Parents' Newletter October 2010

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Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Ysgol Gatholig Esgob Vaughan Parents’ Newsletter October 2010 Cylchlythyr Rhieni Hydref 2010

Presentation Evening

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010


Spring 2011

Summer 2011

Term begins Wednesday 1st September

Begins Monday 25th October

Ends Friday th 29 October

Term ends Friday th 17 December

Tuesday 4 January

Monday 21 February


Friday 25 February

Friday 15th April

Tuesday 3rd May

Monday 30th May

Friday 3rd June

Thursday 21st July



Dates for your Diary INSET DAYS Wednesday 1st September 2010 Thursday 21st October 2010 Friday 22nd October 2010 Friday 15th April 2011 Monday 27th June 2011 The full academic year school calendar is available to view on our website, alternatively parents can collect a paper copy from the school’s main office. Last day of term - The school closes on Wednesday 20th October at 3.25 pm and rere-opens on Monday 1st November - week one on the timetable.

PLEASE NOTE: Whilst the school understands the difficulties with holidays, we would remind you that breaks should not be booked without the Head approving the time off first. Please write requesting permission to the Headteacher and not Senior Tutor or Tutor. We would bring to your attention that School Inspectors have regularly pointed out that there is a clear link between absence and lack of academic progress!

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

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Message from the Headteacher Welcome A very warm welcome to our new pupils in Year 7. We trust that your stay at Bishop Vaughan will be a happy and memorable one. We also welcome back into the sixth form very many of the students who completed their GCSE’s in the summer. A particularly warm welcome is extended to those who have joined the sixth form from other schools.

Collection of Certificates Certificates gained during Summer 2010 examinations will be available for collection in December 2010. It is important that you collect your certificates as they will be returned to the examination board after 12 months.

Year 6 Open Evening A very successful open evening took place on Thursday, 14th October. The main hall was filled with prospective pupils and their parents and guardians. The headteacher introduced the school, highlighting its Catholic ethos and approach to teaching and learning. The sixth formers then took groups of the visitors to meet the staff and some of our current pupils and see the school facilities. A big thank you to all pupils who gave up their evening to demonstrate the various subjects Bishop Vaughan has to offer. Many favourable comments were received and we look forward to receiving a large number of applicants for the year 7 places available. If you know of anyone who has not received a prospectus directly from the school or via our feeder primaries, please urge them to be in touch with the school as soon as possible.

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

School Uniform Years 77-11 Pullover: Pullover

burgundy, v-necked with official school logo

Tie: Tie

years 7-11 official school tie in appropriate house colours. To be purchased from school at a cost of £7.00

Socks: Socks

with trousers, dark-coloured or white with skirts, standard grey or white

Tights: Tights

should be flesh-coloured or medium grey, plain and seamless NB socks or tights MUST be worn

Blouse/Shirt: Blouse/Shirt

plain light blue, standard school style. Not denim or fashion

NB During the summer term only light blue polo shirt with school logo, may be worn. Skirt: Skirt

mid-grey in material and standard design, standard knee length (knife or box pleat permitted)


dark grey or black and standard design NOT fashion or jeans. No denim, leather, flares, corduroy etc

Shoes: Shoes

black, dark brown or dark grey with flat or low heels. Ankle boots may be worn in winter, provided they conform to the above regulations Trainers are not permitted. Felt/fabric shoes in any colour are not permitted

Outer Garments: Garments

pupils may wear mackintoshes, coats, anoraks or cagoules. However, all outer garments, of whatever type, must be plain, dark and single coloured. Anoraks or cagoules must not be too long, too short, “bomber jackets” or denim type.

A luminous reflective strip is permitted and parents/ guardians are strongly advised to consider this. No logos, writing, patterns of any description should be present. Denim is not allowed. Baseball caps are not permitted in any circumstances. There is no necessity for anorak hoods to be worn at school. Jewellery: Jewellery

A single sleeper or a single stud of minimum size in the lobe. No other piercings are permitted. A medallion or chain may be worn if discreet. It must be removed for PE/Games. All other jewellery is forbidden.

MakeMake-up/Hair Dye: Make-up is forbidden as are visible tattoos and piercings of any kind. If hair dye/highlights are used they should be a natural colour with no extreme contrasts. No designs to be shaved in the hair. No ‘skinhead’ type haircuts. All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the pupil’s name.

