In loving memory of Jojo Jodie Jones.
It’s time we enjoy chocolate
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Letter from the
s we are moving in to the end of the year, I can’t help but feel enormous amounts of gratitude in reflection on what this past year has brought to all of us at BodyScape Magazine. Each issue that we release allows me to go back in time with each individual shoot, and how we impacted that person’s life.
You see, the process at Bodyscape and Epic Fit magazines is very unique. People really do want to be on magazine covers! After all, when you’ve achieved such a goal, it really can help to lift and elevate your branding and marketing content to an entirely new level. And let’s face it - the bragging rights are out of control! We did this wonderful shoot of Shelly Mattes back in June of this year. The photo shoot took place in one (amazing and full) day, but the process of the shoot is JUST the beginning. In fact, when I am shooting in places like Miami, the photo shoot itself is actually only about 10% of the entire project. Most people have no idea what goes into creating a magazine of this caliber. The best part, to me, is that the model is fully involved in the magazine process. After all, those that book the cover shoot are the main focus of these beautiful publications. Shelly wanted to be involved in choosing the cover image, and together we chose the final. I’d say we made a brilliant choice, wouldn’t you? Even though the shoot was five months ago, we have been in communication and designing everything around Shelly ever since. Kerrie Lee Brown does an impeccable job at interviewing the models, and I encourage them to talk about whatever means the most to them. Combining the beautiful final images with Kerrie’s amazing interviews are a win win win all the way around. In September we did the very first Epic Destination Shoot ‘Lite’ in beautiful Corpus Christi, Texas! Our host for this shoot project was Epic Fit Magazine’s inaugural cover model, Selina Hinojosa. The Epic Destination Shoot ‘Lite’ (or EDL as Selina and I fondly call it) is a shoot for everybody. It’s the shoot where we come to you. It is for all body types, and people of all ages. EDL is for anyone who wants to have a professional photo shoot experience for fun, for social media, for anything they want. It may also be for someone who has never done a photo shoot before, as you will see in this beautiful feature on page 49. Since the first EDL was such a huge success, Selina and I have decided to do EDL #2 in Corpus Christi, Texas February 8-11 2023, so if you missed us the first time, we are coming back! If you’re interested in hosting an EDL in YOUR town, reach out to Selina at liftbyselina@gmail.com, and she will get you started! 2023 is gearing up to be an incredible year. If you can see yourself on the cover of BodyScape Magazine, we should talk! There are only a few opportunities left in 2023, so make sure you secure your shoot soon. Email me direct at BodyScapeMag@Gmail.com and let’s get you on the schedule.
ON THIS SHOOT: Photography and retouching: Sarah
Lyons Glabman @Bodyscapemagazine
Hair and makeup: Lisa
Opie @LisaOpie Chavez @JC___hair Celebrity wardrobe stylist: Joey Rolon @Joeyrolon Spray tan: Jina Chavis @Beebronzebeautyboutique
Additional Hair Stylist: Jose
Letter from the
ust like Tom Hanks once said on the big screen, “Life is like a box of chocolates.” You never know what you’re going to get or how things are going to turn out in life. But, that’s also the exciting part. This issue is jam-packed with amazing women who were photographed in the South Texas Gulf Coast, Corpus Christi, to the captivating beaches of Miami, Florida. And what do they have in common? They’re all on a mission to be the best people they can while they live life to the fullest. Just look at their photos! On that note, our beautiful cover girl Shelly Mattes is the perfect example of perseverance, strength and diligent work ethic. As a mom, fitness competitor, marathoner and successful business owner, she’s got everything at her fingertips. That’s why she sets a wonderful example for her two daughters. Did I mention she’s also a special advocate to two boys in the foster care system and a cancer survivor? Shelly is a powerhouse in every sense of the word—and we are extremely proud to profile her this issue. After all, that’s the whole point of this wonderful magazine. BodyScape is a print and digital magazine that showcases women (and some men) in all their glory. No matter what struggles they may have overcome—or what aspirations they hold close to their hearts— everyone we feature is beautiful inside and out. With that in mind, I’d like to take a moment to emphasize how brave all of these models are in this issue. To put yourself out there in front of a camera for the whole world to see takes guts. But, if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that setting a goal and working towards it is special. You can learn more about my thoughts on the importance of goal setting on page 13. So, congratulations to Shelly Mattes for putting yourself out there for the world to see! You are a true inspiration and I am honored to share your story. You are successful, brave and very kind. We hope this issue stays in your heart forever because I know it will definitely stay in mine.
