Seven Social Media Etiquette Tips By Crystal Washington
Eighteen Ways to Ruin Your Reputation on Facebook By Paul Steinbrueck
Loving One Another By Johnathan Parnell
Does Race Still Matter By Pastor Lisa Jenkins
The Rubberband Church By Pastor Robert Houston
Skill Set or Will Set By Bishop Jerry Hutchins
Changing the Way We Talk About Sex By Carey Nieuhof
Preaching for the Easy Shout By Sherman Cox
A New Thing By Dr. C. Dexter Wise
even Social Media S Etiquette Tips By Crystal Washington
rom the Desk of the F Publisher I Have the Power to Change What I Believe By Bishop Andy C. Lewter, D. Min
ighteen Ways to Ruin E Your Reputation on Facebook By Paul Steinbrueck
08 ByLoving One Another Johnathan Parnell 10
Does Race Still Matter
he Rubberband T Church
By Pastor Lisa Jenkins
By Pastor Robert Houston
13 Skill Set or Will Set By Bishop Jerry Hutchins 14 Changing the Way We Talk About Sex By Carey Nieuhof
16 Preaching for the Easy Shout By Sherman Cox
3 | NOVEMBER 2014
A New Thing By Dr. C. Dexter Wise
Seven Social Media Etiquette Tips By Crystal Washington
Have a visible profile photo. I know what you’re thinking— “I have a private profile, I don’t want everyone to be able to find me!”
posts are a great way to build partnerships and get others talking about you too! Acknowledge positive mentions with
The problem with that thinking is that private
comments, not just likes. If someone takes
profiles make using social media for business
the time to create a 200 word post gushing
much less effective in general. Would you let
about you online, you can certainly take ten
someone knocking at your door wearing a ski
seconds to comment, “Thank you so much
mask into your home? Exactly! No one wants a
for your kind words! I appreciate you.” Could
friend request from a faceless person either.
you imagine offering someone an amazing
Make relationships versus focusing on
introduction to a room full of your friends
sales. No one wants to be friends with a
and the ingrate simply offers an upward
billboard. Build your online reputation as an
nod to acknowledge your words? Likes are
expert and influencer in your field. Focus
basically nods. They mean that someone
on being helpful first and then make sure
agrees or has simply read something. Neither
that your profiles are clear and concise.
encourages future long posts of praise.
This way, when connections impressed with
On Facebook, keep your timeline open
your information review your profile, they’ll
to comments/posts. Imagine being invited
have a clear understanding of your area of
into a friends home and then being politely
expertise or offerings, and may contact you
informed that you, nor any of the other
with opportunities or business needs.
guests, may introduce a topic of discussion.
Send customized notes with connection
You may only comment on those topics
requests. Do you like robocalls? How often
introduced by the host. Closing a timeline
are you appreciative of receiving tthem?
to posts is the exact same thing.
Standard connection request messages are robocalls for social media. Don’t. Do. It. Talk about others and give resources more
Don’t sit on the sidelines waiting for an opportunity to pitch yourself or your business. It’s no secret that the majority of social media
than you mention yourself. One of the best
users are lurkers and that’s fine. However,
ways to build a following on social media is
it’s always interesting to see those social
to demonstrate your expertise by sharing
media connections who never engage in
resources outside of those you offer. Tagging
conversation until they observe an opportunity
those organizations/people mentioned in your
to plug their business or themselves.
4 | NOVEMBER 2014
From the Desk of the Publisher I Have the Power to Change What I Believe By Bishop Andy C. Lewter, D. Min It seems to me that the year 2014 just
we as a country have come to the belief that
started a few days ago and here we are
a person can do a job a reach for aspiring
preparing for Thanksgiving and step on the
heights, regardless of the color of their skin.
expressway that leads to Christmas and the
I recognize the impact my beliefs have on
end of the year. So before I get started with my
how I feel and behave. Believing something
editorial for this year let me pause to wish all
about a situation determines how events
who are reading this a Happy Thanksgiving.
progress. What I think and feel about another
I, like so many other Americans, am proud of President Barack Obama. No, this is not a political blog and I am not arguing a political
person affects how I relate to that person. My beliefs in myself determine how I perform. However, I can choose what I
case that is colored in either Red or Blue.
believe. If I want to see a situation
When I say that we are proud of the president,
differently, I have the power to do so.
