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NOV/DEC 2014


No. 109

Campaign against new homes CAMPAIGNERS AGAINST the latest large scale housing development in Rothley have organised a public meeting. The Save Rothley campaign are trying to prevent David Wilson Homes building up to 200 homes on a plot of land next to Westfield Lane and Templar Way. A planning application is likely to be submitted before Christmas. Campaigners are urging residents to back them and to attend a public meeting on Tuesday November 18 at the Rothley Centre. Spokeswoman Vivienne Barratt-Peacock said: “If you do care you need to make your voice heard. How many more cars do you want to see driving past your home? Are you happy for Rothley to become a small town?” She added: “The land in question is a mixture of woodland and open fields and falls partially into the Ridgeway Conservation area. It is currently used for growing crops and grazing livestock and is very popular with Rothley and Mountsorrel families and dog walkers. Wildlife, such as owls, bats, birds, squirrels, foxes, badgers, newts and muntjac deer, is abundant. “Almost 600 new properties have

Christmas lights THE POPULAR Rothley Christmas lights switch on event will take place this year on Thursday, November 27 at 5.45pm. Special guests Commonwealth swimming gold medallist Liam Tancock and UK Eurovision singer Mollie SmittenDownes will be switching on the lights at Continued on page 2


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already been given permission in Rothley in the past two years, If this application is given permission, it will bring the number of new houses permitted in Rothley since we moved to the village eight years ago to over 1000. Enough is enough. It is time to stop.” Another objector said: “The recent approval of the West Cross Lane fields development was utterly disgusting, which has clearly put the message in big developers’ greedy heads that they can jump on the same band wagon and cash in for a quick buck.

“Rothley won’t stand still and allow this wilful destruction of incredibly beautiful and locally valued countryside to be destroyed in the name of 200 David Wilson houses. We are not talking about the odd house, barn or shop, this is a massive development that will adversely change the character of the area for ever. Once the Local Authority has spent all the Section 106 contributions, the village will be left to live with the resulting disaster. “The areas of land adjacent to the cricket club on Westfield Lane, further Continued on page 2


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NOV 2014




Proposed development site


Continued from page 1 up opposite and around the Rothley Court Hotel, and the Ridings are very special being the gateway to well over 2000 years of valued history. The area is full of ancient oak trees, natural flora and fauna and spaciousness, all of which are locally strongly protected. “There are not going to be tens of millions of pounds worth of quick developer profits to be made out of the remaining green wedges of Rothley. The owners of properties in Rothley and the surrounding villages are sick to the back teeth of these large ruthless developers dropping their consultants on the job to enable them to make massive quick development profits. What is left of Rothley is going to be defended at all costs.


Pic: Gavin Taylor and his mum Pauline in the salon

Rothley has had enough.” • ‘Save Rothley’ email: saverothley@gmail.com or 07748 590594 • www.saverothley.co.uk

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New salon opens in historic building AN HISTORIC Rothley building is being brought back to life after standing empty for over a year. 10 Fowke Street was originally a stable block belonging to Grange Farm, has been used as a dairy and until recently as offices for an electrical contractor. It’s now being transformed into a hairdressing salon by experienced hairdresser Gavin Taylor (36). “I like to challenge myself, but this is the biggest challenge I’ve ever put myself through” he said. Gavin, who lives in Anstey with his wife Jane, originally worked for Toni & Guy and for the last seven years has been a mobile hairdresser. The Fowke Street building has been taken back to floorboards and bare brick before redecoration and a refit. With an opening planned for mid-November, the work has been non-stop says Gavin. “Lots of amazing friends and family

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have been helping out to make sure we get everything finished” he said. “So many people in Rothley have been really friendly and helpful, offering advice”. He added: “It will be a concept sa-

lon, I want to get rid of that clinical aspect and have a warm, inviting and social space. And I am absolutely confident in our ability to deliver fantastic quality hair cuts.” Lights continued from page 1 6pm. Rothley school’s choir will be performing, all the shops will be open and there will be stalls, entertainment, a fun fair, food and drink and the chance to meet friends and support local charities. Spokesman Tim Jackson said: “The Rothley churches, shopkeepers, parish council and village organisations have again swung into action to organise the event. Everyone is looking forward to an amazing evening. “As well as the chance to bring the village together, the Rothley Lights event is also a great opportunity to remind everyone that Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus – the Light of the World.” If people need further information or would like to take part in any way, please contact Tim Jackson on 07720 458626 or Simon Payne-Mivshuk on 0116 2301550


NOV 2014


Rothley vineyard’s winning wine A ROTHLEY vineyard has won an award in a national wine competition at its first attempt. The Kingfishers’ Pool vineyard was started as a hobby by Liz Robson in 2008, in the garden of her Rothley home. In July, Liz retired from her full time position as principal lecturer in midwifery at De Montfort University to devote more time to the vineyard. The first sparkling wine, Sparkling Orion, has just won a silver medal at the English and Welsh wine competition in

Island travellers

Oxford in the white sparkling wine class. Liz said: “This is the first time we have entered wine into a national competition, and when I saw the results and the words “silver medal” I could scarcely believe my eyes! When I read the results in more detail I realised that very few of the sparkling wines were from the 2012 vintage, which had been the wettest summer on record and a number of prestigious vineyards had not taken a harvest at all. “When I scrutinised the figures further it slowly dawned on me that only three 2012 sparkling white wines had won a silver medal, ours, and the other two being Renishaw in Derbyshire, made by the same winemakers, and the renowned Camel Valley in Devon. To think that our small boutique vineyard was producing wine on a par with Camel Valley was astonishing and

TRAVELLERS HAVE set up camp on Red Hill island five times this year, with the last group evicted in October. Leicester City Council own the land and have to deal with clearing the site of rubbish after the travellers have been evicted. This has included several fridge freezers, bedding, toys, a pick-up truck, car seats and litter. The costs of the clean up and the hazard to motorists using the busy junction are causing concern to residents and councillors. Ann Marshall, the Chairman of Birstall Parish Council said: “Red Hill Island is not an acceptable place for travellers to be, it’s a very busy island with lots of traffic and, unless the City Council take some steps to stop them going on it, it will just continue. They need to install stakes or a railing, with a drop down post to allow access for the Police and paramedics.” A Leicester City Council spokesman said: “There are no plans to build any barricades at Red Hill roundabout. We haven’t any requests to do so and it would be expensive and complicated given that we need to ensure visibility for drivers is maintained, and that access remains possible to the various utilities based on the roundabout.” Each time travellers have camped on the site they have been moved on within two weeks, say the City Council. • a six pitch traveller site on Greengate Land and a 10 pitch site at Red Hill Way/Thurcaston Road are expected to be completed in March 2015.


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Pic: the winery at Kingfishers’ Pool vineyard

exceeded my retirement expectations.” The vineyard has won bronze medals in a regional competition and five of these wines, as well as Sparkling Orion, are currently for sale at David North’s delicatessen on Station Road, Rothley. Kingfishers’ Pool was visited by Ben Jackson from BBC Radio Leicester in September and he broadcast some of his show from the vineyard. www.rothleywine .com

Pic (below): Clive Vickers, winemaker, who produced the Sparkling Orion and is providing consultancy for Kingfishers’ Pool Vineyard. He is standing beside the Orion vines which won the silver medal.



