There are many gifts around us. In fact, in my humble opinion, if you have an open-minded approach to life in general (and definitely an open-hearted approach in life) you will receive many amazing gifts throughout your life. They are meant for you—no one else. In using the term “gifts”, I don’t mean a tangible item that you open either; I mean God’s gift of networking, and in this case…friendship. Never take anything for granted because, trust me, you can miss these special encounters if you’re not paying attention.
For instance, this issue is very special to me. And as a result, I was really paying attention. From the moment our cover model Chad Allen Robinson and I met in person, I knew that this photo shoot would be an absolute success. Not just because of his incredible good looks and amazing physique, but because of the CARE that went into the shoot prior to us even saying hello. I will never forget—Chad brought some amazing gifts to the photo shoot team that day… gifts of being “coach-able” when working with fitness celebrity Monica Brant, being “flexible” with my ideas on set, being “film-able” by Tony Swann and his impeccable video crew, and being a wonderful representative of my brand. I am COMPLETELY honored to have the first-ever male cover of Epic Fit Magazine, and my now great friend, Chad Allen Robinson. Visit him at NRGY4LIFE.com
What else makes Epic Fit Magazine so epic? Well, we are one of the newer fitness-forward magazines to offer a hard copy print version, as well as a free-to-read online option. ALSO, when you book a shoot for Epic Fit Magazine, you also get a billboard in Times Square New York featuring one of your favorite images from the Epic Fit Magazine photo shoot. Tell me THAT’s not EPIC!
SARAH L. GLABMAN PUBLISHER AND LEAD PHOTOGRAPHER FIT MAGAZINEAt the end of the day, I love to help people promote their businesses and brands, and with these unique photo shoots, we can execute a plan of success for you! In fact, we just updated EpicDestinationShoot.com which contains a ton of information on my “epic” shoots and what it takes to produce these special magazines. Make sure you also stop by PictureGroove.com and EpicFitMag.com for more!
Lastly, if you have a story to tell and can see yourself on the cover of one of my two creations, Epic Fit Magazine or BodyScape Magazine, please reach out to me! I would love to hear from you. Our next Epic Destination Shoot is taking place in Las Vegas this upcoming November 3-7, 2022. I am looking forward to seeing YOU in front of my lens!
Gear used to capture the cover: Canon R5 camera with a 24-70 MM prime lens; Blue gel filter over a Paul C Buff Alien Bee 800 for the background. From the front, I used a Paul C Buff Einstein light with a 10-degree grid to capture all of Chad’s definition.
Location for the shoot: Maximum Fitness Gym Scottsdale, Arizona - maxfitgym.com
Posing and detail assistance: Monica Brant - Monicabrant.com
Men’s grooming: Leiah Scheibel - LeiahScheibel.com
Ican’t believe we’ve already published issue #3 of EPIC Fit Magazine! I remember when I was first asked to join the team as the Celebrity Profile Writer of BodyScape Magazine almost two years ago—and now I’m Editor-in-Chief of both BodyScape and EPIC Fit Magazines. These types of opportunities don’t come along every day, so when you get the chance to interview people who are incredible on the inside and out, you take it and run with it.
On that note, I’d like to thank the amazing woman behind this magazine, Sarah Lyons Glabman. I am grateful that she trusts me to bring these cover stories to life each issue. I couldn’t work with a more thoughtful, kind-hearted, spirited and inspiring woman—and I love helping her with the editorial process. (I can’t wait for you to see what is planned moving forward!)
I also can’t wait for you to read this issue’s feature on Chad Allen Robinson. He is our FIRST male cover model and I had the pleasure of writing his courageous story of transformation and perseverance. Chad proves that dreams do come true through hard work and passion. In fact, passion is what drives him to be a role model in the fitness community at large and for his children at home. Chad is making a huge impression on those who need motivation to stay healthy and happy.
Not only does he have a ton of things going on such as a spectacular billboard in Downtown LA during Fashion Week, a billboard in New York’s Fall Fashion Week, and a new website—Chad is one of the most charming, intelligent, ambitious go-getters you’ll ever meet. See page 10 to learn more.
KERRIE LEE BROWN EDITOR-IN-CHIEFUltimately, Sarah wasn’t wrong when she called me to say she’d found the perfect guy to grace our EPIC Fit Magazine cover. As soon as I saw Chad’s photos—I knew we were off to the races. But, interviewing him was what really sealed the deal for me. I hope you enjoy this issue as much as we enjoyed putting it together!
Sincerely, Kerrie Lee Brown Editor-in-ChiefKerrie Lee Brown is a globally recognized magazine editor, author and women’s health advocate. She has worked in media for 20+ years, most notably as the editor-in-chief of Oxygen Magazine. Kerrie is also the founder of RedLily® lifestyle brand and offers professional content services.