Lead Publisher and Photographer Sarah Lyons Glabman
Editor-in-Chief KERRIE LEE BROWN
Art director & BodyScape Designer RAJPOOT TALIB
Yours in health,
Kerrie Lee Brown
Editor-in-Chief BodyScape Magazine and Epic Fit Magazine
@KerrieLeeBrown KerrieLeeBrown.com | Redlilymedia.com | Redlilylife.com
Table of Contents Page 7: “Publisher’s Letter” by Sarah Lyons Glabman
Page 8: “Editor’s Letter” by Kerrie Lee Brown
Page 13-15: “Ready, Set, Goal”
Our editor-in-chief shares why setting realistic, attainable goals is an important part of your life’s purpose – with tips and tricks along the way! BY KERRIE LEE BROWN
Page 17-20: “This Girl is on Fire!”
Introducing our sizzling hot issue #23 cover girl! Get up close and personal with Shelly Mattes and what it’s like to shoot for BodyScape Magazine. BY KERRIE LEE BROWN
Page 21-42: “Cover Model Q &A”
Enjoy this in-depth interview with Shelly Mattes about being an amazing mom, fitness competitor, marathoner and successful business owner. Plus, we delve into her incredible strength and desire to survive her cancer journey. BY KERRIE LEE BROWN
Page 43-47: “Capturing the Cover!”
This beautiful cover took a lot of hard work. Learn how BodyScape Magazine publisher and lead photographer Sarah Lyons Glabman and her talented crew made this entire issue come to life. BY SARAH LYONS GLABMAN
Page 49-76: “Newsflash!”
Discover all of the behind-the-scenes excitement and get to know the models behind our very first Epic Destination Shoot ‘Lite’ located in Corpus Christi, Texas. BY SELINA HINOJOSA
Page 77-80: “Wonder Why Your Gut Hurts?
Find out why Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) may ultimately be the culprit of pain in your gut – and what you can do about it. BY KAREN MASTERSON KOCH, Clinical Nutritionist
Kerrie’s Corner
This time of year is the optimal time for goal setting. Here are some tips on how to streamline, organize and obtain your goals to ensure a healthier and happier life.
By Kerrie Lee Brown
f you’re like me, you’re most likely relieved that the Summer is over. The kids are back in school, the sweltering hot days and nights are cooling down, the leaves are changing, and new adventures are underway. With all that everyone’s been through the past few years—there’s no doubt most of us are shopping around for a fresh start. I know I am! After all, we deserve to be healthy and happy, no matter what. With that being said, the following goal setting insights are designed to inspire you to set realistic goals for positive change over the next 12 months. As something I certainly plan to do myself, these goal setting strategies can act as a guide to push you in the right direction no matter what area of your life you’re hoping to change or enhance.
WHAT IS GOAL SETTING? Goal setting allows you to take control of your life’s direction—it also provides a benchmark for determining whether you are actually succeeding. To accomplish your goals, you need to know how to set them. You can’t simply say, “I want” and expect it to happen. Otherwise, we’d all be living our dreams, right? In other words, goal setting is pertinent to the overall outcome of what you set out to accomplish; and how your life is going to change for the better. It is a vital process that starts with careful consideration of what you want to achieve and ends with a lot of hard work to actually achieve it. But, don’t worry, I’m confident that you’ve got this!
Here are some ways to start: 1. Motivation is Key When you set goals for yourself, it’s important that they motivate you personally—even if they are workrelated. This means making sure they are important to your overall well-being and that there is true value in achieving them. If you have little interest in the final outcome, or they are irrelevant given the larger picture, then the chances of you putting in the work to make them happen are slim to none. 2. Set Smart Goals You’ve probably heard of “Smart Goals” and have probably even employed them into your day-to-day without knowing. However, have you intentionally followed them? The simple fact is that for goals to be powerful, they should be designed to be SMART.
Your goals should be:
Specific: Your goals must be clear and well defined. For example, your goals should show you the way and define precisely where you want to end up.
Measurable: You should include precise amounts, dates, and so on in your goals so you can measure your degree of success.
Attainable: Make sure it’s possible to achieve the goals you set. If you set a goal that you have no hope of achieving, you will demoralize yourself and erode your confidence.
Relevant: Goals should be relevant to the direction you
want your life, health or career to take. By keeping goals aligned with this, you’ll develop the focus you need to get ahead and do what you want.
Time Sensitive: Your goals should have a deadline (one that you can stick to).
3. Write Down Everything As a journalist who has been writing things down, well, all her life... it’s easy for me to advocate that the physical act of writing things down makes something real and tangible. But, what about those of you who aren’t as pen dependent? One important tidbit to remember is that writing your goals down on a piece of paper, in a journal, or typing them on your computer or phone, means you have no excuse not to work towards them. You certainly can’t forget them! 4. Create an Action Plan By writing out the individual steps that are needed along the way, and then crossing each one off as you complete it, you’ll realize that you are making progress towards your ultimate goal. Little by little, you will notice a difference in your every day. For instance, an attainable action plan is especially important if your goal is big and demanding, or long-term. Note: It’s vital to consider “alternative” dates and timelines just in case something doesn’t go your way. But, don’t beat yourself up if your plans change—after all, change is inevitable (especially these days).