NOV 2014

Memories of school inspired at exhibition AFTER 112 years on its present site, Rothley school will be moving to a new building in January 2015 and to mark the occasion a time capsule, capturing life at the school, has been sealed during a special assembly. Pupils, teachers and governors, along with village and church representatives, all placed items in the capsule. Designed to capture the essence of the school, both today and from the school’s past, the capsule included a whole range of different artefacts. These included letters from pupils in Year 5 to pupils of the future, a school report from a past pupil, Ofsted and National Curriculum documentation, school newsletters and reports, a school food menu, photographs, items of school uniform, building plans, key historical legal documents, local newspapers and items from each of the churches in the village along with the Parish Council. Everyone then witnessed John Barratt, a local cabinet maker, seal shut the English Oak capsule. It will be placed on view in the wall of the new school building on the site of Brookfield Farm, off Hallfields Lane. Mrs Fiona Parr, Head Teacher said: “This assembly was a piece of history in the making and will provide an abiding memory for the all the children and adults present. I am sure the contents of the time capsule will be fascinating to those who open it in years to come and will give a real insight into school life in 2014. Placed in the school foyer in the new school, it will provide a unique bridge connecting the rich and varied

Pic: Rothley school in 2014

history of the school over the past 112 years to the next exciting chapter in the life of the school in its new building.” The sealing of the time capsule accompanied an exhibition detailing the history of the school while on the

Pic: Lead Infants Teacher Miss Lilian Haywood and assistant Miss Morley in 1902

Mountsorrel Lane site. Terry Sheppard, local historian of the Rothley Heritage Trust and exhibition coordinator, said: “The interest in the exhibition has surpassed all our expectations and the memories shared and school friendships rekindled has been a privilege to capture. The contents of the time capsule will hopefully be a source of enjoyment and historical interest when it is opened many years from now.” Kate Croden, School Foundation Governor, past teacher at the school and joint co ordinator of the school exhibition, said: “The interest and memories of those who attended the exhibition –

many of whom have captured them in the Memories Book - has made the whole exhibition extremely worthwhile and added to the collective knowledge of the school. I hope the time capsule will generate a similar level of interest when it is eventually opened by a future generation.” The preparation and sealing of the time capsule was an integral part of an exhibition ‘From Foundations to Academy, 1902 – 2014’ held in Rothley Primary School. A spokesman said: “Throughout the past century the school has been an integral part of village life. Many thousands of children have benefitted from their formative education within the building - an experience which has

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Pic: visitors at the exhibition

sometimes spanned three generations within a family. Teachers, parents and governors have all, in so many different ways, added to the school’s rich heritage.” To mark this milestone - for present

Pic: the new school under construction

and past pupils and everyone who has been involved with the school at one time or another - and to capture the life, memories and spirit of the school, the exhibition ‘From Foundations to Academy, 1902 – 2014’ ran from 11 – 15 October 2014. The exhibition provided a final opportunity for parents, past pupils and everyone else who has an association with the school, to revisit, bring their memories and help capture and preserve the school history before the site is developed for new housing. Welcoming visitors to the exhibition, Fiona Parr said: “I’m amazed at how many people have come, each one has their own story and special memory of the school. Most do feel some sadness at the school being taken down but they understand now is the time for the next phase of education in the village.


Pic: The time capsule being sealed by John Barratt, local cabinet maker, watched by Head Teacher Fiona Parr and some of the pupils who placed items in the time capsule

“The new school will become a hub for the community and all the families in the new developments, who will be the future generations of Rothley.” Fiona has been headteacher at the school for nine years. “I feel very proud to be the head that is establishing the new school and will be taking the ethos from the old school to the new” she said. On December 23 at 2pm teachers and pupils will parade from the old school through the village to the new school off Hallfields Lane. Fiona said: “It will be a bridge from the old to the new and be a final goodbye for the children and the teachers.” Rothley School originated as a National School in 1837 in School Street and expanded in 1902 with a new classroom on Mountsorrel Lane. Two more classrooms were added in 1913 and the earth closets were converted to the water variety in 1928, all by local voluntary effort and provision. After the 1944 Education Act and the school adopting Church of England Controlled Status, Leicestershire County Council looked forward to the future which saw a big building scheme in 1966. Five class-

rooms, a hall, a kitchen and additional playing field were added on the Mountsorrel Lane site. A new ‘Early Years’ Foundation suite was added in 1989, a further classroom in 2001 and a double mobile classroom set in the school grounds completed in 2009. “Even with all this development the

One visitor to the exhibition was Victoria Pilbeam, a pupil in 1988. She said: “I feel a bit sad but I have good memories of the school. Coming back today not a lot has changed but it seems smaller than I remember it. It was a happy school, the teachers were nice and encouraging.” Two 71 year old visitors met up for the first time since being pupils at the school, and took the time to examine photos of themselves standing side by side in the school football team. “It is rather strange to meet up like this today”

Pic: Roy Stokes

Pics: (above) Peter Benford & Raymond Garner are pictured below in the 1953 Under 11s League Champions football team

school is bursting at the seams. Everyone is looking forward to the coming move in January 2015 to extensive new facilities on the site of the old Brookfield farm” said a spokesman.

NOV 2014

said Peter Benford and Raymond Garner. Raymond remembers making the tea for the teachers every day in the cloakroom. “I had a very happy time here” he said. One of the oldest visitors at the exhibition was former Bevin Boy Roy Stokes, 89. He remembers playing cricket and football at the school. “I can remember five of the teachers, one used to call us all the names under the sun including guttersnipe” he said.


Pic: an extract from the June 1954 school log book

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NOV 2014

Success for side saddle rider from Rothley A 21 year old from Rothley is celebrating after becoming British champion at side saddle riding. Chloe Gunn has been riding since the age of six but only took to side saddle

riding two years ago. In August she competed in the Royal London Show riding her horse Bertie and became British champion, beating many more experienced riders. Earlier in the summer she secured Adult intermediate rider of the year at the Side Saddle Nationals. Last year Chloe won the Novice rider of the year in her first year of

side saddle riding and is the first rider to win both titles in two consecutive years. Chloe said: “After only competing in the side saddle for two years I definitely did not expect to achieve the results we have. To achieve multiple ride of the year awards in consecutive years was just unbelievable and I cried with happiness. I was elated to find that I had broken a side saddle record achieving these results. To go on to win the champion of Britain award in the same year was just unexplainable, beating ladies with several years more experience.” She added: “I thoroughly enjoy riding side saddle as it is an ancient elegant art of riding which can set you aside from everybody else. I like the history that comes with it and the extra skills it gives me as a rider.” Pics: Chloe Gunn riding her horse Bertie

Chloe is studying at the Royal Agricultural University in Cirencester and is starting her third year. She went to Wreake Valley College and then to Our Ladies Convent in Loughborough for her A levels. After university Chloe would like to work for the British Equestrian Federation and says her ideal role would be in their world class performance team. She is also interested in job opportunities in the equine research and nutrition sector relating to her equine science degree. Chloe says she has achieved more than she ever dreamed she would and she keeps setting her targets higher. Her target for next year will be to compete for the ‘Open Side Saddle Rider of the Year’ and also compete on the leaping ladies high jump challenge. She is now sponsored by Supreme Products.

Talent search A NEW Leicestershire web TV platform is inviting local bands and songwriters to send them videos. A spokesman for leics.tv said “This is the place to get discovered, shared and supported. The most watched videos within each music category will get the highest exposure on the leics.tv site-grabbing the attention of local and national music media and promoters. So whatever your place in the local music scene, you’ll be able to get your video seen and make all the right contacts in a way you can’t do on YouTube or Vimeo. “The best providers of content will be given their own dedicated channels on leics.tv to add new content in the future. All content must be sent along with a form confirming that you have the rights to publicly show the videos. You can also send us information about yourselves that we can publish along with links to take viewers to your own websites. Each video should be no longer than four minutes.” Contact: contact@leics.tv for information on how to upload your content.