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

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School Uniform Sixth Form Uniform Pullover: Pullover

navy, v-necked with official school logo

Tie: Tie

sixth form official school tie

Shirt/Blouse Shirt Blouse: Blouse

plain white, standard school style (not fashion)

Skirt: Skirt

navy blue, knee length


navy blue, standard design. No denim, leather, flares, corduroy etc.

Socks: Socks

with trousers: dark coloured, or white; with skirts: navy blue or white

Tights: Tights

plain, seamless, navy tights may be worn

Shoes: Shoes

dark coloured with flat or low heels. Ankle boots may be worn in winter and sandals in the summer. Trainers are not permitted.


dark blue/black/grey – single coloured only

No logos, writing, patterns of any description should be present. Denim is not allowed. Baseball caps are not permitted in any circumstances. There is no necessity for anorak hoods to be worn at school. Jewellery: Jewellery

A single sleeper or a single stud of minimum size in the lobe. No other piercings are permitted. A medallion or chain may be worn if discreet. It must be removed for PE/Games. All other jewellery is forbidden.

MakeMake-up/Hair Dye:

Make-up is forbidden as are visible tattoos and piercings of any kind. If hair dye/highlights are used they should be a natural colour with no extreme contrasts. No designs to be shaved in the hair. No ‘skinhead’ type haircuts.

All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the pupil’s name.

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

First few weeks at Bishop Vaughan Here a couple of our new Year 7’s give their first impressions of Bishop Vaughan On the first few days in Bishop Vaughan I was quite nervous from the big change from a small school to such a big school and having to move around for all of my lessons. But after about a week or so I managed to learn most of my timetable and made friends with many people from my form. I have joined Choir, Languages Club, and Chess Club and am beginning to learn guitar and continue with my violin. Bishop Vaughan has given me a range of opportunities for things I couldn’t do in primary school. I’m really enjoying being in Bishop Vaughan. Thomas Hutchins 7.7 My first few weeks at Bishop Vaughan School were great and I have really enjoyed my time there so far. The school offers us loads of activities and I have recently joined the school football team. We played our first game against Dylan Thomas and we won 9-0. I feel I have good support from the teachers. So that has been my first few weeks at Bishop Vaughan School. Kurtis Rees 7.1 It is a big change moving from St Josephs to Bishop Vaughan. But it is a change I have enjoyed. It’s different having to move classrooms for each lesson but having lots more different subjects is great. I’m also making lots of new friends. Megan Williams 7.5 I was afraid at first because I didn’t know where to go and had no friends. Now I know where everything is and I have loads of friends. I was afraid of strict teachers but every teacher is fun and helps a lot. Mateusz Sieduszewski 7.7 My first few days at Bishop Vaughan were quite scary because it’s so much bigger than my primary school. I was worried about getting lost but everyone was really helpful. I’ve settled in quite quickly and my favourite lessons are D & T, RE, Spanish and French. I am getting used to the routines and rules of the school and am looking forward to the rest of the school year. Charlotte Collins 7.4 Before I started Bishop Vaughan I felt frightened because it is a big school and I might get bullied by older pupils and get lost. Now I know that the teachers and pupils are helpful and will help you if you struggle with anything. Bishop Vaughan is like a second home to me. The teachers are like my parents. The pupils or students are like my brothers and sisters. When I think of Bishop Vaughan, I feel proud that I am a student here. My expectations of Bishop Vaughan are high. Bishop Vaughan is an open and welcoming school. On the first day of school, I got lost and I couldn’t find my way to tutorial. Then a teacher came up to me and showed me the way. The teachers won’t shout at you if you get the answer wrong, they will correct you. You will learn from your mistakes. Michael Cura 7.7

Year 7 Disco This was a lovely evening with our new Year 7 pupils having fun together. The evening was made especially enjoyable by the support of sixth formers running the disco. Parents also had the opportunity to informally meet the year 7 Tutors.

