The Bishop Magazine, October Issue

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3 Ways the digital church Can Revolutionize Global Outreach Growth Isn’t Always the Best Measure of Success 5 Instagram Ideas for Churches Does Your Preaching Impress Your Old Professor or Your People? How the Church Must Deal With Violence Against Women 3 Steps to Leading the Most Incredible Worship Service Ever 5 Tributes at the Death of the Apostle Paul Ten Ways to Deal with Depression The Secret Key to Great Preaching 14 Commandments of Video Preaching


October 2014


04 3 Ways the digital church Can

Revolutionize Global Outreach

06 Growth Isn’t Always the Best Measure of Success

08 5 Instagram Ideas for Churches 10 Does Your Preaching Impress Your Old Professor or Your People?

12 How the Church Must Deal With Violence Against Women

stages of preparing for my 2014 Theological Intensive that will take place on the campus of Regent University. I am so

14 3 Steps to Leading the Most

grateful for the participation of Mark Clement, Big Pictures Media of Birmingham, AL, Bunnie Jackson Ransom and

Incredible Worship Service Ever

Dr. Teresa Hairston, both of Atlanta, GA, all of who will be sharing with us on how we can more effectively take

16 5 Tributes at the Death of the

advantage of media in connection with our ministries. If you happen to be reading this prior to October 13th, I

Apostle Paul

hope that you will consider joining us for what promises to

18 Ten Ways to Deal with Depression 20 The Secret Key to Great Preaching 22 14 Commandments of Video Preaching

As I sit to write this month’s editorial I am in the final

be a promising and productive days for pastors and church leaders. In addition to the exciting lectures that will be taking place, attendees will be the guest of Pat Robertson for his international television taping of CBN on Tuesday, October 14, 2014. All in all, this is not an event you would want to miss. While thinking about media and ministry this month I am drawn to the fact that the body of Christ has historically been an early adopter of technology for the purpoaw of spreading of the gospel. I do not know what the future will hold as it relates to technology in the future, but I am sure that whatever it is the church will be early an early user of the technology for the glory of God. I encourage all of our readers to explore various ways that you can use media to make a difference where you are. In a real sense we are all “evangelists” with the obligation and responsibility to take the message of Jesus Christ to the far corners of the globe.

3 | OCTOBER 2014


Can Revolutionize Global Outreach I recently wrote about how the Digital

endeavor, with technology or otherwise, should

Church is a powerful ministry to reach and

be taken into prayerful consideration to ensure

engage Millennials who are disengaging from

it fits properly within the overall ministry.

the church. The evidence is very compelling

The Digital Church extends the reach of the

to make the case that digital media is a

church beyond the four walls into a limitless

catalyst to bring young people back to faith

opportunity, at home and around the world.

and into a deeper relationship with Jesus.

As such, technology is empowering churches

The millennial generation is the not the

in world missions in three significant ways:

only ministry opportunity that the Digital Church solves. Who can you reach by building

by Robert Colett

Digital Church? In Part 1 of this series, I will

1) GLOBAL REACH For generations we have deployed

discuss how the Digital Church is a ministry

missionaries in the field around the world to

tool for foreign missions, and in Part 2 I will

reach every tribe, tongue and nation with the

focus on how Digital Church works within our

Gospel. Missions does not come without its

own communities, our church’s backyard.

challenges; travel, training, language education,

Let’s review on the definition of a digital

international borders, closed countries. We

church. It is an extension of the local church,

have gone so far on foot, and will continue to

whose ministry goals and intentional strategies

carry the Message across the world. I would

draw them to the digital medium to reach people.

never propose that we stop that, or lose a sense

These technologies might include live

of urgency around it. However, I am hoping we

streaming, video, apps, websites, etc. But no

will open our eyes to how the Internet boom

matter the type of technology integrated with

and the mobile revolution can help us reach

a digital church, it should of course be noted

people in places we have never been able to go.

that a ministry that utilizes any type of outreach

4 | OCTOBER 2014

For example, there are countries that are closed to the gospel, allowing no missionaries in, and countries that are even hostile toward Christianity. We can reach the hurt and hopeless with a message of Good News where we never could step foot. We cannot cross the borders, but the Internet can. The Internet is already being used to reach

1.8 billion smartphones were purchased

people around the world with the gospel for

in 2013, with close to 2.1 billion active mobile

the first time. Ministries like Global Media

broadband subscribers worldwide. This usage

Outreach connect seekers around the world

is spread worldwide. By 2015, mobile Internet

with volunteers online who can share the Gospel

use is set to double in Asia, triple in Latin

with them—securely, alleviating the risk of

America, triple in the Middle East and almost

discovery and persecution in hostile countries.