NOV 2014


Dog bite Rothley tennis goes bright blue incident POLICE HAVE released an image of a man they would like to speak to in connection with a dog bite incident in Swithland. The incident happened at around 6pm on Saturday October 4 at Swithland Wood South in Roecliffe Road. The 4-year-old victim was walking in the woods with his parents when they were approached by a man who had two Rottweiler dogs off their leads and a third grey dog off its lead. The grey dog jumped up at the child pushing him to the ground and he was later treated at the Loughborough walk-in centre for a puncture wound to his back. PC 4664 Jenna Bowen, the investigating officer, said: “We would ask anyone who recognises the man or indeed the man himself to please contact police. We appreciate it is not a clear image but still hope that someone will be able to help identify him. “If there is anyone who witnessed this incident or has any information which may assist our investigation, please get in touch.” Anyone with information is asked to contact the relevant officer on 101, follow the instructions to leave a message for the officer and when prompted key in the officer’s identification number. Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers, which is free and anonymous on 0800 555 111.

ROTHLEY IVANHOE Tennis club opened their refurbished courts with a well attended open day featuring coaching from former Davis Cup Players Danny Sapsford and Luke Milligan. Sessions were held for juniors at different age groups and for adults who were both beginners and regular players. The day was topped off by the official opening by funding partners and by an exhibition match with Luke and Danny joining the club’s finalists Jason Hewing and Andre Poirritt in an entertaining game of doubles. The club has been working for two years on delivering its vision to create a safer and more welcoming environment in the winter as tennis is played all year and in extending and resurfacing two courts which have been painted a striking blue colour. “It was great to see so many people there of all ages participating in the tennis and watching” said Tom Lewis Club Chairman. “We have had some good open days but this really was the best and we enjoyed working with Luke and Danny from Bright Ideas on making it such a success. We raised over £800 on the day for the club.” Anne Mumford, who has been seeking funding for the developments, said

“We have had to work hard to get the partnership funding as lots of other clubs and sports are also trying to get funding too. We took the advice of Leicestershire and Rutland Sport that we should first develop a vision for our club and its facilities and get buy-in from all members and the parents of our juniors. Having done that we were well placed to get funding.” Funding partners were: BIFFA, Charnwood Borough Council, Harry Hames Trust, Lafarge TarPic: Danny Sapsford with a group of youngsters mac, Leicestershire and


Pic: Luke Milligan, Danny Saprsford, Sophie Glover (BIFFA), Percy Hartshorne (Chairman Rothley Parish Council), Annette Kendrick (Leicestershire and Rutland Sport). In front: Tom Lewis, Club Chairman

Rutland Legacy Fund, Tennis Leicestershire as well as many contributions from members and local sponsors. The next step is to gain funding for the floodlights for the two resurfaced courts. See: www.rothleytennis.info

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NOV 2014

YOUR SAY... Noticeboard all details printed free

(admission to the Church £1 accompanied children free) and

at Bishop Ellis Primary School, Thurmaston 29th November 2pm til 430pm Come see Santa and his very special helper, Fireman Sam Lots of opportunities for Christmas shopping, Raffle and Tombolas. If interested in having a stall please contact orme.andrea@yahoo.co.uk.

Christmas Market

Rothley Bowling Club

Birstall Methodist Church Friday 28th November 10am 7pm Sat 29th November 10am - 2pm

Christmas Festival

The Rothley Post welcomes your views and opinions on any subject. Letters, which must include your name and address, (though not necessarily for publication) can be posted to: The Birstall Post, Longslade College, Wanlip Lane, Birstall, Leicester LE4 4GH, or handed in at Rothley library, Rothley Post Office, Woodgate or email: editor@birstallpost.co.uk

No more homes At the public meeting on Tuesday Sep 16 in The Rothley Centre it was a clear message to David Wilson Homes that they are not welcome. We do not want any more houses. We have over 1000 houses built already and there are currently over 400 plus being built with the possibility of a further 2000 at Wanlip (soon to be known as "North Birstall") because of its association with the sewage works I understand... We have lost so much valuable land that is/was growing crops for our food and once its gone, it’s gone! We have serious flooding problems in and around the village and the more our natural drainage is concreted over, we will see more and more flooding: it does not take a scientist to realise that! Geoff Allen

Parking For over 10 years now, like many others most of who live outside Rothley, we attend a Tea Dance at the Rothley Centre. This event has been running for far longer and like all other functions at this centre the hirers have to pay for the hall. It has become increasingly difficult to find a parking space – the allocated area for hall users, stated on notices seem to be un-noticed by many or not relevant. On one occasion recently the hall was being used by only 16 people who between them had seven cars, three of these cars could not park on the whole car parking area, having to find road parking elsewhere in the village, some of which was limited to one hour, thus the owners of these cars had to move the vehicles during the dance. Yes, this is a public car park but NOT ALL of the area is! Some of the hirers have some heavy equipment and should have easy access to the hall. Perhaps the answer is clearer markings of the area reserved for hall users and a little more consideration by other users. Name & address supplied

Christmas Fair

Gifts,decorations,& crafts, homemade cakes & preserves, raffle & tombola Table Tops in the hall on Saturday (Tables @ £10 -contact 0116 2671181) Coffee Shop open throughout the event Light Lunches served 12 - 1.30pm Highcliffe Amateur Theatrical Society hatsbirstall1@hotmail.co.uk Presents

Cinderella Two: The Sisters Strike Back By Andrew Yates Thurs 27th, Friday 28th & Sat 29th November 7.15pm, Sat Matinee 2.30pm At Highcliffe Primary School Greengate Lane Birstall Tickets £6 adult, £5 conc, avail now tel 0116 2209594 or 0116 2128757 or email hatsbirstall1@hotmail.co.uk Our nominated charity for the raffle proceeds will be donated to Coping With Cancer. Don't Delay Book Your Tickets Today!

Autumn Fayre Saturday 15 November 2014 10am – 12 noon at Rothley Centre Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley Admission 50p including tea/coffee. Craft items, homemade goods, jams, pickles, cakes, etc. books, bric-a-brac, bottle tombola; raffle, refreshments. Everyone Welcome Please Come & Give Us Your Support

St James Gospel Choir Do you want to join a choir where there are no auditions, sing Christian and popular songs, and make lasting friendships? Then come along to our next practise on Friday 14th November 2014, St James Church, Church Hill, Birstall at 7:30pm.

Holistic Charity Day, The Wheatsheaf pub, Thurcaston Sunday 30th November.

11.00- 4.00. In aid of Cancer research. A holistic therapy day in which we do mini treatments such as Indian head massage, reiki & reflexology, also we have cake, jewellery & greetings cards stalls & much more.

