Bishop Vaughan Catholic School October 2009 Dear Parents/Guardians, WELCOME TO BISHOP VAUGHAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL In September 2010 your child will begin a new and vitally important phase of his or her life in transferring from primary to secondary school. Here are some of the reasons we consider Bishop Vaughan to be a wise choice for your child: •
though a large school, we will get to know your child well and look after him or her, not just in Year 7, but as he or she matures and develops in what we hope will be a seven year programme, through to Year 13;
we offer education in a secure and disciplined environment where pupils will be expected to work hard, do their best and take seriously their own academic progress. We expect high academic standards across the ability range and enthusiasm for learning;
we nurture a religious and spiritual formation that makes central the idea of the Christian way of life, worship of God and practical concern for others;
we encourage a pervasive atmosphere of mutual respect, courtesy, friendliness and optimism together with care for the environment and property;
we afford opportunities for developing talents in a range of activities: cultural, musical and sporting. We emphasise enjoyment and excellence. We encourage pupils to ‘have a go’;
we make every effort to make the families of our pupils an important part of the life of the school through regular contact and consultation;
we have a well-qualified, experienced and thoroughly professional staff committed to the Catholic ethos, who are willing always to “go the extra mile” in support of pupils; who provide quality lessons with a judicious blend of traditional and innovative method.
Facilities at Bishop Vaughan are of a high standard and we have a rolling programme of refurbishment to maintain this standard. Examination results are important since, realistically, they are the key to pupil progression. At Bishop Vaughan we are pleased that our results at all levels are among the best in the area and we have clear targets for continued improvement.
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Bishop Vaughan is the school established by the Diocese of Menevia to provide secondary education for the Catholic children of this area. Naturally, we hope you will wish to send your child to Bishop Vaughan and will make early application to do so. If you were unable to attend our Information Evening but wish to view or have any questions or enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the school. Either myself or one of the Senior Leadership Team will be happy to discuss matters with you and make the necessary arrangements. We look forward to meeting you and eventually to welcoming your son or daughter as a pupil at Bishop Vaughan.
Yours sincerely,
Joe Blackburn Headteacher
Headmaster: Mr. J. Blackburn M.A.(Oxon), B.Th.(Hons.), Adv. Dip. Ed. Mynydd Garnllwyd Road, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 7QG. Tel: (01792) 772006/771589 Fax: (01792) 790565 Email: web site:
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School
Mynydd Garnllwyd Road, Morriston, Swansea SA6 7QG.
Tel. No:
01792 772006/771589
01792 790565
Web site:
Type of School:
Voluntary Aided
Number on roll:
Chair of Governors: Mrs. J. Gomes B.Sc., H.V. Cert Ed. Headteacher:
Mr. J. Blackburn M.A. (Oxon), B.Th. (Hons.), Adv. Dip.Ed.
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Welcome to Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Selecting a secondary school is one of the most difficult and important decisions facing parents today. This prospectus is designed to give you the essence of what it means to be a part of the community that is Bishop Vaughan Catholic School. Nothing, however, can replace the real thing and I do invite you most warmly to visit us, to see us at work and to experience our special atmosphere. Bishop Vaughan Catholic School is a Voluntary Aided School for 11 to 18 year olds in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Menevia and the City and County of Swansea. It was established to provide secondary education for the Catholic population of Swansea, Swansea Valley and Lliw Valley. Bishop Vaughan Catholic School occupies a large site in the Morriston district of Swansea. Many parts of the school buildings have been refurbished in recent years and, as a result, many of our facilities are of a good standard. Specialist accommodation meets the requirements of the National Curriculum. Many of our school facilities have been recently upgraded and now equal the best provision available elsewhere. At Bishop Vaughan Catholic School, every aspect of what we think and do should be based on the Gospel values of Peace, Justice, Truth and Love. Each individual is valued as a unique and gifted creation of God. As the only Catholic secondary school in this area, we take pride in striving for quality, excellence and achievement in all we do.
Mission Statement Bishop Vaughan is a Christian Community in the Catholic Tradition. Our mission is to provide an outstanding, whole person education through which all are challenged to grow in wisdom, understanding, self-worth and closeness to God. The key characteristics which we strive to display are well expressed by the diagram:
Social Justice
All together in Christ
Prayer and reflection are, of Personal Community course, woven into the fabric growth of school life. The traditional prayers of the Catholic community are used and the universal message of the Church and its call to new life encourages us to welcome everyone and help him or her to reach their potential. 4
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.” At Bishop Vaughan we challenge all persons to use their God-given gifts and talents to achieve excellence and make significant progress in all aspects of their school life. We expect everyone to recognise the fundamental dignity of everyone else and their status as children of God. We encourage everyone to take an active role in the life of the school, both within the classroom and elsewhere; and we strive to reward people for their efforts to better themselves and to help those around them. Please contact the school office if you would like a full copy of our mission statement.
Prayer and Worship At the heart of our mission are the Gospel values of Peace, Justice, Truth and Love. We celebrate our commitment to these values as a community in daily classroom prayer and in a variety of assemblies, events and liturgies. All pupils start each day by participating in a collective act of worship which takes place either in the Main Hall, Year Base or classroom. Prayers are said regularly throughout the day. Holy Mass, or an alternative liturgy, takes place during one lunchtime each week and provides an opportunity for quiet witness. Major feast days of the church are celebrated in school. This provision is part of our programme to help our students to reflect upon their spiritual and faith journey in a peaceful and supportive atmosphere.
Religious Education Religious Education is provided for all students throughout the school, including Years Twelve and Thirteen. The “ICONS” programme, specially designed to implement the Curriculum Directory of the Bishop’s Conference of England and Wales, is provided for Years Seven to Nine (Key Stage Three). This follows several different themes and focuses on Jesus, the Church, the Sacraments, the Human Person and the Church’s Liturgical Year. All students in these years receive four periods a fortnight and participate in a variety of learning experiences which build on previous learning and continuously challenge them to go further. They also have a further period for personal, social and moral education under the auspices of the RE department, but also in line with the DCELLS framework which is now statutory. All students in Years Ten and Eleven (Key Stage Four) study for national qualifications offered by the WJEC. Most students study for GCSE Religious Studies which includes an in-depth study of Christianity in the Catholic Tradition and study of 5
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School other Christian traditions. In recent years, the opportunity has been given to a number of students to study for an AS level qualification. Students who are not entered for GCSE are entered for short course GCSE or Entry Level certificates. All students in Years Ten and Eleven receive 5 one hour periods of teaching per fortnight. Religious Studies is also offered at A and AS level which is becoming an increasingly popular choice for many students. The syllabus currently being followed is that of WJEC and among the options studied are Philosophy of Religion and Religion and Ethics. All pupils in Year Twelve are also expected to participate in a number of RE days designed to assist the students in their spiritual and moral development. In year 13 general Religious Education is timetabled with the option given to study for an AS qualification.
High Expectations In all that we do in school, quality, excellence and achievement is our aim. We have high expectations of all our students. All students are challenged to give of their best. We expect each student to work hard, play hard and to take a full part in the life of our school. We monitor each individual’s progress regularly and set them challenging targets. We believe that all our students are talented individuals with potential to achieve. Our aim is to provide them with opportunities to excel.
Complaints Complaints about the curriculum may be made formally in writing to the Governing Body via the Headteacher. Other complaints or causes for concern may be brought to the attention of the school in writing, in person, by telephone or e-mail. Complaints made by parents are usually dealt with by: 1. the pupil’s Senior Tutor; then referred, if necessary, to; 2. Mr Scourfield, Assistant Headteacher; and if necessary to; 3. Mr Blackburn, Headteacher, and if necessary to; 4. an independent panel. Pupils may consult their tutor on any cause for concern and then, if appropriate, follow the above procedure. The review panel may be formed from any three of the following individuals: a former senior staff member, a former teacher, a parent governor, a parish priest. The review panel is able to investigate the complaint, to hear evidence, to arrange for each side to put its case to the other, to reach a decision and to make recommendations to the Headteacher. A serious complaint may, of course, be made directly to the Headteacher. The school aims to respond to phone calls/enquiries received before noon by the end of that day; to those received after noon, by noon the following day; to written 6
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School enquiries within three working days; to investigate a complaint within a reasonable period; and to keep the complainant informed of progress by agreeing a reporting time from one meeting to the next.
Homework Homework is a means of raising achievement, an essential part of a pupil’s learning. A structured homework schedule is in place for pupils in every year group and of all abilities. The quality and quantity of homework is regularly evaluated by the management of the school. For pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9, the homework schedule is included in the pupil planner. The aim is to make homework tasks meaningful, to encourage pupils to take responsibility for planning their workload and to enable them to become independent learners. The core subjects of Religious Education, English, Mathematics and Science have 2-3 slots per half-term. Other subjects have one slot per half-term. Pupils in Years 10 and 11 should have 2 hours homework per evening. They have a homework timetable which is structured around the school week. Students in Years 12 and 13 should undertake at least 5 hours independent study per subject per week. This includes assignments given by teachers.