quadruple in Eastern Europe. The technology

The Digital Church breaks down all walls,

gap is quickly closing between America and

barriers, and distances to reach people wherever

the developing world, and mobile is the reason

they are. Churches are able to reach people

why. What can a church achieve in a world

around the world with digital technology such

connected wirelessly with tiny computers in

as streaming and apps, and this is already

everyone’s pockets? We must think bigger.

happening. Souls are coming to Jesus through the work of digital media and the World Wide Web, the new roman road. Let’s not stop

3) TRANSLATION Besides national borders, language is

sending people, but let’s also not miss the

one of the greatest obstacles to sharing the

opportunity to reach seekers where they are.

gospel around the world. This is changing rapidly. Already there exist such tools as

2) MOBILE It’s no secret that we are living in a mobile-first age. Mobile computing through smartphones and tablets is a phenomenon that

Google Translate and the iTranslate app that allow us to translate written text or voice to almost any language on the fly. WordLens is a cool technology that allows

is just beginning to emerge. According to Cisco’s

you to use a mobile camera to translate

Visual Network Index Report from February

text and street signs visually into your

2014, mobile Internet traffic grew 81 percent

native language in real time. Google’s Glass

through 2013. It is set to double again by 2015.

technology would fit perfectly with this

This is likely due to the facts that 63 percent of

technology that they just acquired. Microsoft

adult mobile phone owners use their phones to

recently introduced a feature in Skype that

go online, and for 34 perent of them it is their

allows real time voice translation on calls.

primary (or only) Internet communication.

Also, as mentioned above, we now have more

The “second screen” is very quickly becoming

language translations of the Bible than ever

the first screen. The innovation in mobile is not

before, and LifeChurch.TV is working to bring

only in the hardware of handsets themselves,

them to the world. This technology may not be

nor in web browsing in general, but as you

mission ready at present, but it is empowering

might guess, in apps. They make up more use

ministries to share the gospel more easily.

of mobile users than either browsing the web in

With global connectivity, mobile Internet and

general or making phone calls. Approximately

technology lessening the language barriers,

80 percent of mobile use happens within an app

the opportunity to reach the world just became

(does not include Phone app or Browser app).

greater and the obstacles fewer. We must use the

A digital church with an application

digital church to our advantage to increase the

offering videos, devotions and testimonies

reach and engagement on a global level to reach

is one of the greatest ways to reach

those who cannot be physically contacted. By

people through mobile devices.

using technology and all the resources we have on

[Tweet "Apps offering video, devotions

hand, we are fulfilling Christ’s message found in

and testimonies are one of the greatest

Proverbs 3:27, “Do not withhold good from those

way to reach the church." —Rob Coletti]

to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.”

5 | OCTOBER 2014

GROWTH ISN’T ALWAYS the Best Measure of Success There’s nothing with the power to encourage or discourage pastors more than reports of their church’s attendance. It’s the church equivalent to a report card— letting you know if you’ve improved, if you’ve

Numbers can’t and shouldn’t be the only way to measure our success. So what else do we look at? What else should we be focusing on, other than growth, to achieve and measure our success as a church body?

stayed the same or if, God forbid, you’ve gotten worse. It’s the way we know if we’re doing well, if we’re staying on track, if the message

by Justin Lathrop

ONE WORD: QUALITY. Let’s look at the Gospels for a minute.

we’re giving is being received, and if people

While there are several instances when Jesus

are connecting to what we’ve helped create.

addresses a crowd, there are even more when

In a business, all you have to do is look at the bottom line to see how you’re doing.

he addressed one person or his small group of disciples. If Jesus was all about numbers, he

In churches, our measure of

would have been doing three or four Sermons

success isn’t quite so cut and dry.

on the Mount per day—as many services as he

Numbers give us the tangible rewards we lack so often in ministry. They tell us how we’re doing. It’s important to pay attention to our

could cram in, just like we often do on Sundays. Instead, he had conversations with people. He met them face to face, over dinner, around

numbers, because if they’re decreasing—if fewer

a table. He mentored his disciples—teaching

people are showing up at church each week—

them, guiding them and correcting them.

chances are we’re doing something wrong.

When we look at Jesus’ ministry,

But the inverse isn’t always true.

it seems he was much more about

Just because your church is growing

quality and less about quantity.

doesn’t mean you’re on the right track. I’m sure if you stop for a minute, you can think of a few corrupt pastors, just off the top of

To some of us, in our mass-media packedauditorium world, this seems inefficient. Why wouldn’t Jesus try to speak to as many

your head, who have run massive churches

people at once as he possibly could? I think

but haven’t done it for the Kingdom of God.

it’s because he was much more interested in a

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ripple effect than he was a big splash. Jesus invested deeply in the hearts and minds and lives of a select group of people because he knew they would go off and do the same. And they did. Jesus’ disciples took the word of God he shared with them and shared it with more people than Jesus did. In John 14:12, Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” Jesus equipped his disciples with truth and love and sent them off to proclaim the message of the Gospel. And that ripple has continued ever since. Yes, growth can be a great indication of success, but it is not a universal one. A different way to look at success is by looking at the quality with which we’re investing in the lives of our congregation. Because when we invest in someone like Jesus did, we can watch them go off and do the same, the ripple stretching far past any distance we could ever reach on our own.