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

Presentation Evening This year’s Presentation Evening took place on Thursday 23rd of September. Our chief guest, Professor Maurice Whitehead from Swansea University gave an inspiring speech encouraging all of us to reflect upon Catholic Education as well as taking time to consider our faith. The evening recognised the many and varied talents of students at Bishop Vaughan. Students from last year’s Year 7 and 8 were presented with certificates for Academic excellence as well as for exceptional effort. As recognition for achievement across Key Stage Three, pupils from last year’s Year 9 received a Young Achiever’s award. Individual awards were also presented for outstanding achievement in a range of subjects. Amongst these, Sam Dawkins, Chloe Richards, Laura Harrington and Mishal Tariq for their achievement in Religious Education as well as Owen Stubbs for his progress in Latin. Further awards went to Darren Smith and Michael Friberg for Academic Excellence in Mathematics and Jacob Davies who gained an A grade at AS level in Biology, Chemistry and Physics! Bishop Vaughan’s sporting stars were also presented with certificates and trophies. These included the multitalented Nia Palla, Jordan Tucker for his commitment to sport and Tom Rees for his snooker skills. The Headteacher’s award was presented to Aleksandra Rydzewska, Sarah West, Adam McCarley and Jack Hannah. This year there were a number of new awards, these included recognising excellence in Performing Arts, which went to Alyson Davies, outstanding achievement at Economics AS Level awarded to Jonathan Blackburn and Sam Dawkins as well as a Music Shield which was won by Hannah Crocker. This year’s 60 strong choir treated the audience to a moving rendition of Eva Cassidy’s ‘Fields of Gold’. In addition, there were exceptional performances from Wallis Ford who sang ‘Prayer’ accompanied by Jacob Barrocu and a senior ensemble of Michael Bubble’s ‘Feeling Good’. The most prestigious prize of the evening, the Tom Minney Award for contribution to the school community was presented to Catrin Byrne and Matthew Kenny. Many thanks to all those who attended this special evening to celebrate the achievements of our students and a big thank you to Hannah Crocker, Year 12 – who was an exquisite stage manager!

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

English Department We Are Writers The copies of our first ever school book arrived and everyone was thrilled with the results. The Evening Post came in and took a number of photographs of pupils involved in the project. These photographs are available for purchase on the Evening Post website. Congratulations to all those who contributed to this fantastic book - a copy of which is now in the school library for everyone to see.

The Writers’ Club Mondays 1.301.30-2.00 pm Room 23 with Mrs Servini In conjunction with The Writers’ Club we are producing our second professionally made book, which parents and guardians will be able to purchase. It will include stories, poems and other forms of writing from across the year groups. All pupils are welcome to make a contribution to the book. If they wish to do so please log on to this website Step 1: Click on Children’s log in Step 2: Enter the Password bvss The Writers’ Club always have a variety of writing competitions to enter whatever type of writing you enjoy.

A wide selection of competitions can be found on:

www.youngwriters youngwriters

You can also finish the story of a famous writer in this great competition on: http:// Please encourage your children to attend.

Year 7 Logo Competition Well done to all our Year 7 pupils on the excellent standards achieved in this competition. Highly commended are: Caitlin Smith 7.1, Kelly Ann Phipps 7.2, Callum Edwards 7.3, Rebecca Slade 7.4, Dylan- Rhys Mainwaring 7.5, Kira Roberts 7.6, Thomas Hutchins 7.7, Felix Thomas 7.7, Daniel Bevan 7.8 The overall winner was Rebecca Slade 7.4 whose motto and logo were both catchy and creative—well done!!

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

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Maths Department Maths transition competition results Thanks to everyone that entered the Broken Calculator Competition for year 7. Each person that entered will be given a house point by their Maths teacher. There were 3 winners, each of them getting 19 out of 20 correct. The winners are Alice Warren 7.1 Elizabeth Crudge 7.3 Alvin Benny 7.7 Well done – you worked really hard on this!

Mathematics Lunchtime Support On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday the mathematics department run a lunchtime support session from 1:30 – 2:00 p.m. in room A1 or B5. All pupils from years 7 to 13 are free to come and seek help with their “MyMaths” homework or any other work that they have been set by their mathematics teachers. Alternatively they may access the computers for revision purposes. James Williams, Director of Learning Mathematics

TESCO COMPUTERS FOR SCHOOLS This year we ordered equipment for both the P.E. and Computing Departments. Mrs. Hamer requested 2 large bags to carry hockey equipment to and from the hockey pitches and two large helmets were also ordered. For Dr. Sharp, 9 webcams were ordered for use in Years 7,8,9 and 10. They are particularly useful for the filming of presentations and animations. Thank you to all the parents who sent in the Tesco vouchers for this useful equipment.