Ethos The spirit at Bishop Vaughan is one of trying to find God in all things and in the world. This means the development to the full of each individual’s talents and abilities. It means stressing the need for thoroughness and breadth in learning, helping students to think for themselves and to communicate well. Above all, it means an awareness of the needs of others and a readiness to place one’s talents at the service of others to the greater glory of God. The highest standards are expected of everyone involved. In this way we can provide a healthy Christian School environment in which there is orderliness, a pervasive Christian symbolism, an atmosphere that is warm, caring and welcoming to others and an absence of vandalism. Every effort is made to create a tension-free discipline by meeting, as far as possible, the spiritual, intellectual and physical needs of each individual. At Bishop Vaughan each individual is expected to accept his or her responsibility for maintaining disciplinary standards by working to the best of his or her ability and by observing the guidelines for the good conduct of the school. 7
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Our pupils are naturally energetic, optimistic and friendly. We aim to build on this and to develop a constructive and responsible attitude toward life. Pupils come from a wide variety of educational, social and intellectual backgrounds.
Opportunities for Personal Development A structured programme of Personal, Social and Health Education, Careers Education and Pastoral Care supports the development of each individual, enabling him or her to make informed choices. Opportunities to work outside the school environment are available to all. Field trips (both in this country and abroad), adventure weeks/weekends, one day courses and a variety of work-related activities form a vital and enriching part of our learning programme.
Sex Education The sex education provision within the school is based on the moral teachings of the Catholic Church. It seeks to guide the young person to an understanding of his/her sexuality, a realisation of the importance of stable relationships and to help lay the foundations for adult life. Areas from the curriculum occur in Year 7 (Science) and Years 9, 10 and 11 (RE). In Year 8, pupils follow a discreet programme taught by experienced staff. Copies of the detailed Sex Education Policy and teaching materials are available on request. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of the Sex Education provided.
Careers Education and Guidance A programme of Careers Education and Guidance is delivered as part of the pastoral provision to all pupils in Years Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve and Thirteen. Throughout the programme the aim is to provide pupils with objective and up-to-date information, to enable pupils to develop decision-making skills, to promote awareness and understanding of the range of career opportunities available, to be informed in the assessment of their own abilities and to develop enterprise and entrepreneurship skills. In Year 12, Careers days with similar aims are held throughout the year, when the normal time-table is suspended. The activities include a mini careers convention, sessions on employability, equal opportunities, gap year, community service as well as a range of topics addressed by speakers from the worlds of industry, commerce and further and higher education. In Year 13, the focus is on applications to Higher Education and for training and employment. Bishop Vaughan has a designated Careers Adviser who attends parents’ evenings and is available to meet parents by appointment at other times. He is actively 8
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School involved in the Careers Education and Guidance programme both with individual pupils and with class/tutorial groups and especially with students’ choices and decisions at 14+, 16+ and 18+. There is a Careers section in the main school library, which contains a wide variety of information and literature on further and higher education and on training and job opportunities. A variety of software packages help pupils and students to access information and to undertake independent searches. All pupils are given a formal introduction to the resources of the careers library during Year Seven. Library resources are updated annually. The school arranges a varied programme of speakers from local industry, commerce, service organisations and higher education; particular talks may be arranged in response to pupil requests. The school works closely with Careers Wales on initiatives such as work experience and work-related activities and takes full advantage of training and funding opportunities. Some years ago the school achieved the West Wales TEC Quality Award for Careers Education and Guidance provision. In the spring of 2004, Bishop Vaughan was successful in achieving the Careers Wales Quality Award. This is an all Wales award which covers five principles: pupil achievement of CEG learning outcomes; overall management; people management; partnerships, processes and resources; evaluation and continuous improvement. Bishop Vaughan is the first school in this area to gain this award.
Pastoral Care At Bishop Vaughan Catholic School each student is valued as a unique individual. We know our pupils well and work hard to ensure that they are happy here. We have established a well-developed system of pastoral care, based upon sound relationships between pupils, parents, tutors and senior tutors. This helps to ensure that each pupil has a supportive environment in which to flourish. We keep parents informed with regular reports and we encourage our parents to contact us about any concerns to try to ensure that no problem is ignored or allowed to get out of hand.
House Structure The pastoral structure at Bishop Vaughan is formed in order to build upon the high quality care that has been a key characteristic of our school for many years. We have six houses named after Celtic Saints:
Saint Brynach, Saint Cadog, Saint Dyfrig, Saint Mabyn, Saint Non, Saint Teilo. Membership of houses is based on tutorial membership. Sixth formers also belong to houses as do all staff.
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Special Educational Needs Pupils with Special Educational Needs are entitled to the full range of curriculum experiences and will, as far as possible, follow the same class syllabus as that of their peers. Teachers differentiate within the school by using a variety of teaching styles and presentation, different resources, worksheets, pace and complexity of information presented and level of teacher support. In 1999 we introduced a Foundation Year for Year Seven pupils where pupils are grouped into tutorial groups of varying abilities. Pupils with learning difficulties are educated alongside their peers and special needs department staff support pupils within subject areas across the key stages. For pupils with specific learning difficulties (i.e. dyslexia, dyspraxia, visual impairment, hearing impairment, physical impairment or behaviour) either in-class support or withdrawal from specific subject areas is arranged. In some cases pupils are disapplied from specific areas of the National Curriculum. This information is provided by the pupil’s statement. Pupils with specific learning difficulties are supported by a teacher qualified in teaching dyslexic pupils. Pupils with delayed receptive and/or expressive language development are supported by a teacher qualified in this area. Outside agencies used by Bishop Vaughan include Education Psychology, Visual Impairment, Hearing Impairment, Behaviour Support, Trehafod, Social Services, physiotherapy and occupational therapy and EMLAS (Ethnic Minority Language and Achievement Service). These agencies are contacted as and when required following identification by staff and Director of Access to Learning.
Sixth Form Bishop Vaughan Catholic School has a growing and flourishing sixth form. We are proud of our sixth form students. Their achievements speak for themselves. There is a varied and challenging sixth form curriculum. This includes a wide range of advanced level and vocational A level courses which give the students a high quality preparation for university, higher education and employment within a supportive and friendly environment. We aim to ensure that our pupils will possess qualities such as flexibility, enterprise, global awareness and communication skills which will be at a premium. Information and Communications Technology is a vital support to learning. We provide resources and facilities for our sixth formers which allow them to develop these skills and relax in a pleasant environment. We are able to offer a range of subjects including Maths, Science, English, Modern Foreign Languages, Sociology, Religious Studies, Latin and Humanities. All sixth formers are offered a curriculum enrichment programme which provides opportunities for first aid, sports leadership, enterprise activities, work shadowing and voluntary work. This programme is delivered during off-timetable days throughout the year. Sixth form students have opportunities to contribute to the community life of the school as a whole by acting as prefects, guides and role models to younger students. Our Head Boy and Head Girl and the team of Senior Prefects provide an important
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School focus for the pupil body and contribute regularly to the work of the whole school body.
Sporting and Creative Activities Participation in the sporting and creative life of the school is a feature of the Bishop Vaughan tradition. Our students have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities. Our students have achieved great success in Hockey, Football, Rugby, Netball, Cricket, Gymnastics, Boxing, Swimming and Athletics. Some former students have gone on to become full internationals in a number of sports. The school is also proud of its achievement in Creative Arts. Our choir has competed at the highest level and has participated in joint concerts with choirs such as the Morriston Orpheus Choir. The school has a purpose built Music Block which is equipped with an excellent range of instruments for pupils to learn to play. Drama is an acknowledged strength of the school. We regularly present a range of productions including Christmas Shows and Fashion Shows, as well as larger scale productions.
Physical Education The School’s physical education programme aims to give pupils a range of sporting experiences, to promote enjoyment and a sense of well-being and to develop a lifelong commitment to an active and healthy life style. Pupils at KS3 receive three one hour periods of physical activity per fortnight. At KS4 pupils receive two one hour periods of games per fortnight. There is a strong tradition of extra-curricular activity in the department with lunchtime and after-school practices and fixtures in the main sports. All pupils are encouraged to participate at a recreational and/or competitive level. The school has good links with local sports clubs and pupils are encouraged to participate in a variety of sports outside school hours.
Extra-Curricular Activities Bishop Vaughan Catholic School offers a wide range of activities outside the formal timetable in which students may extend their skills and aptitudes or simply enjoy themselves. All students are encouraged to develop their talents and interests further. The wide variety of field trips, visits to theatres, art galleries, concert halls and other cultural visits give rich support to work in the curriculum.
Charitable Works and Community Service Bishop Vaughan pupils are actively involved in charitable work and community service. They raise substantial sums of money each year and contribute to a wide variety of good causes. The many good causes which our pupils support include CAFOD, HCPT and SVP. Pupils participate in a variety of activities to raise funds for charity e.g. sponsored events, non-uniform and trainer days. Each year at Christmas, 11
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School pupils provide hampers which are distributed through the SVP. Pupils also participate in “Operation Christmas Child” by organising Christmas boxes to be sent overseas to children who would not otherwise receive a Christmas gift. Sixth Formers participate in Community Service based in local nurseries, general and mental hospitals, old people’s homes and special schools. Sixth Form students undertake a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela on a bi-annual basis. A yearly pilgrimage to Rome also takes place in September.
School Council Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Council has student representatives from each year group – elected from tutorial representatives. The Council meets regularly, seeking to discuss issues that matter to students of the school. Governors are supported in their work by two associate pupil governors. The School Council seeks to promote the voice of the pupil, fundraise for good causes and improve our environment.