7 | OCTOBER 2014

5 Instagram Ideas for Churches

We want to set you up for success on

and end of the video. Need some inspiration?

Instagram ideas for your church to use it well.

Visit The Creative Pastor site for a few videos.

Note that some of these ideas are perfect for

<<To download the complete Instagram

large churches and others setup for small ones.

ebook for free, visit this page>>



One of the best uses of Instagram is the ability

by Lauren Hunter

the same graphic from before at the beginning

Instagram, so we have come up with some great

Instagram 4.0 - 00 FeedOne of the best ways

to promote sermon series through graphics

to engage with your congregation is to have

or 15 second video bumpers. If you have a

them directly interact with the content using the

graphic that is used for Sunday sermons that is

medium as the communication tool. A crowd

put onto the projector slide, why not post that

sourced video starts with you posting a video

on Instagram a week or two before you start

onto Instagram asking a question or giving a

the series. If you have the video capacity (i.e.

challenge. It can be fun and playful or deep

everyone with an iPhone/smartphone), then go

and theological. Then ask your congregation

shoot a quick 12 seconds inviting people to your

or youth group to respond with their own video

church, give soft background music, and post

and a predetermined hashtag. Take several

8 | OCTOBER 2014

of the responses and create a quick two

that the best way to get teens to connect online

minute video as a great opener to your sermon

is to get them connected in person. One of

next week as you introduce a new topic.

the best ways to improve engagement on your Instagram account is through youth ministry


games. There are several out there that you


can do, including Instahack and Scattergrams

You see those images all over the place where

or an Instagram version of a scavenger hunt.

someone has posted a quote or Bible verse as an image and shared it on a social network.


Create your own set of ten or twenty of them,


put your church’s logo in the corner of it, and put

While taking pictures of people and posting

your website in the description so people can

them on your Instagram is a great way to share

get more information. Compelling and visually

moments online, printing them and featuring

creative posts like these do not have to blast

them in rooms or giving them away as presents

a, “Come to our church” message, but can be

are perfect ways for people to engage and

passive and allow the content and a link their for

then connect the online network with your

those that would like to know more information.

congregation. Challenge event attendees to go favorite what they believe to be the best image on

4. INSTAGRAM YOUTH MINISTRY GAMES Social media and youth ministry go hand-inhand and youth groups are finally figuring out

your gallery and then you can print the top one or two pictures to use as you wish. (Need a service to print your photos? Try PRINSTAGRAM.

9 | OCTOBER 2014

Does Your Preaching Impress Your Old Professor or Your People?

A deep, layered and rich sermon might impress some people, but does it work? Why do we tend to overcomplicate everything? It’s not just you. I do it, too. In fact, I do it constantly. Nowhere more than when I am writing a message. As a communicator and preacher, there’s something in me (and I bet I’m not

by Gavin Adams

case, what’s difficult to see in the mirror is clear through a window. Recently I was helping a friend write a message. He had a GREAT idea. Very personal. Very helpful. And it was beautifully simple. But there was something in us both that wanted to complicate the content. We wanted to cover every angle and answer every issue. Luckily, before he and his message hit

alone) that intuitively believes a message is

the stage, we both remembered this basic

only good if it’s deep, layered, and rich. If we

preaching truth: Simple is better, because

were baking a cake, that would be true. But this

simple is digestible and applicable. Again, if

is a message. The reality is a deep, layered,

you are trying to impress a crowd, go deep,

and rich sermon might impress an audience

layered, and rich. But, if you want people to

or a seminary professor, but it typically

understand and apply the truth you spent

doesn’t leave a lasting impression. Worse,

hours and hours studying and preparing, throw

it’s not memorable or easily applicable.

out the cake and work toward simplicity.

I have trouble seeing this in my own messages at times, but as is often the

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Here are a few steps I take when searching for message simplicity:

1. FIND FOCUS. What is the idea you are attempting to communicate? I like to start with a onesentence description and build everything from there. Starting with one clear idea allows me to stay focused on one clear idea. I know this is common sense, but too often is feels uncommon. We could call this “beginning with the end in mind.” Working with Andy Stanley has helped me understand the power of message focus for sure (what a huge understatement, right?). He has taught me to answer a few basic questions before I begin crafting a message. These questions may help you, as well. a. What do they need to know? b. Why do they need to know it? c. What do they need to do?

remember messages from my peers?” And my

d. Why do they need to do it?

point was made. The professor immediately

e. How can I help them remember?

recited my bottom line idea and my point of

Again, these questions provide the clarity I

application (One Idea: The most effective

need to remain focused as I write a message.

way to change behavior is to change the

As a rule, I will not begin writing a message

heart. Bottom Line: Christianity is not about

until I’ve answered these questions.

behaving, it’s about believing). He couldn’t recall any of the “three-point expository blah,


blah, blah” that he taught us to preach.

