Manna Newspaper

Page 1

Summer 2009

Freedom Chapel Opens New Church Building Page 4

JD Lawrence: The Man Of Many Faces Page 6



Forces Us to Look at “The Man in the Mirror�

A Publication of the Ministerial Alliance of North Amityville and VicinitY (MANA)


Manna News • Summer 2009

Vol.02 • No.03 Summer 2009

MANNA Newspaper staff Pastor Roy Kirton MANA President Dr. David Robinson Executive Editor Bishop Andy C. Lewter Managing Editor Pastor Elena L. Mayfield Dynamic Creative Solutions Design & Layout Deacon Calvin Watt Distribution

Editorial Editorial From President’s Roy Kirton From thethe President’s Desk:Desk: PastorPastor Roy Kirton 1 I exhort therefore, of all,2:1-3 (KJV) thy to do that, in 1 first Timothy 1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supsupplications, prayers, intercessions, plications, intercessions, and giving On June 23rd, I left go to of thanks, andtogiving be prayers, made for all On June 23rd I left my office to my go aoffice of thanks, be made for all men; a seminary class in Lower Manhattan. I Seminary class in Lower Manhattan. I men; Forall kings, andinfor boarded the some train reading with some mate2 For kings, and2 for that are au-all that are in authorboarded the train with ma- reading rial for my travel time to the Big Apple. As ity; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable terial for my travel time to the Big Apple. thority; that we may lead a quiet and I sat, I noticed a copy of Newsday and pro- life in all godliness and honesty. peaceable honAs I sat I noticed copy of Newsday andpages. For this isand good and acceptable in the ceededa to quickly scroll the When life I in all3 godliness esty. proceededgot to to quickly scroll the pages. the obituary notices there was a filing sight of God our Saviour; 3 For this is good When I gotoftoa the obituary notices there acceptable in gives a lesson to Ms.and Gray’s example woman named Emma Gray. As stated believers in of herabio, Ms. Gray, died atthe agesight 95 was was a filing woman namedwho Emma of Godallour Saviour;of the importance of prayer. I in in Edgefield, Carolina. She was would tremble to think how history would Gray. As born stated her bio,South Ms. Gray, have gone if athis cleaning woman, who raised by her grandfather who was aMs. former who died at age 95 was born in EdgeGray’s example gives lesson to was placed in the White House by the Holy slave. She migrated to Washington D.C. in field, South Carolina. She was raised by all believers of the importance of prayer. 1943, and obtained a job as a custodian for Spirit, did not obey God. There is much turher grandfather who was a former slave. I would tremble to think how history the White House. For more than 24 years, moil in our country and world today, and it have is gone if thisthat cleaning She migrated to her Washington in atwould during cleaning D.C. tenure the White imperative we, as believers, pray earwoman, who was placed in the White 1943 and obtained a job as a custodian House, she come into the Oval Office and nestly for President Barack Obama. He is by the Holy Spirit,placed did notthere obeyby God, but he needs for the White House. For more than 24overHouse spent a moment in prayer the Presiour leader dent’s In her prayer for the President our prayer I challenge each of you God. There is much turmoilsupport. in our counyear, during her chair. cleaning tenure at the she she would ask God bless him today, to do and as Ms. Emma Gray, “so that we may trygive and world it is imperative White House, come into theto Oval Of-him, wisdom and pray for hisover safety.that Her lead a pray quietearnestly and peaceable we,story as believers, for life in all godlifice and spend a moment in prayer reminded me of what Paul instructed Timoness and honesty.” the President’s chair. In her prayer for President Barack Obama. He is our the President she would ask God to bless leader placed there by God, but he needs him, give him wisdom and pray for his our prayer support. I challenge each of safety. Her story reminded me of what you to do as Ms. Emma Gray “so that we Paul instructed Timothy do in 1 Timo- may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and honesty.” thy 2:1-3 (KJV) Dear Manna Readers Dear Manna Readers

Message From the Executive Editor

Pastors Need Prayer and Encouragement

Contributors Pastor John Davis Nadine Johnson


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By Rev. Dr. David I. Robinson

with conflict, will be able to lead their flock safely through while building a culture of Pastors serve on the front lines of the peace within the church. spiritual war that engulfs this world. All too The bible admonishes us in Hebrews often their greatest battles takes place within 12:14, “Follow peace with all men, and hothe church itself, where they are caught in liness, without no man shall see the Lord.” the crossfire of personal, theological, and Hebrews 13:17, states with trumpet or congregational conflicts. These endless clarity, Obey them that have the rule over skirmishes leave many pastors---and their you, and submit yourselves: for they watch families---so exhausted and wounded that for your souls, as they must give account, they lose their joy for ministry, or they leave that they may do it with joy, and not with the pastorate altogether. grief. Human conflict is a given in families, For those of you who love the local marriages, churches, small groups, and the church, and want it to reflect the glory of the world. I encourage all God fearing mem- God of peace, pray earnestly for your Pastor Pastors serve on the front lines of safely through while building a culbers regardless of denomination to pray for and family that God will lead them as they the spiritual war that engulfs this ture of peace within the church. your Pastor that he/she when confronted lead us. world. All too often their greatest batThe bible admonishes us in Hetles takes place within the church itself, where they are caught in the brews 12:14, Follw peace with all men, crossfire of personal, theological, and and holiness, without no man shall or congregational conflicts. These see the Lord. endless skirmishes leave many pasSociologicalexImpact of African 13:17, states with trumBishop Noel Jones, best knowntors---and for his Cultural Hebrews their and families---so American Religion,” and Bishop Lewter phenomenal preaching, will be changing Obey them that have the hausted and wounded that they lose pet clarity,will on “The Theological of and submit yourselves: hats, to a certain degree, from pulpiteer to forlecture rule over you, their joy ministry, or they leave the Contributions Schleiermacher to Rauschenbusch.” scholarly professor. pastorate altogether. for they watch for your souls, as they In addition to the lectures, those attending On Tuesday, August 25- and Wednesday, must give account, that they may do August 26, 2009, Bishop Jones will be joined will be treated to a special tour of Harvard Human conflict is a given in famiit withfamous joy, and not with grief. by Harvard Professor, Marla Fredericks and University that will include the world marriages, churches, small Dubois Institute, Widener Library, the WEB Bishop Andy C. Lewter, Harvardlies, Divingroups, and world.American I encourage For those of you who love the thethe African Studies Department, ity School alumni, and Bishop of Christian Memorial Church, and the associated build-and want it to reflect the Education for the Full Gospel Baptistall Church God fearing members regardless of local church, Fellowship Department of Christiandenomination Educa- ingstothat make up “Harvard Yard.” pray for your Pastor glory of the God of peace, pray tion, to offer a series of lectures for the There confronted is still time with available to register, earnestly for your Pastor and family that2009 he/she when Summer Theological Intensive. Bishop simply contact the Intensive Coordinator at conflict, will be able to lead their flock that God will lead them as they lead Jones will lecture on the “Psychology of (516) 223-3855 or visit the official website Bishop Noel Jones Religion.” Dr. Fredericks will lecture on the at:

