 and 19, ready to give visitors a guided tour of the machine. The weekend, dubbed ‘Get Some In’, specifically recalls the National Service era but recognises the contribution and sacrifices made by all serving and veteran members of the UK’s armed forces. “The presence of this RAF Chinook will make this a very special weekend and provide a tangible link between the service men and women of the past and the present day” said GCR president Bill Ford. “It will be a highly appropriate centrepiece for our annual veterans salute weekend and we look forward to welcoming aviation enthusiasts for the weekend for a tour of this remarkable machine.” To reflect the national service theme the railway has invited 1950s/60s period vehicles and re-enactors in period clothing. Veterans of all services bringing appropriate identification will be recognised at the event and will be given free train travel, while anyone travelling with them can travel at a reduced rate. Further details are available at

Warrior’s fight for freedom A MOUNTSORREL man’s first novel explores the themes of independence and freedom, set in a future world united under one world government. The Warrior’s Apprentice by Allan Winsor is set in Kenya and tells the story of one

family’s fight against the oppression of a universal totalitarian regime. Allan (50), the founder of a company that manufacturers electronic measuring equipment, worked in Africa after graduating and spent three months working on offshore oil rigs. He said: “I discovered the outstanding natural beauty of Kenya and admired the nobility of the proud Kenyan people. Concerned about the trend towards globalisation, I wrote this novel to try to encapsulate the need of man for independence, freedom and danger.” Pic: Allan Winsor at the book launch in Waterstones, Loughborough

The December issue of the

MOUNTSORREL POST will be published on Nov 27. The copy deadline is Nov 12 .

PILBEAM ACADEMY of DANCE Tel: 01509 816117 Classes in Ballet, Tap, Modern & National for children from age 3. Held at Rothley Village Hall, on Monday & Tuesday evening, & at Rothley Baptist Church, Woodgate, from 4.30pm on Wednesday All classes can lead to stagework, medals and examinations. NEW PUPILS WELCOME

New Classes start Mon Sept 6th Ladies Tap classes for experienced or beginners held on Mondays at 7pm. JOIN US FOR FUN, EXERCISE OR EXAMINATIONS

Principal: Antonia Pilbeam F.D.D.A. Mountsorrel Post SEPTEMBER 2010 (32), page 6

Summer event for young people VISITORS HAD to dodge the showers at Mountsorrel’s summer youth activities day on the Halstead Road playing field in August. As well as a range of fairground style rides and games there were informative displays, a climbing wall and refreshments available. The event was organised by the Mountsorrel Youth Development Group, a working part of the Parish Council, as part of a programme of events that included sporting activities at the Soar Valley Leisure Centre.

Mountsorrel Post SEPTEMBER 2010 (32), page 7

Parish Council notes A FULL meeting of Mountsorrel Parish Council was held on June 14. Chairman Brian Allard informed councillors that Mr A Palfrey, a former member of the Council, had died on June 13. Mr Palfrey first took office in 1958 and served as chairman from May 1967 to May 1968. Councillors observed a minute’s silence. It was agreed that the Council send a letter of thanks to Mr Will Antill for his work preparing a document objecting to the Halstead Road planning application for 330 houses. PC Paul Bird introduced Mountsorrel’s new PCSO Tom Joyce to councillors. Mr D Shardlow was co-opted onto Mountsorrel Parish Council. It was reported that James Palmer from the Soar Valley Leisure Centre had agreed to contact the ECB to see if a grant of £100,000 would be available for work to be done on the Memorial Playing Fields to turn around the football pitch and move the cricket square. A full meeting of Mountsorrel Parish Council was held on July 12. Councillors observed a minute’s silence in memory of Ray Woodward, a former councillor who led the campaign for the village