Selina Hinojosa, a Corpus Christi native, has helped hundreds of clients live stronger and healthier lives. With over 22 years experience as a Master Fitness Professional with ISSA, Selina has gained the respect and recognition of her clients, peers, and medical professionals.
Monica Brant is a well-known fitness model and competitor who has graced the covers of 130+ magazines in her career. Monica was also Chad Robinson's personal posing and detail coach and helped on set with the details for this issue.
Raj is the Art Director for BodyScape Magazine as well as BodyScapeMag.com. Raj is a success-driven designer with his client’s goals at the forefront of his mission. He generates design projects from inception to creation and he translates business requirements into effective advertising campaigns.
Epic Fit Magazine Publisher and Lead Photographer Sarah Lyons Glabman provides her views on this issue.
Editor-in-Chief Kerrie Lee Brown inspires readers with her thoughts on interviewing this issue’s cover model.
Get to know the amazing people behind the making of this magazine.
Introducing our Epic Fit Magazine cover story! By Kerrie Lee Brown
Q&A – PAGES 22-51
Exclusive in-depth interview with our first male cover model. By Kerrie Lee Brown
Chad Robinson reveals what it’s like shooting for EPIC Fit Magazine!
Sarah Lyons Glabman shares the inside scoop from the set.
A personal reflection on the importance of staying healthy and fit. By Selina Hinojosa
MY HEART STORY - Pages 68-69
Kerrie Lee Brown shares her personal story about heart health.
If a picture says a thousand words, then what the heck does this issue’s cover say? Ummm… Excuse my French but, WOW! From the boardroom to bulking up, Canada’s own Chad Allen Robinson is making an important statement: You can have it all. You just have to put the hard work in— and he definitely is. So much so that even the pros are taking a page from his book.
Believe me when I say, this guy’s determination is off the charts. With decades under his belt in various leadership roles in the corporate world, Chad’s passion for helping people reach their goals is now at the forefront of his portfolio. Despite dealing with his own struggles growing up, such as panic attacks, anxiety and being bullied as a kid, Chad’s powerful transformation story is nothing short of exemplary. And, we have captured it all.
Growing up in a hard-working household, Chad learned that he had to self-motivate in order to push through difficulties and reap the rewards. Now he’s literally practicing what he preaches. Chad has the know-how to face challenges head on—and says if it weren’t for his upbringing, he wouldn’t be the person he is today. He doesn’t quit until he achieves his goals and hopes to instill these values in his children.
Ultimately, Chad is proving to himself and to the rest of the world that no matter what age, life stage, or what you’ve been through in life, you CAN overcome obstacles and become your best self.
With so much on the go in his business and some exciting new projects in the works (including a spectacular billboard in Downtown LA during Fashion Week, a billboard in New York’s Fall Fashion Week, and a brand new website) there’s no doubt Chad is already making a splash in the fitness and entertainment industry. From the moment he started explaining what motivates him the most; Chad’s passion for leading a healthy, fulfilling life became very evident. He’s a go getter in his career and on the home front. Whatever he sets his mind to, he does it 110 percent. No mountain is too high for him to climb.
While most of us sit back and reflect on the good old “glory days” of our twenties, where we took for granted our health and being in the best shape of our lives, Chad continues to put in the hard work by setting a good example for his family and friends to be as healthy as possible today. Most of us can only dream of having our body back from our twenties years later—but he’s done it after a successful career in the energy and private equity industry. And his professional life is still going strong. An athlete all his life, playing football, hockey and running track, Chad’s definitely keeping his eye on the prize.
At age 48, Chad’s just getting started. He’s already signed an endorsement deal with Rival Nutrition and has the ability to transform his physique into magazine-worthy muscles through his heartfelt “intentional” training routines. Talk about self-motivation! That’s why it’s no surprise Chad is our first-ever male EPIC Fit Magazine cover model. This dedicated father of two is turning heads on and off the stage. And, we’re ecstatic that he’s allowing us to share all of this with you. He’s a burgeoning influencer with an abundance of talent, knowledge and real-life experience to share with the world.
Chad’s aspiration to pursue a fitness career and share his training advice is just the beginning. As a result of his undeniable willpower, tenacity and business acumen, Chad’s already inspiring people North and South of the border. His Canadian charm and pleasantry only adds to his authentic mission.
As someone who has run fitness magazines for two decades, I know amazing talent when I see it. I’ve put a lot of fitness hopefuls on covers at previous publications (and profiled probably twice as many), and trust me, Chad’s got what it takes to become a star.