UK Junior Mathematical Challenge For how many three-digit numbers does the sum of the digits equal 25? A 2

B 4


The solution can be found on page 23



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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

Young Enterprise 2010/11 The Young Enterprise Company for this academic year will be:

Karaoke Me

Karaoke Me

Line of business:

Selling personalised music CDs to the Karaoke market.


The Tech Room in the Music Block.

When available:

From: Monday 11th October, 2010 Tuesday 12th October, 2010

@ 1.30 pm

Every Monday and Tuesday thereafter in term time. Price: £1.99 Come along and record a song by your favourite artist, then include a message and an optional photo of your choice and you have a lovely personalised gift for any occasion. Please support Bishop Vaughan’s Young Entrepreneurs. Thank you Catherine Wynne (Business Studies Teacher and Young Enterprise Link Teacher)

Ty Hafan Children’s Hospice Pupils had fun by staging a talent show and a dressing up day at the end of last term to raise funds for Ty Hafan Children’s Hospice in Cardiff. Mr Robert Taylor of Ty Hafan was presented with a cheque for £300 by pupils in Year 9. Thanks to all our current year 8 and year 9 pupils who supported this fundraiser.

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

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Year 11 Prom On the 7th July we had our year 11 prom at the Manor Park Country House, Clydach. All year we had been looking forward to this eventful night. Everybody arrived outside the hotel, the boys looking smart in their suits, and the girls in their colourful dresses. When we entered the hall it was all set out, decorated especially for the event. We all went around to see everyone dressed up and we took loads of pictures with each other for the last time as year 11. We then all took our seats and some had photos with the professional photographers that were there. The food was really nice and everyone enjoyed catching up with each other. After that the DJ started playing music and everyone went straight up onto the dance floor! The highlight of the evening for a lot of us was Mr Crudge showing us up with all his dance moves!!! Everyone enjoyed the music and spent the rest of the night dancing and singing! Towards the end of the evening we all went outside to have a big photo of the year group. Everyone went outside and said goodbye to those who were leaving. It was a great night what was one of the highlights of our year and was enjoyed by everyone! It was a night to remember! By Sean White, Nicole Owen and Veronika Wislocka

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

Sociology Year 10 Visit to the Welsh Assembly On July 1st, when Year 10 had finished all their GCSE exams, our Sociology class spent a day in Cardiff. It was a reward trip for all our hard work during the year and we had looked forward to it for a long time. We set off bright and early and were met at the entrance to the Welsh Assembly by our guide who gave us a lot of background about how the Assembly had started and how the people of Wales had voted for it. We enjoyed spotting famous names and were pleased to catch sight of the First Minister, Carwyn Jones and the Health Minister, Brian Gibbons. Our guide managed to get us into the public gallery of a health select committee so that we saw how democracy worked in action. The visit was really interesting, especially as we had a chance to ask questions about the Assembly’s work at the end. Unfortunately, our AM, Val Lloyd, could not join us this time. Once we had finished our tour of the Sennedd, we had some free time to get lunch and many of us took a boat trip around the Bay. We then re-joined our coach and were taken to the New Theatre for an excellent performance of Blood Brothers. The story of twins separated at birth and of their very different life paths was chosen specifically to make us think about the nature/nurture debate which we had been studying i.e. are life chances defined by our biology and genes or by the environment and social background in which we are brought up? Big discussions on the coach home! It was a great day in which we learnt a lot and thought a lot. We look forward to the next trip. Year 11 Sociology GCSE class, Mrs Marnell and Mrs Pinch

CAREERS Year 11 Mock Interviews All pupils in year 11 recently had full mock interviews carried out by employers from the City and County of Swansea. A variety of employers was represented and the reports from them were extremely complimentary of our pupils. They all mentioned that the pupils were ‘a credit to the school’. Year 11 Work Experience All year 11 pupils will be embarking on a week’s placement with local employers. This takes place between 10th and 22nd October. This is an opportunity for pupils to have first hand experience of the demands and duties of the workplace. Year 10 Careers Day This will take place on Wednesday 20th October. All pupils will be engaged in activities aimed at improving their skills, organisation and knowledge in matters relating to careers and the world of work.

