Parents' Newsletter October 2011

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Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Ysgol Gatholig Esgob Vaughan Parents’ Newsletter October 2011 Cylchlythyr Rhieni Hydref 2011

All houses are designing and producing a mural based on the lives of the house saints. The ‘Saint Dyfrig’ mural has been completed. Year 7, 8 and 9 pupils have worked extremely hard with Art teacher Mr Thomas to produce a colourful and exciting design in a stained glass style.

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011


Term begins Friday 2nd September

Begins Monday 24th October

Ends Friday 28th October

Term ends Thursday 22nd December

Spring 2012

Monday 9th January

Monday 13th February

Friday 17th February

Friday 30th March

Summer 2012

Monday 16th April

Monday 4th June

Friday 8th June

Friday 20th July

Dates for your Diary INSET DAYS Friday 2nd September 2011 Thursday 20th October 2011 Friday 21st October 2011 Friday 30th March 2012 Monday 25th June 2012 The full academic year school calendar is available to view on our website, alternatively parents can collect a paper copy from the school’s main office. Last day of term - The school closes on Wednesday 19th October at 3.25 pm and rere-opens on Monday 31st October - week two on the timetable.

PLEASE NOTE: Whilst the school understands the difficulties with holidays, we would remind you that breaks should not be booked without the Head approving the time off first. Please write requesting permission to the Headteacher and not Senior Tutor or Tutor. We would bring to your attention that School Inspectors have regularly pointed out that there is a clear link between absence and lack of academic progress!

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

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Message from the Headteacher Welcome A very warm welcome to our new pupils in Year 7. We trust that your stay at Bishop Vaughan will be a happy and memorable one. We also welcome back into the sixth form very many of the students who completed their GCSE’s in the summer. A particularly warm welcome is extended to those who have joined the sixth form from other schools.

Collection of Certificates Certificates gained during Summer 2011 examinations will be available for collection in December 2011. It is important that you collect your certificates as they will be returned to the examination board after 12 months.

Year 6 Open Evening A very successful open evening took place on Thursday, 13th October. The main hall was filled with prospective pupils and their parents and guardians. The Headteacher introduced the school, highlighting its Catholic ethos and approach to teaching and learning. The sixth formers then took groups of the visitors to meet the staff and some of our current pupils to see the school facilities. A big thank you to all pupils who gave up their evening to demonstrate the various subjects Bishop Vaughan has to offer. Many favourable comments were received and we look forward to receiving a large number of applicants for the year 7 places available. If you know of anyone who has not received a prospectus directly from the school or via our feeder primaries, please urge them to be in touch with the school as soon as possible.

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

Message from the Headteacher Dear Students, Parents and Guardians Re: Public Examinations Please note that with effect from summer 2012, students whose school attendance is less than 80% of available sessions, will not be entered for public examinations, or allowed to sit them. This applies to students in years 10 and 11, as well as in Sixth Form. Please be aware that there is very clear evidence from the Inspectorate, and several other agencies, that students’ achievements are linked to their attendance. The school can no longer support examination entry for those with poor attendance and who do not complete their courses properly. Bearing in mind that Inspectors consider 95% as the minimum acceptable attendance rate, the school believes that in having 80% attendance as a cut off point, it is being more than generous in providing examination opportunities for students. Of course special circumstances of illness and/or distress will be considered exceptionally and on their merits, and should be brought to the attention of the Headteacher as soon as possible. Thank you. Yours faithfully

Mr J Blackburn Headteacher

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

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School Uniform Year 77-11 Pullover: Pullover

burgundy, v-necked with official school logo.

Tie: Tie

years 7-11 official school tie.

Socks: Socks

with trousers, dark-coloured or white with skirts, standard grey or white

Tights: Tights

should be flesh-coloured, medium grey or black, plain and seamless. NB socks or tights MUST be worn.

Blouse/Shirt: Blouse/Shirt

plain light blue, standard school style. Not denim or fashion.

NB During the summer term only light blue polo shirt with school logo, may be worn. Skirt: Skirt

mid-grey or black in material and standard design, standard knee length (knife or box pleat permitted).


dark grey or black and standard design NOT fashion or jeans. No denim, leather, flares, corduroy etc.

Shoes: Shoes

black, dark brown or dark grey with flat or low heels. Ankle boots may be worn in winter provided they conform to the above regulations. Trainers are not permitted. Felt/fabric shoes are not permitted. Heavy boots (military, Ugg etc.) are not permitted

Outer Garments: Garments

pupils may wear mackintoshes, coats, anoraks or cagoules. However, all outer garments, of whatever type, must be plain, dark and single coloured. Anoraks or cagoules must not be too long, too short, “bomber jackets”, denim type, hoodies, tracksuit tops or cardigans. A luminous reflective strip is permitted and parents/ guardians are strongly advised to consider this. No logos, writing, patterns of any description should be present. Denim is not allowed. Baseball caps are not permitted in any circumstances. There is no necessity for anorak hoods to be worn at school.