Put aside his natural good looks and appeal in front of the camera for a moment... and did we mention he’s as smart as a whip? You’ll be pleased to know that Chad has a strong business mind as well, which makes his story even more attractive. As an experienced company builder and team player, Chad’s CV boasts more than 24 years of developing front-running companies in the energy industry—his skill most notable in the areas of raising capital and building leadership teams. In a nutshell, Chad is a force to be reckoned with and has worked extremely hard to get where he is today.
Most recently, Chad has taken on an executive role for a leading energy services company, which he is also a major investor in as well. Prior to this, Chad was the Operating Partner for a leading North American private equity firm focused on the energy sector. Chad also founded his own private equity firm and grew his first business into Canada’s largest service company in its segment before it was bought by the world largest player in the space in 2015. Chad spent the first eight years of his career working for a leading Canadian generalist private equity firm.
Last but not least, he’s got unrivalled skills in accounting, finance, strategy, management and team building; and has also helped build, raise capital and sell many businesses across a broad range of industries. There’s no shortage of book smarts or success here. However, after years in the corner office, creating businesses and selling them, Chad’s story started to change when he realized there was something missing. He noticed he wasn’t in the shape he used to be—so he turned to the one place he knew he could find solace to transform the way he looked. The gym.
Today, Chad considers himself semi-retired but still jumps into projects and positions when he knows he can help. He’s learned that as an entrepreneur that you have to make your personal goals and objectives a priority as well because not everything can be about your career. There needs to be balance if you want to be a well-rounded person at work and play. The ROI? YOU! At the end of the day, making yourself a priority is the only way you can lead a healthy and happy life. As a result, Chad says he’s a better dad to his kiddos and more productive in society.
After all, when you’re someone who gets bored easily, there’s always something new to work towards because the body is a beautiful thing. That’s why he’s determined to keep one foot on the gas. He believes a positive mindset is all you need to realize that your inner self is just as important as the outside. With all this being said, Chad manages his daily tasks with a sense of calm and confidence—unlike he has ever experienced during his career. Successful in business, yes. But, successful in mindset, even better. Either way, performance is key.
Now, without further ado, it is my honor to introduce our first-ever male Epic Fit Magazine cover model—Chad Allen Robinson. Here’s your chance to get to know him a little bit more.
KB: I heard you’re a proud Canadian like me. Where are you from exactly?
CR: “Yes! I grew up in Edmonton, Alberta but currently live in Calgary. Most of my family lives in Canada, although my sister lives in Australia.”
KB: What do you do for a living?
CR: “I am currently an energy company executive. I have worked in the energy industry my entire career.”
KB: What do your kids think about their dad becoming a model?
CR: “They thought it was weird at first. But, they’re used to it now. I think they’re proud of me for setting a goal and achieving it. My kids’ friends think it’s pretty cool I guess LOL.”
KB: How are you with all of this newfound attention?
CR: “It’s kind of creepy and sometimes overwhelming. I love being in the gym. It’s crazy. The one thing I really love about it is that my kids are also in the gym with me most of the time. They’re both athletes as well.”
KB: What about everyone else in your life? Was it a big change for them to see you like this?
CR: “I think everybody thinks I’m going through a midlife crisis—my business partners, colleagues etc. People have just realized this is who I am. There aren’t too many people who are willing to sacrifice like I do but I have the personality to keep challenging myself. It’s a bit of an obsession. I was very fortunate and sold my company at an early age, so I had a chance to find out what it was like to be retired. I ended up taking up golfing. I set a goal in 2016 to break 80. On round 65, I ended up shooting 77 and then I said, ‘what’s next?’”
KB: I heard you have a twin brother. Is he into working out like you are?
CR: “Actually, he’s into triathlons. It’s funny because when we were younger, Jeff was a bodybuilder and I was a runner—and now he’s a triathlete and I hit the weights. He lives in Victoria, British Columbia. We’re very close and I’m fortunate to have him in my life to bounce things off of. We regularly check in with each other to stay motivated.”
KB: What are some things you’ve had to overcome?
CR: “Both my brother and I have a history of being bullied, which certainly drives our behavior to be independent, smart and competitive. I used to get crazy anxiety in meetings because I always cared about being perfect. There was always this need to win, which was the same with my brother. The need to be perfect can become extremely overwhelming. It usually comes from the top down and the pressure I put on myself. I’d work myself up into a total frenzy for no reason and get these wicked panic attacks. However, with a lot of personal work I’ve finally come out of my shell.”
KB: Sounds familiar, I know how that can feel. Did you have a wake-up call?