I first heard this within the context of writing. Often an author must cut their favorite section or sentence to find the

4. MARINATE YOUR MESSAGE. Like a good piece of meat, the longer you

desired simplicity. When it comes to crafting

allow a message to marinate, the better it

messages, the same principle holds true.

will taste. When you study, prepare, and write

I can’t even count how many times I went

a message weeks in advance, you allow the

into a message with an illustration, story, or

Holy Spirit time to marinate the content in

idea that I loved, yet discovered later it wasn’t a

your soul, heart, and mind. I’m not saying

good fit. It’s painful to trim, but it’s worth it. The

God can’t work miracles in a Saturday night

good news is what’s on the cutting room floor

special, but my experience has been the more

provides great material for another message.

time between writing and preaching, the more powerful and focused the message.

3. MAKE ONE POINT. In conjunction with focusing on

Also, the marinating process provides time for other ideas, illustrations, and stories

one idea, leverage this one idea to

to surface. It’s amazing how many things I

make one point of application.

stumble across the weeks between writing

Here’s a personal example:

and delivery. So build in time for your message

When I was in seminary, I took a preaching

to marinate. Your church will love the taste.

class. We all recorded and submitted a video of

Ironically, simplicity is more difficult

us preaching for our final grade. My message

than complexity. Anyone can stand on a

was built around ONE IDEA and ONE POINT.

stage with Greek words and 15 scriptures.

While I received an A on the message, the

It takes more work to take the complex

professor was displeased with the number

and make it simple, but it’s in this work

of points and scripture references.

where our audience reaps the reward.

I allowed a week to pass. Then I asked

The Gospel is not complicated. So

him two questions. “Do you remember the

let’s commit to making following the

message I preached and my point? Do you

Gospel less complicated, as well.

11 | OCTOBER 2014

How the Church Must Deal With Violence Against Women

Ever since the incident with NFL football player Ray Rice became front page news, many of our community institutions have been asking

by Bishop Andy C. Lewter and Russell Moore

month to explore various ways that the church can become involved in this conversation. While it is true that the most popular hour

themselves the question, what can we do to

we have access to our congregations is on

stem domestic violence in our neighborhoods.

Sunday morning, the truth of the matter is that

Schools, politicians, social workers all have

we have an obligation and even a responsibility

devoted time and energy to responding to

to raise the voice of the church on the behalf

this crisis that threatens the sanctity of our

of those whose voices are silent in fear and

families. For that reason, I am writing this

intimidation. I thank my colleague Russell Moore

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for bringing this topic to the forefront of our thinking and giving us an opportunity to examine our own role in making sure that the church is a safe harbor against domestic violence. Male violence against women is a real problem in our culture, one the church must address. Our responsibility here is not simply at the level of social justice but at the level of ecclesical justice as well. We must teach from our pulpits, our Sunday school classes and our Vacation Bible Schools that women are to be cherished, honored and protected by men. This means we teach men to reject American playboy consumerism in light of a Judgment Seat at which they will give account for their care for their families. It means we explicitly tell the women in our congregations, “A man who hits you has surrendered his

such manifestations of a rape culture as sexual

headship, and that is the business both of

harassment, prostitution and sex slavery.

the civil state in enacting public justice and of this church in enacting church discipline.” Church discipline against wife-beaters must

An abusive man is not an overenthusiastic complementarian. He is not a complementarian at all. He is rejecting male headship because

be clear and consistent. We must stand with

he is rejecting his role as provider and

women against predatory men in all areas of

protector. As the culture grows more violent,

abandonment, divorce and neglect. We must

more consumerist, more sexualized and

train up men, through godly mentoring as well as

more misogynistic, the answer is not a church

through biblical instruction, who will know that

more attenuated to the ambient culture,

the model of a husband is a man who crucifies

whether through a hyper-masculine paganism

his selfish materialism, his libidinal fantasies and

or through a gender-neutral feminism.

his wrathful temper tantrums in order to care

Instead, the answer is a truly countercultural

lovingly for a wife. We must also remind these

church, a church that calls men to account

young men that every idle word, and every hateful

for leadership, a leadership that cherishes

act, will be laid out in judgment before the eyes

and protects women and girls.

of the One to whom we must give an answer. In the public arena, Christians as citizens should be the most insistent on legal