Message from the Executive Editor

Pastors Need Prayer and Encouragement

Lectures and Tours at Harvard this Summer

Manna News • Summer 2009

Spring 2009 • Manna News • 3


Churches On The Move Freedom Chapel Opens New Church

Easter Sunday crowd

On Easter Sunday the ministry of Teen Challenge Long Island opened the Freedom Chapel International Worship Center. More than one thousand assembled as the worship leader, Susan Quintyne rang out “The Spirit of the Lord is here, The Spirit of the Lord is here, I feel Him in the atmosphere, The Spirit of the Lord is here, The Spirit of the Lord is here.” I don’t think that Senior Pastor Jimmy Jack could have ever imagined that his conversion to Christ, from a life of drug addiction in 1984, could have resulted in this end. The new edifice is a hallmark to the work of grace that God has done in his life. In 1989 Jimmy, along with wife Mariam, pioneered the Long Is-

land Teen Challenge. Teen Challenge is a faith based drug and alcohol program which was initially birthed out of the vision of Reverend David Wilkerson more than 50 years ago. Pastor Jimmy and Miriam are graduates of the program. In 1990 the Jacks used their home to establish a 2 bed Men’s Crisis Program. Later that year they developed a Coffee House Outreach in the VFW in Amityville. Within two years they had expanded to a fifteen bed Crisis Center. In 1993 Freedom Chapel, an affiliate of the Assemblies of God, was established. The ministry would continue to expand to include a ten bed Ladies Home. With the acquisition of the three acre Stallone Es-

Balcony view of new church.


Manna News • Summer 2009

tate in North Babylon the ministry now provides long term residential treatment for both men and women. The Freedom Chapel-Teen Challenge Ministry currently includes the following outreaches: Rock the Block, Urban Outreach Santiago Teen Challenge, Dominican Republic (20 Bed Men’s Crisis Home) Albany Teen Challenge, Albany, N.Y. (12 Bed Men’s Crisis Home) Blessingdales Thrift Store Teen Challenge Electric Ministry Teen Challenge Remodeling Ministry Teen Challenge Auto Repair Ministry

Pastor Jack is supported in the ministry by the following associate pastors: Pastors Bobby and Diane Lloyd Pastors Willie and Anna Ramos Pastors Joe and Tami Spallino Pastors Anthony and Susan Quintyne Pastors Will and Mary Kitchen In Pastor Jack’s recent book, “I Can Dream Again,” he states that “My life is just one testimony of what God can do through His love and power. While the enemy wants to destroy our dreams and detour our destiny, God redeems even the most broken dreams.”

Lobby of new church

Devotional The Insanity of Illegal Immigration By Pastor John Davis The Amityville Community Church 1 Kings 21:2 So Ahab spoke to Naboth, saying, “Give me your vineyard, that I may have it for a vegetable garden, because it is near, next to my house; and for it I will give you a vineyard better than it. Or, if it seems good to you, I will give you its worth in money.” 3 But Naboth said to Ahab, “The LORD forbid that I should give the inheritance of my fathers to you!” - 1 Kings 21:15 And it came to pass, when Jezebel heard that Naboth had been stoned and was dead, that Jezebel said to Ahab, “Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, which he refused to give you for money; for Naboth is not alive, but dead.” One of the most debated topics in politics today is the subject of illegal immigration. I know that this topic arouses a variety of emotions. Sympathy, anger, agreement and opposition are just a few. However, I do not simply seek to arouse emotions for the sake of emotions, but to provoke deeper thought. When addressing the topic of illegal immigration one can only wonder about the previous inhabitants of our nation, The Native American. Whatever one might think of their particular customs, we must acknowledge that they were the original residents. The question then becomes are we the illegal immigrants? I doubt if anyone asks this question with sincerity or genuine concern, but one must consider the “insanity” of the situation. First, allow me to address a Biblical text and then address our current state of affairs. Naboth, a character in the Bible possesses a piece of land. Ahab desires to purchase the land. Naboth refuses to sell the land because it is an inheritance from his fathers. Ahab complains to Jezebel about the situation. Jezebel devises a scheme to have Naboth stoned to death, and once he is stoned the land is suddenly in the possession of Ahab. Can we not see an uncomfortable resemblance between the Naboth account

By Pastor Elena Mayfield Tabernacle Of Prasie Church

their borders without special permission. Does this not sound somewhat “insane?” Imagine robbing someone’s home, pillaging their goods, displacing the family, and then making a claim that you are the rightful owner of the property and the home? We would laugh and mock at such an absurd and “insane” perspective. The problem is that except for the magnitude of the situation, the principles and the means used to obtain the land are similar if not identical. Therefore we are faced with a moral dilemma. Who is really an illegal immigrant? Has anyone ever considered the dialogue that surrounds this particular issue? A good portion of the discussion centers around the fact that illegal immigration is a detriment to our economy, and it undermines the financial stability of our nation. I am

The Amityville Community Church is a place where Christ crucified, risen and coming again is preached. Pastor Davis or The Amityville Community Church can be contacted at: 631-8055279 Opening The Book - A closed Bible leads to a closed mind. Pastor John C. Davis - Amityville Community Church

Fight and Win!