Use of the Welsh Language The school delivers its curriculum and conducts its business through the medium of English, except for the use of incidental Welsh. All pupils in KS3 study Welsh. In KS4, pupils may choose to complete a full course Welsh GCSE or to follow the short course route. The school is in the process of implementing a policy of dual signage throughout. There is also a designated member of staff in charge of promoting the Cwricwlwm Cymraeg.
Admission of disabled pupils For a number of years now, Bishop Vaughan Catholic School has taken steps to enable the admission of disabled pupils. Disabled toilets have been provided as part of all new buildings and refurbishment projects, disabled ramps have been constructed in various places and a lift has been provided in the Main Block. The main problem area remains the Four Storey Block. Proposals have been submitted for the provision of a lift, but funds have not yet been made available by the Welsh Assembly Government. When pupils with disabilities apply for admission to the school their needs are assessed and arrangements are made to cater for these needs. A survey of the school has been arranged to assess the implications of legislation relating to disabled persons.
Curriculum Statement 2009-2010 The school operates on fifty one hour periods per fortnight. For all new pupils in Year Seven, the school operates a ‘foundation year’ which acts as an appropriate transition from primary school and enables the individual assessment of abilities. In Years Seven to Nine, all pupils study the curriculum prescribed by law at Key Stage Three. Over the course of Key Stage 3 pupils have an average of two hours per fortnight of ICT. In Years Eight and Nine all pupils take a curriculum 12
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School enhancement course. Pupils in Year Eight have two hours of enhancement per fortnight, consisting of Art, Latin, Drama and Food. Pupils in Year Nine have one hour of enhancement per fortnight, consisting of Music, Drama, Food and Latin. Year Seven, Eight and Nine pupils also study Spanish as well as French. In Years Eight and Nine, pupils are grouped in the core subjects (English, Maths and Science). At Key Stage 3, these subjects are studied for approximately 40% of the time. In Years Ten and Eleven, all pupils study the curriculum prescribed by law at Key Stage Four. Core subjects are now studied for approximately 50% of the time, as most pupils study more Science. All pupils in Years Ten and Eleven study core Welsh and either GCSE Welsh, Latin, ICT or Vocational Engineering or Healthcare. All pupils study Religious Education.
Security Bishop Vaughan Catholic School is aware of the public concern for security in schools and has in place the following measures to ensure the security of pupils, staff and premises: 1. A security fence which covers the whole site; 2. Restricting access to the site to one main entrance during the school day; 3. A multiple camera CCTV system which covers the whole of the school site (apart from the playing fields) is linked to a 24 hour recording system; 4. There is an intruder alarm system throughout the school buildings; 5. Identity badges for all visitors who must sign in and out.
Mobile Phones If pupils have mobile phones they should note that they are not to be switched on or in use inside the school. This includes the buildings, playground and playing field areas, before, during and after the school day. Mobile phones are to be kept out of sight, either on the person or in the school bag. The school can take no responsibility for any loss or theft of mobile phones. Parents and guardians are asked not to contact their children by mobile or phone text during the school day. If an emergency message needs to be conveyed the school office will take the call and pass the message on. Similarly if a pupil needs to make an emergency call home he or she just needs to approach the office. Failure to comply with these rules will result in the phone being confiscated and kept in the school office for collection by a responsible adult. Any pupil using a mobile phone to record sound or video in school faces the likelihood of exclusion.
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School School Uniform The school colours are based on burgundy for years 7-11. The sixth form uniform is navy and white. Bergoni and J&S Products stock the full range of uniform with the exception of the official school tie. There is, however, no obligation to purchase from these sources. School ties (Years 7-11): pupils entering the school in Year 7 will be expected to purchase a tie on the first day. Information regarding this process will be sent to parents/guardians prior to this date. It will not be possible to purchase ties for Year 7 pupils before the first day. Pupils entering other Year groups will also be expected to purchase a tie from the school and will be able to do so in advance of their starting date. Parents who have any doubts about what is acceptable should contact the school for guidance. Please do not rely on information obtained elsewhere.
Year 7-11 Pullover:
burgundy, v-necked with official school logo.
years 7-11 official school tie – TO BE PURCHASED FROM THE SCHOOL.
with trousers, dark-coloured or white with skirts, standard grey or white
should be flesh-coloured or medium grey, plain and seamless. NB socks or tights MUST be worn.
plain light blue, standard school style. Not denim or fashion. NB During the summer term only light blue polo shirt with school logo may be worn.
mid-grey in material and standard design, standard knee length (knife or box pleat permitted).
dark grey or black and standard design NOT fashion or jeans. No denim, leather, flares, corduroy etc.
black, dark brown or dark grey with flat or low heels. Ankle boots may be worn in winter, provided they conform to the above regulations. Trainers are not permitted.
Outer Garments: pupils may wear mackintoshes, coats, anoraks or cagoules. However, all outer garments, of whatever type, must be plain, dark and single coloured. Anoraks or cagoules must not be too long, too short, “bomber jackets” or denim type. 14
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School A luminous reflective strip is permitted and parents/ guardians are strongly advised to consider this. No logos, writing, patterns of any description should be present. Denim is not allowed. Baseball caps are not permitted in any circumstances. There is no necessity for anorak hoods to be worn at school. Jewellery:
A single sleeper or a single stud of minimum size in the lobe. No other piercings are permitted. A medallion or chain may be worn if discreet. It must be removed for PE/Games. All other jewellery is forbidden.
Make-up/Hair Dye: Make-up is forbidden as are visible tattoos and piercings of any kind. If hair dye/highlights are used they should be a natural colour with no extreme contrasts. No designs to be shaved in the hair. No ‘skin head’ type haircuts. All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the pupil’s name.
Games Kit Jersey (boys):
rugby type burgundy with a white flash.
T-Shirt (boys):
plain burgundy with official school logo
T-shirt (girls):
plain white, collared with short sleeves and official school logo
burgundy pleated (optional)
Shorts (boys):
plain white and may be rugby or soccer type.
Shorts (girls):
soccer, rugby boots and training shoes or gym shoes as applicable
Socks (boys & girls):
burgundy and white.
Sweatshirt (girls):
sweatshirts are not compulsory but may be worn in cold weather only, and should be plain burgundy with the official school logo.
Tracksuit bottoms: plain black (only to be worn in cold weather). Shin pads are required for hockey and football. Gum shields are strongly recommended for hockey, football and rugby.
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Sixth Form Uniform Pullover:
navy, v-necked with official school logo.
sixth form official school tie
plain white, standard school style (not fashion)
navy blue, knee length
navy blue, standard design. No denim, leather, flares, corduroy etc.
with trousers: dark coloured, or white with skirts: navy blue or white
plain, seamless, navy tights may be worn.
dark coloured with flat or low heels. Ankle boots may be worn in winter and sandals in the summer. Trainers are not permitted.
dark blue/black/grey – single coloured only.
Members of sixth form are expected to wear the uniform throughout the school day. It should be noted that visible tattoos and piercings of any kind are not permitted. If hair dye/highlights are used they should be a natural colour (i.e. greens etc are not permitted). Baseball caps are not permitted in any circumstances. Any jewellery must be removed if in the judgement of any staff, instructors or technicians it constitutes a health and safety hazard, especially in laboratories, workshops and PE areas.
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Charging and remissions policy The Governors’ policy on charging follows guidelines from the Welsh Assembly Government and is in line with Local Education Authority procedures. When an activity is part of the basic curricular provision of the school, no charge is made. This would include books and necessary instruments and equipment but not clothing. However, in the case of textbooks, e.g. Science, a refundable deposit is required from pupils in order to ensure that books are returned at the end of the course. When the school organises an occasional visit to a museum or theatre then the law requires that such trips (and entrance fees) should be free. Voluntary contributions can be requested but no compulsory payment can be demanded. In practice, the situation in all schools is to make provisional arrangements for an activity, advise parents of the pupil share and request a contribution. If the voluntary contributions are not made, then the “voluntary” activity may be cancelled. Educational activities outside school hours do not fall into any of the “no charge” categories. Parents who agree to their child participating must be willing to meet the charge (though the cost may be subsidised by the School, as is frequently the case). Activities in which 50% or more of the time is spent outside school are deemed to be of this ‘optional’ type (i.e. subject to a charge).
Access to school policy documents Schemes of work are available at the school. Parents should make requests in writing to the Headteacher. Copies of whole school policies are available for download from the school’s website: Further copies can be obtained from the school – please contact Mr M Jones, Registrar, for details.
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Attendance figures 2008-2009 YEAR 7 8 9 10 11
Attendance 91.7 90.6 89 87.8 90.3
Unauthorised Absence 1.8 1.6 2.7 3.4 3.1
Absence damages your educational health! Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Admissions Procedure Applications should be made before the end of the Christmas Term directly to Bishop Vaughan Catholic School. Bishop Vaughan Catholic School will notify parents of their decision by the end of the Spring Term. In the event of the number of applications exceeding the number of places available the following oversubscription criteria will apply: 1. 2.
Looked after children; Catholic children will be given priority over others. Catholic children and children who already attend a Catholic primary school are normally accepted; Children of parents who request a Catholic education may be offered places, provided that governors are satisfied that the religious and moral atmosphere and teaching of the school is of prime importance to those making the application.
Appeals against any decision of the Governors not to admit a child to the school should be addressed to:-
The Clerk to the Appeals Panel at the school between 22nd March and 26th April 2010.