I mean that his occupation of the White House
My beliefs are particularly important when
is evidence that people are able to change how
I am relating to others. If I believe a person
they feel and behave. Fifty, or even twenty-five
has certain qualities, then I assume I know
years ago, we could not have imagined that
how they think and act. But when I change
anyone who looked like President Obama would
my mind about someone, I see the person
ever sit at the desk in the Oval Office. But not
differently, often for the better. I am free to
once, but twice, America has demonstrated
determine what I believe about someone.
that how we feel and behave is directly related
My beliefs about myself determine my
to what we beiieve. In the case of the president,
level of confidence. Whether I am beginning a new project, attending a social event, or experiencing changes in a personal relationship, how my life progresses is largely determined by what I believe. And I am blessed with the power to change how I see things. Knowing I can change what I believe brings success into my life. Inside myself, I make a decision about what I think is true. But if I observe factors that do not coincide with my beliefs, I change how I view other people and situations based on this new information. Today, I plan to embrace my power to change my beliefs. I can alter those beliefs that ultimately result in less than ideal situations, relationships, or behavior. Self-Reflection Questions: 1. Do I have the power to change my beliefs? 2. What is a particular assumption that hinders me? 3. How can I create more success by accepting my power to change my beliefs?
5 | NOVEMBER 2014
Eighteen Ways to Ruin Your Reputation on Facebook By Paul Steinbrueck Facebook is a great way for you to build and maintain relationships with
2. CRITICIZE PEOPLE. Even if you don’t use a person’s
people both inside your church and in your
name, chances are you’re Facebook
community. But Facebook is not without
friends with that person or someone
its risks. Every time you post something,
close enough to the situation to know
you risk hurting, offending or distancing
who you’re really talking about.
yourself from people. So here are 18 things you want to avoid doing on Facebook … First, the ugly …
3. EMBARRASS YOURSELF. Expect everyone in your congregation and your community to see everything you
post to Facebook. So don’t post anything you
wouldn’t be comfortable saying or showing
We all get frustrated at times. And if
from the pulpit on a Sunday morning.
you want to engage people authentically, you need to “keep it real.” But Facebooking when angry, frustrated or hurt is never a
4. EMBARRASS YOUR FAMILY. Our spouses and kids say and do funny
good idea. Take a few minutes (or a few
things all the time. Most of those things can
hours) to cool down, and then think again if
be posted to Facebook with no problem, and
you really want to use Facebook to vent.
they help people to see you’re a normal person
6 | NOVEMBER 2014
with a normal family. But be sensitive and
when in doubt, ask your spouse and kids if it’s
OK to share a quote, happening or pic online.
Your Facebook friends are not perfect. They are going to swear, post questionable
pictures of themselves and share things you
don’t agree with. If something is really bad,
Every church has a different mission,
consider contacting the person privately about
ministry philosophy, style of worship
it, but don’t call people out publicly for what is
and theology. But we all share one Lord,
unfortunately common behavior in our culture.
one faith and one baptism. We should be known for our unity, not our division. The self-absorbed …
13. ROLL OUT THE FIRE AND BRIMSTONE. I don’t know if preaching about sin and hell worked with past generations, but it’s not going
6. ONLY TALK ABOUT YOUR CHURCH. Pastors, when people become Facebook friends with you, it’s because they want
to put you in a position to influence people on Facebook. People on Facebook respond much more favorably to hope and love.
to engage with you—a real person—not a spokesperson for your church.
unless you want to irk half your church and
close the door to half the people in your
It’s OK to take stands on key issues, but
Even if you post personal updates to your Facebook profile, don’t repost every
community (not to mention risk losing your nonprofit status), don’t tow a party line.
church update as well. Some, yes—all, no. 15. ENGAGE PEOPLE IN DEBATES. 8 . JUST TALK ABOUT YOURSELF. When you go to a social event, do you like
Online (and offline) debates rarely cause anyone to shift their position on an issue.
hanging around with people who only talk about
Discussion is great, but if things get heated
themselves and never ask you about you?
or personal, it’s time to lighten up.
