...they came for
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Transformational Worship
On Thursday and Friday, Feb 18-19, Jacksonville, FL was the site of the 2010 Gospel Heritage Praise & Worship Conference. Thousands were in attendance both days as leaders in creative arts ministries were blessed by classes, seminars, showcases and services that brought together the foremost psalmists, theologians, teachers, preachers and practitioners in Gospel. Keynote speakers included Bishop Rudolph McKissick (Thurs. am), Bishop Noel Jones (Thurs pm), and Min. Kirk Franklin (Fri. am). Psalmists for the two days were Min. Stephen Hurd, Dr. Judy McAllister, Vashawn Mitchell, and Kathy Taylor. On Friday night, the celebration focused on Gospel Today’s 21st Anniversary. That night, a concert Gala featured Johnathan Nelson, Vanessa Bell Armstrong, Bishop Paul S. Morton Sr, Pastor Donnie McClurkin and Bishop Hezekiah Walker. One of the highlights of the conference that had all the attendees buzzing was All4One—a choir that traveled from Sweden to participate in the conference. The choir ministered on Friday morning
Min. Stephen Hurd
and blessed the conference with its purity and simplicity. For more information on the conference: Gospelheritage.org, or call 770-719-4825.
Bishop McKissick Ministers
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All 4 One (from Sweden)
Kirk Franklin Ministers
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Min Johnathan Nelson
Vanessa Bell Armstrong
God impressed upon my spirit the theme “Transformational Worship,” said Dr. Teresa Hairston, founder and president of GHF. “When you worship God in spirit and in truth— when you open your heart, soul and mind to God, not just in the sanctuary (in public), but in your private times, in your personal prayer closet -there is a metamorphosis that takes place—there is a complete change in you—the Holy Spirit supernaturally changes and alters your mind— you don’t think the same, you don’t talk the same and you don’t live the same. “When you experience true worship you never leave the same way—true worship transforms you.”
Dr. Teresa Hairston
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by Bunnie Jackson Ransom
If you’re looking to expand your spirituality, you might consider participating in church activities or making new friends who share your desire to learn more about religion; or another way to combine all of these ideas is to travel to the land of Jesus’ birth. What better way to experience the Bible as a “history book” than on a pilgrimage - from the Galilee region of northern Israel to the Holy city of Jerusalem, explore other biblical cities and places where Jesus
preached, and pay homage at the sites of his death, burial and resurrection. This fall, Exploritas, a non-profit educational travel organization known for its exceptional educational travel programs, offers a 12-day journey, In the Footsteps of Christ: Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, based on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, where much of Jesus’ ministry occurred, Jerusalem and Egypt. “The heart of what Exploritas offers is the pursuit of lifelong learning and the significant health
benefits of keeping mentally engaged,” says Kathy Taylor, associate vice president of community development at Exploritas. “My mission is to build awareness of the benefits of learning through travel in the African American community and an extraordinary part of that is the opportunity to develop programs such as this journey to the Holy Land, which we created as a special program for the church community,” Taylor adds. “It’s a unique in-depth spiritual exploration that really is hands-on learning at its best.” Bible passages will come to life and add special depth to interpretation of scripture: visit the
sites of the Sermon on the Mount and the Miracle of Loaves and Fishes; see the Baptismal Center on the Jordan River and learn about Elijah’s altar at the Monastery at Mukhraka at Mount Carmel; learn about the inn of the Good Samaritan and Masada, the fortress where the Jewish Zealots valiantly fought the armies of the Roman Empire; visit the Chapel of the Ascension, Garden of Gethsemane and Church of All Nations. On Mount Zion, explore the Room of the Last Supper and King David’s Tomb. “As a professor at Morehouse College, I recognize the educational value of the Pilgrimage to the Holy Land,” says Reverend John Brown,
PROGRAM #18562
Exploritas is proud to offer a once-in-a-lifetime journey to the Holy Land. Bring the Bible to life and add special depth to your interpretation of scripture as you follow in the footsteps of Jesus of Nazareth and the children of Israel. Program Only: Starting at $2,450 per person, double occupancy With Airfare: Starting at $3,350 per person, double occupancy, from New York. VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.EXPLORITAS.ORG. photo courtesy of Alfio Garozzo
Exploritas is the new program name of Elderhostel, Inc.
associate pastor at Cascade United Methodist Church in Atlanta, whose bible study group will be attending the Exploritas Holy Land program in November. “[Visiting the Holy Land] should be a living history lesson for us. We have confirmed about 32 participants [from our church community] - and growing, to take this educational journey; we plan to get started with a study group to prepare us to learn as much as we can about the life and times of Jesus relative to what we will experience on this
program.” Much more than a typical travel trip, a visit to the Holy Land is an educational opportunity; and, for many, a once-in-alifetime occasion. To follow in the footsteps of Jesus of Nazareth and the children of Israel and to journey through the Sinai Desert, to the site of the burning bush and on to Cairo, Africa’s largest city and home to a grand, age-old culture, is a history lesson not to be overlooked.
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About Exploritas Exploritas (pronounced ek splôr´ i tahs) is the new name for the programs developed and offered by Elderhostel, Inc., the not-forprofit world leader in lifelong learning and educational travel since 1975. Exploritas programs empower adults to explore the world’s places, peoples, cultures and ideas, and in so doing to discover more about themselves. Each year, Exploritas participants visit every state and more than 90 countries on thousands of programs, from “Intergenerational” learning experiences bringing together grandchildren and their grandparents or “Adventures Afloat” shipboard voyages, to one-day “Day of Discovery” explorations or active Outdoor Adventure programs, and more. Exploritas programs strive to bring together passionate, diverse participants and worldclass instructors to foster engaging discussions. We are committed to continually developing new and stimulating programs that reflect the shifting realities and emerging trends of our ever-changing world. The fellowship of learning and the joy of discovery are the hallmarks of the Exploritas program experience.
A Conference f ffor Couples p in Ministryy March 4-6, 2010
Alvin Love & CeCe Winans Love
“Unless Two Agree ” Superintendent Stan & Bishop Vashti McKenzie Pastors Gary & Maya Taylor Hosted by Bishop Alfred A. Owens, Jr. & Co-Pastor Susie C. Owens
Bishop Johnathan & Dr. Toni Alvarado
Pastors Bill & D’Ann Johnson Gaylord National Resort and Conference Center 201 Waterfront Street National Harbor, MD 20745 301.965.2000 $400.00 per couple (on or before 2/5/10) $450.00 per couple (after 2/5/10) Includes: Entrance into all sessions, registration materials, evening receptions and luncheon
Room Rate $159/night (plus tax)
Room Block Ministry Couples Institute
Room Block Deadline February 5, 2010
Please mail this form to: Ministry Couples Institute Greater Mount Calvary Holy Church 610 Rhode Island Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002 Make all checks payable to:
Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church Please do not send cash. No refunds will be issued after 2/5/10 For more information call: (202) 529-4547
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