Jewellery: Jewellery

A single sleeper or a single stud of minimum size in the lobe. No other piercings are permitted. A medallion or chain may be worn if discreet. It must be removed for PE/Games. All other jewellery is forbidden. It should be noted that tattoos are not permitted.

MakeMake-up/Hair Dye:

Make-up is forbidden. If hair dye/highlights are used they should be a natural colour with no extreme contrasts (i.e. greens etc are not permitted), no ‘designs’ to be shaved into the hair. No ‘skin head’ type haircuts.

All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the pupil’s name.

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

School Uniform Sixth Form Uniform The Sixth Form uniform is navy and white – two of our suppliers are:Bergoni, 1 Cambrian Court, Ferryboat Close, Enterprise Park Swansea, SA6 8QN – Tel: 01792 796880 J&S Products – 74 Tycoch Road, Swansea, SA2 9EQ – Tel: 01792 206658 Parents who have any doubts about what is acceptable should contact the school for guidance. Please do not rely on information obtained from elsewhere. Pullover: Pullover

navy, v-necked with official school logo.

Tie: Tie

Sixth Form official school tie

Shirt/Blouse Shirt Blouse: Blouse

plain white, standard school style (not fashion)

NB During the summer term only navy blue polo shirt with sixth form logo, may be worn. Skirt: Skirt

navy blue, knee length


navy blue, standard design. No denim, leather, flares, corduroy etc.

Socks: Socks

with trousers: dark coloured, or white with skirts: navy blue or white

Tights: Tights

plain, seamless, navy tights may be worn.

Shoes: Shoes

dark coloured with flat or low heels. Ankle boots may be worn in winter and sandals in the summer. Trainers are not permitted.


dark blue/black/grey – single coloured only.

Members of Sixth Form are expected to wear the uniform throughout the school day. It should be noted that tattoos and piercings of any kind are not permitted. If hair dye/ highlights are used they should be a natural colour with no extreme contrasts (i.e. greens etc are not permitted), no ‘designs’ to be shaved into the hair. No ‘skin head’ type haircuts. Baseball caps are not permitted in any circumstances. Any jewellery must be removed if in the judgement of any staff, instructors or technicians it constitutes a health and safety hazard, especially in laboratories, workshops and PE areas.

All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the pupil’s name.

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

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EXTERNAL EXAMINATIONS Guidance to Candidates Outside each examination room will be a copy of the regulations which have been agreed by all the examination boards. This sheet gives you further guidance to help you through your examinations so that you are quite clear as to what is expected of you. Make sure you read both documents carefully and if there is anything you are unsure about, please ask. Some important points:points:Follow your personal examination timetable closely. Keep it in a safe place. Make sure you know your personal candidate number. It is shown as ‘Exam Number’ on your timetable. • Morning examinations start at 9.00 and afternoon examinations start at 13.00 (1.00 p.m.) unless otherwise indicated. • Aim to arrive at the examination room at least 10 minutes before the scheduled start time. If you are late it will cause you unnecessary anxiety, and if you are very late you may not be allowed in. • You are expected to attend examinations in correct school uniform. You will not be allowed into the examination room if you are not correctly dressed. • If you attend with unsatisfactory uniform, entry in to the examination will only be allowed after your parents have been contacted and asked to deliver the correct uniform to the school. • Wait outside the examination room until you are called in. Remember to visit the toilet – you could have a long desperate wait otherwise! • Bags and coats must be left at the back of the exam room. You will be allowed to take in only what you need. • Pencil cases are not allowed unless they are clear. Pencil tins, boxes and ‘solid colour’ cases are not acceptable. A clear plastic ‘sandwich-type’ bag is just as good as a clear pencil case. • Make sure you have the appropriate equipment for each exam – pen (plus spare), pencil, rubber, ruler, sharpener are essential. For certain exams e.g. Geography, Science, and Maths you may need to add compass, protractor, calculator, coloured pencils to your list. Check with your teacher. You will not be allowed to borrow any equipment during the exam. • As soon as you enter the examination room you must not communicate in any way with anyone other than an invigilator (supervisor) until you leave the room after the exam. • If you become unwell during the examination, raise your hand and inform an invigilator. If you have a specific medical condition, e.g. diabetes, make sure you bring the appropriate drink and snack which should be placed on the floor alongside your desk. • You must remain in the examination room for the time allocated to the paper. If you have any time remaining use it wisely to check your work – you will not have another opportunity, and a correction made may result in a better final grade. • If you are too ill to come to school you must let the school know by telephone at the earliest opportunity. You must also obtain a medical note from your doctor and send it to Mr. Brown as soon as possible. It may then be possible • •

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

to apply to the examination board for special consideration so that you are awarded a grade. If there are particular circumstances such as recent illness or you are suffering from distress for a particular reason, and you feel it has affected your performance in an examination, inform Mr. Brown and bring a letter from home. You may be entitled to special arrangements in your examinations such as extra time or help with reading. You will be informed of these arrangements before the examinations affected. Mobile phones, i pods or MP 3/4 players are not allowed in the exam room. room If you have an examination clash you must report to the main hall at 8.40 on the day of the clash.