Don’t be one of those people online either.
The disengaged …
The disingenuous … 16. POST A LOT OF THEOLOGICAL STUFF 9. ACT LIKE YOUR LIFE IS PERFECT. Nobody is perfect, and everyone
THAT’S OVER YOUR FRIENDS’ HEADS. It’s great for pastors to engage their
knows it. If you act like everything is
Facebook friends in spiritual conversations,
good all the time, you’ll be perceived
but avoid posting your doctoral thesis. It’s not
as inauthentic, wearing a mask.
going to engage anyone and will put people off.
Nobody is happy all the time either.
You can take breaks, go on vacation and don’t need to be on Facebook every
11. ACT LIKE YOU HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS. Nobody likes a know-it-all either.
day, but you’ve got to be regular if you’re going to build relationships in Facebook.
Share insight and advice when asked. Be confident but not arrogant. The offender …
18. FAIL TO RESPOND. When people send you messages, post to your timeline or comment on your status updates and links, it’s important to respond. Answer people’s questions. Thank people for their insight and stories.
7 | NOVEMBER 2014
Loving One Another By Johnathan Parnell The scene could not have been more
dimension of the gospel that we couldn’t
inauspicious: a low-lit room, full stomachs
make up. It is especially important for local
and the dirty feet of a dozen grown men. This
churches that might too easily buy into
is not where you’d expect to find one of the
the modern mentality that bigger is better.
world’s greatest lessons in loving one another.
It might seem that the most impressive
But it was here, nonetheless, in the upper
operation is the most sophisticated one, or
room of a common house in first-century
that distinguishable value is really found in
Palestine, the night before Jesus died, that
the bells and whistles. But then Jesus says
we learn how to live together as the church
that the last is first, and the least is greatest.
in this world. The apostle John tells us the
He points us to a mustard seed—this teeny,
story, showing us three unforgettable parts.
incredibly unimpressive seed that, once it’s planted and grows, becomes a tree so big that
1. PUT AN APRON ON AUTHORITY The apostle is so crystal clear here. He
birds make it their home (Matthew 13:31). The sovereign Lord washing the feet of his
wants us to get the timing down of when
followers—this upside-down dimension of the
this event transpired. It was before the Feast
gospel—redefines the nature of relationships.
of Passover, when Jesus knew that he was
Where the world has its ranks and high-profile
about to depart from this world, when Judas
untouchables, the King of glory puts on an
was already conniving to betray him, when
apron. This means that we, his people, are
Jesus understood that the Father had given
never too important for ordinary relationships.
him all authority and his earthly ministry was almost finished. We’re supposed to see this context in John 13:1–3, and having all this in
2. DO WHAT JESUS DID John makes this point clear for us, too:
our minds, we read: “[Jesus] rose from supper.
We do what Jesus did. Jesus served his
He laid aside his outer garments, and taking
disciples and tells us, therefore, that we
a towel, tied it around his waist” (verse 4).
should serve one another. “I have given
This is not the set-up for a snazzy TED
you an example, that you also should do
talk. Jesus, knowing that he is the sovereign
just as I have done to you” (John 13:15).