5. Stick with It
Goal setting is an ongoing activity—not just a means to an end. Don’t forget to build in reminders to keep yourself on track. Also, make time in your schedule to review your goals weekly or even daily depending on how you work. Remember, your end destination may remain quite similar over the long term, but your action plan may change significantly over the course of a month or two. So, make sure the relevance, value and necessity remain high on your list of needs to reach your goals.
1. Have you thought about what you want to do in five years?
3. Do you know what you want to achieve by the end of today? *If you’ like to get in touch, write for my personal storytelling platform or hire a writing coach, editors@redlilymedia.com
Without goals, we lack focus and direction, so it’s the perfect time to sit down and re-evaluate where you are going. For those of you willing to take the time to plan accordingly and do a little internal evaluation—these tips will help you recognize what it takes to push yourself and remain accountable. Don’t forget! If you want to succeed, you need to set goals.
2. Are you clear about what your main objective is at work or home?
Kerrie Lee Brown Editor-in-Chief BodyScape Magazine
RedLily Media® redlilylife.com
Cover Model Shelly Mattes
BodyScape Magazine Presents...
By Kerrie Lee Brown Bodyscape Magazine Editor-in-Chief
er social media profile reads: “Mom of two girls, Business Owner and Fitness Competitor.” But believe me, this snippet of text describing our lovely cover model doesn’t even scratch the surface. More than a natural in front of the camera, a captivating personality and an impressive resumé, Shelly Mattes is a powerhouse in every sense of the word. To her two beautiful daughters, Kennedy and Margo, she’s an amazing mom and role model. Within her sisterhood workout circles and the medical industry, she’s a trailblazer who pushes the envelope in a good way. No goal is too high. No mission is impossible. She’s also a special advocate to two boys in the foster care system, a fitness competitor, a marathoner, and a successful business owner. What doesn’t this woman do? Not to mention, Shelly is talented, athletic, intelligent and kind—and does everything in her power to help others. As a cancer survivor, her positive outlook on life sets a wonderful example for others going through similar battles. Not surprisingly, it’s her inner strength, determination and faith that shines brightly on the day to day. Shelly is an inspiration through and through. Besides running a successful medical company with her husband John of almost 30 years, Shelly
also spends her days working out with a core group of women and living as healthy as possible. She also displays an incredible amount of perseverance and determination which sets a good example for her children—and it shows. Her girls are also prolific in both academics and athletics. In fact, her eldest daughter, Kennedy, will soon be graduating from Princeton University and has just been accepted into Harvard Law School; and her youngest, Margo, will be playing basketball at Princeton next Fall. The list of their accolades goes on and on. Suffice it to say, Shelly Mattes brings an elegance, warmth and incredible work ethic to anything she touches. Whether it’s her business, her caregiving initiatives, or her contagious energy on stage— Shelly is someone we can all look up to and who we want to emulate. I am honored to bring her story to life alongside these beautiful photos. Now, it’s time to get to know our cover model Shelly Mattes a little more... Enjoy our cover story interview!
Q&A KB: Hello, Shelly! It’s an absolute honor to write your cover story. Let’s start by sharing a little bit about yourself. SM: “I am originally from the Northwest suburbs of Chicago, and I live in Boston, Massachusetts. I am 53 years old and have been married to my husband John for 30 years in December. We met in Chicago and got married after seven weeks. He graduated from Vanderbilt University and has been a medical entrepreneur for the past 25 years. I think we balance each other out and actually work well together. We have a lot of common goals and interests.”
KB: Sounds like a match made in heaven. Do you have any children? SM: “We have two beautiful daughters. Kennedy is a senior at Princeton University with a degree in Political Science and Machine Learning. She has just been accepted into Harvard Law School. She is passionate about Criminal Justice Reform and has worked for the Innocence Project. My younger daughter Margo is a senior at BHS in Boston and will attend Princeton University in the Fall. She will be playing basketball at Princeton. She plans to pursue a career in journalism and politics. She is interested in international political affairs.”
KB: Wow, two very impressive young ladies. Congratulations! Shelly, what are you passionate about? SM: “I am passionate about my family, friends, fitness, co-workers, our medical business and volunteering. I am working and advocating with children in the foster care system in the courts.”
KB: Have you ever modeled before your BodyScape Magazine shoot? SM: “Yes. I started modeling in Chicago while I was in college at Southern Illinois University. My mother and I won the ‘Mother-Daughter Illinois’ title during my junior year; and I actually started my own modeling agency when I was 25 years old while working a full-time career in pharmaceutical sales.”
KB: Are you still in that profession? SM: “No, I’m in the medical field and I have been VP of Medical Investment Group for 22 years now.”
KB: How did you end up with your own medical business? SM: “My husband and I were both working in pharmaceutical sales in Boston at the time. Then one day, John and I decided to quit our jobs and open our own radiology imaging centers. We have owned and managed nine outpatient facilities including MRI’s, CT scans and PET scans for cancer patients.”