bypass. Mr Woodward died on July 2. A member of the public reported on the poor condition of bus stop timetables and bus signs which were unsightly, and suggested that the footway on Crown Lane be reinstated. Another resident reported that fires were being lit on land near the Halstead Road playing field, twice in the previous week with one at 11pm. Borough Councillor John Capleton reported that on July 15 a meeting had been arranged that aimed to set up a residents’ group for Church Hill Road, Boundary Road and Hawthorn Road. He said that the refurbishment of Sorrel Court was not scheduled at this time. Following a site meeting on June 22 at Church Hill Road it was reported that a representative from Leicestershire County Council decided that the traffic problem at Church Hill Road (the end leading on to Rothley Road) would be monitored, following which they may consider extending the double yellow lines to approximately two cars length further up Church Hill Road. If so, this action will be added to their list but would take 1.5-2 years to implement. Another area of concern was the road next

to the church which is often blocked, or made difficult to negotiate, by cars parked opposite on Church Hill Road. The possibility of an H bar could be considered, but this is not enforceable, only advisory. A salt bin was also mentioned for the winter as Church Hill Road would not be gritted during inclement weather. One had been in place during a previous winter and it appeared that some residents may have used the grit for private use, and it was unlikely to be installed again. It was reported that the County Council had assessed Halstead Road, and that their survey indicated vehicles are travelling at inappropriate speeds. Halstead Road has been included in a future programme of works for traffic calming, but the 2010/11 budget has already been committed and commencement of any work depends on the priority compared with other sites and the availability of funding. The Parish Council was advised it may wish to consider buying Vehicle Activated Signs as an interim measure. The Council has agreed to purchase three new steel benches at a cost of £560, and that other existing benches be repaired. One of the new benches will be sited on The Green in memory of Ken Wiblin of the Heritage Group. The group are making a contribution towards the cost of the bench plus the additional cost of a plaque.

Adult learning courses Home Carers Required

Are you a caring person? Like varied work & job satisfaction? Join our team of carers in the Mountsorrel, Cropston, Quorn, Sileby, Syston, Birstall & Wymeswold areas. Flexible shifts, 10-40 hrs per week, & mornings, evenings and weekends available. No experience required as all training will be provided. Up to £7.25hr, plus travel expenses. Telephone essential. Ring Debbie between 8.30am & 4.30pm for more information on

0116 2696247 (quoting reference BP) Mountsorrel Post SEPTEMBER 2010 (32), page 8

HOW MANY times have you thought “I would like to learn how to do that” or “I wish I could speak a foreign language.” Now you can! The Leicestershire Adult Learning Service offer a wide range of courses including IT, Languages, English and Maths, Sport, Arts & Crafts and General Interest starting in September. Courses are available at Longslade in Birstall, Rawlins in Quorn and also a small number of courses at Mountsorrel Library. You should by now have received a brochure through your door giving details of courses in your area. If you have not received a brochure through your door but would like one or would like advice on any of the courses please telephone freephone 0800 988 0308 and speak to an adviser. Alternatively contact your local college on one of the following numbers Longslade Birstall on 0116 2673389, Rawlins, Quorn on 01509 622826 or go to the website Learners in receipt of certain benefits are eligible for 70% or 100% discount, please telephone for details.

NHW news & crime report PCSO Brian Geeson has moved on to become the PCSO for Barrow and the Wolds villages. I thank him for all his hard work in the village over the last two years and wish him all the best in his new role. PCSO Tom Joyce 6442 is the PCSO for Mountsorrel.

New tip on schedule THE CONSTRUCTION of a new waste and recycling facility on Granite Way is on schedule, says the County Council. Due to open its doors in November, the site on the edge of Mountsorrel will enable residents to recycle a wide variety of items including cooking oil, Tetra Paks, batteries and yoghurt pots, as well as dispose of household rubbish. The £1million centre is being built by the County Council and will replace the household waste site in Sileby, which the County Council says was outdated and cramped. Work started on the new facility in April and the main structure is now almost complete and over the next few months, roadways will be finished, the site office built and equipment such as waste containers installed. Tony Kershaw, County Council cabinet member for waste management, said: “We want to make it easier for residents by replacing an old-fashioned site with a state-ofthe-art facility offering excellent access. “Leicestershire is already a top performer when it comes to recycling but this new facility will help us reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill even further, helping to save money and the environment.” Hundreds of residents in Mountsorrel and Quorn objected to the new facility, concerned about traffic congestion, noise and air pollution. Around 100,000 tonnes of waste is dealt with each year by the council’s 14 recycling and household waste sites, and over 70% of this is recycled. For more information on recycling, visit the County Council’s website at or call 0116 305 0001.