Lord over everything, puts on an apron and prepares to wash the dirty feet of his disciples. This is a picture of Christian paradox— that wondrous, confusing, upside-down
Jesus says that his humility is an example for us—that we do what he does. And this means, profoundly, that one of the ways we identify with our Savior is by caring for others in the same manner he has cared for us. We show ourselves to be his disciples when we humble ourselves and seek the good of others at our own expense. This is important because there is a degree of suffering we will experience in serving one another. It always costs something to seek someone else’s good, and there will be times when it feels like we’re not getting any encouraging return on our investments. In these moments, because of Jesus’ example, we know it doesn’t mean we turn and run, but instead press in and hold on. When the serving gets especially tough, we shouldn’t necessarily serve less, but perhaps more. And in doing that, we go deeper with Jesus.
8 | NOVEMBER 2014
Consider the context of Jesus’ own serving
All we did know was that they followed Jesus,
in John 13. Look at the group sitting around
and if what Jesus says is true, we would be
him. John is sure to tell us, right in the middle of
OK. More practical than anything else I’ve
all this, how Judas is in the process of betraying
experienced, Jesus’ words have been true. We
Jesus. And then Peter, who is so vocal, will
live where we do primarily because the family
soon deny Jesus. We see something here that
of Jesus is a group that loves one another.
is true of Jesus’ wider ministry: You didn’t
And when this happens, Jesus says all
have to reach a certain status of friendship for
people will know that we’re his. Our love for
Jesus to serve you. He washed his disciples’
one another is a witness to our identity as
feet knowing all along that soon, in the garden
the redeemed sons and daughters of God.
where he’ll be arrested, they would all scatter.
This is such a brainteaser for those of us who have put a lot of thought into the mission
3. KNOW THE NEW COMMANDMENT The instruction and example from Jesus
and structure of the local church. So often we tend to think of in-reach and outreach
now becomes a bona fide commandment—a
as two different arms of the church, both
new commandment (John 13:34).
extending in opposite directions, doing
The meaning behind our serving one
their own thing; but then Jesus comes and
another is our love for one another. The
says one can’t exist without the other. A
church loves one another, even in ways
church that is “missional,” and wants to
deeper than flesh-and-blood family.
make Jesus known in their community, must
This has to be true for my family to make
be a church that loves one another. And a
it. Years ago, in a move from one school to
church that is intentional about loving one
another, my wife and I relocated our growing
another can’t help but be a church that makes
family based on Jesus’ words in Mark 3:35:
Jesus known. That’s the way it works.
“Whoever does the will of God, he is my
And that’s how we live together as the
brother and sister and mother.” We left a loyal
church in this world: We go against the
home-base that had loved us for years—not to
grain of societal expectations, we help
mention an endless supply of free babysitting—
one another when it hurts, and we love
to come to a community we didn’t really know.
one another to represent our King.
9 | NOVEMBER 2014
Does Race Still Matter By Pastor Lisa Jenkins A few months ago, I watched the premiere
weren’t talking about blond and blue. Besides,
of the highly anticipated epic mini-series, The
when John the Baptist, with them dreadlocks
Bible. Let me just start off by saying, I just
framing his face, dipped Jesus in the Jordan
love me some Roma Downey. Had no idea her
river, Good Lawd, what more could I ask for??
hubby was the producer of The Apprentice,
Well, right after the start of the show
Survivor, Shark Tank and more. But because
and prior to my dozing off right after God
of my long-ago love affair with Touched by
stopped Abraham from sacrificing Isaac, I
An Angel, I was parked and ready in front of
just wasn’t feeling, er, uh, right . I’m not sure
the History Channel last night, Sunday. I had
if it was because Isaac looked more Irish
sent out newsletters to my congregation and
than Palestinian or because I felt placated
reminded them and our guests at Sunday’s
by the roles of the Black and Asian angels
service to tune in. Now, I had already seen
in the Sodom and Gomorrah scene. One
the previews so I knew that the Jesus in this
of my Facebook friends asked if the Asian
miniseries had light brown hair and brown
angel was supposed to be Jackie Chan after
eyes — contrary to individuals who are
he did a couple of martial arts moves. The
actually indigenous to the Middle Eastern
brother, however, just pulled out his sword
and Palestinian regions. But every time I saw
and glared……and sure enough that was
the official The Bible video featuring CeeLo
enough to blind folk right in their tracks!