I am passionate about my family, friends, fitness, co-workers, our medical business and volunteering. I am working and advocating with children in the foster care system in the courts.
KB: You obviously love helping people. Sounds like you love kids too. SM: “I do! I am currenting a CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocate for two brothers in the foster care system.”
KB: What is your life’s purpose? SM: “My mission in life is to raise well adjusted, happy, healthy, empathetic and motivated daughters. Also, to give back all that I have been given. To pay it forward. Raise others up to succeed. Change and empower generations to come.”
STRUGGLE TO STRENGTH KB: I understand you had your own fight with cancer. SM: “Yes. When I had cancer, my oldest daughter was only one. I had surgery at Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC the first week of September in 2001 with follow-up appointments the second week. In between was 9/11. It was like visiting two different cities only a week apart. It was a really difficult time.”
KB: What was that like for you? SM: “All I can say is that when you are diagnosed with cancer, your entire life changes. That’s what happened to me 22 years ago. It’s not something you can ever prepare for, but it’s something that I knew could be beaten if I had the will to fight.”
I actually started my own modeling agency when I was 25 years old while working a full- time career in pharmaceutical sales.
KB: A positive attitude is extremely important. How did you remain positive during this difficult time? SM: “I had a goal of being a good mother to my new daughter, so I had no choice other than having a positive attitude. However, I noticed that whenever I worked out, my outlook would noticeably improve. So, I always knew exercise and fitness were keys to a healthy lifestyle, but I didn’t fully realize to what degree.”
KB: How did you ultimately come to this conclusion? SM: “If you research common conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc., the number one recommendation for improving your health is to exercise.”
KB: How did you push through your cancer battle? SM: “A lot of people call me for advice because of my cancer diagnosis. It’s just what I’ve learned and researched going through it all myself. When I had thyroid cancer, I learned not just to sit back. You have to do your homework and get a second opinion if necessary.”
KB: What was it like when people started to come to you for advice? SM “I was very nervous talking to others with cancer in the beginning. But as my recovery progressed, it became easier to resonate with the patients”.
KB: Is this why fitness has become such an important part of your life? SM: “Fitness is no longer something I try to make time for; it’s a priority. My goal is to live a long, healthy life and to set a positive example for my two daughters. The Fitness America competitions make the process an exciting challenge and keep me inspired to do my best.”
BEING A ROLE MODEL KB: What are some of the things you aspire for moving forward? SM: “My aspirations in my almost second act of life is to have a close-knit family where we can hopefully live in the same city. I also want to be an advocate for children in the foster care system, to represent them in court and help them succeed in their lives. I also want to become a fitness pro and inspire other women that no matter what age you are you don’t have to settle and give up on your dreams.”
KB: Any advice for women reading your story? SM: “Just that you can get through anything if you put your mind to it. And always remember to take care of yourself. If you’re operating from an empty tank you’re not going to have enough fuel to be there for others.”
KB: What’s on the horizon for you? SM: “In the near future, I am excited to attend all my daughter’s basketball games in college and be her number one fan. I also want to pay for my daughter’s law school because the best gift you can give your children is an education. I want to keep building our medical business and finding new opportunities to grow it—and last but certainly not least, I want to travel internationally with my husband when we become empty nesters.”
KB: What is something you believe in wholeheartedly? SM: “I believe in a strong knit family that gives back to help others succeed. That also means staying healthy to not only feel good everyday but to keep illness at bay.”
KB: What do you like to do in your spare time? SM: “I love to spend time with my family and friends. I like all kinds of sports and movies, etc., so I have lots of things to keep me busy.”
TRAINING REGIMEN KB: How do you stay in such great shape? SM: “I work out six days a week, doing mainly a cardio resistance class at Lifetime on Mondays and lift legs afterwards. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my boot camps that I do with my good friends Linda Mitchell (Sisterhood of Sweat owner) and my workout partner Kim Myers from Cincinnati. On Wednesdays and Fridays, I work out at GroupX RX in Brookline.”
KB: How does that work? SM: “As far as the boot camp classes go, I do them on Zoom. It’s not ideal but Linda does a great job.”
KB: Wow, you certainly have a great work ethic both professionally and in the gym. Why do you love it so much? SM: “At the end of the day, it’s a lifestyle for me. I love the way it makes me feel. Of course, that’s why most people love working out.”
My mission in life is to raise well adjusted, happy, healthy, empathetic and motivated daughters.
KB: Sounds like you eat pretty clean as well. What does your nutrition look like? SM: “I have two protein shakes, one at noon and another at 3 p.m. I also have pistachios after 3 p.m. and then eat dinner. I am a little more flexible with my food choices, but I always drink one gallon of water a day. Lastly, I’m not opposed to having a cheat day on the weekend if I’m going to dinner with my family or a date night with my husband. You have to live a little!”
