Don't Talk, Just Kiss

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A kiss is a ter rible thing to waste You shouldn’t tr emble w hen we touch Ther e’s no r eason for these fea rs – M EAT LOA F 8

A fter you r laughter ther e will be tea rs W hen you’r e in lov e, you’r e h a ppy W hen you’r e in a n a r m, you gaze This doesn’t last always – W ENDY R Ené 16

Heav en, I’m in heav en A nd my hea rt beats so th at I ca n h a rdly speak A nd I seem to find the h a ppiness I seek W hen we’r e out together da ncing cheek to cheek – Ella Fitzger ald & Louis A r mstrong 46

Follow my advice If you ca n Put all you r dr eams on ice A nd just enjoy the ride – The Walkmen 56

Seasons must ch a nge Sepa r ate paths, sepa r ate ways If we blame it on a nything Let’s blame it on the r ain – MÖTLEY CRÜE 78

It’s a slow job falling in lov e It’s a slow job Don’t rush good things tonight – TINA TU RNER 92

Don’t you forget about me I’ll be alone, da ncing you know it baby Going to take you a pa rt I’ll put us back together at hea rt, baby – Sim ple Minds 102

Fuck for ev er If you don’t mind – Babysh ambles 124

W e’r e up all night to the su n W e’r e up all night to get some W e’r e up all night for good fu n W e’r e up all night to get lucky – DA FT PU NK Feat. ph a r r ell williams 130

Don’t wa n na close my eyes I don’t wa n na fall asleep ’Cause I’d miss you, baby A nd I don’t wa n na miss a thing – A erosmith 160

W hy is the bedroom so cold? You’v e tu r ned away on you r side Is my timing th at flawed? Ou r r espect ru ns so dry – JOY DIVISION 272

Try to be su r e right from the sta rt Yes on ly lov e ca n br eak you r hea rt – STEPHEN STILLS 306

Tell me w hy don’t you bring me flowers? Tell me w hy don’t you notice me? A nother str a nger on a tr ain, a tip rock in the r ain In the r ain, in the cold, cold r ain – Roxette 462


A bba 372 A dam Gr een 454 A dele 334 A erosmith 160 A L A NIS MORISSETTE 496 A LICIA KEYS 384 A my Winehouse 388 A NDY GIBB 312 A R ETH A FR A NK LIN 60, 278 B.B. KING 406 Babysh ambles 124 Backstr eet Boys 320 BA R BA R A STR EISA ND 300 Ba r ry W hite 40 Beck 332 BEN E. KING 360 BETTE MIDLER 154 BETTY W RIGHT 304 BING CROSBY 28 Björ k 20 blink-182 418 BLOODHOU ND GA NG 216 BOB CROSBY Bob Dorough 414 Bob Dyla n 192, 502 Bobby Bla nd 184 BOBBY WOM ACK 468 Bon Jovi 488 Boney M 12 BONNIE TYLER 328 BOYZONE 98 BR ENTON WOOD 136 BRIA N M AY 224, 460 Br a nd New Heavies 474 BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 286 BRYA N A DA MS 402 buddy holly 504 Camouflage 246

CA NDI STATON 500 Ca rol Ch a n ning 58 CAT STEV ENS 350 CÉLine Dion 284 CHEA P TRICK 146, 180 CHRIS CORNELL 344 CHRIS DE BU RGH 144 CHUCK BERRY 492 Cindy L auper 36 COLD CHISEL 292 COLDPL AY 84 CONNIE FR A NCIS 68 CON WAY T WITTY 376 DA FT PU NK 130 Da nko Jones 104 Daya 86 D E A N M A RTIN 210, 230, 380, 420, 490 DEF LEPPA RD 276 Della Reese 202 DIA NA ROSS 70 dion ne Wa rwick 188 DIVINYLS 342 Dolly Pa rton 356 DONNA SU M M ER 300 Doris Day 54, 478 D U STY SPRINGFIELD 138, 220, 486 ELL A FITZGER A LD 14, 46 ELTON JOHN 80 E lvis Pr esley 62, 268, 370, 158 EV ERYTHING BUT THE GIR L 88 F.R. David 470 FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS 10 FOU R TOPS 322 FR A NK SINATR A 426 Fr a nkie Valli 42

A bout the Author & Designer

M a r c us K r a f t is a g r a p h ic designer and art ­director based in Zurich, ­ S witzerland. From his ­studio, he R EA L­ IZES commissioned projects for r enow ned clients as well as self-initiated projects. His focus is on elabor ate design concepts, editorial projects and t ypogr aphical quality. He ­ Has BEEN ­awa r ded sev er al inter ­ n ational prizes for his work. In his spa r e time, he plays the drums in a rock ba nd. rcusk r a

The Great Topic OF LOVE is probably the most important inspiration for Song Writers of all time. When times are particularly difficult, and you are likely to slip into despair, some of the greatest pop songs can provide true comfort to help you make it through the pain. This book lists 250 of the best songs for   those times when solid advice is needed. The songs represent Popular music styles from   the last 50 Years, from rock to folk and from punk to hip hop. Don’t Talk Just Kiss is a collection of famous LOVE songs, but there are many surprises as well: Love Me Tender, Let’s Talk about Sex, Quit Playin’ Games With my Heart.

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