2nd Timothy 4:7, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” Many Christians like yourself are fighting a battle and the question is are you winning? Are you one of those who is tired of being defeated? Are you tired of going through the same dilemma over and over again? If you are; I exhort you to change the way you are training. It time to train yourself to win. You have to follow the trainer instuctions which come from the Word of God. You have to start eating the word of God for nutrition. You

and our current possession of these United States? How did we come to own the land? How did we come to be the governing authorities? How did so many Native Americans become displaced? How did so many Native Americans suddenly disappear from the landscape? How did we address the issue of illegal immigration while we were confiscating this North American soil? How did we demonstrate respect for the borders of the Native Americans? The situation seems to be somewhat “insane.” A group of individuals come to a land where others are living. A group of individuals take the land violently from those who are already living on the land. Once the land is obtained and conquered, the conquering people object to those who wish to enter

not suggesting that every one who is classified as an illegal immigrant is of the most upstanding and moral character. However, reality forces us to admit that those who are entering our land are not doing so with the same measure of violence, destruction and obliteration of life as was done to the Native Americans. Please understand this is a minute synopsis of a very broad and expansive issue. I have not taken the time to address the fact that Mexico was in possession of much of the Southwest Territories before “somehow” they relinquished that vast land to the United States. Neither have I addressed that much of the progress of our nation was made at the expense of those who were enslaved. What I am hoping to do is to provoke all followers of Jesus Christ to walk and dialogue about any matter based on truth. Too often our dialogue is based on personal preference, and not forthrightness. Surely, we as disciples of Jesus must be the champions of truth no matter how invasive the truth may be to our personal traditions and customs. The Naboth incident concludes with God sending the prophet Elijah to rebuke Ahab for his wicked deed. The account records that while the land could not be restored to Naboth because he was dead, Ahab’s son and Jezebel were going to be severely judged for the immoral and wicked seizure of Naboth’s land. I suggest a thorough reading of the account and a deep reflection upon our own immigration situation in light of the passage.

have to discipline your flesh with prayer which will strengthen you. In order to win you must not be complacent with practice and you must “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11. So you will be able to withstand every fiery dot that is thrown your way. If you read your word daily, you will build up every muscle in your body. If you pray you will be strengthened when you are weak. Whatever you feed the most will be the most powerful. David won many battles because he trusted God even when there were giants in the land. Even when it seemed like his

enemy was going to conquer him, he called on his God and God answered. Paul also praised God in his distress. This is why he said he fought a good fight, and he finished his course. What he was saying was he did not allow anything or anyone to stop him from having faith and trust in his God. The enemy could not stop Paul from fulfilling his call. Lets strive to win the fight. The key is a closer relationship with God. It time to be a winner, you can “Fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life.” 1st Timothy 6:12

Manna News • Summer 2009




Manna News • Summer 2009

Church News Pastor Resigns from New York City’s Most Famous Pulpit

Pastor Brad Baxton speakes ar Manhattan Rakky.

By Bishop Andy C. Lewter, D. Min. At the height of the Great Depression in 1929, millionaire, John D. Rockerfeller, endowed and helped to build Riverside Church, in New York City. It was the prime example of the Protestant liberal tradition. Operating between Columbia University on its one side and the widely respected Union Theological Seminary on the other, the church has long been home to such pulpiteers as Harry Emerson Fosdick, William Sloan Coffin and James Forbes. The church has been used by notables like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela as platforms for major policy speeches. Now, the church is at the center of much controversy as Rev. Brad Braxton, the recently elected pastor of the church, announced his resignation and decision to leave the church. “It has become virtually impossible to establish a fruitful covenant with the congregation.” says Pastor Braxton.

By Crystal Watts, CEO Hosanna Publishing A covenant is an agreement of alliance created by God and made available to mankind for mankind; it is the seal of alliance between God and man. Covenant is also the seal of alliance in relationship among mankind. An example of Covenant is when God made a promise with Abraham that He would bless Abraham’s descendants making them more numerous than the stars. Another is when God made covenant through Jesus Christ, called the “New Covenant” in which Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross would atone for the sins of all who put their faith in him (Matthew 26:28). In addition, there is the covenant between members of a

Riverside Church has long established a reputation for addressing such thorny social issues as, “gay rights,” “deed versus creed” and “Anti-Apartheid” issues over the years. Trouble in the church began to brew not long after Rev. Braxton’s arrival when some in the congregation took offense with his “evangelical” style. Complaints about him conducting “altar calls” and emphasizing personal salvation over doing social justice was heard with greater frequency. When it was learned that the compensation package for the pastor exceeded 600K annually, a small group of members within the church went to court to block the installation of the pastor. The effort received little traction with the court siding with the church’s board and pastor. Just when it seemed that the matter was resolved, emails were circulated throughout the congregation attacking the pastor and his style. The New York Daily News

Historic Riverside Church built John D. Rockerfeller.

began to refer to Pastor Braxton as the “600k Pastor.” According to Ari L. Goldman, Pastor Braxton soon began to feel that he had become the embodiment of a conflict. “Pastor Braxton told me that he felt that he needed to leave so that healing could take place within the congregation.” reports Goldman. In an article issued by BCNN, “Jean

What is a Covenant

tion to work together in unity according to the precepts of God. And last but not least, there is also, the covenant of marriage. What do they all have in common? Commitment to relationship. More than ever, in these times, commitment is falling by the way side and is becoming less and less important to many people. God showed me something about Covenant and just how important it is. We as people, mankind, take a thing, leave a thing, and if we tire or become displeased with anything, the tendency is - just get a new thing. But this is unacceptable in the eyes of God, and we really don’t understand the depths of breaking covenant. Although, I’ve been taught, I really didn’t understand the

depths either until God showed me some things in scripture.

I Corinthian 7:10-16 (NKJV) Keep Your Marriage Vows 10 Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband. 11 But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not to divorce his wife. At first, as I was looking at this, I saw it as the scripture concerning commitment marriage. But then it stood out to me. We, in Christ, are the bride of Christ. Our relationship with Him is demonstrated back to us through the Covenant of Marriage, we are the Bride.

Schmidt, the chairwoman of the church council and a supporter of Mr. Braxton, expressed the hope that Riverside will learn a lesson from this period of adversity. “This is a time, for “deep soulsearching” that will ultimately “allow us to move forward as a stronger and more unified congregation.” according to the news agency.

Typically, the unbeliever is seen as someone who is unsaved and has not received Christ and has not submitted to Christ. However, God has shown me, unbelievers are more than that. Unbelievers are also those who have received Christ, yet do not believe His command of Covenant, His commitment to the Covenant relationships, and that there is a command of faithfulness to the relationships of Covenant that He has established on the Earth. God’s doors are always open: repent today and turn from wicked ways. As harsh as it sound it is truth. Doubt and unbelief is calling God a liar and there’s nothing right or righteous about it - we all have to face the truth!

