Changing the Way We Do Church, One Pew at a Time
MO NT HOL LY W H L Y N E 350 OOD FG WSLE T 4 B A m i G r e a t N C AT H T E R O F EDR tyvi eck lle, AL Roa TEL NY 117 d (631 EPHON 01 ) 84 E 2-70 FAC 91 (631 SIMIL E ) 84 2-70 97
August 2009
Volume 2, Number 1
Delegation from Hollywood Headed to Harvard University
Page 4
Bishop Andy C. Lewter, D. Min. Senior Pastor
Nearly one hundred children gathered in the sanctuary of the Hollywood Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral for the closing exercises of the church’s Vacation Bible School under the directorship of Minister Carolyn Brown Read More on Page 3 Young people from Vacation Bible School
For years, the lower level of the church has been known as the Potters House and has been the home to church dinners, Sunday School classes, Junior Church, rehearsals and other activities. But now the lower level is under a major renovation that will turn the space into a modern small theatre venue. Read More on Page 3
Dr, Henry Louis Gates
Ronnie Mays
Anyone visiting one of the worship services at the Hollywood Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral could not help but to see a 6’2” usher at the door who was a giant of a man with a stature that was as grand as his smile. Ronnie Mays, beloved member of the church passed on Sunday July 19, 2009. Read More on Page 3
Welcome to our ministry news magazine for August. We trust you will enjoy what we are bringing to you this month
The Cathedral Times Newsletter, 3504 Great Neck Road, Amityville, NY | (631) 842-7091 |
From the Desk of the Bishop Andy C. Lewter, D. Min. THE PROFESSOR AND THE POLICE OFFICER
Dr. Henry Louis Gates
Cathedral Times Staff Bishop Andy C. Lewter Publisher Elder Mary Thomas Editor Administration Nadine Johnson Karen Lanham Betty Hickson The Cathedral Times is a publication of the Hollywood Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral located at 3504 Great Neck Road, Amityville, NY 11701 (631) 842-7091. The newsletter is distributed free each month and welcomes contributions from its church membership and friends. Please contact us for information on how to include news items and comments.
It began as an unfortunate exchange between a Harvard scholar and a local policeman that should have barely lasted through the news cycle of one day. Then, at the end of an hour long press conference with the president on Health Care Re fo r m , c a m e wh at appeared to be an innocent question about the event. The president spoke from the heart and his comments reflected his respect and friendship of the Harvard scholar. Suddenly, an event that was barely newsworthy became the center of a controversy that dominated the news cycle for over a week. In the end, the president confessed that he perhaps could have “calibrated his words a bit better” and the police officer and the professor agreed to come to the White House for a beer. Outside the immediate circle of the president, professor and police officer, a number of notable voices expressed their opinions on the subject. The collective conversation on the topic provided what the president would later call a “teachable moment” and an opportunity to talk about the lingering question of race that America is still skiddish over.
that the police department dropped the charges is an indication that the department was not convinced that it had a case” said noted journalist and political commentator Roland Martin from CNN. These and so many other incidents experienced by African American men points to the fact that despite having made enormous progress in recent years, and with even having an African American in the White House, the issue of racial profiling and a lingering tension between the Black community and the law enforcement community still exists. Congratulations Eastern Baptist Association Finally, I would like to commend Pastor William A. Watson who has just completed his tenure as Moderator of the Eastern Baptist Association. I also would like to congratulate Pastor Alvin Barnett, who has succeeded him in the office of the Moderator.
“Where I come from, if you are right you move forward with the process. The fact The Cathedral Times Newsletter, 3504 Great Neck Road, Amityville, NY 11701 | (631) 842-7091 |
Vacation Bible School faculty
Worship with First Baptist
Nearly one hundred children gathered in the sanctuary of the Hollywood Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral for the closing exercises of the church’s Vacation Bible School under the directorship of Minister Carolyn Brown. For one week the students met at the church to engage in a series of lessons provided by the volunteer faculty of the program. In addition to the teaching program, the students were treated to several field trips that included Adventure Land and a local museum. FINAL FAREWELL TO BROTHER RONNIE MAYS
Anyone visiting one of the worship services at the Hollywood Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral could not help but to see a 6’2” usher at the door who was a giant of a man with a stature that was as grand as his smile. Ronnie Mays, beloved member of the church passed on Sunday July 19, 2009.