CR: “Yes! My wake-up call was when I started having shooting pains in my heart; and the doctor said I have to make a lifestyle change. I never learned how to eat properly growing up. I was all go-go-go. I started my business in 2006 and went on beta blockers in 2008. I’ve been learning to pace my mental and physical existence ever since. Basically, I learned that it doesn’t matter how bad things get—you can always get yourself out of any situation. I stopped listening to others and started listening to myself.”
KB: What are you passionate about?
CR: “My fitness, my work and my family. I’m also passionate about the drive to continue pushing forward with my goals.”
KB: What is your mission?
CR: “To continually push the boundaries of what I believe is possible for myself all the while working with people to create shared goals and experiences.”
KB: What are your aspirations in life?
CR: “To continually be happy by pushing myself to my limits and in meeting the goals that I set for myself.”
KB: Anything you’d like to share and have learned so far?
CR: “Treat people the exact same way as you want to be treated! Always say please and ask versus demand! You will typically under achieve your goals in the short term but over achieve your goals in the long term. People do not care how much you know, only how much you care about them and how you are helping them to get to their goals.”
KB: When did you start to notice you needed to get back into the gym?
CR: “I entered the workforce and then slowly over an eightyear-period I started gaining weight. We had my son in 2005 and my daughter in 2007. By the end of 2008, I was about 225 pounds and one morning I looked at myself in the mirror and said, ‘enough is enough’. I realized that I was so unhappy and promised myself I would get into really good shape.”
“I started training in 2009 and hitting the gym hard. Then, one day I heard about fitness competitions from someone at the gym, so I decided to enter.”
“In six months, I lost 55 pounds and ended up competing in the WBFF Federation. I actually came 2nd even though I was the oldest guy. I was on the news and everything! I couldn’t believe it. It was kind of overwhelming.”
CR: “I did my first fitness competition back in 2009. I was very active growing up—played football, hockey and ran track. I got into university to play football, however, a serious neck injury made me quit. So. I started to focus on the school thing instead.”
KB: Do you have a trainer?
CR: “I’ve worked with a lot of trainers. Right now, I work with two female trainers—they are both butt kickers, they’re tough. But I also like working out on my own.”
KB: When did you realize you were about to make a change in your lifestyle again?
CR: “I went back into work and kept the diet going, but then Covid hit and I started down a similar road. Not good. During that time I was working for a U.S. private equity firm and eating and working too much. I was also paying too much attention to what was going on around the world instead of focusing on my own priorities.”
KB: How did you snap out of it?
CR: “In 2020, I decided to get back into really good shape. I entered another fitness competition to keep me motivated and ended up doing another WBFF show in 2021 in Atlantic City.”
KB: How did your work colleagues take it?
CR: “I’m not always Mr. Popular these days. As an executive for an energy company, we’re used to having big steak dinners with wine. Now I have to be really disciplined because I’m not going to fall into the same trap. Sometimes that makes me really unpopular. But the good news is that if I do cheat, I know I can get right back in the gym.”
KB: Tell us about your training. What do you do to stay in such great shape?
CR: “I am in the gym five days a week and will add a couple of cardio sessions if necessary. I rarely spend more than an hour and a half in the gym at any given time. I like to lift heavy and within a set repetition range (i.e. 6 to 10 reps).”
KB: What about your diet? Can you give us a hint or two?
CR: “For my diet, I start every day with water, apple cider vinegar and a double shot espresso. I then will do a cup of oatmeal and a 1/3 liter of egg whites and will split this into my first two meals of the day. My next four meals comprise of smaller snacks like rice cakes and protein shakes along with salads and proteins. I will do the odd pizza night but not very often. The same goes for alcohol. Not very often and never typically before a lifting day due to dehydration issues.”
KB: What does your training regimen look like?
CR: “If I’m feeling good, I go really heavy. Light if I’m not feeling the greatest. That’s the luxury of working out on your own schedule. If I feel a little dehydrated, I won’t go heavy either. It’s all about staying healthy and not getting injured. Because I know how long it can take to heal.”
KB: Do you have a cheat meal?
CR: “I only have the odd cheat meal, which is typically a pizza, maybe once a month.”
KB: How often do you lift?
CR: “Usually five days a week of lifting weights. I prioritize lifting weights over cardio—and only do cardio if I have to lean down for a photo shoot or competition. The key is I only spend 1-1.5 hours in the gym per day.”
KB: What else do you live by in the gym?
CR: “I do a lot of stretching with cardio to keep me limber. It helps with flexibility and stamina too.”
KB: What is the most important part of your training?
CR: “My big thing is my diet. I feel like I have my diet honed in. I eat oatmeal and egg whites every morning.”
KB: I heard you have a ton of professional designations to your name. What are they specifically?