Manna News • Summer 2009


Welcome Pastor Mike Oluwafemi By Staff Writer For several years there stood a white church building on the corners of Route 110 and Harrison Avenue in North Amityville. It was generally assumed that the building had been abandoned and had no apparent future. But all of that changed this past Spring when the building came alive with a new congregation and an exciting new pastor that we welcome to our community. The Redeemed Christian Church of God International Chapel (HHH Central Parish) is now in full operation with services being held on a weekly basis.

y Rayted in to our a great

Jessie Mae Clinton with pastor Ror Curtain.

Jessie Clinton Honored as “Senior Citizen of the Year” Submitted by the Circle of Love Church Copiague, NY Jessie Mae Clinton (nee Martin) was born April 11, 1934 in Ellerbe, North Carolina. Shortly after, her family moved to Burlington where she grew up and attended Jordan Sellers School. After completing school, Jessie married Walter Clinton, Jr. (deceased). From their union, four children were born, Walter, affectionately known as “Lanny” (deceased), Kenneth, Deborah and Gloria. In 1967, Jessie, Walter and the children moved to Amityville, New York. After settling into her new house, Jessie needed to find a place of worship. Eventually she became a faithful member of Zion Gospel Church under the late Rev. C. Gomez. After 27 years of

dedicated service there, Jessie joined the Circle of Love Church, under the pastorate of Rev. Roy Kirton. Both Jessie and Walter worked hard to support their family. Jessie worked as a Nurse’s Aide in Brunswick Hospital for 30 years before retiring in 1999. Since Retiring, Jessie has enjoyed her new “life of leisure”. She spends her time traveling with her youngest grand daughter, Breanna. or shopping with her oldest grand daughter, Syreeta. Jessie has also been able to become more involved in her community. As a member of the Senior Citizen Center of North Amityville, Jessie has been able to make life-long friendships with those that work at or attend the center. She is very proud to have been chosen “Senior Citizen of the Year.”

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Manna News • Summer 2009 Spring 2009 • Manna News • 13

Community News Long Island Represented at National Action Network Convention

Minister Humphery and delegates

Dr H. Beecher Hicks speakes at convention

By Minister Thomas Humphrey On April 1st through April 4th 2009, The National Action Network had their 11th, Annual National Convention at the New York Sheraton Hotel and Towers in New York City. Attending the convention from Long Island was Minister Thomas Humphrey, who serves as an associate minister at the Grace Community Church in Amityville, New York. Minister Humphrey is also active with several other groups including, the Ministerial Alliance of North Amityville, The Long Island Men’s Group and the Long Island Organizing Network. Theme: Keeping of the Dream. As a social justice movement, we are proud of the election that resulted in the nation making Barack Obama, an African -American, the 45th president of the United

States. During the convention, we joined leaders in government, business, media, civilrights, labor movements, clergy and non profit organizations a plan started by Dr. Martin Luther King. Our Panels included: We had healthcare panel Women’s panel Keepers of the Dream Awards Gala Plenary Session: Arne Duncan United States Secretary of Education. Media panel Minister’s panel Corporate panel Education panel Plenary session: Shaun Donovan United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Youth empowerment summit

Minister Humphery and delegates

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa LA Mayor Kevin Johnson Sacramento Mayor Adrian Fenty DC

Joel Klein NYC Chancellor Mayor Michael A. Bloomberg NYC

“Daddy Lewter” Celebrates 50 Years on Long Island By Staff Writer In 1959, Amityville was still a rural community that had not yet become the suburban destination it would become in the 1960’s. It was amidst this period of transition that Dr. Andy C. Lewter, Sr., known now as “Daddy Lewter,” responded to an invitation by the Hollywood Baptist Church to come and take the pastorate of the church. The church was not yet 20 years old and had already established a reputation for being an ‘up and coming’ ministry in central Long Island. The church had enjoyed the pastorates of Rev. Frank Rogers, Sr., Rev. Frank Rogers, Jr. and Rev. V. M. Bailey. The church was in the middle of a building project and was currently worshipping in what is now the basement of the church. Rev. Lewter was a recent graduate of Morris Brown College in Atlanta, GA and was working as a junior high school teacher in New York City. He had been leading the First Baptist Church of Far Rockaway,

NY at the time he decided to relocate to Amityville. Over the last fifty years, Daddy Lewter has served central Long Island in the capacity of local pastor and chaplain of the Pilgrim Psychiatric Hospital. Over the years, Daddy Lewter has been active in local civic affairs, religious movements and business enterprises. Most notably, in the mid 1970’s, Daddy Lewter was a part of a group of local religious and civic leaders that brought pressure to bear on the Town of Babylon to remove the blight on the corners of Albany Avenue and Great Neck Road. In 2006, Daddy Lewter retired from the Hollywood Baptist Church but continued to remain active serving as an interim preacher for the First Baptist Church of Far Rockaway, NY while they were searching for a permanent pastor. Since then he has been active serving a number of congregations on Long Island while continuing to serve the Pilgrim State Hospital. Over a year ago Daddy Lewter wrote a book entitled “In Times Like These” where he details and describes most of his

Daddy Lewter preaching annual emeritus sermon.

experiences over the last 50 years on Long Island. On the second Sunday of June this year the Hollywood Full Gospel Baptist Church recognized Daddy Lewter’s 50 years of service during his annual Emeri-

tus Day at the church. In addition to inviting Daddy Lewter to preach that morning, the church sponsored a special dinner for he and his family following the worship service.