What about results? Examination results summer series will be available from the Main Hall on the following dates:A & AS Levels (VCE) GCSE

Thursday 16th August 2012 (9:30 – 12:00) Thursday 23rd August 2012 (9:30 – 12:00)

If you cannot collect the results in person you can Either (i) Give a stamped addressed envelope to the office before the end of your exams, and your results will be posted on your behalf. Or (ii) Ask an adult member of your family to collect your results on your behalf. If you do this they must bring with them a signed letter from you authorising them to collect your results. Unfortunately, we cannot give out results over the phone. CERTIFICATES Certificates gained during these examinations will be available for collection in December 2012. It is important that you collect your certificates as they will be returned to the examination board after 12 months

Finally, plan your examination preparation carefully and thoroughly, but most of all GOOD LUCK!

UK Junior Mathematical Challenge 2 x 17 + 3 x 17 + 5 x 17 equals A.

160 B. 170

C. 868

D. 10778

The solution can be found on page 26

E. 14960

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

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First few weeks at Bishop Vaughan Here a couple of our new Year 7’s give their first impressions of Bishop Vaughan I am settling in Bishop Vaughan because there are exciting new things. I joined three clubs , two of them after school and the last one during school. The clubs are rugby, music and street dance. My favourite one is street dance because we can do freestyle and anything else. In my planner I’ve got 38 house points, meaning when you get 100 or 500 you go on trips and win prizes. Miguel Villanueva 7.2 In Year 7 at Bishop Vaughan I think I’ve settled in really well. I came to Bishop Vaughan all on my own, no friends or brothers and sisters and I’ve really enjoyed it. My favourite subjects are Science, English and Religious Studies with Mrs Perwick. I’ve joined gymnastics and netball. I’ve never tried these sports but I think I’m going to do pretty well. Laura Henley 7.1 I like Bishop Vaughan because the school dinners are really nice and the teachers are really kind. I have met loads of new friends and teachers. My favourite subject is Spanish and Music. I play the drums in Bishop Vaughan. I like the playground because it’s so big—bigger than my primary yard. Amy Hammons 7.8 At first it was nerve-racking seeing as it’s such a big school, but when you get into tutorials you immediately make loads of new friends. I love it now a few weeks in! I have joined cross country, choir and netball. It’s exciting going to new clubs because you meet new friends and there’s practically a club for everyone. I wake up in the morning and I don’t think I don’t want to go to school, I look forward to it. Lauren Hutfield 7.2 I love Bishop Vaughan. It is amazing. There are lots of clubs. I have already joined the cross country club and it was brilliant. Before I came to Bishop Vaughan I was scared that I was going to get bullied and when I came to the school I didn’t get bullied because they are nice people. I know some people thought that they will get lost because it is a very big school and that was my biggest worry. But you will find your way around. You may get lost once or twice but it is the best school ever !!! Lauren Daley 7.1 Since I’ve started going to Bishop Vaughan School I have made new friends. I’ve also experienced new lessons that we’ve never done before in primary like Spanish. I’ve also enjoyed Science because we do exciting experiments like experimenting with the Bunsen burners. Patricia Dalangin 7.8

Year 7 Disco This was a lovely evening with our new Year 7 pupils having fun together. The evening was made especially enjoyable by the support of sixth formers running the disco. Parents also had the opportunity to informally meet the year 7 Tutors.

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

English Department The Writers’ Club Mondays 1.301.30-2.00 pm Room 23 with Ms Neucker In conjunction with The Writers’ Club we are producing our second professionally made book, which parents and guardians will be able to purchase. It will include stories, poems and other forms of writing from across the year groups. All pupils are welcome to make a contribution to the book. If they wish to do so please log on to this website Step 1: Click on Children’s log in Step 2: Enter the Password bvss The Writers’ Club always have a variety of writing competitions to enter whatever type of writing you enjoy.

A wide selection of competitions can be found on: www.youngwriters youngwriters You can also finish the story of a famous writer in this great competition on: Please encourage your children to attend.