PRINT VERSION Dr. Moore is the Dean of the School of

protections for women. We should oppose

Theology and Senior Vice-President for

a therapeutic redefinition of wife abuse

Academic Administration at The Southern Baptist

as merely a psychological condition. And

Theological Seminary. He also serves as a

we should call on the powers-that-be to

preaching pastor at Highview Baptist Church,

prosecute abusers of women and children

where he ministers weekly at the congregation’s

in ways that will deter others and make clear

Fegenbush location. Moore is the author of

society’s repugnance at such abuse.

several books, including “The Kingdom of Christ,”

Whatever our views on specific economic

“Adopted for Life,” and “Tempted and Tried.”

policies, we must recognize that much economic hardship of women in our age is the result of men who abandon their commitments. We should eschew obnoxious “welfare queen” rhetoric and work with others of goodwill to seek economic and social measures to provide a safety net for single mothers and abused women in jeopardy. We should join with others, including secular feminists, in seeking legal protections against

13 | OCTOBER 2014

3 Steps to Leading the Most Incredible Worship Service Ever “Wow, that worship service was amazing.”

it’s not so loud that our ear drums hurt, we

It’s a phrase we all hear, all the time.

like it. If they sang “Oceans,” we like it.

Whether you’re leaving the arena after a

modern worship culture. We attend concerts,

after Sunday’s worship, we’ve all said it.

idolize artists and chase experiences

But what is it, I wonder, that constitutes “incredible” worship? Because you may

because of how they make us feel. But it can leave us discontented with the

be reading this article and thinking,

local church God has called us to and distract us

“My church’s worship is far from

from asking the most important question of all.

great. Matter of fact, it’s terrible.” Oftentimes, our judgement of a worship

by David Santistevan

That’s also what scares me about our

Jesus Culture concert or driving to the buffet

The Most Important Question The question?

service comes down to how it makes us

“What kind of worship is incredible to God?”

feel. If it was charged with emotion, we like

That truly is what matters. Because

it. If the band has it together, we like it. If

14 | OCTOBER 2014

worship is for God. Worship is an offering

that rises to Him. It’s for His praise, glory,

Amos 5:23, we should also be listening. In

adoration, fame, honor, renown, exaltation.

this passage, Israel, God’s chosen people,

Can you hear it? Romans 11:36 echoes throughout the world: “For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.” “What kind of worship service is incredible to God?” The question is important for various reasons. First, it puts the responsibility on behalf of the worshiper. It undercuts consumerism. Great worship isn’t just the performance of

was having worship services. They were celebrating, singing and lifting praise to God. The problem with this celebration was that they were a disobedient people. They were singing praises while ignoring God’s commands to meet the needs of the marginalized. “But let justice roll like a river, mercy like a never-failing stream.” Incredible worship will always be rooted in a singular desire to obey God. We want

a great band, it’s God’s holy people laying their

to do what pleases Him. That is the truest

lives down (Tweet that). I have a responsibility.

expression of our worship. Don’t allow yourself

You have a responsibility. We are all called.

to raise your hands at a worship concert while

Second, it reminds us that God is the only

ignoring the will of God the next morning.

One who can judge the quality of worship.

3. Fear—Consider this:

It’s not based on how many top CCLI songs

“Behold, the eye of the Lord is on

you cover as good as the artists. It’s not

those who fear Him, on those who hope

about how well your worship set flows.

in his steadfast love” (Psalm 33:18).

It’s “was my heart, soul, mind and strength

If you want God’s attention during

fully engaged in the exaltation of God the Father,

worship, you must fear him. Without the fear

through the Holy Spirit, by Jesus Christ?”

of God, our worship is flippant. It keeps us

Three Steps to Leading Incredible Worship

humble, gazing, bowing, trusting (for more

So—people of God—what is a great

on this idea of fear, check out this post).

worship service? And how can we do our

But the verse doesn’t stop there. It seems to

part to make sure it happens every time?

equate fearing God with hoping in his steadfast

1. Spirit and Truth—When the Bible says,

love. Which tells me that the fear of God isn’t

“These are the kind of worshipers the Father

just a mental assent to respecting His majesty

seeks,” we should be paying attention.

and holiness. A true fear of God will take

“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father

action, place hope, bank its life on Jesus. I know this post didn’t outline some

in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind

practical pointers on what songs to sing,

of worshipers the Father seeks” (John 4:23).

instruments to use, DB level to run and

God desires worship that is based in

how many musicians to have on stage.

truth and led by the Holy Spirit. The Holy

Why? Because a great band or a great

Spirit leads our hearts to the true knowledge

song doesn’t make an incredible worship

of God. We must worship God for who He

service. It’s about what God seeks, what

is in all of his glory, wonder, goodness,

God desires, what God has said.

terror, beauty, tenderness and grace. 2. Obedience—On the other hand, when

God is seeking spirit-and-truth worshipers. He is after an obedient life. His eyes look

God says, “Away with the noise of your

to those who fear Him. This is the most

songs. I despise your sacred assemblies,” in

incredible worship service to God’s heart.