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Good Conduct Code Expectations and Values Bishop Vaughan is a Catholic School. All members of the school community seek to follow the example of Christ. This means: Giving praise and thanks to God; Putting others first; Telling the truth; Being courteous; Welcoming visitors; Offering help. Accepting help; Taking responsibility; Being hopeful, energetic, attentive, encouraging; Saying ‘Yes’ when you mean yes, ‘No’ when you mean no – politely; Having a sense of humour. These are for everyone, at all times: in assemblies, in lessons; around the buildings, at breaks and lunch times; travelling to and from school, on trips and journeys.
Good Conduct Christ did not tolerate serious wrong doing. He removed the moneylenders from the temple (Matthew Ch. 21, vs. 12-17). At Bishop Vaughan we do not tolerate Violence, abuse or threatening behaviour; Possession of offensive weapons; Possession and/or use of drugs, tobacco, alcohol or any illegal substances on the school site, on school trips, on journeys to and from school; Wanton damage, destruction or theft; Dangerous breaches of safety rules and instructions; Inappropriate use of computers and internet; Fundamental disrespect for the Catholic faith, school liturgy and prayer. Pupils rarely offend in these matters. The Headmaster, with the Senior Leadership Team and Senior Tutors, will take direct and appropriate action in keeping with the Common Good. Parents will be informed and police involved as necessary.
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Good Conduct
Rules For Behaviour
1. Show respect and consideration at all times; 2. Move with pace and purpose; 3. Wear the correct uniform; 4. No bad language; 5. No litter.
No graffiti;
6. No smoking. No chewing gum dropped.
No spitting.
These rules apply in all places, at all times.
Good Conduct 1.
Praise from teacher;
Referral to HOD, SLT, Headmaster for praise;
Merits – collect 50 for a certificate;
Green card; letter home; copy for Progress File;
Personal sense of satisfaction.
Good Conduct
Rules In Lessons
Bring the correct equipment;
No talking except when asked by the teacher;
Follow instructions without delay;
All work in class MUST be completed;
All homework MUST be given in on time;
No chewing. No eating. No drinking except water.
Good Conduct 1. WARNING
- recorded in pupil planner;
2. IMPOSITION - recorded in pupil planner (eg. lines, extra work, etc.); 3. FURTHER IMPOSITION – recorded in pupil planner (eg. teacher detention etc); 4. LETTER HOME - parents and Senior Tutor informed; 5. SLT CALL OUT - Further appropriate sanctions (eg. detention, report, internal exclusion, etc.).
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Provisional Term Times and Dates: 2010/2011 Half Term Holidays Term
Term begins
Term Ends
Wednesday 1st September
Monday 25th October
Friday 29th October
Friday 17th December
Monday 3rd January
Monday 21st February
Friday 25th February
Friday 15th April
Monday 30th May
Friday 3rd June
Wednesday 20th July
2010 Easter 2011 Summer
Tuesday 3 May 2011
Wednesday 1st September Additional days to be confirmed
22nd April 2011 25th April 2011 2nd May 2011 30th May 2011
School Day: The school day is organised into five one hour periods. Times of Sessions: Monday - Thursday Morning Session: 08.50 to 1.30 pm tutorial/assembly (20 minutes) + 4 one hour periods Afternoon Session: 2.20 to 3.25 pm
1 sixty-five minute period
Friday Morning Session: 08.50 to 1.30 pm 1 PSE session (30 minutes), 2 fifty-five minute periods and 2 one hour periods Afternoon Session: 2.20 to 3.25 pm
1 sixty-five minute period 21
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School
Results and Destinations Key Stage 3 Targets Year 9 (2009) Level 5 and above
Target Set (%)
Achieved (%)
English 75 70 Mathematics 78 77 Science 84 78 Core Subject Indicator (level 5 and above in all three core subjects) Girls 55 63.4 Boys 60 58.9 Difference 5 -4.5 (All pupils) 57.4 61.5
Key Stage 4 Targets Year 11 (2009) Category
Target Set (%)
Achieved (%)
Leaving full-time education without 2.5 4.1 recognised qualification Achieving at least 5 grades A*-C 68 66 Achieving at least 5 grades A*-G 95 91.6 Core Subject Indicator (A*-C in English, Maths and Science) Girls 49 48.6 Boys 42 35 Difference 7 13 All pupils 64 42.7 Source: Provisional RE2.
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Summary of National Curriculum Assessment results of pupils in the school (2009) and nationally (2008) at the end of Key Stage 3 as a percentage of those eligible for assessment. N
Using & Applying Mathematics
Number & Algebra
Shape, Space & Measures
Handling Data
Scientific Enquiry Life Processes and Living Things Materials & their Properties Physical Processes
Core Subject Indicator* School National
61.54 60
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Welsh Second Language Modern Foreign Language
Design and Technology
Information Technology
Not awarded a level for reasons other than disapplication Disapplied under Section 364 or 365 of the Education Act 1996 Working towards Level 1 Exceptional Performance Not exactly zero Percentage of pupils achieving Level 5 or above in English or Welsh (first language), Mathematics and Science in combination
Please note that because of rounding, figures may not always add up to 100%
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Destination of Year 13 Pupils 2009 Aldron Aspland Attewell Baglow Banfield Barlow Barry-Dawkins Bennett Bevan Beveridge Card Carra Carty Chirwa Cocking Colwill Connelly Corbett Corcoran Corney Crowney Cursio Cutts Davies Davies Davies Davies Davies Dixon Draisey Edwards Fender Flavin Foligno Fyfield Gent Greasley Gregory Grey Guarino Harry Hayman Hopkins Hopkins Horgan
Liam Danielle Stephanie Stacey Ethan Dominic Lucy James Sarah Rhiannon Hannah Ashley Claire Caroline Rebecca Emma Sarah Bethan James Peter Hannah Saverina Rachel Luke Lydia Michael Nicholas Sarah Becca Brooke Jessica Michael Sian Annmarie Leigh Paula-Marie Jade Martin Deven Katie Edward Owen Jade Rhys Thomas
13.3 13.1 13.2 13.2 13.3 13.3 13.4 13.2 13.1 13.3 13.1 13.3 13.1 13.1 13.3 13.4 13.1 13.3 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.1 13.4 13.3 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.1 13.2 13.1 13.4 13.1 13.2 13.4 13.1 13.2 13.1 13.2 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.2 13.1 13.3
Civil Engineering in Cardiff University Genetics in Aberystwyth University Nursing (Adult) in Cardiff University Resit Year Geography in Aberystwyth University Product Design in University of Wales Institute Cardiff Traditional Irish Music and Dance at the World Academy in Limerick Gap Year Work Chemistry in Bath University Care and Education in Northhampton University Unknown Drama and Theatre Studies in Aberystwyth University Pharmacology in Portsmouth University English Language at Manchester University Exercise and Sport Sciences in Exeter University Creative Computer Games Design in Swansea Met University Biological and Medicinal Chemistry in Exeter University Chemistry in Cardiff University Unknown Physiotherapy in Cardiff University Educational Studies in Swansea Met University Technical Theatre in Swansea Met University Medical Biochemistry in Swansea University Gap Year Music Technology in Swansea Met Univesity Built and Natural Environments in Uni of West England Bristol Medicine in Cardiff University Nursing (Adult) in Sheffield Hallam University Mental Health Nursing Sports Science in Swansea University Civil Engineering in Swansea University Gap Year Psychology and Sociology at Glamorgan University Computer Science at Swansea University Educational and Early Childhood Studies at Cardiff Institute Art Foundation Year in Swansea Engineering Foundation Year in Swansea University Unknown Criminology at Abersytwyth University(with Scholarship) Educational Studies in Swansea Met University Art Foundation Year in Swansea English Language at Cardiff University Medicine in Cardiff University 25
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Hughes Jenkins John Jones Jones Jones Kircough Lalor Lear Lewis Locker Manley Marinaccio McGrotty Miller Miller Monzer Morgan Morgan Morgan Morris Morris Murebwa Murphy Murray Mwenya Neucker Nicholls Norris Ntanganika O'Callaghan O'Sullivan Parsons Parsons Pass Reed Rees Richards Richards RowdenCooper Ruscitto Russell Satherley-Bell Satherley-Bell Schell Scrine Scrine
Christopher Thomas Hormis Alexander Anthony Charlotte Daniel Helen Kristy Tifanie Matthew Alex Jordan Rachael Rachel Rebecca Sara Hannah Kirstin Peter Alicia Danielle Simbarashe Hannah Amy Natasha James Amy Alexander Naomi Jessica Andrew Chloe JamesJordan Amy Jessica Matthew Jessica William
13.4 13.3 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.4 13.3 13.1 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.1 13.3 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.2 13.3 13.1 13.3 13.1 13.4 13.2 13.1 13.3 13.4 13.3 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.2 13.1
Unknown Documentary Photography at University of Wales Newport Biochemistry at University of Wales Institute in Cardiff Unknown Criminology and Psychology at Swansea University Sociology with Criminology in Glamorgan University Civil Engineering Studies in Swansea Met University Gap Year -Politics and History in Manchester 2010 Business Management in Swansea University Art Foundation Year in Swansea Unknown Gap Year before Nursing
13.1 13.4 13.2 13.3 13.2 13.4
Work Early Childhood Studies in Swansea University Education and English Studies at Swansea Met University Unknown Biology at Cardiff University Unknown
Sarah-Marie Sean Benjamin Eliese Eliesha James Ashleigh Gemma
13.4 13.2 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.3 13.4
Law at Oxford University Sports Science in Swansea University Re-sit Year Re-sit Year Counselling and Psychology at Swansea Met University Hairdressing training Adult Nursing at Trinity College Carmarthen
Early Childhood Studies in Swansea University Zoology in Swansea University Genetics in Swansea University Nursing (Adult) in Swansea University Early Years Education in Trinity College, Carmarthen Pharmacy in Bath University Early Childhood Studies in Swansea University Early Years Education in Trinity College, Carmarthen Gap Year then Criminology/Criminal Justice in Glamorgan Uni Criminology and Social Policy at Swansea University Product Design in University of Wales Institute Cardiff Sociology with Criminology in University of Wales Instit Cardiff Gap Year Radiography at Hertfordshire University Early Years Education in Trinity College, Carmarthen Medicine in Leicester University Sociology with Criminology in Glamorgan University
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Stevenson Stiens Stokes Thomas Thomas Thomas Tofts Torrentino Walker Walsh Williams Willimer Young
James Laura Maria Benjamin Kirstie Richard Emily Francesca MargaretRose Verena Nicole Daniel Rebecca
13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.4 13.2 13.3 13.4
Physics at Cardiff University Early Childhood Studies in Swansea University Psychology at Nottingham University Sports Science in Swansea University Unknown Geography in Aberystwyth University Chemistry in Bristol University Social Science at Cardiff Universty
13.2 13.3 13.4 13.2 13.3
Psychology at Exeter University Medicine at St Andrews University Re-sit Year 3D Computer Animation in Swansea Met University Pharmacy in Cardiff University
Destination of Year 11 Pupils Bishop Vaughan Sixth Form 118 Further Education College 36 Employment 3 Training 6
Seeking training 0 Unknown 30 Cohort 2008/2009 193
N.B. These figures are provisional at this time of year.