CR: “My formal designations include an MBA specializing in Corporate Finance, Master in Agriculture specializing in Resource Economics, B.Sc in Environmental Science and an ICD.D focused on Board of Directors work. Current Board positions include Force Inspection (Chairman), Acceleware (Advisory Board), BarrelEye Downhole Tools and Lexa Drilling Technologies. Past board member of Pacesetter Directional Drilling, DSI Thru-Tubing (sold to Reservoir Group), Whitewater Management (Chairman), Variperm Canada and CUPs (Non-Profit - Vice Chairman).”
KB: Wow, that is so impressive; you’ve done a lot in your career. What else are you passionate about?
CR: “The whole concept of helping people means so much to me. It’s nice to have energy to help people, to give tips to. I’ve become an authority, which is something I’m really passionate about. I love helping people.”
KB: What made you decide to shoot for BodyScape Magazine?
CR: “I had just completed a fitness competition in December of 2021 and was looking for a goal to continue to stay in great shape for an extended period of time. I had done one prior fitness competition in 2009 and ended up taking some pictures after that show and regretted not staying in peak shape for an extended period beyond the show.”
CR: “I was referred to Bodyscape by another photographer who I knew who felt the ‘Epic Destination Shoot’ would be a great experience for me. I figured it would provide me with a great goal to work towards and a much more laid back approach to getting photos done, which really appealed to me. Sarah was super nice and we hit it off right away. She has an amazing crew.”
CR: “My goal is to do another photo shoot or competition within a year from now. Maybe the end of this year or early 2023. I haven’t quite decided yet.”
CR: “I am currently working night and day building another energy company. Keeping the balance between work, fitness and family is very difficult but I have a lot of support in my life.”
CR: “This may sound completely arrogant and full but I believe in myself and my abilities whether it is fitness, work or family, I have worked really hard to ensure I am at the top in each of these ‘life’ categories.”
CR: “You are never too old to hit your dreams. I conceived a dream during my darkest days of the pandemic to take control and achieve an ultimate fitness goal I had long thought passed me! I sacrificed loads of family time, drinking with friends and good times because I felt something inside me was going to be gone forever if I did not exercise it.”
CR: “I’m a huge goal setter. I have the personality to stick with things, especially if I’ve made a commitment to the goals. However, I do have low days where I do not want to get out of bed. But, I get up, come downstairs, drink my water, apple cider vinegar and get on the stationary bike. Within minutes, I’ll start to feel better and ready to tackle the day.”
CR: “To keep balance in my life, I have to keep my energy levels up—and that means staying in good shape. So, it’s kind of selfish. I feel at my best when I’m in my best shape. I hope that doesn’t sound weird.”
CR: “Keep it simple. Keep it consistent.”
CR: “I forgot to mention that I am also an avid fly fisherman and love going fishing with my son. Lastly, I love hanging with and doing mini photo shoots with my daughter. Above everything, that means the most to me.”
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was very fortunate to have
Lyons Glabman offer
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As they say, every experience is always about people and I was very fortunate to have a photographer, and now a friend, in Sarah who took the time to guide me through the experience every step of the way. This included helping me with some final clothes shopping.
"Noting or pertaining to a long poetic composition, usually centered upon a hero, in which a series of great achievements or events is narrated in elevated style: heroic; majestic; impressively great"
HERO. That is the perfect word to describe Epic Fit Magazine’s cover model, Chad Allen Robinson. He is a hero in business. He is a hero to his wonderful wife Karen and their two children. He is a hero in fitness—and he is definitely a hero to me. This “Capturing the Cover” segment goes a little deeper than most because this shoot was extremely personal to me.
Chad Allen Robinson was introduced to me through a mutual friend, Salomon Surraca, in Miami, Florida. Salomon is a notable fitness photographer who travels to the WBFF fitness shows and photographs tons of fitness competitors during “show weeks”. He also books regular shoots in the Miami area, and we will be featuring some of his work here in Epic Fit Magazine in future issues. Check out salomonurraca.com to see examples of his fabulous work.
Salomon photographed Chad at one of the WBFF fitness shows. He was also on my crew as the esteemed videographer during Epic Destination Shoot Miami Version 2.0 in February of this year. Obviously, the crew spends quite a bit of time with each other, and during the down-time, we talk shop about lighting, composition, sets, etc. Lots of fun stuff like that. During our time together, I shared some information with Salomon and the crew about the billboard opportunities I offer in Times Square; and also about the specifics of my two publications BodyScape Magazine and Epic Fit Magazine. And, almost immediately, he suggested that I get on a call with his client, Chad Robinson.
