2 minute read
Capturing the Cover
75 Capturing the cover
Spring issue 2021
Written by BodyScape Magazine Cover Hair & Makeup Artist - Allison Pynn makeupaz.com
I’m Allison Pynn, makeup + hair artist and the bodypainter for this month’s cover of BodyScape Magazine. Prepping for this shoot was a FULL day! It started with 2 hours of hair/makeup and then 6.5 hours to hand-paint Annieca’s suit.
When Annieca and I discussed the concept of this cover, we both agreed she needed to be painted for it- I mean, she’s got a great strong body, she’s different, sexy, and I can paint!
Annieca is a powerhouse in her field, but as you can clearly see from her hair color, she’s also loud and fun! I immediately thought of Demi Moore when she was painted with a business suit on a former cover of Vanity Fair (done by the talented Joanne Gair). My vision for Annieca was in a custom painted business suit, incorporating her hair colors into the design, rockstar hair style and smokey glam makeup- we both loved it!
After the hair and makeup were finished, I laid blankets on the floor of Sarah’s studio, set up my paints, Annieca laid down and we were ready to start. Annieca laid down for most of the painting, she even fell asleep...which is when I got the most work done! We chatted for hours as I painted away and 6.5 hours later it was complete!
Those that know Annieca know she does not sit still and she has the energy of a hummingbird (which adds to her charm & serves her well in business, as she’s always juggling 50 balls at once), BUT not ideal for bodypainting- painting the white pinstripes were an ordeal in itself!
I’ve been working with Annieca, doing her hair and makeup, for almost 10 years. I’ve watched as she’s celebrated incredible work achievements, raising her son, family challenges, highs/lows and I even flew out to glam her for the red carpet at the Oscars.
She is by far one of the most dynamic spirits you will ever meet. Her energy is infectious- she’s so quick to laugh (even at herself) and she lights up every room she’s in. Her past and some of the heart-wrenching things she’s survived have given her a depth that just adds to her sweetness and ability to relate to anyone. Anneica is the hardest working person I’ve ever met and yet, always ready to dance and have a good time!
Annieca is one of those people that impacts everyone she comes across and knowing her, even for a short while, will leave you feeling inspired, energized and ready to tackle every dream you have!