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Departmental Outline Art and Design Art is a very popular subject throughout all Key Stages at Bishop Vaughan. The art suite comprises of two well equipped studios plus a specialist pottery area. Our department’s aim is to encourage pupils to express their thoughts and ideas with enthusiasm and whilst developing their technical competency in the subject. Pupils who choose Art and Design in Year 10 continue to refine skills, techniques and aptitudes. The course culminates in a controlled test. The coursework produced during these two years covers a wide range of activities including drawing and painting, graphics, three-dimensional design, printmaking and photography. The course includes gallery visits and visits by artists, designers and craftsmen where applicable. At Key Stage Five Art students study a wide range of media in depth with emphasis on the individual student’s preference. Pupils are given the opportunity to visit galleries and museums – often abroad!! The A level course aims to equip young people with the confidence and competence to express critical appreciation of the visual and cultural world. We are now offering an exciting new GCSE Short Course in Photography, which follows the Art and Design syllabus. Pupils have the opportunity to develop skills in digital photography, exploring contemporary ideas and techniques using computer aided manipulation to go beyond traditional photography Design and Technology We have been awarded TSI status (Technology School Initiative) due to the breadth and quality of our provision. All pupils in year seven, eight and nine undertake a carousel where pupils study Resistant Materials, Electronics, Pneumatics, Textiles, Food, Sustainable Design, Control and Graphics. The pupils study each specialist area for a term before they move onto a different project with a different subject specialist. Pupils in years 8 and 9 undertake an additional program of lessons in basic food skills. A food hygiene certificate is awarded at the end of year 8. A number of GCSE courses are offered. Double Award Engineering is a vocational GCSE studying the world of work. GCSE Electronics studies Digital and Analogue Electronics using a systems approach and includes Control, Robotics, CAD, CAM and electronic circuit emulation. GCSE Graphic Products looks at graphical communication systems and skills, we also look at the world of advertising and the role of Graphic Designers in the Design industry. GCSE Food and Nutrition emphasises food skills and the generation, preparation and delivery of a set menu devised by the students.
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Drama Drama is taught at GCSE and Entry Level. During the GCSE course theatre visits are arranged as part of the syllabus and sometimes visiting companies come to the school. All pupils have the opportunity to take part in dramatic performances. This involves the use of costume and make-up, sound and lighting and set design. The course is as follows: 50% of the course involves practical presentation of drama; two practical examinations 50% involves written work; two pieces of coursework and a final examination The Drama Entry Level course consists mainly of practical drama work and involves very little written work. Pupils follow a structured syllabus over the two years, culminating in a final polished performance of work. A Level Performing Arts – Music & Drama – this course involves a combination of skills appropriate for each individual. Each pupil is required to evaluate and track the improvement of their skill level during the two year course. The aim of the course is to equip young people with a comprehensive knowledge of the performing arts as a profession. Independent research and evaluation is assessed through portfolio work. The pupils are also required to plan and present live performances. Pupils are given the opportunity to gain knowledge through visiting speakers. They are also required to attend practical workshops and performances. The course is for those pupils who are passionate about music and/or drama. English At KS3 we have a skills based curriculum which has been carefully devised alongside the National Curriculum orders. All pupils are given the opportunity to fully develop their Reading, Writing and Oracy throughout the Key Stage. At KS4 and KS5 we aim to build on such foundations and further develop pupils as independent learners who value their own achievements and strive to reach their full potential. Our results at all of the Key Stages reflect the effort and commitment of both staff and pupils. Theatre and lecture visits are an important aspect of pupils’ wider experience of English and a number of successful trips have run in recent years. In addition, there is a reading group who meet every week as well as a creative writing club. Geography At Key Stage 3 Geography is taught in mixed ability groups to all pupils. The course uses a themed approach with six themes taught in years 7-9. Fieldwork is carried out around the school in year 7 (climate) and year 8 (environment survey) whilst in year 9 pupils visit Big Pit. At Key Stage 4 pupils can opt for Geography as an option. Usually classes are mixed in ability and follow the WJEC course option. Fieldwork is carried out in year 10 with typical visits made to the Gower and the Millennium Coastal Park.
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School At Sixth form level, Geography is a popular option with students studying aspects of Human and Physical Environments. At this stage, pupils visit France for a residential fieldwork to learn about river hydrology, forest ecosystem, tourist impact and urban change. History In History during KS3 we study The Medieval World, the Tudors and Stuarts, The Industrial World and World War I and II. In KS4 students complete one controlled assessment on Vietnam and will study Medicine and The American West. Four topics are covered in KS5. In Yr 12 we study Britain:Consensus and Change, 1945-90 and The USA: Civil Rights/Presidency. In Yr 13 students complete a course on Superpower Relations whilst an Individual Study is completed. ICT At Key Stage 3 we follow the National Curriculum for Wales. In Year 7 we ensure that pupils have capability using most of the major types of software. In Year 8 we carry out a series of tasks linked to other school subjects. In Year 9 we take a thematic approach to the whole year, with pupils playing the part of the owner of a small Welsh hotel who uses ICT to improve their business. At Key Stage 4, ICT is offered at Double Award or Single Award. The Double Award course comprises three modules – two coursework modules with the third module being exam based. The completion of these separate units demands a high level of commitment and a good knowledge of the different software packages that will be used. Success in this course will lead to the award of 2 GCSE qualifications. The ICT Single Award qualification offered is the Award in Digital Applications (AiDA), which is equivalent to one GCSE. The course is designed to stimulate students’ creativity and develop real-world, practical skills. This is completed by producing an e-portfolio (not printed on paper) – a web page with links to all your documents. There is no examination at the end. At Key Stage 5 A Level Computing is offered. This course provides a variety of relevant and important skills for further progression e.g. computer programming or project management. Year 12 and 13 require the completion of two modules – a theory module which is worth two thirds of the overall mark. This is combined with a practical Systems Analysis and Design project for the remaining one-third of the marks. Latin and Classics Pupils have the opportunity to study Latin from Year Eight onwards. The course consists of two major elements: Roman Life and Language Study. The rich cultural legacy of the Romans provides a wealth of learning opportunities for students at all levels of ability. The Cambridge Latin Course, which is used to deliver the course, is an innovative and engaging programme of study that is popular with the pupils themselves. Benefits of studying Latin, the language of the Roman Catholic Church, include gaining a greater understanding of English, by increasing the range of vocabulary 30
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School used and improving grammar. Familiarity with the Latin language also enhances pupils’ progress in the study of several modern foreign languages, such as French, Spanish and Italian, and can prove beneficial in careers such as law and medicine. All pupils will have the opportunity to gain the Cambridge University Latin Certificate, before deciding whether to opt for the subject at Key Stages Four and Five. The GCSE course allows students to study the intriguing lives of the Roman people as well as the language and literature of their civilisation. The Classical Civilisation ALevel is studied entirely in translation, with modules on both Greece and Rome. Mathematics In KS3 pupils are taught in mixed ability groups in year 7. In years 8 and 9 they are set according to ability. In KS4 pupils follow a modular GCSE syllabus. They will sit three modular examinations in years 9, 10 and 11 and a terminal examination at the end of year 11. In KS5 Mathematics and Further Mathematics are taught. The mathematics course comprises units in Pure Mathematics, Mechanics and Statistics. Pure Mathematics consists of algebra, calculus, co-ordinate geometry and trigonometry. Mechanics consists of dynamics (the mechanics of motion) and statics (the study of force systems). Statistics consists of probability theory and distributions. Students who study Mathematics at A level may study Further Mathematics as an additional A level. Further Mathematics comprises units in Pure Mathematics, Mechanics, Statistics and Decision Mathematics, building on concepts and theories studied in A level Mathematics. Modern Foreign Languages All members of the department are language specialists. In Year 7 pupils currently study three hours of French and one hour of Spanish a fortnight. In Years 8 and 9 pupils study three hours of French and two hours of Spanish a fortnight. (Topics are: family members, pastime, food, animals, school, town, fashion and shopping.) At KS4 pupils study French and Spanish GCSE full course – WJEC (Topics are: holidays, tourism, travel, my world, work and lifetime, young people in society.) At KS5 pupils also study French and Spanish – WJEC AS/A2 (Topics are: leisure and lifestyles, the individual and society, environmental issues, social and political issues.)