Antisocial behaviour within Charnwood is now recorded on the Police crime recording system in order to more effectively deal with the problem and share information with partner agencies. This will continue and hopefully lead to a marked decrease in reporting over time. Crime Report May 1-June 30, 2010 Burglary 1, burglary non-dwelling 3, theft of motor vehicle 4, theft from motor vehicle 1, criminal damage 5, theft 5, assaults/miscellaneous 46. On May 21/22, high value fishing kit, tools and a mountain bike stolen from a shed on Cloud Lea. On May 18 a lorry and ride-on lawnmower was stolen from the County Council’s Hawcliffe Road depot. The lorry was recovered in Doncaster, the lawnmower was recovered on a caravan site in Bagworth. On May 11, two Landrover Freelanders parked on a car park off Leicester Road had their catalytic converters sawn off and stolen. On May 6 a local youth was seen throwing a brick at the front of a house. He was later arrested and received a reprimand. On May 16 two men in hooded tops unsuccessfully attempted to steal a cash box from a member of staff at Budgens, on his way from the petrol station to the store. On June 25 an extremely drunken male was caught trying to climb through the window of a bungalow on Baron’s Way by the elderly female occupant. The lady hit the man and closed the window upon him. He was found a short time later by Police, slumped on the ground next to another window he had smashed. He is current-

Ray Woodward A FORMER Mountsorrel Parish Councillor who campaigned tirelessly for the village bypass has died, aged 83. Ray Woodward started the A6 bypass action group in the 1970s, organising petitions, trafic counts and lobbying politicians. The bypass was finally completed in 1991. Ray was born and bred in Mountsorrel and served on the Parish Council for 26 years, six of them as chairman. His funeral was held on July 14 at Loughborough crematorium. Mountsorrel Post SEPTEMBER 2010 (32), page 9

ly on Police bail. On June 22 a large amount of heavy duty power cable worth £40,000 was removed from an area within the quarry and stored elsewhere, ready to be stolen. On June 20, £20,000 worth of diesel fuel was stolen from Budgen’s underground storage tank. On June 28, copper cabling worth £3000 was stolen from Mountsorrel quarry. From PC Paul Bird 1326 tel: 222 2222

Planning P/10/1829/2: 34A Market Place – extend time limit for implementation of planning permission P073260/2 (erection of 2 dwellings) P/10/1793/2: Land to rear of 73 Cross Lane – erection of 1 dwelling and detached garage P/10/1814/2: 14 Linden Grove – erection of detached dwelling and single garage P/10/1751/2: 14 Dover Close – erection of single storey side extension and conservatory to rear P/10/1708/2: Redlands, 89-91, Loughborough Rd – retention of change of use from shop to office and car parking spaces P/10/1602/2: Land to rear of 60 & 62 Hawcliffe Road – erection of 2 dwellings to plots 4 & 5 with alterations to access and parking provisions P/10/1526/2: 7 Swallow Close – erection of single storey extension to front and conservatory to rear of dwelling P/10/1520/2: 51 Halstead Road – erection of single storey extension to rear and 2 storey extension to side of dwelling P/10/1404/2: 201B Swithland Lane – erection of 2 storey extension to front of dwelling P/10/1290/2: 21 Peppers Close – erection of single storey extension to the side of the dwelling

