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In February, we celebrated our annual International Day.

The day started with our Early Years Foundation Stage students leading the parade, followed by a Parade of Nations made up of our Primary and Secondary students. This year’s parade consisted of 88 different nationalities, and all of the students looked wonderful in their national costumes and colours of their country’s flag.


Parents in the audience enjoyed cheering the parade on as each country passed by proudly waving their flags and props.

After the parade, students visited The Taste of BIS Abu Dhabi, organised by our Parent Teacher Association. Each and every stall was beautifully decorated, with fun activities to participate in and delicious treats to taste. Primary students enthusiastically collected flag stickers to complete their passports, after preparing which countries to visit prior in class.

Everyone also enjoyed entertainment from some amazing students and parents in the Main Hall. The attentiveness and applause at the end of each dance and song proved how much the students enjoyed the cultural performances from different parts of the world.

Thank you to all those that helped to make this year’s International Day such a success!

Sports Round-up

Term 2 was full of sporting opportunities for the students of BIS Abu Dhabi with multiple sports and competitive fixtures on offer within the Team Falcon extra-curricular programme.

Our U9 and U11 students participated in the Abu Dhabi International School Sports Association (ADISSA) boys football and girls netball leagues. It was great to see the large number of students training every week, and everyone is extremely proud of how they performed throughout the term.

Secondary students participated in the boys rugby and girls football leagues, and had weekly ADISSA fixtures. The students excelled in these leagues, with performances and results continuing to improve yearon-year. BIS Abu Dhabi’s Team Falcon have become a real force in these two sports due to the commitment of the students and the quality of the coaching and training offered every week.

The swim teams really demonstrated their prowess during Term 2. The Secondary squad were ADISSA champions which is a huge achievement as there is always some fierce competition. Our Primary squad have also been doing extremely well with lots of medals across the events. The dedication and team spirit from this team is evident and are key parts to their ongoing success.

The BSME U13 games in Dubai was an opportunity for BIS Abu Dhabi students to demonstrate their skill, talent and superb team mentality. After three days of gruelling competition against nineteen other schools from the Middle East, BIS Abu Dhabi’s Team Falcon finished in fifth place. The boys finished runners-up in Volleyball, with Max from Year 8 winning the most valuable player (MVP) award for the entire competition.

At the start of Term Two, BIS Abu Dhabi netball teams participated in the BSME Netball competition in Abu Dhabi. Our U15 girls squad finished runners-up in the tournament. Again, BIS Abu Dhabi students did us proud!

BIS Abu Dhabi’s Team Falcon are a real force to be reckoned with on the sports field and in the pool. The commitment of the students and the quality of the coaching and training offered every week are leading to amazing successes. Also, very importantly, the coaches are extremely proud of the way BIS Abu Dhabi students conduct themselves at the various fixtures – their commitment to doing their best, plus their respect for their opponents, is a real credit to everyone involved.

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