Spelling Bee

After previous success at “The Times Spelling Bee”, we are looking forward to preparing again for this year’s regional heats in Newport. It is an exciting and rewarding experience for all who are involved. Preparations are underway to find our star spellers for 2012! All year 7’s are welcome to attend our sessions where we will practise our spelling strategies and competition techniques. The club is held in Room 13 every Monday lunchtime at 1 o’clock. Please contact Miss Neucker for any other details.

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

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Science Snap Crackle and Snot!!!! Towards the end of term last year a group of year 7 pupils were chosen to take part in a Chemistry workshop called Snap Crackle and Snot. I was one of the lucky ones, chosen for my hard work in Science classes and I was really excited. The first thing we did was learn the safety rules as we were dealing with some new chemical we hadn’t used before. We went down to the yard and there were a few tables set up with flowers, foods and canisters of liquid nitrogen. We watched the instructors from Swansea University carefully on what to do and we learnt that liquid nitrogen is at -196˚C!!! We took it in turns to freeze the flowers and foods and then smash them with a hammer. The boys really enjoyed smashing the flowers into tiny pieces on the table. Then we went back to class and wrote in our science journals about what happened. Our next experiment was to take a jar of water and add different chemicals to make a crystal palace. Every minute each chemical would grow taller and taller, with loads of different colours.. It was an amazing sight to see. Lastly we made snot! We put our goggles back on, this time with an apron, and gloves. It took some of us two or three times to make it correctly, I was one of them! Then depending on the food colouring we chose, it would be odd coloured snot! Some people’s was slimy, others bouncy, while mine was runny and ... gross! I had so much fun! When we were told to clean up I wished we could have carried on. I didn’t want it to end. It would be great to do it again. Thanks to Swansea University for organising such a fun Day!

Amy Davies 8.6

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

Chemistry Quiz On Friday 30th September a small group of us left school at 12.40pm on a bus to Bishopston Comprehensive School, the bus was quiet and we were all doing some last minute swatting for the Chemistry Quiz! As we pulled up to our opposition’s school we were all feeling a bit nervous. As we arrived the buzzer went off and we were surrounded by so many pupils we nearly got lost. When we arrived at the Chemistry lab the quiz master was ready and waiting for us. The other team looked very intelligent and were having conversations about the distillation of oil! We were discussing what to have for lunch! The quiz started and we took the lead straight away. By round 3 there was only 2 points in it. Then Katie saved the day with her amazing 6 point answer! We were ahead again. In the buzzer round they gained on us slightly but by then we were feeling pretty confident and we started to steam ahead! The final score was 4031 and we were through to the next round! On the bus on the way back we were all really excited about our win! It was such fun and a really good experience. I can’t wait till the next round and our competition against Bishop Gore School. Wish us luck!! Tom 9.6, Emily 9.6, Katie 10.6 and Michael 11.6

Fundraising Skydive In July 2011, I completed a skydive at Fairwood Airport with Swansea Skydive. This was a fantastic experience which I feel everyone should try, even if they are scared of heights! The reason for the skydive was to raise money for Breast Cancer Care Cymru and I am hoping to have raised around £900.00. Jack Bevan 12.5

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

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Modern Foreign Languages Extra French! The MFL department will from this week provide extra French lessons during lunchtime every Monday.

British Airways Language Flag Award success! One hundred and twenty seven pupils from year 9 successfully gained the British Airways Language Flag Award. Celebration of European Day of Language

To celebrate European Day of Language the MFL department has linked with other departments such as RE, Geography, History and Welsh Baccalaureate to provide resources to Year 9 pupils in order for them to find independently, and in groups, as much information about a specific European country. Year 9 pupils were required to rely on their ICT skills, their communication skills and their ability to work as a group in order to be successful. It was a very beneficial day as every Year 9 pupil improved his/her learning about other countries while still studying a variety of subjects. The day ended with every group of year 9 pupils giving a presentation to the rest of the year group to demonstrate their findings.

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

Essential Skills Wales Essential Skills Wales Days We were pleased to be able to provide at the end of yr 9 an opportunity for students to begin to gain these important qualifications which will form part of their Welsh Baccalaureate qualification. During these two days pupils had a variety of tasks which focused in ICT, Communication and Working with Others. Pupils had to write speeches, deliver them to large groups, and formally debate proposals. They also had to create PowerPoint for displaying on the school screens and publish leaflets on key topics. We deliberately chose some interesting and provocative statements to ensure plenty of strong opinions. Pupils had to construct their arguments in response to: “Our newspapers and TV news programmes will always tell us the truth and can be trusted” “We may have to learn to live with only one car per family, if this means we can stop Global Warming” “Most teenagers think that ‘Looking good’ is more important than ‘being clever’” “Our Politicians in the UK are mostly honest people who we can trust to look after us.” “We should raise the age for alcohol to age 21, if this would help make a safer country” “There should be a police investigation into every teenage pregnancy under the age of 14” As you can imagine we had some interesting debates! It was very impressive to see how sincere pupils were in their Christian beliefs and how these influenced their perspectives, and also how logical and eloquent they were in expressing them. Jonathan Davies