KB: What is your favorite body part to train? SM: “I love training my shoulders. I was always embarrassed by my broad shoulders when I was younger, but now I realize that strong shoulders make everything else look better.”
STAYING MOTIVATED KB: Do you have any tips for our readers when it comes to staying in shape? SM: “My tips for staying in shape are to schedule your workouts like you would a physician or business appointment. Once your sessions are scheduled, they can’t be canceled unless of course, it’s an emergency. I find if you ask yourself if you want to work out, more than likely the answer will be ‘no’ or ‘I will do it later’ but as we all know, later never comes.”
KB: How do you stay motivated to hit the gym? SM: “I simply focus on the result that going to the gym brings. For me, exercise is a confidence booster, and releases a natural high attributed to the release of endorphins. It’s the best feeling!”
KB: What about your marathon training? That’s really tough. SM: “About ten years ago, I started running with a group of girls, doing mainly 5k and10k runs. One day, someone said, ‘we should train for a marathon!’ We looked at her like she was crazy, but went along with it never expecting to actually run 26.2 miles. As time passed on, however, we started running further and further distances. Shockingly to all of us, we ended up running the Columbus marathon several months later.”
KB: Why does it feel so good to have this type of support system? SM: “To be honest, it’s very therapeutic when we are all working towards the same goal. It’s just easier seeing that you’re not going through it alone.”
KB: Besides being extremely ambitious and diligent about your goals, I heard you even pushed through an injury at one point to get the job done. What did that look like? SM: “Yes! I ran the marathon with a broken toe! My doctor told me that if I even continued to train for the marathon, that I would need surgery. He was right, I had surgery shortly after the race.”
If you research common conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc., the number one recommendation for improving your health is to exercise.
FITNESS COMPETITOR KB: How did you get into fitness competitions? SM: “A good friend of mine, Rebecca Heck showed me her picture at a fitness show. After my surgery, I needed something that didn’t involve long distance running, but I never thought I would enter one. I’m somewhat shy by nature. For whatever reason, I can’t remember now, but I was in a workout rut and going to the gym was becoming a chore. Rebecca offered to train me and convinced me that if I committed to entering a fitness competition, getting to the gym would be easy. She was right. The fear of standing in front of so many people is a great motivator.”
KB: Are you planning any shows in the near future?
the end when you’re drinking two gallons of water and eating protein. For the BodyScape shoot, it was like training for a fitness show but with the ultimate prize of being interviewed and featured on the cover.”
KB: Tell us about your experience at the BodyScape Magazine cover shoot. SM: “I was very nervous, initially, because it’s been a long time since I’ve done any modeling work. My friend Linda, who was a recent BodyScape Magazine cover model herself, was actually also booked for the shoot so that made it less stressful. It ended up being a lot of fun. The people that worked on the shoot were so patient and supportive. That made everything better.”
KB: What ended up happening?
KB: How many fitness shows have you entered?
SM: “Unfortunately, I found out that I had Covid ten days before the Miami shoot, but I was cleared to fly right before the flight. With me being sick, and stressed about the shoot, I wasn’t expecting things to go very well, but they did. The photographer, Sarah Lyons, was such a professional and made everything work. I’m very grateful to her.”
SM: “This will be my sixth fitness show!”
KB: What was it like on set?
KB: Do you have someone you look up to in fitness?
SM: “The shoot on the beach in Miami was beautiful but brutally hot, even at 6 a.m. Linda and I woke up and were in the hair and makeup chair at 4 a.m. The cover shot of me sitting at the lifeguard station only happened because I needed a break and had to sit down. I wasn’t as happy as my smile indicated. Rather than stewing around, Sarah said, stay right there and she started shooting. Her support staff, Joey Rolon and Lisa Opie were also extremely helpful. I really appreciated their input during the entire shoot.”
SM: “Yes, I’m competing in Los Angeles this month.”
SM: “YES! Ruby Carter Pikes. She’s my idol. She just turned 75 and looks fantastic!”
PHOTO SHOOT KB: How do you get ready for photo shoots? SM: “I usually do intermittent fasting and lean out several weeks before. The big changes happen at
KB: How did you get introduced to Sarah Lyons, publisher of this magazine?
KB: Lastly, a little fun. Do you have any favorite quotes?
SM: “I met Sarah in 2014 while doing a show in Miami, with Linda and Rebecca. Sarah did our photo shoot. I was immediately impressed by her and knew she’d be a great photographer to work with again in the future.”
KB: How do you think the photos turned out? SM: “I’m really pleased. Sarah is a talented photographer and always captures you at your best...even when you don’t feel at your best.”
The Fitness America competitions make the process an exciting challenge and keep me inspired to do my best.
SM: “My favorite quotes are, ‘Tough times never last. Tough people do.’ ‘Live your best and act your best and think your best each day, for there may be no tomorrow.’ ‘Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.’”
KB: What about your favorite song? What keeps you pumped up? SM: I have two favorites. ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ by Journey and ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want’ by the Rolling Stones. They kind of contradict each other but I still love them.”