15 | OCTOBER 2014

5 Tributes at the Death of the Apostle Paul

Have you ever thought about what you want written on your tombstone? That may seem like a morbid thought to most

that is the only thing that really matters. People go wrong with this in two opposite

people, but it’s actually a healthy question.

ways. Some people feel like it is their

As Psalm 90:12 says, “Teach us to number

responsibility to save the world—to fix their

our days, that we may apply our hearts to

friends, to make absolutely certain that their

learn wisdom.” We should periodically stop

kids turn out right, to redeem every last

to think about our lives from the end.

orphan. So they carry the weight of the world

In Acts 20, we get a glimpse into what Paul

by J. D. Greear

God has told me to do.” At the end of the day,

on their shoulders, and nothing they do ever

would have wanted on his tombstone. Paul gives

feels like enough. On the other hand, I’ve

a farewell speech to some of his closest friends

known people who never even stop to think

and summarizes his entire philosophy of life.

that God has given them a responsibility at all.

I’d like to be able to have these five statements be the funeral sermon at the end of my life.

We aren’t responsible to save the world; but we are responsible to fulfill the assignment Jesus has given us. Many


of us need to redefine what “success”


looks like in our lives. Success in life is

Paul says (to paraphrase Acts 20:24), “My single focus has been and is to do what

16 | OCTOBER 2014

identifying what God has called you to and being completely faithful in it.

2. I TOLD THE TRUTH. Twice in Paul’s speech he says, “I

don’t persevere to the end. At this point in Paul’s life, he had accomplished a lot, but

did not shrink from declaring” the entire

he knew that it would all be for nothing

truth of the gospel (vv. 20, 27). Paul saw

if he didn’t finish strong (Acts 20:24).

himself as a herald of the truth. He wasn’t

One of the main reasons we have trouble

responsible for the content of the message;

finishing is a divided heart. We want to complete

he was only responsible to deliver it.

the assignment Jesus has given us, but other

I want my life to be an example of that

things begin to pull at us. I want to be faithful

kind of boldness. The truth of the gospel can

to Jesus, but I also want to be with her. I want

be offensive: People don’t like to hear about

to stand with Jesus, but I really need their

their sin, about the righteous judgment of

approval. I want to do what Jesus says, but I

God, about the reality of hell. But if we shrink

also want to own that. And our divided loves

from declaring the whole gospel because it’s

keep up from finishing what we started in faith.

uncomfortable, we are implicitly telling the world, “We don’t care that you are dying.” We aren’t responsible to make our friends

We need to faithfully finish each chapter that Jesus has set before us. If you’re in college, then finish strong, making the most

and family believe, but to tearfully present

of your time there. If you’re a young mother,

the truth like Paul (Acts 20:19, 31). As Charles

finish strong with your kids, knowing that

Spurgeon said, “If sinners be damned, at least

this season doesn’t last forever (though it

let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies.

sometimes feels like it). If you’re a husband

And if they perish, let them perish with our

and father, finish strong with your family. Don’t

arms wrapped about their knees, imploring

be one of those guys who checks out in his

them to stay. If Hell must be filled, let it be

50s, buys a sports car, unbuttons his shirt

filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let

to his navel and plays golf all day. Finish!

not one go unwarned and unprayed for.” 5. I GAVE MORE THAN I TOOK. 3. I DIRECTED PEOPLE’S ATTENTION TOWARD JESUS, NOT TOWARD MYSELF. Paul defines his ministry as one filled with

Paul thought of a fulfilled life as one in which he gave more than he took (Acts 20:35). That’s a good perspective to adopt in all of

“humility and with tears and with trials” (Acts

your relationships. In your friendships, do you

20:19). That’s not how most of us would like to

give more than you take? In your marriage,

summarize our lives. I’d prefer victory, power

do you serve your spouse more than you

and joy. In fact, the Greek word Paul used for

expect him/her to serve you? In your career,

“humility” was used quite extensively outside

do you see your work just as your way of

of the Bible as an insult. It meant low, weak,

making money or as a platform to bless

defeated. Yet when Paul uses it—and throughout

others and serve the mission of God? In your

the New Testament—it is considered a virtue.

retirement, do you view life as one big vacation

Why does an insult outside of the gospel become a virtue inside of it? Because

or as a time to continue serving others? Where do we get the strength to give more

Christian ministry is not about extraordinary

than we take? Only by looking to Christ. Paul

men and women of excellent character,

was able to spend himself for the sake of others

but about a great Savior who can save

because there was one relationship in which he

the weakest, most broken and most guilty

would always take more than he could give—his

sinners. I don’t want to leave people with an

relationship to Christ. Jesus had given up far

example to admire, but a Savior to trust in.

more for Paul than he would ever take from him.


done for us. But because he gave himself fully

We can never repay Jesus for what he has Many people start following Christ with excellent intentions, but they simply

for us, we can give ourselves to others without worrying about whether they will give back.