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Year 11 Prom On July 4th 2011, the class of 2011 celebrated the most awaited evening of their school life. As each individual dressed to impress the night turned out to be a great success. Everyone arrived at Manor Park, Clydach, in their own unique transportation...some traditional and some bizarre, including a hippy van! 'We all felt like celebrities on a red carpet in the middle of a paparazzi frenzy. Everyone looked so different, yet all so elegant and stylish.' -Tiffany Jenkins As friends and families departed it was time to get the party started. This was the last time some of us would ever see each other again so we determined to make it a night to remember, and what a night to remember it was! ' I thoroughly enjoyed the traditional three course meal! Especially the dessert of chocolate covered profiteroles.' Mitchell Palmer. During the meal, a fantastic magician came to entertain each table. With tricks that were never seen before, people couldn't believe their eyes. As the night proceeded everyone had the chance to vote for whom they thought were deserving Prom King and Prom Queen. Liam, Tutorial 12.1, was voted as Prom King and Jessica, Tutorial 12.2, as the Prom Queen. A well deserved duo! 'The night was very memorable with laughter, cheers and joy. Spending the night with friends that will last a life time.' - Carys Brannan The DJ proceeded with some classic prom night music including the Cha Cha slide and Macarena. Everyone joined in even a few teachers! Although everyone was on the dance floor a few individuals took the stage to another level. 'A circle formed and everyone started dancing around. All types of dance were brought together. From Indian dancing to Break dancing everyone had a go. Shyness was not held back. Jane Fiona started to break dance in the middle of the circle and along came Ananya George teaching everyone some Indian moves.' - Nia Palla With the last few photos and memories being obtained, we all had something to keep for life, an electronic year book made by our own Mr Evans, was something to cherish. With messages from each individual tutor and photos from the five years that had passed quickly. 'Unfortunately the night passed as quick as a flash, but I'm sure the memories from that night will always be with each and every one of us.' - Ananya George Written by Ananya George, Tiffany Jenkins, Carys Brannan and Nia Palla

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

ESDGC Eco News Bike Week Encouraging pupils and staff to use sustainable transport is still an important goal for the Eco group so it was great to see so much interest in the bike ride to Verdi’s in June. Surveys taken during Bike Week revealed that a large number of pupils are still keen to ride their bikes to school and the bike ride was quickly oversubscribed. An important message to all would-be riders, however, is that safety helmets are compulsory and good bike maintenance is essential. So get your gear ready for the next ride!!

Fairtrade Raffle To continue our efforts to become a Fairtrade school a raffle was held at the end of the term for a large hamper packed with Fairtrade goodies. The lucky winner, Giovanna carried away hot chocolate, jewellery, snacks, nuts, tea, cereal bars, a T shirt and more – all with the Fairtrade mark. This year the Fairtrade Foundation has reported a 27% increase in herb and spice purchases, 59% increase in cosmetics and an amazing 336% increase in chocolate sales! With stores like Marks and Spencer and Sainsbury supporting the cause, prices of Fairtrade goods are highly competitive and often cheaper than well-known brands. Pupils at BVS are committed to supporting and promoting Fairtrade and we hope you will be too. Take a look at then click on ‘what we’re doing’ then ‘Fair Partner’ to watch their video. At (food ideas>Fairtrade>100% Fairtrade) over 850 products carry the Fairtrade mark and the website gives lots of information about why Fairtrade is so important. has information on stores, goods and recipes.

Litter Campaign This year the Eco group are running a campaign to reduce litter in and around our school. We plan to • Raise awareness amongst pupils to reduce littering of the school grounds. • Continue with the litter rota to improve the appearance of the school grounds. • Identify litter hotspots in the community and carry out clean-ups to improve the local environment. • Inform our neighbours about our campaign and ask for their support.