That following Wednesday a delegation of over thirty people travelled to the Bronx, New York to say goodbye to one of their favorite members at the Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church, pastored by Rev. James Morrison. Ronnie Mays was a member of the Usher Board and Culinary Ministry. He will be sorely missed by all. LITTLE THEATER NEAR COMPLETION
For years, the lower level of the church has been known as the Potters House and has been the home to church dinners, Sunday School classes, Junior Church, rehearsals and other activities. But now the lower level is under a major renovation that will turn the space into a modern small theatre venue that will continue to meet the needs of the past but will expand its usage to now include poetry readings, theatre productions, gospel showcases, bible college classes, youth worship services and any other activities that lends itself to a theatre type program. The renovation of the space is the most recent effort of the church to re-program itself to serve its population with fresh, new and innovative events.
Recently, the Hollywood Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral hosted Bishop A. D. Lyons and the First Baptist Church of Brownsville, NY for a special fellowship service. First Baptist Church is one of a limited number of churches in the New York area that belong to the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship. Bishop Lyons recently retired from serving as the Bishop of Metropolitan NY for the fellowship.
The Cathedral Times Newsletter, 3504 Great Neck Road, Amityville, NY 11701 | (631) 842-7091 |
Hollywood Full Gospel Baptist Delegation Headed to Harvard University TWO DAYS OF INTENSIVE STUDY ON THE CAMPUS OF HARVARD YARD
Twice a year bishops, overseers,
pastors and clergy-persons from around the country gather on the campuses of major institutions to engage in a two day intensive on theological studies. This month that summer intensive will be held on the campus of Harvard University and will take place on August 25th and August 26th. The intensive will include lectures from Bishop Noel Jones of Los Angeles, CA and Dr. Marla Fredericks who teaches at the WEB Dubois Institute. Several members of the Hollywood Full Gospel Baptist
Cathedral will be among those in attendance on the campus of Harvard University this month. In the past, members of the church have made up the staff of the intensive as well as members of the student body. Members of the church will stay at the Sheraton Commander Hotel in Cambridge, MA. In addition to the lectures, the students will be treated to a special tour that will include Memorial Church, the official chapel on the campus of Harvard University and the academic buildings that make up what is affectionately known as “Harvard Yard”.
Pastoral Cell Study Group Started Beginning in the month of July, Bishop Lewter has launched a small group study ministry that meets weekly. The ministry is currently offered to the Elders and Ministers of the church and meets each Tuesday at the home of the Bishop in
Massapequa. Each week, the group studies a Biblical passage that anticipates the Sunday School lesson for the coming Sunday. Special attention is given to the Hebrew or Greek linguistic background of the text. The group will meet for six
weeks after which they will break off into multiple groups and be used as an evangelistic effort of the church.
Supporting the Rock the Block Annual Event
proud to be churches of Youth event 2009 at the
Hollywood Full Gospel B a p t i s t Cathedral was one of the sponsoring the “Rock the Block” on Saturday, July 25, Bolden Mack Park in
North Amityville. The event was a coming together of the Ministerial Alliance of North Amityville and Vicinity along with Mike James. Mike James is a National Basketball Association star that returns to his roots in Amityville each year to sponsor an all-star game in
conjunction with Pastor Jack of F r e e d o m C h a p e l a n d Te e n Challenge. N e a r l y 1000 youths a n d residents turned out.