Green singing “Mary Did You Know”, I was
Nothing like The Glare-Stare from a brother
hooked!! Talk about chills! Didn’t matter what
or sister to change the scene. But back to
color his eyes and hair were as long as we
this issue of color and ethnicity. Sigh.
10 | NOVEMBER 2014
No it doesn’t matter that Jesus was a
I have a few Dominican friends who would
person of color or not when it comes to my
make a great Jesus. The other day, I was in
salvation. He came and dwelt among humanity
Jackson Heights, Queens, and I saw a kid who
as God in the flesh, was sacrificed on a cross
would have made a doggone swell Isaac!
for my sins and not his own, was then buried
Perhaps next week I will comment on the
in a tomb and on the third day He rose and I
content and flow of the biblical stories in the
am certain that He will return. Yep! I couldn’t
series. Although I’m not as hyped now as I
care if Jesus was purple but for the fact that
have been prior to the premiere, I feel it fair to
He died for me and is coming back for me!
have stayed up a bit longer than the rescue of
Yet, still, I just can’t process the issue of if it
Isaac from being a sacrifice before I comment
doesn’t matter, then why not portray Jesus and
on the story itself. (By the way, am I the only
the rest of the biblical characters as history,
one who has ever wondered what Isaac was
archeology and scientific reconstructions
thinking when he descended the mountain after
have proven the people living in the Palestinian
Abraham was getting ready to dice and slice?
region during biblical times to look. Is it really
Like really – was everything okey dokey with
that difficult to find actors who at least look
him and dad?? Come on…… it’s just us talking….)
Palestinian or Arabic if one cannot actually
But as far as ethnicity and race are
find a cadre of actors native or whose ancestry
concerned when it comes to the bible,
is from the region? I might (might) be okay
I just thank God I’m saved, but as one
with other ethnicities portraying or acting
young person said, if the truth is no
in character if they actually looked the part.
big deal, then why not just tell it!!!
11 | NOVEMBER 2014
The Rubberband Church By Pastor Robert Houston One of the greatest frustrations of newly called pastors is what I have termed is the Rubber Band Church. Often times Pastors come in with different expectations and anticipations than the congregation that has called them. After pastoring over 25 years, I have discovered that churches will adapt to the vision of the Lord through the Pastor with great success or they will snap back and return to their original form which is the Rubber Band Church. Recently a young pastor reached out to me. He has been at his church 18 months and the church and is frustrated that “they
those chairs that I had removed miraculously and mysteriously reappeared. Chairs in a pulpit were a part of that church’s center core. I’m not suggesting it’s always a bad thing
haven’t changed.” He ranted and raved for 30
because all churches need to have core
minutes and then I said to him that churches
beliefs. The Word of God should never be
have a center core. They have certain practices
compromised; Preaching and Teaching the
and belief systems that are at their core. You
Gospel should never be rebuked; Serving each
can stretch them or try to stretch them or
other and the community should be resident
suggest that they stretch – but at the end
within a congregation. However, brother and
of the day (and this is non-denominational),
sister pastor, they are some things that will
a church will return to it’s center.
always bounce back to center and become
That is applicable even during a pastoral change of leadership. How well I remember
part of the lore of that congregation. Whether it’s a name change or location
leaving my former congregation in San Diego.
change or change of worship or change of
For months, I sat in the audience with my
structure – some churches will eradicate
deacons because I was tired of being the
change made by a leader to “get us back
focus of attention. I am primarily a worshiper.
where we belong.” It’s akin to the GOP
I wanted to worship without every eye of
mantra of “taking back our country.”