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International Links Comenius Project Partner Visit At the time of going to press we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our Comenius partner teachers and students. 19 teachers and 31 students from Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain will be spending the week of the 10th to the 14th October with us at Bishop Vaughan. The Lord Mayor, Head Boy Tom Mogford , Head Girl Catrin Byrne, and our 60-strong school choir will be amongst those to welcome our visitors on Tuesday 11th. As well as spending time working together in school, our visitors will be taken to visit Gower, Swansea and Mumbles, Cardiff Bay and Big Pit. After being shown their lovely countries during our visits to Bulgaria, Portugal and Croatia last academic year, it is now our turn to show off our beautiful countryside and coast. We send a big, big thank you, in advance, to all the parents who have agreed to host one or more of the students. It is highly appreciated as without this support the project could not continue. I hope that our children make lots of new friends, who they will correspond with long after their return to their home countries, and that they will be filled with an interest and desire to experience more of life in other countries. Mrs S Thom Assistant Director of Welsh Baccalaureate

Welcome to our Comenius Assistant We send a warm welcome to our Comenius Assistant from Sweden, Johan Nilsson. Johan secured European funding to work in our school until Easter. He will be working with the Welsh Baccalaureate, RE and History departments. As well as adding depth and understanding to the European dimension of these subject areas, Johan has quickly integrated into other areas of school life. He has already been surfing and gorge walking with the Public Services students during their residential course at Dan-YCoed. Some of the Year 12 and 13 Welsh Baccalaureate students have been interested to find out a bit more about our assistant. Here are a few of the questions they asked him, and his replies: Where are you from? Gothenburg in Sweden Do you like Bishop Vaughan? Yes, I’ve been warmly welcomed. Do you like it in Swansea? Yes, it’s close to nature and I like the sea. Are you married? Yes, for a year, but we don’t have any kids yet. Do you speak any other languages apart from Swedish and English? Yes, a bit of German and Spanish. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Teaching History, RE and maybe International

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

‘Performing Arts Academy@BVS’

Dear Parents, Carers & Guardians, Bishop Vaughan School has the pleasure of announcing the newly created ‘Performing Arts Academy at Bishop Vaughan School’. As a team of passionate and experienced professionals in the world of Music, Drama & Theatre Studies we believe that all pupils should have the opportunity to access a wide and varied curriculum. Membership of the Academy will allow pupils to gain Certificates & Awards for their participation and efforts as well as ‘Extended Learning Opportunities’. During the Year a number of different workshops will take place and more will be added – we need your help too. During this Autumn Term we have launched some exciting Workshops and Activities for pupils, and the response has been overwhelming. Here is a sample of the activities that have been on offer during the Autumn Term. Monday KS3 Lunchtime 12.50 – 1.25pm ‘Sing – A – Loud@BVS’ (Lower School Choir for Years 7 – 9) Thursday KS4 Lunchtime 1.50 – 2.25pm ‘Vocalize@BVS’ (Upper School Choir Years 10 – 13) Friday Lunchtimes 12.50 – 1.25pm ‘Scene-ario’@BVS’ (Lower School Drama Club) Thursday KS3 Lunchtime 12.50 – 1.25pm ‘Orchestra’@BVS’ We also have: ‘Windcraft@BVS’, and after the October Half Term we will be launching ‘Macs@BVS’ - a Music Technology Workshop. Pupils in Year 11 have also been attending ‘GCSEMusic@BVS’ on a Monday after school between 3.30pm – 4.30pm. To launch the ‘Performing Arts Academy@BVS’ we ran a competition for pupils entitled ‘Sgript-It@BVS’ which allowed pupils to write a short script in either Welsh or English to be dramatised and filmed in school. This will support the work of the ‘Reading Behaviours’ & ‘Literacy Strategy’ for this term. We have also had the pleasure of ‘Only Men Aloud’ visiting the school for a Workshop on October 6th and this was an exciting and thrilling experience for all who were involved.

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

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‘Performing Arts Academy@BVS’ Now…….BISHOP BISHOP VAUGHAN SCHOOL NEEDS YOU ! Our aim over this coming year is to create the first ‘Parent, Teacher, Pupil & Friends Choir at Bishop Vaughan. We would call you ‘PTPFSingers@BVS’. This would be a wonderful opportunity for us to bring the community and yourselves together to sing and have a ‘social’ gathering. This can only happen if we have your support, and if you can speak…you can sing! If you are interested in joining us please contact Mrs N Jackson (Director of Learning for Music) at the school or email

PE GCSE A group of Year 11 students went to Rhossili to go on a mountain walking course. We were taught a variety of navigational skills whilst walking over the hills on Rhossili Downs. We also did a few different orienteering courses whilst we were there. On the last day, we did coasteering, and in everyone’s opinion, this was the best day of the week. Kieron White, Adam Evans, Josh Williams

Sports Clubs & 5x60 clubs Day

Lunch 1

Lunch 2

After School


Badminton Gymnastics

Yr 8 & 9 netball

Yr 7 hockey


Multi gym


Multi gym Yr 10, 11 & 6th form netball Multi gym

Yr 7 netball Yr 8,9,10 & 11 hockey Girls football





Basketball Multi gym

Street dance

Climbing will be starting after half term In addition to the above, there will be fixtures with other schools in football, rugby, hockey and netball.