Manna News • Summer 2009


Christian Education Fight and Win! The Gospel for those Caught in Sexual Sin – Part 1

B Y PASTOR E LENA M AYFIELD Tabernacle of Praise B y C laude T. S tauffer , Ministries Pastor of Calvary Chapel of Hope – “2nd Timothy 4:7 “I Comhave mentsfought welcome at shepherdofhope@ a good fight, I have ished my course, I have kept the faith.” Many Christians like yourIn the April 29th 2009 issue of The self are fighting a battle and the Berean Call Today Internet newsletter an question is are you winning? Are article tells of the confusion within the you one those who is tired church over theofstate of sexuality today.of beingarticle defeated? youPolitics tired of The short entitledAre Sexual going through the same dilemma in Episcopal Church Affect Churches in and again? If you are; I Africaover states theover following: A exhort Sudanese recently youpriest to change thehad wayanyou eye-opening introduction to the U.S. are training. It is time to train Episcopal Church. John, a clergyman yourself to win. You have to follow from the the trainer Episcopal Church of Sudan, ’s instructions which sent an inquiry to the “justice missioner” come from the Word of God. You on the website of the Diocese of Newhave to start eating the word of ark. The justice missioner responded to forand nutrition. to disJohn’sGod email informed You him have that her your flesh with with prayer focuscipline was advocacy for people diswhich willofstrengthen you.. abilities, people color, and the lesbian, In order to win you not be gay, bisexual, transgender, andmust intersex community. complacent with practice and you Although fluent in whole English,armour John of must “Put on the foundGod, this that language incomprehensible. ye may be able to stand He knew Americans talked about against the wiles of openly the devil.” homosexuality, but he was bewildered by (Ephesians 6:11), so you will be the terms “transgender” and “intersex.”

able to withstand every fiery dot that is thrown your way. If you read your word daily, you will build up every muscle in your body. If you pray you will be strengthened when you are weak. Whatever you feed the most will be the most powerful. David won many battles because he trusted God even when there were giants in the land. Even when it seemed like his enemy was going to conquer him, he called on his God and God answered. Paul also praised God in his distress. This is why he said he fought a good fight, and he finished his course. What he was saying was he did not allow anything or anyone to stop him from having faith and trust in his God. The enemy could not stop Paul from fulfilling his call. Lets strive to win the fight. The key is a closer relationship with God. It time to be a winner, you can “Fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life.” 1st Timothy 6:12

John asked the justice missioner if she prayed for healing of individuals with these disorders. She informed him that they didn’t need healing, only “full inclusion” in the church. John told her he was sorry that the diocese was leaving people in sexual brokenness. He urged her to bring them to transformation in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. With that, he never heard from the justice missioner again. . . . John assumed that a church justice office would focus on human-rights issues like genocide in Sudan, religious persecution, poverty, hunger, and human trafficking. What he did not know was that in the U.S. Episcopal Church, affirming one’s sexual orientation is as much a justice and humanrights issue as genocide. The enemy is flooding the world with sexual sin. Efforts to legitimize same sex marriage and sexual deviance in general are evidence of this flooding onslaught. The Spirit of God intends to raise up a standard against the enemy (Isaiah 59:19). He wants to use the church to raise that standard. But instead of taking a stand for righteousness and holiness segments of the “church” are crossing over treacherously to the side of the enemy. There are those in the church who have no faith in the power of the gospel or the truth of God’s word. Their liberalization of the church has led to a lukewarm impotence that acquiesces to the enemy under the banner of tolerance and inclusion. Those claiming to represent God should not complicitly justify what God calls sin. Those who seek to be God’s 10 Manna News • Summer 2009 www.manna .org

ambassadors should not disregard God’s truths and substitute their own world based philosophies (Colossians 2:8). Such sin is the consequence of not knowing God. Those who contradict God’s clear teachings and condemnation of sexual sin are false representatives of God. Jeremiah spoke of such false ministers saying, “Were they ashamed when they had committed abominations? No! They were not at all ashamed; nor did they know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall; at the time I punish them, they shall be cast down, says the LORD.” (Jeremiah 6:15). Jeremiah goes on to plead, “Thus says the LORD: ‘Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’” (Jeremiah 6:16). Love without truth leads to misguided compassion that condones sin and compounds the misery of the sinner. The result is people enslaved to sexual sin are further deceived. They are told their sin is “normal” and acceptable. They are ultimately kept from eternal life and knowing God (John 17:3). Those who falsely represent God and those caught in sexual sin need to repent of their sin. The church should be sharing the truth of God in love (Ephesians 4:15). The church should be sharing the powerful gospel that is fully able and suited to saving and freeing those trapped in sexual sin. Otherwise the lost world and the false church will both end in calamity (Jeremiah 6:19). In the opening lines of Paul’s letter to the Romans he says, “I am a debtor” regarding the sharing of the gospel (1:14). Paul felt the good news of the gospel of God’s grace and salvation was so incredibly awesome and great, that it would be criminal to hold it back from anyone. The powerful gracious love of Christ that he experienced compelled him to share the gospel (2 Corinthians 5:14-15; Romans 5:5). Why did he feel this way? Sin is mercilessly captivating and enslaving no matter the form it takes. It chokes the life out of the one it holds in its grips. Sin works a slow death in people. Sin can work a swift death in people too. But sin always kills, murders, and destroys. Sin wrecks lives and leaves spent bodies and broken promises in its wake. In this series titled The Gospel for those Caught in Sexual Sin we are going to examine the powerful gospel of God and how it is able to free those caught in sexual sin. We are going to look at God’s call to sexual purity and how and why such a call should be obeyed. There is hope for those caught in sexual sin whether it is pornography, adultery, perversion, homosexuality and any other form of sexuality outside the parameters of God’s word. There is hope and I pray the Lord use this series of teachings to reveal it to you. Spring 2009 • Manna News • 21

Social Justice

Congratulations Copiague Girls Basketball Team The Manna Newspaper is happy to congratulate the Copiague High School Girls varsity Basketball Team who recently won the New York State AA Basketball Championship in Glen Falls, New York. The girls team, who has relationships with several of the churches in the MANA organization, travelled to the state championship game by beating their cross county rivals Syosset and then went on to defeat Canandaigua which set up the championship game with Bethlehem. The Copiague Girls Basketball team captured the state crown by beating Bethlehem High School with a score of 74-58. We all are proud of the Copiague team and wish all of the players much success in their fuBture. y Cynthia Turner Ngombe

LION Working Through the Summer

Despite it being the summer months, the Long Island Organizing Network (LION) is working hard through the summer to advance its program and agenda. The organization, under the leadership of Rev. Charles Cover-

dale who pastors the First Baptist Church of Riverhead, is mobilizing local citizen to make meaningful changes to the local central Long Island community. Among its many activities is a one day workshop that is being scheduled for this Fall, one on one interviews with local religious and community leaders, the devel-

opment of a new brochure that will articulate the agenda of the organization and the establishment of a strategy to secure sustained funding for the organization. For more information please contact Cynthia Turner Ngombe at (631) 223-6364.


