5 minute read
Page 42 Capturing the Cover
from Epic Fit Magazine Issue 2
by Advarto


Susan Hoff is no stranger to my camera. Since our first shoot together in 2017, we have evolved as a team, and we both know what to expect from each other. Susan has always had a vast variety in her wardrobe…all top-notch, high-end pieces that look great on camera.
But choosing this cover was a bit of a challenge for me. We had so many great, unique looks that were captured in an incredible studio in Miami, and Susan is always in fantastic shape. So which photo is the right one?
After doing some comparisons with my creative coach, Jarmo Pohjaniemi, I decided that this look was the perfect ‘fit’ for Epic Fit’s second edition cover. In a situation like this where I truly thought that one image was IT, it’s best to consult with another photo professional to grasp what we want the audience to see and feel when looking at the cover. And, Susan nailed it.
Monica Brant has always been awesome at posing the ladies on the Epic Destination Shoots, so having her on set with Susan to try some new, modern posing was exactly what was called for in this issue - and Susan looks amazing! Lisa Opie nailed Susan’s “super hero” modern look for this cover shoot. We are so blessed to have such a visionary on set for Epic Destination Shoot Miami.
Visit EpicDestinationShoot.com to find out where we will be next!

Fat Burning BodySculpt Bodyweight
Through my years of training, I have often heard from my clients that it is hard to workout when they are traveling because there is no gym or equipment, and in return, I would always have a solution and that is “USE YOUR BODY!”
I have always found it effective to do workouts with a combination of cardio, strength training and core routines because I feel that for those who are strapped for time or have families what to maximize time with their workouts and by doing this, you will. Body weight training can be very effective is burning excessive fat, strengthen your muscles, sculpt your body and can be done just about anywhere!
Below are some of the top benefits of Body Workouts:
1. They’re great training options for everyone. 2. They boost the metabolism by increasing heart rate, which is the key to boosting metabolism and calorie burn. 3. The exercises can range in intensity, which is ideal for beginners and simple enough to do at home without any gym equipment. 4. It doesn’t require any acute lifestyle changes other then “just doing it” 5. The HIIT workouts are proven to increase aerobic and anaerobic fitness significantly which leads to increased body strength and stronger bones and joints.
Here is a fun workout you can try. In the workout below, each exercise should last for 45 seconds, and you should perform every exercise 3 times in a row before moving on to the next. Take a break of 15 seconds between each set. If you are a beginner or just getting back into working out, only do 2 times.

**Make sure to do about 5 minutes of a quick warm up and active stretches before starting the workout.
45 seconds of work 15 seconds rest
Walkout-to-push-up Repeat 3 times
45 seconds of work 15 seconds rest
Reverse lunges Repeat 3 times
45 seconds of work 15 seconds rest
Tricep crab reaches Repeat 3 times
Total Time 18 Minutes
45 seconds of work 15 seconds rest
Air Squats Repeat 3 times
45 seconds of work 15 seconds rest
Up/Down Planks Repeat 3 times
45 seconds of work 15 seconds rest
Reverse Leg Raises Repeat 3 times
Cardio Sprint interval training
It is summertime here in Arizona, and it is HOT. Too hot for me to workout outdoors, at least until the weather cools off here in November.
Sometimes it is hard for me to stay on a consistent workout routine, and on the days that I know I have 35 minutes or less, or, if I am going in between bodyweight or weigh training days, I like to mix up the cardio a bit with these fat-incinerating mini-sprint intervals on the treadmill. When you are in a good fat-burning zone, the sprints will elevate the heart even more for a short time, to burn more fat.

I try to do these intervals 2-3 days per week, again, combining them with the bodyweight training and weight training that I do when I am working out with Patty Wilson.
I always start a little slow. Do not go straight in to walking too quickly or even running, UNLESS you are already warmed up. Usually I begin by warming up, and it looks like this:
~I set the treadmill at 7.5% incline, to begin the pace at 3.0 MPH for 2 minutes. ~Then I lower the incline down to 5.0% incline, increasing the speed to 3.4 MPH for 2 minutes. ~Next, I lower the incline down to 2.5% incline, increasing the speed to 3.8 MPH for 2 minutes. ~Finally, I lower the incline down to flat, and increase the speed to 4.2 MPH for 2 minutes.
Now, I increase the speed to 6.5 MPH for a brisk, one-minute steady sprint. When the one minute is up, I take the speed back to 4.2 MPH for 4 more minutes. After the 4 minutes is up, I sprint again at 6.5 MPH, and continue this pattern until I hit the 30-35 minute mark on the treadmill, and I ALWAYS follow up with a 5-minute minimum cooldown, at a speed of 3.0 MPH or below. The intention is to get the heart rate back down before you leave the exercise. I usually wind up with 4-5 mini sprints, throughout the workout.
The most important part of this exercise is to really pay attention to your form. Take long, natural strides and increase or decrease the speed as needed according to your size. (I am 5’6”, so the 6.5-7.0 MPH range is great for me to sprint). If you’re shorter, decrease the speed, and if you’re taller, you can increase it. Breathe with intention during the sprints, and I can’t remind you enough to not over do it. And make sure you wear good running shoes with good support!