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Page 54 Top 10 Summer Skin Protectors
from Epic Fit Magazine Issue 2
by Advarto
Classed as super foods, they are harvested from fresh water and ocean salt water and contain an extraordinary variety of important nutrients. Very high in Vitamin A and Chlorophyll, they are often added to supplements of daily greens formulas to support body wellness.
Raw Almonds & Pumpkin Seeds
Healthy eating often includes a small handful of raw nuts and seeds (as tolerated) to support valuable protein and Vitamin E, plus minerals like Zinc and silica, required for healthy skin and body.
Broccoli & Brussel Sprouts
These two foods (including cauliflower) are in the “cruciferol food class” and contain healthy natural sulfur and an abundance of other minerals for bone, joint, skin and body health.
Besides being delicious, this fruit is fairly high in Vitamin E and other natural fats and healthy essential oils. All fat soluble vitamins like A, E, D, EFA and K require healthy oils to be properly absorbed into the cells for good skin and body health.

Optimum Health of the body and skin doesn’t just happen — it takes effort. The only side effect of eating new foods and taking Aloe is improved health. Most people want to look their best and feel good, yet statistics of troubled skin including skin cancer, are soaring. So why not control our destiny and begin to make easy, natural and tasty choices today. Enjoy!
Karen Masterson Koch is a clinical nutritionist and health educator with over 35 yrs. experience in counseling in Southern California. Karen is an expert on Aloe Vera, Gluten and author of Beyond Gluten Intolerance GIS, which is available on Amazon, or by calling 1-800-414-2563.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and suggestions are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
1-800-414-ALOE | www.aloelife.com | info@aloelife.com