support, criticism or ambivalence staring at me. I resigned on a Sunday morning, came
Three things to be careful of: 1. Make sure that you are stretching
down to the office to clear my office on a
the congregation because of the Lord
Monday and peeked into the sanctuary, and
and not because of an agenda. Keeping up with the Joneses is a poor excuse for stretching a congregation. 2. Make sure that you have a firm grip on the process. One of the most painful experiences can occur when you stretch a congregation (rubber band) and then it slips and you get with the force of the rubber band. 3. Make sure that when you stretch make sure that the vision for it is compatible with the amount of effort you’ll be exercising. Never put out great energy for minute projects. I pray for that pastors and leaders who are challenging their congregations to go beyond boxes, limits and paradigms. And may the church follow and not grudgingly stay in place like a rubber band that will not yield.
12 | NOVEMBER 2014
Skill Set or Will Set By Bishop Jerry Hutchins Have you ever worked with someone who
“Mind” in this verse refers to
is highly skilled but their attitude leaves
attitude or will. When it comes to being
much to be desired? Which area do you make
successful, Nehemiah demonstrates
priority; your skill set or your will set?
that will is as important as skill.
Nehemiah had been part of the captivity
Philippians 2:5 reads “your attitude
of Babylon. When he and others returned to
should be the same as that of Christ
Jerusalem they undertook a project to rebuild
Jesus.” Skill is a reflection of our
the wall around the city. The wall was 16
hands. Will is a reflection of our heart.
feet wide and almost 5 miles circumference
Ralph Marston said “excellence
with 12 huge gates that allowed entrance for
is not a skill, it’s an attitude.”
specific purposes. The interesting fact about
If we want to be better at what we do,
the project is that most of the people who did
we should concentrate on attitude as
the work were not skilled contractors. They
much as we concentrate on aptitude. The
were farmers and had other jobs but history
people built the wall with the right will
records them building the wall in 52 days.
set and it seems to have aided in their
The key verse that explains their success is
skill set. Excellence with our hands is
verse 6; “the people had a mind to work.”
consequential of excellence in our heart.
13 | NOVEMBER 2014
Changing the Way We Talk About Sex By Carey Nieuhof How are you talking about sex at your church (or with your kids … or with your friends) these days? Or are you talking about it? Sometimes when we don’t know what to say, we say nothing. Or we say the wrong thing. Yet our culture is talking about sex every … single … day. And increasingly, they’re talking about how the church is talking about it. The way we talk about sex, marriage and family is coming under greater and greater scrutiny. This is true whether Christians are addressing same-sex attraction, sex outside of marriage or marriage itself. For the record, I believe that the context God designed for sex is between a man and woman, married to each other for life. I also realize that fewer and fewer people share that conviction with each passing
sex outside of marriage itself (or inside marriage … married sex isn’t always harmless sex). I don’t say that lightly. So what needs to change? I’m not sure anyone’s cracked the code on this, but here are a few things I think could help us create a dialogue that helps more and hurts less in the church. 1. Don’t just talk about sexual sin, talk about church sin too. Everyone has sins they focus on and sins they ignore. The tendency, of course, is to focus on the sins of others and ignore your own. The church is no different. So here’s a proposal: Deal with the church sin everyone in the church seems to tolerate. Let me explain. When you explore a passage like
year. Increasingly, the view I hold is the view
Galatians 5:16-26, you notice that included
of a small minority. I understand that.
in the same list that speaks of sexual sins
But the fact that some church leaders hold a minority view means the way we talk about it becomes more important every year. Consequently, I’m convinced that how we talk about sex needs to change. Given the tone of some of the current
is a long list of what I call church sins. Church sins are sins Christians engage in all the time that, frankly, no one talks about or addresses. Right alongside sexual immorality, impurity and ‘wild parties,’ Paul lists:
dialogue, the damage done by the way we talk
about sex may actually rival the damage done by
quarreling jealousy outbursts of anger selfish ambition dissension division envy jealousy arrogance If you add gossip and gluttony to the list, you’ve pretty much got a complete list of church sins we too often tolerate. This list of sins actually describes the life of too many churches and too many people who would declare themselves to be ‘mature’ Christians. (I wrote about why we need a new definition of Christian maturity here, and shared some thoughts on what’s wrong with Christian discipleship here.)