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Music Bishop Vaughan Catholic School has a music technology suite and a large performance studio. Aside from timetabled lessons, there are opportunities to learn an instrument, or be part of one of the extra curricular activities such as choir, orchestra or music technology club. KS3: Pupils are given the opportunity to explore sound through imaginative schemes of work including world music, popular music and music for the wider media. Classroom activities are of a practical nature, and pupils are able to use a wide range of instruments such as keyboards, guitars and percussion. KS4: Music is an option for GCSE and pupils can expect to extend their knowledge and ability within the three key study areas of composition performance and appraising. KS5: A Level Performing Arts – Music & Drama – this course involves a combination of skills appropriate for each individual. Each pupil is required to evaluate and track the improvement of their skill level during the two year course. The aim of the course is to equip young people with a comprehensive knowledge of the performing arts as a profession. Independent research and evaluation is assessed through portfolio work. The pupils are also required to plan and present live performances. Pupils are given the opportunity to gain knowledge through visiting speakers. They are also required to attend practical workshops and performances. The course is for those pupils who are passionate about music and/or drama. Physical Education At Key Stage 3 pupils will have a minimum of three lessons. The activities offered include gymnastics, health related exercise, athletics, orienteering, football, hockey, rugby, netball, tennis, cricket, softball and rounders. Pupils in years 10 and 11 have two lessons a fortnight. In addition to the activities taught at Key Stage 3 pupils also have the opportunity to participate in basketball and volleyball and fitness work in the multi gym. A variety of courses are offered at Key Stage 4 to cater for all academic abilities: Entry level physical education BTEC Sport level 2 GCSE Physical Education Physical Education is taught at KS5 to AS and A2 level. At lunchtime and after school the department offers extra curricular activities when pupils can compete in organised inter-school sports or participate just for enjoyment.
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Psychology Psychology is offered at KS5. The course is intended to provide all students with a sound overview of the nature of psychology and psychological enquiry. Students opting for psychology at A/S will be introduced to major approaches in psychology, core psychological studies and applied research methods. If students continue to A/2 they will be expected to develop a deeper understanding and more critical awareness of the concepts, theories, principles, perspectives, research methods and applications in psychology. Science Key Stage 3 In Year 7 pupils are taught Science by one teacher in their mixed ability tutorial forms. They study a range of topics with an emphasis on learning a balance of science knowledge and key skills such as practical, numeracy and communication skills. This is continued into Year 8 although the pupils are split up into different mixed ability groups. Key Stage 4 In Year 9 the majority of pupils start working at GCSE level. Pupils will be in mixed ability groups which rotate between the three sciences Biology, Chemistry and Physics and are taught by three subject specialists over the course of the year. Pupils who have demonstrated that they can cope with this early demand on them then have the opportunity to sit one or more of the three possible Core module GCSE exams. In Years 10 and 11 all pupils continue to study the three sciences and take the various GCSE module exams in January and June which could lead to either gaining a Core GCSE, Additional Science GCSE or a separate GCSE in each of the Biology, Chemistry and Physics subjects, known as the Triple Award. Key Stage 5 All three sciences are popular at both AS and A2 level. There are two classes in Biology and Chemistry and one class in Physics. Each subject is taught by two teachers to give a variety of teaching techniques. Vocational Studies Vocational courses attempt to provide our pupils with an opportunity to study a certain job sector and learn some of the essential skills required for those job opportunities. Vocational courses are only available in Key Stage 4 and 5. At Key Stage 4 pupils can gain double GCSE qualifications in Health and Social Care and BTEC First Public Services. These are two dynamic industries in South Wales and provide good job prospects for the future. At Key Stage 5 pupils can choose from BTEC First Diploma Public Service which concentrates on the uniformed services from the armed forces to opportunities in the police, fire and ambulance services. Advance pupils can choose to study BTEC 33
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School National Children’s Care Development and Learning or Advanced Public Services and the new Applied Science (Forensics). As a full time course this allows for large amounts of work experience in a variety of child care sectors and a recognised qualification in the work place. Welsh Welsh (Second Language) is taught to all pupils in Key Stage 3 and is offered as a Full Course and Short Course at GCSE Level. Pupils can also study Welsh at AS/A Level. Pupils are taught in mixed ability groups and lessons focus on developing pupils’ skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Pupils arriving at BVS should be confident in their use of Welsh and should continue to enhance their language skills. Pupils get the opportunity to practise their language skills outside the classroom with visits to Urdd camps and other cultural events along with the celebration of Welsh customs and traditions such as the school Eisteddfod.
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School
Home School Agreement The Ethos of the School Bishop Vaughan Catholic School is committed to the provision of a Christian education for all its pupils in accordance with the principles and teachings of the Catholic faith. In order to achieve its mission, the school is committed to: • fostering an ethos in which the unique worth and equal value of each individual is recognised and respected; • providing, within a Christian setting, learning experiences which will help develop each pupil as a whole person, better prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life; • promoting and supporting the spiritual, moral and religious growth of all pupils and encouraging the realisation of their talents in intellectual, aesthetic and social dimensions; • building a supportive and caring community in which the quality of relationships demonstrates or assists the understanding of the Christian message and vision of life; • working in partnership with parents, parishes, and the wider community and with pupils themselves in order to create a climate in which children may benefit from the opportunities which the school provides for personal growth and maturity. The School’s Responsibilities • • • • • • •
Children have the right to a broad and balanced curriculum; Parents can expect the needs of their children – whatever their ability – to be met; The School’s targets for NC assessments are elsewhere in this prospectus; The School will work with parents to maintain good discipline; The School will issue a full report at the end of the school year (except where pupils are sitting external examinations) with a progress report at Christmas; The School will hold a Parents’ Evening for each year group at least once a year. Parents who wish to discuss their child’s progress at another time may make a mutually convenient appointment with the Teacher/Tutor/Senior Tutor. The School will undertake to keep parents informed by issuing a Newsletter at the end of each half-term.
Parents’ Responsibilities •
Parents are responsible in law for making sure their children receive suitable, full-time education; 35
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School • • • •
The law requires regular attendance of all registered pupils; Parents are responsible for telling the school if their child cannot attend; Parents are expected to support and encourage their children to follow the School’s Good Conduct Code and Anti-Bullying Policy; Parents are expected to support the School’s Homework Policy by ensuring their children complete homework tasks promptly and well. Parental Responsibilities We acknowledge that we as parents are the primary educators of our children and have an irreplaceable role to play in supporting our children’s learning at school. Therefore I/we will: • ensure that my/our child attends school regularly, on time and suitably equipped; • inform school when and why my/our child cannot attend; • inform school of any concerns or problems that might affect his/her work or behaviour; • support the Christian values of the school community; • give him/her opportunities for home learning and support homework from school; • support the school’s Good Conduct Code; • attend parents’ evenings and discussions about his/her progress; • encourage him/her to be enthusiastic about learning and to enjoy school; • encourage him/her to show kindness and consideration to others; • talk to my child about experiences in school and encourage him/her to do his/her best; • attempt to support the Catholic community and the school governors in their responsibility for maintaining the school building in good repair. Pupil Responsibilities I acknowledge the different and unique talents which God has given me and my responsibility to use them wisely. Therefore I will: • attend school regularly and on time; • wear the school uniform and bring all the equipment I need every day; • take care of all school equipment and help keep our school free from litter; • learn something new each lesson and always do my best; • share my feelings honestly and politely and show consideration for others in school; • behave sensibly so we can be happy and safe as we learn; 36
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School • behave sensibly during my free time and make sure my actions do not badly influence or harm others; • try to think for myself and take responsibility for my actions; • observe all school rules and treat everyone with the respect they deserve.