Royal British Legion Poppy appeal THE YEAR is passing and once more the time of Remembrance approaches. In recent years the village has grown beyond anything the men whose names are cut into the granite of the memorial on Castle Hill could have imagined, but the work of the Royal British Legion in honouring them and continuing the support of all our service men and women of today and their families goes on. As ever there will be the Remembrance Day Parade organised by the Mountsorrel Branch of the Royal British Legion and the village service held in St Peter's church to honour the dead of both World Wars and other conflicts in which men of the village have fought and given their lives. In remembrance of them and in support of the men and women of the Armed Forces who have fought in more recent conflicts and indeed are still fighting, we wear the poppy. In Flanders' fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place: and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below

The Poppy collection is the Legion's main annual appeal and the money raised goes to provide, as it has done since the first Poppy Appeal in 1921, a wide range of welfare support for ex-servicemen and women and their families ranging from care homes, through training and support into work, to financial advice and much much more. The Mountsorrel Branch of the Legion is small and greatly values the continuing generous support of the village as a whole in supporting the appeal. If you would like to help us we would welcome your support, in particular in continuing the traditional door to door street collections. If you think you could help in this way please contact me, John Doyle, Poppy Appeal Organiser Mountsorrel 0116 237 5623 or From John Doyle

WEA courses COURSES OFFERED by the WEA Birstall And Rothley Branch this autumn: LAND OF THE PHARAOHS: archaeology of Ancient Egypt A chance to explore the fascinating world of the Pharaohs by looking at a number of sites and topics. Beginning with the early Pyramids of the Old Kingdom, we will move along the Nile to explore the tombs in the Valley of the Kings, Queens, Nobles and, as an insight into their social life, the workmen’s village of Deir el Medina. “Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair!” Tutor: Colin Groves Fee £48.75. Discounted: £43.90 (not available to the Retired) or Free. Venue: The Rothley Centre, Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley LE7 7PR Date: Tuesday 10-11.30am 10 meetings from 21st September 2010 Postal bookings essential for this course. AFTERNOON TAI CHI The soft flowing movements of Tai Chi promote health and mental focus and one posture of the 24 sequential movements is taught each week. Beginners and those with more experience are very welcome. Please wear loose clothing and flat-soled shoes. Tutor: Laraine Tucker Fee £78. Discounted £70.20 (not available to the Retired) or Free Venue: Birstall Methodist Church Rooms, Wanlip Lane, Birstall LE4 4JS Date: Tuesday 1.30-3.30pm. 12 meetings from 21st September 2010 PAINTING PEOPLE: perspectives on portraiture From the Indian portrait to Western concepts of realism to contemporary avant-garde portraiture, this course explores some of the different approaches to the representation of people in art. No experience necessary-just a lively and openminded interest in art! Tutor: Janis Baker Fee: £52 Discounted £46.80 (not available to the Retired) or Free. Venue: The Rothley Centre, Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley LE7 7PR Date: Wednesday 7.15-9.15pm 8 meetings from 15th September 2010 Further information from: Marion Vincent 0116 2303405 Franca Freeman 0116 2362566 Postal bookings to Mr. J. Laurance 33 Loughborough Road, Hoton, Leicester LE12 5SF. Cheques payable to WEA Birstall and Rothley Branch.

Small Ads Small ads are 25p for the first 16 words. 17-32 words: 50p. Enclosing payment, post your ad to us or hand it in (inside an envelope) at Mountsorrel library. Trade/business rates for small ads are 25p a word. You are liable for the trade/business rate if you are offering a service for which you are asking for payment, or if you are advertising new goods for sale. All text will be printed bold. Box outline £1 extra. Max 50 words. Phone numbers count as one word.

WANTED 1950s/1960s child’s 3 wheeler bike, suitable for 6 year old. Tel: 2673966 AMLI DESIGN Architectural Consultancy. Plans drawn and submitted. Extensions, conversions, new build. David Ives B.Sc.(Hons) FBEng MCIOB 0116 2674395/07974807111

Mountsorrel Post SEPTEMBER 2010 (32), page 10


Popular Pastor retires A BAPTIST Pastor received a presentation gift at a special service held in Mountsorrel’s St Peter’s church. Steve Cooper has just retired after 30 years as Pastor at Mountsorrel Baptist Church. The choir stalls were overflowing as members of Quorn St Bartholomew complemented St Peter’s choir to lead the chosen hymns and perform a piece of choral music composed especially for the occasion by John Strange. Churchwarden Peter Hodson said: “The regular congregation was complemented by many friends and local clergy displaying the strong links with all denominations. Steve said it had been a privilege to serve the village for 30 years and be part of the lives of so many people. The numbers attending reflected his popularity and was an indication

Pic: Steve Cooper (right) receiving a gift from David Bird

of how many people value their friendship and links with Steve.” Steve was also involved in the life of Mountsorrel, among other positions being chairman of the local scouts group, helping with the charities fair and the gala. He was also heavily involved in the local school and was a trustee of the Good News Centre in

Loughborough. Steve was a prime mover behind the Sonrise service on the Beacon where local Christians would celebrate Christ’s resurrection. After the service a presentation was made to Steve from the Mountsorrel Anglican churches, followed by refreshments and a social get-together.

Planning boss A CHARNWOOD Borough Council planning boss, who has helped shape the borough since 1978, is calling it a day. Jonathan Hale (59) joined Charnwood from Greater Manchester Council and became a director of planning in 1996. He is currently director of Loughborough Regeneration. During his time in post, he has played a central role in various projects including the development of Syston Town Square, Soar Valley Leisure Centre in Mountsorrel, The Rushes shopping centre in Loughborough, Loughborough Science Park and Loughborough Eastern Gateway. Jonathan said: Pic: Jonathan Hale “I’ve been lucky enough to work on some great projects and, more importantly, to work with some great people over the years both from within the council and from outside”. Charnwood Borough Council chief executive Geoff Parker said: “Jonathan has done a fantastic job for Charnwood Borough Council for more than 30 years. His track record speaks for itself. He is highly regarded among his colleagues and in the community. We wish him the very best in his retirement.”

MOUNTSORREL’S PREMIER TREE SERVICE Just like the rest of your property, have you considered your trees require a little maintenance from time to time?


With 20 years experience in all aspects of tree work we would be pleased to offer you FREE expert advice & a FREE quotation without obligation

PHONE NOW ON 0116 2505842 Mountsorrel Post SEPTEMBER 2010 (32), page 11

Railway restoration progress VOLUNTEERS WITH the Mountsorrel Railway Project have spent their summer hard at work restoring the 1.2mile line that runs from the Swithland Sidings to Mountsorrel quarry, Bond Lane. The first section of track was laid in May at the Swithland End. In August work has continued between Wood Lane and Bond Lane, preparing the trackbed for ballast laying. An access path, suitable for wheelchair users, has been constructed at Bond Lane which will eventually lead to the proposed Mountsorrel Halt platform. Spokesman George Overton said: “Sourcing of materials for construction of the platform has taken a big leap forward with the kind donation from Lafarge of enough granite blocks to construct a 45 metre long full height platform wall. This represents a massive saving on the construction cost of the platform.” Young people have taken part in ecology sessions on site and have planted wildflowers, with more than 400 children participating. Work continues on the restoration of a 1958 diesel powered railbus that can carry 47 passengers. The project hopes that the GCR will utilise the

railbus on the branch line, and run a passenger link along the branch to the nearby Stonehurst Family Farm.

The project is appealing for volunteers. George said “We currently have trackbed restoration with parties each Saturday, together with railbus work parties also on Saturdays. We have also recently started a trackbed weekday work party, usually on Thursdays. You’ll always be assured of a very warm welcome!”

Pics: (Top) the location of the planned Mountsorrel Halt and a sketch of the design. Left: the access path at Bond Lane. Far left: children planting wildflowers

Mountsorrel Post SEPTEMBER 2010 (32), page 12

Fun day THE ANNUAL fun day at Mountsorrel Working Men’s Club in August raised money for LOROS. Hundreds of visitors enjoyed the many stalls, barbeque, cakes and refreshments as well as a vintage fire engine and a display of dancing by the Jessica Michelle School of dance Pics: Brian Kettle with some of his remote controlled aircraft; Pamela Baldock on the tombola stall; stallholder Peter MacDonald

Funds for education YOUNG PEOPLE seeking financial assistance to help continue their education can apply to a village charity. The Mountsorrel Educational Fund made grants amounting to £136,161 in 2009 to local school pupils, students and those in higher education and training. The fund is administered by a body of trustees who award the grants at their discretion. Chairman of the Trustees Mr Brian Allard said: “The trustees will be considering at their meeting in November, applications from persons who are planning to extend their education at college and university.” Applications can be made from persons under the age of 25, who are pupils or former pupils of Christ Church and Saint Peters Church of England School, or who have been or whose parents/guardian have been resident in the electoral parish of Mountsorrel for at least 12 calendar months. The forms of application are as follows: Application Form 1 – University/Higher Education Application Form 2 – A Level/College Equivalent/Apprenticeships Application Form 3 – Educational Visits (Primary to A Level) Application Form 4 – Music Tuition (Primary onwards) Application Form 5 – Other Applications All of the above forms can be obtained by sending a stamped addressed envelope detailing which Application Form is required, to the Clerk to the Trustees, Mr P R Blakemore, KDB Accountants and Consultants Ltd, 21 Hollytree Close, Hoton, Loughborough LE12 5SE The deadline for submission of completed application forms is October 15, 2010. Mountsorrel Post SEPTEMBER 2010 (32), page 13


Well…just, if truth be told

Under control

I go to bed whene’er I want And get up when I wish I make a proper midday meal And cook my favourite dish

Being the owner of a small dog that is 18 months old (Cairn Terrier) I’ve found, when taking him for walk on the Memorial Park in Mountsorrel, owners of other dogs doing the same thing. A number of these owners tell you not to let your dog go near theirs as it will be bitten by it. The owners become quite rude to me when I tell them I bring him onto the park so he can run and that their dog should not be mixing with other dogs if it bites, at least not without a muzzle. The last incident concerned a woman with a dog that looked like it had some Staffordshire Bull Terrier in it, she said I had no control over my dog and shouldn’t let it off the lead (her dog was off its lead). There is a certain amount of truth in what she says as I am recovering from cancer surgery and being 71 am not too able bodied at the moment. Most of the walks I take my dog on are as much for my benefit as his as I recover from the surgery and a following thrombosis. I believe that a dog is a reflection of its owner and that once it is a couple of years old it should be fully trained. The owners of all the dogs on the park would do well to note that. Mick Edwards

I am no longer fashion’s slave But wear the clothes I choose Nice comfy things like slacks and tops And always pumps for shoes I only do the chores I like For others, help I seek I do sudoku for my brain And Keep Fit once a week

The Mountsorrel Post welcomes your views and opinions on any subject. Letters, which must include your name and address, (though not necessarily for publication) can be posted to: The Mountsorrel Post, Longslade College, Wanlip Lane, Birstall, Leicester LE4 4GH, or handed in at Mountsorrel library or email:

Happy to be old Is there something wrong with me? I’m happy to be old I have sufficient for my needs

I have my family around And friends both old and new They often come and visit me And help when needed too It’s really nice to be here now Relaxed and quite at ease Enjoying what is left for me To do just what I please So all in all, my life is good But this I have to say: Although I still feel young inside The outside’s giving way! From Peggy Clarke

Chiropodist’s tenth year CHIROPODIST KAY Giles is celebrating her 10th year in business this month. Based in Bridge Street, Loughborough, Kay has been offering her State Registered service in Loughborough, Rothley, Birstall and surrounding villages for 12 years opening her practice 10 years ago. Kay said: “I look forward to coming to work, with the past 10 years bringing fantastic memories. I look forward to the next 10 and further! “Growing up, living and working in Rothley and Loughborough it’s been great to build up such a strong portfolio of patients who have grown to become friends over the years. I would like to thank them all.”

Tel: 0116 267 2583 Mob: 07967 191975 Buy DELL products here

Mountsorrel Post SEPTEMBER 2010 (32), page 14

Noticeboard all details printed free The Brilliant

Cantamici Choir With superb instrumentalists will be at St James Church, Birstall On Saturday September 18 at 7.30pm Tickets £7 inc glass of wine/juice from Jane Scott 2673761 or Beryl McHugh 2674913 Please come & help raise funds for Birstall BAGS and The Stroke Association •••

Loughborough Farmers Market 2nd Wednesday of the month Devonshire Square, Loughborough Between 9am and 2.30pm Next markets Sep 8, Oct 13, Nov 17 Featuring a wide variety of local produce including a variety of meats both cured and rare breed, sausage, bacon; fruit pies and savoury pastries; a wide range of vegetables inc organic; plants & flowers; herbs, handmade natural soaps & body care products; honey & beeswax products; chutneys, pickles, jams and preserves; wholemeal flour & muesli; eggs & cheeses; bread, cakes. And fruit juices along with seasonal products, brought to you by knowledgeable and friendly traders. For possible stall reservations or further information, please call our Markets & Fairs Team at Charnwood Borough Council on 01509 634624 or email: Or log on to


Mountsorrel Book Club Charity Coffee Morning Saturday September 18, 10am to 12noon Meeting room above the library, on the Green, Mountsorrel (lift access available) Cakes, raffle, books, local produce, sales table Admission £1, inc coffee & biscuits All proceeds to LOROS Please come and support us •••

Fairfield School, Leicester Road, Loughborough LE11 2AE Advance tickets: Adults: £4, Children/Senior Citizens £3, Family £10 (£5/£4/£12 on the day) Available from Good News Centre, 47 Church Gate, Loughborough For more details contact Gudrun 0787 967 7738 or email: •••

Friends of Birstall Swimming Pool needs swimmers to join them on Fridays 12.30-1.30pm at Birstall Swimming Pool We are a friendly group and we start again on Friday, September 10 The first session is £2 ••• Charnwood Orchestra

Annual Concert

the sole surviving ‘Shire’ class, ‘Morayshire’ •••

Loughborough Concert Band The band is currently looking to recruit new players of woodwind and brass instruments, in particular trumpet and tuba players although vacancies exist for most instrumentalists Rehearsals on Thursday evenings at the Greenfields Sports and Social Club on Holt Drive Membership is open to anyone, with no minimum standard required and our members range from teenager to 70 plus. Anyone interested in joining the band should check the website for more information at or contact Denise Potter on 01509 556516 •••

Dispose of your garden waste

GCR Steam Gala

Free at a mobile collection point Charnwood Borough Council will be bringing a garden waste lorry to the following locations between 10am and 2pm: Sep 18: The Working Men’s Club, Garden Street, Thurmaston Sep 25: Merchants Common car park, East Goscote Suitable for leaves, twigs, hedge trimmings, grass cuttings, weeds, plants, raw fruit and veg ••• The Belgrave Hall

October 8-10 Three locomotives that have never visited the GCR before will be guests of honour at the three day gala: Joem, the Great Marquess and

Discover locally grown produce and organic foods Saturday & Sunday, September 18/19

Holy Trinity Church, Barrow Saturday October 2, 7.45pm Haydn: Symphony 80 Mozart: Bassoon Concerto Elgar: Serenade for Strings Schubert: Symphony 5 £10, £8 concession, £3 children under 16 Call 077181 531 17 •••

Good Food Fair 2010 Continued on back page

Charity Bridge Drive Organised by Loughborough Lions At the Rothley Ctr, Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley On Wed Nov 10 at 1.30pm with afternoon tea provided Cost £6 per person To book a table please contact Jackie on 0116 2303317 or Ann on 01509 232422 •••