14 | NOVEMBER 2014
We are so blind to our own sins that we not only tolerate them, we sometimes celebrate them. What do I mean? Too many prayer meetings are thinly disguised gossip marathons. Many churches could easily call their next potluck Gluttonfest. It wouldn’t be inaccurate. More than a few Christians justify division, dissension, hostility, quarrelling and jealousy in the name of being ‘right.’ This is terrible. It really is. And before you think I’m pointing fingers, I’m not. I have gossipped.
Why would someone struggling with their sexuality want to come into a place of judgment, anger, division, gossip and arrogance?
I have eaten too much too often.
That’s right. They wouldn’t.
I have caused division and hurt.
But they might want to find a place of
I struggle with envy.
love, kindness, faithfulness and maybe even
I can be arrogant.
a place characterized by self-control.
Don’t get me wrong … sexual sin has some heartbreaking consequences. But so does church sin. Seriously, just look at the state of the church today where church sin gets neglected and you will see droves of people staying away and walking away. So … what if church leaders: Never talked about sexual sin unless we also addressed church sin? It would reframe the conversation. It might even change some hearts. Including ours.
Ironically, the very thing most people look for when they express themselves sexually is acceptance and love. And it’s the very thing they are rarely able to find among many Christians. Could you imagine if the church got serious about our sins? What if we repented? What if we became a community of truth and grace? What if? 3. Put your arm around people as though you were one of them … because you are.
2. Deal with church sin … seriously.
Paul called himself the chief of sinners.
So do you never deal with someone else’s sin?
People outside the church today have no
Well, you do. But we’re not nearly there yet.
doubt that people inside the church are sinners.
Before dealing with someone else’s
They just don’t think that we think we’re sinners.
sexual sin, deal with the church sin that lives inside you and your community. If we keep reading Galatians 5, we can see that Paul had an astounding picture of the church in mind. Here’s what he said: “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives:
Too often when we open our mouths, we accuse. We condemn. We confront. What if we changed that? What if we came alongside people and said, “I know what it’s like … it’s hard isn’t it?” I always try to start a conversation by
love, joy, peace, patience
saying something like, “We all have issues.
Some of mine may be different than yours,
and some may be the same, but I know
what it’s like to mess up. Let me know if you
gentleness and
want to have a conversation about it.”
It’s amazing what happens when you
There is no law against these things!
change your stance, put your arm around
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have
someone and say, “Let’s figure this out
nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there.” (Galatians 5: 22-24 NLT) So think about it.
together.” I don’t always get it right, but I try. Church leaders, put your arm around people as though you were one of them. Because you are.
15 | NOVEMBER 2014
Preaching for the Easy Shout By Sherman Cox The other day I was listening to a preacher
lost a child, but now had another one. Someone
close a sermon about pain. The preacher
lost a job, but now that one had a better job.
preached about the very real struggle with pain
There was someone who got diagnosed with
and suffering that we all have to go encounter
a disease, but there was a misdiagnosis. And
in this life. In typical African American
then the close came with “weeping may endure
style, the preacher closed the sermon with
for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”
a “celebration.” Here the preacher resolved
Too Quick A Jump To The Gravy
the pain by pointing to being “hooked-up.”
This sermon felt like it was jumped to
The preacher then looked through the congregation and talked about someone who
16 | NOVEMBER 2014
the gravy too quickly. This was a jump that didn’t take into account the necessity
of experiencing the pain. The emotional
the porch and the altar (Matthew 23:35).
release will be forced or superficial if the
Ask John the Baptist, whose head was on
fullness of the pain is not experienced.
the plate in a banquet (Matthew 14:8-11).
