6 minute read



Cover model: Chad Allen Robinson


Cover story written by Epic Fit Magazine Editor-in-Chief Kerrie Lee Brown

WITH HIS EYE ON THE PRIZE, Chad Allen Robinson

is turning heads on and off the stage.

If a picture says a thousand words, then what the heck does this issue’s cover say? Ummm… Excuse my French but, WOW! From the boardroom to bulking up, Canada’s own Chad Allen Robinson is making an important statement: You can have it all. You just have to put the hard work in— and he definitely is. So much so that even the pros are taking a page from his book.

Believe me when I say, this guy’s determination is off the charts. With decades under his belt in various leadership roles in the corporate world, Chad’s passion for helping people reach their goals is now at the forefront of his portfolio. Despite dealing with his own struggles growing up, such as panic attacks, anxiety and being bullied as a kid, Chad’s powerful transformation story is nothing short of exemplary. And, we have captured it all.

Growing up in a hard-working household, Chad learned that he had to self-motivate in order to push through difficulties and reap the rewards. Now he’s literally practicing what he preaches. Chad has the know-how to face challenges head on—and says if it weren’t for his upbringing, he wouldn’t be the person he is today. He doesn’t quit until he achieves his goals and hopes to instill these values in his children.

Ultimately, Chad is proving to himself and to the rest of the world that no matter what age, life stage, or what you’ve been through in life, you CAN overcome obstacles and become your best self.

Becoming A Fitness Role Model

With so much on the go in his business and some exciting new projects in the works (including a spectacular billboard in Downtown LA during Fashion Week, a billboard in New York’s Fall Fashion Week, and a brand new website) there’s no doubt Chad is already making a splash in the fitness and entertainment industry. From the moment he started explaining what motivates him the most; Chad’s passion for leading a healthy, fulfilling life became very evident. He’s a go getter in his career and on the home front. Whatever he sets his mind to, he does it 110 percent. No mountain is too high for him to climb.

While most of us sit back and reflect on the good old “glory days” of our twenties, where we took for granted our health and being in the best shape of our lives, Chad continues to put in the hard work by setting a good example for his family and friends to be as healthy as possible today. Most of us can only dream of having our body back from our twenties years later—but he’s done it after a successful career in the energy and private equity industry. And his professional life is still going strong. An athlete all his life, playing football, hockey and running track, Chad’s definitely keeping his eye on the prize.

At age 48, Chad’s just getting started. He’s already signed an endorsement deal with Rival Nutrition and has the ability to transform his physique into magazine-worthy muscles through his heartfelt “intentional” training routines. Talk about self-motivation! That’s why it’s no surprise Chad is our first-ever male EPIC Fit Magazine cover model. This dedicated father of two is turning heads on and off the stage. And, we’re ecstatic that he’s allowing us to share all of this with you. He’s a burgeoning influencer with an abundance of talent, knowledge and real-life experience to share with the world.

Chad’s aspiration to pursue a fitness career and share his training advice is just the beginning. As a result of his undeniable willpower, tenacity and business acumen, Chad’s already inspiring people North and South of the border. His Canadian charm and pleasantry only adds to his authentic mission.

As someone who has run fitness magazines for two decades, I know amazing talent when I see it. I’ve put a lot of fitness hopefuls on covers at previous publications (and profiled probably twice as many), and trust me, Chad’s got what it takes to become a star.



Put aside his natural good looks and appeal in front of the camera for a moment... and did we mention he’s as smart as a whip? You’ll be pleased to know that Chad has a strong business mind as well, which makes his story even more attractive. As an experienced company builder and team player, Chad’s CV boasts more than 24 years of developing front-running companies in the energy industry—his skill most notable in the areas of raising capital and building leadership teams. In a nutshell, Chad is a force to be reckoned with and has worked extremely hard to get where he is today.

Most recently, Chad has taken on an executive role for a leading energy services company, which he is also a major investor in as well. Prior to this, Chad was the Operating Partner for a leading North American private equity firm focused on the energy sector. Chad also founded his own private equity firm and grew his first business into Canada’s largest service company in its segment before it was bought by the world largest player in the space in 2015. Chad spent the first eight years of his career working for a leading Canadian generalist private equity firm.

Last but not least, he’s got unrivalled skills in accounting, finance, strategy, management and team building; and has also helped build, raise capital and sell many businesses across a broad range of industries. There’s no shortage of book smarts or success here. However, after years in the corner office, creating businesses and selling them, Chad’s story started to change when he realized there was something missing. He noticed he wasn’t in the shape he used to be—so he turned to the one place he knew he could find solace to transform the way he looked. The gym.

Keeping His Eye on The Prize

Today, Chad considers himself semi-retired but still jumps into projects and positions when he knows he can help. He’s learned that as an entrepreneur that you have to make your personal goals and objectives a priority as well because not everything can be about your career. There needs to be balance if you want to be a well-rounded person at work and play. The ROI? YOU! At the end of the day, making yourself a priority is the only way you can lead a healthy and happy life. As a result, Chad says he’s a better dad to his kiddos and more productive in society.

After all, when you’re someone who gets bored easily, there’s always something new to work towards because the body is a beautiful thing. That’s why he’s determined to keep one foot on the gas. He believes a positive mindset is all you need to realize that your inner self is just as important as the outside. With all this being said, Chad manages his daily tasks with a sense of calm and confidence—unlike he has ever experienced during his career. Successful in business, yes. But, successful in mindset, even better. Either way, performance is key.

Now, without further ado, it is my honor to introduce our first-ever male Epic Fit Magazine cover model—Chad Allen Robinson. Here’s your chance to get to know him a little bit more.


Kerrie Lee Brown


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