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

Cycling Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela 2011

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

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Cycling Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela 2011 The first morning of the trip, we woke up in St Jean Pied de Port to the sound of rain beating the outsides of the tents. The daunting task of cycling over the Pyrénées did not look any better in the pouring rain! Packing up and having breakfast was bad enough, but setting off into the fog, knowing that we were going to be cycling up-hill all day, was horrible. The rain was cold, the cycling was very difficult and the fog meant that it was impossible to see further ahead than the bike in front. On the other hand, we all stuck together, and the teachers tried hard to keep us in good spirits; it's hard to be miserable, when Mr Jenkins and Mr Scourfield are jumping about on their bikes, trying to scare the sheep off the paths! The feeling when we arrived at camp, after the first day, was such a relief. Once we'd got over the first hurdle, we knew we had the physical strength to complete the course; the next challenge was keeping up our mental stamina enough to keep going. The weather, for most of the next two weeks, was incredibly hot. We were cycling in one direction, so the sun was always on the same side of us, which resulted in some very silly looking tan lines. Lots of the group also caught vomiting bugs or got heatstroke, but everyone looked out for each other, and nobody ever got left behind. As well as the general cycling, there were lots of technical bits to the course; mostly rocky climbs and muddy ditches. These provide plenty of opportunity to laugh at people falling over, or at the teachers refusing to leave until they'd completed each obstacle. We got some particularly good laughs thanks to the people who were still adjusting to their clipped-in pedals, which left them with a tendency to just fall over, whenever they tried to get off their bikes. When we arrived in Santiago de Compostella, on the last day of cycling, the atmosphere was fantastic. We all rode in together, with our Welsh flags up, then we opened champagne in the Cathedral square and took lots of photos. Our first night in Santiago was the start of the feast of St James – the saint after whom Santiago is named – which is a big festival in that part of Spain. There were amazing fireworks outside the cathedral, and a big, colourful lighting display, as well as concerts in the squares around the cathedral. The atmosphere was brilliant, and it really was a great way to celebrate the achievement of getting there. Once we'd packed our bikes away in the monastery where we were staying, we were free to explore Santiago on foot. There were lots of shops, as well as restaurants and cafés selling local produce, including the famous Santiago tart. We had to go the pilgrims' office, in the centre of town, to get our certificates, for completing the ride. The office was full of people from all over the world who'd all walked or cycled different routes to Santiago, and it was surprising to see even young children waiting in the queue, with enormous backpacks on their shoulders. Our final night in Santiago was one to remember; we all had dinner together, before heading out to the fair that was in town, for the festival. The staff presented each of us with a wristband, as a camino souvenir, which was a lovely way to end the trip. Although the challenges of the camino were gruelling, the feeling of having come such a long way without giving up was worth it, and we all thoroughly enjoyed our pilgrimage. Catrin Byrne – 13.2

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

Everest Base Camp 2012 Expedition Training Walk On the 22nd September a group of teachers and students from three different schools in the Swansea area started their training for the 2012 Everest Base Camp Expedition. Our walk started from Penmaen car park at 10am. We walked over the highest point in Gower, Cefn Bryn to Oxwich beach. The walk passed through Three Cliffs and up some very big sand dunes to our starting point in Penmaen. The preparation walk took us about five hours. It made us aware of what to expect when we eventually undertake the journey to Base Camp, as well as giving everybody the opportunity to get to know one another. For the expedition itself we will leave for Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, on Saturday 24th March, where we will stay for two days to acclimatise. From there we take another plane into the mountains and our starting point, Lukla. The walk to Base Camp will take us about twelve days up and three days down. We will walk very slowly to ensure that each member of the group is in their best physical shape and adjusting to the new climate. During the walk we will pass through small villages and stay in local accommodation allowing us time to meet the local people and get some much needed rest. While preparing for our trip we will be raising money through fundraising and also collecting clothes for the children who live in the orphanage in Kathmandu. The collection of money will be spent on the orphans’ education, such as school uniforms and backpacks as well as milk and other essentials for the younger children. In Nepal children need a school uniform to attend school and get the education they deserve, a privilege that many western children do not always recognise. Katarzyna Lodyga 13.2

Pupils on their weekly training.

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

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Sixth Form News University Successes! Congratulations to students of last year’s Year 13 group, who achieved outstanding results and gained excellent University places. We are proud that every single student wishing to proceed to University for this academic year gained a place, and the vast majority of these were at the ‘first choice’ institution. Very best wishes to all current undergraduates! We wish you every success!

BISHOP Vaughan Catholic School pupils have the world at their feet after performing well in their A levels. Among those who achieved top marks was Jacob Davies from Penllergaer, who achieved four A*s in the three sciences and maths, and passed his Welsh Baccalaureate too. Jacob, 18, said: "It was a difficult two years but the school really helped me throughout it all and I owe my success to them. "I am going to have a gap year now and try to get a job to save some money and go travelling before I go to Imperial College London to study The local newspaper picked up the story medicine. I might do some volunteer work too.

of the excellent results achieved and interviewed Jacob Davies, former Head Boy, running an article as follows:

"My dad was with me when I opened my results and my sister Chloe also received her AS results. She did well so it was a good day all round."