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Dear Parents / Guardians, Responsible Use of School Computers, Software and the Internet As part of pupils' curriculum enhancement and the development of ICT skills, Bishop Vaughan Catholic School is providing access to the Internet including email. The provision of these facilities has involved the school in significant expense and we require that all computers and associated equipment are treated with respect at all times for the benefit of current and future users. Although there have been concerns about pupils having access to undesirable materials, we are taking positive steps to deal with this risk in school. Our school Internet access provider operates a filtering system that restricts access to inappropriate materials. Whilst every endeavour is made to ensure that suitable restrictions are placed on the ability of children to access inappropriate materials, the school cannot be held responsible for the nature or content of materials accessed through the Internet. The school will not be liable under any circumstances for any damages arising from your child’s use of the Internet facilities. I enclose a copy of the Rules for Responsible Computer and Internet Use that we operate at Bishop Vaughan Catholic School, together with a permission form which must be completed, signed and returned with your application. Sixth form students may sign the form on their own account. Should you wish to discuss any aspect of Internet use, please telephone, write or email the school. A copy of the full text of the school’s Computer and Internet Use Policy is available on request. Yours sincerely
Mr. J. Blackburn Headteacher Headmaster: Mr. J. Blackburn M.A.(Oxon), B.Th.(Hons.), Adv. Dip. Ed. Mynydd Garnllwyd Road, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 7QG. Tel: (01792) 772006/771589 Fax: (01792) 790565 Email: web site:
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School
Responsible Computer and Internet Use Rules for all users The school computer system provides Internet access to students and staff. This Responsible Internet Use statement will help protect students, staff and the school by clearly stating what is acceptable and what is not. •
School computers and all associated ICT equipment including printers must be treated with the utmost respect at all times;
Access must be made only via the user’s authorised account and password, which must not be given to any other person;
School computer and Internet use must be appropriate to the student's education or to staff professional activity. Accessing or downloading any inappropriate material is strictly forbidden; •
Copyright and intellectual property rights must be respected;
Users are responsible for e-mail which they send and for contacts made;
E-mail should be written carefully and politely. As messages may be forwarded, email is best regarded as public property;
Anonymous messages and chain letters are forbidden;
The use of public chat rooms is not allowed;
Use for private trade, personal financial gain, gambling, political purposes or advertising is forbidden;
The security of ICT systems must not be compromised, whether owned by the school or by other organisations or individuals;
Irresponsible use may result in the loss of Internet access.
Individual user’s Internet access may be monitored, including web and e-mail use. Files on the school system may be examined or deleted.
Post Code: HOME:
(This must be inserted) WORK:
DECLARATION TO THE GOVERNING BODY OF BISHOP VAUGHAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL I would like my child to be admitted to Bishop Vaughan Catholic School. I understand that the school is committed to the pursuit of high standards in all aspects of school life. The school philosophy is one of encouragement and reward. Nevertheless, I understand that a system of rules is necessary and that, if my child breaks school rules or behaves in an unacceptable manner, sanctions may be imposed.
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ……...............................................................................................……......... Date: ................................................................................ Please return this form to Mrs S James, Assistant Headteacher, Bishop Vaughan Catholic School, Mynydd Garnllwyd Road, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 7QG, by 1st December 2009. For office use only:Ack Sent:
Following timetable:-
Comments: 40
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School HOME-SCHOOL AGREEMENT
PARENTAL DECLARATION I/we have read Bishop Vaughan Catholic School’s Home-School agreement. I/we note and understand the aims and values it has as a Catholic school and the educational opportunities it will provide my/our child within a Christian context. I/we acknowledge the type of support outlined in the “parental responsibilities” statement that will be necessary to ensure my/our child is helped towards reaching their full potential. I/we acknowledge what the school expects from all pupils.
……………………………………………………………….. (Parent(s)/Guardian(s))
……………………………………………………………….. (Pupil)
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Responsible Computer and Internet Use Please complete, sign and return to your child’s tutor
Pupil agreement I understand the school Rules for Responsible Computer and Internet Use. I will use the facilities in a responsible way and obey these rules at all times.
Parental consent I have read and understood the school Rules for Responsible Computer and Internet Use and give permission for my child to access the Internet. I understand that the school will take all reasonable precautions to ensure pupils cannot access inappropriate materials. I understand that the school cannot be held responsible for the nature or content of materials accessed through the Internet. I agree that the school is not liable for any damages arising from use of the Internet facilities.
Please print name:
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Name of Child’s Parent/Guardian ___________________________________________ Name of Child:______________________________________________________________ School:
Occasionally, we may take photographs of the children at our school. We may use these images in our school’s prospectus or in other printed publications that we product, as well as on our website. We may also make video or webcam recordings for school-to-school conferences, monitoring or other educational use. From time to time, our school may be visited by the media who will take photographs or film footage of a visiting dignitary or other high profile event. Pupils will often appear in these images, which may appear in local or national newspapers, or on televised news programmes. To comply with the Data Protection Act 1988, we need your permission before we can photograph or make any recordings of your child. Please answer the questions below, then sign and date the form where shown and return the completed form to the school. Please circle your answer May we use your child’s photograph in the school Prospectus and other printed publications that we produce for promotional purposes?
May we use your child’s image on our website?
May we record your child’s image on video or Webcam?
Are you happy for your child to appear in the media?
Please note that websites can be viewed throughout the world and not just in the United Kingdom where UK law applies. Please note that the conditions for use of these photographs are on the back of this form. I have read and understood the conditions of use on the back of this form. Parent’s or Guardians Signature: ________________________ Date: __________________ Name (Capitals) _____________________________________________________________
Headmaster: Mr. J. Blackburn M.A.(Oxon), B.Th.(Hons.), Adv. Dip. Ed. Mynydd Garnllwyd Road, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 7QG. Tel: (01792) 772006/771589 Fax: (01792) 790565 Email: web site:
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Conditions of Use
This form is valid for five years from the date you sign it, or for the period of time your child attends this school. The consent will automatically expire after this time. We will not re-use any photographs or recordings after your child leaves this school. We will not use the personal details or full names (which means first name and surname) of any child or adult in a photographic image on video, on our website, in our school prospectus or in any of our other printed publications. We will not include personal e-mail or postal addresses, or telephone or fax numbers on video, on our website, in our school prospectus or in other printed publications. If we use photographs of individual pupils, we will not sue the name of that child in the accompanying text or photo caption. If we name a pupil in the text, we will not use a photograph of that child to accompany the article. We may include pictures of pupils and teachers that have been drawn by the pupils. We may use group or class photographs or footage with very general labels, such as ‘a science lesson’ or ‘making Christmas decorations’. We will only use images of pupils who are suitably dressed, to reduce the risk of such images being used inappropriately.
Headmaster: Mr. J. Blackburn M.A.(Oxon), B.Th.(Hons.), Adv. Dip. Ed. Mynydd Garnllwyd Road, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 7QG. Tel: (01792) 772006/771589 Fax: (01792) 790565 Email: web site:
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Fair Processing Notice: What the School, Local Education Authority and Government does with information it holds on Pupils. Subject This leaflet tells you what the National Assembly for Wales, Swansea Local Education Authority (LEA) and your school do with your or your pupil’s personal and performance information (data). The collection of personal information The collection of personal information The school collects information about pupils and their parents or legal guardians when they go to a new school, they also collect information at other times during the school year. Information is also received from other schools when pupils transfer. The LEA and National Assembly for Wales will receive information on pupils from the school, normally as part of what is called the Pupil Level Annual Schools Census which takes place in January each year. The school, LEA and National Assembly for Wales receive information about exam and national curriculum assessment and test results. The use made of this personal information The National Assembly for Wales uses the information collected to do research, primarily to inform educational policy changes and funding. The research is done in a way that ensures individual pupils cannot be identified. Examples of the sort of statistics produced can be viewed at or The LEA also uses the personal information collected to do research. It uses the results of the research to make decisions on policy and the funding of schools, to calculate the performance of schools and help them to set targets. The research is done in a way that ensures individual pupils cannot be identified. The School uses the information it collects to administer the education it provides to pupils. For example: • the provision of educational services to individuals; • monitoring and reporting on pupils’ educational progress; • the provision of welfare, pastoral care and health services; • the giving of support and guidance to pupils, their parents and legal guardians; • the organisation of educational events and trips; • planning and management of the school. Organisations who may share personal information
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School Organisations who may share personal information Information held by the School, LEA and the National Assembly for Wales on pupils, their parents or legal guardians may be shared with other organisations when the law allows, for example with: •
other education and training bodies, including schools, when pupils are applying for courses, training, school transfer or seeking guidance on opportunities; • bodies doing research for the National Assembly for Wales, LEA and schools, so long as steps are taken to keep the information secure; • central and local government for the planning and provision of educational services; • social services and other health and welfare organisations where there is a need to share information to protect and support individual pupils; • various regulatory bodies, such as ombudsmen and inspection authorities, • where the law requires that information be passed on so that they can • do their work. Fair Processing Notice: What the School, Local Education Authority and Personal information held The sort of personal information that will be held includes; •
personal details such as name, address, date of birth, and contact details for parents and guardians; • information on performance in internal and national assessments and examinations; • information on the ethnic origin and national identity of pupils (this is used only to prepare summary statistical analyses); • details about pupils’ immigration status (this is used only to prepare summary statistical analyses); • medical information needed to keep pupils safe while in the care of the school; • information on attendance and any disciplinary action taken; • information about the involvement of social services with individual pupils where this is needed for the care of the pupil. Other information Other information The National Assembly for Wales, LEA and school will try to ensure that information is accurate and secure. Personal information will not be sent outside the United Kingdom. Your rights under the Data Protection Act 1998 The Data Protection Act 1998 gives individuals certain rights in respect of personal information held on them by any organisation. These rights include; • • •
the right to ask for and receive copies of the personal information held on you, although some information can sometimes be legitimately withheld; the right, in some circumstances, to prevent the processing of personal information if doing so will cause damage or distress; 46
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School • • •
the right to ask for wrong information to be put right; the right to seek compensation if an organisation does not comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and you personally suffer damage; in some circumstances a pupil’s parent or legal guardian may have a right to receive a copy of personal data held about a pupil in their legal care. Such cases will be considered on an individual basis where the individual is deemed to have insufficient understanding of their rights under the Act.