17 | OCTOBER 2014

Ten Ways to Deal with Depression

By Jarrid Wilson

In light of the recent death of Robin Williams, I felt the need to write a post targeted toward people who deal with depression and anxiety. I remember my days of depression like they were yesterday. That cold, dark and lonely feeling that I could never seem to shake. And while I witnessed many others find help through prayer, counsel and medication, I couldn’t seem to find that same relief for myself. This battle was not just mental, but spiritual. I believe clinical depression is an epidemic that is taking the world by storm. While many individuals might overlook this disorder as something minor, the many deaths and suicide attempts that derive from it prove otherwise. Facts About Depression: 1. 18.8 million Americans are affected by depressive disorders. 2. Depression is a mental and spiritual battle that affects one in 10 Americans. 3. Number of patients diagnosed with depression increases each year by 20 percent.

18 | OCTOBER 2014

4. 121 million people around the world currently suffer from depression. Those statistics are staggering. I can’t help but think about the millions of people who currently feel alone, hopeless and as if their life has no meaning. I’ve battled with depression for many years, been on and off different medications, and even sought counsel from pastors who specialize in this field. Ten Ways to Deal With Depression 1. Pray. Find solitude in the promises of God. (Matthew 11:28) 2. Force yourself to spend time with

6. Seek professional help. No one is “too cool” to ask for help when in need. 7. Adopt a dog or cat that can be utilized as an emotional support animal. 8. Journal your thoughts and feelings on paper. Take note of your ups and downs. 9. Get outside! Don’t spend all your days cooped up in your room or house. 10. Find a hobby. Engage in an activity that you can spend time enjoying. I’m not a licensed professional, but mentioned above are the few things that helped me through some of the

positive friends and family members.

darkest times of my life. Although I

Create a support system.

have been depression free for the last

3. Focus on the positives, your accomplishments and your goals. 4. Try and stay clear of spending too much time alone. Boredom is depression’s playground... 5. Be open, honest and let your loved ones know if you are struggling.

19 | OCTOBER 2014

five years of my life, I still make sure to keep myself aware of its harm and potential to come back and haunt me. I hope this post encourages you to realize you’re not alone. You have identity and worth in Jesus, and your life truly does have purpose.

The Secret Key to Great Preaching

In John Stott’s classic work Between Two Worlds, he writes: In a world which seems either unwilling or unable to listen, how can we be persuaded to

by Tony Merida

techniques but being mastered by certain convictions. In other words, theology is more important than methodology. (92) This quote captures what I’m trying to

go on preaching, and learn to do so effectively?

do as a pastor and preaching professor,

The essential secret is not mastering certain

equipping younger ministers of the word.

20 | OCTOBER 2014

ORDERING THE PASSION Many assume that preaching profs

What are some of these convictions? Well, there are many. I want students to develop

are either highly focused on technique

an insatiable thirst for Holy Scripture. I want

and style, or that they aren’t capable of

them to go to the pulpit because they love the

teaching a “real discipline” in the academy.

Bible; not go to the Bible because they love

Homiletics is often mocked. You might hear

the pulpit. I want them to embrace the Christ-

things like this: “You can’t teach a guy to

centered nature of Scripture, and for them to

preach.” “I never learned anything from my

show Jesus as the hero of the Bible—and the

preaching professor.” “You can’t listen to him

hero of every sermon they preach. I want them

about hermeneutics, theology or pastoral

to believe that God saves people as the gospel

leadership; he’s just a preaching professor.”

is preached. I want them to believe in the power

When a preacher does/says something

of the Spirit and the necessity of dependent

that’s rhetorically unusual in our chapel, you

prayer in preaching. I want them to remember

might hear, “Now, Dr. Merida may not like

that if they don’t maintain personal holiness, then

this, but this is what I’m about to do … .”

they won’t have a ministry—regardless of their

But I’m not preoccupied with technique

giftedness and cleverness. I want them to long

and methodology. I don’t have a formulaic

for people to say after every sermon, not “what

approach to preaching; I have a theological

a great sermon,” but “what a great Savior.”

approach to preaching. I actually enjoy teaching preaching because so many fields converge there—hermeneutics, systematic theology,

THE KEY TO EFFECTIVE PREACHING Obviously, technique is not unimportant.

biblical theology, missiology, evangelism,

We should work to communicate clearly. Our

pastoral theology, etc. My least favorite part of

sermons should have an understandable

homiletics is technique, oratory and rhetoric.

flow and a dominant idea. We should work to

It’s this theologically driven passion that’s

communicate in such a way that our preaching

led me to espouse expository preaching, which

is intelligible to outsiders as they join the Sunday

is word-driven, word-saturated preaching.

assembly. We should exegete our community

Expository preaching is a theologically driven

and make timely and heart-focused application.

approach, not a pragmatic-driven approach.

