Gospel Today Online 5-30-09

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wedded bliss! Bishop Joseph Walker

Bishop Joseph Walker weds Dr. Stephaine Hale Nashville’s Mt. Zion Baptist Church was the setting for the exchange of vows that united Bishop Joseph Walker and Dr.

gos p e l today | Jun 1, ‘09

Stephaine M. Hale in holy matrimony.


Walker, who hails from Shreveport, LA, came to Nashville in the early 90s to assume the pastorate of a historic church, which he has proceeded to transform into the largest urban megachurch in the city. The bride, a neonatologist, resided in Boston prior to the marriage, but had already known Walker from her college days, when she attended Mt. Zion. The bride’s pastor sparked the union, when he suggested to her that Walker was

“someone she should meet.” Walker, a widower for the past three or so years, beamed with joy during the entire service and reception. The bridesmaids wore rose-beige colored, exquisitely designed, formal dresses, and the groomsmen wore black tuxedos. Several pastors from around the country attended and participated in the ceremony, notably, Bishop Eddie Long (pictured r), who served as Walker’s best man and charged the couple to keep their marriage “exciting.” Musical performers included psalmists, Norman Hutchins, Judy McAllister, and Tonya Baker. The couple will reside in Nashville.

photo credit: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

same-sex marriage are you ready for it?

For some years, same-sex marriage (SSM) has been near or at the top of any list of leading religious/secular/political controversies in North America. It is complex, divisive, and not readily amenable to compromise. After all, U.S. states either allow SSM or ban it. Proposition 8, which defines marriage as only between a man and a woman, is the constitutional ban that prohibits SSM. On May 26, 2009, the California Supreme Court upheld Proposition 8, but allowed existing same-sex marriages to stand.

gosp e l today | Jun 1, ‘09

Any change, or threat of change, to


In a society that acknowledges “change” as its mantra; should the definition of marriage be subject to a “new interpretation”?

the culture is distressing to many

less so, Republicans opposed. t Religion: Conservatives

people. But a change to the structure

opposed; religious liberals and

of the fundamental building block of

secularists for.

society -- the family -- can be particularly upsetting. SSM has split the U.S. by: t Age: Youth and young adults

t Geography: The northeast and west coast for; the rest against. This month, Washington, DC, became the first place in the U.S. with

are generally for SSM; the elderly are

a large percentage of black residents to


make a forceful outcry against SSM.

t Political affiliation: Democrats in are favor, Independents

Bishop Harry Jackson, a pastor from Beltsville, MD, stated, “"I am

w w w . g o s p e l t o d a y. c o m Volume 20 | Number 2 | GT’s Annual Youth & Family Issue

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In 2004, Massachusetts

the Armageddon of the marriage

became the first state to allow


same-sex couples to marry.

“'We will have an army of

California and Connecticut

signature collectors out in the

became the second and third in

community and into the churches,”


said Jackson. He plans to lead a

may june


While it seems that there is great opposition to SSM,

around the country to Capitol Hill

especially among Christians,

this week to urge lawmakers to

there is a growing segment of

intervene in D.C.'s decision to

the Christian populace that is

debate whether to recognize same-

advocating “tolerance.” What is

sex marriages performed

your opinion?

elsewhere. The Washington Post reports that Jackson will have until early July to collect signatures from 5% of registered voters, which would be 21,000 signatures. According to religioustolerance.org, “Most

American adults currently oppose SSM, but the trend is towards increasing acceptance. If current trends continue, most American adults will be supportive of SSM sometime in the early to middle 2010's. In 1948, California became the first state in the U.S. to allow interracial couples to marry. U.S. Supreme Court changed the definition of marriage in 1967 and made interracial marriage available to loving, committed couples across the entire country.



“If I could be anything in life, I would be a good father to my girls. And that would be the greatest gift I could offer.” —president barack obama

While I have many friends that are gay and I fully support their decision to live their lives as they choose, I do not support same sex marriage. Francine Finley As a believer of the word, I HAVE to be against "same sex" marriage. GOD created Eve to be with Adam, NOT Steve! We need the word more than ever! Nicolette Robinson

U.S. $3.50 / CAN $4.50

A Final Farewell to


discrimination. Clearly the Word of God teaches against it. In addition to that, though, so does common sense. The overwhelming majority of States have adopted policies that would lend themselves to marriage being between one man and one woman. I love people no matter what sexual orientation. I, however, can not sanction that which abandons the law of God and the law of common sense. Donald Morton God gave mankind freedom of choice. If people choose to live in homosexual relationships, they have that choice. They must also accept the consequences of those choices. According to Romans 1:24-28, God will allow it. Hopefully, they will take their vows seriously because the vows will certainly be "for better or worse....in sickness and in health...until death do we part." Diseases, perversions, and God's judgement is the price they cont. on p. 7

What do you think? Post a comment (gospeltoday.ning.com) or send us an email (gospeltodaymag@aol.com ) and let us know. We are anxious to hear from you.

Jun 1, ‘09 | gosp e l today

Another 19 years passed before the

Here’s what some Facebook-ers had to say on the subject of SSM:

People have attempted to disguise same sex marriage as a civil rights issue. The attempt to make it parallel to the struggle for parity that African Americans had to obtain is without merit. Other than persecution, there is no irreparable damage done to homosexuals as a people, particulary when there is no real evidence of economic


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Bishop Richard “Mr. Clean” White Honored by Atlanta and Gospel Industry By Bishop Andy C. Lewter, D. Min.

