2 minute read
There are many gifts around us. In fact, in my humble opinion, if you have an open-minded approach to life in general (and definitely an open-hearted approach in life) you will receive many amazing gifts throughout your life. They are meant for you—no one else. In using the term “gifts”, I don’t mean a tangible item that you open either; I mean God’s gift of networking, and in this case…friendship. Never take anything for granted because, trust me, you can miss these special encounters if you’re not paying attention.
For instance, this issue is very special to me. And as a result, I was really paying attention. From the moment our cover model Chad Allen Robinson and I met in person, I knew that this photo shoot would be an absolute success. Not just because of his incredible good looks and amazing physique, but because of the CARE that went into the shoot prior to us even saying hello. I will never forget—Chad brought some amazing gifts to the photo shoot team that day… gifts of being “coach-able” when working with fitness celebrity Monica Brant, being “flexible” with my ideas on set, being “film-able” by Tony Swann and his impeccable video crew, and being a wonderful representative of my brand. I am COMPLETELY honored to have the first-ever male cover of Epic Fit Magazine, and my now great friend, Chad Allen Robinson. Visit him at NRGY4LIFE.com.
What else makes Epic Fit Magazine so epic? Well, we are one of the newer fitness-forward magazines to offer a hard copy print version, as well as a free-to-read online option. ALSO, when you book a shoot for Epic Fit Magazine, you also get a billboard in Times Square New York featuring one of your favorite images from the Epic Fit Magazine photo shoot. Tell me THAT’s not EPIC!
At the end of the day, I love to help people promote their businesses and brands, and with these unique photo shoots, we can execute a plan of success for you! In fact, we just updated EpicDestinationShoot.com which contains a ton of information on my “epic” shoots and what it takes to produce these special magazines. Make sure you also stop by PictureGroove.com and EpicFitMag.com for more!
Lastly, if you have a story to tell and can see yourself on the cover of one of my two creations, Epic Fit Magazine or BodyScape Magazine, please reach out to me! I would love to hear from you. Our next Epic Destination Shoot is taking place in Las Vegas this upcoming November 3-7, 2022. I am looking forward to seeing YOU in front of my lens!
@EpicFitMagazine epicfitmag.com
Gear used to capture the cover: Canon R5 camera with a 24-70 MM prime lens; Blue gel filter over a Paul C Buff Alien Bee 800 for the background. From the front, I used a Paul C Buff Einstein light with a 10-degree grid to capture all of Chad’s definition.
Location for the shoot: Maximum Fitness Gym Scottsdale, Arizona - maxfitgym.com Posing and detail assistance: Monica Brant - Monicabrant.com Men’s grooming: Leiah Scheibel - LeiahScheibel.com