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

ESDGC Eco News Swansea Sustainable Schools Award The Eco Club members were pleased to receive news from SEEF (Swansea Environment Education Forum) that Bishop Vaughan had received a Silver award in recognition of the efforts made to run the school in a sustainable way. In order to gain the Silver (being one of only two schools in Swansea to do so) a report was prepared outlining the way in which the school manages waste and litter, transport and our links with other countries. Judges were very impressed and have shortlisted BVS for the coveted Sustainable Swansea Award to be judged on Monday 18th October.

Fundraising In order to raise money for, among other things, better recycling facilities, plants to encourage wildlife, promotion of Fairtrade events and outdoor seating areas for pupils, the Eco club have run some fundraising events. In July a ‘Name the Lion’ competition raised £50 and this term 2 new schemes are being launched:The 100 club will be opened at first to year 7 parents. A monthly draw will take place with a special bumper prize at Christmas. Details will be given to year 7 pupils over the next couple of weeks. Sponsor a bulb will be open to all pupils. For £1 a bulb can be planted in the school grounds in memory of a loved one, for someone who is sick or just for friendship sake. Pupils will also be able to record, in a dedicated book, their reasons for planting their bulb.

Sustainability Year 11 have been researching man’s impact on the environment. They found some weird and wonderful creatures to write about. Chelsea Hopkins tells us about the Wallaby. The Tamara Wallaby also known as the Dama Wallaby. It is part of a small kangaroo family. It is found on offshore islands on the South Australian and Western Australian coast. It persists in large numbers on Kangaroo Island, where it seasonally breeds in large numbers and can become a problem to farmers through competition for pasture and grain crops. High densities of these animals also have impact on the density of low vegetation across the Island. Chelsea.Hopkins 11.1

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

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ESDGC Y12 RE Day – Fairtrade Launch This year Bishop Vaughan School is aiming to become a Fairtrade school. To launch the idea year 12 students shared with their peers their idea of ‘what’s not fair’. Some wrote stories, some embarked on role play (left) and others burst into song! Taking centre stage however was the highly charged debate which sprang up between Piotr and Seamus where they battled for the support of their peers. Settling to a more serious approach, students also learned about the ways in which producers of High Street goods in developing countries provide very poor pay and working conditions to their employees, who are often young children. This, they agreed, was definitely not fair. Lively discussion gave rise to a collection of great ideas about how we can use more Fairtrade produce and promote Fairtrade as a school. A steering group has now been formed which includes year 12 students, teachers, catering staff and others. The group will take the suggestions from the Y12 RE day and use them to structure a campaign for Fairtrade. For more information about Fairtrade and how you can support it, visit the website at

International Links We are proud to announce that we have achieved the prestigious International School Award. Granted by the British Council, the award recognises Bishop Vaughan’s “outstanding development of the international dimension in the curriculum”. Also on the horizon, we are excited about the start of our Comenius Project. Bishop Vaughan is one of nine European schools (the others being from Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal, Slovakia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania and Greece) to have successfully applied for European Union funding, to embark on a two-year “Our Treasures” citizenship project. Over the next two years, pupils and staff will have the opportunity to work with and visit our partner schools, where they will showcase their project work and experience school life and culture in those countries.

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

Drama Sound of Music Production Our recent school production ‘The Sound of Music’ was a great success. It was performed in July and received rave reviews from parents and friends of Bishop Vaughan School. The cast included pupils from all year groups and all who were involved became firm friends. Here are a few words from Siobhan in year 10 who played the leading role of Maria Von Trapp:

I thoroughly enjoyed playing Maria and being part of the show. Even though it was very hard work, it was a great opportunity to do something that I love and to be with a group of people who were hard working and fun to be with. I am very interested in musical theatre and I can’t wait to be involved in the next production in July 2010.

DRAMA CLUB Mrs Williams runs a lower school drama club on Friday lunchtime at 1.30-2.00 in the drama studio. Please eat at break time or bring a packed lunch. Come along if you are interested in plays, group work, improvisation, characterisation and most of all fun!