While the memory of Pastor Timothy Wright is still fresh in the minds of many in the gospel community, a more concerted effort is being made by many in the gospel and church community to give flowers to significant individuals while they still can be seen and smelled. That is, in part, what is behind a recent effort to honor and celebrate the life of Bishop Richard White who serves as a pastor in the Church of God in Christ in Atlanta, GA, but also is the Chapter Representative to the Gospel Music Workshop of America from Atlanta, GA. “I am sure that at some point in time during your walk in ministry one of “Mr. Clean’s” songs has been a blessing to your life. He has penned hundreds of songs recorded by several prominent national recording artists across the globe. To have such a gem in the midst of us has proven to be quite a blessing and we want to take out some time to show him how much we love and appreciate him, as we honor in Black Music Month.” says Evangelist Deborah Williams, Assistant Chapter Representative in Atlanta. On Sunday, June 7, 2009, friends and supports of Bishop While will gather at the New Beginning Full Gospel Baptist Church at 923 Vallybrook Road in Decatur, GA to honor and celebrate the man that has come to be known in endearing terms as “Mr. Clean”. The program will take place at 5 PM and will include a stellar array of guest, both local and national, that will be cont. on p. 8

cont. from p 5 Same sex...cont. from p 5

must be willing to pay. (Rev. 22:1015) Same Sex Marriages Sure! Would I vote for it? HELL (lifestyles)No! Yolanda Burroughs

We (the church) get sidetracked by trying to make the sanctity of marriage the foundation of the discussion. We should really begin with the sanctity of sex, and God's purpose for it (procreation rather than recreation), then move forward from there. God is love, and he wants loving relationships to develop between all his human creations. However we have to Biblical & lovingly differentiate between love and sex, and why God gave us these gifts.

Loving someone doesn't mean sleeping with them - and that goes for heterosexual relationships too. Mark Ribbins All I have to say to sum it all up is to hate the sin but love the sinner. Christal Tolbert Doc, your ministry is your business, which is to inform through Gospel Today, through print and internet media. When we as Christians stop living in the four walls of our minds and of the church, we may be better equipped to love people to change and repentance. Whatever way you plan to use the issue of same sex marriage in your publication, because I know of your integrity, I know it will be done to educate and inform and to cause

Jun 1, ‘09 | gosp e l today

God placed a tree in the Garden of Eden and said, "Do not eat of this tree," yet clearly it was an option. I believe that in America, it should be legal, and provide the same rights and benefits. Whether we like it or not, America was founded on Biblical principles and to deny the freedom of choice to an entire group of people would be equivalent to removing the heart the of God from this great nation. We allow Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, etc the right to live against our beliefs yet they enjoy the same (in the case of Muslims more) benefits that we Christians have.

While I certainly do not condone sin or promote it, I must echo the Words of God as recorded in Deuteronomy 30:19, "I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life." William C. Rucker

cont. on p. 8 7

Same sex...cont. from p. 7

REAL dialogue in the church, something that is forever lacking. The reality is this though...same sex or opposite sex...same needs and same problems, therefore SAME needs to see God's love. When will we stop making same sex relationship the biggest sin in the world? The homosexuals of this world are not going anywhere, we need to learn to love and be inclusive instead of so arrogant and exclusive. How will we EVER bring them to change, that should not be what consumes us, love should consume us. Millie Phaeton Personally the question that has always been on the forefront of my mind is: Why should someone’s sexual preference become a public issue? Sex is something that happens behind closed doors or at least it should, in the privacy of one's bedroom. Why would my partner and I need the consent, approval, and acceptance of others, especially a nation of people? Sharon Jenkins

gos p e l today |

Jun 1, ‘09

No matter what we, the “people” say, it matters much more what the scriptures have already said. On another note, if you want to employ those who have chosen an alternative lifestyle, that is your prerogative. Dan A Thomas Jr


Somebody told me, "it's not our business what other people do" What? Of course it is!! We all live in this society, don't we? We can vote on things, we each have a voice, whether we want to believe it's heard or not!!! I say, CLEARLY, Marriage is between MAN and WOMAN!!! This same person told me they have

I don't agree with it ...It's dead wrong ...But I refuse To Judge Gay People ...I give them Truth and let it be...I have watch countless saints run Gay people out of they church ...and allow the DL Brothers to stick around because they can play the organ ...It's not O.K.!

rights. Of course they do, just like everyone else. I however don't think this is a rights issue!! Would I have the right to marry an animal? The answer to that, "It's not natural!!" Exactly!!! You can't just make up something, and justify why you think it's right, so now it's right!!! NO!! I will not be trying to get a law passed, to marry an animal!! LOL Lonnie Lowe Though misguided, they are human beings and their perspective is espoused by many even by some Christians. Biblically as written in Leviticus 18, God sees such behavior as an abomination. If you're using them to bring biblical clarity, to express the Lord's position as a contrast, then by all means use them. Hopefully, others will be lead to Him and deliverance. Jon Paul Preyer

I don't agree with it ...It's dead wrong ...But I refuse To Judge Gay People ...I give them Truth and let it be...I have watch countless saints run Gay people out of they church ...and allow the DL Brothers to stick around because they can play the organ ...It's not O.K.! Stop Running Gay People Out of the Church !!!!...With Love and The WORD which is the Truth ...People Will Change....I sure did.. and there is nothing Gay about me !!!...Kjones approved Keita Jones The Lord did not make male and male to marry, but male and female. Our country has really gone wild thinking that this should be accepted in our society. I think the Lord is not pleased with the government for allowing it and us for condoning it. Veneeta Phelps

Richard White cont. from p. 6

in attendance to let Bishop White know to what degree that he is loved and appreciated by his peers and colleagues. While all of us would like to think that our final farewell will be a major events that will attract those whose lives we have touched, there is still something to be said about saying thank you and we love you from meaningful people in your life while you can still hear it with living ears.




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