KB: What keeps you motivated to live a healthy lifestyle? SM: “None of the goals in my life are possible if I’m not in good health. That’s motivation enough for me!”
THE COV E R Scout. Style. Glam. Pose. Smile! Repeat! We go behind-thescenes in Miami and take a look at the making of this month’s stunning cover featuring Shelly Mattes.
Capturing the Cover By Bodyscape Magazine publisher and lead photographer
Sarah Lyons Glabman BodyScapeMag.com
If you want something bad enough, make it happen. Shelly Mattes took her desire to execute this photo shoot and harnessed it into a day full of beautiful images. After all, this shoot ‘almost’ didn’t happen! Prior to this shoot in Miami, I worked with Shelly a few times on other smaller shoots. Her tenacity and focus has always shined through in her images, but this cover shoot for BodyScape in Miami was something else. Why? Shelly was recovering from Covid, and she had informed me that she wouldn’t be able to come because she thought it would be too much on her. Then two days before her shoot was scheduled, she came back to me and told me she was so determined to make this shoot happen that she was coming! Shelly wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass her by. GO SHELLY!
The travel from Boston to Miami and the planning by itself for these shoots can be rigorous, let alone actually doing the shoot. Energy levels need to be HIGH, and I mean…peak high to deliver a mood, a feeling, an emotion in the images.
We arrived at the beach, and it’s beautiful, calming energy welcomed the entire crew. But the beach is also BIG. The tide was out, so we had a ways to walk with all of our gear. Shelly was beginning to run out of fuel…and it was HOT. (*note to self… don’t schedule photo shoots outdoors in Miami in Shelly started off great. I had her jumping, lunging, June anymore) stretching and more. We had a few looks down before we actually got to the beach portion of the By the time we reached our lifeguard tower “base shoot. I mean, this is a full day PLUS situation, as camp” at the beach, Shelly needed to sit in the I had Shelly’s close friend Linda Mitchell shooting shade and just BE for a little bit. By this time, it that day too! could have been 90 degrees outside with 90% humidity. No joke. That’s enough to rob anyone’s fuel bank, even when you’re fully healthy!
When I saw Shelly just sitting, almost laughing about her situation of needing to rest, I saw “IT”. I saw her cover. She was relaxed, enjoying her down moments, looking gorgeous, and exuding a beautiful vibe for this adorable cover. She didn’t have to work hard for it. She didn’t have to jump or stretch, it just happened. That’s one of the things I just love about being a photographer. Sometimes what I think I want to capture, isn’t even what I wind up with. It turns out to be something even more dynamic and special that what I could’ve ever dreamed of, and that is the case with Shelly’s gorgeous cover with BodyScape Issue 23! The rest of the shoot was smooth sailing for Shelly. Post-beach, we got her all freshened up again and then we headed out to (my favorite) Little River Studios ( @Littleriverstudio ) to capture more of an editorial and fashion vibe with Shelly.
The weather abruptly shifted from HOT, clear and humid to torrential downpours for at least 45 minutes. That’s Florida for ya! Even in the thick of the summertime, you never really know what you’re gonna get weather-wise. We were carefully transitioning from one studio to the next, making sure that our gear didn’t get damaged by the rain. Shelly nailed it. She was a real trooper on this shoot, and I just adore her for taking a GIANT leap of faith and making the shoot happen! She has achieved her goal of being on a magazine cover… and it may just be the beginning! Thank you for making it all possible Shelly, and congratulations on being the fabulous cover model on BodyScape Issue 23!
Do you see yourself on the cover of BodyScape Magazine? Guess what? We should talk! Email BodyScapeMag@Gmail.com to find out more!
Crew for Shelly Mattes: Sarah Lyons Glabman - Photographer
@Picturegroove @Bodyscapemagazine @Epicdestinationshoot Lisa Opie - Celebrity hair and makeup artist
@LisaOpie Joey Rolon - Celebrity stylist
@Joeyrolon Jose Chavez - Hairstylist assistant
@Jc___hair Joss Fisser - Videos on set @Jossfisser
Epic Destination Shoot Lite Corpus Christi, TX 2022! By BodyScape Magazine contributing writer Selina Hinojosa I met photographer and BodyScape Magazine publisher Sarah Lyons Glabman in the summer of 2021 when I noticed her photography on Instagram. I commented on how much admired her work, and we had our first conversation on zoom shortly thereafter. During our chat, Sarah invited me to do an Epic Destination Shoot in Sedona, Arizona! The photoshoot took place in September of 2021 for the cover of Sarah’s upcoming inaugural issue Epic Fit magazine! My story of addiction to redemption to entrepreneurship was featured inside the magazine. We had such great feedback from that issue that Sarah approached me with the idea of bringing an Epic Destination Shoot to my hometown of Corpus Christi, TX! The idea was to open an Epic Destination Shoot to ANY woman who wanted to celebrate her beauty. I loved this concept, because I believe beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. We ended up with 6 beautiful & amazing women who wanted to take part in this photoshoot, which we now call “Epic DestinationShoot LITE.”