One of the things that a sermon can do
The simple fact of the matter is that
is help to model correct thinking. Correct
sometimes Grandma will die. Sometimes
thinking would not limit the need to experience
we will lose our job. Sometimes bad things
pain. Sometimes our people think and/or
will happen. We cannot in our preaching
act as if it is a sign of lack of faith to grieve
give the impression that good will always
or acknowledge hurt. Whether one has been
win in the end “down here.” Sometimes the
diagnosed with a life-threatening disease
wicked prosper and the righteous languish.
or has experienced the loss of a loved one,
Sometimes the fornicating pastor gets the
grief and pain are necessary and needed.
big church and the faithful one gets fired from
Yes, it is even inevitable. Some of us may
his modest one. Yes it is true, you may not
even question God at these times of intense
get that house. It is not guaranteed to you.
sorrow. All of this is expected and needed. We cannot in our preaching make people believe that they will not experience pain in this life.
IMPORTANCE OF INCARNATION These realities make the incarnation even more important. Jesus didn’t sidestep the
JOY TIED TO GOOD OUTCOME Another problem in this sermon is that
pains of this life to live in the lap of luxury. Jesus came and lived among us all. He didn’t
the experience of joy was tied to a good
sidestep the experience of the poor. Then
outcome in this world. The one who lost a
Jesus died and even felt betrayed by God
child now has another one. Setting aside
which wrenched from his lips the cry “My
the problematic and incorrect thought that
God, My God, why…?” (Matthew 27:46)
one child could replace another, the joy
The good news is that Jesus is there
comes from a good outcome down here. The
with us in the pain. The good news is that
person should be happy because they got a
Jesus helps us to endure the pain. And the
better job down here. They should be happy
good news, yes, is that Jesus overcame the
because they got hooked up down here.
worst that life can give and now offers that
We live in an era where the Christian life
to us. Yes, we will have pain in this world,
is about getting hooked up. But the reality
but we have someone to walk with us, talk
is that we don’t always get hooked up down
with us and tell us that we are his own. Yes,
here. Ask Paul, who never had the thorn in
we will have pain in this world, and Jesus
his flesh taken away, even though he greatly
has overcome the world. And yes, it is still
desired it to be removed (2 Corinthians
true “weeping may endure for a night … but
12:8-9). Ask Zechariah, who died between
joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5).
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A New Thing By Dr. C. Dexter Wise
Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it
2. God will do a new thing. This is His promise.
shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?
A new thing is coming and God is going to do
I will even make a road in the wilderness
it. This new thing will not just be a new thing,
And rivers in the desert. – Isaiah 43: 19
but a new thing that God does. Therefore,
The past can be so over powering that it can make you lose faith in the impossible.
it cannot be undone when it’s done. 3. God will show you His new thing. The
The monotony of the present can cause
blessing of this new thing is that you will
you to miss the miracles tucked away in the
not have to hear about it. You will be here to
moment. The tentativeness of tomorrow can
see it. God promises not only to do it, but to
force you to doubt the chance of triumphs of
show it to you. You will enjoy it in the land
the future. The same old, same old creates
of the living. In fact, it will spring forth at a
a perennial pessimism which says: “Why bother because nothing will ever change.” The words of Isaiah 43: 19 were written
time when it’s the last thing on your mind. 4. God’s new thing will be radically new. God’s new thing will be so new that
just for those who have succumbed to
it will be something which you never
such as assessment. God says, in spite of
imagined. It will be new like rivers in the
what has been: “I will do a new thing.”
desert, like reconciliation between bitter
enemies, like the salvation of long lost
1. God can do a new thing. He has the power, the will and the resources to take things in a different direction,
loved ones, peace in your house, left over money after you pay your bills. Just when you need it the most
make things into a different form, break
and expect it the least, God’s new
down things into different pieces.
thing will break forth. Here it comes.
What you can’t change, He can.
Look for that new thing today!
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