He told me Chad was looking to explore more opportunities in the fitness world outside of competing. I just so happen to have lots of opportunities available for people outside of competing—and inside as well! What happened next is what really sets the stage for this story.
Chad and I got on a call during some downtime in Miami. We spoke about his current fitness achievements, and what I could offer him moving forward. There was electricity on that call, meaning, I could feel Chad’s energy and excitement over the phone. After all, I am the only photographer who can not only offer a guaranteed spot on the cover of a magazine, but I can also offer billboards in Times Square and Los Angeles. I think that is what makes this entire process so EPIC. (Elevated in style, impressively great!)
Chad reflected on our conversation and he decided that he would not only like to schedule a cover shoot of Epic Fit Magazine, but that he would also like to move forward with booking the largest Times Square billboard that I’ve had to date…just at the base of the iconic red steps in the heart of Times Square. What an incredible opportunity for exposure and getting your name out there. In fact, this magazine is being released on the heels of that Times Square billboard being released! And, now you know the players behind this incredible cover shoot, how we were introduced, and what was decided to build Chad’s brand moving forward. The rest is history!
Typically, after a huge out-of-town photo shoot, I like to take a month or two off from shooting altogether. I’m usually swamped with all of the photo organizing, emailing to the clients I just worked with, photo processing, helping the clients choose the images and EDITING. But Chad had some business in Arizona about three weeks after I was done with my big Miami shoot. So, we scheduled the shoot to take place during that time in March!
Chad and his family have a vacation condo about ten minutes away from my studio, however, it just so happened that their condo was booked during the time he was scheduled to do his shoot, So, I offered Chad a place to stay in my comfy, cozy studio for the six days leading up to the big day. Keep in mind, I do not live at the studio, but I felt like I had a roommate because all of my “stuff” is there. Chad had access to the studio before I could get there to formally welcome him, so he stayed the night there upon his arrival.
The next morning, I went over to the studio and introduced myself. I think we were both so excited about what the week would bring that we just laughed and gave each other a big ol’ welcome hug. I felt completely at ease with Chad staying in my place. You may wonder why Chad was there so long before the shoot…well, coming from Calgary, Canada, Chad wanted to make sure that he had time to acclimate to the time change and climate before our shoot. It’s a very strategic move that athletes make to ensure they are getting the PROPER rest, nutrition, training, and hydration prior to a shoot of this caliber. I’m all too familiar with this process, so I encouraged him to come down and make himself at home before the big shoot day.
Once he was rested, acclimated and charged up—READY TO GO—I remember he said to me: “Hey, Sarah, do you think you could show me some shops here in Scottsdale that have some good clothes for this shoot? I don’t have much sense of fashion.” Ummm, you are speaking my language Chad! Let’s get you to Fashion Square STAT!
First stop: Neiman’s. We spent at least an hour and a half in Neiman’s wandering, assessing and looking. It’s a little intimidating in there. Almost everything is so fabulous that I just wanted him to try EVERYTHING on, but we played it conservative… So we thought...
I had an idea to get Chad in a very ornate, bespoke men’s tuxedo jacket, but Neiman’s didn’t have exactly what I was looking for. However, we did find a gorgeous blue cashmere plaid sport coat that we knew would be absolutely gorgeous in photos. Once Chad had chosen his pieces, along with that blue plaid sport coat, I believe there were six or seven pieces in all, no biggie. We were being catered to in the back area (which I can only assume is the VIP area of Neiman’s) and I thought to myself, “Umm, I feel like this is going to be pricey.” Keep in mind, neither Chad nor myself was paying attention to price tags because we were just having fun! Eventually, the cashier rang him up, and as it turns out that gorgeous plaid coat was $8,000 USD! Needless to say, that was NOT in the bag when we left, but everything else was.
Next, we were off to Versace…which obviously didn’t disappoint. I don’t shop there often—maybe once every few years—but what I do know about Versace is they have
quality and timeless style. So, we picked up a few items there as well. Can you pick out which pieces are Versace in the feature? The wardrobe, rest, training, and focus for the shoot were now dialed into perfection. WE were ready.
The shoot day consisted of four shoot locations in one day. These cover shoots can be rigorous, but the outcome makes it all worth it! On-deck for the shoot crew, I was (obviously) the photographer. Fitness celebrity Monica Brant was there as Chad’s posing coach, helping him to dial in his poses to perfection. Leiah Scheibel was on-set as Chad’s “man-glam”
expert, ensuring Chad didn’t get too shiny, or leave one hair out of place. Finally, my good friend and associate Tony Swann was on-set to capture movielevel video of Chad’s shoot while we were working throughout the day. We were ready.
Beginning at my studio, we shot Chad in one of my favorite, and very simple areas, the hallway outside my studio. I have shot some monumental stuff there before but nothing like this! The depth of field, the mood, you can see why it’s one of my favorite places. Moving inside, to a variety of different colored backdrops, we created the centerpiece of Chad’s magnificent Times Square billboard with the purple backdrop.
Time to switch gears, pack up, and move locations…
I have some very good friends in North Scottsdale that offered up their backyard area for the shoot. Not only are they good friends, but they also love to follow my work to see what I’m up to! We loaded up the production van and three other vehicles and headed up into the gated community. Driving through the exclusive neighborhood, I’m always in awe of God’s splendor and what he has created for us. There was no shortage of scenery with the massive backyard, infinity-edge pool, and views with views on views. I LOVE this place. Chad also had access to the private casita to hang his wardrobe and get ready for each new scene in privacy. Tony Swann and his crew shot a few segments there in the backyard while we were taking a bit of a break in between.
Time to switch gears, pack up, and move locations again…
Next up was Maximum Fitness Gym. My dear friend, fitness personality, and contributing writer for BodyScape Magazine Karen Mullarkey is a trainer at this amazing gym just down the street from where I live. This gym had everything in place for the actual COVER shot of Chad. It’s a bit of a challenge with these shoots sometimes because what I thought I wanted for the cover didn’t end up being the cover! This intense shot with a heavy blue background just spoke to me for this issue with Chad focusing on his strength, determination, and pure will. He was working HARD in the gym. We grabbed a few amazing looks of him and he needed a small break. Just in time because it was...
Time to switch gears, pack up, and move locations one more time…
The last location of the day was at my home! When I tell you this shoot was personal, this is what I mean. I rarely let people into my home, let alone to do a published magazine shoot. Home is home, you know what I mean? I work in so many layers on so many things each day, that when I get HOME, I just want to sink in. But this is where Chad met my wonderful husband Barry. He and Chad are both successful business men—and Barry fully supported this full week of shoot prep and everything that goes along with it for Chad and the success of this edition of Epic Fit Magazine. We shot some fashion looks (Versace anyone?) along with pool-resort looks at my home. These are some of my favorites! Not just because Chad looks chiseled and amazing, but I also think that the HOME element comes into play here too; and I love being at home.
And, that’s a wrap!!!
Whew! What a day for everyone involved. I’m pretty sure I got my steps in that day. Wait…I know I did! Was it rigorous? YES. Was it challenging? YES. Was it worth it? YES. In all ways. Chad’s images have now been seen by tens of thousands of people in Times Square New York, during New York Fashion Week, and online! And, guess what? Getty images was also there snapping photos of his monstrous billboard, advertising his brand new website, NRGY4Life.com. There is a process and a method to all of this. It all starts with an idea, a photoshoot, and then, who knows? It takes time and patience, but as I mentioned before… it is all worth it! Keep watching Chad and see what happens next. I guarantee you, you’ll be amazed at what this man is up to.
We all know the many benefits that come with consistent exercise. I realize that most people who read this magazine are active individuals who work out regularly. For years, exercise has been known to be an important factor in weight loss, increased muscle tone, and for improving and maintaining most health conditions. But more recently, the benefits of exercise on the brain for mental health have become a popular topic of conversation—and rightfully so. Here’s why.
When I was sixteen, I started drinking. By my twenties, I was an alcoholic, smoking weed, popping pills, and snorting cocaine. What followed was a twenty-year battle with addiction and mental illness. By the grace of God, I became sober in 2015, but I still had a lot of work to do in order to get my body and mind healthy again.
So, I used my 22 years of experience as a Certified Master Trainer to begin an exercise regimen to regain my physical strength. Within as little as two weeks, I began to lose weight and experienced an increase in energy. With my training as a fitness professional, I fully expected these results.
What I didn’t expect to happen so quickly, however, was such a drastic improvement in my moods as well as cognitive function. I had a better sense of well-being and a more positive outlook on life as a whole. I also noticed enhancement in my short and long-term memory. It was like a switch in my brain had been flipped on! All of this began to happen within just a few workouts.
Recently, I decided to research the science behind this phenomenon—and I learned why those brain benefits are so remarkable and profound. I found the information to be very technical, yet fascinating. But you don’t have to be an exercise nerd like me to understand the how and why of the effects of exercise on your brain.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, is a substance found in the brain that helps keep our brain cells healthy. It’s like fertilizer for our brain! High levels of BDNF aid in neuroplasticity, or brain plasticity, which is the ability of the brain to re-wire itself and adapt in response to the world around us. On the other hand, low levels of BDNF, have been linked to depression, anxiety, memory problems, and brain degeneration over time.
This BDNF sounds like pretty great stuff, huh? So, how can we get more of it? Well, it is created when the brain is stimulated by activities that make you think; like word puzzles or crossword puzzles. But the newest, most compelling research has found that physical activity, especially aerobic exercise, is the ultimate BDNF booster.
More specifically, high-intensity interval training, or HIIT, appears to be more effective than resistance training or weight lifting for promoting the production of BDNF. The brain’s feel-good chemicals, endorphins and endocannabinoids, are released after just a 20 to 30-minute HIIT workout. Moreover, comparisons between moderate-intensity continuous training, or MICT, and HIIT, suggest increased BDNF circulation after HIIT.
Sustained elevations in BDNF can be seen after just three months of consistent HIIT training. The longterm effects of this type of exercise on the brain include increased concentrations of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine—all of which contribute to an improved sense of well-being, memory enhancement, and reward sensations.
I cannot overstate the positive effects of exercise on the brain; my story is a prime example of this. Mental health continues to be a growing crisis in our country, but as our society becomes educated and more aware of the health benefits of exercise, my hope is that we may begin to turn a corner on elevating brain health across the nation.
Selina Hinojosa is the founder and owner of LIFT by Selina Medical Exercise & Fitness Center in Corpus Christi, TX. You can learn more about her Medical Exercise Training services at www.liftbyselina.com.
To commemorate Heart Health Awareness, I’d like to share my personal story to help you realize that listening to your body at any age is imperative. You can find this excerpt and many more chapters about the importance of self-care in my book: “My Heart, My Self: A Heartfelt Guide for Women Who Do Too Much.”
(However, just because someone may look good on the outside doesn’t mean they are healthy on the inside.)
I have worked as a health advocate ever since I can remember. Particularly, during my time as the editor-inchief of Oxygen Women’s Fitness Magazine and American Health & Fitness. In other words, I have been around a lot of fitness and nutrition experts—and interviewed numerous models who know a thing or two about looking after their bodies.
Take me for example: I don’t smoke. I eat fairly well and go to the gym. I’m not overweight. I have no previous history of major health issues. The list goes on and on. And yet at 39 years old, I had a heart attack.
It all started on Christmas morning in 2012. My family was eating breakfast together and I experienced a tightness across my chest that I had never felt before. It took my breath away.
This claustrophobic-like feeling lasted for two weeks. It was so foreign, but I was a busy mom with two young boys at the time, and a very demanding job, so I just shrugged it off as normal holiday stress.
After our family returned from a trip to Florida a few weeks later, I started experiencing heavy heart-racing episodes three to four times a week. They would start and stop suddenly for no apparent reason—and it felt like I was running a marathon even at rest. I was also having more headaches than usual, aches and pains in my upper body, shortness of breath going up and down the stairs, and was tired all the time. This was not like me.
One morning at work, I had a panic attack standing in line at the cafeteria. The next night, as I was putting the kids to bed, I had the most excruciating pain in my right shoulder that shot all the way down my arm. It felt as though someone had hit me really hard with a baseball bat. It stopped me in my tracks. The pain then migrated around my back.
My arm started to go limp.
I’ve since learned that women can experience different heart attack symptoms than men; such as pain in their right arm or shoulder, a feeling of indigestion, lower back aches, jaw pain, exhaustion etc. This is what was happening to me. I couldn’t believe it.
I had no control over my body.
Turns out, the problem was that I didn’t listen to my body a month earlier. I should have known that the tightness in my chest was not normal. I should have gone to my doctor then, but instead, I thought (like so many others) that I was a healthy person and there’s absolutely no way I could have a heart attack at such a young age.
My second mistake was not going to the hospital that dreadful night. I was in denial and am sincerely lucky that I was able to make it through on my own and get to my doctor and then cardiologist the next week.
The way I haphazardly reacted to my body literally “showing me the signs” is quite typical of busy moms, and in fact, women in general. We seldom put ourselves first or make our health a priority.
My kids had to go to bed, right?! And who wants to go to the hospital on Christmas? Note sarcastic tone.
This is why I share my heart health story today. To warn others that if it can happen to me, it can happen to you at any age. I sincerely hope my message resonates with you in some way or perhaps you can pass it along to someone you know who is overdoing it and not stopping to evaluate their daily stressors. I encourage you to always listen to your body and seek medical help if necessary.
While I am certainly no doctor, I know now that listening to my body when I first experienced the signs and symptoms could have saved me from heart surgery. I look forward to sharing more of my journey and what happened next in upcoming issues.
C ombined with regular exercise and a balanc ed diet,
Hear t is an all-natural opti on for women’s health.