Christmas Vintage Tea Party & Handmade Craft Fair Birstall Methodist Church Saturday 15th November from 10am-2pm Vintage tea party including festive treats and bakes. Gifts and Decorations perfect for Christmas including handcrafted quality wooden and glass decorations, textile wear and home deco and paper illustrations and gift cards. Vintage clothing, accessories, jewellery and shabby chic deco. Contact info williams.fayealicia@gmail.com 07811069007

Messy Church Methodist Hall ,Howe Lane, Rothley Every 4th Saturday of each month at 3-5pm Lots of fun games,crafts,and a meal Donations given Every one welcome of all ages Contact Sue Wainwright 07585557548 Friday 28 November 10am-7pm Sat. 29 November 10am-7pm at Birstall Methodist Church

Christmas Festival Theme "Christmas Traditions" decorated trees, displays, models, arrangements, Santa's Grotto & Post Box admission to the Church - £1.00 accompanied children free Christmas Market gifts, decorations, crafts, home-made cakes & preserves, hot-dogs, pancakes, raffle, tombola Table Tops in the hall on Saturday Coffee Shop open throughout the event Light Lunches served 12.002.00pm Charity Donation: "Friends of Chernobyl's Children West Leicestershire" The next in the series of

Charity Whist Drives organised by Derek Farr will be held at 7.30 p.m in the Rothley Centre, Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley on Thursdays 6th November, 4th December (Christmas Drive) 8th January. Admission £2.00 All players welcome


Charnwood Branch Of Cancer Research Uk

Christmas Crackers Saturday 29th November 2014, 7.30p.m. Rothley Centre, Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley LE7 7PR Join us for an evening of light entertainment including music from the ‘rat pack’ by Jonathan Tickets £10 to include a light supper and a welcoming drink of mulled wine. Contact number for tickets or further information Jan 0116 2674746 or Brenda 0116 2302766

Leicester Symphony Orchestra DMH Saturday 15 November 19.30 Conductor John Andrews Piano Katya Apekisheva 'On the Eve of War' Butterworth A Shropshire Lad Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No.2 Vaughan Williams Symphony No.2 ('London') A century since the beginning of the First World War the orchestra performs works by composers influenced by the conflict. 6.30pm FREE pre-concert talk: "Music in the Great War" by local historian & teacher Richard Gill Tickets £11 £15 £18 Concessions 18 & Under All tickets £5.00 Seniors 10% discount Students 50% discount Leisure Pass 20% discount

Film Presentations From Thurcaston & Cropston Parish Council “The Monuments Men” Friday November 14 (118 mins) Based on a true story, a World War ll platoon begins the task of recovering stolen masterpieces from the hands of Nazi Germany. Claire, played by Cate Blanchett, is risking her life by noting down every piece of art work that is being taken. This allows the Monuments Men, one of whom is played by Hugh Bonneville of "Downton" to go in after D-Day to try to locate art as it is being spirited away. This film blends excitement with comedy. "About Time" Friday December 12 (124 mins) Directed by Richard Curtis, this wonderful British comedy drama stars Bill Nighy and Domhnall Gleeson who features in "Anna Karenina". Tim discovers that he has a new gift which enables him to travel in time. With this special ability, Tim tries to change his past in order to improve his future. Do these unusual plans succeed? He has an eccentric family and friends who all help to give this film both warmth and humour.

“Nabraska" will be shown on Friday January 9, 2015 Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Council will be showing these films at Thurcaston Memorial Hall. Starting at 7.30pm, tickets cost £4.50 and concessions are £4. The price includes refreshments and a lucky prize draw. Advance tickets can be purchased via the parish office - 0116 236 7626 or at the door.

along and see if you will be inspired to try your hand at this wonderful and fulfilling hobby. Refreshments available at the interval. Demonstration to end at 9pm. Members £1; Guests £3. Free raffle. Ample parking and wheelchair access.

Pilbeam Academy of Dance

on a regular basis on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday nights The hall is ideally suited for birthday parties and other celebrations on most Saturday afternoons & evenings. Two smaller rooms are also usually available. For further details please contact either Gloria Longmire 0116 2375652 or email mountsorrel12310@btinternet.c om

Encore! Friday 5th Dec, 7pm & Saturday 6th Dec, 2pm Our Lady’s Convent School Main Hall. Gray Street Loughborough LE11 2DZ Adults £8 Concession £6 Tel: 07584 166838 Life Education Centres Leicestershire.

3rd Ladies Fashion Show Thursday 20th November 2014 at 7pm. Come and find something new for winter and Christmas! Tickets £5 to include tea/coffee Birstall Village Hall, Birstall Road, Birstall, Leicester. LE4 4HD Fashion Show clothing from popular high street fashion outletswith the opportunity to purchase. All cash and card payments accepted. For more details call 07976809127 or 07968862481.

The Baldwin Trust Narrow Boats for Community Action on Leicestershire Waterways Santa Cruises aboard the narrow boat ‘St Clare’ Every 45 mins from ‘The Hope & Anchor’ On Saturdays and Sundays starting Nov 15 until Sunday Dec 14 Starting at 10am until approx 4pm £5 per person (all classes) Children can meet Santa and his little helpers and have a cruise on his floating grotto All children will receive a present from Santa (up to age 12) Adults can have tea/coffee or hot choc with cream and marshmallows, mince pie or biscuits For larger groups booking is advisable as ‘St Clare’ can only carry 12 passengers per trip Call Peter on 07787757114 (bookings for Santa Trips only)

Birstall & District Art Society Tuesday November 11 at 7pm You are invited to join us at the Palmer Tompkinson Centre at Longslade College to watch well known professional artist Andrew Macara giving a demonstration in Oils entitled ‘Snow Scene with Sunshine and Shadows’. Come

Mountsorrel Methodist Church has a full size

Sports Hall for hire

The Latimer Players

‘Love & Mistletoe’ A play with a Christmas theme by Raymond Hopkins The Memorial Hall, Anstey Lane, Thurcaston Nov 27,28 & 29 Tickets: Christine Deavin 0116 2376855 Birstall & Wanlip NHW

Saturday Advice Shop Nov 15, 10am to 12noon Birstall Police Office, 10 Sibson Road (opposite Birstall Garden Centre) Speak in confidence to a local Police Officer

NOV 2014

The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy Brooke Studio, Syston Thursdays 5-6pm, 5-11 yrs; 6-7pm. 12-17 yrs; adult classes from 7-8pm Develop confidence, make new friends, learn dance skills, have a great time Voucher currently available for 3 free sessions 01664 569 738 nleics@helenogrady.co.uk

Coffee Shop Rothley Methodist, Howe Lane Every Tuesday morning, 1011.30am Come rain or shine Now open : Book exchange Everyone welcome Tea, coffee, biscuits, toasted tea cake Proceeds for the Methodist Church

A Musical Box of Surprises and Delights by Barry Collett Saturday November 22, 10.30am4.30pm The Old School Rooms, School St, Rothley The works of most great composers contain forgotten corners, unknown or overlooked pieces or uncharacteristic works, many of which shed new and unexpected light on the composers’ reputation The morning session will introduce many of these intriguing works The afternoon will take the oppo-



NOV 2014

site course, and look at brilliant and exciting music written by composers too readily written off as second rate, one work composers, or even totally forgotten composers who deserve a better fate Come and enjoy some unexpected and delicious musical surprises Barry Collett was director of Music at Rutland College, founded the Rutland Sinfonia in 1975, made 11 recordings both as conductor and pianist and is well-known for his recordings of lesser-known works by Elgar. He was awarded the ‘Elgar Medal’ in recognition of his work, research and performances of Elgar. Booking essential with £7 fee, includes refreshments Further information from Marion Vincent 0116 2375156 or vincent.mbe82@yahoo.co.uk Bookings to Brenda Sutherland, 4 North St, Rothley, Leicester LE7 7NN Cheques payable to Rothley Heritage Trust Please include name, address, phone no. and email (if applicable)

West Cross Lane plans approved PLANS FOR up to 130 new homes off West Cross Lane in Rothley have been given the go ahead by Charnwood. The plans, on the boundary with Mountsorrel, were considered by the Borough Council’s planning committee in September. It voted to recommend development and reduce the amount of affordable housing from 30% to 15%. A decision notice has not been published while the details of the section 106 developer contributions are negotiated. The reduction in the amount of affordable housing, a move supported by the developer Charles Church, will result in a considerable increase in the size of the 106 contributions. The West Cross Lane Fields Residents Action Group campaigned against the proposals and presented a detailed objection to the planning department at Charnwood. Spokesman Andy Worby said: “We’re

Rothley Parish Church

Christmas Services 2014 Sunday December 21: 10.30am Morning Family Service including Sunday School Nativity Play: God’s Promise to Mary 6.30pm Carols by Candlelight: Jesus the Perfect Present (don’t forget your torch)

Christmas Eve: 4pm Christingle Service (suitable for younger children, gets crowded!) 11.15pm Christmas Eve Holy Communion: Jesus … better than we dreamed

Kingfishers’ Pool Rothley's own vineyard

Christmas Day 9am Holy Communion (following the Book of Common Prayer): The Radiance of God’s Glory 10.30am Christmas Morning Family Service: Jesus … unwrapping the perfect gift

clearly disappointed with the result. What concerns us most is that the plans committee paid almost no attention to the key issues around sustainability and the impact of the development on the local area. All the focus was on the Section 106 money coming from the developers and how to resolve the squabble between Rothley and Mountsorrel parish councils on who should get it. It’s a real concern that it’s come to this. “The council needs to change its approach and pay more attention to how the current pace of development is affecting the local communities, and not just think about how they’re going to balance their books using developer handouts.” Rothley Parish Council have submitted a bid for a £500,000 contribution towards a new Rothley Centre. Mountsorrel Parish Council has also requested contributions: £450,000 towards a new Memorial Hall, £400,000 towards sports facilities on Halstead Road and £200,000 to secure the future of Mountsorrel Library. The developers will be required to make a contribution of £460,405 for educational provision, and contributions to public transport, policing and the NHS to expand a local doctor’s surgery.


Rothley wines are available from local restaurants & David North’s delicatessen, 289 Station Road by the steam railway station bridge www.dominic-davidnorth.co.uk Discount vouchers for Rothley residents are available in the shop & by email, contact rothleywine@btinternet.com

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Parish Council notes A FULL meeting of Rothley Parish Council was held on September 15. A Swithland Lane resident expressed their disgust with the way that Charnwood’s planning committee had handled the West Cross Lane development and suggested a pressure group encompassing other villages affected by recent developments be formed to put pressure on Charnwood to stop further expansion. Comment was made that Rothley Parish Council had objected to developments, but Charnwood had a building target to meet that was set by Government. A resident commented on the proposed access to the planned development off Westfield Lane, suggesting it was unsafe. It was reported that a planning application for up to 130 dwellings on West Cross Lane in Rothley had been approved by Charnwood. Parish Councillors have met with developer David Wilson Homes, who plan to build 200 homes off Westfield Lane. The Parish Council objects to any further development in Rothley but understands that with no approved Core Strategy at Charnwood, and no five year supply of building land in the Borough, planning approval was likely. The Parish Council expressed concerns about the access route and the pressure development would put on community facilities. In view of potential section 106 developer contributions, the council agreed to renew planning permission for a new £1.4million Rothley Centre. A full meeting of Rothley Parish Council was held on October 20. A resident reported some damage to her father’s grave in Rothley cemetery which had occurred after the grass was cut. It was reported that planning enforcement officers from Charnwood Borough Council had undertaken a three hour walk around the Avalon development to look at issues requiring attention. A section of rail fencing has been replaced. It was reported that a new bus stop on North Street was not located at a suitable site due to the narrowness of the pavement. A blue plaque to commemorate the life of Rothley artist Robert Jackson Emerson (1878-1944) is to be placed upon the property at 25a North Street where he was born. It was reported that the County Council had completed its public consultation about the future of 36 village libraries, but needed more time to consider how its proposed model of supporting community led groups of volunteers to run the libraries would work. It was reported that the Parish


Council had put in a bid for Section 106 money associated with the West Cross Lane development. This would help pay for a new Rothley Centre. Charnwood Borough Council would be asked to retain the site of the existing centre as a car park, of if the building id demolished, a doctor’s surgery be provided. It was reported that a planning application for Westfield Lane was likely to be submitted before Christmas. The County Council have granted permission for the Parish Council to install plastic matting on the grass verge opposite the Bluebell pub on Town Green, to protect it. The matting is designed to allow grass to grow though it. Some posts will be erected on an area of grass verge near the junction of Hallfields Lane and Town Green Street to prevent vehicles parking on the grass. It was agreed to send a letter of thanks to Corts for the donation of some pansies. It was reported that 1500 daffodils have been planted on Bunney’s field. A FULL meeting of Thurcaston & Cropston Parish Council was held on August 21. PCSO Steve Quinn reported that there had been two burglaries in Wallis Close, both had money taken from properties that were insecure. It was reported that the hedge adjoining the horse field on Leicester Road had finally been cut after the County Council wrote to the landowner. The council agreed to object in principle to the planning application for 50 homes off Mill Road (Thurcaston Park). A full meeting of Thurcaston & Cropston Parish Council was held on September 18. The Council approved its detailed letter of objection to the Thurcaston Park development, and the objection from the Neighbourhood Planning working party.

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NOV 2014 11

50 new homes at Thurcaston Park PLANS FOR up to 50 new homes in Thurcaston are expected to be determined at a meeting of Charnwood Borough Council’s planning committee on December 4. The Thurcaston Park plans, which have attracted widespread opposition, would see a 7.98 hectare site off Mill Lane developed into new homes, a community centre and a park. Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Council have submitted a detailed objection to the plans, saying the development is not sustainable, the proposal is opportunistic and not linked to local needs, the access is unsuitable, the land

The next issue of

THE ROTHLEY POST will be published on Jan 12. The copy deadline is Dec 12.



is liable to flood, it would erode areas of village separation and increase traffic. If planning approval is given, the Parish Council has indicated what the section 106 developer contributions should be allocated for. These include: • traffic calming measures • retail outlets • 50 per cent of the site should be parkland • improvements to the school • a fully equipped community centre

• improvements to footpaths/bridleways • an allotment site and tennis courts The Thurcaston Action Group and the Parish Council working party that is drawing up a Neighbourhood Development Plan have also submitted objections to the planning application. Details of the plans and the objections can be viewed on the planning pages of Charnwood’s website. Planning reference number P/14/1308/2

Care home’s summer fete A ROTHLEY care home held a summer fete in September. The Cedar House Care Home on Station Road welcomed visitors who were eager to visit the stalls to snap up bargains from the bric a brac to cakes. Other stalls were also very busy, including the books and the craft stalls. There was a tombola, raffle, games for children, a BBQ and cream teas. “All was going really well. And then the rain began” said activities coordinator Sally Renshaw. “However it did not last and the rain did not stop the fun or dampen the enthusiasm of those attending. We thought it would be a good day, but had not realised just how good, despite the weather. “We raised just over £550 minus expenses. It is a fabulous result and we are very grateful to people local and beyond for their very generous support. A big thank you to everyone who contributed in any way to helping make the summer fete 2014 such a wonderful and successful day for the care home.”