We should learn to craft good outlines and to prepare for the listener instead of the reader.

A MATTER OF CONVICTIONS Each semester in my preaching classes,

We should receive feedback humbly and seek to improve our delivery skills. Preaching is both

my goal is not to teach technique; it’s to build,

science and art, and we need good art—so

accent and intensify certain theological and

we should care about how we say things.

spiritual convictions. This isn’t new. The

But the key to effective preaching is

discipline of homiletics is classically studied

not mastering certain techniques; it’s

under the field of practical theology. My aim

being mastered by certain convictions.

is to put forward particular convictions that

That’s why I’ll keep the emphasis here, and

will shape a student for the long haul. Their

not on elements like alliteration, the number

theology will determine their biography; my goal

of points one has, hand motions, clothing or

is to highlight certain theological convictions

platform furniture. No one was ever saved by

that will shape the rest of their ministry.

such things, and no one ever remained faithful

When I read other heroes like Lloyd-Jones,

to the task by focusing on them either.

Piper, Spurgeon and others, it’s not technique

Let’s preach Christ until we see

that they talk about. It’s theology. Why is this?

Christ. Then we won’t need to preach

It’s because one’s theological convictions

anymore. On that day, we won’t regret

impact everything else. That is what will keep

having been faithful to the main thing.

a person preaching when no one seems to be

“The key to effective preaching is not

listening, and when the preacher himself wants

mastering certain techniques, but being

to quit and get a job as a bullpen catcher.

mastered by certain convictions.”

21 | OCTOBER 2014

14 Commandments of Video Preaching Of the estimated 8,000+ multisite churches

When praying or making applications,

by way of video and the other half utilize

include references to the people in the

live-in person teaching. With this many

off-site campuses. Once in a message

people worshiping and receiving spiritual

is all that’s needed to make hundreds of

instruction in this manner, it is very important

people sitting in an auditorium miles away

to keep these “commandments” in mind when delivering sermons live as well as via video. 1. Thou Shalt Omit References to Time, Day, and

by Jim Tomberlin

6. Thou Shalt Help Everyone Feel Included.

in North America, half deliver their sermons

to feel included in their own church. 7. Treat Everyone as Equals No Matter Where They Are. Avoid words like “satellite” and

Weather. The most difficult thing is to remove

“main” campus. They connote in-equality.

all references to time of day, day of the week,

8. Thou Shalt Avoid Awkward References to the

and the weather. Avoid “tonight” or “Saturday.”

Worship Team. References in the message

Better to use words like “today” or “weekend.”

to worship leaders or vocalists by name

2. Thou Shalt Place the Camera Well. Position the camera where it is the easiest and most natural for the speaker to look into. Don’t make

can be awkward or meaningless because they are different at the other campuses. 9. Thou Shalt Avoid Unruly Camera

it awkward for the speaker by forcing him

Shots. Avoid camera shots that remind

to crane his neck to peer into the camera.

viewers that they’re not there such as

3. Thou Shalt Include Everyone. Look directly into the camera near the beginning and end of each message. This makes a video audience feel included. 4. Thou Shalt Practice Good Eye Contact. When speaking, it’s very powerful to look directly into the camera periodically throughout

audience reactions, audience cut-away shots, or side-shots of the speaker. 10. Thou Shalt Keep the Camera Shot Tight. Stay with continual close-up head shots (video needs to feel larger-than-life), minimizing the number of full-stage and full-body shots. 11. Thou Shalt Not Distract Viewers with

the message; especially when addressing

Distracting Backdrops. Make sure the

the off-site campuses and at drive-it-

backdrop behind the speaker is not a

home moments, eyeball the camera.

distraction. Remove anything that isn’t

5. Thou Shalt Use Lighting to Your Advantage.

essential and keep it uncluttered and simple.

Use camera lights in a way so that the

12. Thou Shalt Include Images That Correspond

speaker will know which camera is the

with Speaker References. Make sure the

live camera. In other words, make it easy

videocast includes anything the speaker

for the speaker to do their job well.

references (For example: “That’s her picture you’re now seeing on the screen.”) 13. Thou Shalt Make Sure Every Speaker Knows These Commandments. Be sure to give these guidelines to any guest speakers so that they too can make the most of your church’s video ministry. 14. Thou Shalt Smile as Much as Possible. Smiling helps connect your audience and keep people engaged. Smile a lot! Remember as you prepare your messages to be mindful that you’re teaching a multisite flock that encompasses more than those in the room with you. They see you as their pastor and spiritual leader. They feel connected to you, they love you. They come because of the spiritual teaching they receive from you.

22 | OCTOBER 2014

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