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

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Pilgrimage to Rome 2010 Our Pilgrimage to Rome took place during the second week of term. This was our third pilgrimage to Rome yet each experience continues to be unique. During our pilgrimage we stayed at Villa Palazzola which has connections with the Venerable English College in Rome and continues be a place of retreat from the busy hustle and bustle of Rome. Palazzola is just a few minutes away from the local village of Rocca di Papa and Rome is visible in the distance, being just 18 miles away. This is what one of our students had to say ‘When we were at Rome I had such a good time and enjoyed every single bit of it! Seeing the local people living their everyday lives was something I enjoyed but overall I enjoyed visiting all the different tourist attractions. It’s the best trip that I have ever been on and I would love to go again. .” Sophie Jones year 11. After the papal audience some of our students acquired celebrity status when Sky News and CBBC’s Newsround team interviewed them on the Pope’s impending visit to the UK. My memory of our Pilgrimage to Rome Our short trip to the hotel in Palazzola only revealed a fraction of Italy’s magnificence. The panoramic views were mind-blowing. From Palazzola we could also see Castel Gandolfo and the Pope’s summer residence. On Tuesday we went to the Colosseum in the heart of Rome, where we were told about the history, culture and the uses of the Colosseum surviving from 80 AD. After this, we went to the Pantheon, a temple for all the gods of Ancient Rome and now converted into a Christian Church. The next day we set off for Vatican City. Wearing our eye-catching red Bishop Vaughan T-shirts we were easily recognised by everyone as a Catholic school from Wales. As the Pope made his entrance the whole hall was ecstatic. The atmosphere was wonderful. Everyone was on their feet for the Pope’s arrival and people waved roses and flags to show their nationality. There were people from all over the world and it will be a special memory for all of us. Erfan Mesbah Year 11

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

Geography During the summer term all Year 10 Geography students carried out a successful investigation of the River Ilston on the Gower peninsula to test changes in the river’s characteristics between its source on Fairwood Common and its mouth at Three Cliffs Bay. The data gathered was then be used to complete their controlled assessment in class. We were fortunate to have glorious weather for both days and pupils thoroughly enjoyed putting the theory learned in class into practice. Measuring the width and depth of the river.

Part of the group overlooking the meanders on the River Ilston.

History/French trip 2010

In July, 48 pupils visited France with the History and French Departments as part of an educational excursion. They visited WWI cemeteries such as Tynecot and Langemark and spent time laying a wreath of remembrance at Mametz Wood. The pupils were also able to practise their language skills during an excursion to the town of Amiens. They were also able to experience the Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate in Ypres. During a visit to the Thiepval Memorial site, pupils had the chance to research and find the name of local Swansea soldiers whose names were engraved onto the huge stone walls.

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October

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SIXTH FORM NEWS A Busy Start! The beginning of the term has been a tremendously busy one! Thank you to the students of last year's Year Thirteen who gave up their time to come back for the Enrichment Fair, promoting the groups and activities that they had initiated or enjoyed as students themselves. This made a most positive start to the term.

Enrichment Fair The term began, for Sixth Form, with an Enrichment Fair, similar to the universities’ Freshers’ Fairs, on Friday 3rd September. With many Sixth Formers joining Bishop Vaughan for the first time in Year 12, this was useful in letting them know more about the wide range of extracurricular activities available at the school. Those returning from Year Eleven also found that a variety of new opportunities were available, and that, as Sixth Formers, there is scope for organising and leading new projects. Organisations and activities represented included:

Debating Society, Forum, Everest Group, Santiago Pilgrimage, Fundraising Group, Liturgy Group, Paired Reading Scheme, Communities First, Swansea Community Voluntary Service, Careers Wales West, Chess Club, Eco-Committee, Sports Teams, Music Group, Choir, Lourdes Pilgrimage, Welsh Blood Donors, Library Volunteers, Oxbridge Group, Young Writers, Young Enterprise Group ... and many more! Please see Mrs. Pole or Mr. Walker if you are interested in participating in any of these! Congratulations to last year’s Year Thirteen students who are, by now, at universities covering the length and breadth of the country. This was a tough year for university applicants nationally, with the media reporting that a significant proportion of applicants would face disappointment. Particularly warm congratulations, then, to the whole cohort, who have proceeded to university studies - in the vast majority of cases at their ‘first choice’ institutions. In this extremely competitive climate, all current undergraduates have worked hard to get their places. We are pleased to be sending all three of the students who applied to medical schools to their universities of choice. There also continues to be intense competition for places at University College London, Exeter, Royal Veterinary College, etc., thus the students’ achievement in gaining these places is commendable. We wish all of the year group every success in their studies, and in their future careers.