The participants: Jodi has been a client of mine since March 2021. Her initial concern was inflammation in her hip due
to bursitis. She also wanted an exercise program that would strengthen her joints and build bone density. Jodi turned 60 years old this year and I believe she’s now in the best shape of her life!
I began working with Jovann in May of 2021. The world was just a couple of months into the Covid pandemic, and she wanted to stay active during quarantine. She requested a program that would help her with balance so she could maintain her independence. JoVann is going strong and does everything she wants to do in her life!
Jessica came to me in October of 2021 because she needed to lower her blood pressure and lower
her blood sugar. She had already suffered a minor stroke and her doctor had diagnosed her prediabetes. Today, Jessica’s doctor has taken her off her blood pressure meds and her blood sugar is regularly, AND she looks amazing!
Casandra joined my small group training program in at the beginning of 2021. My Group LIFT by Selina program emphasizes on weight loss, muscle toning, and body fat reduction. Casandra has developed great strength, lean muscle, and has come a long way with her fitness.
Amanda messaged me one day on Facebook. She was so kind and supportive of the work I had
been doing with LIFT by Selina. I immediately loved her positivity!
I’ve known Nissa from church for several years. Her daughter and I served in ministry together. They’re a beautiful family with a deep faith in Jesus Christ.
Each of these women came with a story and had their own special reasons why they wanted to do this photoshoot. Sarah, Leiah, Kona, and I wanted to support these women and make this an extra special experience for them. The weekend of the shoot was so wonderful! Sarah had rented a beautiful home for her team on Mustang Island in Corpus Christi. Each woman came to the house at their appointed time that I had coordinated with them. The whole atmosphere that weekend was so happy and positive. We had such wonderful conversations and laughs with each one of them. It was filled with special moments. I am so glad Sarah came up with this idea and it was a pleasure for me to organize the event. I’m absolutely looking forward to the next “EDL”! *If you would like to host an Epic Destination Shoot Lite in your city or town, we’d love to bring one to you! Please contact me, Selina Hinojosa, and I’d be happy to guide you through the process! You can contact me at liftbyselina@gmail.com.
“Photographing Jodi was effortless. I remember her telling me that she was nervous before the shoot, so I was prepared for a little extra TLC for her on-set. But when she stepped in front of my lens, she immediately transformed in to a strong and confident supermodel!” ~Sarah Lyons Glabman
Nissa @Dreamingofgraceland
“Nissa is a true inspiration. At the time these images were photographed, she had achieved a huge goal of losing a whopping 104 pounds! That is some real dedication! Nissa is a happy and loving soul, and it shines through in her beautiful images.” ~Sarah Lyons Glabman
Casandra @Cassigar1
“Casandra came to the shoot for her business. Not only did she want to look beautiful, but she also wanted a solid headshot look. The green dress she put on really made her come to life! This was one of my favorite looks of the entire shoot.” ~Sarah Lyons Glabman
Amanda @movementbyamanda
“Sometimes you just NEED to get in front of the camera and let it all go. Amanda is a very special woman with a special message. We had a great talk before her shoot which really elevated her mindset to show the world what she is made of.” ~Sarah Lyons Glabman
“I love the unexpected…in fact I welcome it! When Jessica and I were reviewing her wardrobe, we thought we had her looks down, UNTIL she brought out a sexy piece of shape wear that was supposed to be worn under her clothing, and I said “that’s it!” Her boudoir look was born! Jessica’s fun fitness and swimwear vibes were so fun to capture, and her gorgeous eyes just shine through on these special images.” ~Sarah Lyons Glabman
“Where can I begin with the stunning Miss Jovann? Outside of her obvious elegance, Jovann is one of the sweetest women I’ve ever encountered on a photo shoot. Her regal elegance precedes her warm and caring heart, and you would never guess she is 82 years young! It was a real treat for me to photograph Jovann during the Epic Destination shoot ‘LITE’, and she is proof that it is never too late to step in front of the camera!” ~Sarah Lyons Glabman
rritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) may ultimately be the culprit of pain in the gut, health decline and even early death yet it is often undiagnosed and misunderstood. Advanced Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) even sounds a bit scarier yet can mimic the same symptoms of IBS with milder bloating, occasional pain all the while weakening the body wellness from within - due to inflammation. Actually, several conditions can also be at fault when pain gets your attention in the abdomen. Gallbladder disorders including gallstones are the most common for hospitalizations. Located aside the liver in the upper abdomen it affects 10-15% of adults yet the other pain epicenter possibilities include;
* Appendix in the lower right abdomen * IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBD in the GI tract * Acute Constipation, ulcers or advancing cancer Luckily for people, the design of the body when healthy - puts most of its functions on autopilot by way of the brain and nervous system, not requiring any extra thought or effort until just recently. Body malfunctions are on the rise with the gastrointestinal (GI) tract being one of the main systems not working properly, causing minor to major discomfort, and at times leading to excruciating or unbearable PAIN.