Funeral Home, Inc. 1908 - 2009

Proud to be Celebrating Over 100 Years of Service to the Community Wesley C. Powell Wesley A. (Andy) Powell (631) 691-0172 12 • Manna News • Spring 2009

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Michael Jackson Forces Us to Look at “The Man in the Mirror” For the first two weeks of July, no story more dominated the news cycle than that of Michael Jackson. In the same week that the world lost Farrah Fawcett and Ed McMhan along with the sizzling story of the South Carolina governor disappearing for days for a romantic liaison with his Argentinian lover, the death of Michael Jackson eclipsed them all and turned the world’s attention on a musical genius who revolutionized an industry and turned entertainment into an art-form. When a local congressman like Peter King, on the day before his funeral, calls Michael Jackson a “perfert”, the act on the part of the congressman lacks decency and respect. Obviously, the congressman does not get it, or has such a narrow worldview that he cannot see what is going right before his eyes. The attention and homage being paid to Michael Jackson is not about Jackson. It is a celebration of our own lives and the nostalgic memories that he and his music provides for us. We asked our first girl out on a date with “Whose Loving You” playing in the background, we danced at our high school prom to “Billie Jean”, we went to the disco in order to hear “ABC”, we went off to fight in Viet Nam with “I’ll Be There” reminding us of home, we experienced nightmares because of “Thriller”, we hoped for better race relations because of the morphing images found in “Black or White” and we conceived our children with the melody “Rock with You” playing on the radio. Michael Jackson was a symbol that represented all of the things that came together to make up life as we knew it. His music took us from the middle days of the civil rights movement, through Watergate and ushered us into the age of the internet with downloadable songs and music videos playing on our wireless phones. Having not grown up in the church, his music was not a derivative of the Black Religious Experience. However, his music, that crossed over the lines of traditional musical demarcations, became such a dominant force until it highly impacted artists of even the gospel genre. Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker, in his seminal work on gospel music, argues that gospel music benefited from a cross fertilization that saw secular and sacred music borrow from each other. The music and impact of Michael Jackson on all music, including gospel, is a classic example of Walker’s argument. In terms of achievement, Michael Jackson must be credited with phenomenal accomplishments which included a rags to riches story that began in Gary, IN and ended in Hollywood. What can not be taken away from him was the fact of having the all-time number one selling album, “Thriller”, and leading all celebrities in philanthropic giving, including the memorable “We are the World” project. From a biblio-centric perspective, the life of Michael Jackson offers another lesson. At the foot of a mountain called Hermon, in the shadows of his anticipated death, on the heels of a rhetorical question that only one of twelve disciples were able to answer, comes a sparkling word that falls from the lips of the messiah that anticipates and captures the life of Michael Jackson to a great degree. The word is found in three of the four gospels and is located in the books of Mark (8:36), Matthew (16:26) and John (9:25). “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul”. There are several words embedded in the text that, in the original language, worthy of our attention. The word that is translated as “profit” appears in the original text as the greek term “opheleo” and literally means “to what advantage or how better is it”. The second term I would like to offer for your consideration is the term that is translated as “soul” that comes to us from the Greek as “Psuche” which literally means “the vital force that animates the body, or more simply, breath”. In summation, where is the advantage in gaining world notoriety at the expense of losing your physical life? That is the question that we must ask ourselves. Beyond the controversies that surrounded him and how bizarre his appearance was toward the end of his life, there is no way that we can look at Michael and not look at ourselves. In a very real sense he forced us all to look at “The Man in the Mirror”. 12 Manna News • Summer 2009

A Pastoral Perspective

Michael Jackson By Dr. David Robinson, Executive Editor One cannot deny the musical genius of Michael Joseph Jackson (born August 29, 1958) in Gary Indiana, the seventh (7th) child born to Joseph and Katherine Jackson. Michael was an extraordinaire talent, and his music left a positive message for the world with such songs as: The Man in the Mirror, It Doesn’t Matter if You’re Black or White, Keep the Faith, Heal the World, We are the World (USA for Africa), and You’ve Got a Friend, just to name a few. Michael, known as the King of Pop, has sold more music than any other artist including, Elvis Presley, James Brown (Godfather of Soul), and the Beatles. His music and fame is known all over the world. In the music industry, Michael is an Icon and sits on top of the world. While accolades are deserving, I’m reminded of the words of Jesus as recorded in Matthew 16:26 (KJV), For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exc hange for his soul? Worldy fame and pleasures last only for a season, and then fades away. I’m reminded of the words of the song written by George Beverly Shea: I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold, I’d rather be His than have riches untold; I’d rather have Jesus than houses or lands, I’d rather be led by His nailed-pierced hand. I’d rather have Jesus than men’s applause, I’d rather be faithful to His dear cause; I’d rather have Jesus than world-wide fame, I’d rather be true to His holy name. Refrain: Than to be a king of a vast domain Or be held in sin’s dread way I’d rather have Jesus than anything This world can affords today. I caution the Christian Community not to be judgmental in our scrutiny of Michael Jackson’s life, it is imperative that we understand that Christ is the only judge. Romans 14:13 (KJV) declares: Let us not therefore judge one another anymore: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his br other’s way.

Manna News • Summer 2009 13

Political News Welcome to Pastor Stafford Buyers Pastor Stafford Henderson Byers is the new pastor of Bethesda Seventh day Adventist Church. He was installed on May 16, 2009. Pastor Byers received his B.A. from Oakwood University, and his M.Div from Andrews University. He is no stranger to Long Island, because he has pastored in Westbury, and he lives in Freeport He began his ministry as the Youth Pastor of Ephesus S.D.A. Church in Harlem. Since then he has also pastored churches in New Rochelle, White Plains, Corona-Queens, and Baytown-Texas. For the past four years he was the Pastor of Brooklyn Temple, in Brooklyn, New York. Pastor Byers has served as evangelist and revival preacher in most of the United States as well as in England, Canada, Jamaica, Bermuda, Trinidad, Barbados, Dominica, St. Thomas, St. Croix, and Antigua. Pastor Byers was born on the beautiful Caribbean Island of Antigua, and is married to Lisa-Anne Ray, who hails from the beautiful island of Bermuda.