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

SIXTH FORM NEWS Oxford University Open Day The sunshine at the start of July allowed us to see Oxford at its best! This historic city with its “dreaming spires” was certainly shown at its loveliest. On the annual Open Day for Sixth Formers, the colleges welcome visitors, holding talks on the subjects offered, guided tours of the beautiful buildings and grounds, and fascinating insights into the academic experience provided at the many colleges that make up the University of Oxford.The early start wasn’t to everyone’s liking, but the colleges certainly were! We had the opportunity to visit several, as the pictures illustrate:

Visiting the colleges We all attended a talk on the ‘student experience’ and the facilities available, visiting Jesus College, Brasenose, Exeter and University Colleges, before going to individual subject talks where possible at a range of further colleges. We ended our visit to Oxford with a ‘whistle-stop’ tour of the Ashmolean Museum. This was a highly enjoyable and informative experience; some of us hope to be visiting again soon!

Do you recognise this place? The Hogwarts School dining hall scenes were filmed at Christchurch College!

Attending: Keiran Abraham Sarah Bartlett Alex Beech Jonathan Blackburn Jacob Davies Sam Dawkins Geraint Hamer Rhys Hamer Mike Holohan Rebecca Hurley Catherine Rees Chloe Richards Mishal Tariq

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October

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Congratulations on ... ...attending an awards ceremony in recognition of his achievement and speaking at the Welsh Assembly Government’s, One Wales one Voice.

...gaining a place as a volunteer at Coleg Elidyr; we wish her every success in this gap year activity! Well done!

...receiving an award for success in a Russian essay-writing competition. The certificate and prize were presented by the Russian Committee. She is continuing with this subject at degree level, combining it with Sociology as a Joint Honours course at Exeter University. Congratulations and good luck for the future! ...attending not one, but two, university residential courses in his summer holiday. Competition for the courses is intense, and he is to be commended both on his selection for these and his completion of them!

...a commitment to fundraising during her time in the school that will not be forgotten. Keen to see that it is continued, she gave up her time to represent the Fundraising Group at the Enrichment Fair. Thank you!

Our Head Girl and Head Boy team innovated many new projects and represented the school extremely well. One project was aimed at supporting younger students and this continues, and the other’s success in the Debating Team will not be forgotten. We wish them every success on their degree courses!

...all those involved in the sponsored walk/run who completed a 10k course to raise funds for their chosen charities. They were supported by Mrs. Hansen, who accompanied them. The choice of running or walking rested with the pupils ‌ we are just proud of every one of them for completing the challenge!

Zaid Khalil, Nicola Mulrine, Lyudmila Vaughan, Niall Austin, Kapungwe Chabu, Alyson Davies, Ben Sharif

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

GET INVOLVED! Activities



Volunteers are sought for the Sixth Form newspaper, now to be produced in ‘bulletin’ format. Potential English applicants, Arts’ students or any pupils with an interest in writing or ICT are asked to see Mrs. Pole as soon as possible.

Pupils with a little time to spare are asked to consider supporting younger pupils in their reading. You can give anything from twenty minutes to a couple of hours a week to listen to readers. If you want to become involved in this rewarding activity, please see Mrs. Goss.



The highly popular Forum group is back! We will soon be planning the end-of-year Meet us on Friday lunchtimes in activities for the current Year 13 group. Miss Lewis’s classroom. Newspapers, Those interested in offering ideas for the discussion and lots of arguments guaranteed! leavers’ prom (and particularly those with Great for keeping up-to-date with the brilliant organisational skills!) are invited to media and improving communication skills join the Prom Committee. Please see Jacob for interviews, debating, etc. or Chloe for details.

CHRISTMAS FAIR We are currently considering the possibility of holding a Christmas Fair. This fundraiser would be run by Sixth Formers, with the support of younger pupils and parents. Ideas for stalls and offers of help would be welcomed. Please see Mrs. Pole or email if you are interested in becoming involved in this event.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD We will soon be collecting shoeboxes and gifts for the Operation Christmas Child charity. Volunteers are needed to work with tutorial groups, to promote the project, to package the boxes, etc. Please see Mrs. Hansen or Mrs. Pole for further information.