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

Enrichment Fair

As in previous years, the new term got off to a vibrant start for the Sixth Form with an Enrichment Fair— our own version of the University Freshers’ Fairs. School clubs and teams were represented, as well as outside organisations encouraging pupils to get involved in voluntary work, community projects and lots more. The activities benefit others, but also promote personal growth and character development for the pupils involved.

Debating Society

Liturgy Group

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

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Induction Day

With pupils joining Bishop Vaughan’s Sixth Form from a wide range of 11-16 schools, Year 12 students thoroughly enjoyed the Induction Day as an opportunity to get to know one another and build team skills. The activity day at Margam Park is described by the participants below:


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Cycling to School To All Parents and Guardians A small but increasing number of pupils are making their way to and from school by bicycle. While the school supports this as a healthy and environmentally friendly form of travel there are some concerns in relation to health and safety. • • • •

All those riding to school should wear a helmet. All those riding to school should wear some high visibility clothing. Bikes should be checked regularly for roadworthiness, particularly the brakes. In winter or when it is dark, bikes should be fitted with lights.

In addition pupils must remember that they are not to cycle on the school premises. If you have any questions in relation to these matters or would like some advice, do please contact the school. Mr J Blackburn Headteacher

PLEASE NOTE! Pupil Information If any details have changed, please write or email into the school office so that our records may be updated. This includes any change to address, contact telephone numbers (especially mobile telephone and emergency contacts), place of work, doctor, or any new medical conditions of which we should be aware.

Could you please pass onto the school any relevant email address that we could use to contact you.

Maths Challenge solution B. 2 x 17 + 3 x 17 + 5 x 17 give 10 x 17 = 170

Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

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Bus Passes Could both parents and pupils be aware that the children should carry their bus pass with them at all times. Pupils could be asked at any time whilst travelling on a school bus, to produce their bus pass as evidence that they are allocated a seat. If pupils have misplaced their bus pass please contact the school office who will organise a replacement. Also pupils are not allowed to travel on any other bus other than the one that is printed on their bus pass. On several occasions lately pupils have tried to travel on different buses, e.g. to go over to a friend’s place after school. This is not allowed and the drivers have the right to refuse entry to pupils who are not allocated to their bus. It is parents’ responsibility to collect their children and take them to alternative venues after school.

Parking Outside Bishop Vaughan A letter has been received from the School Community Police Officer asking us to pass on the concerns of local residents in relation to parking and vehicles causing obstructions outside the school from 3 o’clock every afternoon. Police Officers will be patrolling regularly outside the school to take positive action regarding any vehicles which are parked in contravention of road traffic legislation.

Mobile Telephones If pupils have mobile phones they should note that they are not to be switched on or in use inside the school. This includes the buildings, playground and playing field areas, before, during and after the school day. Mobile phones are to be kept out of sight, either on the person or in the school bag. The school can take no responsibility for any loss or theft of mobile phones. Parents and guardians are asked not to contact their children by phone or text during the school day. If an emergency message needs to be conveyed the school office will take the call and pass the message on. Similarly if a pupil needs to make an emergency call home he or she just needs to approach the office. Failure to comply with these rules will result in the phone being confiscated and kept in the school office for collection by a responsible adult. Any pupil using a mobile phone to record sound or video in school faces the likelihood of exclusion.

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Bishop Vaughan School Newsletter October 2011

School Website The school website can be found at:

Paying for trips Remember, if your child is paying for a school trip, the House is open from 8.30am until registration and at morning break and lunch times. All cheques should be made payable to ‘Bishop Vaughan Catholic School’ and the pupil’s name, tutorial and trip should be clearly written on the reverse. Thank you.

Lost Property We still have a number of items in lost property - which is now located in the main office. None of the articles are labelled and cannot, therefore, be returned to their owner. If your child has lost any item, please tell them to come and check with Ms Hancock in the main office. After a period of time items not claimed will be given to a charity shop as there is no room to store them. Lost property is available for checking at break and lunch-time. PLEASE LABEL ALL ITEMS OF SCHOOL UNIFORM SO THAT THEY CAN BE EASILY RETURNED IF HANDED IN TO LOST PROPERTY. Please can all parents and guardians be aware that the school cannot supervise pupils arriving before 8.40 am.

Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Mynydd Garnllwyd Road Morriston, Swansea SA6 7QG Phone: 01792 772006 Fax: 01792 790565 E-mail:

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