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NOV 2014

What, no panto? Parish prepares INSTEAD OF the usual pantomime, The Latimer Players in Thurcaston will be performing a play with a Christmas theme this November. In May this year The Latimer Players had a complete sell out when they performed a Raymond Hopkins play and, following on the strength of that, they have again decided to perform another of his plays entitled ‘Love and Mistletoe. As with all stage productions, the author receives royalties but unusually, Raymond Hopkins donates all his royalty fees to Multiple Sclerosis Research. The Latimer Players were pleased to welcome Raymond to their Saturday night performance and to present him with an additional cheque towards MS Research. Love and Mistletoe will be performed

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Pic: cast members rehearsing

in the Memorial Hall, Thurcaston on November 27, 28 and 29 November. The action of the play takes place over Christmas at the home of Sue and Tom Millard. Sue’s father, Brian, has been invited to spend a happy festive season with them. However, all is not as idyllic as it might at first appear. After twenty five years of marriage the couple are going through a bad patch. Unbeknown to Brian, who is a widower, Sue has invited three ladies round with the intention of finding him a partner. To add to the mayhem, one of Sue’s school friends arrives asking if she can stay for a couple of days after the breakdown of her marriage. “The twists and turns, the intrigues and misunderstandings all add up to a hilarious evening’s entertainment” said a spokesperson. Tickets are available from Christine Deavin Tel: 0116 2376855

Neighbourhood Plan

THURCASTON & Cropston Neighbourhood Plan Working Party held two public drop-in events as part of the process to produce a Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish. “The events organised by the Rural Community Council were to encourage parishioners to help plan the future development of the Parish. They were invited to let us know what they like about Thurcaston & Cropston, what they dislike about Thurcaston & Cropston and would they would like to see improved” said a spokesman. The first event was held in the Cropston Evangelical Free Church on Friday September 19 between 3 and 7pm. 61 people attended. The second event, held the following Friday at the Thurcaston Memorial Hall attracted 72 adults and some younger members of the community. The same display, which covered employment and business, environment, flooding, green spaces, history & heritage, housing need and traffic and transport, was used at both venues. As a result of these two events, 35 individuals asked to be kept ‘updated’ on the progress of the Neighbourhood Development Plan and 18 have said that they would like to be part of the themed groups who will report back to the working party. These individuals were all

entered into a prize draw, Elaine Pole of Cropston won a meal for two at the Bradgate Arms, Cropston and Penny Waterfield of Thurcaston won a meal for two at the Wheatsheaf, Thurcaston.

The themed groups will be ‘Heritage & Conservation’, ‘Open Spaces & Environment’, ‘Housing’, ‘Recreation, Facilities & Services’, ‘Traffic & Transport’ and ‘Business & Economy’. Anyone wanting to find out more about the Neighbourhood Development Plan or wants to be a part of the themed groups should contact the Parish Clerk, Marianne Lane on 0116 2367626

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Pic: residents and staff at Babington Court

Babington Court birthday RESIDENTS CELEBRATED the 40th anniversary of Babington Court, Rothley, in style. Cake, food and music were the order of the day for tenants as they marked the sheltered housing complex’s birthday with a party. Babington Court was officially opened on October 8, 1974, by The Rt Hon the Earl of Lanesborough. The court is named after a former landowner from Rothley. Councillor Jane Hunt, Cabinet Member for Housing and Regulatory Services, said: “It is wonderful that the residents celebrated this special day at Babington Court. It sounds like everyone had a great time and enjoyed the party atmosphere.” Babington Court currently has 26 residents. Mrs Bessie Grinrod has lived there for 14 years, longer than anyone else. She is also the oldest resident there and just two years away from her 100th birthday. She said: “I enjoyed every minute of the party, and every mouthful. Happy birthday Babington Court, from all your residents and let’s hope there are many more years to come.”


Monday History club news society MONDAY SEPTEMBER 8 proved to be one of those joyously brilliant sunny days we sometimes get in this month of the year, which helped Members to come along for our 11th Harvest Bring and Buy. The Harvest table was ably filled with assorted vegetables, salads, fruit, apples galore, home-made jams and marmalades, tinned soups and tempting cakes. All the produce was purchased, resulting in a very satisfying sum of £87. Following the Sales Table, a very informative talk was given by Mrs Sue Foreman on her work with the “Phoenix Trading Company” making, demonstrating and selling Cards to all kinds of groups. Sue decided to join this Company to aid fund-raising for the Joe Humphries Memorial Trust. Sue and her family were friends of the Humphries family and she wanted to give her support. Joe Humphries was 14 and was a very fit 6’3” athletic young man, known as the “Gentle Giant”. He died unexpectedly when out jogging around Rothley and only a short distance away from his home. Several local people went to his aid but to no avail, as Joe had died from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, SAD. The Memorial Trust was set up by Joe’s father Steve Humphries, who was previously a Leicester City Goalkeeper, in Memory of his Son to raise awareness and support for other children with this condition. Currently the Trust is working with The East Midlands Ambulance Service to promote life-saving Courses. We were pleased to hear that Sue was able to fundraise £50 from the sale of her cards to our Members. With our customary refreshments, in celebration of Birthdays for Sue Wakerley and Maja Tompkins, we enjoyed luscious cakes and a large tin of Chocolates. Our October meeting revealed hidden talent in so far as card-making and decoration was concerned. After our speaker Mrs Jackie Partner had demonstrated her secrets as to creating Birthday, Christmas and Greeting Cards of all varieties, some of which were incredibly difficult to achieve, the membership was set to create their own cards. Silence prevailed as concentration took the place of the usual chatter. Bits and pieces of old cards were provided with which new images could be formed on new sheets of different coloured card. Nearing the end of the period of concentrated creation, Jackie went round and inspected the efforts and was very delighted to find the remarkable talent displayed. A considerable number of butterflies were used to beautify many of the various Birthday and Greetings cards. One creation which caught Jackie’s eye used a pretty little doyley picked out with stars, suitable for all occasions including Christmas. Dry mouths then welcomed the necessary cup of tea, together with a variety of cakes in celebration of a birthday. Our next meeting will be graced with the presence of Mr Mike Leonard, with

OUR MEETING on October 21, 2014 began with some promotional notices. These included the re-launch of the Charnwood Roots Project on Saturday 1st November at Leicester University; a reminder of the availability of the recent publication, “The Home Front”, by Brenda Hooper (about the parish of Thurcaston with Cropston during both World Wars); and an invitation to potential volunteers from Thurcaston and Cropston to participate in field-walking – for further information, please contact Peter Smith on 0116 2367365. Our eagerly anticipated speaker was Ernest Miller, who proceeded to give a beautifully illustrated and fascinating account of the origins and history of Stoneywell Cottage at Ulverscroft, which takes its name from the Stoney Well situated nearby. The cottage is a unique example of the Arts and Crafts style of design and architecture, built by the architect, Ernest Gimson (1864 – 1919),

WI news THE SPEAKER for the October meeting had to cancel at short notice and instead we welcomed Gail Woolascroft of “W.I. Home Economist Department” for our evening to give a talk and demonstration. Gail chose to demonstrate the desserts which were easy to assemble. Firstly “Waffleberry Pudding”, followed by a “Strawberry Charlotte” and finally a “Lemon & Lime Ginger Cheesecake”. At coffee break we were all invited to sample them. All desserts were enthusiastically appreciated by her audience. Our thanks go to Gail for putting on an excellent demonstration. Our next meeting will be the AGM followed by “Thurcaston & Cropston Handbell Ringers” at the Memorial Hall, Anstey Lane, Thurcaston at 7.30pm on Thursday November 6. From Thurcaston & Cropston W.I.