You also have the right to ask the Information Commissioner, who enforces and oversees the Data Protection Act 1998, to assess whether or not the processing of personal information is likely to comply with the provisions of the Act. Seeking further information Seeking further information For further information about the personal information collected and its’ use, if you have concerns about the accuracy of personal information, or wish to exercise your rights under the Data Protection Act 1998, you should contact; • • • • •
the Headteacher of your/your pupil’s school; Swansea LEA on 01792 636535; the National Assembly’s Data Protection Officer at: The National Assembly for Wales, Cathays Park, Cardiff, CF10 3NQ; the Information Commissioner’s Office help line can be contacted on 01625 545745; information is also available from
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School This is Bishop Vaughan Catholic School’s Publication Scheme Our full title and address for sending requests for any documents is: Bishop Vaughan Catholic School, Mynydd Garnllwyd Road, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 7QG. The person responsible for maintenance of this scheme is: MR. MARK JONES, School Registrar.
1. Introduction: what a publication scheme is and why it has been developed One of the aims of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (which is referred to as FoIA in the rest of this document) is that public authorities, including all maintained schools, should be clear and proactive about the information they will make public. To do this we must produce a publication scheme, setting out: • • •
The classes of information which we publish or intend to publish; The manner in which the information will be published; and Whether the information is available free of charge or on payment.
The scheme covers information already published and information which is to be published in the future. All information in our publication scheme is either available for you on our website to download and print off or available in paper form. Some information which we hold may not be made public, for example personal information. This publication scheme conforms to the model scheme for schools approved by the Information Commissioner.
2. Categories of information published The publication scheme guides you to information which we currently publish (or have recently published) or which we will publish in the future - this is split into categories of information known as 'classes'. These are contained in section 5 of this scheme. The classes of information that we undertake to make available are organised into four broad topic areas: • •
School Prospectus - information published in the school prospectus. Governors' Documents - information published in the Governors' Annual Report and in other governing body documents. • Pupils & Curriculum - information about policies that relate to pupils and the school curriculum. • School Policies - information about policies that relate to the school in general. 3. How to request information 48
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School You can request a copy of the information you want from the contact detailed below or visit our website at If the information you're looking for isn't available via the scheme and isn't on our website, you can still ask if we have it. You can contact the school by telephone, fax, email or letter. Email: Tel: 01792-772006 Fax: 01792-790565 Contact Address: Bishop Vaughan Catholic Comprehensive School, Mynydd Garnllwyd Road, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 7QG. To help us process your request quickly, please clearly mark any correspondence "PUBLICATIONS SCHEME REQUEST" (in bold CAPITALS). 4. Paying for information Single copies of information covered by this publication scheme are provided free unless stated otherwise. If your request means that we have to do a lot of photocopying or printing, or pay a large postage charge, or is for a priced item such as some printed publications or videos, we will let you know the cost before fulfilling your request. Where there is a charge for a particular item this is indicated in the boxes in Section 5 by a ÂŁ sign following the description of the item. Information published on our website is free, although you may incur costs from your Internet service provider. If you don't have Internet access, you can access our website using a local library or an Internet cafĂŠ.
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School 5. Classes of Information Currently Published School Prospectus - this section sets out information published in the school prospectus. Class
School Prospectus
The statutory contents of the school prospectus are as follows, (other items may be included at the school's discretion): • • • • •
the name, address and telephone number of the school, and the type of school. the names of the headteacher and chair of governors. information about admissions. a statement of the school's ethos and values. details of any affiliations with a particular religion or religious denomination, the religious education provided, parents' right to withdraw their child from religious education and collective worship and the alternative provision for those pupils. information about the school's policy on providing for pupils with special educational needs. number of pupils on roll and rates of pupils' authorised and unauthorised absences. National Curriculum assessment results for appropriate Key Stages, with national summary figures. Use of the Welsh Language. GCSE/GNVQ results in the school, locally and nationally. a summary of GCE A/AS level results in the school and nationally. the number of pupils studying for and percentage achieving other vocational qualifications. the destinations of school leavers.
• • • • • • • •
Governors' Annual Report and other information relating to the governing body - this section sets out information published in the Governors Annual Report and in other Governing Body documents. Class Description Governors' The statutory contents of the governors' annual report to parents are as follows, (other Annual Report items may be included at the school's discretion): • details of the governing body membership, including name and address of chair and clerk. • a statement on progress in implementing the action plan drawn up following an inspection. • a financial statement, including gifts made to the school and amounts paid to governors for expenses. • information about school security. • information about the implementation of the governing body's policy on pupils with special educational needs (SEN) and any changes to the policy during the last year. •
a description of the arrangements for the admission of pupils with disabilities; details of steps to prevent disabled pupils being treated less favourably than other pupils; and details of existing facilities to assist access to the school by pupils with 50
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School
disabilities. the accessibility plan covering future policies for increasing access by those with disabilities to the school. how teachers' professional development impacts on teaching and learning. number of pupils on roll and rates of pupils' authorised and unauthorised absence. National Curriculum assessment results for appropriate Key Stages, with national summary figures. the school's targets for Key Stage 3 assessments. the school's targets for public examinations at Key Stage 4. GCSE/GNVQ results in the school, locally and nationally. GCE A/AS and vocational qualification results in the school and nationally. the number of pupils studying for and percentage achieving other vocational qualifications. the destinations of school leavers.
• • • • • • • •
The name of the school. The category of the school. The name of the governing body. The manner in which the governing body is constituted. The name of any person entitled to appoint any category of governor. Details of any trust. If the school has a religious character, a description of the ethos of the school. The date the instrument takes effect.
• • • • • • • • •
Instrument of Government
Minutes [1] of Minutes from governors board and committee meetings meeting of the Governing Body and its committees Pupils & Curriculum Policies - this section gives access to information about policies that relate to pupils and the school curriculum. Class Home - school agreement Curriculum Policy Sex Education Policy Collective Worship Pupil Discipline Careers Education
Description Written statement of the school's aims and values, the school's responsibilities, the parental responsibilities and the school's expectations of its pupils for example homework arrangements. Statement on following the policy for national curriculum subjects, including any syllabus followed by pupils at the school. Written statement of policy with regard to sex education. Statement of arrangements for the required daily act of collective worship. Written statement of general principles on behaviour and discipline including any anti bullying policy as appropriate. Statement of the programmes of careers education provided for Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and post-16. 51
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School School Policies - This section gives access to information about policies that relate to the school in general. Class Reports of Estyn School Inspections under Sections 10 and 23 of the School Inspections Act 1996 Post Inspection action plan Charging and remissions policies
Description Report of an inspection of the school and the summary of the report.
A plan setting out the actions required following an Estyn inspection.
A statement of the school's policy with respect to charges and remissions for any optional extra or board and lodging of which charges are permitted, for example music tuition, trips. (in prospectus) School session Details of school session and dates of school terms and holidays. times (in prospectus and governors’ annual report) Special Education Information about the school's policy on providing for pupils with special Needs educational needs. (in prospectus and governors’ annual report) Accessibility Plans Written plan of improvements to access for pupils with disabilities. Health and Safety Written statement of general policy with respect to health and safety at work of Policy employees (and others) and the organisation and arrangements for carrying out the policy. Child Protection Statement of general principles on Child Protection arrangements. Policy (in staff handbook) Complaints Statement of procedures for dealing with complaints. procedure (in staff handbook and school prospectus) Staff Appraisal Statement of procedures adopted by the governing body relating to staff appraisal. (performance management policy) Staff Conduct, Statement of procedure for regulating conduct and discipline of school staff and Discipline and procedures by which staff may seek redress for grievance. Grievance
6. Feedback and Complaints We welcome any comments or suggestions you may have about the scheme. If you want to make any comments about this publication scheme or if you require further assistance or need to make a complaint then initially this should be addressed to MR. MARK JONES, School Registrar. If you are not satisfied with the assistance that you get or if we have not been able to resolve your complaint and you feel that a formal complaint needs to be made then this should be addressed to the Information Commissioner's Office. This is the organisation that ensures compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and that deals with formal complaints. They can be contacted at: Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or Enquiry/Information Line: 01625 545 745 E-mail: [1]
Some information might be confidential or otherwise exempt from the publication by law - we cannot therefore publish this 52
Bishop Vaughan Catholic School ANNEX A - Other documents held by the School
Parent’s Newsletter – published at the end of each half-term
Mission Statement Main features of the Catholic life of the school
Anti Bullying Policy
Appeals Against Internal Assessment of Work for External Qualifications
Assessment for Learning Policy
Careers Entitlement Policy
Complaints Procedure
Computer and Internet Use Policy
Discipline Policy: Good Conduct Code
Equal Opportunities Policy
Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship
Gender Equality Policy and Gender Action Plan
Grievance Procedure for all School Based Staff
Health and Safety Policy
Learning Policy
Pay Policy
Performance Management Policy
Sex Education Policy
Special Needs Policy
Substance Misuse Policy
Uniform Policy
Headmaster: Mr. J. Blackburn M.A.(Oxon), B.Th.(Hons.), Adv. Dip. Ed. Mynydd Garnllwyd Road, Morriston, Swansea, SA6 7QG. Tel: (01792) 772006/771589 Fax: (01792) 790565 Email: web site: