Never Photograph People Eating and 50 other Ridiculous Photography Rules

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This book contains 51 photography rules that will appeal to both the professional photographer and the enthusiastic amateur. Rules such as “Frame Your Image,” “Freeze the Action,” “Never Photograph People Eating,” “Crop Well” and “The Rule of Thirds.” Rules that to some are valuable words of wisdom, while others perceive them as ridiculous guidelines that need to be bended, twisted or broken altogether. Edited by Anneloes van Gaalen

Never Photograph People Eating And 50 other Ridiculous Photography Rules

With the dawn of the digital age, photography is more popular – and indeed more affordable – than ever. But a good camera doesn’t necessarily make for a good photographer.

Because, ultimately, every rule related to, or governing, photography is ridiculous...

Never Photograph People Eating And 50 other Ridiculous Photography Rules

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28-01-13 22:54

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Never Photograph People Eating and 50 other Ridiculous Photography Rules by BIS Publishers - Issuu