Mrs. Byers is a Speech Therapist in the Hempstead School District. They have four children; Henderson, Arthur, Tsahai and Nicholas. Pastor Byers and family are residents of Freeport since 1989.

14 Manna News • Summer 2009

Not Your Typical First Lady By Bishop Andy C. Lewter, D. Min.

Riverhead NY. She has spent the last 25+ years as a change agent in our community. And Typically, church first lanow she is looking to increase dies are called upon to wear her reach and effectiveness pretty hats, make fashion by becoming the voice of the statements, attend commupeople at Riverhead Town nity events, perhaps even Hall.” chair the annual Woman’s In addition to her role as Day events, but for the most the First Lady of the First First Lady part, they are seen as extenBaptist Church of Riverhead, Shirley Coverdale sions of their husbands with Shirley Coverdale is quite a limited independent idenactive in the Long Island Ortity. ganizing Network, headed by Shirley Coverdale, who is the wife her husband, and other civic projects on of Pastor Charles Coverdale of the First Eastern Long Island. Mrs. Coverdale Baptist Church of Riverhead, is breaking brings a wealth of knowledge and expeout of that mold and establishing an iden- rience to the table including an expertise tity that is separate from her husband and in information systems. Over twenty the church. With full support of both, years ago she designed one of the first husband and church, she has launched a church administration software packages campaign to capture a seat on the River- for the personal computer. head Town Board. It is certain that she will be an added Taking a page out of the playbook asset to Riverhead and will be a welcome of President Barack Obama, Lady Cov- addition to Dorothy Goosby of the Town erdale has organized a campaign staffed Hempstead Board, Glenda Jackson of the with volunteers that includes an ambi- Town Huntington Board and Jackie Gortious internet strategy as well as a tradi- don of the Town of Babylon Board, who are all existing strong African American tional political strategy. According to her website, “Shirley female personalities serving on Long IsCoverdale is running for town council in land.

1st Timothy 6:12

(Ephesians 6:11), so you will be

Ministry News ShoW Your ShoW ShoWYour Your SuPPort here! SuPPort here! First Family Still Looking SuPPort here! for a Church Home

We welcome your support in the form Weofwelcome your support in theissue formof advertisements in our next We welcome your support in the form weeks ago, Time Magazine re- our next issue of ofSeveral advertisements in News. Inquiries can be directed ported, somewhat hastily, that the president ofMANNA advertisements in our next issue to ofto MANNA News. Inquiries can be directed and first family had selected the Evergreen thea non-denominational managing office of the newspaper. MANNA News. Inquiries can be directed to Chapel, church atthe newspaper. the managing office of Camp as their churchoffice home in of the the newspaper. theDavid, managing Washington DC area. By Staff Writer

Monroe Street It 2 turns out that the Time article was inac2 Monroe Street curate. While the president first family Amityville, NYand11701 2 attended Monroe Street have the church several times, a fiAmityville, NY 11701 (631) 842-7091 NYhome 11701 nal Amityville, decision about a church still has not (631) been made842-7091 by Barack and Michelle Obama. (631) 842-7091 The Evergreen Chapel is on the campus of a military installation and operates under Full Page ..........$ 600 the general administration of the military. Full Page ..........$ 600 1/2 Page ............$ 300 Page 600 TheFull chapel is led by ..........$ Lt. Carey Cash, a great nephew of deceased Country Singer Johnny 1/2 Page ............$ 300150 1/4 Page ...........$ 1/2 Page Cash, who serves ............$ in the marines300 and has 1/4 Page ...........$ 150 served, as a chaplain, with a marine batallion 1/8Page Page...........$ ............$15075 1/4 in Iraq. 1/8 Page ............$ 7575 1/8 Page ............$ “The president and first family continue

thank You! thank thankYou! You!

to look for a church home. They have enjoyed worshipping at Camp David and several other congregations over the months, and will choose a church at the time that is best for their family.” White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said. In the meantime, the country continues to

of Amityville 140 Broadway of of Amityville 140Amityville Broadway 631-598-7383 140 631-598-7383 140 Broadway Broadway 631-598-7383 631-598-7383

Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Special Special Special If your hair is not becoming to you, you should be If your hair is not becoming to us. you, you should be coming to If your hair is not becoming to you, you should be coming to us. COME IN AND LET US MAKE YOUR HAIR coming to us. COME BEAUTIFUL IN AND LETAND US MAKE YOUR HAIR HEALTHY again COME IN AND LET US MAKE YOUR HAIR BEAUTIFUL AND HEALTHY again BEAUTIFUL ANDFROM HEALTHY again We have: PERMS $40.00 TO $65.00 TREATMENTS $6.00 TO TO $15.00 We have: PERMS FROM $40.00 $65.00 We have: PERMS $40.00 TO COLORS $10.00 TO$15.00 $25.00 PERMS FROM FROM $40.00 TO $65.00 $65.00 TREATMENTS $6.00 TO

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pray for the first family and looks forward to them finding a spiritual home that is rewarding and inspirational.

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Evangelism News The Fourth Wave Of Missions By Nick Savaco I am writing this article sitting in my room overlooking the Colorado Rockies where I have been attending the Youth With A Mission North American Leaders’ Conference. It has been a rich time of blessing, encouragement, prayer and learning. As I pondered what I should share in this issue, a message shared by Jim Stier, former President of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) came forcibly to my mind and heart because I believe it is an important word for any of us who are interested in what God is doing in our world. Jim’s message had to do with what he perceived as the Fourth Wave of Missions. Many will know that the first wave of missions was born with William Carey and his involvement in India. This first wave was marked by a focus on reaching the coastal cities with the gospel and was very effective and revolutionary in its time. The second wave of missions was pioneered by Hudson Taylor with his emphasis on the penetration of the gospel to the interior regions of countries like China, and C.T. Studd with his work in the interior of both China and Africa. The Third Wave of missions came in the 70’s with a focus on the unreached people groups with Dr. Ralph Winter.