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

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Bus Passes Could both parents and pupils be aware that the children should carry their bus pass with them at all times. Pupils could be asked at any time whilst travelling on a school bus, to produce their bus pass as evidence that they are allocated a seat. If pupils have misplaced their bus pass please contact the school office who will organise a replacement. Also pupils are not allowed to travel on any other bus other than the one that is printed on their bus pass. On several occasions lately pupils have tried to travel on different buses, e.g. to go over to a friend’s place after school. This is not allowed and the drivers have the right to refuse entry to pupils who are not allocated to their bus. It is parents’ responsibility to collect their children and take them to alternative venues after school.

Parking Outside Bishop Vaughan A letter has been received from the School Community Police Officer asking us to pass on the concerns of local residents in relation to parking and vehicles causing obstructions outside the school from 3 o’clock every afternoon. Police Officers will be patrolling regularly outside the school to take positive action regarding any vehicles which are parked in contravention of road traffic legislation. Please can all parents and guardians be aware that the school cannot supervise pupils arriving before 8.40 am.

Mobile Telephones If pupils have mobile phones they should note that they are not to be switched on or in use inside the school. This includes the buildings, playground and playing field areas, before, during and after the school day. Mobile phones are to be kept out of sight, either on the person or in the school bag. The school can take no responsibility for any loss or theft of mobile phones. Parents and guardians are asked not to contact their children by phone or text during the school day. If an emergency message needs to be conveyed the school office will take the call and pass the message on. Similarly if a pupil needs to make an emergency call home he or she just needs to approach the office. Failure to comply with these rules will result in the phone being confiscated and kept in the school office for collection by a responsible adult. Any pupil using a mobile phone to record sound or video in school faces the likelihood of exclusion.

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

PLEASE NOTE! School Website The school website has been redesigned and has a new address:

Paying for trips Remember, if your child is paying for a school trip, the House is open from 8.30am until registration and at morning break and lunch times. All cheques should be made payable to Bishop Vaughan Catholic School and the pupil’s name, tutorial and trip should be clearly written on the reverse. Thank you.

Lost Property We still have a number of items in lost property - which is now located in the main office. None of the articles are labelled and cannot, therefore, be returned to their owner. If your child has lost any item, please tell them to come and check with Mrs Gwyther in the main office. After a period of time items not claimed will be given to a charity shop as there is no room to store them. Lost property is available for checking at break and lunch-time. PLEASE LABEL ALL ITEMS OF SCHOOL UNIFORM SO THAT THEY CAN BE EASILY RETURNED IF HANDED IN TO LOST PROPERTY.

Pupil Information If any details have changed, please write or email into the school office so that our records may be updated. This includes any change to address, contact telephone numbers (especially mobile telephone and emergency contacts), place of work, doctor, or any new medical conditions of which we should be aware.

Could you please pass onto the school any relevant email address that we could use to contact you. Maths Challenge solution C 25 = 9+9+7=9+8+8. So the only combinations of three digits which can total 25 are 7, 9, 9 and 8, 8, 9. From 7, 9, 9, we can get 799, 979,997 and from 8, 8, 9 we can get 988, 898, 889.

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2010

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SPORTING ACHIEVEMENTS Danial Represents Wales in the British Boxing Championship On Friday 9th July I represented Wales at the 70-75 kilogram weight class. I lost in the semi-finals to a Scottish champion by a small margin of 6 points to 4. Enzo Macarinelli was in my corner as my mentor. I attended a presentation on the Saturday. I was told I was unlucky by many including a Welsh coach and ex professional Colin Jones. I fought in the British Championship after just nine fights where as the Scottish champion had over 40 fights. I gained a bronze medal and my first Welsh vest. I am considered third best in Britain and second best in Wales for my weight class and age group. Next season I will continue to train with the Welsh squad and compete for the British championships the following year. Danial - Year 13

Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Mynydd Garnllwyd Road Morriston, Swansea SA6 7QG Phone: 01792 772006 Fax: 01792 790565 E-mail:

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