The Cathedral Times Newsletter, 3504 Great Neck Road, Amityville, NY | (631) 842-7091 |
Around the Church
Annual Bowling League Resumes Over the Summer The Hollywood Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral seeks to be the kind of church that offers an inclusive and balanced ministry. Toward that end, the annual Summer Bowling League of the church launched its 2009 program. The program is under the direction of Brother Iverson Smith and is available to members and non-members alike. This is the second year that the church league has operated and again it has attracted a large number of members, along with their family and friends, to the weekly event. The league will last through August and awards will be given at the close of the season that will recognize outstanding p e r fo r m a n c e s o n t h e p a r t o f t h e participants. Bowling is done at Farmingdale Lanes located on Conklin Avenue in the neighboring village of Farmingdale off of Route 110.
DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE On Saturday, July 18, 2009, the lower level of the Hollywood Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral was turned into an expanded classroom to facilitate a special “defensive driving” course that was offered by local insurance company, Met Life. Approximately 50 people gathered in the basement of the church to watch a film and hear a lecture from a defensive driving expert.
Some of the items that were covered in the class included the danger in using the telephone while driving. Attention was also given to the practice of “texting” while driving and the associated dangers that come with the practice. Also, some of the more traditional items that are associated with defensive driving were covered as well, such as, knowing the safe distance a driver should Minister Anthony and Lynn Davis announce new baby maintain while behind another vehicle. Many of the students were surprised to learn that cars that are in front of you have the “right of way” when it comes to changing lanes. This means that it Congratulations to Minister is improper to speed up and not allow Anthony and Sister Lynn another car to change lanes and end up in Davis on the birth of their front of you. son, Josiah Davis Those who completed the course were entitled to either have up to three points removed from their license or they could qualify for a reduction on their insurance premium payment.
MONROE STREET PARKING LOT GRAVELED BY LOCAL BUSINESS Race past the corner of Great Neck Road and Monroe Street and you will see that the parking lot of the church has recently been covered with gravel that has greatly improved the surface of the area. A special thanks to Brother Bruce Green and the company that he works for, for the donation of material and equipment.
Minister Linda Taylor Congratulations to Minister Linda Taylor who preached her first sermon this past month at the Hollywood Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral
The Cathedral Times Newsletter, 3504 Great Neck Road, Amityville, NY 11701 | (631) 842-7091 |
Manna Newspaper Examines Impact of Michael Jackson on the Church Community A LOOK AT THE MAN IN THE MIRROR The Ministerial Alliance of North Amityville and Vicinity is proud to produce and publish a quarterly newspaper that reflects the collective work of churches and ministries of central Long Island. Last month, Mana’s n e w s p a p e r, M a n n a , published their summer issue with a lead story about Michael Jackson and the impact that his music has had on the lives of people in the church community. The story also invited the readers to examine to what degree the musical career of Michael Jackson has caused us to look at the man in the mirror or ourselves. Bishop Lewter, who serves as the managing editor of the newspaper, was joined by Dr. David Robinson, pastor of Shaw Temple African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in Amityville in providing a pastoral perspective on the life and music of Michael Jackson.
In addition to the lead story, the newspaper also acknowledged the tenure and longevity of Dr. Andy C. “Daddy” Lewter for his 50 years of service to the Hollywood Baptist Church and the Long Island church community. The newspaper covers a number of other topics such as major events that are going on in the church community, civic activism, gospel events, editorials, meditations, Christian Education and other items of journalistic interest. Manna Newspaper is President Roy Kirton distributed free and is available at a number of locations in the Amityville, Copaigue, East Farmingdale, Wyandanch, West Babylon, North Babylon, East Massapequa and Deer Park areas. Dr. David Robinson
Michae l
Dr. Andy C. “Daddy” Lewter celebrating 50 years of being on Long Island
Michael Jackson Memorial Program
The Cathedral Times Newsletter, 3504 Great Neck Road, Amityville, NY 11701 | (631) 842-7091 |
Mike James, NBA Star
NBA Star Mike James speaks at the Rock the Block Event held at the Bolden Mack Park in North Amityville
FR O M :
3 5 0 4 G re at N ec k R oa d A m it yv il le , NY 1170 1
August 2009
Volume 2, Number 1