a very amusing talk on “An irreverent approach to Political Correctness!” This will take place on Monday, November 10, in the Cropston Evangelical Chapel, Station Road, Cropston. at 2 for 2.15pm. For further information, please contact me on 0116 2363467: I shall be very pleased to hear from you. PS Will Ms Gillian Taylor (or Tyler) please phone me again regarding the information she requires about a Speaker. My e-mail apparently, did not get through. From Ann Farndon, The Monday Club, Anstey, Cropston, Thurcaston & Rothley

a devotee of the genre and who became one of the most influential designers and teachers of his generation. The cottage is a recent acquisition of the National Trust, having been purchased from the last family member to live there, Don Gimson. During the week-end of 8th and 9th November the History Society will have displays in All Saints’ Church in commemoration of local people who fought in both World Wars. The church will be open from 10am to 4pm on Sat 8 and from 12pm to 4pm on Sun 9 (following the 10am Remembrance Service and

NOV 2014 13

11am Act of Remembrance). All are welcome to attend – tea & coffee will be served. Our final meeting for the year will be on Tuesday November 18, beginning with a brief AGM then followed by a return visit from Gareth King, who will entertain us with a presentation in his inimitable style, entitled “Life, Death & Fashion in Anglo-Saxon England”. There will be seasonal refreshments and mulled wine. Time: 7.30pm. Venue: Harrison Room, All Saints’ Church. From Thurcaston and Cropston Local History Society

Scouts’ bronze award FOUR LOCAL scouts from the Rothley and Mountsorrel area have received their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award. Our picture shows Daniel Bowler, Benjamin Hutchings, Ashleigh Eddy and Georgia Ward with Chief Constable of Leicestershire, Simon Cole and Leicestershire County Commissioner for Scouts, Carol Black Chief Constable Simon Cole presented

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the awards at a ceremony at the Scout Headquarters in Leicester Forest East. The Chief Constable, who is Vice President of Leicestershire Scouts, said: “I was delighted to see so many young people achieving such great successes and I felt honoured to be included in their celebrations.”

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is still required if you are selling or renting out your house. Call David Jackson on 0781 5519490 to arrange your EPC


NOV 2014

New heritage centre project moves closer A £600,000 Heritage Centre in Rothley has been given the go-ahead by planners at Charnwood. The Mountsorrel and Rothley Community Heritage Centre, has now received planning permission to go ahead with its ambitious project to build a heritage centre at Swithland Lane on the boundary of the two parishes. With finance and planning permission in place the hunt is already underway for suitable contractors to undertake the majority of the work. The volunteer led Mountsorrel Railway Project are behind the plans. The Heritage Centre will be constructed alongside the restored Mountsorrel Railway at Nunckley Hill, close to the Halstead Road junction and will be operated by an independent, not for profit company run by the community for the community. The aim is for the heritage centre and other attractions on the site to be free for the public to visit with a tea room generating income to allow the site to operate. The plan involves the rescue, relocation and restoration of three old granite stone buildings, all of which have local

importance and their own history, but are either in a poor state of repair or at risk of being lost. These will be relocated to Nunckley Hill to form the core of the heritage centre and tea room. The scheme has been made possible thanks to Lafarge Tarmac who are pro-

viding the land required for the project, materials at prime cost, as well as a grant of £540,000 through their Landfill Tax Credits scheme. The remaining match funding has been provided by public donations and grants from the Rothley History Society, Friends of the Great Central Main Line, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Harry Hames Cottage Charity, the Helen Jean Cope Charity and the Edward Cadbury Charitable Trust. The heritage centre will tell the inter-

esting and varied story of both Mountsorrel and Rothley’s history, which includes connections to the abolition of the slavery movement, the Knights Templar and a castle built by a nephew of William the Conqueror! As well as the heritage centre and tea room, the scheme also includes car parking, a half mile long “Nunckley Trail” nature path through woodland, created by volunteers over the past 18 months, a railway platform to allow visitors to ride heritage steam and diesel trains, which the Great Central Railway will run along the branch line starting next year. There will also be a quarry museum area providing a static recreation of how granite quarrying took place in Mountsorrel at the end of the 19th century. This involves the creation of replica stone built stone masons huts and railway sidings for shunting demonstrations. A future addition will be a railway museum building housing historic railway vehicles that once worked at Mountsorrel quarry and an exhibition room to tell the story of the geology of Charnwood Forest as well as the history of quarrying at Mountsorrel. Funding is still required for these two buildings but the

Location of Heritage Ctr

planning permission includes their construction. To comply with funding conditions the work is scheduled to be completed by mid-summer 2015. To keep costs

The next issue of

THE ROTHLEY POST will be published on Jan 12. The copy deadline is Dec 12.

Scouts’ top award FOUR SCOUTS from the 1st Rothley Scout Group were presented with their Chief Scout Gold Award at a ceremony in Rothley Parish church. Our picture shows (l-r): Sam Quibell (14), Ciaran Conlon (13), Dick Smith (Scout Leader), Ian Merry (Assistant County Commissioner), William Hutchings (13) and James Pilbeam (13). The Gold Award is the highest award that a scout can achieve. Each scout has to earn eight challenge badges before they can receive the award. This includes an expedition, a presentation on global issues and community work.

down, however, a substantial portion of the work will be carried out by community volunteers and several local companies have come on board to offer their advice, services and skills free of charge to help the project succeed. These include Lafarge Tarmac, Edward Hands & Lewis Solicitors, Ask Accounting, Languard Vegetation Management, Palmer Smith Tax Services, D & d Building Services Consulting Engineers, Kibworth Tax Services. The Rothley History Society, Mountsorrel Heritage Group and Rothley Heritage Trust are all working closely with the project also. Project Leader Steve Cramp said: “We have been overwhelmed by the response of local businesses and individuals to our project, which continues to develop as more people hear what we are doing and have achieved. To reconstruct the branch line, from Bond Lane, Mountsorrel to Swithland sidings on the Great Central Railway, took us six years and was a tremendous achievement. The heritage centre is an equally ambitious project. We are very grateful to Lafarge Tarmac’s Landfill Community Fund for providing the majority of the funding for the scheme and also to the public and other charities and organisations that helped us to raise the £56,000 match funding required to release the landfill grant. The next 9 months are certainly going to be an exciting and busy time for our volunteers. We need more help so if you would like to volunteer and get involved, whether it be with physical work or with the many administration and planning tasks, please get in touch”. For further information: www.heritage-centre.co.uk. Or to volunteer, email project leader Steve Cramp at: steve@mountsorrelrailway.org.uk If you would like to donate to the Exhibition and Museum Building fund then send cheques made payable to “DCRT” (David Clarke Railway Trust) to 112 Balmoral Road, Mountsorrel, Leicestershire LE12 7EW (Please write ‘Heritage Centre’ on the reverse of cheques.)

Lions’ 10K race THE ORGANISER of the Rothley 10K road race in June is the Rothley and Soar Valley Lions club, and not Chris WeikertPicker from LOROS as reported in the September issue. The race has been organised by the Lions club for the last 29 years. Mr Weikert-Picker’s role was to organise the volunteers from LOROS to help on the day with both the Joe Humphries pre-race and the 10K road race. As the race has become increasingly successful, currently attracting more than 550 runners each year, Lions have sought help from specialist company, Mattioli Woods, to take full advantage of modern technology for race registration and timings. Lions have agreed that the race should be known as the Mattioli Woods Rothley and Soar Valley Lions 10K Road Race to reflect this partnership.