Keep Fit with a Difference! Why not join our local basketball group. No previous experience necessary. Open both men and women over 30. For further details phone 267 2840 ••• Change a Life and Become a

Mentor in Charnwood! The Charnwood Mentoring Scheme is part of Twenty/Twenty, a charity based in Leicestershire and is recruiting committed volunteer mentors The scheme pair volunteer mentors with ‘atrisk’ young people to partake in a mentoring relationship over a year. In that time both parties build skills, confidence and friendship. All volunteer mentors are trained and supported throughout their time To find out more about the Charnwood Mentoring Scheme or becoming a mentor contact the Scheme’s co-ordinator Sheila Cullinan on 01509 236144 •••

Come and join the fun! Lively actions, songs, dance and stories that teach children about the love of Jesus Sunday , September 19

Mountsorrel Post SEPTEMBER 2010 (32), page 15

Continued from page 15


From 11am to 4pm Adults £1 Children free Belgrave Hall, Church Road, Leicester LE4 5PE ••• The Loughborough Phoenix Divorced Separated & Widowed Group We meet every Monday from 8-11pm at the Garendon Social Club, Thorpe Hill LE11 4SQ where we have a friendly chat and dance We have Saturday dances at other venues and weekends away ••• Soar Valley Artists

Annual Exhibition of Paintings Rothley Centre, Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley on Saturday and Sunday October 23 & 24 from 10am-5pm Admission is free and refreshments will be available. All welcome •••

Take a Break A fortnightly meeting held on Tuesdays between 2-4pm at St Peter’s Church Everyone welcome, please bring a friend if possible •••

Senior Sunday Meets regularly on the 1st Sunday of the month at St Peter’s Church at 4pm. An opportunity for the more senior members of the community to enjoy musical entertainment, a short service and afternoon tea is provided

Men’s Fellowship meets regularly In the Bower Room at Christ Church Usually on the 1st Monday of the month at 7.30pm •••

Fun@4 Held on the 1st Sunday of the month in the Bower Room at Christ Church Suitable for families with young children Includes activities, a short service and Sunday tea •••

Alpha Courses Are an introduction to what Christians believe Marriage Preparation courses Are guidance in relationships for those planning on getting married The next Alpha course will start on Friday Sep 14. Details of all our courses available by telephoning Christine Butcher on 0116 2376122 Warm welcome assured for all activities – for more info please ring 0116 2302235 •••

Mountsorrel WI Fashion Show and Sale Friday November 26, 7.30pm Mountsorrel Memorial Hall A fashion show presented by S.O.S. Clothing Followed by refreshments and the chance to try on and buy clothes from many major high street stores at greatly reduced prices. All ages and sizes catered for. Admission £5

Contact us THE MOUNTSORREL Post is delighted to receive contributions from residents. You can send us: Details of a community event such as a rummage sale, fete or coffee morning for free publication on our ‘Noticeboard’ page. Items of news - we’re interested in everything: club and society news, prizewinners, charity events, church news, complaints, praise, new projects, new facilities, trips, sport, crime, anything that concerns or interests you. A letter for our letters page - we welcome letters on any issue, local or national. All letters must include the sender’s name and address (though not necessarily for publication). Photos - we particularly welcome old photographs giving an insight into local history. Small ads - you can sell items with a classified ad for only 25p! How you can contact us: Phone or Fax (0116) 267 4213 Hand in your items at Mountsorrel Library, Rothley Library or Birstall Library Write to us at The Mountsorrel Post, Longslade College, Wanlip Lane, Birstall, Leicester LE4 4GH Email: The Mountsorrel Post is an independent newspaper


Longslade College, Wanlip Lane, Birstall, Leicester LE4 4GH Editor: Mr Jerry Jackson Editorial/Advertising (Tel & Fax)

0116 2674213 Correspondence, news etc can be handed in at: Mountsorrel Library, Rothley Post Office or to our office in the Youth Centre, Longslade College, Birstall

Mountsorrel Post SEPTEMBER 2010 (32), page 16

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