Make sure you take action. If the pain is reoccurring make a list of symptoms along with what you are eating, drinking and any medications for a proper diagnosis. A trip to the emergency room or clinic is critical if no relief from acute pain and especially if a high fever is experienced. It may be a matter of life or death requiring action - especially if the little appendix gland is infected or worse, it burst. Infection can flood the abdomen causing sepsis poisoning leading to an untimely death in the weak or elderly. The other common challenges to be aware of is IBS sometimes stealth, intestinal scarring that can lead to bowel blockages, constipation, ulcers or diverticulitis pockets in the bowel. Sometimes the pockets fill with fluid, and can cause fatigue, fever and stabbing pain if infected. People also need to be preventative; to look and test for red or black blood in the stool for any potential cancer risk too. Lastly, infection in the Gallbladder or gallstone blockages can be very painful with constipation and or loose stool plus intermittent fever. A fever confirms that immunity is fighting an infection. However, high fever can exhaust the body and require electrolyte replenishing. The Gallbladder is designed to store bile that is made in the liver to support fat digestion and balance pH in the gut. It gets overworked and may even fold over onto itself - blocking circulation and requiring removal. The surgery called Cholecystectomy has increased
500% in the last 20 yrs. And the irony is removing it creates more digestive problems for breaking down healthy dietary fats and oils – critical for health including; Vitamin A, E, EFA’s and K. Using natural protocols like Aloe Vera Concentrate, reducing fried and junk foods in the diet, and adding a few extra food supplements while improving environmental factors is a winning protocol yet easier said than done.
Risk Factors for Digestive Issues * Diet & Digestive Issues * Lack of Exercise * Men & Women (higher when taking Estrogen) * Obesity, Diabetes, Elderly & Pregnancy These Risk Factors are associated with Gallbladder problems and other gut pain for even a large majority of children and adults. Recent research states that Diet, Digestion and Toxicity are linked to over 130 auto-immune diseases now being diagnosed. An inspiring Gallbladder Testimony from a brave woman Natalie gives a true life insight to therapeutic health. It was a painful awakening with all the symptoms and the doctor diagnosed her with stones. She decided to take health action and not rush to get surgery and see if health could win out. First she improved her health factors cutting out the fried and other junk foods and ate more gluten free, healthy foods. Also she diligently took her Aloe, the Aloe Life whole leaf juice concentrate and Daily Greens and her daily food supplements
including probiotics before each meal. She also added a new specific herbal for a couple of months in liquid, designed for “advanced stones “by Whole World Botanicals and day by day her symptoms fell away. She told her daughter if symptoms came back, she would reconsider surgery yet she kept feeling better and better!
Medical doctors are alarmed with how the body is revolting these days, even the GI tract shutting down refusing to process food and or water at times. And organs plus glandular weakness is becoming more of the norm. People need to heal from within and get back on track, eating more of the Mediterranean diet, low gluten and perhaps using a quality Aloe Vera concentrate, to support the gut and whole body to renew and Feel Good Again! Reference: 2011, Beyond Gluten Intolerance – GIS, K.A. Masterson Koch Karen Masterson Koch is a clinical nutritionist and health educator with over 35 yrs. experience in counseling in Southern California. Karen is an expert on Aloe Vera, Gluten and author of Beyond Gluten Intolerance GIS, which is available on Amazon, or by calling 1-800-414-2563. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and suggestions are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
www.BodyScapeMag.com BodyScape Magazine is for everyone who is in to a “health conscious lifestyle.” Founded by Sarah Lyons Glabman of PictureGroove Photography, the magazine showcases her work and her extremely flexible style of shooting. In each issue we feature everything from how to monetize your brand in the fitness and other industries, to beauty tips from the pros. Our issues are geared towards everyone who wants to better themselves and live their best life, showcasing it all through Sarah’s lens.
Ordering copies - If you would like to order either a high end print copy, or a digital downloadable version of BodyScape Magazine, you may do so at www.BodyScapeMag.com Being published in BodyScape Magazine - Sarah is currently building her shoot schedule for 2023 for BodyScape Magazine. Please email PictureGrovePhotography@Gmail.com if you are interested in setting up a shoot, and possibly being featured in BodyScape Magazine. Editorial Features - If you are a business owner and wish to promote something, we would love to feature it in an article or advertisement in BodyScape Magazine. Please email us at BodyScapeMag@gmail.com on how to get started. FaceBook and Instagram Ads - We will promote your business online at our BodyScape Magazine FaceBook and Instagram pages to all of our fans. Splash pages - A full size ad on BodyScapeMag.com to advertise your business. Email blasts - Send your ads out to our readers with a growing list of subscribers.