Record breaking annual show THE THURCASTON and Cropston Gardening Club held its 31st Annual Show at the Richard Hill Primary School for a second successful year. New records were set for exhibitors in both the adult and junior classes with exhibits up to their usual high standards. The flower section, in particular, saw a record number of entries. The Sedgwick Cup, presented to the exhibitor gaining the highest overall points in the Show, went to Paul Stubbs. Paul also won the Silver Jubilee Vase for the plant and vegetable class. Phil Dews retained the Challenge Trophy for the highest number of points by a Garden Club member. He also retained the trophy for the most points in the vegetable and fruit sections. Other double trophies were won by Alison Briggs, June Sharpe and Marjorie Kirk. Marjorie won the Orton Cup for the Best Exhibit in Show with a wonderful floral art entry in the ‘Simplicity’ class. Garden Club member Lesley Day was the winner of the Delia Brock Trophy for the exhibitor who has never won a Club trophy before. A new name also appeared on the Junior Cup (most

Rothley history society OUR SEPTEMBER meeting attracted a good number of members, and a lot of visitors, to hear the talk by David Lyne, secretary of Leicester Industrial Heritage Society, who talked about the Leicester to Swannington Railway, and included information about the opening of part of Glenfield Tunnel, one of the Society’s more recent projects. Our AGM takes place on Wednesday November 19, when the new committee for the following year, will be elected. It is with sadness that we say farewell to Val Wadge, (who has made sure we have had refreshments at our meetings for several years), as she is not going to stand for re-election this year, so we are certainly looking for at least one new committee member. Following the short business meeting, we are looking forward to hearing what Jane Barnes has to share with us about the life of a farmer’s wife, and their supply of milk for making Stilton Cheese. There will be samples of the cheese and also a glass of wine to compliment its flavour! Our final meeting for 2014 will be held on Wednesday December 17, when the speaker will be Dr. John Sutton, talking about the 1912 Christmas Truce. Meetings are held at The Rothley Centre, Mountsorrel Lane, Rothley at 7.30pm. Admission is £3 for visitors and £2 for members. Visitors are always welcome! From Rothley History Society

NOV 2014 15

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Pic: Lesley Day receives the Delia Brock trophy from Cllr David Snartt

Pic: Alison Briggs displaying her prize winning pumpkin

points by a junior in the adult classes). Well done to James Bennett. Councillor David Snartt who has supported the Show for many years, was again on hand to present the trophies. Many thanks to David for finding time in his busy schedule. Finally, thanks to all exhibitors and visitors for supporting the Show again this year and making it such an enjoyable day. Thanks also to the team of volunteers who put so much work in before, during and after the Show. Autumn meetings of the Gardening Club in the Memorial Hall Wed 12th November, 7.45 pm – Growing Chrysanthemums – Peter White A master-class from a multi award winning grower. Wed 10th December, 7.45 pm – Social Evening and Quiz Night Mulled wine, nibbles and a faith supper. Please bring your own tipple and a contribution for the buffet table. With a light hearted quiz or two.

BIRSTALL’S CHRISTMAS lights switch on and Christmas Market will take place this year on Friday December 5 at the Sibson Road car park.

Pic: The Sedgwick Cup being presented to Paul Stubbs (left) by Cllr David Snartt New members always welcome For more information of any of these events call Dave Haddon on (0116) 235 9758 From Thurcaston & Cropston Gardening Club

Soar Valley artists OUR PICTURES show some of the paintings at an exhibition staged by the Soar Valley Artists at the Rothley Centre in October. Spokesman John Beckett said: “The exhibition is a challenge and something for the members to work towards, we all come together to take part in running the exhibition.” The Soar Valley Artists have a selection of their paintings on show in Glenfield hospital for the enjoyment of visitors and patients. Sales have generated £2500 over the last three years, to help pay for hospital equipment.

Birstall Christmas lights Organised by Birstall Parish Council, last year’s event attracted a record breaking crowd. This year attractions will once include carol singing, fairground rides, hot potatoes and roasted chestnuts and a Christmas market in the village hall from 3.30pm. The main event in the Sibson Road car park starts at 5.30pm. Visitors can enjoy a free mince pie and mulled wine in the Age Concern Day Centre in the Village Hall from 6.30pm. Those wishing to book a stall at the market can contact Birstall Parish Council on 2676191 or download a form from www.birstallparishcouncil.org.uk.


NOV 2014

Small Ads Small ads are 25p for the first 16 words. 17-32 words: 50p. Enclosing payment, post your ad to us or hand it in (inside an envelope) at Rothley library or Rothley Post Office on Woodgate. Trade/business rates for small ads are 25p a word. You are liable for the trade/business rate if you are offering a service for which you are asking for payment, or if you are advertising new goods for sale. All text will be printed bold. Box outline £1 extra. Max 50

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Help for Heroes charity golf day A D-DAY landings theme was used for a fund-raising event held on Sunday 12 October at Rothley Park Golf Club.

President of the club. Her team of helpers included Robert and June Hallam, and Anna Wykes.”

40 golfers played in teams of 4 in a cross- country competition, and over 30 more members came to give their support and joined in the fun. Dress for the occasion included the Walking Wounded, Evacuees, GI’s, American Navy, WAF, Land girls, Home Guard and many more. The competition was played over an 8 hole course specially designed for the day. This meant teeing off on one hole and putting out on a different hole, having played over unmapped terrain designated as mine fields. (e.g. 1st tee to 2nd green, 3rd tee to 4th green etc). Tea and home-made cakes were served half way round at the NAAFI, courtesy of Tom and Leanne. Anyone taking longer than 3 hours to complete the competition was to be arrested as a POW.

Pic: (l-r) Robert Hallam (the man from the ministry - AKA the starter), organiser Mrs Pat Martin with some of the troops!

The lunch afterwards was accompanied by music of the era, and was followed by the prize presentation. The beautifully decorated prize table had a theme of war time rations, and included rarities such as eggs and preserves all donated by members. First prize went to brothers James and Simon Green and their two sons. The afternoon concluded with Rule Britannia, Churchill’s Victory Speech and Land of Hope and Glory, which didn’t leave a dry eye in the house. The proceeds from the day including donations, raffle and auction resulted in a donation of £1027 for Help for Heroes from the day. A spokesman said: “A very successful day conceived and organised along the lines of a military operation by Mrs Pat Martin, a past Lady

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P/14/1981/2: 1041 Loughborough Road, Rothley – formation of pitched roof to dwelling P/14/1931/2: 55 Kiln Garth, Rothley – erection of extension to side of garage for garden room/study P/14/1961/2: 30 Macaulay Road, Rothley – erection of single storey extension to side and rear of dwelling P/14/2067/2: Unit 1 Woodside Business Park, Anstey Lane, Thurcaston – construction of steel portal framed building with ancillary office accommodation P/14/2068/2: 172 Station Road, Cropston – new garage P/14/1956/2: Hallgates Water Treatment Works, Roecliffe Road, Cropston – erection of chemical dosing kiosk P/14/1870/2: 2 Causeway Lane, Cropston – replacement windows to dwelling (Listed Building Consent) P/14/1849/2: 168 Station Road, Cropston – erection of 2 storey garage building to front of dwelling P/14/1767/2: 2 Bradgate Road, Cropston – erection of a porch to front of dwelling

Crime report Crime Report : Rothley Aug & Sep 2014 Theft 5, theft from motor vehicle 6, damage to motor vehicle 1, damage 1, burglary 1, burglary non-dwelling, 2 Contact your local policing team PC4505 Leye Price by calling 101, selection option 2, and tapping in the officer’s ID number.


Longslade College, Wanlip Lane, Birstall, Leicester LE4 4GH Editor: Mr Jerry Jackson Editorial/Advertising (Tel & Fax)

0116 2674213 Correspondence, news etc can be handed in at: Rothley Library, Rothley Post Office or to our office in the Youth Centre, Longslade College, Birstall editor@birstallpost.co.uk

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