All three of these groups have had a major impact on reaching the world for Christ. Each new wave does not cancel the importance or continuance of the wave that preceded it, but only adds to the effectiveness of bringing closure to the last commandment Jesus gave his church when he said from the mount of ascension, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” (Mark 16:15 NIV). Now a Fourth Wave is coming to

birth in our lifetime and it’s proving to be very exciting and profoundly effective in reaching people on a global level. Allow me to share with you some of what Jim described as the dynamics of this Fourth Wave. 1. This wave of missions will involve all generations of Christians. Missions is being redefined and deregulated so that God will be using both young and old. I have experienced this phenomena for most of my

missions career as YWAM has been on the cutting edge of this new move helping to pioneer short term missions back in the early 60s’. Young people with no seminary training were recruited and sent out to nations around the world and later, not only college age youth, but teenagers and yes, even children. My children serve in missions today because at tender ages they were part of special “Kings Kids” teams that brought them to such places in the earth as Samoa, Spain, Canada, Bulgaria and Ukraine. God wants to use each generation from young to old to accomplish His purposes. No one is to be excluded! 2. The Fourth Wave of Missions will be totally international. No longer are we talking about westerners being the missionaries. The new force of Christian workers will involve every nation. When Jesus gave the great commission he gave it to all of his church and not just the western world. The fact is that the center of gravity has shifted for the church and there are now more Christians in the Southern Hemisphere than the Northern. Two of the largest missionary sending nations of the world today are Brazil and South Korea. Even the Chinese church is getting ready to be released and See MISSIONS, Page 17

Fire Baptized Holiness Church Re-Tools for the Future By Bishop Andy C. Lewter, D. Min. Most Pentecostal, Charismatic and Evangelistic denominations trace their origin to the Azusa Street Revival Movement. It took place at the turn of the previous century (1906) on the west coast in Los Angeles, under the leadership of William Joseph Seymour. However, history reveals that there was a tongue talking movement with an emphasis on “holy living” that got its start almost ten years earlier on the east coast. In 1897, William Edward Fuller, Sr. experienced the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, in South Carolina. In the following year, he organized the Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas. “Bishop Fuller, Sr. was apart of a group of early holiness personalties, that included the likes of G. B. Cashwell, Benjamin H. Irwin and A. S. King. They brought the fire of the Holy Ghost experience to the southeastern region of the United States toward the close of the 19th century” reports William Edward Fuller, III, grandson of Bishop Fuller, Sr. Last week, this 100-plus year old pioneering holiness church organization, now under the leadership of Bishop Patrick Frazier, met in Greenville, South Carolina in their annual Leadership Retreat, to discuss how they might re-tool the church for the future. Bishop Frazier, who assumed lead16 Manna News • Summer 2009

ership, along with Bishop Nathaniel Roach, after the death of Bishop William Edward Fuller, Jr., the son of the founder who led the church from 1958 to 2008, held a series of sessions, classes and workshops for the elders, pastors and denominational leaders of the church on the campus of the Fuller Normal Industrial Institute in Greenville, SC. “We have to get ready for the future by getting back to God and teaching our members the importance of living “Fire Baptized,” said Bishop Frazier in one of the several sessions of the retreat. The week-long event included a focus on repentance, evangelism, systematic Bible reading and teaching. “Over the next 5 to 7 years we are going to become a teaching church with expanded tenants, to help people understand who and what we are,” announced an enthusiastic Bishop Fraizer. The Fire Baptized Church has long held a reputation for being a disciplined church with a strong moral covenant and emphasis upon living holy. The denomination stands squarely in the Wesleyan tradition of Christian Perfectionism and Entire Sanctification. The church is seeking to expand its borders and territories, while maintaining their commitment to holiness principles and doctrines. Get ready, there is a new wind blowing in the body of Christ and it is the fresh wind of the Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas.

ShoW Your SuPPort here!

YOLE'S BEAUTY SALON of Amityville 140 Broadway 631-598-7383

Anniversary Special

We welcome your support in the form of advertisements in our next issue of MANNA News. Inquiries can be directed to the managing office of the newspaper. 2 Monroefrom Street Missions page 16

Amityville, NY 11701 take the(631) baton of842-7091 the gospel “Back to Jeru-

salem” from China. 3. Globalization will mark this Fourth Wave. It will be a targeting of the gospel to the whole world, every people group and every nation. The mission field will be anywhere there are people who don’t know the Lord whether that be the cities of North America or Burma. 4. There will be a breaking of the monopoly of ecclesiastical ownership of missions. What this means is that not only will churches, denominations, and mission societies be involved in missions, but everyone including businessmen and women, artists, educators, etc. Throw out your traditional ideas of what a missionary is and get ready

Full Page ..........$ 600 1/2 Page ............$ 300 1/4 Page ...........$ 150 1/8 Page ............$ 75

thank You!

for God to give us exciting creativity. 5. The Fourth Wave will produce movements that will not look like any mission movements of the past. Prayer movements, movements of businessmen and women, creative and new methods that will change every paradigm we have ever known before. 6. This Wave will be fueled by The Holy Spirit! Stand back and see God do it with Acts 1:8 power that will fuel the last and greatest move of God that the Church or the world has ever seen. Fasten your seatbelts, God is about to blow our minds with what He will do to bring in the greatest ingathering of souls ever. I want to be a part of it, don’t you?

Exhale with Elegance Salon


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If your hair is not becoming to you, you should be coming to us. COME IN AND LET US MAKE YOUR HAIR BEAUTIFUL AND HEALTHY again We have:

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Tuesday-Wed 9am-4pm Thrusday-Friday 1pm-9pm Saturday 8am -4pm 30 • Manna News • Spring 2009

Four Year Olds Only Rev. David Robinson, (631) PH.D,789-0800 Pastor

17 Manna News • Summer 2009 www.manna .org

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18 • Manna News • Spring 2009

18 Manna News • Summer 2009 26 • Manna News • Spring 2009


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With 4 to 8 day cruises from New York to Canada, the Eastern Caribbean and beyond, there’s never been a better time to enjoy the fabulous dining, pampering and relaxation of a Carnival vacation. It’s just another reason The World’s Most Popular Cruise Line® just keeps getting better and better. Let the fun begin.TM

Hurry — book today. Space is limited.

For more information please contact: Cruise for the Cause (516) 223-3855 Great group travel for your church, social/civic organization and family reunions. Terrific values on rates still available for 2009 sailings or plan ahead for 2010!

Manna News • Summer 2009 19

© 2008 Carnival Cruise Lines. All rights reserved. Ships’ Registry:The Bahamas and Panama.

20 Manna News • Summer 2009

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